A word of thanks to the teachers. Gratitude to teachers - say thank you in your own words

Thank you very much, our wonderful and dear class teacher. For us, you are faithful support and good advice. You will always treat any problem with understanding, you can always cheer us up and give bright hope. Thank you for making our class friendly and cheerful, for the fact that interesting activities and exciting leisure time await us at school. We wish you bright ideas, prosperity and happiness in life, success and inspiration in your activities.

Thank you for your work, kindness and care,
For your help and support during school days!
You put your soul into it when in class,
Sometimes we made mistakes.

There were mistakes more serious than school ones,
Life sometimes gives us lessons,
And in them you, too, were our support,
In word and deed they led us forward!

Thank you, thank you very much again!
We will carry your memory in our souls.
And we will live life as you taught,
Thank you again, thank you for everything!

We sincerely thank our beloved and dear class teacher for the kindness and understanding shown, for constant optimism and strong character, for a worthy example of a good person and support. Thank you very much for an interesting school life, easy studying and exciting leisure time!

Great management -
It's not a simple matter
And, sometimes, dangerous -
Thank you very much!

For work and nobility
Please accept gratitude
After all, your leadership
It's a great joy for us.

Thank you for your knowledge,
For honesty and kindness,
For faith, understanding -
We are lucky to have you!

School is like a second home,
Warm, smart and dear.
You are guides for us,
Our great leader.

Let's say thank you together,
Stay with us, we need it so much
Your opinion and concern,
This is important work.

We value and respect you,
And the whole class loves it.
And we wish you well,
Light, tenderness, warmth.

Our cool leader,
We say thank you.
You are the best teacher in school,
We sincerely thank you.

You made our class friendly,
And they took care of us.
We weren't bored with you,
Interesting every hour.

You are support and support,
A bright, kind person.
The best example for us,
We will never find it forever.

We wish you success,
Health, happiness and love.
Lots of joy and laughter
May it await you ahead.

For us, you are not just a good teacher -
You are a great, beloved leader.
Today we all say thank you,
We want to wish you happiness and peace.

How I want to say thank you
And give free rein to gentle, warm words.
You’re not just a great leader -
For us, you are our support, support and savior.

May God give you happiness and goodness,
So that the house is quiet and warm.
I wish you health, success, good mood,
Good luck, light, joy, luck.

Our class is like a friendly family,
Here everyone is equal from “a” to “z”.
And this is your only merit,
That we respect each other.

You give us a ticket to life,
For all this - thank you!
You are our friend, you are our teacher,
You are our great leader!

There is one person in our school,
He, like a family member, worries about us,
And if at times we get loud,
He sometimes doesn't get enough sleep at night.

The whole class will say thank you in unison!
After all, you are a sincere, wonderful person.
Even though we make a lot of mistakes,
But everyone knows: our cool one is the coolest!

How difficult it can be sometimes
You need to raise our children.
But we all understand it
And we really want to tell you:

Thank you, dear teacher,
For your kindness and patience.
For children you are a second parent,
Please accept our gratitude!

On behalf of all the parents of our class, let me express my gratitude and deep appreciation for your hard work. Thank you for holding our children’s hands on September 1, leading them through the land of knowledge, opening new horizons every day, instilling a sense of beauty, love for the Motherland and respect for elders. Thank you for everything!

To the first teacher,
Primary school for mom,
Today from parents
We "Thank you!" let's say.

For kindness and affection,
Patience is limitless
For not regretting
Time is your own.

Thanks for the children
For good science,
For being in the school world
Lead them by the hand.

Dear teacher, please accept my heartfelt words of gratitude for your work and efforts devoted to the benefit of our children. With your sensitive attitude, wise advice and fair instructions, you helped the children overcome the difficult path of acquiring knowledge. We wish you good health, vigor and strength, professional discoveries and responsive students.

We say a big thank you on behalf of all parents to you, our wonderful teacher, mentor of our children. Being a first teacher is the most difficult thing: you always need to know where and how to start, how to interest all the children and set them on the path of correct knowledge. Thank you for being able to give our children a thirst for knowledge and discovery, a desire to rush to school every day and open new pages of the book of miracles. We wish you great victories and creative success, incredible strength and bright happiness on the path of life.

Have you ever taken children by the hand?
They took us with us to the land of bright knowledge.
You are the first teacher, you are mom and dad,
Worthy of honor and children's love.

Please accept our thanks today,
Parental low bow,
Let the bright sun sparkle above you
And only the sky will be cloudless.

Dear first teacher of our children, we want to say from the bottom of our hearts “thank you very much” for being able to successfully pave the initial path to knowledge and great discoveries for our restless and mischievous children, for your patience, sensitivity and kind heart, for your professionalism and understanding and an individual approach. We wish you the best in continuing your activities and not losing your status as a respected person and a great master of your craft.

Thank you for teaching our children
What valuable knowledge was given to them,
Prepared them for a new life -
Meeting with high school.

May yours be wonderful
Bright, joyful, interesting,
Good luck in business and happiness in personal life,
May everything be great for you!

