Long-term plan for speech development for the middle group. Comprehensive speech development programs

Long-term planning for the development of coherent speech

in the middle group No. 9 “Brusnichka”

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

“Kindergarten of a combined type No. 116” of the municipal formation of the city of Bratsk

"Speech development"

Kolontaeva T.N.


first qualification category


Topic of the week

Organized educational activities

"Hello, kindergarten"

Conversation about kindergarten

Tasks: To develop children’s ability to answer questions and ask questions; recognize and name people of certain professions: doctor, nurse, cook, laundress, teacher, assistant teacher. Develop coherent speech. Learn to recognize, identify and name the attributes of certain professions. Develop interest in various professions. Involve adults in work. Foster respect for the work of adults. Expand your active and passive vocabulary.

Methods and techniques: Reading poems about kindergarten; questions to clarify children's knowledge, examination of surrounding objects, physical. Pause "Pinocchio", didactic game "What do we see", "Who needs what for work", a tour of the kindergarten.

Reading literary works about kindergarten

Looking at photographs of graduates.

Looking at objects in a group.

Reading of E. Serov’s poem “The Sun in the House”, G. Ladyushchenkov “About myself and about the guys.”

Didactic games: “The fourth wheel”, “Professions”.

IIa week

"Generous gifts of autumn"

Compiling a story based on the painting “Harvest”

Objectives: To teach the skills of composing a story based on a picture (with and without pedagogical support) based on personal experience (by analogy with a story based on the content of a picture), to develop the ability to correlate the names of vegetables and the place where they grow; selection of words with the same root for the word vegetable garden - expansion of vocabulary activation: the use in speech of words denoting actions (verbs).

Give the concepts of sound, sound, word; practice the correct pronunciation of sounds: [u], [a], [g], [k], [v], [s], [s"]

Reading and discussion of the Russian folk tale “Pykh”;

Coloring vegetables in coloring books.

Cut pictures.

Looking at illustrations in books.

Compiling a descriptive riddle story.

Word formation: use of diminutive suffixes (cucumber - cucumber, etc.)

- “Say the opposite” - selection of antonyms.

IIIa week


    Russian folk tale “Winter quarters of animals”

Objectives: To teach children to understand and evaluate the character of heroes; convey the intonation of the voices and characters of the characters. An exercise to develop intonation expressiveness of speech “Say it cheerfully and then sadly.”

- “Interview” - come up with and ask a question to each character from the Russian folk tale “Zimovye”.

Examination of illustrations for the Russian folk tale “Wintermovie” in different publications.

Lotto “My favorite fairy tales” - consolidation of knowledge about the fairy tales studied.

Di. “Jumble” - consolidate knowledge about the structure and animals.

Di. “Family” - consolidate knowledge

about domestic animals and birds.

Writing a descriptive story about a pet using a model.

IVa week

“We ask you to visit us in autumn”

Theme: “Autumn-Mistress”. Reading the poem by I. Bunin “Falling Leaves”»

Objectives: To consolidate and concretize familiar knowledge about autumn changes in nature. Expand children's understanding of the characteristic signs of autumn. Clarify knowledge about the changes that occur in the life of plants in autumn. Learn to observe the weather and natural phenomena. Introduce the concept of “seasons”. To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, the ability to admire its beauty. Practice using words in the correct grammatical form.

Introduce small forms of folklore. Repeat familiar nursery rhymes

Looking at illustrations on an autumn theme.

Tracing on stencils and coloring autumn leaves.

Di. “Seasons” - development of communication skills.

Word formation: from nouns to singular adjectives. and many more number (oak - oak - oak, etc.).

Exercise for developing speech breathing “Blow on leaves


Topic of the week

Individual work with children

1 Week


Reading and discussion of the work

S. Marshak “He’s so absent-minded”

Objectives: Teach children to listen to literary works.

Continue to form visual ideas about autumn clothing. Develop independence and a sense of mutual assistance. Cultivate neatness in clothing. Develop a respectful attitude towards the work of adults. Continue learning to select appropriate definitions for objects. Teach agreement in speech between adjectives and nouns. Exercise children in pronunciation of the isolated sound Z (in words); learn to pronounce sounds firmly and softly; distinguish between words with the sounds З and Зь.

- “Circle the dots, recognize the hero of the fairy tale, color him.”

- “Whose silhouette?” - development of imagination and creative thinking skills.

