How to find purpose in life. What did I come into this life with?”

What makes you get up in the morning and start getting things done quickly? What motivates you to overcome obstacles and? Why do you glow with happiness and why do your eyes begin to sparkle? Many people can easily answer these and other similar questions, and begin a conversation about their goals, dreams, plans for life and what they want to achieve. But, at the same time, there will be people who will think hard about the answer, but will not be able to say anything. The difference between these categories of people is that some are clearly aware of their purpose and have specific life goals, while others seem to be striving for something, however, both the meaning of their life and what they want to achieve look rather vague even for themselves.

Here we are not talking about such “goals” as earning money to provide yourself and your loved ones with everything you need, covering mandatory monthly expenses, new household appliances for your home, etc. All this is the urgent need of almost every person; his so-called vital necessity; something without which his life and everyday life will not satisfy even the most minimal requirements. Here we are talking about something more global; the fundamental direction of all actions performed in life; about what makes you grow, develop, work, work and achieve, despite any obstacles, and do it with pleasure, enthusiasm and inspiration. We are talking about specific life goals.

A little about not having a life goal

The desire to find your purpose and life purpose is inherent, perhaps, in all people. But often, under the influence of various factors and circumstances, such as, for example, upbringing, the worldview of parents, the influence of the environment, imposed beliefs and ideals, the promotion of a certain lifestyle, way of thinking and everything that you need to have and want to have, lead to that people just lose themselves in all this. They seem to fall asleep, their whole life becomes unconscious and mechanistic, and their thinking becomes stereotyped and standardized. As a result, all questions concerning the meaning of life lose their relevance, fade into the background or are completely discarded as unnecessary.

If a person is still concerned about such topics, and he has not completely lost his individuality, selfhood and the feeling that he needs to strive for something or at least look for it, the answers to the questions posed above are often difficult to find, which often significantly darkens existence , creates a feeling of purposelessness of existence, becomes the cause of apathetic or depressive states.

The lack of a life goal has an extremely negative impact on a person’s life. This is the inability to fully reveal your personal and creative potential, and the duality of thinking and behavior, and the loss of interest in activities and in life in general, and real happy moments can be counted on one hand. You can endlessly analyze this topic piece by piece, but this is not what is important at all, but what is needed, and most importantly, you can come to an understanding of your true purpose and determine specific life goals.

Why do you need to look for your life purpose?

The question of finding a life goal, just like the previous one, is very voluminous and multifaceted. But despite this, it is always viewed exclusively in a positive way. When a person has a clear life goal, he lives with the understanding of what his time is being invested in, that he is on the path to realizing what he wants, and this path is the right one. The goal fills his entire existence with meaning, which means there is a place for harmony and happiness in life. Having a goal, a person knows specifically in which direction to move. Making any choice in everyday life becomes easier, it becomes much easier to separate the important from the unimportant and discard the latter without regret. Always present, no need to force yourself to do anything. And if efforts are made to correct your behavior, then this is training that allows you to become stronger, and certainly not violence against yourself, as happens when you do everything while gritting your teeth.

A life goal is something that fills both a person and his life. This is what allows a person to walk through life with a firm and confident gait with his head held high even in the most difficult moments. And this is what allows him to come to the meaning of his existence and see even the most familiar life in a completely new perspective, as well as change it.

But reasoning is reasoning. They are, of course, good, but they may remain just a theory. And this, unfortunately, is the worst thing that can happen to a person looking for his destiny. To avoid this, you should use several recommendations that not only facilitate the transition from thoughts to actions, but also greatly simplify the search for your purpose and goals to which you can safely devote your life.

How to realize your purpose and find life goals?

Without lengthy introductions, let's move straight to the consideration of these recommendations.

