Chapter 2 training assignments on the topic society. Test in Unified State Exam format in social studies on the topic “human beings”

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Target: give an idea of ​​the concepts of “person”, “individual”, “personality”



  • Describe the concepts of individual, individuality, personality;
  • Identify the relationship between biological and social conditions for personality development


  • To promote the development of skills in working with textbook text, analysis and synthesis
  • proposed material


  • To promote respect for man and personality.
  • Man, approaches to his study.
  • Individual and individuality (originality of human manifestations)
  • Personality.

Lesson type: lesson on learning new material.

Technology: IT, problem-based learning method

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector

Basic concepts: man, individual, individuality, personality

Homework: paragraph 2, write an essay on the topic “Man is unthinkable outside of society” L.N. Tolstoy

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Checking homework.

Students read poems on the proposed topic.

Frontal survey on covered topics

Sample questions:

1. What is society?

2. What areas of public life do you know?

3. Are the spheres of public life interconnected (examples)

3. Introductory conversation

Announcing the topic of the lesson

Setting the goal of the lesson: to characterize the concepts: man, individual, personality, to identify the relationship between biological and social conditions for personality development.

4. Man, approaches to his study.

In modern science, there are over 800 disciplines that study man and society. Biology, genetics, medicine, psychology, history, sociology - these are just a few of them. Despite the many scientific disciplines, there is still much controversial and unknown about the origin and nature of man and society.

The first man appeared on Earth approximately 2.5 - 3 million years ago. Along with the first people, human society inevitably arose.

Let's look at the concept of “person”. Who is this person? (students' answers)

Man is an integral biosocial being. At the same time, the organism is among other organisms (a representative of Homo sapiens), the creator and bearer of the culture of human society.

There are quite a few theories about the origin of man. Let's get to know some of them.

Basic theories of human origins

1. Until now, the theory has many adherents divine origin, or theological. Over the course of five days, God created light and peace. On the sixth day God created man:

26. And God said: Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.

27. And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female he created them.

The Koran, the holy book of Muslims, tells that Allah created the world with the help of the life-giving word “kun” (“be”). The creation of heaven and earth took two days. It took four days to create what is on Earth. God created the first man from the dust of the ground, “from ringing clay.” God “created him with the best constitution and breathed into him a soul.”

In Judaism, God is the creator of everything that exists. Brahma created Brahmanas (priests) from his mouth, Kshatriyas (warriors) from his mighty arms, Vaishyas (farmers) from his belly, and Shudras (servants) from his dusty feet. These are the four main castes of Indian society.

All peoples of the world have their own tales about the creation of the world and man by higher powers.

2. The development of astronautics, the popularity of science fiction, the inability of science to immediately answer many important questions, interest in paranormal phenomena - all this contributed to the emergence ufological theory(from UFO - the English abbreviation for UFO). The essence of the theory is the assumption of the settlement of the Earth by aliens from outer space.

Man appeared almost simultaneously in Central Europe, North America and Southeast Asia, i.e. in regions separated by very large distances. On the walls of the Temple of the Sun in Central America, on the Egyptian pyramids, on the walls of Sumerian temples, ancient images of aircraft similar to modern spaceships were discovered.

Natural science (materialist) theories are associated primarily with the names of Charles Darwin and F. Engels.

By the beginning of the 19th century, a huge amount of factual material had been accumulated in botany and zoology, which needed to be systematized. Needed a new one evolutionary theory, and it was created. Charles Robert Darwin did it. In 1859 he published the book “The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection...”. Darwin's main scientific merit lies in the fact that he identified the driving factor of evolution - natural selection: preservation, survival of the fittest organisms in the struggle for existence. Natural selection is based on variability and heredity. But Darwin’s theory did not answer the question of why humans differ from monkeys in their upright posture, developed forelimbs, and large brain volume.

Followers labor theory They agreed that the appearance of the above differences was associated with systematic activity in the manufacture and use of tools, first primitive, and then more and more advanced. In his work “The Role of Labor in the Process of Transforming a Monkey into a Man,” F. Engels concluded: “Labor made a man out of a monkey.” It was under the influence of labor activity and the manufacture of labor tools that such qualitative characteristics of a person as consciousness, speech were formed, and various forms of community of people emerged.

Today facts have emerged that cannot be explained using this theory. For example, tool making skills are not written in genes. Each new generation learns new work skills.

Anomaly theory was put forward back in 1903 by the Russian biologist I.I. Mechnikov in the book “Studies on Human Nature.” Mechnikov writes: “From the sum of all known data, we have the right to conclude that man represents a stop in the development of the apes of an earlier era. He is something of a monkey “freak” not from an aesthetic, but from a purely zoological point of view. Man can be seen as the “extraordinary” child of the apes, a child born with a much more developed brain and mind than his parents... The abnormally large brain contained in a voluminous skull allowed the rapid development of mental abilities much more powerful than those of his parents ... We know that sometimes extraordinary children are born, differing from their parents in some new, very developed abilities... We have to admit that some types of organisms do not obey slow development, but appear suddenly, and that in this case nature makes a significant leap. Man probably owes his origin to a similar phenomenon.”

The anomaly theory was not widespread at that time. But in the 60s of the 20th century the situation changed. Data have accumulated on the impact of magnetic anomalies and fluctuations in solar activity on humans and even on their genetic code. A radiation anomaly has been discovered in the supposed homeland of humanity. As a result of volcanic activity several million years ago, the earth's crust fractured in places where uranium ores occurred and the background radiation increased. The monkeys living in this area may have given birth to a variety of mutants, including some that were physically weak but had relatively large brains. Trying to survive, mutants began to use different tools and probably evolved to modern humans. But there are no facts that completely confirm these assumptions.

Thus, the mystery of the origin of man is still very far from being solved.

Which theory do you find most convincing? Why? (students' answers)

Nevertheless, two approaches to the study of man can be distinguished.

Undoubtedly, man is an amazing and immensely interesting creature. For a long time, man has tried to find out his nature and essence.

Filling out the table “Philosophical searches for the essence of man” (working with the text of the textbook)

Philosophical systems Statements about the essence of man
1. Ancient philosophy of the East Man is part of nature

Man is part of the Great Triad

2. Philosophy of antiquity Man is a spiritual-physical being

Man is the measure of everything

The nature of a person is determined by his soul and body

3. Christian philosophy of the Middle Ages Man is the image and likeness of God
4. Philosophy of the Renaissance Human beauty is consistent with divine beauty

Human creativity is limitless

5. Philosophy of the 17th century “I think, therefore I exist” R. Descartes
6. Philosophy of the Enlightenment Man is the creator of spiritual life, culture, the bearer of the universal ideal principle - spirit or mind
7. Philosophy of I. Kant Man is a creature belonging to two different worlds - natural necessity and moral freedom.
8. Humanistic philosophy of the 19th century Introduction to the science of the concepts of individuality and personality.

It can be assumed that this table is not complete, because The search for the essence of man continues.

4. Individual and individuality

How often do you hear about a person who noticeably stands out from others: “He is an individual!” The concept of “individual” is close in sound and origin to this word. In everyday speech, these words are used as equivalent. However, science distinguishes them by meaning. Let's look at these differences.

1.a single representative of the entire human race;

2. person – as one of the people.

The concept of “individual” was first used in his writings by the ancient Roman scientist and politician Cicero. From Greek “atom” means individual.

The term “individuality” makes it possible to characterize the differences between a person and other people, implying not only appearance, but also the entire set of socially significant qualities.

Individuality is the unique identity of a person, a set of his unique properties.

Each person is individual, although the degree of this originality may vary. Examples: Leonardo da Vinci, Nicolo Machiavelli.

5. Personality. The concept of “personality” is inextricably linked with the social properties of a person.

Personality –

1. the human individual as a subject of relationships and conscious activity;

2. a stable system of socially significant traits that characterize an individual as a member of a particular society.

Approaches to the study of personality:

1. Through essential (the most important for understanding a person) characteristics: a) a person is an active participant in his actions;

b) assessment by other people of a person’s personality in accordance with norms;

c) self-esteem.

2. Through a set of functions and roles.

The study of personality through role characteristics certainly presupposes a person’s connection with social relations and dependence on them.

