Sounds of the English language and how they are read. English transcription: pronunciation of letters and sounds in English

English sounds, like Russian ones, can be divided into vowels and consonants. A special feature of vowel sounds is the presence of sounds that consist of more than one letter. They are called diphthongs. Moreover, the first part of the sound is pronounced clearly, and the second part in the form of a short additional sound. Vowel sounds are pronounced clearly, with a certain length. Pay special attention to the length of the sound when memorizing a new word, since many words differ only in the length of the vowel sound. And depending on whether you draw out this sound, the meaning of the entire word may change dramatically.

Vowel sounds:

SoundRussian pronunciationExample word in
English language
ə Sound in an unstressed syllable. Does not have a clear color. Sounds like a short "uh" soundas [ ə z] , river ,
about [ ə baʊt].
a:Long and extended sound "a"party ["p a: ti] , large ,
art [ a: t] .
ʌ short “a” sound, as when pronouncing the “o” sound in the word shecome one,
under [" ʌ ndə(r)].
æ There is no analogue in the Russian language, the average between the sounds “a” and “e”.back , add [ æ d] ,
ɒ Short "o", a bit like "a"on [ ɒ n] , what , want .
iSounds like a short "i" soundin [ i n] , its [ i ts] , give .
i:A drawn-out sound “i” that does not turn into “y”even [" i: vn], feel,
eSimilar to the sound "uh"get , never ["n e və(r)] ,
every [" e vri].
ɔ: Long "o" soundorder [" ɔ: də(r)], call,
ε: The sound is similar to the Russian sound "ё", but not so softgirl, early [" ε: li],
turn .
ʊ Sounds like a short "u" soundwould, look,
put .
u:Sounds like a long "u" soundblue, too,
eiDiphthong, pronounced "e" and short "i" (not turning into "y")say, way,
aiDiphthong, pronounced "a" and short "i" (not turning into th)time, my,
like .
ɔiDiphthong, pronounced "o" and short "i" (not turning into "y")point, voice,
Diphthong, pronounced "a" and short "u"out [ t] , now ,
əʊ Diphthong, pronounced "ə" and short "u"go, know,
ʊə Diphthong, pronounced "u" and short "e"power["pa ʊə (r)], sure [ʃ ʊə (r)] ,
during ["dj ʊə riŋ].
Diphthong, pronounced "i" and short "e"here, idea,
Diphthong, pronounced "uh" and short "uh"where , air [ (r)] ,

In the examples, the sign " " " indicates a stressed syllable.

Consonants in English also have a number of features. Firstly, in English, consonant sounds are pronounced clearly, without deafening them, even if they come at the end, as is customary in Russian. This can completely change the meaning of a word. For example:

ba t- bat

ba d- bad

Secondly, when studying consonant sounds, you need to know such a thing as alveoli - tubercles above the upper teeth. Sounds like t, d, l, n are pronounced like similar Russian sounds, but with the tongue touching the alveoli. The sound is firmer and clearer.


