The vocabulary of 3-year-old children is: Active and passive dictionary

By the age of three, most children are already quite independent, they have an idea of ​​the world around them, are armed with some knowledge about objects and their properties, and a child’s speech at 3 years old contains a sufficient number of related words and sentences. After all, they have tested a lot of their knowledge in practice, that is, children have tried out from their own experience how to manipulate objects in their environment, and now they can talk about it with understanding.

A child's speech development at 3 years of age has a particularly wide range for different children of the same age. Some do not experience any difficulties in their statements, are sensitive to the slightest deviation from the norm in the speech of the adults and peers around them, and show interest in the sound analysis of words. At the same time, other children had just begun to construct sentences more or less correctly, and their speech was very far from perfect.

Features of speech development in children 3–4 years old

At this age, children's speech continues to actively develop. Children of the fourth year of life begin to draw conclusions and can reason about objects and the phenomena surrounding them. The child is interested in the world of people and things, he is interested in communicating with loved ones and with strangers. The time has come for questions, the answers to which the child, due to his age, is sometimes not able to listen to the end.

Active and passive dictionary

The development of speech for children 3–4 years old leads to the fact that the number of words that children use in speech (active vocabulary) doubles: from 1 thousand words available to them by the age of three, to 2 thousand by the end of the third year of life . Moreover, they not only use them, but inquisitively listen to the meaning of words, and even create their own. “Who called a cat a cat and a hippopotamus a hippopotamus?” Children play with the word, tasting it, rhyming and changing it, coming up with incredible combinations of sounds: milk, toloko, far, coloko; slam, slam, slam, slam.

Long new words, incomprehensible in content, can be pronounced distorted (lipestricism - electricity, lisipede - bicycle), syllables and sounds are often rearranged in them (pervyi - first, gamazin - shop). Combinations of two consonant sounds in a row continue to cause difficulty in pronunciation. In order to pronounce them correctly, the child inserts a vowel sound between them (zinayu - I know), or simply does not pronounce one consonant sound.

Children can already name the details of objects, distinguish externally similar objects, for example, a cup-mug, a tiger-lion. By the age of three, most children should already be able to easily distinguish the animals in the picture below (show it to your child and check):

When learning new words, children of this age establish semantic connections between objects, actions and their names. They begin to think meaningfully about the vocabulary of their native language. However, children's speech is not yet developed enough for full communication. If at the everyday level the baby still has enough mastered words, then they are not enough to retell a long fairy tale or describe a memorable event.

Speech grammar for three-year-old children

The speech of a four-year-old baby consists of phrases. On average, there are 3-4 words in a sentence. At the age of four, they become common, and complex constructions begin to appear - compound and complex sentences. For example: “the doll wants to eat, I’ll make soup,” “when spring comes, the birds fly.”

Children can use singular and plural homogeneous members in phrases. For example, “I draw flowers and clouds”, “the mouse jumps and laughs”. Nouns and verbs begin to give way to their positions; more and more adjectives, adverbs, pronouns and numerals (one, two, three, first, second, third) are found in speech.

But the speech of a 3-year-old child is still imperfect; it is difficult for him to form the plural of many nouns, for example, trees, mouths, sleeves. In coordinating adjectives with nouns, he can also make mistakes, for example, “ripe apple”, “bright sun”.

Often in the speech of children there are incorrect case endings, and the change of the verb in persons and numbers suffers. For example, “I see trees”, “I have a lot of candy”, “children are riding bicycles”. Show the picture below to your child and check this point:

Sound pronunciation

The child grows - his articulatory apparatus becomes stronger, the movements of the tongue, lips, and lower jaw become more accurate and coordinated. A stronger tongue allows you to correctly pronounce previously softened consonant sounds: malyako - milk, syadik - sadik. Long words of 3–5 syllables, as well as words with combinations of two consonants such as bread, class, bottle, are easier to learn.

Most often at this age the following sound pronunciation disorders occur:

    Replacing hissing sounds with whistling sounds: sapka - cap, nozik - knife;

    Unclearly pronounced sound ts, ch: tsyplenok - chicken, prints - prince, tai-chai;

    Absence in speech of the sounds l, r or their replacement with the sounds y, v, softened l: liba - fish, yodka - boat, vozhka - spoon.

If you notice these disorders in your child, you should not worry, but you should consult with a speech therapist. He will always tell you whether this is the age norm, which does not yet require the intervention of a specialist, or not. Although, we must pay tribute, already at this age there are children whose sound pronunciation has practically no defects.

Speech development at 3 years allows for rearrangements and omissions of syllables in polysyllabic words such as hello, please, purple. Such pronunciation deficiencies are successfully overcome by the end of this age period.