  • First, analyze your interests and hobbies. Approach this issue consciously and seriously. Determine what interests you most: what kind of literature do you prefer to read? Are you interested in documentary films and if so, what kind? What do you enjoy learning more and more about? It is likely that the answers to these questions will be able to set the right direction for subsequent searches. If you don't think you have any special interests, you will have to make an effort to find them. Your life's work is 90% related to your interests.
  • Analyze your free time activities: what do you do, what do you like to do, what do you want to do when you think about your free time? What would you do if you had more of this time? Surely your leisure time, unless it is, of course, “stupid” or idle chatter on social networks, may be associated with your subconscious aspirations, talents, predispositions and goals. If you managed to find something like this, then think about whether there is an opportunity to somehow develop it and derive practical benefit from this activity?
  • Try to observe yourself, namely: observe what you notice around you. For example, you may often pay attention to other people's appearance or health, or you may be able to pinpoint the cause of a car breakdown. Perhaps with a keen eye you notice flaws in construction or repairs made in someone else’s house. What if you, without the appropriate education, easily find various errors in texts and know how to write and express your thoughts correctly, although you have never studied this? By observing yourself, you will most likely discover something in which you, without having deep knowledge, can be an expert. What is your activity now? Develop this idea further.
  • Make a list of 50 wishes. Include everything that comes to mind. Seems simple? Surprisingly, many people, after listings like: house, apartment, car, renovation, vacation, wedding, child, salary increase, new phone, new furniture and something like that, become confused. As a result, at most you can write 20-25 wishes. If you have the same situation, do not despair and write further - this will activate your creativity and the work of the subconscious. If you can easily write 50 wishes, increase the list to 100. It is the last and most “difficult” wishes that will largely reflect your global goals and life aspirations.
  • Monitor your conditions. In everyday life, a person is from time to time “covered” by waves of seemingly causeless inspiration and enthusiasm. Track these moments in your life and try to understand the reasons for their occurrence: some thoughts, actions, people. In many spiritual practices, inspiration is considered a sign that you are on the right path. Look for such signs constantly - they can lead you to the right “road”.
  • Practice meditation. is one of the most powerful spiritual practices. During meditation, the chaotic running of thoughts calms down, a feeling of calm, well-being and inner silence appears, which is perfectly suited for connecting with the subconscious. And, as you know, the subconscious knows and can do everything. As you practice, ask yourself questions without trying to answer, using your rational mind. Answers can come even after meditation - it could be an insight, a thought or image that came from somewhere in your head, a sensation in your body, a meeting with a person, or a book that “accidentally” fell at your feet. Strive for self-knowledge.
  • your future. Choose a quiet and peaceful place where you will not be interrupted for at least 30 minutes. Turn off phones, Skype, ICQ, Internet, etc. Sit down and take a comfortable position. Close your eyes, relax. Try not to be distracted by extraneous thoughts. Now begin to imagine your life in every detail, for example, in 5 years: where are you, where do you live, what kind of people are next to you, what are you wearing, what surrounds you at this moment, what do you have? Strive to keep your thoughts flowing calmly. There is no need to impose something on yourself and think in templates. Just surrender to the flow of your thoughts - where will it take you? The sharper and clearer the picture is, the closer you will be to finding a way to achieve its materialization. Do this procedure at least once every two days and over time you will begin to understand what you want and what you really need.

What more can be said? In fact, I would really like to continue to develop this topic and bring new ways of finding one’s purpose and life goals. A whole book could be written. But for obvious reasons, it is not possible to do this in this article. So all that remains is to summarize: the process of finding your life purpose and your purpose depends entirely on you. To find answers to the questions that concern you, you must find yourself, and this is a difficult, lengthy process, but very interesting and exciting. As already mentioned, strive for self-knowledge, engage in spiritual practices, read and watch educational TV shows, be alone with yourself, listen to your inner voice, etc. You can combine all this, or you can do it separately.

And always remember that our only real enemies are despair, laziness and unwillingness to see beyond our own nose. Believe in yourself and your strengths, and also in the fact that your life goals are already very close to you!

You can comprehensively study this issue, better understand yourself and use the knowledge gained for self-development purposes on the course. Join us!

How to find your purpose in life? This is probably the question that everyone asks themselves, regardless of age. Adults ask the child: “What do you want to become?” - and this is where reflections begin on his role in this life. Girls want to be actresses and models, boys want to be astronauts or racers. Everyone has their own dream. But over time, as children grow up, their dreams do not always become reality. People find something they prefer, or jump at the opportunity to get a decent job, not in the field they dreamed of.

Don't betray yourself

Also, most people incorrectly formulate questions to themselves. We need to answer the question: “What do I want from life?”, and not this: “Which of the proposed roles is most suitable for me?” But even if you ask it correctly, the answer will be about material values. Many are obsessed with money and are ready to do anything to get it, forgetting that they once had a dream...

