Petr Gambaryan presentation. “I am a happy teacher

(2017-08-31 ) (92 years old)

Pyotr Petrovich Gambaryan(April 18, 1925 - August 31, 2017) - Soviet and Russian theriologist, comparative vertebrate anatomist, leading expert on mammalian locomotion in the USSR and later in the Russian Federation, laureate of the A. N. Severtsov Prize (1981).

Id=".D0.91.D0.B8.D0.BE.D0.B3.D1.80.D0.B0.D1.84.D0.B8.D1.8F">Biography [ | ]

Pyotr Petrovich Gambaryan was born on April 18, 1925 in France, in Paris, where his father, Pyotr Pavlovich Gambaryan, studied at the Sorbonne. In 1929, the family returned to Armenia, the father worked as an assistant professor at the Geological Institute of the Armenian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, but in 1933 he tragically died in a plane crash near Tbilisi. Pyotr Petrovich’s mother, Natalya Petrovna Gambaryan (nee Kafieva), who was left with six children in her arms after the death of her husband, earned her living by teaching French.

Peter, being the third child in the family, essentially becomes the support of a large family, but does not forget about his studies. After graduating from school as an external student, he immediately entered the second year of the All-Union Zooveterinary Institute in Yerevan, continuing to combine his studies with work in geological exploration parties. Pyotr Gambaryan soon transferred to the Faculty of Biology of Yerevan State University, which he graduated in 1946.

In 1949 he defended his thesis, topic: “Adaptive features of the forelimb of the mountain blind man ( Spalax leucodon nehringi Satunin)" in .

He was the head of the museum of the Institute of Zoology of the Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR. In 1961 he became an employee of the laboratory of mammals of the ZIN.

In 1969 he defended his doctoral dissertation, topic: “Running of mammals. Adaptive features of the organs of movement"

Since 1984, he has been the permanent head of the Department of Functional Morphology of the laboratory, and since 1986, its leading researcher.

Scientific and social activities[ | ]

The first book, “The Rat,” published in 1955, when the author was thirty years old, was devoted to the systematics, ecology and anatomy of rats and still serves as one of the basic textbooks for students, graduate students and beginning researchers in various biomedical specialties.

Thanks to the efforts of Gambaryan, in 1958 the Khosrov forests, which consisted of 8 separate territories, were officially declared a single reserve. The Khosrov Nature Reserve is located southeast of Yerevan, in the southwestern part of the Geghama volcanic highlands, in the basins of the Azat and Vedi rivers. The reserve has a rather complex terrain with amazing landscapes. More than 1,800 plant species grow here, 156 of which are considered rare, 146 are listed in the Red Book of Armenia. Among the inhabitants of the reserve are more than 30 species of reptiles, 142 species of birds, 55 species of mammals. Currently, the Khosrov Nature Reserve is the habitat of the Central Asian leopard.

Comparative morphofunctional studies by P. P. Gambaryan cover a wide range of forms of mammals and highlight a wide range of problems of their adaptive evolution. Among them, especially notable are the studies of transformations of the musculoskeletal system in connection with adaptations to digging activity, running and swimming.

He taught a course in comparative anatomy of vertebrates and theriology at Yerevan and Leningrad State Universities.

In November 1978, at the invitation of the Cuban Academy of Sciences, as part of an expedition of the Institute of Evolutionary Morphology and Animal Ecology of the USSR Academy of Sciences, headed by Academician V. E. Sokolov, he took part in the capture of the manatee Trichechus manatus(Sirenia) in the waters of the Gulf of Batabano off the coast of the Zapata Peninsula. After this, a series of neurophysiological experiments were carried out at the Institute of Zoology of the Cuban Academy of Sciences and a number of samples were taken for histological and electron microscopic studies. Soon after conservation, the captured manatee specimen (ZIN No. 31795) was transported by plane to the Zoological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, on the basis of which its further comprehensive study was carried out.

