Violations in the functioning of the internal system for assessing the quality of education. Regulations on ensuring an internal system for assessing the quality of education




08/30/2015 No. - A

Based on orders of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated 06.10.2009 No. 373 and dated 26.11.2010 No. 1241., decisions of the school’s pedagogical council (minutes No. 1 of 28.08.2015),

I order:

1. Approve the Regulation “On ensuring an internal assessment system quality of education", developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of NOO; LLC (APPENDIX 1).


MBOU "Secondary School No. 51" S.A. Pusovskaya

I have read the order:


Approved Accepted

Director of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 51” Protocol No. ___from____

S. A. Pusovskaya Pedagogical Council


on provision

  1. 1. General provisions

1.1. This Regulation on ensuring an internal system for assessing the quality of education (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) defines the goals, objectives, uniform principles of the system for assessing the quality of education in public organizations, and regulates the procedure for monitoring.

1.2. The regulation on ensuring an internal system for assessing the quality of education was developed in accordance with the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” Article 28, paragraph 2, subparagraph, 13, with regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Institution.

1.3. Internal system education quality assessment is created to ensure:

Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard;

Consumer satisfaction with the quality of educational services provided;

Taking into account all-Russian and regional trends in the development of education;

Implementation of the best examples of quality education;

Use of generally accepted all-Russian and regional procedures, tools, indicators, means of monitoring the quality of education.

1.4. The internal system for assessing the quality of education in educational institutions means activities related to information support management of an educational institution, based on a systematic analysis of the quality of implementation of the educational process, its resource provision and its results.

1.5. The following terms are used in this provision:

Monitoring- systematic tracking of processes, results, and other characteristics educational system to identify the compliance (or non-compliance) of its development and functioning with the given goals.

Education Quality Monitoring System- a system for collecting, processing, analyzing, storing and distributing information about the educational system and its individual elements, which is focused on information support for managing the quality of education, allows one to judge the state of the education system in the Institution at any point in time and provide the ability to predict its development.

The quality of education- complex characteristics educational activities and training of the student, expressing the degree of their compliance with federal state educational standards, federal state requirements and/or the needs of the physical or legal entity, in whose interests educational activities are carried out, including the degree to which the planned results of the educational program are achieved;

Education quality assessment- the process as a result of which the degree of compliance of the measured educational results, the conditions for their provision fixed in regulatory documents system of requirements for the quality of education.

Expertise- a comprehensive study of the state of educational processes, conditions and results of educational activities.

Measurement- level assessment educational achievements with the help of control measuring materials(traditional tests, tests, questionnaires, etc.), having a standardized form and the content of which corresponds to the implemented educational programs, Federal State Educational Standards.

Internal education quality assessment system - complete system diagnostic and assessment procedures, implemented by various subjects of state and public school management, to which certain powers are delegated to assess the quality of education, as well as a set of organizational structures and regulatory legal materials that ensure management of the quality of education.

Criterion - a sign on the basis of which an assessment is made, a classification of the object being assessed.

1.6. Activities to implement the goals and objectives of the internal system for assessing the quality of education are planned and implemented on the basis problem analysis educational process OO.

Assessment of the quality of education is carried out through existing control procedures and expert assessment quality of education:

Monitoring the educational achievements of students different levels training;

Analysis of creative achievements of schoolchildren;

In-school control systems;

The results of certification of teaching and management employees;

The results of sociological research;

System medical research schoolchildren, carried out on the initiative of the school medical service, administration and the School Board of Trustees.

Objects of education quality assessment are:

Academic and extracurricular achievements of students;

Productivity, professionalism and qualifications of teaching staff and PA administration;

Educational programs and conditions for their implementation;

Educational process.

1.7. Subject of education quality assessment:

quality of educational results (the degree of compliance of the results of students' mastery of the main educational program with the Federal State Educational Standard);

quality of organization of the educational process, including the conditions for organizing the educational process, accessibility of education, conditions for the comfort of receiving education, logistics of the educational process, catering;

quality additional educational programs adopted and implemented by the Institution, the conditions for their implementation;

effectiveness of education quality management

1.8. The following are used as data sources for assessing the quality of education:

educational statistics;

monitoring studies;

sociological surveys;

reports from employees of the Institution

1.9. The provision applies to the activities of all teaching staff of educational institutions carrying out professional activities in accordance with employment contracts, including for teaching staff working part-time.

1.10. The regulation on ensuring an internal system for assessing the quality of education, as well as additions to it, are approved by order of the school director based on the decision of the Pedagogical Council.

2. Functions, goals and objectivesinternal education quality assessment system

2.1. Main functionsinternal education quality assessment system:

Ensuring the Federal State Educational Standard and meeting the need for obtaining quality education from all participants educational relations;

Analytical and information support for managing the quality of education and upbringing of schoolchildren, including through an information system for external users.

Examination, diagnostics, assessment and forecast of the main development trends of the Institution.

2.2 . Purposeinternal education quality assessment system is to obtain objective information about the state of the quality of education, trends in its change and the reasons affecting its level.

2.3 . To achieve this goal, the following are solved: tasks:

Mechanism formation unified system collecting, processing and storing information about the state of the quality of education in the Institution.

