The main educational program is being implemented. What is the main educational program? Peculiarities

municipal budgetary educational institution

"Yagunovskaya secondary school"

Kemerovo municipal district

Organization of the development of the main educational program of the Federal State Educational Standardbasic general education


Ignatieva Tamara Vladimirovna,

Deputy Director (Directorate of Internal Affairs)

Kemerovo, 201 5

Introduction........................................................ ........................................................ ...............3

Chapter 1. Basic educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education.................................................... ........................................................ ...................7

1.1.General provisions.................................................... ...............................................7

1.2. Requirements for the structure of the main educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education...................................................... ....................................9

1.3. The concept of developing the main educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education.................................................... .....................................eleven

1.4.Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the activities of an educational organization for the development of the basic educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education................................................... ............................................13

Chapter 2. Features of the development of the main educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education.................................................... ..........................19

2.1.P position .............19

2.2.Development action plan basic educational program ...............................................................32

2.3. Mechanisms for managing the process of developing the basic educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education.................................................... ........................................................ ....................35

Conclusion................................................. ........................................................ ..........39

Bibliography................................................ ...................................................40


Currently, much attention is paid to determining the purpose, optimal structure and content of the main educational program of a school. They concern both researchers and practitioners of the education system. There are several reasons for the increasing interest in problems associated with the formation of the main educational program of a general education organization.

The first reason is the mandatory nature of this document: educational programs determine the content of education; educational programs are independently developed and approved by the organization carrying out educational activities, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law (6).

The issue of developing a basic educational program in an educational institution is given even greater relevance by the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education - a set of requirements mandatory for the implementation of the basic educational program of basic general education by educational institutions that have state accreditation (18).

The Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education includes requirements for:

to the results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education;

to the structure of the main educational program of basic general education, including requirements for the ratio of parts of the main educational program and their volume, as well as the ratio of the mandatory part of the main educational program and the part formed by participants in the educational process;

to the conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of basic general education, including personnel, financial, material, technical and other conditions.

Requirements for the results, structure and conditions for mastering the basic educational program of basic general education take into account the age and individual characteristics of students at the level of basic general education, including the educational needs of students with disabilities and people with disabilities, as well as the importance of the level of general education for the further development of students (18) .

The second reason is the increasing importance of licensing procedures and state accreditation of educational organizations, during which the educational organization’s compliance with the requirements of Federal State Educational Standards is established in terms of requirements for the structure of the main educational program and the conditions for its implementation, the level of educational programs being implemented and their focus are considered.

The third reason is the need to develop forms of state-public management of education. Students themselves and their parents (legal representatives) can take part in choosing the content of education, with the exception of that part determined by the subjects of the federal basic curriculum. Therefore, with appropriate organization, the educational program can and should become the basis for a constructive dialogue between the school and the local community, primarily parents, on issues of the content and quality of general education.

In the Russian Federation, basic educational programs are being implemented at the levels of general and vocational education and vocational training.

The main educational programs include:

basic general education programs - educational programs of preschool education, educational programs of primary general education, educational programs of basic general education, educational programs of secondary general education;.....(17).

The key document ensuring the introduction and implementation of the federal state educational standard of basic general education in an educational organization (hereinafter - OO) is the basic educational program of basic general education (hereinafter - the Program).

To create a Program, the administration of a public organization needs to build a strategy for its development.


lack of practice in organizing the development of the Program.


studying theoretical material related to identifying the features of organizing the development of the Program and determining the mechanism for managing the process of its development.

An object:

development of the basic educational program.


organization of the development of the basic educational program of the federal state educational standard of basic general education.


In the process of completing the work, theoretical knowledge on the development of the Program will be acquired.


1. create a local regulatory act “Regulations on the procedure for developing and approving the Program”;

2. draw up an Action Plan for the development of the Program;

3. identify mechanisms for managing the Program development process.

Research methods: analysis, synthesis.

Chapter 1. Basic educational program

Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education

    1. General provisions

1. An educational program is a document that defines and describes the content of education at a certain level of education. The program determines the goals, objectives, planned results, content and organization of the educational process at the level of basic general education and is aimed at the formation of a general culture, spiritual, moral, civil, social, personal and intellectual development of students, their self-development and self-improvement, ensuring social success, development creative, physical abilities, maintaining and strengthening the health of students. The main educational program of basic general education is implemented by the educational institution through classroom and extracurricular activities in compliance with the requirements of state sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (18).

2. Educational program - a set of basic characteristics of education (volume, content, planned results), organizational and pedagogical conditions and, in cases provided for by this Federal Law, certification forms, which is presented in the form of a curriculum, academic calendar, work programs of academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), other components, as well as assessment and teaching materials (17).

3. The main educational program is a regulatory document of an educational institution, developed on the basis of an exemplary main educational program, which regulates the features of organizational and pedagogical conditions and the content of the school’s activities in implementing federal state educational standards (9)


The program is the main regulatory and administrative document that develops and specifies the provisions of the federal state educational standard of basic general education, a modern form of social order that most fully reflects the interests, capabilities and needs of all participants in the educational process, determining the content of education in a specific educational organization and the technology for implementing this content ;

The program specifies the goals of basic general education, which are characterized by planned results and determine the general orientation, features of the content and types of activities of students at the level of basic general education are: creating conditions for the formation in a teenager of the ability to make a responsible choice of his own individual educational trajectory through the multi-activity principle of organizing education, organizing the educational environment as multipolar and determining the dynamics of changing forms of the educational process during a teenager’s education in primary school.

The presence of the Program in an NGO is a necessary condition for successfully completing licensing and state accreditation procedures.

The program is a document that, along with the Charter of the public organization, parents (legal representatives) become familiar with.

The program is developed for a period corresponding to the duration of mastering basic general education - for 5 years.

1.2. Requirements for the structure of the main educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education

Structure of basic educational programs - a set of instructions, programs and requirements that make up the structure of educational programs: the composition of the programs, a framework description of the basic components of educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education, as well as requirements for the relationship between the parts of the basic educational program and their volume, including to the relationship between the mandatory part of the main educational program and the part formed by participants in the educational process.
The program contains a mandatory part and a part formed by participants in the educational process, presented in all three sections of the main educational program: target, content and organizational.

The obligatory part of the Program is 70%, and the part formed by participants in the educational process is 30% of the total volume of the Program. The content is developed independently, but using materials from the Approximate Basic Educational Program of Basic General Education.

In order to meet the individual needs of students, the Program provides for: training courses that cater to the various interests of students, including ethnocultural ones; extracurricular activities.

The program must contain three sections:

Ι. The target section should determine the general purpose, goals, objectives and planned results of the implementation of the basic educational program of basic general education, as well as methods for determining the achievement of these goals and results.

Target section includes:

1). explanatory note;

2).planned results of students mastering the basic educational program of basic general education;

3). a system for assessing the achievement of the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education.

ΙΙ.The content section should determine the general content of basic general education and include educational programs focused on achieving personal, subject and meta-subject results
section includes:

2) programs of individual academic subjects, courses (10);

4) correctional work program

ΙΙΙ. The organizational section should determine the general framework for organizing the educational process, as well as the mechanism for implementing the components of the main educational program.
Organizational section includes:

1).curriculum of basic general education;

2).system of conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of basic general education in accordance with the requirements of the Standard

The program is implemented by the public organization through classroom and extracurricular activities in compliance with the requirements of state sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations.

The forms of organization of the educational process, the alternation of classroom and extracurricular activities within the framework of the Program implementation are determined by the OO (18)

1.3. Concept of development of the main educational program

Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education

The educational program is being developed as a comprehensive organizational and management document - a modern form of social order that most fully reflects the interests, capabilities, and needs of all participants in the educational process.

The program is being developed in in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education, based on the Approximatethe main educational program of the educational institution, sample programs in academic subjects, courses.

The program is being developed:

OO that has state accreditation, taking into account the type and type of this PO, as well as the educational needs and requests of participants in the educational process;

In accordance with the requirements of the Standard for the structure of the main educational program.