The first teacher as a learning compass:
You gave us direction.
You surrounded everyone with a special charm,
Your very devoted class loves you.

All our children will not forget you.
We are grateful for your efforts:
For nurturing a love for smart books
And all subjects are cool basics.

Thank you for your honorable work!
You surrounded me with warmth and affection
Every child. And let them go
But they will remember how they held your hand.

How you sometimes scolded them for mischief,
How they blew on a broken knee,
How you stood up for the guys
And how they praised me for a good grade.

On behalf of all the parents of your students, we would like to thank you for your invaluable and worthy work, for your individual approach to our children, for your kind attitude and understanding, for your efforts and exciting lessons, for your wonderful mood and first important knowledge. You are the first teacher of our children - a person who provided them with a wealth of knowledge and sent them on their further journey through school life. Thank you again for your kindness and great work.

Our dear teacher! Thank you very much for the knowledge that you skillfully and talentedly pass on to our children, because primary education is the basis of all knowledge and further education of our children. We are very grateful to you for your care, kindness and faith in every child. Special thanks to you for your gentle character, patience and wisdom. We wish you, our dear and beloved teacher, good health, professional growth and development, optimism and positivity.

The first teacher is not just a job,
This is your gift, this is your calling -
You give children love and care,
You lead them into the world along the path of knowledge,
So as not to be lazy, love science,
And they kept pace with the new century.
But your most important merit is
You teach everyone to be Human.
After all, the word, like a seed, sprouts -
Simple concepts - honesty and conscience.
And let many, many years pass,
We will remember you with gratitude!

Thank you for your efforts,
For your sometimes difficult work,
For being like my own mother,
You behave with your children.

We wish you to always be successful,
The most beloved, the most tender.
Let your career grow
The soul rejoices and blooms!

Our dear first teacher, you are a faithful and kind mentor to our children, you are a wonderful and wonderful person, you are an excellent specialist and a wonderful teacher. On behalf of all parents, we want to thank you very much for never leaving any of the children alone with fear and doubt, thank you for your understanding and loyalty, thank you for your hard but very important work. We wish you not to lose your abilities and strength, we wish you to always achieve success in your activities and happiness in life.

Thank you for teaching
Our guys can read, count, write,
For always being with them,
When they needed some advice!

Thank you for all your efforts,
What gave them the opportunity to become better,
For what you do in matters of education
We always tried to take part!

We wish you success in the future,
So that your work will be a joy for you.
You are the best! We know that for sure!
Good luck and warmth to you!

Dear and wonderful teacher of our children, a wonderful and kind person, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping our mischievous children take their first steps into the land of great knowledge and bright science, thank you for your patience and great work. We wish you inexhaustible strength, strong nerves, excellent health, personal happiness and prosperity, sincere respect and constant optimism of the soul.

A short

Thank you for your hard work,
For your long patience and tender care.
Let our children take an example from you,
We appreciate the work you have done.

We owe you a lot: for your warmth and kindness, for the knowledge that you put into the heads of our fidgets and for the sincere love with which you warmed our children under your teacher’s wing. We are incredibly grateful to you: for your boundless patience with which you treated not only the mischief of children, but also the misunderstanding of parents. For your incredible teaching talent, thanks to which you were able to awaken in children the desire for science. And for your correct life values ​​that you instilled in your students. We are very grateful that you became our first teacher and helped us enter the school world.

Thank you for your rigor and patience,
Thank you for your attention and work,
Because you are with them every day,
That our children follow your example.

Agree, teachers give us a lot of knowledge. They teach us not only certain disciplines. They teach us life. They make a huge contribution to our future. And if any holiday is suddenly approaching, do not forget to prepare a beautiful congratulation to the teachers. Give them this gift. Believe me, they will be very pleased.

Congratulations to teachers with words of gratitude

Every holiday, be it New Year, March 8, or some other special event, is a great occasion to say “thank you” to your teachers, wishing them all the best. Beautiful congratulations to teachers are a great way to express your gratitude. Tell your teachers that it is thanks to them that we are developing. It is they, teachers with a capital T, and not some random people, who strive to pass on their knowledge and life experience to the younger generation. Of course, this deserves great respect.

Congratulations to the teachers are said on behalf of the entire class. Although, of course, nothing can stop you separately. The teacher will definitely remember this gesture for a long time. The work of a teacher is priceless, and therefore deserves a decent reward. Unfortunately, teacher salaries are unfairly low. Accordingly, he will be extremely pleased to receive your gratitude in the form of pleasant wishes.

Add a card

Congratulations to teachers are best accompanied by a festive newspaper. Or a postcard. Of course, it should be beautiful and thematic. New Year's greetings to the teacher, for example, can be written on a postcard with images of Christmas trees, balls, snowy landscapes, etc. A postcard with flowers is suitable for March 8th. You can buy it in a store, or, even better, make it yourself. The main thing is to prepare warm, sincere words.

Be sure to remind teachers that they invest their experience and skills every day in their students, instilling in them the ability to think creatively, take a responsible approach to making a variety of decisions, and act with a realistic perception of the world. So wish them that every next day will open up new horizons for them professionally, human happiness and grateful students.

