Graduation party for ninth graders. Prom script for ninth graders - graduation party - holidays - for teachers and schoolchildren - file catalog

The screensaver of the program “Big Difference” is projected. Urgant and Tsekalo take the stage.

Urgant: These nine years flew by like scenes from a movie. There was everything here: western, comedy, drama, science fiction, thriller, and melodrama.

Tsekalo: Is it time to award an Oscar for such outstanding achievements in the art of teaching?!

Urgant: And we will hand it over, my friend. We are “Big Difference”.

Tsekalo: And this is what it would look like.

Scene 1.

The song and theme song for the Oscars are played. The hosts of the ceremony take the stage.

Presenter: We are opening the next annual Oscar award in the field of pedagogical achievements.

Leading: And the award for the best producer who managed to select a talented teaching staff goes to the director of school no. ……(FULL NAME).

Presenter: Many specialists worked to create a favorable atmosphere for work throughout the year. For the best script for the film “School year 2010-2011. Graduation of ninth graders" is awarded to the deputy director ……..(FULL NAME).

Aides present flowers and an Oscar to the music.

Leading: Without well-coordinated and thoughtful work, it would be impossible to work fruitfully. For the best director's work, the Deputy Director for Educational Work receives an Oscar. ………..(FULL NAME), For the sound design of educational work at school, an Oscar is awarded to the deputy director ………(FULL NAME).

Aides present flowers and Oscars to the music.
Screensaver from " Big difference" The hosts of the ceremony leave, Urgant and Tsekalo appear.

Urgant: Yes, it was not easy to make this film, because the ninth grade is a crossroads: someone will boldly step beyond the threshold of school and continue their education at a technical school, college, lyceum, and someone will continue their studies in the tenth grade.

Tsekalo: But this, in comparison with the first nine years spent at school desks, will be a big difference. So, that's what "Big Difference" has been all these nine years.

Scene 2.

The screensaver from the TV series “My Fair Nanny” is projected. Nanny Vika and Mitrofanushka come out.

Vika: Well, Mitrofanushka, in 9 years at this school you learned Russian, foreign languages, and literature. Come on, show your knowledge: what part of speech is the word “door”?

Mitrofanushka:"Door" is an adjective.

Vika: What are you doing, child? What kind of adjective is that?

Mitrofanushka: Of course, it’s an adjective, it’s attached to the joint.

Vika: Well, you are a prodigy, my little girl. What logic, what a flight of intelligence! Let's move on to literature. I've always dreamed of marrying a prince. They say there is some Danish prince.

Mitrofanushka: Hamlet or what?

Vika: I say: a pure professor. How do you know about it, a collection of intellect and reason?

Mitrofanushka: And I heard about him in literature. About him, it seems, this, what’s his name, well, Pushkin wrote: “Oh, Hamlet, guy fair rules“When he was seriously ill, he forced himself to amuse himself and could not have come up with a better idea.”

Vika: Have you read Pushkin too? Well, a pure prodigy, as I say! Did Pushkin give some non-Russian name to the guy?

Mitrofanushka: And then he studied foreign languages.

Vika: Then let's move on to foreign languages. Well, guess whose shoes I’m wearing, my blouse, my skirt. Come on, maid in... Well, well, my tsatsulechka.

Mitrofanushka: I got it! Yes, nature. United States of America, Jemani, Adidas, Reebok. Dast is fantastic! Wonderful! Nicht firstein! Dont understand!

Vika: It's scalding! You see, I told you: the child is almost fluent in several languages. No wonder I worked with him according to the rule: “The earlier you get up, the more you write!” And what you don’t write off, you buy!”

A song is performed to the melody of “Tu-tu-tu” by the cabaret duo “Academy”:

We have been moving forward with the Russian language for a long time, but with a foreign language we will not disappear anywhere,
We hasten to the eternal heights. And in every corner of the world
We pass all the literature for exams, We can widely, freely and easily
We read books endlessly. Use Shakespearean language.

Mitrofan: Mitrofan:

Tu-tu-tu, two-two-two Tu-tu-tu, two-two-two
It's already in my journal. It's already in my journal.
Apparently, “twos” in the year Apparently, “twos” in the year
There's no way around it. There's no way around it.
I need Pushkin. I need Hamlet.
Read in original, Read in original,
And your native language Foreign language
Learn to "five"! Learn to "five"!

Screensaver from "Big Difference". Nanny Vika and Mitrofanushka leave, Urgant and Tsekalo come out.

Urgant: Do you know the difference between an educated person and an uneducated one?

Tsekalo:Educated person is someone who knows where to find something he doesn’t know. And the uneducated does not know where to find even what he knows!

Urgant: Well, as a last resort, you can copy it from someone.

Tsekalo: Yes. Or the whole family can be forced to work towards their academic achievements. This was the theme of the next “Let Them Talk” program.

Scene 3.

Screensaver of the program “Let Them Talk.” The students and Andrei Malakhov come out.

Malakhov: The topic of our today's program is “1000 and 1 ways to learn algebra and physics.” The heroes of our program are ninth-graders from a Moscow school. And my first question is to Vanya Sidorov. Vanya, tell me, how did you manage to come to algebra and physics with completed homework without doing anything?

Vania: Father puzzled over problems, mother thought about equations, grandmother learned the multiplication table, grandfather solved examples, and aunt did laboratory and practical work.

Malakhov: Interesting teaching method. Our next question is for Denis Kashkin. And you, Denis, how did you cope with tests in algebra and physics?

Denis: I have my own way: you take your mobile phone, put it on the next chair and via the Internet you find the solution to any test.

Malakhov: Very modern way. Mikhail Kudelin will share another method of his. Mikhail, how did you get out of difficult situations when you didn’t know your algebra or physics lesson?

Michael: I sat at the same desk with an excellent student, and an “A” was guaranteed.

Malakhov: So you want to say that you cheated?

Michael: Why so rude?! Boyle and Marriott or Joule and Lenz came up with the same law, and no one says that they copied each other. So I just think the same way as the excellent student.

Malakhov: Let's turn to the experts of our program - teachers of physics and algebra.

Dear teachers, in your opinion, have these methods of studying algebra and physics justified themselves?

Physics teacher: Physics is a collective science, so I propose to conduct a simple test for our students, which will show the effectiveness of their methods. Let them solve a simple math example given by my colleague.

Algebra teacher: Give the answer to numerical expression 2: 2 (plate with example).

Students (in unison): Draw!!!

A song is performed to the melody of “Morning Exercises” by V. Vysotsky:

One, two, three, four, and physics echoes it:
There is no object in the whole world. The weak will catch up with the strong -
More important to children than math. Understand the laws of gravity.
Develops patience in us From Einstein to Newton
And abstract thinking - There is no more important law now:
Exercises and gymnastics for the mind! Hard work will help here, not luck.

Screensaver from “Big Difference”, Malakhov and the students leave, Urgant and Tsekalo appear.

Urgant: There are subjects at school that everyone is familiar with almost from the cradle.

Tsekalo: The man took his first breath, and in the atmosphere...

Urgant: Chemistry!

Tsekalo: The man glanced around, and there...

Urgant: Biology!

Tsekalo: Like these school items found their place in the program “What? Where? When?".

Scene 4.

The intro for the program “What? Where? When?". The experts come out.

Experts: In solid, liquid and carbonated.

A song is performed to the melody of “You Don’t Know Me, My Darling” by K. Orbakaite:

We don’t know biology, we don’t know anything. Chorus: And let them say: we are weak-willed
Whether it’s an amoeba or a crocodile, we don’t care. And that everyone is always happy.
And, alas, we do not understand chemistry. We answer: “We are trying!” –
Nitrate, phosphate or carbide - oh, tricky! And we always smile at everyone.
It is not given to us from above to understand everything, We try! Let's smile!
But we always get “five” for humor! Let's work hard! And we will learn everything!

Screensaver from “Big Difference”, the experts leave, Urgant and Tsekalo appear.

Urgant: This is how smiling and laughter helps solve many problems.

Tsekalo: Yes, but laughter for no reason is a sign of what.

Urgant: Well, of course, my friend, you not only need to smile, but also have excellent physical fitness, and memory will not hurt here, along with good imagination and speech.

Tsekalo: But why memory and speech in physical education?

Urgant: Memory is needed so as not to forget sports uniform to class, and good speech and imagination will help explain why you weren’t in the previous lesson.

Tsekalo: Yes, sometimes I had to tell such tall tales! I can imagine what would have happened if our athletes had not come to world-class competitions because they were stuck in the elevator, or they said that they forgot their uniform at home. So, sports report of “Big Difference”.

Scene 5.

Screensaver from the World Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships, to which a gymnast in a robe, slippers and a correspondent appear.

Correspondent: We are reporting from the next competition day of the World Championships rhythmic gymnastics. All spectators are looking forward to the performance of the leader of our team, Alina Kabaeva. And the first question to Alina: why didn’t your performance take place yesterday?

