Adapted general education program for mentally retarded children. Adapted program for children with mental retardation



Bursol village, Slavgorod, Altai Territory


at the meeting

Pedagogical Council

MCOU "Secondary School No. 9"

from 08/26/2016 protocol No. 1


Director of MKOU "Secondary School No. 9"




The adapted educational program for persons with disabilities for children with mild mental retardation MKOU "Secondary School No. 9" is a general program of activities for the school administration and teachers. The purpose of this educational program is to organize the interaction between the components of the curriculum, curricula, and stages of studying subjects.

The educational program is developed on the basis of regulatory documents:

Constitution of the Russian Federation

Education Act"

School Charter

This program is aimed at the practical implementation of the social order formulated in the Law “On Education” and is intended to meet the needs of:

- Society - in educating a young generation of citizens capable of independent life and integration into society;

- A school graduate - in his social adaptation and free choice of his future route;

- A school student - in obtaining basic education in all subjects, development in the learning process, correction of developmental defects in the process of educational, educational and labor training.

- Parents of students - in the quality education of children, their upbringing and development.

MKOU "Secondary School No. 9" according to the licenseA No. 0000849 dated 09.11.2011 has the right to carry out educational activities according to an educational program developed on the basis of the basic general education program, taking into account the characteristics of psychophysical development and the capabilities of educational institutionsVIIIkind.

I step – 1-4 grades.

II step – 5-9 grades.

1. Primary school education (Istage) is aimed at the development of students, their mastery of reading, writing, counting, basic skills of educational activities, the simplest skills of self-control of educational activities, culture of behavior and speech, the basics of personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle.

2. Training at the basic level (IIstage) is aimed at creating conditions for the formation and formation of the student’s personality, his inclinations, interests and ability for social self-determination.

3. The main goal of teaching children with mild mental retardation isensuring a level of education adequate to their capabilities, instilling the skills of social behavior and communication with others necessary for life;

The main means of realizing the purpose of the school is for students to master the mandatory minimum content of educational programs.

In the process of implementing the educational program within the framework of the school's activities, it is planned to develop an adaptive model of the educational process as a means and condition for the successful formation of key competencies of schoolchildren.

Self-determination and socialization of the student’s personality, which comprehensively takes into account the essence, content, organization, as well as the conditions and factors of the productive process of education and upbringing, combined in the identified priorities:

The personality of participants in the educational process (teacher, student, parent), its self-esteem, development;

Humanism as the basis of the educational process that determines a person’s place in society.

Taking into account the trends in the development of education in Russia and world practice, the socio-political and cultural situation in the country, the following goals, objectives and priority areas of the educational program have been formulated.


To create the most favorable conditions for the formation and development of subject-subject relations between student and teacher, correction of developmental defects of students with disabilities in the process of educational, educational and labor training, formation of their personality, social rehabilitation and preparation of adolescents for independent life, integration into society.


Ensuring guarantees of the rights of children with disabilities to education;

To create a comfortable pedagogical environment of a correctional and developmental type for each student, taking into account the uniqueness of his personality, which is formed by: the surrounding school environment (ecological, pedagogical), teachers and their relationship with the child, specific processes occurring in the lesson; communication with peers; parents and their relationship with the child; extracurricular time.

To provide students with knowledge that contributes not only to subject preparation, but also helps to form social experience and correct the child’s personality based on individual age characteristics at all stages of education.

Guaranteeing the continuity of educational programs at all levels;

Creating a basis for students’ adaptation to life in society;

Formation of positive motivation of students for educational activities;

Develop health and healthy lifestyle values ​​among students.

Provide students with additional labor skills through vocational training and labor-oriented clubs.

Ensuring social and pedagogical relationships that preserve the physical, mental and social health of students.

Priority directions:

Focus on the teacher’s competence and creativity, his creative independence and professional responsibility;

Improving the professional level of teachers in the field of information technology;

Preservation, strengthening and formation of student health;

Development of a system of continuous education, educational potential of a multicultural educational environment.

Predicted result

Successful mastery by schoolchildren of the mandatory minimum content of education;

Manifestation of signs of self-determination, self-affirmation;

Acquiring qualities: responsibility, independence;

Creative activity of the teaching staff, development of a research approach to pedagogical activity, to innovative activity, the ability to implement it in practice;

Satisfaction with the work of all participants in the teaching process.

The stated goals and objectives are based on a number ofprinciples:

- general didactic (humanization, natural conformity, scientific character, accessibility and increasing difficulty, clarity, systematicity and consistency, connection between theory and life, integration, activity approach);

- specific (scientific and theoretical principles developed in special pedagogy and special psychology): taking into account the zone of proximal development, taking into account the potential capabilities of a child with developmental disorders, correctional and compensatory orientation of education, the professional nature of labor training, the principle of the need for special pedagogical guidance.

The teaching staff believes that the most significant principles of modern education for an educational institution are:

- principle of humanization , which assumes that the main meaning of the pedagogical process is the development of the pupil and student, the priority of this principle is fixed in Article 2 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, where it is characterized as follows: “... the humanistic nature of education, the priority of universal human values, the life and health of a person, a free personal development, education of citizenship, hard work, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the surrounding nature, Motherland, family.”

- development principle , based on the psychopedagogical concept of the “zone of proximal development”, involves the use of methods that direct the pedagogical process to the development of creative mental activity and self-education, ensure the optimization of the student’s mental activity, and allow the development of a wide variety of skills and abilities of students.

- the principle of individualization, which involves taking into account the level of development of each student’s abilities, forming on this basis individual plans for correctional and developmental work, student education programs, determining directions for increasing their educational motivation and developing the cognitive interests of each child.

- principle of differentiation makes it possible to make a reality “...the general availability of education, the adaptability of the education system to the levels and characteristics of the development and training of students and pupils.”

- the principle of integrity of education, based on the idea of ​​the unity of the processes of development, training and education. It is implemented in the process of creating a balanced educational space and makes it possible to ensure the adequacy of pedagogical technologies to the content and objectives of education.

- the principle of continuity, which involves the creation of an integral educational system that organically unites all two levels of basic general education.

- controllability of the implementation of the educational program involves constant regulation and correction of the educational program based on monitoring.

Program staffing :

Subject teachers,

Teacher – psychologist, social pedagogue;

Characteristics of the population of students with mild mental retardation:

In MKOU "Secondary School No. 9" under the PRBUP programVIIItype in a general educational institution (option 2) there are three students studying in grades 6, 7 and 9.

Features of children with mild mental retardation in the educational process of the institution:

Decreased performance;

Increased exhaustion;

Instability of attention;

Lower level of perception development;

Insufficient productivity of random memory;

Lag in the development of all forms of thinking;

Sound pronunciation defects;

Peculiar behavior;

Poor vocabulary;

Low self-control skill;

Immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere;

Limited supply of general information and ideas;

Poor reading technique;

Difficulty in counting and problem solving.