Analytical and expert monitoring support school system education;

Prompt identification of compliance of the quality of education with the requirements of the federal state educational standard within the framework of implemented educational programs based on the results input, intermediate, final monitoring;

Implementation of mechanisms of public examination, transparency and collegiality when adopting strategic decisions in the field of assessing the quality of education;

2.4. The internal system for assessing the quality of education is based on the following: principles:

- realistic requirements, norms and indicators of the quality of education, their social and personal significance;

- openness, transparency of procedures for assessing the quality of education;

-instrumentation and manufacturability the indicators used, taking into account the needs of different consumers of educational services, minimizing their number;

- accounting individual characteristics the development of individual students when assessing the results of their education and upbringing;

- availability of information on the state and quality of education for consumers;

- increasing potential internal assessment , self-esteem, self-analysis of each teacher.

3. Objectsinternal education quality assessment system

3.1. Educational environment:

  • § student population
  • § personnel (pedagogical) support for the educational process

3.2. Student:

1. Quality of educational results:

  • subject learning outcomes (including comparison of internal and external diagnostic data, including review of knowledge in 4th grade);
  • meta-subject learning outcomes (including comparison of internal and external diagnostic data);
  • personal results (including indicators of students’ socialization);
  • degree of adaptation to learning of 1st grade students;
  • level of training of students (in all subjects);
  • level of education of students;
  • student health (dynamics);
  • achievements of students in competitions, competitions, olympiads;
  • the degree of satisfaction of students and their parents with the educational process at the Institution;

3.3. Teaching staff:

  • staffing;
  • level professional competence(including advanced training and certification results);
  • quality and efficiency pedagogical work(including ratings of teachers based on work results);
  • level of innovative and scientific-methodological activities;
  • analysis of pedagogical difficulties;
  • self-educational activities;
  • stimulating teachers for achieving target indicators of the internal system for assessing the quality of education

3.4. Educational process:

3.4.1.Quality of implementation of the educational process:

  • basic educational programs (compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and the student population);
  • additional educational programs (compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and the requests of parents);
  • implementation curricula and work programs (compliance with Federal State Educational Standards);
  • quality of lessons and individual work with students;
  • quality extracurricular activities(including classroom management);
  • satisfaction of students and parents with lessons and conditions at school.

3.4.2. Quality of conditions ensuring the educational process:

  • logistics;
  • information and development environment (including ICT tools and educational and methodological support);
  • sanitary, hygienic and aesthetic conditions;
  • ensuring safe conditions;
  • medical support and catering;
  • security psychological comfort, accessibility of education;
  • security individual approach to schoolchildren with specific educational needs;
  • public administration ( Board of Trustees NGOs, pedagogical council, parent committees) and promoting the quality of education;
  • document flow and legal support (including the Educational Institution Development Program).

3.5. Social and psychological support of the educational process:

4. Organization and technologyinternal education quality assessment system

4.1. The organizational basis for implementing the procedure for the internal system for assessing the quality of education is a plan that determines the form, directions, timing and procedure for carrying out the internal system for assessing the quality of education, and responsible executors. The internal monitoring plan is considered at a meeting of the Pedagogical Council at the beginning of the school year, approved by order of the director and mandatory for execution by employees of the public organization.

4.2. Types of monitoring:

  • § by stages of training: entrance, intermediate, final;
  • § by frequency of procedures: one-time, periodic, systematic.

4.3. Organizational structure internal system for assessing the quality of education, engaged in in-school assessment, examination of the quality of education and interpretation of the results obtained, is a level hierarchical structure and includes:

 school administration;

 pedagogical council and board of trustees of public organizations;

 methodological associations;

 target analytical groups(commissions).

4.4. Responsible persons are appointed to carry out monitoring, the composition of which is approved by order of the director of the Institution. The monitoring group may include:

deputy directors for educational and educational work;

heads of methodological associations;

teachers - subject specialists of OO;

class teachers;

social teacher;

members of the Board of Trustees from among the parent community.

4.5. Implementation of monitoring involves the sequence of the following actions:

Definition and justification of the monitoring object;

Collection of data based on methods agreed upon and approved by the Ministry of Defense used for monitoring (testing, questioning, examination, etc.)

Analysis and interpretation of data obtained during monitoring;

Identification of factors influencing the quality of education, taking measures to eliminate negative consequences.

Dissemination of monitoring results among monitoring users.

Using the obtained indicators for the design and implementation of variable educational routes students.

Formulating the main strategic directions for the development of the educational process based on the analysis of the data obtained.

4.6. General methodological requirements for monitoring tools are validity, reliability, ease of use, accessibility for different levels management and public, standardization and testing.

4.7. Materials for monitoring studies are developed by deputy directors for teaching and learning activities and approved at meetings of methodological associations of teachers.

4.8. The measurement procedure used within the monitoring is aimed at establishing quality and quantitative characteristics object.

4.9. The main tools to give qualitative assessment education system are: analysis of changes in characteristics over time (dynamic analysis) and comparison of some characteristics with similar ones within the educational system (comparative analysis).

4.10. When assessing the quality of education in an Institution, the main methods establishing the actual values ​​of indicators is examination and measurement.

Technologies measurements are determined by the type of selected control measuring materials and the method of their application. The content of control measurement materials aimed at assessing the level of learning of schoolchildren is determined on the basis of state educational standards.

4.11. Statistics must be comparable:

· among themselves (more/less - better/worse);

· with educational and social standards (complies/fails).