Alina: Yesterday my performance did not take place because my mother did not wash my uniform on time. And even today my performance is in doubt, because my mother has not yet brought me the uniform.

Correspondent: And there is some woman making her way through the crowd like a real sumo wrestler, sweeping away all obstacles in her path. Maybe this is our athlete’s mother?

The song “Pink Panther” plays, and the athlete’s mother appears from the audience with trunks in her hands.

Correspondent: Yes, it's her!( the athlete goes backstage) The athlete quickly changes clothes, she is ready to perform. Well, now, rivals, hold on. It’s so good that our gymnasts have such wonderful mothers! So, our attention is focused on the performance of Alina Kabaeva.

A gymnastic number is being performed.

Screensaver from “Big Difference”, the gymnast leaves, Urgant and Tsekalo appear.

Urgant: Stories like this happen sometimes. “Prepare your sleigh in the summer,” says popular wisdom.

Tsekalo: And what does the sleigh have to do with it? And what does folk wisdom have to do with it?

Urgant: And besides, dear friend, everything needs to be prepared in advance. Look like our famous emperor. I knew in advance where the window to Europe needed to be cut.

Tsekalo: That’s why I’m wondering where the wind is blowing on my legs like that. You'll have to close the window. What kind of emperor is this? Nero or what? And to which Europe did he cut a window?

Urgant: Eh, my friend, I see you have no history, no world artistic culture, you don’t know any geography.

Tsekalo: And what? There is also the program “I Want to Know Everything” with Mikhail Shirvindt. Here everything will be explained to me. “I want to know everything” in “Big Difference.”

Scene 6.

Screensaver for the program “I Want to Know Everything”, accompanied by Mikhail Shirvindt.

Shirvindt: Our program received a letter from ninth-graders at Education Center No. 1681 “Butovo-3”. In it they ask: who cut the window to Europe and where is this Europe. We decided to start answering this question by explaining what a window is. To do this, we went to a labor lesson in this school to the material technology teacher …..(FULL NAME), who is reputed to be an expert in cutting through various windows ( teacher comes on stage with wooden frame).

Shirvindt:…(Full name), could you explain what a window is?

Teacher: A window is a frame inserted into a wall, but with a hole instead of a picture or photograph in it. The window is used to see what is not in your home.

Shirvindt: Thanks for the comprehensive answer. Well, now we will answer the main questions from the letter from the ninth-graders of school No.... Watch the report filmed by our correspondents.

Under the muted music of Mozart, slides are shown depicting Peter the Great and his monument by Tsereteli with the image of the painting “The Rape of Europa,” European capitals, Antarctica, the Arctic, the jungle and McDonald’s..

Shirvindt (voice behind the scene): Peter I - Russian Emperor, height 2 m 5 cm, shoe size 38. Known for cutting a window to Europe on the shores Baltic Sea. Having learned about this, several centuries later the sculptor Zurab Tsereteli remade his monument to Columbus, which America had abandoned, and now the monument to Peter the Great rises on the banks of the Moscow River, where the emperor did not cut any windows.
Europa is a mythical princess abducted by Zeus in the guise of a bull. Nowadays, for many centuries, this is what they call part of the continent, which lies somewhere between the Northern and South Poles, close to Africa, Australia and America. In Europe you won’t find tropical bushes, but you will see a McDonald’s restaurant at every step.

Screensaver from “Big Difference”, Shirvindt leaves, Urgant and Tsekalo appear.

Urgant: You see, Alexander, how interesting it is to know everything about history, MHC and geography.

Tsekalo: Yes, but in geography, I know, you also need to be able to read an atlas, color outline maps, and this is so difficult.

Urgant: No more complicated than computer science, there are also some symbols and icons. And you can learn to draw and sketch by drawing.

Tsekalo: Yes, it will be somewhat similar to cooking: incomprehensible recipes, forms, diagrams, and in the end it turns out delicious! The program “Happiness is” in “Big Difference”.

Scene 7.

The screensaver for the program “There is Happiness”, under which the presenter comes out, a table with dishes, food, drawings, and computer disks is brought out.

Presenter: Today we will prepare the dish “A la informatik with cerchenio-diorissimo sauce.” It was known back in the days French king Louis the 14th, nicknamed the Sun King, and was served only at the most solemn moments. And since today is the graduation of ninth-graders, this celebration cannot do without such an exquisite dish. For this culinary delight we will need the following products: five or six computer disks, ripened under the gentle sun of Provence, three or four drawings collected on plantations in California, one ruler made from Korel birch, a few whispers computer program“Cook and eat it yourself” to taste, a cheerful song and a good mood. All ingredients are placed in a saucepan and cooked until cooked to the sounds of a cheerful song.

The song sounds to the melody of “Happy Birthday, Olchik” by I. Allegrova:

Let's sit together in computer science Chorus: Happy new dish to you!
We are behind the keys, like we are behind the piano. Success, joy in this solemn hour,
The lesson is full of romance - Good luck, happiness and health now
Mouse, keyboard, computer, Pascal! And a million nice days!
And we are not losers in drawing, Happy new dish to you!
After let's go to school to college, May all adversity run away at this hour.
Let's create for Russian users Let life delight you with its warmth
New Russian software product! And your devoted friends!

Screensaver from “Big Difference”, the presenter leaves, Urgant and Tsekalo appear.

Urgant: Well, a good dish always creates a great mood.

Tsekalo: If only we had sunny weather.

Urgant: Well, it's worth calling the weather service. True, there are people who themselves know how to create the weather in a team.

Tsekalo: I can guess who it is. Our awesome meteorologists from Big Difference Weather Forecast.

Scene 8.

Screensaver for the “Weather Forecast”, to which students go out.

Student 1: Today at 9 "A" they promised a warming of up to 20 degrees on the smile scale, which is equivalent to 2 hours of continuous laughter.

Student 2: And 9 “B” the storm front will bypass the parent meeting, and it will be a sunny day.

Student 3: At 9 "B" an unusual natural phenomenon is expected: the sky will be painted with all the colors of the rainbow, which is associated with a drop in pressure in academic disciplines, as the holidays are approaching.

A song is performed to the tune of “I will give this life to you” by F. Kirkorov, to which students give symbolic paper hearts to their class teachers.

You disperse the clouds with your hands, Chorus: We will never forget,
Maintaining the climate and comfort, As they wrote in our diary,
And you know how to console with words, Just as they called us at home endlessly.
When cats scratch your heart like that. We will always remember you
We stood together in the heat and cold, your kind speech,
In spite of both snow and winds. Your heart and look through the years.
And we only need the slightest reason,
To come running for help only to you.

Screensaver from “Big Difference”, students leave, Urgant and Tsekalo appear.

Urgant: Our “Big Difference” program has come to an end.

Tsekalo: And no matter how big the difference, you have to remain yourself, no matter what.

Scene 9.

Slides with pictures from school life are shown. A song is performed to the melody “If love lives in the heart” by Yu. Savicheva:

Days pass, years fly by, Don’t look, don’t look that the years are flying by,
The oceans dry up (3 times). Stay as you are, remain yourself.
But the school light is in our souls forever, The whole world your star illuminates
We are constantly drawn to school (3 times). Your love warms me.

All participants take the stage. Urgant and Tsekalo say words of gratitude to their teachers against the background of muffled music. Ninth graders give flowers.

Response from 11th grade graduates of 2014

Props: soap, PLATES, photo

Beating for KVN

Ved.: Our dear teachers, parents. We decided that we shouldn't be sad on the last day of school. I would like to give you and myself a holiday and see the smiles shining on your faces. And if we talk about school today, it’s fun how we can do it. Therefore, we invite you to the show “WE DO NOT GO TO UNIVERSITY!” (slide 1 )

1. Are you going to university? ?

2. Exams passed. The roads to universities are not yet open. Therefore, whether to go to a university or a university... what difference does it make, the main thing is that we don’t fool around.

3. And I really want to blow (takes out and shows soap bubbles)

1. Why do you carry soap bubbles with you?

2. So what's wrong with that? What do you think? Blow it if you want!

3. (blows) Like in childhood... in elementary school...

2. I want it too (takes out bubbles)

Ved.:. What are we, redheads?! (take out bubbles together with the presenter and blow and have a conversation,lyrical music sounds)

4. Guys, where did you get this?

Ved.: Max, well, as always...

Yes, it was great in elementary school. True, only then did we realize that it was in vain that we wanted to quickly leave kindergarten for school, because we didn’t have to sleep there.

    Exactly! But really, that’s what elementary school is for you?

    This is when you are still walking hand in hand with your mother, and the school corridors seem so huge!

3. This is when you don’t want to leave home from school yet, because you can play in after school.

Ved.: I know, this is when parents come to school almost every day and ask the teacher how you are doing.

1. This is when the most delicious thing in the canteen is black bread, and you always take a piece with you

2...and who is 4.

