Congratulations to the charming English teacher. Happy birthday to English teacher

English is important - you can’t argue with that
It doesn't come easy to everyone.
But the teacher will present everything figuratively
And in the dark more often it will become light in a moment.
May there be a lot of light in your life,
Be healthy, happy in everything,
And let there be no topic without an answer,
Be luckier every day.

I would like to add at least a couple of lines
In yours - in English,
But, thank God, today is not a lesson,
And you can’t see the pen in your hand,
And rightly so - on such a beautiful day
We would like to congratulate you in Russian!
Even if today there is even a small shadow
It will not darken the shine of your eyes!

When we are in London..
And we will definitely!
With your English speech
Let's defeat the entire Old World!
We congratulate you joyfully!
And let your dreams come true!
Let London deliver for you
"Five" for the answer!!!

Nowadays English is very necessary.
Today it is not easy to live without him.
And this is such useful knowledge
We have been able to receive from you over the years!
Now we are “speaking English” perfectly!
And the phrase “nice to meet you” does not give us chills.
Thank you for your work and patience.
Please accept congratulations on this bright day.

Teacher, there was so much I wanted to say.
Special speech and special becoming.
Teacher, you are a lady of English blood.
We are learning English, we will say “ok”.
We want to congratulate you in English,
That's why we cram English at night.
We wish you good health, beautiful lady,
We will meet you at the dinner party.

Half the world speaks English,
And we try to teach him!
Your faith helps us in this,
In our ability to speak English!
For your wisdom and patience with mistakes,
On this holiday we would like to say,
We appreciate your experience and your flexible mind,
Let me wish you happiness!

Someone else's speech, someone else's writing
Were you able to make loved ones, family
So all your names
They will remain in our hearts forever from now on.
We need foreigners
To be successful at work,
You are English, German and French,
You will always be held in high esteem by us!

We find an English school at school -
She stands firmly on your shoulders!
And with you we go straight to the plenipotentiary office!
And we learn the language so that it rings on our lips!
And we will read Byron's original
Probably soon - easy, no problems!
For this we honor you from the bottom of our hearts!
Let sorrows touch you completely!

Today it’s not easy without English,
Today you can’t live without English!
Can't find a prestigious job
You can't go to see countries.
But you gave us this opportunity,
You taught us to write and speak.
We are grateful to you for this knowledge.
And we hasten to congratulate you on the holiday!

The English language is poetic.
Isn't it true, our dear teacher?
Favorite Present and Future
We know better and better!
The inflection of verbs is close to us.
We think this way in English.
Respect you today!
You are definitely the best, our teacher!

English gives us hope
Study to go to Cambridge and Yale.
And you had to tinker a lot,
So that English becomes clear to us now.
And on this holiday, accept gratitude
From all of us - for strong knowledge!
It's easier to achieve success with English,
Thank you for your efforts.

In Byron's original we read,
And we watch an interview with the Queen,
After all, we know English flawlessly,
Without leaving your homeland.
Our teacher, you are a teacher from God,
We wish you happiness and love,
And may the road be strong for you,
And only good luck awaits you ahead.

Our phonetics is also lame,
We can’t catch up with yours!
The grammar is still not clear
We will congratulate you in Russian.
Although here too... you can’t do it full stop
Instead of sending you congratulations!!!
Let's learn it and send it
Congratulations to you in English!

Congratulations on Teacher's Day:

What does a teacher mean in the life of every student? He is like a guide who takes you by the hand and leads you into a new world, telling you about every bump, every obstacle that may come along the way. If he gives bad grades or sometimes scolds you, he wants to force you to improve, change, be better. The attitude of mentors towards their wards directly depends on themselves. Do you want to bring joy?

The teaching profession is considered noble, but very difficult. And that is why, dedicating their lives to their students, they deserve respect. In the countries of the former Soviet Union, it is customary to honor teachers and everyone who is somehow connected with the learning process. If you want to congratulate your mentors, and in particular spend a teacher's day in English, then they will be very pleased if you connect it with his subject, thereby demonstrating respect for him and the language.

How to congratulate beautifully and originally?

It all depends on the level of knowledge, class. This could be poetry in English for the teacher, a beautiful-sounding and concise text, or a skit. Whatever your imagination allows. We will offer several of our options for congratulating an English teacher on his professional holiday.

Poems for an English teacher in Russian

Sometimes, to congratulate, it is not necessary to use a “purely” English poem. Nice words can be said in Russian, while using interspersed words in English. This way you will highlight the specifics of the subject and please the teacher. This greeting is easy to remember, so even primary schoolchildren can learn it.

