Organizational pedagogical support of the educational process. International Journal of Experimental Education

The demand for pedagogical support for social work with youth is due to the peculiarities of the position of this category in society. This problem has always attracted the attention of practitioners and theorists, but as a scientific phenomenon it began to be examined more closely only in recent decades.

Many experts agree that pedagogical support for social work with youth is a system of measures, a set of activities, resources and conditions, a type of activity. Support in social work manifests itself simultaneously: as a complex of emergency assistance; as a specific activity in the field of human relations; as a process of restoring one’s own potential; as a specific means of intensifying and increasing the efficiency of a specific type of human activity, communication (V.S. Torokhtiy).

Revealing the essence of pedagogical support, many authors proceed from a number of ideas developed by modern science, which are at the interdisciplinary level, generated by the interpenetration and complementarity of various branches of human knowledge. First of all, these are certain provisions of the concept of educational systems (scientific school of L.I. Novikova), according to which youth centers can be considered as a self-organizing social and pedagogical system.

Another basis for the process of social and pedagogical support is the consideration of education as the purposeful management of the process of personal development (H.J. Liimets).

In modern scientific literature, there is an established understanding of management as a special type of activity aimed at ensuring the functioning and development of the system. The main feature of social management is that the subject and object in it is a person. The essence and purpose of this process can be presented:

Firstly, as maintenance, preservation for a certain period of time of parameters (characteristics, values, results) that are characteristic of the controlled object;

Secondly, as improvement, development, improvement of the parameters of an object, system, as a result of which they move into a new, desired state;

Thirdly, as a deterioration or reduction “to zero” of the parameters of the system, that is, its reorganization or disorganization, liquidation. Accordingly, we can talk about managing the functioning (or conservation strategy) and managing the development (development strategy) of the system.

The traditional idea of ​​management is revealed in such characteristics as the purposeful influence of the subject on the object of management, the influence of the control system on the managed one in order to transfer the latter to a qualitatively new state, and the introduction of elements of the scientific organization of labor. Today in management there is a transition from the “philosophy of influence” to the “philosophy of interaction”, cooperation, and reflexive management. In this context, management theory is attractive due to its personal orientation. In turn, in science there is an understanding of management as the management of various types of resources.

Pedagogical support is considered as management of the functioning and development of a systemic set of resources involved in the implementation of the process of social work with youth. A resource here refers to the means that can be used to achieve a goal. Conventionally, they can be divided into four groups.

TO personal resources include social status, social roles, personal position, life experience, motivational-need sphere, individual properties of a young person and their level of development. TO institutional resources can include the content and technologies of a certain level of education, the structure of an educational or social institution and the organization of the support process in it, the presence of specialists whose functional responsibilities include the implementation of the supporting process. To the group subcultural community resources include a specific set of value orientations, norms of behavior, interaction and relationships of its carriers, as well as a status structure; a set of preferred sources of information; certain hobbies, tastes and ways of spending free time; folklore, specific signs and symbols inherent in the community. The following group of resources is designated as resources social environment, referring to them not so much the presence of material objects, other educational, social institutions, industrial enterprises, cultural institutions, public organizations and political movements, administrative bodies, but the interaction with them of participants in the process of pedagogical support of social work.

Pedagogical support for social work with youth is associated with the resolution of two groups of contradictions. Some are associated with the organization of social work with this category of the population. Others directly affect the personality of the young man.

The first group unites contradictions concerning the choice of effective forms, techniques, and technologies for organizing social work with youth.

The current contradiction is between the need to introduce new social technologies into the activities of institutions implementing state youth policy, created specifically to work with such a specific socio-demographic group as youth and the lack of specialists who have not just a sufficient, but a constantly increasing level of professionalism, and who have individual experience of inclusion in innovative forms of work as participants in programs and projects.

An analysis of existing experience shows that traditional forms of work with youth are: courses and ongoing seminars, workshops, round tables, methodological associations, scientific and practical conferences. Innovative forms of work include: a competition of professional skills among youth workers, a competition for the best social youth institution, creative problem laboratories, various forms of cooperation between teams of institutions, internships, organizational and activity games, certification. But, unfortunately, these forms are not exhaustive, and the organization of a special system for advanced training of specialists working with youth is required.

For the effective organization of social work with youth, it is important to resolve the contradiction associated with the need to improve the qualifications of youth workers and the existing traditional forms and methods of retraining, which for the most part are focused mainly only on the transfer of knowledge and the formation of private skills, which does not always meet the modern needs of young people. The personnel composition of the sphere of state youth policy is currently formed by employees of youth affairs bodies; employees of local government bodies; employees of institutions and organizations working with youth; employees of non-state sector institutions providing social services to youth; activists of youth public associations; teachers and consultants of educational institutions implementing programs of secondary, higher and additional vocational education in the field of state youth policy. This does not allow for the high-quality implementation of state youth policy and requires better training of specialists in working with youth.

In addition, the following other disadvantages can be identified in the existing system of advanced training:

    insufficient government funding;

    lack of development of the target component of advanced training, criteria for assessing the effectiveness of this process, focus on gross indicators;

    imperfection of tools for analyzing the effectiveness of the professional development process;

    weakly expressed substantive aspect of continuity in the field of personnel training at different levels of the system;

    episodic nature of professional development of specialists;

    unification of content and forms of advanced training;

    insufficient staffing of the advanced training system in relation to the selection of personnel, their training, placement, and professional development;

    the lack of development of a system for encouraging youth specialists to improve their own professional qualifications;

    decreased motivation for the participation of youth work specialists in professional development activities.

At the same time, as a positive point, it should be noted that in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation there are youth affairs bodies, the number of employees of which reaches more than 2000 people. Under the youth affairs authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, there are more than 2,000 social service institutions for youth, 1,750 teenage and youth clubs (centers), more than 2,000 young family clubs (centers), more than 7,000 recreation, health, and employment centers for children and youth. Thus, about 100 thousand people work in the infrastructure of the state youth policy and need more effective professional retraining.

At the same time, today there is a shortage of qualified personnel in the youth industry. In this case, by qualified personnel we mean persons with a higher education in the humanities (for example, in this category we include persons with a higher pedagogical education).

Hence the need to develop a system of advanced training, which includes training for managers, specialists from youth affairs authorities, employees of regional and municipal youth institutions, leaders of public associations, and volunteers. At the moment, it is advisable to use such forms of work as lectures (orienting, instructive, systematizing, problem-solving); project workshops; moderation. These forms of advanced training actively promote the development of professional self-awareness of specialists in working with youth, increasing demands on themselves; they are closely related to the university stage of obtaining qualifications and with its further improvement.

The second group of contradictions associated with the organization of pedagogical support for social work with youth relates directly to the personality of the young person.

For example, the contradiction between the requirements for a young person’s personality determined by the new social status, in connection with his transition to a new age stage, his responsibility for himself and his actions, and the unpreparedness of yesterday’s teenagers to implement them, is quite clearly evident. Its resolution must involve all the resources of the individual and the social environment, a number of institutional opportunities (the way of organizing the educational process in the youth center and the presence of teachers who implement it) and subcultural resources of the community (a set of value orientations, norms of behavior, status structure, preferred ways of organizing free time, folklore, signs and symbols). The interconnection, interdependence and mutual actualization of these opportunities is carried out through activist training, which is organized by many youth affairs committees.

The next thing is the contradiction between the needs of a young person’s personality for self-realization, self-affirmation, protection, acceptance and changing the life situation, entering a new community with a unique structure, values ​​and opportunities. In resolving this contradiction, personal resources are involved (needs determined by age characteristics, the position occupied by the individual, the presence of life experience, individual properties and the level of their development), resources of the social environment and a number of subcultural resources of the community (a set of preferred sources of information and ways of spending leisure time, status structure , a set of value orientations and norms of behavior). The functional purpose of these resources is implemented in the following forms: an annual gathering of youth activists, project seminars, a supervision system, scientific and pedagogical teams and associations that are organized at youth centers.

The contradiction between the high demands on the skills and self-organization of a young person, in connection with his entry into adulthood and the current level of their development, is acutely felt these days. To resolve this contradiction, all personal and institutional resources are used, as well as the capabilities of the community subculture (preferred sources of information, folklore): the annual gathering of youth activists, problem lectures organized by teachers of higher educational institutions.

The next thing is the contradiction between age-related needs for personal and professional self-determination, the search for ways to realize it and the lack of knowledge about oneself, one’s capabilities and the capabilities of the environment to carry out these processes. Overcoming such a contradiction is possible thanks to personal resources, subcultural resources of the community, as well as a number of institutional (the method of organizing educational work in a youth center, the presence of teachers who carry it out, technology of educational and social work with youth), resources of the social environment. This contradiction can be resolved through the use of an annual gathering of youth activists, problem lectures, scientific and pedagogical teams and associations that are organized at youth centers.

There is also a contradiction between the young person’s accumulated experience of interacting with youth workers, his future lifestyle, and scientific knowledge about these areas of social life transmitted by youth centers. This contradiction can be overcome thanks to personal and institutional resources and a number of subcultural resources of the community (a set of preferred sources of information, a set of value orientations, norms of behavior and interaction, certain hobbies, tastes, specific signs and symbols) and resources of the social environment. The potential of problem lectures of the psychological and pedagogical cycle, which are organized in youth centers by members of scientific and pedagogical teams and associations that are organized at youth centers, makes it possible to realize the functional purpose of these resources.