- “Beads for a doll” - stringing.

- “Fashion designer” - laying out clothes from parts.

- “Tell me about your dress (pants, skirt, sweater, etc.)” - writing a descriptive story.

DI. “Lost and Found” - use of possessives in speech. pronouns.

- “Name the details of clothing” - enrichment and activation of the dictionary

IIa week

Now it snows from above, now it rains over the fields

Topic: Reading poems about autumn.

Compiling stories and descriptions of toys.

Objectives: To introduce children to the perception of poetic speech. To consolidate and concretize familiar knowledge about autumn changes in nature.

Formation of the concept of “toys”. Teach children to write a story about a toy based on the object. Activate children's speech in describing their favorite toys. Replenish active and passive vocabulary.

An exercise to develop the skills of agreeing numerals with nouns.

Develop skills in repeating riddle-descriptions about toys from 2-3 sentences

- “Cut pictures” - laying out the whole from parts.

- “Find a couple”

IIIa week

Folk crafts

Topic: Introducing the Dymkovo toy.

Objectives: To introduce children to works of national art. Learn to identify the type of folk toy. Form ideas about the properties of materials. Learn to compare and group similar objects by shape, color, material. To train in the ability to identify and name the essential features of folk toys. Cultivate interest and respect for the customs of the native people. Nurture aesthetic feelings.

Exercise children in pronunciation of the isolated sound T and in words. Learn to distinguish words that begin with the sound T.

Examination of Dymkovo toys;

Table lotto “Dymkovo Toys”;

Productive activity “Color the young lady”;

Speech exercise “tell me about ouzo.”

IVa week


Topic: My favorite toys.

Objectives: Learn to select and group objects according to a selected characteristic (color, shape). Learn to put each toy in its place.

Development of skills in solving riddles based on description and comparison.

Strengthen children's ability to listen to short poems by A. Barto and recite them with the help of an adult - developing skills in perceiving a poetic work.

Intensify the use of adjectives in speech.

- “Cut pictures” - laying out a whole from parts.

- “Find a couple”

- “Laying out sticks according to a pattern”

Writing descriptive stories about your favorite toy based on the subject.

Di. "Magic bag"


Topic of the week

Joint educational activities

Individual work with children

1 Week

" We are together"

Topic: My city

Objectives: Learn to maintain a conversation with an adult. Teach coherently, answer adult questions. Expand children's vocabulary. Expand children's understanding of the world around them. Reinforce the concepts: “house, yard, street, neighbors.” Introduce the concept of "city". Learn to maintain a conversation with an adult. Teach coherently, answer adult questions. Expand children's vocabulary. Foster love for your city.

Methods and techniques: Teacher’s story about his hometown using illustrations, word art, finger play, eye gymnastics, physical exercise, “Come up with a word” exercise, word game “What is our city?”

Looking at the photo “I’m walking around my hometown” (brought by the children), exchanging opinions and impressions, developing phrasal speech.

Reading inverted poems - learn to understand the meaning of humorous poems.

Observing people and their behavior on the street.

Examination of illustrations for read reverse verses.

Lotto “My Favorite Fairy Tales”.

- “Complete the pattern of the bridge.”

IIa week

Young experimenter

Topic: Properties of water and sand

Objectives: To introduce the properties of inanimate objects: sand, water, stones.

Introduce the properties of water and sand. Reinforce knowledge that water comes in different qualities. Activate children's speech: “sea”, “river”, “key”. Fix the properties of sand: loose, wet.

Practice pronouncing the sound Ш. Pronounce the sound (Ш in isolation and in words)

Methods and techniques: Surprise moment, artistic expression, riddle, experiments with water, sand, finger gymnastics.

Experimental work to clarify the properties of water (aggregate states);

Making riddles about water;

Conducting the “Water solvent” experiment;

Word game “Where the water lives.”

IIIa week

We are so different Boys and girls)

Topic: Boys and girls of our group

Objectives: Teach children to be attentive to each other. Foster friendly relationships between boys and girls.

Develop classification skills using the example of clothing items and items of labor activity of men and women. To instill in children a culture of gender relations, a gender-appropriate model of behavior, and an understanding of the roles of men and women in the family

Methods and techniques: conversation, symbolic game, didactic game, specially organized problem situation, outdoor game.

Examination of men's and women's clothing: objects of labor, a heart toy, - Examination of dolls: a boy doll, a girl doll.