Ved.: Max, why are you silent?

4. Yes, I don’t know.. I need to think.

3. I know... Primary school is when you write carefully in notebooks and are upset that the letter has crawled out of the line.

1. raise your hand in class to be praised by your parents, but you stand up but don’t say anything?

Ved.: this is when the teacher buttons your pants because the button is tight, and you don’t feel any embarrassment, because she’s practically a mother to you (applause).

Thanks to our teachers primary classes Alevtina Pavlovna and Valentina Nikolaevna, Lyudmila Pavlovna, Valentina Nikolaevna for their boundless patience and enormous work. ( applause)



Ved.: Everyone in life has moments when we part with very expensive (pause) things.

For the scene (background)

Well, that's it, school is over, I handed in my textbooks, I need to throw away my notebooks

Don't throw me out!

Who is speaking? A notebook or what?

Yes, it's me, your notebook. I'll still be useful!

To me? Will you come in handy?

I will be useful to others. To good people.

There seems to be nothing to write off here.

You're thinking corny. Don't just write off.

Why else?

And look at the end of me. What do you see?

Nothing. Empty.

Wow. What you need will be useful to Tamara Anatolyevna and Natalya Vladimirovna, Tatyana Aleksandrovna and, I really hope, Olga Pavlovna.

Yes! It is the sacred duty of every graduate to take care of the younger generations and help the teacher.

Ved.: Dear our teachers of Russian language and literature! We tried our best here and here we are ( hand out beautifully packaged packs of leaves)...from the bottom of my heart, with words of gratitude..... blank leaves from our old notebooks. You will need them. And we are glad that we can return at least a small part of what you invested in us! (gifts are given)



Ved.: And our next number... (Maxim comes out)

4.Andrey, I was thinking. I know what elementary school is...

Ved: What are you doing, Maxim, I’m already announcing the next number... That’s it, let’s go...

4.Well, I also want to say...You said it.

Ved.: Okay, let’s hurry up, what do you have there?

4. Primary school is when the most scary word- “director”, and you have no idea that he can also joke... and you can also love him.

Irina Borisovna. You are so passionate about your work and love it! You are a spectacular woman! We decided to give you a dance of love and passion. ( Announces) For you, with respect, graduates of 2014!



Ved.: And our next issue is Muzhoper. The Duke's Song from the opera Rigaletto by Giuseppe Verdi

Sounds for Elena Vadimovna, Nina Valentinovna, Svetlana Yuventinovna, Tatyana Vladimirovna. Performed by the honored artist Maximegliano and the outstanding tenor Nei Dmitry Titov.

Presentation2 slide

There is always a place for that in the hearts of beauties,

What is closely connected with beauty?

Lipsticks, outfits, other things

Only our beauties are different

TO various sciences feelings feed

This sympathy is instilled in us.

And it doesn’t fit in our heads:

How does everything fit into their hearts:

Smart beauties are rare

We admire you today.

And we express our approval

By your persistent teaching us

If a beautiful woman asks,

We will teach, even if we don’t…want to

But it doesn’t fit in our heads:

How does everything fit into your hearts?

History, society, economics, law.



Ved.: We are pleased that the hall so actively supports our artists. Well, now, I think, you will also actively support our viewers with thunderous applause. We invite the incomparable chemistry teacher Olga Borisovna, physics teacher Nina Ivanovna and computer science teacher Zoya Mikhailovna to the stage.


Dear ladies! Firstly, I would like to say thank you very much for your work, for long years you were with us, patiently giving us knowledge! Thank you (applause). Well, we would like to fulfill your wish. But since the truth says: everyone is the creator of their own happiness, then we give you the opportunity to cast a net into the sea (they throw a net, the swaying fabric represents the sea)

Music (sea) + (added when they start throwing the net) music for the scene

They threw a net into the sea... for the first time. The net arrived...empty

They threw the net into the sea for the second time... the net came with only one....

They cast the net for the third time. A seine came with only one fish.

A difficult fish, a golden one.

Fish: I know, I know your desire

So that children can learn better,

So that they don’t even write off

So that they completely forget about “copying off”!

Well, I will fulfill your wish, don’t stand here, go with God.

They returned to their classes,

Look, their guys are sitting in front of them

And they don’t even try to write it off!

Music for the scene

Guys come out wearing “anti-cheating devices”

We give you these devices with wishes of success in your work


Ved.: You know how great it is when people, in a fit of feelings, do something pleasant and kind. Inspired by your applause in a fit of emotion, they are on stage again... This time for geography teachers Lyudmila Ivanovna and Tatyana Petrovna.

The Duke's Song from the opera Rigoletto by Giuseppe Verdi - The Heart of a Beauty

The map of Russia is prone to treason

And to change like the sun in May

We rode across the border to the sea

It took us a long time to get to Crimea.

Well, now everything has become simple

They called it Russian Crimea-peninsula.

Completed the map of Russia

Crimea turned out to be white-red-blue

Hooray! Hooray! Our peninsula!



Well, we continue. It's time to say words of gratitude to our teachers foreign language Lyudmila Ivanovna and Nina Dmitrievna. You can’t imagine how fun it is to sing along to familiar words at discos, pretending that you speak a foreign language perfectly. At the cost of enormous efforts, you still managed to teach us something. So, let's look... "Lekha at the disco."

Back street boys - Everybody

Ved.: Dear friends! Now that the World Cup is taking place, we could not ignore the topic of sports. We know that there are real sports fans and athletes in our hall, and we are happy to invite you to the stage outstanding figure sports of Mikhail Valentinovich Chistyakov, and with him those who love, appreciate, support sports, real men Nikolai Valentinovich, Evgeniy Sergeevich and Sergei Nikolaevich.

Come on friends... (they put sports bibs on them)

Well, the main presenter of our mega sports show appears on stage

Do it with us. Music

ADI: Hello, dear friends.

I'm with you again, Adi. GDR television program “Do with us, do as we do. Do better than us!”

And today we have a team of teachers playing to compete

(Beating )

And today the school teachers team is playing to compete

Yourapples. This is a team of children playing against you.

This is Yulia, Palya and Vitala

Julia, Pavel and Vitavel

Ok Pavel, Vitaly and Yuliy

And today we have the first... are you ready, right? First, exchange pleasantries.. you really need to make friends! exchange of torches eee pennants ( fanfare graduates present the pennant “You are the best! Photos of teachers") The team of teachers was not prepared. The score was one zero for the children.

Do it with us. Music

So. The first competition is sports and erudite. Please forgive my Russian erudite.. signs A, B, WITH by answer options

Question: what year (8-2, 8-3,8-4) the GDR rowing team won the world championship

Wrong, I didn’t win any of these years.

Question to the children's team:

(they hesitate. They discuss, they accidentally raise all the signs) This is the correct answer! All categories can be managed vehicle. Claps.

Do it with us. Music

Does anyone think that this is a setup? Now we will ask a question as difficult as the teachers...

Which year the GDR rowing team won the world championship.


Another competition is now to break out in front of the ball throwing the first to kick the goal team of children. Attention 3.2.. ok. you hit 3 times!!! Now watch the team of teachers. We take the ball out. 3.2. started... the team is not to score in the goal... it’s not fair... the score is 3 - zero, the children benefit.

Who thinks that the team of children won the general competition, who thinks that the team of teachers won the general competition... this is not entirely true... the GDR rowing fishing team won in 1985! Thank you. Let me shake your hands! ( And all the guys run up and shake hands)

Ved.: We see off our valiant teachers. Know that we will not forget you!


Yes, it is important to meet a soul in life

Ready to understand, forgive,

Notice everyone's anxiety

And survive someone else's pain!

Dedicated to our class teacher Irina Nikolaevna.

I'll give you

1. Dear teacher, today again

We would like to say “thank you” to you

We would like to give you at least something,

Thank you for your concern!

2. We will give you a miracle - album SLIDE 3

And no matter how many photos there are in it,

And no matter how the years change us all

You always remain young in it. SLIDE 4

3. We will give you an evening by candlelight,

We will celebrate this Dawn together,

Let's lower the candles into the Neya River

You will make your dream

4.(parents sing)
And we will give you something to take home

To make it even more comfortable in it

You knew how to give kindness and warmth.

We would like to thank you sincerely

5.We will give you a thousand roses, slide 5
So that you understand that we love you seriously
A thousand roses instead of a thousand phrases,
All we ask in return is: Remember us!

I wish I could become a wizard or a sorcerer
Your dreams would turn into reality.

Well, for now we give you our heart

All piece by piece, accept it!

Years will pass, but we promise
Don't forget the kindness of your eyes,
Your care that surrounded us,
Your love that warmed us all


Ved: Dear friends, there is another person who devoted 11 years of his life to us, unnoticed

surrounding us with his care. We couldn't have done it without you for 11 years! Yes Yes. This is our humble worker library fund, friendly Olga Vadimovna. Thank you, our dear librarian!