Thus, the concept of “personality” is connected with the concept of “society”.

6. Summing up.

So, during the lessons we became acquainted with the concepts of man, individual, personality, and identified the relationship between biological and social conditions for the development of personality.

7. Reflection. Working with basic concepts.

1. Knowledge of the term “individual”

From the list of words below, select one that matches this sentence.

A person as an individual representative of the human community, a bearer of individually special traits is called:

b) activist;

c) individual;

d) person;

d) personality.

2. To know the basic characteristics that characterize personality:

From the list of characteristics, select those that characterize a person as a person:

a) winner of the erudite competition;

b) a tall person;

c) the “soul” of the team;

d) ready to help at any moment

8. Giving grades, announcing homework.


Man as a product of biological, social and cultural evolution

1. Man differs from animals in that he

1) has natural instincts

2) has the most perfect hearing

3) does not depend on natural conditions

4) has articulate speech

2. Distinguishes a person from an animal

1) use of natural objects

2) the desire to understand the world around us

3) adaptation to environmental conditions

4) instinct of self-preservation

3. Man is a unity of three components: biological, mental, social. The social component includes

1) knowledge and skills

2) feelings and will

3) physical development

4) age characteristics

4. Specific features inherent in a particular individual (organism) due to a combination of hereditary and acquired properties refer to characteristics

1) person

2) individual

3) personalities

4) individuality

5. What term is used to designate the unique originality, specific features inherent in a person?

1) individual

2) activist

3) creator

4) individuality

6. The terms “uniqueness”, “distinctive features”, “otherness” are used to describe a person as

1) personalities

2) individual

3) individuality

4) citizen

7. The similarity between humans and animals is manifested in the fact that they have

1) various sensations

2) articulate speech

3) rational thinking

4) opportunities for self-development

8. Unlike animals, humans are capable of expressing

1) dependence on the environment

2) instinctive reactions to environmental influences

3) genetic determination of behavior

4) critical attitude towards oneself

9. Are the following judgments about a person true?

A. Man is a being who participates in the creation of himself.

B. Any one person is enough to judge all people by him.

10. Are the following statements true?

A. What distinguishes humans from animals is the ability to create a sociocultural environment.

B. What distinguishes humans from animals is the ability to work together.

1) only A is true 3) both A and B are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

11. Read the text below, each position of which is numbered.

“(1) Both humans and animals have a nervous system and are capable of sensing and perceiving the surrounding reality. (2) But unlike animals, man has abstract thinking and is able to realize the goals of his activity and foresee its results. (3) It can be stated that thanks to this, man rose above all living organisms and subjugated nature. (4) All human actions are thoughtful and aimed at further strengthening his position as the “king of nature.”

Determine which provisions are

A) factual nature

B) the nature of value judgments

Human needs and abilities

1. Human social needs include the need

1) breathe

2) eat

3) sleep

4) communicate

2. Which of the following abilities is characteristic of humans and absent in animals?

1) the ability to sense the influence of the environment

2) the ability to perceive the surrounding reality

3) the ability to make choices and take responsibility for them

4) the ability to satisfy one's needs

3. The characteristics of humans and animals include the ability

1) foresee the results of your activities

2) be conscious about raising offspring

3) choose the means to achieve the goal

4) reproduce genetically determined behavior patterns

4. Primary (biological, innate) needs, according to A. Maslow’s classification, are the needs

1) prestigious

2) ideal

3) spiritual

4) existential

5. Human needs determined by society include the need for

1) labor activity

2) preservation of the species

3) self-preservation

4) physical activity

6. Are the following judgments about a person’s outstanding abilities true?

A. It is nature, not society, that makes a person a genius.

B. Mental talent is a quality determined by the biological nature of a person.

1) only A is true 3) both A and B are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

7. Write down the word missing in the diagram.


8. Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, relate to the concept of “human biological needs”. Find and indicate a need that “falls out” from their range and relates to a different concept.

Reproduction, nutrition, breathing, movement, communication, rest

9. Insert in place of the blank. The need for reproduction, food, and breathing is called ___________________________need.

10. Complete the phrase:“The need experienced and perceived by a person for what is necessary to maintain his body and develop his personality is called _____________________.”

11. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list of words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

“In work, learning, __________(1) all aspects of the psyche are formed and manifested.

A special question arises about how relatively stable mental properties are formed and consolidated. Mental properties_______________(2) - her abilities and character traits - are formed in the course of life. The innate _______________(3) of the organism are only ____________(4) – very ambiguous, which determine, but do not determine the mental properties of a person. Based on the same inclinations, a person can develop different properties _____________ (5) and character traits depending on the course of his life and _____________ (6) not only appear, but are also formed. In work, study, labor, people’s abilities are developed and developed; character is formed and tempered in life situations and actions.”

The words in the list are given in the nominative case, singular. Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

A) feature E) makings

B) abilities G) communication

C) personality H) activity

D) game I) group

D) society

Human activity, its main types

1. A sign of the concept “human activity” is

1) dominance of biological needs

2) adaptive nature

3) focus

4) mandatory use of tools

2. Generalization of the properties of objects in concepts is typical for the activity:

2) socially transformative

3) spiritual and practical

4) spiritual-theoretical

3. Students study economic literature concerning the creation and use of material resources of society. This is an example activity

1) material and production

2) educational and cognitive

3) value-oriented

4) socially transformative

4. Determining the possible consequences of changes in preferential payments to socially vulnerable citizens is an activity

1) practical

2) value-oriented

3) educational

4) prognostic

5. What distinguishes human activity from animal behavior is

1) creating an ideal image of the expected result

2) use of objects given by nature

3) appropriate activity

4) search for means to satisfy needs

6. Oceanologists study the life of the inhabitants of the seabed. What type of activity does this example illustrate?

1) material

2) spiritual

3) social

4) economic

7. The farmer cultivates the land using special equipment. The subject of this activity is

1) earth

2) technology

3) cultivated crop

4) farmer

8. Unlike animal behavior, human activity is

1) transformative

2) adaptive

3) collective

4) gun

9. Older teenagers help their parents cultivate the cucumber beds at the dacha. The subjects of this activity are

2) beds with cucumbers

3) older teenagers

4) tools and garden equipment

10. College students do an internship at a company that produces electronic equipment. Student activity is an example of activity

1) material and production

2) educational and cognitive

3) value-oriented

4) socially transformative

11. Textbooks, reading books, collections of problems and exercises for students studying at universities are

1) objects of activity

2) subjects of activity

3) goals of activity

4) means of activity

12. Human activity aimed at creating material and spiritual benefits useful to society is

1) cognition

2) labor

3) communication

4) forecasting

13. Game, communication, cognition is

1) types of human activities

2) stages of personality formation

3) types of behavior of all living beings

4) forms of communication

14. Write down the word missing in the diagram.

Answer: ______________________________

15. Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, relate to the concept of “activity structure”. Find and indicate a term that “falls out” from their series and relates to another concept.

Subject, goal, means, individual, object, result


16. Establish a correspondence between activities and characteristics: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



1) activity in the imaginary A) labor

situations B) teaching

2) practical usefulness B) game

3) focus on acquiring knowledge

4) replacement of real objects with conditional ones

5) transformational orientation

Activities and creativity

1. What is the name of activity, the distinctive feature of which is that as a result, qualitatively new material and spiritual values ​​are created?

1) cognition

2) creativity

3) communication

4) study

2. A feature of creativity as a type of human activity is

1) use of natural substances

2) satisfaction of biological needs

3) creation of something new that has no analogues in nature

4) use of tools

3. A feature of creativity as a type of human activity is

1) meeting social needs

2) creation of something new that has no analogues in nature

3) conditioning by innate instincts

4) instrumental character

4. Possesses the inclinations for creative activity and creation of new things

1) only people who have dedicated themselves to scientific activities

2) every person from birth

3) children born from parents with higher education

4) only children attending kindergarten and school

5. An obligatory general feature of the activity of an artist, writer, scientist is

1) satisfaction of material needs

2) creativity

3) use of technical means

4) social approval of performance results

6. Find in the list below the features that are characteristic of the results of creative activity only

1) availability for use

2) fundamental novelty

3) practical significance

4) sample reproducibility

5) uniqueness

Write the circled numbers in ascending order.