The intonation expressiveness of speech is growing - children can imitate adults, adding very expressive notes to the reading of poems by heart and to stories from their own experience. Adjusting the rate of speech and its volume is not always available to children of the fourth year of life. They may speak very quietly, especially when talking to people they don't know. When the impressions of some significant event are too great, the child can talk about them “excitedly,” hesitating and hastily pronouncing words.

A very valuable quality appears - attention to one’s own speech and to the speech of others. Children begin to notice pronunciation deficiencies made by their peers, but less often - their own.

Connected speech

A three-year-old child is not yet able to logically and coherently talk about what he saw, what interested him, or completely retell the content of a work of art read to him. Children of this age are still unable to deliver a monologue on any topic without additional questions. Children's statements are not developed, the phrases are simple and not always connected with each other.

Children cannot compose a coherent story from a picture. They can only list the objects depicted on it and the actions performed by the characters in the image. “There’s a bunny here. He eats carrots. His mother is there. She sits and watches."

Children of this age easily remember and enjoy reciting poems and nursery rhymes that are understandable in content. They can repeatedly listen to the same fairy tale, and then retell its content almost word for word, and the content of some words may be completely incomprehensible to them (bast hut, tar barrel).

Speech development norms for children from 3 to 4 years old

Despite the fact that children of this age period may be at different levels of speech development, there are approximate guidelines that you can rely on when assessing your child’s speech. By the end of three years, the baby comes with the following achievements:

    His speech is clearer and his pronunciation has improved markedly.

    The baby can name almost all the objects around him: clothes, shoes, furniture, toys, interior items.

    More and more adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, and prepositions appear in speech.

    The child matches words by gender, case and number, but not always correctly.

    Children can remember and retell short poems and fairy tales.

Normally developing children of this age strive to communicate with peers and adults and actively establish contacts through speech.

How to determine delayed speech development in 3-year-old children

The development of a child’s speech at 3 years of age is most often accompanied by disturbances in motor skills and behavior. Specialists working with such children can say with full confidence that children with speech impairments exhibit the following signs of activity:

    Children are awkward, their movements are uncoordinated, they have poor balance;

    There is a noticeable lag in fine motor skills of the fingers, precise movements with small parts of toys and board games are inaccessible, children do not like to get dressed, fasten buttons, and cannot regulate the pressure on the pencil while drawing.

    Children are inattentive and constantly distracted;

    Among such children, manifestations of hyperactivity, or, conversely, inhibition are common.

The presence of these symptoms indicates that there are disorders of the central nervous system due to its organic failure. In some cases, delayed speech development (SDD) may be caused by unfavorable conditions for raising a child and his social environment.

Delayed speech development in 3-year-old children affects all aspects of speech: sound pronunciation, vocabulary, coherent speech, and its grammatical design. Possible problems:

    Children do not pronounce not only phrases, but also individual words; their speech remains at the level of babbling.

    There is no coordination of parts of speech; children's speech is similar to the speech of a foreigner who has just learned Russian. For example, “Tanya give me a kitty,” “Kolya went to bed,” “Mom sat down in a chair.”

    Whole groups of sounds are pronounced incorrectly, the child distorts or replaces some sounds with others, rearranges sounds and syllables not only in polysyllabic, but also in simple words. For example, nose - socks, eye - glasses, chamber - lapata.

    Prepositions are missing or used incorrectly (on, in, above, under, behind, before, between).

    The child's speech is unfluent, its pace is too fast or too slow.

    Phrases consist of 1–2, less often 3 words, they contain only nouns and verbs (“telegraphic” style of speech).

At this age, most children are already aware of the limitations of their speech capabilities. Since SRD prevents them from contacting peers and adults, these children may exhibit negativism, isolation, and increased irritability.

Self-diagnosis of speech delay

The main method for diagnosing mental retardation at home is to observe your child’s speech. While observing your baby, you should note how developed his vocabulary is, how many words he uses. For this purpose, play situations are created where children are encouraged to name objects and toys, and small performances are performed with his toys. You need to carefully analyze how the baby constructs phrases and how many words they consist of.

To assess a child’s understanding of adult speech, you can offer him the following tasks:

    Show parts of your body, body parts of toy animals;

    Show in story pictures what their characters are doing. For example, who is running, who is watering the flowers, who is feeding the chickens, who is sleeping;

    Give simple instructions consisting of at least two steps. For example, first take a doll from the closet, and then put it on a chair;

    Ask about the purpose of the items. For example, show what you eat, wipe your hands, brush your teeth;

It is necessary to note what sounds the baby pronounces incorrectly, what sounds he replaces with those he pronounces. The child’s ability to retell a short fairy tale and his ability to use intonation are assessed. In addition to assessing speech, you need to pay attention to the state of general and fine motor skills. The following indicators are checked:

    Does the child maintain balance when walking and running?

    can he step over objects?

    how he catches the ball

    can he climb?

    does one maintain balance on a reduced area of ​​support while standing on one leg,

    can he fasten buttons?