Chop Applause flowers, candy

We dedicated the next issue to our closest and dearest people. Dads! We want to say that we love you and appreciate you very much. You will understand and forgive us.

PRESENTATION “Moms” to the song

Ural dumplings – Moms

Dads, we ask you not to be offended.

But we really wanted to give

A song to the most beloved women.
And, of course, these are our mothers...
I wish we could go back to childhood now,
Plunge into that mother’s care,
When your finger gets pinched by something,
You kissed and it passed...
We burned everything on the tablets,
They drew crookedly on the postcards,
While working, bending over my desk,
Inscription MAME for March 8th

Those tablets are still kept
On which words are burned
Which made mom smile
This was the best gift ever

Our dear mothers, mothers, mothers
Some are young, some are already grannies...

Oh how I want to hug you
After all, you are the only one with us...
From sons and daughters
I bow to you to the ground

Verse 2:
Now we've become big
And like dads we now have a mustache
Do you understand these changes?
But for you we will always be CHILDREN
And there is nothing more expensive yet...
Our call to our mothers...
And there is nothing more precious to us
Mom's happy eyes

Verse 3:
While there are no children of my own,
We don't understand the drama
How very strong
Moms miss us

Handing over letters


Ved: We know that you Dear Parents, also prepared a performance. Over to you!

Parents' speech



Ved: Our show is coming to an end. We are glad that today, like all school years, you are with us, and we had the opportunity to tell you for this Thanks a lot.

    We will be happy if we were able to please you, but if something goes wrong, forgive us.

    I want from pure heart wish you good health, many joyful and happy moments in life.

    let your students pleasantly surprise you and be better than us. Thank you)))

They took part in our show “We Don’t Go to University” (UNDER CONTINUOUS APPLAUSE

Our dear director, whose sense of humor we know firsthand, Irina Borisovna and pride school sports Maxim Sokolov!

- Our beloved class teacher Irina Nikolaevna and our clever girl, kind Sofia Volchunovich

The man who lived through the longest and most difficult first 4 years with us at school Alevtina Pavlovna and modest Evgeniy Popov.

- A wonderful primary school teacher Lyudmila Pavlovna and now an outstanding graduate Volchunovich Stepan

- Kind, attentive teacher Valentina Nikolaevna. Thank you for coming and absolutely

mature, creatively gifted Dmitry Titov

- Our glorious Russian language teachers Tamara Anatolyevna, Tatyana Aleksanrovna and their grateful graduates Valeria Ismailova and Anna Sokolova!

- Our happy teacher mathematicians Natalya Vladimirovna and still don’t believe in my success Vadim Korolev

- A man to whom we also owe a lot Olga Pavlovna and grateful Alexey Korovin

- Charming as always, but very demanding teacher of history and society Elena Vadimovna and Anna Chernova, who wants to be like her teacher.

- Great worker, tireless head teacher, law teacher Nina Valentinovna and her grateful graduate, charming and fragile Yulia Podlineva.

Optimistic, cheerful economics teacher Svetlana Yuventinovna and our permanent organizer Ekaterina Smirnova

Unique, witty chemistry teacher Olga Borisovna and modest, executive Victoria Maslova

- Our teacher is a wonderful person physicists Nina Ivanovna and jack of all trades Pavel Bushuev

Always cheerful, optimistic geography teacher Lyudmila Ivanovna and the soul of the class Pavel Gavrilov

Our dear, charming teacher geography, but most importantly, the former and much-loved class teacher Tatyana Petrovna

- Very patient and responsive foreign language teachers Lyudmila Ivanovna and Nina Dmitrievna and practically polyglots Dmitry Bryantsev and Alexey Dvoryanchikov.

Energetic computer science teacher Zoya Mikhailovna and Abdul Abdulkirimov.

Physical education teacher, very respected Mikhail Valentinovich and winner of the Physical Education Olympiad Yulia Shoronova

Our wonderful automotive teachers Nikolai Valentinovich and Evgeniy Sergeevich, as well as

our local Schumacher Konstantin Shkabarov and the charming Juliania Yankovskaya.

- And finally, the screenwriter, director and producer of our show, Natalya Alexandrovna, and the unpredictable, artistic Vitaly Adamovich.



« Scarlet Sails» graduate song

Last call farewell
The last lesson is sad,
Both joyful and anxious,
Our hearts are beating
We are standing on the threshold
And the roads ahead
And full of worries and anxiety,
My father's view.

The school has become too crowded for us,
And a noisy cheerful crowd,
Our childhood is gone forever, forever,
Our sail will be caught by the wind,
Moscow is shining with lights,
Leads on a distant journey.

Verse 2:
Warm June wind
The vault is so high and bright,
But why does mom
Tears shine in the eyes,
The faces of friends are so close
And we're all ready to take risks
And the stars in the dark sky,
They will shine for us.

Chorus 2 times

Verse 3:
When the fireworks lights
Moscow will be painted from above,
I'll squeeze it tighter in my palms,
Friends with your palm,
And to believe in friendship,
We don't need any words,
There will be light for us on the road,
School friendship fire.

Phonogram of music from the film “Seventeen Moments of Spring”.

There is a group of guys on the stage. A sentinel is coming towards them (music breaks).

Patrol. Stop! Who goes?

Boys. Their...

Patrol. All your own at home! Password!

Boys. Studying is sacred, don’t touch it!

Stop mise en place.

Patrol. Eustace to Alex. Graduates of the year 200_. Guys. Special features: active, athletic, moderately aggressive. During lessons they fall into long hibernation. Eye color is cheeky. Expiration date - not established. Shake before use!

Their! Come on in!

Phonogram "Charleston". Exit - girls dance.

Patrol. Stop! Who goes?

Girls. We!

Patrol. Password?

Girls. If you know that you can’t, but you really want to, then...

All. Can!

Stop mise-en-scène.

Patrol. Eustace to Alex. Graduates of the year 201_. Mysterious, beautiful. Moderately serious and bitchy. Favorite object is a mirror. Favorite exercise- shooting with the eyes. They are fluent in cold steel: sharp tongues and heels!

Girls. Y-ya!

Patrol. Their! Come on in!

Trill of a bell.

Director. Attention, colleagues! The first and last emergency children's council is declared open! I invited you to share the good news: another academic year It's over, graduation is coming!

1st presenter. What graduation?

2nd presenter. How was graduation?

3rd presenter. Dear, it’s really graduation, aren’t you kidding? Oh, my God - what a joy!

Head teacher. We've waited!

All. Hooray!

Director. Calm, just calm! We must not forget that this joy is not only for us, but also for our teachers. So to speak, a holiday! And so there is only one question: how will we celebrate?

All. With a song!

Head teacher. More seriously, dear graduates, more collected! What proposals will there be?

1st presenter. No objections!

2nd presenter. There is one fresh idea here. We line everyone up in even rows, starting with the left foot, with the chant: at-two, at-two...

Director. No no and one more time no! Today we are required to be extraordinary, creativity. What, for example, are our teachers interested in?

Head teacher Well, I don’t know, in my opinion, their latest hobby is gambling. In history, geography - cards, in algebra - a point... Not a lesson - but a complete casino!

3rd presenter. But this is an idea! Let's arrange a school casino for our dear teachers! Everyone in tuxedos, evening dresses, cocktails...

1st presenter. Non-alcoholic!

2nd presenter. And no cosmetics!

3rd presenter. And this is also the second shoe!

Director. No, we’re not up to the casino, we’re not old enough yet. We would like something simpler, without unnecessary frills...

Head teacher. And in general, I would like to be closer to curriculum. They will appreciate it!

1st presenter. Oh, and on holidays it’s customary to give gifts. For the long memory!

Director. So where?

All. Here!

A huge wallpaper cheat sheet is presented to the attention of those present.

Director. What is this?

1st student. Latest achievement inquisitive lyceum thought - a universal cheat sheet!

Director. Interesting interesting! So to speak, a gift for a long memory! What is its versatility?

2nd student. Here is the most valuable information from ten school years. Here is the schedule of calls and lessons. In the far left corner, a little higher, is the address of the lyceum and a map of routes to it.

3rd student. And here, pay attention, is a map of the nearest food outlets. Here are the addresses of training locations, that is, offices, passwords, codes.

4th student. Here we have placed a dictionary common expressions lyceum students, so that our teachers better understand their students...

Head teacher Yes, dear gift! And don't you feel sorry?

5th student. It's a pity! So what to do? They need it more now!

Director. But I don't see anything!

2nd presenter. And that’s the point! The cheat sheet is made with a special composition - sympathetic ink, which only appears when heated above 100 degrees.

Director. Yeah, that is, in critical situation. Wonderful! The only thing missing is an artistic and aesthetic frame...

3rd presenter. Do you remember, some classic writer wrote: “There are miracles there, the devil wanders there...”

1st presenter. Golden chain...He will go left or right...

2nd presenter. A mermaid sits on the branches... Yes...

