Additional general education programs are being developed. Educational program for additional education for children

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1 Methodological recommendations for the development of additional general education general development programs Additional general education program is a normative model of interaction between a teacher and a student in educational process, defining the goal, objectives, content of education certain levels and orientation, volume of teaching load, forms, methods and means of training and education, predicted results and means of measuring them (evaluation). Normative base for the development of additional educational programs: 1. Federal Law from the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”. 2. Concept for the development of additional education for children (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 4, 2014). 3. Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation from “On approval of SanPiN” Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the work regime educational organizations additional education for children." 4. Letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia from “On approximate requirements for additional education programs for children.” 5. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation(Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated August 29, 2013, Moscow “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in additional general education programs.” Additional education for children and adults is aimed at the formation and development of the creative abilities of children and adults, satisfying their individual needs in intellectual, moral and physical improvement, creating a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle, promoting health, as well as organizing their free time. Additional education for children ensures their adaptation to life in society, professional guidance, as well as the identification and support of children who have demonstrated outstanding abilities. Additional general education for children must take into account the age and individual characteristics of children (Federal Law “On Education”, Article 75, paragraph 1). 2. Classification of additional educational programs Additional general education programs are divided into: general developmental programs are implemented for both children and adults; the content of additional general developmental programs and the terms of study for them are determined by the educational program developed and approved by the organization carrying out educational activities (Federal Law “On Education”, Article 75); pre-professional courses are implemented in the field of arts, physical culture and sports for children; the content of additional pre-professional programs is determined by the educational program developed and approved by the organization carrying out educational activities in accordance with federal state requirements(Federal Law “On Education”, Article 75). Any person is allowed to master additional general education programs without presenting requirements for the level of education, unless otherwise stipulated by the specifics of the educational program being implemented (Federal Law “On Education”, Article 75). *DDT, in accordance with the goals, priorities and content of activities, implements additional general educational developmental programs (ADOP)

2 Additional general education general developmental ones are classified: By focus artistic physical culture and sports tourism and local history socio-pedagogical technical natural science By degree of authorship (type) Standard (approximate) program approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and recommended as an example in a particular educational field or type of activity; A modified (modernized) program, developed on the basis of an example (or original one), but transformed by the developer taking into account specific tasks and operating conditions children's association and (or) supplemented with a new content component, modernized taking into account the latest achievements in science, culture, technology. The modification can be expressed in its own methodological developments teacher, reflect his pedagogical position on teaching issues of this subject etc., however, these transformations do not affect a significant part of the content, forms and methods inherent in the original program; An original program developed by a teacher or a team of teachers and containing up to 70% new material (in content or methodology). The effectiveness of the innovative approach and the effectiveness of the author's educational program is confirmed by reviews of 2 independent (external) experts in this educational field; Experimental program, declared as the author’s, but implemented for the first time as a pedagogical experiment, i.e., not passed full course its implementation and has not been tested by experts. By level of mastery General cultural introductory level of mastery, aimed at general familiarization of students with this type of activity (creativity), formation of interest in knowledge and creativity in this educational field, identification and development creative inclinations, individual interests and needs of students; development of students’ general outlook; formation of the foundations of a culture of communication, a healthy and safe lifestyle; organization of meaningful leisure; formation of initial, key for this profile, knowledge and preparation for mastering the basic level; (DDT solution: according to programs at this level, understand either short-term (from 3 months to 1 year) or preparatory groups to prepare students (mainly preschoolers) to master the general cultural basic level); a basic level of development aimed at forming base component education in this area (basic knowledge and competencies for completing independent tasks) and preparation for mastering an advanced level; formation of sustainable interest in this type of activity (creativity), motivation and assistance in personal development and self-determination