· The assessment is based on average values ​​while observing the dynamics of indicators. An assessment system using total final points allows you to build a linear rating of teachers and classes, which gives an idea of ​​the place relative to others, and allows you to assess the real state of both an individual teacher (or student) and the Institution system as a whole.

4.12. Standards for the criteria for assessing the quality of education are established annually by the Founder in municipal task.

The criteria may be changed in accordance with the purpose of the monitoring (but not lower than the standard specified above).

4.13. Monitoring methods include:

Expert assessment,

Testing, questioning,

Carrying out inspection and other qualifying work,

Statistical information processing, ranking, etc.

4.14. In accordance with the principle of hierarchical monitoring, indicators and parameters set at a higher level are included in the system of indicators and monitoring parameters at a lower level.

4.15. The monitoring results are presented in diagrams, graphs, tables, diagrams, and are reflected in reference and analytical materials containing the ascertaining part, conclusions and specific, realistic recommendations.

4.16. Monitoring studies can be discussed at meetings of the pedagogical council, the Board of Trustees, meetings with the director, and meetings of methodological associations.

4.17. Based on the results of monitoring studies, recommendations are developed and adopted management decisions, an order is issued, planning and forecasting of the development of the public organization is carried out.

5. Distribution of functional responsibilities of participants in monitoring studies

To ensure the functioning of the internal system for assessing the quality of education, three expert groups are created:

1) group for assessing educational results;

2) group for assessing the implementation of the educational process;

3) group for assessing the conditions ensuring the educational process.

Each expert group receives information (in agreed formats) about the quality of work of the educational institution in the relevant area for school period(quarter, half-year, year). Experts from the expert group analyze the data received, assess the condition of each monitoring object, the nature of changes in indicators, comparison with “normative indicators”, and determine the causes of deviations. For each group of indicators, a final conclusion is formed, which includes not only a description of the current state, but also recommendations for making changes that can improve the quality of education.

The results of the analysis of data from the internal system for assessing the quality of education are the documentary basis for drawing up the annual report of the public organization on the results of self-assessment of the activities of the public organization and are published on the website of the public organization.

5.1. School administration (director and his deputies):

  • form conceptual approaches to assessing the quality of education,
  • ensure the implementation of procedures for monitoring and assessing the quality of education,
  • coordinate the work various structures, whose activities are related to issues of assessing the quality of education,
    • determine the state and trends in the development of school education,
    • establish and approve the procedure and frequency of monitoring studies;
    • organize a system for monitoring the quality of education in public organizations,
    • collect, process, store and present information about the state and dynamics of quality development;
    • analyze the results of assessing the quality of education at the educational level;
    • organize the study of information requests of the main users of the education quality assessment system;
    • ensure the provision of information on the quality of education to the municipal and regional levels of the system for assessing the quality of education;
    • form information - analytical materials based on the results of assessing the quality of education (analysis of the work of public organizations for academic year, public report);
    • make management decisions to improve the quality of education based on analysis of the results

5.2. Methodological association and heads of the Ministry of Defense

  • § participates in the development of methods for assessing the quality of education; in developing a system of indicators characterizing the state and dynamics of development of public organizations;
  • § conducts monitoring studies;
  • § analyzes monitoring results;
  • § keeps records of monitoring results;
  • § develops recommendations to eliminate the noted deficiencies;
  • § provide assistance to individual teachers in the formation own systems assessment of the quality of training and education,
  • conduct an examination individual systems assessments of the quality of education used by teachers.
  • § participate in assessing the productivity and professionalism of teachers.

5.3. Classroom teacher:

  • § monitors the achievements of each student;
  • § brings the results to the attention of parents in a timely manner;
  • § analyzes the dynamics of the personality development of each student;
  • § develops and offers students and parents recommendations for self-assessment of learning outcomes;
  • § provides information to the monitoring group in a timely manner.

5.4. Subject teacher:

  • § determines and analyzes the level educational achievements students in subjects based on the results of reflection, testing, control sections;
  • § outlines ways to improve the educational achievements of students;
  • § provides information to the monitoring group in a timely manner.

5.5. The Board of Trustees participates in the discussion and listens to the school administration on the implementation of the internal quality assessment system, evaluates the activities of school leaders and teachers in achieving the planned results in the implementation of the school development program. Members of the Council are invited to examine the quality of education.

6. Responsibility of the educational organization

The educational institution is responsible for established by law of the Russian Federation for failure to perform or improper performance of functions within its competence.


  • Federal Law of July 24, 2007 No. 211-FZ “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the improvement government controlled in the field of countering extremism" Open
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on January 18, 2003 No. 27 (as amended on March 24, 2011) “On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for determining the list of organizations and individuals, in respect of which there is information about their participation in extremist activities, and bringing this list to the attention of organizations carrying out transactions with funds or other property" Open
  • Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ “On general principles organizations of local self-government in the Russian Federation" Open
  • Open Open
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 09/04/2003 N 547 (as amended on 09/10/2016) “On training the population in the field of protection from emergency situations natural and man-made" Open
  • Municipal budgetary educational institution

    "Average comprehensive school No. 3" Beleva, Tula region

    Accepted Approved

    on pedagogical council by order of the director

    MBOU "Secondary School No. 3" Belyov MBOU "Secondary School No. 3"

    Tula region, Belev city, Tula region

    Protocol No.___from “____”_____2015 No.____ dated “___”_____2015

    Head teacher

    A.B. Semenov


    1. General Provisions

    1.1. This Regulation (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation)on the internal system for assessing the quality of educationin the municipal budget educational institution“Secondary school No. 3” in the city of Belev, Tula region (hereinafter referred to as the Institution) was developed in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Federal state standard primary general education, approved by order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 373 dated October 6, 2009.

