Technology of support for subjects of the educational process. Psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process

1. The essence of accompaniment. Basic approaches to determining the essence of pedagogical support.

2. Technologies of pedagogical support:

l technology of pedagogical support;

l technology of pedagogical assistance;

l technology for implementing individual educational routes;

l technology of tutor support.


1. Aleksandrova E.A. Types of pedagogical support and support for individual education

2. Alexandrova E.A. How does the work of an exempt class teacher differ from the work of a class teacher from the perspective of tutoring? / E.A. Aleksandrova // Head teacher. - 2007. - No. 4. - P. 57-59.

3. Gazman O.S. Theory: what is pedagogical support, class teacher, No. 3, 2000, p. 6-34.

4. Glevitskaya V.S.

5. Dubrvina I.V., Akimova M.K., Borisova E.M. and others. Workbook of a school psychologist. Ed. Dubrovina I.V., M., Education, 1991.

6. Mudrik A.V. Communication in the process of education. M., Pedagogical Russian Society, 2001.

7. Mudrik A.V. Social pedagogy. M., Academy, 2000, pp. 155-160.

8. Pedagogical support of the child in education, ed. V.A. Slastenina, I.A. Kolesnikova. – M., 2006.

9. Popova S.I. Pedagogical support in the work of teachers and class teachers.. - M., 2005.

1. According to the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, accompaniment means an action accompanying any phenomenon. Etymologically, it comes from the word “accompany,” which has several meaningful interpretations. The meaning of the interpretation depends on the scope of the word, but it means simultaneity of an occurring phenomenon or action. It is interesting that when this verb is used with the reflexive particle “sya”, the content characteristic shifts the emphasis to the person being supervised. Thus, the following meaning is acquired - “to entail as a direct continuation or consequence”, “to be supplied, supplemented with something.”

The theoretical basis of the pedagogical support system is the provision on "accompanying" How conscious the teacher/specialist needs to follow alongside the child during the period of his personal development, ensuring a safe resolution of difficult life situations.

Some researchers note that support “involves support naturally developing reactions, processes and states of the individual.” It should be noted that support is understood as preserving personal potential and facilitating its development. The essence of such support lies in the realization of the right to the full development of the individual and his self-realization in society. Pedagogical support is most fully revealed in the ideas of O.S. Gazman and his followers. Support is a special type of activity aimed at supporting the activities of the subject, i.e. preventing and overcoming problems in its development by drawing up and implementing a program of activities jointly with the child.

Unlike correction, maintenance does not involve “correcting deficiencies and reworking”, but search for the subject's hidden resources and personalities relying on its capabilities and creating conditions for development on this basis.

T. Yanicheva understands psychological support as a system of organizational, diagnostic, teaching and development activities aimed at creating optimal conditions. The essential characteristic of support in this approach is the creation of conditions for the subject’s transition to “self-help.” E.A. Kozyreva understands support as “a system of professional activity of a teacher-psychologist, aimed to create conditions for the positive development of relations children and adults in an educational situation, the psychological and mental development of the child with a focus on his zone of proximal development.”

In the works of Yu.V. Slyusarev, the founder of this theory in the psychological aspect, “accompaniment” is used to mean “non-directive form of providing psychological assistance”, aimed not just at strengthening or completion, but at the development and self-development of the individual’s self-awareness, help, triggering self-development mechanisms and activating a person’s own resources

The concept of support as an educational technology was developed by E.I. Kazakova. This concept is based on a system-oriented approach to human development. One of the main provisions of the concept of E.I. Kazakova is a priority reliance on the individual and personal potential of the subject, priority of responsibility for the choice made. Thus, the author believes that in order to exercise the right of a person to freely choose various development options, it is necessary teach a person to understand the essence of the problem and develop certain decision-making strategies.

Thus, accompaniment is considered as accompaniment, support, assistance, creation of optimal conditions, search and actualization of human resources, as training in methods of activity.

All researchers consider support within the framework of humanistic and person-oriented approaches, focusing on the launch of mechanisms of self-development, self-improvement based on individual resources and potentials of the individual himself.

Accompaniment is considered as a two-way process (teacher - student), which depends on the personal qualities of the accompanying person, on his skill (professionalism), but the result is higher, the more active the “accompanied”, the more attention and actual time during implementation is given to the content and methods of action "accompanied" A feature of the concepts of pedagogical support is the design of the process of support “from the person being accompanied.”

Psychological and pedagogical support today is not just the sum of various methods of correctional and developmental work with children, but acts as a complex technology, a special culture of support and assistance to the child in solving problems of development, training, education, socialization.

This assumes that a specialist in psychological and pedagogical support not only knows the methods of diagnosis, counseling, correction, but has the ability to systematically analyze problem situations, program and plan activities aimed at resolving them, co-organizing for these purposes participants in the educational process (child, peers , parents, teachers, administration).

Types (directions) of work on psychological and pedagogical support:

a) Prevention.

b) Diagnostics (individual and group (screening).

c) Consulting (individual and group).

d) Developmental work (individual and group).

e) Corrective work (individual and group).

f) Psychological awareness and education: formation of psychological culture, development of psychological and pedagogical competence of students, administration of educational institutions, teachers, parents.

g) Expertise (educational and training programs, projects, manuals, educational environment, professional activities of specialists from educational institutions).

Model of psychological and pedagogical support for participants in the educational process at the basic level of general education

Levels of psychological and pedagogical support

1. Individual

2. Group

3. At the grade level

4. At the op-amp level

Basic forms of support

1. Consulting

2. Diagnostics

3. Expertise

4. Prevention

5. Enlightenment

6. Developmental work

7. Corrective work

Main directions of psychological and pedagogical support

A child’s life takes place in a complexly organized environment, varied in form and orientation. By its nature, this environment is social, as it represents a system of various relationships of the child with peers and children of other ages, teachers, parents, and other adults.

In terms of content, this environment can be emotional, intellectual, aesthetic, everyday, etc. The child faces many different choices concerning all aspects of life: how to study and how to build relationships with adults, how to communicate with peers, how to relate to certain requirements, rules, and much more. The adults around the child are offered help, who, due to their social, professional or personal position, can provide him with a variety of support. First of all, he is a teacher, parent and psychologist.

The term “support” first appeared in works on practical psychology in the book by G. Bardier, N. Romazan, T. Cherednikova (1993) in combination with the word “development” - “Psychological support of the natural development of young children.” This term is currently widely known and actively used (E. Aleksandrovskaya, M. Bityanova, T. Dvoretskaya, E. Kazakova, E. Kozyreva, A. Kolechenko, V. Semikin, T. Chirkova, etc.).

Accompanying does not mean leading by the hand, always deciding for the child, protecting from all possible dangers. This means being there, encouraging you to be independent, rejoicing in your successes, and helping you overcome emerging difficulties.