Develop your abilities

Capabilities. Everyone has their own. Most often, their roots are already laid initially in a person, from birth. This can be either a sense of taste and style, or a sense of space, which is characteristic of artists. Abilities must be developed and never lost. Skills are much more difficult to develop, since you have to start from scratch. At the same time, if you develop your abilities, it will be easier, because the basic level has already been laid.

Finding your purpose in life is quite difficult. In fact, ability and calling are closely related. If there are any, in this matter a person gets a chance to be better than others, and thus, the work that is chosen will bring joy and will not be a burden. Of course, it is quite possible to achieve success without any ability, but with great interest. In this case, patience and work will grind everything down. But not everyone is patient. Most people who do not have the necessary abilities give up halfway if they do not see progress and do not achieve any success. When a person does not know what his purpose is, he begins to rush from one to another, without reaching the top in any area.

Therefore, with abilities it is much easier to find your purpose, because what comes easily will bring success much faster, and this, in turn, will inspire a person to advance. But how important it is for each of us to know that he is on the right path, that he is doing everything right! And success is proof that the right direction has been chosen.

Don't ignore your desires

In order to answer the question of how to find out your purpose, you need to listen to yourself. Rely not only on your abilities, but also on your desires. After all, desire, like thoughts, has great power. and it’s not for nothing that they say so. You may not believe it, but what kind of millionaire would achieve such heights, telling himself that he is a loser and will never achieve this? We always get what we want, it's just the time it takes to get it depends on how much we want it and how much we need it. If you feel a calling in something, no matter how stupid it may sound to others, you need to act and strive to achieve success. You can only find your meaning in life thanks to yourself, and no one else will help you with this.

Animal principles of man

Everyone knows that, whatever one may say, people live according to animal principles. We need food and water to continue life, we need sleep, since this is a source of energy, we need protection, because sometimes it is not enough for those who are exhausted not physically, but morally. And, of course, we care about the continuation of our kind. It seems that what else is needed for happiness? But still something is missing. A person demands self-realization, and this is what distinguishes him from an animal. No one wants to just exist, there must be meaning - something worth getting up in the morning for. People need to know how to find their purpose in life. Understanding one's role in life is something that can satisfy the moral exhaustion of a person in search of oneself. Everyone finds something for themselves that they want to live for, something that makes them get up in the morning and rejoice at the rising sun. This is called the meaning of life.

Don't forget about God

When a person asks himself the question of how to find his purpose in life, this means only one thing: he is not satisfied with himself and his existence. At such moments, you should not forget about God. Some people believe in him, some don't. Everyone has their own worldview, but to say that a higher power does not exist is extremely stupid. Some call it karma, some call it God, and some say: “Life has taught you a lesson.” Everyone gives this power their own name, but the fact that no one can hide from it is a fact. “As it comes around, so it responds” is a phrase known from childhood. Enough time has passed since childhood, but this rule remains base.

Help others

The search for purpose lies not only in a person’s selfish intentions, but mainly in helping people. Whatever your vocation is - a doctor saving lives, or just a journalist delivering news or, perhaps, simply useful information - any activity should entail helping people. Even singers help people, if only because they give their listeners the opportunity to enjoy themselves: for some to calm down, and for others to lift their spirits. You shouldn’t chase wealth and fame, it ruins everything, ruins the future. By helping others, you help yourself. And if this is done due to purpose, this is the path to which every representative of humanity should strive, the path to happiness.

Is happiness the meaning of life?

People chase happiness so much that they often forget that it is impossible to achieve its permanent manifestation. Happiness is a period, just a moment. It would seem that finding your calling in life will ensure happiness, but do not forget that difficulties are guaranteed to exist. In any case, no matter what abilities you are given, you have to work, work and work again. And follow the road to what you like, to your chosen destination. Then life will find meaning, and the meaning of life is to find at least a little happiness.

What prevents you from finding your purpose in life?

People don't always understand correctly what to do with their calling. This hinders the answer to the question of how to understand your purpose. Firstly, it must be fully consistent. Otherwise, the search for an answer to this question can easily turn into another fruitless attempt to find oneself in this life. Secondly, the calling should not be in one thing. In the modern world, when choosing a profession, a person only limits himself, developing only in one direction. Thirdly, it is very difficult to find your meaning in life throughout your life. And this is not surprising, since a person does not stand still, he changes, and his desires are amenable to change.

In order for nothing to get in your way, you need to find within yourself. What does this mean? You just need what you have: small victories or big accomplishments. This will help you find your true path in life.

