Competition program “Mom, Dad, Me – a reading family. Extracurricular activity "Dad, Mom, Me - a reading family"

Extracurricular activity

“Mom, Dad and I are a reading family”

1) Improve expressive reading skills and the ability to navigate the world of books.
2) Develop the cognitive and creative abilities of students.
3) To educate a cultured reader.
4) Share the experience of families in which reading has become a tradition.
Design: textbook layouts, posters:
Book – Teacher.
Book mentor,
Book - Reliable comrade and friend.
The mind, like a stream, dries up and grows old, If you let go of the book from your hands.

Progress of the holiday.

1st presenter.

Dear friends! Today we are holding a competition “Mom, Dad and Me – a Reading Family”. Your best friend is a book. There is nothing more fascinating, more wonderful than a book. To know a lot, you need to read a lot.

2nd presenter.
We have been waiting for this happy day for a long time,
So it has finally come for us.
Counted the hours and days patiently,
To make everyone happy now.
- Our students will read poems about the book.
1) We are without a book, like without hands,
A book is your first friend.
After all, without a book is like without light,
Without good advice.
2) In every house, in every hut,
In cities and villages
A beginning reader holds a book on the table.
3) Even a small child,
Can't read
As soon as he comes out of diapers -
He asks to show the book.
4) Birthday gift
Do you want to give it to a friend?
Bring him a book
There will be a century of gratitude.
5) Our children's book,
Children's, famous,
Brave and honest -
A faithful friend of the guys!
6) The book is understandable to everyone,
Smart, entertaining -
Boys and girls
Dads, moms, grandpas -
Everyone wants to read.

Queen Book enters.

Queen Book.
-Hello guys!
-How many good things I heard about myself. Thank you.

I can’t count all my subjects,
They are in all parts.
They talk to people in their own way,
Different languages.
You know my subjects
We could do it in a moment,
All I have to do is name myself:
I am Queen Book.
I can make you sad
Any reader.
Laugh, cry and love
The word helps me.

1st presenter
- Today, 3 families are taking part in our competition “Mom, Dad and Me – a Reading Family”:
Family..., team captain...
The competition is judged by a jury consisting of...
So here we go. Teams, get ready!

1st competition: Literary quiz.
The facilitator asks three questions to each team.
1) What fairy tale are they from: One-Eyed, Two-Eyed, Three-Eyed (“Khovroshechka”)
2) Which fairy tale ends with these words: “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows”? (A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”
3) What is strongest in the fairy tale “Turnip” (Friendship)
4) What was the name of the kitten in N. Nosov’s story “The Living Hat”? (Vaska)
5) What were the names of the mice from the cartoon about Leopold the cat? (Grey and white)
6) How many times did the old man from A.S. Pushkin’s fairy tale go to the blue sea? (6)
7) Who ate washcloths? (crocodile)
8) Who paid for their gluttony at the pit jumping competition? (wolf)
9) Who was it that, upon getting to the ball, immediately charmed everyone? (Cinderella)

Queen Book.
- I came to your holiday not alone, but with my friends - book characters. Meet them!

Malvina appears.

-Good afternoon, girls and boys! Good afternoon, dear parents! I wonder if girls today have to raise boys? Isn't this a very difficult matter? I once had to work with a boy. He was a completely ill-mannered child. For example, he sat with his legs tucked under him. He drank coffee straight from the coffee pot, and stuffed the pies into his mouth and swallowed them without chewing. He climbed into the vase of jam with his fingers and sucked them with pleasure. Of course, I explained to him how to behave. You probably guessed who this boy is?

Pinocchio enters.

-Hi guys! Wow, there are so many of you! Are you all here for the show? This is amazing! I just advise you not to do what I once did: you took and sold your alphabet book to buy a ticket to a puppet theater performance. Now I regret it, guys, because thanks to the alphabet I learned to read. And I am also grateful to Queen Book.

2nd competition: “Auction of proverbs about books, about reading” (who wins more?)

2nd presenter.

But there is such a proverb: “It’s no good to read if you grab tops.”
After all, there are such readers. We will now listen to a dramatized poem about them:

S. Sadovsky “Book Swallower”
Student 1: Lyudmila, hello! How are you?
Why so pale? Were you sick?
You haven't been with me for a month.
Student 2: I kept sitting over my books.
I read ten books every other day.
I wonder myself - where did the laziness go?
Student 1: What did you read?
Student 2: You can’t count everything,
What I managed to read.
Student 1: But still?
2 students: “Chuk and Gek” by Krylov,
"Kashtanka" by Marshak,
"Stozhars" by Leo Tolstoy,
Koltsov “Son of the Regiment”
I also read plays and poems,
Yes, different articles - about the stars, about the moon.
And on other topics.
But what stuck in my memory most of all was
How Pinocchio raced on an elephant
And how the fox gave cheese to the crow.
Student 1: Wait, you have a mess in your head!
Think carefully, Mila!
You devoured a mountain of books in a month,
It would be better if you really read at least two.

1st presenter.
-Let's not be like this Lyudmila. Let's read books both usefully and efficiently!

The jury's word.

2nd presenter.
-Now let’s continue our competitions.

Competition 3: Competition for parents.

Only moms and dads can take part. In case of difficulty, children help, but points will be deducted for this.

Continue the poem.

1) Mister – Twister
Former minister...
2) In the house 8, fraction 1
At the Ilyich outpost...

3) I am the great washbasin...

4) Firefighters are looking for

The police are looking for...

5) They gave the shoe to the elephant...