Students with mild mental retardation have the following specific educational needs:

visual and effective nature of the content of education;

simplification of the system of educational and cognitive tasks solved in the educational process;

introduction of educational subjects that contribute to the formation of ideas about the natural and social components of the surrounding world; development of means of communication, social and everyday skills;

special training in the “transfer” of formed knowledge and skills into new situations of interaction with reality;

ensuring mandatory specialized labor education;

the need for constant updating of knowledge, skills and socially approved norms of behavior;

ensuring a special spatial and temporal organization of the educational environment, taking into account the functional state of the central nervous system and the neurodynamics of mental processes of students with mental retardation;

the use of predominantly positive means of stimulating activity and behavior;

stimulation of cognitive activity, formation of the need for knowledge of the surrounding world and interaction with it.

Organization of children with mild mental retardation in general education classes;

Correspondence of the pace, volume and complexity of the curriculum to the child’s real cognitive capabilities, the level of his cognitive sphere, the level of preparedness, i.e. already acquired knowledge and skills;

Purposeful development of general intellectual activity (the ability to understand educational tasks, navigate conditions, comprehend information);

Cooperation with adults, the teacher providing the necessary assistance to the child, taking into account his individual problems;

Individual dosed assistance to the student;

Development of the child’s sensitivity to help, the ability to perceive and accept help;

Gentle regime, compliance with hygienic and valeological requirements

Special teacher training;

Creating a sense of security and emotional comfort in the student;

Student support from school teachers.

Basic principles of support child in an educational institution are: the advisory nature of the advice of the accompanying person; priority of the interests of the person being accompanied (“on the side of the child”); continuity of support.

Main purpose of support - providing assistance in solving problems.

Maintenance tasks : correct choice of educational route; overcoming learning difficulties; solving personal problems of child development; formation of a healthy lifestyle.

To achieve educational goals and objectives, the following areas of activity are being implemented:

Pedagogical direction The team’s activities are aimed at creating a special educational environment in which there should be a change in priorities from didactic components to psychological ones. At the same time, the basic level of knowledge, skills and abilities is transformed from a learning goal into a means of updating the cognitive, creative and personal capabilities of students. Good conditions for achieving this goal are a system of correctional and developmental hours, competitions, olympiads, practical work and projects that have a socially relevant, and not just educational meaning, as well as programs differentiated by levels, time and methods of mastering basic subjects.

Methodical activity teaching staff is aimed at the use and implementation of pedagogical means necessary for the correctional, developmental and personally oriented educational process: methods, programs, scenarios for extracurricular activities, collective creative activities, extracurricular activities necessary to achieve educational goals.

Personnel direction The activities of school teachers involve increasing the psychodiagnostic culture of teachers and increasing ICT competence.

Management activities is aimed at creating an atmosphere of success, aimed at providing every teacher with the opportunity to realize themselves and be in demand.

Organization of the educational process

The educational process of an educational institution is focused on the training and education of children (including children with disabilities), on the development of their physiological, psychological, intellectual characteristics, educational needs, taking into account their capabilities, personal inclinations, and abilities. This is achieved by creating a pedagogical system, favorable conditions for the general educational, mental, moral and physical development of each student.

The organization of the pedagogical process and the training regime for children with disabilities is determined by the requirements of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and SanPiN standards, as well as the Charter and local acts of the school.

Each academic subject includes the main subject content of a specific scientific field, determined by the logic of its presentation and assimilation, and a special teaching methodology. Students receive specific knowledge taking into account not only the logic of mastering the fundamentals of science, but also the pedagogical laws of the development of concepts in their minds.

Learning is carried out gradually from the particular to the general, from the concrete to the abstract. The identified patterns make it possible to further enrich students’ knowledge. Students with disabilities go through the same path of learning as children with normal intelligence. However, their knowledge differs significantly in the number of facts, the level and depth of generalizations, as well as the time spent on assimilation. Basically, students' knowledge is limited to ideas about the world around them and some concepts without deep penetration into the essence of phenomena. The educational material includes not only a presentation of facts, but also questions, assignments, exercises, visualization and other types of activities.

Maintaining the continuity of the study of programs between levels of education, in grades 5-9, from the traditional compulsory academic subjects, the following are studied: reading and speech development, writing and speech development, mathematics, biology, history, geography, fine arts, physical education, labor and vocational education - labor training. In grades 5-9 from mathematics, one hour is allocated to study the elements of geometry. In grades 5-9, labor training with a professional orientation is introduced. For boys “Cartanage and bookbinding”, for girls “Sewing”. From the regional component of the educational institution, SBO (social and everyday orientation) was introduced. Compulsory classes and electives.

One of the tasks of the school is to correct the developmental defects of a child with mild mental retardation. The curriculum allows us to fully preserve the principle of remedial education, correcting deficiencies in the general, speech and moral education of children with mild mental retardation in the process of mastering each academic subject, as well as work skills.

Planned results of mastering the adapted educational program.

The results of mastering an adapted educational program with mental retardation are assessed as final at the time of completion of general education. Mastering the adapted program ensures that students with mental retardation achieve two types of results:personal and subject.

In the structure of planned results, the leading place belongs to personal results, since they ensure mastery of a set of social (life) competencies necessary to achieve the main goal of modern education? introducing students with mental retardation into culture, mastering their socio-cultural experience. Personal results of mastering the adapted program include individual personal qualities and social (life) competencies of the student, socially significant value attitudes. Personal results of mastering the adapted program should reflect:

1) awareness of oneself as a citizen of Russia; developing a sense of pride in one’s Motherland, the Russian people and the history of Russia;

2) the formation of a holistic, socially oriented view of the world in its organic unity of natural and social parts;

3) formation of a respectful attitude towards other opinions, history and culture of other peoples;

4) development of adequate ideas about one’s own capabilities, about urgently necessary life support;

5) mastery of initial adaptation skills in a dynamically changing and developing world;

6) mastering social and everyday skills used in everyday life;

7) mastery of communication skills and accepted rituals of social interaction;

8) the ability to comprehend and differentiate the picture of the world, its temporal and spatial organization;

9) the ability to comprehend the social environment, one’s place in it, the adoption of age-appropriate values ​​and social roles;

10) acceptance and mastery of the social role of the student, the formation and development of socially significant motives for educational activities;

11) development of skills of cooperation with adults and peers in different social situations;

12) formation of aesthetic needs, values ​​and feelings;

13) development of ethical feelings, goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy for the feelings of other people;

14) formation of an attitude towards a safe, healthy lifestyle, the presence of motivation for creative work, work for results, caring for material and spiritual values.

The substantive results of mastering the adapted program include the knowledge and skills acquired by students, specific to each educational field, and the readiness to use them. The subject results of students with mental retardation are not the main criterion when deciding whether to transfer a student to the next grade, but are considered as one of the components when assessing final achievements. Due to the fact that the learning abilities of such students are purely individual, the requirements below for the formation of educational skills and abilities may not be applicable to all students, but are a guideline to which one should strive.

Description of the features of the educational process .

Education at the school is organized in one shift (the first lesson starts at 8.30). The school operates on a 5-day school week. The main form of organization of the educational process at school is the class-lesson system. At the same time, the school has organized the possibility of studying at home. Students who, due to psychophysical and somatic reasons, cannot attend classes at school, with the direction of a psychotherapist, can be taught at home using an adapted educational program for students with mild mental retardation.