Forget about fear

Fear is what takes hold of us when we don't know what to expect. The unknown frightens many, since determining one’s purpose is not easy, and quite often one has to sacrifice: one’s time, one’s desires, rest, and this will not always bring fruitful results. In finding yourself, you need to be patient so that, despite any failures, you get up and move on. This will lead to success, and if so, it will make it possible to understand that a person has found his purpose. Fear is only an obstacle on the path to finding the meaning of life; you need to be brave and decisive, know your desires. Getting rid of fears will make it easier to find and move towards your goals.

And yet, how to find your purpose in life? This is a question that everyone is looking for an answer to. It is not always possible to know exactly and consciously what our calling is. You can rely on your feelings, and if there is happiness, it means that the person has found himself. In fact, there is no ability without special interest in something. The main thing in finding your meaning in life is to understand what you want from yourself. If there is a strong interest, if there is a dream, this will serve as an important lever in moving towards it. In order to find your purpose in life, you need to really want it. There are many ways. Let's say we can simply write on a piece of paper our abilities and deepest desires that we would like to realize. For some, such visualization may simplify the search. Everyone has their own way. But every person, no matter what, always finds himself. We have our own desires, and all people know what they want. Some are afraid to admit it to themselves, some are limited by parents, opportunities, or something else.

Don't limit yourself just because of your fears. You don’t need to look at others, you should do everything to live the way your soul and heart want. By thinking about ourselves, no matter how selfish it may sound, we are able to find the happiness that we so persistently seek throughout our lives. By achieving what we want, no matter how difficult it may be at first, we will get a much better result than doing what we must. It will only depress you. You need to find your purpose in life, so that when someone asks, you can give an accurate answer: “This is my purpose in life, and I am happy.”

Try it!

Finding purpose is the best thing a person can do for himself. In order to know the answer to the question: “Who am I and why was I born?” - need to try. Try yourself in a variety of areas, naturally, without forgetting about your talents and abilities, use every opportunity, since it is precisely this that can lead to the desired result. You can't win the lottery without ever buying a lottery ticket. Trying is not torture, and if you knock on different doors, some will definitely be opened!

If you are reading this, it means you have thought about this question.

You are absolutely right! After all, knowing your purpose is this means living a happy, harmonious life, revealing your talents, giving people joy and inspiration

I have one good friend whom I am always glad to see and hear. She travels a lot, writes books, communicates with different people, and is always up to date with the latest news from the world of literature and art. I enjoy going with her to exhibitions, festivals, or just meeting for a cup of coffee in some cozy coffee shop. She always has a lot of plans about where else to go, what to see, read and listen to.

Another friend of mine constantly complains about life: she is bored all the time, nothing makes her happy, she sees only the bad in everything. She finds dozens of “objective reasons” that prevent her from living the way other people live – a bright, rich life. She envies others and considers everyone around her to be guilty of her misfortunes... The trouble is that she herself doesn’t really know what she wants.

My first friend is somewhere over 60, and the second is not yet 40. The first one knows why she came into this world, what she needs for happiness and self-realization, so she is full of life and energy, always in high spirits and happy to share it with friends. The second, instead of looking inside herself, is jealous of other people's successes and achievements.

The first knows about her Destiny and lives in accordance with it. The second one doesn’t know and doesn’t want to know, she has too many “more important things to do.”

I am sure that you now remember the same people from your environment - both the first and second types. If I ask you, which one of them do you want to be like? – the answer will be obvious.

What people say who have found their Purpose:

Deepak Chopra: “Each of us has something that others don’t have. You can do what others cannot. Look for it in yourself, find it, take care of it and develop it! You will never fail doing what you are meant to do.”

Vissarion Belinsky: “To find your way, to know your place - this is everything for a person, this means for him to become himself.”

Ernest Hemmingway: “Every man is born to do something.”

Osho: “Every person comes into the world with a certain purpose - he must do something, deliver some message, complete some work. You are not here by chance - you are here with a certain meaning. There is a specific purpose behind you. The whole intends to do something through you.”

K.G. Jung: “The undiscovered path in us is something psychically alive, which classical Chinese philosophy calls “Tao,” likening it to a water stream that inexorably moves towards its goal. To be in Tao means perfection, integrity, fulfilled purpose, beginning and goal, as well as the full realization of the meaning of earthly existence, inherent in things from birth. Personality is Tao.”

