Evening meeting at art school development. Scenario "evening meeting with graduates"

School Friends Evening

School event

Viewing stills from the movie “We’ll Live Until Monday,” song “Odnoklassniki” (author Ya. Zorin)

Song "Evening of school friends"

Student 1: Excuse me, what is happening today?
As you can see, it's meeting night here.
With my glance I catch familiar, familiar faces.
Maybe something wonderful will happen this evening?..
Be that as it may, we are all guaranteed a holiday.
Student 2: And what kind of holiday, tell me, is planned today?
student 2:
It will be a solemn, joyful hour,
An hour of admiration for the school, dear and beloved,
Memories, faith, one hope.
And you and I, of course, will remember this evening more than once.
student 3: And how will all this end?
Student 3: Friendship forever.
student 3: Friendship forever? Are you sure?
Student 3:
Yes, I am sure. My school friend -
He has been tested by years of study,
No matter what happens, I will never forget him!

Student 1: What follows from this?

student 1: You should live.
Believe in luck and achieve success in everything!
Student 2: Do you think this can wait?
student 2:
I believe YES! And we must hurry, because everything is fleeting.

Student 2: Dear friends, at the solemn hour

All: We welcome you to our dear school!

The school anthem “Globus” is played "("I don't know where to meet

You and I will have to...")

Screensaver “time forward” (Sviridov)

Ved 1. On airchannel "Our School".

Ved 2. " Our school"presents at the alumni meeting evening:
Weather forecast, From the bottom of my heart, Latest News program

Our favorite tunes

(Phonogram for weather forecast/ Slide (weather forecast)

1 Presenter. On air is a sensual weather forecast for today.

2 Presenter. Our evening will feature a high temperature of good mood and bright smiles.

1 Presenter. A cyclone of positive emotions is approaching.

2 Presenter. A southern wind of pleasant memories is possible, precipitation in the form of tears from the joy of meeting is expected.

1 Presenter. Also warm handshakes and hugs from old friends.

2 Presenter. Weather Sponsorour open hearts.

Song “Paper Dove” ensemble “Dream”

(Phonogram for the program “With all my heart” / Slide)

Student 2: School years are unforgettable years. We remember our first teachers and our first failures. We remember our first love and our first victories.

Student 1: And today in the program “With all my heart” we invite you to remember the pleasant moments associated with school.

(Presentation about the school)

Those who remember themselves best as students are those who graduated from school 50, 40, 30 years ago. After all, the older people get, the more precious a carefree childhood is to them.

The junior group of the choreographic group “Zhemchuzhinka” of the Children’s School is dancing for you

Reader: Why am I going back to school?

Mentally, in dreams and in reality?

Like I’m leafing through my notes for the year,

I live by the memory of the past.

It seems like the sky was higher

The colors are brighter, childhood is forever.

What I will never forget.

My teacher is young and tall...

It's a shame it's impossible to get those years back.

Even for a day, even for an hour.

I love to walk through the corridors

Remembering my mischievous class,

Listen to songs with such enthusiasm

Childhood sang with us and about us.

Why am I going back to school?

Am I calling my classmates?

I just meet my childhood at school,

Not in dreams and dreams, but in reality.

Song “We are together” ensemble “Victoria”

Fanfare – (Childhood, Adolescence, Youth)

Childhood : Hello, dear, unique ones,
Having flown away forever to a new life,
Those who have comprehended the invisible horizons,
A little older, a little grayer...

Boyhood : Hello, you who brought joy with your arrival,
The doors to the world of childhood have opened again,
Frozen souls thawed again,
Somewhere cheerful, somewhere sad...

Youth: Hello, eternal children of yesterday,
With new thoughts, with new strength.
Hello. Give it to everyone
Address you using “you” and by name.

Studying : Dear graduates, now we invite you to go back in time and remember your school life. We ask you to answer our questions.

    A place that students don't like to go to. (Board).

    Dating club for parents and teachers. (Parent meeting).

    Flat globe. (Map).

    Album for parents' autographs. (Diary)

    From 2 to 5. (Grade).

    A place where children serve 11 years. (School).

    A signal for the beginning and end of torment. (Call)

    Self-portrait (mirror)

    School-wide president. (Director).

    Available in every class. (Board).

    All teachers are looking forward to this. (Vacation).

“Flower Rhapsody” dance group “Zhemchuzhinka”

Student 3 : High school students – that sounds proud! This is already some experience of school life. An experience unavailable to primary and secondary schools!

Student 3 : What experience are you talking about?

Student 3 : Well, about which one, about school, about those rules of survival that were strictly followed by many generations. For example, name any proverb, and I will finish itrule of school survival.

Student 3 : You can’t spoil porridge with oil...

Student 3 : said the quick-witted one, putting an extra comma in the dictation just in case

Student 3 : Who seeks will always find….

Student 3 : thought the smart guy, looking into his neighbor’s notebook during a test

Student 3 : Smoking is harmful to health...

Student 3 : the compassionate one sympathized, telling the head teacher that students smoke in the toilet

Student 3 : You will know a lot, you will soon grow old...

Student 3 : I decided calmly when I received another deuce

Student 3 : Time for business - time for fun...

Student 3 : said cheerfully, running home from algebra lesson

Student 3 : So, do you use them often, honestly?

Student 3 : Well, sometimes, it’s not for nothing that these are the rules of school survival. You know, we still have problems that we still cannot solve.

Student 3 : What problems are you talking about?

Student 3 : Well, firstly, a universal method of cheating from under a teacher’s nose has not yet been invented. Secondly, why, when Socrates said back in the 5th century BC: “I know that I know nothing,” he was called a genius of philosophy, and when we say this phrase to a teacher, he thinks quite the opposite? And why is there only 24 hours in a day, all you have time to do is go to a class, hang out with friends, but you’re always missing a few hours for lessons. It’s unfair, this figure should be rounded to 30.

Student 3 : And also this eternal problem of “fathers and sons”. Someone is always misunderstanding someone: either we are adults, or they are us.

Student 3 : Ah, these eternal problems...

Song "Schoolmates"

Scene “Letter from Banku Zhukov to the village grandfather »

Vanka Zhukov, 14 year old boy, given awayeight years ago to study at Ivnyanskaya secondary school,didn't go to bed.Taking out a bottle of ink from the closet,a pen with a rusty nib and, laying it out in front of himcrumpled sheet of paper and began to write. Before you withdrawthe first letter, he looked timidly at him several timesdoors and windows, intermittentlysighed.

Vanka: " Dear grandfather, Konstantin Makarych!I'm writing you a letter.Vanka turned his eyes to the dark window and vividly imaginedimagined his grandfather serving as a night watchman.Vanka sighed, put down his pen and continued to write:

Vanka: “Dear grandfather! Do God's mercy, take itI've been sent home, there are no more possibilities for meIt's exciting to be in this school.

You know, we live here strictly according to a schedule.It is compiled by a very sweet-looking auntie. But she kasomeone merciless will teach us six lessons a day,Moreover, you have to go to everything: they check attendance.

And academic performance againthey ask. They probably want all the students of thisschools were silver or gold medalists.