    1.2. The regulation on the internal system for assessing the quality of education establishes uniform requirements when conducting an internal quality assessment system in the Institution and regulates the content and procedure for monitoring and assessing the quality of education.

    1.3. The regulations on the internal system for assessing the quality of education determine the goals, objectives, principles of functioning of the system for assessing the quality of education in the Institution, its organizational and functional structure.

    1.4. The regulation is a local regulatory act and must be posted on the official website of the Institution.

    1.5.The internal system for assessing the quality of education is integral part education quality assessment system of the Institution, represents systematic observation the state of education and the dynamics of changes in its results, the conditions for the implementation of educational activities, the contingent of students, the educational and extracurricular achievements of students and serves as information support for educational activities.

    Internal system for assessing the quality of education of a preschool educational organization

    According to Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" the competence of an educational organization in the established field of activity includes, among other things, , ensuring the functioning of the internal system for assessing the quality of education. As part of the activities of a preschool educational organization (hereinafter referred to as the PEO), internal monitoring of the quality of education (hereinafter referred to as the VMKO) is carried out, which means activities related to information support for the management of the preschool educational institution, based on a systematic analysis of the quality of implementation of the educational process, its resource provision and its results. The legal regulation of the functioning of the VMKO may include the preparation and approval of local regulations establishing the content and procedure for the implementation of the VMKO, in particular, provisions on internal monitoring of the quality of education of preschool educational institutions. At the same time, the necessary changes must be made to those already in effect in the preschool educational institution. local acts (job descriptions etc.).

    The regulations on internal monitoring of the quality of education of preschool educational institutions include:

      description of the structure and components of VMKO;

      description of the functioning of VMKO and interaction with existing departments;

      description of the content (system of objects and monitoring indicators) and recipients of information for making timely management decisions.

    All those mentioned in paragraph 3 should be listed as monitoring objects Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" positions, the quality of provision of which should be monitored by VMKO, taking into account the specifics preschool education, and additional positions, which are determined teaching staff and the Council of preschool educational institutions.

    Among the positions, the quality of provision of which should be monitored by VMKO, the following should be highlighted: the quality of the conditions ensuring educational activities; quality of processes ensuring educational activities; quality of educational results.

    The conditions ensuring educational activities include:


      personnel conditions;

      methods of training and education, educational technologies;

      ensuring the protection and promotion of health, organization of nutrition for students;

      organization of scientific and methodological work.

    In accordance with the federal government educational standard preschool education, approved. by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013. (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education), the above positions can be supplemented by the following objects: financial support, psychological pedagogical support, subject-spatial developmental environment.

    The processes supporting educational activities include:

      compliance of the main educational programs of preschool education with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education and the student population;

      compliance of additional educational programs with the requests of parents (legal representatives) of pupils;

      the quality of direct educational activities and individual work with students.

    The quality of the results of educational activities is characterized by:

      results of students mastering the basic educational program of preschool education;

      health of students (dynamics);

      achievements of students at competitions, competitions, olympiads;

      satisfaction of parents (legal representatives) of pupils with the quality of educational results.

    The list of monitoring objects and indicators characterizing them, for each of which the methods (methods) used for obtaining primary data, the frequency of obtaining this data, as well as responsible persons implementing the relevant functions are indicated, can be presented as an appendix to the regulations on the internal system for assessing the quality of education DOO or in the form of a separate document (for example, VMKO regulations).

    see also


    “Internal system for assessing the quality of education of a preschool educational organization”

    More details:

    Educational activities in preschool educational institutions

    “Educational and educational activities in preschool educational institutions”
    © Material from the Education Reference System.
    More details:

    How to develop a part of educational educational program, formed by participants in educational relations

    The part formed by the participants in educational relations is reflected in each of the sections of the educational educational program: target, content, organizational ( Federal State Educational Standard DO). Its volume can reach up to 40 percent of the total volume of the educational program DO ( Federal State Educational Standard DO).

    The part formed by the participants in educational relations (the formed part) specifies OOP DO Federal State Educational Standard DO).

    To develop the formed part of the OOP DO, partial programs are used.

    To select partial programs, the needs of parents and teachers are studied. Taking into account the content of partial programs, the planned results are drawn up in target section OOP DO and prescribe the conditions in organizational section OOP DO.

    The partial programs themselves are included in the content section of OOP DO. They are placed directly in the text of the OOP DO or provide links to methodological literature, where these partial programs are already described ( Federal State Educational Standard DO).

    How to study the needs of participants in educational relations

    Conduct a survey to study your needs. Use:

    Summarize your findings in And

    Discuss the results at the August teaching council. and templates of questionnaires should be attached to the OOP DO.

    Advice:Conduct preliminary explanatory work with parents.

    The content of the formed part should equally take into account both the preferences of parents and the experience of educators.