3 student learning; identification and development of students’ creative abilities and interest in scientific (research) activities; assistance in adaptation to life in society, professional guidance, as well as identification and support of children who show outstanding abilities in a given educational field; In-depth (including professionally oriented) in-depth study subject, expansion of the basic component of education in a given field of knowledge or type of activity due to complicated content According to the form of organization of content and pedagogical process A narrowly specialized program, the content of which is represented by one area of ​​activity (academic subject); Comprehensive program, consisting of several areas of activity (courses, disciplines), which are taught by different teachers (in parallel or in a certain sequence) and are mandatory for full mastery; An integrated program that combines several subprograms (courses, disciplines) that are taught by one teacher (in parallel or in a certain sequence) and are mandatory for full mastery; A modular program that consists of several independent courses, disciplines (modules), usually taught by different teachers, but allowing students to choose to study the modules that are most interesting to them; modules can also be mastered in parallel or in a specific sequence; modular program allows you to “design” individual educational routes students upon their request. According to the characteristics of the continent of students Adapted program, adapted for training persons with disabilities health, taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities and, if necessary, providing correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation specified persons (Federal Law “On Education”, Article 2, paragraph 28). 3. The structure of the additional general education general developmental program The structure of the additional general education general developmental course consists of: Title page, information card (SAMPLES in the Appendix) and 2 main sections: Section 1. Set of main characteristics: 1.1. Explanatory note; 1.2. Goal and tasks; 1.3. Educational and thematic plans (by year of study); 1.4. Content; 1.5. Planned results.

4 Section 2. Complex of organizational and pedagogical conditions: 2.1. Calendar training schedule; 2.2. Terms of sale; 2.3. Certification forms; 2.4. Evaluation materials; 2.5. Methodological materials; 2.6. Bibliography. Structure Contents structural components Section 1. Set of main characteristics 1.1. Explanatory general characteristics: note direction (profile); relevance and pedagogical expediency; social, psychological, pedagogical, conceptual prerequisites for development; meeting the needs of the time; distinctive features - the main ideas that distinguish the program from similar programs of this profile; addressee brief description of students in the program; age characteristics and other medical-psychological-pedagogical characteristics (if necessary); educational aspect; volume and timing of development total quantity teaching hours for the entire period of study; for how many years the program is designed; forms of education full-time, part-time or part-time extramural(Law 273-FZ, Chapter 2, Article 17, paragraph 2), and also “a combination of various forms of education and forms of training is allowed” (Law 273-FZ, Chapter 2, Article 17, paragraph 4) ; features (form) of the organization of the educational process: mass, group, microgroup, individual; same-age or mixed-age groups; composition of the group (permanent, variable, etc.); mode of classes, frequency and duration of classes, total number of hours per year; number of hours and classes per week; frequency and duration of classes Goal and objectives Goal: ideally presented result; Objectives are practical steps to achieve the goal; When formulating tasks, you can maintain the trinity: teaching, developing, educational tasks. Or use a more modern classification: personal (formation value orientations, general

5 1.3. Curriculum plan 1.4. The content of a personal position, civic activity, fostering a culture of communication, etc.); meta-subject (development of motivation for knowledge and creativity, interest in the subject, self-organization, ability to self-learn, etc.); subject (acquisition of knowledge and competencies). Objectives must be correlated with planned results. Educational and thematic plan additional educational education reflects: a list of sections, topics; the total number of hours on each topic, broken down into theoretical and practical classes; certification/control form (SAMPLE in the Appendix). The curriculum is drawn up for each year of study and shows study load for 1 group. When drawing up an educational thematic plan, it is recommended to comply with the following standards for the duration and mode of classes (at the rate of 36 school weeks per year): Lesson duration Frequency per week Number of hours per week Number of hours per year 1 hour 1 time 1 hour 36 hours 1 hour 2 times 2 hours 72 hours 2 hours 2 times 4 hours 144 hours 2 hours 3 times 6 hours 216 hours 3 hours 2 times 6 hours 216 hours 3 hours 3 times 9 hours 324 hours B this section A brief abstract description of the topics is provided according to the scheme: Full version:. Name of section (topic) Purpose: Theoretical information: Practical work: Conceptual apparatus: teaching materials ( training and metodology complex: didactic material, equipment, monitoring cards, etc.) Planned results: will know: will be able to: Teaching methods: Form of organization of activities: Short version:. Title of section (topic) Purpose: Theoretical information: Practical work:

