Components of oral speech in preschool children. Formation of all components of a child’s oral speech

The main goal of this report is to reveal the problem of speech development of preschool children. The material shows the relationship between various forms and types of children's activities, which are ultimately aimed at developing oral speech children.



Municipal budgetary municipal educational institution "General developmental kindergarten No. 95"



“Speech development of preschool children through the development of all components of children’s oral speech in various forms and types of children’s activities”

Prepared by:

Teacher 1KK

Azarova I. P.

Voronezh 2014

“Speech is an amazingly powerful tool,

but it takes a lot of intelligence to use it.”

Georg Hegel

Children learn their native language by imitating the spoken speech of those around them. The child spends little time in the company of adults (more and more at the computer, in front of the TV or with his toys), rarely listens to stories and fairy tales from the mouths of his mother and father, and systematic developmental activities for mastering speech are generally rare. So it turns out that by the time a child enters school, many problems arise with his speech.

Meanwhile, mastering speech between the ages of 3 and 7 years is of key importance, because this period is the most sensitive to its acquisition.

Typical speech development problems of a preschooler:

1. Monosyllabic speech, consisting only of simple sentences (so-called “situational” speech). Inability to construct a common sentence grammatically correctly.

2. Poverty of speech. Inadequate lexicon.

3. Speech littering slang words(the result of watching television programs), the use of non-literary words and expressions.

4. Poor dialogical speech: inability to formulate a question competently and clearly, to construct a short or detailed answer, if necessary and appropriate.

5. Inability to construct a monologue: for example, a plot or descriptive story on a proposed topic, retelling the text in your own words. (But it is simply necessary to acquire this skill before school!)

6. Lack of logical justification for your statements and conclusions.

7. Lack of speech culture skills: inability to use intonation, regulate voice volume and speech rate, etc.

8. Poor diction. General intonation and pronunciation blurred speech.

It is very important that the child comes to school with good developed speech. This will make it much easier for him educational process and will remove many of the problems of communication between him and the teacher.

Our task, as teachers in the current situation, is to compensate for existing speech impairments, both in educational activities and in all regime moments.

Speech development

  • includes mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture;
  • enrichment of the active vocabulary; development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech;
  • development of speech creativity;
  • development of sound and intonation culture speech, phonemic hearing; acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature;
  • formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write.

Target guidelines for an older preschooler.

  • the child has a fairly good command of oral speech, can express his thoughts and desires, can use speech to express his thoughts, feelings and desires, construct a speech utterance in a communication situation, can highlight sounds in words, the child develops the prerequisites for literacy;
  • The child has developed gross and fine motor skills
  • the child shows curiosity, asks questions to adults and peers, is interested in cause-and-effect relationships, and tries to independently come up with explanations for natural phenomena and people’s actions; inclined to observe and experiment. Possesses basic knowledge about himself, about the natural and social world in which he lives; is familiar with works of children's literature, has elementary ideas from the field of wildlife, natural science, mathematics, history, etc.; the child is capable of making his own decisions, relying on his knowledge and skills in various activities.
  • The communicative competence of a preschooler is manifested in the ability to solve problems through speech in different types of activities: everyday, cognitive, play, educational, work, etc.

The main tasks of the teacher in the field of speech development are as follows:

1) expansion and activation of children’s speech reserve based on deepening their understanding of the environment;

2) Teaching storytelling:

  • Retelling
  • Story based on a plot picture
  • A story based on a series of paintings
  • Descriptive stories
  • Creative stories

3) Development in children of the ability to use the developed skills of coherent speech in different situations communication;

4) automation in free independent speech children acquired the skills of correct pronunciation of sounds, sound-syllable structure of words, grammatical formatting of speech in accordance with the program of speech therapy classes.

Correctional and developmental work in many cases precedes speech therapy classes, providing the necessary cognitive and motivational basis for the formation speech skills, if the child is already working with a speech therapist, the teacher focuses his attention on consolidating the results achieved in the speech therapist’s classes and working on specific gaps in speech development identified in speech therapy diagnostics.

Speech development in the process of forming elementary mathematical representations

In the process of mastering quantity and counting, children learn to coordinate nouns with numerals in gender, number and case (one car, two cars, five cars). The teacher develops children's ability to form singular and plural nouns (mushroom - mushrooms). In the process of comparing specific sets, preschoolers should learn mathematical expressions: more, less, equally. When mastering ordinal counting, distinguish between the questions: How many?, Which?, Which?, when answering, correctly coordinate ordinal numbers with the noun.

When becoming familiar with size, children, establishing dimensional relationships between objects of different lengths (height, width), learn to arrange objects in ascending or descending order and reflect the order of arrangement in speech, for example: wider - narrower, widest - narrowest, etc.