    Is the baby able to make precise movements with his fingers?

If the development of a child’s speech and motor skills deviates from the norm, you should consult a specialist and undergo the recommended in-depth examination. If there is a need for this, you need to start corrective work with a speech therapist, defectologist, or psychologist.

Exercises to prevent speech development

The role of adults in the prevention of underdevelopment of children's speech cannot be overestimated. If they are attentive to the child, constantly talk to him, answer children's questions, introduce kids to new objects and phenomena, most age-related imperfections quickly disappear. In addition to speech development, this parenting strategy also contributes to the child’s mental development.

During walks, you need to tell your baby about everything he sees: about the details of the house and car, what trees and flowers are “made of” and what they are called. It is necessary to name what these or other objects in the familiar environment are made of. Their color, shape, size, and other qualities are an excellent opportunity to learn how to correctly coordinate words and construct phrases. You can give your own example of the correct construction of a sentence, you can delicately correct a phrase uttered by a child.

It is necessary to teach children to compare objects, to draw their attention to how they differ from each other. Children's literature is of great importance for speech development. It is necessary to carefully select works for reading, giving preference to the best examples that are age-appropriate for children of the fourth year of life. Children who are regularly read to begin to think and ask questions about the content of the works.

It is better to read poems, fairy tales, and stories repeatedly, ask about the content of the work, and look at book illustrations. By choosing riddles, nursery rhymes, and poems that are accessible to children, parents stimulate them to memorize, thereby developing not only speech, but also the child’s memory.

To develop more accurate sound pronunciation, you need to draw children’s attention to sounds they pronounce incorrectly and teach them to listen to the speech of others. This will help the child notice the shortcomings of his pronunciation and try to correct them. The following developmental exercises help strengthen the tongue muscles:

    click your tongue like a horse, while actively stretching your lips in a smile;

    open and close your mouth wide, like a chick;

    stick out your tongue and put it back in your mouth;

    make the tongue into a spatula and then into a tube;

    move your tongue out left and right, play with the clock.

Nervous and excitable children, as a rule, are characterized by haste in speech, pronouncing words at an accelerated pace. To prevent this deficiency, you need to set an example of your own measured speech, create a calm and friendly atmosphere in the family. Such children are helped by productive activities, modeling, drawing, designing, board games, and singing. Hasty speech is often a harbinger of the appearance of such a severe speech defect as stuttering.

Successful speech development in 3-year-old children allows for excellent results at 4 years of age. To do this, you need to help them accumulate knowledge about their surroundings, teach kids to correctly construct a phrase and coordinate words in sentences. Looking at pictures, reading works of art, talking about their content, memorizing poems and nursery rhymes will significantly enrich the speech of a 3-year-old child and help him master intonation means of expressiveness. Deviations from age-related norms of speech development require mandatory correction with the participation of a neurologist, speech pathologist, speech therapist, and psychologist.

Vocabulary work (development of a child’s vocabulary) is a purposeful process aimed at enriching children’s vocabulary with words that are unfamiliar or difficult for them. Many parents are interested how to expand your child's vocabulary , but they do not quite understand the composition of the baby’s vocabulary.

All child's vocabulary can be divided into two large parts - this is the child’s active dictionary and the child’s passive dictionary.

A child’s active vocabulary is those words that the child not only understands, but also regularly uses in his speech.

A child’s passive vocabulary is those words whose meaning the child understands, but does not use these words in his everyday speech.

Thus, the main task of vocabulary work with preschoolers will consist of enriching children's passive vocabulary and helping to activate active vocabulary.

How does a preschool child's vocabulary expand?

From about 6-6.5 months, the child begins to understand not only the intonation, but also the content of the adult’s speech. From 10 to 11 months, children understand the meaning of almost all words spoken by an adult. From the age of 1 (early childhood), the most favorable period for the development of a child’s speech begins. In 3 years, a child masters a colossal number of words that make up not only the child’s passive, but also his active vocabulary. At 1 year of age, a child is able to pronounce 8-12 words. At 2 years old he already pronounces 300–400 words. At 3 years old, a child knows and uses 1500 words; at 4 years – 1900 words; at 5 years – 2 – 2.5 thousand words; and at 6–7 years old – 3.5–4 thousand words. This is how the vocabulary of a child’s speech intensively develops. But words are not learned by themselves. In order for speech development to proceed at exactly this pace and for there to be no delay in speech development, daily targeted work is necessary to enrich and activate the children's vocabulary.

Since children of different ages are in different conditions of speech development, then content of vocabulary work will differ slightly at different age stages, but one thing will remain unchanged - this enriching children's vocabulary . Contents of dictionary work includes vocabulary (words) necessary for communication, to meet one’s needs, to understand the world around us and to improve various types of activities. First of all, children must learn:

Household dictionary (names of dishes, toys, household items and hygiene);

Natural history dictionary (names of plants, animals, birds that are in the child’s immediate environment and he can observe them, natural phenomena, etc.)