The most detailed and imaginative definition of “accompaniment” was given by the domestic psychologist M.R. Bityanova: “...accompanying a child along his life path is moving with him, next to him, sometimes a little ahead, if possible paths need to be explained. An adult carefully looks and listens to his young companion, his desires, needs, records achievements and difficulties that arise, helps with advice and his own example to navigate the world around him, understand and accept himself. But at the same time he does not try to control or impose his own paths and guidelines. And only when the child gets lost or asks for help does he help him get back on his path. Neither the child himself nor his experienced companion can significantly influence what happens around the road. An adult is also unable to show the child the path that must be taken. Choosing a Road is the right and responsibility of every individual, but if at crossroads and forks with a child there is someone who is able to facilitate the choice process and make it more conscious, this is a great success.”

Below are the views of leading researchers in the field of psychological and pedagogical support:

EM. Alexandrovskaya (2002). A special type of assistance to a child, a technology designed to provide assistance at a certain stage of development in solving emerging problems or preventing them in the educational process.

E.I. Kazakova (1998). Such assistance to the child, his family and teachers, which is based on maintaining maximum freedom and responsibility of the subject of development for choosing a solution to an urgent problem. A multidisciplinary method ensured by the unity of efforts of teachers, psychologists, social and medical workers; organic unity of diagnosing a problem and the subjective potential of resolving it, information search for possible solutions, designing an action plan and primary assistance in its implementation; assistance in the formation of an orientation field where the subject of development bears responsibility for actions.

E.A. Kozyreva (2000). A system of professional activity of a teacher-psychologist, aimed at creating conditions for the positive development of relationships between children and adults in an educational situation, the psychological and mental development of a child with a focus on his zone of proximal development.

T.I. Chirkova (1999). The position of the psychologist in relation to the subjects of interaction and the basic principles of his work: careful, reasonable, thoughtful, clearly calculated, predictable by results, measurable intervention in the mental development of the child and the pedagogical process of adults; an intervention that involves the gradual transfer of management functions to self-regulation, self-control of the subjects of interaction with the psychologist.

Thus, in order to reveal the concept of psychological and pedagogical support, concepts such as interaction, cooperation, creation of conditions, assistance, activity orientation, and work with an object are used as the main semantic units.

An analysis of literary sources showed that psychological and pedagogical support can be considered in several aspects:

As a professional activity of a teacher-psychologist capable of providing assistance and support in the individual education of a child;

As a process containing a set of purposeful sequential pedagogical actions that help the child make an independent moral choice when solving educational problems;

Like the interaction between the accompanying person and the accompanied person;

As a technology that includes a number of successive stages of activity of a teacher, psychologist and other specialists to ensure educational achievements of students;

As a system that characterizes the relationship and interdependence of elements: target, content, procedural and effective.

The intensive development of the theory and practice of psychological and pedagogical support in recent years is associated with the expansion of ideas about the goals of education, which include the goals of development, education, and ensuring the physical, mental, psychological, moral and social health of children.

The support was based on the following principles:

1. Humanization - presupposing faith in the child’s capabilities.

2. Systemic approach - based on the understanding of man as an integral system.

3. An integrated approach to supporting the development of a child.

4. Taking into account the individual and age characteristics of the child, suggesting content, forms, methods of support that correspond to the individual capabilities of the child and the pace of his development.

5. Continuity of accompanying the child in the educational process, namely, continuity and consistency of support. (15)

The goal of psychological and pedagogical support of a child in the educational process is to ensure the normal development of the child (in accordance with the norm of development at the appropriate age).

Objectives of psychological and pedagogical support:

Prevention of child development problems (early diagnosis and correction of developmental disorders);

Help (assist) the child in solving current problems of development, learning, socialization: ensuring readiness for school, learning difficulties, problems with choosing an educational route, violations of the emotional-volitional sphere, problems of relationships with peers, teachers, parents;

Psychological support for educational programs;

Development of psychological and pedagogical competence of parents and teachers.

The main areas of work on psychological and pedagogical support:

Prevention is one of the main areas of activity that allows you to prevent the occurrence of certain problems. The peculiarity of prevention in preschool age is the indirect impact on the child through parents and educators.

Diagnostics (individual, group (screening). Taking into account age characteristics, as well as the goals and objectives of psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process in a preschool educational institution, we can identify the main areas that need to be accompanied, and therefore diagnose them: by tracking the child’s development norm, and knowing crisis periods and neoplasms of different age stages, problem areas can be identified.

Consultation (individual, group) is carried out, as a rule, on stated problems, both with teachers and with parents.

Developmental work (individual, group). In developmental work, the specialist focuses on average age development norms to create conditions in which the child can rise to the optimal level of development for him. At the same time, developmental work is not just training of a certain ability, but is focused on working with other factors that determine progress in educational work.

Corrective work (individual, group). The support system specialist has a certain standard of mental development to which he strives to bring the child closer. Corrective work has the meaning of “correcting” deviations, and developmental work has the meaning of revealing the child’s potential.

Psychological education and awareness: formation of psychological culture, development of psychological and pedagogical competence of the administration of educational institutions, teachers, parents.

Expertise (educational and training programs, projects, manuals, educational environment, professional activities of specialists from educational institutions).

The sequence of work to accompany a child is the following algorithm:

1. Statement of problems. It begins with receiving a request, understanding the essence of the problem, developing a plan for collecting information about the child and conducting a diagnostic study.

2. Analysis of the information received. Assessing and discussing with all interested parties possible ways and means of solving the problem, discussing the positive and negative aspects of different solutions.

3. Development of a comprehensive care plan. Determining the sequence of actions, distribution of functions and responsibilities of the parties, deadlines for implementation: joint development of recommendations for the child, teacher, parents, specialists. Consulting all accompanying participants about ways and means of solving the child’s problems.

4. Implementation of a plan to solve the problem. Implementation of recommendations by each support participant.

5. Understanding and evaluating the results of support activities. It assumes answers to the questions: What was successful? What didn't work? Why? Solving a specific problem or conducting further analysis of the child's development. Answer to the question: What to do next?

Based on the foregoing, psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process is understood as a holistic and continuous process of studying the child’s personality, the patterns of its formation, creating conditions for self-realization in all areas of activity, adaptation in society at all age stages of training and upbringing, carried out by all educational subjects -educational process in interaction situations.

Conclusions on the first chapter

The emotional distress of a child of senior preschool age is largely the result of the lack or insufficiency of means of orientation in situations of uncertainty, unpredictability and surprise. The harmonious emotional development of children, their ability to navigate their emotions in unfamiliar situations are conditions the observance of which will allow the child to control himself even when he is not

can present the results of their activities and their assessments to adults.

Many studies of the emotional sphere of older preschoolers show that their lives are full of negative emotional experiences (fear of being reprimanded by an adult, difficulties in communication, failure in class), which have a destructive effect on the child’s personality. The situation is aggravated by the fact that he does not have the means of reflection and is not able to productively use this life experience.

