How to develop eloquence in the shortest possible time? How to develop eloquence: exercises.

Rhetoric is the art of speaking and inspiring. Rhetoric Exercises perform a vital role - they remove the clamps and fear of public speaking that most novice speakers have. This is the first step. And after that comes a set of methods and skills that are necessary for a successful performance. And all this is given by exercises in rhetoric.

Rhetoric Exercises necessary, first of all, for public speaking training. But not only. Trainers often use rhetoric exercises in sales training, effective presentations, leadership and management training. After all, rhetoric skills are needed in all these areas.

There are many exercises on rhetoric. But how do you choose the ones that will actually teach your group essential rhetorical skills in the shortest amount of time?

Experts from the largest professional portal for trainers have selected for you 3 Classic Rhetoric Exercises, which are freely available.

Rhetoric exercise “Alphabet”

Target: The exercise develops rhetorical skills such as creativity and associativeness in speech

Time: 20–30 minutes

Number of participants: any

Carrying out the exercise:

The letters of the alphabet are written on the board (or a printout is given), except for the “complex” letters (ъ, ё, й). Participants name words starting with each letter. If the group is advanced, then we carry out the second stage of the exercise - the participants make a connected story. The conditions are the same - all words begin with the same letter.

The exercise can be carried out in mini-groups or in a general group.

Results of the exercise:

  • Was it easy?
  • What did you like?
  • What needs to be added?
  • Was there any progress during the exercise?

Rhetoric exercise “Draw objects”

The exercise develops the skill of gesturing, which is important for rhetoric.

Time: 25–35 minutes

Number of participants: any

Carrying out the exercise:

The participant talks about a free topic, making descriptive gestures for each word he says. For example, a participant talks about traveling by car and “draws” a car with gestures.

Each participant speaks for exactly 5 minutes. It is most convenient to carry out this exercise in mini-groups of 4–5 people, so that all participants in the training have time to practice.

If it is difficult for a participant to formulate a story and at the same time train gestures, then it is worth giving him an absolutely well-known text, for example, “A Christmas tree was born in the forest...”

Results of the exercise:

  • Was it easy?
  • Was there any progress during the exercise?
  • Why do you think we made gestures for each word?
  • Should you do this in a real performance?

Rhetoric exercise “Story on a free topic”

Target: The exercise develops the skill of creativity in speech

Time: 30–35 minutes

Number of participants: any

Carrying out the exercise:

The presenter gives an introduction to the participant. For example: “I came home and saw a green man in a chair. He turned to me and said…. “Then the participant continues the story for 2 minutes. After that, we summarize the results of the speech:

  • What did you like about the participant’s performance?
  • What do you remember?
  • What would you recommend adding?

And then we call a new participant. We give each participant a new introduction.

In this exercise, you can call 3-4 participants into a general circle, and then start the exercise in pairs so that the participants themselves give each other input.

This classic rhetoric exercises, time-tested, they definitely give results. But since these exercises are taken from free sources, you need to take into account that they:

  • may already be known to your training participants. This is worth clarifying before carrying out the exercises.
  • contain only brief instructions for performing the exercise, which does not disclose all coaching situations that may arise during these exercises.

If you need exercises for training on other topics, you will want them to be:

  • best exercises for trainings
  • exclusive exercises, known only to a small circle of professional trainers
  • exercises with detailed instructions and coaching methodology for conducting them, which reveals the entire “underwater part” of coaching work, all coaching “tricks” and secrets,

Then you can always purchase such exercises on a professional coaching portal.

From exercises that require rhetorical skills , we recommend you, first of all, the following training exercises:

“Come back next time” is a powerful exercise that clearly demonstrates to training participants their usual behavior patterns in a situation where most of their contacts end in refusal.

Exercises “Come back next time!” allows you to experience a similar situation in a short time, immediately analyze your emotional and behavioral reactions and draw personal conclusions based on your own meaningful experience.