Social science dictionary (words denoting people’s work, holidays, traditions, human values);

Emotional-evaluative vocabulary (words denoting feelings, emotions, experiences, character traits, etc.)

Vocabulary for space, time and quantity.

With what and how can you expand your child’s vocabulary?

Firstly, from birth you need to talk with your baby, constantly comment on your actions and the actions of your child. In vocabulary work up to a year, oral folk art plays an important role. Children simply adore various nursery rhymes, nursery rhymes, jokes, sayings, and short rhymes. These simple works help enrich children's vocabulary. The words in them are not only repeated, but also have an emotional impact on the child, so they are quickly remembered.

After a year, various methods for expanding a child's vocabulary .

Second method - looking at paintings and pictures . The specificity of this method is that the predominant place when looking at pictures is occupied by your speech (interpretation of words, comparison of their meaning, explanation, etc.).

Thanks to viewing paintings and pictures, the baby’s passive vocabulary grows, new words are introduced into the child’s speech, he learns to see and understand the meaning of what is depicted. My daughter just loves looking at pictures from her books. I don’t just list the objects depicted, but try to combine them into one story; she and I compose whole stories based on the pictures. Those words that are introduced into the child’s vocabulary should be repeated several times. For children of older preschool age, it is necessary to ask questions and accompany the examination of paintings with poems and riddles.

The third method for enriching children's vocabulary is reading fiction to children.

Vocabulary work acts as an important link in working on the text. This method can be actively used no earlier than two years. Only from the age of two does a child begin to understand contextual speech (the meaning of stories, fairy tales). When you read works of fiction to a child, you pronounce the same words in different combinations, in different contexts. After three years, as you read, it is important to ask your child questions about what you read, thereby you will activate your child’s vocabulary. The main thing is that these questions are relaxed, and that the child is interested in answering them. In addition, in many literary works there are words that are incomprehensible to children; it is important to explain the meaning of all incomprehensible words.

An excellent way to form children's vocabulary is to use proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes, etc.

The next method of dictionary work would be looking at toys .

Most often, this method is used to activate children's vocabulary. All types of toys are suitable for developing children's vocabulary. The doll is of particular importance in using this method. This toy is suitable for both boys and girls. A child’s vocabulary includes the names of body parts, clothes, shoes, dishes, furniture, hygiene items, in general, almost the entire household vocabulary. Children of older preschool age are also introduced to the material from which a toy or its parts are made, so it is important to have toys made of different materials and different textures in the house. Also, in older preschool age, children master generalizing words. It is best to enrich children's vocabulary with generalizing words through play. For example, arrange a birthday party for your favorite doll or your favorite bunny. And during this game, think about how to arrange the furniture, what clothes to wear, what dishes to put on the table, what vegetables and fruits to prepare a treat from, etc.

And the last fifth method of vocabulary work will be didactic games And vocabulary exercises.

- a widely used method of working with dictionaries. These are the so-called training or in other words, educational games .

are carried out with toys, objects, pictures and on a verbal basis. Game actions in vocabulary games provide the opportunity, mainly, to activate the existing vocabulary.

Didactic games help the development of both specific and generic concepts, the development of words in their generalized meanings. Each didactic game has its own program content, which includes a vocabulary that the child must master. When playing a didactic game with a child, it is important to ensure that the intended words are activated.

Let us consider the features of the development of the vocabulary of children of the third year of life, children of 3 years.

The growth rate of a child’s vocabulary in the third year of life continues to remain high. On average, vocabulary increases 4-5 times over the age period from 2 to 3 years (from 300 words at 2 years to 1200-1500 words at 3 years). By the end of the third year of life, there may be significant differences in the vocabulary of different children.

The content of the children's dictionary consists of objects and objects of the child's immediate environment: toys, dishes, clothes, furniture, close adults and children communicating with the child, domestic and some wild animals. Thanks to the development of differentiated perception and the ability to establish simple connections, the child not only names an object, but also finds in it individual distinct parts, qualities and properties: in a car - wheels, body, cabin; at the kettle - spout, handle; apple - red, sweet, hard, can roll, can be eaten etc.

The active social and moral development of the child contributes to the replenishment of the vocabulary with designations of personal qualities, features of the appearance of the adults and peers surrounding the child: good, kind, beautiful etc. Familiarizing children with methods of communication makes it possible to include generally accepted words of greeting, farewell, appeal, request, gratitude into the child’s vocabulary: hello, goodbye, please, thank you etc.