6 1.5. Planned results The material is presented in didactic units nominal sentences(SAMPLE in Appendix). The Content may contain links to applications (for example, rules for performing exercises, repertoire, etc.); Various educational routes may be presented. Requirements for knowledge and competencies: will know: will be able to: Either in the modern classification: personal (formation of value orientations, social position, civic engagement, nurturing a culture of communication, etc.); meta-subject (development of motivation for knowledge and creativity, interest in the subject, self-organization, ability to self-learn, etc.); subject (acquisition of knowledge and competencies). The planned results must correspond to the goals and objectives. Section 2. Complex of organizational and pedagogical conditions 2.1. Calendar training (SAMPLE in the Appendix) schedule 2.2. Implementation conditions 2.3. Certification forms Logistics and technical support characteristics of the premises for classes according to the program; list of equipment, tools and materials required for implementation (based on the number of students); Information Support audio, video, photo, Internet sources; Staffing it is advisable to list the teachers involved in the implementation, characterize their professionalism, qualifications, selection criteria Certification forms for individual sections (training courses, disciplines, modules); based on the results of the academic year; based on the results of development. Forms for tracking and recording results; control (translation) standards; competition protocol; testing; test (test) work, (test, exam); psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, etc. Forms for presenting competition results; participation in exhibitions, competitions, festivals, conferences, olympiads; reporting (open) lesson, reporting concert, performance;

7 2.4. Test materials 2.5. Teaching materials 2.6. List of literature exhibition creative works and so on. Tools pedagogical monitoring(scroll diagnostic techniques, used to track and analyze learning results; can you give them brief description) This section presents short description methods of work according to the program and includes: features of the organization of the educational process full-time, part-time, part-time, part-time, remotely, in networking and etc.; teaching methods Reproductive: story, conversation, lecture, explanatory and illustrative, practical work, exercise, etc. Productive: discussion, problem presentation, partial search (heuristic), research, creative (creative), etc.; forms of organization of the educational process: frontal, creative groups, teams, in pairs, individual; educational (educational and training) lesson, laboratory lesson, excursion, educational and leisure event, etc. forms of organizing a training session: educational (training) lesson, laboratory lesson, excursion, cultural and leisure event, etc. educational technologies person-oriented; cooperation, gaming, differentiated learning, CSR, etc. development critical thinking through reading and writing, portfolio technology, workshop, technology of image and thought, technology for solving inventive problems (TRIZ), health-saving technology, debate technology, etc. algorithm of the educational lesson; a brief description of the structure of the lesson and its stages; didactic materials instructions, technological maps, sets of tasks, exercises, work samples, etc. main and additional educational literature: teaching aids, collections of exercises, test assignments, tests, practical work and workshops, reading books; visual material: albums, atlases, maps, tables. The list can be compiled for different participants in the educational process (teachers, children, parents). The list is drawn up in accordance with GOST for the design of bibliographic references. (SAMPLE in the Appendix) It is recommended to format the printed version in accordance with traditional office work requirements: Main font Times New Roman Font size of the main text 14, tables 12 Line spacing 1.15 Left margins 3 cm, right 1.5, top and bottom 2 (in Word in the “Page Layout” tab Regular).


ACCEPTED APPROVED At a meeting of the Acting Director of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Council of Lyceum 201 SPGAHL named after. B.V. Ioganson Mishchenko T.A. 201 Regulations on additional education 1. General provisions 1.1. Regulations on additional

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I. General provisions 1.1. This Regulation has been developed taking into account paragraph 3 of part 1 of article 34, part 4 of article 45, part 11 of article 13 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 No. 273 “On education in the Russian Federation”, Order

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Information from the website of the State Budgetary Educational Institution “Center” aesthetic education children Nizhny Novgorod region» SAMPLE STRUCTURE OF THE PROGRAM IMPLEMENTED BY AN ORGANIZATION PROVIDING RECREATION AND HEALTH CARE FOR CHILDREN 1. Title page.