In classes, children learn geometric terms: circle, square, oval, triangle, rectangle, ball, cylinder, cube, learn to pronounce them correctly and define them geometric shape in everyday objects, forming the corresponding adjectives (oval plate, round saucer, etc.).

The teacher pays attention to improving the ability to navigate the surrounding space and understand the meaning of spatial and temporal relationships (in terms of passive and then active speech): left, right, above, below, in front, behind, far, close, day, night, morning, evening, today Tomorrow. Due to the peculiarities of the psychophysical development of children with speech impairments, it is necessary to specially develop in them the ability to convey in speech the location of people and objects, their location in relation to other people or objects (Misha is behind Katya, in front of Natasha; a hare is sitting to the right of the doll, a bear is behind , there is a car ahead, etc.). The teacher reinforces the ability to understand and correctly perform actions that change the position of one or another object in relation to another (to the right of the cabinet is a chair). When determining time relations in active dictionary children include words-concepts: first, then, before, after, earlier, later, at the same time.

Speech development in connection with environmental education

Observations of cause-and-effect relationships between natural phenomena, expansion and clarification of ideas about the animal and plant world, search situations are a good basis for the development of speech and thinking, as well as the use of case and generic endings nouns, adjectives and verbs.

When developing children's skills of environmentally literate behavior in natural conditions(during walks, excursions and in the process Everyday life), it is necessary to teach children how to compose plots and descriptive stories, select synonyms and antonyms, practically use word formation skills (formation of relative and possessive adjectives(fox, wolf, paper, iron)). The teacher must create situations that force children to talk with each other on specific topics based on observations of natural phenomena (living conditions of plants and animals, seasonal changes in nature, etc.). The communicative function of speech is thus enriched in a relaxed atmosphere, but at given topic. This makes it possible to teach children ways of dialogical interaction in joint activities, develop the ability to speak out in the form of a short story: narration, description, reasoning.

Thus, the leading task in the development of communicative and speech competence at the stage preschool education isdevelopment of coherent speech, since the main function of speech is realized in coherent speech - communicative, coherent speech interacts most with the development of thinking, it reflects all other tasks of the child’s speech development.

Success of correctional speech therapy work with kids preschool age in a kindergarten environment largely depends on coherence in work teaching staff, and especially from the relationship and continuity in the work of the speech therapist and teacher.

For fruitful work on prevention speech defects children need correct distribution duties of a speech therapist and teacher.

Many of the correctional tasks are solved by the speech therapist and the teacher together (development of the communicative function of speech, education of speech activity, teaching grammatical correct speech and storytelling, enrichment and activation of vocabulary, formation of sound culture of speech, etc.)

Teachers try to adhere to the speech therapist’s recommendations for each child.

  • D/I "Scouts" Target: consolidate the use of nouns in the Accusative case.

With the development of speech in preschool childrenIt is important to pay attention to the development of speech breathing and articulation.

Exercises for the development of speech breathing are widely used in classes on experimental activities. Breathing exercises help develop diaphragmatic breathing, as well as the duration, force and correct distribution of exhalation. Regular classes breathing exercises contribute to the development of correct speech breathing with an extended, gradual exhalation, which allows you to obtain a supply of air.

  • Play water polo with your child. The child must blow on the ball, trying to drive it into the goal. You can take two balls and play the game: “Who is faster.”
  • "Bulbulki." Take two transparent plastic cups. Pour a lot of water into one, almost to the brim, and pour a little into the other. Invite your child to play “bulbulki” using cocktail straws. To do this, you need to blow weakly through a straw into a glass with a lot of water, and you can blow strongly into a glass with little water. The child’s task is to play “bulbulki” in such a way as not to spill water. Be sure to draw your child’s attention to the words: weak, strong, much, little.

Phonemic hearingnecessary to clearly distinguish sounds in words. The connection between good phonemic awareness and clear pronunciation is obvious. I heard correctly - I wrote correctly. To develop speech attention and phonemic hearing, exercises are used:

  • "Guess and Buy"
  • “Collect beads” (we string beads on a thread and name words with a certain sound)


Formation of speech communication capabilities of preschoolers involves inclusion in the child’s life in kindergarten specially designed communication situations (individual and collective), in which the teacher sets certain tasks for speech development, and the child participates in free communication. In these situations, the vocabulary expands, ways of expressing ideas accumulate, and conditions are created for improving the understanding of speech. When organizing joint special games, the child is provided with the opportunity to choose language means and individual “speech contribution” to the decision common task- in such games, children develop the ability to express their own thoughts, intentions and emotions in constantly changing communication situations. The development of children's speech and vocabulary, mastery of the riches of their native language is one of the main elements of personality formation, the development of developed values national culture, is closely related to mental, moral, aesthetic development, is a priority in language education and training of preschool children.

