Drawing is my mother's dream. Magic book of dreams

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“The Magic Book of Dreams” is a charity project that was conceived and implemented by kind and creative people - volunteers of the public organization “Creative Partnership”, who engage in art therapy with children with cancer at the Research Institute of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology, Russian Cancer Research Center. N. N. Blokhina.
I am grateful to the head of the “Creative Partnership” Irina Gordeeva and the initiator of the “Magic Dream Book” project Nguyen Victoria for choosing me as a co-author of this amazing and so important book.
"The Magic Book of Dreams" is children's dreams in poetry and drawings.
This book was made with great love and filled with the warmth of the hearts of its creators and authors, with the money of ordinary kind people - thanks.

But its main creators are still the children themselves! It was their drawings and dreams that formed its basis.

The most important idea and goal of the “Magic Book of Dreams” project is to help children believe in their dreams.After all, without a dream it’s as sad as without a mother...
After all, only those who believe in a miracle will be able to see it!

What do children dream about who are forced to live in a hospital for a long time... a very, very long time... children who have had to endure trials that not every adult can endure?
Yes, about the same thing that all children talk about! About the dog, about travel, about the world, about miracles...
And also about keeping everyone healthy and returning home as soon as possible.

We are looking forward to the electronic version of this magical book. I'll be happy to show it later. In the meantime, I present to your attention poems about a childhood dream that were written by me specifically for this project and some a little earlier.

When I wrote poems for this book, I thought that it is very important to give a child joy and love, to make his dreams come true - not tomorrow or someday... but here and now!
And appreciate what you have, even what is usually taken for granted - my child is next to me, at home... and he is healthy! - and this is already a great happiness! But it happens differently... I don’t wish anyone to experience how “different” it is. Let's give love, attention, joy, smiles, kisses, hugs, dogs, turtles, goldfish, toys, travel, pleasant experiences - an ordinary miracle! - to your children today and just like that - because they exist!

Your Elena Crassula , author of kind children's poems and the website Glavnye-lyuli.rf.

So, children's dreams in poems and drawings, drawings and poems about a child's dream -

"Magic Book of Dreams"


Everyone in the world dreams of something,
We are all missing something a little bit.
Someone dreams of growing up quickly,
Someone - get a funny puppy.

Do you want a new doll or a book?
Maybe you dream of babysitting your brother,
Maybe sail to distant islands,
Maybe climb to the high mountains.

Someone dreams that everyone smiles,
We became friends together and met more often.
Know that there is no such thing as an unimportant dream!
Believe and hope, and you strive for it!

I dream that they come true soon
All the dreams of honest and kind children!



Children should smile!
Children should live without pain!
Run, play, have fun!
And you won’t recognize the word grief!

Every child gets a dog!
If he really asks - for a sister!
Every day is like a holiday! And gifts!
Show your child the rainbow!

Give him a small miracle!
Just like that - don't wait for your birthday!
Waiting is difficult for a child!
R Decorate your face with jam!

Show me how beautiful it is in the park,
How love and peace live in the family!
A dog for every child!
Every child has a dream!


Dream of Anton Grigorenko, 9 years old.


Red Plusik was important and kind,
He helped everyone who was sick with all his heart!
He smiled when he saw Anton:
Hello Friend! After all, I was looking for you!

They hugged tightly, heartily,
So the bones suddenly crunched,
And Health seriously and forever,
Gave as a life preserver!


Dream of Alena Trashchenkova, 11 years old


Snow-white, airy and light,
They float across the sky in succession,
One cloud smiled at Alenka:
Do you want to travel with me?

The sun's ray hugs us tenderly,
Let's float like a sail over a wave,
The breeze of hope urges
Following happiness! For your dream!


Dream of Masha Yessen, 6 years old


When you're not there, the house is sad and quiet,
Toys and dolls are tired of being bored!
Brave Mitya has set off on the journey for you!
It's time for us to help you out!

Marusya, hello! Well, where have you gone?
Sit on me! We will rush with you
There, where Simka, and dad, and mom,
Where they love and wait - we will go home!

Home! The author of the drawing is Masha Essen, 6 years old.


Dream of Ira Kharitonova, 11 years old


There are miracles in the world, I know!
Believe me, dreams always come true!
I fly on the most beautiful dragon!
He loves everyone, smiles at the whole world!

We hurry with Mukhtar to the warm islands,
Above the cheerful, laughing wave!
I sincerely wish all my friends -
Meet your cherished dream!

Ira Kharitonova and her dream of traveling to the sea on a good dragon


Dream of Nastya Margukh, 9 years old


In the marmalade country, everyone lives so sweetly and affectionately -
Clouds float across the sky like soft cotton candy,
It’s nice to walk there, and it’s so delicious to breathe, and to make friends!
The marmalade river gurgles towards the strawberry banks.