The program determines the goals, objectives, planned results, content and organization of the educational process at the level of basic general education and is aimed at the formation of a general culture, spiritual, moral, civil, social, personal and intellectual development, self-development and self-improvement of students, ensuring their social success, development creative abilities, preservation and promotion of health.

The development of the Program is carried out by the PA independently, with the involvement of self-government bodies (council of an educational institution, board of trustees, management council, etc.), ensuring the state-public nature of the management of the PA.

The public organization implementing the Program is obliged to ensure that students and their parents (legal representatives) as participants in the educational process are familiar with:

- with their rights and responsibilities in terms of the formation and implementation of the Program established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the charter of the public organization;

- with the Charter and other documents regulating the implementation of the educational process in public organizations.

The rights and responsibilities of parents (legal representatives) of students in terms of participation in the formation and provision of students’ mastery of the Program must be specified and enshrined in an agreement concluded between them and the educational institution, reflecting the responsibility of educational subjects for the final results of mastering the Program.

Activities to develop the Program can be used as a means of involving the teaching staff and the parent community in the management of public organizations.

1.4. Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the activities of an educational organization to develop the basic educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education

The main organizational task for the period of development of the Program is to provide information to participants in the educational process - teaching staff, students and their parents (legal representatives) about the content of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” and the Standard. Therefore, it is necessary to organize the acquaintance of participants in the educational process with these documents. The more thoroughly and deeply these documents are developed and understood, the better they are discussed, the fewer questions and misunderstandings will arise. This will relieve the feeling of lack of information and tension among participants in the educational process.

The degree of receptivity of the teaching staff to innovations is important. It is not surprising that any change in traditional management methods causes resistance from everyone affected by these changes: both managers and subordinates.

Reasons for resistance:

Uncertainty of the consequences of innovations;

The feeling that innovations will lead to personal losses, that is, to a lesser degree of satisfaction of any need;

The belief that innovations are not necessary or desirable for OOs, that they will not solve problems, but will only multiply their number;

In the theory of innovation management, methods have been developed and substantiated by which resistance can be reduced or completely eliminated.

This requires public approval of the participants in the educational process on the proposed steps in the development of the Program. Therefore, all decisions concerning these issues must be recorded by resolutions of the school’s management structures: the pedagogical council, the Governing Council, the methodological council, and the parent committee.

It is also necessary to identify the source of motivation for each participant in the development of the Program. To do this, you can organize a survey (written or oral) about what place everyone would like to take in the process of developing the Program: some feel more confident in matters of educational technology, others give priority to education, others are more interested in the role of an organizer, etc. With this approach the function assigned to the teacher as part of the development of the Program will not be imposed from the outside, but will be mediated by the internal motivations and needs of the person.

A winning move to remove resistance is to involve participants in the development of the Program in making management decisions. Moreover, a person who may be or is resisting change may be given a leading role in decision making. It is advisable to involve participants in the development of the Program in the formation of a plan for the development of the Program.

To neutralize resistance to innovation, the administration of an educational organization must ensure the connection of the interests of the educational organization and the interests of the teacher as an individual. This is most easily accomplished by guiding a person’s professional growth. In the context of this task, the administration of the public organization must turn the development of the Program and the introduction of the Standard into a tool for its promotion to new results of professional development (improving professional qualifications, professional awards of various levels, obtaining or raising a qualification category).

When planning to improve professional skills in mastering the content of the Standard and its introduction, the administration of the public organization needs to ensure balance individual and collegial (group, mass) forms of intra-school professional development. To ensure that the teacher is completely satisfied with the results of advanced training, this process can be individualized as much as possible. But we must take into account that it is within the groups that an intensive exchange of work experience takes place, as well as productive intellectual interaction. The reasons for forming groups may be different. The simplest approach is grouping according to subject principles (methodological combinations). Groups can be formed on the basis of mutual sympathies of participants or according to needs within the framework of the process of development and implementation of the Program. The more clearly the criteria for group formation are met, the easier it will be to realize the goals and needs of the participants in improving their professional skills in the process of interaction.

For a quick and high-quality process of developing the Program, it is necessary to create dynamic management structures - working groups (hereinafter referred to as groups), appoint group leaders, draw up a work plan for groups to develop the Program.

When drawing up a work plan for groups to develop the Program, the following requirements should be taken into account:

The work plan must be long-term;

The work plan must contain specific activities for the development of the Program.

The number of groups created depends on the number of tasks assigned to develop the Program (3).

The groups created must:

Not to compete, but to interact;

Be focused on ensuring the quality of the activity process (in this case, the development of the Program).

The PA administration must fulfill one more important condition: these groups must be formed on a cross-functional basis. Interfunctionality is ensured by the inclusion in teams of teachers working at different levels of education (teachers at primary, secondary and senior levels), educational psychologists, and social educators. Each of them must be assigned its own task or function, which are determined by the structure of the Program.

The need to integrate such a wide range of participants is explained by the following motive: subject teachers will receive practical assistance from primary school teachers in creating the Program; Working together with educational psychologists and social educators, they will be able to more successfully carry out the continuity of stages of education, carry out the personal development of students at the level of general and secondary education.

Groups can be created on different grounds.

Option 1.

The number of groups corresponds to the number of sections of the Program. Sections of the Program must comply with the structure of the Approximate Basic Educational Program of Basic General Education (hereinafter referred to as OOP LLC). In this way, groups can be created to develop sections of the Program.

Option 2.

Larger groups can be created:

To design sections related to the organization of the educational process in primary school;

To design sections related to the organization of the educational process in primary school.

Option 3.

Groups can be completed in accordance with a specific functional purpose:

Program content preparation group;

A group of experts to assess the quality of the developed Program.

The choice of the number of groups and the basis for determining the content of their activities depends on the specifics of the public organization (its number, type and type), on the professionalism of the teaching staff and administration.

In order for the group’s activities to be as successful as possible, the administration of the NGO must provide a number of conditions:

The purpose of the group's activities must be formulated clearly and in sufficient detail;

All group members must understand their responsibilities and know who exactly is responsible for solving specific issues and tasks;

The group's activities are planned;

The group's activities are monitored;

The necessary resources to complete the task are identified and allocated.

The group has created a good psychological climate, an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect

The criterion for assessing the effectiveness of the group’s activities will be the quality of the developed Program. This quality can be determined by the following indicators:

Compliance of the Program structure with the structure of the OOP LLC;

Completeness of the content of the Program sections;

Compliance of the content of the Program with the content of the OOP LLC;

The presence in the Program of a part formed by participants in the educational process;

Methodological unity and unity of the terminological apparatus of the text of sections of the program, including in the part formed by participants in the educational process;

Compliance of work programs of subjects, courses with exemplary curricula, original programs of the educational and methodological complex;

The quality of design of work programs for subjects and courses;

Complete reflection in the Program of the specifics of the educational institution and the sociocultural environment of the school.
Thus, the organizational and pedagogical conditions are:

Providing information to participants in the educational process;

Eliminating resistance to innovation;

Creation of working groups to develop the Program;

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the work done

Chapter 2. Features of the development of the main educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education.


on the procedure for development and approval basic educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education

I. General provisions.

1.1 Regulations on the procedure for developing and approving the basic educational program of basic general education of an educational organization (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) developed in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897, the Approximate basic educational program of educational institutions. Basic school / [comp. E.S. Savinov].

1.2 The main educational program of basic general education (hereinafter referred to as BEP LLC) determines the content and organization of the educational process at the level of basic general education and is aimed at the spiritual, moral, social, personal and intellectual development of students, creating the basis for independent implementation of educational activities that ensure social success , development of creative abilities, self-development and self-improvement, preservation and strengthening of students’ health.

1.3. OOP LLC is independently developed and approved by the educational organization (hereinafter referred to as the Organization) taking into account the educational needs and requests of students, their parents (legal representatives) and the public.

1.4 OOP LLC takes into account the characteristics characteristic of students of secondary school age (from 11 to 15 years).

1.5 OOP LLC must ensure that students achieve the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education in accordance with the requirements established by the Federal State Educational Standard (hereinafter referred to as FSES LLC).