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1. General provisions 1.1. This provision has been developed in accordance with the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012. 273-FZ, by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

S. Sitnikovo 2017 1. General provisions 1. These Regulations have been developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Model Regulations on General Educational Institutions, Federal

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3. Requirements for the level of preparation of students 4. Educational and thematic plan 5. Contents of the program 6. Forms and means of control 7. List of educational and methodological teaching aids 8. Appendices to the program: 1)

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APPROVED: Director of the Municipal Budgetary Institution “School 75” S.A. Gervasyeva Order dated "" 20. Regulations on extracurricular activities of students 1. General provisions 1.1. In accordance with the federal state educational

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POSITED I approve the Director of the International Educational Institution “S III 11” G?:? *-/" // I.A. Karyukina L " "-I P[ 2014 on the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in additional educational programs

1.7. Work programs are compiled on the basis of sample programs for individual academic subjects of general education; sample programs for individual academic subjects of general education and original programs

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1 1. Explanatory note The additional general education general development program “Fundamentals of artistic analysis” (hereinafter referred to as the Program) is different in accordance with the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”

The content of each component depends on its intended purpose. Special attention When designing the content of AOP, attention should be paid to describing the methods and techniques by which

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1.1.1. Programs. 1.1.2. Clearly articulating the purpose of the AOP. 1.1.3. Determining the range of tasks that specify the purpose of the adapted educational program. 1.1.4. Determination of AOP content. Design

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1. General provisions 1.1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation” (273-FZ dated December 29, 2012); Federal State Educational

I approve the Director of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Dobrinskaya Secondary School” S.N. Kudrenko. Order 90 of September 1, 2014 CURRICULUM MBOU "Dobrinskaya secondary school" of basic general education (GOS LLC) for the 2014-2015 academic year EXPLANATORY NOTE

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1. General provisions 1.1. The regulations on the organization of extracurricular activities were developed in accordance with: Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 273 Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”; By order of the Ministry

Chapter 10. Additional education Article 75. Additional education of children and adults 1. Additional education of children and adults is aimed at the formation and development of creative abilities

1. General provisions 1.1. This regulation on the work program (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) in the MBOU of Mtsensk “Secondary School7” (hereinafter referred to as the School) was developed in accordance with: Federal Law of December 29, 2012 273-FZ

“AGREED” Head of the Education Administration Department municipality Kandalaksha district / Agaeva I.A. / 2016 APPROVED by order dated 2016 Acting Head of MBDOU " Kindergarten 35" Kandalaksha

1 Department of Education of the Magnitogorsk City Administration Municipal educational institution “Gymnasium 53” APPROVED Director of the Municipal Educational Institution“Gymnasium 53” F.N. Urazmanova 20 (MOU "Gymnasium 53") POSITION

The main content of Art. 9 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” is a list various types educational programs developed, accepted and implemented in the Russian Federation. The main ones are general education and professional educational programs.

General education programs(main and additional) are aimed at solving problems of formation general culture personality, adaptation of the individual to life in society, to create the basis for informed choice and mastery of professional educational programs. These include programs:

1) preschool education;

2) primary general education;

3) basic general education;

4) secondary (complete) general education.

Professional educational programs are aimed at solving the problems of consistently increasing professional and general educational levels, training specialists with appropriate qualifications. Professional programs include:

1) primary vocational education;

2) secondary vocational education;

3) higher professional education;

4) postgraduate professional education.

The mandatory minimum content of each basic general education program or basic professional educational program (for a specific profession, specialty) is established, as already noted, by the corresponding state educational standard. Concerning regulatory deadlines mastering basic educational programs in state and municipal educational institutions, then they are determined by the basic laws of education and (or) model provisions about educational institutions of the relevant types and types or the relevant state educational standard.

All educational programs, as can be seen from the list of their types, are divided into basic And additional. The main difference between them is that additional educational programs are not based on educational standards. Their task is usually to more fully satisfy a variety of educational needs personality. It is appropriate to note that it is additional programs that are directly and closely related to educational services, which will be discussed in more detail in subsequent chapters.

According to the considered main types of educational programs in Russian system There are many other types of education. Thus, the content of the activities of an educational institution is mainly determined by the educational institution itself, its leadership, and collegial bodies ( pedagogical council, academic council), teaching staff, taking into account exemplary curricula and programs recommended government agencies education management, as well as original programs, approved by the pedagogical or methodological council of the institution.

The emergence of innovative and alternative schools, recognition by the state of the right to experiment in education have become serious factors in supporting pedagogical creativity. Everyone has the right to the author's program teaching staff. Teachers have the right to independently choose the topic, content, and scope of such a program; they can use sample educational programs for their activities different levels and areas of general or vocational education, can develop a new program in accordance with their professional interests and creative abilities. This can be a subject curriculum of one thematic focus or a complex integrated program combining different thematic areas, educational areas or areas of activity. Author's programs are characterized by the peculiarities of the logic of course construction, the depth of the questions and theories raised in them, and the nature of their coverage by the author of the program. These programs are most often used when teaching special courses of students' choice, electives, or deeper study of certain topics of traditional training courses. Such programs are approved in accordance with the procedure established by the educational institution.