The school organizes joint education of children according to the general education program with children with disabilities. In addition to the lesson, there are other forms of organizing educational work: excursions, practical and laboratory work, home independent work. They complement and improve the classroom and lesson system.

Lesson duration – 40 minutes. In accordance with the norms of the maximum permissible load for schoolchildren, the educational schedule provides for no more than 6 lessons per day.

Labor training is organized in various forms: training sessions and summer work practice are held. The school is faced with the task of educating students so that their independent behavior in various life situations corresponds to the social norms existing in society.

System of intermediate and final certification using a five-point assessment system.

The curriculum consists of two parts - the compulsory part and the regional (national-regional component) of the educational institution. The compulsory part of the curriculum determines the composition of educational subjects of compulsory subject areas, which must be implemented in all state-accredited educational organizations that implement adapted programs and the instructional time allocated for their study by grade (year) of study. The mandatory part of the curriculum reflects the content of education, which ensures the achievement of the most important goals of modern education for students with mild mental retardation: the formation of life competencies that ensure mastery of the system of social relations and the social development of the student, as well as his integration into the social environment; forming the foundations for the moral development of students, introducing them to general cultural, national and ethnocultural values; formation of a healthy lifestyle, basic rules of behavior in extreme situations.

The basic curriculum for students with mild mental retardation provides for a nine-year period of study, as the most optimal for them to receive general education and vocational training necessary for their social adaptation and rehabilitation.

In grades I - IV, the initial stage of education is carried out, at which general educational training is combined with correctional and propaedeutic work.

In grades V - IX, teaching of general education subjects continues and labor training with a professional orientation is introduced.

CURRICULUM for the 2016-2017 academic year

compiled on the basis of the PRBP for general educational institutions VIII type (option 2)

(five-day school week)




Number of teaching hours per week







Russian language





Writing and speech development






Reading and speech development








World of History



The history of homeland














Natural science






Home Economics






Social and everyday orientation

Number of hours per week





Regional (school) component


Core work:








PHYSICAL EDUCATION (sports training)

Physical training





Total: number of hours per week









Labor practice (in days)<2>





<1> Hours provided by the school component and extracurricular activities complement educational areas at the discretion of the institution

<2> Labor practice (in days) is carried out in the summer or in the same amount throughout the year when the period of study is extended.




IN MKOU "Secondary School No. 9" in the village of BURSOL, SLAVGOROD


The curriculum of students in a special (correctional) program of the VIII type is developed on the basis of the basic curriculum of special (correctional) educational institutions of the VIII type (II option) in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of general education and education of persons with special needs and in continuity with educational plan of MKOU "Secondary School No. 9" for the 2016/17 academic year.

The curriculum provides for a nine-year period of study, as the most optimal for them to receive general education and vocational training, necessary for their social adaptation and rehabilitation, for students to receive general education and allows you to solve the following problems:

    creating a basis for students’ adaptation to life in society;

    formation of moral self-awareness, practical skills of interaction with natural objects and its phenomena;

    developing skills in housekeeping in all its components;

    ensuring social and pedagogical relations that preserve the physical, mental and social health of students;

    formation of positive motivation of students for educational activities.

The curriculum includes general education subjects, the content of which is adapted to the capabilities of students from developmental disabilities, specific correctional subjects, as well as individual and group correctional classes.

The second stage of education is basic school, grades 5 - 9.

This stage is a continuation of primary school, but unlike it, it expands and deepens the conceptual and practical basis of educational areas, consolidates the skills of independent educational activities, and completes training in general education subjects in accordance with the individual indications of the educational capabilities of special (correctional) education studentsVIIIkind.

On the second stage Traditional compulsory subjects include: Russian language, reading, mathematics, natural science, history, geography, physical education, home economics.

Educational field "Language and Speech" presented in grades 5,7,9 with the following subjects:

    Russian language


The content of teaching the Russian language is based on new principles of the communicative approach, which, unlike the orthographic approach, is aimed at the development of contextual oral and written speech, where spelling provides an independent coherent statement in its oral or written form. The communicative approach is more consistent with the specific characteristics of the intellectual activity of students with disabilities, who find it difficult to master the logic of language construction based on analysis, memorization and reproduction of grammatical rules and categories. The study of these subjects is carried out using textbooks:

Galunchikova N.G.

Yakubovskaya E.V.




Galunchikova N.G.

Yakubovskaya E.V.

Russian language. Textbook for special (correctional) educational institutions (VIIIview)



Galunchikova N.G.

Yakubovskaya E.V.

Russian language. Textbook for special (correctional) educational institutions (VIIIview)



Bgazhnokova I.M.,

Pogostina E.S.




Malysheva Z.F.

Reading Textbook for special (correctional) educational institutions (VIIIview)



Bgazhnokova I.M.,

Pogostina E.S.

Reading. Textbook for special (correctional) educational institutions (VIIIview)



Educational field "Mathematics" is represented by elementary mathematics and, in its structure, by geometric concepts. Mathematics has a pronounced practical orientation in order to provide students with vital skills in housekeeping and their activities in available profiles (professions) of work. Mathematics makes a significant contribution to the development and correction of thinking and speech; it significantly advances the majority of students on the path to mastering the elements of logical thinking. Mathematical knowledge is also realized in the study of other disciplines of the curriculum: history, geography, natural science, physical education, etc.

Implemented through textbooks:

Perova M.N.

Kapustina G.M.




Perova M.N.

Kapustina G.M.

Mathematics Textbook for special (correctional) educational institutions (VIIIview)



Ek V.V.

Mathematics Textbook for special (correctional) educational institutions (VIIIview)



Educational field "Social studies" includes items:

    "World of History"

    "History of the Fatherland"



Subjects “World of History” in grade 5 and “History of the Fatherland” in grades 7 and 9, forms a system of knowledge about the most significant historical events in the formation and development of the foundations of Russian statehood from ancient times to modern history. Violations of complex forms of cognitive activity in mental retardation (analysis, classification, generalization, mental planning) do not allow building a course of history on the basis of detailed chronological information, therefore it is presented on the most striking key events in the evolution of Russia as a state, phenomena that enriched science, production, and culture , social order.

The principle of sociocultural development through history contributes to the education of civic, patriotic feelings, the widespread use of examples from the history of the region, the formation of the simplest social science ideas: about religions, types and structure of state power, morality, ethics, legal foundations, cultural achievements of society, etc.

Ethics course in grades 7 and 9, is integrated, its basis is ethnic knowledge. But in addition to ethnic knowledge, it includes elements of psychology, law, history, literature, without which it is impossible to fully assimilate ethical knowledge and achieve a holistic process of personality formation.

"Geography" - an elementary course in physical geography of Russia and abroad, which allows, on the basis of interdisciplinary connections, to form accessible ideas about physical, socio-economic geography, its natural and climatic resources that influence the way of life, culture, and economic activities of humans on earth. A special place in the geography course is given to the study of the native land, environmental activities, which significantly complements the system of educational work on civic, moral and ethical education.