6) Lukomorye has a green oak...

7) We are going, going, going..

8) Mom is sleeping, she’s tired...

9) There goes the bull, swinging...

Competition for the best knowledge of fairy tales.

1) Sing the song of the 3 little pigs.
2) What song did Kolobok sing?
3) What did the goat sing to her seven kids?

4) Call the cockerel to look out the window.

5) What did Mashenka say while sitting in the box behind the bear?

6) What the wolf said, lowering his tail into the hole.

2nd presenter

Competition 4: Who was here and forgot what?

Little Red Riding Hood enters.

Hello guys, dads and moms! I was walking through the forest to see my grandmother and along the way I found some things that had been lost by someone. Help me return them to fairy tales. What is this in my basket here?

Mirror (“The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”)

Egg (“Ryaba Hen”)

Key ("Golden Key")
- a bottle with the inscription: “Drink me” (“Alice in Wonderland”)

Flower - seven-flowered

The jury's word.

1st presenter.
-Now let’s watch the sketch “Vitya the Poet”

Vitya comes in with a notepad and pencil, writing and muttering.

Masha enters.

1) Masha: Vit! (No answer)
And Vit!
2) Vitya: Wait, don’t interrupt!
1) – How do you mean “don’t disturb?” I may have something to do with you.
What are you muttering?
2) – I don’t mumble, but I write poetry.
1) – Poems? Do you write poetry?!
2) - What?
1) - No, I’m okay... We will all be interested in listening to your poems.
Right guys? Well, we all ask you to read your poems to us.
2) - What are you, what are you! How is this possible? So many people...
Even uncomfortable.
1) – Don’t be shy. Guys, let's ask Vitya and give him a clap. You see how everyone wants you to read your poems.
2) – There’s nothing to do, since they’re asking...
I... can... (gets into a pose, thinks, starts)
The bears were riding a bicycle.
1) (perplexed) - Vitya... Aren’t you ashamed?
2) – What is it? Why are you ashamed?
1) – These are not your poems.
2) - I didn’t interrupt you, and you don’t interrupt me. Listen to the end.
The bears were driving
By bike
Suddenly they see-
Stands by the wheels
A huge disheveled dog.
(Masha is perplexed at first, then laughs)
-What are you laughing at?
1) - Oh, I can’t! ...Oh, I can't!
2) - Guys, why is she laughing?
1) - Oh, I can’t! ... How long did it take you to compose these poems?
2) (modestly) - Not very much, but still I had to work hard.
1) -And I can compose such a poem in an instant.
2) - Instantly?
1) – Instantly!
2) (categorically) - You can’t make it up!
1) -Well, listen:
There is a green oak near the Lukomorye,
There's a green noise going on...
2) - Wait, wait! These are not your poems!
1) (slyly) - Whose?
2) – “Near the Lukomorye there is a green oak tree” - Pushkin wrote this. Right, guys? And “There goes - green noise is buzzing” - this is Nekrasov.
1) – Who wrote your poems?
2) – Mine? I
1) - Let’s ask the guys (Line by line he parses the poem read by Vitya) You see, Vitya, the guys know better than you who wrote your poems.

5 competition. Poetry tournament.

2nd presenter.
- And now we’ll hold a poetry tournament for family teams (Who can most successfully and quickly compose poems according to the given rhymes)
Library Book
Disco Boy

Competition for fans.

1) In which city there is Kolokolchikov Street, Daisies Alley and Vasilkov Boulevard?
(In the flower city "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends")

2) What is the name of the sorceress who was afraid of water, and how many years did she wash her face? (the sorceress Bastinda did not wash her face for more than 500 years)
Volkov "Wizards of the Emerald City"

1st presenter
- The hostess studies the textbook all year,
And he notices something for himself and can report it without concealment in the spring
About the strange habits and morals of the hostess.

Dramatization of M. Ilyin’s fable “Two Books”

Two books come in: one is disheveled, smeared with ink, resting on a stick;
The other one is clean and tidy.

1st presenter
-Once upon a time, two books met in our house. They talked among themselves.

Book 1 – Well, how are you doing?

2nd Book (sits heavily on a chair) - Oh, honey, I’m ashamed in front of the class...

My owner tore out the cover “with meat”

What about the cover - the pages were torn off!
From them he makes boats, rafts and pigeons.
I'm afraid the leaves will go to snakes,
Then I'll fly into the clouds.
How white are your sides?

1st. Your torments are unknown to me.
I don't remember such a day
So that, without washing your hands clean,
The student sat down to read me.
And look at my leaves,
You won't see any ink dots on them.
I’m silent about the blots,
It’s not decent to even talk about them.
But I teach him too
Not just any way, but “excellent”!

2nd. Well, mine barely runs in threes
And I even got a D that week.
Oh, honey, I'm embarrassed in front of the class!...

The Second Book leaves, leaning on a wand, the First Book accompanies her.

2nd presenter.

There is no riddle in the fable:
They'll tell you straight
Both books and notebooks
What a student you are!

Competition 7: Homework.

(Compose, write a fairy tale, poem or story. Put it in a book.)

The jury sums up the results.

The book and I are smarter and richer,
We can grow up and be friends with her,
She gives us tasks
And teaches you how to think and live.

There are so many books in the library!
Take a close look.
There are thousands of your friends here
They settled on the shelves.

Little Red Riding Hood.
They stand on the shelves and are silent,
If you touch it, they’ll instantly start talking,
They will tell you about everything in the world.
Be strong friends with them, children.

(in chorus) See you again!