Today they are widely used modified educational programs, in which the basic parameters of the content of subject programs are preserved, but the means, methods, methods, and forms of achieving goals and objectives are changed, which does not require much creative effort from the teacher.

Currently, in Russian schools, for example, two types of curricula are widely used: standard and working curricula. In some cases, personal and individual author's programs are practiced, which are compiled and applied by innovative teachers, masters of pedagogical work.

Typical (example) programs outline only the most generalized, basic range of general educational knowledge, skills, abilities and a system of leading scientific worldview ideas, as well as the most general recommendations of a methodological nature, listing the necessary and sufficient means and techniques of teaching specific to a particular academic subject. Standard programs are developed by the relevant executive authority, serve as the basis for drawing up working school and individual educational programs and are advisory in nature.

Based on the standard ones, they are compiled educational (work) programs, which usually reflect the content of the national-regional component of the corresponding state educational standard, as well as the local (school, university) component, take into account the possibilities of the methodological potential of teachers, as well as information, technical support and, naturally, the level of preparedness of students. Typically, a curriculum is structurally composed of three main components:

explanatory note or introduction, which defines the target directions for studying a given specific academic subject in the system academic disciplines taught within a comprehensive school or a corresponding specialty in institutions of professional or postgraduate education;

guidelines on issues of determining ways to implement the program, methods, organizational forms, teaching aids, assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by students in the process of studying a given academic subject. In recent years, special attention in programs has been rightfully paid to interdisciplinary connections, which are presented in a generalized form at the end of the content of the main sections. This allows the teacher to show creativity to development work program, To lesson planning and implementation interdisciplinary connections in real pedagogical reality;

educational and methodological support of the program- a list of educational, scientific, dictionary and reference literature (basic and additional), regulatory sources, visual and technical teaching aids, etc., used in the educational process, without which the effectiveness of the classroom and independent work, not to mention distance education, will be reduced to zero.

Questions for self-test and reflection, practical tasks

1. What, in your opinion, is the feasibility and/or necessity of government educational standards? How related is quality? modern education with the introduction of this educational institute?

2. Expand the political, legal and managerial nature of educational standards.

3. In your opinion, what is the reason for the diversity of meanings of the concept “educational program”? How does this concept relate to the concept of “curriculum”?

4. What types of educational and training programs are there? What characteristics are used as the basis for their classification?

5. What place do state educational standards and educational programs occupy in the mechanism? legal regulation education system?

6. Based on the analysis of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and Federal Law“On higher and postgraduate professional education” define: a) the principles on which the development of state standards and educational programs is based, b) the subjects of development, adoption, implementation of state standards and educational programs and monitoring their compliance.

The additional general education program is a normative document that determines the content extracurricular education. It is a complex of means of education, health improvement, training, and development of students, which is implemented on the basis of material and human resources in full compliance with social orders.

Important aspects

The additional pre-professional general education program is a normative local document. That is why it is first tested and in a clear sequence:

  • considered at the methodological council;
  • recommended to practical implementation;
  • approved by the director of the educational institution.

Regulatory aspect

Additional general education programs in additional education are developed in accordance with the following documents:

  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” No. 273.
  • Order of the Ministry of Education No. 1008.
  • Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 06-1844.
  • Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 No. 189 “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions”;
  • Municipal legal acts.

The additional general education general development program has a specific content. It depends on the specific educational institution in which this document is being implemented. The implementation of additional general education programs is an indicator of social and economic progress modern society and should focus on the following areas:

  • providing conditions for personal self-determination;
  • Creation optimal conditions for self-realization of every child;
  • formation of a picture of the world that corresponds to modern times among the younger generation;
  • integration individual into world and national culture;
  • formation of a citizen and a person;
  • development of human resources.

The additional general education program is implemented in accordance with the curriculum and calendar schedule. The educational institution is responsible for the quality of the program.