I. Herder said: “If a person’s language is sluggish, heavy, confused, powerless, undefined, uneducated, then this is probably the mind of this person, for he thinks only through language.”

Formation of a dictionary

Enrich children's speech with nouns denoting objects in their everyday environment; adjectives characterizing the properties and qualities of objects; adverbs denoting relationships between people, their attitude to work.

Practice selecting nouns for adjectives (white - snow, sugar, chalk), words with similar meaning(naughty - mischievous - prankster), with opposite meaning(weak - strong, cloudy - sunny).

Help children use words exactly as they mean.

Sound culture speeches

Strengthen the correct, distinct pronunciation of sounds. Learn to distinguish by ear and clearly pronounce consonant sounds similar in articulation and sound: s-z, s-ts, w-f, h-ts, With - w, g - h, l- R.

Continue to develop phonemic awareness. Learn to determine the place of a sound in a word (beginning, middle, end).

Work off intonation expressiveness speech.

Grammatical structure of speech

Improve the ability to coordinate words in sentences: nouns with numerals (five pears, three guys) and adjectives with nouns (frog - green belly). Help children notice incorrect positioning stress in a word, an error in the alternation of consonants, provide the opportunity to correct it yourself.

Introduce different ways formation of words (sugar bowl, bread bowl; butter dish, salt shaker; educator, teacher, builder).

Exercise in the formation of cognate words (bear - bear - bear cub - bear), including verbs with prefixes (ran - ran out - ran across).

Help children use nouns correctly plural in the nominative and accusative cases; verbs in imperative mood; adjectives and adverbs in comparative degree; indeclinable nouns.

To develop the ability to compose simple and complex sentences. Improve the ability to use direct and indirect speech.

Connected speech

Develop conversation skills

Improve the dialogical form of speech. Encourage attempts to evoke your point of view, agreement or disagreement with a friend’s answer.

Develop a monologue form of speech.

Develop the ability to retell coherently, consistently and expressively small tales, stories.

To develop the ability (according to a plan and model) to talk about the subject, content plot picture, compose a story based on pictures with sequentially developing action.

Develop the ability to write stories about events from personal experience, think of your own endings to fairy tales.

Develop the ability to compose short stories of a creative nature on a topic proposed by the teacher.

Educational area"Reading fiction»

Formation complete picture world, including primary value concepts;

Development literary speech;

Joining verbal art, including the development of artistic perception and aesthetic taste."

Formation of interest and need for reading

Continue to develop children's interest in fiction and educational literature. Learn to listen carefully and interestedly to fairy tales, stories, poems; memorize counting rhymes, tongue twisters, riddles. Instill interest in reading large works (chapter by chapter).

Contribute to the formation emotional attitude to literary works.

Encourage people to talk about their perception of a specific action literary character. Help children understand the hidden motives of the behavior of the characters in the work.

Cultivate sensitivity to artistic expression; read passages with the most vivid, memorable descriptions, comparisons, and epithets. Learn to listen to the rhythm and melody of a poetic text.

Help to read poetry expressively, with natural intonations, participate in role-playing text reading, and dramatizations.

Continue to explain (based on the work you have read) the genre features of fairy tales, short stories, and poems that are accessible to children.

Continue introducing books. Draw children's attention to the design of the book and the illustrations. Compare illustrations by different artists for the same work.

Russian folklore

Songs.“Like thin ice...”; “The little gander...”; “I’m already pulling the pegs...”; “Like grandma’s goat...”; “You are frost, frost, frost...”: “You knock on the oak tree, a blue siskin flies in...”; “Early, early in the morning...”: “Rooks-kirichi...”; “You, little bird, you are a vagrant...”; " Swallow-swallow...": "Rain, rain, more fun..."; "Ladybug...".

Fairy tales."The Fox and the Jug", arr. O. Kapitsa; “Winged, furry and oily” arr. I. Karnaukhova; “Khavroshechka”, arr. A. N. Tolsto “The Braggart Hare”, arr. O. Kapitsa; “The Frog Princess”, arr. M. Bulatova; “Rhymes”, authorized retelling of B. Shergin’s “Sivka-Burka”, arr. M. Bulatova; “Finist - Clear Falcon”, arr. A. Platonova.

Folklore of the peoples of the world

Songs.“Washed buckwheat”, lit., arr. Yu. Grigorieva; "Old lady." "The House That Jack Built", trans. from English S. Marshak; "Bon Voyage! », Dutch, arr. I. Tokmakova; “Vesnyanka”, Ukrainian, arr. G. Litvak; “Friend by Friend”, Taj., arr. N. Grebneva (abbr.).