Determining the content of pedagogical support for social work with youth can be helped by analyzing the experience of various youth centers, the traditions of education in them, looking at existing technologies for working with various categories of youth, and the characteristics of personality formation in the system of youth centers. Thus, it is possible to formulate elements of pedagogical support for social work with youth.

Programming the activities of the youth center, which presupposes the existence of regional projects and programs for organizing education in youth institutions. These documents are developed in accordance with the purpose and areas of work of each specific youth center. Programs and projects that are implemented in youth centers go through two stages: development and examination. It is advisable to develop them based on the needs and requests of the region and the characteristics of the economic, personnel and administrative status of each specific youth center. One of the effective forms of program development is a project seminar. Its use helps resolve a number of contradictions in the existing practice of social work with youth. This is a specially organized form of interaction between participants in the learning process, focused on an in-depth consideration of the problems of existing practice of social work with youth and involving the design of their activities in order to solve existing problems. This form involves the use of various methods of cognition and activity, the integration of knowledge and skills from various fields of science, an independent search for seminar participants, the creation of situations of individual problematization during the course, and so on. The main goal of the seminar is to put forward new ideas and bring them to the project stage. In the future, their authors can independently find funding and turn their ideas into reality; in addition, financial support from various government agencies and foundations is possible.

A project is a means of managing activities, the most specific and feasible form for a youth center. It usually includes the following steps:

– introduction (analysis, explanation of relevance, novelty in comparison with analogues, indication of the scope of application, functional purpose, identification of a specific, local and solvable problem);

setting performance goals and specific, measurable and achievable objectives;

management and personnel aspect (who can implement the project);

characteristics and method of assessing the planned results;


At the examination stage, the pros and cons of the proposed material and the possibility of implementing the project in a specific region are identified. The council includes representatives of municipal youth policy bodies and highly qualified specialists in the field of working with youth. Based on the results of expert assessment, one or another project receives funding and is implemented in the activities of the youth center.

As an example in this regard, we can consider the activities of the State Institution “Regional Center for Support of Youth Initiatives” in Kostroma, the main area of ​​activity of which lies in the field of identification, development, support of youth activity and initiative. The goal of the Center is to implement priority areas of state and regional youth policy, including: creating conditions for the support and development of youth initiatives, creativity, preventing antisocial manifestations among young people, creating mechanisms to support young families and students. The Center consists of 7 departments: administrative, financial, economic and 4 departments implementing the Center's programs: Department of Social Programs; Department for Support of Talented Youth; Young Family Support Department; Department of Social Health Prevention. The activities of the Regional Center highlight the main areas of work aimed at supporting the initiatives of young people in one or another area of ​​development of youth and children's public associations, youth advisory and advisory structures, and student government bodies. Within each area, technologies are used, combined into a unified system of working with youth in each area.

The institution organizes its activities in accordance with the implementation of the following programs:

1. “Support for students in the Kostroma region”;

2. Program for supporting talented youth “Success is in your hands”;

3. “Building Russia with young people”;

4. “Prevention of asocial phenomena among young people”;

5. “Support for a young family”;

6. Regional program “State support for children and youth public associations”;

7. Regional program “Children of the Kostroma Region” for the prevention of homelessness and juvenile delinquency;

8. Regional program “Comprehensive measures to combat drug abuse and illicit trafficking.”

Information and methodological support for specialists working with youth is a system of pedagogical actions associated with neutralizing predicted difficulties at the stage of preparation for work, providing prompt assistance in carrying out joint activities. The most common obstacle in the activities of a youth worker is the lack of knowledge necessary for the education of young people: about the individual and age-related characteristics of a young person’s personality; about the difficulties that arise when organizing the social experience of young people, the content of personal problems, ways to solve them, about ways and techniques of providing individual pedagogical assistance to a teenager; on the technology of creating software for the activities of the youth center; about forms and methods of optimizing interpersonal relationships. Overcoming these obstacles is facilitated by the presence of a system of special training and retraining of specialists for working with youth: organizing problem-based seminars for youth workers; refresher courses; Regular certification of managers and specialists of specialized institutions of youth policy bodies; moderation, which is a form of consulting and guiding the activities of a group of adults in the process of advanced training, limited in place and time and allowing the use of the internal reserves (potentials) of each participant and, accordingly, the group to increase the efficiency of the process of developing ways to solve problems.

Currently in the Russian Federation, more than 100 educational institutions train personnel to work with youth (primarily, these are universities that implement the state standard of higher professional education in the specialty “Organization of work with youth”). The objects of their activities are: state and municipal employees; employees of institutions and organizations, social services for youth; employees of non-state sector institutions; activists of youth public associations. Training, retraining and advanced training of specialists in working with youth is carried out within a number of specialties and areas of training (“Management”, “Social work”, “State and municipal management”, “Jurisprudence”, “Management and economics in enterprises”, “ Personnel Management"). However, the curricula of these specialties, as a rule, do not provide for specializations in youth problems and the implementation of state youth policy. At the same time, in almost all universities where personnel are trained to work with youth, the necessary teaching staff is formed, scientific research is conducted, and candidate and doctoral dissertations on youth issues are defended.

At the same time, an analysis of practical experience shows that there is still a shortage of specialized psychologists, sociologists, social educators, social workers, specialists in medical and social problems of youth, lawyers and specialists in the rights of children and youth. A significant portion of youth structure employees lack the necessary professional qualifications and practical experience. There is a discrepancy between the number of employees of youth affairs bodies, the volume and nature of the tasks they solve, and the scale and pace of social change.

Thus, the personnel resource for youth policy is insufficient to further improve the youth policy mechanism.

Synchronization of educational influences on personality at different levels of interaction: the first level – within the youth association; the second level – between youth associations; third level – between youth centers; the fourth level is within the region. Synchronization of educational influences on the individual is carried out through cooperation, organization of joint activities; inter-age interaction, through collective creative activities and social projects; by harmonizing relationships with the community, others, and oneself. Effective synchronization of educational influences presupposes the presence of a single goal of personal development, a common understanding of the essence of this process at different levels. At the same time, the means, ways, forms, technologies of educational influences may be different, depending on a number of circumstances (the capabilities of the center, the level of training of specialists, the characteristics of financing, the political, economic, ideological situation of the region, and so on). The Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, with the support of the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation, annually holds the All-Russian Youth Educational Forum “Seliger”.

In terms of content, the Forum represents a wide range of educational events, programs in the field of entrepreneurship, career guidance, creativity and innovation. “Seliger” is focused on a healthy lifestyle and promotes the development of the creative, scientific and professional potential of young people, their active involvement in carrying out socio-economic reforms in the country, and instilling a sense of patriotism and civic responsibility among young people. The Forum annually brings together more than 20,000 of the best youth representatives from more than 50 regions of the Russian Federation within the framework of 7 thematic sessions. They develop social youth programs, publish youth newspapers, hold round tables and conferences on current youth issues. In essence, this is “direct access” for young people to investments, grants, funds of the largest private companies and state corporations, and government programs.

Pedagogical supportyouth in the process of joint and individual activities. Accompaniment is understood as providing a young person with a set of means aimed at his successful development in a specific type of activity. The specialist directs the movement, helps the individual overcome difficulties, but the choice of goals and means of achieving them remains with the young man, taking into account his individual, age and psychological characteristics, and existing social experience. Support is implemented through the interaction of youth specialists, the implementation of comprehensive activities to develop socially significant personality traits of a young person, the formation of culture in the process of communication, stimulating reflective consciousness, critical thinking, and focus on creativity. During pedagogical support, a youth worker solves the following tasks: organizing youth initiatives; development of communication relationships; ensuring emotional comfort within the group; stimulation of the working creative state; formation of proper attitude towards work, labor, strong-willed personal qualities; creating conditions for adequate experience, development of one’s own life principles, attitudes, and professional intentions; formation of an external culture of behavior (politeness, attentiveness, culture of speech, etc.); cognitive assistance. Pedagogical support for youth includes the following stages: individual and group diagnostics in increasing individual and social experience by young people, monitoring the effectiveness of using variable programs built on an activity basis and carried out with the personalization of pedagogical interaction, and others.

The subject of diagnostics carried out by teachers is: emotional and psychological comfort in a youth association; level of communication relations; the degree of activity of participants in the ongoing process; attitude towards information received from youth workers; the degree of expansion of knowledge in the system of socio-cultural relations.

Thus, the organization of pedagogical support for social work with youth is a process carried out during the following stages:

Diagnostics of the potential and current capabilities of a particular youth institution; the region's capabilities in pedagogical support of social work with youth;

Determination of institutional resources (youth association, institution, region) and environmental resources characteristic of the object being studied;

Determining the optimal set of resources necessary for effective pedagogical support of social work with youth (it is necessary to take into account that resources should be used to overcome existing contradictions, both at the level of the young person’s personality and with the organization of social work with youth);

Special training of youth workers for effective pedagogical support of social work with youth;

Activation of personal and institutional resources through the creation of special developed and tested regional projects, programs for organizing education in youth institutions;

Receiving feedback, monitoring the results, which is carried out, as a rule, within the framework of various competitions of youth centers, professional skills competitions for youth workers.