Dear grandfather, Konstantin Makarych! And the teachersEveryone here is very strict. Apparently, they are afraid of the directorra schools, so each one demands according to his own science. And science-then everyone is different: in mathematics they study oblique sinuses, in biology for some reason they talk about shoes - infusoriya is called a “slipper”. And about Russian and GovoThere’s nothing to lose: they specially came up with some spellingwe use punctuation marks so that students stutter more oftenand got bad grades. According to literature and historyThey are forced to write some kind of “abstracts”. So, grandpa, your head is swelling.

And our most valuable teacher is probably the one who teachesgives a new science - computer science: it is for greaterThe security is even hidden behind a large iron door.

And yesterday I got a dressing down from the class teacherbody He was unhappy that I hid the cool magazine in the trash can. And I was just helping out my friend, whoRoma's physics teacher gave him bad grades. He got two marks by accident, he answered Archimedes' Law at the blackboard... Well, this one... to measure the volume of a body, you need a Newtonian bodyimmerse Archimedes in the bath, and then, after drying him, changeRate on the Richter scale. But for some reason the teacher says nothingUnderstood...

Dear grandfather! Life here is completely unbearable:You are not allowed to cheat in class, you are not allowed to be late,They check their homework, but they tell them to sleep only at home. Moreover, they threaten with exams...

Dear grandfather! I bow at your feet and will foreverI pray to God: come, take me away from here, otherwiseI'm dying! I remain your grandson Ivan Zhukov. Dear grandfather,Come!"

Vanka folded the covered sheet of paper in four and put it ininto the envelope... After thinking a little, he dipped his pen and wrotesent the address: “To grandfather’s village.” Then he scratched himselfthought and added: “To Konstantin Makarych.”

“Ticket to Childhood” Ensemble “Dream”

( Phonogram for news / Slide (news)

Student 2: Hello! The news from the municipal budgetary educational institution “Ivnyanskaya Secondary School No. 1” is on air.

Student 2: Our first interview with the school principal.

Student 1: Hello. Very nice. Let me show you our school. (They walk along the corridor together. Towards a student bending under the weight of a briefcase)
Student 2: Just look how hard it is for him! He bends under the weight of textbooks and notebooks. Poor thing! (The director helps put the backpack on the table and pulls out a bottle of Fanta, chips, magazines, a player, CDs...)
Where are the books and notebooks?
And here! (Takes out a small notebook.)
Well done! I see that you are ready for lessons.
What's going on in the corridor?
And over there...
Yes, it was a foreign delegation that arrived.

(monologue) “Tour of the school”

Classroom teacher : Well, Natasha, how was your day?
Headman : The day passed without any special incidents, Tatyana Alexandrovna. Half the class fled the physics test. Nechaeva and Bogdanova left the first lesson for a rehearsal in the assembly hall for five minutes, and returned at the end of the sixth lesson. Orlov proved to Lyudmila Dmitrievna using history that there are heroes of capitalist labor. Matyushkin burned through Evstifeeva’s tights in chemistry and asked Natalya Ivanovna how to prepare “Duru” toilet soap at home. Promzikova went for physical treatment, and the Filonovs volunteered to conduct her. The rest of the girls took Shipilova to get vaccinated, because she is terribly afraid of injections. Zagorodnikov and Ivanov went to the store for buns after the second lesson and still haven’t returned. Pustovalov drove the car to a car service center. And further…
Classroom teacher. Enough! And this without any incidents!? Parents! Parents to school immediately!

Student 2: Tell me, what can you say about your school?
student1: And today we have a meeting evening, and you can ask the students and graduates of our school themselves about this.

The presenters go down to the hall and ask questions to graduates, teachers, and students:

- what year did you graduate from school? What can you say about your class?

- What do you remember most about your school life?
- What can you say about your teachers?
- What would you wish to current students?

Student 1: The program "Fresh News" has come to an end and we, its presenters, say goodbye to you until the next news release in a year

(Phonogram for the program “Our favorite melodies / Slide)

1 . Meeting evening, meeting evening

Not marked on the calendar

But it’s written in the heart

For you and me!

2. The long-awaited meeting evening,

Let it last forever

Let the calls come to you today

This evening they call again

3. There are friends only one way,

To bring everyone back to childhood.

We want the evening to meet

Never ended!

Ved2: The program “Our Favorite Melodies” is on air

Ved1 : a 2011 school graduate ______ sings for you

Ved 1: - Do you want to know what school is?

Ved. 2 - It's fabulous, magical,
Amazing, unforgettable world,
Parting with whom is always sad and painful,
ved.1: But the memories of this house warm the soul of every person.

Song "I give you music"

Dance "Red Sun"

Ved 1: Warmth for a man on hard roads,
In a harsh land from

That somewhere in the world there is a nice school,
There is a good school for him.
Ved 1: And wherever you are, whatever you do,
School remains your home

Student1 School is the youth of hope,
The school is a big friendly home!
student 2: The evening is ending, but good-bye
You can't finish without a song.
student 3: At the moment of parting, we will sing goodbye:
“See you next time, friends!”

Song “It’s great that we are all gathered here today”

ved.1 : The evening of the meeting does not end here,
It continues with the disco.

Ved.2: And we say goodbye to all of you:
"See you again, friends! And goodbye!"

Scenario of the holiday “Evening of alumni meeting”.

The scenario of the holiday dedicated to the Day of the Native School provides for the implementation of several educational tasks: the socialization of the personality of students and the spiritual and moral development of the individual. The scenario was developed based on the use of personality-oriented learning technology with elements of information and communication technology. The holiday is built in the form of a concert on the principles of individualization, humanism, creativity and success. The form of the event provides an opportunity for self-knowledge, introspection, introspection and self-assessment of students.
The event has a practical orientation. Students get acquainted with the successes of graduates, the history of the gymnasium and significant events to form their active civic position and value orientations.
Expected results:
success of personal growth;
self-development and self-realization of a high school student’s personality;
designing life success.
Objectives of the event:
1) nurturing love and respect for one’s small homeland, native school, knowledge of its history and traditions,
2) creating conditions for the formation of clear ideas of the student about the educational institution,
3) exchange of information between graduates and future applicants.
The event is prepared and conducted using personality-oriented technology that allows you to develop the personal potential of each student.
Leading methods of the holiday: verbal (words of presenters, guests) and illustrative (presentation of a film, performance of creative groups, games).
Types of tasks at the holiday: dialogue, games.
The holiday is intended for graduates of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Buranchinskaya Secondary School"
Time spending: extracurricular
Duration: 90 minutes.
Technological support: innovative technologies, person-oriented technologies, KTD.

Progress of the event

Girl 1. To our comrades and friends,
Girl 2. To our teachers and students,
Ved 1. To yesterday's, today's and future graduates,
Ved 2. To everyone who shares with us the worries, anxieties and joys of school life,
Dedicated to our festive evening, the alumni reunion evening!
Ved 1. Good afternoon to you, young people!
Ved 2. Hello, warm hearts!
Ved 1. Just recently from a familiar porch
The long road has taken you away
Do great things.
Ved 2. It's like yesterday you left school,
And time flew by unnoticeably.
You are as young as you were as good as ever.
Ved 1. Good afternoon to you, dear graduates!