Erich Fromm: “The main life task of a person is to give life to himself, to become what he potentially is. The most important fruit of his efforts is his own personality.”

What people say who have NOT found their Destination:

- - Everything is good at work, the pay is decent, and the colleagues are nice... but very boring! I would like a job that would be both fun and good money - but I doubt whether this is possible...

- - The work is boring, the pay is low, the bosses are evil. I want to change my job, but I don’t know what...

- - There is something you love, but it doesn’t bring you money. You have to do uninteresting work and it “eats up” so much energy and time that there is almost nothing left for what you love...

-I am passionate about spiritual practices and personal development, but because of work I can’t devote enough time to them...

- I have no ability for anything, I cannot succeed in anything.I was not lucky…

- Now is the moment in my life that I need to decide what to do next.I'm at a loss about this, I can't decide...

Do you want to know

You've come to the right place! On my website you will find the answer to the question of how to find out your Purpose and realize it in your life.

Why am I talking about Destiny?

We are lucky enough to live in very interesting, but difficult times. The world provides us with a lot of opportunities, bombarding each of us with a huge amount of information every day. How to make the right choice? Do you understand what exactly you need?

I am a psychologist and have been working with people for many years. Many people complain about instability, uncertainty about the future - this becomes the cause of depression, endless fears and anxieties. This applies to work, relationships, and self-esteem... Where to find stability?

My answer is only within myself! Understand why you came into this world, what your Purpose is and how to realize it in your life. This means finding your inner core, maintaining self-confidence in any situation, no matter what changes occur in your life.

I went through my own path in search of my Destination - I read a lot of books, studied psychology and philosophy, communicated with Russian and foreign scientists and bearers of traditional knowledge, spiritual teachers, worked in political and environmental projects... Now I know for sure:

My purpose is to help people reconnect with their spirituality.

I do not belong to any theological school or religious concession, although I respect any of them, with the exception of those who are characterized by fanaticism and intolerance towards “non-believers”. I believe that every person has a spiritual principle that connects him with the Supreme Absolute (which has many different names and interpretations). I believe that every person must find his own spiritual path - this is the dictate of the times.

Destination is a connection with a higher, spiritual principle. It is not something that can be possessed, but one can be in contact with it. This is what gives us strength and energy for our achievements, development, and accomplishments.

Purpose is not sublime words or conversation on philosophical topics. This is what fills every moment of our existence with meaning, gives hope and inspiration even in the most difficult moments, and allows us to achieve success in the most seemingly hopeless undertakings.

They say that if your intentions are true, the Universe strengthens them. This is exactly what this is about. When you fulfill your Purpose, you act in accordance with the laws of the Universe, in accordance with the laws of the highest harmony. This fills you with strength and confidence, you are able to enjoy every moment of your life.

If you don’t know your purpose, your actions have no power. Apathy, laziness, fears appear, nothing works out, everything falls out of hand. A person turns into a zombie with a dull look, aimlessly living one day after another.

A person who does not know his purpose is like a tree without roots. He has no connection with the source of power. He does not live, but slowly dies.

Purpose is what gives meaning to our lives. Answer to the question: why am I doing all this? Without this knowledge, any achievements do not bring joy.

You probably know people who have achieved a high position, material wealth, but at the same time do not give the impression of happy people. There is an opinion that money and power “spoil” people - but this is not true! Money and power are not substitutes for happiness; they cannot be the meaning of life in themselves. They can bring happiness only if you firmly know why you need them. They are only a means to realize your Destiny.

A person who knows his Destiny has money, power and success exactly to the extent that he needs to be happy. Those who know their Destination achieve their successes, those who do not know are jealous of others.

There are people who, as it seems to them, choose the “golden mean”, they believe that it is better to be content with little, but so that everything is “like everyone else”: family, work, leisure... But they are often unhappy: the work is boring, there is no mutual understanding in the family , rest comes down to long-bored entertainment. Changing something is scary, you have to endure it, consoled only by the fact that “I am no worse than others.”

In fact, such people live “for show”, without understanding why they are doing all this. This is how people turn into “corporate zombies” or joyless wasters, sad housewives or “Barbie dolls”. Their life is colorless and monotonous, even if there are many beautiful fashionable toys and prestigious things in it. They cannot change anything because there is no power in their actions. They don't know their Purpose, so they have no real incentive to change anything. The Universe does not help such people; it is indifferent to their requests and desires.

