Olympiad tasks in history 5. New sports

1. The first metal from which ancient people learned to make tools:

a) copper
b) bronze
c) iron

2. Select the reason for the emergence of religion:

a) human inability to explain natural phenomena

b) human fear of the elements of nature

c) human desire to be different from animals.

3. What allowed primitive man to survive the Ice Age?

a) gathering

b) the invention of metal tools

c) mastery of fire.

4. Several tribal communities living in the same area:

a) the human herd

b) tribe

c) neighboring community.

5. A tool with which primitive people caught fish.

a) harpoon

b) onion

c) chopped.

6. Egyptian pharaoh, for whom the largest pyramid was built?

a) Akhenaten

b) Cheops

c) Tutankhamun

7. The coffin where the dead pharaohs were placed in Ancient Egypt:

a) sarcophagus b) pyramid c) mummy

8. What did traders bring to Ancient Egypt?

a) papyrus b) wood c) bread

9.What does the concept of “religion” mean?

a) belief in supernatural forces

b) belief in the forces of nature

c) the ability to obey someone

10. Writing in Ancient Egypt:

a) hieroglyphs b) cuneiform c) papyrus

Task 2 Solve the problems.(For each correct answer 5 points, total 15)

1. During the holidays, Kolya visited Egypt. During a history lesson, he talked about a structure he saw, but forgot its name. Read the text and help Kolya. What cultural monument are we talking about?

This magnificent structure was built in Egypt around 2570 BC. near Memphis, in Giza. The height reaches 146.5 m. The construction took about 2,300,000 stone blocks.

2 ..In 1900, archaeologists excavated the leader’s burial ground, where the remains of beads made of precious stones, gold and silver vessels were found. It was established that the burial was made 7240 years ago. In what year was the leader buried?

3. Rome was founded in 753 BC. e. How many years passed from the founding of Rome to 1147, i.e., before the first mention of Moscow in chronicles?

Task 3 (10 points)

Give a detailed answer to the question:

  1. Why didn't the Egyptians have a sea god?

Task 4 (10 points; one word - 1 point)

Solve the crossword puzzle “Primitive society” and indicate the keyword.

Horizontally :

1. The mainland, where, according to scientists, the most ancient people lived. 2. Weapons of hunters, which can hit a target at a great distance.

3. The first force of nature that primitive people mastered.

4. The occupation of primitive people, which made it possible to obtain meat food.

5. A supernatural being that primitive people believed in; lives in every person.

6. The largest of the animals that ancient people hunted.

7. Horned beast, which was often depicted by primitive artists.

8. A tool used to catch fish.

9.An occupation that allowed one to obtain mainly plant food.


Task 5 (correct answer 45 points)

Read an excerpt from a historical source and answer the questions:

Truly, wealthy people are assigned to work on hand mills. Those who were dressed in thin linen are beaten with sticks... Truly, the archives have been opened. Tax declarations were stolen. Slaves became slave owners. Truly: the officials have been killed... The grain of Egypt has become common property. Truly: the scrolls of the laws of the judicial chamber have been thrown away, they are walked on at crossroads. Poor people break their seals in the streets... Poor people go out and enter great palaces. Truly: the children of nobles are driven out into the streets.(Saying by Ipuser.)

1.What event is described here?

2.What mood does this text convey?


Task 2 (correct answer 5 points, total 15)

  1. The Pyramid of Cheops
  2. 1170 years
  3. 1900 years

Task 3 (10 points)

Their life depended entirely on the Nile River, unlike the Phoenicians or Greeks...

Task 4 (correct answer 10 points)

  1. Africa
  2. Fire
  3. Hunting
  4. Soul
  5. Mammoth
  6. Buffalo
  7. Harpoon
  8. Gathering
  9. Keyword-Altamira(cave in Spain with rock paintings)

Task 5 (correct answer 45 points)

1. It is believed that this papyrus describes the consequences of one of the popular unrest of the Middle Kingdom era in Ancient Egypt (c. 1750 BC)

2.Mood of horror, bitterness...