In unity with the meaning of the word, the child masters its sound. Due to the insufficient development of phonemic hearing (the child hears the stressed syllable better) and the articulatory apparatus, independent word reproduction often causes difficulties for the child, which leads to the child using autonomous speech and root words: bi-bi, bibika(car), aw-aw, aw(dog). At the same time, the child unconsciously strives to improve his speech skills and develop articulation. This is manifested in the child’s independent speech exercises characteristic of this age: multiple repetitions of a word, sound combination, phrase. For example, a child walks with his mother down the street and repeats: cookies-maki, cookies-naki, cookies-buckies etc. The teacher’s help to the child in mastering correct pronunciation may include the following:

- clear and precise repeated pronunciation of a new word for the child;

- obligatory replacement of the child’s unformed or “childish” word with its socially assigned “adult” sound (not “beep”, and the car);

— organizing the child’s speech exercises in the form of repeating pure phrases ( Yes, yes, yes - there is water outside the window; Ta-ta-ta - I'll feed the cat), finishing poetic lines, reading nursery rhymes, singing songs, playing word games with movements, reproducing words by clapping, etc.

Tasks of vocabulary work with children:

1. Enrich and activate children's vocabulary.

2. Strive for the final liberation of children’s speech from root words, for their use of the socially assigned sound of words.

Parents often do not attach much importance to the development of speech of a child under one year old - well, it goes on and on. But in vain - . But the speech of a child of 2 or 3 years old is already very worrying for everyone; every now and then one hears: “Well, when will he speak?” Victoria Krasnova, a neurologist, osteopath, speech therapist (neurodefectologist, neuropsychologist), doctor of physical therapy and sports medicine, presents new norms for the development of speech for children from 1 to 7 years old.

How many words should a 2 year old child speak?

A child between 1 and 3 years of age develops speech rapidly. The main task is to get to know not only the objects, but also their purpose: what is it, what is it for? To understand the diversity of the environment, a child needs a lot of communication. The kid may not just insist, but openly demand: explain! Show me! What to do with this?!

This is a necessary stage of development, and you cannot skip it: answer all questions, tell stories (despite the fact that the child is able to focus for a very short time), teach him to talk with toys, with pictures, with pets.

By the age of one and a half years, a child understands the meaning of many words: in particular, he knows the parts of the body, follows simple instructions (go get a cup) and is able to follow a simple story based on plot pictures.

The normal vocabulary of a 1.5-year-old child is 20 words; by the age of 2, this figure doubles and can reach 50 words. In the period from one and a half to two years, the skill of expressing thoughts using simple sentences is formed. The starting version may contain babbling words, which will later be replaced with full ones (for example, “Vanya pipi” - “Vanya peed”).

Is there something wrong? Here's what you need to keep an eye on when your child is one year old:

  • 3-5 words appeared in the arsenal, and for more than six months the vocabulary did not expand, the child did not imitate, did not try to learn new ones;
  • the child says part of the word instead of the whole (“deka” instead of “girl”) - this is normal at the development stage. But it should not become a habit: if after a month or two of repetition the word does not “unfold” to the required volume, this is a reason for correctional work;
  • From the age of 2, hesitations in speech are also considered an alarming signal: there is a threat of stuttering.

Norms for child speech development at 3 years old

In the period from 2 to 3 years, vocabulary increases from 50 to 1500 words, and fragmentary messages are transformed into detailed sentences. Can you imagine how quickly a child’s brain “absorbs” and remembers information?!

At the age of 3 years, a child is normally able to listen to an oral narrative (fairy tale) for 5-10 minutes and follow the plot. In addition, by the age of 3, the function of rapid word creation is activated: the child begins to build non-existent words from familiar parts, combining incompatible roots, suffixes and prefixes. He begins to sparkle with funny children's words like “zucchini” (a cross between a zucchini and a dog), “elephant” (an elephant with a sunflower), etc.

At the same time, self-esteem begins to actively develop, so messages from the third person (“Masha won’t sleep”) are gradually replaced by statements from the first (“I’m going for a walk”).

Is there something wrong?

  • the child speaks in sentences, but grossly violates grammatical agreement (instead of “I don’t want” - “Masha wants no”);
  • lack of first-person messages: instead of I - still a proper name;
  • during speaking, the tip of the tongue protrudes between the teeth, sounds are pronounced through the nose.

Speech development and preparation for school

By the age of 4, a child’s word creation (invention of non-existent words) sharply decreases, and speech begins to resemble an adult’s more and more. A sentence at this age is usually 5-6 words, and it allows you to clearly express a mature thought or task. Thinking moves along the path from concept to grammatical construction.

By the age of 5, a child should fully master everyday vocabulary and learn to use synonyms and antonyms. By this age, he learns to pronounce all sounds correctly. The most complex, and therefore late to learn, sound is “r”; it has the right to appear by 5-5.5 years.

At the age of 6, proficiency in derivative words is added to speech skills (clearly understands the difference between “drove”, “drove around”, “arrived”, “drove up”, etc.), and statements are a short story.

