When Crimea was annexed to Russia. Reasons for including the Crimea peninsula into the constituent entities of the Russian Federation: past and present

1. Aviation Plant No. 168 was founded in 1939 to produce military and civil aircraft. Later it was repurposed and became a serial manufacturer of helicopters.

2. The first-born of serial helicopter production was the Mi-1 helicopter, created by the design team under the leadership of M.L. Mile. It was then that the creative collaboration between the enterprise and the Moscow Helicopter Plant (MVZ) began. Mile. In 1956, the plant mastered the production of the first heavy transport and landing helicopter, the Mi-6. It carried out work on the construction of bridges, installation of plant equipment, transportation and installation of drilling rigs, etc. The Mi-6 was mass-produced for more than 20 years.

Today Rostvertol produces helicopters for both Russian and foreign government and commercial organizations. Helicopters produced by the company are operated in more than 30 countries of the CIS, Europe, Asia, Africa and South America.

3. Department No. 7 of JSC Moscow Helicopter Plant named after. M.L. Mil" is one of the participants in the development work process, located on the territory of PJSC Rostvertol. Its employees are engaged in the development of design documentation, maintenance and modernization of aviation equipment. In the process of work, the department’s specialists use electronic design methods and test all the design dimensions of new helicopters, their characteristics and parameters.

4. Manufacturing process at PJSC Rostvertol is an interconnected complex of various main and auxiliary production facilities, as well as production preparation services.

Forging and pressing production is one of the divisions from which helicopter production begins. Here, work is carried out on volumetric stamping of non-ferrous and ferrous metals.

5. Five ton stamping hammer. The metal temperature during processing ranges from 1000 to 1100⁰С.

6. The tool shop is one of the three main workshops for preparing the production of helicopters.

7. Electroplating.

All aluminum parts of helicopters must be protected from corrosion before assembling the machine. This is done in an automated anodizing area. IN chemical solutions Under the influence electric current A strong oxide film is created on the surface of the metal, protecting the base metal.

8. Production of helicopter rotor blades and tail rotors.

9. Metal blades have been replaced by a new generation of blades - from composite materials. Glass threads are impregnated and collected from them into tapes for winding the spars of the blades of the Mi-35M and Mi-28NE helicopters. Such blades are more reliable because they are not subject to corrosion.

10. Machine for spiral winding of spar made of glass tape impregnated with epoxy.

11. Unit assembly shop.

12. The airframe components of future helicopters are assembled here.

For example, in a helicopter like the Mi-26 there are more than 20 thousand rivets.

13. Here, finished products are monitored, and helicopter systems are tested and adjusted.

14. The following parts can be distinguished in the helicopter design:
- Airframe (fuselage, wing, stabilizer, main and tail rotors);
- Helicopter systems (hydraulic, fuel, oil, pneumatic, load-bearing, etc.);
- Power point;
- Electronic equipment;
- Aviation equipment;
- Weapons and protective equipment.

15. Final assembly workshop.

In the final assembly shop, engines, transmissions, navigation systems, and weapons are installed on the helicopter. In general, they do everything that turns an empty fuselage into aircraft. The work is organized in a certain technological sequence.

16. This is a huge production building, conventionally divided into production areas, each of which is responsible for a certain stage of helicopter assembly.

17. The first to begin assembly are the specialists from the propeller-motor group.

18. They install engines, main gearbox, transmission units, swashplate, main rotor hub, and individual elements of the control system.


20. On-board electronics are configured in accordance with the instructions agreed with the manufacturer electronic systems and the developer of helicopters - Moscow Helicopter Plant named after. M.L.Mil.

21. IN technological process Assembling the helicopter involves specialists in laying harnesses - electrical equipment assemblers.

22. Next are the specialists who install the fuel tanks, assemble the hydraulic system and complete the assembly of the control system. While assembly and installation work on the helicopter is underway, a separate section assembles consoles and instrument panels, and then installs them on the helicopter.

23. After this, the helicopter goes to the testing stand under current. The assembly stage ends with control adjustment.

24. In the control and testing shop, ground testing under current is carried out for electrical radio navigation, instrumentation and special equipment of the helicopter.

25. Moving a helicopter around the workshop using a radio-controlled autonomous electric tractor.

26. After installation is completed and the operation of all systems is checked, the aircraft is transferred to the flight test station (FLS), where further testing of the helicopter systems takes place.