It also happens that a person, not seeing the meaning in his life, generally loses interest in everything: he stops communicating with friends and relatives, changes one job after another, stops taking care of himself, and acquires a bunch of diseases and other problems. Sometimes a person slowly kills himself by drinking or taking drugs, unable to endure a meaningless existence.

There is another danger. A person who does not know his Purpose is a convenient object for manipulation.

If you yourself don’t know why you live, there may be people who want to impose their ideas on this matter on you. Representatives of various sects or fraudulent organizations enthusiastically spread the topic of “true destiny” - they suggest worshiping some long-forgotten (or invented by themselves) deities or engaging in dubious scams for the sake of “easy money.”

They claim that all people have the same thing which is known only to them and no one else. They promise untold wealth, or eternal youth, or something like that. They use your ignorance of their true Destination for their own benefit - enrichment and self-satisfaction.

In fact, each person is unique and his Purpose is unique. Finding it, understanding it, making it your fulcrum - that is the task.

Some happy people simply know their Destiny from birth and feel it. They never doubt their choice of profession, work, lifestyle - even if this is not always understood by their friends or relatives. Such people always live life to the fullest, they are energetic, cheerful, and capable of giving happiness to others.

But much more often it happens that a person does not know his Destination, or is not sure that he understands it correctly. If you are just such a person, I am glad that you are reading this. Once you have thought about your Destination, this already means that you have a chance not to join the ranks of corporate zombies or sad playmakers, but to become a happy and harmonious person who knows why he lives and brings joy and happiness to this world.

People began to think about the search for Destination a long time ago, so today there are many different ways to find out. I will be happy to share with you the techniques that I know.

Get my book for free "Destination - The Path of Harmony." In this book, written based on many years of experience working with clients, you will find answers to many of your questions about how to build a life in accordance with your Purpose. The book contains specific techniques that allow you to find out your Purpose and realize it in life.

Subscribe to mine and receive a small task once every 2 days for the next step towards realizing your Destiny.

Find out about my programs And group trainings, conditions of participation and cooperation.

PURPOSE- this is the shortest path to realizing your inner potential, the hidden abilities of talents given from Above.

Destination is knowing yourself, or rather your eternal Soul, which came here to express itself through the physical body.

When you go out on your spiritual path of the soul, the goals themselves will arise in front of you!

  • Do you want to know your path destined from Above?
  • Do you want to find out who you really are?
  • Where did you come from and what do you need to do in this life?

Watch the webinar

“The long-awaited meeting with your destiny”

You will learn unique information about how to find your place in the modern world by fulfilling the contract of your SOUL.
If you have questions:

  • How to recognize yourself?
  • What do I most want to get out of life?
  • What is my true purpose?
  • Do I have a Mission?
  • How to find out your soul contract for this life?

Then this webinar is definitely for you!
You will learn:

What is the connection between the quantum transition of the Earth and the destiny of man?
3 circles of human needs
Find out the criteria for the found destination
How to work with hints and signs about the destiny given from Above
You will work:

  • Send a request for a destination to the Earth's Information Field
  • Using the UNIVERSAL test, determine what you want to do most and what you are inclined to do. 99% of people find their purpose using this test!
  • Found it, but what to do with it? Instructions will be given for the first step.
  • Immerse yourself in technology “A look at my purpose from the level of the Universe”


Leader of the webinar

Meeting your purpose PART 2

Lesson program

  1. Correctly set intentions in the search for purpose.
  2. A specific recommendation will be given: “What to do?” for those who have not yet found their purpose.
  3. Specific steps to untie karmic knots from past activities that are not related to your path .
  4. Find out the criteria for the found purpose.

Do you want to know your path destined from Above? Do you want to find out who you really are? Where did you come from and what do you need to do in this life? Come to the courses of the school of parapsychology “World of the Soul” by Polina Sukhova

Parable “Happiness has the face of a riddle”

There lived a Man in the World. He had three dreams: to have a well-paid job, to marry a beauty and... to become famous throughout the world.
One day in a frosty winter, a man was in a hurry for an interview at the office of a well-known company. Suddenly, an elderly man fell right in front of him. The man looked at the fallen man, and the thought arose in his head that he was most likely drunk and did not shake hands. This helped me not be late for my scheduled meeting. The interview was unsuccessful: The person was not hired for the desired position.