    How to highlight the formed part in the content section

    In the content section, write down the composition of partial programs. Determine the number of partial programs based on their volume. The larger the volume of one partial program, the smaller their total number in the OOP DO. The total volume of partial programs cannot exceed 40 percent of the total volume of educational programs of educational institutions.

    Attention: The total volume of primary education, measured in hours, includes the entire amount of time a child spends in kindergarten. Unlike school in kindergarten in educational purposes use not only direct educational activities (DEA), but also periods of active wakefulness of children: walks, play activity in groups. Also used for educational purposes regime moments: eating, hygiene procedures, getting ready for bed.

    To determine the total volume of educational educational activities in hours, the following are taken into account:

      the number of days in a week when the organization operates;

      the number of hours a child spends in kindergarten per day;

      the period when the organization does not operate during the summer months.

    An example of determining the total volume of educational activities in hours

    The volume of one partial program depends on the composition of the elements. The partial program may include:

      educational activities;

      health and development activities;


      psychological and pedagogical diagnostics.

    The volume of a partial program is determined based on the composition of the elements, which depends on the content and goals of the program.

    Example of determining the scope of a partial program

    The smaller the volume of one partial program, the greater their number can be included in the OOP DO.

    Once the allowed number of partial programs has been established, you can allocate the part to be formed in the target section of the OOP DO.

    Situation: Is it possible to use partial programs of authors who are not part of the team of authors of a variable complex program

    Situation: are they included? additional programs into the formed part of the OOP DO

    How to select the formed part in the target section

    To the general list of planned results enter results that correspond to the content of the partial programs.

    An example of highlighting the formed part in the target section

    Highlight the results included in the general list in italics or color.

    How to highlight the part being formed in the organizational section

    In the organizational section, in general list units of material and technical conditions, mark those that will reflect units of equipment, inventory, materials necessary for the implementation of partial programs.

    An example of highlighting the part being formed in the organizational section

    The composition of the units of the formed part can be common to several partial programs or unique, necessary for the implementation of a single partial program. So, for the partial program N.A. Ryzhova’s “Our Home is Nature” requires specific content for the developing subject-spatial environment: illustrated printed manuals, thematically designed design objects, models of various natural objects.

    “How to develop a part of the educational educational program, formed by participants in educational relations”
    © Material from the Education Reference System.
    More details:

    How to use various programs when developing OOP for preschool education

    Which program is considered an exemplary educational program for preschool education?

    An exemplary educational program for preschool education (PEP DO) includes a program that is developed in accordance with the Procedure for developing exemplary basic educational programs, conducting their examination and maintaining a register of exemplary basic educational programs, approved , and approved by the decision of the Federal Educational Institution for General Education (minutes of May 20, 2015 No. 2/15).

    This program included in the register of exemplary basic educational programs (publicly available information resource, posted on the website ( Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ).

    Programs such as “Rainbow”, “From birth to school”, “Origins”, “Success”, “Childhood”, “World of Discovery”, “ Kindergarten– House of Joy”, “Paths”, “Mosaic”, “Inspiration”, etc. (there are about 30 in total), are not approximate basic educational programs for preschool education. These are variable comprehensive programs that are used in addition to preschool educational programs in the process of developing the main educational program of a preschool educational organization (preschool educational organization).

    How to combine PEOP and variable comprehensive programs

    It is necessary to combine PEOP and variable comprehensive programs in order to take into account the various educational needs of pupils, their abilities and health status ( Federal State Educational Standard DO).

    There may be several variable comprehensive programs as part of the preschool education program, but it is better to use one so as not to violate the integrity of the educational process in kindergarten. If this one program is not enough, it is better to expand the preschool educational program with partial programs.

    Attention: point to title page OOP DO, which variable comprehensive program you are using. For example, “The basic educational program of preschool education, developed taking into account the variable comprehensive program “Origins”.

    There is no need to increase the number of variable comprehensive programs under the pretext of maximizing coverage of all educational areas laid down by the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. For example, teachers believe that the educational area “Socio-communicative development” is best represented in the “Rainbow” program, cognitive development is best provided methodologically in the “Childhood” or “World of Discoveries” program, the system of planning pedagogical work is best represented in the program “ Mosaic”, etc.

    If all of the above-mentioned variable complex programs are included in the preschool education program, then it will be necessary to take from them not only activities, but also planned results, as well as approaches to organizing the direct educational activities of students. Theoretically, it is possible to connect all this, but in reality it is unreasonably labor-intensive, and as a result, the statement of several variable comprehensive programs will be of a formal nature.

    How to Combine PBL and Partial Programs

    Partial programs (partialis - partial) are educational programs of preschool education that ensure the implementation of one of the educational areas provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, one of the areas within educational field, or education of preschool children of limited age range.

    Partial programs are used in addition to PBL for:

    expanding the content of one of the educational areas, for example physical development, speech development,

      deepening the content within one educational area, for example, the development of elementary mathematical concepts;

      development of children of a limited age range, e.g. early age, infancy, senior preschool age.

    Partial programs make it possible to develop part of the educational educational program, formed by participants in educational relations.

    The part formed by the participants in educational relations is reflected in each of the sections of the educational program - target, content, organizational:

      in the target section, the goals and objectives of the educational program reflect this in the set of goals and planned results of the development of educational educational program;

      in the content section - actually as part of partial programs used in addition to OOP DO;

      in the organizational section - in special conditions necessary for the implementation of educational programs at the request of parents.


