Untestable vowels at the root of the word exercises. In Russian. children's favorite candies

"Spelling of unstressed vowels in the root of a word."


Card No. 1

1 . Write the phrases according to the model, highlighting the unstressed vowel at the root of the word.

Sample: wax candle - wax candle

herbal tincture -

thunderclaps -

edge of the forest -

forest of pine trees -

cherry jam -

2 . Write these words in two columns. In the first column are words with untestable unstressed vowels at the root of the word, in the second column - words with verifiable unstressed vowels at the root of the word, write test words next to them and indicate the spelling.

Swamp, gardener, winter, December, left-handed, apartment, bunny, cook, nut. five, mushroom picker, dinner, straw.

Emphasize superfluous word.

3 . Choose one or two test words from the words in brackets .

S...sleep - (pine, pine, pine)

wide... wide - (wider, wider, wider)

star...zda - (stargazer, asterisk, starry)

green - (turn green, green, green)

cold...cold - (cold, cold, refrigerator)

head...head - (little head, heads, head)

line...line - linear, line, lined

Card No. 3

1 . Match these words and write them down test word. Fill in the missing letters.

g...god - whi...hing-

in... airy - in... village -

d...leky - h...owler -

sh...eraser - red...clean -

2. Paste the desired letter and write down the test word next to it.

t...mushka - (o,a) - ...............................trees - ( e, i) - ...................................

treat... - (a, o) - ............................... st.. .give birth - (a,o) - .................................

sh...flatter - (e,i) - ....................................w. ..rye - (e,i) - ..................................

w...tight - (e,i) - ....................................m ...Russian - (oh, a) -

t...plo - (e,i) - f...muchina - (i, e) -

Card No. 4

1 . Write down these words by inserting the missing letters. Select the root in the words and write a verification word for each group.

P...satel, schedule, zap...sal, p...smetso;- ......................... ........

Str...lok, str...l, shot....shot, shot...l; - ....................................

Trade, trade, trade (city); - ........................................

Swallow, swallow, swallow, swallow, swallow;

2. Find, hurry and underline the extra word in each group. For words with the same root, highlight the root.

Speck, weed, plucked, littered;

Dove, dovecote, naked, pigeon;

Field, field, shelf, clearing.

3. Hurry up and underline the words in which the unstressed vowel cannot be checked.

Pillars, road, album, flew, walked, hare, green, drawing, snowflake, frost, daughter.

Card No. 5

1 . Underline those words that can be used to check the spelling of these words. Fill in the missing letter.

K...za - (goats, goat, goat)

H...lmy - (hill, knoll, hilly)

S...sleep - (pines, pines, pine)

Gr...by - (mushroom, mushroom, fungus)

Tra...va - (herbs, grass, blade of grass)

2. Write the test words:

village - ..................................... firewood - ............ .......................

wall - .................................... country - ............ .......................

wolf cub - ........................... sea - ................... ...............

lazy - .............................. cheerful - ................. ...............

squeaky - .......................... tinker - ..................... ..........

amazing - ................... change - ............................... .......

sculpt - ..................................... clean up - ................... ............

Card No. 7

1. Fill in the missing letters in this text. Write test words in brackets, underline spellings .


In l...su (.............) lives a red l...sa (...............). Fox House - n...ra (...................). N....ry (..............) have funny little l...s (........) playing. The fox (...................) teaches them fox habits.

2. Arrange the words in columns : 1 column of a word with an unstressed vowel -o, in the second column of a word with an unstressed vowel -a.

S...sleep, tr...va, st...ly, g...hungry, m...sterskaya, dining room, k...tea, n....chnoy, in .... little boy, k...

3. Arrange the words in columns: 1 column of a word with an unstressed vowel -e, in the second column of a word with an unstressed vowel -i.

S...doy, sk...pit, k....chat, sn...zhinka, in...net, in...village, p...letter, d...revyanny, s...vovoe, green.

Card No. 8

1 . Write down the text. Insert the missing letters, write test words in brackets, where possible .

It's good...we're in...sleep! (......). Bloom...here (....) s...dy (.........) - b...lym- b...lo (....). The d...ma (.....) will drown in the white s...dah (.....), as if they don’t exist.