3rd presenter. I want a miracle! Magical, fabulous!

Director. How are we doing with miracles?

1st presenter. As much of this goodness as you want! Here!

Director. What is this?

1st presenter. Miracle strap.

Director. And how does it work?

1st presenter. Reliable. If you swing once, you will find understanding, if you swing twice, you will gain zeal, if you swing three times, you will find a medalist!

Head teacher. What's this bubbling up here? (Reads.) “Living and dead water.” Oh, this is for washing your hands...

2nd presenter. No, brainwash the careless lyceum students. These tanks contain the sweat, blood and tears shed by our dear teachers while they were hammering knowledge into us.

Director. Dear graduates, do not be distracted. They expect a holiday from us, but somehow it doesn’t go well. Something is missing.

All. What?

Head teacher. Got it, got it! Solemnity! To have a memory for centuries! So that they would want to, but could not forget!

1st student. So that they would be proud and set an example for future lyceum students.

2nd student. So that they just say: “I remember, in 201_ there was a release - a legend, heroes, a song!”

Director. Great! To take out the commemorative banner of the class of 201_ - calm down! Bring in the banner!

Music. They bring in the banner. A drum roll sounds.

3rd student. So that the memory of 11 years of lyceum life never fades in our hearts!

Final song (to the music of “My Guardian Angel” by I. Krutoy).

I. My first class, my first friend,

I remembered all this, and suddenly it became brighter.

I thank you with all my heart

Everyone who passed with me

This path is long.


In the night sky in midsummer

A swarm of bright pearls.

Don’t forget us, beloved lyceum,

My guardian angel! (2 times)

II. After separations - the joys of meetings,

We will try to preserve them forever.

And we can’t betray each other,

After all, our youth is looking us in the eye!

Verka Serdiuchka.
Nanny Vika.
English teacher.
Chemistry teacher.
Mathematic teacher.
Physics teacher.
Boyle and Marriott.
Joule and Lenz.
Petrov and Sidorov.
Pupils and female students.

Rearrangements of songs: “An order was given to him to go west”; “Where does the Motherland begin?”; “Farewell to Moscow” (“Goodbye, my affectionate Misha”); “Tu-tu-tu” (cabaret duet “Academy”); " Morning work-out"(V. Vysotsky); “Let's exclaim” (B. Okudzhava); "Cruiser Aurora""; “Wide, my native country”; "Alexandra" (Nikitins); “Your Honor, Lady Luck”; “Or maybe a crow” (from m/f); “Soldier” (group “Lube”).

Fanfare sounds. Ninth-graders line up in a semicircle on the stage.

Presenter. Dear guests.
Leading. Parents.
Presenter. Teachers. Leading. Graduates.
Presenter. Today is a joyful and solemn day for us.
Leading. Presentation of the first education document in life.
Together. Certificates of completion of nine classes.
The choir sings the introductory song to the melody “An order was given to him to go west”:
Finally our director
The chief signed the order,
It's time to leave school
Graduation from ninth grade!
Someone wants to stay longer
Here for a couple more years
Well, someone is sending
Warm greetings to the school.

Presenter. Yes, ninth grade is a crossroads. Someone will boldly step outside the school threshold.
Leading. And he will continue his education at a vocational school, technical school, or lyceum.
Presenter. Well, some will return to school and continue their studies in the tenth grade.
Leading. But that will be another story.
Presenter. And another class.
Leading. And today we will make a short stop at the crossroads,
Presenter. Let's look into each other's eyes
Leading. Let's remember the years spent in the same class.

Performed by a choir to the melody “An order was given to him to go west”:
We'll sit down on the path
And we’ll secretly wipe away the tears,
And goodbye to each other
We will shake hands firmly.

Presenter. Nine years ago, thirty boys and girls miraculously ended up at the same time...
Leading. In the same place.
Presenter. At the desks of class 1-A at the school (specify number).

Graduates fold their arms in front of their chests, as if sitting at their desks.

Leading. Everything in life was once a first.
Presenter. First call.
Leading. And the first lesson.
Presenter. And all of us in first grade would also only like to be first.
Leading. Then, however, many became fifteenth and twentieth.
Presenter. Well, the first teacher will always remain the first!
The choir sings a song for the first teacher to the melody “Where does the Motherland begin?”
Where does knowledge begin?
From the picture in your ABC book,
WITH primary education
And from the first calls in September.
They start from school
On the first step of the porch,
And they continue at school,
And then there's no end in sight...
Leading. So, nine years ago, thirty boys and girls boarded an express called...
Painted carriages rise from behind, as if forming a train.
Chorus. “School (specify number)”!
Presenter. And set off on an exciting journey through the land of knowledge!
Leading. And the stations flashed by.
Presenter. Mathematics, chemistry, physics.
Leading. Biology, literature, history, geography.
Presenter. Dark, uncharted territories.
Leading. We had to wander in the tight labyrinths of science.
Presenter. Gallop across the expanses of knowledge.
Leading. Climb to the peaks of discovery.
Presenter. And fall into the abyss of delusion.
Leading. Drowning in a sea of ​​mistakes.
Presenter. And come out unscathed.
Leading. And every minute on this thorny path our teachers were next to us.
Presenter. They, like navigators, showed us the route in the land of knowledge.
Leading. And how the conductors woke us up so that we would not pass our stop.
Presenter. The first station is “Russian language”!
Leading. One of the greats said: to learn one foreign language, two years are enough.
Presenter. To learn another foreign language, one year is enough.
Leading. And to learn your native language, you need a whole life!
Presenter. But we completed this task in just a few lessons.
Leading. And now we not only think, but also speak, read and write fluently in Russian!
The presenters disperse and stand at the edges of the stage.
The choir sings a song for the Russian language teacher to the melody of “Farewell to Moscow” (“Goodbye, my affectionate Misha”).
The lesson becomes quieter,
I want to learn spellings.
We will write and write any dictations
And we will be friends with grammar.

And practically without tension,
If they suddenly ask us to go home,
Ninety volumes of essays
We will write almost like Tolstoy.

Because you us
Patiently taught
How to love and take care
Our Russian speech.

Verka Serduchka comes out and hums to the tune of the song “Our locomotive, fly forward.”

Our locomotive, fly forward,
Stop at nine.
Today we teach the children
We can't live without a rifle.

Serduchka, Mitrofan, and nanny Vika come out like a “train” and line up at the front edge of the stage.
Mitrofan folds his hands to his cheeks, as if sleeping.

Serduchka. Hello, dear TV viewers. Our brilliant CB show is back on air! Our elite SV carriage has been coupled to the high school express train (specify number), and we are rapidly rushing along the rails of Knowledge. Along with our only elite passenger.
Nanny Vika. The star of classical Russian literature, Mitrofanushka!
Everyone expresses their delight with shouts.
Serduchka. And with my wonderful nanny... Oh, with his wonderful nanny Vika!!!
The graduates express their delight with shouts.
Serduchka (shouting in my ear). Mitrofa-a-n! Climb! Your favorite station is “English”. Parking 45 minutes!
Nanny Vika. Oh, why are you waking up the child so rudely? This is not pedagogical!
Serduchka. Remember: the main one pedagogical principle do not leave bruises on the body! And we do not violate this principle! It's time for our fosterling to wake up! We've arrived! The final station is coming soon - ninth grade!
Nanny Vika. We'll wake you up from there!
Serduchka. So they won’t let him off the train without a ticket, oh, without a certificate of completion of nine classes.
Nanny Vika. So what?
Serduchka. Well, he will remain with us unfinished lower education! Again he will rush along the rails until the ninth grade, until all the stations, oh, the objects have passed!
Nanny Vika. Well, that's what they would say! You're waking it up wrong! Mitrofanushka, baby, get up, your favorite subject!
Mitrofan (stretching). Beer?
Serduchka. Oh, this is too much!
Mitrofan. All unnecessary things are for children!
Nanny Vika. No, I mean, it's a school subject!
Mitrofan. Uh-oh, pies?
Nanny V and A. No!
Mitrofan. Change!
Nanny Vika. But no, guess whose production it is.
Serduchka. I have a hat, shoes, blouse...made in...
Mitrofan. I got it! (Reads labels on jacket, shorts, cap, sneakers.) Addidas, Reebok, Unaited States of America, Ok, Yes, fifty-fifty.
S e p d u h k a. Well, it’s scalding, well, it’s scalding!!!
Nanny Vika. You see, I told you, the child is almost fluent in English, and why did they bother the child, waking him up so early?
Serduchka. The earlier you get up, the more you write off!
Mitrofan. And what you don’t write off, you buy!
Nanny Vika. You see, I told you, our level of development is below the subsistence level!
They leave like a "locomotive".
The “English teacher” leaves the ranks of graduates (there is a sign on the chest with the teacher’s name).
A song is performed for the English teacher to the melody “Tu-ty-my” (cabaret duet “Academy”).
WITH English language
We won't get lost anywhere
And in every corner of the world
We can widely
Free and easy
Use Shakespearean language.

