Official chairman of the PMPK. Job Description of the Chairman of the PMPK



1.1. The chairman of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council (hereinafter PMPk) is appointed by order of the director of the educational institution from among specialists with defectology education or the deputy director for academic work

1.2. The Chairman of the PMPK reports to the Director of the Educational Institution.

1.3. In his activities, the chairman of the PMPK relies on the following documents:

Labor Code of the Russian Federation and legislative acts of the Government of the Russian Federation;

Charter and Internal Labor Regulations of an educational institution;

Convention on the Rights of the Child;

Agreement with parents;

Orders of the head of the educational institution and higher education authorities;

Regulations on PMPk;



2.1. Manages the activities of the PMPK of the educational institution.

2.2. Develops regulations, plans for the PMPk, schedules for meetings of the PMPk

2.3. Conducts PMPK meetings (at least once a month)

2.4. Distributes responsibilities between specialists taking part in the work of PMPK (psychologist, speech therapist, medical worker, social teacher) and monitors their implementation.

2.5. Coordinates, summarizes and analyzes the results of the interrelated activities of all participants in the PMPk.

2.6. Takes measures to provide methodological support and equipment for the educational process of children supported by PMPK.

2.7. Makes proposals to the management of the educational institution regarding the selection and placement of teaching staff.

2.8. Ensures the development and strengthening of the educational and material base of the educational institution, the safety of equipment and inventory, compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements, rules and regulations, labor protection and safety regulations.

2.10. Monitors his professional growth, attends courses and seminars.

2.11. Summarizes and presents the experience of his activities and the experience of PMPK participants for colleagues and parents of the educational institution.

2.12. Controls the maintenance of PMPk documentation.


The Chairman of the PMPK has the right:

3.1. Receive, in the prescribed manner, from educational, medical, and social protection institutions data on issues related to the scope of activities of the PMPK

3.2. Monitor (check) the activities of teachers and specialists of educational institutions in the implementation and execution of PMPK decisions on the issues of teaching and raising children.

3.3. Make proposals to school management to improve the organization of PMPK work.

3.4. Make proposals for incentives, professional retraining and punishment of PMPK employees.

3.5. For retraining and advanced training.


The Chairman of the PMPK is responsible for:

Failure to perform or improper performance of duties assigned to him,

actions or inactions leading to violation of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens;

Disclosure of information that has become known to him in connection with the execution

official duties that could harm the honor, dignity, rights and interests of children and families;

Violation of SanPiN and fire safety.



1.1. A teacher-psychologist of PMPK is appointed by order of the director of an educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the Institution) and is included in the staff of the educational institution.

1.2. The educational psychologist reports to the chairman of the PMPK and the director of the Institution.

1.3. In its activities, the teacher-psychologist PMPK is guided by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the UN Declaration on the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons, the UN Declaration on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; The Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Health Care, “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation”; “Family Code of the Russian Federation”, “Civil Code of the Russian Federation”; decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, decrees, orders, instructional, methodological, and informative materials on issues of training and education; Charter of the Institution, Regulations on PMPK; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, sanitation and fire protection.

1.4. A person may be dismissed from office by order of the director of the Institution in agreement with the chairman of the PMPK.


The PMPK teacher-psychologist is obliged to:

2.1. Carry out psychological diagnostics of children and adolescents aged 7 to 18 years, based on the analysis of submitted documents on the child’s development, information received from parents (legal representatives).

2.2. Determine areas of work to correct mental disorders in the development of children and adolescents within the framework of PMPc.

2.3. Participate in PMPk meetings according to the PMPk plan

2.4. Professionally and competently draw up standard documentation with appropriate individual recommendations based on the results of examination of children.

2.5. Conduct correctional classes with students who are supported within the framework of PMPK

2.6. Participate in the development of correctional programs for students supported under PMPK

2.7. Prepare the necessary documentation for the student at the district PMPK

2.8. Provide advisory and methodological assistance to parents (legal representatives), school teachers who are directly involved in the upbringing and education of the child.

2.9. Participate in monitoring the implementation of PMPK recommendations and analyze the results of the dynamics of development of children and adolescents.

2.10. Comply with the requirements of the institution’s charter, regulations on PMPK, internal labor regulations, maintain documentation, timely planning and reporting on the results of professional activities.


A teacher-psychologist has the right:

3.1. Make proposals to improve the organization of PMPK work;

3.2. For retraining and advanced training;

3.3. For social benefits and incentives.

3.4. Based on the letter of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated March 27, 2000 N 27/901-6 to the “psychological, medical and pedagogical council of an educational institution” for an additional payment for increasing the volume of work, the amount of which in accordance with Art. Art. 32 and 54 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” is determined by the educational institution independently.


A teacher-psychologist bears responsibility under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the Law “On Education”, the Charter of the Institution, and the Regulations of the PMPk for:

Official forgery;

Failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of official rights and legitimate interests of citizens assigned to him;

Disclosure of information that has become known to him in connection with the performance of his official duties;

Life and health of children during the examination;

Failure to comply with industrial sanitation and fire safety rules.



1.1. A teacher-speech therapist PMPK is appointed by order of the director of an educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the Institution) to the incoming staff of the educational institution.

2. The teacher-speech therapist reports directly to the chairman of the PMPK, the director of the institution.

1.4. A person may be dismissed from office by order of the director

institutions in agreement with the chairman of the PMPK.


The teacher-speech therapist is obliged to:

2.1. Conduct diagnostics of children aged 7 to 18 years with speech disorders of various origins who apply to the PMPK to determine the level of speech development.

2.2. Conduct correctional classes with students who are supported within the framework of PMPK

2.3. Participate in meetings of the PMPK and discuss the results of examination of children with other specialists in order to determine the educational route.

2.4. Determine the directions of correctional work with children with speech disorders.

2.5. Professionally and competently draw up standard documentation based on the results of the diagnostics performed.

2.6. Provide advisory assistance to parents (legal representatives) on the prevention of speech disorders in children and adolescents.

2.7. Provide methodological assistance to specialists on the differential diagnosis of speech disorders in children and adolescents.

2.8. Take part in seminars, conferences and other events on the problems of prevention, diagnosis and correction of speech disorders.

2.10. Monitor the implementation of PMPc recommendations and analyze the results of the dynamics of speech development in children and adolescents.

2.11. Fulfill the requirements of the institution's Charter, regulations on PMPK, comply with internal labor regulations, maintain documentation, timely planning and reporting on the results of professional activities.

2.12. Participate in the development of correctional programs for students supported under PMPK

2.13. Prepare the necessary documentation for the student to refer him to the district PMPK


A teacher-speech therapist has the right:

3.1. Make proposals to improve the organization of PMPK work.

3.2. For social benefits and incentives.

3.3. Based on the letter of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated March 27, 2000 N 27/901-6 “psychological - medical - pedagogical council of an educational institution” on
additional payment for increasing the volume of work, the amount of which in accordance with Art. 32 and 54 of the Law of the Russian Federation
“On education” is determined by the educational institution independently.

3.4. For retraining and advanced training;


4.1. A teacher-speech therapist bears the responsibility provided for by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the Law “On Education”, the Charter of the institution, and the Regulations on PMPK for:

– official forgery;



1.1. To the position of secretary of the PMPK, by order of the director of the educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the Institution), in agreement with the chairman of the PMPK, a person is appointed who meets the qualifications and other requirements for the position, and who is fluent in terminology in the field of “defectology”. The PMPK secretary is given an additional payment for increasing the volume of work not included in his main job responsibilities, the amount of which is in accordance with Art. Art. 32 and 54 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” is determined by the educational institution independently.

1.2. The secretary of the PMPk reports directly to the chairman of the PMPk, the director of the institution.

1.3. In its activities, it is guided by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Declaration on the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons, and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; The Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Health Care, “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation”; Family Code of the Russian Federation, Civil Code of the Russian Federation, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, decrees, orders, instructive - methodological, informative materials on issues of training and education; Charter of the institution, Regulations on PMPk; rules on labor protection, safety, sanitation and fire protection standards.

1.4. The secretary may be dismissed from office by order of the director of the institution in agreement with the chairman of the PMPK


The secretary is obliged:

2.1. Maintain documentation within the framework of PMPk, namely:

Logbook for registering children at PMPK

Maintain a student development folder, according to the requirements

Keep minutes of PMPK meetings

Make extracts from PMPK meetings

2.2. Prepare monthly and annual statistical reports.

2.3. Analyze and summarize statistical data for a certain period of activity of the PMPK at the request of the chairman of the PMPK and the administration of the institution.

2.4. Fulfill the requirements of the institution’s Charter, comply with internal labor regulations, maintain documentation and reporting.


The secretary has the right:

3.1. Make proposals to improve the organization of PMPK work.

3.2. Social benefits and incentives.

3.3. Based on the letter of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated March 27, 2000 N 27/901-6 “psychological - medical - pedagogical council of an educational institution” for an additional payment for increasing the volume of work, the amount of which in accordance with Art. 32 and 54 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” is determined by the educational institution independently.