Some swallows dart over the villages (......). The songs are...booming. (........).

Card No. 9

1 . Fill in the missing letters in the poem .

B...sleep!, B...sleep! How clean the air is!

How clear is the sky!

Howl for your lazuria

He's drenching my eyes!

2 . 1. Write it down. Fill in the missing letters. Write the test words. Indicate the spelling .

V...lna, s...dovy, l...ghashy, st...rina, in...senniy, z...l...toy, l...sitsa, m... Dovy.

3. Write down and underline the test word in each row.

1. wolf cub, wolf, she-wolf.

2. Ice, ice, ice.

h. Marine, sailor, seaside

4, arrived, takeoff, migratory.

5" heavy, heaviness, heavy.

Card number 10

1 . Write down proverbs and sayings .

Insert the missing letters. Write test words next to it in brackets. Label the spellings.

1 They rolled up the steep hills.

2. An old horse won't spoil your health.

3. Under the l,..hot stone in...yes no...even.

4. It's a long time to go... for a long time.

5. B...yes on the...le - if there is quinoa on the....le.

2. Fill in the missing letters in words that cannot be checked .

K...rtina, h...good, furniture, l....lovy, apartment, h...tverg, ...rekh, g...ly.

Card number 12

1. Fill in the missing letters. Write the test word in brackets.

Sp...sew (..) the exercise is neat and beautiful. Don't sleep (.... .) while eating! The children washed (.....) a fluffy kitten. Mom floored....rock (.....) laundry. Sasha sang (.....) the song the loudest of all. The sick person started (....) medicine with water. Grandma has been... done for a long time (......). Grandfather sat .... (..) on the bench and left. Close....pi (....) the runners of the sleigh so that they do not hide (....).

2.Copy by inserting the missing letters .

K...rowa, g...zeta, skv....rets, b...let, d....december, n...rod, m....loko, fri...tsa , k....rabl, d....revnya, in...kzal, m...rose, k...empty, r...keta, m...dved, p... .to, k...erased, k...mandir, r...sunok, l...pata, m...lina, r...guys, v...gon, p... years, picture, ...bus, month, p...court.

Card number 13

1. Insert the missing letters. Write the test word next to it in brackets.

The squirrels (....) come.... melt (.....) early in.... sleep (......) in the.... end (.. ....) March. They return in a friendly flock and for several days they rush around the fields (....), examining familiar places (....). Then they calm down (...) and begin to sit down in pairs along the branches. The time is coming to build houses and have birds (.....).

2. Copy by inserting the missing letters.

M...skva, R....dina, potato, st...litsa, apple...ko, sv....boda, t....lefon, yag...yes , for....c, cla...., city....d, in....r....beat, s...soldat, k...r...ndash, sev ....r, teaches....l, f....milia, tr...mvay, ....zyk, h...tverg, t...por, s....lyut , p....midor, ...gurets, b....reza, d....daughter, b....wealth, room....that, in....rona.

Card number 14

1. Practice spelling words correctly.

B...yes, b...bigger, in...airy, gla....heat, gr....holy, d....light, longer...longer, d... waity, green, s... n...heavenly, p...pnaya, pr....my, p...last, r....gaty, skr....puffy, st....lovaya, tr... .boring, so....muddy, so....yellow, cold....cold, colorful....thin, black....vomit.

2. Select test words for the data .

Bank, banks, furrow, beard, evening, hairs, they said, fasting, head, voices, comb, dear, wood, green, golden, spikelet. root, babble, young growth, thresher, strip, saved. guarded, watchman, side, chatter, tremble, refrigerator, cold, laugh.