Together. Hello, from the bottom of my heart!
(1.Song “Hello friends”)
Presenter 1. Hello, dear friends! Thank you for not forgetting your school and coming to us to meet with friends and teachers.
Presenter 2. February is playing outside the window, it has become more fun.
Our school welcomes its friends again.
Students start their day every day
The silence is only broken by school bells.
Presenter 1. Our dear graduates! We are sincerely glad that those whose ringing voices filled the school with life a year or five years ago have once again gathered within these walls. Whose victories and defeats were the source of joy and sorrow for the teachers. For those who enter the classroom with excitement and love every day, you are still students.

Presenter 1.
Dear graduates, guests of our holiday, to make our meeting more pleasant and interesting, let’s say hello.
Everyone get up and repeat the movements after us.
Let's wave! Like this...
Let's wave another one! Like this...
Both together, more friendly!
This is how we meet friends!
Presenter 2.
We'll shake our neighbor's hands! Like this...
Let's shake another neighbor! Like this...
Let's shake hands amicably!
This is how we meet friends!

Presenter 1.
Let's hug our neighbor! Like this...
Let's hug someone else! Like this...
This is how we meet friends!

Presenter 1.
We are glad that graduates from different years came to us today. For us, you are all equally dear. But there are those among you for whom this is an anniversary year.

Presenter 2
The guests of honor today are graduates
Let's greet them with applause, etc.

Presenter 1
With love and gratitude, we are pleased to welcome you, dear teachers: both those who work today, and those who gave their talent, soul and heart to the school, and still do not forget their second home, their school. We think that everyone is pleased to visit again this cloudless childhood home, where you were loved, where you learned to live and think, and you are all so pleased to say again: “Hello, school!”
2. Number (Song about school, Shatunov)
Boys' songs

Presenter 3
School time has passed.
And you are no longer a child,
But in early February
It’s not in vain that you hurry to school -
To see friends from class,
Hug your teachers
To remember your graduation party,
Where did you dance for the first time?
And the most fabulous sunrise
What he was like at 17 years old!
(3. Number. Waltz, performed by 9th grade)
Presenter 4
Today, former students of different years have gathered here - young and not so young, exemplary in the past, and sometimes uncontrollable.
But it’s always joyful to remember
Old, dear years!
Presenter: 5
We are at our beloved school
We live wonderfully -
We win at the Olympics
And we dance and we sing,
We publish our own newspaper
We even receive grants
More about the school
Our director will tell you.
Ved 4. The floor is given to the school principal………
Ved 1 This is great news!
Ved 2. Today, on the day of our meeting, I really want to thank our teachers, everyone who taught you and teaches us today, with all my heart and on your behalf, graduates.
It is thanks to these amazing, selfless people that the school continues to live and develop. Concert number for you, dear teachers

(4. Number for teachers “We love you)
Presenter: 3
February is coming - a time of joyful meetings,
Helping to preserve the memory of our youth.
After all, we once not only studied together,
But we often walked and had fun.
Remembering the funny things, we will laugh out loud.
We don't need to be afraid of the director anymore!
We are growing up, getting wiser, of course, not in vain
My favorite teachers tried.
Presenter: 4
We welcome you teachers who are now on well-deserved retirement. Today, on behalf of every heart, on behalf of every graduate, we say to you Ziyada Nurgalievna, Lyubov Ivanovna, Mikhail Vasilyevich - thank you! Everyone loves you very much! And we are very grateful to you that you devoted so many years to your native school, raising students.

(5. Scene “Grandmothers”)

Presenter 2
School…. How simple and easy everything was about her.
How carefree childhood floated,
Lessons flowed in succession.
We have mastered all the sciences,
Sometimes we felt agony,
And sometimes it got to us.
(Number 6 “Am I Guilty.”)
Presenter 1.Tragic - lyrical song - confession “Am I to blame.” Performed for the first time in the role of teacher Zhanzakov Adalina.
Am I to blame, am I to blame
Am I to blame for loving?
Am I to blame for my hand shaking?
When did you give him a bad grade?

Is it her fault that her hand trembled?
When did you give him a bad grade?

Brought, harrassed, brought, harrassed,
I never learned anything.
But I believed everything, took guarantees,
Because she loved him.

And you believed everything, took bail,
Because she loved him.

Oh, you are my director, oh, you are my director,
Let me go to rest.

With him, life is good, the soul is cheerful,
At least there’s not a sliver of it in the notebooks.

Blame for everything, blame all around,
You still want to justify yourself.
So why, why, did you “stake” him?

Oh, why, why, did she slap him with a stake?
Or I could give it a “five”.

Presenter 1. Baurzhan, you know, many things have an amazing property - to return to people the memory of the past, to give the joy of lived moments that have not been allowed to repeat for a long time
Presenter 2. And when we look back at the path we have traveled, when we are looking for support and support, we open our school album.
Presenter 1. Our school album contains episodes of school life - amazing events and incidents, joys and failures, moments of meetings with you, our graduates, captured in a flash.
Presenter 2. You want to dedicate at least a few shots to each of you, but where can you find film that could accommodate you all?
Presenter 1. Don’t be offended by us for choosing the group portrait genre for our photo album - after all, in it you will see yourself, your teachers, as you were in your school years.
Presenter 2. So, get ready! Please don’t make stern faces, don’t attach importance to film defects and the imperfections of our photographic skills. Smile with us. Attention - we are filming!)
photo album

Presenter 5
Our school is full of talents
Both dancers and musicians!
Please accept our concert number
Appreciate him!
(No. 7. Dance)

Presenter: 3
So that you don't get bored,
Let's try to play.
Let's go back to your childhood for a moment,
Let's have a little fun and laugh!

(Games with alumni)
The bell rings for first class
First lesson - Russian language.
Dear students, please be quiet, it's time to start lessons. And the first lesson today is Russian language. We will write an essay. Let's remember our school days again and look at them with humor. Which of you wrote essays best?..... (several graduates are invited). We haven’t forgotten the Russian language yet, do you remember what an adjective is? Name adjectives and funnier ones, and you write them down and in 5 minutes we will have an essay ready on the topic: “We are graduates!”
(the named adjectives are inserted into the prepared text)
“Once upon a time……………… years ago, September 1st came, it was the most……………………………. day in our life. We put on the ………………….. uniform, …………………………… backpacks and with …………………….. a bouquet of flowers we went to first grade for the first time. Hello………………………………school!
What are the …………………………… classes, …………………………… desks and ……………………………. teachers with………………………Smiles! We enjoyed learning the basics of science and dreamed of becoming………………………….and……………………………………………………….
Time flew by. We made a lot of …………………………… friends and …………………………… school subjects. Every day we happily rushed to school. And then came…………………………………. Day of presentation of certificates. We came with…………………………. trembling in the soul and ………………………..trembling in the knees. Everyone's faces were…………………..
Gait………………………………. But when we picked up this ………………… document, we immediately became ……………………………..! After all,……………………… paths have opened before us. And now --- years later we are sitting at the ………………… table, with ………………… snacks and …………………………… drinks and celebrating our …………… …………meeting! Let's raise our glasses and drink to us, such………………………. AND…………………………….! Long live we the most ………………………..Graduates of 19.. (or 20...) years!!
(then the received text is solemnly read out)
Well done, lesson is over. You can go to your seats
The bell rings for second period
The girl gives a call
Dear graduates, please get ready for your physical education lesson.