1.6 The implementation of OOP LLC is based on a system-activity approach.

1.7 The standard period for mastering OOP LLC is five years.

II. Structure and content of OOP LLC

2.1 OEP LLC contains a mandatory part and a part formed by participants in the educational process. The obligatory part of the OOP LLC is 70%, and the part formed by participants in the educational process is 30% of the total volume of the main educational program of basic general education.

2.2 OOP LLC contains three sections:

Ι. Target section includes :

1) explanatory note;

2) the planned results of students mastering the basic educational program of basic general education;

3) a system for assessing the achievement of the planned results of development of the OOO LLC.

ΙΙ. Meaningful section includes:

1) a program for the development of universal educational activities at the level of basic general education;

2) programs of individual academic subjects, courses;

3) a program for the education and socialization of students at the level of basic general education;

ΙΙΙ. Organizational section includes:

1) curriculum of basic general education;

2) a system of conditions for the implementation of OOP LLC in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC.

2.3 Requirements for sections of OOO LLC:

2.3.1. Explanatory note must disclose:

1) the goals of the implementation of the main educational program of basic general education, specified in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC for the planned results of students mastering the educational program of LLC;

2) principles and approaches to the implementation of the basic educational program of basic general education;

2.3.2. Planned results development of OOP LLC should:

1) provide a connection between the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC, the educational process and the system for assessing the results of mastering the educational program of LLC;

2) to be a substantive and criterial basis for the development of work programs for academic subjects, work programs for extracurricular activities courses, meta-subject courses, educational programs, as well as for a system for assessing the quality of students’ mastery of OOO OOO in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard OOO;

3) the structure and content of the planned results of mastering the OOP OOO must adequately reflect the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard OOO, convey the specifics of the educational process, and correspond to the age capabilities of students;

4) the planned results should clarify and concretize the general understanding of personal, meta-subject and subject results both from the point of view of organizing their achievement and from the point of view of assessing the achievement of these results.

2.3.3.System for assessing the achievement of planned results development of OOP LLC should:

1) determine the main directions and goals of assessment activities focused on managing the quality of education, describe the object, criteria, procedures and composition of assessment tools, forms of presentation of results, conditions and boundaries of application of the assessment system;

2) orient the educational process towards the spiritual and moral development and education of students;

3) provide an integrated approach to assessing the results of mastering the general education program, allowing for the assessment of subject, meta-subject and personal results of basic general education;

4) provide assessment of the dynamics of individual achievements of students, using, along with standardized written or oral work, assessment methods such as projects, practical work, portfolio, self-analysis and self-assessment, observation and others;

5) allow the results of the final assessment of graduates to be used as the basis for evaluating the school’s activities.

2.3.4 Program for the development of universal learning activities should be aimed at:

1) implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC for personal and meta-subject results of mastering the educational program of LLC, the system-activity approach, the developing potential of basic general education;

2) formation in students of the foundations of a culture of research and project activities and skills in the development, implementation and public presentation by students of the results of research, a subject or interdisciplinary educational project aimed at solving a scientific, personal and (or) socially significant problem.

1.development of students’ ability for self-development and self-improvement;

2.formation of personal value and semantic guidelines and attitudes;

3. formation of skills to participate in various forms of organizing educational, research and project activities (creative competitions, olympiads, scientific and practical conferences, etc.);

4. mastering the techniques of educational cooperation and social interaction with peers, older schoolchildren and adults in joint educational, research and project activities;

5.formation and development of students’ competence in the field of using information and communication technologies at the public level.

The program must contain:

1) the goals and objectives of the program, a description of its place and role in the implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC;

2) description of the concepts, functions, composition and characteristics of universal educational actions (personal, regulatory, cognitive and communicative) and their connection with the content of individual academic subjects, extracurricular and extracurricular activities, as well as the place of individual components of universal educational actions in the structure of the educational process;

3) typical tasks of using universal educational actions;

4) a description of the features of the implementation of the main directions of educational, research and project activities of students, as well as forms of organization of educational, research and project activities within the framework of class and extracurricular activities in each of the areas;

5) description of the content, types and forms of organizing educational activities for the formation and development of ICT competencies;

6) list and description of the main elements of ICT competencies and tools for their use;

7) planned results of the formation and development of students’ competence in the field of using information and communication technologies, preparation of an individual project carried out during the learning process within one subject or on an interdisciplinary basis;

8) a system for assessing the school’s activities in the formation and development of universal learning activities among students;

9) methods and tools for monitoring the success of students’ mastery and application of universal learning activities.

2.3.5.Programs of individual academic subjects, courses must ensure the achievement of the planned results of development of the LLC OOP.

The programs of individual academic subjects and courses must contain:

1) an explanatory note, which specifies the general goals of basic general education, taking into account the specifics of the academic subject;

2) general characteristics of the academic subject, course;

3) description of the place of the academic subject, course in the curriculum;

4) personal, meta-subject and subject-specific results of mastering a specific academic subject or course;

6) thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities;

7) description of educational, methodological and logistical support of the educational process;

8) planned results of studying an academic subject or course.

2.3.6.Program for education and socialization of students should be aimed at:

1) students’ mastery of social experience, basic social roles corresponding to the leading activities of a given age, norms and rules of social behavior;

2) developing students’ readiness to choose the direction of their professional activity in accordance with personal interests, individual characteristics and abilities, taking into account the needs of the labor market;

3) formation and development of knowledge, attitudes, personal guidelines and norms of a healthy and safe lifestyle in order to preserve and strengthen the physical, psychological and social health of students as one of the value components of the individual;

4) formation of an environmental culture.

The program must provide:

1) the formation of a way of school life, based on the system of basic national values ​​of Russian society, and ensuring the creation of a social environment for the development of students, including classroom, extracurricular and socially significant activities, a system of educational activities, cultural and social practices;

2) students’ assimilation of moral values, acquisition of initial experience of moral, socially significant activities, constructive social behavior, motivation and ability for spiritual and moral development;

3) social self-identification of students through personally significant and socially acceptable activities;

4) acquiring knowledge about the norms and rules of behavior in society, human social roles; formation of positive self-esteem, self-respect, constructive ways of self-realization;

5) involving students in social activities and school traditions, participation in children’s and youth organizations and movements, school and extracurricular organizations and associations, in holding events and holidays;

6) formation of the ability to withstand the negative influences of the social environment, factors of the microsocial environment;

7).development of the pedagogical competence of parents (legal representatives) in order to promote the socialization of students in the family; taking into account the individual and age characteristics of students, the cultural and social needs of their families;

8) developing students’ motivation to work and the need to acquire a profession;

9) creating conditions for professional orientation of students through the system of work of teachers, psychologists, and social educators;

10) students’ awareness of the value of an environmentally appropriate, healthy and safe lifestyle;

11) formation of knowledge about modern threats to human life and health, including environmental and transport ones, and readiness to actively counter them;

12) formation of students’ readiness for social interaction on issues of improving the environmental quality of the environment, environmental health education of the population, prevention of drug use and other psychoactive substances, prevention of infectious diseases; conviction in choosing a healthy lifestyle and the dangers of drinking alcohol and smoking;

The program must contain:

1) the goal and objectives of spiritual and moral development, education and socialization of students, a description of the value guidelines that underlie it;

2) areas of activity for spiritual and moral development, education and socialization, professional guidance of students, health-preserving activities and the formation of an ecological culture of students, reflecting the specifics of the school, the requests of participants in the educational process;

4) forms of individual and group organization of professional guidance for students in each area (“fairs” of professions, open days, excursions, subject weeks, olympiads, competitions);

5) stages of organizing work in the system of social education within the school, joint activities of the educational institution with enterprises, public organizations, including the system of additional education;

6) description of the school’s activities in the field of continuous environmental health-saving education of students;

7) a system for encouraging social success and manifestations of an active life position of students (rating, portfolio formation, etc.);

8) criteria, indicators of the effectiveness of the school’s activities in terms of spiritual and moral development, education and socialization of students, the formation of a healthy and safe lifestyle and environmental culture of students (behavior on the roads, in emergency situations);

9) planned results of spiritual and moral development, education and socialization of students, the formation of an environmental culture, a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle for students.