The study of subjects in this area is carried out through the educational complex:

Lifanova T.M.,

Solomina E.N.




Lifanova T.M.,

Solomina E.N.

Geography. Textbook for special (correctional) educational institutions (VIIIview)



Lifanova T.M.,

Solomina E.N.

Geography. Textbook for special (correctional) educational institutions (VIIIview)



Bgazhnokova I.M., Smirnova L.V.

World of history. Textbook for special (correctional) educational institutions (VIIIview)






Puzanov B.P., Borodina O.I., Sekovets L.S.

History of Russia Textbook for special (correctional) educational institutions (VIIIview)



Educational field "Natural science" implemented by the subject “Biology”.

Science education for students with developmental disabilities is based on the psychological characteristics of perception and analysis of the surrounding world. The main correctional task is to overcome the inertia of mental functions and expand ideas about the diversity of life forms in the environment. Just like all other subjects of the curriculum, natural science knowledge helps to understand the unity of the properties of inanimate and living nature, and develops students’ practical skills in interacting with natural objects and its phenomena.

Nikishov A.I.

Biology. Inanimate nature. Textbook for special (correctional) educational institutions (VIIIview)



Nikishov A.I.,

Teremov A.V.

Biology. Animals. Textbook for special (correctional) educational institutions (VIIIview)



Nikishov A.I.,

Biology. Textbook for special (correctional) educational institutions (VIIIview)



Educational field "Physical Education" just like in primary school, it is aimed at correcting the psychophysical development of students and performs a general developmental function, including elements of sports training.

The hours allocated for compulsory subjects of the regional component (2 hours each in grades 6 and 8) are included in the development of children’s physical activity to preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health and capabilities of the educational institution.

Particular attention at the second stage is paid to a new type of activity - labor training, through the subject “Household Economics” and the profile work “Sewing” and “Cartoning and Binding”, which begins with the propaedeutic period in the 5th grade, and as a continuation of the course in 6.7 class for 6 hours and 9th grade – 8 hours.

Educational field "Technology" as regards the federal component of the curriculum, it is implemented through textbooks:

Vlasenkov G.V.




Kartushina G.B., Mozgovaya G.G.

Technology. Sewing Textbook for special (correctional) educational institutions (VIIIview)



Vlasenkov G.V.

Technology. Cartoning and bookbinding. Textbook for special (correctional) educational institutions (VIIIview)



Labor training classes, due to the large number of hours, are partially conducted jointly with all students in the correctional program.

Summer work practice is carried out at the end of the school year in grades 6 and 7 - 6 days at the school site, on the school site.

Since children are taught in general education classes, many subjects are taught in an integrated manner. The school curriculum meets the requirements of the basic curriculum for students in the program of special (correctional) educational institutionsVIIItype in terms of mandatory teaching load and in terms of maximum teaching load.

The beginning and duration of the school year and vacations are established in accordance with the deadlines in force for students in general education classes of MKOU "Secondary School No. 9".

The duration of the school year is 34 weeks, the duration of lessons in grades 6, 8 and 9 is 40 minutes.

The curriculum was developed based on the Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science:

    Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated April 10, 2002 No. 29/2065-p “On approval of curricula of special (correctional) educational institutions for students and pupils with developmental disabilities”;

    Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated 03/09/04. No. 1312 “On approval of the federal basic curriculum and model curricula for general educational institutions of the Russian Federation implementing general education programs”;

    Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated March 5, 2004. No. 1089 “On approval of the federal component of the state education standard”,

    Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2011 No. 889 “On amendments to the federal basic curriculum and model curricula for educational institutions of the Russian Federation implementing general education programs approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 9, 2004 N 1312 “On approval federal basic curriculum and model curricula for educational institutions of the Russian Federation implementing general education programs"

    “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in general educational institutions”, SanPiN approved by the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 N 189, registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 03.03.2011 No. 19993.

The register of exemplary programs is a state information system, which is maintained on electronic media and operates in accordance with unified organizational, methodological, software and technical principles that ensure its compatibility and interaction with other state information systems and information and telecommunication networks. (Part 10 of Article 12 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 53, Art. 7598; 2013, No. 19, Art. 2326).

According to Part 10 of Article 12 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation,” Sample basic educational programs are included in the register of sample basic educational programs.

At the moment, the registry contains an approximate adapted basic general education program for the education of students with mental retardation (intellectual impairment). Download full text: [PDF], [Word].

Approximate adapted basic general education program for the education of students with mental retardation (intellectual impairment)


by decision of the federal educational and methodological association for general education (minutes of December 22, 2015 No. 4/15)



2.1. Target section

2.1.1. Explanatory note

2.1.2. Planned results of students with mild mental retardation (intellectual impairment) mastering the adapted basic general education program

2.1.3. A system for assessing the achievement of students with mild mental retardation (intellectual impairment) of the planned results of mastering the adapted basic general education program

2.2.1. Program for the formation of basic educational activities

2.2.2. Programs of educational subjects, courses in the correctional and developmental field

2.2.3. Spiritual and moral development program

2.2.4. Program for the formation of environmental culture, healthy and safe lifestyle

2.2.5. Corrective work program

2.2.6. Extracurricular activities program

2.3. Organizational section

2.3.1. Syllabus

2.3.2. System of conditions for the implementation of an adapted basic general education program for the education of students with mild mental retardation


3.1. Target section

3.1.1. Explanatory note

3.1.2. Planned results of students with moderate, severe and profound mental retardation (intellectual impairment), severe and multiple developmental disorders mastering the adapted basic general education program

3.1.3. System for assessing the achievement of planned results of mastering the adapted basic general education program by students with moderate, severe and profound mental retardation (intellectual impairment), severe and multiple developmental disorders

3.2.1. Program for the formation of basic educational activities

3.2.2. Programs of educational subjects, courses in the correctional and developmental field

3.2.3. Moral Development Program

3.2.4. Program for the formation of environmental culture, healthy and safe lifestyle

3.2.5. Extracurricular activities program

3.2.6. Program of cooperation with the student’s family

3.3. Organizational section

3.3.1. Syllabus

3.3.2. System of conditions for the implementation of an adapted basic general educational program for the education of students with moderate, severe and profound mental retardation (intellectual impairment), severe and multiple developmental disorders

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Malomikhailovskaya basic secondary school

Shebekinsky district, Belgorod region"


at the meeting

methodological advice

Protocol No. 5

from "27" _06_ 2016


Deputy Director of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Malomikhailovskaya Secondary School"

Shcherbakov A.M.

"25" __08__ 2016

"I affirm"

Director of MBOU "Malomikhailovskaya secondary school"

Suprunova L. A.

Order No. 76

from "25" ___08___ 2016


And individual training at home

according to the special program (correctional)

educational institutions

for children with mental retardation

(intellectual impairment)

Nikolai Viktorovich Kuleshov

With. Malomikhailovka 2016

Explanatory note

The adapted educational program is aimed at creating a system of comprehensive assistance to children with disabilities in mastering the basic educational program of primary and basic general education, correcting deficiencies in the physical and (or) mental development of students, and their social adaptation.