3. It is believed that Ipuser (in other editions Ipuver) was a nobleman or high-ranking official.

Dmitry Simonov
from Buenos Aires

The Summer Youth Olympic Games will be held in Buenos Aires from October 6 to 18. Andrey KONOKOTIN, director of sports of the Russian Olympic Committee and head of the Main Directorate for ensuring participation in Olympic sports events, told SE about who was included in the Russian national team, how the preparation for the competition took place and what prospects our athletes have.

How many athletes do we have and who are they?

The Russian Olympic team included 94 athletes, including 46 boys and 48 girls. In total, taking into account coaches, specialists, medical personnel, and members of the operational headquarters, the team consists of 167 people. Our guys will take part in competitions in 27 sports. This is absolutely the best result for the entire period of these events. At the previous Games in Nanjing, our team took part in 20 sports.

According to IOC regulations at the Youth Olympic Games, the number of participants from one country in individual sports cannot exceed 75 people. Regardless of how many athletes successfully qualify. We have 86 athletes who have passed the selection process. Unfortunately, we had to make staff reductions.

At the same time, they tried to make sure that the Russian team was represented in a larger number of sports (at least one athlete in each). From the selected sports, only badminton was excluded (due to the low personal rating of the athletes and, accordingly, low chances of winning medals) and weightlifting, which was simply not allowed to participate in the Games by its international federation. As you know, the restoration of the rights of the Russian Weightlifting Federation is expected only after October 17, when the Games will already be coming to an end.

As for team sports, which include futsal, beach handball, rugby sevens and field hockey, one country can be represented by only two teams, and necessarily in different sports. We will have futsal teams for boys and beach handball teams for girls. Also taking part in the Games will be a women's three-on-three basketball team and men's and women's beach volleyball teams - where athletes qualify for individual rather than team sports quotas.

If we talk about regional representation, then, as usual, among the leaders are Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Moscow region and the Krasnodar Territory.

The Russian team includes 9 international-class masters of sports, 25 masters of sports, 45 candidates for master and two undisputed athletes.

Medal plan

There is no medal plan as such. But the Russian team is always faced with the task of fighting for a prize in the unofficial team competition. There is reason to believe that this time we will cope with this task!

At the two previous Youth Olympics, Russia took second place behind China. I think that this time the main fight will take place between our teams. Strong teams are expected from the Americans and Germans. According to preliminary calculations, in order to finish in first place, we should be talking about 33-34 gold medals.

But we must understand that making tough predictions in youth sports is a thankless task. After all, unlike the adult Olympics, sometimes there is no complete picture of the current state of the competitors; you don’t always understand who the main competitors are. Young people are characterized by changes in shape, and puberty may begin. Or someone may increase sharply. Sometimes jumps in results occur in just six months.

Which species should fans watch out for first?

Swimming. Boxing. Struggle. Judo. Taekwondo. Bullet shooting. Rhythmic and artistic gymnastics. Mini football. Brakedance.

Who are the stars of the Russian national team?

The most famous athlete is the representative of Moscow Kliment Kolesnikov, who this year became a three-time European champion in swimming among adults, and last year was fourth at the World Championships.

Anastasia Shamonova is a three-time winner of the world boxing championship.

Christina Adebayo, winner of the world championship and three-time European champion in taekwondo, has not lost in the international arena for more than a year.

There are strong athletes in all sports. Otherwise, they simply would not have made the team.

I am sure that the most experienced athletes, who have already achieved heights at the adult level, will still be interested in competing at the Youth Games. You may have several adult Olympics in your career, but the Youth Olympics are definitely only one. It will remain in the memory; it is a definite milestone in the life and career of young athletes.

New sports

At these Games there are sports new to the Olympics - breakdancing, karate, rock climbing, roller sports and acrobatics, which were introduced instead of group exercises in rhythmic gymnastics.

As well as new disciplines - mini-football, field hockey "5 on 5", beach handball.

In breakdancing, Russia is represented by two athletes who are quite highly rated in the world. According to the head of the Dance Sports Federation, Nadezhda Erastova, who is rooting for her guys with all her heart, there is a chance for medals!

Russia will have a flag and anthem

If we compare it with Pyeongchang, where the head of the delegation was Stanislav Pozdnyakov, and I was his deputy, then the sensations, of course, are very different. It is a great joy and pride for both the guys and us to perform under our flag, wear uniforms with Russian symbols, and listen to our anthem in case of victories. Of course, we are pleased that after the Games in Korea, OCD was fully restored. Just don’t forget what your responsibilities are.