This article examines the specifics of organizing the educational process at a university from the perspective of active subjective interaction of participants who determine the goals and objectives of developing the competence of bachelors of pedagogical education through mastering the content of basic educational programs. The characteristics of the holistic educational process are substantiated: organized interpersonal interaction, inclusion of personal potentials, optimal educational environment, determined by the creation of didactic and ensuring conditions for students’ readiness to show their activity. Problem areas of uncertainty are identified in the context of the development of modern theory and practice of higher education. The author's approaches and solutions to the problem of pedagogical support for the success of mastering the competencies of bachelors of pedagogical education are proposed.





pedagogical support

holistic educational process

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The competency-based approach initiates a search for new patterns of the educational process that reveal the specifics of its organization from the standpoint of active subjective interaction of participants, during which the content of undergraduate educational programs is mastered, considered as the acquisition of personal meaning of activity, the individual’s awareness of the value significance of education, the development of communication abilities and the ability to apply knowledge in solving educational practice-oriented problems in an atmosphere of trust, mutual assistance and responsibility for the result.

Changes in the content of higher education are due to the formation of competence and the transition from the practice of traditional teaching to the practice of mastering competencies using the technology of pedagogical support of the process, by organizing interpersonal and group interaction of participants in order to achieve a specific result - professional experience and harmonious social development of the individual in the holistic educational process.

Characteristics of a holistic educational process

Competencies can be considered as general normative guidelines for results. Mastering competencies allows one to judge the success of the implementation of the main educational program, but nothing more. The goal of bachelor's education is competence. The formation of competence is ensured by means, methods and methods (forms) of constructive interaction between participants in the educational process - teachers and students. Setting personally significant goals and specifying educational tasks make it possible to realize educational potentials based on the potential capabilities of the educational environment, the subjective personal qualities of students and the pedagogical skills of teachers.

The methodological basis for the development of vocational pedagogical education is the vocational educational space, defined as a form of relationship between the individual and the world of professions and methods of obtaining vocational education. In the educational space of a university, as a rule, optimal conditions are created and provided for the interaction of subjects of the process, but the set goals and expected results are not always realized. The success of developing students' competence, fulfilling the goals and objectives of training and education are determined by the choice of methods, means, quality of organization of activities and technologies for mastering general cultural and professional competencies.

The emergence of a new educational paradigm necessitates updating the content and technology of education, creating a new educational environment, fundamentally different means of assessing learning outcomes and, of course, training teachers capable of implementing these innovations. The competency-based approach focuses our attention on the educational aspects of activity and emphasizes the interconnectedness of learning outcomes with the personal qualities of students.

Teaching and upbringing as phenomena of an integral educational process confirm this pattern, but subject to productive interpersonal interaction between the teacher and students in the educational space of the university. The use of educational resources (potentials) of the environment and the inclusion of students’ personal potentials complement the integrity of the process, increase the importance of pedagogical support at all stages of design, planning and implementation of goals, determine the success of educational tasks, taking into account didactic and supporting conditions, as well as the individual capabilities of the students themselves.

V.V. Serikov rightly notes that if the teacher is subjectively detached and his “brainchild” is not the author’s self-expression, self-realization, integrity turns out to be destroyed at the subjective level, where it originates and is projected: “... education loses integrity when the subject is alienated from the process, when what he creates is not his own being."

Providing conditions for the successful implementation of the goals and objectives of the holistic educational process are proposed to be considered as an emotional and positive readiness for joint creativity at the appropriate levels of subject-subject interaction (collective, group, individual), as well as based on the nature and degree of communicative predisposition of the participants in relation to each other (interest, attention, understanding, acceptance, activity, responsibility). The content-event content of the educational activities of the educational team and the mutually directed educational relations of the participants in the process can also be the natural basis for active and interactive subject interaction.

The integrity of the educational process is ensured by didactic conditions, which we consider in the technological context of implementing the requirements for pedagogical support:

§ setting goals, determining didactic tasks and means of obtaining results;

§ optimal combination of traditional and innovative approaches and methods;

§ variability in the use of various forms of conducting classes;

§ application of practice-oriented diagnostic techniques, organization of control, assessment of educational and academic achievements of students, including assessment of subjective levels-indicators of students’ good manners;

§ bringing the result characteristics closer to quality indicators.

The competency-based approach in higher education, according to M.V. Krulecht has a special organization of the educational process. This refers to “... the importance of psychological and pedagogical support for the formation of the subjective position of students, which is a system-forming condition that ensures competence.” The term “accompaniment” means “to walk next to a person (subject) moving forward, overcoming difficulties in the process of self-realization, achieving vital goals”: ​​“... this is a joint movement (interaction) based on the subject’s prediction of the prospects for behavior and self-manifestation in a development situation aimed at creating conditions and providing the most appropriate assistance and support." Psychological and pedagogical support is focused on taking into account the uniqueness, individuality, uniqueness and non-linearity of the student’s development as an active participant in the educational process. The study of the patterns of the holistic educational process for its compliance with the criteria and indicators of success/quality of competence formation is hampered by the uncertainty of the development of modern theory and practice of higher pedagogical education, in particular regarding:

§ lack of development of the theoretical foundations of the competency-based approach in relation to the goals, objectives and content of educational activities of subjects;

§ lack of practice-oriented mechanisms for replacing, transforming and adapting knowledge, skills and abilities presented in the content of education by descriptors and determinants of the competency format;

§ lack of specified grounds for choosing criteria and indicators for assessing educational competencies, components and components of an individual’s professional competence;

§ uncertainty of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) for the results of educational and training activities at the university.

It is obvious that the problem of uncertainty in the choice of grounds for the formation of competence should be considered comprehensively, through the interconnectedness of the factors we have identified, each of which can be attributed to the corresponding direction of pedagogical support of educational activities at a university: prognostic, motivational, communicative-activity, technological.

Object-subject relations. Characteristics of the subjectivity of the object.

Communicative and activity aspect of competence formation

The functional-role positions of the subjects and the nature of the relationships between the participants in the process determine the success of mastering competencies, as well as the results of the formation of the competence of bachelors in the educational process of the university.

According to V.V. Serikov, the product of a holistic pedagogical process is not just a person, but individuality, i.e. a person who creatively assimilated culture, discovered and revealed his potential, mastered not only his own social essence, but also a specific individual way of existence. We are talking about the ability to adapt, about the manifestation of abilities and skills of orientation in the surrounding educational space of the university, we mean the experience of mobilizing internal forces - self-affirmation and personal development in situations related to overcoming difficulties, solving educational problems and life problems.

According to the definition of L.V. Mardakhaev, situation (from the French situation) is a system of conditions external to the subject that encourage and mediate his activity, a set of circumstances and conditions against the background of which any event is actualized. The pedagogical situation can also be considered as a set of factors that determine the use of the potential of the educational environment in the process of developing the competence of students through the organization of pedagogical support aimed at changing individual and collective consciousness, nurturing the sought-after qualities of a student’s personality and uniting the educational team.

The objects of the target specification of pedagogical support of competence are personally significant value attitudes towards achieving educational results, developing communication abilities, etc. A change in a student’s consciousness as a natural result of education, according to V.V. Stolin, manifests itself through a change in consciousness and is determined by the assessment of qualitative indicators - “feeling”, “attitude”. Updating the requirements for personal potential allows us to place emphasis on pedagogical support at the stages of formation of “professional self-awareness” of bachelors in the direction of training 050100 - “Pedagogical Education”, from the initial level of perception of the surrounding reality through gradations of changes in self-esteem to the creative nature of activity and the manifestation of relationships of responsibility:

§ the desire and need to arouse interest in oneself, to feel complicity, care and support from others (well-being);

§ awareness of personal success in performing actions, determined by the conditions of educational and professional activity, in comparison of oneself with another/others (self-organization);

§ the idea of ​​oneself as a phenomenon, conditioned by the level of educational achievements and the integrative nature of the demonstrated abilities (self-esteem);

§ feeling the needs for further professional development and personal development (self-actualization).

We note the originality of the communicative-activity aspect of the formation of competence among students of a pedagogical university, which is determined by signs of humanization of the relations of future teachers, such as attention, interest, understanding, acceptance, responsibility, activity, etc. At the same time, the activity characteristics of participants in the educational process can correlate with the levels of manifestation activities: passive, normative, supra-situational, individual-creative.

Pedagogical support in the educational process: methods and technology

The holistic educational process in a pedagogical university is distinguished by: a high level of organization of the versatile and harmonious development of activity and personal qualities/characteristics of students; specific goals of education and training, an adequate choice of means to achieve them - is characterized by the compliance of assessment/diagnostic procedures with developed indicators of level correlation of criteria and indicators of the formation of the result/quality. In the holistic educational process, the basis for choosing components (goals, objectives, means, methods, technologies, diagnostic meters, etc.) is the semantic context of compliance: requests with expectations; process support - the requirements for it; the results of activities obtained - the efforts made, etc.