The jury's word: rewarding family teams.

1st presenter
I appeal to you, comrades children:
There is nothing more useful than a book in the world!
Let books come into your friends' homes.
Read all your life, gain your mind.

2nd presenter.
The holiday is over, we have it
Designed for one hour only.
But you, the reading people.

Both (in unison): “Love books all year round!!!”

Children are given a gift - a book
(parents buy in advance, taking into account the interests of the children)

Family Holiday Day “Dad, Mom, Me – a reading family.”

Design: book exhibition “Seven Me” (books about family, family holidays, family values)
Musical accompaniment - children's songs

Ved.1 Hello, dear children! Hello, dear adults! We invite you to a fun family literary and fairy-tale journey “Dad, Mom, I am a reading family.” It is no coincidence that our journey is literary and fairy tale, because... We met during Children's Book Week.
Children's and Youth Book Week takes place in the last week of March, during spring break. The wonderful children's writer Lev Kassil came up with the idea of ​​calling this holiday “Book Name Day.”
The very first Children's Book Week took place in Moscow back in March 1944 in the Kremlin Hall of Columns. The Great Patriotic War was going on, but during this difficult time the adults managed to arrange a wonderful, kind holiday for the children. Since then, Children's Book Week has become a good tradition; it takes place every year in cities and villages of our country.
Ved.2 Lev Kassil said a wonderful phrase: “I am writing, as best I can, as best I can, to my dear boys and girls. And for me there is no more important and beautiful thing in the world...” These words can be applied to any of our children's writers, which is why we love and remember the authors and their book heroes.
This year marks the anniversaries of the wonderful, beloved writers Boris Vladimirovich Zakhoder (90), Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky (95), Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov (95), Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin (135), Valentin Georgievich Suteev (105), Elena Aleksandrovna Blaginina (105 ), Vera Vasilievna Chaplina (100) and many others.
Today we will remember their works, play a fairy tale, solve riddles, and draw family portraits. (Identify teams, star points in boxes)
Ved.1 First competition - Literary mathematics competition. You say this doesn’t happen? Happens. Let's remember the names of books, fairy tales, poems in which numbers appear. So, the number is one, (up to ten).
Ved.2 We continue our conversation about books and literary characters
A cat appears
Cat. Noooo. Mrrrr. Let's talk about cats.
Ved.2 Let me introduce you. This is our Scientist Cat - a famous storyteller from Lukomorye.
Cat. Greetings!
Ved.2 And who knows from which work the Scientist Cat came to us (Pushkin’s poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”). Well, tell us what's new under the oak tree.
Cat. Mrrrr, we have a lot of news. For example, they began to publish a special newspaper for cats.
Cats have Sunday
Interesting newspaper
Where in three columns – no less
Announcements are given.
“I’m looking for a cozy warm home
With an old chair, a hearth,
No drafts and no guys,
What kind of tails are teasing us?”
"We need a middle-aged lady
For reading books and newspapers.
Prerequisite: knowledge of languages
In the neighboring butcher's shops."

In Ozhegov’s Explanatory Dictionary, the following definition is given: tradition is something that has been passed on from one generation to another, that is inherited from previous generations (ideas, views, tastes, modes of action, customs). Tradition is a custom, an established order of behavior in everyday life. (for example, New Year's Eve). What traditions do you have in your family?
Every nation has the right to be proud of its original traditions and its national culture. The homeland is like a huge tree on which you can’t count the leaves, and everything we do good adds strength to it. The wisdom of the people is reflected in riddles, proverbs, and sayings. And now we will hold a competition “Experts of Traditions”.
First task. We need to restore the proverb, I name two words connected in pairs, and you tell me the proverb:
What good is a treasure for a family, if there is harmony in the family?
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Take care of your dress again, and take care of your honor from a young age.
Time for business - time for fun.
Ved.1. Now try to finish the proverb.
The hut is not red in its corners...
In cramped conditions...
Don't spit in the well.....
Not by bread alone.....
In my home and the walls...
Where he was born…..
Ved.2 Let's hold a blitz lottery for the best expert on traditions. (the team chooses a question for the opponent)
What is the name of the Russian holiday of seeing off winter? (Maslenitsa)
What treat is always present at the farewell to winter celebration? (Pancakes)
Why is pancake a symbol of Maslenitsa? (pagan holiday, symbol of the sun)
What Russian dishes do you know? (Shchi, borscht, porridge, pie)
What kind of clothes did Russian women wear?
(Sundresses, jackets, boots, shawls, shushuns)