The final stage is control and test flights of the helicopter to check the functionality of all systems in the air.

27. Mi-26.

Rostvertol produces the world's highest load-lifting serial helicopters of the Mi-26 family, capable of transporting up to 20 tons of cargo inside the cargo cabin or on an external sling.

28. This is the only helicopter in the world with an 8-bladed propeller with a diameter of 32 meters. Has two engines of 11,400 hp. every. Mi-26 engines consume 3 tons of fuel per hour.

29. If the Mi-26 is placed next to a Boeing-737 aircraft, the helicopter will be longer.

30. Mi-26T cockpit. The crew of this heavy truck consists of 5 people.

31. And this is, for comparison, the cabin of the Mi-26T2 - a modernized version of the Mi-26T. The main difference is that three people can operate the car instead of five. If it is necessary to work with the external sling, a fourth flight mechanic joins the crew.

32. In the new modification, the Mi-26T2 is capable of night flights and is equipped with a so-called “glass” cockpit. Instead of analog instruments, multifunctional displays are installed in the cockpit - this can significantly reduce the load on the crew.

33. The height of the helicopter is comparable to a three-story house.

34. The helicopter does not require special airfield facilities Maintenance and is capable of long-term autonomous deployment. The maximum flight range of the helicopter is 1920 km.

35. Thanks to their unique carrying capacity, these heavy trucks are in great demand both in Russia and abroad.

36. Mi-28N "Night Hunter"

Rostvertol also produces the latest attack helicopter, the Mi-28N Night Hunter. It is designed to destroy armored vehicles, destroy low-flying low-speed air targets, and aerial reconnaissance. For this, the helicopter has everything necessary: ​​high flight speed, combat survivability, a wide range of modern means defense and defeat.

37. The helicopter is capable of flying day and night at extremely low altitudes (10-25 m), using the protective terrain. Has high flight performance, the ability to detect and destroy targets in shortest time, as well as high combat protection from bullets and shells.

38. The first Mi-28N was manufactured in August 1996, and in November the new helicopter made its first flight.

39. During its service in the Russian army, the Mi-28N was highly appreciated by military pilots. The appearance of this type of helicopter significantly expands the capabilities of domestic army aviation. A sign of recognition new car V Russian army One can name the fact that the famous aerobatic team of the Russian Air Force “Berkuts” has been performing, among other things, at the “Night Hunters” since 2012.

40. The armored crew cabin is made of 10 mm aluminum sheets, onto which 16 mm ceramic armor elements are glued. Windshields the cabins are made of transparent silicate blocks 42 mm thick, side ones - 22 mm. The pilot's cabin is separated from the operator's cabin by a 10-mm aluminum armor plate.

41. The Mi-28N is equipped with an impressive arsenal of weapons. Built-in mobile cannon installation, Igla guided missile complex and main strength"Night Hunter" - "Attack" missiles, against which no one can stand modern tank enemy.

42. The helicopter has a multifunctional airborne radar station (radar) installed in a spherical fairing above the main rotor hub. It allows the helicopter to search for targets using the terrain or trees for camouflage, exposing only its “top of the head” from cover. The Mi-28N radar is capable of “seeing” the enemy at a distance of 20 km even in the dark and providing solutions to flight and navigation tasks.

43. Everything is vital important systems and helicopter units are duplicated. The crew cabin is reliably armored, which provides protection against armor-piercing bullets and shells of up to 20 mm caliber.

44. Since 2016, Rostvertol has been mass-producing two modifications of the Night Hunter: the Mi-28UB (a combat training helicopter for the Russian military space forces) and the Mi-28NE with dual controls (an export version of the helicopter that meets the requirements of foreign customers).

45. MI-35M.

For many years, Rostvertol has produced the legendary Mi-24V, which is in service with dozens of countries around the world. On its basis, a new multi-purpose attack helicopter, the Mi-35M, was created, which has been assembled here since 2005.

46. Thanks to the modernization program, the Mi-35M helicopter has become a multi-purpose machine capable of performing combat missions around the clock. The helicopter is equipped with a fixed movable cannon mount NPPU-23 with a GSh-23L cannon of 23 mm caliber and is armed with anti-tank guided missiles of the Sturm and Ataka types. One of the design features of the Mi-35M was the use of a shortened wing and a lightweight fixed landing gear, which had a positive effect on the weight of the helicopter. The X-shaped tail rotor provides the helicopter with greater controllability while reducing noise levels. The aircraft received new engines, which made it possible to increase the altitude of the helicopter.