Fairy tales.“Cuckoo”, Nenets, arr. K. Shavrova; " Wonderful stories about a hare named Lek", folk tales West Africa, trans. O. Kustova and V. Andreeva; "Goldilocks", trans. from Czech K. Paustovsky; "Three golden hairs of Grandfather the Omniscient", trans.

from Czech N. Arosyeva (from the collection of fairy tales by K. Ya. Erben).

works of poets And writers of Russia

Poetry. I. Bunin. "First snow"; A. Pushkin. “The sky was already breathing in autumn...” (from the novel “Eugene Onegin”); " Winter evening"(abbr.); A.K. Tolstoy. “It’s autumn, our whole poor garden is crumbling...”; M. Tsvetaeva. "At the crib"; S. Marshak. "Poodle"; S. Yesenin. “Birch”, “Birch cherry”; I. Nikitin. "Meeting Winter"; A. Fet. “The cat is singing, his eyes are squinted...”; S. Cherny.

"Wolf"; V. Levin. "Chest", "Horse"; M. Yasnov. "Peaceful counting rhyme." S. Gorodetsky. "Kitty"; F. Tyutchev. “It’s not for nothing that winter is angry...”; A. Barto. "Rope".

Prose. V. Dmitrieva. “Baby and Bug” (chapters); L. Tolstoy. “Bone”, “Jump”, “Lion and Dog”; N. Nosov. "Living Hat"; Almazov. "Gorbushka"; A. Gaidar. "Chuk And Huck" (chapters); S. Georgiev. “I saved Santa Claus”; V. Dragunsky. “Childhood Friend”, “Top Down, Diagonally”; K. Paustovsky. "Cat Thief"

Literary fairy tales. T.

Alexandrova. “Little Brownie Kuzka” (chapters); B. Bianchi. "Owl"; B. Zakhoder. "Gray Star"; A. Pushkin. "The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of his glorious son and mighty hero Guidone Saltanovich l about the beautiful Swan Princess"; P. Bazhov. "Silver Hoof"; N. Teleshov. "Krupenichka"; V. Kataev. "Seven-flowered flower."

Works of poets and writers different countries

Poetry. A. Milne. "The Ballad of the Royal Sandwich", trans. from English S. Marshak; V. Smith. "About the Flying Cow", trans. from English B. Zakhodera; J. Brzechwa. "On the Horizon Islands", trans. from Polish B. Zakhodera; False Reeves. "Noisy Bang", trans. from English M. Boroditskaya; "Letter co all the children one very much important matter", trans. from Polish S. Mikhalkova.

Literary fairy tales. X. Mäkelä. "Mr. Au" (chapters), trans. from Finnish E. Uspensky; R. Kipling. "Baby Elephant", trans. from English K. Chukovsky, poems from the translation. S. Marshak; A.

Lindgren. “Carlson, who lives on the roof, has arrived again” (abbr. chapters), trans. with Swedish L. Lungina.

For learning by heart

“Knock on the oak tree...”, Russian. adv. song; I. Belousov. "Spring Guest"; E. Blaginina. “Let’s sit in silence”; G. Vieru. “Mom’s Day”, translated by Y. Akim; M. Isakovsky. “Go beyond the seas and oceans”; M. Karem. "Peaceful counting rhyme", trans. from French V. Berestova; A. Pushkin. “By the Lukomorye there is a green oak tree...” (from the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”); I. Surikov. "This is my village."

For reading faces

Yu. Vladimirov. "Weirdos"; S. Gorodetsky. "Kitty"; V. Orlov. “Tell me, little river...”; E. Uspensky. "Destruction."

additional literature

Russians folk fairy tales.“Nikita Kozhemyaka” (from the collection of fairy tales by A. Afanasyev); "Boring Tales."

Foreign folk tales."About the Mouse Who Was a Cat, a Dog and a Tiger", ind. lane N. Khodzy; “How the brothers found their father’s treasure”, mold., arr. M. Bulatova; “The Yellow Stork”, Chinese, trans. F. Yarlina.

Prose. B. Zhitkov. “White House”, “How I Caught Little Men”; G, Snegirev. “Penguin Beach”, “To the Sea”, “Brave Little Penguin”; L. Panteleev. “The letter “y””; M. Moskvina. “Baby”; A. Mityaev. “The Tale of Three Pirates.”

Poetry. Ya. Akim. "Greedy"; Yu. Moritz. "House with Rough"; R. Sef. “Advice”, “Endless Poems”; D. Harms. “I was already running, running, running...”; D. Ciardi. "About who has three eyes", trans. from English R Sefa;B. Zakhoder. "Nice meeting"; S. Cherny. "Wolf"; A. Pleshcheev. “My kindergarten”; S. Marshak. "Mail".