By the time children enter school, they have already mastered the norms and rules accepted in society well. Among them is the position that it is bad to be afraid and make mistakes. Following this “rule”, the child in many cases stops doing something altogether, citing the fact that “it still won’t work out, and they will scold me.” This type of behavior blocks the development of a child’s personality, deforming it first in childhood and then in adulthood. Such children do not move forward through trial and error, but passively wait for the correct answers and error-free ways to solve problems.

Blocking the opportunity to “do the wrong thing” does not give the child a chance to master ways to reduce the severity of the experience of fear, to find examples of “fearless” behavior. We need to work with such children and these children need psychological and pedagogical support.

Psychological and pedagogical support of educational activities is always personalized and aimed at a specific student, even if the teacher works with a group. The subjects of psychological and pedagogical support of a child’s individual educational activities are: medical workers and other specialists; educator; psychologist; social teacher; parents and relatives of the student. The subject of psychological and pedagogical support is the child himself, who has his own experience of learning, interaction with adults, peers, and his own special character of personal and individual development. The characteristics of a particular child influence the content and forms of psychological and pedagogical support for his individual educational activities.

The essence of the idea of ​​psychological and pedagogical support is an integrated approach to solving development problems. Understanding the psychological and pedagogical support of the process of personal self-development as an activity of subject-subject orientation allows us to intensify the processes of self-knowledge, creative self-realization and acquires special importance in the educational process.

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What is psychological and pedagogical support? What are its features? This issue is relevant and therefore deserves detailed study.

Essence and specificity

Under the influence of various unfavorable conditions, children currently have developmental problems, there are various deviations in physical and mental development, and there are serious behavioral disorders.

The social situation has a negative impact on educational institutions. Schools have been given a new task - a humanistic approach to the educational and educational process, the construction of innovative forms of education.

In the process of implementing such principles in practice, a serious disproportion in the emotional and cognitive development of the child arises. The contradictions caused serious problems with children's education, and school maladaptation appeared.


To eliminate it, the joint activity of many specialists and the use of a complex of social, medical, and psychological techniques are necessary. Comprehensive psychological and pedagogical support allows us to eliminate identified problems and provide children with the necessary support in a timely manner.

History of the creation of domestic complex methods

In our country, social support for children appeared only at the end of the last century. The term “escort” was first introduced in 1993 by T. Cherednikova. Psychological support in a comprehensive aspect was considered by many domestic scientists and teachers, including L.M. Shipitsyn, I.S. Yakimanskaya.

Signs of anxiety and ways to eliminate them were studied by A.I. Zakharov, Z. Freud. Over a long period of time, psychologists have been identifying the true causes of this phenomenon and trying to find effective ways to eliminate the problem. Comprehensive support is a set of development diagnostics and correctional and developmental programs aimed at eliminating identified problems.

Early support

In order to fully implement humanistic education into practice, Russian pedagogy began to pay special attention to such an issue as individual support for children. It is aimed at the timely identification of children at risk, gifted children, and the selection of a development trajectory for each student.

At the end of the last century, the first Russian conference of school psychologists took place, within the framework of which effective methods of helping special children were analyzed. The complex psychological support under consideration was inextricably linked with the modernization of the educational system and the transition to the principles of self-development for children.

Thanks to psychological and medical pedagogical centers and special support services, children and parents received comprehensive assistance. A problem child became an object for the work of doctors, teachers, and psychologists.

Modern realities

Currently, comprehensive support is the systematic work of several specialists aimed at eliminating problems in the behavior of an individual student. Excellent comprehensive support has been formed in many regions of the country, databases have been created, thanks to which special children are tracked when they move from one place of residence to another region of the Russian Federation.

Work efficiency

Considering that social support is a system, the results of the work are analyzed in the education system, in medical institutions, and in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The results of statistical studies indicate that after a system of measures was created, the number of repeaters significantly decreased, the number of offenses decreased, and much fewer children began to exhibit deviant behavior.

Purpose of support

Pedagogical support for children is aimed at creating such social and pedagogical conditions in which any schoolchild would have the opportunity to become an active participant in all events taking place at school. The child gets the opportunity to have his own inner world, develop it, and build relationships with other children.

If social support is built taking into account the age characteristics of the child, an educational environment is formed that will contribute to successful studies and the harmonious development of a “difficult” student.

Maintenance principles

The main value is attached to the child’s personal choice, the possibility of his self-determination in different life situations.

Thanks to the use of technology, support for schoolchildren’s activities is carried out in direct communication with parents, teachers, and medical workers.

The essence of the work is to transfer to the child himself the key to his communication, activity, and psychological secrets. The child develops the skills of setting a specific goal, planning a way to achieve it, a value system, and the ability to analyze his work.

An adult helps a child choose a subjective, responsible position in relation to the events that surround him.


Considering that support is an important and responsible process, it is impossible without choosing certain areas of activity. First of all, reorientation, psychological retraining of the child, changing existing skills in a positive way is required.

For example, for this purpose, training programs and special educational games are carried out, during which the child has the opportunity to practice theoretical knowledge.

Methods of this kind are necessary for schoolchildren to understand their own “I”, their individual characteristics, as well as to acquire the skills of self-analysis and self-improvement.

Gaming technologies in which children experience difficult situations, learn to overcome them, and help them plunge into real life. Students begin to see all the consequences of their actions, realize the wrongness of their behavior, and rethink their value system. Understanding how serious the results of wrong actions can be, realizing the reality of losses of family and friends helps to rethink behavioral aspects.


Comprehensive support for schoolchildren is an important aspect of the modern educational system. Taking into account modern realities, there are more and more children with serious behavioral and mental development disorders; they need an individual approach and professional help from specialists.

Currently, new approaches are being developed to build a system of comprehensive methodological work for psychologists and teachers. The essence of such activities is to transfer to schoolchildren techniques that will give them a real opportunity to study successfully, systematize the acquired knowledge, and rationally store it in their memory.

I.S. Yakimanskaya considers the development of a psychological and pedagogical system for the formation of a student’s personality and the mandatory consideration of his personal and individual characteristics as priority needs.

This support position is based on the interests and needs of the individual child and takes into account the logic of his development.

The concept of psychological and mental health of children, proposed by I.V. Dubrovin, considers all problems related to the formation of personality in a separate educational space as a separate subject of work for a psychologist.

It is the school that influences psychological health and makes adjustments to the normal development of the child. Priority is given to the prevention of identified problems, including monitoring and correction of the educational space.

Developmental education D.B. Elkonin is based on the need to design an environment in which a child could not only learn knowledge and skills, but also develop deep personal qualities and human abilities.

It is the school that primarily influences the psychological state of children, which is why recently such serious attention has been paid to the monitoring of educational institutions. The cooperation of child psychologists with school teachers, parents, and children makes it possible to promptly identify various problems, find rational ways to eliminate them and fully prevent them.