SoundRussian pronunciationExample word in
English language
bPronounced like the Russian sound "b"build [ b ild].
sPronounced like the Russian sound "s"send[ s end] .
dIt is pronounced like the Russian sound "d", but the tip of the tongue is placed towards the alveoli. At the same time, the sound becomes louder.door [ dɔ:(r)] ,
d eath.
fPronounced like the Russian sound "f".fit [ f it] .
ʃ Pronounced like the Russian sound "sh".show [ ʃ əʊ] .
It is pronounced like the Russian sound "ch", but the tip of the tongue is placed towards the alveoli. In this case, the sound is produced by itself "tch". child [ aid] .
ʒ Pronounced like the Russian sound "zh".division.
It is pronounced like the Russian sound "zh", but the tip of the tongue is placed towards the alveoli. In this case, the sound is produced by itself "j". just [ ʌst].
kPronounced like the Russian sound "k", but with a stronger exhalation.keep [ k i:p] ,
kind [ k aind] .
lIt is pronounced like the Russian sound "l", but the tip of the tongue is placed towards the alveoli.leave [ l i:v] ,
life [ l aif].
mPronounced like the Russian sound "m".man [ mæn].
nIt is pronounced like the Russian sound "n", but the tip of the tongue is placed towards the [ n ju:] ,
need [ n i:d].
pPronounced like the Russian sound "p", but with a stronger exhalation.people [ p i:pl] ,
price [price p rais].
rIt is pronounced like the Russian sound "r", but the tongue is placed behind the alveoli.result[ r i"zʌlt] ,
rule [ r u:l] .
gPronounced like the Russian sound "g".great [ g reit].
tIt is pronounced like the Russian sound "t", but the tip of the tongue is placed towards the alveoli.tell [ t el] ,
try [ t rai].
vPronounced like the Russian sound "v".very [ v eri].
hIt is pronounced like the Russian sound "x", but not with such a strong exhalation, and there is no such [ h aʊ].
wThe lips are placed as if pronouncing “u” and we say “v”.word [ wε:d] ,
water [" wɔ:tə(r)].
zPronounced like the Russian sound "z".zero [ z iərəʊ] ,
ŋ There is no analogue of this sound in the Russian language, the sound is similar to the Russian sound "n", but the tongue rests on the base of the lower teeth and is pronounced with a stronger exhalation through the nose (nasal sound, like m, n). among [ə"mʌ ŋ ] ,
ð There is no analogue of this sound in Russian. The tip of the tongue is between the teeth and we say “v” or “z”.that [ ð æt] ,
θ There is no analogue of this sound in Russian. The tip of the tongue is between the teeth and we say “c” or “f”.throw [ θ rəʊ],
thank [ θ æŋk].
jIt is pronounced like the Russian sound "y", but less distinctly. Softens the previous sound.unit [" j u:nit] .

Having learned the transcription of the English language, we can always find out how to pronounce a new unfamiliar word, since in a good dictionary there is always its transcription next to the written word. Therefore, I advise you to periodically repeat English sounds, reading them in a dictionary and checking their voice. This will make you feel more confident as you continue your studies.

Having studied the Russian alphabet, we can easily read any texts. But to read correctly in English you will have to put in more effort, because there are many discrepancies between the spelling and pronunciation of words. If you decide to learn this language on your own and cannot understand how to read words in English correctly, then this material is exactly what you need. Today we will look at the nuances of pronunciation of English letters and letter combinations, and find out how easy it is to learn to read English from scratch. A table that shows all the letters and their sounds will help you learn the rules of reading English for beginners.

First, let's get acquainted with the most important law of reading in English - the rule of open and closed syllables. There is no similar norm in the Russian language, so we will analyze in detail what it is. Please pay attention to the transcription.

An open syllable is a syllable that ends with a vowel sound. As a rule, it occurs in the following cases:

  • The word ends in a vowel, so the last syllable is always open: t ake[take].*
  • A vowel is followed by a consonant, followed by another vowel sound: ed uca tion [education].
  • There are two vowels adjacent to the word: cr ue l [cruel].

*Final e in most cases it is considered “dumb”, that is, it is not pronounced, but appears at the heart of the word precisely to form an open syllable.

In open syllables, the vowel is always pronounced smoothly and drawn out. Accordingly, closed syllables are all those syllables in which the vowel sound is closed by a consonant and therefore sounds short and abrupt: c ut[cat].

In addition, special reading rules in English are characteristic of syllables in which the vowel sound ends with the letter r. The fact is that in the British version of the pronunciation of such syllables, the letter r is often completely omitted, i.e. not pronounced. Therefore, there are two options for reading such letter combinations:

  1. In an open syllable, when r is surrounded by vowels, only both vowels are read: c are[keea]. In such cases, the last e will not be dumb.
  2. In a closed syllable ( voice+r+acc.), r is also unreadable, but affects the sound of the vowel sound, making it longer: start [staat]

The rule of open and closed syllables is the basic law of reading in English, although there are many exceptions to it. But it’s too early to teach exceptions without knowing the main rules. Therefore, now we will look at the sound options of all letters and letter combinations.