What kind of shoes did Russian peasants wear? (bast shoes)
What is a hut? (wooden peasant house)
Which tree is considered a symbol of Russia? (birch)
Name a souvenir from the Russian land that is loved all over the world. (matryoshka)
Ved. 1 One of the most common traditions in our life is photographs, which we carefully preserve, as this is the memory of our family.
Previously, when there were no cameras, portraits were painted. Now we will draw a collective portrait of each team. (invite ___ people from each team, distribute who will draw what, blindfold, each artist draws his own task, and the fans unanimously help with words.)
Baba Yaga appears
B.Ya. Cough-cough-cough... Why are you making so much noise here? Why are you shouting here? Oh, readers, brothers - wanderers! Are you really calling me the old one?
Oh, how nice you are,
oh, how plump you are!
And probably terribly smart!
And terribly delicious!
And today I haven’t had poppy dew in my mouth yet!
Ved.2 Hey, Yaga, don’t be a bully here,
This is not a dark forest for you.
If I call, the guard will come
Yes, with a gun at the ready.
B.Ya. Oh, no, no need for a security guard.
I am calm, like a rowan in a field.
Ved.2 Then introduce yourself properly and stay and play with us.
B.Ya. Hmm, hmm...
The whole world knows me grandma,
I am only three hundred years old,
But in these three hundred years
Ate more than one lunch
Of these small ones...
Ved.2 Baba Yaga are you being a bully again?!…
B.Ya. Okay, okay. I won't. Tell me, what are you doing here?
Ved.2 Today we have a children's book holiday. We play - we remember proverbs, sayings, and solve riddles.
B.Ya. And I also know an interesting game. In this game you need to change each word to its opposite meaning so that you get the name of the fairy tale. For example: the station of the pink onion - change it - we get: The Journey of the Blue Arrow, a fairy tale by Gianni Rodari.
“The Dog is Barefoot” (C. Perrault “Puss in Boots”)
“Iron Lock” (Tolstoy’s “Golden Key”)
“Academician Underground” (Nosov “Dunno on the Moon”)
"The Sand Maid" (Andersen's "The Snow Queen")

Ved. 2 Thank you Baba Yaga for interesting competitions
B.Ya. Yes, please. Well, it’s time for me to return home to my hut on chicken legs. Goodbye!
Ved.1 Now we continue competitions for adults. Competition "Familiar Strangers".
You, comrade adults, have read a lot, know a lot of Russian folk tales, and are familiar with the latest achievements of science and technology. Now you must choose cards with fabulous miracles and tell us how this miracle is presented in modern life. Children can give hints.
The Little Humpbacked Horse (space rocket)
Magic carpet (airplane)
Golden Cockerel (radar)
Sled-scooters (air sleigh)
Miracle Mirror (TV)
Feather of the Firebird (spotlight)
A ball of thread indicating the way (compass)
Sadko at the bottom of the sea (diver).
Ved.2 This was a warm-up. Now remember what you read as a child and answer the question:
1) What is the name of the work of the Soviet writer, in which the author says: “Everyone understands what happiness is in their own way. But all together people knew and understood that they had to live honestly, work hard and love deeply and take care of this huge, happy land...” (“Chuk and Gek” by A. Gaidar).
2) One children’s writer has a story called “Chicken Soup.” The situation in the story is typical: mom told dad to cook chicken, and she went to work. Dad and son tried very hard! Moreover, they were hungry. They cut this unfortunate chicken with scissors so that there would be no hairs on it, then they almost burned it with gas... Who is the author of this story? (Viktor Dragunsky).
3) There are three countries,
which are not on the map,
but don't be upset in vain.
You can find them at Kassil,
The wonderful Leo. (Shvambrania, Sinegoria, Dzungaria)
Ved. 1
Let's open a fun room!
The funhouse is so much fun!
I forget about other things
to be reflected in distorting mirrors.
In the first mirror I'm like a barrel,
And in the second - like a thin twig,
In the third - tall, like a giraffe,
well, and in the fourth - square like a closet,
in the fifth - eared, handy - in the sixth,
round - in the seventh,
triangular - in the eighth.
In the ninth I became a humpbacked camel...
And in the most ordinary mirror,
In the tenth -
I'm the most ordinary, but I look alike!
Still, the truth is better than a lie! (L. Yakovlev. Room of laughter)

A very difficult game “Mirror” awaits you (adults repeat the movements of children)
Ved.2 Now let's take a little break from competitions. Let's talk about the book.
There are a lot of proverbs, sayings and catchphrases about the book.
Popular wisdom noted that
A book is a window to the world, look into it often.
Living with a book is a breeze.
From time immemorial, books have taught people.
A book is to the mind what warm rain is to sunrise.
The English writer Shakespeare noted that books are dearer to him than the throne.”
The Italian playwright Goldoni wrote: “A man with a good book in his hands can never be lonely.”
“What a wealth of wisdom of goodness is expressively scattered throughout the books of all times and peoples,” wrote L.N. Tolstoy.
The English philosopher Bacon said: “Books are ships of thought, traveling on the waves of time and carefully carrying their cargo from generation to generation.”
Ved.1 And now let's talk about you - our readers. What do you read, how do you follow the rules for using the library, who is the most read. (Astakhova).
Our holiday has come to its finale. Now we will sum up the results and say goodbye until we meet again!
Compiled by bibliographer of the Mikhailovskaya Central Library S. Polyakova

Irina Dyoshina

The book, in most Russian families, has always been considered a priority of spiritual values. But it’s no secret that the main trend in recent years is the decline in the prestige of reading in modern society.

The teacher faces a very important question: how to explain to the younger generation that a book can never be replaced by a computer, television and other sources of information.

In this matter, close cooperation between the teacher and the teacher is very important. parents. It is very important to be able to explain to young people parents, What family Reading is not just a way to obtain information, it is the best way to communicate with your child, it is the best way to unobtrusively educate your child’s moral qualities. Parents will always serve as an example to their children and, reviving traditions family reading, we help family to become not only reading, but also thinking, thinking, empathizing. A joint reading brings adults and children, helps to fill rare and joyful moments of spiritual communication with content, and cultivates a loving and kind heart in the child.

In the project's boundaries "The Book in Our Life" we offered parents our pupils to talk about the meaning of books and family reading in their education children. Many parents successfully completed this task by doing, together with children, family wall newspapers which were called " Mother, dad, I - reading family" As always, showing extraordinary ingenuity and creative activity, which once again confirms the importance joint activities in educating the younger generation. I present to your attention our newspapers« Mother, dad, I - reading family»

Publications on the topic:

“Dad, mom, I am a sports family.” Sports entertainment for children and their parents“Dad, mom, I am a sports family” Goal: - instilling a love for sports; - formation of a healthy lifestyle; - spending time together between children and parents.