47. The helicopter is designed to destroy enemy armored vehicles and fire support for units ground forces on the battlefield, landing and evacuation of the wounded. In addition, the Mi-35M can be used to transport various cargoes in the cargo compartment and on an external sling.

48. The Mi-35M is distinguished by high flight characteristics. It can carry out combat missions around the clock, even in high temperatures and highlands. The design provides the helicopter with increased combat survivability and also reduces the complexity of maintenance.

49. The main operators of the Mi-35M are the Russian military. Army aviation pilots from various military districts are constantly improving their skills in controlling and using the new helicopter during exercises.

50. For round-the-clock combat use, the Mi-35M is equipped modern complex navigation and electronic displays with multifunctional color displays. The surveillance and targeting system includes thermal imaging and television channels, a laser range finder and a direction finder.

51. The Mi-35M is in service with Russia and a number of foreign countries.

52. Thank you very much LIS employees for the completed flights!

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Rostvertol is part of the Russian Helicopters holding, the most profitable asset of the Russian Technologies corporation. This company is the third largest in the world in terms of helicopter production volumes. Today, its order portfolio has reached 1,500 rotorcraft (that’s what the old designers call their helicopters).

Rostvertol has been operating since the late 40s. They say that at that time the plant produced aircraft from WOOD!!! It's good that over time they retrained. The military would be scared to fly on a log.

First, they showed me the assembly shop of that same Mi-26. It can load up to 20 tons of cargo. The Americans make an analogue, but it can withstand 1.5 times less.

Did you think this was a workshop? No, the cabin. It just looks more like a hangar. It can fit another helicopter, for example, a three-ton Ka-226. Or a Kamaz truck. You can attach an entire tank to the frame of a helicopter.

Once a Mi-26 was transporting a Tu-134 aircraft - not the lightest burden.

But here he is rescuing a damaged American Chinook helicopter from trouble. Don't be a fool, America.

In order for workers to approach such a colossus, real scaffolding is needed. The height of the helicopter is more than 8 meters, which is comparable to a three-story house.

From this photograph it is easy to appreciate the gigantic dimensions of the Mi-26. By the way, this year they want to launch a model with a reduced crew (two people instead of five), modern avionics and infrared vision. 15 helicopters have already been ordered from India. On this occasion, our Ministry of Defense also woke up and became interested in the new modification.

And here they are assembling the Mi-28 attack helicopter. Out of fear, NATO members nicknamed him “The Devastator.” The vehicle is designed to destroy tanks in conditions of a brutal bloodbath.

With this technique you can make a “loop” or a “barrel” (when the machine turns sharply 360°). I wouldn’t want to be in the place of that lost tanker who accidentally stumbles upon the Mi-28N in the dark; it’s not for nothing that its second name is “Night Hunter”.

The armor plates on the cockpit can withstand frontal hits from armor-piercing 12.7 mm bullets, high-explosive 20 mm shells and even guided missile fragments.

The plant carefully monitors quality, which, by the way, is recognized throughout the world. But in 2007, the Mi-26TS was certified by Chinese civil aviation - they thought about it for a long time. They were probably wondering how long it would take to copy.

Young people willingly go to the plant. At lunchtime, real American basketball is held here. Local Michael Jordan left me no chance - I did not win with a score of 15:8.

But in tennis I managed to win one set.

After a hodgepodge of three types of meat, I was shown the assembly of the Mi-24 Crocodile. In its original modification, it was the first Soviet and second special-purpose combat helicopter in the world (the American AH-1 Cobra outdid us).

And these are turntables for export, with the Rosoboronexport logo. In 2011, our vehicles were purchased from Peru - Mi-35P, Myanmar - Mi-24P, Azerbaijan - Mi-35M.

The plant not only assembles helicopters, but also provides maintenance. Now they are modernizing the aircraft of the Siberian airline SKOL. Well, I hope they will bring it back to normal, although, in my opinion, it would be easier to buy a new one.

Very fresh combat helicopters will soon go to the defense of the Motherland. In 2011, Rostvertol fulfilled 100% of the state defense order. Our troops have already been replenished with new Mi-28N, Mi-35M, Mi-26.