Didactic game “Who works in...”

IVa week

Mom is the most important word in the world

Topic: Mom is the most important word in the world.

Objectives: To give children an idea of ​​the family as people who live together; cultivate a desire to take care of loved ones, develop a sense of pride in one’s family, and activate children’s vocabulary based on deepening knowledge about their family. To form knowledge about mother as the closest person. Cultivate a feeling of love for loved ones.

Methods and techniques: Game moment (entering photos of children’s mothers), reading poems about mom, finger game “My Family”, draw a gift for mom, physical exercise “Visiting mom”

Children's drawings “My Mother”;

they make family “islands” (photos, their compositions) for a large album at home;

Plot-role-playing games: “Family Troubles”, “Mothers and Daughters”.

Conversation: “Me and my house”, “If I had a magic wand.”

Reading –A. Yakovlev "Mama"

L. Voronkova “What would mother say.”


Topic of the week

Joint educational activities

Individual work with children

1 Week

My city

Topic: The city where I was born.

Objectives: To clarify children’s knowledge about the name of their hometown. Introduce children to its main attractions. To evoke in children a feeling of admiration for the beauty of their hometown. Cultivate a love for your hometown and a sense of pride in it. Develop children's speech, the ability to compose a story from sentences. Strengthen the ability to agree nouns with adjectives. Methods and techniques: Watching the film “Old Bratsk”, looking at books, walking to a mini-museum.

Making “My Bratsk” posters with parents and children;

Examination of the layout of “Houses on our streets;

Exhibition of postcards about Bratsk;

Looking at illustrations of winter Bratsk;

My address.

IIa week

Adult labor in hometown

Topic: “Excursion to the medical cabin of the kindergarten”

Objectives: Continue to familiarize children with the work of kindergarten employees. Clarify the work of a cook, tell the children about the difficult profession of a cook, try to prepare delicious food for the children. To instill in children a sense of respect for the work of the kindergarten staff who care for them. Strengthen children’s ability to engage in dialogue, the ability to ask questions, and answer questions posed.

Activate children's speech.

Methods and techniques: literary expression, questions for children, the cook’s story about work, riddles, finger gymnastics.

Didactic game “Associations”;

Board game “Who needs what for work”;

Reading fiction;

Conversation “What do parents do”;

Album-exhibition “All works are good.”

Reading the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” - help you understand the meaning of the fairy tale and highlight the words that convey the fear of the piglets.

IIIa week

Winter and winter fun

Topic: Teaching storytelling based on the picture “This is a snowman”

Objectives: To teach children to compose stories based on the picture without repetitions or omissions of essential information; consolidate the ability to come up with a title for a painting. Develop the ability to use simple sentences in speech.

Foster curiosity and respect for nature. Include children in preparation for winter activities and fun

To train children in the correct and clear pronunciation of the sound Zh (isolated, in onomatopoeic words, in syllables, to distinguish words with the sound Zh.

Exercise children in forming nouns from the word snow - snowman, snowy.

Methods and techniques: Making a riddle, a game moment, questions about a picture, a sample story, a physical exercise “Winter”, using tongue twisters.

Poems about winter;

Dramatize fairy tales;

Use of proverbs and sayings in speech;

Viewing winter landscapes;

Exhibition of children's books about winter;
riddles about winter.

Reading and memorizing poems about winter.

IVa week

Favorite holiday

Topic: Lesson-debate based on the work of B. Zakhoder “Piggy on the Christmas tree”, memorizing a poem about winter.

Introduce New Year's attributes. To consolidate knowledge about the traditions of celebrating the New Year in Russia

Learn to notice, understand and use figurative words and expressions in speech.

Mastering the techniques of speech comparison. Cultivate an interest in fiction.

Introduce children to poetry. Help children memorize and read poems expressively.

Oral essay on the topic “New Year tree”, expansion and activation of the dictionary.

Examination of New Year's illustrations and photos, exchange of opinions.

Drawing New Year's toys with colored pencils.

New Year's beads" - stringing.

- “Call Santa Claus” - development of dialogue speech.

Making sentences with prepositions behind, in front of, around, above, on (the tree).

Selection and exhibition of children's books About the New Year


Topic of the week

Joint educational activities

Individual work with children

IIa week

Winter traditions

Topic: Compiling a story based on the painting “Girl in Winter”

Objectives: To teach children to coherently convey the content of the picture, based on the teacher’s speech sample. Develop dialogical speech, the ability to answer questions, make simple conclusions, and cultivate perseverance.