Second lesson - Physical education.
Presenter: Why is everyone without a uniform? So now you will explain why they didn’t bring these (funny pants are shown, with notes in them) sports pants. And you will start with the words: “In my pants...”

Girl; Change, change, change
(Room “Scene”)

The bell rings for third period

Lesson three - Geometry.
Presenter. Let's not relax, we have our next lesson. And the topic of the lesson is building pyramids. They will go to the board......(ask the teacher who is better to call, you need the two best in geometry)
(2 applicants are given an A3 sheet each, they must place as many of their friends on it as possible, but so as not to go over the edges.)

The bell rings for fourth period

Lesson Four - History
Presenter: In this lesson we will look at the most famous sculptures in Europe.
The essence of the competition: call several couples (M-F), distribute cards of world-famous sculptures, which depict two heroes: “A Russian soldier with a German girl in his arms,” etc. and to the appropriate music, each couple depicts their composition.
Little girl rings the bell for recess
Change, change, change
(Number Dance)
The bell rings for fifth period
Let's get ready for a literature lesson

Fifth lesson - Literature.
Do you love fairy tales?
We will read the fairy tale by role. They will go to the blackboard... (if there is a literature teacher in the room, then invite him to name 15 candidates, if not, then conduct a poll about who was the best in this subject or who considers himself to be such)
The bell rings for sixth period
Lesson six - Singing

Presenter 1. In the meantime, our talented children perform for you
(10. Number children's song)
Presenter 1. School in our memory is bright classrooms,
Presenter 2. School is a blackboard covered with chalk
Presenter 1. Strict teachers
Presenter 2. A diary lost somewhere
Presenter 1. Parent notations,
Presenter 2. First love...
Presenter 1. And how wonderful the school bell rang from the last lesson! Hooray! Books flew into the briefcase like birds!
Presenter 2. It’s not without reason that they say that you only truly appreciate something when you lose it. And now we will give the floor to school graduates. You probably also want to say something to teachers and future graduates.
(Speech by graduates)
Presenter 1
Thank you for your kind words!
Presenter 1
When the heart is lonely, sad,
And sometimes I want to cry -
Sit quietly at the computer
And open the forum in Odnoklassniki.
Presenter 3
Leafing through page after page,
Having read the poems and wishes,
You will suddenly understand that the “sadness” in your soul has melted.
And the melancholy slipped out the door.
It's good that there is this page:
Where can you open your soul to a friend,
He will silently listen to everything and quietly say:
“Well, you know, everything happens, you need to move on with your life!”
And, despite the difficulties -
Be grateful to fate.
It's good that there is a page on the Internet,
Where there is no place for sadness and longing!
(11. Song number “Don’t forget your friends”)

-Can you imagine in a year we will also come to our native school as graduates!
Presenter 1:
- Even a little sad...
Presenter 1:
-Don’t be sad, look into the hall and you will see a sea of ​​happy eyes...
After all, a school is like a mother, and graduates are her children!
And returning to your mother is happiness!
What is happiness? I can answer:
This is when the stars are lit by the wind,
And when the shirt sticks to the body,
And when the sun makes the skin hard.
Happiness is in the morning, when you go to work,
Know the worries of the world - and your worries.
Cut a path for those who are behind you.
What is happiness? It's very simple:
This is when people light up the stars!

(12. Kazakh dance number Concert number - to all graduates!)
Presenter 1:
The evening is over
The meeting ended
The hour of parting has come.
Even if you are tired
But they kept everyone warm
Smiles and the light of your eyes.
At the end, we invite everyone to sing a song together.

13. (The final song is performed)
Presenter 2
We invite you to continue the evening,
Go to your former classroom, sit down at your desk,
May your meetings be joyful today,
For our school, we are HER students.
Presenter 1
Well, see you again, friends,
Let it be friendly
Our school family!
Until next time! Goodbye!

Page 1

Class hour "School is my world"

dedicated to the traditional school-wide event “School Friends Meeting Evening”
Girkina Victoria Yurievna, class teacher of the Educational Institution MBOU Secondary School No. 30, [email protected]
Class: 6

Target: creating conditions for the formation and manifestation of the student’s objectivity and subjectivity, his creative abilities.


  • enriching the student’s consciousness about a person and his relationships in a team;

  • formation of the emotional-sensory sphere and value relations of the student’s personality;

  • developing a conscious attitude towards learning, instilling self-respect, confidence that knowledge will always be useful in life, promoting the development of thinking and creative activity of students;

  • development of skills of constructive interaction with each other, mutual understanding, social sensitivity, trust,

  • formation of a tolerant attitude towards others;

  • using topics for discussion that interest children of this age.
Decor: class theme on the blackboard, multimedia projector, screen, poster, music, computer presentations.

On the desk:

Let's laugh

Let's be friends,

Let's study

And have fun living!

Remember: knowledge is the vastness of the sea,

Which has no end or edge.

Don't think, no matter how great you are,

That you have achieved everything and comprehended everything.

Yu. Balasagunsky

Information sources:

  1. Vasilyeva E.V., Beautiful impulses of the soul. Cool hours on moral and patriotic topics. 5 – 7 grades. – Volgograd.2008.

  2. Savchenko E.V., Zhirenko O.V., Cool hours. 5 – 9 grades. – M.2008.

  3. Perepelitsyna L.V., Literature grades 5-9. Dialogue forms of learning. – Volgograd.2008.

  4. Dick N.F., Fun class hours in grades 7–9. – Rostov n.D. 2008.

  5. Petrovsky A.V., Age and educational psychology. – M.1979.

  6. Dal V.M., Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. – m.2002.p.104, p.361.

  7. Vuchkov Yu., The Art of Living. Section "Friendship". – Sofia.1989.p.238.

  8. Gnatyuk N.P., There is no limit to perfection. Chapter 5. “I’m making contact” - M.1989.p.118.

  9. Internet resources.

  10. Archival materials of the school.

  11. Links from school website pages.

Class progress
Teacher: Today, February 2, we have a joyful holiday at school - the traditional school-wide event “Evening of School Friends Meeting”. We gathered with the whole class for this wonderful holiday. We gathered to talk about the school, about that mysterious and at the same time intellectual and creative atmosphere that reigns within its walls.

May our class always be light from the desire to increase our knowledge and skills, and may it always be warm from a kind attitude towards each other.

Teacher question: Tell me, guys, why do you go to school?
Students: study, communicate, expand your horizons, etc.
Teacher question: Tell me, why do we need knowledge if it is sometimes so difficult to obtain?
Students: The knowledge gained at school will help us choose a profession, become respected people, and benefit our country.

After all, all famous, great people received an excellent education, studying at institutes, universities or even academies.

Teacher: I invite you to listen and then discuss the parable of Solomon.
A long time ago, in the east, lived one of the wisest people - King Solomon. One day a cunning man decided to deceive the king. Having caught a butterfly in his hands and holding it in his palm, the sly man decided to turn to Solomon, asking: “What do I have in my hands? Alive or dead? If the king answers “alive,” then I will clasp my palms. If the king answers “dead,” then I will unclench my hands and the butterfly will fly away. That's what the sly man thought. The sly man came to Solomon and asked his question. Solomon looked up and replied: “Everything is in your hands.”
Teacher question: What does the meaning of Solomon’s saying “Everything is in your hands” mean to you?