Literary fairy tales. A. Volkov. "Wizard Emerald City"(chapters); O. Preusler. "Little Baba Yaga", trans. with him. Yu. Korintsa; J. Rodari. “The Magic Drum” (from the book “Tales with Three Endings”), trans. from Italian I. Konstantinova; T. Jansson. "About the World's Last Dragon", trans. with Swedish L. Braude; "The Wizard's Hat", trans. V. Smirnova; G. Sapgir. “Tall Tales in Faces”, “They Sold a Little Frog”; L. Petrushevskaya. "The Cat Who Could Sing"; A. Mityaev. "The Tale of Three Pirates."

Direction "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Educational area « Artistic creativity»

Development productive activity children (drawing, modeling, appliqué, artistic work);

Development children's creativity;

Introduction to fine arts."

26.01.2018 | 433

Pedagogical Council "Development of all components of children's oral speech in various forms and types of children's activities"

IN Lately the question of using innovative technologies in the preschool educational institution, since the introduction of innovations into the work of the kindergarten helps us to realize personally - oriented approach to children, providing individualization and differentiation pedagogical process taking into account their abilities and level of development. Today the focus is on the child, his personality, unique inner world. Therefore, we set ourselves the goal of choosing methods and forms of organizing the educational process that optimally correspond to the goal of personal development. The task of teachers is to create conditions for practical mastery colloquial speech for each child, choose such teaching methods and techniques that would allow each pupil to express his or her speech activity, your word creation. The activities of the teaching staff of our kindergarten are aimed at developing communication skills in preschoolers, a culture of communication, the ability to briefly and clearly formulate thoughts, and extract information from different sources, creation of a language environment conducive to the emergence natural needs in communication. There is no need to talk about the meaning of speech as one of the most important mental functions In human life. We all know how important the period of preschool childhood is for the development of children's speech. It is in preschool age that language becomes the main means of establishing contacts with others, and non-speech forms (gestures, facial expressions) begin to play a supporting role.
The main tasks of speech development - nurturing the sound culture of speech, enriching and activating the vocabulary, forming the grammatical structure of speech, teaching coherent speech - are solved throughout the entire preschool age. Formation of coherent speech is one of the main tasks speech education preschooler. The development of a child’s coherent speech occurs in close connection with the development of sound side, vocabulary, grammatical structure of the language.
It is known that speech is a necessary component of communication, during which it is formed.
Coherent speech - constructing coherent statements different types– reasoning, storytelling; the ability to structure a text, develop a plot through a series of pictures, connect parts of a statement using different methods of connections in a grammatically correct and precise manner.
Development of coherent speech: solving this problem involves the development of two forms of speech - dialogical and monological. During development dialogical speech Special attention is devoted to developing in children the ability to build a dialogue (ask, answer, explain, etc.), using a variety of language means according to the situation. For this purpose, conversations are used on a wide variety of topics relating to the child’s life in the family, in kindergarten, etc.
Central moment The development of such speech is teaching children the ability to construct a detailed statement. This presupposes the formation in them of elementary knowledge about the structure of the text (beginning, middle, end), ideas about the connection between sentences and structural links of the statement. The latter amounts to important condition achieving coherence of speech utterance.
Speech develops in different types of activities: in classes on familiarization with fiction, with phenomena of the surrounding reality, teaching literacy, in all other classes, as well as outside of them - in play and artistic activity, in everyday life. When using ICT in speech development classes, even younger preschoolers, their interest increases significantly, the level of cognitive capabilities increases. Multimedia presentations allow us to present educational and developmental material as a system of vivid supporting images. In order to implement the tasks of forming the components of oral speech, teachers need to actively use the project method using fairy tale therapy technology in the development of speech and communication skills of students. As a result of using this technology, children do not experience difficulty retelling works. The fairytale therapeutic effect in the lesson is achieved by a combination of three components of the image of a fairy tale, a fairy-tale atmosphere: the musical image of a fairy tale, the image of a fairy-tale space (lighting effects), the actual telling of the fairy tale and the demonstration of the fairy tale characters in a tabletop theater. The latter is helped by organizing mini-museums “Visiting a Fairy Tale” in groups. The implementation of this project contributes not only to the development of students’ oral speech, but also to a positive communicative experience of interaction with peers. Pedagogical Council It turned out to be very interesting and informative.