4.1. The secretary of the PMPK bears the responsibility provided for by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the Law “On Education”, the Charter of the institution, and the Regulations on PMPK for:

– official forgery;

Failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of official rights and legitimate interests of citizens assigned to him;

Disclosure of information that has become known to him in connection with the performance of his official duties;

Life and health of children during the examination;

Failure to comply with industrial sanitation and fire safety rules.

Home > Guide

Defectology No. 6 2001


G.V. Gribanova, Moscow

The documents proposed in the Guide were prepared on the basis of a detailed analysis of actually used and currently used documents in all regions of the Russian Federation. The guidance can form the basis for improving the activities of the PMPC and developing a standard regulation on the PMPC.



1. This Guide presents a model for organizing the activities of state (regional) and municipal (city, district) psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions (PMPC). This model was developed on the basis of the author’s many years of experience in the laboratory of the clinical and genetic study of abnormal children at the Research Institute of Defectology of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR (currently the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Sciences). The laboratory included a medical-pedagogical commission (MPC) of All-Union significance. The Guide also summarizes materials submitted by PMPK leaders at various levels from all regions of the Russian Federation to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation from 1998 to 2001. During this period, the author of the Guide, being an employee of the Department of Special Education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, developed regulations on PMPK. Materials from lectures for managers and specialists of the PMPK, given at numerous advanced training courses, as well as our own experience of working in the PMPK of the North-Western District of Moscow were also used. The Guidelines take into account the specifics of the activities of the PMPC of the Oryol region. The region is an experimental platform for working out issues of organizing the activities of PMPC within the framework of the international project "TACIS".

2. In the future, as the regulatory and legal support for the activities of PMPC at the federal level is expected, it is expected that the presented model will be unified in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the identification of a common component for similar regions of the Russian Federation, which will allow it to be used as a basis for development of a standard regulation on PMPK (these issues are resolved in cooperation and in agreement with the Department of Special Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation).

3. The regulatory framework for the activities of PMPC currently remains imperfect. Additional time is required to create a legal framework: amending the Federal Law “On Education”, adopting the Federal Law “On the Education of Persons with Disabilities (Special Education)” (by the President of the Russian Federation on this law vetoed), introducing changes to the Government resolution

10. PMPK are guided in their activities by:

· international acts in the field of protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the child;

· decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation;

· Federal Law “On Education” as amended in 1996;

· Federal Law “On the fundamentals of the system for preventing neglect and juvenile delinquency” dated June 24, 1999 No. 120-FZ;

· decisions of the head of the regional administration and the relevant education authority;

· Standard regulations on an educational institution for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical-social assistance, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 31, 1998 No. 867;

· exemplary provisions on PMPK adopted in the regions of the Russian Federation and approved at the level of heads of administration on the basis of the instructional letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated May 22, 1999 No. 27/598-6 “On the regulatory framework for organizing the activities of psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions (PMPC) in the education system of the Russian Federation" and the draft regulations on PMPC, presented to the leaders of PMPC at the All-Russian seminar-meeting in St. Petersburg, held on May 18-19, 1999;

· Instructive letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated April 5, 1993 No. 63-M “On bringing into conformity with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Psychiatric Care and Guarantees of the Rights of Citizens in its Provision” of regulatory documents used in their activities by educational authorities and educational institutions institutions";

· this Guide is also intended to help in organizing the activities of PMPC.

Purpose of PMPC

The purpose of PMPC is, on the basis of reliable diagnostics, to determine special educational needs and conditions that ensure the development, education, adaptation and integration into society of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities.

Functions of PMPC

1. Expert diagnostic

PMPK carries out diagnostics of the development of a child whose educational process is difficult. We are talking about the education of a child in the broad sense of the word: the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities of a general social and academic nature and the holistic development of an individual capable of self-realization, adaptation and integration into society at each age stage (from 0 to 18 years). Expert aspects presuppose a highly professional level of diagnostics of the development of a child, whose education and upbringing in a family or educational institution requires special psychological, pedagogical and related medical and social assistance. The expert diagnostic function ensures the reliability of the diagnosis of child development based on the following diagnostic parameters:

A. Timely, comprehensive, comprehensive, dynamic diagnosis of developmental disorders that impede the development of children from 0 to 18 years old and the implementation of the educational process in relation to them.

· Timely diagnosis (early diagnosis). We are talking about identifying developmental abnormalities as early as possible or raising the question of suspicion of developmental abnormalities, followed by an adequate diagnostic procedure.

· Complexity involves taking into account the medical, psychological, pedagogical, social aspects of developmental diagnostics identified by specialists in the relevant profiles.

· Comprehensive diagnostics of child development is carried out by specialists of various profiles within the framework of their professional tasks and competence.

· Dynamic aspects of diagnostics involve analysis of anamnestic and follow-up data, “sectional” or longitudinal studies and observations of the child’s development at different age stages.

· A holistic approach to the child is implemented based on all of the above aspects of developmental diagnostics. It consists in understanding the patterns of development and creating the necessary conditions for adaptation and maximum self-realization of the child’s personality in society.

b. Determining the special educational needs of children with developmental disabilities. This refers to the needs associated with the following characteristics of the child’s development:

· Individual development structure (features of deviations and reserve development opportunities)

· Age-related developmental features

· Interests

· Capabilities

· "Social situation of development"

V. Determination of special conditions for obtaining education for children with developmental disabilities:

· Type, type of educational institution that carries out or supervises the education and upbringing of a child.

· Educational program (content, level, focus, degree of differentiation and individualization).

· Forms of education (family education, self-education, external studies; in an educational institution in the form of full-time, part-time (evening), correspondence).

· Conditions for receiving education (frontal, individual, frontal-individual training; homeschooling; mixed learning - individual mode of attending lessons, one to two or more free days a week in accordance with indications and in agreement with the administration of the educational institution).

d. Referring children with developmental disabilities for counseling in institutions of other departments in order to provide them with accompanying or basic assistance outside the education system:

· The need to combine education and supportive treatment.

· Priority of treatment when supporting the child’s development in education and upbringing

· The need for temporary release of the child from educational activities.

· The need to combine training with resolving issues of social and legal protection of the child.

d. Registration of a collegial conclusion for the child and recommendations for the implementation of the educational route and related assistance outside the education system (see “Registration of documentation based on the results of the examination of the child at the PMPK”).

2. Information

Formation of an information database necessary to support the activities of the regional PMPC at all levels

A. Formation of a regional database of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities.

b. Formation of a database of educational institutions, health care, social protection, law enforcement systems of the region, collaborating with PMPK and providing the education process for children with developmental disabilities or contributing to its provision.

V. Formation of a database of institutions in the Russian Federation to which, if indicated, the PMPK can refer children with developmental disabilities.

3. Analytical function

A. Professional analysis by each specialist of the “incoming” information and results of the child’s examination at the PMPK. Formation and testing of a hypothesis about the structure and dynamics of child development:

· Planning of examination of the child for PMPK based on the “primary analysis”.

· Resolving the issue of the procedure and conditions for examining the child.

· Collegial discussion of the child’s examination results.

b. Submission of an annual analytical report on the results of PMPC activities to the head of the relevant education department (at the end of the calendar year, more often if necessary):

· Attached to the analytical report are proposals for the development of a special education system in the territory served by this PMPK.

4. Organizational function

· Coordination of the activities of city and district PMPCs

· Cooperation (R)PMPC with other PMPCs in the region

· Development and control of forms of interaction between PMPK of different levels among themselves, with other institutions and departments, with psychological, medical and pedagogical councils (PMPk) of educational institutions

5. Methodological function

A. Conducting methodological meetings at least four times a year by specialists from the regional PMPK for specialists from municipal (city, district) PMPK, and by specialists from municipal PMPK for members of psychological, medical and pedagogical councils (PMPc) of educational institutions located in the given territory.

· A unified package of standardized diagnostic techniques for examinations of children in primary medical care settings:

· a set of diagnostic techniques for each specific child is individual and corresponds to the examination plan for that child.

· Uniform requirements for forms of documentation and statistical reporting on the results of PMPC activities

· Uniform requirements for the procedure for examining a child for PMPK in accordance with the indications.

b. Refresher training is mandatory for every PMPC specialist at relevant courses for PMPC specialists at least once every 5 years. A report on the results of advanced training before a meeting of PMPC specialists in the form of a generalized oral report with an emphasis on new trends in the work of PMPC.

6. Advisory function

All specialists working in PMPK, through professionally organized methods, carry out:

A. Counseling for children and adolescents with developmental disabilities.

b. Consulting persons representing the interests of children with developmental disabilities (parents, legal representatives; pedagogical, medical, social workers, etc.)

7. Guidance function

Monitoring the effectiveness of recommendations in relation to children examined at PMPK (at least once a year) through psychological, medical and pedagogical councils of educational institutions and directly through parents (legal representatives) (see below "Dynamics Monitoring Sheet development").

8. Educational function

Education is carried out on issues within the competence of the PMPC, using various forms (lectures, seminars, trainings, consulting, etc.) and means (printed materials, informing the population through the media, including electronic versions).