Rules for reading English for beginners - letter and sound correspondence table

Even if you started learning English and reading it from scratch, you are probably already familiar with the spelling and sound of all the letters of the English alphabet. But, as we already learned from the previous section, when reading, the pronunciation of letters depends on the type of syllable or letter combination. Therefore, in the tables below you can find several sound options for the same letter. But don't be alarmed, there will be an accessible explanation for each case. So, let's continue to learn English for beginners and learn the rules of reading in English.


Let's start with the easiest thing: with a table of consonants, the pronunciation of which is similar to the Russian sound.

Letter Transcription Russian pronunciation
B [b] b
D [d] d*
F [f] f
K [k] To
L [l] l
M [m] m
N [n] n
P [p] P
R [r] R
S [s] With
[z] z (only in special positions: after voiced consonants, between two vowels and in the suffix –ism.)
T [t] T*
V [v] V
W [w] V**
Z [z] h

*English d and t are pronounced with more aspiration than their Russian counterparts.

**w is pronounced with the lips extended into a tube, the result is something between the Russian sounds v and u.

Now let's deal with more complex letters.

Letter Transcription Pronunciation and explanations
C [s] s (before vowels i, e, y)
[k] to (in other cases)
G j (before vowels i, e, y)
[g] g (in other cases)
H [h] Very weakly pronounced Russian X (almost just a strong exhalation)
Q kv
X ks (before a consonant or at the end of a word)
gz (between two vowels)
[z] z (at the beginning of a word before a vowel)

We will also study letter combinations of consonants in English.

Combination Transcription Pronunciation
ck [k] To
ch h
ng [ŋ] nasal n
ph [f] f
sh [ʃ] w
th [θ] 1) sound intermediate between s and f (tongue between teeth)

2) the sound is average between z and v

(tongue between teeth)

wr [r] R
wh [w] u/v

x (only before o)

qu kv

In addition, it is worth considering that the English language never allows consonants at the very end of a word to be deafened. Otherwise, you may say something completely different from what you wanted. For example: back [back] – behind, behind; bag [bag] – bag, sack.


It is much more difficult to cope with reading English vowels, but the already familiar rules of open and closed syllables will help us understand it. We take them into service and learn to read the vowels of the English language correctly.

Closed syllable
Letter Transcription Pronunciation Examples
A [æ] uh bat, track, sad
E [e] uh pet, red, check
I [ɪ] And pit, fill, tin, system, myth, lynx
O [ɒ] O spot, not, cross
U [ʌ] A spun, truck, butter

Do not forget that in a closed syllable all letters are pronounced briefly.

Open syllable
Letter Transcription Pronunciation Examples
A Hey game, flame, lake
E And he, be, Pete
I ah mine, like, nine, cry, bye, type
O [əʊ] OU bone, tone, rose
U Yu pupil, music, cube

And the vowels of an open syllable are always smooth and drawn out.

Open syllable with r
Letter Transcription Pronunciation Examples
A ea square
E [ɪə] ie here
I aye tired
O [ɔː] oo more
U Yue cure

We remember that the letter r after a vowel, as a rule, is not pronounced.

Behindcovered syllable with r
Letter Transcription Pronunciation Examples
A [ɑː] ahh dark
O [ɔː] oo sport
E [ɜː] e pert, bird, myrtle, burn

Now we know how to read vowels in English words. But for perfect reading in English, it is necessary to study one more point.

Diphthongs and triphthongs in English

An important aspect of English for beginners is diphthongs and triphthongs, i.e. combinations of two or three letters that have a special sound. Their pronunciation is called sliding, because. First, the main sound is pronounced intensively, and then it is smoothly transferred to the secondary sound. Diphthongs are a kind of exception and do not obey general grammatical laws, so they can only be learned by heart. The table below will help us learn the rules for reading English diphthongs for beginners.

English diphthongs
Combinations Transcription Pronunciation
air, ear, are uh*
ye, igh, uy, ie ah
ea, ey, ay, ai, ei Hey
ere, eer, ier, ear [ɪə] IEE
oh, oh [ɔɪ] Ouch
ou, ow awww
ou, ow, oa, ol [əu] oooh
ure, ue, our, oor wow
English triphthongs
ower, our aaue
eur, ure Yuyue
iet, ire, ier, iar, yre aaye

*doubling the letter indicates the length of the first sound in relation to the second.