Personality, its socialization and education

1. A distinctive feature of the concept “personality” is that a person has

1) emotional and sensory reactions to environmental influences

2) responsibility for one’s actions and their consequences

3) the conditioning of behavior by genetic characteristics

4) instincts of self-preservation and care for offspring

2. The dominant fact of personality socialization is

1) natural environment

2) innate human characteristics

3) communication with others

4) specificity of social norms

3. A stable system of socially significant properties that characterize a representative of a particular society refers to the characteristics

1) person

2) individual

3) individuality

4) personalities

4. A distinctive feature of the concept “personality” is (are)

1) articulate speech

2) presence of physical needs

3) the ability to take responsibility

4) consciousness and thinking

5. Are the following judgments about personality true?

A. The main thing in the characteristics of a person is the social essence.

B. A newborn person is a person.

1) only A is true 3) both A and B are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

6. Are the following judgments about personality formation true?

A. Hereditary, congenital, individual properties of a person do not affect the formation of his personality.

B. The formation of a person’s personality is associated exclusively with social interactions.

1) only A is true 3) both A and B are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

7. All forms of influence of society on people, as a result of which they gain life experience, are

1) adaptation

2) education

3) education

4) socialization

8. Preparation for mastering various social roles, familiarization with the dominant value standards in society is the main component

1) social mobility in society

2) socialization of the younger generation

3) acquired social status

4) self-realization of the individual in the group

9. The assimilation by an individual of patterns of behavior, psychological mechanisms, norms and values ​​necessary for successful existence in a given society is called

1) self-realization

2) ability

3) self-knowledge

4) socialization

10. The primary socialization of an individual, during which he learns norms and patterns of behavior, is carried out

1) throughout a person’s life

2) during maturity

3) primarily in childhood

4) after completing schooling

11. Are the following statements about socialization true?

A. During socialization, the individual assimilates social experience.

B. During socialization, the individual enters the social environment and adapts to it.

1) only A is true 3) both A and B are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

12. The terms “self-esteem”, “self-realization”, “self-development” refer to the characteristics of a person as

1) individual

2) personalities

3) an individual

4) biological individual

13. Complete the phrase:“The process of an individual’s assimilation of patterns of behavior, social norms and spiritual values ​​is called ________________________________.”

14 .


1) a person actively mastering A) an individual

and purposefully transforming B) individuality

nature, society and oneself C) personality

2) individual representative

of the entire human race

3) a person in the complex of his unique

unique properties

4) a person capable of consciously and responsibly

make a choice

Write down the selected letters in the table, and then transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer form (without spaces or other symbols)

Human existence

1. The most general concept denoting the existence of man in all the diversity of his manifestations is

1) consciousness

2) creativity

3) socialization

4) being


1. Are the following judgments about people’s behavior true?

1) A person’s behavior in society is completely predetermined by external circumstances and does not depend on his own will

2) A person’s behavior in society is completely subordinate to the will and desires of other people, contrary to his own interests

1) only A is true 3) both A and B are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

2. To regulate the water level in rivers, beavers build dams. At the same time, they gnaw up trees for construction upstream and float the logs to the construction site. What makes these animal activities different from human dam-building activities? The incentives for animal actions are

1) motives

2) instincts

3) skills

4) abilities

Human inner world

1. Which of the following sciences studies the inner spiritual world of man?

1) ethics

2) psychology

3) philosophy

4) aesthetics

2. Are the following statements about the inner world of a person true?

A. The inner spiritual world of a person consists of feelings, emotions, thoughts, experiences associated with life and communication in a social environment.

B. The inner world of a person is determined by natural inclinations and abilities, characteristics of temperament, thinking, and memory.

1) only A is true 3) both A and B are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

3. Are the following statements about a person true?

A. You can be a spiritually rich person and still do bad deeds.

B. Spiritual wealth does not allow a person to dull his compassion.

1) only A is true 3) both A and B are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

Conscious and unconscious

1. Which of the following is a manifestation of the conscious?

1) a person’s ability to accurately reproduce reality in thinking

2) desires, aspirations, experiences that a person usually does not admit to himself

3) dreams, slips of the tongue, desires

4) uncontrolled processes, functions, states

2. Are the following judgments about the unconscious true?

A. The unconscious in a person exists only at an early stage of personality development.

B. During the formation of the first civilizations, unconscious impulses were the main regulator of human behavior.

1) only A is true 3) both A and B are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

3. Are the following judgments about consciousness true?

A. It is consciousness that allows a person to set goals that are not determined by his biological nature.

B. Articulate speech preceded the emergence of consciousness in humans and became its prerequisite.

1) only A is true 3) both A and B are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect


1. Self-knowledge means(are)

1) the formation of a person’s views about himself, his needs, capabilities, interests

2) human views on the world, the origin of the universe, the relationship between nature and people

3) a person’s assimilation of norms and patterns of positive social behavior

4) formation of principles and rules of human behavior in a small group

2. What is the name of the process in which a person comprehends the essence of his “I”?

1) self-education

2) self-knowledge

3) self-preservation

4) narcissism

3. The result of self-knowledge, in particular, is

1) accumulation of knowledge about man and nature

2) knowledge of the values ​​of society

3) study of social norms

4) idea of ​​one’s abilities

4. Are the following judgments about self-knowledge true?

A. As a result of self-knowledge, a “I-image” is formed.

B. Understanding your “I” is impossible without conducting psychological experiments

1) only A is true 3) both A and B are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

5. Are the following judgments about self-knowledge true?

A. The ideal “I” is the idea of ​​how others want me to be.

B. An integral part of self-knowledge is self-esteem.

1) only A is true 3) both A and B are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

6. Are the following judgments about self-knowledge true?

A. The ideal “I” is the idea of ​​how a person would like to see himself.

B. “I am an image” is the idea that others have about a person.”

1) only A is true 3) both A and B are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

7. Are the following judgments about self-knowledge true?

A. A person forms self-esteem by comparing himself with others.

B. People with low self-esteem make comparisons with others only when they are confident of success.

1) only A is true 3) both A and B are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

8. Are the following judgments about self-knowledge true?

A. Focusing on the shortcomings of others helps improve self-esteem.

B. The more the real qualities of a person approach the “I am ideal”, the lower the person’s self-esteem.

1) only A is true 3) both A and B are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

9. Are the following judgments about self-knowledge true?

A. People with high self-esteem are easier to influence.

B. People with low self-esteem tend to work on easier tasks.

1) only A is true 3) both A and B are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

10. A person forms knowledge about himself, his needs, abilities and aspirations in the process

1) self-knowledge

2) self-esteem

3) self-control

4) arbitrariness

11. A person determines his capabilities and needs in the process

1) self-knowledge

2) self-esteem

3) self-control

4) arbitrariness

12 . Establish a correspondence between concepts and characteristics: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


1) Acquiring knowledge through A) Self-education

independent studies without help B) Self-knowledge

teacher B) Self-realization

2) Implementation of what is meaningful for

human goals, plans, ideas, projects

3) Personal knowledge of one’s own

capabilities, qualities

Write down the selected letters in the table, and then transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer form (without spaces or other symbols)

Freedom and responsibility of the individual

1. Are the following judgments about human freedom true?

A. Human freedom is expressed exclusively in one’s own decisions regarding further actions.

B. Human freedom is possible only as a result of overcoming the rules imposed by society.

1) only A is true 3) both A and B are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

2. Are the following judgments about human freedom true?

A. Human freedom is manifested in the absence of responsibility for committed actions.

B. Human freedom underlies behavior aimed solely at obtaining pleasure.

1) only A is true 3) both A and B are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

3. Are the following statements about human freedom true?

A. Freedom involves choice when there is an alternative.

B. Expanding the field of freedom increases the degree of individual responsibility.

1) only A is true 3) both A and B are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

4. Are the following judgments about personal responsibility true?

A. Moral responsibility of the individual presupposes free will.

B. Moral responsibility is expressed in the ability to manage oneself and one’s behavior.

1) only A is true 3) both A and B are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

5. Are the following judgments about human freedom and responsibility true?

A. Human freedom in society presupposes the possibility of choice and taking responsibility for it.

B. The more freedom a person receives in society, the more responsibility falls on him.

1) only A is true 3) both A and B are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

6. Complete the phrase:“Human freedom is closely related to the need to make independent decisions and bear ________________________________ for them.”