Card number 15

1. Fill in the missing letters:

1. A – O 2. A – O 3. A – O

v.da vr.chi m.rya

tr.va v.lna st.foreheads

tr.pa page on gr.chi

gr.za d.wait gl.za

dv.ry z.nty sl.ny

4. A – O 5. A – O 6. A – O

st.ly k.ty r.ga

p.lya n.sy sn.py

s.dy hv.sty h.lmy

h.sy sk.la zn.chok

p.stuh s.dovnik tr.vinka

7. A – O 8. E – I – Z 9. E – I – Z

v.rainier d.nki l.doc

k.tenok m.chi r.dy

s.dovnik gr.by str.zhi

k.rmushka l.schi colors.you

tr.vinka sl.dy b.da

h.zhi g.zdo zm.ya

bread, star, star

br.vno l.sa (animal) pl.ta

z.ma l.sa (many trees) str.la

l.tso r.ka sp.na

13. E – I – Z 14. E – I – Z

pl.cho b.gun

p.la l.stock

st.on l.snik

so pt.net

color current sn.zhinka

Card number 16

1. Fill in the missing letters:

1. A – O 2. A – O 3. A – O

st.horn v.airy d.rainy

n.feel d.leky r.gaty

m.kushka k.luchy steel

big m.rskoy h.lodny

gla.heat st.lovaya br.saet

4. A - O 5. A - O 6. A - O

b.fly v.ril v.zit

gets up g.steel d.rit

k.melt m.lchit k.rmil

g.wind n.strong hv.pour

p.set sp.sayet see third

7. E – I – Z 8. E – I – Z 9. E – I – Z

s.dyat bloody l.drains

sb.gayut l.neyka star

tr.schat square sal ts.kidney

r.bit gr.bnoy m.snoy

looks like a green l.sleep

10. E – I – Z 11. E – I – Z 12. E – I – Z

n.heavenly p.rnata t.nasty

pr.my tr.boring colorful

dark plump yellow black ragged

bl.stit b.lives v.zat

v.day v.sat v.t.tel

13. E – I – Z 14. E – I – Z

do the main thing

take a look at the phone

kr.chat l.zhal

l.drank m.gayut

n.day color.tet

Card number 17

1. Fill in the missing letters:

1. turn 2. z.x 3. full

b.r.zhok b.r.zda b.r.da

m.l.dayak m.l.tilka p.l.sa

forget about it, forget about it, forget about it

Pod.rok izd.leka pozh.leli

4. vyp.mil 5. select 6. output

v.ch.reet v.l.senki g.v.rili

st.b.lek st.r.zha st.r.na

b.gun c.milking time

sign of the sign of the moose

7. output 8. output 9. output no

g.l.dan g.l.va g.l..sa

x.l.yes x..x..they kick out

the main thing is to put in the feller

pok.tit u.lot m.l.dayak

10.out.ril 11.out.out 12 out.sti

gr.b.shock d.r.goy z.l.no

zas.dit st.tyat kill.sting

v.ditel evening.rom v.lennie

ignore the attack of the control system

13.ts.bud 14.der.vtse 15.fly

z.l.toy k.l.juice reserves

uv.zit b.lnitsa treats

set the corrective force

illumination of the camshaft

16. amazing





Card number 18

1. Fill in the missing letters:

1. O – A 2. A – O 3. A – O

past.gat x.rovoy corrected

spr.sil hr.brec nak.lol

pouring fascination subsided

hard sheet glass, cotton, smoldering

praised security guards

4. O – A 5. O – A 6. O – A

fills with keys zh.liny

p.huchie showed up

the square of the lobes was closed

sign.chok under.rit g.lodny

seized slip.diff.strength

7. O – A 8. E – I – Z 9. E – I – Z

other chubby ch.thread p.tak

happy l.thirsty body region

die holy decay reverberate

cover sew light spot stained

tr.withered river pure starrynets

10. E – I – Z 11. E – I – Z 12. E – I – Z

please take a look at the reader

lit up blooms melts trembling

come to life, collect words of research

closed sawed with.no st.kolschik

appeared to come closer to the p.satel

13. E – I – Z 14. E – I – Z

splitting roller

maturing p.schat

n.zina vyd.rzhka

met one night

get your bearings so fucking boring

Exercise 1.

Write down the words with missing letters. Indicate the conditions for choosing a spelling - a vowel at the root.