    In order to present a partial program in the part formed by the participants in educational relations, it is necessary to proceed from the specific tasks facing the preschool organization.

    For example, do you mean the task of developing students’ knowledge national customs and traditions, the ability to perform simple ritual ceremonies, help adults in conducting traditional national holidays. You analyze existing partial programs for compliance with this direction, select one of them, correlate the approaches embedded in this program with the structure of a preschool educational organization, and then draw up short description of this program for inclusion in the text of OOP DO.

    Situation: Is it possible to refer to the author's partial program in OOP DO?

    Situation: Can different partial programs be used in parallel preschool groups?

    How to determine the direction of OOP DO

    The direction of OOP DO is determined based on educational needs, abilities and health status of children ( GEF DO) and recorded in .

    The focus of OOP DO reflects the content . To develop this part of the preschool educational program, partial programs are selected, for which the needs of parents and educators are studied. Despite the fact that the direction of the educational educational program is directly related to the part of the educational educational system formed by the participants in educational relations, the direction of educational educational relations does not reflect all partial programs, but only those for the implementation of which there was the greatest demand and they do not contradict the goals of the educational educational program.

    Attention: distinguish between the focus of OOP DO and additional educational services services that you provide at the request of parents. Avoid the coincidence of the focus of educational educational programs with the goals of additional general development programs so that the inspection authorities do not have comments on misuse funds intended for the implementation of the educational program DO.

    Distinguish between the focus of preschool education and the focus of individual preschool groups. Groups can have a general developmental, compensatory, health-improving or combined orientation (

    For general development groups, OOP DO is used.

    For compensatory groups, AOEP preschool education is used, which is developed taking into account the characteristics of pupils with disabilities.

    For health-related groups, educational educational programs are used, which include a complex of sanitary and hygienic, medical and recreational and preventive measures and procedures.

    For combined groups, where healthy children and children with disabilities are co-educated, pre-school educational programs adapted for children with disabilities are being developed.

    It is possible to organize groups without implementing an educational program for preschool education ( The procedure for organizing the activities of a kindergarten, approved. by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 30, 2013 No. 1014).

    Attention: focus separate group can become the basis for the direction of the entire educational program only if the preschool educational institution is dominated by groups of one particular orientation, for example, health-improving. If one preschool organization implements several different educational educational programs or educational educational institutions and educational institutions at the same time, then each of them will have its own focus.

    What general order actions when choosing programs

    First, establish the compliance of the preschool education system built in a particular preschool organization with the provisions of the preschool educational program:

      compare targets PEOP with experience in operating an educational organization;

      highlight possible inconsistencies between the work practices of the educational organization and the requirements of PBL;

      install priority areas activities of an educational organization.

    Next, determine a variable comprehensive program and the composition of partial programs that will eliminate the inconsistencies identified at the previous stage between the existing educational practice and one that should take shape taking into account priority areas.

    Accompany the selection of variable comprehensive and partial programs with an analysis of the existing successful experience of educational activities, an analysis of the interests and needs of participants in educational relations.


    Indicate that the use of a partial program will allow you to adapt the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education to the goals and planned results of mastering the educational educational program.

    Federal State Educational Standard DO).

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    How to conduct certification teaching worker for suitability for the position held

    Vera Ponkratova , expert of the staff of the Trade Union of Workers public education and science of the Russian Federation

    Once every five years, educational organizations, in accordance with the established procedure, are required to conduct certification of teaching staff in order to confirm compliance with the positions they occupy (hereinafter referred to as certification for compliance with the position held).

    If the certification commission recognizes that the employee is not suitable for the position due to insufficient qualifications, the employer will be able to fire him. For this purpose in Labor Code RF has a reason - Part 1 of Article 81.

    When conducting certification, use which department public policy in the field of general education, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and the All-Russian Trade Union of Education sent . They developed these explanations based on assessment questions that asked:

      organs state power subjects of the Russian Federation;

      regional and interregional trade union organizations;

      other interested parties.

    How to prepare for the event

    When preparing for certification, issue administrative acts and familiarize employees with them.

    1. Publish - order, order ( ).

    During certification, the certification commission evaluates the professional activities of teaching staff. The composition of the commission is formed by the educational organization ( , ).

    In the administrative act, determine who will be in the composition certification commission:


      Deputy Chairman;


      members of the certification commission.

    At the same time, be sure to include a representative of the elected body of the corresponding primary trade union organization (if any) in the certification commission.

    This is indicated by the points And

    Situation: can the head of an organization be the chairman of the certification commission of an educational organization

    Familiarize employees with the administrative act on the creation of the certification commission.

    2. Publish .

    This is required The procedure for certification of teaching staff.

    Provide in the act a list of workers who are subject to certification and a schedule according to which certification is carried out ( ).

    The list of employee positions that are subject to the Procedure for Certification of Teaching Workers is determined by Section I of the nomenclature of positions ( ). Determine the certification schedule.

    Pedagogical workers named Procedure for certification of teaching staff:

      teaching staff who have qualification categories;

      teaching staff who have worked in their position for less than two years (in the organization in which the certification is carried out);

      pregnant women;

      women who are on maternity leave (and no earlier than two years after they leave this leave);

      persons who are on parental leave before the child reaches the age of three (and no earlier than two years after they leave this leave);

      employees who were absent from the workplace for more than four months in a row due to illness (and no earlier than a year after they returned to work).