According to V.V. Serikova: “... the educational process is holistic if its subjects - teachers and students - realize in it their holistic and essential qualities - subjectivity, creativity, the ability for self-realization.” Pedagogical support for the holistic educational process is characterized by the given orientation guidelines, the equivalence of the subjective interaction of teachers and students, and compliance with the specified didactic conditions.

The main directions of pedagogical support at the university are:

§ planning the educational process and predicting the outcome of education;

§ compliance of the didactic conditions for the formation of competence with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the results of bachelor’s education;

§ organization of subject-subject relations in the educational process;

§ diagnostics of the quality of the process of developing competence and indicators of mastering competencies;

§ analysis of the situation, processing of results, decision-making, etc.

Pedagogical support for the goals and objectives of educational activities of subjects includes: the emotional mood of students, monitoring of pedagogical situations and compliance with the requirements of technological process. The emotional mood is ensured by methods/means of pedagogical support and support of students’ creativity, constructing relationships at the level of individuals, in group “commonwealths” and the educational team as a whole.

For this purpose, monitoring of pedagogical situations is organized, which is carried out by observing and recording the manifestation of signs of reciprocity in interpersonal relationships: attention, interest, understanding, acceptance, responsibility, activity; lack of reciprocity - indifference, irresponsibility, indifference, etc. It is necessary to take into account the activity characteristics of subjectivity, which manifest themselves as: passive, normative, supra-situational, individually creative. In the transition from mass group forms of pedagogical interaction to targeted pedagogical support for specific subjects of training and education, it is necessary to provide conditions for the provision of individual pedagogical assistance.

The technological aspect is of particular importance in the pedagogical support of the process. E.Z. Feer and E.E. Symanyuk argue that for the formation of not just knowledge, but precisely competencies, competencies and meta-qualities, the traditional subject-based approach is not always suitable. It should be agreed that, indeed, Knowledge, Abilities and Skills as characteristics of activity in the higher education system do not allow us to assess the quality of interpersonal relationships directly or judge the qualities of an individual, since there are no practice-oriented mechanisms for replacing, transforming, adapting knowledge of knowledge with descriptors/determiners of the competency format and technological conditions compliance with the activities of pedagogical support for diagnostics, control, and assessment of the quality of the result.

High efficiency of application of professionally oriented technology for the formation of military special competence (MSC) of cadets of the Ulyanovsk Higher Military University of Communications named after G.K. Ordzhonikidze, including practice-oriented mechanisms for replacing, transforming and adapting knowledge, skills and abilities, was confirmed by the fulfillment of didactic conditions. Pedagogical support for the formation of the personal component of the VSK took into account: cognitive activity, professional self-awareness, creative abilities, etc. The components of the activity component of the VSK were special knowledge, abilities, skills and professional experience.

The problem of inconsistency between the traditional set of assessment tools and the methodology for assessing the educational achievements of students in the higher education system is, in our opinion, the cornerstone of the stumbling block, i.e. a key moment in the development of a competency-based approach at this stage of development of education in our country. The solution to the problem will be determined, in our opinion, by a new didactic concept and the developed provisions of the “Theory of Educational Potential”, which make a certain contribution to modern pedagogical theory and practice of education.

The study was carried out with financial support from the Russian Humanitarian Fund and the Ulyanovsk region within the framework of scientific project No. 15-16-73003/15


Ilmushkin G.M., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Higher Mathematics DITI NRNU MEPhI, Dimitrovgrad;

Bulynin A.M., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of Vocational Education and Social Activities, Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk.

Bibliographic link

URL: (access date: 09/18/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

Information certificate on psychological and pedagogical support for the implementation of the basic general education program of MBDOU

The main goal of the system of psychological and pedagogical support for the pedagogical process in MBDOU is the creation of conditions aimed at the full psychophysical development of children and ensuring their emotional well-being. For the successful activity of a teacher-psychologist in a preschool institution, it is necessary to create conditions for the implementation of psychological and pedagogical activities. The conditions for the implementation of psychological and pedagogical activities include: material and technical support for this area of ​​work, information and methodological support. Logistics include: an office of a teacher-psychologist, corners for psychological relief in groups. The effectiveness of the functioning of the psychological office of the kindergarten "Petushok" is based on the requirements for methodological and organizational support for the office of a teacher-psychologist, and is also supported by the necessary technical equipment and equipment. Taking into account the tasks of a child psychologist, the premises geographically include several zones, each of which has a specific purpose and appropriate equipment.

  1. The waiting area . Equipped with a rack for storing literature, memos, and information stands.
  2. Advisory zone: mupholstered furniture, coffee table, memos, literature, sheets - questionnaires, questionnaires, folders - moving.
  3. Work zone: desk, chairs, computer, cabinets for storing teaching materials, educational games and toys.
  4. Area of ​​direct educational activity: children's with table and chairs, easel, didactic games for the development of cognitive processes, card index of emotions, material for the development of fine motor skills.
  5. Psychotherapy zone:racks for storing visual materials and sets of toys.
  6. Relaxation zonesare available for each age group and are equipped with mats, poufs, pillows, “dry rain” made of satin ribbons, sensory bags with different fillings (cereals, sand), material for the development of tactile sensations, reflective boards, various lights with sound effects, sets of bells, tape recorder , audio library.

Purpose psychological and pedagogical activity is to ensure the mental health of children and promote their full development. In his work, a teacher-psychologist decides the following: tasks: taking into account the development opportunities of each age in your activities with children; development of the child’s individual characteristics; creating a climate favorable for child development in kindergarten; providing timely psychological assistance to both children and their parents and teachers; preparing children for school.

Forms of work psychological and pedagogical support: diagnostic activity, direct educational activity of a teacher-psychologist, advisory work, psychoprophylactic, educational, organizational. adaptation activity.

1.Diagnostic activity. The Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Council of the MBDOU takes part in diagnostic activities, which allows us to consider the child’s personality taking into account all its parameters. As a result of the integrated approach of all kindergarten specialists, the following tasks are solved: Identification and early diagnosis of deviations in the development of children; Identification of children who need additional help from specialists; Formation of recommendations for parents and teachers on organizing assistance to children using methods and methods available to the teaching staff to ensure an individual approach in the process of correctional and developmental support; Monitoring the dynamics of development and effectiveness of individualized correctional and developmental programs; Organization of interaction between the teaching staff of the educational institution and specialists. Diagnostics are carried out twice a year (September and April). As a result of diagnostics, children with developmental disorders are identified.

2. Direct educational activities are based on long-term planning, which includes: Elements of psycho-gymnastics for children of the younger group; A series of game techniques and exercises to develop emotions “Let’s live together” and elements of the program “I’m surprised, angry, afraid, boastful and happy” for children of the older age group; Using games and training exercises aimed at successfully adapting to school. The direct educational activity of a teacher-psychologist in MBDOU also involves the use of such forms of work as: The use of elements of play therapy; The use of art therapeutic elements (drawing, modeling, applique); The use of didactic fairy tales and stories. One of the current trends is gender role education. For this purpose, a block of events is held, which includes: conversations “our relationship”, “who am I”; games “Who is stronger”, “defenders of girls”; reading specially selected literature and productive activities, theatrical activities. In my work, I adhere to the principle of an individual approach to each child, taking into account his inner world, personal qualities and position in the children's team, which helps the child in adaptation and socialization in public life.

3.Consultative work includes: questioning parents; seminars and workshops for teachers; thematic presentations at parent meetings, individual consultations for specialists and parents, conferences, seminars, question and answer evenings, business games with the participation of a psychologist, teachers, and parents.

4. Educational work. Education of parents and teachers occupies an important place in the system of psychological support of the educational process. Since it is of a warning nature, i.e. prophylactic. A kindergarten teacher-psychologist provides parents and teachers with timely information about the child’s current conditions and possible problems that may arise in the future.

5. Particular attention in psychological and pedagogical support is paid to psychoprophylaxis of disorders of the children's psycho-emotional sphere. In this area, continuous work is carried out with a music director, physical education instructor, and speech therapist. A teacher-psychologist conducts training sessions with the teaching staff on the use of “relaxation pauses” and “psychomuscular warm-ups.” A teacher psychologist organizes observations during the day to see how children’s activities are regulated in order to identify unfavorable factors.

6.Organizational and methodological work involves: participation in RMO, replenishment of benefits, preparation of psychological documentation, study of new literature.

7. An integral part of the work of a teacher-psychologist at MBDOU is psychological support for children during the adaptation period. For this purpose, a regulation on the adaptation period was approved, which includes: general provisions, organization of the activities of a teacher-psychologist during the adaptation period, organization of the activities of educators during the adaptation period, responsibilities of parents. For each newly arrived child, an adaptation card is created, which records the child’s emotional state, social contacts, sleep and appetite. The dynamics of development and the effectiveness of using the chosen methods and forms of work are reflected in the child’s individual card.