The use of portfolio technology in the system of additional education involves pedagogical support of the child’s activities. Organizing support allows you to avoid problems and difficulties that participants in the educational process may encounter when creating a portfolio. In addition, this activity helps to prevent errors in the use of technology and ensures the full realization of the potential of the portfolio as a means of tracking the results achieved in the process of individual educational activities of children.

Pedagogical support of a child’s activity in forming a portfolio is an interaction between a teacher and a child, aimed at developing qualities that are significant for the latter’s personal growth, and the formation of his subjective experience in solving problems of designing the process of his individual development. This problem is solved within the framework of purposefully organized activities to record, systematize, and evaluate the results achieved in the student’s chosen field, which are reflected in the content of the portfolio sections.

Based on the characteristics of the essence of pedagogical support for a child given in Chapter 1, we can formulate target activities of the teacher, acting as the subject-organizer of this process: creating conditions that are most favorable for the development of the child in the process of working on the portfolio, which ensure the full implementation of the goals, objectives and functions of the portfolio in the system of additional education.

The stated goal is realized through the tasks of pedagogical support, solved by the teacher of additional education. The most significant of them include:

  • - formation of positive motivation among process participants to create a portfolio;
  • - organization of joint goal setting, planning and analysis of the results of the child’s activities;
  • - implementation of collective design of the content of portfolio sections;
  • - creating a situation of success for each child participating in the portfolio formation process;
  • - providing timely assistance to the child and parents in resolving problems that arise while working on the portfolio;
  • - ensuring the identification, recording and assessment of the child’s individual achievements in the chosen field and their reflection in the sections of the portfolio;
  • - development in the child, in the process of working on a portfolio, of goal-setting, planning, evaluative, analytical, and reflective skills;
  • - implementation of an individually oriented approach to the child in the process of working on a portfolio;
  • - coordination and unification of the efforts of all participants in the educational process to assist the child in monitoring and evaluating the results of their activities in the chosen field.

The above-mentioned goals and objectives of pedagogical support for the child’s activities in the formation of a portfolio determine the functions of this process, these include:

  • - formative, provides for the development of personally significant qualities in the child and the acquisition of experience in solving problems of managing the process of his development within the chosen field of activity;
  • - propaedeutic, involves preventing possible errors and problems that may arise in a child’s work with a portfolio;
  • - supportive, ensures acceptance and support of the positive initiatives of the participants in the activity, shown by them in working on the portfolio;
  • - designing, forms an idea among participants about the main stages and characteristics of the activity of creating a portfolio;
  • - facilitative, determines the mediator position of the teacher in the interaction of participants in educational activities and assisting the child in understanding the relationship of the actions he performs with the results of the activity and the development of significant personal qualities;
  • - regulating, involves the formation of relations between participants in educational activities that are favorable for the effective solution of goals and objectives and the implementation of portfolio functions in the system of additional education;
  • - organizing, provides for the ordering of the components of the portfolio formation process in relation to the purpose of its creation.

The functions of pedagogical support described above are implemented within the framework of the areas of activity of the additional education teacher, which determine the content of his actions at individual stages of this process. Suitable as main directions accompanying activities of the teacher, highlight the following:

  • - pedagogical education of participants in the educational process regarding the features of using portfolios as a form of tracking the results of a child’s development;
  • - diagnosis and analysis of difficulties and problems that children and parents experience (or may experience) when participating in the creation of a portfolio;
  • - advisory work with children who do not have well-developed independent work skills and, as a result, more often than others, have difficulties working on a portfolio;
  • - implementation of a system of classes aimed at developing in children an adequate self-assessment of the results of activities presented in the portfolio;
  • - implementation of actions aimed at preventing and resolving intra- and interpersonal conflicts that may arise in the child and his parents in the process of working with the portfolio.

Of course, the list of areas of pedagogical support presented above can be supplemented and expanded by a teacher of additional education based on tasks, the emergence of which may be due to the characteristics of the children and the team, as well as the specifics of the additional educational program he is implementing.

Thus, by building a program of pedagogical support for a child in creating a portfolio, taking into account the goals, objectives, functions and areas of activity described above, a teacher of additional education can create conditions that are optimal for the student’s personal growth. In addition, it is necessary that the accompanying person, when designing his actions, takes into account the basic principles that must be relied upon in the process of accompanying.

One of the most significant for accompanying activities is, of course, the principle of relying on the positive in the child and building a positive, attractive prospect. The student’s activity in developing a portfolio should be attractive to him, stimulate the expression of interest in studying his characteristics, assessing his achievements, and determining his development goals.

It is important that, when organizing his activities, the teacher understands that creating a portfolio as the final product of support should not be an end in itself, not for himself, not for the child. The main thing in this situation will be the process of tracking the results of the child’s activities in the chosen area. Within the framework of portfolio technology, it is based on the positions of purposefulness, awareness, and reflexivity; it is in this case that it is possible to achieve a positive effect from the use of technology in solving the problems of the student’s individual development. These provisions characterize the principle of proceduralism in the accompanying activities of a teacher of additional education.

Undoubtedly, it is also worth noting the need to implement the principle of collegiality, the implementation of which is especially important when designing a support program, selecting forms and methods of interaction between participants in educational activities. This principle not only defines the positions of all interested parties as subjects of accompanying activities, but also focuses on the partnership position that the teacher should take when interacting with parents or specialists and communicating with the child.

The above situation is difficult to implement if you build support activities without being based on the principle of prioritizing the child’s interests and opinions when working on a portfolio. The task of the additional education teacher is to create a situation of choice for the student in this process, revealing to him the entire range of possible actions in a given situation (it should be taken into account that the child has the right to offer his own option), but the decision regarding the further development of the situation must be made by the student himself . This is especially important when working on a portfolio; this technology initially assumes a high level of child subjectivity and cannot be effectively implemented if he is not given freedom of choice. At the same time, we should not forget that the accompanying person not only gives the person being accompanied the right to make independent choices, but also helps him assess the possible consequences of the decision made, thereby developing reflexive skills in the child.

The process of creating a portfolio, as well as the results of activity themselves, which are reflected in its sections, is extremely individualized; this situation should be taken into account by the accompanying person when building his assessment activities. It should be remembered that the results obtained by the student must be assessed in this case only from the point of progress in personal growth relative to the previous stage of activity. The principle of relativity must be implemented at all stages of the child’s pedagogical support in working on the portfolio. It is also worth noting that in additional education, when using portfolio technology, it is possible to move away from the portfolio assessment in levels traditionally accepted within its framework. In this case, as already noted, the portfolio is important as a form of tracking achievements, and each child has their own and this is their main value, so assessment should fade into the background and give way to self-esteem and introspection. The main thing is to help the student realize where he has progressed and what can be done even better.

The process of personal development is long-term; in the course of his activities in the chosen field, the child experiences successes and failures, faces problems and difficulties, and the process of creating a portfolio has the same features. In this regard, pedagogical support of the child in this process should take into account and implement the principle of maintaining the child’s interest in working on himself and his positive reinforcement at the intermediate stages of creating a portfolio. The accompanying person must think through a system of measures to stimulate the student’s activity and help him understand the intermediate results. The teacher needs to show that every step of education, every action, every effort shown gradually leads him to achieving his goal. It is important to ensure that the child understands that the most insignificant, at first glance, achievement should be reflected in the content of one or another section of his portfolio, since it is part of his future success.