1. The ladder turned out to be new, firmly built and not hidden. He grabbed the top step, carefully pulled himself up and peered into the doorway. 2. The morning dawned over the village, the dew was shining, the potatoes were blooming, and the forest on the slope was quiet, slightly illuminated by the glow from behind the ridge. 3. The cloud of light from the laser beam lay on the very top horizon of the clouds and caused the formation to take place. 4. There were paintings in expensive frames on the thick, satin-lined walls. 5. The day turned out to be sunny, warm, and autumn was gathering strength around the leaves. The landscape in this place varied depending on the lighting. 7. But the canvas in front of him shocked his imagination with its size and some kind of harsh radiation of anxiety. 8. He came out in complete confusion.

(S. Alekseev)

Exercise 2.

Distribute the words into two columns depending on the choice of vowel in the root. Indicate the conditions for choosing a spelling.

gather, shine, collect, pick up, freeze, freeze, spread, spread, scorch, shining, incendiary, erase, shine, wipe, wipe, select, lay, froze, froze, die, die, spread I'm getting lost, I'm getting lost, I'm tearing out, I will take, wipe, collect, subtract, subtract, spread, spread, lock, lock, tidy up, voters, count, count, brilliant, shine, gather, settle.

Tangent, touch, touch, suggest, offer, sentence, exposition, expound, adjective, appendix, look, z_renka, z_rnitsa, in vain, zarka, warm up, warm up, zag_r, sun_heated, warm up, heat up, you to heat, to heat, terms, grown, grown_become, grown_up, age_st, harmonization, growth, r_rit, r_vnina, r_vnyays, dunk in sour cream, g_reli, r_vnyaysya, r_stock, branch, level, comparison, R_stislav, level the beds, compare with someone, settle down, draw up a level, r _asthenia, city ​​of R_stov, waterproof raincoat, seaweed, in vain it's heating up, touching, building up, collapsing, dreaming, oz_rena, caught up, warmers, lay down, lie down, lay down, unpretentious, spread out, illuminate, warmer, smear, illumined, grow up, you r_shy, r_left, r_outside , shoes get wet, balance, springs, dip a brush in paint, wash in the rain, seal seams, contact.

Exercise 3.

Write down, arrange the missing letters, graphically indicate the conditions for choosing the spelling at the root.

set aside, put, apply, assume, express, settle, possession, terms, put, assume; grew up, matured, grown up, grown up, grown up, grown up, grown up, grown up, grown up, grown up, grown up, branch, up grown up, water weeds; lock, freeze, collect, spread out, wipe, sleep, find fault, burn out, brilliant, occupy, understand, begin, squeeze out, climb, wade through, post, pour, select, light, combine, combine, why, subtract , subtract; touching, touching, touching, touching, touching, touching, touching, inaccessible; heat up, heat up, heat up, heat up, heat up, heat up, heat up, heat up, carbon monoxide, heat up, heat up, overheat, heat up; soak in sour cream, waterproof raincoat, wash in the rain, soak your brush, shoes get wet; compare numbers, equal, all equal, level, level, level beds, level, age, time, trim hair, level conditions, compare; sk_skat, sk_chok, sk_chok, sk_chu, upstart; float, float, float, float, float, float beetle; bow_thread, bow_thread, bend_thread, swear, tv_rets, affirm_r, bow; in vain, in vain, in vain, in vain, in vain, in vain.

Exercise 4.

Write down words with missing letters in the following order: with an unstressed vowel in the root, verified by stress; unverifiable; alternating. Insert the missing letters.