Methods and techniques: d/i “What’s superfluous”; looking at the picture; conversation on the content of the picture; physical exercise “What grows on a Christmas tree?”; children's stories based on the picture.

- “Name the snow differently” - selection of words with the same root, activation of the dictionary.

DI. “Seasons” - accumulation of experience in using speech-evidence

Looking at illustrations on a winter theme.

- “Complete what the artist forgot to draw” - development of attentiveness.

DI. “Seasons” - development of communication skills

Compiling a descriptive story “Winter”, developing skills.

- “Say the opposite” - selection of antonyms.

- “Family of words” - selection of words with the same root winter.

Reading poems about winter is an accumulation of experience in using imagery in speech.

IIIa week

Magic words

Topic: What does the word “Hello” mean?

Objectives: teach children to come up with simple phrases and use polite words; develop dialogical speech; develop the ability to understand the nuances of the meaning of words. Exercise children in using polite words.

Methods and techniques: introductory conversation; questions for children, imitation “How to say hello without words”, didactic game “Polite words; physical exercise “How are you living?”; reading proverbs and sayings.

Selection of fiction about politeness;

Games – dramatizations of “Teremok”, Kolobok”;

- “Where polite words live” word game;

Ethical Conversations: “Who can be called polite?”

IVa week



Tasks: To form ideas about cargo - passenger, public and specialized transport. Learn to distinguish between types of urban transport by purpose. Learn to identify the essential features of various types of urban transport. Generate interest in various professions. Foster a caring attitude towards public transport. Enrich children's active vocabulary with the names of various types of transport and professions associated with it. Activate children's independent speech.

Methods and techniques: Game moment: the car brought pictures, playing with cars, didactic game “What kind of transport?”, asking riddles, physical exercises, gymnastics for the eyes, looking at illustrations.

- “Magic carpet” - drawing with pencils;

- “Whose silhouette?” - development of creative imagination.

Didactic game "professions".

Outlining vehicles using stencils and finishing them;

- “Flying carpet” - compiling a descriptive story based on your drawing.

Gaining experience in using the conditional mood in speech: “If..., then...”.

Conversation “On the way to kindergarten” - development of dialogue speech


Topic of the week

Joint educational activities

Individual work with children

Ia week

Good deeds.

Subject: "Forest friends, help the birds in winter"

Objectives: To give the concept of ecological systems: field, forest, river, swamp. Introduce the main inhabitants using birds as an example. Learn to establish simple connections between the habitat and appearance of birds. Expand children's understanding of birds. Learn to differentiate bird species, find signs of similarities and differences. Foster love and respect for nature. Activate curiosity and observation. Learn to express in speech grammatically correct signs of similarities and differences between objects. Form monologue speech. Strengthen children's ability to answer in sentences.

Methods and techniques: a surprise moment (the appearance of an old man - a forester); asking riddles, physical exercise “tree”, didactic game “Name it kindly”, work on flannelgraph “Forest houses”, questions about birds.

Illustrations of birds at feeders,

Word games about birds “Say it right”;

Learning riddles about birds;

Finger gymnastics “Feeder”;

Didactic game “What birds love.”

2 week

Man-made and natural world.

Topic: Introduction to the properties of objects. Looking at different types of fabric

Learning objectives: to teach children, through a variety of actions, to identify the characteristics of cotton fabric, to enrich and clarify their vocabulary;

develop an understanding of the immediate environment; cultivate cognitive interest. Strengthen the ability to ask questions and answer the teacher’s questions in simple sentences. Activate children's speech:

chintz, flannel, silk.

Methods and techniques: examining cotton bolls, children's clothes; teacher's story; display of tissue samples (examination activities); physical education session “Tailors”; d/i “Choose clothes for the season”, looking at straw.

Illustrations with clothes;

cotton boll,

Album with fabrics;

Cards for the didactic game “Tailor”;

Reading the nursery rhyme "The Master"

3 week

Our Army Dear

Topic: Reading and discussion of the fairy tale by H. C. Andersen “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”

Compiling a descriptive story based on the painting “Three Heroes”

Objectives: To strengthen children’s ability to listen to works, determine its genre, be able to identify the main character, and characterize him.