Children with disabilities (CHD) are children whose condition prevents them from mastering educational programs of general education outside of special conditions of education and upbringing, i.e. These are disabled children or other children under the age of 18 who are not recognized as disabled children in the established order, but have temporary or permanent deviations in physical and (or) mental development and need to create special conditions for education and upbringing.

Children with disabilities may have physical and (or) mental development disorders of different nature and severity, ranging from temporary and easily remediable difficulties to permanent deviations that require an individual education program adapted to their capabilities or the use of special educational programs.

The adapted educational program provides for the creation of special conditions for training and education that allow taking into account the special educational needs of children with disabilities through individualization and differentiation of the educational process. Students with disabilities cannot receive a quality education in the special education system, isolated from society and from the entire education system. Therefore, the inclusion of a child with disabilities in the general educational environment is becoming relevant today.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to ensure accessibility of education through the possibility of choosing the content of training, its forms, i.e. through training organizationaccording to an individual educational program.

An individual educational program is a program of educational activities for students, compiled on the basis of their educational and professional interests, level of performance, previous learning outcomes, health status, and fixing educational goals and results. An individual educational program helps students develop skills in planning their activities, choosing means to achieve goals, the ability to take responsibility for the consequences of activities, and correcting developmental disorders.

The mission of the individual educational program is:

    In providing students with the opportunity to develop at their own personal pace, based on their own educational abilities and interests;

    In determining the goals and objectives of education for students with disabilities, regardless of health status or the presence of physical disabilities;

    In the selection of the content of education, forms and methods of educational activities, construction of a schedule of the educational process;

    In the implementation of professional self-determination of students and their choice of future life path, in addressing the possibilities of socialization;

    In the implementation of corrective medical, psychological and pedagogical assistance to students with disabilities, taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development;

The basis for the development of the program was the following regulatory documents:

Regulatory and legal framework of the adapted educational program

Federal level:

    Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 No. 273 - Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Articles No. 3,5,12, 17, 43, 50, etc.);

    Law of the Russian Federation “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” dated November 24, 1995.N181 – Federal Law

    Law of the Russian Federation “On the education of persons with disabilities (special education)” dated June 2, 1999.

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of the standard regulations on a general education institution” dated March 19, 2001. No. 196;

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of the Standard Regulations on a Special (Correctional) Educational Institution for Students and Pupils with Disabilities” dated March 12, 1997.N288 (as amended on March 10, 2000)

    Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 5, 2004 No. 1089 “On approval of the federal component of the state educational standard of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education”;

    Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 03/09/2004. No. 1312 “On approval of the federal basic curriculum and model curricula for educational institutions of the Russian Federation implementing general education programs”;

    Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation “On approval of the Concept of specialized training”N27-83 dated July 18, 2002;

    Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 29/2065-p dated April 10, 2002. “On approval of curricula of special (correctional) educational institutions for students and pupils with developmental disabilities”;

    Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 26, 2010. No. 761-“On approval of the Unified Qualification Directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees, section “Qualification characteristics of positions of education workers””.

    Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation “On approval of Sanpin 2.4.2821-10 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions” dated December 29, 2010. No. 189. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 3, 2011.”

Regional level:

    Order of the Department of Education, Culture and Youth Policy of the Belgorod Region dated July 3, 2006. No. 57 “On the establishment of a regional component of state educational standards of general education in the Belgorod region.”

    Order of the Department of Education, Culture and Youth Policy of the Belgorod Region dated June 4, 2009 No. 282 “On amendments to the law of the Belgorod region “On establishing the regional component of state educational standards of general education in the Belgorod region.”

    Order of the Department of Education, Culture and Youth Policy of the Belgorod Region No. 2252 dated 08/17/2011 “On amendments to the Order of the Department of Education, Culture and Youth Policy of the Belgorod Region No. 1922 dated 07/1/2011”

Municipal level

    Order of the Education Department No. 37 of January 17, 2012 “On approval of the regulations on home education of disabled children and children with severe forms of chronic diseases”

    Regulations on home education of disabled children and children with severe forms of chronic diseases

    Orders of the Education Department “On the organization of home education”

School level

    Charter of the MBOU "Malomikhailovskaya secondary school»

    Local acts of the MBOU "Malomikhailovskaya secondary school»

Program objectives:

    Timely identification of children with adaptation difficulties caused by disabilities;

    Determining the special educational needs of children with disabilities, disabled children;

    Determination of the features of the organization of the educational process for the category of children under consideration in accordance with the individual characteristics of each child, the structure of the developmental disorder and the degree of its severity;

    Creation of conditions conducive to children with disabilities mastering the basic educational program of primary general education and their integration in an educational institution;

    Implementation of individually oriented psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance to children with disabilities, taking into account the characteristics of mental and (or) physical development, individual capabilities of children (in accordance with the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission);

    Development and implementation of individual curricula, organization of individual classes for children with severe disabilities in physical and (or) mental development;

    Providing opportunities for training and education in additional educational programs and receiving additional educational correctional services;

    Implementation of a system of measures for the social adaptation of children with disabilities;

    Providing parents (legal representatives) of children with disabilities with advisory and methodological assistance on medical, social, legal and other issues.

Principles of program formation

The principle of humanization involves the implementation of a person-oriented approach aimed at the overall development of the personality of students with disabilities, their socialization, and maximum integration into modern life;

The principle of an individual approach presupposes the need to determine the individual goals of upbringing and training, selecting content, choosing forms and methods of education for each child with disabilities, taking into account his professional and educational needs, opportunities and conditions of education.

The principle of consistency ensures the unity of education, diagnosis, correction and development of students, i.e. a systematic approach to the analysis of the characteristics of their development and correction of disorders, as well as a comprehensive multi-level approach to solving the child’s problems;

The principle of the integrated approach involves the integration of training and correction by including in work curricula a correctional component focused on primary defects represented in the structure of developmental disorders of students. The content and choice of methods of correctional work depends on the number and types of primary violations present in the structure of the complex.

The principle of continuity guarantees students with disabilities continuity of pedagogical assistance until the problem is completely resolved or an approach to solving it is determined.

The principle of integrated interaction of all participants in the educational process during the implementation of the IEP for students with disabilities assumes the constant cooperation of teachers, psychologists, administration of the educational institution, medical workers and other specialists for the most successful implementation of the goal of training students according to an individual educational program.

The principle of priority of independent forms of educational activity presupposes maximum activity and independence of students during training;

The principle of creating a situation of success. The principle involves creating conditions for the development of individual abilities of children with disabilities in classroom and extracurricular activities.

Program implementation mechanisms

The main mechanisms for implementing adapted educational

programs are optimally structured interaction between specialists of an educational institution, providing systematic support for children with disabilities

with disabilities by specialists of various profiles in the educational process, and social partnership, which involves professional interaction of an educational institution with external resources (organization of various departments, public organizations and other institutions of society).