As a manuscript

Boltykov Oleg Vadimovich

Pedagogical support for social development

military university cadets

13.00.02 – “theory and methodology of training and education (social re-

meals in secondary and higher schools)"

dissertations for an academic degree

candidate of pedagogical sciences

Kostroma 2010

The work was carried out at the Department of Social Pedagogy of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Kostroma State University named after. ON THE. Nekrasova"

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences,

Scientific director:

Professor Basov Nikolay Fedorovich Doctor of Psychological Sciences,

Official opponents:

Professor Fetiskin Nikolay Petrovich Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Filippov Nikolay Petrovich Kaluga State

Leading organization:

Pedagogical University named after K.E.Tsiolkovsky

The defense will take place on May 21, 2010 at 10 o’clock at a meeting of the dissertation council DM 212.094.02 for the defense of dissertations for the degree of doctor and candidate of pedagogical sciences at Kostroma State University. N.A. Nekrasova at the address: 156002, Kostroma, village. Novy, 1, Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, room. 242.

The dissertation can be found in the library of Kostroma State University. N.A. Nekrasova.

Scientific secretary of the dissertation council A.I. Timonin


Relevance research. In recent decades, program documents of political parties, research by scientists, and speeches by public figures from both our country and other countries of the world indicate the emergence of a new cultural and historical situation, which is characterized by a transition from sectoral social and industrial production to integrative and nonlinear , to changes in the type of communication at all levels, to other requirements for the personal qualities of specialists.

All this determines the new social and pedagogical ideal of graduates of educational institutions, forces them to rethink the understanding of the content of the social development of children and youth, and makes it necessary to provide pedagogical support for such a complex and multifaceted process.

The modernization of Russian education also affects the higher military school, which is required to determine theoretical and technological priorities in the training of future officers, focused not only on the high-quality performance of their direct duties, but also ready to build tolerant relationships with people, various social, professional and ethnic groups who have flexibility in their ways of thinking and acting, multi-positional judgments, social literacy, the ability to quickly respond to changes, reflect, and self-organize. The latter circumstance is possible if in the process of training and education in military educational institutions, ensuring the social development and social maturation of cadets takes a worthy place.

Analysis of scientific literature and research allows us to state that various aspects of the problem of the formation and development of personality are reflected in the works of K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, L.V. Bayborodova, L.I. Bozhovich, N.A. Galmuk, A.V. Gribanova, I.S. Kon, E.N. Lekomtseva, I.A. Lipsky, M.R. Miroshkina, A.V. Mudrik, M.I. Rozhkov, E.A. Tsarev, L.F. Yarullina and others. They highlight the influence of the educational system of the school, physical culture and sports activities on the social development of high school students, consider the features of this process in the club at the place of residence, in the system of secondary vocational education, in universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, during economic training in college, as well as reflects the influence of certain conditions on the formation of students' social and professional personality traits that ensure their social maturation. At the same time, the process of social formation of military university cadets and its pedagogical support did not become the object of special study, which is manifested in a number of contradictions:

Between the requirements imposed by society and employers on graduates of educational institutions, their social maturity, and the lack of development of issues of theory and methodology of pedagogical support for the social development of youth in modern science;

Between the presence in educational practice of programs aimed at the social development of schoolchildren, students, cadets, and the lack of development of pedagogical support for their implementation in higher education;

Between the need for pedagogical assistance in the process of social formation of cadets at a military university and the lack of provision for it, the unpreparedness of teachers and commanders for its implementation.

Based on the relevance of the topic, its insufficient development, and the presence of the above contradictions, it became possible to define the research problem: under what conditions will pedagogical support contribute to the effectiveness of the process of social development of military university cadets?

Object of study: the process of social formation of military university cadets.

Subject of study: conditions for the effectiveness of pedagogical support for the process of social development of military university cadets.

Purpose of the study: to develop, justify and, in the course of experimental work, test the conditions for the effectiveness of pedagogical support for the social development of military university cadets.

Research hypothesis. Pedagogical support for the process of social development of cadets at a military university will be effective if the following conditions are met:

The presence of a program for the development of the cadet’s subjective position in educational, extracurricular and military service activities;

Implementation of interactive technologies in organizing educational work with cadets;

Orientations towards pedagogization of the educational environment of a military university.

To achieve the goal and test the hypothesis, it is assumed that a certain set of problems will be solved:

To specify the concept of “social development of cadets 1.

military university" and reveal the essence of this process.

Develop a model of social development of cadets and general education 2.

Identify the conditions for the effectiveness of the implementation of the developed MO 3.

Delhi and its pedagogical support.

Test the methodology of pedagogical support for social 4.

the development of cadets at a military university.

Describe the criteria and indicators of teacher effectiveness 5.

logical support of the process being studied.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study were:

systemic (I.V. Blauberg, L.I. Novikova, Yu.P. Sokolnikov, L.F. Spirin, E.G. Yudin, etc.), personality-oriented (E.V. Bondarevskaya, S.V. Kulnevich , V.V. Serikov, I.S. Yakimanskaya, etc.), anthropological (B.M. Bim-Bad, I.A. Zimnyaya, V.I. Slobodchikov, etc.), resource (A.V. Volokhov, A.I. Timonin, etc.) approaches;

Modern concepts of socialization of younger generations and their social education (S.A. Belicheva, V.G. Bocharova, A.V. Volokhov, I.S. Kon, I.A. Lipsky, A.V. Mudrik, M.M. Plotkin, M.I. Rozhkov, etc.);

Research devoted to various aspects of pedagogical support (I.A. Guseva, A.F. Dranichnikov, T.E. Korovkina, E.S. Lisova, Yu.A. Polarshinov, I.V. Protasova, A.I. Timonin, N.Yu. Shepeleva and others);

Works on the social development of personality at different age stages (A.V. Gribanov, E.N. Lekomtseva, M.R. Miroshkina, M.I. Rozhkov, M.I. Ryzhankov, Yu.I. Feldshtein, E.A. Tsarev, L.F. Yarullina, etc.);

Works on military pedagogy and psychology, features of the organization of education of military personnel (V.A. Androshchuk, V.I. Gerasimov, I.A. Lipsky, L.V. Mardakhaev, I.N. Mishchenko, Yu.V. Savin, G I. Shpak and others).

The study was carried out using theoretical (analysis, comparison, juxtaposition, modeling) and empirical (participant observation, study of documentation and teaching experience, questionnaires, experimental work) research methods.

The research base was: Kostroma Academy of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Troops and Engineering Troops named after. Marshal of the Soviet Union S.K. Timoshenko and the base for supporting the educational process.

189 first- to fifth-year cadets, 15 teacher-mentors, and 6 unit commanders took part in the experimental work. Of these, 95 were in the control group and 94 in the experimental group.

The research was carried out in three interconnected stages:

At the first (2006) - search stage - the state of the issue was studied in the philosophical, sociological, psychological and pedagogical literature, the conceptual apparatus was clarified, approaches were specified, research methods were selected, a pilot survey was carried out, a program of experimental work was created;

At the second (2006 - 2009) – transformative stage – the research program was implemented, the model of social development of cadets was substantiated, the content of its pedagogical support was tested, the conditions for their effectiveness were checked, the results of intermediate diagnostics were comprehended, corrections and additions were made;

At the third (2010) – generalizing stage – the obtained empirical data were systematized, conclusions were formulated, recommendations were developed, and the text of the dissertation was formalized in literature.

The author’s personal participation consisted in the development of theoretical approaches, a program of experimental work, in carrying out the entire complex of prescribed research procedures, their comprehension and interpretation of the results as the deputy head of the faculty for educational work.

The reliability and validity of the conclusions and generalizations of the study were ensured by the study of the phenomenon at the interdisciplinary level, the consistency of methodological approaches, the mutual verifiability of methods, their compliance with the goals, objectives, subject and object, the repeatability and transferability of the results.

Scientific novelty research is that:

The essence of the process of social formation of cadets in a military university is revealed;

A model of the process of social formation of cadets in educational, extracurricular and military service activities has been developed and substantiated;

The content of pedagogical support for the research process in the conditions of a military university is characterized;

The methodology for implementing such support has been tested;

The conditions for the effectiveness of the developed model and the identified content are substantiated;

The means of implementing pedagogical support for the social development of cadets at a military university are identified and characterized.

Theoretical significance The research lies in the fact that it clarified the concept of “social development of personality”, expanded ideas about its process, supplemented knowledge about pedagogical support, established connections between the nature of the social experience of cadets and the effectiveness of social development, between the features of support and the level of social development of cadets , the criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of such formation are disclosed.

Practical significance The research is reflected in the fact that the developed, substantiated and brought to the level of use diagnostic and program-methodological materials and recommendations for pedagogical support for the effectiveness of the process of social development of military university cadets will help optimize the social and professional education of future officers.

The data, conclusions and generalizations obtained during the study can be used in the system of advanced training for command and teaching staff of military universities, in developing command and pedagogical skills among cadets, in teaching courses “Pedagogy” and “Psychology”.

Testing and implementation of the research results took place at meetings of the departments of social pedagogy and social work of KSU named after.

N.A. Nekrasov, departments of humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines, management of daily activities of troops of the Military Academy of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Troops and Engineering Troops named after. Marshal of the Soviet Union S.K. Timoshenko, at scientific and practical conferences (Kostroma, 2006–2009;

Moscow, 2007–2009;

N. Novgorod, 2008).

Provisions for defense:

1. Social formation is a complex, multifaceted, purposeful, step-by-step process of a person’s mastering the experience of social relations as a result of a person’s solution of natural-cultural, socio-cultural and socio-psychological age-related tasks, contributing to his social maturation.