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Activity structure


Topic: "Man".
Part 1 . Level A assignments.
A1. Individuality is

1) specific features inherent in man as a biological


2) a person’s temperament, his character

3) the unique originality of both natural and

social in man

4) the totality of human needs and abilities

A2. The sign that distinguishes a person from an animal is

1) manifestation of activity

2) goal setting

3) adaptation to the environment

4)interaction with the outside world

A3. Are the following judgments about human life in society true?

A. In man, nature itself has the ability to live in


B. Personality can only be formed in the human


1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

A4. Results of industrial, social and spiritual

human activity and society together can be


2) economics

3) worldview

4) history

A5. Human activity and animal behavior are characterized by

1) setting goals

2) self-control mechanism

3) conscious choice of means

4) satisfaction of needs

A6. Work as opposed to communication

1) is a human need

2) can give a person pleasure

3)directly transforms environmental objects

4) assumes the presence of a goal

A7. Are the following statements about human freedom true?

A. Human freedom is synonymous with permissiveness.

B. Human freedom is impossible in public conditions

connections and interactions.

1)Only A is correct.

2) Only B is correct.

3) Both judgments are correct.

4)Both judgments are incorrect.

A8. To human needs determined by his biological

nature, include the needs for

1) self-preservation

2) self-realization


4) self-education

A9. Personality qualities are manifested in

1) features of a person as a biological organism

2) hereditary predisposition

3) characteristics of temperament

4)socially transformative activities

A10. Are the following judgments about the manifestation of individual and

social in man?

A. Individual and social in a person - the result

biological evolution.

B. Individual and social development of a person does not

connected to each other.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

A11. Both humans and animals are capable

1) use natural objects

2) make tools using other tools

3) transfer labor skills to subsequent generations

4)be aware of your own needs

A12. In such types of human activities as communication and

game, what they have in common is that they

1) allow the use of certain rules or regulations

2) require the presence of a partner

3) are conditional in nature

4) prescribe mandatory observance of rituals

gradual evolution from the ape to man himself?

  1. I.I. Mechnikov

  2. I.P. Pavlov

  3. C. Darwin

  4. J. Cuvier

A14. Which of the following features is characteristic of humans and is absent in


  1. metabolic processes

  2. creative activity

  3. work of the senses

  4. need for food
A15. In cognitive activity, in contrast to labor:

  1. means must correspond to ends

  2. the goal is to obtain reliable knowledge

  3. the subject is an individual

  4. the result is a new product
A16. Personality is formed under the influence of:

  1. biological program

  2. natural environment

  3. socialization

A17. A student for a teacher is:

  1. object of activity

  2. competitor

  3. subject of activity

  4. colleague
A18. Are the following statements about personality true?

A. The main thing in characterizing a person is the person’s participation in social relations and creative activities.

B. A newborn person is a person.

1) true A

  1. true B

  2. A and B are correct

  3. both judgments are wrong
A19. Agents of secondary socialization do not include:

  1. radio journalist

  2. cousin

  3. University professor

  4. head of the enterprise?
A20. Are the judgments correct?

Formal interpersonal relationships:

A. They are built depending on the individual characteristics of the individual.

B. Standardized and impersonal.

  1. only A is correct

  2. only B is correct

  3. both judgments are correct

  4. both judgments are wrong
A21. Complete the statement: Man, a being who embodies the highest stage of life development, is most likely based on human ability

  1. organize together with other people into cohesive groups to defend their interests;

  1. resist any aggressive attacks against him;

  1. adapt to environmental conditions that are not always favorable for him;

  2. to creative creative activity based on developed, improving consciousness (thinking, imagination, intuition, etc.)
A22. Existential needs include:

  1. comfort

  2. communication

  3. knowledge

  4. self-respect
A23. Are the following statements about self-awareness true?

A. A person can determine what he is like by comparing himself with other people.

B. A person can determine what he is like without being interested in other people's opinions of himself.

  1. only A is correct

  2. only B is correct

  3. both judgments are correct

  4. both judgments are wrong

A24. Are the following statements about a person true?

A. Man remains part of the natural world.

B. Man develops through the process of social and cultural evolution.

  1. only A is correct

  2. only B is correct

  3. both judgments are correct

  4. both judgments are wrong
A25. Are the following judgments about a person's outstanding abilities true?

A. Nature makes a person a genius.

B. Mental talent is a quality determined by the biological nature of a person.

  1. only A is correct

  2. only B is correct

  3. both judgments are correct

  4. both judgments are wrong
A26. Practical activities include

  1. production of material goods

  2. knowledge of the laws of natural development

  3. formation of religious ideas about the world

  4. composing music
A27. Activity as opposed to communication

  1. is a human need

  2. can give a person pleasure

  3. presupposes a goal

  4. directly transforms environmental objects
A28. Are the following statements about individual freedom true?

A. Human freedom presupposes a person’s responsibility to society for his actions and deeds.

B. Freedom is the ability to choose a method of action to achieve a goal.

  1. only A is correct

  2. only B is correct

  3. both judgments are correct

  4. both judgments are wrong
A29. Choose the correct answer from the list below.

A person as an individual representative of the human community, a bearer of individually free traits is called:

  1. activist

  2. individual

  3. leader

  4. personality
A30. The "second nature" or "inorganic body" of man is

  1. The world of social and artificial objects created by man.

  2. The world of the supernatural, mysterious and enigmatic.

  3. The sphere of the true and present, in contrast to everyday, boring and monotonous life.

  4. The result of overcoming or denying the first - natural-biological nature of man.
A31. Human nature

  1. This is an innate biopsychic constitution common to all people.

  2. There is nothing more than the totality of his basic needs.

  3. Represents the basic and unchangeable qualities of a person.

  4. This is a set of qualities such as reason, conscience, duty, and the gift of communication.
A32. Human needs determined by society include the need for

  1. labor activity

  2. preservation of the family

  3. self-preservation

  4. physical activity
A33. The distinctive feature of the concept “personality” is (are)

  1. articulate speech

  2. consciousness and thinking

  3. ability to take responsibility

  4. presence of physical needs
A34. Are the following statements about self-knowledge correct?

A. The ideal “I” is the idea of ​​how others want me to be.

B. An integral part of self-knowledge is self-esteem.

  1. only A is correct

  2. only B is correct

  3. both judgments are correct

  4. both judgments are wrong
A35. The main factor in personality formation is

  1. natural environment

  2. communication with others

  3. mechanism of heredity

  4. innate tendencies

A36. Personality is

  1. a person living in society and possessing a system of socially significant traits, properties and qualities

  2. a person's temperament, his character

  3. unique psychophysiological characteristics of a person

  4. the totality of original human abilities

A37. Are the following judgments about the separation of man from nature correct?

A. The separation of man from nature occurred due to the presence of consciousness in him

and reason.

B. The separation of man from nature occurred due to the presence of

a certain set of instincts.

  1. only A is correct

  2. only B is correct

  3. Both A and B are true

  4. both judgments are wrong

A38. The concept of “individuality” captures:

  1. single representative of the human race

  2. features of a person’s temperament, his character

  3. human labor activity

  4. the unique originality of a person, implying not only his appearance, but also a set of socially significant qualities.

A39. The guidelines for moral human activity are:

  1. values

  2. attractions

  3. needs

  4. interests.

A40. Are the following judgments about the formation of continuity in behavior true?


A. Functions of innate instincts characteristic of animals in humans

are replaced by norms (rules).

B. Culture acts as a unique program for human behavior.

  1. only A is correct

  2. only B is correct

  3. Both A and B are true

  4. both judgments are wrong

A41. What sign characterizes a person as a person?