So, we have looked at the main nuances of reading in English. Treat the stated rules responsibly: conduct reading lessons more often and be sure to learn to distinguish between types of syllables in English. Otherwise, you will make gross mistakes in pronunciation, which will lead to a complete misunderstanding of your words by the interlocutor. Good luck in learning English and see you again!

Dear site visitors! On this page you will find materials on the following topics: English pronunciation. Phonetics. English: print transcription symbols. Pronunciation of English words. English transcription. English Russian transcription. Print transcription. Cards: English transcription signs (print). Print transcription. English phonetics. English Transcription. Transcription of English words. English sound. Transcription symbols: print pictures. English transcription free download. English transcription. Transcription.


All sounds of the English language and a description of their pronunciation

English transcription signs indicating the sounds of the English language English word with this sound Approximate pronunciation of English sounds in Russian
[f] f ine f, with a slight bite of the lower lip
[v] v ery c, with a slight bite of the lower lip
[θ] th in s, tip of tongue between teeth, “blow on your tongue”
[ð] th is h, tip of tongue between teeth, “blow on your tongue”
[s] s ay s, pronounced not with the tip of the tongue, but with the “back”
[z] z ebra z, pronounced not with the tip of the tongue, but with the back
[ʃ] sh eep average between w and sh
[ʒ] plea s ure soft, almost soft
[h] h at weak x, light exhalation
[p] p ark p, with a sharp exhalation (aspiration)
[b] b ook b
[t] t ea t, tip of the tongue - on the tubercles behind the front upper teeth, with a sharp exhalation (aspiration)
[d] d o e, tip of the tongue - on the tubercles behind the front upper teeth
[k] k ite to, with a sharp exhalation (aspiration)
[g] g as G
ch in h
J ack soft j, almost j, like a single sound
[m] m y m
[n] n ose n
[ŋ] lo ng n, "in the nose"
[l] l ip l
[r] r iver p, tongue behind the cusps behind the front upper teeth
[w] wh ite lips “in a tube”, sharply unclench, like wah, only a single sound
[j] y oga weak th
ea t And:*
[ɪ] i t short and, intermediate between and and s
[e] p e n short e as in the word summer
[æ] c a t intermediate between e and a, as in the word elm
[ɑ:] ar t deep a: as we say to the doctor, showing the throat
[ɒ] b o x brief about
[ʌ] c u p short a, as in the word “t” A tank"
[ʊ] c oo k short, lips are not in a “tube”, but slightly rounded
sch oo l y: lips are not in a “tube”, but slightly rounded
[ɜ:] g ir l ё, but not yo, but a single sound, a little like io
[ə] sist er weak uh
[ɔ:] c a ll O:
Diphthongs and Triphthongs
With a ke hey (not hey), the second sound is weaker than the first
[ɑɪ] l i ke ai (not ai) the second sound is weaker than the first
m ou se oh, the second sound is weaker than the first
[ɔɪ] b oh oi (not oi), the second sound is weaker than the first
[ɜʊ] n o oh, the second sound is weaker than the first
[ɪə] ear ah, the second sound is weaker than the first
[ɛə] air uh, the second sound is weaker than the first
[ʊə] p oor uh, the second sound is weaker than the first
f ire Aya, the first sound is stronger than the next two
h our aue, the first sound is stronger than the next two

“I don’t understand transcription”, “How is this written in Russian letters?”, “Why do I need these sounds?”... If you start learning English with such sentiments, then I will have to disappoint you: it is unlikely that you will achieve significant good luck in English.

Without mastering transcription, it will be difficult for you to understand the structure of English pronunciation; you will constantly make mistakes and experience difficulties when learning new words and using dictionaries.

Ever since school, the attitude of many towards transcription has been openly negative. In fact, there is nothing complicated in English transcription. If you do not understand it, then this topic was not explained to you properly. In this article we will try to fix this.

To understand the essence of transcription, you must clearly understand the difference between letters and sounds. Letters- this is what we write, and sounds- what we hear. Transcription marks are the sounds represented in writing. For musicians this role is played by notes, but for you and me - transcription. In Russian, transcription does not play such a big role as in English. There are vowels that are read differently, combinations that need to be remembered, and letters that are not pronounced. The number of letters and sounds in a word does not always coincide.