The interaction of specialists from an educational institution includes:

    Comprehensiveness in identifying and solving a child’s problems, providing him with qualified assistance from specialists in various fields;

    Multidimensional analysis of the child’s personal and cognitive development;

    Drawing up individual curricula for the purpose of quality education for students with disabilities

Social partnership provides:

    Cooperation with educational institutions and other departments on issues of continuity of education, development and adaptation, socialization, health protection of children with disabilities;

    Cooperation with the media, as well as with non-state structures, primarily with public associations of people with disabilities, organizations of parents of children with disabilities;

    Cooperation with the parent community.

Conditions for the program

The program provides for the creation in an educational institution of special conditions for the education and upbringing of children with disabilities, including:

Psychological and pedagogical support, including:

    Providing differentiated conditions (optimal training load, variable forms of education and specialized assistance) in accordance with the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission;

    Providing psychological and pedagogical conditions (corrective focus of the educational process; taking into account the individual characteristics of the child; maintaining a comfortable psycho-emotional regime; using modern pedagogical technologies, including information, computer, to optimize the educational process, increase its efficiency, accessibility);

    Providing specialized conditions (promoting a set of special learning objectives focused on the special educational needs of students with disabilities; introducing special sections into the content of education aimed at solving problems of child development that are absent in the content of education for normally developing peers; using special methods, techniques, means training, specialized educational and correctional programs focused on the special educational needs of children; differentiated and individualized education taking into account the specifics of a child’s developmental disorders; complex impact on the student, carried out in individual and group correctional classes);

    Providing health-preserving conditions (health and protective regime, strengthening physical and mental health, prevention of physical, mental and psychological overload of students, compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules and norms);

    Ensuring the participation of all children with disabilities, regardless of the severity of their developmental disorders, together with normally developing children in educational, cultural, entertainment, sports and other leisure activities;

    Development of a system of education and upbringing of children with complex mental and (or) physical developmental disorders.

Software and methodological support

In the process of implementing the program, correctional and developmental programs, diagnostic and correctional and developmental tools necessary for the professional activities of a teacher, educational psychologist, social educator, speech therapist, etc. can be used.

In cases of teaching children with severe mental and (or) physical development disorders according to an individual curriculum, it is advisable to use special correctional educational programs, textbooks and teaching aids for special (correctional) educational institutions (of the appropriate type), including digital educational resources.


An important aspect of the program implementation is staffing. Corrective work should be carried out by appropriately qualified specialists with specialized education, and teachers who have completed mandatory coursework or other types of professional training within the framework of the designated topic.

In order to ensure that children with disabilities master the basic educational program of primary and basic general education, and correct deficiencies in their physical and (or) mental development, the school’s staff includes positions for a speech therapist teacher, a psychologist teacher, a social worker and medical workers. The level of qualifications of employees of an educational institution for each position held corresponds to the qualified characteristics for the corresponding position.

Logistics support

Logistical support consists of ensuring an appropriate material and technical base that allows for the creation of an adaptive and correctional and developmental environment of an educational institution, including appropriate material and technical conditions that provide the opportunity for unimpeded access for children with disabilities in physical and (or) mental development to buildings and the premises of the educational institution and the organization of their stay and training in the institution.

Information Support

A necessary condition for the implementation of the program is the creation of an information educational environment and, on this basis, the development of a distance learning form for children with mobility difficulties using modern information and communication technologies.

It is mandatory to create a system of wide access for children with disabilities

health opportunities, parents (legal representatives), teachers to online sources of information, to information and methodological funds that require the availability of teaching aids and recommendations for all areas and types of activities, visual aids, multimedia materials, audio and video materials.

Program implementation period: for 4 academic years – from 2015 to 2019.

Planned results:

A system of interaction between the school and healthcare institutions, preschool education of children, parents (legal representatives) to identify children with difficulties in adaptation;

Information database of children with disabilities;

A package of work programs for training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules), as well as those used at school for students with disabilities;

Information and methodological bank of educational technologies, techniques, methods and teaching techniques recommended for use;

Individual curricula for students with disabilities;

A system for monitoring the success of children with disabilities in mastering the basic educational program;

A model of interaction between an educational institution and social partners on the social adaptation of children with disabilities, on maintaining physical and mental health;

Page on the school Internet site for parents of children with disabilities;

Increasing children's participation

with disabilities in city, regional, all-Russian, international events, competitions, projects, promotions, etc.;

Planned results of students mastering the basic

educational program of primary general education

In accordance with the requirements as a resultof primary general education, students must have the following:

    Conscious acceptance of the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle and regulation of one’s behavior in accordance with them;

    Desire and ability to learn, readiness for education at the basic level of school and self-education;

    Initiative, independence, cooperation skills in various activities;

    Mathematical and language literacy as the basis for all subsequent learning.

Student achievements primary school are determined by:

- based on the results of knowledge control;

Based on the results of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics.

Attestation Forms achievements of primary school students:

- current and final academic performance in subjects (starting from the 3rd quarter of 2nd grade);

- - results of monitoring the dynamics of positive changes in the psychological state.

The results of each quarter are summed up for all subjects of the curriculum.

Assessment of the quality and skills of students Primary school is carried out in the form of:

- planned tests (according to calendar and thematic planning for academic subjects);

- sections of tests that reveal the degree of mastery of educational material on one of the topics;

- individual survey

Students' achievements are determined by:

Based on the results of knowledge control;

According to the dynamics of academic performance from the first quarter to the end of the year;

Based on the results of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics

Pedagogical technologies, forms and methods used for

implementation of an adapted educational program

Traditional teaching technologies

Traditional training provides for class-lesson organization of training, which makes it possible to ensure the systematic nature of training, logically correct study of educational material, and optimize the cost of resources during training. The inclusion of rich visual material in the form of films and videos allows for high-quality assimilation of educational content. The disadvantages of this technology (uniformity in the construction of lessons, a low percentage of time for independent work of students, poor feedback from the teacher) are overcome through the use of various educational technologies, increasing the share of independent work of students in lessons, and good knowledge of the individual characteristics of students by teachers.

Technologies based on personal orientation of the educational process

This group of pedagogical technologies is characterized by a focus on personality traits, its formation and development in accordance with a person’s natural abilities, and the maximum realization of children’s capabilities. It is represented by technologies of cooperation pedagogy, implementing a humane and personal approach to the child, using an activating and developing didactic complex, and implementing environmental pedagogy. Working with these technologies ensures the most complete immersion of students in the pedagogical process, “living” in themselves the features of such interaction between participants in the pedagogical process, which is characterized by a humane-personal and, moreover, individual approach to the child.

Pedagogical technologies based on the activation and intensification of student activities

They implement the principle of child activity in the educational process, provide motivation and awareness of consumption in acquiring knowledge and skills, and achieve compliance with the social needs of students, their parents and the social environment.

The group of these technologies includes gaming technologies, problem-based learning, communication technology and a number of proprietary technologies (V.F. Shatalova, A.A. Okuneva), elements of which are implemented by school teachers.

Gaming technologies (mainly educational and business games) are widely used at all levels of education, since they are a universal way of transmitting the experience of older generations, and the structure of the game as an activity organically includes goal setting, planning, goal implementation, analysis of results, in which the individual realizes himself as a subject of activity.