  1. active life position

  2. physical and mental health

  3. belonging to homo sapiens

  4. appearance features

A42. “Individuality is the unique identity of a person, a set of his unique

properties". This statement is an example

  1. artistic image

  2. mythological knowledge

  3. religious norm

  4. scientific knowledge

A43. Properties and roles of a person that he acquires only in interaction with

other people characterize him as

  1. individual

  2. individuality

  3. organism

  4. personality

A44. What is common in the activities of inventors, writers, and artists is that it is

  1. administrative

  2. practical

  3. material

  4. creative

A45. Both humans and animals have needs for

  1. self-realization

  2. self-preservation

  3. self-knowledge

  4. self-education

A46. Man, unlike animals, is capable

  1. perform habitual actions

  2. think about your behavior in advance

  3. show emotions

  4. take care of offspring

A47. Unlike animals, man is capable

  1. react with feelings

  2. develop conditioned reflexes

  3. satisfy needs

  4. predict the results of actions

A48. Human social needs include the need

  1. breathe

  2. eat

  3. sleep

  4. communicate

A49. Scientific discoveries are the result of activities

  1. material and production

  2. socially transformative

  3. practical

  4. spiritual

A50. Play, learning, work act as

  1. criteria of truth

  2. types of activities

  3. social qualities

  4. biological needs

A51. Indicate one of the signs of human activity that distinguishes it from

animal behavior:

  1. manifestation of activity

  2. goal setting

  3. adaptation to the environment

  4. interaction with the outside world

A52. What is the name of the process in which a person comprehends the essence of his “I”?

  1. self-education

  2. self-knowledge

  3. self-preservation

  4. narcissism

A53. The result of self-knowledge, in particular, is

  1. accumulation of knowledge about man and nature

  2. knowledge of the values ​​of society

  3. study of social norms

  4. idea of ​​your abilities

A54. The process of self-knowledge includes the accumulation of knowledge about the characteristics

  1. own appearance

  2. different types of temperament

  3. moral and legal standards

  4. interaction between man and nature

A55. The assertion that man is a product and subject of social

historical activity is a characteristic of his

  1. social essence

  2. biological nature

  3. physiological characteristics

  4. psychological qualities

A56. Man is a unity of three components: biological,

psychological and social. The social component includes

  1. knowledge and skills

  2. feelings and will

  3. physical development

  4. age characteristics

A57. Are the following statements about personality true?

A. Personality is a product of biological evolution.

B. Society has the greatest influence on the individual.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect
A58. Are the following judgments about the connection between activity and communication true?

A. Communication is a side of any joint activity, since

activity involves interaction.

B. Communication is a special activity based on the exchange of knowledge, ideas,


  1. only A is correct

  2. only B is correct

  3. both judgments are correct

  4. both judgments are wrong

A59. The basis of human existence is

  1. consumerism

  2. activity

  3. Love

  4. friendship

A60. Human activity that has a moral or immoral meaning


  1. window dressing

  2. behavior

  3. self-expression

  4. presentation

A61. Will is

  1. power over oneself, control of one’s actions, conscious regulation of one’s behavior

  2. the ability to fight back against the offender

  3. the ability to fundamentally oppose any point of view other than one’s own

  4. ability for the most dangerous and brutal struggle

A62. The highest moral meaning of human activity is given by

  1. dedication

  2. material benefit

  3. pride in what has been accomplished

  4. enjoyment of craftsmanship.

Do not forget to transfer all the answers written down in the text of the examination paper to answer form No. 1 (without spaces between numbers and letters).


This version of the back test is compiled in the Unified State Exam format. The test presents those tasks, which may contain questions on this topic.

Detailed answers with explanations are given, as well as essay abstracts (task No. 29) about goal setting, needs, and public opinion. The material will help in preparing for the Unified State Exam.

Quotes (task no. 29):

  • (L.N. Tolstoy)
  • .(I.V. Goethe)
  • .(B.Pascal)

Part 1

The answers to tasks 1–20 are

word (phrase) or sequence of numbers. Write your answers in the answer fields in the text of the work, and then transfer them to ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of

numbers of the corresponding tasks, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters. Write each character in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form.


Write down the word missing in the table.

Characteristics of forms of spiritual culture


Correct answer



In the row below, find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts presented. Write this word down.

material, cognitive, activity, socially transformative, value-oriented, prognostic


Correct answer



Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two,

indicate the structure of activity.

1) goal; 2) abilities; 3) means); 4) result; 5) subject; 6) skills.

Find two terms that “fall out” from the general series and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.


Correct answer


Let us recall the structure of activity, that is, its components: motive, goal, means and methods, actions, result. Subject and object of activity.


Choose the correct judgments about the personality and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) is formed in the process of socialization;

2) can exist outside of society;

3) the basis of a person’s social qualities is inclinations;

4) has the ability to be responsible for his actions and actions;

5) a newborn person is already a personality.


Correct answer


1) is formed in the process of socialization ( Yes);

2) can exist outside of society ( No, only in society does a person become personality, that is, acquires socially significant features that help him live among people).

3) the basis of social qualities of an individual - inclinations ( No, these are natural qualities, but, of course, they can only develop in society)

4) has the ability to be responsible for his actions and actions ( Yes)

5) a newborn person is already a person ( No, This person, individual, but not a personality, he cannot yet communicate, be responsible for his actions, etc.)


Establish a correspondence between the distinctive features and the types of society that they illustrate: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.






Correct answer


The composer created a new work. What facts characterize his activity as creative? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) creation according to the model

2) standardization of actions and techniques

3) combining, varying different methods of activity

4) brightness, unusualness of the created work

5)creation of a new work

6) the use of techniques and methods that did not previously exist


Correct answer


Creative activity is the creation by a person of something new, not according to a standard or model. Therefore, numbers 1 and 2 are incorrect.


Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

“It is human nature to desire to satisfy one’s ____ (A). To do this, he needs to do _____(B). The key to its success is _____(B), which can be improved throughout life. The highest degree of their development is _____(D). It is impossible without natural ______(D), the development of which leads to high results. Only ______(E) is capable of creating something valuable for herself and society.

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word can only be used once.

Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms:

1) genius

2) giftedness

3) creativity

4) abilities




8) makings

9) individuality

The table below shows the letters representing the missing words. Write down the number of the word you chose in the table under each letter.







Correct answer

Part 2

To record answers to tasks in this part (21–29), use ANSWER FORM No. 2. First write down the task number (21, 22, etc.), and then a detailed answer to it. Write down your answers clearly and legibly.

Read the text and complete tasks 21–24.

To properly understand a person’s personality, it is necessary to consider the broader context in which it exists. A person is connected with the world around him by a system of diverse relationships and connections. In the system of these connections, a person is studied as a natural individual with his own development program and a certain range

variability, both as the subject and object of historical development - the individual, and as the main productive force of society - the subject of labor, knowledge and communication, which emphasizes its holistic nature. A person also appears as an individual. If we want to understand a person, his appearance and behavior as a holistic and integral formation, we must study him as an individual, and as a subject, and as a personality, and, finally, as an individual, any opposition, and even more so, ignoring or exaggeration of one of these parameters person is unacceptable. It is unacceptable insofar as otherwise the idea of ​​human psychology as an integral entity will be deformed.

(Based on the book by V.A. Averin “Personality Psychology”)

21 How, in the author’s opinion, should personality be considered in the process of studying it? How does the author explain this approach?


22 Name three approaches to the study of personality, named in the text. Involving social science knowledge, facts of social life, name another one, not specified in the text


Correct answer

The text names three approaches to the study of personality:

— consideration of personality as a natural individual;

- as a subject and object of historical development;

- as the main productive force of society.

One more aspect of the study of personality can be mentioned - the study of agents of the first and second socialization.

23 What three sides of personality study what does the author call? Using facts of social life and personal social experience, give an example of how in reality it is carried out study of one of these parties.


Correct answer

- as an individual

- as an individual

- as a personality, with its inherent traits.

Thus, when studying a person as an individual, his biological characteristics (thinking, temperament, etc.), his character, the level of formation of moral qualities, responsibility for actions and actions are considered. All this allows us to study the personality in all its individual originality and uniqueness.

24 Using the text and social science knowledge, give three explanations the idea expressed in the text that “ in the process of studying it.


Correct answer

«… It is unacceptable to ignore or exaggerate one of the parameters of a person.” in the process of studying it. Three explanations:

- it is impossible to understand a person without studying the features of his individuality - his view of the world, ideals, values, purpose of life, etc.;

— man is a social being, therefore, when studying him, we consider personal qualities formed in society;

- finally, a person is an individual, a single representative of the human race, therefore, studying him from this point of view, generalized traits characteristic of all people are considered.