The exercise uses an unusual, intriguing legend and the whole group takes part in it, thanks to which it significantly increases the level of involvement and interest of training participants and increases motivation in the group.

Great exercise! An interesting exercise rich in conclusions for negotiation training, public speaking or leadership training. As part of negotiation training (sales, public speaking), the exercise will allow all participants to actively practice persuasive argumentation skills. As part of management training, this exercise will provide participants with powerful experience in complex negotiations with employees and rapid decision making.

Extremely powerful in its effectiveness a challenge exercise that, in the shortest possible time, clearly explains the difference between a constructive and non-constructive approach to conflict resolution and sets up training participants for intensive learning.

This exercise will be a great “challenge” for the group. As a result of its implementation, the group may become confident that the task is impossible, but upon reflection they will see a completely different approach to resolving the situation, which will cause "revolution" in thinking and will serve as an excellent start to understanding the basic theory.

A beautiful and effective “Slalom” exercise will decorate any training for managers, as well as sales, negotiations or communications training.

The exercise allows you to challenge the participants’ ability to negotiate effectively and harmoniously under limited time, the ability to set priorities, and make decisions quickly. The exercise will help not only to activate the creative potential of the group, but also to maximize its attention for further training.

We bring to your attention an exclusive coaching manual for the exercise, which describes all the pitfalls of its implementation, all the coaching subtleties and nuances.

An extremely effective team-building exercise that requires the participation and total involvement of the entire group. The participants are faced with a difficult task, which can only be solved through joint efforts, mobilizing all their personal qualities, business skills and the ability to work in a team.

The “Titanic” exercise is guaranteed to “hook” the training participants and is remembered as one of the most striking exercises of the training. This exercise can be accessible to novice trainers, but it will be a special “pearl” in the hands of an experienced trainer.

We recommend unique coaching techniques for the best exercises for training:

  • Role-playing game "Incident at the Hotel"

    A bright and memorable exercise, which clearly demonstrates to training participants the weak points in the ability to negotiate or establish contact in sales, and also shows which techniques and techniques lead to success in sales and negotiations, and which - vice versa. Which ones allow you to quickly establish contact, and which ones are more likely to heat up the situation.

    Exercise “Incident at the Hotel” is perfect for sales training, negotiation training, confident behavior training, influence training.

    Thanks to an unusual legend, the “Incident in a Hotel” exercise increases the level of involvement of training participants, the energy of the group, motivation for further education.

  • Success line

    The “Success Line” exercise is an effective way to help training participants adequately assess their own success, identify success criteria, determine their status in society and readiness for change.

    What's more important? Is it how others evaluate a person or how he evaluates himself? This exercise helps in a learning game situation to enable training participants to answer these questions, independently determining the criteria for success, evaluate their achievements and find a balance between the importance of other people’s opinions about themselves and their own opinions.

    The exercise is ideal for success training, leadership, personal growth, goal setting training and motivational training.

  • Delusion generator

    This exercise takes from 30 to 50 minutes and allows you to teach training participants communicate and present more confidently. Knowledgeable people claim that this is a favorite exercise that radio and television presenters train themselves with before going on air.

    The “Delusion Generator” exercise is great for confident behavior training, public speaking and rhetoric training, leadership training. This exercise is also recommended for training active sales in those areas where a “well-spoken tongue” is important for the seller, for training for young managers for whom it is important to confidently conduct a meeting, the exercise will also be very useful for training of trainers.

    The exercise includes a detailed lecture on the topic "Six Steps to Confident Speaking". The exercise allows you to practice these steps, practice techniques and “tricks” of confident behavior.

The ability to speak beautifully is worth spending some of your time learning. A speaker instantly appears in your head, whose every word is listened to by a large number of people. In reality, things are somewhat different. How to learn to speak beautifully is a question that should arouse keen interest in almost every person.

Variety of daily contacts

Each of us lives among people. A new day brings many contacts. Among them are communication with old acquaintances, work colleagues, relatives and random people. Therefore, for many of us, the question of how to learn to speak beautifully is very important. If we are listened to and understood correctly, then we quickly get what we want.