2.3.7.Corrective work program should be aimed at correcting deficiencies in the mental and (or) physical development of children with disabilities, overcoming difficulties in mastering the general education program, and providing assistance and support to children in this category.

The program must provide:

1) identification and satisfaction of the special educational needs of students with disabilities when they master the basic educational program;

2).implementation of comprehensive individually oriented psychological, medical and pedagogical support in accordance with the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission;

3).use of educational programs developed by an educational organization; compliance with the permissible load level, determined with the involvement of medical workers.

The program must contain:

1) goals and objectives of correctional work with students at the level of basic general education;

2) the list and content of individually oriented correctional areas of work that facilitate the development of the basic educational program of basic general education by students with special educational needs;

3) a system of comprehensive psychological, medical and social support and support for students with disabilities, including monitoring the success of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education.

2.3.8 Basic general education curriculum (hereinafter referred to as the curriculum) ensures the implementation and implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC, determines the total volume of workload and the maximum volume of classroom workload for students, the composition and structure of compulsory subject areas by grade (year of study). OOP LLC may include one or several curricula.

The curriculum should provide for the possibility of introducing training courses that meet the educational needs and interests of students.

2.3.9 Implementation conditions system OOP LLC (hereinafter referred to as the system of conditions) must ensure the achievement of the planned results of development of OOP LLC.

The system of conditions must take into account the organizational structure of the Organization, as well as its interaction with social partners.

The description of the system of conditions should be based on local acts of the Organization, regulatory legal acts of the municipal, regional, and federal levels.

The system of conditions must contain:

1) description of the existing conditions: personnel, psychological and pedagogical, financial, material and technical, information and methodological;

2) justification for the necessary changes in existing conditions in accordance with the priorities of the OOO Organization;

3) mechanisms for achieving targets in the system of conditions;

4) a network diagram (road map) for the formation of the necessary system of conditions;

5) monitoring the state of the system of conditions.

III. The procedure for developing and approving OOP LLC

3.1. OOP LLC is developed on the basis of these Regulations.

3.2 Development of OOP LLC includes the stages:

Development of the OOP LLC project;

Review of the OOP LLC project;

Adoption of OOP LLC;

Approval and implementation of OOP LLC.

3.3 The development of OOP LLC is carried out by a working group acting on the basis of the Regulations on the working group for the development of OOP LLC.

3.4 The working group is developing a draft OOP LLC.

3.5 The developed draft OOP LLC is submitted to the pedagogical council of the Organization to give recommendations on acceptance/rejection of the draft Program.

3.6 Consideration of the OOP LLC project is recorded in the minutes of the meeting of the Organization’s pedagogical council. The decision made is advisory in nature with a note on acceptance, revision or rejection of the draft Program.

3.7. The Director of the Organization can conduct an external examination of the draft OOP LLC at any stage of its discussion before its adoption and approval. The examination is carried out in institutions (organizations) that have specialists - experts of the appropriate level, and in the manner established for performing this type of activity. The results of the examination are taken into account when making a decision on whether to accept the OOO.

3.8. The project of OOP LLC with a positive recommendation from the pedagogical council of the Organization is submitted to the highest self-government body - the Governing Council of the Organization for its adoption.

3.9. The adopted OOP of the LLC is put into effect after approval by the order of the director of the Organization for the period of validity of the Federal State Educational Standard of the LLC. OOP LLC is mandatory for all participants in the educational process, serves as the basis for organizing the educational process, placement of personnel, and quality control of the results of its development.

3.7 Adjustments to the OOP LLC are made taking into account the results of monitoring by year (stage) of the implementation of the OOP LLC, changes in legislation, new regulations and documents. Changes and additions made to the LLC OOP undergo a review and approval procedure similar to that specified in clause 3.3. The texts of the changes on separate sheets are filed with the OOP LLC.

IV . The procedure for posting and familiarizing yourself with the OOO LLC and the changes made

4.1. OOP LLC, as the main regulatory document of the Organization, is subject to placement on the official website of the Organization on the Internet.

4.2 Parents (legal representatives) of students and students of the second stage of general education must be familiar with the OEP LLC:

When students are enrolled in the Organization;

4.3 Teaching staff must be familiar with the OOP LLC

When hiring;

When making changes to the OOP LLC.

V. Assessing the effectiveness of the Organization’s activities in implementing OOP LLC.

The assessment of the effectiveness of the Organization's activities is carried out on the basis of comparing the planned results of OOP LLC with the results achieved by graduates.

2.2. Action plan for the development of the Program

A pressing issue in minimizing the development time of the main educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education is the preparation of an action plan - a road map of an educational organization, which contains a list of activities on organizing the development of the main educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education, presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Road map of an educational organization


Deadlines (adjusted by the educational organization)

Formation of a bank of regulatory documents of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education


Monitoring the level of readiness of public organizations for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education


Organization of acquaintance of participants in the educational process with the regulatory documents of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education


Formation of working groups to develop the Program


Organization of the study of regulatory documents of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education


Providing professional training for teaching staff (courses, seminars in KRIPKiPRO)

during the school year

Ensuring the participation of working group members in seminars, workshops and other events to develop the Program


Development and approval of a work plan for working groups to develop the Program


Development of sections of the Program by working groups


Holding a meeting of the methodological council


Holding a meeting of the pedagogical council


Holding a meeting of the Governing Council


Discussion of Program materials with participants in the educational process

April May

    1. Mechanisms for managing the process of developing the main educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education

One of the leading components of the management activities of a modern school is the management of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education, aimed at ensuring the interaction of management subjects in solving the problems of implementing the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education. The main content of activities withsubjects of management of an educational organization for organizing the development of the main educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education are given in Table 2.

Table 2.

Managing the process of developing the basic educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education.


Main content of the activity


Organizes monitoring of the level of readiness of the public organization to the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education

Issues orders to approve the Regulations on the procedure for development and approval the main educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education, on approval of the Regulations on the working group for the development of the main educational program

Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education, formation of working groups to develop the draft Program and approval of the Program.

Approves the work plan of the working group.

Organizes an external examination of the OOP LLC project at any stage of its discussion before the adoption and approval of the Program. ADVICE

Chairman of the Parents Committee, Chairman of the Governing Council, Deputy Director (BP)

They organize the acquaintance of participants in the educational process (students, parents, the public) with regulatory documents (understanding and acceptance of the core values ​​of the Standard), and determine their requests to the school.

Organize a discussion of the Program materials with participants in the educational process.

Deputy Director (Directorate of Internal Affairs)

Organizes the study and analysis of regulatory documents

(understanding and acceptance of the core values ​​of the Standard) by the teaching staff.

Plans the work of the MS.

Monitors and ensures professional training of the teaching staff (courses, seminars in KRIPKiPRO, etc.)

Forms working groups to develop sections of the Program.

Coordinates and controls the work on forming ideas about the content, structure and organization of the development of sections of the Program for working group leaders.

Methodological advice

Organizes professional development to master the content of the Standard (seminars, workshops in public organizations).

Develops a quality assessment methodology

the developed Program.

Organizes the final presentation of the Program.

Working group

Gets basic information

on the development of the Program at the level of self-education and participation in seminars and workshops.

Forms the content of the Program section in a specific area.

Make adjustments to the Programs section

Head of the working group

Participates in monitoring the level of readiness of public organizations for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education

Plans the work of the working group.

Coordinates the development of the selected section of the Program in the group.

Assembles developed materials for the Program section.

Provides the formation of ideas about the design of the Program section in the chosen area and advises members of the working group.

Responsible for the content and adjustment of the Program section in the chosen area.


The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for General Education changes school life in many ways. These are new forms of educational organization, new educational technologies, a new information and educational environment. The Federal State Educational Standard of General Education is designed to ensure the development of the education system in the context of the changing needs of the individual and family, the expectations of society and the requirements of the state in the field of education.