a) 1. Fools are not brilliant in reason, not in honesty, but in gold alone. (K. Batyushkov) 2. You are the last flowers of the luxurious firstborns. (A. Pushkin) 3. In the morning the ray of the morning star will shine, and a bright day will sparkle. (A. Pushkin) 4. The prolonged howl of hungry wolves dissipates in the fog of another tormented forest. (Ya. Polonsky) 5. Pines in green velvet, and fragrant sm_la on the ruffled columns with amber sweat. (K. Fofanov) 6. Beneath the gold you can see a birch forest. (S. Nadson) 7. The birches stood all white, without shine, white as soon as the snow had fallen, which had not yet been touched by the coldly playing ray winter sun. (I. Turgenev) 8. The sky, full of thunder, everything in the windows was shaking. (F. Tyutchev) 9. Quietly the night lies on the tops of the mountains. (I. Nikolaev)10. Only a thin web of hair shines on the idle furrow. (F. Tyutchev) 11. The reeds, bending over the river, whisper something. (I. Surikov) 12. A weak wind barely audibly stirs the leaves overhead. 13. There was a stupefying smell from the flowers in the front garden. 14. Here the land so suddenly broke off and the eternal water spread out! (V. Lentsov) 15. I assumed that an ice floe would bury itself somewhere in the sand of my shore. (V. Lentsov) 16. And then a large white-sided dog jumped out of the thicket of hazel trees. (V. Lentsov) 17. Outside the wide window, the snowy valley sparkled under the rays. (V. Lentsov) 18. In the garden’s collection there are fifty-four species of plants included in the Red Book. (N. Zamyatin) 19. The roar grew, filling the whole world, tearing the ears. (Strugatsky) 20. It’s not so often that you meet people who successfully combine the ability to work with both their head and their hands. 21. Sk_pt_cism never hurts, but excessive opt_mism scares me. (M. Marinina) 22. The steamer, shining with garlands, sailed on. (E. Yakovleva) 23. My heart sank sadly from the approaching sounds of battle. (B. Akunin) 24. A rapidly growing howl from a rena was heard. 25. And for a long time afterwards the grass did not grow on the scorched hills. (V. Shklovsky)26. Events developed in the most unpredictable way. 27. Leaning against the wall, he looked at the blue-blue water of the pool, covered with the smallest web of rain. (E. Krestovsky) 28. All attempts to understand the situation led nowhere. 29. It was nice to see that he has considerable weight in the company, that they speak to him respectfully.

b) 1. As always, the view of the evening city is nav_val p_chal. 2. I only remember long horseback rides along one of the highways near Moscow. 3. The lamps behind the wooden fence glowed with a mysterious and unearthly light, and in the empty clear sky There are several small stars in the village. 4. The forest ran into a high fence made of unpainted gray boards, along the top of which rusty thorny wire snaked. 5. The rest of the guys from our crew arrived at the school gradually. 6. The slope passed into a valley of rocks, between which the sea floated.

(V. Pelevin)

c) 1. His blue eyes lit up with a cheerful, mocking fire. 2. One could feel the pleasure with which he approached the presentation of his thoughts. 3. And above the village the July sky was glowing with blue fire. 4. The stars flickered far and wide. 5. Somehow the desired balance did not come in his soul. 6. The leader (wolf) broke up with the horse and chose the moment to jump on it. 7. The heart freezes from inexplicable, secret joy. 8. Prince in a good, peaceful mood walked around the village. 9. Baikal, which had sat down, made an angry noise, the rocky shore began to slap, as if it now wanted to wash out all the anger that it had accumulated during the troubled night.

Exercise 5.

Write down words with missing letters, grouping them by type of spelling - vowels at the root. Insert the letters and explain their choice graphically.

A. 1. The Pl_vuchy bridge across the wayward river has already been restored. 2. My grandfathers’ grandfathers collected stones here. 3. We have always been taught to suppress our feelings. 4. People froze, shocked by the sudden frightening beauty, so unexpected among the frozen desert. 5. The wind blew through the grass. 6. From the direction of the station, the distant light blazed. 7. The sweltering heat in the village above the hot sphalt. 8. The hot air above the river trembled and shuffled, causing the further greyish ridges to warp and shrink, as if reflected in rippled water. 9. Everything around was conducive to a pleasant rest. 10. A microscope illuminator, a computing machine and a table lamp were connected to the socket through a tee. 11. Your explanation made a great impression on me. 12. He bent over desk and began to sort through the papers. 13. The small rounded shoulder straps looked very elegant and even flirtatious on him. 14. Optical diamonds are absolutely indispensable for some particularly delicate industries. new technology. 15. An elderly man in a black suit entered the office and stopped expectantly at the threshold. 16. He looked with curiosity at the tables and graphs drawn in ink.