These can be short dialogues relating to everyday topics:

  1. Shopping for bread at the store.
  2. Order to the waiter.
  3. Payments with the courier.

Communication in the family, which is usually not given much importance, is of no small importance. After all, such dialogues take place in a relaxed atmosphere. It is already more difficult to speak at a meeting in front of colleagues, telling them about the features of the new project. Therefore, the question of how to learn to speak beautifully worries almost everyone.

Which speeches are most important?

We find the most difficult performances to be in the workplace. Our career, that is, our earnings and standard of living, depend on meetings or important meetings. Reputation and success among colleagues are of no small importance.

But how can you make your presentation interesting? You need to be able to attract the attention of listeners. But an interesting and relevant topic is not enough for this. How to learn to speak beautifully worries many career-building people. It is very difficult to develop a good project. And just imagining it is unsuccessful. This is only possible because the presentation lacks communication skills.

In order for the subject of conversation to be interesting to listeners, you need to express yourself competently and clearly. But for the most part, people speak differently. Some people tend to have difficulty communicating. As a result, the subject of conversation is easy to lead to a dead end.

People who know how to express their thoughts correctly are able to captivate people. We must strive to learn how to present information to our interlocutors colorfully. This is also the art of oratory. Books are the best help here too.

Vocabulary expansion

To feel free when expressing thoughts, to easily find the right words, you should engage in self-study and enrich your vocabulary. For this purpose, you can use a tool such as a TV. For this purpose alone, it is preferable to be alone at home. You just need to turn on the news program and imitate the announcer. You should also take all pauses. As a result, your vocabulary will increase and your speech will become smoother.

In order to clear speech, it is very convenient to use a voice recorder, which is now available in any mobile phone. You need to record a conversation with a friend and then listen to it. You should identify all unnecessary words and count their number.

Since we are learning to speak beautifully, we need to try to get rid of all unnecessary words. This is quite difficult to do. Working on yourself involves controlling every word spoken. Over time, you will be able to make your speech correct.

Getting rid of public fear

Communication in front of an audience of unfamiliar listeners or with colleagues is often overshadowed by embarrassment, anxiety, and a feeling of constraint. But even at a celebration, it is very difficult to express congratulations out loud. At a birthday, wedding, or anniversary, it’s easy to feel nervous when speaking in front of guests. We learn to speak beautifully, so we need to think about our speech in advance and write it down on paper. This will allow you to remember it and perform better in front of the public.

A person is often able to tell a lot about his activities. In this case, the formation of vocabulary is carried out involuntarily and due to the daily repetition of similar phrases and terms.

Simple exercise

This exercise requires a mirror. You need to stand in front of him and tell him about the events that happened that day. You only need to talk to yourself, so it is preferable to be alone at home.

It is preferable to record the performance on video. Thus, when viewing it, it will be possible to identify all unnecessary and repulsive gestures. After this, you should work to eliminate them. After deliberate effort, you will be able to speak beautifully. Exercises aimed at improving communication skills do not require a lot of time. But you need to work regularly and purposefully.

You don't have to be extremely serious. You should think about how people will perceive the speaker's facial expressions. Facial expression should be moderately formal and inviting. Don't forget about a pleasant, light smile. To achieve results, you need to devote at least several days to training.

The importance of speaking technique

The performance should sound beautiful. Without improving the functioning of the speech apparatus, it is unthinkable to increase the level of speech culture. Listeners should not be annoyed by crumpled phrases, incoherent speech, or problems with the correct combination of words. The impression from such a speech is, to put it mildly, unpleasant. The meaning of what was said is completely distorted, so listeners quickly lose interest in the speaker.

Speech technique must be worked out, so you need to strengthen your voice and breathing. In this case, developing good diction and correct pronunciation is of great importance.

Exercises to develop breathing involve using it sparingly. For this purpose, you can use texts from fiction books. Inhalations should be taken after completing sentences. However, they should not be audible.