The principles of pedagogical support described above for a child in working on a portfolio should be implemented by a teacher of additional education in combination with other principles of psychological and pedagogical support: continuity and systematicity, an integrated approach, variability and flexibility, purposefulness and expediency of the selection of pedagogical means used by the accompanying person.

It should also be taken into account that the above provisions for building the process of pedagogical support for the child’s activities in forming a portfolio in the additional education system can be implemented if it is properly organized. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to comply with the logic of the support stages. Their basic characteristics are presented in Table 18.

Table 18

Characteristics of the stages of pedagogical supportchild’s activities while working on a portfolio

Teacher's actions



2. Formation of a motivational base for involving the child and parents in activities to track and record their achievements in the form of a portfolio

“Round table” “Why do you need to evaluate the results of your activities.

How to do it effectively"

Formed motives and interest in creating a portfolio


Introducing students to portfolios as a form of tracking performance results

1. Introduction of the concept of “portfolio”.

pedagogical workshop

child's parents

portfolio project

2. Sample demonstration

3. Discussion of the goals and objectives of creating a portfolio

4. Organization of designing individual goals for creating a portfolio

5. Discussion of the portfolio structure and materials that may be included in it

Teacher's actions



6. Choosing the form of portfolio presentation


Supporting the child’s individual activities in developing a portfolio

1. Organization of the child’s self-diagnosis process

psychological and pedagogical laboratory “Know yourself”




2. Clarifying the goals and objectives of the child’s portfolio

individual consultation


"goal tree"

3. Discussion of possible sources of collecting information for the portfolio





list of information sources

4. Consulting on forms of presentation of collected materials


design of the “storage” section

Teacher's actions




5. Designing ways to reflect the results of a child’s practical and creative work



design of the “working materials” section

6. Organizing the collection of feedback on the child’s achievements

individual meetings work in pairs (mutual assessment)

a set of external reviews about the child’s achievements, design of the “achievements” section

7. Preparing a portfolio presentation

group and individual consultations

child’s speech about the results achieved and work on the portfolio

8. Identifying problems that arise in a child while working on a portfolio and providing assistance in resolving them

problem groups individual consultations


resolving the child's difficulties


Teacher's actions







Organization of assessment activities for schoolchildren

  • 1. Accompanying the progress of the child’s portfolio submission:
    • - presentation;
    • - organization of discussion of work results;
    • - discussion of general achievements and problems of working on the portfolio




Self-assessment of the portfolio by each child, mutual assessment

2. Organization of the child’s activities for self-assessment of the results of work on the portfolio

individual meetings


filling out the self-assessment sheet

3. Determining the prospects for working on the portfolio at the next stage

Adjusting the content of the “portrait” section

4. Reflection on personal growth while working on a portfolio

addition to the “achievements” section

The indicated actions at the stages of accompanying activities of a teacher of additional education in the process of creating a portfolio by a child are not final; they can be reduced or supplemented depending on the content of the created portfolio and the preparedness of the person being accompanied for this type of activity. For example, as part of the main stage there may be an intermediate presentation of the portfolio, and there will be fewer activities at the initial stage if children do not start but continue to work on the portfolio.

It is advisable to implement these stages of a teacher’s work during the school year. At the beginning of work on this technology, due to the fact that children are not yet prepared for independent work, their interests are not stable enough, the period should be reduced to six months or two to three months.

In the process of organizing a child’s work on a portfolio, the additional education teacher needs to involve all interested parties (primarily parents) or specialists (psychologist, subject teachers), if this will help improve the quality of the portfolio.

When organizing work on the portfolio, the teacher should discuss with the children the schedule of intermediate consultations (at the first stages of work, their attendance should be mandatory, then - as necessary).

The above provisions should be taken into account when organizing the process of pedagogical support for a child, since their implementation will help the teacher fully realize his actions at individual stages of accompanying activities.

Pedagogical support.

Let us analyze the content of the concept of “support”. According to the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, this term denotes an action accompanying a phenomenon. Etymologically, it comes from the word “accompany,” which has several meaningful interpretations. The meaning of interpretation depends on the area of ​​application of the word, but denotes the simultaneity of an occurring phenomenon or action. It is interesting that when this verb is used with the reflexive particle “sya”, the content characteristic shifts the emphasis to the person being supervised. Thus, the following meaning is acquired - “to entail as a direct continuation or consequence”, “to be supplied, supplemented with something.” In our opinion, in this meaning the term is more commonly used in psychology.

Currently, in the scientific literature, the term “support” is understood primarily as support for mentally healthy people who experience any difficulties at a certain stage of development. It should be noted that support is understood as preserving personal potential and facilitating its development. The essence of such support is the realization of the right to the full development of the individual and his self-realization in society. The terms “support” (M. R. Bityanova, I. A. Kibak, N. L. Konovalova, N. S. Pryazhnikov, S. N. Chistyakova, T. M. Churekova, etc.) and “support” (A. G. Asmolov, A. A. Bodalev, T. G. Gordon, O. S. Gazman, V. K. Zaretsky, T. A. Mertsalov, A.V. Mudrik, I.Yu. Shustova, etc.) are used to designate the system of activity of a psychologist, as a special type of providing psychological assistance, i.e. as synonyms. Therefore, we will adhere to the same opinion and consider in detail those interpretations of the term support that help solve the tasks.

All researchers consider support within the framework of humanistic and person-centered approaches. Recently, many studies have appeared on the problem of supporting professional activities in various fields of science, culture and public life (Polyansky M.S. (2001) - support of military activities, Belous E.N. (2004) - sports activities, Purnis N.E. (2001) - accompanying technologies in the training of architects, Ivanova L.I. (2005), Deryusheva M.A. (2006) - support of the professional activities of medical workers, etc.). Of course, in modern Russian science the emphasis is on the process of professional formation and the development of professional competence. Therefore, in our opinion, the development of the problem of support is related to the educational process. Let us consider works that are close in content to the objectives of our research.

In psychology, “support” is a systemic integrated technology of socio-psychological assistance to the individual (G. L. Bardier, M. R. Bityanova, E. I. Kazakova, N. A. Menchinskaya, V. S. Mukhina, Yu. V. Slyusarev, L M. Shipitsina, I. S. Yakimanskaya, etc.).

Technology support in education is an area of ​​scientific and practical activity of a number of specialists. This is a relatively new direction in educational psychology in Russia, which is developing on the basis of a multidisciplinary approach to ontogenesis. By putting into practice the ideas of humanistic and personality-oriented education, support technology becomes a necessary component of the educational system, allowing us to create conditions for the full development of children.