(E. Parnov)

B. 1. The car, with brakes on the descent, stopped near the gate. 2. A girl made her way between the sk_makes. 3. His black silhouette stood out against the background of distant glowing greenery. 4. Finally, something fell between the trunks of the pine trees. 5. Above, almost touching the snowy slope, a strange fiery cloud floated. 6. Behind, a yacht froze on calm water. 7. The island was completely bare. 8. Her scarf fluttered in the wind, her head, slightly bent forward, tensed. 9. Together with its reflection, the castle seems to be floating in the air, surrounded by a thick green shadow. 10. The sand lay in elongated, even formations along the sides of the smooth avenue... 11. He saw how the first rays of the sun touched the ice field. 12. Footsteps echoed under the arches. 13. A woman with flowing hair stood in the boat, operating an oar.

(A. Kazantsev)

Exercise 6.

Write it down, grouping the words so that in each group there are words with spelling patterns, the spelling of which is regulated by one rule. Insert the missing letters.

Wade through, pile up, jump up, get wet, get busy, display, spread out, shining, incendiary, sprout, compare (numbers), enjoy, reject, accede, move away from the shore, touch your hands, indomitable desire, fireproof closet, replace army from delight; worship; get to grips with the house; enchant, burn out a design, wrap a brush, slip through a crack; sk_chu on a horse; stable phrase; warm up on the fire; denuded forest; inexhaustible resource; pl_vuchy rest house; immediate decision; journal supplement; access to beauty; addition of fractions; educational work; combine positions; industry sector; sm_rk; clear the road, lose balance; subtraction, addition; g_rit in vain; get addicted; swelter from the heat; play games; z_rnitsa; brave swimmer; extension; zap_h_smoulder in the photograph; tangent line; achievements of science; charming person; ab_tourient, adaptation, investment, association, career, climb the mountain, perform miracles; u_pic, an_logy, _absurd, tr_ktovat; acute hug; inspiration.

Test on the topic “Spelling alternating vowels in the root of a word”

1. In which row is the letter A missing from all words?

1) branch..sl..reduce, r..luxurious

2) preliminary, skip, election campaign

3) bless, urgent, di..gonal

4) presumably, prophecy..become, p..noram

2. In which row is the letter I missing from all words?

1) d..monstration, freeze..zhizn

2) subtract, d..sant, cheer

3) d..alogue, lock..bar, howl..li

4) bl..sleep, d..sert, heating

3. In which row is the letter O missing from all words?

1) international..nation, m..ssager, proposal

2) b..garage, k..mill, bend over

3) hunger, contact, oh..characterize

4) absorb..tit, v..leyball, app..application

4. In which row is the letter E missing from all words?

1) unacceptable, chamber..ra, no..r

2) take on shoes, mark off, businessman

3) us..to roar, to measure..to blink,

4) freezing, freezing, twilight

5. Which series consists of words in which only alternating unstressed vowels of the root are missing?

1) k..lonna, water..sli, b..kaleya

2) irritable press, reward, av..ngard

3) word.

4) condition..reduce, in..robin, adj..roll

6. From sentences 15-19, write down words with the same root with an alternating unstressed vowel in the root.

7. From sentences 1-4, write down words with ALTERNATING unstressed vowel at the root

8 . From sentences 21-24, write down words with the same root with an alternating unstressed vowel in the root.

9. From sentences 4-9, write down words with an alternating unstressed vowel at the root.

10. From sentences 6-7 there is a word with an alternating unstressed vowel at the root.

11. a) e – i

gather, shine, collect, pick up, freeze, freeze, spread, spread, scorch, shining, incendiary, erase, shine, wipe, wipe, select, lay, froze, froze, die, die, spread I'm getting lost, I'm getting lost, I'm tearing out, I will take, wipe, collect, subtract, subtract, spread, spread, lock, lock, tidy up, voters, count, count, brilliant, shine, gather, settle.