I want to paint a miracle on a marmalade canvas,
Nari the cat, and everything I love and dreams.
I invite you too, if you like to dream sweetly,
I, the creator of a happy marmalade country for everyone!

Nastya Margukh and her marmalade country and Victoria Nguyen (initiator of the "Magic Book of Dreams" project)


Dream of Alena Rybalko, 8 years old


We are gentle like butterflies
Beautiful as a rainbow
Purring, murmuring, singing cats!

We fly like clouds
How cute are caramels!
Cheerful, winged, Alenka's dreams!

Alena Rybalko and her country of miracle cats!


Ksyusha’s dream, 5 years old, is that neither her father, nor her mother, nor her grandparents will grow a “bump”...


Pine cones decorate the Christmas tree,
They feed the birds and animals.
And the green needles
Gives a pine aroma.

Pine, cone, I'm not a Christmas tree!
Bump, bump, don't grow!
And painful needles
I don't like it, sorry!

People don't need cones!
We are good without cones!
A mouse will come from the forest,
He'll take away the evil cone!

Ksyusha and the Magic Book of Dreams


Magic dream giraffes are amazing, but real creatures that were created by the hands of children and make the dreams of many children come true. These wizards help children see their dreams, believe in them and make them come true!


Somewhere far away, beyond the warm sea -
Islands of heavenly beauty.
There are magical giraffes in the open air
Fulfill children's dreams.

To create a simple miracle,
They take cones from children.
You are your dear desire
Tell the giraffe quickly!

To all romantics, beautiful Franzuela
Invites you to the cities of dreams -
On the spring embankment of the Seine
You will buy beautiful flowers!

Good, noble Andriano
Gives happiness and love to the family!
We are walking - daughter, dad, mom,
A cat and a cheerful cocker - all together!

Yuri brings the world with radiant eyes,
Helps an unearthly dream come true -
You yourself can see from space,
How wonderful life is all over the Earth!

Giraffe Zhora is the most stylish fashionista!
He loves jazz and blues and plays the trumpet.
A big fan of children's creative dreams -
Voice Children? Well, forward to your dream!

And Marina is a miracle, the daughter of the sea breeze.
Sweet, fresh, young - you will love her!
Under a white sail, under a clear, clear sky
With love in your heart, fulfills all your dreams!

Shy Sonya loves all living things -
The magical world that surrounds us.
Beautiful rainbow, dew, flower in the field -
You can see a miracle nearby right now!


When the dream is so far away that you can't see it
And you have to go to exotic countries,
Horeres will help you find her -
After all, without a dream it’s as sad as without a mother...




They say that the giraffe has a long neck
Needed to collect leaves from a height.
Not true! Maybe it's a turtle
Chew grass quietly under a pebble.

I'll tell you a secret that giraffes
The strongest people in the world can dream,
And a long neck, like a telegraph pole,
It helps him to achieve his dream.

Dream every day, every hour and minute!
Smile and bravely reach for your dreams,
You can do it, I know! And let it be difficult
You will reach your cherished goal with your hand!




I dream that everyone will be healthy!
And all the mothers smiled at their children.
So that children live only at home,
They played and laughed in the yard.

I'll give you the best toys
If you asked me about it.
I want moms to smile!
I want everyone to be healthy!



Yes, I'm a funny miracle horse,
And it doesn’t look like others at all!
I’ll get some healthy and sweet apples,
Eat them and your face will become happy!


Dream of Osmanova Aida, 12 years old

They told her - what is she dreaming about?!
They shouted after her - where is she going?!
But look - it flies in the clouds!
But envy - what a cool flight!

Children know that adults can do anything!
Even buy a magic wand!
Give your child a MIRACLE!
Show me how wonderful it is to live!



They say that if it's difficult for you -
Find someone who has a more difficult time.
If it hurts so unbearably -
Have pity on those who are in more pain.

If you feel lonely or scared,
Support someone who is worse off.
It is important for yourself to help others -
You will become strong, and the world will be kinder.


These wonderful embroidery patterns were created by volunteers based on children’s drawings about dreams from our “Magic Book of Dreams”:

You can download them and make your childhood dream come true with your own hands - AND LET A MIRACLE HAPPEN!

These are the works produced by good needlewomen, followers of this idea:

You can exhibit your creative works at a charity auction in support of children from oncology and hematology of the Russian Cancer Research Center named after. N. N. Blokhina. For details, see Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/artp_kids/

How the MAGIC BOOK OF DREAM was created:

You can learn about other charitable projects and good activities of the public organization “Creative Partnership” on the page - BLAGO-DARyu or on their website - http://art-p.ru/. Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/artp_kids/

Dream! Believe in miracles! Dreams Come True!