One day a Man was walking around the city on a summer evening. Noticing a troupe of street performers, he stopped to enjoy the spectacle. There were few spectators, but the play was fun and exciting. After the end of the action, applause rang out and people began to disperse. Our Man also turned back, but someone timidly touched his shoulder. This was the main character of the play, an old clown. She began asking him whether he liked the performance and whether he was satisfied with the actors. But the Man did not want to carry on a conversation and, turning away with disgust, went home.

One rainy evening, a man was hurrying home from a friend's birthday party. He was very tired, and thoughts of a fragrant bath and a cozy, warm bed flashed through his head. Suddenly he heard someone's muffled sobbing. It was a woman crying. She was sitting on a bench near the Man's house. Without an umbrella. One. Noticing our hero, she turned to him for help. She had a misfortune in her family. And she only needed a sincere interlocutor. The man became thoughtful, a bath and a bed appeared before his eyes, and hurried into the entrance.

The man lived an unhappy life. And he died.

Once in Heaven, Man met his Friend, Guardian Angel. They swung on the heavenly swing and talked.

You know, I lived a completely miserable and worthless life. I had three dreams, but nothing came true. It's a pity…

Hmm... My friend, I did everything to make all your dreams come true, but for this I only needed from you: your hand, your eyes and your heart.

My God, so what?

Do you remember the fallen man on a slippery winter road? I’ll show you this picture now... That man was the general director of the company that you so wanted to get into. A dizzying career awaits you. All that was required of you was your hand.

Do you remember the old clown who pestered you with questions after a street performance? She was a beautiful young actress who fell in love with you at first sight. A happy future awaited you, children, undying love. All that was required of you was your eyes.

Do you remember the crying woman near your entrance? It was a rainy evening, and she was soaked through with tears... She was a famous writer. She was going through a family crisis and really needed emotional support. If you helped her warm up in her apartment, warm her Soul thanks to your wise words of consolation, then she would write a book in which she would talk about this incident. The book would become famous throughout the world, and you would become famous, since on the main page the author would indicate the name of the one who became the muse of this work. And all that was required of you then was your heart. You were inattentive, my friend.

The man sighed... And the Friends walked along the lunar path into the starry distance, quietly and serenely talking...

What does this World offer you now?

Remember: Happiness has the face of a Mystery...

The same applies to your purpose.

“Valentina Ivanovna wanted to get a job, but could not find a suitable one with a decent salary. Employers were in no hurry to hire her, despite the fact that she had a good specialty. On the one hand, age, and on the other, she had no work experience, since immediately after graduating from university she went on maternity leave. Then there was a move to another city, then a second child was born, and another move. In general, by the age of thirty-seven she had a strong desire to work - she was tired of sitting at home. In addition, the children have already grown up and become independent, and the husband, due to his length of service as a military man, retired early.

At one of our seminars on the laws of prosperity, she heard that in this case, when it is difficult to find a job, you just need to start taking care of someone (not only about your family members, about someone else in the world). And then my neighbor, a pensioner, became seriously ill. The woman began caring for her sick neighbor: buying groceries, cooking, washing clothes, cleaning the apartment. Just show good feelings.

After some time, her daughter came to the neighbor. She was a major entrepreneur, but she lived very far from her mother, so it was not possible to immediately visit her sick mother. Having learned that Valentina Ivanovna had been taking care of her mother all this time, she offered her money for her help. But Valentina Ivanovna refused the money, saying that she helped completely disinterestedly, from the bottom of her heart.

A month later, the neighbor’s daughter again came to her hometown on business and offered Valentina Ivanovna a job in her specialty in a new branch of the company, which she was going to open in her city. In the same branch, Valentina Ivanovna’s husband found a decent job.”

Excerpt from the book by V.V. Sinelnikov "Find your way."

Interview of coach Elena Alekseeva with parapsychologist Polina Sukhova.

"How to find your purpose"

"Ask, and it shall be given you;

seek and you will find;

knock and it will be opened to you"

Bible (Matt. 7:7).

Sooner or later, every person comes to the question of his own. For many reasons. Some people need this to get a taste of life, others to realize themselves, and others have learned that only by doing “their” business can they become rich, not only spiritually, but and in the completely tangible – material.

The desire to understand "why did you come into this world" can be very relevant and necessary, but getting to the very essence is not as easy for many people as it seems, except in cases where the purpose has been known since childhood.