12. b) o – a

Tangent, touch, touch, suggest, offer, sentence, exposition, expound, adjective, appendix, look, z_renka, z_rnitsa, in vain, zarka, warm up, warm up, zag_r, sun_heated, warm up, heat up, you to heat, to heat, terms, grown, grown_become, grown_up, age_st, harmonization, growth, r_rit, r_vnina, r_vnyays, dunk in sour cream, g_reli, r_vnyaysya, r_stock, branch, level, comparison, R_stislav, level the beds, compare with someone, settle down, draw up a level, r _asthenia, city ​​of R_stov, waterproof raincoat, seaweed, in vain it's heating up, touching, building up, collapsing, dreaming, oz_rena, caught up, warmers, lay down, lie down, lay down, unpretentious, spread out, illuminate, warmer, smear, illumined, grow up, you r_shy, r_left, r_outside , shoes get wet, balance, springs, dip a brush in paint, wash in the rain, seal seams, contact.

13. From the sentences, write down words with the same root with an alternating unstressed vowel in the root.

(15) Isn’t it a miracle that butterflies, as in a real fairy tale, experience complete transformation throughout their lives! (16) They, of course, are not the only ones who can transform, but in this modification the difference between the worm-like voracious caterpillar and the bright butterfly fluttering in the sky is especially striking. (17) From an egg laid by a butterfly, tiny caterpillars appear, which eat and grow throughout their lives, growing and eating mainly plant leaves. (18) Then the grown caterpillars turn into motionless but living pupae. (19) Some caterpillars, before “pupating,” spin oval strong cocoons from a strong thread.

14. From the sentences, write down words with ALTERNATING unstressed vowel at the root

(1) Pollution is an undesirable change in physical, chemical or biological characteristics our air, land and water, which may now or in the future have adverse influence on the life of man himself, plants and animals. (2) Pollutants are the residues of everything we produce, use and throw away. (3) Pollution increases not only because as the population grows, the space available to each person decreases, but also because per capita needs are constantly increasing, so that from year to year each of us throws out more and more non-degradable waste. (4) On Earth there is more and more more people, it's no longer there more space for garbage dump.

15. From the sentences, write down words with the same root with an alternating unstressed vowel in the root.

(21) The carelessness of man - here main reason troubles. (22) And our world is as complex and vulnerable as a web: as soon as you touch one web, all the others will certainly tremble. (23) After all, we don’t just touch the web - we leave gaping holes in it. (24) There is no one to stand up for plants and animals except us, the people who inhabit our beautiful planet with us...

16. From the sentences, write down words with an alternating unstressed vowel at the root.

(4) The Egyptians quickly realized how useful these creatures were when Libyan wild cats began to come to hunt grain granaries. (5) Thus, a friendship arose between humans and cats, and soon the cat turned from an ally in the fight against rodents into a pet. (6) A little more time passed, and she became a deity: the Egyptians worshiped the good goddess Bast with a cat's head and her cruel sister with a lion's head - the goddess of war Sekhmet. (7) If a cat died, all family members shaved their eyebrows as a sign of mourning, which was an indicator of respect for this animal. (8) Intentional killing of a cat entailed death, but even accidental killing was punished quite severely. (9) From Egypt, the domestic cat spread to other countries, but this took many years.

17. From the sentences, a word with an alternating unstressed vowel at the root.

(6) She was thin, snub-nosed, with short and disheveled hair, like a boy’s. (7) She swayed on her tanned legs, as if on stalks, thoughtfully looked past people and moved her bow.

Exercises in finding an unstressed vowel in the root of a word and selecting test words. Author - Zhakulina Irina Valentinovna,

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"Explanatory note"

Explanatory note

Item - Russian language. Section "Spelling of unstressed vowels in the root."

Name of material - simulator “Exercises in finding an unstressed vowel in the root of a word and selecting test words.”

Classes – 2-4 grades.

Purpose – for front and individual work at the stage of consolidation and repetition.

Equipment - multimedia projector, screen, computer, monitor.

Form of use – projection onto screen frontal work with the class, on computers in a computer lab (or at home) for individual work.


    consolidation of knowledge about the semantic and phonetic role of stress;

    practicing the skill of finding an unstressed vowel at the root of a word that requires verification; selection of test words;

    development of spelling vigilance, self-control, interest and positive attitude to learning the Russian language.