Like housing, like arenas, like weather

The athletes live in the Olympic Village. Apartment type accommodation. Quite spartan. From 4 to 8 people in an apartment. One shower/toilet for four. But, as you know, even adult Olympic athletes are accommodated modestly. I am sure that, as always, this will not prevent the athletes from showing good results.

The competition will take place in four Olympic parks, quite distant from each other. Shuttles to the facilities will be provided for athletes. The longest travel time is about 60 minutes, which is quite tolerable.

It's spring in Buenos Aires. The temperature is comfortable - around 17-20 degrees during the day.

Fans will be able to attend the competitions for free.

Should we expect provocations against Russia?

We, of course, take all necessary security measures. But I don’t think we should expect political provocations. Even in Pyeongchang, where things were very difficult, there seemed to be only one incident.

Appropriate work has been done with the guys. We hope that athletes from other countries will be as friendly as possible. After all, we are talking about very young people who, as a rule, are far from politics.

Will there be strict doping controls?

Will there be increased attention from doping officers to Russia? I won’t undertake to predict.

I can only assume that the volumes of samples taken will still not be the same as at the adult Olympics. Although in those sports that are traditionally regulated by WADA, this will happen more often than in conventional breakdancing.

Now everyone has learned so much from the experience of past years that, I hope, everyone has realized that this is not worth doing. The ROC, for its part, pays increased attention to this issue. So, on June 1, Children’s Day, together with RUSADA, the Russian Ministry of Sports and Moskomsport, we held a forum of young Olympians dedicated to anti-doping topics. About 400 athletes were involved, about half of whom were potential participants in the Youth Games. On the eve of the departure in Novogorsk, during the final training camp organized by the ROC, an anti-doping seminar was held for members of the Olympic delegation.

I hope all this brings positive results!

Will medalists be given cars?

As you know, awards from the state are given to Olympians in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation. There is no such order for the Youth Games. So don't expect prize money or cars.

And in principle, at such a young age, athletes should hardly prioritize the material side. It can even cause harm, leading you astray. The guys have everything ahead. Youth Games can be a springboard to a career for many. And those who achieve athletic heights will, over time, certainly receive everything they win and deserve.

School stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

in history 2018-2019 academic year

5th grade

Maximum points - 55

Completion time - 45 minutes

Task No. 1. for each correct answer - 1 point, maximum 5 points

1.1. In which primitive group did tribal relations play the main role?

A) in the human herd;

B) in the tribal community;

B) in the state.

Answer: _________

1.2. Where is Egypt:

A) in the northeastern part of Africa;

B) in Central Asia;

B) in Central Africa.

Answer: _________

1.3. What punishment, according to the laws of Hammurabi, was due to a slave for insulting a free person:

A) death penalty;

B) cutting off a hand;

B) cutting off the ear.

Answer: ____________

1.4. Where was the first alphabet invented?

A) in Phenicia;

B) in Nubia;

B) in Egypt.

Answer: ___________

1.5. In which country did sugar production begin for the first time?

A) in China;

B) in India;

B) in Assyria.

Answer: ___________

Task No. 2. for each correct answer - 2 points, maximum 8 points

Establish a correspondence between the name of the ruler and the historical fact (write the answer in the table below):

Ruler name

Historical fact

A) Ashurbanipal

1.Organization of a library of clay books

B) Hammurabi

2.Creation of ancient laws

B) Prince Gautama

3.Construction of the longest wall

D) Qin Shi Huang

4.Creation of a new religion - Buddhism

5.Construction of the temple of the god Yahweh in Jerusalem

(write down numbers only):

Task No. 3. 2 points

Solve the problem:

In 1900, archaeologists excavated the leader's burial ground, where the remains of beads made of precious stones, gold and silver vessels were found. It was established that the burial was made 7240 years ago. In what year was the leader buried?



Task No. 4. What do you know about this deity?

the name is indicated - 2 points, the description is given - 4 points, maximum 6 points


Task No. 5.5 points

Read the historical source and answer the questions.