Direction “Cognition and speech development” Educational area “Cognition” Educational area “Communication” Educational area “Reading fiction”. 1.Sensory development; 2.development of cognitive research and productive activities; 3.formation of elementary mathematical concepts; 4.formation of a holistic picture of the world. 1.Development of free communication with adults and children; 2.development of all components of children’s oral speech; 3. practical mastery of speech norms by pupils; 1.formation of a holistic picture of the world; 2.development of literary speech; 3.introduction to verbal art, development of artistic perception and aesthetic taste

Formation of a dictionary. Objectives: Expand and activate children's vocabulary based on enriching their ideas about their immediate environment. Clarify the names and purposes of items of clothing, shoes, hats, dishes, and types of transport (......) Develop the ability to distinguish between the details and parts of an object (for a dress - sleeves, collar, pockets, buttons), ("What is missing?", "Find parts of objects") qualities (color and its shades, shapes, size), surface features (smooth, fluffy, rough), materials and their properties (paper tears and gets wet, glass objects break) (“Wonderful bag”, “Cook”) location (outside the window, high, far, under the closet) Pay attention to some objects that are similar in purpose (plate-saucer, chair-stool, fur coat-coat-sheepskin coat) Develop the ability to understand generalizing words (clothes, dishes, furniture, vegetables, etc.) etc.) games (“what’s what”, “four extra”, “name it in one word”); name parts of the day, domestic animals and their babies, vegetables and fruits.

Work on enriching and clarifying the dictionary involves active cognition them of the surrounding reality through the organization of main types of activities: gaming, household, and directly educational activities. In this case, the leading method is the method of discriminating observation. With the help of various analyzers and various examinations (press on an object, bend, pull, measure; comparisons with the known, trial experiments, questions to an adult. To enrich the vocabulary of children, the following techniques are used: - Intonation focusing children's attention on a new word; repetition speech sample for its verbatim reproduction; the use of a new word (definition) in various speech utterances; using a new word and looking at an object. Questions for children that require an answer - a statement (what? Where? Which?) or an answer - reflection (how? Why? Why?) Reminder known to the child words; formation of words by analogy, completion by children of words deliberately missed by the teacher.

Sound culture. Objectives: 2. Develop motor skills of the speech-motor apparatus. Articulatory apparatus– this is a set of organs that ensure the formation of speech (articulation); includes: voice apparatus, muscles of the pharynx, tongue, lips, cheeks, lower jaw, teeth. (Complexes articulatory gymnastics) -auditory perception, speech hearing: “Where did you call?”, “Tell me what you hear?”, “Guess whose voice?”, “What does it sound like?” - speech breathing: develop a free, smooth, extended exhalation using special game exercises “Push the ball into the goal”, “Focus”, “Blow out the candle” C develop the ability to pronounce small phrases or meaningful segments on one exhalation, by imitating the speech of an adult. 2. Improve children’s ability to clearly pronounce vowels and some consonant sounds in words. Clarify and consolidate the articulation of sounds. A, U, O, I; M, N, P, B, V, F, T, D, s, h, c, k, d, The development of facial expressions contributes to correct articulation vowels and simple consonants, and later more complex sounds(light facial massage, myogymnastics). In order for speech to be clear and clear, children must learn to open their mouths wide, which is achieved by correct pronunciation of the vowel sound A. To produce the sound A, exercises such as “Show the neck to the doctor”, “Let’s rock the doll”, “Pull the thread”, etc. are suitable. .

Children must learn to close their lips tightly. This is facilitated by the clear pronunciation of sounds: M, P, B. Exercises: “Open the bottle”, “Locomotive” - (p, p, p...), “Drum” - (bom, bom...), “Kiss the hand”, “Call dog”, “Stop the horse”. Having taught a child to correctly pronounce the sound I, in the future it is easier to teach him to pronounce the consonants S, Z. In this case, you need to pay attention to the position of the tongue (behind the teeth in children with interdental sigmatism). Exercises: “Fence”, “Smile”, “Ditties”, “The tongue sleeps and whistles”, “Pump”, “Water is flowing”, “The mosquito is ringing”. Exercises in clear and correct pronunciation T sound is created favorable conditions to assimilate the sound C. With the sounds T, D, N, the tongue is behind the upper teeth, as with the sounds SH, ZH, R, L. Exercises: “Drum”, “Machine gun scribbling”, “Hammer knocking”. Correct, clear pronunciation of the sounds O, U largely determines the appearance of hissing sounds in the child: Ш, Ж, Ш, Ш. Exercises: “Proboscis”, “Call the dog”, “Fipe”, “Speaker”. Develop the ability to pronounce words and short phrases with natural intonations.

The grammatical structure of speech. Objectives: Improve children's ability to coordinate adjectives with nouns in gender, number, case: Use nouns with prepositions (in, on, under, about) Help use singular nouns in speech. and many more numbers; plural form number of creatures. in the genitive case (ribbons) Engage in word creation, prompt them to the correct form of the word Help children obtain common ones from uncommon simple sentences by introducing definitions, additions, circumstances into them; make sentences with homogeneous members (we will go to the zoo and see an elephant, a zebra, and a tiger.)