7 years is the stage of complete mastery of the native language - now it can be studied as a subject, as well as mastering foreign languages.

Is there something wrong?

  • everyday vocabulary is reduced, it is difficult to determine which group this or that item belongs to (fruits, vegetables, clothes, etc.);
  • difficulties arise with the selection of simple synonyms (dog - dog, cat - pussy, look - look), there is no understanding of antonyms (good - evil);
  • the activity of verbal communication is reduced, cannot talk coherently about events;
  • After 5 years, the child continues to “burr” and cannot pronounce some sounds.

Why does a first-grader need a speech therapist: speech disorders and school work

Problems with speech development appear exclusively in childhood, and the last “chance” to encounter them is first grade. During this period, difficulties “preserved” from an early age may manifest themselves (impaired writing) or dyslexia (impaired reading - the brain cannot transform incomprehensible graphic images into letters and, as a result, read the word correctly).

As a rule, these deviations become obvious by the end of the first grade. If a child has difficulty mastering competent writing and reading, he is inattentive (does not write the endings, starts writing from the second syllable, confuses the letters “d” and “b”, “m” and “n” and others), there is no point in hiring him a tutor. It is very possible that the issue is a speech deviation, which can be corrected with the help of speech therapy sessions.

Article provided by OsteoPolyClinic


Children are completely different! Therefore, everyone is lumped together with the same brush, this is strange, especially for a specialist;) Some people already say 10 words a year, while others only learned to say mom and dad at the age of two. And this doesn’t mean anything special, then after a year or two it catches up with those who spoke early. Everything is individual here.

Each child is different. This is a question of how many English words an adult should know.

God, what nonsense, where did this lady get her diplomas - did she draw them herself?

Comment on the article "How many words should a child speak at 2 years old?"

Speech of a child at 2.5 years old. Speech development of a 2.8 year old child. He'll tell you. Speech development of a 2.8 year old child. Tell me how a child can be developed in this direction. My daughter has been speaking since she was 1.5 years old, a lot, but... it’s not always clear, that is, she doesn’t pronounce enough letters (sh, sh...


I literally just recently read it in a book. like - you need to learn how to ask correctly - they say it’s useful to be able to formulate requests correctly.
you need to correct the child to phrases like: please give me water OR Vasya, give me a pencil

I WANT - it’s either myself, or a sorceress makes some kind of wonderful wishes come true, they say.

From the point of view of psychology and logic, he expresses himself more correctly than you expect from him.
Probably just different approaches to education.
Speech, of course, can be developed using different methods. If there is a goal.

Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills. Good afternoon I have a 2.5 year old nephew. He doesn’t speak at all. Well, even mom, dad, here, give, etc. doesn't speak. The only word, if it's...


passive dictionary how many words? Is your hearing normal?

You need a good neurologist and it is advisable to do examinations. Only after this should medications be prescribed if necessary.
My youngest did not speak at 2.5. Lots of activities and stuff. According to the examinations, there were problems, but what is usually prescribed in clinics for my son is unnecessary because it turned out to be absolutely normal. If they did, there would be no point.

about medicines “for speech”. Doctors, clinics. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with teachers, illness and physical development of a child from 3 to 7 years.


About the logo garden - go take a referral to the commission, they are already going on in our area. Yes, and in our country, for example, even one garden was transferred to the category of ordinary ones - there are few people who want to go there, everyone wants to go to modern gardens with swimming pools, etc., but we have logo gardens in old buildings.
My youngest child did not speak at all until he was 3 (except for mom, dad, yes)... when I came to the speech therapist, I was told, “Where were you at 1.5 years old?, and where were you at 2 years old?” In general, we received a referral to the CVL (rehabilitation treatment center, like a logo garden for children 2-4 years old, but with massage and doctors, they are subordinate to the Ministry of Health and are essentially a medical institution), now we have been going to the logo garden since the fall.
The use of the drugs did not give him anything, although he was prescribed by a very competent neurologist with the words that he was about to speak...
In fact, it still makes sense to do an ECHO-EG (what’s up with blood pressure), audiometry (hearing can affect speech), and USDG (vessels). Based on these data, the neurologist can prescribe medications that will HELP work with the child.
Believe me, the mother of three speech therapy children - don’t be fooled by the phrases “just wait a little longer, he’ll speak soon”, “but ours didn’t speak for years until he was 4 years old, and then he started babbling”... Speech therapy is something where it’s better to be on the safe side than under the right side, because the price too high.

My son didn't speak at all until 2.7. The index finger and the sound “Y” were the main assistants in communication. At 2.9 we started working with a speech therapist. Our main obstacle was that our son did not know how to imitate (repeat sounds and actions after other people). A month later the process began. Now, after 4 months of classes, we still don’t know how to construct sentences, but our vocabulary is huge, we call things and actions by their proper names, and have begun to imitate (repeats everything like a parrot:). Where we live, doctors do not prescribe medications for speech delay.