The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education is a very serious and responsible work, during which difficulties and problems arise in the educational organization. And one of the first problems is the creation of the main educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education. In order to create the basic educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education, the administration of an educational organization needs to build a strategy for its development and provide organizational and pedagogical conditions for the activities of the educational organization for its creation.

In carrying out this work, theoretical knowledge was acquired on organizing the development of the main educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education, studied theoretical material related to identifying the features of organizing the development of the main educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education and determining the mechanism for managing the process of its development, created “ Regulations on the procedure for the development and approval of the main educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education”, an action plan has been drawn up for the development of the main educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education.


1.Basic documents of the Federal State Educational Standard of general education. Access mode: ;

2. Danilyuk A.Ya., Kondakov A.M., Tishkov V.A. The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a Russian citizen. - M.: Education, 2011. – 24 p. ;

3. Deming, E. Exit from the crisis: A new paradigm for managing people, systems and processes / E. Deming; Per. from English – M.: Alpina Business Books, 2007. -123 pp.;

4. Key terms of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard.

Access mode: ;

5. The concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2008 No. 1662-r;

6.Nemova N.V. The activity approach is the methodological basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for general education. Didactic materials. - M., 2012. – 28 p.;

7.Regulatory documents for the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards LLC. Access mode: ;

8. The main educational program of basic general education as a mechanism for implementing the requirements of the federal state educational standard of basic general education (Text): methodological recommendations/compiled by: I.G. Vertiletskaya, M.P. Geraskina, Z.V. Kretsan, V.G. Cheremisina.-Kemerovo: Publishing house KRIPKiPRO, 2013.-226 p.;

9. Letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 1, 2011. No. 03-776 “On the approximate basic educational program of basic general education”;

10. Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 19, 2011 No. 03-255 “On the introduction of the federal state educational standard of general education”;

11. Action plan for the modernization of general education for 2011-2015 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 7, 2010 No. 1507-r;

12. Sequence of actions for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. Access mode: ;

13. Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, regulating the activities of educational institutions in the context of the introduction and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for general education. Access mode ;

14. Approximate basic educational program of an educational institution. Basic school / [comp. E.S. Savinov]. - M.: Education, 2011. - 342 p. ;

15. Project “Scientific and methodological support for the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards LLC in educational institutions of the Kemerovo region in 2011/2015.” Access mode: ;

16.Seminar-meeting for specialists from municipal education authorities supervising the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard and the formation of school library collections. Access mode:

17. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”;

18. Federal state educational standard for basic general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897;

19. KripkiPRO forum. Access mode:

20. Fundamental core of the content of basic general education / ed. V.V. Kozlova, A.M. Kondakova. – M.: Education, 2011.-59 p.;

Guide to the Federal State Educational Standard

Federal State Educational Standard (FSES)) – normative and legal acts of the federal level, representing a set of requirements mandatory for the implementation of basic educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (full) general, primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education by educational institutions that have state accreditation.

Requirements for the results of mastering the Federal State Educational Standards– requirements for development results; requirements for the structure of the main educational program; requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program.

Basic educational program (BEP)– a program that defines goals, objectives, planned results, content and organization of the educational process at a certain level of general education; aimed at the formation of a general culture, spiritual, moral, civil, social, personal and intellectual development of students; ensuring social success, development of creative and physical abilities, preservation and strengthening of students’ health.

The main educational program is implemented by the educational institution through classroom and extracurricular activities in compliance with the requirements of state sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations.

The result of mastering the main educational program– personal result, meta-subject result, subject result.

Personal result– the readiness and ability of students for self-development, the formation of their motivation for learning and knowledge, the value and semantic attitudes of students, reflecting their personal and civic positions in activities, social competencies, the ability to set goals and make plans, the ability to understand Russian identity in a multicultural society. ; individual psychological characteristics of a person.

Meta-subject result– interdisciplinary concepts and universal learning activities (ULA) mastered by students (cognitive, regulatory, communicative), the ability to use them in educational, cognitive and social practice.

Subject result– skills mastered by students during the study of an academic subject that are specific to a given subject area, types of activities to obtain new knowledge within the framework of an academic subject, its transformation and application, as well as the system of fundamental elements of scientific knowledge that underlie the modern scientific picture of the world.

The results of mastering the educational program, subject to evaluation during the final certification– the level of students’ mastery of subject and meta-subject results.

Results of mastering OOP that are not subject to evaluation during the final certification– value orientations of the graduate, reflecting his individual and personal positions (religious, aesthetic views, political preferences, etc.); characteristics of social feelings (patriotism, tolerance, humanism, etc.).

Basis of the Federal State Educational Standard– system-activity approach.

Universal learning activities is a set of student actions that ensure his cultural identity, social competence, tolerance, and the ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process.

Table 1

Comparison of the traditional education system and the education system based on the new generation Federal State Educational Standard (based on an article by Tikhvinskaya A.V.) ¹


Comparison criterion

Traditional education system

Education system based on the new generation Federal State Educational Standards

Purpose of Education

Arming with knowledge, skills and abilities.

Development of the student’s personality, achieving the level of functional literacy required in the modern world

Development of the student’s personality based on mastering methods of activity.

Education, pedagogical support for the formation and development of a highly moral, responsible, creative, proactive, competent citizen of Russia

Approach to training



The basis of the school standard

Modernization of domestic education (three innovations):

1) a radical change in the view of the essence and meaning of the standard, the standard appeared as an instrument for the development of education;

2) revision of the content of school education: it was planned to remove the overload of students, increase the accessibility, quality and effectiveness of education; maintaining traditional fundamentality while simultaneously deepening its practice orientation;

3) introduction of specialized training at the senior level of school with the approval of variability and differentiation of education

Basic educational program, including:

Program for spiritual and moral development and education of a Russian citizen;

Program for the formation of universal educational activities (UAL);

Program for creating a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle;

Programs of specific academic subjects (SUP);

A system for assessing the achievement of the planned results of mastering the educational program.

Social contract – request of family, society, state

Requirements for the results of mastering OOP





Result of education

Knowledge, abilities, skills

A person’s ability and readiness for effective and productive activity in various socially significant situations

The role of the teacher

Knowledge translator

Organizer of student activities in an innovative educational environment

Organizer of joint and productive creative activities

Role of the student

Receives ready information

Searches, selects, analyzes, organizes and presents information

Teaching methods and technologies

Reproductive teaching methods dominate.

Research and design methods are partially used

Methods that ensure self-development and self-actualization. A person, allowing him to search for and realize ways of solving life situations that are suitable for him (project method, situational analysis, collective method of learning, research and search technologies)

Evaluating the result

Score in points

Comprehensive assessment: points, portfolio

¹Tikhvinskaya A.V. On the issue of the readiness of educational institutions for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. // Siberian teacher, No. 1, 2011, p. 38.

Table No. 2

Requirements for advanced training of personnel in the implementation of educational programs

OOP of primary general education

OOP of basic general education

1. The educational institution is staffed with teaching, management and other employees.


1.Staffing of the educational institution with teaching, management and other employees

2. The continuity of professional development of teaching staff of educational institutions should be ensured by their mastering additional skills. professional programs in an amount of at least 108 hours at least once every 5 years

Table 3

Comparison of OOP structure

Primary general education

Basic general education

1. Explanatory note

2. Planned results of students mastering OOP


4.Program for the formation of universal learning activities (UAL)

5.Programs of specific academic subjects (SUP)

6.Program of spiritual and moral development of students

7.Program for creating a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle.

8. Corrective work program

9. System for assessing the achievement of planned results of development of the educational program

Section 1. Target

1.1.Explanatory note

1.2. Planned results of students mastering OOP

1.3. System for assessing the achievement of planned results of development of the educational program

Section 2. Content

2.1.Program for the formation of UUD

2.2. PMC program

2.3.Education and socialization program:

Spiritual and moral development of students;

Formation ecological culture, healthy and safe lifestyle;

-socialization and vocational guidance.