Monographs [ | ]

  • “Adaptive features of the organs of movement of burrowing mammals” (1960).
  • monograph “Running of Mammals” (1972) (The work covers in detail the gaits of mammals, the biomechanics of their terrestrial locomotion, adaptation to running in ungulates, proboscideans, carnivores, lagomorphs, rodents and marsupials. The general section provides a classification of methods and forms of running in mammals (over 200 species from 6 orders).
  • collective monograph “Bison” (1979) a new zoological series opens: “Species of fauna of the USSR and neighboring countries”
  • monograph “European bank vole” (1981) second issue in the series “Types of fauna of the USSR and neighboring countries”
  • monograph “The Evolution of the Facial Muscles of Mammals” (1989) (based on a study of more than 100 species from 12 orders of mammals and an extensive analysis of literary data, the main ways of rearrangement of their facial muscles were determined)

Family [ | ]

His wife, Anna Mkrtychevna Oganjanyan, worked as an employee of the Zoological Institute of the Armenian SSR.

The eldest son, Georgy Petrovich, graduated from Leningrad State University and became an employee of the Leningrad Zoo.

The youngest son is Stepan Petrovich, a physiologist, who worked in Germany for a long time, and is currently conducting research at the I.M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences and at the same time giving lectures at St. Petersburg State University and Polytechnic University.

One of the cousins, Maria Stepanovna Gambaryan, is a world-famous pianist.

Awards [ | ]

  • Medal “For Labor Valor” (01/04/1955) - for long service and impeccable work.
  • Prize of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists (1973) - for a series of works on the locomotion of mammals.
  • A. N. Severtsov Prize (1981) - for a series of works on the topic “The Evolution of Mammalian Locomotion.”

Maria Kudinova, 28 years old

“I love it when children object to me and ask questions”

Petr Gambaryan, 26 years old

“Do you know what children learn best at school? Make excuses! It happens that a child was not in my lesson, and then I meet him in the corridor. I don’t care - I’m sure he missed it for a reason, and besides, I noted his absence in the electronic journal so that my parents would be aware. And the children make excuses. I'm trying to fight this because a scared child is bad. I am always glad when children object to me, the main thing is that they argue their position. And in general, I love it when they ask good questions or come to finish playing a game that they didn’t have time to finish in class. Everything that happens outside of control means for me an interest in my subject. We get along well. If it were different, I would leave: I work at school for the sake of self-realization and the positive emotions that arise in communication with students. I just love it. Understanding how to work with children came to me as a result of practice: I have been working as an instructor in children’s camps for more than eight years and teaching at school for two years. Now I’m more interested in solving educational problems, presenting the subject in such a way that children understand how the world around us works. Usually in my lessons everyone is interested. If a child falls out, it most likely means that something in his life is now more important than a biology lesson.”

“I learned that I can’t live without school at all”

Irina Malysheva, 49 years old

“I try to make my students love me right away. When we get to know each other, I allow them to ask me any question. And I answer sincerely. And in return they share with me what is dear to them. So gradually trust arises between us.

My own literature teacher taught me to be open with children. During class she would come up and ask: “What do you think?” And I was seized with real horror - in those days they didn’t ask us what we thought, no one was interested in it. And it was very difficult to talk...

I realized that I absolutely cannot live without school three years ago. It seemed to me that it was time to change something in my life. And I decided to go to the Department of Education. But she only lasted two days in the new place. I felt so sad and cold that on the third day I quit and went back to school.

I remember that when I started teaching, it seemed to me that I knew everything. But now I realize how little I know. A teacher in general is an unfrozen form. We, like actors, must be able to control the audience: arouse interest, hold a pause, understand the reaction. After all, a teacher’s professionalism begins when they don’t want to listen to us. We cannot stop, we must constantly develop and move forward. In our school, everyone has such restlessness - and I understand that I work in my place.”


Pyotr Petrovich Gambaryan was born on April 18, 1925 in France, in Paris, where his father, Pyotr Pavlovich Gambaryan, studied at the Sorbonne. In 1929, the family returned to Armenia, the father worked as an assistant professor at the Geological Institute of the Armenian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, but in 1933 he tragically died in a plane crash near Tbilisi. Pyotr Petrovich's mother, Natalya Petrovna Gambaryan (nee Kafieva), left with six children in her arms after the death of her husband, earns a living by teaching French.