The English language is poetic.
Isn't it true, our dear teacher?
Favorite Present and Future
We know better and better!
The declension of verbs is close to us.
We think this way in English.
Respect you today!
You are definitely the best, our teacher!

The language of Shakespeare, the Internet,
We studied together with you.
We thank you for this
Quite English words.

We are happy to congratulate everyone today
You in English, no question!
The best reward for you is:
“My teacher dear!”, yes of course!

If you want only Russian text, then these poems will suit you. A beautiful style, pleasant words addressed specifically to a foreign language teacher will be a wonderful congratulation on any holiday. Be it teacher's day, birthday or some other significant day.

And we try to teach him!

Half the world speaks English,
And we try to teach him!
Your faith helps us in this,
In our ability to speak English!
For your wisdom and patience with mistakes,
On this holiday we would like to say,
We appreciate your experience and your flexible mind,
Let me wish you happiness!

It's not in vain that we have a dictionary
Spent five hours
You are our guide
We entered the world of English words.

You're their strange culture
It was revealed to us without difficulty
English literature
For us forever young.

“Thank you, English teacher!”
Your item opens the gate for us
To the vast world, to all ends of the planet,
It truly erases boundaries.
And you teach with patience. For that

Thank you, English teacher!
And happy professional holiday to you!
Be happy! Find the key to luck
Like the London fog, dispelling the mystery.

Poems for an English teacher in English

Sometimes, you not only want to please the teacher, but also to show and demonstrate your successes. A poem in English will sound both beautiful and original. We suggest that you use simple lines that elementary and middle school students can easily remember, and slightly more voluminous and complex lines for high school students.

We wish to our teacher
To shine bright like the sun,
To be from all the richies
On soul – the richest one!

The way you teach…
The knowledge you share…
The care you take…
The love you shower..
Makes you…
The world's best teacher…
Happy Teacher's Day!

Thanks Teacher
to show me the way
to lift my spirits
to believe in me
inspire me
Happy Teacher's Day!

Number One Teacher (Name of teacher),
I’m happy that you’re my teacher;
I enjoy each lesson you teach.
As my role model you inspire me
To dream and to work and to reach. With your kindness you get my attention;
Every day you are planting a seed
Of curiosity and motivation
To know and to grow and succeed. You help me fulfill my potential;
I’m thankful for all that you’ve done.
I admire you each day, and I just want to say,
As a teacher, you’re number one!

Star Teacher I always love your class;
Your teaching helps me see,
That to have a happy life,
Learning is the key. You understand your students;
You're sensitive and smart.
You're a skillful teacher;
I knew it from the start. I'm grateful for your wisdom
For the teacher that you are;
You're a very good person,
And as a teacher, you’re a star!

Congratulations to the English teacher - prose

Well, if you want to congratulate the teacher in the form of prose, then we suggest you use the following text. It is small and easy to remember. And your teacher will be very pleased to hear lines written from the heart. He will probably think that you wrote it yourself.

Our dear Teacher…. You do a great work every day, because you open the good qualities in us. You always try to say something positive to us but not only to pick on.You do more than teach us. You allow us to remember that we are human and can make mistakes, that we are pupils and we learn something every day to be better. You encourage us. And you give us much knowledge that we will be able to travel, live and study abroad without any problems, know more about other counties and life there. Thank you for your hard work. Thank you for your understanding. Thank you for your support. For everything. Happy teacher's day.

Our dear teacher... Every day you do a wonderful job because you bring out the good qualities in us. You always try to say something positive and not just criticize. You do more than just teach us. You allow us to remember that we are human and can make mistakes too, that we are students and we learn every day to become better. You encourage us. And you give us a lot of knowledge that will allow us to travel, live and study abroad without problems, to learn more about other countries and life there. Thanks for your hard work. Thanks for understanding. Thanks for support. For all. Happy Teacher's Day!

When choosing a congratulation to an English teacher, remember that what is important to him is the attention of the students, the understanding that their work and their efforts were not wasted in vain, that children are their hope. If your knowledge and creativity allow, you can create a lesson and teach it instead of the teacher. A self-made wall newspaper will be a beautiful and original congratulation. Surprise and please your teachers!

You are just a great teacher!
Today - I congratulate you on the holiday,
Wishing not only in the classroom
Edit language errors,

But having gone on a long tour,
Conquer with pronunciation
Very correct, real,
Earning local respect!

How would we learn English
Without you, who gave us this knowledge?
Now we know him directly
We would like to express our recognition!

We heartily congratulate you for
Now we know English!
You gave us knowledge, wisdom and now -
We sincerely congratulate you!

I hasten to congratulate you
Happy Teacher's Day soon!
And quickly send you
Lots of happiness and bright days!

Let children know English
Let them thank you now
Patience is respected
On this day and at this hour!