Conclusion: the study of man should be carried out comprehensively.

25 What meaning do social scientists put into the concept "capabilities"? Drawing on knowledge from your social studies course, write two sentences: one sentence containing information about ability levels, and one sentence describing the characteristics of one of those ability levels.


Correct answer

Abilities are the qualities of a person that allow him to successfully perform any activity. There are levels of abilities: giftedness, talent, genius. Genius is highly developed abilities, supported by natural inclinations; genius is characterized by the creation of a new, previously non-existent law - a law, a movement in art, a school, etc.

26 Name and illustrate with examples any three personality traits.


Correct answer

Personality Features:

  1. Ability to work (Sergey is a car repairman);
  2. Ability to communicate (Anna and Irina discussed how they performed at the conference);
  3. Responsibility for actions and deeds (the head of the company N., working on the modernization of production, offered dismissed employees vacancies at the companies, giving each a recommendation for a new employer).

Literary critic V.G. Belinsky wrote:

“Without a goal there is no activity, without interests there is no goal, and without activity there is no life.”

What feature of human activity did V.G. Belinsky write about?

What, according to the critic, is the role of activity in human life?

Using social science knowledge, indicate any three types of human activity.


Correct answer

V.G. Belinsky wrote about such a personality trait as the ability to set goals.

According to the critic, activity is the basis of human life.


— social

— production

- educational.

28 You have been instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Man is a biosocial being." Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.


Correct answer

Man is a biosocial being.


  1. The concept of man as a biosocial being.
  2. Biological in man:
  • the instinct of self-preservation
  • maternal instinct
  • procreation instinct
  • physiological needs.

3. Social in a person:

  • communication ability
  • ability to work
  • goal setting, etc.

4. The need to take into account the social and biological in a person when forming his personality.

By completing task 29, you can demonstrate your knowledge and skills on the content that is more attractive to you. To this end, choose only ONE of the statements below (29.1–29.5).


Choose one of the statements proposed below, reveal its meaning in the form of a mini-essay, indicating, if necessary, different aspects of the problem posed by the author (the topic raised).

When expressing your thoughts about the raised problem (designated topic), when arguing your point of view, use the knowledge gained from studying the social studies course, relevant concepts, as well as facts of social life and your own life experience. (Cite at least two factual arguments

examples from various sources.)


Correct answer



“Before we talk about the good of satisfying needs, we must decide which needs constitute the good.”

(L.N. Tolstoy. The greatest Russian writer, teacher, philosopher, educator (1828-1910)


Correct answer



“Give a person a purpose for which to live, and he can survive in any situation”

(I.V. Goethe. German poet, natural scientist, statesman and thinker (1749-1832)


Correct answer

The main idea of ​​the quote.

In a statement by the German poet, scientist, thinker I.V. Goethe, the idea was expressed about the importance of setting goals in a person’s life. The author notes that it is the goal that fills life with meaning and gives a person strength. Indeed, a clear goal that a person strives for becomes a beacon that illuminates the path and helps to overcome all difficulties.


Activity, goal setting, material and spiritual activity, means and methods of activity, the meaning of life, life values.


1. It’s scary if a person leads an aimless lifestyle. Let us remember Oblomov, the hero of the novel of the same name by I.A. Goncharova. His life turned into doing nothing. Yes, he thinks a lot, even expresses interesting thoughts about people, society, the meaning of life. But the hero does nothing. He cannot even simply write a letter to the clerk to find out how his affairs are going on the estate; he constantly puts it off. How much anxiety does his meeting with Olga bring him, because the heroine literally forced him to do something. But Ilya Oblomov turned out to be unable to change his life. The lack of purpose and activity led to the hero's imminent death.

2. You can give a lot of examples of people whose life is an active, purposeful movement towards the implementation of their plans. In the ZhZL series (“Life of Remarkable People”) there is a book by Evgeny Lebedev about M.V. Lomonosov. The author, narrating the life path of this great man, tirelessly emphasizes that M.V. Lomonosov was constantly striving for something. He had not one, but many goals, and he achieved their implementation: he received an education, studied the unknown, became the initiator and founder of the first university in Russia - Moscow. Of course, there were difficulties along the way. It was not easy for a Pomeranian peasant to become one of the elite of society. And he did this, glorifying his name and Russia with his activities, because he clearly knew what he was striving for.



"Public opinion rules the people"

(Blaise Pascal. French mathematician, physicist, writer and scientist (1623-1662)


Correct answer

The main idea of ​​the quote.

The statement of the French scientist and writer B. Pascal contains the idea of ​​​​the importance of public opinion in people's lives. He believes that it literally rules people. We can partially agree with this opinion. Of course, people’s opinions play an important role in a person’s life, because he lives in society, and therefore must adhere to certain norms and traditions. However, everyone must have their own views and beliefs and clearly defend them, if they go against the public, there is no need to become part of the crowd, you need to strive to be an individual, to defend justice.


Man, society, public opinion, views, ideals, values, life position (active, passive), public control (formal, informal), personality, individuality.


1. A striking example of the influence of society on human behavior, the formation of his views and values ​​is the play “Woe from Wit” by A.S. Griboedov. The main thing in “Famusov’s society” is public opinion (remember how Famusov said: “What will Princess Marya Aleksevna say!”). This circle formed its own ideals and values ​​that people follow. Molchalin strives to become the same as all its members. Wealth, position in society, career, influence - this is the ideal of these people. And if someone does not want to obey the laws and traditions established over centuries, as Chatsky did, then such a person is simply expelled, calling him “crazy.” However, at any time there are and will be people who defend their positions if they see the injustice of established norms and orders. It’s hard for Chatsky, he’s alone in Famusov’s house. But he is not alone in the country. The future belongs to such people, to those who want to sincerely serve “the cause, not individuals,” for the good of the Motherland. So public opinion does not always subjugate people.

2. World history knows many examples when people went against public opinion if it contradicted the truth. In the “Encyclopedia for Children” of the publishing house “Avanta +” in the volume “Astronomy” there is an article about the activities of D. Bruno, an English scientist of the 16th century. His main ideas are set out in the book “On the Infinity of the Universe and Worlds.” He foresaw many scientific discoveries: about the vastness of the Universe, about numerous worlds unknown to people, and supported Copernicus’s ideas about the round shape of the Earth revolving around the Sun. Bruno's ideas did not correspond to the views of the Catholic Church, so he was executed as a heretic. The life of a scientist is an example of how strong individuals defend their ideas and continue to learn the truth, despite the traditions of society and its opinion, if it is wrong.

Part 1 (A)

When completing tasks in this part, in answer form No. 1, under the number of the task you are performing, put an “×” sign in the box whose number corresponds to the number of the answer you have chosen.

A1 1. Man, according to modern ideas, is a being

1) spiritual

2) social

3) biological

4) biosocial

2. Ivan is tall, thin, with beautiful features, courageous, calculating, slow and careful. All this characterizes Ivan as

1) personality

2) citizen

3) individuality

4) professional

3. Are the following judgments about the similarities and differences between humans and animals true?

A. Ants and other “social” animals work in the same way as people.

B. All animal species, unlike humans, always act according to a genetic program.

4. The main manifestation of a person’s personality is(are)

1) features of thinking and memory

2) the nature of the course of mental processes

3) genetically inherited qualities

4) participation in society

5. Definition: “The set of ideas, views, theories, as well as feelings, habits and mores of a certain social community or group” refers to the concept

1) public consciousness

2) society

3) ordinary consciousness

4) ideology

6. The enthusiasm of the population, characteristic of the USSR during the 30s. XX century is an example

1) philosophical consciousness

2) scientific consciousness

3) legal consciousness

4) mass consciousness

7. Are the following judgments about individual consciousness true?

A. Individual consciousness contains that which is common to the social group to which a given person belongs.

B. Individual consciousness contains all the features inherent in a given person.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

8. Which situation correctly characterizes public consciousness?

1) public consciousness always hinders social development

2) public consciousness determines the spiritual life of society

3) social consciousness does not have independence in relation to social existence

4) social consciousness is reduced to a simple sum of individual consciousnesses

9. Definition: “The act of directly turning consciousness to itself” refers to the concept

1) self-realization

2) self-education

3) self-awareness

4) self-control

10. Nikolai, in the processes of perception, imagination, reflection and experience, at some moments switches attention from the object of mental activity to his own state and evaluates himself. That's an example

1) self-education

2) self-observation

3) knowing yourself by knowing others

4) self-education

11. Are the following judgments about self-awareness true?

A. Self-awareness is formed as the external world is reflected.

B. Self-awareness is formed as one gets to know oneself.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

12. Indicate a sign that characterizes social behavior

1) related to a person’s position in society

2) consists of actions

3) has no effect on people

4) consists of actions

13. Definition: “A generalized system of a person’s views on the world as a whole, on his own place in it, a person’s understanding and assessment of the meaning of his life and activities” refers to the concept

1) mentality

2) worldview

3) consciousness

4) attitude

14. The essence of what type of worldview is revealed by the above statement: “The most important question for us is the question about man. Everything comes from him and everything returns to him”?