Peter, being the third child in the family, essentially becomes the support of a large family, but does not forget about his studies. After graduating from school as an external student, he immediately entered the second year of the All-Union Zooveterinary Institute in Yerevan, continuing to combine his studies with work in geological exploration parties, Pyotr Gambaryan soon transferred to the Faculty of Biology Yerevan State University, which he graduated in 1946.

In 1949, he defended his PhD thesis, topic: “Adaptive features of the forelimb of the mountain blind man (Spalax leucodon nehringi Satunin)” at the Zoological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

In 1961, he became an employee of the laboratory of mammals at ZIN.

In 1969, he defended his doctoral dissertation, topic: “Running of mammals. Adaptive features of the organs of movement"

Since 1984, he has been the permanent head of the Department of Functional Morphology of the laboratory, and since 1986, its leading researcher.

Scientific and social activities

The first book, “The Rat,” published in 1955, when the author was thirty years old, was devoted to the systematics, ecology and anatomy of rats and still serves as one of the basic textbooks for students, graduate students and beginning researchers in various biomedical specialties.

Comparative morphofunctional studies by P. P. Gambaryan cover a wide range of forms of mammals and highlight a wide range of problems of their adaptive evolution. Among them, especially notable are the studies of transformations of the musculoskeletal system in connection with adaptations to digging activity, running and swimming.

He taught a course in comparative anatomy of vertebrates and theriology at Yerevan and Leningrad State Universities.

In November 1978, at the invitation of the Cuban Academy of Sciences, as part of an expedition of the Institute of Evolutionary Morphology and Animal Ecology of the USSR Academy of Sciences, headed by academician V. E. Sokolov, took part in manatee capture Trichechus manatus(Sirenia) in the waters of the Gulf of Batabano off the coast of the Zapata Peninsula. After this, a series of neurophysiological experiments were carried out at the Institute of Zoology of the Cuban Academy of Sciences and a number of samples were taken for histological and electron microscopic studies. Soon after conservation, the captured manatee specimen (ZIN No. 31795) was transported by plane to the Zoological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, on the basis of which its further comprehensive study was carried out.

Thanks to the efforts of Gambaryan, in 1958 the Khosrov forests, which consisted of 8 separate territories, were officially declared a single reserve. Khosrov Reserve located southeast of Yerevan, in the southwestern part of the Geghama volcanic highlands, in the basins of the Azat and Vedi rivers. The reserve has a rather complex terrain with amazing landscapes. More than 1,800 plant species grow here, 156 of which are considered rare, 146 are listed in the Red Book of Armenia. Among the inhabitants of the reserve are more than 30 species of reptiles, 142 species of birds, 55 species of mammals. Currently, the Khosrov Nature Reserve is the habitat of the Central Asian leopard.


  • “Adaptive features of the organs of movement of burrowing mammals” (1960).
  • monograph “Running of Mammals” (1972) (The work covers in detail the gaits of mammals, the biomechanics of their terrestrial locomotion, adaptation to running in ungulates, proboscideans, carnivores, lagomorphs, rodents and marsupials. The general section provides a classification of methods and forms of running in mammals (over 200 species from 6 orders).
  • collective monograph “Bison” (1979) a new zoological series opens: “Species of fauna of the USSR and neighboring countries”
  • monograph “European bank vole” (1981) second issue in the series “Types of fauna of the USSR and neighboring countries”
  • monograph “The Evolution of the Facial Muscles of Mammals” (1989) (based on a study of more than 100 species from 12 orders of mammals and an extensive analysis of literary data, the main ways of rearrangement of their facial muscles were determined)


His wife, Anna Mkrtychevna Oganjanyan, worked as an employee of the Zoological Institute of the Armenian SSR.

The eldest son, Georgy Petrovich, graduated from Leningrad State University and became an employee of the Leningrad Zoo.

The youngest son is Stepan Petrovich, a physiologist, who worked in Germany for a long time, and is currently conducting research at the I.M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences and at the same time giving lectures at St. Petersburg State University and Polytechnic University.

One of the cousins Maria Stepanovna Gambaryan- a world-famous pianist.