Introduce children to the concepts: hero, chain mail armor, armor

Methods and techniques: Examination of the cover of a fairy tale; reading the work, questions about the content, physical exercise “We are soldiers”, didactic game “Say it correctly”, breathing exercises.

Examination of illustrations to fairy tales by H.K. Andersen in books of various editions.

Circle the dots, recognize the image and color it;

Development of clear whispered speech by pronouncing practiced nursery rhymes.

- “Say the opposite” - coming up with antonyms (strong – weak, etc.)

IVa week


Topic: Maslenitsa

Objectives: To introduce children to the Russian folk tradition of seeing off winter - Maslenitsa. Develop a desire to be creative. Cultivate interest in folklore.

Introduce the main attributes of the holiday. Replenish your vocabulary: Maslenitsa, nicknames.

Methods and techniques: Listening to Russian folk music; The teacher's story about the tradition of seeing off winter with folk festivals and burning an effigy of Maslenitsa. Psychostudy “Cheerful - Sad”, didactic game “Name it correctly”.

Making posters about Maslenitsa;

Examination of illustrations of the stuffed animal;

Listening to an audio recording of a Russian folk song;

Large painted scarves;

Learning songs, nursery rhymes, chants and Russian folk games.


Topic of the week

Joint educational activities

Individual work with children

Ia week

March 8

Topic: Mom’s holiday “Learning E. Blaginina’s poem “Mother’s Day”

Objectives: Enrichment and activation of the vocabulary in the game “Who can say the most kind words about mom”, development of intonation expressiveness of speech and speech breathing; - development of skills in using attractions. pronouns (whose? whose? whose?) in the didactic game “Lost and Found”, develop children’s speech creativity through the game “If I had a magic wand...”

Methods and techniques: - “Magic wand” - drawing with colored pencils, development of artistic imagination.

- “Bouquet for Mom” - laying out flowers on a carpet made from sewing tinsel.

Lotto "Professions".

- “If I had a magic wand...” - a game for the development of children's speech creativity.

- “Family of words” - selection of words with the same root: mom, holiday .

Making gifts for mothers and grandmothers;

Conversation on the topic “What do our mothers do?”

2 week

Spring has come and brought health

Subject: "There was a breath of spring through the window.”

Tasks: Form ideas about spring phenomena. Learn to observe changes in living and inanimate nature in the spring. Expand children's understanding of the characteristic signs of spring. To develop knowledge about the lifestyle of forest animals and birds in spring. Cultivate curiosity. Learn to admire the beauty of the nature of your native land and treat it with care. Form monologue speech. Learn to express the results of observations and conclusions in independent speech.

Methods and techniques: Reading poems about spring - developing speech figurativeness.

Oral essay on the topic “Spring” - activation of the dictionary through the selection of epithets.

DI. “Seasons” - development of speech-proof, asking riddles about spring.

Memorizing the poem “Spring” by G. Ladonshchikov - working on the clarity of diction;

DI. “Seasons” - development of communication skills.

Examination of illustrations on the theme “Spring”;

Cutting pictures “Fold correctly”

3 week

Nature laboratory

Topic: Experiments with water

Objectives: To involve children in research activities; teach children to draw simple conclusions. Develop observation skills. Foster an environmentally conscious attitude towards nature.

Develop observation skills. Compare water and snow, water and ice.

Introduce a new property of water - steam. Secure to form adjectives from nouns – watery, watery.

Methods and techniques: teacher’s story about different states of water, using illustrations, experiments with water, psycho-gymnastics “golden drops”,

Reading poems about water, didactic game “Find out the nature of water.”

Experiments “melting snow and ice”;

Boiling water;

Reading the work of K. Kuliev “The Tale of Water”;

Listening to the recording “Sounds of the surrounding nature”.

IVa week

Migratory birds are flying

Topic: Migratory birds “Compiling a descriptive story based on models”

Tasks: Development of skills in using prefixed verbs in speech flew away, arrived, took off, flew over. Consolidate the experience of solving riddles based on description and comparison; consolidation of ideas about the structure of birds. Develop intonation expressiveness and clarity of diction.

Methods and techniques: Trace the dots around the bird, identify it and color accordingly.

Didactic game “What did the artist mix up” - consolidating ideas about the structure of birds.

Cut pictures.

Trace the dots around the bird, recognize it and color it accordingly.