Speech. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household habits. How many words should a child say at 2 years old, 3 years old. And this doesn’t mean anything special, then after a year or two it catches up with those...


It’s not time at all, we were 2.1 when we went to kindergarten, she really didn’t say anything special, just some words. After a month of going to kindergarten, she began to chat in such a way that people were only surprised. So don’t worry and you don’t need to go to any speech therapist - it’s too early.

I have both of these. The eldest spoke in the garden at 2.5. The youngest will also go to kindergarten in the fall, so I hope that he will speak there too.

What does a 2 year old child understand? Experience in adoption/guardianship/foster care. Adoption. Speech development of a 2.8 year old child. Tell me how a child can be developed in this direction. Perhaps she wants to do some drawing together.


Verochka, I completely agree with you that children are terribly smart creatures. Edward has such a smart look that I always feel uneasy when I talk to him - I am many times stupider than him. Even at the age of two months he had this look, which amazed me even then. And this morning he asks Natasha: “Are you going to Russian?” Natasha almost fell - “well, yes, in Russian, but how do you know?” That's it - we are also clairvoyant. And he giggles, the cunning one. It’s an amazing pleasure to communicate with children - I’m always blown away by smart interlocutors.

My husband is 100% sure that the children (in this case, our almost 2-year-old daughter) understand everything. Only sometimes they pretend that they don’t understand. That’s why she always talks to Masha as if she were an adult. And you know, it’s much better and more effective than grannies’ “susi-pussi”.

Speech development of a 2.8 year old child. Tell me how a child can be developed in this direction. My daughter has been speaking since she was 1.5 years old, a lot, but... it’s not always clear, i.e. she doesn’t pronounce quite a lot of letters (w, sch, l, r,...) combinations of letters (vl, kl, etc .d.) How can this be developed, what to do...


Please send me speech development exercises

08/27/2017 07:50:19, Jalgas

I was afraid of the video because I didn’t understand that it was her. When did you start looking in the mirror?
Now she really likes to imitate and do things together.
As for the development of speech, this is not yet a transition to sentences in the speech sense, but, as it were, in a speech-gestural sense.
But this is already progress!
Speech develops in two directions: sound pronunciation and general speech development.
In addition, there is a development of understanding the speech of others and the ability to generate one’s own sounds, words, and phrases.
She is good at generating sounds and is now starting to try to pronounce words correctly.
The main thing is to hear the good speech of others (speech patterns), correlate what she says with your sample and be able to control your speech organs.
Does she realize that she pronounced the word wrong? Speak to her in short, clear, specific phrases, do not read complicated books. Develop general and small movements. Dance, sing, recite short poems, play finger games. I’m giving instructions on how to do all this, if you can, come.
Control of the speech organs depends on the degree of development of the motor speech area of ​​the brain. You can stimulate with articulatory gymnastics, finger gymnastics: everything is in the game. There are good books from the "Karapuz" series.

Speech development of a 2.8 year old child. Tell me how a child can be developed in this direction. They told you absolutely correctly that until the age of 4 (or even 5) they generally don’t work with children on making sounds.


The opposite situation. My daughter started stuttering at the age of 2.5, we went to a neurologist. Her diagnosis is child overexertion. My daughter has known a lot of complex poems since she was 2 years old (at 2 years old she could memorize “The Tale of the Tsar and the Chebotar” by Mikhalkov and the like) - this is bad; at 2.5 years old you need to limit yourself to “Turnip” and “Geese-geese”. Do not read complex books - only what can be understood at this age - koloboks, turnips, etc. Do not provoke the use of complex words (my daughter at 2 years old said the words “endless process”). So this “speech development” is a very subtle thing, each specialist speaks differently. And to scare gullible mothers, just don’t feed them bread.

Mine (2.9) retells fairy tales, knows well about turnips and the chicken Ryaba. He recited poems at his birthday party when he was two years old, the lightest ones from Agnia Barto. Then we were in the hospital at 2.3 years old, I took with us only two books: poems by Agnia Barto and English for the little ones. He himself pretended to read books, using pictures to guide him which poem he should “read.” And the only thing I learned well from English was “dog”. But out of nothing to do, I learned what the fingers on my hand are called, this is a source of pride for me to this day. Yes, by the way, we were registered with a neurologist with a diagnosis of hyperexcitability.

Child speech development begins already from the first half of his life. Rich lexicon- this is, at a minimum, the opportunity to clearly express your thoughts. There are age standards and methods that will tell you how to increase your child’s vocabulary.