“Dad, mom, I am a sports family.” Sports entertainment for children and parents of the first junior group Goal: Promoting a healthy lifestyle, Involving the family in sports Objectives: - increase the interest of children and parents in playing sports.

Parents participated in the educational process to familiarize children with fiction and cultivate a love of reading.

Entertainment for children and parents “Mom, Dad, I am a musical family” Progress of the entertainment: Presenter: Hello guys, hello guests.

Methodological development of the parent meeting “Mom, Dad, I am a reading family” Reading a book is a special type of activity that belongs to one of the means of forming a person in a person. Adults must hold their ground.

Pedagogical project in the senior group “Dad, Mom, I am a reading family!” as part of the thematic week “Books” Relevance of the project Once upon a time... Every child hears these words with pleasure, warmth and hope for something new and interesting. Fairy tales.

Objectives: - Promote a healthy lifestyle, promote family involvement in physical education and sports; - Involve children in systematic physical exercises.

Competition program: “Dad, Mom, I – a reading family”

Target: continue work to unite school and family teams; develop interest and love for reading.


1. Study the reading situation in families, the circle of children's reading.

2. Expand social partnership, attract children and parents to reading.

3. Develop creativity.

4. Provide informational assistance to the family.

5. Identify the most reading family.

Preparatory work.

A month of preparation for the competition is announced (a list of recommended literature is specified), a survey of students and parents is conducted in advance, parents submit an application to participate in the competition and receive an information sheet: “Conditions of the competition”

Decoration of the hall.

1. On the walls of the hall there are paintings depicting literary heroes, posters: “Who reads a lot, knows a lot”, “Reading books means never getting bored.”

2. In the foreground is a poster: “A house without a book is like a body without a soul.” (Cicero)

Progress of the event

1. Psychological attitude

Grain sprouts in the ground

The child receives his sight in the family.

And if the family likes to read books,

Then the child will begin to see clearly faster,

And today’s competition will help you find out

Which family loves to read books?

So, we announce the start of the competition:

“Dad, Mom, I am a reading family.”

We have a jury to identify the winners of the competition.

(Introduction of the jury members)

Our conThe course will be held in two categories: in the first category the team consists of three people, in the second category the team consists of two people.

So, we invite the participants of the first category to take their tables.

These are families... Meet them.

(Music “Dad, Mom, Me” sounds; children perform the first verse)

Let's open familiar books

And again let's go from page to page,

It's always nice to be with your favorite hero

Meet again, become stronger friends.

It doesn’t matter that we’ve known the book for a long time,

Even if you know the hero very well,

And how it will end is also known,

Good books are always interesting.

The book and I are smarter and richer,

We can grow with her and be friends,

She gives us tasks

And teaches how to think and live!

Good book -

My companion, my friend,

It's more interesting with you

There is leisure!

We're having a great time

Let's spend it together

And our conversation

We are going slowly.

You teach truth

And be valiant.

Nature, people

Understand and love.

I treasure you

I'm taking care of you.

Without a good book,

I can't live.

Opening speech by the class teacher

You need to teach your child to love books not only at school, but also at home. More and more often you can hear parents complaining that their children do not want and do not like to read. Today, when our children are just learning the basics of reading, we need to help them fall in love with books, since the inability to read in our computer age not only negatively affects the child’s academic performance, but also his overall development.

Analysis of questionnaires of children and parents.

And now we are starting our first competition"The family's calling card."

Each family will talk about itself and try to prove that it is the most read.

(Each family is a team, so you need a team name, motto and emblem. Families talk about their favorite books, authors, reading topics. Show presentations. Families come out with books.)

While the jury is summing up the results, let's listen to a poem by the author Oleg Semenovich Bundur"Dad Tells a Story"

I know the fairy tale by heart

From word to word,

But let him tell

Let be,

I'll listen again.

And I only want one thing:

Let the fairy tale last longer.

While I'm with dad,


Bad things won't happen.

And I ask dad again

Tell a fairy tale from the beginning.

The jury's word.

Next competition"Fairytale warm-up"

(Each team receives quiz questions. After answering the questions, the form is handed over to the jury members)


Sergey Mikhalkov

While the teams answer questions, viewers will guess riddles based on fairy tales:

1. A girl appeared in a flower cup,

And that girl was a little bigger than a marigold.

That girl slept in a nutshell

And she saved a little swallow from the cold. (Thumbelina.)

2. For him, a walk is a holiday,

And he has a special nose for honey.

This is a plush prankster -

Little bear... (Winnie the Pooh.).

3. Fruit and vegetable garden country –

It's in one of the books,

And in it the hero is a vegetable boy -

He is brave, fair, mischievous. (Cipollino.)

4. As a child, everyone laughed at him,

They tried to push him away:

After all, no one knew that he

Born a white swan. (Ugly duck)

5. I bought a samovar,

And the mosquito saved her. (fly Tsokotukha)

6. While eating rolls,

A guy was riding on a stove.

Rode around the village

And he married the princess. (Emelya)

7. This is not at all difficult,

Quick question:

Who put it in the ink

Wooden nose? (Pinocchio)

8. Accordion in hands,
On top of the head is a cap,
And next to him it’s important
Cheburashka is sitting.(Crocodile Gena)

9. I am the most beautiful, well-mannered,

Smart and moderately well-fed. (Carlson)

10. He is crooked and lame,

The commander of all washcloths.