For example, the word daughter has 8 letters and four sounds ["dɔːtə]. If the final [r] is pronounced, as in American English, then there are five sounds. The combination of vowels au gives the sound [ɔː], gh is not readable at all, er may be read as [ə] or [ər], depending on the variety of English.

There are a huge number of similar examples. It is difficult to understand how to read a word and how many sounds are pronounced in it if you do not know the basic rules of transcription.

Where can I find the transcription? First of all, in dictionaries. When you find a new word in the dictionary, there must be information nearby about how the word is pronounced, that is, a transcription. In addition, in textbooks the lexical part always contains transcription. Knowledge of the sound structure of a language will not allow you to remember the incorrect pronunciation of words, because you will always identify a word not only with its letter representation, but also with its sound.

In domestic publications, transcriptions are usually placed in square brackets, while in dictionaries and manuals from foreign publishers, transcriptions are presented in oblique brackets / /. Many teachers use slashes when writing transcriptions of words on the board.

Now let's learn more about the sounds of the English language.

There are only 44 sounds in the English language, which are divided into vowels(vowels ["vauəlz]), consonants(consonants "kɔn(t)s(ə)nənts]). Vowels and consonants can form combinations, including diphthongs(diphthongs ["dɪfθɔŋz]). Vowel sounds in English vary in length by brief(short vovels) and long(long vowels), and consonants can be divided into deaf(voices consonants), voiced(voiced consonants). There are also those consonants that are difficult to classify as voiceless or voiced. We will not delve into phonetics, since at the initial stage this information is quite enough. Consider the table of English sounds:

Let's start with vowels. Two dots near the symbol indicate that the sound is pronounced for a long time; if there are no dots, then the sound should be pronounced briefly. Let's see how vowel sounds are pronounced:

- long sound I: tree, free

[ɪ ] - short sound I: big, lip

[ʊ] - short sound U: book, look

- long sound U: root, boot

[e] - sound E. Pronounced the same way as in Russian: hen, pen

[ə] is a neutral sound E. It sounds when the vowel is not under stress or at the end of a word: mother ["mʌðə], computer

[ɜː] is a sound similar to the sound Ё in the word honey: bird, turn

[ɔː] - long sound O: door, more

[æ] - sound E. Pronounced widely: cat, lamp

[ʌ] - short sound A: cup, but

- long sound A: car, mark

[ɒ] - short sound O: box, dog

Diphthongs- these are combinations of sounds consisting of two vowels, always pronounced together. Let's look at the pronunciation of diphthongs:

[ɪə] - IE: here, near

— Uh: fair, bear

[əʊ] - EU (OU): go, no

- AU: how, now

[ʊə] - UE: sure [ʃuə], tourist ["tuərɪst]

- HEY: make, day

- AI: my, bike

[ɔɪ] - OH: : boy, toy

Let's consider consonants sounds. Voiceless and voiced consonants are easy to remember, since each of them has a pair:

Voiceless consonants: Voiced consonants:
[p] - P sound: pen, pet [b] - sound B: big, boot
[f] - F sound: flag, fat [v] - sound B: vet, van
[t] - T sound: tree, toy [d] - sound D: day, dog
[θ] is an interdental sound that is often confused with C, but when pronounced, the tip of the tongue is between the lower and upper front teeth:
thick [θɪk], think [θɪŋk]
[ð] is an interdental sound that is often confused with Z, but when pronounced, the tip of the tongue is located between the lower and upper front teeth:
this [ðɪs], that [ðæt]
[tʃ] - sound Ch: chin [ʧɪn], chat [ʧæt] [dʒ] - J sound: jam [ʤæm], page
[s] - sound C: sit, sun [z] - sound Z:
[ʃ] - sound Ш: shelf [ʃelf], brush [ʒ] - sound Ж: vision ["vɪʒ(ə)n], decision

[k] - sound K: kite, cat

[g] - sound G: get, go

Other consonants:

[h] - sound X: hat, home
[m] - M sound: make, meet
[n] - English sound N: nose, net
[ŋ] - a sound reminiscent of N, but pronounced through the nose: song, long - a sound reminiscent of P: run, rest
[l] - English sound L: leg, lip
[w] - a sound reminiscent of B, but pronounced with rounded lips: ,west
[j] - sound Y: you, music ["mjuːzɪk]

Those who want to gain a deeper understanding of the phonetic structure of the English language can look for resources on the Internet where they will tell you what sonorant, stop, fricative and other consonants are.