1) theocentrism

2) science-centrism

3) nature-centrism

4) anthropocentrism

15. Are the following judgments about worldview true?

A. Worldview is inherent only to the individual.

B. Worldview determines the general orientation of a person.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

16. Does not apply to a religious worldview

1) close connection with world cultural heritage

2) the desire to give a person faith in the possibility of achieving his goals

3) focus on solving problems related to human spiritual needs

4) formulation of a set of rationally constructed forecasts

17. Both sensory and rational knowledge

1) forms ideas and knowledge about the subject

2) starts with a feeling

3) gives a visual image of the object

4) uses logical reasoning

18. On the instructions of the biology teacher, 10th grade student K. did homework research. What additional information would allow us to conclude that K. used empirical methods of cognition in his research?

1) K. carefully thought through and developed a plan for his research.

2) K. compiled an annotated list of works by a famous scientist on the topic of research.

3) K. read a number of publications on the research topic.

4) K. planted the seedlings and monitored them daily, recording changes in the observation diary.

19. Are the following judgments about cognition true?

A. Cognition is a basic human need.

B. Cognition is always creative.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

20. The statement: “A product has value” is an example

1) ideas 3) judgments

2) concepts 4) inferences

21. Absolute truth, as opposed to relative truth, is

1) conclusions obtained scientifically

2) experimentally established facts

3) knowledge that will never be refuted

4) judgments devoid of subjective assessments

22. The statement: “The Hawaiian Islands lie in the Pacific Ocean” is an example

1) relative truth

2) misconceptions

3) subjective truth

4) absolute truth

23. Are the following truth statements true?

A. Absolute truth is knowledge with which everyone agrees, since it is something that is obvious and cannot be imagined otherwise.

B. Relative truth is knowledge sufficient for a person to successfully conduct his affairs.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

24. The relativity of truth lies

1) in the incompleteness of scientific theories

2) in the subjectivity of the form of knowledge of truth

3) in the approximate judgments “true and false”

4) in all of the above

25. The basis of human existence is

1) friendship 3) consumerism

2) love 4) activity

26. Carrying out judicial reform in the Russian Federation is the result of the activities

1) socially transformative

2) educational

3) value-oriented

4) prognostic

27. Are the following judgments about human activity true?

A. Human activity is expressed in adaptation to the natural environment through its large-scale transformation, leading to the creation of an artificial environment of existence.

B. Human activity involves the conscious setting of goals related to the ability to analyze the situation.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

28. Meaningful drivers of human activity include

1) habits 3) motives

2) drives 4) emotions

29. A person’s purposeful attitude towards any object of his need is

1) ability 3) conviction

2) interest 4) principle

30. Citizen N., being a doctor, paints landscapes in his free time. What type of need does citizen N. satisfy in this way?

1) spiritual 3) social

2) biological 4) organic

31. Are the following judgments about a person’s interest true?

A. A person's interest is always combined with his inclination.

B. Human interest is the most important motivation for various types of activities.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

32. Citizen K., having retired, helps her daughter raise her first-grader grandson: she accompanies him to school, takes him home after school, helps him do his homework. The reason is Citizen K.’s attachment to the little man, her care for him. What type of need does citizen K satisfy in this way?

1) physiological

2) existential

3) prestigious

4) social

33. The specific way of being of a person, associated with his ability to choose decisions and perform actions in accordance with his ideals, interests and goals, is

1) responsibility 3) need

2) freedom 4) necessity

34. The statement: “Include in your current choice of means of influencing nature only those that allow you to preserve the future integrity of man” illustrates the concept

1) freedom 3) knowledge

2) creativity 4) responsibility

35. Are the following judgments about human freedom true?

A. Human freedom presupposes the possibility of realizing his interests and needs.

B. The presence of moral standards makes human freedom impossible.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

36. Mikhail excludes any possibility of choice. What additional information would lead us to conclude that Mikhail is a fatalist?

1) every human action is predetermined in advance

2) the decision is made by a person based on his subjective desires

3) the will of man is the fundamental principle of all things

4) chance plays a certain role in a person’s life

37. To what area of ​​public life does the activity of Internet sites belong, the purpose of which is to search and communicate with former colleagues, acquaintances, classmates?

1) economic

2) spiritual

3) political

4) social

38. Which example illustrates the impact of nature on society?

1) overcoming feudal fragmentation

2) change of New Year celebration date

3) the death of Pompeii due to the eruption of Mount Vesuvius

4) state activities in collecting taxes

39. Are the following judgments about society true?

A. Society is the population of the Earth, the totality of all peoples.

B. Society is a certain group of people who have united for communication, joint activities, mutual assistance and support of each other.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

40. Creation of the State Council in the Russian Federation as an advisory and advisory body of the heads of the constituent entities of Russia under the President of the Russian Federation. What area of ​​public life does this fact relate to?

1) economic 3) political

2) social 4) spiritual

41. The institution of society is

1) a person’s way of relating to the outside world, which consists of transforming and subordinating it to the person’s goals

2) a historically established, stable form of organizing the joint activities of people performing certain functions in society, the main one of which is meeting social needs

3) relatively stable connections between social groups, peoples, states and other associations of people arising in different spheres of human activity

4) the totality of all types of transformative activities, as well as the result of this activity, including a person’s transformation of himself

42. The concept of social institution Not included

1) school 2) marriage 3) army 4) friendship

43. Are the following judgments about the institutions of society true?

A. The institutions of society exercise social control.

B. The institutions of society ensure the integration of the aspirations, actions and interests of individuals.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

44. Social institutions include

1) property 3) religion

2) motherhood 4) court

45. Definition: “The result of the activities of man and society, the totality of material and spiritual values ​​created by man” refers to the concept

1) art 3) science

2) creativity 4) culture

46. ​​Continuity in the development of culture can be illustrated with the example

1) studying “Dead Souls” by N.V. at school. Gogol

2) invention of the airplane by the Wright brothers

3) creating a new stone processing technology

4) scientific research of lunar soil

47. Are the following judgments about varieties of culture correct?

A. Obtaining commercial benefits is the immediate goal of the creators of works of elite culture.

B. Works of mass culture are distinguished by their ability to entertain a person and help him fill his leisure time.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

48. The world of this culture has many faces: adventure and detective literature; love lyrics; nerve-wracking cinematic productions with scenes of fights, murders, horror, and erotica; pop music, rock, rap, reggae, etc.; popular essays on scientific, pseudo-scientific and pseudo-scientific matters; samples of equipment; the shops; sensational news; mysterious occult phenomena; advertising; sport. What form of culture are we talking about?

1) mass 3) elite

2) folk 4) national

49. Definition: “The sphere of human activity, the function of which is the development and theoretical systematization of objective knowledge about reality” refers to the concept

1) education 3) science

2) creativity 4) art

50. Citizen L. is a researcher analyzing texts. This allows him to study the phenomena of spiritual culture. In what branch of scientific knowledge does citizen L. work?

1) natural sciences 3) social sciences

2) technical sciences 4) humanities

51. Are the following statements about science true?

A. Science reflects reality in artistic images.

B. Science can be viewed as a system of knowledge.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

52. Employees of the department of one of the universities, along with teaching activities, published a scientific work. What additional information will help determine that we are talking about work in the field of social sciences?

1) in the process of work, publications of other scientists were used

2) during the work, an experiment was systematically used

53. In state A, the vast majority of educational institutions are free. The answer to which question will help determine whether the principle of humanization of education is being implemented in state A?