At first it seemed difficult
English words for us,
And how could we explain ourselves
A memorized set of phrases.

And on Teacher's Day, thank you
For this we want to tell you,
What did you learn in English?
You express our thoughts!

We struggled with pronunciation
English unknown words.
And making proposals
It cost us a lot of work.

We know English, and for this
We want to say thank you.
May every day be welcoming
And happiness will not keep you waiting!

Revealed its amusing meaning
For us, the words of another country.
So, we studied with interest
The language is English, we are with you.

And on Teacher's Day, on your holiday,
May the sea of ​​happiness find you.
And a heap of joys, albeit different
Life will give you a gift!

Your item opens the gate for us
To the vast world, to all ends of the planet,
It truly erases boundaries.
And you teach with patience. For that

Thank you, English teacher!
And happy professional holiday to you!
Be happy! Find the key to luck
Like the London fog, dispelling the mystery.

Today it’s not easy without English,
Today you can’t live without English!
Can't find a prestigious job
You can't go to see countries.

But you gave us this opportunity,
You taught us to write and speak.
We are grateful to you for this knowledge.
And we hasten to congratulate you on Teacher’s Day!

The intricacies of times
There are many nuances in grammar,
But the one who is in love with our English,
A wonderful road awaits you.

We want to tell the teacher
Today we thank you,
Don't get tired of repeating
That we could become the best!

Without English, we know
Don't form a syllable of success.
We sincerely wish you happiness,
To you, beloved teacher!

Putin congratulates on Teacher's Day

Let the mood be only excellent!

In the morning, in any weather, he rushes to class

Revealed its amusing meaning
For us, the words of another country.
So, we studied with interest
The language is English, we are with you.

And on Teacher's Day, on your holiday,
May the sea of ​​happiness find you.
And a heap of joys, albeit different
Life will give you a gift!

At first it seemed difficult
English words for us,
And how could we explain ourselves
A memorized set of phrases.

And on Teacher's Day, thank you
For this we want to tell you,
What did you learn in English?
You express our thoughts!

We're all in a hurry to get to your lesson.
We love English.
On Teacher's Day of Health
We wish you powerful things.

Thank you for the science,
Kindness, care
And for being part of the soul
You give it to the children. ©

You are entitled to endurance
Olympic Cup.
You tried your best -
We love English.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day
We as a class want you.
A new world has been opened with you,
We speak English.

May success and inspiration
They wait steadily at the door.
Let everything be in your life
“Perfect”, “good”, always “okay”! ©

Nowadays English is very necessary.
Today it is not easy to live without him.
And this is such useful knowledge
We have been able to receive from you over the years!

Now we are “speaking English” perfectly!
And the phrase “nice to meet you” does not give us chills.
Thank you for your work and patience.
Please accept congratulations on this bright day.

Today it’s not easy without English,
Today you can’t live without English!
Can't find a prestigious job
You can't go to see countries.

But you gave us this opportunity,
You taught us to write and speak.
We are grateful to you for this knowledge.
And we hasten to congratulate you on the holiday!

Voice congratulations on English Teacher's Day

Congratulations to teachers from Medvedev

For everyone in life, a teacher is one of the main examples!

School doors are open - everyone is in a hurry to congratulate you!

English gives us hope
Study to go to Cambridge and Yale.
And you had to tinker a lot,
So that English becomes clear to us now.

And on this holiday, accept gratitude
From all of us - for strong knowledge!
It's easier to achieve success with English,
Thank you for your efforts.

Half the world speaks English,
And we try to teach him!
Your faith helps us in this,
In our ability to speak English!

For your wisdom and patience with mistakes,
On this holiday we would like to say,
We appreciate your experience and your flexible mind,
Let me wish you happiness!

When we are in London..
And we will definitely!
With your English speech
Let's defeat the entire Old World!

We congratulate you joyfully!
And let your dreams come true!
Let London deliver for you
"Five" for the answer!

The holidays are a great occasion to express our respect and gratitude to our beloved teachers. To congratulate your English teacher on his birthday, on Teacher's Day, on New Year, on March 8, you will have to demonstrate knowledge of his subject.

In this way, you will express respect for both the teacher and the language he teaches. To make this task easier for you, we have selected suitable texts. This page of our website contains congratulations to the teacher in English with translation in verse and prose.

Congratulations for the teacher on the holiday in English

We're extremely grateful
for all the things that you do.
We appreciate and acknowledge,
as we look through your view.
(We are extremely grateful
for all the things you do.
We appreciate and recognize
Your point of view.)

As your students,
we are exceptionally proud.
For having you as our teacher,
and for being your crowd.
(Like your students,
We are extremely proud
Because you are our teacher
and because we are your class.)