How to use the simulator

To select an exercise on the menu slide, you need to left-click on its number; clicking the button ends the slide show. Clicking the button on each slide returns you to the slide menu.

When completing tasks, you need to left-click:

ex. No. 1 – according to the selected word;

ex. No. 2 – on a stressed vowel;

ex. No. 3 – on an unstressed vowel;

ex. No. 4 – on the “cloud” with an error in highlighting an unstressed vowel;

ex. No. 5 – according to a word with an unstressed vowel;

ex. No. 6 – in words according to an unstressed vowel, in a column of words according to the selected word;

ex. No. 7 – based on a word with the same root with a stressed vowel in the root;

ex. No. 8 – by cell of the selected column;

ex. No. 9 – by vowel, which is a misspelling of this word.

In all exercises, the incorrect answer is highlighted in a different color (in exercise No. 8, if the answer is incorrect, click the button in the lower right corner to return to the previous slide).

In this simulator you can change the words in the exercises for further work.

View presentation content
"Unstressed vowels"

Training apparatus

In Russian


in finding an unstressed

vowel at the root of the word

and selection of test words

Explanatory note

The simulator contains 9 exercises for frontal and individual work. When performing, you should not go through the answer options, but think about each answer.

To select an exercise on the menu slide, you need to left-click on its number; clicking the button ends the slide show. Pressing the button on each slide returns to the slide menu.

When completing tasks, you need to left-click:

in ex. No. 1 – according to the selected word;

in ex. No. 2 – on a stressed vowel;

in ex. No. 3 – on an unstressed vowel;

in ex. No. 4 – on the “cloud” with an error in highlighting an unstressed vowel;

in ex. No. 5 – according to a word with an unstressed vowel;

in ex. No. 6 – in a word according to an unstressed vowel, in a column of words according to the selected word;

in ex. No. 7 – based on a word with the same root with a stressed vowel in the root;

in ex. No. 8 – by cell of the selected column;

in ex. No. 9 - by vowel, which is an error in the spelling of this word.

In all exercises, the incorrect answer is highlighted in a different color (in exercise No. 8, if the answer is incorrect, click the button in the lower right corner to return to the previous slide).

Good luck!


- inserting a word suitable in meaning;

- finding a stressed syllable;

- finding an unstressed syllable;

- emphasizing an unstressed syllable;

- finding a word with an unstressed vowel in the root;

- finding a test word;

- selection of a test word;

- insertion of a missing unstressed vowel;

- finding errors in the spelling of an unstressed vowel at the root of a word.

1. Insert words that suit their meaning into the sentences - click on this word.

Violet blossomed in the flowerbed.


And rice

iri With

Well done!

- children's favorite candies.


And rice

iri With

Well done!

2. Put accent marks in words.

Click on the stressed vowel with the mouse button.

3. Underline the unstressed vowels in the words.

Click on the unstressed vowel with the mouse button.

Think about it!

Think about it!

4. Find errors in highlighting the unstressed vowel.

Click on the “cloud”.

P I no

five ́тн O

l e sno ́y

cr And cha there

ste ́mon O th

st e pno ́y

cr O You ́

G O ra ́

With A before ́vn And To

sa ́d O vn And To

With And Not there

si n e t

5. Find words with an unstressed vowel at the root.

Click on this word.

fairy tale

lazy person

oil can


let's divide





l e ntya ́y

m A Slenka

cm O tre there


h And layer ́

6. In the selected words, highlight the unstressed vowels (click on the letter with the mouse button).

In the columns, underline only those words that are test words (click the mouse button).

A ́

A ́










7. Choose a word with the same root with a stressed vowel in the root. Click on the selected word

Sample: mo ́re - m O ryak




xo ́dit


x...di there




r...right ́y


re chka



va ́rka



By ́v...r


whether stick

l...one hundred To




r...until check




Think about it!

Choose a test word

8.Insert the missing unstressed vowel

Select a cell and click the mouse button






sound... river





Think about it, my friend!

9. Find errors in the spelling of an unstressed vowel.

Correct them - click on the wrong one

written with an unstressed vowel.

  • Internet pictures – authors unknown