In English in the magazine.
Apparently, deuces in a year
We can't escape.
Everyone needs Hamlet
Read in original.
Chorus. And English
Learn for five!
Girls. About England for five
I can dream
London has become so close to me!
Boys. I mastered it in a year
Simultaneous translation
And I started thinking in English.
Teacher. Tu-tu-tu, two, two, two
In English in the magazine.
Chorus. Apparently, deuces in a year
We can't escape.
Teacher. Everyone needs Hamlet
Read in original
Chorus. And English
Learn for five!
The teacher leaves. The presenters come out.
Presenter. Do you know the difference between an educated person and an uneducated one?
Leading. An educated person is one who knows where to find what he does not know.
Presenter. And the uneducated does not know where to find even what he knows!
Leading. But if he knows something, it means he is also educated!
Presenter. Do you know what kind of educated students there are?
Leading. Well, yes, students can be weak, very weak.
Presenter. And ninth graders!
Leading. And ninth-graders can be careless and lazy.
Presenter. And very lazy!
Leading. A best medicine from laziness - this is love!
Presenter. And love is great power!
Leading. Especially if it's a love of mathematics.
Presenter. We prove it mathematically!
(The presenters go to the edge of the stage.)

A math teacher and three students come out.
Mathematic teacher. So, children, remember: as I said great Einstein, genius is one percent talent and ninety-nine percent hard work.
Student 1. And hard work is one percent of labor and ninety-nine percent of love for work.
Student 2. So without love at school...
Chorus. Nowhere!
Mathematic teacher. I am writing an example on the board. (Shows sign: 2:2= ?) Who will say the answer?
Chorus. Draw!
Mathematic teacher. Ivanov, why was your grandmother solving the equation for you again?
Student 3. Yes, because the parents were busy: mom was writing an essay, and dad was drawing a drawing!
Mathematic teacher. Petrov, solve the problem. You had two candies. Grandma gave you four more. How many candies...
Student 1. Do I have any left? Ten! And I took four more candies from Natasha!
Student 2 (raises his hand). Mary Ivanna, we have a very difficult task here.
Mathematic teacher. Well, let's
Student 3. Dasha loves Sasha.
Student 1. Sasha loves Olya.
Student 2. Olya loves Kolya.
Student 3 (tragically). And Kolya loves mathematics!
Chorus. What to do?
Mathematic teacher. How to do what? Everyone loves math!
The choir sings a song for the math teacher to the melody of V. Vysotsky’s song “Morning Exercises.” During the performance of the song, four students come to the front edge of the stage, do squats in a checkerboard pattern: after one they sit down and stand up, raise and lower their arms.
One two three four,
There is no object in the whole world
More important to children than math.
Develops patience in us
And abstract thinking -
Exercises and gymnastics for the mind!
We simple fractions let's add it up
Let's divide everything, multiply it,
Let’s subtract everything in our minds without difficulty,
Let's do the math at our leisure.
Even squaring the circle,
Roots in a biquadratic equation!

The student gymnasts leave. Serduchka, nanny Vika, Mitrofan come out.

Serduchka. No, Mitrofan, you and I didn’t agree like that! We only went through one math lesson, and you immediately said, “I don’t want to study, but I want to get married.”
Nanny Vika. So what, let's marry him! The family is the unit of the school!
Serduchka. Yes, only in this cell it is necessary to put an excellent student for each loafer. Where can we get so many excellent students?
Mitrofan. But we don’t need much, three is enough for us!
Serduchka. But who will take him like that? He's a disabled person with us!
Nanny Vika. And it’s true: he sucks at math.
Serduchka. Stumbles in physics.
Nanny V and A. Stutters on history.
Serduchka. During chemistry, his head swells.
Nanny Vika. On anatomy, my eyes pop out of my head.
Mitrofan. Yeah, and my head hurts!
Serduchka. If your head hurts, it means you have it!
Mitrofan. And my nerves are also not in order - I run around smoking three times during class!
Serduchka. It’s okay, there is a good medicinal and pedagogical remedy for nerves – a belt. In addition, this product has side effect- stimulates mental activity.
Nanny Vika. Well, what do you want: the child studied for so long - so he is behind in mental development. (Leave)
Musical loss. The presenters come out.
Presenter. There is one subject at school that all modern children are familiar with literally from the cradle.
Leading. I took my first breath, and in the atmosphere...
Chorus. One chemistry!
Presenter. I took a sip of water, and then...
Chorus. One chemistry!
Leading. I cut off the sausages, and in it...
Chorus. Total chemistry!
Presenter. Well, yes! You could say, the entire periodic table!
Leading. With all radioactive elements!
Presenter. Put on my pants...
Chorus. And there's chemistry!
Leading. I opened the textbook, and there again...
Chorus. Chemistry!!!
Leading. So we have nothing left to teach in chemistry lessons.
Presenter. We only do repetition.
Leading. And practical work.
The chemistry teacher and two students come out.
Chemistry teacher. Hello children, write in your notebook: practical work No. 1. Topic: “Obtaining salt.” Equipment.
Student 1. One hundred rubles.

Student 1. And buy salt!
The teacher automatically nods his head to the beat.
Chemistry teacher. Practical work No. 2. Topic: “Obtaining acid.” Equipment.
Student 1. One hundred rubles.
Student 2. Progress of work: take one hundred rubles, go to the store.
Student 1. And buy some vinegar!
Chemistry teacher. Practical work No. 3. Topic: “Getting gold.” Equipment.
Student 1. One hundred rubles and a black mask.
Student 2. Progress: take one hundred rubles.
Student 1. Go to the store and do everything...
The teacher perked up and perked up.
Student 2. Buy philosopher's stones!
(Shows a cobblestone.)
Student 1. Use these stones and a black mask to get gold.
Student 2. In a back alley under cover of darkness!
Chemistry teacher (decisively). Okay, write: practical work No. 4. Topic: “Getting a C in chemistry”! Equipment: textbook, notebook, desk, periodic table. Progress of work: sit down at your desk, take a textbook, notebook and learn at least something!!!
The choir sings a song for the chemistry teacher to the melody of B. Okudzhava’s song “Let’s Exclaim.”
Let's study
Let's get carried away
Chemical substances
There is no need to be afraid.
Let's carry out
Bold experiments -
After all, we need to teach
Table of elements
So that chemistry is five
All the children have learned
Otherwise you won't understand
How to survive on the Planet!
The participants in the scene leave. Serduchka, nanny Vika, Mitrofan come out.
Serduchka. Well, how is our passenger’s relationship with chemistry?
Nanny Vika. Terrible! Mitrofanushka had a deep and firm knowledge that chemistry is life!
Serduchka. Well, what about her?
Nanny Vika. And she hit him right in the face: the valency of this, excuse the expression, argentum!
Serduchka. And he?
Nanny Vika. Well, from such an attack, all his knowledge passed from solid state into gaseous form and evaporated!
Serduchka. And there's nothing left?
Nanny Vika. Remained. Bad sediment. In the form of a deuce in a diary.
Serduchka. Oh, so he has a diary? This means that the child is not lost to school yet!
Nanny Vika. That one, of course, is not lost, but he’s not a chemist here, he’s a physicist, that’s it!
Serduchka. He is interested in everything physical!
Mitrofan. Well, yes, physical phenomena, physical exercise, cards... physical...
Nanny Vika. Again, this physical labor, oh, no, this is not for him either!
Mitrofan (proudly). Born to learn, cannot work!
The participants in the scene leave.
Presenter. Physics is an omnipresent science!
Leading. She studies everything: light and darkness.
Presenter. Sound and silence.
Leading. Movement and rest.
Presenter. Weight and weightlessness.
Leading. Physics is a collective science. Many great discoveries were made not alone, but in pairs.
Presenter. That’s why we boldly introduce paired methods in physics lessons.
A physics teacher and three pairs of students come onto the stage and line up facing the hall, as if to play trickle.
Physics teacher. Meet the kids, these are the famous ones English physicists Boyle and Marriott.
The first pair of students, holding hands, takes a step forward.
Boyle and Marriott (together). At school we sat at the same desk and copied from each other during all lessons.
Marriott. One day Boyle came up with the first half of a new physical law.
Boyle. And the second half was invented by Marriott.
Marriott. And then we just copied from each other.
Together (joyfully). And it turned out Boyle's law - Mariotte!
The next pair of students emerge from the stream. Boyle and Marriott run in different directions.
Physics teacher. And these, guys, are the famous English physicists Joule and Lenz!
Joule and Lenz. And we didn’t copy anything from each other!
Joule. We just thought and thought...
Lenz. And they came up with the same law!
The next pair of students emerge from the stream. Joule and Lenz scatter in different directions.
Physics teacher. And these are ninth grade students Petrov and Sidorov.
Petrov. We copy everything from Ivanova.
Sidorov. So when she comes up with a new law...
Together. We'll split it between three!
The choir sings a song to the physics teacher to the tune
V. Shainsky "Cruiser "Aurora"":
Physics was incomprehensible to children.
They read the formulas in the book with longing.
Black holes and white spots
We met in class sometimes.
But the kids learned the laws -
We are all experts in physics now.
From Archimedes to Newton -
We all went through it - from board to board.
And we thoroughly understood
In our electronic, space age,
What without fundamental science?
Man will not live on Earth.
The students and the physics teacher leave. The presenters come out.