A. Educating the population.

b. Education of specialists from related departments with which PMPC cooperates.

V. Education of the children's population.

The functions of PMPC are implemented in the following forms:

· reception of the population (expert diagnostic, advisory, analytical functions)

· organizational and methodological work in the workplace and with lower-level structures of the PMPK system (organizational, methodological information functions)

· educational activities

Composition of PMPC

It is recommended to introduce at least 8 positions into the staff of municipal (city and district) PMPCs: 5 of them - for the following specialists working on a permanent basis: educational psychologist (with a specialization in clinical (medical) or special psychology); teacher-oligophrenopedagogue, teacher-speech therapist; social teacher; educator (specialist with secondary pedagogical education); 3 rates - for doctors working part-time or on an hourly basis (ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, orthopedic doctor, geneticist, endocrinologist, and also a neurophysiologist).

It is additionally recommended to introduce 3-4 pay rates into the staff of state (regional) PMPCs for the following pedagogical workers: teacher, methodologist of primary education, teacher of the deaf, typhlopedagogist, educational psychologist (in addition to the main rate), who can work both on a permanent basis and on a part-time basis. conditions of part-time or hourly payment.

Provided that the recommended above order “On the support of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities...” is signed at the level of heads of regional administrations, legal protection can be ensured for permanent medical workers of the PMPK. In this case, the following medical workers will be able to work on a permanent basis in the PMPK of all levels: a pediatrician, a psychiatrist (with a specialization in “Child Psychiatry”); neuropathologist (with a specialization in "Children's neuropathology"); nurse (specialist with secondary medical education). They, in accordance with the order recommended for signing, will retain a permanent place of work in the healthcare system while performing functional duties employees of PMPK. According to the terms of remuneration and duration of leave, they are equal to all other employees of PMPK, according to their positions and qualifications (see above the layout of the draft order "On the support of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities by institutions of systems education, healthcare, social protection, law enforcement system", paragraph 5).

1. The head of the PMPK is appointed to the position by the founder of the PPMS center, the structural unit of which is the PMPK, from among highly qualified (not lower than category 13 according to ETC) psychological, medical and pedagogical specialists who have additional qualifications in one or more of the following specialties: defectology (correctional pedagogy), special psychology, clinical (medical) psychology.

2. In addition to full-time employees, doctors and teachers of the above specialties, as well as a lawyer and a computer equipment engineer may be involved in working in the PMPC on a part-time basis or on an hourly basis.

3. The number of specialists in the PMPK is calculated depending on the number of children in the region (municipal entity). In accordance with the Model Regulations on an educational institution for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical-social assistance (PPMS-center), such an institution is opened for 5 thousand children living in the city (district). The number of PMPK employees, as a structural unit of the PPMS center, working on a permanent basis, is calculated in proportion to the number of children in the given territorial entity. For the number of children up to 5 thousand, the PMPK has 8 permanent employees (specialists): two doctors, a psychologist, three teachers, a teacher, a registrar (nurse).

Duration and distribution of working hours, workload

1. The working hours for PMPC Specialists are 36 hours per week (according to Decree of the USSR Ministry of Labor No. 41 of August 15, 1991).

2. Features of the activities of the PMPK suggest the following distribution of working time in accordance with the functions of the PMPK:

A. 2/3 of the working time (24 hours a week) PMPC specialists working on a permanent basis directly receive children and adolescents, as well as parents (legal representatives) and other persons representing the interests of the child. During this time, the following functions of the PMPC are carried out: 1). expert diagnostic, 2) analytical, 3) advisory.

b. During annual planning of activities, PMPC specialists have the right to distribute 2/3 of the annual working time necessary for the direct reception of persons; who applied to the PMPK in accordance with a real request, in particular with a request to staff special (correctional) educational institutions (that is, for example, in March - April to admit children and adolescents daily).

V. The practice of many PMPKs in the Russian Federation shows that the educational function can be successfully carried out on the basis of educational institutions during holidays, etc.

d. On average, two hours (astronomical) are allocated for the initial appointment of one child or adolescent and accompanying parents (legal representatives), other interested parties, and one hour for a second appointment. During this time, specialists analyze primary information, collegial planning of the examination and direct examination of the child or adolescent, counseling, parents (legal representatives), other interested parties, drawing up conclusions and recommendations, collegial discussion of the child’s examination results with other specialists, final preparation of the collegial conclusion - opinions and recommendations and presenting them to parents (legal representatives).

e. The average number of weekly examinations (appointments) of children and adolescents by each PMPC specialist is at least 12 (at the initial appointment) and no more than 24 (at repeated appointments). Thus, the minimum number of visits to children per year by each specialist is calculated using the formula:

12 receptions of children multiplied by the number of working weeks per year.


Planning of PMPC activities

1. Approximate calendar planning of PMPC activities (taking into account the forms of work and seasonal characteristics of the tasks facing PMPC; with a 5-day work week

2. The work schedule of the PMPK is drawn up for each week, taking into account the actual request for admission of the population (in accordance with the registration of children for examination at the PMPK). On average, 24 working hours per week are allocated to receive the population. All PMPC specialists take part in the reception of the population. The rest of the time (12 hours per week) is allocated to carry out organizational, methodological, educational and monitoring (support) activities. If there is an increased demand for admission from the population, the head of the PMPC informs the PMPC specialists about the appropriate redistribution of working time with subsequent adjustments to the PMPC plan.

3. Individual planning of the activities of each specialist (in the structure of the plan and work schedule of the PMPC, taking into account the workload of each specialist).

The reception time for children and adolescents is the same for all PMPC specialists. The rest of the time is distributed in agreement with the head of the PMPC depending on the request and preferred forms of activity for each specialist. Each specialist draws up a weekly schedule using the same form in which the weekly schedule of PMPC activities is drawn up, taking into account a 36-hour work week.

Contact PMPC

1. Initiator of the appeal.

The initiators of appeals to the PMPK can be parents (legal representatives) and, with the consent of the parents (legal representatives), employees of institutions and departments cooperating with the PMPK who have discovered indications for referring the child to the PMPK.

2. Indications for referring children and adolescents to primary medical care.

Deviations in development that impede the stay, adaptation, development and education (training, upbringing) of children and adolescents from 0 to 18 years old in institutions of the educational system, in the family, in society.

Referral to PMPC

Establishment ( department)

(official name of the institution)


(child’s full name, age, address)

For examination of the PMPK in connection with:

(Specific indications for referring a child to primary medical care are indicated)

Application (list of documents sent

by the institution applying to the PMPK):

Seal of the institution

Signature of the head of the institution

Primary register of children who applied to the PMPK

(maintained by the registrar)

Full name, gender of the child

Date of Birth

Address, telephone

Reason for appeal

Initiator of the appeal to the PMPK

Educational institution Educational route

PMPC date

Signature of parents (legal representatives)


A. If the initiators of the application to the PMPK are parents (legal representatives), the official referral of the child to the PMPK is not mandatory.

b. If employees of institutions and departments cooperating with the PMPK initiate an appeal to the PMPK and have discovered appropriate indications for sending a child to the PMPK, they can, in a professional, psychologically and ethically correct and understandable form, recommend that parents contact the PMPK. It is important to justify the positive role of the official referral and the documents attached to it in solving the child’s problem.

V. Without the consent of the parents (legal representatives), the child cannot be sent to PMPK.

4. Preliminary registration of a child for PMPK (technology for collecting primary information)

A. When registering a child for PMPK, the registrar informs the parents (legal representatives) of the guarantee of confidentiality of the information they provide about the child.

b. The PMPK registrar collects primary information in accordance with the headings of the primary accounting journal.

V. The behavior and attitude of the registrar towards parents (legal representatives) enrolling a child in PMPK should be psychotherapeutic (acceptance, goodwill, etc.).

d. Last name, first name, patronymic (2nd heading) and date of birth (3rd heading) of the child during the initial registration are usually recorded from the words of the parents (legal representatives). The registrar recommends that parents (legal representatives) bring the child’s birth certificate on the day of the child’s examination at the PMPK, along with other documents (see paragraph “Incoming documentation”). The registrar informs parents that anonymous admission is also possible at PMPK.

h. Section 6 indicates who is the initiator of the appeal to the PMPK. If the initiative does not come from the parents (legal representatives), then the parents’ attitude towards the examination of the child for PMPK is clarified (agreement, disagreement). Parents are informed that without their consent, the child cannot be examined for PMPK.

And. Rubric 7 consistently records: a) whether the child is currently attending/staying in an educational institution. If “yes”, then in which one (including the class, group); b) if “no”, then a note is made corresponding to the “social development situation” of the child (child at home; the child is in a social protection institution, in a health care institution, in a law enforcement institution, etc.).

l. In section 9, the registrar invites parents (legal representatives) to confirm by signature their consent to the examination and, if necessary, the exchange of information about the child by PMPK specialists with other institutions, organizations and departments with which the PMPK cooperates.

Alphabet book

To facilitate the search for information about a child who has been registered or has already been examined for PMPK, the registrar enters the child’s last name, first name, and patronymic in the Alphabet Book (according to the first letter of the last name). For each new (calendar) year, a new Alphabet Book is started, and the year is indicated on the title cover of the book.