The concept of support as an educational technology was developed by E.I. Kazakova. The sources for the creation of this concept were research and experience in providing comprehensive assistance to children in specialized institutions, as well as experimental and innovative activities of specialists interacting with children in the education system. This concept is based on a system-oriented approach to human development. One of the main provisions of the concept of E.I. Kazakova is the priority of relying on the individual-personal potential of the subject, the priority of responsibility for the choice made. Thus, the author believes that in order to exercise the right of a person to freely choose various development options, it is necessary to teach a person to understand the essence of the problem and develop certain decision-making strategies. E.I. Kazakova (1995-2001) in her study clearly distinguishes between support as a method, as a process and as a service. According to her views, the maintenance method is the way to practically implement the maintenance process, and the development maintenance service is the means of realizing the maintenance process. In the theory of support E.I. Kazakova, regarding the development of preschool children, states that in each specific case, the carrier of the child’s problem is both the child himself and his immediate environment: teachers, educators, parents. The author believes that the process of supporting the development of a child is carried out on the basis of the following principles: – advisory nature of the advice of the accompanying person;

priority of the interests of the person being accompanied; – continuity of support; multidisciplinary support; – desire for autonomy.

These principles help to implement various types of psychological and pedagogical support in practice: individual and systemic.

Let's consider various types of psychological and pedagogical support. Individual support for children in educational institutions “involves creating conditions for identifying potential and real “risk groups” and guaranteed assistance to those children who need it.” Consequently, such support can be considered as a form of organizing the activities of a teacher-psychologist in a preschool educational institution, as a model for carrying out psychological and pedagogical work with preschoolers.

System support, according to L.M. Shipitsyna, is carried out by independent centers and services in several directions: in the implementation of certain educational programs; in the design of new types of educational institutions; in the creation of preventive and corrective programs. In practice, according to a number of authors, systemic support is carried out either at the request of the administration, or at the request of parents, or during a mass examination of children. In this case, individual work with the child is in a subordinate relationship. Based on the concept of accompanying E.I. described above. Kazakova, many researchers are developing and implementing various systems and models of support both in educational institutions and in professional activities. For our work, the theory of support by M.R. is interesting. Bityanova, embodied in the model of activity of a school psychologist or school psychological service, M.R. Bityanova (1998) defines support as a system of professional activity of a psychologist in an educational environment, aimed at creating the emotional well-being of a child, his successful development and learning. She sees the task of an educational psychologist when interacting with a child to create conditions for “productive advancement along the paths that he has chosen himself in accordance with the requirements of the teacher and family.” In other words, the author believes that psychological and pedagogical support is scientific psychological and pedagogical support for the educational process. The author identifies three interrelated components of the accompanying activities of a teacher-psychologist at school:

systematic monitoring of the child’s psychological and pedagogical status and the dynamics of his development in the process of schooling;

creating socio-psychological conditions for the development of students’ personality and their successful learning;

creation of special socio-psychological conditions for children with developmental problems.

These components cover almost all aspects and areas of a psychologist’s activity, and not only in an educational institution. Therefore, we believe that psychological and pedagogical support for the development process of a preschooler will consist of the implementation of each of the three named areas. The substantive aspects of M.R.’s theory of support are important to us. Bityanova, namely:

1. The unconditional value of the child’s inner world. 2. Creating conditions for the child’s independent creative exploration of the world and relationships with it. 3. Creation of conditions within the framework of an objective pedagogical environment given to the child for the maximum disclosure of individual personal potential. 4. Implementation of support primarily by pedagogical means and with the leading role of the teacher.

These operating principles are quite acceptable in the practice of supporting the development of cognitive processes in preschool children. Firstly, the educational environment in preschool educational institutions is currently based on analogies of school life and the educational activities of the child. Secondly, the educational system of a preschool educational institution makes the same demands on the child as the school system - solving the problems of education, socialization and psychological development. Thirdly, the role of a teacher-psychologist in a preschool educational institution in practice is to organize the joint work of a preschool institution and a family, where he acts as a partner in developing a development strategy for a preschooler. In addition, the last principle clearly demonstrates in preschool educational institutions the leading role of the family in the development of a preschooler, and the teaching staff is only an assistant in this case. In our opinion, at school the role of the family is significantly reduced not only due to age characteristics, but also due to the lack of professional pedagogical skills and abilities among parents. Further analysis of the term “support” shows the need to determine the methodological basis for its application. G.A. Berulava (2004) in the book “Methodological Foundations of Practical Psychology” considers support from the position of the subjective paradigm of personality development. The author believes that the “primacy of integrative personal constructs” is realized on the basis of all levels of individuality, therefore the main task of a practical psychologist is psychological support of personality development. G.A. Berulava defines the goal of support as creating the necessary conditions for its most effective development. From this point of view, a clear illustration of psychological support for personal development is its practical implementation in preschool educational institutions, where the variability of the educational program, the priority of the child’s health and the leading role of the family contribute to the effective work of the psychologist and teachers.

Other researchers (E.M. Aleksandrovskaya, G.L. Bardier, N.S. Glu-khanyuk, N.I. Kokurekina, N.V. Kurenkova, R.V. Ovcharova, N.G. Osukhova, I.V. Romazan, T.S. Cherednikova, T.G. Yanicheva, etc.) note that support provides support for natural reactions, processes and personality states. At the same time, successfully organized psychological and pedagogical support opens up prospects for personal growth and helps the child enter the “zone of proximal development.” Among the types of psychological activities in the support model, the following priorities and their stages are highlighted: psychological education, prevention, propaedeutics, diagnostics, counseling, education, correction, examination. From this perspective, we will analyze the following works, which help to more fully reveal the content of the concept of “support”. T. G. Yanicheva (1999) understands support as a system of organizational, diagnostic, developmental activities for teachers, parents and students, creating optimal conditions for the functioning of the educational environment, allowing the individual to self-realize. T.L. Poroshinskaya (1999) analyzed the features of support in non-state educational institutions, understanding this process as a model of the activity of psychological services. She notes that the psychological content of support is based on the diagnosis and creation of a child development program, which is the starting point for modeling and building a developmental and correctional component of the educational environment.. N.S. Glukhanyuk (2001) considers support as a general method of work for a psychologist, as a method of creating conditions for optimal decisions in situations of life choice. Thus, the emphasis is placed on the responsibility of the development subject itself. R.V. Ovcharova (2000, 2005) defines support as the direction and technology of a psychologist’s activity. According to the author, in the first case, support includes support for the individual and his orientation in difficult, problematic situations, as well as support for the natural development of individual personal potential. In the second case, it is “a set of interrelated and interdependent measures, represented by various psychological methods and techniques, which are carried out in order to ensure optimal socio-psychological conditions... to preserve psychological health... and the full development of the child’s personality and his formation as a subject of life " The difference between support as a technology and other types of professional activities of a psychologist lies in the positions of the subjects of support, methods of interaction, priorities in work, as well as in the criteria for the effectiveness of the psychologist’s activities. T.I. Chirkova (2000) believes that the fundamental difference in models of psychological support lies in the area of ​​means, paths, centering, priorities, dominance, and the proportion of the same components of the professional activity of a psychologist. The author believes that the subject of a psychologist’s activity in a preschool educational institution is the positive aspects of child development and the pedagogical process; and the priority direction is modulation of the educational process, creating conditions for the positive development of the personality of a preschooler. Analyzing the process of support in preschool educational institutions, T.I. Chirkova comes to the conclusion that the strategy for planning the content of work is one’s own initiative in determining the content of work and consistency with the needs of other subjects of interaction. In this case, the expected result of the activity is the completeness of development and the success of the educational process. According to T.I. Chirkova, the model of psychological support, its methodology is a stage in the long-term development of the psychological service of education, including in preschool educational institutions.