    Familiarize workers who are subject to certification with this under signature. This must be done in no less than 30 calendar days until the day it will be held ( ).

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    Submit to the certification committee for each employee who will undergo certification for suitability for the position held.

    In your submission, include the information that is required. The procedure for certification of teaching staff ( ):

      last name, first name, patronymic (if available);

      name of the position as of the date of certification;

      the date of conclusion of the employment contract for this position;

      level of education or qualifications in specialty or area of ​​training;

      information about obtaining additional vocational education according to the profile of teaching activity;

      results of previous certifications (if they were carried out);

      motivated, comprehensive and objective assessment professional, business qualities, results professional activity pedagogical worker for implementation labor responsibilities assigned to him by the employment contract.

    Introduce the employee to against signature no less than 30 calendar days before the date of certification ( ).

    If the employee refuses to familiarize himself with the submission, then .

    4. Inform the teaching staff about his right to submit to the certification commission additional information that characterize his professional activities.

    The employee can provide information for the period from the date of the previous certification. For initial certification - from the date the employee entered work ( ).

    In what order should I carry it out?

    On the day specified in the certification schedule, hold a meeting of the certification committee.

    As a general rule, it takes place with the participation of a teacher.

    If a teacher cannot attend a meeting of the certification commission for good reasons, then the employer postpones the certification of suitability for the position held to another date. The employee is informed about this against his signature at least 30 calendar days before new date certifications.

    The meeting of the certification commission must be attended by at least two thirds of total number its members. IN otherwise its decisions will be unauthorized ( ).

    “How to certify a teaching worker for compliance with the position held.” V.N. Ponkratova
    © Material from the Education Reference System.
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    When and how to draw up a procurement plan

    The procurement plan is a document obligatory for the customer ( ). It must be drawn up based on the main types of activities, goals and objectives of the institution and take into account the requirements of the standards that govern Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ. Moreover, the procurement plan should be based on budget and volume limits Money from income-generating activities.

    If the customer draws up a procurement plan with violations or approves it late, the control body may involve its officials in By Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses. The most severe punishment faces an institution if it does not place the procurement plan in a single information system ( ). In this case, the fine for the customer will be 500 thousand rubles.

    The form and rules for creating a procurement plan were approved by the Government of the Russian Federation:

      for the federal level – ( );

      for regional and municipal levels – ( ).

    The plan must be drawn up in Russian. The names of foreign legal entities and individuals, as well as trademarks, can be indicated using letters of the Latin alphabet.

    Who makes up

    Compose and post in The procurement plan must be carried out by the contracting officer or contract manager responsible for this. This indicates Part 4 of Article 38 of the Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ.

    When to compose

    Budget institutions draw up a procurement plan simultaneously with , and approved 10 working days after they sign the main plan ( ).

    For what period should it be drawn up?

    Draw up a procurement plan for the duration of the budget law at the appropriate level. For example, if the authorities of a constituent entity have approved a budget for three years, then the customer will also regional level must form for this period ( ).

    What to include in your plan

    Include in your procurement plan:

      purchase identification code ( );

      Purpose of purchase ( );

      name of the procurement object;

      the amount of financial support for the purchase;

      timing (frequency) of planned purchases;

      justification for the purchase ( );

      information on the purchase of goods that, due to their technical complexity and innovative nature, can only be supplied by suppliers with the required level of qualifications;

      information about mandatory public discussion of procurement ( ).

    The procedure for generating a procurement identification code was approved .

    The authorities of the constituent entities and local administrations have the right to approve the lists additional information, which must be included in the procurement plan. This is what he says Article 17 of the Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ.

    When and where to post

    Within three working days after the customer has approved the document, he must post the plan in . In this case, it is necessary to comply , approved . In particular, you need to place the procurement plan in the form of a machine-readable electronic document. It must be signed by an authorized official using electronic signature.

    Educational organization may also post the procurement plan on and publish it in any printed publication.

    When and how to make changes to the procurement plan

    Adjustments must be made to the procurement plan if:

    1) procurement purposes;

    2) requirements for goods, their maximum prices or standard costs, which are determined according to the rules of regulation ( );

    3) regulations about the budget for the current fiscal year and planning period.

    Also, the need to make changes may be due to the fact that:

    1) the customer must implement the decisions of the authorities that they made after the approval of the procurement plan;

    2) the customer must implement the decision based on the results of a mandatory public discussion of the procurement ( );

    3) it is necessary to use savings from procurement.

    The grounds for changing the procurement plan are regulated by Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 5, 2015 No. 552 and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 21, 2013 No. 1043.

    Change electronic version plan is necessarywithin three working days from the date of amendments to it, since within the same period the plan must be placed in .

    Changes to the document must be agreed upon with the head of the organization or other person who approved the plan. In practice, this can be done using an application or order to make changes. Such a document is developed by the contract manager or contract service employee ( ). After the manager approves the adjustments, they can be made to the electronic version of the plan in .

    When and how to draw up a procurement schedule

    An institution can carry out procurement only in accordance with the schedule. This is the main document that reflects the customer's needs.

    If the purchase is not on the schedule, then it cannot be carried out. The ban is directly established in Article 21 of the Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ.