The formation of the grammatical structure of a language proceeds in the general mainstream of speech (language) development, and forms and methods pedagogical leadership must take into account the gradual nature of general speech development. In the third year of life, morphological categories and forms are mastered with active use involuntary utterances consisting of one or two simple sentences. The central innovations at this age are word change and the development of a dialogical form of speech with adults and proactive statements. In the fourth year of life, word formation and word creation begin in close connection with the expansion of the vocabulary. The formation of statements such as elementary, short monologues (stories) begins. Sound pronunciation is actively mastered, mainly through games with onomatopoeia.

The fifth year of life is marked by the development of free speech, the formation phonemic awareness, awareness of the simplest linguistic patterns, which manifests itself, in particular, in abundance language games with grammatical content (word creation, “grammatical confusion”). The sixth and seventh years of life are the stage of mastering the methods of grammatically correct construction of detailed coherent statements, active development complex syntax during the arbitrary construction of a monologue, the stage of forming grammatically and phonetically correct speech, mastering the methods of isolating (awareness) sentences, words, sounds from speech. Control grammatical development should be carried out primarily through the organization of special joint activities with adults, through the child’s communication with the teacher and other children in restricted moments, in labor activity and in interaction with parents. Such communication can unfold in the form of verbal interaction between two interlocutors (dialogue), but can also take group forms (polylogue). Depending on the age of the form of organization

Techniques and methods that promote better absorption material: Alternation of choral and individual responses; Using a variety of game situations: dramatization game; Justification of the need to complete the task; Combining exercises with gaming techniques; Motivated assessment of children’s answers (children enjoy the assessment “coming” from a character present in the lesson; Preparing children to perceive a peer’s answer; Using physical education breaks

Coherent speech. Objectives: Develop a dialogical form of speech, involve children in conversation while looking at objects, paintings, illustrations; observations of living objects; after watching performances and cartoons. Develop the ability to conduct a dialogue with the teacher: listen and understand the question asked, answer it clearly, speak at a normal pace, without interrupting the adult speaking. Develop children’s initiative speech in interaction with adults and other children (provide children with pictures, books and sets of objects to examine independently)

Organization of work: 1. Directly educational activities through the organization of main activities; 2. educational activities in special moments; 3. educational activities in self-employment; 4. educational activities in cooperation with parents.

So, by the age of 4, your baby: Has a vocabulary of about 1,500 words Begins to use complex sentences Speaks in sentences of 4-5 words. Asks a lot of questions, uses the words “who?” and why?" Uses expressions such as “I think that...” and “I hope that...” Follows requests and commands even if required item is not in sight. Correctly uses verbs in the past tense Correctly pronounces the sounds “p”, “b”, “t”, “d”, “f” “v”, “k”, “g”, “x”, “s”, “z” ", "ts", "m", "n", "s", "e".

NORMATIVE INDICATORS OF SPEECH DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN FROM 3 TO 4 YEARS OLD Indicators of speech development Uses words-names of parts of objects in active speech Uses diminutive suffixes Uses prefixed verbs in speech Word creation appears Distinguishes words that differ in one phoneme (such as beetle - onion) Can pronounce the sounds Ш , Ж, Ш, Х, Л, Р Notices incorrect sound pronunciation in his own speech Can retell a familiar fairy tale close to the text Encourages adults to play fairy tales with him, distributes roles, portrays various fairy tale characters in his voice

NORMATIVE INDICATORS OF SPEECH DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN FROM 4 TO 5 YEARS Indicators of speech development from 4 to 5 Uses generic names for objects Uses suffixes denoting people by their profession Can select antonyms for words Word creation continues Distinguishes words that differ in one phoneme (such as cancer - varnish) Determines the presence of sound in word Finds the place of a sound in a word in three positions (beginning, middle, end) Can compose a story based on a picture or a series of pictures Beginning of the formation of internal (planning) speech Sound pronunciation is fully consistent

Tatiana Mikhailova
“Development of oral speech components in various forms of action”

...To learn to speak, you need to speak.

M. R. Lvov

Raising highly educated people is a necessary factor development of society, but necessary component of this education, undoubtedly, there must be mastery of all the riches of the native language. Therefore one of most important tasks preschool institutions - formation of correct oral speech in children.

The problem speech development Many outstanding domestic and foreign scientists studied. Among them special place occupied by K. D. Ushinsky - the founder of the methods of primary education of children native language. Also a great contribution to the study of issues speech development contributed by Krupskaya N. K., Flerina E. A., and many others.