Child's vocabulary: age norms

Average age norms are presented in the following vocabulary indicators:

· up to one year – 3-4 words;

· 1 year 3 months – 6 words;

· 1 year 6 months – from 7 to 20 words;

· 1 year 9 months – on average 20 words;

· 2 years – 50 words;

· 3 years – 250 – 700 words;

· 4 years – 1500 – 2000 words;

· 5 years – 3000 words;

· 7 years – 3500 words.

1 year- 1 year 3 months. The vocabulary is 6 words, the child understands simple instructions without a gesture, and shows familiar words in the picture.

1 year 6 months. Shows one of the body parts, vocabulary 7-20 words.
1 year 9 months. Shows three parts of the body, uses a phrase of two words (“Mom, di!” - “Mom, go!”, “Give me a doll”). Vocabulary 20 words.

2 years.At this stage, a healthy child shows five body parts and has a vocabulary of at least 50 words. The baby understands and correctly follows the two-step instructions (“go to the kitchen and bring a cup”), correctly uses the pronouns I, you, me, and constructs sentences from two words.
By the age of two, the child has already mastered the sounds: p, b, m, f, v, t, d, n, k, g, x. He usually skips or replaces whistling sounds (s, z, ts), hissing sounds (sh, zh, ch, shch) and sonorant sounds (r, l).
2 years 6 months. Correctly uses the pronouns I, you, me; repeats two numbers in the correct sequence, has the concept of “one”. The child understands the designation of actions in different situations (“show who is sitting, who is sleeping”), the meaning of prepositions in a familiar specific situation (“what are you sitting on?”). Pronounces sounds correctly: s, z, l.

3 years.Vocabulary of 250-700 words, uses sentences of five to eight words, has mastered the plural of nouns and verbs. The child says his name, gender and age; understands the meaning of simple prepositions - performs tasks such as “put the cube under the cup”, “put the cube in the box”, uses simple prepositions and conjunctions in sentences because, if, when. The child understands short stories and fairy tales read with or without the help of pictures, can evaluate his own and others’ pronunciation, and asks questions about the meaning of words.

4 years.In the speech of a four-year-old child, there are already compound and complex sentences, the prepositions by, before, instead of, after, conjunctions what, where, how much are used. Vocabulary 1500-2000 words, including words denoting temporal and spatial concepts. The child correctly pronounces the hissing sounds sh, zh, ch, shch, as well as the sound c. The softened pronunciation of consonants disappears.

5 years.By the age of five, a child’s vocabulary increases to 2500-3000. He actively uses generalizing words (“clothes”, “vegetables”, “animals”, etc.), names a wide range of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality. There are no longer omissions or rearrangements of sounds and syllables in words; the only exception is some difficult unfamiliar words (excavator). All parts of speech are used in the sentence. The child masters all the sounds of his native language and uses them correctly in speech.

During from 5 to 7 yearsThe child’s vocabulary increases to 3,500 words, figurative words and expressions, stable phrases (no light, in a hurry, etc.) are actively accumulated in it. The grammatical rules for changing words and combining them in a sentence are learned. During this period, the child actively observes the phenomena of language: tries to explain words based on their meaning, reflects on the gender of nouns. Thus, linguistic and speech attention, memory, logical thinking and other psychological prerequisites necessary for the further development of the child and his successful learning at school develop.
How to increase your child's vocabulary: ways

There are quite accessible ways that will help expand child's vocabulary. Consider your options.

· talk to your child constantly from birth;

· read aloud to the child (the story must contain a description of the character of the hero and have a plot); separately highlight words and expressions that are new to the child from what you read; Over time, start discussing what you read with your child;

· look at picture books together, describe characters and plots in words, make up different stories;

· show and tell - wherever you go (or go), take from there any thing-reminder, and at home, among the family, you and the child will show this thing, tell where you were, what happened; a child may have a whole treasury of such objects that can be sorted out from time to time and talked about what is connected with them;

· conduct conversations - the child should not only listen to you, but also speak with you in dialogue; discussions, problematic posing of questions are a stimulus for the development of vocabulary;

· learn new words always and everywhere: pay your child’s attention to new words in the store, at the market, on billboards, etc.;

· give your child long and strange words - surprisingly, children remember the strange name of a dinosaur faster than a completely ordinary, short word;

· expand and improve your child’s explanatory dictionary - ask more often “What did you mean” (find out whether the child understands the meaning of words correctly), “Can you explain this in other words?” (will help expand your vocabulary);

· play speech games;

· for preschoolers/schoolchildren, use stickers with new words (glue them all over the house), write words on a magnetic board, notes on the refrigerator, etc.;

· tell your child riddles;

· teach funny poems with your child;

· the wider the vocabulary of the people around the child, the richer the vocabulary of the child himself - expand your vocabulary; always use more words to describe and evaluate events, landscapes, people, the actions of a child and other people.

Lexiconthe average adult is about 100,000 words. With enough effort, your child can not only reach, but even exceed this goal.