Purpose and directions

The additional general education program has specific goals and tasks involving the education, development, and training of schoolchildren. That is why their content must fully comply with folk traditions, national characteristics, achievements of world culture.

The additional general education program has several areas:

  • natural science;
  • technical;
  • artistic;
  • sports;
  • tourism and local history;
  • social and pedagogical;
  • physical education and sports.

Regardless of the focus, it should use modern educational technologies.


The additional general education general developmental program is reflected in certain teaching principles:

  • accessibility;
  • individuality;
  • effectiveness;
  • continuity

Among the forms and methods that are suitable for additional training, the maximum interest is differentiation, individualization, role-playing.

How are additional general education programs implemented? The procedure for their approval is discussed above. Management and control methods educational activities, as well as materials and tools are selected by the teacher. He needs to realize that the result of the introduction of an additional program should be the emotional well-being of the child, his involvement in universal human values.


The procedure for organizing additional general education programs is determined in accordance with regulatory documents adopted by the educational institution and must include specific structural elements:

  • title page;
  • explanatory note;
  • syllabus;
  • main content;
  • expected results;
  • bibliography

On the title page it is necessary to indicate the full name of the educational institution (according to the charter), the name of the program, its direction, information about the author. In addition, the age of the schoolchildren for whom it is intended is noted, as well as the expected time frame for its implementation.

The explanatory note contains information about the focus of the material, novelty, relevance, and significance.

IN calendar plan indicate the main topics (sections), their content, deadlines for implementation, mode and forms of classes. Also in the program of additional education there is a list of literature that the author used when writing it.

Option for an additional natural science program

We offer a version of the program “Beyond the Chemistry Textbook.” To begin with, let us note the relevance of the proposed material. There are many interesting and instructive experiences that do not pose any threat, they are entertaining and practical. Due to limitations school curriculum in chemistry they cannot be done in class. It's a pity!

The course opens up a lot of opportunities for developing modern schoolchildren a holistic idea of ​​living nature, its material unity, the relationship between the inanimate and the living, the interdependence of basic natural processes.

This program reveals the connection between chemical knowledge and the everyday life of an ordinary person, problems that arise in specific situations. IN this course integration of various academic disciplines has been carried out: biology, chemistry, physics, economics, geography, ecology.

Used in the course laboratory experiment, historical and cultural traditions, numerous ecological problems. The course material not only contributes to the development of knowledge, skills, and abilities, but also provides the basis for the harmonious development of each child.

Goals and objectives

The additional education program under consideration is designed to solve the following problems:

  • formation of clear ideas about the use of safety rules in the process of conducting various experiments;
  • study of trends in chemical transformations and options for managing them to obtain new materials and substances;
  • connection between practice and theory;
  • improvement of experimental skills based on independent activity schoolchildren.

From the introduction of an additional educational program, the teacher expects students to develop stable cognitive interest to natural science subjects, the formation of an active citizen of the country.

Course structure

The course consists of three parts, arranged in order of increasing difficulty.

The first block “DIY Laboratory” (6 hours) first involves an analysis of safety rules, then advice on the use of household materials for chemical experiments. This block is permeated with the connection of everyday life with theoretical knowledge.

Second block “First entertaining experiments"(14 hours) involves the children performing experiments, thanks to which they become acquainted with magical and mysterious chemistry. For experiments, substances that children encounter in their daily lives are offered.

The third block “Chemical workshop” (14 hours) includes two additional sections: environmental workshop, in which children determine the presence of heavy metal cations in drinking water, household items; analyze the toxicity of substances, design household chemical products. As part of this additional program, ninth-graders are thoroughly introduced to the project methodology.

Differences between this course and basic programs:

  • contributes to the improvement of practical skills;
  • ensures formation harmoniously developed personality;
  • allows you to develop skills in working with scientific literature.


Currently, many educational institutions are trying to fully satisfy the social order of society. For this purpose, research clubs are created at schools, art studios, choreographic groups, military-patriotic associations. Continuing education programs created by teachers must meet the requirements set for them by the Federal State Educational Standard. Besides title page, the requirements for which are developed and approved in a specific educational institution, explanatory note, educational and methodological plan, the content should reflect a brief description of each section, the basic skills and abilities that schoolchildren should master after completing the course are prescribed in the additional educational program.