(Discussion of Solomon's statement).

Teacher: And now I also want to answer the question: “Why does a person study?”
A person learns, first of all, because he is tormented by curiosity, an instinctive craving for knowledge. These are internal motivating reasons. By nature, everyone has them, but in some people they develop, in others they are drowned out by circumstances. A person can also learn because everyday common sense forces him to learn: without learning, he will not be able to take the position in life that he would like to take.
All this creates external incentives. They are as strong as the internal ones. When external drives develop natural curiosity, these two engines work wonders to make a person incredibly capable.
Now we will travel through some continents of the Planet of Knowledge, the names of which are encrypted in riddles. Let's solve them.
Riddles about school subjects:
1. Necessary science, gymnastics for the mind,

We will be taught to think….(mathematics)

2. Any student will be literate

If he knows...(Russian language)

3. Do you want to travel to different countries?

Need to know the language...(foreign)

4. Let’s love books and improve culture

We are in class...(literature)

5. Strengthens the muscles of all children... (physical education)
6. To find vocal talents in children,

They need lessons...(musical)

7. Pictures, paints, high feelings -

This is taught by... (fine arts)

8. Craft, work with passion -

To do this you need... (labor training - technology)

9. Distant past, ancient territories -

Science studies this... (history)

10.Teaches you to know and love nature... (natural history)
Teacher: I suggest listening to the comic song “If there were no schools” and prepare an answer to the question: “Is there some truth in this joke?”

Teacher: School life is like a ladder of knowledge. You rise higher and higher - from one step to another, more difficult.

On September 1, 2006, you, small, elegant, with huge bouquets, stood at the ceremonial line dedicated to the First Bell. And now, today is February 2, 2012 - you are already sixth graders.

Presentation No. 1
Now school life has flown by in a few seconds. You are students of school No. 30. Exactly the same amount of time will pass, and the last school bell will ring for you. You will enter adulthood, but school will remain in your heart for the rest of your life.
And today at our gala evening there are guests - these are graduates of 2003 and 2010 from school No. 30.

Before I give them the floor, I would like to tell you a little about school No. 30 (according to the school website http://www.school30.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=47&Itemid=60).

In 2012, our beloved school turns 100 years old. Over the years, the school has produced more than 3,000 graduates, among whom there were 86 medalists (every third was a medalist). Currently there are 8 teachers working at the school - graduates of our school from different years.

Our school today is a school where they teach to respect and preserve the traditions of their people, to love the history of their great country.

Our school is a place where 280 new citizens of Russia study, educate, develop, live and prepare themselves for a good future, and where 20 of the most talented teachers teach.
For every student, his school is the best. And this is natural. Over the years of study, school becomes our second, and sometimes our first, home.
And today’s class hour is dedicated to school No. 30 and this is a declaration of love to the school.
I propose to repeat our motto:
Happy holidays from current students to graduates:

A couple of minutes - and the call again

He will call you back to class.

School doors will open again.

Well, today is a festive hour!

Happy holiday to all of us!

Friends and girlfriends met again,

They will probably tell each other a lot:

About how they grew up.

About what they saw, where they visited.

And what happened to whom after school.
A response to graduates.

One hundred years since the last call.

Well, a little less, but it seems only recently.

And memory is a thread: it does not break, no matter how thin.

And remembering is both sad and funny.

I remember everyone with whom my life brought me together,

But for some reason it gets more expensive every day

Those first ones, those school friends.

Will we see each other someday? May be.

Perhaps the hour has already come

When, having given up on all worries,

It will be possible to bring us all together,

By appointing our main Saturday?

Burn your whole life over low heat!

Without you, friends, is this really life?

I'm waiting to be able to say:

“It’s great that we’re all here!”
The teacher asks the same questions to current students and graduates:

  • How did you feel when you got ready for school today?

  • How did you feel then, many years ago? Remember?

  • Do you remember your first teacher?

  • And your first deskmate?

  • Do you remember what was the first grade you received?

Teacher: School is the building block of life where you can always find an answer to any question. So I decided to offer you a quiz dedicated to school.
2 teams participate: Students and Graduates
1st round How well do you know your teachers?
What is the last name, first name, patronymic of your first teacher?

Do you remember your class teacher's birthday?

How many teachers work (worked in your class)?
2nd round How well do you navigate our school?
How many doors are there in our school?

Which office is the largest in area?

How many tables are there in the history room?

How many steps does our staircase consist of?

3rd round Do you remember?
What phrase from the teacher always ended the English lesson?

What was the first grade you received?

What was your favorite subject?

At what age did you start school?

As a continuation of the quiz, I would like to find out how each team can characterize their school. On pieces of paper, write a one-word answer to the question “School is ...” and glue it to your houses. After this, each team will present their project.

Teacher: We all prepared for today very seriously and responsibly, and each of the generations would like to say and remember all the most wonderful things about their school years.
Today's sixth-graders love change more. They prepared "COOL CHANGE" sketches for the graduates.
1 sketch. Guys, when the teacher calls me in class, I trudge...
-What are you worried about?
- From the desk to the blackboard I trudge, trudge, trudge... and then back - from the board to the desk I trudge...
2 sketch. A first-grader persistently addresses his teacher as “you.” To wean him from this, she gives him the task of writing the sentence 20 times: “Elders should say “You.”
The next day, the student shows the teacher a notebook where this sentence is written 40 times.
- Why so many? - she is surprised.
- I wanted to please you.
3 sketch. Exam
High school student (with a sigh of relief): “Finally passed!”
Teacher: “I gave up.”
4 sketch. Tell me frankly, where does it hurt?
- I'm really bad at math, Doctor.
Teacher: Well, familiar stories?

I am school graduates, as adults and experienced people have already prepared for current students wishes:

- Do everything at school to please yourself.
- May you experience heart attacks of love for your classmates more often.
- While you are thinking about your answer 7 times, others will already raise their hand and answer. Be more decisive.
- Don't skimp on your health. Don't skip physical education lessons.
- Learn all your lessons one day and live at least one day a year in peace.
- Be more wasteful with compliments for your classmates and mother.
- When you fall asleep, think more often that everything will be wonderful tomorrow.
- Don't go to school on an empty stomach, it can have a bad effect on your mood.
- Fewer mistakes in notebooks and more smiles on your face.
- And a few more serious wishes: good health, patience, perseverance, endurance, responsibility. I wish to study with grades “4” and “5” and finish the academic year successfully.
Teacher: since teachers are also full participants in the educational process and a teacher spends his entire life teaching children, regardless of their age, today I want to spend time with the “Students” and “Graduates” teams sacred rituals, which will definitely help both of them to study, work, and do the right thing.
Ritual No. 1. "Clearing your head from bad thoughts." Scratch your head with both hands, then throw what is stuck to your fingers onto the ground, and so on 3 times!
Ritual No. 2. Ritual of appeal to the Lord of Fives. Now you must say the sacred phrase in unison: “Ikretyap an yatichu uchokh!” Then raise your hands up with your fingers outstretched, of which, as you know, there are five on each hand, and which also symbolize the “5” mark.
Ritual No. 3. Ritual of renouncing hostile intentions. Please, everyone sitting at their desks in pairs, step on each other's feet at the same time. As a result of this sacred rite, you are guaranteed to avoid quarrels and conflicts with each other.