Gaming technologies are especially widely used in primary schools and in the system of additional education, for parents and the population of the village during holidays and socially significant events. A number of games became available to the public through the public association "U-Piter", DO "Radost".

Problem-based learning - such an organization of educational activities that involves the creation, under the guidance of a teacher, of problem situations and the active independent activity of students to resolve them, resulting in the creative mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities and the development of the mental characteristics of students.

Problem-based learning is an important preparatory step towards achieving competence as a predictable level of educational attainment, preparation for solving educational and life problems.

Technologies based on the efficiency of management and organization of the educational process allows you to optimize the structure of the content of educational information, effectively guide the cognitive activity of children and individualize the cognitive process.

Differentiation of learning carried out according to the individual psychological characteristics of children, according to their area of ​​interest (pedagogy of preschool and primary school age, extracurricular work with peers).

Level differentiation of training based on mandatory results is implemented through the coexistence of general education (standard) and specialized educational programs within the school; studying elective courses. Transition to a higher level presupposes successful completion of the mandatory minimum educational content.

Technologies for individualization of learning partially implemented at school when working with students studying at home and in working with groups of schoolchildren in pedagogical classes at trainings, during individual consultations, when preparing individual events for schoolchildren in groups or individually. Individualization of training is clearly expressed in the preparation of educational projects, olympiad and competitive works, etc.

Information (computer) technologies ensure the development of skills to work with information, develop students' communication abilities, form research skills, the ability to make optimal decisions, allow everyone to work at the optimal pace and on the content that is optimal for them. This prepares students for life in the information society and mastering professional educational programs.

Formation and development of ICT competence of students.

As a resultStudying all subjects without exception begins the formation of the skills necessary for life and work in a modern high-tech society. Students will gain experience working with hypermedia information objects that combine text, visual graphics, digital data, still and moving images, sound, links and databases and which can be transmitted orally, via telecommunications technologies or posted on the Internet .

Students will become familiar with various ICT tools, master the general safe and ergonomic principles of working with them; realize the possibilities of various ICT tools for use in learning, development of their own cognitive activity and general culture. They will acquire primary skills in processing and retrieving information using ICT tools; learn to enter various types of information into a computer: text, sound, image, digital data; create, edit, save and transmit hypermedia messages.

Students will learn to assess the need for additional information to solve educational problems and independent cognitive activity; determine possible sources of its receipt; be critical of information and the choice of source of information.

They will learn to plan, design and simulate processes in simple learning and practical situations.

As a result of using ICT tools and tools to solve a variety of educational, cognitive and educational-practical tasks covering the content of all subjects studied, students will form and develop the necessary universal learning activities and special learning skills, which will lay the foundation for successful learning activities in future.

Familiarization with ICT tools, hygiene when working with a computer.

Content section

Curriculum for a 2nd grade student at MBOU "Malomikhailovskaya secondary school"

Kuleshov Nikolai Viktorovich for the 2016-2017 academic year

Special (correctional) classes for children with mental retardation (intellectual impairment) in general education institutions provide education to students in the scope of primary general education. The duration of primary school education is 4 years.

Based on the results of training at the primary level, children who have mastered the program, based on the decision of the PMPK or TsMPMPK, are transferred to grade 5 and are further educated according to the programs of the general education school. If a severe form of mental retardation is detected in a student (for example, mental retardation of cerebral organic origin), the issue of continuing his education in a special (correctional) institution or class for children with mental retardation (intellectual impairments) is considered, based on the decision of the PMPC or TsMPMPK.

Students from a general education institution can be transferred to such classes with the consent of their parents (legal representatives) and on the basis of the conclusion of a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission.

According to the conclusion of the Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission (PMPC)Nikolay Kuleshov was assigned to study according to an adapted educational program. SyllabusKuleshov Nikolaicompiled taking into account an exemplary curriculum for special (correctional) general education institutions and classes for children with mental retardation (intellectual impairment). Study loadKuleshov Nikolai– 8 hours a week.An individual curriculum has been approved.

The curriculum determines the list, labor intensity, sequence and distribution by periods of study of academic subjects, courses of disciplines (modules), practice, forms of intermediate certification of students and is an appendix to the main educational program of primary general education, the educational program of basic general education, the educational program of secondary general education .

The implementation of the curriculum is aimed at providing a holistic system of special education for students with intellectual disabilities and maximum correction of deviations in their psychophysical development.

In the 2016-2017 academic year, the school works with 2nd grade students in a 5-day school week.

The beginning and duration of the academic year and holidays are established in accordance with the deadlines in force for all educational institutions.

Lesson duration:

45 minutes

The curriculum has the necessary personnel, methodological, material and technical support.

The plan complies with the maximum permissible load.

The curriculum structure is presentedthe following educational areas:





The educational field “Philology” involves the study of oral speech, work on the sound side of the language, the violation of which is widespread in mentally retarded children, the development of auditory attention, fine motor skills of the hands, the formation of the foundations of literacy through various types of games and gaming exercises.

The educational area “Mathematics” includes: counting, arithmetic. Mathematics has a pronounced practical orientation with the aim of providing the child with vital skills through comparing objects by size, color, mass, size, shape, and time representations.

The educational field “Art” includes the subject “Fine Arts”. This subject forms an emotionally positive attitude towards visual activity and its results. Enjoy beautiful objects (toys) and images, bright, beautiful combinations of colors, rhythmic alternation of shapes and colors.

The educational area “Technology” (“Labor training”) in the basic component provides for the study of hygiene and self-care in a playful way; home economics.

Syllabus individual learning at home consists of a basic component, which is represented by the following educational areas: “Philology”, “Mathematics”, “Art”, “Technology”, “Physical education”.

The structure of the curriculum includes subjects, the content of which is adapted to the capabilities of the student.

The educational field “Philology” includes:

Writing and speech development - 2 hours

Reading and speech development – ​​2 hours.

The educational field “Mathematics” includes:

Mathematics – 2 hours

The educational field “Art” includes:

ANDvisual arts– 0.5 hours

Music and singing - 0.5 hours

The educational field “Technology” includes:

Labor training –0.5 hours

The educational field “Physical Education” includes the following subjects:

Physical education –0.5 hours

Due to the fact that the student’s workload is 8 weekly hours for all subjects of the curriculum, a certain number of hours are allocated for independent study.


Federal component



Writing and speech development




Reading and speech development
















Music and singing





Physical Culture

Physical Culture






Labor training








Control and management of the implementation of the educational program at school
Control over the implementation of the adapted educational program is based on the educational institution’s management system and is based on the need to constantly carry out scientific and pedagogical research in the chosen direction, adjust training, education and development programs, and provide methodological support for the educational process. The management of the educational institution on a full basis includes a methodological council, which is also an expert council. The Methodological Council conducts an expert assessment of programs and curricula introduced into the educational process, based on an analysis of the results of the team’s activities in all areas. The methodological council provides scientific justification and recommendations for changing the content of education, the choice of means and methods of teaching, education, and development.

The purpose of in-school control: to ensure the level of teaching and the quality of education, education and development of the student in accordance with the requirements for children with disabilities studying in the 8th type correctional program, allowing for the creation of a humane and developing educational environment.