1) How much money is allocated to support large families?

2) To what extent do educational institutions take into account the interests of students?

3) To what extent are natural and exact sciences studied?

4) How many students are there in country A?

54. Humanitarianization of education involves, first of all,

1) variety of types of educational institutions

2) increasing attention to social disciplines

3) taking into account the interests of the child in teaching

4) uniform requirements for school equipment

55. Are the following judgments about the social function of education true?

A. The social function of education is that it directly regulates social processes in society.

B. The social function of education is that a person masters social experience, and the socialization of the individual occurs.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

56. In one of the regions, the sociological service conducted a survey of high school graduates. They were asked the question: “What is the merit of the school in your education?”

The survey results are presented in the table.

1) The majority of girls surveyed believe that knowledge of foreign languages ​​is the merit of the school in their education.

2) In third place in popularity among the boys surveyed was general literacy as a merit of the school in their education.

3) A third of the girls surveyed cited general literacy as a credit to the school for their education.

4) More girls than boys noted computer literacy as an asset of the school in education.

57. A specific property of religion is

1) connection with the world of human experiences

2) belief in a better future

3) use of symbolism

4) belief in the reality of a miracle

58. Does not apply to world religions

1) Hinduism 3) Buddhism

2) Islam 4) Christianity

59. Are the following judgments about the essence of religion true?

A. Religion is certain views and ideas of people based on belief in the existence of a god or gods, the supernatural.

B. Religion is the corresponding rituals and cults.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

60. In the country of B., a sociological service conducted a survey of adult citizens. They were asked the question: “Which function of religion in modern society should be a priority?”


Analyze the survey results and choose the correct statement.

1) The minority of respondents believes that the priority function of religion in modern society should be the unification of individuals and groups.

2) A third of respondents see the ordering of people’s thoughts and aspirations as a priority function of religion in modern society.

3) A larger number of respondents pointed to the understanding of the world, society, and man as a priority function of religion in modern society, rather than the unification of individuals and groups.

4) A quarter of those surveyed identified the ordering of people’s thoughts and aspirations as a priority function of religion in modern society.

61. Art is characterized by the fact that it

1) based on belief in the supernatural

2) reflects reality in figurative and symbolic form

3) performs the function of social management

4) comprehensively describes and explains events and phenomena

62. Art critic D. argued: “The secret of art is that it touches our feelings. Any work of art must certainly influence human feelings and give rise to an emotional response.” What function of art are we talking about?

1) impact on the sphere of human emotions

2) formation of aesthetic taste

3) impact on the human psyche

4) reflection of those aspects of life that are difficult for science to access

63. Are the following judgments about art true?

A. Art is characterized by correspondence to reality.

B. Art is characterized by precision and certainty.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

64. In the country of M., the sociological service conducted a survey of adult citizens. They were asked the question: “What essential condition must any work of art meet?”

The survey results are presented in the diagram.

25% 5%

Impact on the senses

Be interesting

Formation of aesthetic taste

Anticipating the Future

Analyze the survey results and choose the correct statement.

1) Second place in popularity as an indispensable condition that any work of art must meet among respondents was the formation of aesthetic taste.

2) Impact on feelings as an indispensable condition that any work of art must meet was chosen by fewer respondents than the formation of aesthetic taste.

3) The overwhelming number of respondents see an impact on the senses as an indispensable condition that any work of art must meet.

4) The minimum number of respondents indicated anticipation of the future as an indispensable condition that any work of art must meet.

65. Morality is characterized by the following feature(s)

1) has relative independence

2) has a historical character

3) may be critical of the accepted way of life

4) all of the above

66. What behavior, reflected in the listed situations, is subject only to moral norms?

1) Tatyana spoke rudely to her friend K.

2) Anton committed the theft of the property of citizen P.

3) Thirteen-year-old Sergei rode his bicycle onto the roadway

4) Grinder G. missed eight working days

67. Are the following judgments about morality correct?

A. Morality is based on the ideas of good and evil.

B. Morality is a set of ethical values ​​based on certain norms and commandments.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

68. The norms “respect your elders” and “be merciful to the weak” belong to the sphere

1) art 3) science

2) morals 4) rights

69. Definition: “Directed development, which is characterized by a transition from lower to higher, from less perfect to more perfect” refers to the concept

1) stagnation 3) regression

2) progress 4) modernization

70. Petrine transformations of the 18th century. are an example

1) stagnation 3) evolution

2) counter-reforms 4) modernization

71. Are the following judgments about social progress true?

A. Progress in one area of ​​social life may be accompanied by regression in another.

B. Social progress can be graphically depicted as an ascending broken line.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

72. In the country of R., the sociological service conducted a survey of adult citizens: 25-year-old and 60-year-old residents. They were asked the question: “What, in your opinion, is the criterion of social progress?”

The survey results are presented in a histogram.

% 65%
15% 15%

Development of the human mind

Progress of science and technology

Increasing degree of human freedom

Improving people's morality

Analyze the survey data and select the correct statement.

1) A third of the 60-year-old residents surveyed pointed to the increasing degree of human freedom as a criterion for social progress.

2) The development of the human mind as a criterion of social progress is more popular among 25-year-old residents than among 60-year-old residents.

3) The percentage of people who are confident that the criterion of social progress is the improvement of people’s morality decreases with age.

4) A quarter of all respondents believe that the criterion of social progress is the progress of science and technology.

73. What feature characterizes a traditional society?

1) intensive urbanization

2) predominance of ascribed social status

3) high social mobility

4) increase in consumption level

74. V. society is dominated by the rural population, whose ideal is observance of customs and piety. Savings are insignificant and are spent not on production, but on consumption. State ownership dominates. What type of society is V.?

1) post-industrial

2) industrial

3) traditional

4) informational

75. Are the following judgments about industrial society true?

A. Economically, an industrial society is characterized by machine production, conveyor belts, standardization, and scientific organization of labor.

B. Politically, an industrial society is characterized by a despotic regime.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

76. Automation of production is widespread in R. society, and computerization is being successfully carried out. What additional information will allow us to conclude that R.'s society is post-industrial?

1) the main product of production is industrial products

2) the main factor of production is knowledge

3) widespread use of mechanisms and technologies

4) class division of society

77. Global problems of our time include(s)

1) energy problem

2) the problem of subsoil development in the countries of the East and Latin America

3) the problem of interaction between Russia and the West

4) all of the above

78. The population is growing faster in the less developed countries of Southeast Asia, Africa and Latin America, which sharply exacerbates their problems of housing, education, health care and, above all, food. According to experts, in the future, over 80% of the world’s population will live in these countries. On the other hand, a number of countries and regions of the world, including Western Europe and Russia, are experiencing an alarming decline in population size and significant aging. This situation indicates a global problem

1) war and peace

2) economic

3) demographic

4) energy

79. Are the following judgments about the consequences of the globalization process true?

A. The process of globalization leads to lower production costs.

B. The process of globalization leads to the formation of a single standard of consumption.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

80. In modern conditions, the amount of industrial waste has sharply increased, which leads to the poisoning of the fertile layer of soil and drinking water supplies, making the environmental problem particularly pressing. What additional information would lead us to conclude that the environmental problem is global?

1) affects the interests of developed countries of the world

2) involves the development of cooperation between several states

3) threatens the development of African countries

4) the future fate of humanity depends on its decision

Part 2 (B)

When completing the tasks in this part, write down your answer in answer form No. 1 next to the task number (B1 - B6), starting from the first cell. The answer must be given in the form of a word, a sequence of letters or numbers without spaces or punctuation. Write each letter or number in a separate box in accordance with the examples given.

IN 1 1. Write down the word missing in the diagram.

2. Write down the word missing in the fragment of the table.

  • V. EXTRACURRICULAR WORK (home assignment). A. Individual assignments for students for oral responses at the blackboard (25 minutes)
  • V. EXTRACURRICULAR WORK (home assignment). A. Individual tasks for students for oral answers at the blackboard (25 minutes):
  • V. EXTRACURRICULAR WORK (home assignment). A. Individual assignments for students for oral responses:
  • A. Individual tasks for students for oral response at the blackboard (25 minutes)