The sheet of the Alphabet Book is formatted as follows:

A (letter of the alphabet)

records* (z no.)

reception** (p no.)


Akulov Sergey Vladimirovich

Z No. 25; n No. 20

P-No. 24 (additional reception)

*The entry number is indicated in accordance with the Primary Register of children who applied to the PMPK.

** The admission number is indicated in accordance with the Register of children who were examined at the PMPK.

5. Incoming documentation:

A. Child's birth certificate (to be presented).

6. Copies of the conclusions of specialists and the collegial conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council (PMPk) of the educational institution

(submitted if the child is studying and/or being raised in an educational institution).

V. A pedagogical presentation for a child, written by the class teacher (teacher) after collecting information from all teachers (teachers) working with the child.

d. Samples of the child’s written work in Russian (native) language, mathematics, drawings, and other results of the child’s independent productive activity.

d. An extract from the history of the child’s development with the conclusion of the local pediatrician and other doctors (according to indications: in accordance with the deviations in the child’s development discovered or suspected by the local pediatrician; the most important additional ones are the conclusions of an ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, orthopedist). If it is necessary to obtain additional medical information about the child, the PMPK sends a request to the children's clinic at the child's place of residence:

Stamp location PMPC

PMPC request

To the children's clinic

(information about the children's clinic)

To provide information about the child

(full name, date of birth (day, month, year), address of the child

Please forward the opinions of the following specialists to the PMPC:


(seal of the institution within whose structure the PMPK is located

Signature of the head of the PMPC

Conditions for admitting a child to PMPK

1. The child comes to the PMPK accompanied by his parents (legal representatives). It is preferable for the child's mother to be present at the PMPK.

2. It is acceptable to provide counseling to teenagers over 12 years of age who applied on their own. At the same time, the PMPK guarantees compliance and, if necessary, initiative to protect the rights of a teenager.

3. The ability to choose conditions for an individual or collegial examination of a child by specialists in accordance with the indications.

4. The possibility of observing the examination of a child by one of the specialists by other specialists, using means that are gentle on the child’s psyche (for example, a Gesell mirror, a movie camera, etc.).

5. The consent of parents (legal representatives) to examine the child by PMPC specialists and exchange information about the child with other institutions, organizations, and departments is confirmed by their signature in the appropriate section of the Primary Registration Journal.

6. A guarantee of confidentiality of information about the child obtained during a conversation with parents (legal representatives), as well as during the examination of the child, is confirmed by the signatures of specialists who participated in the examination of the child in the Register of children who underwent examination at PMPK.

Procedure for admitting a child to PMPK

The procedure for examining a child for PMPK has features that distinguish it from the procedures for independent consultations with children by specific specialists (doctors, psychologists, teachers). Examination of a child at PMPK cannot be a mechanical sum of examinations of specific specialists with the inevitable duplication of some stages of the examination and represents a qualitatively unique technology. The PMPK works as a single “team” of specialists who collectively plan an examination of the child and formulate a collective conclusion. This approach requires combining the principle of independent highly professional experts with the ability to make a single agreed decision. The final decision is formulated as a collective opinion with recommendations contained therein.

The procedure for examining a child for PMPK requires the simultaneous participation of all specialists in the form of supervision. All specialists are observers of the successive stages of examination of the child by each of the “planned” specialists (behind the Gesell mirror, when using other technical means). This technology makes it possible to save time and improve the quality of the examination.

Special requirements are placed on the technology of decision-making based on the results of a child’s examination when conflicting opinions arise regarding diagnostics and recommendations. In such cases, compromise decisions are made in favor of the child. We are talking about diagnostic periods of training, treatment, psychological and socio-legal support, dynamic observation by PMPC specialists in the process of repeated examinations. At this stage, the child is always recommended conditions that imply a wider “zone of proximal development” according to one (easier and more promising) of the differentiated diagnoses.

1. The procedure and duration of the examination are determined by the age, individual and typological characteristics of the child’s development.

2. Average time for a child to be admitted to primary medical care. (until the adoption of the collegial conclusion and recommendations) is equal to two astronomical hours. This time can be interspersed with periods of rest for the child or distributed over several days in accordance with psychological, medical and pedagogical indications and the child’s ability to re-visit the primary medical complex (depending on the territorial distance of the primary medical complex from the child’s place of residence, other reasons).

3. If there is a need for a more detailed examination of the child by a specific specialist(s) of the PMPK, established during planning or direct examination of the child, parents (legal representatives) are recommended to return with the child to the appropriate appointment.

4. At those stages of reception when specialists communicate with parents (legal representatives), the child is in the playroom with a teacher interacting with the child and observing his behavior.

5. In diagnostically complex and conflict cases, the time for an additional medical examination of a child can be up to 3 hours in total, and a psychological or pedagogical examination - up to 6 hours. A further increase in time spent on examining one child in a primary medical care setting is inappropriate. In such cases, you can use the capabilities of PPMS centers.

6. If there is evidence, the PMPK refers the child to other institutions and departments cooperating with the PMPK

PMPK stamp

(regional, city, district - indicate which one)


(full name, date of birth of the child)

(consultation, examination, etc.)

(name of institution)

Due to

(justification for direction)

Head PMPC -

7. The criteria for the appropriate procedure and duration of the examination are:

A. presence of contact between the examiner and the child being examined;

b. accessibility, effectiveness, success of the child’s activities during the examination process, taking into account the necessary assistance measures;

V. timely compensation for the child’s condition or termination of the examination if psychosomatic, severe neurodynamic, neurotic, psychopathic or psychotic disorders arise during the examination;

d. exclusion of psychotraumatic and unethical situations when deciding on the presence of parents (legal representatives) during the examination of the child;

e. the admissibility of examining a child either by each specialist individually or by several specialists simultaneously, with the exception of physical overload, psychologically traumatic and unethical situations;

e. parents (legal representatives) develop trust in PMPC specialists, readiness to accept a collegial opinion and follow the recommendations of PMPC

Collegial planning of examination of a child at PMPK

1. Analysis, clarification, addition of primary information (see Primary Registration Journal) and documentation are carried out in the presence of all PMPK specialists and parents (legal representatives) of the child. The registrar provides information about the child in accordance with the entries in the Primary Accounting Journal and the submitted documents. As the message progresses, experts clarify certain information.

2. The collection of information about social living conditions from the parents (legal representatives) of the child (in an individual conversation) is carried out by a social teacher. The content of the conversation corresponds to the main points of the social teacher’s conclusion (see below: “Structure and content of specialists’ conclusions”).

3. The collection of anamnestic information from parents (legal representatives) is carried out by one of the PMPK specialists (usually a pediatrician or psychiatrist).

4. All specialists participate in collecting information about the social conditions of the child’s life, as well as in collecting anamnesis as supervisors (in the next room behind the Gesell mirror, using other technical means. The possibility of such participation is ensured by the guarantee of respect for the rights of the child and parents (legal representatives -lei) and the need, in the interests of the child, to limit the time of reception. As information is collected, each specialist formulates a diagnostic hypothesis and writes down questions that require clarification, clarification. These questions can be transmitted in writing and clarified, clarified by a social teacher and a doctor. This procedure for collecting anamnesis and information about the social conditions of the child’s life facilitates the subsequent collegial analysis of the information received.

5. The final formulation of the diagnostic hypothesis is carried out by specialists collectively. In this case, parents (legal representatives) and the child are not present at the discussion. Based on the diagnostic hypothesis, an examination plan is drawn up, including answers to the questions: which specialist, in what sequence, and what will be examined. As a rule, examinations are carried out by specialists in the following sequence: social (social pedagogue); medical (a) pediatrician, b) psychiatrist); psychological; pedagogical (a) oligophrenopedagogist, b) speech therapist.

6. Drawing up an examination program. Each specialist participating in the examination decides by what methods he will carry out his professional examination, taking into account the suggestions and comments of other specialists. In this case, it is assumed that duplication of survey elements will be eliminated due to supervisory technology.

7. Determination of the conditions of the examination (time, place, admissibility of the examination in the presence of several specialists, with or without the participation of parents, etc.)

Principles for constructing an examination of a child by PMPK specialists

1. "Holistic approach" to the child. Assessing the level of social adaptation and personal integrity (congruence) of the child.

2. Comprehensive analysis of the child’s psychophysical and social development

3. An integrated approach to examining a child from the perspective of specialists in different fields.

4. Analysis of the dynamics of child development.

5. Preferable use of educational and formative experiments when examining a child in the conditions of primary medical education. Analysis of dynamic changes in the child’s learning process, the formation of planned changes.

6. If a child has difficulties in completing tasks, the examination is based on the following principles:

A. Transition from simple to complex.

b. The transition from joint actions of a specialist and a child to independent actions of a child.