Sometimes we don't listen,
while you explain repeatedly.
We're sorry for our sincerity,
and for causing you pain.
(Sometimes we don't listen,
as long as you explain more than once.
Forgive us for our insincerity
and for the pain that we caused you.)

We would like to add,
from our hearts we really care.
You mean a lot to us,
you're beautifully rare.
(We would also like to add
from the bottom of our hearts, we truly care.
You mean a lot to us
You are amazingly unique.)

Happy New Year greetings for teachers in English

At the end of December, when we celebrate one of the most wonderful holidays in the world, New Year's parties are held in schools. You can choose suitable words of congratulations in English with translation for the teacher for the New Year. These texts can be read aloud at a holiday, or you can write them on a postcard.

Happy New Year! I wish you prosperity, fulfillment of all desires, peace of mind and well-being in every way! (Happy New Year! I wish you prosperity, fulfillment of all desires, peace of mind and well-being in everything!)

Happy New year! Let it be the year of pleasant discoveries, new friends and unforgettable meetings. (Congratulations on the coming year! May it become a year of pleasant discoveries, new acquaintances and unforgettable meetings.)

How can you congratulate your English teacher on her birthday?

Is your teacher celebrating an anniversary? The following birthday greetings to the teacher in English in verse or prose are perfect for making him happy on the day of the holiday.

I congratulate you on your birthday!
A lot of people can say with me
That you are a very nice a great friend
Who is always ready to understand!
I wish you, too, such a faithful as you friend.
I wish to love stories have a happy ending!
I wish to healthy and cheerful was your child
And to you this year fate smiled!
(Happy Birthday to you!
Everyone will agree with me, I know
I can call you a good friend,
Who is always ready to support us.
So we wish you the same friends
And in love, so that they don’t know hardships and losses,
To keep children healthy and happy,
And luck took part in fate!)

I hope your birthday is special
No one deserves it more than you!
You are such a kindhearted person,
It shows in everything that you do.
(I hope it's your birthday
Filled with pleasant moments.
No one deserves this more than you!
You are a person with such an open heart,
And you can see this no matter what you do.)

With all my heart I wish you many happy returns of the day! Let all your fond dreams, hopes and expectations come true in your new year. I wish you always to have a cheerful mood, good health, strength to resist difficulties and patience, great success in all your dealings and great personal happiness! Happiness and good luck! Happy birthday!
(I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! May all your most cherished dreams, hopes and expectations come true in the new year. Good joyful mood every day, good health, resistance to adversity and patience, success in all your endeavors and personal happiness! Happiness to you and good luck! Happy birthday!)

A congratulation addressed to an English teacher can also be delivered in Russian using foreign expressions. Your teacher will probably like the following poem:

The English language is poetic.
Isn't it true, our dear teacher?
Favorite Present and Future
We know better and better!
The declension of verbs is close to us,
We think this way in English.
Respect you today!
You are definitely the best, our teacher!

Congratulations on Teacher's Day in English

Another wonderful holiday that is traditionally celebrated in schools is Teacher's Day. Both students and parents congratulate the teachers. At the same time, finding suitable words for congratulations is not so easy.

Congratulations for the teacher in English with translation will help you express your wishes to your favorite teacher. We offer several options for such texts from which you can choose the appropriate one.

Happy Teacher's Day,
to a special teacher like you.
With your wisdom you guide us,
to a life that is humble and true.
(Happy Teacher's Day
To such a special teacher like you.
With your wisdom you guide us
To a life that is humble and true.)

We will always be grateful to you
For all the hard work and efforts
You have put in, for educating us.
Happy Teachers Day!
(We will always be grateful to you
For all the hard work and effort,
Which you have done to educate us.
Happy Teacher's Day!)

A teacher is a person
Who helps you every day.
Who scolds you when you're bad
And helps you find your way.
(A teacher is a person
who helps you every day,
Who scolds you for bad deeds
And helps you find your way.)

Thanks for what you did for me,
for teaching me something new.
For I would not be here today
If it hadn't been for you.
(Thank you for what you did for me,
For teaching me something new.
For I wouldn't be here today
If it weren't for you.)

How to congratulate in English on March 8

Of course, your teacher will be pleased to hear your kind words on International Women's Day. Congratulations to the teacher in English on March 8 can be heard in poetry and prose.

We wish you realization of all your hopes and good beginnings, peace, kindness and love!
(We wish you the fulfillment of all your hopes and good undertakings, peace, goodness and love!)

We wish to our teacher
To shine bright like the sun,
To be from all the richies
On soul – the richest one!
(We wish our teacher
Always be happy
And everyone has their own lesson
Come with a smile!)