Presenter. Finally we got to the geography lesson!
Leading. When we had mastered this subject, we boldly took up the map and marked the new land on it.
Presenter. An island called " high school(insert number)".
Leading. This island is washed on all sides by the Ocean of Sciences.
Presenter. This island has its own rivers and lakes.
Leading. There is a peak called “Knowledge Peak”.
Presenter. The inhabitants of this island most spend time at their desks.
Leading. Eating mainly on the fruits of science.
Presenter. Sometimes, however, they embark on a difficult voyage.
Leading. Plunging into the abyss of knowledge.
Presenter. From which sometimes it is possible to fish out real pearls of discoveries!
The choir sings a song for the geography teacher to the melody of I. Dunaevsky, “My native country is wide.”
My native country is wide,
There are many forests, fields and rivers in it,
Geography native land
Everyone loves it very much!

Parallels and meridians
We can count it by heart,
And across all, across the most distant countries
Can we walk on the map?

Soon we will open new lands,
Let's climb new heights,
Let's build beautiful cities
And we'll put it on the world map!

Serduchka, nanny Vika, Mitrofan come out.
Nanny Vika. Oh, we got so deep into this geography that we almost got lost!
Serduchka. So it was necessary to leave marks! Or navigate strictly along the course - to the west.
Mitrofan. But why do I need your notches if I have a compass! Here! (Shows a large cardboard circle with an arrow on which is written: “breakfast”, “lunch”, “afternoon snack”, “dinner”.)
Nanny Vika. So we focused strictly on lunch!
Serduchka. So you screwed up! We were planning on having lunch, but ended up going to class. Story!
Nanny Vika. That's good! For Mitrofanushka, the calorie story is equivalent to two lunches!
Mitrofan takes a wooden spoon out of his pocket, and the nanny ties a bib on him.
Move to the right edge of the stage. The choir sings a song for the history teacher to the melody of S. Nikitin’s song “Alexandra.”
Such territory is
The World History -
We are actually ready
Walk along it on foot.

Far and near
Russian history
We are practically night and day
Ready to study.

Polovtsian raids,
Swedes, Scythians, Pechenegs -
We need to learn history
We need at least five!

And the guys cram all year long
Names, eras, dates.
To build the future,
We need to understand the past.

Serduchka, nanny Vika and Mitrofan go to the middle of the stage.
Serduchka. Where is our passenger?
Nanny Vika. Flew on wings to an anatomy lesson. Today there is very actual topic- “Organs...”
Serduchka. Ah, “about this” again!
Nanny V and A. Well, yes, about what they constantly think about - about food! Digestive organs!
Serduchka. Oh, and I was thinking about where children come from!
Nanny Vika. You sho! Mitrofan doesn’t think about this at all, just imagine!
Serduchka. Don't tell me that he believes that children are found in cabbage!
Nanny Vika. From and imagine that he believes! Just once he asked where children come from, and I took him to a cabbage patch.
Serduchka. Well...
Nanny Vika. He weeded my garden bed in search of my children, and he immediately stopped thinking and asking about such nonsense!
Serduchka (chanting).
This means that the child will soon read everything on the fence!
Nanny Vika. On the fence he's only three english letters is reading.
Serduchka (chanting).
So, ugly boys
They will draw “this” in books!
Nanny Vika. No way! In books he only draws machines and cars! And in general the child is not interested in THIS yet!
Serduchka. What is he talking about with his friends in the gateway?
Nanny Vika. Yes, they mostly talk about vegetation: about cabbage, about lemons. So you hear: “greens”, “cabbage”, “lemons”. In general, they have only botany in their heads!
The choir sings a song for the biology teacher to the music of I. Schwartz for the song “Your Honor, Lady Luck” (from the film “ White sun desert").
Participants in the skit move to the right edge of the stage, and during the performance of the song they show posters with images of a pistil, stamen, fruit fly, and skeleton.
Mrs. Botany is a difficult science.
Just studying it is just torment!
Pistils, stamens, roots, petals -
In class the flies are dying of boredom.

There is also zoology - a brutal science!
It is not an easy thing for children to learn.
We know the Drosophila fly by heart,
We'll slam five of them in one lesson.
(Loss - repetition of the last two lines.)
Well, anatomy is a cool science!
The kids don't get bored during lessons with her.
Aroused strong interest among schoolchildren
The theme of reproduction of thinking creatures!
(Loss - repetition of the last two lines.)
The presenters come to the middle of the stage.
Leading. Our journey is coming to an end.
Presenter. Our VIP express is approaching the Fizkultura station.
Leading. Only the strong and brave, those with a good memory, can engage in physical education.
Serduchka. (at the edge of the stage). No, why is there memory here, I don’t understand?
Nanny Vika. And then, so as not to forget your sports uniform!
Presenter. Physical education develops children's imagination and speech.
Serduchka. Why else is this?
Mitrofan. Well, like, to explain why I wasn’t at the previous lesson!
Leading. Well, yes, you have to make up whole fairy tales here!
Presenter. But most importantly, physical education is health!
Serduchka. And here comes the moral:
Chorus. Temper like steel!

The choir sings a song for the physical education teacher to the melody of G. Gladkov “Or maybe a crow” (from the film “Plasticine Crow”).
First in order
We'll go out to exercise.
Or maybe we won’t go out,
Or maybe not us.

Let's take the ball with us,
Or maybe a racket
And maybe a hockey stick,
Or maybe we won't take it.

Who loves physical education
Strengthens muscles
He can absolutely
Forget about doctors.

This one won't get sick
It won’t whine, it won’t stagnate
To labor and defense
He will always be ready!

Leading. Our journey is coming to an end.
Presenter. The program is completed. All subjects passed.
Nanny Vika. How in nightmare, exams flashed outside the window.
Serduchka. And now, gentlemen, passengers, the solemn moment is coming - let out the ninth graders!!! (Pushes Mitrofan out.)
Mitrofan. I disagree!!! Why are you pushing me out of the nest?
Nanny Vika. Well, you have to learn to fly someday!
Leading. And someone is already ready for an independent flight!
Presenter. Someone is ready to spread their wings and choose their path in life!
Mitrofan. Or maybe my wings haven’t grown yet! Maybe I don't know how to fly yet?
Nanny Vika. Nothing! Whoever doesn’t fly out will get out, and whoever doesn’t get out will crawl out! But they will let everyone out!
Mitrofan. What if I don't want to? I want to study, study and study!!!
Serduchka. Whoever is smart will go to the tenth grade!
Presenter. More specifically, he will receive a secondary education!
Serduchka. And the cool and cheerful one will say goodbye to school!
Nanny Vika. And he will also receive a normal education.
Serduchka, nanny Vika, Mitrofan (together). Specialized secondary!
Serduchka, nanny Vika and Mitrofan run away.
Leading. Nine years, nine for long years our express train called “School (specify number)” flew along the well-trodden rails of the school curriculum.
Presenter. There were ups and downs, accelerations and decelerations.
Leading. There were sharp turns and hopeless tunnels.
Presenter. And sometimes I wanted to jump off at full speed!
Leading. But! School subjects flashed by, the store of knowledge grew.
Presenter. And here it is, the first big stop.
Presenter. Junction station - ninth class.
Leading. And the first document on education.
Presenter. And for some it's the last day of school.
Leading. Our carriage has already been uncoupled from the train.
Presenter. With all our hearts we say “thank you” to our teachers who shared with us all the difficulties and hardships on the path to knowledge.
Leading. And there are only a few minutes left to shake hands and say...
All. Goodbye ninth grade!
The melody of the final song “Soldier” (by the group “Lube”) sounds.
All graduates come to the edge of the stage and sing.
We've been on the road for nine years
It's not easy for us to go.
Lessons ahead
Our ninth grade is rushing.

We've been on the road for nine years
Don't be sad, brother,
The bell has already rung
On to the last lesson.

Write your address
Boys to girls in pa-a-ru lines,
And write a few words
All the girls are for their boys!

And at dawn forever
Our class will leave school,
But school friendship star
Let it not go out for you!

Our ninth difficult class
You, school, don't forget,
We're leaving forever, goodbye
Bye Bye...