Teacher: Our class hour has come to an end. We remembered a lot and, most importantly, we are all very happy to see each other. Just like true friends should.

Let each new generation also love and appreciate our school, as we love and appreciate our school today!

And we will only echo: Be proud and remember sacredly that we are all from the thirtieth!
And I invite everyone to sing the song.
The years are passing, we are getting older every year.

But how long will I live?

As soon as I find myself under the bright school arch,

I’ll remember everything at once: childhood, youth and spring.

So many different people communicate

How long will it be online?

Someone is already dating someone

Someone wants to find me

This school bell is from the past

Touched my soul to tears

We had a good time

And I can’t believe it’s serious

Waited at the desks for the kids

And now we are friends and comrades

Odnoklassniki dot ru...

All expectations met

Surprise knows no bounds

My friend lives in Germany

Recognizable from hundreds of faces

And the girl from the next street

With a golden braid to the toes

Now it flaunts in the stands -

State Deputy

I remember the school bell from the past

It's like I watched a movie

I remember all the good things

What happened not so long ago

This school bell was just yesterday

Waited at the desks for the kids

And now we are friends and comrades

Odnoklassniki dot ru

Thank you for your creativity. Good luck. See you again!

Page 1

Scenario for Homecoming Evening – 2015

Developed by Shchetinina E.V. Deputy Director for VR

MKOU Secondary School No. 3 named after V.N. Drozdov

village of Kommunar, Krasnogvardeisky district


Moshkarova. Good evening ladies and gentlemen.

Youth invited you here!..

Medvedev. What are you weaving here?

“Gentlemen” and “youth”. What happened to you?

Moshkarova. Don't disturb, people have gathered here:

Remember your childhood, sit and talk...

Medvedev. I see... my parents are sitting there,

They look at me suspiciously...

Is there a parents' meeting here, or what?

What did they forget at my school?!

Moshkarova. This school is ours, not yours!

The school family has gathered here!

Who studied here, loved, dreamed,

Who graduated here at school!

Medvedev. Are these all graduates around?

And for them we stand here together?

Well, then hello... oh! Hello, friends!

I am very glad to welcome you here.


Every year in February there comes a Saturday,

When you, even if you are not on the way,

Taking time off from home, from school, from work,

Hurry up and come to our meeting.

We are waiting for you here as welcome guests,

We think about you very often,

We speak from the heart - come soon!

Let's start the evening of meeting friends!

Kisterev Vadim. Hello , dear graduates Kommunarovskaya school No. 3 . It was no coincidence that we opened this evening this song . We wanted you to remember your school days. At your graduation ceremony, you promised not to forget your school and your teachers who were always there for you. We say “thank you” to you for coming to this evening, and therefore keeping your word. Thank you.

Bryantseva Elizaveta:

What a joy it is to meet everyone at school -
Get together for an evening meeting once a year!

Parakhina Christina:

Your friends in class and school,
You will see your teachers again.
Today, like many years ago,
"Welcome!" - they say at the entrance.

Bryantseva Elizaveta.
The school years have flown by,
You have not been schoolchildren for a long time,
But you will never forget school -
Childhood memories are here for all years.

Moshkarova Inga :

School time... So much joy and disappointment, discoveries and mistakes occur in these best years of childhood. Eh, I wish I could start all over again... But time cannot be turned back. All that remains is to remember...


Kisterev Vadim :

To greet graduates of different years, the floor is given to the director of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 3, Larisa Nikolaevna Durneva.

Medvedeva Anastasia. Today in our hall there are teachers who met many of you when you first came to school. And also those who led you through the land of knowledge for 10-11 years.

Moshkarova Inga:

Teacher! After all, you shape souls!

And in every big accomplishment,

Your not the last share,

After all, feats are the birthplace

Still at school.

And those who go on flights,

And those who go to the starts,

Passed through your heart

They were men at the school desk.

Let you be silent about yourself,

Live modestly

But the proud name is Teacher

It sounds loud even without it!

For you, dear teachers, this musical gift sounds, the song “School”, sung by Angelina Kistereva.

Kisterev Vadim: Leafing through the pages of the school chronicle, looking at old school photographs, we see the young, energetic faces of teachers. The years fly by, our dear teachers grow old. One by one they leave their combat post to finally give rest to their restless hearts. But we cannot do without you. And in the turmoil of affairs, on holidays, we often remember you, our dear veterans.

Kirilikhina Ekaterina:

You will always stay with us,

Because we always need

So you will never grow old

Never, never, never.

Let us honor with a minute of silence those teachers and graduates who are no longer with us.

Medvedeva Anastasia: Today, students from different years of graduating from high school came to our meeting. Young and not so young, exemplary in the past, and sometimes uncontrollable...

For us, you are all equally dear. But there are those among you for whom this is an anniversary year.

Moshkarova Inga:

The guests of honor today are graduates who graduated from school 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40,45, 50 years ago. Now let's shake things up a little. We present the graduates of different years present in the hall.

Bryantseva Elizaveta .

A year has already flown by since we parted ways with school,

But it seems like yesterday to you.

And today you all met,

To meet again, friends!

Kirilikhina Ekaterina: In 2011, 8 students graduated from Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 3, class teachers: Drozdova Lyubov Petrovna, Gorodnitskaya Olga Yuryevna, Teslyuk Sergey Petrovich, the first teachers Abramova Lyudmila Vladimirovna and Kochetova Anna Ivanovna. Almost a year of independent living has passed.

Moshkarova Inga: The fates of all our graduates turned out differently.

Medvedeva Anastasia: Different paths have been chosen. Among them are doctors, builders, and executives.

Moshkarova Inga: Bankers, lawyers, representatives of working professions.

Medvedeva Anastasia: Entrepreneurs, law enforcement officials.

Moshkarova Inga: And each of them is a person with a capital letter.

Medvedeva Anastasia: They say that we do not choose the roads, but they choose us. And for graduates of the last 5 years, the path to independent life is just beginning.

Moshkarova Inga: They are still like small children, separated from their mother, missing school, rushing here at every opportunity.

Medvedeva Anastasia. 5 years ago, in 2007, 12 graduates graduated from Kommunarovskaya secondary school No. 3, class teachers Inna Sergeevna Drozdova, Nikolai Ivanovich Kisterev, Lilia Valerievna Gadzhiradova, the first teacher Nadezhda Alekseevna Abramova.

You have already achieved something

They became someone, found something.

So you didn't study in vain

And they came to us five years later.

Moshkarova Inga: 10 years ago in 2002, 18 graduates graduated from the school, the class teacher was Larisa Nikolaevna Chernikova, the first teacher was Marina Ivanovna Volotova.

10 years flew by like birds

And where have the years gone?

I wish I could go to school again

And always meet with friends.

Medvedeva Anastasia:

Graduates! Which one of you is ready?

Should I perform on stage now?