“The Emperor has gathered the Celestial Empire into one family, and wars will not happen again.”

Commemorative inscription on a stele on Mount Yishan (219 BC)

    What state did this person live in? (1 point)

    Why is it written about him that he gathered the Celestial Empire into one family? (2 points)

    What is his role in the history of his country? (2 points)

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Task No. 6. the name is indicated - 1 point, the description is given - 4 points,maximum 5 points

Sign the illustration, indicating who is depicted on it and what they are famous for:


Task No. 7. Two points for the correct answer, maximum 4 points

Underline the extra word. Explain why:

    Saul, David, Ashurbanipal, Solomon

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________


    Paper, compass, glass, gunpowder, silk

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________


Task No. 8. Define the concepts.

One point for each correct answer, maximum 5 points

    Sling - ________________________________________________________________

    Satrap - ________________________________________________________________

    Shaduf- ____________________________________________________________

    Caste- ________________________________________________________________

    Gospel - ____________________________________________________________


Task No. 9.

Please indicate the dates of these events:

Maximum 8 points, two points for each correct answer

    Homo sapiens appeared.

    Destruction of the capital of the Assyrian kingdom - Nineveh.

    Capture of Babylon by the Persians.

    Unification of China.

Task No. 10.maximum 7 points

10.1. Shade the agricultural region in Ancient Egypt on the map. 1 point

10.2. Circle on the map the area where the civilization of Ancient Mesopotamia began to form. 2 points

10.3. Mark on the map with a cross the country where, in the second half of the 19th century, amateur archaeologist Marcelino Sanz de Sautuola accidentally discovered a cave with Paleolithic paintings. 2 points

10.4. Write the name of the cave. 1 point

10.5. Mark on the map with an asterisk the continent where the remains of “Homo Habilis” were first discovered. 1 point


SCHOOL STAGE. 5 CLASS (26 points)


I . Find the correct answer (total 5 points: 1 point for each correct answer).

1. The tools used by ancient farmers include

A) harpoon B) hoe C) club D) chopper

2. When did the oldest man appear on Earth?

A) more than 2 million years ago

B) 100 thousand years ago

B) 10 thousand years ago

3. Having mastered the production of tools from stone, people began to make them from bone. The first bone tools were

A) axes

B) needles

B) swords

D) chopped

4. The first manifestations of art among primitive people were

A) images of animals on the rocks

B) oil paintings on wood

C) paintings made from colored minerals

D) images using water paints on plaster

5. The main occupation of the ancient Egyptians was

A) cattle breeding

B) craft

B) agriculture

D) fishing

II . Reconcile, write down the answers in the table below (5 points)

1) craftA) unification of clans

2) mythb) actions and words that supposedly have miraculous powers


3) genusV) making various products by hand

4) magicG) tales about gods, heroes, the origin of phenomena


5) tribed) a group of people descended from one


III . Complete tasks on the map (2 points)


IV . Read the texts and answer the questions (5 points for each task)

1. It is known that ancient people initially used a hand ax without a handle, and then learned to attach the ax to a wooden handle. Subsequently, people invented the raft.How did the advent of the handle ax prepare the invention of the raft?

2. Until recently, the indigenous people of Australia were economically and culturally backward people. They could not read, write, and did not know metals. At the same time, the Australians had an excellent understanding of nature: they distinguished more than two hundred species of edible wild plants, about one hundred species of edible snails and more than twenty species of edible fish.How can we explain that the majority of modern city dwellers and even rural residents have a much worse understanding of the natural environment than Australians?



In what year was the leader buried?

How many years did the tradition of holding games last?

. How many years passed from the founding of Rome to 1147, i.e., before the first mention of Moscow in chronicles?


    Find the correct answer (total 5 points: 1 point for each correct answer).

    Reconcile, write down the answers in the table below (5 points)

    Complete tasks on the map (2 points)

1.Africa 2. The alleged region of the ancestral home of man. (The territory where the most ancient sites and bones of primitive people were discovered).