Decoration: the hall is festively decorated. Photo exhibition chronicling the school years of graduates. Exhibition “Our successes”, “Our victories”. Phonograms of musical episodes.
Progress of the evening
I. Grand opening.
Leading. Good evening, dear parents, teachers, graduates, guests of our celebration!
Today is not an ordinary evening, but a graduation party. Ninth grade students receive a certificate of secondary education, which will allow them to enter a specialized secondary school. educational institution or continue studying in the 10th grade at any school in the city.
The exciting time for exams is behind us - your first school exams. And now you have gathered to celebrate this event.
I propose to start the evening with the song “Ninth Grade”.
1. In the sleeping city the wind is spinning,
The light in the windows has long gone out.
Give me your hand, ninth grade.
Here at night we are in front of algebra
We didn’t close our tired eyes,
Here we shared “spurs” with you,
Our friend, ninth grade.
2. We will not soon understand properly
What in the world you were to us.
Believe in friendship and argue with troubles
You taught us, ninth grade.
I think about you more and more
At this sad farewell hour.
All the grievances, all our mistakes
You forgave us, ninth grade.
3. In the sleeping city the wind is spinning,
The light in the windows has long gone out.
Talk to me in a friendly way
Give me your hand, ninth grade.
IN late hour or early in the morning
On one of the distant roads
I'm making an appointment with you
Our youth is ninth grade.
II. Word of thanks teachers.
Leading. Prom - big event In your life, many of you leave school to continue your studies in vocational schools, lyceums, technical schools or simply go to work.
But each of you will remember September 1, _____, when you crossed the threshold of school, so small and clumsy, and your first teachers led you by the hand. I will be happy to name your first teachers...
1st reader.
My first teacher
I have no right to ever forget about you.
You will go with us through the years.
I owe you everything pure, everything bright,
What is on earth.
Leading. After primary school you moved to the middle level, and there were already many teachers around you. For five years they taught you not only school sciences, but also many life sciences.
1st reader.
We will remember every moment
Our best friend- native language!
It's impossible to become cultured
Without native literature.
We dedicated these poems to... (name the teachers, present them with flowers and gifts).
2nd reader.
Mathematics is the queen of sciences!
Ships can't sail without her,
Without it you can’t divide an acre of land,
You can’t even buy bread, you can’t count rubles,
Why don’t you find out, and, having found out, you won’t understand.
We taught mathematics... (they call the teachers, give them flowers and gifts).
3rd reader.
How can I assemble this chain?
So that it doesn't short out?
Acceleration calculate,
Find out the force of gravity?
Physics will help us,
Which he teaches us... (the teachers are called, they give
flowers and gifts for them).
4th reader.
Not on an all-terrain vehicle, but at an old desk
We will go around the seas and distant countries with... (called
teachers and give them flowers and gifts).
From Antarctica to Africa
Let's swim fearlessly.
5th reader.
Your subject is terribly important -
Everyone understands this
We study humans and kittens in a row,
And flowers and blades of grass,
Stems, pistils, stamens.
He will tell us everything... (the teachers are called, they give
flowers and gifts for them).
6th reader.
And we are all moving and moving forward,
And in the lessons everyone learns a lot,
After all, we teach history,
The one who doesn't say a word
He won't lie a word.
It’s not for nothing that she teaches so well... (names the teachers,
give them flowers and gifts).
7th reader.
Red smoke billows in clouds,
The flames lick the ceiling
Acid flows like a river -
There is a lesson in the experiments.
On the way to a great goal
Suffering is not terrible
Mendeleev would approve
Our research.
They call the chemistry teachers and give them flowers and gifts.
8th reader.
We are “Speak English, Sprechen Deutsch”
I can't forget,
Even the blood listened to them,
The one in our veins.
And now we have no difficulty
Let's read "Snickers"
Where and when was it made?
Only then do we eat it.
They call foreign language teachers and present them with flowers and gifts.
9th reader.
These meetings leave traces in my soul
Will stay for a long time
The heart is reliable, like a motor,
He runs faster than a wolf.
With health like ours,
We will move mountains.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts
Physical education lessons!
Present flowers and gifts to physical education teachers.
10th reader.
From life safety lessons
The feeling is incomparable
Adored item
More than usual.
They present flowers and a gift to the life safety teacher.
11th reader.
We will be scientists
Let's be engineers
Will we take possession
Secular manners.
Monkey into man
Only work could transform.
Sew, wash and thresh
We will! To live better!
They present flowers and gifts to technology teachers.
12th reader.
Pencil and ruler -
Our faithful friends,
They were respected
Emperors, princes.
Drawing taught us
Strict accuracy.
This will save us in life
From many troubles.
They present flowers and a gift to the drawing teacher.
13th reader.
We admit that we are a little
You've been in trouble
But there can be no learning
Absolutely no worries.
We are ready to promise together -
At least the whole class will come to you,
Dear you are our director,
We won't let you down again!
They present flowers and a gift to the school director.
Leading. It is true that every teacher is dear to his students in his own way. But don’t let other teachers be offended; for a student, there is no one at school who is dearer than the class teacher!
It's not easy to be a class teacher. But they coped well with the classes... (they call class teachers, give them gifts).
Your grown-up children and their parents thank you.
Guys, your parents studied with you for 9 years. And we are very pleased to see them here today. They are now worried, worried and happy. I think it's time to say words of gratitude to my parents.
One student addresses parents on behalf of the ninth-graders.
III. Memo to graduates.
Leading. Time! Whether we want it or not, regardless of our strengths and weaknesses, regardless of our age or our aspirations, is divided into three parts: past, present, future.
Past – 8 years of schooling, participation in sports, music and art schools, in various circles.
The real thing - here it is - the first certificate: some with “5” and “4”, some with “4” and “3”, some with only Cs, that is, for each - according to his abilities.
The future is a certificate of maturity, which can be obtained at school, technical school, college, or you may not receive it at all. From each - according to abilities and willpower.
This is useful to know:
He who has not tasted yesterday is not ready for the future.
You can broaden your horizons if you “lose your temper” more often.
Adults forbid children to do things they cannot do themselves.
Don’t be afraid to talk about shortcomings if they are someone else’s, and about successes if they are your own.
School is yours native home. Cherish the “roof of your house,” even if it leaks.
Say what you know, do what you can.
Remember: friends can be fake, but enemies can be real.
And we will end our performance with a song to the music of R. Pauls, since for many the main educators in the family are the grandparents.
Students sing to the tune of the song “Golden Wedding.”
1. Grandfather and grandmother in the morning
They rush to the shops together
And they buy the entire grocery store -
Grandson needs vitamins!
Grandparents in the evening
We did homework for our grandson,
And he is not familiar with sciences -
He only dances “breaks” and “rocks”.
La la la la la la...
2. Grandfather and grandmother nearby
The grandson was taken care of in everything.
And, protecting his peace,
Washed, cooked, washed.
Grandfather and grandmother next to each other -
This is great power.
They just can’t cope with their grandson -
He grew into a mighty big man.
La la la la la la...
3. Nowadays I’m a grandfather and grandmother
His dad and mom became.
And even a kid with a beard,
He stubbornly waits for help.
And again, like many years ago,
They care for him and cherish him.
Can anyone tell them
Will the child soon grow up?
La la la la la la...
IV. Game program.
1. Competition “Who is smarter.”
It is carried out in the form of an exam, which is passed by a team of teachers.
Questions and questions:
Where do careless students come from?
Where does childhood go?
Are there vitamins in the fruits of enlightenment?
Mathematics teachers: remember the theorem or axiom that students invented in math class.
TEACHERS: What are boys and girls made of? How does this show up in the classroom?
Physics teachers: from the point of view of physics, characterize the classes: energy-intensive - 9 b, insulating - 9 c, heat-conducting - 9 a.
RUSSIAN LANGUAGE TEACHER: remember the new words that you took into your vocabulary from your students.
Teachers: remember “ chemical reactions» students in lessons, during laboratories and tests.
PHYSICAL TEACHERS: Have a fun aerobics activity with teachers and parents.
2. Game “Canopy”.
Leading. Who will be the fastest to form words from the letters of the game name:
The capital of waltzes. (Vein.)
River in France. (Seine.)
The most wonderful time of the year. (Spring.)
Type of agricultural work. (Northern)
A measure of gravity. (Weight.)
Female name. (Eve.)
Shelter from bad weather. (Canopy.)
Lake in Armenia. (Sevan.)
The river on which St. Petersburg is located. (Neva.)
3. L i t e r a t u r y V i c t o r i n a .
Leading. Continues our competitive program literary quiz.
– Name the playing cards that were mentioned in the story by A. S. Pushkin. ( Queen of Spades, three, seven, ace.)
– Which fairy tale says that a blow to the head causes numbness? (“The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda” by A. S. Pushkin.)
– Which fairy tale talks about how a woman exploits her grandfather? ("The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish".)
V. Final part.
Leading. So, you've completed the competition. The most solemn moment comes - the presentation of certificates of incomplete secondary education.
The floor is given to the school principal ______________.
Next on the program: youth cafe " Fun mood"; farewell disco.