If you are one of these seekers and still have not found the answer to this question, read this article and you will learn several simple methods that will help you quickly find the long-awaited answer.

1. Family connections.

The method is purely analytical. If you know your grandparents, then remember what their profession was or what they worked for, or what their soul was, as they say, about.

Which of these professions or occupations? your soul will respond, that, perhaps, is your destiny. But don’t rush to draw negative conclusions. To find out whether this specialty is suitable for you or not, you need to work in this direction.

Sometimes you can learn something valuable and important for yourself from an outwardly unattractive, uninteresting or boring, at first glance, activity. Or maybe you will be able to modernize this profession taking into account the modern development of the world, or come up with your own direction in it, your own trick.

2. Children's games.

Remember what you're into loved to play. The child is still free from many restrictions, conventions and prejudices of adult life, and therefore it is easier for him to find something to do for his soul. He only does what brings him joy and where he can express himself.

As children, we play those games that are truly interesting to us and that come easily to us - without any difficulty, and as if we had been doing this for a very long time and quite successfully.

3. Meditation “Help of the kind.”

Lie down in a secluded, quiet place, turn on relaxing music, adjust your breathing and enter a meditative state - imagine a place where you feel good, cozy and interesting. Find a path.

The path should lead you to a clearing. Look around and imagine how people begin to appear to your left and right - these are two branches of your family. On the one hand, there is the paternal line, and on the other, the maternal line. You remain between them.

Ask these people a question (you can write a mental note) that concerns you and see what happens. Depending on what you “saw” and “heard”, draw conclusions and use the hint you receive.

When you have enough information or you understand that communication is over for today, thank and return back along the path to the place where you started your meditation. This meditation gives very fascinating knowledge!

4. “I am a millionaire.”

Sit back, close your eyes and imagine yourself as a millionaire. You already have everything, you have fulfilled all your desires: a luxurious house, a car, a yacht, a plane, a million-dollar bank account. You have achieved everything you dreamed of and can afford everything you can think of. Ask yourself the main question: “What would I like to do? What business fills my life with meaning and joy?”

Write down all the ideas that come into your head.

5. Interview your loved ones.

In addition to these ways to find out your purpose, it will be very useful for you to pay attention to how people you respect evaluate you. What do they say about you? What do they think about your activities, behavior and character?

For example, from loving parents you can often hear phrases like: “You’re just like a teacher, daughter!” or “Son, you will grow into a good detective, you have excellent deduction!”. Well, or something like this from friends or colleagues: “You are very sociable, you can become an excellent social worker” or “Are you by chance a psychologist by profession? You are a great judge of people." Listen to their words, perhaps they contain truth.

6. Numerology.

Or you can turn to the ancient science of numerology, since its main task is identifying the influence of numbers on a person. By adding the numbers of the date of birth, sometimes also the numerical correspondence of the last name and first name, you can find out the number that determines the Life Path. It will indicate the path that will lead to the solution to your problem.

7. Tarot cards.

Another interesting direction that is currently widespread is arcanology. It is built on the 22 arcana of the Tarot and is tied to their semantic and numerological meanings.

Using the layout, you can get hints about what talents and abilities can be realized, answers about your purpose, and main tasks for a certain period of life.

8. Astrology.

You can also “calculate” your destiny by contacting an astrologer.

Based on the place and time of birth, the astrologer draws up a map that identifies the main areas of professional guidance and professional activity of a person, shows it in the person’s horoscope success his professional path. With the help of a horoscope, an astrologer can make fine adjustments and determine not only a person’s talents, but also the area of ​​​​activity in which a person will actually work.

9. Palmistry.

You can try turning to palmistry.

Destination can be read using palmistry along the line of Fate on the hand. The word itself " fate" implies " I will judge". Depending on how a person currently realizes the freedom of choice given to him, his life path is determined.

10. Reincarnation.

Remembering your past lives, mapping out incarnations, you can determine what your soul is most inclined to. Having ascended to the World of Souls, you can ask questions to your Guides and receive answers about the goals of your incarnations. Also from the World of Souls you can see what task you have set for this life. With the help of Reincarnation, you can reveal your destiny for one life, for several lives, and understand.

Whether you turn to the magic of numbers, engage in self-knowledge, fortune telling by the stars, or turn to your Soul to find answers,
the main thing is how we live every day!

It is important to understand: our guiding ball is in our hands!

Maria Ladova, Tatyana Druk, Lana Chulanova