E.A. Kozyreva (2000) believes that the idea of ​​psychological and pedagogical support is productive at many levels; by determining the priorities of activities, it is possible to determine the features of the development of an educational institution. She understands support as “a system of professional activity of a teacher-psychologist aimed at creating conditions for the positive development of relations between children and adults in an educational situation, the psychological and mental development of a child with a focus on his zone of proximal development.” The author notes the active role of the psychologist in this process. E.A. Kozyreva created a program to support all participants in the educational process in high school. The main goal of the program is the personal development of children. During such support, the psychologist influences the development of relationships; requests from teachers and parents arise naturally. The implemented program, according to the author, allows for the formation of positive relationships between schoolchildren, their teachers and parents. Children gain experience in relationships, get the opportunity to consciously choose a communication style, adjust it, having constant feedback. E.A. Kozyreva notes that the program of psychological and pedagogical support has a positive effect on the development of comfortable relationships between the school administration, teaching and parent teams.

N.G. Osukhova (2001) defined support as a model of psychological assistance - it is a specially organized process aimed at creating conditions for the realization of individual personal potential. With such support, person-oriented interaction comes to the fore, in which the positions of all participants change. The psychologist here acts as a partner, rewarding in the process of interaction internal conditions that help the child productively go through a crisis period of life and reach a new level of personal development. N.G. Osukhova believes that in each specific case, the tasks of support are determined by the characteristics of the individual or family who receive psychological assistance, and the situation in which the support is provided.

EM. Aleksandrovskaya (2002) and co-authors consider support as a psychological and pedagogical technology designed to help a child solve his problems or prevent them. The authors note the priority of assistance in choosing an educational route of study, and then solving the problems of school adaptation. In their opinion, schoolchildren who have difficulties in adaptation need psychological and pedagogical support only at a certain stage of development. In the future, the developmental potential of the educational environment allows children to solve problems independently.

A.A. Mayer (2004), in his book devoted to the organization of work in a preschool educational institution, states that “the essential characteristic of support in psychological terms is the creation of conditions for the individual’s transition to self-help.” According to the author, the psychologist only creates conditions for the realization of personal potential. A.A. Mayer believes that, in contrast to correction, the technology of support does not involve “correcting shortcomings and redoing”, but searching for the hidden resources of the individual and his environment, relying on his own capabilities and creating on this basis psychological conditions for restoring connections with society. “The main characteristics of support can be called procedural, prolonged, non-directive, immersed in a person’s real life, and special relationships between the participants in the process.” Methodological analysis of the definitions of the term “support” carried out by A.A. Mayer, allows us to assert that support is a special form of prolonged medical, valeological, social, psychological, and pedagogical assistance. The result of such assistance to the individual in the process of socialization and individualization is a new quality - adaptability, i.e. the ability to independently achieve relative balance in relationships with oneself and others in favorable and extreme situations. Consequently, the work of a psychologist in a preschool educational institution will be to develop this quality - adaptability - by all means available to him.

L.I. Makaday (2004) analyzes the process of support from the perspective of correctional psychology, noting the effectiveness of this form of psychological support when interacting with disabled children. The author comes to the conclusion that support technologies help analyze the immediate environment and the level of mental development, using individual work with children and participants in the educational process.

N.V. Nikorchuk (2006) in her article analyzed cases of using the concept of “monitoring in psychology and pedagogy. She gives the following definition: “Psychological monitoring is a complex technology that combines diagnostics, consultation, correction into a single effective system of psychological means, implemented in a certain sequence, filled with strictly selected content and allowing flexible and effective psychological support of the educational process to achieve the desired goal.” N.V. Nikorchuk explains that within the framework of psychological monitoring of a secondary school, “psychological support is provided for pre-professional and specialized education, gifted children and children with a high level of intellectual development, students studying in classes of correctional and developmental education.” The author believes that each type of such support solves its own specific problems at a certain stage of training. Thus, N.V. Nikorchuk essentially combines two concepts - tracking and monitoring - giving priority to the latter. It should be noted that this kind of unification, in our opinion, must be done with caution. We believe that procedural support involves broader activities than monitoring.

Currently, psychological and pedagogical support is considered by some researchers from the perspective of preserving the psychological health of children. The concept of “psychological health”, introduced by I.V. Dubrovina, means the totality of all mental properties that ensure the harmonious development of the individual and the possibility of full functioning in the process of life. This content of this concept implies a balance between the qualities of a person, between the person himself and the environment. However, it does not reveal the mechanisms for achieving equilibrium. In our opinion, psychological health is ensured by a whole complex of mental phenomena throughout a person’s life. To solve the problems we have set, the results of the work of YL are interesting. Fedorova (2003). In her dissertation, she gives a detailed analysis of the problem of support in the educational process. In the course of the study, she comes to the conclusion that the usual areas (psychodiagnostics, psychocorrection and education) of the psychologist’s activities within the framework of support technology acquire their own specificity. The characteristic features of psychodiagnostics, according to Yu.P. Fedorova, performers:

vision of diagnostics as a launching pad for support, its focus on information support of the support process; – focus on identifying strengths, positive personality, and determining the correctness of the pedagogical strategy; – systematic monitoring of the psychological and pedagogical status of schoolchildren from the point of view of their current state and prospects for immediate development throughout their stay at school; – the conditioning of diagnostic results by the social situation of development, objective and subjective difficulties associated with teaching and raising a child in the specific pedagogical conditions of an educational institution.

Analysis carried out by Yu.P. Fedorova, shows that the content of developmental work must correspond to those components of the psychological and pedagogical status of preschool children, the formation and full development of which at this age stage is most relevant. Correctional work will be determined by those components of the psychological and pedagogical status of a preschooler, the level of development and content of which does not meet the psychological, pedagogical and age requirements. In this case, correctional and developmental work is organized based on the results of psychodiagnostic minimums.