Working with pronunciation of sounds

Speech technique develops significantly when performing a number of exercises. They are represented by various combinations of vowel sounds. For example:

  1. and, oh, s, y, uh, a.
  2. e-e, e-a, e-o, e-u.
  3. a-o, a-u, a-i, a-s.
  4. e-o, e-u, e-a, e-i.
  5. ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
  6. o-s, o-i, o-e, o-u.

Performing the exercises is to find the correct beginning of the voice. It represents clear and pure sounds, the pronunciation of which does not require stress. The pace should be different. While performing the exercise, your voice should be lowered and raised. Since many of us need to speak beautifully and competently, it is preferable to spend time regularly completing simple tasks.

Exercises that improve speech technique should also be done with sonorant consonant sounds n, m, v, l, which are combined with the vowels e, o, a, i, u, s. Examples:

  1. mi, ma, mo, me, mu, we.
  2. li, lu, le, lo, ly, la.
  3. neither, well, but, ne, us, na.
  4. Mmmmomm, mmmmmm, mmmmmm.
  5. mmmmmm, mmmmmm, mmmmmm.
  6. Lllommm, lllumm, lllummm.
  7. Lllmm, lllmm, lllmm.
  8. Nnnnomm, nnnmm, nnnum.
  9. Nnnmm, nnnmm, nnnmm.

Using tongue twisters

To improve the beauty of diction, you should remember about tongue twisters. They must first be read without voice input. You just need to make the right movements using your tongue and lips. Then the exercise must be said out loud. The tempo should be completely different. In this case, the text must be combined with proper breathing. That is, after reading the tongue twister, you need to take an inaudible breath.

  1. Buy a pile of spades.
  2. There's a heap of it worth.
  3. A weaver weaves fabric.
  4. My spoon is curved.

What does it mean to speak beautifully if you don’t control your voice perfectly? For this, of course, you need to work hard. Exercises should be performed with due care. But the result will justify all the labor. After all, it’s really nice to speak beautifully at office meetings, corporate events, and just among friends. You can’t do yourself any favors; you should take rehearsals with the proper amount of seriousness. If the exercise is not performed correctly, then it must be repeated until it starts to work out.

We hope you found this article useful and interesting, and you learned how to learn to speak beautifully.

Oratory is one of the most valuable skills that will help you convey your point of view to your interlocutor concisely, beautifully and without any problems. There are people who are natural speakers; just give them a topic and you can listen for hours. But what should those who want to master these skills do, but nature has not given them innate abilities?
Oratory, like any other skill, can be developed, trained, and improved. In this article we will give 6 useful tips, thanks to which you can develop incredible abilities in yourself, and in less than a month speak freely in public, concentrating the attention of listeners on your speech.

1. What causes the greatest difficulties for beginning speakers? As a rule, this is an insufficient vocabulary and limited vocabulary. The solution is simple, you need to talk, talk and talk again. You can do this at home. Take any item you see - a hairdryer, a vase, a frying pan, in general, it doesn’t matter what it is. And then, for 5 minutes, try to talk about it, characterize all the features of this item, explain how wonderful and necessary it is. It will be difficult at first, but over time you will easily cope with this task. When you see that five minutes is not enough, then increase the time, say 10, 20, 30 minutes. I knew people who, without any problems, could talk for hours on a given topic, and never repeat themselves in phrases or thoughts.

3. Rate of speech is another feature worth mastering. Watch how you speak. The listener may not be able to understand speech that is too fast, while speech that is slow will lead to boredom. Try to maintain pauses, highlight the right places with intonations, raise and lower your voice, thereby attracting the attention of the audience.

4. Talking about subjects at home is good, but in order to hone the skill of oratory, you need to communicate more with real people. The easiest way to hone public speaking is for students. You have access to speeches in front of your group, and during the speech you can track the reaction, behavior of the audience, their mood and desire to listen.