At the end of the excursion they even showed me how such a handsome man flies. Let me feel the full power Russian technology. The car is a beast. In the end, I was truly blown away!

By acquiring more and more fans, today they are becoming not only easier, but also safer. In our top we will consider smallest helicopters in the world.
1 Helicopter GEN H-4 (Japan)

Today it is the smallest helicopter in the world, which is certified even in the Guinness Book of Records. GEN H-4, created by the Japanese company of the same name, has blades 4 meters long and weighs only 70 kg. This helicopter does not have a tail, because... It is equipped with screws of a coaxial operating principle, and this has made it possible to significantly reduce its size. The carrying capacity of this “baby” is impressive - it is capable of flying with a weight of 210 kg (that is, exactly three times its own weight). The helicopter will be sold disassembled, like a construction kit, and, according to the manufacturers' plans, will be assembled by the owner in 30 hours. The offer is more than interesting, and as for the cost, it will presumably start at 200 thousand US dollars.

2 Helicopter

We put this helicopter in second place. The name already speaks for itself - “Mosquito”! Its development took almost 10 years, and “Mosquito” combined high reliability and easy to handle with small dimensions and very good maneuverability. Helicopter engine with 60 hp power. and 5-meter blades easily lift the car and pilot into the air with a total weight of up to 300 kg. Moreover, the machine itself weighs only 115 kg. The cost of this car and its modifications starts from 40 thousand dollars.

3 Helicopter

This helicopter first took off in 2004, and was originally intended for extreme fun. But today it is also used for patrol, border, postal, and training purposes, since, as it turned out, it has good flight characteristics and is very reliable in use. AirScooter II weight is only 136 kg, engine capacity is 65 hp, speed is 90 km/h, ceiling is 3 thousand meters. Today, this device has “scattered” (in every sense) to 23 countries at a price of 50 thousand dollars per unit.

4 Helicopter

This light two-seater helicopter first flew in 2004. It is also small and extremely convenient to use, and has high flight characteristics. Engine 130 hp accelerates the car to 160 km/h to an altitude of 3.6 km. The propeller diameter is 7 meters, the load capacity is 230 kg. Supplied unassembled, assembly requires approximately 250 hours. The cost of the helicopter is 95 thousand euros.

5 Helicopter

The Italians are also trying to keep up in small aircraft. They have already manufactured and sold more than 400 of their ultra-light CH-7 helicopters. It began to gain popularity almost immediately from the moment of its production in 1996. Screw diameter - 5.8 m, weight - 200 kg, maximum speed– 192 km/h. In some modifications, the cost of the device reaches 85-90 thousand euros.

6 Helicopter

The light helicopter of this brand can easily be called the “grandfather” of modern ultra-light helicopters. Created back in 1975, it exists in more than 3 thousand copies, operated in 60 countries around the world. The bulk of modern helicopters use in their designs solutions found in the R22. Today this helicopter costs 258 thousand dollars.

7 Helicopter DF Helicopters DF334 (Italy)

A two-seat ultralight helicopter, also developed quite a long time ago - in the 1980s, during which time it only confirmed its reliability (that’s for sure, “only old men go into battle”...). Weight - only 290 kg, propeller - 6.8 m, speed - 148 km/h, cost - from 120 thousand euros.

8 Helicopter Skyline SL-222 (Ukraine)

Light multi-purpose helicopter, which has been in production since 2011. Just like its “brothers”, it can be transported on a regular trailer, and is simple and reliable in operation. Weight is 377 kg, cost - 149 thousand dollars.

9 Helicopter

Since 2003, this particular car has become one of the most popular in its class. With a weight of only 445 kg and a speed of 185 km/h, “EXEC” rises to 3048 m. Cost - from 280 thousand dollars.

10 Helicopter Berkut-VL (Russia)

Today, the development of this helicopter is in the final testing stage, but has good development prospects. Engine 140 hp lifts 477 kg (the weight of the helicopter) to a height of 4 km and reaches a speed of 185 km/h. Soon we are waiting for a worthy representative of Russia at light market aviation!
Light aviation can make every person's dream of flying come true. And we see that today there are already helicopters that cost as much as a good car. Therefore, it is very likely that more affordable devices will appear soon, and perhaps even smaller ones!