V. Reliance on reserve (preserved) structures of psychophysical development.

d. Reliance on the leading representative systems (channels of information perception) of the child.

d. Load distribution in accordance with the dynamics of the child’s mental performance.

e. Proportionality of assistance to the diagnostic task and the child’s capabilities.

and. Ensuring the child's success as a result of completing each "step" of the examination. Reinforcement of achievement motivation.

h. Assessment of the child’s ability to transfer - action, thinking by analogy.

And. Using examination forms that are adequate to the individual and age characteristics of the child:

· game (objective, plot, role-playing, didactic, etc.), competition, various forms of educational or formative experiment, etc.;

· individual work with a child, work in micro groups (including in the presence of parents, in interaction with parents in the presence of several specialists, etc.)

Examination of the child by specialists in accordance with the plan, possible adjustment of the plan during the examination

1. Planning of an examination of a child by a specialist is carried out in accordance with the diagnostic hypothesis, the general plan for examining the child, the purpose of the PMPC, and the request coming from the initiator of the examination.

2. The procedure for examining a child for PMPK by each specialist. The examination of the child by a specialist is carried out individually with the participation of other specialists as supervisors (behind the Gezzel mirror). The presence of parents (legal representatives) is determined by the characteristics of each specific case.

3. Methodological support for examining a child is determined by each specialist independently (diagnostic techniques, other examination tools) within the framework of a single package of diagnostic techniques.

4. Each specialist keeps a protocol (in free form), which in content corresponds to the child’s individual examination plan.

Structure and content of expert opinions.

1. The structure and content of the conclusion of each specialist must comply with professional requirements for diagnosis and development of recommendations, a diagnostic hypothesis, a general plan for examining a child for PMPK and a plan for an individual examination of a child by a specific specialist, respond to a request the initiator of the appeal to the PMPK.

2. The conclusions of PMPC doctors have the form of a diagnosis in accordance with the doctor’s specialty, instructions for the selection of children into special (correctional) educational institutions of various types and modern requirements of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (tenth revision).

A. Before the adoption of new instructions, PMPC doctors can be recommended to formulate a diagnosis in accordance with outdated, but still legal, instructions, and make an entry in parentheses in accordance with ICD-10.

b. The conclusion of a pediatrician at the PMPK contains diagnostic data on the general physical condition and dynamic changes in this area.

Information about the state of vision, hearing and motor skills (gross motor skills, fine motor skills of the hands, dominant hand) must be entered.

V. The conclusion of a psychiatrist at the PMPK contains diagnostic data on the mental state and dynamics of the child’s mental development.

(using the example of a psychological examination)

Psychological examination plan/protocol

child ___________________________________________________________________-

(F.I., child’s age)

date __________________________ specialist ___________________________________

(Name of teacher psychologist)

Diagnostic hypothesis and examination plan Examination protocol
Differentiation of mental retardation and disturbances of activity and attention Techniques: Features of execution:
1. Study of mental operations. 1. “4th wheel”
2. Metaphors:
3. Sequential pictures (Radlov)
2. Study of voluntary attention and regulatory function of speech 1. Neuropsychological tests for the implementation of action programs in response to conditioned signals:

d. A pediatrician and a psychiatrist can conduct a neurological examination, mutually complementing each other. By agreement, diagnostic neurological information is included in one of the medical reports.

d. If necessary, doctors at the PMPK request missing information about the child or refer him for additional examinations to other doctors at the PMPK, children's clinic (at the child's place of residence), and other healthcare institutions with which the PMPK interacts .

3. The psychologist’s conclusion consists of two parts - mandatory and additional. The required part includes the following information:

A. Features of the development of a child’s thinking (structure and dynamics of mental operations). Organization of intellectual activity.

b. Analysis of the “social development situation”:

i. Assessment of age stages of development from the point of view of 1) critical periods and 2) main psychological neoplasms.

ii. Analysis of the current level of social adaptation of the individual (in the family, in the yard, in an educational institution, etc.). Social and everyday orientation, cultural behavior skills.

iii. Assessment of the “zone of proximal development” and developmental prognosis from the perspective of adaptive personality characteristics.

iv. Adaptability in conditions of yak techniques for PMPC and psychological examination, in particular.

With. Child's personality structure. Features of motivation (selectivity, focus, stability, goal setting, aspirations). Self-esteem and the individual’s ability to reflect, criticality, adequacy). Integrity (congruence) of personality.

In each specific case, the additional part contains psychological information that is important specifically for that child. Their identification is planned by a psychologist based on:

A. initial request for examination of a child for PMPK;

b. conversations with parents during the process of collecting anamnesis (usually a doctor);

V. collegiately agreed upon diagnostic hypothesis;

d. psychological examination of development parameters included in the mandatory part.

The general scheme of additional psychological research includes the following parameters:

A. mental performance;

b. structure of activity (main parameters of voluntary regulation of activity: purposefulness, planning, programming, control);

V. characteristics of basic mental functions: perception, attention, memory, movements and actions (thinking, see the mandatory part);

d. spatial syntheses (visual, symbolic);

e. speech (mainly - regulatory, communicative functions of speech, the connection between speech and thinking);

e. emotional sphere (situational and personal emotional reactions; mood; feelings)

4. The oligophrenopedagogue’s conclusion contains the following information:

A. The level of formation and qualitative characteristics of the child’s everyday and scientific knowledge, skills and abilities relative to his educational level.

b. Comparison of educational level with the psychological structure of development (according to psychological examination data).

V. Comparison of educational level with the clinical structure of developmental disorders (according to clinical examination data).

d. Diagnosis of the “zone of proximal development” within the framework of the problems of teaching and raising a child in an educational institution or family.

5. The speech therapist’s report contains information about the condition:

A. oral speech

b. writing;

V. speech disorders (in oral and written speech):

i phonetic;

ii. phonemic;

iii. lexico-grammatical

d. Traditional forms of speech cards are used

6. The conclusion of the social teacher contains the following information:

A. family dynamics (marriages/divorces; form of marriage (legal, civil); death of one of the family members; sequence of birth of children, etc.)

b. family structure (complete/incomplete; single mother; adopted child; stepfather/stepmother, etc.);

V. family composition at the time of the examination, information about family members, possibly other persons living with the child;

d. correspondence of place of residence and registration (registration) - in particular, if you have refugee status, etc.;

d. living conditions of the child (food, clothing, availability of an individual place to sleep, availability of conditions for educational or play activities, etc.);

e. social, professional status, educational level of parents, other persons directly communicating with the child;

and. ensuring the social and legal protection of the child in the family.

7. Conclusions of PMPC specialists can be provided or sent upon request to specialists of a similar profile within institutions interacting with the PMPC regarding a given child (according to the list attached to the order).

8. It should be taken into account that all PMPK specialists, mutually complementing each other, use collegial forms of work and a systematic approach to the analysis of primary information and documentation, their own professionally obtained information, and information obtained by other specialists.

Expert opinion form

PMPK stamp

Expert opinion

(indicate specialty, full name)

Psychological-medical-pedagogical commission

(regional, city, district)

(specify which one)

(child's full name, date of birth)

(date of examination at PMPC)


(seal of the institution,

which includes PMPK)

PMPC specialist:

Final preparation of documentation based on the child’s results at the PMPK:

Collegial discussion of the child’s examination results

The results of the child’s examination are discussed in the form of a short meeting of all PMPC specialists. Parents (legal representatives) and the child are not present. Each specialist reports his conclusion on the child, offers recommendations, and expresses an opinion on the prognosis of the child’s development. The presented conclusions are agreed upon, a Collegial Opinion of the PMPC is drawn up, and recommendations are systematized.

The collegial opinion consists of two parts: the conclusion itself and recommendations.

1. The conclusion reflects the following parameters:

Individual development structure (features of deviations and reserve development opportunities”, taking into account the leading and dependent (secondary, etc.) developmental deviations).

Dynamics of development.

The degree or stage of developmental abnormalities.

Age-related features of development.
-Pace of development.



- "Social situation of development."

Social and legal protection of the child.

2. The first two points of the recommendations are the same for all collegial opinions: a) characteristics of the recommended educational conditions (type, type of educational institution, etc. - identical to the information indicated in the Education Management Certificate); b) the period for monitoring the child’s condition and development in the conditions recommended for him. For example: “monitoring the dynamics of a child’s development - before the beginning of the fourth quarter of the current school year.” The rest of the recommendations come from specific specialists and clarify the specifics of accompanying the child by relevant specialists or parents (legal representatives).

Form of collegial opinion

PMPK stamp

Psychological-medical-pedagogical commission

(regional, city, district)

(specify which one)

Collegial opinion

(child's full name, date of birth)

The fact that he (she) was examined

(date of examination at PMPC)


(seal of the institution,

which includes
PMPC included)

Head of PMPC

PMPC specialists

Registration of the results of a child’s examination by specialists

PMPK in the Register of children who have been examined for PMPK.

1. In heading 1, numbering is carried out sequentially starting from No. 1 from the first of January to the thirty-first of December of each year. The registration number of a child who has undergone a PMPK examination is also assigned to the child’s development card. This number is considered an account number, which is indicated in the certificate - a document for managing education. The development map is a file folder (when registering information about a child on paper) or a file (when registering information on a computer), which includes the following documents:

a) a plan for examining the child for PMPK;

b) anamnestic information about the child

c) protocols and conclusions based on the results of examination of the child by specialists (in accordance with the examination plan);

d) a sheet for monitoring the dynamics of the child’s development.