5. Your speech should not be dry. Try to use sayings, quotes from famous people, and humor from time to time. By the way, humor plays a very important role. The ability to make a timely and apt joke is the quality of a good speaker who can hold his audience without any problems and, at the right moment, relieve accumulated tension.

Over time, when you expand your vocabulary and begin to apply all the acquired knowledge in practice, you will notice how your speech has changed, how your interlocutor listens carefully to every word spoken, how the audience closely follows your statements and phrases.

Oratory- one of the most popular training topics. And this is not surprising, because many people need the skills of rhetoric and public speaking. Oratory skills are necessary both for work tasks and in order to be an interesting conversationalist and a charismatic leader.

On public speaking training special exercises are used that open up the participants, develop their ability to speak easily, convincingly and beautifully, and help participants master the great art of oratory.

And trainers who teach oratory often have a question about where to get new interesting exercises that will not only strengthen the participants’ oratory skills, but also actively involve the group, increase its energy and motivation, and will be liked and remembered by the training participants.

Experts from the largest professional portal for trainers, the website, have selected for you several high-quality exercises for developing public speaking skills, which you can safely use in your public speaking trainings.

Exercise to develop oratory skills “Debates”

: training to speak in front of a group, developing argumentation skills.

Time: 10 minutes per participant.

Number of participants: not limited.

Carrying out the exercise:

The presenter sets the topic of the speech and calls two participants. They take turns speaking on a chosen topic for 2 minutes. After the speech, the participant answers questions from the audience. His opponent has the right to ask first.

Then his opponent speaks in the same format, also for 2 minutes.

Each new pair is given a new topic.

Exercise for public speaking training “Linked Words”

: training creativity in speech.

Time: five minutes per participant.

Number of participants: not limited.

Carrying out the exercise:

The presenter prepares several tickets (pieces of paper) in advance. Each one has one word written on it (for example, penguin, hat, umbrella, etc.). The participant draws two tickets at random and composes a 2-minute speech in which he plays on these words. You need to make a logical presentation.

After the performance, listeners give feedback:

  • How logical was the presentation? Related? Beautiful?
  • I wonder if you noticed these 2 words?

Recommendation from an expert on the largest portal for trainers, Olga Paratnova’s website:

To make the process go more quickly, it is more convenient to do this exercise in micro groups, for example, 6–7 participants. This way, less time will be needed, and the participants will not get tired.

The inclusion of the group will be even higher if you give them the opportunity to write 2-3 tickets themselves, then put them in a common basket (in each micro group), and pull it out from there.

Exercise for the development of oratory “Interview”

training in argumentation and stress resistance.

Time: 5–7 minutes per participant.

Number of participants: not limited.

Carrying out the exercise:

We call two participants. One conducts, the other conducts the interview. The purpose of the negotiations is to get a job or increase your salary. In these negotiations, the applicant should use as much argumentation as possible why they should hire him (or why it is really necessary to increase his salary).

Then we summarize:

  • Were you able to complete the task?
  • What helped/hurt?

Then the participants change roles in the same pair.

These exercises are taken from free sources, so you need to keep in mind that they:

  • may already be known to your members. This is worth clarifying before carrying out the exercises.
  • do not contain detailed instructions and methods for conducting the exercise. and most likely, you will need to run them several times to find the most successful and effective format.

When you need exercises on other topics and want them to be:

  • the best exercises for trainings
  • exclusive exercises, known only to a narrow circle of professional trainers
  • exercises with detailed instructions coaching methodology for conducting them, explaining exactly how to carry out the exercise and summarize the exercise in order to achieve the best result,

you can choose such exercises for professional coaching portal

This portal grew out of the largest training center “Sinton”. Over more than 30 years of work as a center, Sinton has probably collected the largest database of the best games and exercises for business trainings and personal trainings.

And when we realized that trainers are constantly faced with the problem of a lack of quality training material, we assembled a team of professional trainers who:

  • only the best are selected, the most professional and effective exercises on a wide variety of coaching topics
  • professional and detailed describe a hidden technique carrying them out!