During the Russian-Belarusian military exercises "Zapad-2017" at the Luzhsky training ground near St. Petersburg, a Ka-52 helicopter fired a missile at spectators, according to 66.ru, two people were injured. The portal’s source claims that “something shorted there, and the missiles went off on their own.” The incident, he added, occurred on September 17 or 18; on September 18, President Vladimir Putin and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu visited the training ground.

"They were flying towards the target, there were 500 meters left, according to instructions for battle path The weapons circuits turned on, they turned them on, but something shorted there, and the missiles went off on their own. The fragments spread widely, at least two cars were burned, two people were injured severe injuries, they are now in the hospital. It was training before some kind of show. Most likely, journalists were injured,” an informed source told 66.RU.

The exact date when the emergency occurred is unknown. “It happened yesterday or the day before yesterday,” our interlocutor said. Let us note, according to the press service of the Western Military District, on September 17, “as part of the joint strategic exercise “Zapad-2017” at the Luzhsky training ground, the crews of the Mi-28N and Ka-52 attack helicopters of the army aviation of the Western Military District practiced aerial reconnaissance tasks, missile strike on ground targets and air cover for a ground group of troops."

Press service of the Western Military District:

"During the aerial reconnaissance, the flight crew performed the most complex elements flight training - flights at extremely low altitudes while following the terrain. The pilots operated in pairs and flights, performing flights in bearing formation at established intervals and distances. The leading crew had to, upon detecting targets on the ground, distribute targets for each of the trailing crews for the most effective delivery of an air strike. The pilots launched unguided missiles and also used on-board cannon weapons, destroying more than 20 targets simulating columns of equipment, firing positions, fortifications and other objects of the mock enemy."

— CIT (@CITeam_ru) September 19, 2017

September 19, 13:06 The Ministry of Defense stated that during the Zapad-2017 exercises “there were no incidents related to the work of army aviation,” and the published video “recorded an incident that occurred in a different period of time, when the crews of army aviation helicopters as part of a tactical flight "The exercise was a training exercise to engage ground targets."
“On September 18, as part of the practical action episode of the joint strategic exercise Zapad-2017, there were no incidents related to the work of army aviation,” the press service of the Western Military District said on Tuesday.

“The guidance system of one of the helicopters erroneously captured the target. As a result of an unguided missile hit, one of the unmanned trucks was damaged,” the district reported.

The Western Military District recalled that the episode of the Zapad-2017 exercise on September 18 was observed by hundreds of Russian and foreign journalists, as well as military attaches from more than 50 states.


September 19, 13:41 Unconfirmed information has emerged that the airstrike allegedly took place during the Zapad-2017 exercise on September 16, in which three people were injured.

September 19, 14:49 An RBC source close to the Ministry of Defense confirmed that the incident with an involuntary salvo of missiles occurred on September 16 during the Zapad-2017 exercises. According to him, three people were injured, no civilians among them.

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Strange video as if from the cockpit

Rotorcraft were found in present time wide use. Combat helicopters that took part in military operations for the first time since Korean War, significantly influenced combat tactics. Thus, all armies began to use helicopters developed countries. This versatile vehicle is also capable of transporting cargo for various purposes, take part in search and rescue, reconnaissance operations, provide fire support for infantry.

The best helicopter in our understanding is a perfect aircraft capable of successfully performing its assigned tasks in different conditions at the limit of its capabilities. In the ranking of the best helicopters in the world there are only options military aviation, which have undergone rigorous testing in hot spots.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the ten best helicopters

10th place – Mi-26

  • Soviet heavy transport helicopter.
  • First flown in 1977.
  • 310 units produced.
  • Loading capacity – 80 paratroopers or 20 tons of cargo.

This helicopter is the largest in size in the world. Achievement unique opportunities required the use of original technical solutions. The vehicle was equipped with an eight-bladed main rotor, a multi-threaded power transmission, and three video cameras for monitoring the cargo placed on the external sling. The helicopter was used during the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at Chernobyl nuclear power plant. It was used for the installation of a shelter, specially reinforced with a thick layer of lead radio protection. After the operation, all Mi-26s were buried in the Chernobyl 30-kilometer zone.