If you just want to understand the pronunciation of English consonant sounds and learn to read transcriptions without unnecessary theory, then we recommend sharing everything consonants sounds for the following groups:

  • Sounds that pronounced almost the same as in Russian : This is the majority of consonants.
  • Sounds that similar to those in Russian , but are pronounced differently. There are only four of them.
  • The sounds that no in Russian . There are only five of them and it is a mistake to pronounce them the same way as in Russian.

Pronunciation of sounds marked yellow, practically no different from Russian, only sounds [p, k, h] are pronounced with “aspiration”.

Green sounds- these are the sounds that must be pronounced in the English manner; they are the reason for the accent. The sounds are alviolar (you probably heard this word from your school teacher), to pronounce them, you need to raise your tongue to the alviols, then you will sound “English”.

Sounds tagged red, are not present in Russian at all (although some people think that this is not the case), so you must pay attention to their pronunciation. Do not confuse [θ] and [s], [ð] and [z], [w] and [v], [ŋ] and [n]. There are fewer problems with the [r] sound.

Another nuance of transcription is emphasis, which is marked with an apostrophe in transcription. If a word has more than two syllables, then stress is required:

Hotel -
police -
interesting — ["ɪntrəstɪŋ]

When a word is long and polysyllabic, it may contain two accents, and one is upper (main), and the second is lower. The lower stress is indicated by a sign similar to a comma and is pronounced weaker than the upper:

disadvantage - [ˌdɪsəd"vɑːntɪʤ]

As you read the transcription, you may notice that some sounds are presented in parentheses (). This means that the sound can be read in a word, or it can be left unpronounced. Usually in brackets you can find the neutral sound [ə], the sound [r] at the end of a word, and some others:

Information — [ˌɪnfə"meɪʃ(ə)n]
teacher — ["tiːʧə(r)]

Some words have two pronunciation options:

Forehead ["fɔrɪd] or ["fɔːhed]
Monday ["mʌndeɪ] or ["mʌndɪ]

In this case, choose the option that you prefer, but remember that this word can be pronounced differently.

Many words in English have two pronunciations (and, accordingly, transcriptions): in British English and in American English. In this situation, learn the pronunciation that corresponds to the version of the language you are studying, try not to mix words from British English and American English in your speech:

Schedule - ["ʃedjuːl] (BrE) / ["skeʤuːl] (AmE)
neither - ["naɪðə] (BrE) / [ˈniːðə] (AmE)

Even if you couldn’t stand transcription before, after reading this article you will see that reading and composing a transcription is not at all difficult! You were able to read all the words written down in the transcription, right? Apply this knowledge, use dictionaries and be sure to pay attention to the transcription if you have a new word in front of you, so that you remember the correct pronunciation from the very beginning and do not have to relearn it later!

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Transcription- this is a written representation of the sounds of a language using special signs, with the goal of accurately conveying pronunciation. International transcription is used as the main one. With its help, you can record the sound of any word, regardless of whether it belongs to any language.

International Phonetic Alphabet(English) International Phonetic Alphabet, abbr. IPA; fr. Alphabet telephonique international, abbr. API) - a system of characters for recording transcription based on the Latin alphabet. Developed and maintained by the International Phonetic Association IPA. Symbols for IPA were chosen to be harmonious with the Latin alphabet. Therefore, most of the characters are letters of the Latin and Greek alphabets or modifications thereof. Many British dictionaries, including educational dictionaries, such as Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary And Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary, now use the international phonetic alphabet to convey the pronunciation of words. However, most American publications (and some British ones) use their own notation, which is considered more intuitive for readers unfamiliar with IPA.
A colon after the sign means that the sound is long and needs to be pronounced a little longer. In English dictionaries there are two types of stress, primary and secondary, and both are placed before the stressed syllable. In transcription, the main emphasis is placed at the top - [... ʹ ...], and the secondary one is below [... ͵ ...]. Both types of stress are used in polysyllabic and compound words. It is also worth mentioning that there are rules under which some sounds and letters are not pronounced. In transcription they are placed in parentheses - [.. (..) ..].