Read good children's poems on the website:

How to draw a mother and child? Step-by-step guides for toddlers and older children.

Mom is the main person in the life of every child, and a drawing “about mom” is almost the first drawing of every child. This has probably always been the case, and even in those days when people lived in caves, children traced themselves and their mother in the sand with a stick. Modern kids also sometimes engage in “rock painting”, drawing sweet doodles on the wallpaper. But in this article we will only describe how to draw a portrait for Mother’s Day on paper with pencils.

“Mom, Dad, Me” is one of the pictures that kids really love to draw.

How to draw a full-length mother and child with a pencil?

The difficulty of this task is that everyone’s mothers are different, which means they need to be drawn differently. Therefore, we will provide two simple tutorials that explain how to draw people using construction lines. And you, by slightly changing their size and adding details, will be able to draw yourself and your mother looking like the real ones.

We draw mother and daughter in full height

  • We start drawing with the ovals of the face. Place them in the top third of a sheet of paper. Draw a vertical line on each oval - it will indicate the middle of the face and the axis of symmetry. Then draw three more horizontal lines, the first of which will be the line of the eyes, the second will be the line of the tip of the nose, and the third will be the line of the lips.

  • Start drawing the torsos using geometric shapes. Please note that the mother’s body and knees are located higher than those of the daughter, and the girl’s arms end lower than her mother’s. You need to draw all these elements exactly as in the sketch so that the final drawing has the correct proportions.

  • Use smooth lines to create the contours of your arms, legs and entire body.

  • Start drawing faces. The mother in our drawing has a small forehead, so we draw her eyes above the top line, her nose is also small and short, which means it will end above the second line.

  • We also draw the girl’s face. Pay attention to how differently the facial features of our drawn heroines are located relative to the markings.

  • Now it's time to draw the clothes and shoes of the mother and daughter. In addition, we still have unfinished hands, let's draw fingers and lines on them.

  • Now all that remains is to carefully erase the auxiliary lines with an eraser, and the drawing can be colored.

The “Mom and Daughter” drawing is ready!

Children are so unique and brilliant in the visual arts that they can draw their mothers without even relying on complex drawing techniques. Each baby’s drawing is filled with love for his mother, and perhaps the little genius does not need adult prompting for such creativity.

And here is a mother who is busy all day working and taking care of the children. Children subtly feel their mother’s mood, see how their mother tries to give all her strength for the good of the family and draw a picture of a mother who has not two, but many hands.

There is no need to demand from children that the body proportions in the drawing be perfectly observed. After all, this is not the main thing. The main thing is that the baby was able to convey his thoughts about his mother on paper.

Mother queen and her children - princess and prince

How to teach a child to draw a mother

The following technique is suitable for teaching drawing to little ones. Kids will probably be able to draw such a picture.

First, we draw the mother according to the diagram, as in the picture.

Then we draw a boy.

Parents carefully preserve their children’s first drawings “about their mother” and years later show these masterpieces to their grown-up children. Sometimes there is a whole folder of such drawings, and it is all the more interesting to sort through and look at these images on quiet family evenings.

The first drawing “about mom”

How to draw a portrait of a mother and child with a pencil?

Those who are good at drawing will be able to paint a variety of portraits of mothers and babies.

And in order to draw a face with photographic accuracy, we suggest using the method of redrawing from a photograph onto paper. For this:

1. Take a photo and a blank sheet of paper, attach them to each other and hold them up to the light, so that the outline of the face is visible on the paper.

2. Outline the facial features.

3. We complete the portrait, adding clarity to the lines and adding shadows.

You can more simply draw your mother’s face using the diagram in the picture below.

Mothers are rarely upset if there is no photographic similarity between the portrait and the mother’s face. After all, a portrait made with love and minor inaccuracies invariably pleases all mothers who received such a drawing as a gift.

Drawings for children on the topic of mother for sketching

  • Try to draw a slender and beautiful mother and daughter, just like in the picture below. The faces will need to be completed.

  • Mothers and children do a lot of interesting things, for example, play pats. To draw this, copy the drawing below. If you put a little effort into drawing faces and clothes, you can make them look like you.

Drawing for Mother's Day: mother and child playing pats
  • What to do if you can’t draw people beautifully so that they look like real people? Stylize the drawing! You can, for example, draw a picture for your mother in the spirit of Japanese anime or the way comic books are drawn.

  • To make your drawing look like a Japanese cartoon, draw very large eyes, and make all the lines a little angular.

  • Such drawings with mothers, as in the picture below, also look very beautiful; it seems that their heroes are cartoon characters.

  • Mothers often engage in interesting and not so interesting activities: washing dishes, cooking in the kitchen, making something. And in the picture you can depict a mother doing one of these things.

And it will be easier for the little ones to draw a simple picture with few objects.