9th place – Westland Lynx

  • English multi-purpose helicopter.
  • First flown in 1971.
  • 400 units produced.
  • Capable of carrying 10 paratroopers and suspended weapons in the form of 4 anti-ship missiles (naval version) or 70-mm Hydra rockets, 20-mm cannons and up to 8 anti-tank missiles (land version).

The appearance of the Lynx resembles a representative of civil aviation, but despite this, it is one of the most common deck-based helicopters. Westland Lynx was used in the Falklands War and was very successful. Lynxes were also used in the combat zone on the Balkan Peninsula, to blockade the coast of Yugoslavia and in 1991 in Iraq, where they were used to sink landing ship, 4 border patrol boats, a T-43 minesweeper and a missile boat.
But not only military merits make the car unique, Westland Lynx in 1986 set a speed record for all mass-produced helicopters, accelerating to 400 km/h.

8th place – Boeing CH-47 Chinook

  • Military transport heavy helicopter with a longitudinal design.
  • First flown into the sky in 1961.
  • 1179 units were produced.
  • Load capacity – 12 tons or up to 55 people.

An important property of the army of any country is its mobility. Looking at transportation personnel military, then helicopters play a significant role in this process. There was especially a need for such a movement during Vietnam Warmountainous terrain and large temperature changes prevented the transfer of soldiers in any other way. The Chinook helicopter, which was created according to an original longitudinal design using two main rotors, came to the rescue of the soldiers. During rescue operations in Vietnam, a record was set - 147 refugees were taken on board the helicopter. This device received the slang nickname “flying carriage”. It was not thrown onto the battlefield; the CH-47's specialty was transporting cargo from ships to land bases. Interesting fact, that during the Vietnam War, Chincoki evacuated damaged equipment totaling $3 billion.

Until now, the helicopter remains in service with many countries and is actively used.

7th place – Bell AH-1 Cobra

  • Attack helicopter.
  • First flown into the sky in 1965.
  • 1116 copies produced.
  • Equipped with the following weapons: remote-controlled installation with 2 Minigun machine guns, 70-mm NURS, air-to-air missiles, TOW anti-tank missiles.

“Cobras” are deservedly called tank hunters, which they have confirmed with successful missions to destroy enemy ground equipment in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and other hot spots.

For the first time in the world, this device was initially designed as an attack helicopter. The side projections of the control cabin were protected with composite armor. The Cobra helicopter was equipped with a powerful sighting system that performed well in harsh weather conditions. The compact size of the helicopter facilitates its deployment on aircraft carriers and universal landing ships.

6th place – Mi-24

  • Transport and military aircraft.
  • First flown in 1969.
  • More than 2000 units were produced.
  • It is equipped with built-in weapons in the form of a four-barreled 12.7 mm machine gun and suspended weapons: NURS, free-falling bombs, suspended cannon containers, and an anti-missile system.
  • The capacity of the troop compartment is up to 8 people.

The Americans, who managed to intercept the Mi-24, affirmatively insist that it is not a helicopter. Despite the visual similarity, if you look at the device from a technical point of view, it can be defined as a hybrid of a helicopter and an airplane. The arguments for this fact are that the Mi-24 is not capable of hovering in one place and taking off without acceleration. Large pylons act as airplane wings, creating additional takeoff force. American technicians conducted an experiment and found that up to 40% of the lifting force is created with the help of pylons placed to the sides. Also, the hybrid must be piloted using “aircraft” technology. During a decline in lift, you need to lower the nose slightly, like on an airplane.

The creation of the Mi-24 implemented the idea of ​​a “flying infantry fighting vehicle”, so it contains a powerful weapon system that is not typical for other standard helicopters. “Aircraft qualities” allowed the heavyweight Mi-24 to enter the line of the fastest military helicopters in the world (maximum speed - 320 km/h).

The helicopter took part in military conflicts in Caucasus mountains and in the Pamirs, became a symbol of the Afghan war.

5 -e place– Sikorsky CH-53E Super Stallion

  • Heavy transport helicopter.
  • 115 units produced.
  • Load capacity - 13 tons in the cargo compartment, up to 14.5 tons on an external sling, or up to 55 paratroopers.

This helicopter is a deep modernization of the famous CH-53 Sea Steele, built to meet the needs of the US Navy. To the original design, the developers added a third engine and a seven-blade main rotor. The CH-53E helicopter was nicknamed the “hurricane maker.”