And you can purchase our exclusive training exercise manuals at the most affordable prices in the section or purchase ready-made training programs in the section.

The “My Capital” exercise is exclusive; you will not find it on any other resource.

This is a challenge game, a competition game, at the beginning of which all participants in the training have an equal amount of resources, and at the end of the game the participants end up with very different results. During this exercise, group members form a clear ranking, and the one who knows how to look at what is happening impartially, objectively, and correctly evaluate other people has a greater chance of winning.

Usually, the game “My Capital” evokes many different emotions and provides rich food for thought. And it leaves no one indifferent - that’s for sure!

The “Traffic Light” exercise is unique because it is the original development of psychology professor N.I. Kozlov.

An exercise incredibly effective in its effectiveness, capable of making a “revolution” in the minds of the training participants in just an hour. A real "pearl".

Many people do not know how to appreciate what they already have in their lives: material, spiritual benefits, relationships with loved ones. If, in an unexpected way, a person loses what he previously had, he finds himself in a state of emotional negativity. And the stronger the degree of negativity the event, the more difficult it is for a person to maintain his positive attitude towards people in particular and towards life in general. Using this tool, the trainer helps participants, without going through a situation of loss in life, take an inventory of their values, while simultaneously reducing their emotional involvement in an unpleasant situation.

A good targeted exercise that allows you to quickly help in solving one of the most exciting questions: “How to choose a job (business, profession) that would be not only profitable, but also pleasant (interesting)?”

Simple technology will help training participants believe that, firstly, the combination of “favorite job” is very possible, and secondly, to take an inventory of their desires, skills and correlate them with activities (professions) that can generate profit.

With a high degree of probability, this exercise can be called a “win-win option,” so it is perfect not only for experienced trainers, but also for beginners.

A simple and effective exercise that can quickly change the participants’ attitude towards their shortcomings, raise self-esteem, increase self-confidence and open up a world of positive thinking.

One of the best of its kind.

The exercise significantly increases the energy and involvement of the group, creates a positive atmosphere and activates the creativity of the participants.

We recommend unique coaching techniques for the best exercises for training:

  • The Blind and the Guide

    It's classic icebreaker exercise. This means that it perfectly relieves the initial tension and mistrust in the training group, and helps to establish warm, trusting relationships between the training participants.

    The “Blind Man and the Guide” exercise is an excellent way to lead training participants to research and discuss the topic. trust in other people. Helps training participants increase the level of trust in their lives, begin to trust people more, and see that in life we ​​often initially “don’t trust.”

    The “Blind Man and the Guide” exercise gives each training participant the opportunity to get to know yourself better: how much he trusts others, how easy or difficult it is for him to rely on another person, how he interacts with others, how other people perceive him.

  • Role-playing game "Promotion-Dismissal"

    Great exercise!
    An interesting, insightful exercise for negotiation training or training for managers. As part of negotiation training (sales, public speaking), the exercise will allow all participants to actively train their skills persuasive argumentation. As part of management training, this exercise will provide participants with a powerful experience difficult negotiations with employees and quick decision making.

    Exclusive recommendations from professionals! A unique coaching exercise manual developed by professionals especially for the Coaching portal. RU. and contains a lot of exclusive recommendations, tips and coaching tricks that allow you to carry out the exercise in the best possible way and with maximum results. You won't find this anywhere else!

  • Package "3 best psychological exercises for training"

    This is a great opportunity! You pay only 1190 rub.. with maximum results.
    You won't find this anywhere else!
    The volume of each training manual exercise is about12 pages.

Eloquence is a quality that these days is useful to have not only for representatives of certain professions: politicians, teachers, TV presenters. Some people are endowed with it from birth, others are forced to strive long and hard to develop it. How to develop eloquence for those who do not yet master the art of speaking beautifully? The exercises collected in the article will help with this.

How to develop eloquence: an effective exercise

The exercise, which is often recommended in public speaking courses, may seem funny, but gives excellent results. How to develop eloquence without attending special trainings? You need to select an object, say, a saucepan, and then describe it in as much detail as possible, using beautiful literary language.