He, of course, will wash everyone away,

Washbasin... (Moidodyr)

While the jury sums up the results, we will watch the cartoon“Three kittens - we won’t hurt the books.”

Next competition -This is a tongue twister competition.

Choose one tongue twister by lot and pronounce it quickly with the whole family.

“The rooks are chattering at the jackdaws, the jackdaws are looking at the rooks.”

“Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.”

“Karl stole corals from Clara, Clara stole Karl’s clarinet.”

“The Greek was driving across the river, he saw the Greek - there was cancer in the river.

He put the Greek’s hand in the river, and the crayfish grabbed the Greek’s hand - tsap!”

“Two puppies, cheek to cheek, nipping at a brush in the corner.”

“It’s a hassle to catch a cunning magpie, but forty forty is forty hassle.”

“Tell me about your purchases. What about purchases?

About shopping, about shopping, about my shopping"

“The clatter of hooves sends dust flying across the field.”

“Mom washed Mila with soap, Mila didn’t like soap.”

While the jury is summing up the results, the teams change. Representatives of the second category emerge.

And again the competition "Family calling card."

Next task:

From the cut lines, assemble a complete poem and indicate the author.


Two grandmothers on a bench

We sat on a hill.

Grandmothers said:

We only have A's!

Congratulated each other

They shook hands with each other,

Although the exam was passed

Not grandmothers, but grandchildren!

And the last competition"Guess the melody".

Now music from cartoons and fairy tales will be played. Teams must guess the song and start singing along. Whoever sings along gets 2 points.

Lyrics of the song "Cartoon Medley"

1 Slowly the minutes float away into the distance,

Don't expect to meet them anymore.

And although we feel a little sorry for the past,

The best is, of course, yet to come!

Good riddance, good riddance to the long journey

And it rests directly on the sky.

Everyone, everyone believes in the best,

The blue carriage rolls and rolls.

2 Past the white apple of the moon,

Past the red apple of the sunset

Clouds from an unknown country

They rush to us, and again run somewhere.

Clouds are white-maned horses!

Clouds - why are you rushing without looking back?

Please don't look down on me,

And take us for a ride across the sky, clouds!

3 Chunga-chang! Blue sky!

Chunga-changa! Summer – all year round!

Chunga-changa! We have fun!

Chunga-changa! Let's sing a song!

4 Tili - tili, trawl - fall,

We didn't go through this

We were not asked this.



5 Across the blue sea, to the green land

I'm sailing on my white ship.

On your white ship,

On your white ship.

Neither waves nor wind scare me, -

I'm swimming to the only mother in the world.

I'm sailing through the waves and the wind

To the only mother in the world.

Let mom hear, let mom come,

May my mother definitely find me!

After all, this doesn’t happen in the world,

So that children are lost.

After all, this doesn’t happen in the world,

So that children are lost.

6 And then surely the clouds will suddenly dance,

And the grasshopper plays the violin!

Well, friendship begins with a smile,

The river begins with a blue stream,

Well, friendship begins with a smile!

7A strong friendship will not break,

Will not come apart from rain and blizzards.

A friend will not leave you in trouble, will not ask too much,

This is what a true true friend means.

This concludes our competition.

While the jury is summing up its results, I suggest that all parents receive reminders.

Memo “How to discuss what you read with your child”

1. Find out difficult words.

2. Ask if the child liked the book he read. Why?

3. Invite the child to tell about the main character, the main

book event.

4. What words and expressions do the child remember?

Memo “How to write a short retelling of what you read”

1. Read the text.

2. Break the text into parts.

3. Make a plan for the text.

4. Make a plan for each part (from 2, 3 sentences).

5. Combine the outline of the text and the outline of each part into a coherent story. This will be a brief retelling of what we read.

Memo “How to write a story about the hero of a work”

1. Read the text. Answer the question: who is the main character of the work?

2. Select from the text those places where the hero of the work is spoken about. Tag them.

3. Make an outline of the selected passages.

4. Based on the plan, construct a coherent retelling of the text.

Memo “How to write a review of a book you’ve read”

2. What is the name of the work you read?

3. What does it say?

4. Briefly retell the work.

5. Express your impression of what you read: what did you like about the work? What surprised you or interested you? What didn't you like? Why?

Memo “How to learn a poem”

If you need to learn a poem by tomorrow

1. Start preparing your lessons by working on a poem.

2. Read the poem out loud.

Explain difficult words (sometimes it's a good idea to use

explanatory dictionary).

3. Read the poem expressively.

Try to feel the mood, the rhythm of the poem.

4. Read the poem 2-3 more times. Try to remember it.

5. After a few minutes, repeat the poem out loud from memory, looking at the text if necessary.

6. After finishing your homework, repeat the poem 2-3 more times without looking at the text.

7. Before going to bed, repeat the poem again.

8. The next morning, read the poem again, and then recite it by heart.

If you have 2 days to learn

First day.

Find out the meaning of unclear words and phrases.

Read it to yourself a few more times.

Read it out loud now.

Try to understand his mood, intonation, rhythm.

Second day.

Read the poem to yourself.

Now read it loudly and expressively. Tell it from memory.

Before going to bed, tell me again.

The next morning, repeat the poem first from the textbook, and then recite it by heart.