Don't be shy, come out boldly,

Tell us a little about yourself

You can sing and dance,

We wish our teachers happiness.

Graduates of the year 2000 are invited to celebrate.

_____________ performs the song “____________”

Parakhina Christina:

School years are like steps

They took you up high for a long time,

The time has come to look back!

They are sitting in this room with you now

Those with whom we spent many school years

We equally shared the burden of troubles and victories!

Kisterev Vadim. In 1997, 15 years ago, 8 graduates graduated from the school, class teachers Nina Dmitrievna Snitko and Valery Anatolyevich Kochetov, first teacher Galina Nikolaevna Karaseva

And not 10, but not yet 20

Only 15 years have flown by

Time is fleeting, just look back

You and your kids are back at school!

Bryantseva Elizaveta.

Where are you, school books?

And homework?

Who is sitting at the desk now?

Behind the fourth by the window?

Your girls got married

Your boys got married.

And for you, for classmates,

The whole country became a class.

Parakhina Christina.

He's already calling you by your patronymic

Our generation is the youngest.

But everyone values ​​school friendship,

Just like in the old days.

To each other you are still -

The same girls and boys.

For whom, simply,

The whole country became a class.

Medvedeva Anastasia. And now we present the graduates 1992, 20 years ago 26 graduates graduated from school No. 3 in the village of Kommunar. Class teachers Valentina Aleksandrovna Maslova, Tamara Georgievna Balashova and Lyubov Petrovna Drozdova, first teacher Anna Ivanovna Pishchulina and Nadezhda Alekseevna Abramova.

We know that many of you took an active part in amateur performances. So please sing a verse of your favorite song.

Moshkarova Inga: Let's ask them: introduce yourself, how did your fate turn out? Where do you work? By whom? What do you remember most from your school life? What was the name of your geography teacher? Tell us an interesting incident from your school life.

Your wishes to future graduates.

Moshkarova Inga:

We would like to give you our gift.

He is very kind and will not upset you.

A good laugh can bring a smile.

Concert number! It is for you, for everyone!

Perhaps for a few minutes

The artists will bring back their school years.

For you, this number is “____________”, performed by ____________________.

Parakhina Christina: The bell rang, 25 have already passed,

We decided to get together and remember what was wonderful

Childhood came flooding back and happiness inhaled

Oh school! I remember you often!

Bryantseva Elizaveta: 25 years ago in 1987, 17 graduates graduated from the school.

The first teachers of our graduates were: Denisova Maria Vasilievna and Abramova Nadezhda Alekseevna, class teachers Maslova Valentina Aleksandrovna and Snitko Nina Dmitrievna.

Moshkarova Inga: The wind is humming and howling outside the window

But your heart is so light

Today on this winter blizzard evening

Friends came to celebrate their childhood.

Not everyone was able to gather in this room.

Family, worries, but there are no others...

How much has changed in your life?

Over these past 25 years.

Please remember how many girls there were in the class? (). Who was the head teacher at that time? What do you remember most from your school life? Sing a verse of a pioneer song.

Kirilikhina Ekaterina:

We were told today

Who is gathered in this hall

Here is a worker and a builder

Doctor, driver and our teacher

The seller is also a seamstress

Even my mother is here.

Kisterev Vadim: 30 years ago in 1982, 30 graduates graduated from our school. The class teacher was Nina Gavrilovna Guzynina. The first teacher was Anna Vasilievna Ivanova.

Medvedeva Anastasia:

Between adulthood and childhood

there are no bridges and no fairy tales,

It remains our inheritance

Only the memory of school years

School is always in our lives.

We come here when we turn 7 years old

We bring our children here when they turn 7 years old.

We will bring our grandchildren here when they turn 7 years old.

And for them the song “______________” is played, performed by __________.

Kirilikhina Ek: Let the gray hair turn silver

Everything is alive, as if it was just yesterday.

After all, I united you in my hearts forever,

School time tied tightly.

Everyone now has their own path,

But still beckons to the fatherland,

And it seems when you see a friend,

That your youth has returned again.

Moshkarova Inga: 35 years ago in 1977, 54 graduates graduated from our school.

The class teachers were Chernikova Larisa Nikolaevna, Balashova Tamara Georgievna and Alaeva Alla Gavrilovna. The first teachers were: Denisova Maria Vasilievna and Pishchulina Anna Ivanovna.

Medvedeva Anastasia. Let's continue the relay of time.

The forty-year-old pulse beats

do you hear footsteps from the past

They follow.

We are given an echo of memory -

We all have one.

The elusive years to stop

Not in our power

So let it always be like this!

The more years, the more happiness.

Let them be your friends:

Health, joy, happiness, laughter

In the family - peace, prosperity,

Creative success at work!

Kirilikhina Ekaterina: Graduates of 1972 are present at our evening. 40 years ago 38 graduates graduated from Kommunarovskaya secondary school No. 3, class teacher Raisa Mikhailovna Snimshchikova, first teachers Georgy Konstantinovich Pashkov and Agripina Kuzminishna Stepanova.

Moshkarova Inga:. Today they, although already with gray hair at the temples, are the same as they were 40 years ago. Dear graduates, the floor is yours. Please tell us about your school years and what you have achieved in life.

For our anniversaries this musical gift: dance ______________

Kisterev Vadim: In 1967, 45 years ago 54 graduates graduated from the Kommunard school. The class teachers were Olga Stepanovna Ponomareva and Raisa Mikhailovna Snimshchikova.

The first teachers were Anna Vasilievna Ivanova and Zoya Petrovna Tufikova.

Moshkarova Inga: In 1962, 12 graduates graduated from our school, 50 years ago.

The class teacher was Olga Semyonovna Gulenko,

The first teacher was Valentina Aleksandrovna Maslova.

This number of amateur performances is for our heroes of the day.


Parakhina Christina:

Hail, teacher, who gives us knowledge,

Giver of heart, living at school.

There are no random, cold people here.

There are no such teachers!

We are lucky to study at this school!

Every teacher can be proud.

Medvedeva Anastasia:

There are many pearls in the school crown,

Both the chemist and the lyricist are important and needed here.

Everyone is a guiding light for us.

We walked with them from class to class

We went on hikes with them and to museums.

We are happy to walk in step with them,

To comprehend life, to get to know people.

Moshkarova Inga:

Dear graduates!

The evening of the meeting does not end there.

It continues in your former classes!

Good teachers are waiting for you there

And old school friends.

And we say goodbye to all of you:

"See you again, friends,

And goodbye!"

Former graduates go to their classes to meet with friends and teachers.

Panteleeva I.V.

and 10a grade

Alumni reunion evening “Through the Years, Across Distances”

Music is playing in the school foyer. Music plays in the festively decorated assembly hall while guests take their seats in the hall.

And then they run out onto the stage first graders - girl and boy. They hold the school bell and ring the bell for the start of the holiday. Then they go down from the stage, walk along the hall, go out into the school corridor, without stopping ringing. The chords of the opening song about the evening of the meeting sound

School is like a bouquet of flowers,
Waiting for the meeting time.
So let it last for many years
We will remember this evening.
In a few minutes
The stage will light up.
This evening everyone is waiting for us
Always in the school hall.
Hello, hello, meeting evening!
We must cherish traditions.
Graduates day today
And we are talking about you.
A flurry of applause awaits you,
Congratulations, compliments -
Evening of meetings!
E. Kamalova

Immediately after the song, the presenters take the stage.