2. The model of social development of military university cadets includes target, motivational, content, activity and reflexive components, and is built on the principles of natural conformity, cultural conformity, value-semantic orientation, individualization, differentiation, dialogicality, and situationality.

3. Pedagogical support is assistance to the cadet in achieving effectiveness in educational, military service and extracurricular activities through the rational use of pedagogical means, organizing assistance and support for participants in the process of social development, and updating personal resources.

4. The methodology of pedagogical support for the social development of military university cadets is based on personal orientation, conceptuality, systematicity, humanism, activity, purposefulness and involves diagnostic, prognostic, organizational, implementation, correctional, expert-evaluative stages.

5. Pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of pedagogical support for the social development of cadets:

Availability of a program for the development of the subjective position of the cadet’s personality in educational, extracurricular and military service activities;

Dissertation structure. The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography, and an appendix.

First chapter– “Theoretical foundations of pedagogical support for the social formation of cadets at a military university” is devoted to the analysis of the category “social formation”, the main approaches to characterizing this phenomenon, consideration of ideas and trends in the research of the phenomenon under study, and substantiation of the model of the process of such formation of cadets at a military university.

Our analysis of the concept of “social formation” indicates that this category is studied by various humanities and is studied at an interdisciplinary level.

In philosophy, becoming is a transition from one certainty of existence to another, an inextricable development that acts as a connecting link between the past, present and future, as a set of sociocultural dynamic cycles.

In sociology, formation is considered as a process and result of socialization, occurring under the influence of external and internal factors.

In pedagogy, issues of personality development have been studied quite intensively in recent years, although, as our analysis of the literature shows, various aspects of the professional development of a future specialist are mainly considered. Having summarized various points of view and relying on the approach of A.I. Timonin, we can say that this term is used in three meanings: as a synonym for the category “development”;

as an expression of the process of creating prerequisites, elements of an object arising on their basis;

as a characteristic of the initial stage of an already emerging object, when there is a transition from the old to the new, the growth of this new, its strengthening and transformation into an integral developed system.

Social formation in scientific publications is considered both as a process and as a result. In the first case, this phenomenon is characterized as the dynamics of a person’s social development, which determines his formation as a mature personality in the course of upbringing, education and self-education.

In the second case, it means the achieved level of social maturity of a person at a certain segment of his life path, which indicates his ability to realize himself in society, understand the position he occupies in it, independently determine goals for himself, build routes to achieve them, and also implies the presence of a complex socially significant personality traits in accordance with age, the desire for the greatest possible self-improvement.

In psychological and pedagogical literature (M.A. Galaguzova, I.S. Kon, E.N. Lekomtseva, A.V. Mudrik, M.I. Rozhkov, etc.), the essence of a person’s social formation is often revealed through its correlation with process of socialization. In this context, social formation is considered a qualitative indicator of the development of an individual in the process of its socialization, the result of its next stage and the foundation for subsequent positive changes, thanks to which the individual social experience of each person expands and becomes more complex.

T.I. Zubkova believes that social formation is the result of a person’s accumulation of social experience under the influence of random factors (socialization), psychophysiological development and a specially created artificial system for its transmission (social education).

T.A. Vasilkova reveals the meaning of the social formation of personality through opposition to formation, which she understands as a passive process that excludes the subjective participation of a person. In this regard, becoming one is characterized as the active mastery of social experience by the younger generation.

As E.N. Lekomtseva and M.I. Rozhkov note in their studies, social formation is the formation of a person as a social being through the realization of three multidirectional needs: “to be like everyone else” (identity with the surrounding world), “to be a person” (the desire to the isolation of one’s self, to self-determination), “to be different” (search for opportunities to go beyond one’s own self), the formation of his readiness to participate in a complex system of social relations in the economic, political and spiritual spheres.

Social formation at each age stage, as A.V. Mudrik emphasizes, is ensured by solving a certain range of naturally cultural, socio-cultural and socio-psychological problems. From this we can conclude that social formation concerns all essential spheres of personality (need-motivational, emotionally-volitional, cognitive, moral-ethical, effective-practical, interpersonal-social), characterized by a person acquiring the properties of independence, independence, self-sufficiency, the ability to make responsible decisions and implement them in practice.

The result of the social development of cadets is a socially mature personality of a graduate who is able to understand himself in society, independently set goals for himself and achieve them, and be socially and professionally competent.

Thus, different views on the concepts of “becoming” and “social becoming” have developed. In our research, we will rely on the point of view of I.A. Lipsky, who believes that social formation is part of the process of human social development and represents a process of progressive change in a person in the direction of turning him into a subject of social activity and social communication. Consequently, social formation is a complex, multifaceted, purposeful, step-by-step process of a person’s mastering the experience of social relations, spiritual and moral development as a result of a person’s solution of naturally cultural, socio-cultural and socio-psychological age-related tasks, contributing to his social maturation.

The model of social development of military university cadets will include target, motivational, content-based, activity-based and reflective components, based on the principles of natural and cultural conformity, value-semantic orientation, individualization, differentiation, dialogicality, and situationality.

The target component of the proposed model consists of a common goal - the formation and development of the qualities of a patriotic citizen, a military professional and a highly moral personality in military personnel, the creation of conditions for the involvement of cadets in various types of activities, for them to demonstrate their subjectivity, accumulate experience in overcoming difficulties, develop creativity and sociality.

The implementation of this goal involves solving a set of tasks related to promoting the formation in young people of a value-based attitude to the social structure, human life (Motherland, state, Armed Forces, past and present) [N.E. Shurkova], life credo, free from stereotypes and prejudices, artificial forms of behavior, conjuncture based on the feeling of being a representative of a socio-professional community, as well as the expansion and enrichment of the experience of joint activities.

The second component of the developed model of social development of cadets is motivational. It is based on means of motivation that stimulate the activity of the individual and regulate its direction.

These include emotional intensity, the eventfulness of the educational process, the creation of problematic situations, the targeted development of achievement motivation as a system of goals, needs and motives (the desire for knowledge, self-affirmation, reward), which encourage cadets to be active, form their image of success, lead to situations of success.

Pedagogical support in this case involves the activation of those resources of the educational environment of a military university that contribute to the formation of positive internal motivation of subjects by analogy with the model of work motivation by R. Heckman and G. Oldham, which includes three components: the perceived significance of the work (activity) ;

perceived responsibility for results;

knowledge of these results. In this regard, we considered it necessary, firstly, that the types of activities used should cause cadets to experience the significance of participation in them and involve the involvement of various human abilities and skills (knowledge, abilities, skills, experience). This is facilitated by trainings, case technologies, and the project method;

secondly, so that they help in implementing the possibility for cadets to choose topics for discussion during extracurricular time, ensuring their inclusion in discussions and debates on selected issues;

thirdly, in order to, through a prompt assessment of the effectiveness of the organized activities, allowing, on the one hand, to see the satisfaction of cadets with the educational work carried out, the means, forms, and methods used, on the other hand, to understand how relevant the problems are, how meaningful and interesting the programs are, what problems arise difficulties in their implementation and what actions are necessary to prevent and overcome them.

The third component of the model - content - is intended to help the cadet understand the purpose and meaning of life, professional activity, and learn to make independent decisions in real life conditions.

This component involves three directions:

a) information that takes place both in classes, during self-training, and in extracurricular activities, during the implementation of plans for educational work in departments and in the academy as a whole;

b) inclusion of cadets in the process of designing activities and communication. It provides for the direct participation of cadets in drawing up plans for educational work, in the selection of forms and methods of their implementation, in the development of rules of interaction, scenarios of everyday life;

c) the third direction is the actual organization of interaction, during which the deepening and concretization of everything indicated above continues. It involves training in the correction of negative personal attitudes, a workshop on consolidating positive positions in interaction, developing the skills to understand oneself, others, and organize interaction appropriately to the situation (self-confidence training, role training).

The activity component of the characterized model provides, on the one hand, for the construction of a system of activities that facilitate the acquisition by subjects of the educational process of experience of relevant relationships and actions, the creation of conditions for their high-quality implementation, the organization of a series of project seminars, individual and group consultations.

We build the logic of organizing activities in accordance with the modernized technology of M.R. Miroshkina “Growing a Club”, which consists of collecting and formalizing ideas, articulating style and rules of communication, searching for like-minded people, designing a subject-aesthetic environment, justifying the content of activities and methodological tools for its implementation.

In this case, cadets become subjects of the proposed activity, gain experience in consciously choosing ways to organize their life activities, and become organizers of interaction. Examples of projects within which the idea of ​​this component is being implemented are:

“We are a team”, “Promotion”, “Formula of health”, “Your choice”, “Protection and security” and others, aimed at understanding everything that happens to them and around them.

Being complex and contradictory, the process of human social development at any age stage needs to be ensured. In the “Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S.I. Ozhegov, “provide” is interpreted, firstly, as supplying with something in the required quantity;

secondly, provide sufficient material means of living;

thirdly, to make something completely possible, valid, actually feasible;

fourthly, to protect, protect from something. Consequently, support involves arming someone with means, resources, and creating conditions for them to achieve their intended goals. Pedagogical support can be considered as the creation and appropriate use of a set of resources and conditions for the implementation of the tasks of education, training, and development.