Transcription signs

used in suggested dictionaries and articles with pronunciation examples

Vowel sounds
Close to yarn And in a word And va f ee l
[ı] Close to short And in a word And gla
f i ll
[e] The transcription sign is similar to uh in a word This
f e ll
[æ] - average between A And uh. Open your mouth as if to pronounce A, try to pronounce uh.
c a t
[ɑ:] Long sound ah-ah:d ah-ah th c a rt
[ɒ] Brief O in a word T O T c o t
[ɔ:] Reminds me of something drawn out O in a word P O full f a ll
[ɜ:] Long sound, medium between O And: uh... Reminds me e in a word G e those c u rt
[ə] A short, unclear, unimpacted sound. In Russian it is heard in unstressed syllables: five room A T b a nan a
[ʌ] Close to unstressed A in a word To A mouse.In English it is usually stressed c u t
[ʋ] Close to the sound at in a word T at T f u ll
Close to sound at, pronounced in a drawn-out manner: at-smart f oo l
Close to Russian ah in a word B ah feces f i le
to her in a word w to her ka f ai l
[ɔı] Ouch in a word b Ouch nya f oi l
aw in a word P aw behind f ou l
[əʋ] f oa l
[ıə] Combination [ı] and [ə] with emphasis on [ı]. Approximately Ie t ie r
[ʋə] Combination [ʋ] and [ə] with emphasis on [ʋ] Approximately Ue t ou r
The first element of the combination is close to uh in a word uh That. It is followed by a quick sound [ə] . The combination is roughly pronounced Ea t ea r
resp. Russian P
[p] p ier
[t] resp. Russian T t ier
[b] resp. Russian b b eer
[d] resp. Russian d d eer
[m] resp. Russian m m here
[n] resp. Russian n n ear
[k] resp. Russian To ba k e
[l] resp. Russian l l eer
[g] resp. Russian G g ear
[f] resp. Russian f f ear
[v] resp. Russian V v eer
[s] resp. Russian With ba s e
[z] resp. Russian h bai z e
[ʃ] resp. Russian w sh eer
[ʒ] resp. Russian and bei g e
resp. Russian h ch eer
resp. Russian j j eer
[r] matches the sound R in a word and R fuck r ear
[h] exhalation, reminiscent of a faintly pronounced sound X
h ear
[j] reminds me of Russian sound th before vowels: New Y orc, If[yeasley]. Occurs in combination with vowels. y ear
long Yu in a word Yu gentle
e in a word e l
e in a word e lk
I in a word I ma
The following consonant sounds do not even have approximate correspondences in Russian
[w] sound V uttered with just lips. In translation it is indicated by letters V or at: W Williams U Ilyama, IN Ilyama w eir
[ŋ] Open your mouth slightly and say n without closing your mouth wro ng
[θ] Move the slightly spread tip of your tongue between your teeth and say Russian With wra th
[ð] With the same tongue position, say h. th is

In site documents and dictionary entries, both the new version of the international transcription of the English language, that is, the one that has become widespread recently, and the old version are used. Both transcription options differ only in the outline of some sounds.

Changes in the new transcription

Old form For example New form
f ee l
[i] f i ll [ı]
[e] f e ll [e]
[ɔ:] f a ll [ɔ:]
[u] f u ll [ʋ]
f oo l
f ai l
f oa l [əʋ]
f i le
f ou l
[ɔi] f oi l [ɔı]
[æ] c a t [æ]
[ɔ] c o t [ɒ]
[ʌ] c u t [ʌ]
[ə:] c u rt [ɜ:]
[ɑ:] c a rt [ɑ:]
t ie r [ıə]
[ɛə] t ea r
t ou r [ʋə]
[ə] b a nan a [ə]