– D.I. “Jumble” - consolidation of ideas about the structure of birds.

Cut pictures.

- “What did the bird do?” - use of prefixed verbs in speech (flew away, flew away, etc.).

- “The rook says to the rook...” - ex. on the development of intonation expressiveness and clarity of diction.


Topic of the week

Joint educational activities

Individual work with children

Ia week

Fun is not a hindrance to business

Topic: Mini quiz on the fairy tales of Korney Chukovsky.

Objectives: To help children remember the name and content of K. Chukovsky’s fairy tales; consolidate knowledge about the heroes of these fairy tales; create conditions for dialogue, enrich children’s speech, improve their grammatical structure of speech and intonation expressiveness of speech;

Methods and techniques: looking at illustrations for familiar works; didactic game “Say the Word”; physical exercise “Bunny”; dramatization of a fairy tale (optional)

Illustrations for the literary works of K. Chukovsky,

E. Charushina, S. Marshak;

Exhibition of literary works by K. Chukovsky;

Games - dramatizations of fairy tales.

2 week

Conquest of space

Topic: Conversation about space.

Objectives: To form children’s ideas about air transport, why it is called that, what it is needed for, who controls it, types of aircraft, fix the names of the main parts, teach them to compare an airplane with a helicopter.

Learn to compare an airplane with a helicopter; remember the names of other species

transport; Develop children's active and passive vocabulary;

cultivate curiosity. Strengthen children's ability to agree words in a sentence in gender and case, develop the skill of using possessives (pronouns (whose? whose? whose?).

Methods and techniques: riddles about air transport; viewing illustrations and toys; questions to clarify children's knowledge; physical training “Airplanes”; didactic game "What's extra."

Reading and discussion of chapters of N. Nosov’s work “Dunno on the Moon.”

Illustrations and toys depicting air transport;

Cards for educational games depicting various types of transport;

Examination of illustrations in the Transport encyclopedia;

Reading works about air transport.

3 week


(basics of life safety)

Topic: Compiling a descriptive story “At a pedestrian crossing”

Objectives: Continue to familiarize children with the rules of the road. Expand your knowledge of the signs found in the city. To educate the rules of cultural behavior on the streets of the city. To form the basics of life safety in city streets. Learn to compose descriptive stories about the path taken and stories - plans about the planned path. Develop skills in using prefixes in speech: u-, pere-, for-, you-, pri-. Develop phrasal speech and thinking.

Methods and techniques: Game moment: The arrival of Dunno “Give me a word” - developing skills in using nouns. in units and many more number (I’m going – they’re going, I’m going – they’re going, etc.). “Say with different intonations” - development of intonation expressiveness and speech breathing.

Didactic game “Fairy Tale Square” - development of phrasal speech, analytical thinking;

Reading and discussion of S. Mikhalkov’s work “Uncle Styopa” - development of skills in perceiving poetic works; introduce children to the concept of rhyme.

Exhibition of children's books on the topic of traffic rules";

Game “Teach a bunny to cross the street”

Filmstrip “Smeshariki learn the rules of the road”

IVa week


Topic: “Different professions are needed” - Conversation about the profession of a pilot

Objectives: expand children’s understanding of people of different professions;

talk about the importance and significance of their work; develop interest in the environment; cultivate a respectful attitude towards the results of work


Methods and techniques: Didactic game “Name the profession”; viewing illustrations on the topic; teacher's story about the profession

pilot; questions to clarify children's knowledge; physical exercise “Airplane”;

reading a poem.

Pictures depicting different people

professions (driver, salesman, teacher, doctor, pilot);

Examination of illustrations in the encyclopedia “Professions”;

Reading poems by B. Zakhoder


Topic of the week

Joint educational activities

Individual work with children

Ia week

Victorious May

Theme: “Salute to Spring”

Tasks: Formation of knowledge about the celebration of Victory Day. To form an idea of ​​the different types of armed forces. To form children's ideas about Russian holidays. Foster love and respect for the Russian Army. Develop a respectful attitude towards veteran soldiers. Enrich children's vocabulary with new words. Learn to grammatically correctly convey impressions of the events seen.

Methods and techniques: Examination of illustrations about the Second World War; portraits of warriors.

“Say otherwise” - selection of synonyms for the word hero. “Festive fireworks” - compiling a descriptive story based on a picture and personal impressions.

- “Festive fireworks” - drawing greeting cards for WWII veterans with colored pencils.