3. Information about the child’s date of birth, his last name, first name and patronymic (3 headings) is recorded in accordance with the data on the child’s birth certificate, but can also be recorded from the words of the parents (legal representatives). In this case, a postscript is made: from the words of the parents or according to the birth certificate.

Register of children who have been examined for PMPK

(conducted by the head of the PMPK or one of his authorized specialists

No. (assigned to the child’s development card) Date of examination of the child for PMPK Full name, date of birth of the child Address, telephone No. and date of recording of primary accounting journals List of specialists in accordance with the child’s examination plan (list of specialists) Collegial opinion of the PMPC with recommendations Signature of parents (legal representatives) who received a collegial opinion on the child with recommendations (or refusal) Note
Development dynamics control sheet

(last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth of the child, address and telephone number for contacting the parents (legal representatives) of the child

Date of registration of information about the dynamics of the child’s development Source of information about the dynamics of the child’s development (collegial opinion of the PMPK of the educational institution in which the child is located, repeated examination for PMPK when parents apply, etc. Characteristics of the dynamics of child development (positive, negative, insignificant, wavy, etc.) Date of re-examination

5. If the child came to the appointment in accordance with the preliminary appointment, the date of the preliminary appointment and the serial number are noted in section 5 of the Primary Registration Journal. This makes it easier to find some pre-recorded information about your child.

7. After a collegial discussion of the examination results, the head of the PMPK or a specialist authorized by him writes down the final wording of the collegial conclusion and recommendations in section 7 of the Register of children who have been examined at the PMPK.

8. Upon receipt of two final PMPK documents (collegial opinion and certificate), parents are asked to sign in section 8 of the Register of children who have been examined for PMPK.

9. Additional information or corrections are included in the note.

Presentation of examination results to the child’s parents (legal representatives)

1. Parents (legal representatives are informed by the head of the PMPK about those aspects of their rights and responsibilities in relation to the child that are relevant to the goals and objectives of the PMPK (in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation).

2. At the end of the collegial meeting, the PMPC representative introduces the parents (legal representatives) with the collegial conclusion and recommendations in a reasonable and understandable form. If necessary, in order to clarify, clarify, and convince parents of the adequacy of the conclusions drawn and proposed recommendations, expert opinions are also presented (in an understandable form).

3. It is mandatory to inform parents (legal representatives) about the prognosis of the child’s development, depending on the implementation or refusal to implement the recommendations developed by the PMPC.

4. If parents (legal representatives) agree with the conclusions (of specialists and collegial) and recommendations of the PMPK, they are given two documents: a collegial conclusion of the PMPK with recommendations; 2) certificate of examination of the child at PMPK



(last name, first name, patronymic; date of birth – day, month, year; place of residence of the child)

The fact that he (s)

(day, month, year of examination of the child for PMPK)

Was examined for PMPK

Registration number - _____________________ (account number corresponds to registration

The number of the child in the Register of children and adolescents who have been examined for PMPK).

(indicate the type, type of educational institution, class/group profile, form and mode of education)



5. The collegial opinion and PMPK certificate are provided by parents (legal representatives) to the education department employee (at the child’s place of residence) who oversees the field of special education.

6. An employee of the education department gets acquainted with the collegial conclusion of the PMPK and the certificate, decides on the issue of sending the child to the educational conditions recommended by the PMPK.

7. The certificate remains in the education department to record the staffing level of special (correctional) educational institutions (classes, groups).

8. The collective conclusion of the PMPK is endorsed by an employee of the education department, indicating the name (if any, number) of the educational institution to which the child is sent, and is transmitted to the parents (legal representatives).

9. Parents (legal representatives), when registering a child at the specified educational institution, transfer the collegial conclusion of the PMPK with the visa of the corresponding “employee” of the education department to the head of this educational institution.

10. The collective conclusion of the PMPK with a visa from the education department is a legal document for the enrollment of a child in the appropriate educational institution and is stored for the entire duration of the child’s stay in this educational institution.

Addressee of the collegial opinion

1. The addressee of the PMPK collegial conclusion is the head of the educational institution to which the child is sent.

2. The head of the educational institution informs the members of the psychological-medical-pedagogical council, other specialists of the educational institution who will directly work with the child, about the collegial conclusion, and monitors the implementation of the PMPC recommendations.

Accompanying a child who has been examined for PMPK. Monitoring the implementation of the recommendations of the PMPC for the dynamics of child development

1. The PMPK provides support for children and adolescents through communication with psychological, medical and pedagogical councils of educational institutions or directly with parents (legal representatives) (if the child is not studying (not being raised) in an educational institution).

which psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions
can recommend
PMPk /consiliums/ educational institutions

Information on the dynamics of development of students (pupils) of an educational institution (indicate which one), sent to the PMPK (indicate which one) in the __________ year.

Date the information was sent ______________


Child's full name

Date of examination at the PMPK (in accordance with the collegial conclusion of the PMPK for the child admitted to the educational institution

Dynamics of development (positive, negative, wave-like, insufficient, etc.)

Aleshin Alexey Petrovich

Ivanov Petr Ivanovich

Sidorov Ivan Petrovich








3 people

Total with favorable dynamics: 1 person.

With unfavorable dynamics: 2 people.


Educational institution

Manager's signature

educational institution

2. The PMPK /consilium/ of the educational institution develops a plan for the work of PMPK specialists with the child and promptly informs the director of the educational institution about the unfavorable or insufficient dynamics of the child’s development in the given educational conditions. The work plan with the child is adjusted, a conditional diagnostic period is established, during which the PMPK /consilium specialists try to achieve positive dynamics in the child’s development.

3. If there is evidence (if there is a suspicion that the structure of the child’s psychophysical development does not correspond to the conditions that this educational institution can provide), the PMPK /consilium/ draws up a collegial opinion on the child and recommends that parents (legal representatives) re-apply to the PMPK

4. In any case, information about the dynamics of the child’s development is sent by the PMPK /consilium/ to the PMPK in accordance with the period specified in the recommendations of the PMPK for monitoring the dynamics of the child’s development, in the absence of specific instructions - at least once a year.

5. A repeated appeal to the PMPK regarding children with unfavorable developmental dynamics is usually initiated by the PMPK /consilium/ of the educational institution, other institutions and departments directly working with the child, and the parents themselves (legal representatives).

6. PMPK, when working methodically with lower-level PMPK / councils / educational institutions, informs them about the technology of forming an adequate attitude among parents (legal representatives) towards re-referral to PMPK.

7. The following scheme of conversation with parents (legal representatives) is proposed when re-referring to PMPK:

· Appeal to those or those of the child’s parents (legal representatives) who can actually represent and protect his interests.

· Reasoned informing of parents (legal representatives) about the unfavorable dynamics of the child’s development in these conditions.

· Substantiation of possible reasons for pleasant developmental dynamics: inconsistency of these conditions with the characteristics of the child’s development; the need to clarify the diagnosis and recommendations; the expected need for supportive or inpatient treatment, possibly accompanied by specialists from social protection institutions or law enforcement agencies (in the correct form), etc.

· The importance of timely, rapid clarification of the reasons for the unfavorable dynamics of the child’s development and the development of effective recommendations. The connection between the “time factor” and the prognosis of child development.

· Presentation of a hypothesis about the possible consequences of a child being in conditions that are inadequate for him. The importance of finding conditions that are adequate to the child’s developmental characteristics.

8. Repeated appeal is initiated and controlled by the PMPC itself:

· when information about unfavorable dynamics of a child’s development is received from the PMPK / consultations / PMPK puts under control the timing of the readmission of this child. The registrar or teacher (at the discretion of the head of the PMPK, depending on the workload of each of these employees) informs the head of the PMPK about the received lists and fills out the “Development Dynamics Monitoring Sheet” for each child with unfavorable development dynamics: information about the child and the first three headings of the Sheet.

· “Control sheets...” in case of unfavorable dynamics of development of children and adolescents are filed (or put into file folders) by the registrar, according to the month and year of admission, and stored in a common folder: “Accompaniment of children and adolescents who have been examined for PMPK”

They are removed from the folders when parents (legal representatives) re-apply and the date of the child’s re-examination is entered in them. The “Development Dynamics Monitoring Sheet” is transferred to the Child Development Card stored in the PMPK.

If within three months from the moment of receiving information about the unfavorable dynamics of the child’s development and filling out the “Dynamics Sheet...” parents (legal representatives) have not made an appointment for a second appointment, the registrar transfers the corresponding “Sheets...” to the head. The manager distributes them evenly among specialists, and they communicate (by telephone or in writing) with parents (legal representatives). The reasons why the parents did not contact the PMPK again are clarified, and a reasoned conversation is held about the need for a repeat examination. In any case, a second examination of a child for PMPK is possible only with the consent of the parents (legal representatives).