2.4. Corrective work program

Section 3. Organizational


3.2. System of conditions for the implementation of OOP.

Table 4

Comparison of the structure of the program of a specific academic subject (SUP)

Primary general education

Basic general education

6. Thematic planning.

7. Description of the material and technical support of the OOP.

8.Description of value guidelines for the content of the PMC.

1. Explanatory note: objectives of the PLO, taking into account the PMC

2. General characteristics of the subject.

3. Description of the place of the subject in the curriculum.

4. Personal, meta-subject, subject-specific results of mastering PMC.

6. Thematic planning.

7.Description of logistics and educational and methodological support OOP.

8. Planned results of studying PMC.

Ata dimensional version of the plan to ensure the transition of the school

to a new educational standard

Target: to provide conditions for the high-quality implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education.


1. To identify the level of resource provision in primary general education for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.

2.Create a legal, scientific and methodological basis for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO.

3. Ensure the training of teaching staff for the implementation of the state standard of primary general education, orient them towards the values, goals and objectives defined by the state standard.

program higher professional education in the field of...
  • Basic educational program of primary school

    Main educational program

    Are basic educational programs and approximate educational programs, the development of which is ensured by state educational authorities. Main educational program(Further - OOP ...

  • Composition of the main educational program 7 Appendix 1 Form of the title page and approval sheet 25 Appendix 2


    The quality of student training. 4Composition basic educational programs IN OOP All items must be present. In italics... Tomsk (year) Approval sheet Main educational program OOP compiled taking into account the requirements of the Federal...

  • Chapter


    Planned result



    1.Creation of organizational conditions

    1.1. Ensuring coordination of the activities of subjects of the educational process, organizational structures of the institution

    Availability of a joint work plan for the school’s transition to a new educational standard

    1.2. Determine the optimal model for organizing the educational process, ensuring the organization of classroom and extracurricular activities

    Model of organizing the educational process

    1.3.Organization of interaction between educational institutions and institutions of additional education

    in order to ensure extracurricular activities of students (if necessary)

    Availability of contracts for the provision of services by institutions of additional education

    1.4.Studying public opinion on the introduction of new standards and making possible additions to the content of the basic educational program of primary general education

    Monitoring the opinion of society on the introduction of new standards

    1.5.Organization of the work of the working group to analyze the resource provision of elementary schools in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

    Availability of objective information on resource support for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard

    2.Creation of regulatory conditions

    2.1. Formation of a data bank of regulatory documents at the federal, regional, municipal level on the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard

    Full set of regulatory documents

    2.1.Development (amendments) of local acts:

    Regulations on the main educational program;

    Regulations on the program of a specific academic subject"

    Availability of regulatory documents of the educational institution, prepared in accordance with the requirements of the standard

    2.2.Development and approval of the main educational program

    Availability of a basic educational program that meets the requirements of the new standard

    2.3. Development and approval of work programs for academic disciplines

    Availability of work programs for academic disciplines that meet the requirements of the new standard

    2.4. Bringing into conformity with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and the new tariff and qualification characteristics of job descriptions for employees of the educational institution

    A set of job descriptions that comply with Federal State Educational Standards and new tariff and qualification characteristics

    2.5. Issuance of orders on OU:

    On the transition of an educational institution to training according to the Federal State Educational Standard;

    On approval of the annual calendar educational schedule;

    On approval of the curriculum;

    On approval of the list of textbooks and teaching aids;

    On approval of the internal school control plan for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

    Availability of orders regulating the systematic introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard

    2.6.Conclusion of agreements with parents (legal representatives) of students on the provision of general education

    Availability of agreements with all parents

    2.7. Amend the “Regulations on the assessment system, forms and procedure for intermediate certification” in terms of introducing an integrated approach to assessing educational results

    Compliance of the assessment system with standards

    3.Creation of scientific and methodological conditions

    2.1. Determination of the list of textbooks and teaching aids

    Availability of a list of textbooks and teaching aids

    2.2.Development of a plan for methodological work in the educational institution; holding methodological meetings within the framework of the school teacher training, for example:

    1. Education of educators: preparation and self-training of a teacher, future teacher to solve the problems of spiritual and moral education within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard.

    2.Family and school. Ways of cooperation in matters of spiritual and moral development and upbringing of a child during the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

    Features of the organization and modeling of extracurricular activities in spiritual and moral

    national development and education of schoolchildren, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

    Availability of an in-school system of methodological work

    2.3.Purchase of educational and methodological literature and materials into the library, including electronic educational resources, in all academic subjects of the basic educational program of primary school, secondary school

    Replenishment of the library collection in accordance with the standard

    2.4. Conducting open lessons on the use of a systemic activity approach in teaching

    Dissemination of the experience of the best teachers of educational institutions

    4.Creation of personnel conditions

    4.1.Determining the readiness of educational institution teachers for the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards

    Availability of objective information about teachers’ readiness to work according to new standards

    4.2.Development and approval of a schedule for advanced training by teaching and management employees of the educational institution

    The approved plan is a schedule for continuing education courses for teachers and managers. workers

    4.3.Increasing the qualifications of teachers on the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

    100% of teaching staff trained according to Federal State Educational Standards

    4.4. Study and generalization of pedagogical experience in introducing advanced pedagogical technologies into the educational process

    Dissemination of the experience of the best teachers

    5.Creation of financial and economic conditions

    5.1.Development of a system of increasing bonuses for primary school teachers working according to new educational standards

    Availability of the Regulations on remuneration of employees of educational institutions as amended

    6.Creation of material and technical conditions

    6.1.Organization of the educational process in accordance with current sanitary and hygienic standards

    Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards

    6.2.Equipping the workplaces of primary school teachers with computer equipment

    Compliance of teachers' workplaces with the requirements of standards

    7.Creation of information conditions

    7.1.Opening the Internet page “New Federal State Educational Standard” on the school website.

    Implemented public awareness action plan

    7.2.Publication of a series of articles in the media.

    Generalization of experience

    7..3.Organization by the school administration of a “hotline” regarding the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.

    Taking into account public opinion

    7.4.Holding an open day for parents

    Openness of introduced innovations

    7.5. Conducting a public report by the educational institution on the results of implementing the new standard at school

    Openness of introduced innovations, consideration of public opinion

    The main educational program is a local document that defines the goals and objectives of the implementation of the educational process, the content and stages, the planned results of teaching and raising children. The text of the program is focused on the comprehensive development of students, the formation of a common culture, and therefore serves as a vector of work for the teaching staff of an educational institution. She:

    • determines the level of education of the individual;
    • used as a management tool;
    • indispensable for accreditation and licensing of an educational institution;
    • allows you to establish the competence and responsibility of an educational institution depending on the indicators of implementation of the educational program.

    Structure of the main educational program

    The Law “On Education” does not have a strict definition of the educational program, but its place in the Russian education system is quite clearly indicated. This management educational and legal document:

    • independently developed, approved and implemented in an educational institution;
    • is formed on the basis of the state standard and in accordance with its requirements for the structure of the educational program;
    • includes requirements that, if followed, will allow one to achieve a certain level of education and obtain the appropriate document.

    In the context of the lack of a normative interpretation, the educational program is accompanied by a duality of the concept, which can be considered in the following aspects:

    • in relation to students - it contains characteristics of the planned competencies of students and a system for assessing educational achievements, while the methods and forms of mastering the content of the educational program should not be obvious to schoolchildren;
    • from the point of view of the teacher, the document is the basis for goal setting; it characterizes the content of the school educational course, educational material, contains methodological support and principles for organizing the educational process.

    Educational institutions implement PEP through the alternation of classroom and extracurricular activities, the order and nature of which are established by educational institutions independently. Extracurricular activities are carried out in six main areas (general cultural, social, health, spiritual and moral, general intellectual and tourism and local history) through the work of sections and clubs, club work, competitions, quizzes, excursions, meetings with interesting people, local history and project activities.

    Keep this for yourself so you don't lose it:

    Articles in the electronic journal "Handbook of the Head of an Educational Institution" will help you learn more about the development program of an educational institution.