- “Say the opposite” - selection of antonyms for words: funny , brave, strong .

Preparation of a thematic exhibition of literature and illustrations.

2 week


Subject: Reading of K. Ushinsky’s work “Cockerel with his family”, discussion.

Learning objectives: Develop conversational speech and construct phrases of 2-4 words. Developing skills in selecting words to answer the question What does it do? (mom, dad, brother, etc.). Getting to know the polysemy of a word needle , expand and activate children's vocabulary. Selection of antonyms for words: funny , brave, strong . Develop skills in using possessive pronouns (mother's, grandmother's, etc.).

Teaching methods: Artistic language, teacher questions about the content of what was read, looking at illustrations, talking about the child’s families, finger gymnastics, physical exercises “My Family”

Plot-role-playing game “Family” - develop the skill of assigning roles;

- “What types of needles are there?”;

- “Say the opposite”;

- “Needle” - drawing the ambiguity of this word.

Draw on the theme “My family”

3 week


IVa week

Folk traditions,

Green days.

Topic: Examination of A. Savrasov’s painting “The Rooks Have Arrived”

Objectives: to teach children an artistic vision of landscape paintings based on comparison and description.

Compose a descriptive story based on the picture, stimulate the desire to look at it carefully, enrich children’s speech with emotional and aesthetic terms; develop in children an emotional response to spring manifestations of nature; cultivate aesthetic taste.

The use of words in the genitive case in speech.

Methods and techniques: Reading the poem by A. Pleshcheev “The purity of heaven

azure"; looking at the picture; content questions; physical exercise “The wind is blowing in our faces”; didactic game “Choose a word”

Cutting pictures” - laying out a whole from parts.

Lotto "Plants".

Circle the dots, recognize the image and color it.

- “Counting” - work on clear whispered speech.

- “What’s missing in the picture?” - the use of words in the genitive case in speech.

Pronouncing nursery rhymes is an exercise for developing clear diction.

List of used literature:

    Alekseeva M.M., Yashina V.I. “Methods of speech development and teaching the native language of preschoolers.” Moscow 1998.

    Anishchenkova E.S. "Speech therapy rhythm." Moscow 2006

    Program "From birth before schools"edited by N.E. Veraxes, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva in accordance with Federal State Educational Standard. - 3rd edition, corrected, expanded - M.. MOSAIC SYNTHESIS", 2016. -368 p.

    Gerbova V.V. Notes of classes on speech development in the middle group of 4-5 years old M: VLADOS, 2002.

    Zhurova L.E., N.S. Varentsova, N.V. Durova, L.N. Nevskaya "Teaching preschool children to read and write." M. RAO.1994. "School-Press". 1998

    Savina L.P. "Finger gymnastics." Moscow 2001

    “Development of speech and creativity in preschool children: games, exercises, lesson notes.” Edited by O.S. Ushakova. M. "Sphere". 2002.

    Ushakova O.S. Speech development program for preschool children in kindergarten M: Sphere shopping center 2002.

    Ushakova O.S., Strunina E.I. Methods of speech development for preschool children. M: VLADOS, 2004

    Ushakova O.S. Gavrish N.V. We introduce literature to children aged 3-5 years. Lesson notes. M: Sphere shopping center, 2009

    Shvaiko G.S. Games and game exercises for speech development / Ed. V.V. Herbovaya.

Tsareva Maria
Long-term planning for speech development in the middle group


1. V. V. Gerbova "Classes on speech development in kindergarten» .

2. T. R. Kislova "On the way to the ABC", parts 1 and 2. Moscow "Balass", 2007.

3. M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova "Comprehensive classes in middle group d/s» . "Teacher", 2010, Volgograd.

4. N. F. Vinogradova "Stories-mysteries about nature". "Ventana-Count", 2007.

5. N. V. Novotortseva "Literacy Education". "Academy, k.",1999.

6. T. A. Torygina “What are the months of the year?”, speech development in kindergarten. Moscow, 2000.

village Pristan-Przhevalsk

2016-2017 academic year G.


Meet our heroes. "Toys"

TARGET: Teach children to write descriptions of toys. Develop cultural communication skills, activate vocabulary; use antonyms, the plural form of the genitive case of nouns. To develop the ability to examine objects, highlighting their characteristics, qualities and actions. To develop the ability to write a descriptive story about toys together with the teacher. Establish rules for handling toys. Develop focus.