If the poem is large and difficult to remember:

1. Divide the poem into quatrains or semantic passages.

2. Learn the first passage.

3. Learn the second passage.

4. Repeat the first and second passages together.

5 . Learn the third passage.

6. Recite the entire poem by heart.

7. Repeat it again before going to bed.

8. The next morning, read the poem from the textbook, and then recite it by heart.

Teacher : Dear parents and children. Our competition is over. May our joint efforts bear fruit, may every student in our class be able and love to read, may every day of our families be connected with an exciting journey into the world of books.

Summing up the results of the competition

The chairman of the jury awards the winning team and all participants with certificates and diplomas.

The song “Dad, Mom, Me” is playing

For the competition, parents were asked to do the following homework:

1.Team name, emblem, motto

2. Self-presentation: “The most reading family”

1. Poems by A. Barto: “There are such boys”, “Two grandmothers”, “Calls”, “Kopeikin”, “Queen”, “Lyubochka”, “On the way to class”

2. S. Mikhalkov: “Uncle Styopa”, “Kittens”

3. M. Prishvin “Fox Bread”

4. V. Kataev “Seven-flowered flower”

5. N. Nosov “Living Hat”

6. K Chukovsky “Aibolit”

7. Works by S. Marshak

8. Folk tales

9. Stories by L. Tolstoy for children


Who will learn what

What's first?

Will the cat learn?

- Grab it!

What's first?

Will the bird learn?

- Fly!

What's first?

Will the student learn?

(V. Berestov)

Read, children!

Read it, boys!

Girls, read!

Favorite books

Search the website!

On the subway, on the train

And the car

Away or at home,

At the dacha, at the villa -

Read it, girls!

Read it, boys!

They don't teach bad things

Favorite books!

Not everything in this world

It comes easy to us

And yet persistent

And the wise one will achieve

The one for which it is good

The heart strives:

He will open the cage

Where the bird languishes!

And each of us

He will breathe a sigh of relief,

Believing that it is wise

Time will come!

And wise, new

Time will come!

(N. Pikuleva)


You can sit, lie down

And - without leaving his place -

RUN through the book with your eyes!

Hand in hand with mom, then on your own.

Walking is nothing after all,

Don't be afraid to take the first step!

We stumbled once, twice...

And suddenly you

Read four letters in a row

And you went, went, went -

And you read the first word!

From word to word - like over bumps -

Have fun running along the lines...

How to run


How to fly!

I know, soon on the page

You will flutter like birds!

After all, it is vast and great,

Like the sky -

The magical world of books!

(A. Usachev)


Mom reads a book to me

About the bunny and the little fox...

I would listen about the war game,

Only mom is a girl.

She'll probably be bored

So much so that he even gapes.

Okay, tomorrow about the war

Dad reads at night.

And today about the bunny

And about the teddy bear.

Even about a mouse, even about a cone -

All the same, if only there was a book!

(A. Kornilov)

Book secrets

If you want to know a lot,

Listen to advice.

Learn to recognize

Book secrets.

And there are no unnecessary books.

If the plane is fast

He rushed to the sky,

The pilot knows his secret.

He studied it.

Every book has its own secret,

And there are no unnecessary books.

If mom is for lunch

Cooks cabbage soup and porridge,

She has her own secret

Also very important.

Know, all the girls,

Know, all the boys:

Every book has its own secret!

Read books everyone!

(L. Guselnikova)


The child pulls out a rolled-up piece of paper with the names of fairy tales from the “barrel” and names the fairy tale correctly.

1. Snow Princess.

2. Yellow Riding Hood.

3. Ilya - Tsarevich and the gray wolf.

4. Boy and Carlson.

5. Sleeping princess.

6.Little Mac.

7. Ugly chicken.

8. The Tale of a Fisherman and a Fisherwoman.

9. Horse – Hunchback.

10. Onion boy.


The curtain opens. The presenters appear: the storyteller and the storyteller.

Today we will show you:

"The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats, (but in a completely new way)"

Storyteller: Like a river on the edge

There lived a goat in a hut.

Both beautiful and sweet.

The mother was a goat.

Storyteller: Her children grew up -

Very cute little goats.

Mom loved the kids

And she taught how to manage:

Clean the house and yard,

Sweep the floor with a broom,

Turn on the light in the kitchen

Light the stove, cook dinner.

Baby goats could do everything

These wonderful guys.

The mother praised the children

Mom told the children:

Mom-goat: You are my little goats,

You are my boys,

I know, I believe that now

Everything will work out for you!

Storyteller: In the morning the goat got up

And raised the kids

She fed and watered them,

And she went to the market.

And the little goats were waiting for her...

But they weren’t bored without their mother:

They sang songs, danced,

We played different games.

Storyteller: He lived in a dense forest

Gloomy gray wolf with a tail.

He lived alone, without his mother.

At night he often howled loudly

And he missed... In the forest he

One was sad:

Wolf: - U-U-U, U-U-U...

Oh, how sad it is to be alone...

U-U-U, U-U-U...

Oh, how sad it is to be alone...


Storyteller: Once a wolf was walking in the forest

And I saw little goats.

The little goats sang a song,

Fast-footed guys:

1st kid: - We are funny guys,

We play hide and seek all day long,

And we dance and we sing,

And the house dances with us!

2nd kid: Mommy will come soon,

He will bring us gifts!

Every day and every hour

We have a lot of fun!

Storyteller: A wolf sat behind a tree

And he looked with all his eyes...

He couldn't contain himself

He started laughing loudly:

Wolf: - I wish I had kids like these,

I would be terribly happy!