It also had a dead loop. In addition to transport missions, the flying boat was used as minesweeper(modification MH-53), operated during search and rescue operations (modification HH-53). The helicopter is equipped with an in-flight refueling system and can remain in flight for a whole day. In addition to operations on water, it was actively used in ground missions. CH-53 and CH-53E provided fire support for dismounted troops in Afghanistan and Iran.

4th place – Bell UH-1

  • Multi-role combat helicopter.
  • First flown in 1956.
  • Over 16,000 units produced.
  • Capable of placing on board up to 14 paratroopers or 1.5 tons of cargo.

This rotorcraft became a symbol of the Vietnam War. Based on the words of the veterans, it was the Bell UH-1 that became their home. He transported soldiers from one combat position to another, supplied the military with provisions and food, provided fire support and transported the wounded. Although the combat losses of this helicopter are rather large (about 3000 units), the combat use can be called successful. During the 11 years of the war, according to statistics, 36 million sorties were flown. Thus, the losses amounted to 1 helicopter per 18,000 sorties - an impressive result, especially considering the fact that this device has no armor at all.
Before the release of the Cobras, it was he who was entrusted with the task of carrying out strike operations. To do this, the vehicle was equipped with a pair of 12.7 mm machine guns and 48 unguided missiles on the suspension.
The Bell UH-1 joined the ranks of the armies of 70 countries. He is often shown in various Hollywood action films.

3rd place - Mi-8

  • Multi-purpose helicopter.
  • First flown in 1961.
  • Over 17,000 units were produced.
  • Load capacity: 24 people or 3 tons of cargo.
  • In combat modifications, it was equipped with 2-3 machine guns and up to 1.5 tons of weapons on an external sling, which included free-falling bombs, unguided 57 mm caliber rockets and an anti-tank complex.

Although the helicopter was created more than half a century ago, it is still in demand, attracting buyers from all regions of the world. In total, there are three dozen military and civilian modifications. It is used as a reconnaissance helicopter, minelayer, tanker, air command post and an ambulance helicopter. Civilian versions are registered with airlines and are used in agricultural work and emergency response services.
The Mi-8 helicopter has to a large extent versatility and can withstand the conditions of both frosty Siberia and sultry Sahara. It was used in all hot spots: Afghanistan, Chechnya, the Middle East. There is nothing to replace the legendary helicopter yet.

2nd place - Boeing AH-64 Apache

  • Attack helicopter.
  • First flown in 1975.
  • 1174 units produced.
  • Built-in weapons include a 30 mm automatic cannon. The suspended armament consists of 16 Hellfire anti-tank missiles, 76 NURS or missile systems Stinger for air combat.

"Apache" served as a prototype for the creation of a number of modern attack helicopters. He successfully proved himself in the famous Operation Desert Storm, successfully fighting tanks. It is in service and actively used by the Israeli Air Force.
Replace "Apache" in israeli army, most likely, will have to be the Russian Mi-28N, which has the best performance characteristics and won a tender for supply to Israel in 2011.
In 2002, a South Korean Boeing AH-64 Apache was shot down by a North Korean Mi-35. South Korea is suing the manufacturer over this issue for upgrading the entire fleet of these helicopters to the Longbow version.

1st place- Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk

  • Multi-purpose helicopter.
  • First flown in 1974.
  • 3000 units produced.
  • Load capacity – 1.5 tons of cargo on board and up to 4 tons on an external sling. The landing version can accommodate up to 14 soldiers.
  • Armed with two machine guns and four weapon mounting points. The weapons complex includes NURSs, containers with 30-mm cannons, and anti-tank Hellfires. Naval versions are equipped with AGM-119 Penguin anti-ship missiles and 324 mm torpedoes.

The Black Hawk can easily be called a helicopter of the 21st century. It was intended to replace the Iroquois, while a naval version was being developed in parallel. The result is a unique helicopter that is suitable for any type of troops and has best characteristics in the world.
In addition to the land version of the UH-60, there are 2 anti-submarine modifications SH-60F and SH-60B (with a sonar station and magnetometer), a modification of the HH-60, released for special combat rescue operations, many sanitary versions, jammers, etc. Sometimes it is ordered for the transfer of high-ranking officials and generals. The Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter is actively exported to all regions of the world.

The Black Hawk is made of durable materials and equipped with the latest equipment, which allows for long-term storage outside the hangar.