    "How to plan a purchase." S.I. Fyoklin, Y. Timofeeva
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    What documents must be provided to the institution for posting on the official website

    The institution ensures openness and accessibility of documents by providing through electronic copies of documents ( The procedure approved ):

    1. Decisions of the founder on the creation of an institution.

    2. Constituent documents institutions, including changes made to them.

    3. Certificates of state registration institutions.

    4. Decisions of the founder on the appointment of the head of the institution.

    5. Regulations on branches, representative offices of the institution (if there are branches, representative offices).

    6. Composition information supervisory board autonomous institution.

    7. for the provision of services (performance of work).

    8. Plan for the financial and economic activities of a state (municipal) institution (for autonomous and budgetary institutions).

    9. Annual financial statements institution, compiled in the manner determined by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

    10. A report on the results of the activities of a state (municipal) institution and on the use of state (municipal) property assigned to it.

    11. Information on control measures carried out in relation to the institution and their results.

    Based on these documents, the institution generates and provides information through the official website in an electronic structured form, which includes indicators grouped into the following sections:

    1. general information about the institution.

    2. Information about the state (municipal) task for the provision of state (municipal) services (performance of work) and its execution.

    3. Information about the plan of financial and economic activities.

    4. Information on transactions with targeted funds from the budget.

    5. Information on budget obligations and their implementation (budget estimates).

    6. Information about the results of operations and the use of property.

    7. Information on control measures carried out in relation to the institution and their results.

    8. Information on the annual financial statements of the institution.

    Requirements for the procedure for generating structured information about the institution and electronic copies of documents posted on the official website on the Internet have been approved

    If the institution does not have the technical ability to access the official website to provide information, territorial bodies The Federal Treasury provides the institution with equipped workplaces in the territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury to provide information through the official website.

    Structured information about the institution and electronic copies of documents provided through the official website are signed with the electronic signature of an authorized representative of the institution in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Electronic signature key certificates are issued to authorized representatives of institutions in the territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury.

    Providing structured information about the institution is not required if the relevant information about the institution was previously provided to the Federal Treasury or its territorial bodies in cases established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

    “What documents must be provided to the institution for posting on the official website”
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    The structure of the portfolio of a pupil of a preschool educational institution

    Speaking about the portfolio of a pupil of a preschool educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the preschool educational institution), you need to understand that a preschool child cannot create it independently, which means only interested parents (legal representatives) and preschool teachers can take part in the creation and design of a portfolio, involving working together child. Many parents, from the birth of their baby, make photo albums, keep diaries and records, trying to record the stages of his development and upbringing.

    The portfolio of a preschool educational institution student allows you to take into account all the diverse achievements, record intermediate and final results in the most different types activities: educational, creative, social, communicative.

    The student’s portfolio is a set of achievements of the child, includes his best works, reflects the characteristics of growth and development. When compiling a portfolio, you can adhere to a certain scheme, or you can organize the sections, relying on your own vision. The portfolio can be supplemented and expanded as it is filled. Unlike person, it should be colorful, its design should include drawings and photographs of the child’s handicrafts.

    Before starting work on creating a portfolio, the child must be explained what it will be " magic book"about it, why it is needed. It is important that the child takes part in every stage of this work: choosing a folder and cover, selecting his drawings, photographs, etc. If the child disagrees with the placement of a particular drawing, this should be be considered. Thanks to this, it will be possible to preserve the individuality of a particular child’s portfolio.

    The main condition in this work is voluntariness. If maintaining a portfolio is made mandatory, it will be formal in nature. The child should be interested in creating it.

    The portfolio of preschool pupils may include the following headings:

      "I'm growing";

      "The Secret of My Name";

      "It's all about me";

      "My family";

      "Individual route of child development";

      "My achievements for the year";

      "Diagnostics of knowledge, abilities, skills";

      "It's a game";

      "My drawings";

      "Certificates, gratitude to the family."

    The structure and content of information for the portfolio is determined by the teacher or family members. Therefore, the rubricator can be very diverse depending on the purpose and purpose of the portfolio. You should determine in advance the frequency of replenishment and analysis of materials available in the portfolio.

    Special attention attention should be paid to the presentation of the portfolio. It can be held on the child’s birthday or on graduation party at the preschool educational institution. Children will be happy to demonstrate their own achievements to peers, parents and teachers.

    “Structure of the portfolio of a pupil of a preschool educational institution”
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    How many educational educational programs does a kindergarten need?

    The Federal State Educational Standard allows for the presence in one preschool organization of several basic educational programs ( Federal State Educational Standard DO).

    The basis for the development and implementation of several educational educational programs in one preschool organization may be the different orientations of the groups (for example, in a kindergarten there are groups with a general developmental and compensatory orientation). If there are several compensatory groups (for children with speech impairments, for children with musculoskeletal disorders, for children with delayed mental development etc.), then the OOP DO includes several OOP DO, adapted for a specific type of HIA (AOP DO).

    A separate OOP DO can be developed in the case experimental work kindergarten. For example, most kindergarten groups use the variable complex program “From Birth to School,” and teachers of a separate group test the variable complex program “Rainbow” (or “Mosaic”, or “Montessori Kindergarten”, etc.).

    “How to use various programs when developing OEP for preschool education”
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