Remember that you are not always obedient and diligent students, you are not always attentive in class and listen to the instructions of teachers. Tell them that you appreciate their work and care, thank them for everything they do for you.

Try to make your card original. Add a little imagination. Use your teacher's favorite colors, for example. Collage postcards also look very original. You can use clippings from magazines or photos with wishes as a basis.

Don't forget the flowers

New Year's greetings to the teacher, or warm words for any other celebration, simply need to be supplemented with a beautiful bouquet. It will become an unforgettable gift if you prepare an original presentation. The main thing is that the flowers, as words of gratitude, are sincere, from the bottom of my heart.

By the way, the bouquet can be made non-standard - for example, from toys or sweets. But the most memorable option will be a bouquet of stationery - pencils and paper clips!

And one moment. Your gift and congratulations should also be accompanied by so-called “homework.” On the day of the holiday, prepare interesting information on the topic for each lesson. Work hard. For each teacher it is necessary to choose a suitable surprise. For example, give a “writer” a scene from a work assigned for reading at home, role-played, and for a “geographer” - a homemade album with photographs and pictures of exotic countries, with wishes to visit there sooner or later. For a foreign language teacher, congratulations in English, German or French are suitable. The teacher, of course, will be very happy about his desire to teach his subject.

And if a festive concert is added to this... Prepare it for the entire teaching staff, without forgetting or leaving anyone unattended. Come up with a nomination to congratulate teachers. Involve as many people as possible and think through the scenario carefully.

Poetry and prose

And finally. You can choose to congratulate the teacher in prose or in verse. It all depends on your talents and imagination. In the first case it will sound something like this:

“Our dear teachers! We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday. We wish you with all our hearts good health, immense happiness, success in your work and all your endeavors. May your students never upset you, but only delight you with their achievements. All this is your merit. We are grateful to you for your love and patience. Peaceful and clear skies above your head!"

Poems of congratulations to the teacher will definitely please you. For example:

How many years have already flown by?

We can't stop them.

And all the time you tried

Teach us something.

We say “thank you” to you,

Thank you for your work!

May happiness and health

They will come to your house for the holiday!

Our dear teacher,

We really like you!

Only you at any moment

Get it done with us quickly!

You are fair, you are kind,

You are an example for us!

Congratulations today

Your favorite class!

However, no matter what congratulation you choose, the teacher will be pleased in any case. He will feel your love and respect. And this, mind you, is very important!

It is not surprising that the first teacher, as a person who became one of the significant personalities in the most difficult period of the life cycle of every person, is remembered forever. It is he who contributes to the successful adaptation of a former preschooler in a frightening unknown school environment, helps him master many truths and, of course, teaches him to read and count. The very fact that words of gratitude to the first teacher are always sincere, sincere and filled with slight sadness is objectively determined.

A child, reading poetry, involuntarily becomes imbued with their meaning, and perhaps it is at this moment that he suddenly feels most acutely that another important step has been passed in his life, and the unknown lies ahead again.

How difficult it is to say goodbye to you,
My first teacher!
Can't be expressed in words
The sadness that I feel!

I'll never forget
Your wise, kind look,
I will remember our lessons -
They can't be brought back.

Sincere understanding that it was the first teacher who taught invaluable life lessons makes it possible to thank her with all my heart.

You didn’t just teach us how to write,
Solve serious problems.
You taught us to dream -
And this means more in life!

You loved every student
Found a special approach to us
You were often an older friend,
You went on a hike with us.

Gone are the beginning of school years
You are fruitful with us.
Thanks for the lessons, for the advice,
For the soul you gave!

Poznań school granite
We were able to master it together.
Gratitude will keep the heart
For helping us.

In the atmosphere of parting with a significant and dear person, all words of gratitude to the first teacher sound especially capacious and rich. Nobody pays attention to their literary perfection; the emotional coloring becomes dominant. Parents are also ready, holding back tears, to read poems and bow to the Teacher.

Who is entrusted with custody of children?
Now we thank him!
Who gave the soul to children
And paved the way to achievements.

Who opened the unknown path,
Who taught the basics of knowledge.
Who brought the essence of knowledge to children
And he surrounded me with care and attention.

We tell the teacher first
Words of recognition and love.
We adore you, we idolize you,
May your days last long.

Prose in parents' thank you speech may sound a little pathetic, but this is only from a sincere desire to express in words a sea of ​​​​emotions and experiences.

Today, in the presence of your colleagues, children and parents, I sincerely and openly want to express my respect for your kindness, wise and competent teaching of our children. Words are powerless to express our gratitude for your experiences with children’s failures and constant help and support for them, the students whom we entrusted to the best teacher in the world. For great work, for professionalism, hard work and sincerity, our deepest parental bow to you, Teacher!

An excellent ending would be a version of congratulations - integration, when the beginning of a poetic line is spoken by one child, and the ending is sung in chorus. Parents and the whole room can connect. Then the thunderous “thank you!” will become unforgettable. It will sound like another result in the difficult and noble task of educating children for the first teacher, who sends his students away with good parting words and sincere love.