The advisory and educational work of a psychologist in a preschool educational institution (M.R. Bityanova, D.V. Lubovsky, E.I. Kazakova, T.N. Chirkova, etc.) will unfold in three directions: collecting and recording information about the child’s development; development and implementation of strategies and tactics for interaction with the child; designing a system of psychological and pedagogical support for the educational process as a whole. In the first case, issues of age and individual development are resolved. The second deals with issues of content and style of interaction with an individual child or age group, which is the starting point for participants to develop strategies and tactics to support their own activities within the framework of this model. These issues are resolved in three aspects: for children experiencing difficulties in psychological development; to take into account the characteristics of the child’s psychological and pedagogical status when analyzing the content of training; for organizing interpersonal communication in a group. The third area of ​​activity of a teacher-psychologist is related to solving problems related to the construction of the educational process of a preschool educational institution as a whole. The psychologist makes an expert assessment of the essence and content of the educational program of the institution. In this sense, an analysis of the development program of preschool educational institutions takes place, where innovative aspects and the introduction of new technologies in the educational process of preschool children are assessed. From this point of view, psychological and pedagogical support can be meaningfully understood as a complex technology, an effective system of professional activity of a psychologist in a preschool educational institution, manifested in various forms.

Thus, an analysis of the scientific literature shows that psychological and pedagogical support has an unlimited variety of types and forms, which differ in focus, subject and object: parenting support; accompanying a child (gifted, hyperactive, with learning difficulties, in a critical situation, etc.); accompaniment of the teacher in the process of teaching and educational activities; support of child-parent relationships, etc. We agree with the above-mentioned scientists that the model of psychologist’s activity proposed by M.R. Bityanova, easily adapts to the preschool educational environment. Consequently, described by M.R. Bityanova’s components of the accompanying activities of a psychologist at school are applicable to the activities of a teacher-psychologist in a preschool educational institution. Similarly, the structure of activities of a preschool educational psychologist includes:

carrying out an analysis of the educational environment of the preschool educational institution, taking into account the opportunities and requirements that it places on the child’s capabilities and level of development;

determination of psychological criteria for the effectiveness of training and development of a preschooler;

development and implementation of certain activities that are considered as a condition for the successful development and education of the child;

development of a specific system of activity for a psychologist that ensures the maximum effect of the child’s development in a given specific environment.

However, practice shows that the diversity and freedom of choice of preschool educational programs sometimes makes significant adjustments to the implementation of the support system. Therefore, we believe that for the effective implementation of support technology, it is necessary to take into account the motivation of the administration and the interest of parents. Based on the above, we believe that in the preschool education system it is possible to provide not only individual support for the development of a child’s personality, but also systemic support for the educational process. However, the combination of types of support is determined, in our opinion, by the specifics of regional culture (V.N. Akhrenov, M.L. Baranova, V.S. Koshkina, E.B. Kurkin, O.E. Lebedev, A.M. Novikov, A.M. Tsirulnikov, S. Chaiklin etc.) and the psychological competence of educators (A.S. Belkin, Ya.L. Kolominsky, R.V. Ovcharova, S.V. Stepanov, O.Yu. Grishina, Yu.L. Fedorova, T.V. Shcherbakova, etc. ).

Let us consider research that allows us to more clearly define the features of psychological and pedagogical support in preschool educational institutions. A.A. Mayer believes that the role of specialists in providing qualified support for the development of a preschooler is great. Following other researchers, he identifies certain stages in the system of accompanying activities:

diagnostics (tracking), which serves as the basis for responsibility for the decision made.

setting goals;

selection and application of methodological tools;

analysis of intermediate and final results, making it possible to adjust the progress of work.

Of course, the activity of a preschool educational psychologist consists precisely in the implementation of these stages of support. A.A. Mayer, analyzing preschool development programs, comes to the conclusion that psychological and pedagogical support for the development of preschool children involves: 1. Satisfying basic needs (warmth, nutrition, other factors ensuring health). 2. Ensuring psychological and social safety in preschool educational institutions. 3. Satisfaction of primary interests (subject-developing environment and social situation that contribute to the formation of productive activities and relationships with others). 4. Preventive and prompt assistance in solving individual problems related to the mastery of educational programs, the adoption of rules of behavior in preschool educational institutions, interpersonal communication with adults and peers. 5. Formation of readiness to be the subject of one’s own activities.

Thus, A.A. Mayer argues that in a preschool setting, support is the creation of a space for the child to develop in order to optimize development in interaction with the outside world. It is considered as a parallel process to the process of learning, upbringing and development of creating comfortable conditions and providing technological support for the child’s entry into the world of culture and his socialization. First, the child’s development and self-development potential is updated, conditions are created for his transfer from the position of an object to the position of a subject of his own life activity. Further, the process of socialization is associated with ensuring development and self-development by means of interaction between the teacher and children in the form of co-creative productive activity and communication. As a result, according to the author, the child moves from the position of a subject to the position of personal realization of his own activity. The task of the psychologist at this stage of work is to analyze the degree of formation of the main indicators of child development.

A.Yu. Kachimskaya (2005) believes that psychological and pedagogical support for child development makes it possible for teachers, together with preschool staff, to develop the goals of the activities of a single team (teachers and educators), solve the main tasks of its functioning within the framework of the issue of continuity, and determine the direction of development of such a complex system as is a functional complex kindergarten - school. “In accordance with the request of school psychologists, methodologists and kindergarten teachers create their own data bank characterizing the psychological characteristics of children, the areas of their current and immediate development, and possible difficulties that may arise at the initial stage of children’s education in an innovative school.” A.Yu. Kachimskaya notes that the transformation of a child into a subject of the educational process in the system of psychological and pedagogical support requires, as a necessary component, the organization of special work on the purposeful formation of complex forms of independence and activity. Such work, according to the author, is a prevention of passivity and infantilism, which can arise with an emphasis on excessive guardianship, everyday control, and the adaptation of a teacher or parent to the style and level of activity of the child.

The provisions analyzed above do not contradict the concept of support by E.I. Kazakova and the activity model of school psychologist M.R. Bityanova. It is of interest to us to describe the process of support within the educational program of a preschool educational institution, as well as to focus on the features of the accompanying activities of a psychologist. In general, an analysis of the scientific literature shows that the problem of support in education is considered both as a strategy for personal development and as a tactic for realizing its individual potential. In our opinion, a psychologist needs to clearly distinguish between the objects of support, its subject and means. Based on this, the content of the activities of a teacher-psychologist in a preschool educational institution, the forms and methods of work are determined, and the effectiveness of the conditions for implementing a program to support the natural development of a child is assessed. In addition, this allows us to identify special cases of accompanying activities and various tactics for developing individual personal potential. As shown in the diagram, the activity of a psychologist involves interaction with all participants in the support process. Therefore, it is important to delineate the functional responsibilities of each participant. However, the functions of the accompanying persons are determined by the subject of the support, so we do not consider it necessary to dwell on this in detail.

We rely on the fact that psychological and pedagogical support is scientific psychological and pedagogical support for the educational process. To solve these problems, we define psychological and pedagogical support as a model of activity of a teacher-psychologist in a children's educational institution, aimed at optimizing the individual and personal development of a preschooler when interacting with the outside world.