V. Solve historical problems. (4 points)

1. In 1900, archaeologists excavated the leader’s burial ground, where the remains of beads made of precious stones, gold and silver vessels were found. It was established that the burial was made 7240 years ago.In what year was the leader buried? (1 point) 5340

2. According to legend, the first Olympic Games were organized by Hercules in 776 BC. e., and in 394 Emperor Theodosius banned them as pagan.How many years did the tradition of holding games last? (1 point) – 1170 years

3. Rome was founded in 753 BC. uh. How many years passed from the founding of Rome to 1147, i.e., before the first mention of Moscow in chronicles? (1 point) - 1900 years

4. During archaeological excavations, 339 stone tools and over 10,000 fragments of animal bones were found in the Teshik-Tash grotto. Of the total number of bones, it was possible to establish the identity of 938. Of these, 2 were horses, 2 were bears, 767 were mountain goats, and 1 were leopards.Determine the main occupation of the inhabitants of the Teshik-Tash grotto. (1 point)-hunting.



Running time: 45 minutes

Number of points: 100

1 part.

Select the correct answer and mark the correct answer:

  1. The first metal from which ancient people learned to make tools:a) copperb) bronzec) iron
  2. What allowed primitive man to survive the Ice Age?a) gatheringb) the invention of metal toolsc) mastery of fire.
  3. Several clan communities living in one area:a) the human herdb) tribec) neighboring community.
  4. A tool with which primitive people caught fish.a) harpoonb) onionc) chopped.
  5. The Egyptian pharaoh for whom the largest pyramid was built?a) Akhenatenb) Cheopsc) Tutankhamun.
  6. The coffin where the dead pharaohs were laid in Ancient Egypt:a) sarcophagus b) pyramid c) mummy
  7. What does the term “religion” mean?a) belief in supernatural forcesb) belief in the forces of naturec) the ability to obey someone
  8. Writing in Ancient Egypt:a) hieroglyphs b) cuneiform c) papyrus
  9. The main difference between primitive man and ape:

a) the ability to make tools and weapons

b) long arms hanging down to the knees

c) collecting gifts of nature

  1. Modern man appeared around:

a) 60 thousand years agob) 40 thousand years agoc) 20 thousand years ago

Part 2.

11. Mark the statements with which you agree with a “+” sign, and those with which you disagree with a “-” sign:

1) The main difference between ancient man and ape was his appearance.

2) The earliest man could live alone.

3) Mastery of fire changed the life of primitive people.

4) The main occupation of modern humans was crafts.

5) In the clan community, each family had its own farm and disposed of it at its own discretion.

6) The development of crafts led to the division of labor.

7) In the neighboring community, mutual assistance from relatives played a big role.

8) The neighboring community is replaced by the ancestral community over time.

9) A sorcerer-witch doctor who communicated with spirits was called a shaman.

10) At the end of the Neolithic era, the first cities appeared.

12. Convert year to century and write in Roman numerals.



1905 6. 1812
753 BC 7. 5 BC
1314 8. 988
594 BC 9. 1147
2016 10. 74 BC

13. Establish a correspondence between the concepts and their meaning:


1) tools a) the head of the tribe’s warriors
2) know b) a symbol for a concept
3) symbol c) devices made of stone, wood, animal bones for obtaining food, protecting ancient man
4) craft d) hereditary, privileged layer of society
5) leader e) production of various products
1 2 3 4 5

14. Solve the crossword puzzle “Primitive society” and indicate the keyword. (10 points; one word - 1 point)










Horizontally :

1. The mainland, where, according to scientists, the most ancient people lived.

2. A weapon for hunters that can hit a target at a great distance.

3. The first force of nature that primitive people mastered.

4. The occupation of primitive people, which made it possible to obtain meat food.

5. A supernatural being that primitive people believed in; lives in every person.

6. The largest of the animals that ancient people hunted.

7. Horned beast, which was often depicted by primitive artists.

8. A tool used to catch fish.

9.An occupation that allowed one to obtain mainly plant food.


15. Solve problems: draw a time line, mark all the dates, carry out the decision.

  1. The warrior was born in 16 BC and died in battle in 29 AD. How many years did he live?

2. A blacksmith forged a sword in 1959 BC. How many years ago did this happen?

3. In 1929, archaeologists found a jug that had lain in the ground for 3005 years. In what year was the jug lost?

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