Storyteller: The wolf quickly ran into the yard

And tied the little goats

Everyone to the same rope,

And he took him home.

Here he is walking through the forest,

Leads everyone with him

Storyteller: And the little goats are clever

They tangle the rope.

Storyteller: The wolf is tired of pulling kids,

I wanted to take a break.

Storyteller: Suddenly three honey mushrooms come towards you -

Three most beautiful children:

Honey mushrooms: What did you do, villain wolf!?

He stole the goat's children!

Here she will return home,

It's going to be hard for you!

Shameless one, you will know

How to steal children!

He stole the goat's children!

Here she will return home,

It's going to be hard for you!

Shameless one, you will know

How to steal children!

Storyteller: Cuckoos are calling from the tree

Loud girlfriends:

Cuckoos: What did you do, villain wolf?!

He stole the goat's children!

Here she will return home,

It's going to be hard for you!

Shameless one, you will know

How to steal children!

Storyteller: And from the clearing - two daisies,

And from a bush there are three insects,

Three little gray bunnies

Everybody's screaming, screaming, screaming:

Daisies, Bugs, Bunnies:

What have you done, villain wolf?!

He stole the goat's children!

Here she will return home,

It's going to be hard for you!

Shameless one, you will know

How to steal children!

Storyteller: The wolf was terribly scared,

He blushed and became confused:

Wolf: - I didn’t want to offend them,

I wanted to see them more often

I didn't want to scare them

I would like to play with them...

After all, in my empty house

It's very boring to be alone.

You little goats, forgive me!

You go home to yourself,

I'll walk you home.

I'm very ashamed now!

3rd kid: - Okay, gray one, we forgive...

We invite you to visit our house,

Let's introduce our mother,

We'll have a festive dinner!

4th kid: With mommy we can do everything,

With her we will be on time everywhere.

Every day and every hour

We have our mother.

5th kid: How we understand you!

We know very well

That without mom the house is empty,

It's sad without mom in the house

6th kid: If we are friends,

Will you visit us often?

Life will be more fun

Stop howling at night!

Storyteller: And in a cheerful crowd

Everyone headed home.

They see mom at the gate

Waiting for them with great anxiety

7th kid: - Mom! Mother! We came!

They brought a guest into our house!

He is alone in the whole world,

He doesn't have a mother...

Mom-goat: So be it, said mom,

Let him play with you too.

The door is open here for everyone

Unless you're a scary beast!

Storyteller: The gray wolf smiled!

The gray wolf laughed!

He found some friends

It will be more fun with them!

And also, most importantly

He also has a mother!

The wolf, the mother goat and the kids perform a cheerful dance.

Proverbs about the book.

A mind without a book is like a bird without wings.

He who reads a lot knows a lot.

The book will help you in your work and help you out in trouble.

The world is illuminated by the sun, and man is illuminated by knowledge.

Choose a book like you choose a friend.

A book is not beautiful in its writing, but rather in its mind.

A book is your friend, without it it’s like having no hands.

A good book has a long life, a bad book has a short life.

There is not a single book in the house - the owner is doing bad things.

One book teaches thousands of people.

Book pages are like eyelashes - they open your eyes.

The book decorates in happiness, and consoles in misfortune.

Fairy tale test

What bird did Thumbelina fly on?

a) swallow, +

b) swift,

c) sparrow

d) owl.

What tool did the soldier use to make soup in the Russian fairy tale?

a) plane

b) axe, +

c) hammer

d) electric drill.

What woke up Sleeping Beauty?

a) alarm clock,

b) the prince's kiss, +

c) telephone call,

d) noisy neighbors.

Which character was not among the Bremen musicians?

a) donkey

b) goose, +

c) cat,

d) dog.

What did Buratino discover behind the treasured door in Papa Carlo’s closet?

a) field of miracles,

b) sawmill,

c) theater, +

d) The land of fools.

What did Eeyore lose in the fairy tale about Winnie the Pooh?

a) conscience

b) mane,

c) teeth

d) tail. +

The meeting with which fish was a turning point in the life of the fabulous Emelya?

a) pike, +

b) piranha,

c) gudgeon,

d) ruff.

Who traded leeches in the fairy tale “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio”?

a) Karabas,

b) cat Basilio,

c) Papa Carlo,

d) Duremar. +



for students on questions:

1. Do you like to read books?

2. What do you love more:

- read it yourself?

- listen to adults reading?

3. Name a book you recently read.

for parents

1. Does your child like to read?

2. What does your child most often prefer:

- read it yourself?

- listen to adults reading?

3. Is it common to read books in your family?

Yes / Very rarely / No.

4. Name a book that your child recently read.

5. Do you consider it necessary for yourself to form a child’s interest in reading books?



What did Cinderella lose at the ball?


The most famous postman


What was the name of the smartest pig who built a house out of stone (brick)?


How many workers pulled out turnips?


What hurt hippos?


The name of the children's poetess Barto


The name of the dog from the fairy tale “Turnip”.


What always wins in fairy tales


Who is the author of the story “Fox Bread”


What was the last wish Zhenya made in the fairy tale Flower of Seven Flowers?


What is the name of the girl in A. Barto’s poem who shouts from the doorway: “I have a lot of lessons?”


Who wrote in the poem that you can’t raise puppies by screaming and kicking?


to participate in the competition “Dad, Mom, Me – a reading family”

Family (f, and child)_______________________________________________________________

I agree to take part in the competition as part of:

Mother _________________________________________________________

dad _________________________________________________________

We are familiar with the terms of the competition.