By pedagogical support for the process of social development of cadets we will understand assistance to them in achieving effectiveness in educational, military service and extracurricular activities through the rational use of pedagogical means, organizing assistance and support for its participants, and updating personal resources.

Chapter two the dissertation is devoted to the implementation of this model, which we carried out based on the methodology of pedagogical support, based on personal orientation, conceptuality, systematicity, humanism, activity, purposefulness and which includes diagnostic, prognostic, organizational, implementation, correctional, expert-evaluative stages .

The first - diagnostic stage - provides for entrance (initial) diagnostics, the meaning of which is to determine the individual resources of cadets, their positive potential, characteristics of their life position, the formation of socially and professionally significant personality traits, and value orientations.

The following diagnostic methods were selected: “Cattell test”

(16 PF-questionnaire), “Value orientations” by M. Rokeach, “Drawing test”, “Business situations”, “Tests for assessing unrealized intellectual, moral, social potential”, “Methodology for diagnosing a tendency to deviant behavior”, “Questionnaire studies of anxiety in older adolescents and young men" (C.D. Spielberger). The obtained factual material, the information extracted from it, revealing the individuality of the object and its environment, make it possible to move on to the next stage - forecasting, which, on the one hand, is based on the availability of sufficiently complete information about the object, the personal experience of cadets and specialists participating in this process, on the other hand, involves describing the situation, identifying resources, limitations and dangers using SWOT analysis that are promising for solving problems, and identifying ways to achieve significant results.

The third stage is organizational, at which the official procedure is thought through, ways of including cadets in the implementation of the program, adapting technologies, training commanders and teachers-mentors within the framework of methodological training and special additional group classes.

We took as a basis the technologies of collective activity, contextual learning, and development of initiative, which were used both in classes, self-training, and underlay the organization of educational work in the unit and cultural and leisure activities of cadets in their free time at the academy.

The implementation stage involves planning, carrying out educational work, pedagogical analysis, and “aftereffect”.

Since any “after-effect” has two directions: a) making additions and changes to self-sufficiency (expanding or narrowing the scope, specifying information and methodological tools), b) thinking through organizational forms, additions and clarifications to them to consolidate the qualities being formed, knowledge, abilities, skills, competencies in other organizational forms of education, then the latter circumstance makes the correctional stage in this process appropriate.

The final stage is expert evaluation. It determines the pedagogical feasibility of the developed support in the context of assessing the effectiveness of educational work in accordance with the Concept of education of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the process of social formation of cadets. Assessing the effectiveness of such software involves analyzing the optimality of the information contained in it;

the sufficiency of the proposed methodological tools, its correspondence to the goals, objectives, age, life experience of cadets, socio-cultural situation;

accessibility for implementation by teachers, teacher-mentors and commanders with different levels of methodological and psychological-pedagogical preparedness.

This kind of analysis, generalization and evaluation is carried out by all subjects of the pedagogical process without exception (cadets, commanders, educators, teachers, mentors), who are involved in developing judgments and expressing motivated proposals that improve the quality of the evaluated product.

Adaptation of the model we developed for the social formation of cadets, the content and methodology of its pedagogical support made it possible to identify a number of conditions for its effectiveness, which, as evidenced by the results of our experimental work, are:

Implementation of interactive technologies in organizing educational work with cadets;

Orientation towards pedagogization of the educational environment of a military university.

The first condition is associated with the understanding of the subject as a carrier of activity, with the fact that this is a person who cognizes the external world and influences it in order to subordinate to his interests, a consciously acting person who builds his vital contacts with the external world (I.A.

Zimnyaya, V.A. Petrovsky, V.I. Slobodchikov and others).

In order for the pedagogical support for the social development of cadets, as facilitating their acquisition of new experience, bringing the individual closer to a certain level of social development, to be effective, the student’s activity and his ability to objectively assess the situation, personal resources, meaningful potentials, the ability to interact, take the right position, are necessary. collaborate productively.

The development of such activity involves training to improve communicative competence, the development of leadership and organizational skills, professional communication, which, within the framework of the program, fit into such stages as: “Incitement to action”, “Studying the problem”, “Decision making”, “Correcting skills” .

The second condition is aimed at intensifying the activities of the subjects of the implementation of pedagogical support as a special type of activity focused on interpersonal interaction, which is a sequence of people’s reactions unfolded over time to each other’s actions in the course of their joint activities.

Such technologies include gaming, projective, reflective, which are based on the active exchange of opinions, judgments, information, and dialogue. They serve, on the one hand, as a means of actualization and development of the value-semantic sphere of subjects, ensure the manifestation and coordination of educational, professional, life values, the implementation of intellectual, professional, organizational, leadership, creative opportunities, on the other hand, as a way of forming relations between subjects based on respect for personal dignity on the part of all participants in the educational process. In addition, they help prepare cadets to perform social roles and functions in modern society, personal and professional socialization.

The third condition is based on an understanding of the role and place of the social environment in the formation of personality, which was emphasized in the works of V.G. Bocharova, L.P. Bueva, T.G. Zelenova, I.S. Kon, A.T. Kurakin, Yu.S.Manuylov, A.V.Mudrik, L.I.Novikova, B.D.Parygin, M.M.Plotkin, V.D.Semenov, Yu.V.Sychev, S.T.Shatsky, V.N. Shulgin and others. Their analysis allowed us to define the pedagogization of the environment as a purposeful process of consolidating the educational and personality development resources of an educational institution, uniting the efforts of all subjects to humanize relationships, maintain a comfortable climate and an environment favorable for personal self-realization.

We chose the following methods for creating such an environment: information, which involves increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of commanders, mentors, and orientation in matters of cadets’ life activities;

standardization, which involves the development and coordination of basic norms of communication and ethics of interaction between people in a given microsociety;

joint activity as the integration of its various types and the inclusion of all participants in the educational process in order to solve the assigned educational tasks.

The empirical data obtained during the study indicate:

positive dynamics in the experimental groups, both in the personal advancement of the cadets included in it, and in comparison with indicators in the control group;

the predominance of internal motivation for professional activity over external;

the desire to increase one’s own status and broaden one’s horizons, confidence and responsibility for one’s decisions, independence and adequacy in making them.

Similarly, higher growth rates are observed in experimental groups for the following indicators: social adaptation, social activity, autonomy, morality.

Analyzing the results of experimental work to determine the effectiveness of pedagogical support for the social development of cadets, we found that among cadets in the experimental group, compared to the control group, social literacy increased from 21% to 67%, the ability to cooperate - from 14% to 73%, ability to build communication – from 18% to 81%, to conduct dialogue – from 19% to 59%, to organize activities – from 23% to 79%.

The figure below also indicates the effectiveness of the conditions of pedagogical support, since during the experimental work, positive changes in the development of communication and organizational skills, and decision-making skills were recorded.

4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, Communication Organizational Ability to make decisions skills initial cut;

intermediate cut;

final section Figure Thus, the study reveals positive dynamics in the social development of cadets when implementing the proposed conditions of pedagogical support and allows us to draw the following conclusions:

1. Social formation is a complex, multifaceted, purposeful, step-by-step process of a person’s mastering the experience of social relations, compliance in spiritual and moral development, the requirements of natural cultural, socio-cultural and socio-psychological age-related tasks, and the social situation of development.

2. The model of social development of military university cadets includes target, motivational, content-based, activity-based and reflective components, and focuses on the actualization and deployment of the individual’s social potentials.

3. Pedagogical support for the process of social development of military university cadets involves organizing assistance in their acquisition or expansion of experience in educational, military service, and extracurricular activities.

4. The methodology of pedagogical support for the social development of military university cadets is based on personal orientation, conceptuality, systematicity, humanism, activity, purposefulness and involves diagnostic, prognostic, procedural organizational, implementation, correctional, expert-evaluative stages.

5. Pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of pedagogical support for the social development of cadets are:

The presence of a program for the development of the subjective position of the cadet’s personality in educational, extracurricular and military service activities;

Implementation of interactive technologies in organizing educational work with cadets;

Orientation towards pedagogization of the educational environment of a military university.

The conducted research does not exhaust all aspects of this complex problem. In the future, it is necessary to more thoroughly study the means that ensure the social development of cadets, determine the place of individual and group forms of the educational process in it, the potential of subjects of the social, humanitarian and professional cycles, and the role of mentors.

Boltykov O.V. Pedagogical support for social development 1.

cadets: essence, content, methodology // Bulletin of KSU named after. ON THE. Nekra owl, 2009. – No. 5. – 0.7 p.l. (The journal is included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission).

Boltykov O.V. Theoretical aspects of the process of social development 2.

education of cadets // Social and pedagogical activities in training and education: Sat. scientific works of graduate students and young scientists of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology / Comp. O.V. Rumyantseva;

scientific ed. V.M. Basova. – Kostro ma: KSU named after. Nekrasova, 2008. – 0.2 p.l.

Boltykov O.V. Social development of personality as pedagogical 3.

problem // Social and pedagogical activity in the context of reforming Russian education: Coll. scientific works of graduate students and young scientists / Comp. O.S. Shcherbinina;

scientific ed. N.F. Basov. – Kostroma: KSU named after.