People who have difficulty with this task can start with a three-minute description. The time gradually increases until a person learns to talk about the same subject for half an hour, without repeating his thoughts and without resorting to the same characteristics.

Working with a dictionary

How to develop eloquence using a Russian language dictionary (any)? Research has shown that the average person uses about 4 thousand words in everyday life. As a result, people are unable to express the thoughts that arise in them due to lack of vocabulary. The problem has a simple solution - learning new words by heart.

You need to purchase a small dictionary that is easy to carry with you, and study with it every day in your free moments. You can set yourself the task of remembering the meaning of at least 10 unfamiliar words every day. Exercise has a positive effect not only on eloquence, but also on intelligence and memory.

How to develop eloquence without resorting to using a dictionary? Reading helps expand your vocabulary. Moreover, you need to study not only fiction, but also scientific, reference, and technical literature.

Replacing words

How to develop eloquence in order to speak freely on various topics? An exercise involving replacing words shows excellent results. Let's say you need to take a short text, and then replace all the verbs present in it with synonyms that correspond in meaning. Similar operations can be done with all words: adjectives, nouns, participles. This exercise leads to the activation of passive vocabulary that a person possesses, but is not used to using.

A similar exercise is composing phrases with words that have opposite meanings. Let's say a little giant, bitter sugar, a fast turtle, and so on. This has a positive effect not only on eloquence, but also on creative thinking.

Another fun exercise is “deciphering” words. You need to choose a word and then imagine that it is an abbreviation that needs to be deciphered. To begin with, it is best to use short words, then you can move on to more complex ones. Let's say summer - “a gentle raccoon tramples sawdust.” At first, you can ignore common sense, and gradually the “translation” will turn out more and more successful.


How to develop eloquence? Exercises related to retelling texts will definitely help. You need to take a newspaper article, read it carefully, and then present the content of the article in a conversational style. The retelling is repeated several times, the story is supplemented and expanded, enriched with new details, including fictitious ones. Be sure to speak out about the article you read. You can choose a mirror as a listener.

It is important that at least the first ten sentences are coherent, smooth, and without artificial pauses. You also need to learn how to convey the content of the text in a single sentence. Instead of a newspaper article, you can take paragraphs from textbooks and chapters from books. In addition, it is useful to describe the paintings you see, supplementing the description with an assessment of the artist’s skill.

The most difficult task is retelling a text whose topic the narrator has absolutely no understanding of. However, constant training with simple texts will help you gradually master this art.

Controlling facial expressions

Eloquence: how to develop this gift that many people dream of? Enriching your vocabulary and retelling texts will definitely help, but you also need to pay attention to exercises that allow you to learn to control your facial expressions.

Standing in front of a mirror, you need to retell any text (artistic, scientific, technical) without emotion, and then repeat it, using facial expressions and gestures. It is also useful to pronounce the same phrase repeatedly, constantly changing the intonation and tempo of speech.

How to develop eloquence? This cannot be achieved by just studying theory, because a future skilled speaker needs constant practice. It is necessary to communicate as much as possible, systematically expanding your social circle, meeting new interesting people. It is also useful to watch the presentations of presenters on TV, attend trainings and evaluate the speeches of speakers. Finally, you need to pay attention to developing your own sense of humor, since a good joke will decorate any story. This can be easily achieved by memorizing funny jokes and watching humorous programs.

How to develop eloquence in a child? To achieve this, as in the case of adults, simple exercises will help. You need to ask your son or daughter to pick up this or that object, and then describe it in as much detail as possible: shape, material, color, and so on. Leading questions will help make the task easier for your child.

Adults should also more often ask children questions that do not require a monosyllabic answer. For example, you can simply ask your child what he did in kindergarten today, and then listen carefully to the answer, encouraging the little storyteller to provide details.

The main thing is to exercise regularly, and then the result will not keep you waiting.