With normal speech development child there is an increase in active and passive dictionary. Children understand colloquial, narrative speech that matches their age characteristics, have active skills speeches necessary for communicating with others.

So that the child masters timely and qualitatively orally, it is necessary that he use it as often as possible, coming into contact with peers and adults, i.e., have a certain speech activity. During normal development speeches this process proceeds unnoticed, by itself, and pedagogically proper organization life and communication of children allows you to speed up formation of speech activity.

Speech development in our kindergarten we pay a lot of attention attention: classes are held to expand vocabulary, formation of phrasal speech, teaching retelling. All this gives positive results, but they relate mainly to the quantitative side speeches. During the lesson, the child, obeying the adult, pronounces and remembers individual words and phrases, however, as a rule, almost never uses them actively speeches. The effectiveness of classes is directly dependent on how the child will include in active speech acquired skills.

Revitalization work speeches in play and communication involves the use of more complex dramatization games, dramatizations, creative role-playing games, improvisation games with rules aimed at realizing one’s social self, development the ability to correctly determine the attitude of others towards oneself, act In accordance with the proposed or chosen role, show creativity and initiative. The goal of the game is to remove obstacles in interpersonal relationships, increasing social status. The active speech of children in the game is stimulated by the opportunity to transform themselves with the help of costumes, the use of decorations, surprise moments, etc.

Fine motor skills are directly related to speech and affect not only speech development, but also on the prevention and elimination of defects, in addition, it directly affects the child’s ability to learn - the “smarter” the hands, the smarter the baby. While the child is small, lacing will be an excellent training tool for mastering lacing skills and will help develop motor skills, eye, perseverance. This game helps development sensorimotor coordination, wrist flexibility and ease of movement and, like any exercise on fine motor skills, activates speech development, forms cognitive interest, curiosity. Didactic game - develops children’s speech replenishes and activates the vocabulary, forms correct pronunciation, develops coherent speech, the ability to correctly express one’s thoughts. A game develops language, and language organizes the game. The main place in the didactic game should be given to working with sounds, letters, and sentences. Experience shows that it is necessary to devote enough time to the sound perception of the word, shaping phonetic and speech hearing of the child. Usage didactic games contributes to the solution of the following tasks:

Encourage children to communicate with each other and comment on their actions;

Promote the consolidation of skills in using initiative speech;

Improve speaking skills;

Enrich your vocabulary;

- form grammatical structure speeches, etc. d.

The role-playing game also has positive influence on child speech development. During the game, the child talks aloud to the toy, speaks for himself and for it, imitates the hum of an airplane, the voices of animals, etc.

In role-playing games, children take on the roles of adults and in play form reproduce their activities and the relationship between them. At the same time, they comment on their actions: "Mom is pouring tea"; "The driver is driving the car." Active Persons in the game appear through role-playing reincarnation into one or another image of the child himself, a toy, or surrounding children and adults. “I will be a mother, and you will be my daughter,” says the girl, defining her role and the role of her friend. “This is our driver,” the child decides, placing the doll in the car. Story-based role-playing games, develop children's communication skills with each other and their speech. During the game, the teacher talks a lot with the children, as a result of which the child develops a need for verbal communication. He wants to ask an adult for something, to tell him something. The teacher encourages children in every possible way to ask questions about this or that toy. Thus, in a role-playing game develops speech activity of children.

The child begins to consciously relate to the perceived speeches adults and peers in everyday communication, independently evaluate certain features of artistic speeches, the language of works of fiction and folklore. In order for speech development the child passed correctly, it is necessary to read aloud to him. It must be read clearly, with good pronunciation and emotional coloring. Reading and singing lullabies develop memory, enrich vocabulary, entertain and at the same time calm the child. Nursery rhymes and lullabies have a positive emotional connotation, which is why children like them so much.

A special role in development verbal creativity of the child, fairy tales play, they help the child to feel the beautiful more keenly, contribute to the emergence artistic images, stimulate the creative, speech activity of a preschool child, force him to draw conclusions that are inaccessible in other circumstances, stimulate children to express their own ideas and plans. In the atmosphere of a fairy tale, children relax and become more open to perception. reality, show great

interest in fulfilling various tasks.

Visual activity can also act as a specific means of activating mental and speech child development. In art classes, children are offered visual material, denoting it in words, talking about actions, which can be produced with items. Such activities provide an opportunity to create problematic situations, promoting the manifestation of speech activity.

So, the organization joint species activity stimulates active speech, since such activity is interesting and significant for children, and its success is achieved to a greater extent with the help of speech actions. As a result, every child develops a desire to build speech statements. Focused work on activation speech activity children are provided not only with intensive verbal communication, but also mutual acceptance of children by each other, increased self-esteem, manifestation own activity every child.