    The structure of the educational program includes three main sections: target, content and organizational. The document is structurally divided into a mandatory part, constituting 80% of the text, and an optional part (20%), compiled by participants in the educational process.

    Target section This is the introductory section of the PLO, which defines the goals and objectives of the document and educational activities in general. It includes an explanatory note, planned results and a system for assessing the results of educational activities.

    It is the main section, defining the content of basic general education and what is included in the educational program. It outlines the mechanisms and general framework for the implementation of the educational process, indicates:

    • a program for the development of students’ learning skills, taking into account the formation of the necessary competencies and the involvement of various types of activities;
    • programs of all academic subjects, including integrated ones;
    • correctional work program;
    • socialization and education program for career guidance, socialization, spiritual and moral development, safe lifestyle, formation of a culture of health and ecology.
    Organizational The final section contains practical information: the system of conditions for the implementation of educational educational programs according to the Federal State Educational Standard and the curriculum.

    The school educational program is traditionally considered in scientific, methodological and regulatory aspects and is a generalized normative document, the provisions of which must be complied with. In this vein, in educational program structure contains an internal educational standard that establishes the importance of the developmental orientation of the educational process and the inclusion of numerous components in it. It is developed by representatives of the school teaching staff, taking into account the characteristics of the student and teaching population, in accordance with the requirements of the main consumers of educational services - children and their parents - on the basis of federal standards.

    Experienced methodologists remind us that:

    1. The scope of the educational program is not regulated by the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, and therefore can be arbitrary and sufficient to reveal the essence of the three main sections.
    2. The authors of the main educational program can be the administration and employees of the institution (all interested parties, including parents of students and the students themselves, can be involved in the preparation of the text of the educational program). The development and approval of the program is carried out by the head of the educational institution together with the school council, while teachers, based on the educational program, form workers, planning the educational process.
    3. When compiling an educational program based on a sample program, developers must correlate the priorities of activities, the characteristics of the teaching staff and students, personnel and material and technical conditions, goals and objectives with the specifics of the specific educational institution for which the document is being drawn up.

    The main educational program of the school is the main and even strategic document, from which the development program is significantly different - a long-term plan that determines the goal setting of the educational institution. PEP is a current plan that demonstrates the current state of the school educational system, and if it is based on pedagogical innovations, then it is innovative in nature.

    Working on structure of the main educational program, please remember that:

    • when writing the text of the educational program, it is important to take into account the characteristics of your school, and not thoughtlessly rewrite the content of the sample program, duplicating not only the wording, but also the goals and objectives, which should be maximally adapted to the realities of the educational institution;
    • Of particular importance is the continuity of levels of education, which should be reflected in the document;
    • each new program should be distinguished from the previous one by an innovative component, novelty, which determines its relevance;
    • each section requires a description, indicating responsible executors, deadlines and tasks;
    • the program must be written in precise and literate language and presented in formulations that are understandable for teachers (since the text is written not for inspection bodies, but for teachers, it is worth abandoning an excessive amount of bureaucratic language).

    OOP development

    Work on the creation of a basic educational program is being carried out in several areas:

      • regulatory support - studying an approximate educational program, ensuring compliance of the provisions of the main educational program with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and the school regulatory framework, designating a list of teaching aids and textbooks that will be recommended by the document (if necessary, the school development program is adjusted);
      • organizational and content support - creation and approval of a work schedule on the PLO, formation of a working group, analysis content of the main educational program, which is currently being implemented, coordinating the activities of subjects of the educational process, planning resource provision, involving government bodies;
      • financial and economic support - adjustment of the Regulations on the labor protection system, drawing up a plan for financial and economic activities, local acts establishing the amount of wages, concluding additional agreements to employment contracts with teachers;
      • staffing - checking the compliance of job descriptions with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, creating a schedule for advanced training of teachers, a plan for conducting scientific and methodological seminars, training employees in ICT technologies (a system of rewarding and supporting proactive teachers is allowed);
    • methodological support - planning methodological work aimed at implementing the Federal State Educational Standard, studying and creating methodological support for working educational programs, introducing changes to the plan of in-school scientific and methodological seminars, organizing experimental and innovative activities;
    • information support - work to update (redesign) the school website to more accurately inform the public about the results of activities, study the opinions of parents, approve local acts regulating public reporting;
    • logistics - providing the educational process with the necessary equipment (auxiliary and Internet resources), development of local acts regulating the requirements for school infrastructure.

    Rights and responsibilities of OOP developers

    Working on OOP is not a point-by-point process, but a continuous system of actions. Since special importance is attached to the coordination of efforts of all participants in the educational process, its effectiveness depends on them.

    Requirements for the structure of the educational program

    The standard of the latest generation puts the achievement of competence-based rather than subject-specific results in the first place, therefore the basis for the development of modern educational programs is a meta-subject approach that integrates school education, additional and self-development into the social and applied experience of students.

    The main educational program at the school is developed on the basis of an exemplary one. In constructing the document, the assessment of educational results as a whole in the context of age characteristics, socialization and meta-subject competencies of schoolchildren is of particular importance. To this end when forming an educational program, an educational organization uses technologies of reflective, research and project-based learning, takes into account technologies of consultation and tutor support for students.

    Target section of OOP: requirements for program development

    The first section of the program contains three main components.

      1. The explanatory note gives a general description of the program, reveals the novelty and relevance of the document, the goals and objectives of the OOP, linking them with the requirements of the standard, and key approaches to the implementation of the program. It is important to justify the target orientation of the document with facts, to provide excerpts from regulations and the Federal State Educational Standard in order to avoid formal reasoning and empty formulations.
    1. The planned results of mastering the educational program must be interconnected with the standards of the Federal State Educational Standard, the system for assessing results and the nature of the educational process in the selected educational institution. This block of text serves as a criterion and content basis for creating work programs for academic disciplines and courses in extracurricular activities, and therefore must be extremely clear and concise, based on the regulatory framework and the Federal State Educational Standard. It is important to comply with the age characteristics of children and the specifics of the educational process in a particular educational institution.
    2. IN OOP structure A special place is occupied by the system for assessing planned results, specifying and clarifying the competencies that students must achieve upon completion of the school course. The extent to which the planned results were achieved is reflected in the assessment of the performance of teachers, schools and the education system as a whole. The assessment system describes the organization and implementation of intermediate, state certification and final assessment in subjects and allows:
    • direct the educational process towards the education and spiritual and moral development of children;
    • to focus assessment activities on different aspects and directions, characterizing the essence, procedure, form of presentation and object of assessment;
    • carry out an integrated analytical approach, assessing personal, meta-subject and subject-specific results over time in the process of mastering OOP;
    • use a complex of analytical methods that complement each other;
    • use the results of children's mastery of general education programs to analyze the effectiveness of the educational institution.

    Content section of OOP: structure and characteristics

    The second section of the document contains provisions that allow achieving the comprehensive development of the child’s personality. To do this, the text provides a description of the institution’s work in five educational areas, lists variable ways and methods of implementing educational programs, focused on the individual and age characteristics of children, and the principles of correctional work.

    In this section, the authors include all the necessary information in their opinion regarding the stimulation of children's educational initiatives, cultural practices, the introduction of various types of activities, interaction with students' families and other aspects. The program developers take into account sociocultural and national conditions, the needs and interests of students, the traditions of the educational institution, therefore it can include adaptation mechanisms and methods for creating conditions for the education of children with disabilities, and the principles of conducting correctional classes.

    Program for the development of universal learning activities- implements a system-activity approach and allows you to achieve meta-subject and personal results. It is aimed at project and research activities, increasing the efficiency of knowledge acquisition, career guidance and social design. The approximate structure of the UUD formation program is as follows:

    1. the relevance of the program and its place among other educational programs;
    2. regulatory framework of the issue;
    3. value guidelines and objectives of the document;
    4. characteristics and functions of the UUD;
    5. connection of universal educational activities with the content of academic disciplines;
    6. typical tasks and continuity of the program during the transition to the next level of general education.