Tasks of internal school control:

    monitor the student’s achievement of the level of training in accordance with the requirements of educational programs;

    exercise control over ensuring the content of education in accordance with the requirements of educational programs;

    set requirements for teaching that corresponds to the program for the development of a holistic educational environment;

    exercise control over the quality of teaching, methodological level and professional development of teachers;

    monitor compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements for the educational process;

The main result of the intra-school control will be the achievement of a student’s level of learning corresponding to her psychophysical capabilities.

Intra-school control over the educational process is carried out in traditional areas:

1. Monitoring the quality of teaching.

    implementation of training programs;

    methodological level of the teacher, growth of professional skills;

    provision of educational and didactic material.

2. Monitoring the quality of training.

    achieving state educational standards.

3. Control over the maintenance of school records.

    keeping school journals;

School graduate model

A primary school graduate is a student

    who has successfully completed the correctional educational program of type 8;

    who has a need to follow rules for students;

    who has experience in participating in the preparation and conduct of socially useful activities,

    who is able to empathize, sympathize, show attention to other people, animals, nature;

    who strives to become strong, fast, agile and hardened.

Based on the application of the parents (legal representatives), the conclusion of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission, the school director issues an order to organize the student’s education according to an adapted programfor children with mental retardation (intellectual impairment).

The goal of the educational process for the student is the social adaptation of children with disabilities based on special pedagogical approaches.

Composition of teaching staff


FULL NAME. teachers



Course retraining


Trunova Natalya Ivanovna

Primary classes



“Implementation of the requirements of the federal state educational standard for primary general education using the educational complex “School of Russia”

Timetable Nikolai Viktorovich Kuleshov

according to the curriculum for special (correctional) classes

for children with mental retardation (intellectual impairment) (option 1)

1.Reading and speech development.

2.Writing and speech development.

8.30 – 9.15

9.30 – 10.15


1. Reading and speech development.


13.25 – 14.10

14.20 – 15.05



2.Fine arts/labor training

12.25 – 13.10

13.25 – 14.10


1.Writing and speech development.

2.Music and singing/ Physical education

10.30 – 11.15

11.25 – 12.10

Total 4 days/week


8 hours

Software and methodological support for the curriculum in special education th (correctional) program for children with mental retardation

(intellectual impairment) (option 1)

MBOU "Malomihai" Lovskaya secondary school" for 2016-2017 uch. year

Nikolai Viktorovich Kuleshov

V.V. Voronkova, Preparatory and 1-4 grade programs. correctional educational institutionsVIII

Russian language: textbook for 2nd grade. special (correctional) educational institutionsVIIIspecies / E.V. Yakubovskaya, N.V. Pavlova. – M.: Enlightenment. 2011.

Reading and speech development

V.V. Voronkova. Will prepare programs. and 1-4 grades. correctional educational institutionsVIIIspecies / Ed. V.V. Voronkova. – M.: Education, 2013.

Reading: textbook for 2nd grade. special (correctional) educational institutionsVIIItype / [ed. comp. S.Yu.Ilyina]. – St. Petersburg: Branch of the publishing house “Prosveshcheniye”, 2006.


M.N. Perova, V.V. Ek. Will prepare programs. and 1-4 grades. correctional educational institutionsVIIIspecies / Ed. V.V. Voronkova. – M.: Education, 2013.

Mathematics. Textbook for 2nd grade of special (correctional) educational institutions of the VIII type. In 2 parts

T.V. Alysheva. M.: "Enlightenment", 2011.


I.A.Groshenkov. Will prepare programs. and 1-4 grades. correctional educational institutionsVIIIspecies / Ed. V.V. Voronkova. – M.: Education, 2013.

Art. Art and you.

Textbook for 2nd grade of general education institutions; E.I. Koroteeva, ed. B.M.Nemensky- 2nd ed. - M.: Education, 2012.

Music and singing

I.V. Evtushenko. Will prepare programs. and 1-4 grades. correctional educational institutionsVIIIspecies / Ed. V.V. Voronkova. – M.: Education, 2013.

Music. 2nd grade.Textbook for general education institutions; E.D. Cretan - 6th edition. – M.: Education, 2012.

Labor training

N.N. Pavlova. Will prepare programs. and 1-4 grades. correctional educational institutionsVIIIspecies / Ed. V.V. Voronkova. – M.: Education, 2013.

Kuznetsova L.A. Technology:

Manual labor: 2nd grade: Textbook for special (correctional) educational institutionsVIIIkind. 3 – ed. – St. Petersburg: branch of the publishing house “Prosveshcheniye”, 2012.

Physical education

V.M.Belov, V.S.Kuvshinov, V.M.Mozgovoy. Will prepare programs. and 1-4 grades. correctional educational institutionsVIIIspecies / Ed. V.V. Voronkova. – M.: Education, 2013.

Physical Culture. 1-4 grades.Textbook for 2nd grade of general education institutions; V.I.Lyakh-14th edition. – M.: Education, 2013.

  1. The main goal of the Institution is educational activities according to an adapted basic general education program for students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities).

The institution also carries out educational activities in additional general education programs, the implementation of which is not the main goal of its activities in the following areas: natural science, physical education and sports, artistic, social orientation.

Implemented educational programs: AOOP for students with mental retardation (intellectual impairment) is compiled on the basis of:

1. Programs of special (correctional) educational institutions of the VIII type. Preparatory class. Grades 1-4. / Aidarbekova A. A., Belov V. M., Voronkova V. V., etc. / Ed. Voronkova V.V., Education, 2013

2. Programs of special (correctional) educational institutions of the VIII type, grades 5-9./Voronkova V.V., Perova N.M., Ek V.V. and others: edited by Voronkova V.V., part 1, 2014.

3. programs of special (correctional) educational institutions of the VIII type, grades 5-9./Mirsky S.L., Zhuravlev B.A., Inozemtseva L.S. and others: edited by Voronkova V.V., part 2, 2014.

4. Education programs for students with moderate and severe mental retardation / L.A. Baryaeva, D.I. Boyko, V.I. Lipakova et al.: Ed. L.B. Baryaeva, N.N. Yakovleva.- St. Petersburg: “CDC of Professor L.B. Baryaeva", 2011. - 480 p.

5. Programs of special (correctional) educational institutions of 8 types, grades 0-4./ A.K. Aksenova, T.N. Bugaeva, I.A. Buravleva et al.: ed. THEM. Bgazhnokova. - Education. St. Petersburg, 2011.

6. Programs of special (correctional) educational institutions of 8 types, grades 5-9./ A.K. Aksenova, A.P. Antropov, I.M. Bgazhnokova et al.: ed. THEM. Bgazhnokova. - Education. St. Petersburg, 2011.

AOEP for students with mental retardation (intellectual impairment) takes into account the peculiarities of the cognitive sphere of children with disabilities. It is aimed at the diversified development of students’ personality, promotes their mental development, and provides civic, moral, labor, aesthetic and physical education. The content of training in all academic subjects has a practical orientation.