9. Support for children and adolescents with developmental disabilities staying in institutions of the health care, social protection or law enforcement systems is carried out by employees of these institutions. Admission of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities from these institutions to educational institutions is possible only with a collegial opinion and a certificate from the PMPK /commission/, which can request information about the child from the institution in which he was located.

10. Accompaniment of children and adolescents who are not covered by institutions of the educational system, but who have been examined for PMPK on the initiative or with the consent of parents (legal representatives), is carried out directly through parents (legal representatives). After examination at PMPK, solving diagnostic issues and developing recommendations for parents ( legal representatives) are informed about the desirability of re-applying to the PMPK in order to monitor the dynamics of the child’s development and possible adjustments to the recommendations. The period for re-application to the PMPK is always individual and corresponds to psychological, pedagogical, medical and social indications.

11. The timing of monitoring the dynamics of development of children and adolescents who have been examined for PMPK and are not covered by institutions of the educational system are duplicated in the “Checklist for monitoring the dynamics of development” in accordance with the paragraph of the recommendations included in the collegial conclusion. “Sheets for monitoring the dynamics...” of these children, as well as children “covered” by institutions of the educational system, are stored in the folder “Accompaniment of children and adolescents who have been examined for PMPK.”

Forms of internal accounting and control of PMPC activities:

· Primary register of children who applied to the PMPK.

· Alphabet book.

· Register of children who have been examined for PMPK.

· Children's development cards (with corresponding "inserts", see above).

· Work plans and schedules (PMPC and individual).

· Log of movement of documentation.

· Folder “Accompaniment of children and adolescents who have been examined for PMPK” with “Dynamics control sheets”.

· Analytical journal

Analytical journal.

is filled out by the head of the PMPK at the end of the calendar year according to the following scheme:

· Dynamics of pre-registration of children for PMPK and children who have been examined for PMPK. The display form is two graphs in uniform coordinates: on the horizontal axis - months of the year, on the vertical axis - a) the number of children who signed up for an appointment, b) the number of children who passed the examination. Under the graph, indicate how many children have been registered for an appointment and how many children have been examined at the PMPK (based on the total numbers of the corresponding Registers). The executor is the registrar.

Documentation log

Child's full name

Year of admission of the child to PMPK

Date of transfer/receipt of the document (to whom, from whom)

Addressee or source of information

Name of the document (request, direction, requested document - which one, etc.)

Signature of the document issuer (or information about mailing)

Signature of the person who accepted the document or other confirmation of receipt of the document at the place of request

The head of the PMPC makes a brief analysis with an emphasis on the dynamics of registration and admission of children and conclusions on planning appointments for the next year.

· Distribution of children who were examined for PMPK during... the year, by age category (according to the Journal of registration of children who were examined for PMPK). Performer - educator. Display form - table (1).

The head of the PMPK makes a brief analysis with an emphasis on the prevailing age categories and conclusions about methodological and other support for the admission of these children.

· Distribution of children by type of special (correctional) educational institutions: based on the analysis of the penultimate recommendation (same for all collegial opinions) according to the Register of children who were examined according to the Register of children who were examined for primary medical education - section 7 "Collegial conclusion of the PMPC with recommendations." Performers are PMPC specialists appointed by the head. Display form - table (2).

The head of the PMPK draws conclusions about the prevailing needs in certain educational (other) conditions.

· Number of repeated admissions of children and adolescents to primary medical care. It is counted by the registrar or teacher (by order of the head of the PMPC) according to the Alphabet Book (the initial admission does not count).

The manager takes this information into account when planning the time spent on examining one child for the next year.

· The ratio of children with positive and negative dynamics of development in the conditions recommended by the PMPK: based on materials from the folder “Accompaniment of children who have been examined for the PMPK.” According to the information received, the total number of children with favorable (positive) and unfavorable development dynamics is calculated. Performer - registrar or teacher.

The head of the PMPC draws conclusions about the effectiveness of the PMPC recommendations.

· Each PMPC specialist submits a report at the end of the calendar year according to the following scheme:

The number of additional appointments for children carried out individually by a specialist.

Organizational and methodological work: internal (in the conditions of PMPC) and external (forms, institutions, contingent, etc.).

Education (where, when, with whom, in what forms the work was carried out).

Accompaniment of children who have undergone examination and need supervision by a given specialist (how many children, forms of accompaniment, dynamics).

· Based on all the materials described above, the reporting (based on the results of the calendar year) meeting with a brief report from each specialist and a summary speech by the head of the PMPK will fail. The work prospects, planning of PMPK activities, proposals for the development of PMPK and a support system for children and adolescents with developmental disabilities for educational management are discussed.

Table 1

Age group


0-3 years (inclusive)

307 years (inclusive)

7-11 years (inclusive)

11-16 years (inclusive)

16-18 years old (inclusive)

Types, types of institutions

Educational institutions

Other institutions, departments


Special (correctional) educational institutions

PPMS centers

Comprehensive schools

1 type

2nd view

3rd view

4 view

5 view

6 view

7 view

8 view

KRO classes, other specials. classes

General education classes

table 2

PMPC report form ^

(before education management) -

Analytical information

The analytical report is compiled by the head of the PMPC based on the materials of the Analytical Journal, reports of PMPC specialists and the results of the reporting meeting of the PMPC. The analysis is supported by relevant applications (graphs, tables, etc.). Proposals are made for the development of a special education system in this territory and other forms of support for children and adolescents with developmental disabilities, as well as for the development of the PMPK itself.

Three-level structure of the PMPK system in the region

Regional PMPC (regional)

City, district PMPK

Psychological, medical and pedagogical councils (PMPk) of educational institutions

PMPC external relations system

External communications and relations of the PMPC with other institutions, departments, substructures within the framework of the PMPC system are carried out through the exchange of documentation, in accordance with the order on the support of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities and the forms of documents recommended in this Guide. Other contractual relationships are possible.

A single request form can be used to exchange information about a child with suspected or known developmental disabilities with interested agencies and departments. The request is made with the consent of the parents [legal representatives], with the exception of cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation (for example, a request by court decision).

Functional responsibilities of PMPK specialists

1. Reception of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities, their parents (legal representatives), and other persons representing the interests of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities.

2. Organizational and methodological work.

3. Educational activities.

4. Support for children and adolescents with developmental disabilities (monitoring the effectiveness of PMPC recommendations in terms of the dynamics of the child’s development).

5. Regular professional development. Professional "growth".

6. Communication with specialists of a similar profile at all levels of the PMPK system (regional PMPK, municipal PMPK, PMPK/onsiliums/educational institutions,

PMPC external relations system

Administration of the region (region)

IU, agro-industrial complex and missile defense, research institutes, etc.

Departments of Health, Social Protection, Internal Affairs

Institutions of the social protection system

Department of Education

Educational institutions

Regional PMPC (within the structure of the PPMS center)

Law enforcement institutions

Health care institutions

City, district (municipal) PMPK

PMPk/onsiliums) of educational institutions

7. Establishing connections with specialists of a similar profile in institutions of other departments: doctors - in institutions of the health care system, teachers (oligophrenopedagogue, speech therapist, deaf and speech therapist) and psychologists - in institutions of the education system, social teachers - in institutions of social protection and law enforcement system.

8. Fulfillment of the requirements of the Charter of the institution, which includes the PMPK, the goals and functions of the PMPK (internal regulations, documentation, timely planning and reporting on the results of professional activities).

Educational and methodological manual

Workbook of the psychological, medical and pedagogical Council (methodological manual and working materials for the activities of psychological, medical and pedagogical councils and consultations) / Under the general editorship.

  • Order “03” June 2011 No. 289 On approval of the work procedure and composition of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission of the Sovetsky district In accordance with


    In accordance with the Federal Law of June 24, 1 year N 120-FZ "On the fundamentals of the system for the prevention of neglect and crime", by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 24, 2009 N 95

  • Methodological recommendations for organizing a service for comprehensive psychological, pedagogical, medical, social and legal support of education Contents


    Regulations on the Coordination Council of the Service for Psychological, Pedagogical, Medical, Social and Legal Support of Education of the Novosibirsk Region Department of Education of the Novosibirsk Region 18

  • PMPC

    Request for information

    Institution requesting information

    Make a request to:

    (full official name of the institution)

    About the child:

    (full name, date of birth, place of residence (registration, registration) of the child:

    Additional information if necessary)

    Please provide the following information about the child

    (formulation of the request in accordance with the indications)

    The government of Moscow


    On the organization of the work of the central psychological-medical-pedagogical commission of the city of Moscow

    In accordance with Part 5 of Article 42 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" , paragraph 2 of Article 15 of the Federal Law of June 24, 1999 N 120-FZ "On the fundamentals of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency" , Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 20, 2013 N 1082 “On approval of the regulations on the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission”, in order to create an integral system of providing psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance to children experiencing difficulties in mastering basic general education programs, development and social adaptation, ensuring the rights of children with disabilities and (or) behavioral deviations to an education that corresponds to their characteristics and opportunities

    I order:

    1. Create a central psychological-medical-pedagogical commission of the city of Moscow (abbreviated name: TsPMPK Moscow).