ON THE. Nekrasova, 2009. – 0.3 p.l.

Boltykov O.V. Pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of social 4.

formation of military university cadets // Social formation of personality in modern society: Sat. scientific works of students and graduate students of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology / Comp. O.S. Shcherbinina;

scientific ed. A.I. Timonin. – Kostroma: KSU named after. Nekrasova, 2009. – 0.3 p.l.

Boltykov O.V. Pedagogical assistance to social development 5.

cadets at a military university // Pedagogical Sciences, 2009. – No. 1. – 0.2 pp.

Boltykov O.V. The choice of methods of disciplinary action, taking into account 6.

individual characteristics and professional motivation of cadets of military universities./O.V. Boltykov, N.E. Semenov. – Kostroma: VA RKhBZ, 2009. – No. 1 (51). – 0.3 p.l.

Boltykov O.V. Monitoring the social development of military cadets 7.

university // Pedagogical sciences. – 2009. – No. 6. – 0.3 p.l.


The work is devoted to the implementation of the practice-oriented orientation of training a future lawyer in a higher educational institution, the mechanism of which is pedagogical support. Pedagogical support is understood as a special type of professional pedagogical activity aimed at activating and updating the educational resources required to ensure the effectiveness of the educational process. It is emphasized that pedagogical support as a phenomenon is characterized by the properties of dynamism, multidimensionality and multi-levelness. As a set of resources and conditions, the concept of pedagogical support has a philosophical dualism. Depending on the specific educational objectives, systemic or process qualities predominate in pedagogical support. It is noted that socialization in the process of pedagogical support is carried out through the interaction of participants with society and among themselves; interaction occurs in different forms and in different ways.

pedagogical support

practice-oriented orientation

pedagogical conditions

resource approach.

1. Abramova G.S. Introduction to practical psychology. – Ekaterinburg: Business book, 1995. – 224 p.

2. Izmailova V.V. Pedagogical support: the essence and structure of the concept // Yaroslavl Pedagogical Bulletin. – 2012. – No. 2. (vol. 2).

3. Romanov N.N. Pedagogical support for the integration of the content of general and vocational education: abstract. dis. ...cand. ped. Sci. – Yakutsk, 2004. – 20 p.

4. Korovkina T.E. Social and pedagogical support for the professional development of a future teacher at the initial stage of university education: dis. ...cand. ped. Sci. – Kostroma, 2004. – 211 p.

5. Timonin A.I. Conceptual foundations of social and pedagogical support for the professional development of university students. – Kostroma, 2007. – 216 p.

6. Shepeleva N.V. Pedagogical support of the process of socialization of students in a non-state educational institution: dis. ...cand. ped. Sci. – Kostroma, 2004. – 211 p.

7. Protasova I.V. Pedagogical support for the process of students accumulating social experience in a school-gymnasium: dis. ...cand. ped. Sci. – Kostroma, 2001. – 235 p.

8. Yasvin V.A. Educational environment: from modeling to design. – M.: Central Committee FL RAO, 1997. – 248 p.

9. Ignatova V.V. Pedagogical factors of spiritual and creative development of personality in the educational process: monograph. – Krasnoyarsk: SibSTU, 2000.

The system of modern higher education should ultimately ensure accelerated socialization of every graduate - future lawyer, confident entry into the independent working life of every young specialist, and lay a solid foundation for building a successful professional career for a young lawyer.

The special civic significance of a lawyer’s practical activity inevitably determines a system of extremely high requirements for the quality of training of a future lawyer. In turn, we argue that the quality of training of a future lawyer largely depends on the pedagogical support of the practice-oriented orientation of training.

The social order for the vocational education system directs higher educational institutions, including legal ones, towards the intensification and informatization of education using modern approaches and technologies, increasing the share of independent and practical work of students, and thereby improving the quality of professional training of young specialists.

In general, support is usually understood as the creation of a system of measures, means, methods and methods for realizing the potential capabilities of a certain social system in order to regulate its functioning and development.

Pedagogical support is usually understood as a special type of professional pedagogical activity aimed at activating and updating the educational resources required to ensure the effectiveness of the educational process.

Describing pedagogical support, researchers of this phenomenon emphasize that it is characterized by such properties as dynamism, multidimensionality and multi-levelness.

A.I. Timonin considers social and pedagogical support and understands by it a special pedagogical activity, which consists in managing the functioning and development of a set of environmental, institutional and personal resources involved in the process of forming a student’s position. This activity involves identifying the functionality of each specific resource, establishing functional relationships that manifest themselves in given pedagogical conditions.

There are two interpretations of the concept of “pedagogical support”:

1) through a resource approach;

2) through a set of pedagogical conditions.

Within the framework of the resource approach, pedagogical support is presented as social and pedagogical support and can be defined as the management of a set of resources, its functioning and development.

Due to the fact that the external social environment, along with other resources, has a significant impact on the formation of professional competencies and the development of the student’s personality, the management system of an educational institution should actively use the resources of the external environment. At the same time, by the external social environment we understand the conditions of human life - spiritual, material and social.

Pedagogical support is designed to facilitate the successful targeted socialization of all students according to age and personal resources. Socialization in the process of pedagogical support is carried out through the interaction of participants with society and among themselves. Interaction occurs in different forms and in different ways.

In the works of Protasova I.V. The following interpretation of the concept under study is used. Pedagogical support is considered as an integral set of resources and conditions. Resources are divided into internal and external. Internal resources presuppose the presence of an educational environment. The educational environment creates opportunities for student self-realization through diversity and continuity of various types of educational activities.

Among the conditions for pedagogical support, we will highlight the planning of the activities of an educational institution, as well as partnerships between participants in the process, reflexivity of educational activities, and dialogical interaction.

Thus, the process of pedagogical support by the listed authors is understood as a special type of organizational and pedagogical activity aimed at creating conditions and activating resources in order to ensure the effectiveness of the educational process.

An analysis of scientific and methodological literature and pedagogical practice shows that to date, in domestic education, the problem of pedagogical support for the practice-oriented training of lawyers in the process of studying at a university, including effective technologies for forming in future specialists a modern scientific worldview and creative competencies for the implementation of professional activities in difficult conditions of an avalanche-like increase in the volume of regulatory information, as well as intensive and very significant changes in law enforcement practice.

The need for pedagogical support for practice-oriented training of a future lawyer in the process of studying at a university becomes even more relevant due to the fact that recently the level of training of applicants and their readiness to study at a university is highly heterogeneous.

A certain part of yesterday's schoolchildren have weak motivation for learning or a low level of intelligence; many lack determination and strong-willed qualities. At the same time, young people often inadequately assess their capabilities and abilities. Such applicants are not ready to master new knowledge, independent educational activities and fulfill the requirements of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education. Another part of applicants is not ready to make an independent choice of profession or to take responsibility for the results of their studies.

Global trends in modern education, the transition to new standards, increased practical orientation and independence of the educational process, along with the heterogeneity and general unpreparedness of applicants, also dictate the need for timely qualified assistance to the student at almost every step of the educational process. At the same time, this assistance must not be allowed to turn into direct guidance, a return to loss of independence and self-determination.

Pedagogical support for the practice-oriented training of a future lawyer in the process of studying at a university can provide adequate assistance to a student. Pedagogical support is designed to optimize the process of developing professional competencies as integrative qualities of the student’s personality and the socialization of his personality. Pedagogical support causes the actualization of resources through the structuring of educational time, educational space, composition of participants and methods of their interaction.

The model of the pedagogical support system for the practice-oriented training of a future lawyer in the process of studying at a university includes:

The goal is to develop the professional competencies of a future lawyer at a given level;

The result is the formation of the professional competencies of the future lawyer at a given level;

Principles of organizing a practice-oriented educational process for future lawyers at a university;

Stages of practice-oriented formation of professional competencies of a future lawyer;

Forms, methods and means of practice-oriented formation of professional competencies of a future lawyer;

Methodological support for practice-oriented formation of professional competencies of a future lawyer;

Criteria and indicators, as well as levels of development of professional competencies of the future lawyer according to the components of the structure of pedagogical support of a practice-oriented orientation;

Organizational and regulatory support for social partnership between the university, employer and student;

Directions, forms, methods and means of mentoring experienced specialists.

Thus, by pedagogical support we understand an interconnected system of factors and organizational and pedagogical conditions for the process of their deployment through special pedagogical forms, methods, procedures and techniques (technologies).

The above study of the concept of pedagogical support allows us to conclude: just as the totality of resources and conditions of pedagogical support has philosophical dualism, this duality is manifested in the presence of characteristic properties of both a process and a system in this phenomenon. As a set of resources, pedagogical support expresses the characteristics of the system. As a set of conditions - characteristics of the process. Depending on the specific educational objectives, systemic or process qualities predominate in pedagogical support.

The result of pedagogical support for the practice-oriented training of a future lawyer in the process of studying at a university should be the formation of the professional competencies of a young lawyer at a level not lower than the required one.


Yarychev N.U., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Theory and History of Social Work, Chechen State University, Grozny;

Muskhanova I.V., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Theory and History of Social Work, Chechen State University, Grozny.

The work was received by the editor on November 18, 2014.

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