Hello dear friends:
Graduates of different years, favorite teachers!

Presenter 2
Welcome to the evening meeting
To my home school this evening.

Thank you for coming to the holiday,
They brought the warmth of their hearts with them.

Presenter 2
What a joy it is to meet everyone at school -
Get together for an evening meeting once a year!

Your friends in class and school,
You will see your teachers again.
Today, like many years ago,
"Welcome!" - they say at the entrance.

Presenter 2
The school years have flown by,
You have not been schoolchildren for a long time,
But you will never forget school -
Childhood memories are here for all years.

We hope that the song that will be played now will become a reliable bridge connecting you with your home school.

The song “School Years” is playing

Presenter 2
Parting words, like a second mother,
The school principal wants to tell you!

Wishes to graduates of different years from the school director.

Presenter 1
Winters and springs have flown by.

It's been a long time since you became adults.

Presenter 1
But let's remember your school days.

Calls and changes again.

Presenter 1

Presenter 2
First love.

Presenter 1
Teachers who were close to you!

We invite you to the stageclass teachers, who sent their students on a long voyage last school year.
Meet Olga Vladimirovna Panchenko
Eremeeva Valentina Ivanovna

Kruglov Valery Valentinovich

They have the floor.

Speech by the class teacher. She can also perform a song for all the graduates.


Graduates! Are any of you ready
Should I perform on this stage now?

Don't be shy, come out boldly,

Tell us a little about yourself.

You can sing and dance,

We wish our teachers happiness.

Alumni speeches

Presenter 1
I've loved school bells for a long time...
And yet, it cannot be otherwise,
The living connection of the line begins with them
And the first thoughts on the task.

Any route goes far away from them
And in them joyful discoveries begin,
This is probably how rockets take off
And the ships leave the pier.

Presenter 2
You also left the walls of our school, but the teachers remember all of you. And now we would like to see how well you remember school, the subjects that you studied here. You all graduated from school in different years, but once you were a friendly class, let's remember that time.

The bell is ringing

Presenter 1

3 graduates are invited to the stage

Lesson 1. Knowing the world (or a little about everything).
You need to answer the questions.

I remind you that you must raise your hand to answer.

In the novel "Destruction" by Fadeev, the following characters participate::
Snow Maiden
Father Frost

Complete the quote: “I go out alone...”
to work
on the road
on the bear

Substances that consist of two elements, one of which is oxygen, are -

What formula actually exists:
What difference does it make to you

Went to the North Pole...
Kim Il Sung

Karl Marx wrote...

When adding numbers it turns out
a lot of

You completed all the tasks with dignity, which means that you were not taught in vain.
The first lesson is over(bell rings). I ask you not to leave for recess.

Concert number.

The bell is ringing

Presenter 2
3 graduates are again invited to the stage

Lesson 2 - literature.
Oral essay on the topic: “Declaration of love…” - to whom? You decide for yourself. So, who is ready to answer at the board, i.e. at the microphone?

(Graduates speak)

How wonderful you all said. The second lesson is over ( the bell rings ). Incentive prizes are awarded. All participants can go to their seats.

Presenter 1.

We congratulate you on your excellent academic achievements and exemplary behavior and present everyone with our musical gift.

Concert number.

Presenter 2
So that you don't get bored,
Let's try to play.
Let's go back to your childhood for a moment,
Let's have a little fun and laugh!

Presenter 1:

And now we have an extracurricular activity. You are invited to the stage 5 graduates.

Our event is called "Happy Occasion".

1. Which question cannot be answered in the affirmative? (Are you sleeping?)
2. There are teeth, but no mouth. What is this? (Saw)
3. When it is needed, the sailors throw it away, when not, they raise it... (Anchor)
4. What can you break in peacetime and receive gratitude for it? (Garden)
5. Which branch does not grow from the tree? (Railway)
6. Which regular in kitchens, canteens and restaurants has a mustache longer than his legs? (At the cockroach)
7. What do the rider and the rooster have in common? (Spurs)
8. When can you carry water in a sieve? (Winter)

9. A continent with no rivers. (Antarctica)
10. Between what two identical letters can you put a small horse and get the name of the country? (Japan)
11. What notes do sailors use to measure distance? (Mi-la-mi)
12. What two notes grow in the garden? (Beans)

Incentive prizes are awarded. Participants can go to their seats.

Presenter 2
For those who answered so beautifully,
For those who listened and watched,
Please accept our concert number,
Appreciate him!

Concert number.

Presenter 1
You will appreciate the school only then
When years flash by like moments.
She will often dream about her at night.
No one will forget their school years!

Presenter 2
I dream about a school scene,
Your first roles
First applause!
First success!
And you are happy!
You are the best!

Presenter 1

The whole world is a theater, and the people in it are actors. We invite you to the “Theater Club” lesson

You are invited to the stage 6 graduates.

Participants are given signs - “Bell”, “Class”, “Teacher”, “Control”, “Horror”, “Pointer”. These are the characters in the fairy tale. The signs are placed on the head.

You have to play a skit that I will read.

"The bell rang, class was weak because knowledge he had small ones. But teacher decided to spend this hard test in class work. He armed himself pointer and harsh methods. Class When I saw the text of the test, I became numb. IN The class was filled with horror. The teacher understood that the test would torture the class , but could not move away from his methodology. The teacher tapped with his pointer on the desk. From this horror in the classroom became even stronger. Class tried to find knowledge in textbooks hidden under the desk. But the harsh technique did not allow to the teacher let it be written off. It rang call . Teacher with a pointer and the technique is important to remove from class. Lightwing Knowledge flew out the window..."

These are the types of lessons that can take place in our improvised classrooms.

We thank all participants(encouragement prizes are awarded)

Presenter 2
Wit and ingenuity
They have helped you in your life more than once.
If you don't mind the time,
Prove it to us now.
Let's play a little more
It's very boring to live without a game,
After all, the game helps many
Remember your childhood and love life!

Presenter 1
Our Game -
The presenters announce each lot in turn. The one who guesses correctly receives the named prize. If there are pauses in the hall, the presenters can give small hints about the items being played.
Lot No. 1
Device for transmitting thoughts at a distance
Lot No. 2
A fun product that will brighten up any holiday!
Lot No. 3
New Year's roll
Lot No. 4
Thought fixer
Lot No. 5
Evening lights of restaurants, coffee in bed, Hilton Hotel! Buy this lot - an indispensable attribute of the sweet life!
Lot No. 6
Lot No. 7
Painting by an unknown artist.
Lot No. 8

Washing machine.
Lot No. 9

English castle.

Lot No. 10
Diet food.
(Chewing gum.)

Presenter 2
Our school is rich in talent!
The guys give you their art!

Concert number

The melody of the song “Where does childhood go” sounds.

The presenters, soloist, vocal group and all participants of the performance come out with multi-colored balloons. Concert participants throw balloons into the hall.

Presenter 1
We wish you good health!
We wish you creative success!
We wish you love and strong friendship!
And now for you a small concert.