    2. To assign the functions of the central psychological, medical and pedagogical commission of the city of Moscow to the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the city of Moscow, the District Center for Psychological, Medical and Social Support.

    3. Appoint O.G. Donichenko as head of the central psychological-medical-pedagogical commission of the city of Moscow.

    4. Approve the Work Procedure of the Central Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Commission of the City of Moscow (Appendix).

    5. The order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow dated September 11, 2013 N 575 “On the organization of the work of the central (city) psychological, medical and pedagogical commission of the city of Moscow in the 2013-2014 academic year” shall be declared invalid.

    6. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the deputy head of the Moscow Department of Education Vasiliev T.V.

    Department of Education
    Moscow cities
    I.I. Kalina

    Application. The operating procedure of the central psychological-medical-pedagogical commission of the city of Moscow

    to the order of the Department
    education of the city of Moscow
    dated December 1, 2014 N 897

    1. General Provisions

    1.1. This procedure regulates the activities of the Central Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission of the City of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Moscow Central Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission).

    1.2. In its activities, the commission is guided by international acts in the field of protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the child ( Convention on the Rights of the Child of November 20, 1989., UN Declaration on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of December 9, 1975.), Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", Federal Law dated July 2, 1992 N 3185-I “On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens during its provision” , Federal Law of June 24, 1999 N 120-FZ "On the fundamentals of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency" , Federal Law of November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ "On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation" , Federal Law of July 24, 1998 N 124-FZ “On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation” , by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 20, 2013 N 1082 “On approval of the Regulations on the Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Commission”, by order of the Moscow Department of Health dated April 1, 2013 N 297 “On improving the procedure for issuing medical reports on the state of health and recommendations on the organization of the educational process for persons with disabilities by medical organizations of the state healthcare system of the city of Moscow”, other regulations of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow, by this Order.

    1.3. The Moscow Department of Education creates conditions for the work of the Moscow Center for Medical Education and Training.

    1.4. Information about the examination of children, the results of the examination, as well as other information related to the examination of children at the Moscow Children's Medical Center is confidential. Providing this information without the written consent of the parents (legal representatives) of children to third parties is not permitted, except in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    2. The purpose and directions of activity of the Moscow Central Medical Pedagogical Center

    2.1. The purpose of the activities of the Moscow Center for Medical Education is to conduct a comprehensive psychological, medical and pedagogical examination (hereinafter referred to as the examination) in order to timely identify children with special needs in physical and (or) mental development and (or) behavioral deviations, and prepare recommendations based on the results of the examination providing them with psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance and organizing their training and education, as well as confirming, clarifying or changing previously given recommendations.

    2.2. The main areas of activity of the Moscow Center for Medical and Practical Training are:

    2.2.1. Conducting examinations of children aged 0 to 18 years (in some cases, it is possible to increase the age of the subjects).

    2.2.2. Preparation of recommendations for creating conditions based on the results of the survey:

    - for the child to receive an education, correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation based on special pedagogical approaches;

    - to confirm, clarify or change recommendations previously given by the commission;

    - to conduct state final certification in educational programs of basic general, secondary general education of students with disabilities, disabled children and disabled people.

    2.2.3. Providing advisory assistance to parents (legal representatives) of children; employees of educational organizations; organizations providing social services; medical organizations; other organizations on issues of education, training and correction of developmental disorders of children with disabilities and (or) deviant (socially dangerous) behavior.

    2.2.4. Keeping records of data on children with disabilities and (or) deviant (socially dangerous) behavior living in the city of Moscow.

    2.2.6. Interaction with medical organizations of the state healthcare system of the city of Moscow, federal government institutions of medical and social expertise.

    2.2.7. Providing assistance to federal government institutions of medical and social expertise in the development of an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled child.

    2.2.8. Interaction with psychological, medical and pedagogical councils of educational organizations in Moscow.

    2.2.9. Participation in the organization of information and educational work with the population in the field of prevention and correction of deficiencies in physical and (or) mental development and (or) behavioral deviations in children.

    3. Organization of activities of the Moscow Center for Medical and Medical Training

    3.1. The Moscow TsPMK is created by the Moscow Department of Education.

    3.2. The Moscow Center for Medical Education and Training is headed by a director appointed by order of the Moscow Department of Education.

    3.3. TsPMK Moscow operates all year round.

    3.4. Composition of the Moscow Center for Medical Education: educational psychologist, speech pathologist teachers (according to the relevant profile: oligophrenopedagogist, typhlopedagogist, teacher of the deaf), speech therapist, social teacher; pediatrician, neurologist, ophthalmologist, orthopedist, otolaryngologist, child psychiatrist, etc., members of the subcommittee of the medical commission of medical organizations of the state health care system of the city of Moscow for issuing medical reports on health status and recommendations for organizing the educational process in state educational organizations of the city of Moscow for individuals with disabilities; interdepartmental conflict commission of the Moscow Central Pedagogical Committee.

    The composition of the interdepartmental conflict commission is approved by order of the Moscow Department of Education. The inclusion of representatives of the Moscow Health Department and the Moscow Department of Social Protection of the Population in the interdepartmental conflict commission is carried out by agreement. Meetings of the interdepartmental conflict commission are held at least once a month.

    3.5. Examination of children is carried out by appointment in the premises where the Moscow Center for Medical and Medical Examination is located (the list of addresses is posted on the website If necessary and appropriate conditions exist, the examination can be carried out at the place of their residence and/or education.

    3.6. The Moscow TsPMK has a seal and forms with its name.

    3.7. The following documentation is maintained by the Moscow Center for Medical and Practical Training:

    1) a log of preliminary registration of children for examination;

    2) a register of children who underwent examination;

    3) a card of the child who underwent the examination;

    3.8. The examination is carried out upon a written application from parents (legal representatives) or at the direction of educational organizations, organizations providing social services, medical organizations, and other organizations with the written consent of the parents (legal representatives) of children.

    3.9. To conduct an examination of a child, his parents (legal representatives) present to the Moscow Center for Medical Examinations a document proving their identity, documents confirming their authority to represent the interests of the child, and also submit the following documents:

    1) an application for or consent to conduct an examination of the child in the territorial subcommittee;

    2) a copy of the child’s passport or birth certificate (provided with the presentation of the original or a duly certified copy);

    3) a medical report on the state of health and recommendations for organizing the educational process in state educational organizations of the city of Moscow for persons with disabilities, issued by a subcommittee of the medical commission of medical organizations of the state healthcare system of the city of Moscow (for persons with disabilities);

    4) a document confirming the child’s disability (if available);

    5) an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled child (if available);

    6) referral to an educational organization, an organization providing social services, a medical organization, or another organization (if any);

    7) conclusion(s) of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council of the educational organization or specialist (specialists) providing psychological, medical and pedagogical support to students in the educational organization (for students of educational organizations) (if any);

    8) conclusion(s) of the territorial subcommittee on the results of a previously conducted examination of the child (if any);

    9) characteristics of the student issued by the educational organization (for students of educational organizations);

    10) written work in Russian (native) language, mathematics, results of the child’s independent productive activity.

    If necessary, the Moscow Center for Medical Inspectorate requests additional information about the child from the relevant authorities and organizations or from parents (legal representatives).

    3.10. The child is examined by specialists simultaneously.

    3.11. The examination is carried out in the presence of parents (legal representatives).

    3.12. During the examination, a protocol is kept that contains information about the child, specialists from the Moscow Center for Medical Education, a list of documents submitted, the results of the child’s examination by specialists, the conclusions of specialists, the special opinion of specialists (if any), a psychological and pedagogical conclusion, recommendations for the creation of special learning conditions and education. When preparing the conclusion, the Moscow Center for Medical Education takes into account in its work a medical report on the state of health and recommendations for organizing the educational process in state educational organizations of the city of Moscow for persons with disabilities.

    3.13. The conclusion of the Moscow Center for Medical Examination is an integral part of the protocol.

    3.14. The protocol and conclusion of the Moscow Center for Medical Examination are signed by the specialists who conducted the examination, the director (the person performing his duties), and are certified by the seal of the Moscow Center for Medical Examination.

    3.15. The conclusion of the Moscow Center for Medical Inspectorate is issued to the parent (legal representative) within a period not exceeding 5 working days after the meeting.

    3.16. The conclusion of the Moscow Center for Medical Inspectorate is advisory in nature for parents (legal representatives) of children.

    3.17. The conclusion of the Moscow CPMPK is valid for submission to educational organizations of the city of Moscow within a calendar year from the date of its signing.

    4. The Moscow Center for Medical and Practical Treatment provides children who independently apply to the commission with advisory assistance on the provision of psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance to children, including information about their rights.

    5. Parents have the right to be present during the examination of children, discuss the results of the examination and render a conclusion, and express their opinion on recommendations for the organization of education and upbringing; receive advice from commission specialists on issues of examination and provision of psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance, including information about their rights and the rights of children; in case of disagreement with the conclusion, appeal it to the interdepartmental conflict commission.

    Electronic document text
    prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
    official website of the Department
    education in Moscow
    as of 06/06/2017