    Programs of academic subjects and courses, which allow you to fully master the content of basic general education. These documents are developed taking into account the requirements for mastering OOP and become part of the main program. Structure of the programs of individual academic subjects:

    1. explanatory note and general characteristics of the course or subject;
    2. description of the course in the curriculum and the academic subject in the secondary education system;
    3. student competencies, subject, personal and meta-subject learning results;
    4. content of the training course, subject;
    5. thematic planning, taking into account various types of activities;
    6. necessary personnel, material, technical, educational and methodological support;
    7. planned results.

    Socialization and education program is based on national and general cultural values ​​(peace, family, citizenship, home, science, health, nature, art) and is aimed at children gaining social experience, understanding social roles, norms of public morality, developing readiness to choose a profession, obtaining attitudes for maintaining healthy lifestyle, ecological culture.

    Corrective work program- is designed to provide correction of deficiencies in the physical and mental development of students with disabilities, help in overcoming difficulties, and support children who need help. It is aimed at identifying the special educational needs of children and their integration into the educational process of the institution, implementing an integrated approach to psychological, medical and pedagogical support for children, creating the necessary conditions for the education and upbringing of children with disabilities, providing them with the necessary educational and methodological tools and special programs. Contents of the correctional work program:

    1. goals and objectives of correctional work;
    2. list and content of areas of work, individualized and focused on meeting the needs of children with disabilities;
    3. system of psychological, medical and social support;
    4. methods of influence, taking into account the involvement of health workers, psychologists, social educators and other specialists;
    5. planned results of mastering the program.

    Organizational section of OOP: document structure

    Since the organizational section of the program determines the mechanisms for the implementation of all components of the OOP, it reflects the practical and activity-based approach. The third section of the program contains the institution's curriculum and a description of the system of conditions necessary for its implementation.

    New career opportunities

    For competent and effective management of an educational institution, we recommend that you undergo training in

    For passing - a state diploma on professional retraining. Training materials are presented in the format of visual notes with video lectures by experts, accompanied by the necessary templates and examples.

    The curriculum is a tool for implementing the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, which regulates the volume of classroom workload, the structure and list of compulsory academic disciplines. It is important to emphasize that in the structure of the educational program There may be not one, but several curricula (general and individual), the number of which depends on the population of the educational institution and the needs of the children, since the school curriculum must meet the educational needs of all students.

    The curriculum includes the following compulsory subject areas and subjects:

    • philology (Russian language, native language, literature, native literature, foreign language, second foreign language);
    • social scientific subjects (history of Russia, general history, social studies, geography);
    • mathematics and computer science (mathematics, algebra, geometry, computer science);
    • foundations of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia;
    • natural science subjects (physics, biology, chemistry);
    • art (visual arts, music);
    • technology (technology);
    • physical culture and basics of life safety (physical culture, basics of life safety).

    The period for mastering PLO is 5 years, during which time from 5267 to 6020 training sessions should be conducted.

    The academic calendar alternates between classroom and extracurricular educational activities and planned breaks (vacations). It indicates the start and end dates of the academic year, its duration, vacation periods, and the timing of intermediate certifications.

    In addition to the plan for lesson activities, the structure of the educational program must contain a plan for extracurricular activities that takes into account the needs and individual characteristics of schoolchildren. Children take part in extracurricular activities, which are implemented in five main areas, exclusively on a voluntary basis. Students are offered classes in sections and clubs, club work, research activities, military-patriotic associations, social events, excursions, etc. The document reflects the list and structure of areas of work, organizational mechanisms, and the volume of extracurricular activities taking into account the interests of students.

    Over the 5 years of study, there should be no more than 1,750 hours of extracurricular activities.

    The system of conditions for the implementation of the educational program works to achieve the planned results, taking into account the organizational structure of the educational institution and its local regulations. This subsection reflects:

    • the material, technical, personnel, information and methodological conditions available at the school;
    • characterization and justification of the required changes to existing conditions;
    • principles for achieving targets;
    • roadmap for the formation of updated conditions;
    • principles of control.

    Problems of designing a basic educational program

    The main educational program of an educational institution is a document that combines various programs of education and mastery of academic subjects, socialization, correctional work, and the development of universal educational activities. Designing structure of the educational program in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the developers take into account the software and methodological support of the educational process and focus on the competency model of a high school graduate.

    At the same time, teachers responsible for developing the document are often faced with unpreparedness and lack of proper motivation for designing PEP, and therefore are forced to act according to the model familiar to the administration and teaching staff, without or not fully taking into account the interests of other participants in the educational process, including students and their parents .

    Many teachers note the presence of difficulties with the design of each of the three sections of the program:

    • It is not easy to formulate the goals and objectives of the document and develop a system for monitoring the achievement of planned results;
    • teachers find it difficult to accurately determine the planned meta-subject and personal results, since they are often formulated very conditionally;
    • problems arise with the design of curricula for students with special individual needs.

    Since the design of PEP at the school level is carried out with violations or causes serious difficulties, it is more advisable to select a ready-made approximate PEP from the state register and adapt it for a specific educational institution. However, even in this case, the school administration bears a great responsibility, since the choice of an exemplary program should be preceded by professional and public examination and careful study. The school director should assess the personnel, logistics, methodological, regulatory and information resources that will be required to implement the chosen program.

    Involving not only fellow teachers, but also parents of students in the discussion of an exemplary educational program, it is important for the director to be prepared for the difference in perception of the document and selection criteria. If parents are guided by the accessibility of the program for the child’s understanding, compliance with his psychological and physiological capabilities, the absence of a negative impact on health due to overwork, then teachers focus on the degree of difficulty of teaching the program on the part of the teacher and mastering the program by students, the correspondence of the text with the possibility of achieving the planned results, the presence of a proven results evaluation systems. Considering requirements for OOP structure and the specifics of its implementation, the school administration needs to weigh:

    • does the school have scientific and methodological literature, instructions and regulations that will allow you to successfully adapt the text of the sample program for a specific educational institution;
    • to what extent the information, technical and material support of the school corresponds to what is required by the program;
    • Is the teaching staff ready to implement the chosen educational program, and how well does its qualification level meet the requirements of the program?

    After the development and approval of the educational program, the teaching staff of the school must take part in the formation of the curriculum, achieving the desired interdisciplinary connections, the integrity of the content of the educational process and the creation of a unified educational and methodological space. At the same time, the existing educational, methodological and material and technical base is compared with the required one, followed by the acquisition of the necessary aids and equipment.

    Educational program- according to Federal Law No. 273 of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation”, a set of basic characteristics of education (volume, content, planned results), organizational and pedagogical conditions and, in cases provided for by this Federal Law, certification forms, which is presented in in the form of a curriculum, academic calendar, work programs of academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), other components, as well as assessment and teaching materials.

    The main educational program (BEP) of an educational institution determines the goals, objectives, planned results, content and organization of the educational process at the level of general education, higher education (for each direction (specialty) and level) and is implemented by the educational institution through classroom and extracurricular activities in compliance with the requirements state sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations. Higher educational institutions develop educational educational programs in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard and are required to update it annually taking into account the development of science, culture, economics, technology, technology and the social sphere.

    Structure of the main educational program

    The Federal State Educational Standards for the levels of general education determine the following structure of the main educational program:

      explanatory note

      planned results


      program for the formation of universal educational actions for students at the level of general education

      programs of individual academic subjects, courses included in the curriculum

      program of spiritual and moral development, education of students at the level of general education

      program for the formation of an environmental culture, a healthy and safe image

      correctional work program

      system for assessing the achievement of planned results of mastering the basic general education program

      the extracurricular activity plan is an organizational mechanism for the implementation of the main educational program

      system of conditions for the implementation of the main educational program

    The main educational program of the direction of training (specialty) of higher professional education is developed for each direction of training (specialty), level of higher professional education, profile (master's program) taking into account the form of training and includes:


      work programs of training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules)

      other materials that ensure the education and quality of training of students

      educational and practical training programs

      calendar training schedule

      methodological materials ensuring the implementation of relevant educational technologies