Learning by heart: "Ball" S. Ya. Marshak

TARGET: Help children remember and read the poem expressively; practice speech breathing (pronounce the sound sh with one exhalation); develop dramatization skills. Exercise children in using verbs with prefixes.

"Fruits vegetables"

TARGET: Introduce the name of vegetables and the place where they are grown; learn to describe vegetables; solve riddles; practice using diminutive words, as well as using plural nouns.

Introduce children to the name of fruits, teach them to describe fruits, compare; solve riddles, agree on definitions and nouns;

develop speech. Enrich children’s knowledge about how people store fruits and vegetables, how they prepare food for the winter; activate the dictionary; develop communication skills speeches.

“Reading poems about late autumn”

TARGET: Introduce children to poetry. Help memorize passages of poems.

"Classes on speech development» V. V. Gerbova p. 37

Learning the nursery rhyme "Pussy"

TARGET: Teach to help children remember the nursery rhyme and pronounce it expressively.

"Classes on speech development» V. V. Gerbova p. 29

Reading a fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Telephone"

TARGET: Please children by reading a fairy tale. Practice dramatizing excerpts from the work.

"Classes on speech development» V. V. Gerbova p. 30

"Retelling a Fairy Tale" "Turnip"

TARGET: To form an idea of ​​what a folk tale is. To develop the ability to retell a familiar fairy tale together, using "chain". Develop attention, memory. Develop the ability to listen to each other, carefully follow the story.

Retelling a fairy tale "Teremok"

TARGET: To form an understanding of such a feature of folk tales as observation. Develop the ability to retell a familiar fairy tale using models. To develop the ability to select substitute items based on a distinctive feature (a value characteristic of the appearance character. Exercise your ability to guess riddles, relying on the visual image of animals, and justify your answer.


TARGET: To consolidate knowledge about the autumn months, about the signs of autumn. Develop attention, creativity, ability to solve riddles; develop correct speech.

Storytelling from a picture "Autumn Day" Practice purposefully examining the plot picture and answering questions about its content.


TARGET: Help children remember and read the song expressively.

"Classes on speech development» V. V. Gerbova p. 32

"Vegetables and fruits. “What did autumn give us?”.

TARGET: Making riddles about vegetables and fruits." Expand children's understanding of vegetables and fruits, teach group items, name vegetables, fruits, note their quality characteristics.

“Talking from personal experience on the topic "My Pets"

TARGET: Storytelling from a picture "Dog with puppies" Learn to talk about a topic from personal experience suggested by the teacher. Learn to correctly name animals and their body parts. Continue working to deepen knowledge about animals. 2. Learn to describe a picture in a certain sequence.

"Classes on speech development» V. V. Gerbova p. 37

Narrating from personal experience on a topic "My native land" TARGET: 1. 1. Learn to name your native village, street. 2. Learn to name the street on which the kindergarten is located. 3. Introduce you to the sights of your native land. 4. Cultivate pride and love for one’s native village.

"Classes on speech development» V. V. Gerbova p. 33



Sound culture speeches: sounds "z" And "z*".

TARGET: Exercise children in pronunciation of isolated sounds "z" (in words, syllables); learn to pronounce sounds "z" hard and soft; distinguish words with sounds "z" And "z*".

"Classes on speech development» V. V. Gerbova p. 31

"Change in Nature in October"

TARGET: Learn to talk about changes in nature in October, describe nature in October; agree on nouns and definitions.

"Forest in Autumn"

TARGET: Did. Control "How many words in a sentence" Help children perceive a poetic description of autumn nature; form a basic idea of ​​the proposal; activate the dictionary. Memorization by heart: A. Pleshcheev "Autumn" Learn to characterize the signs of deep autumn when looking at paintings and illustrations, recognize these signs in poems; help memorize A. Pleshcheev’s poem and read it expressively.


TARGET: Practice using the pronouns MY, MY, as well as plural words; introduce the name of furniture and its components; learn to compare individual pieces of furniture, describe furniture


TARGET: Introduce different houses, learn to describe houses; practice using plural nouns.

"Dishes" Sound culture speeches: sound "C" TARGET: 1. Secure the generalization concept: dishes. Introduce the classification dishes: kitchen, dining room, tea room. Reinforce table manners.

2. Exercise children in pronouncing sounds "C" isolated, in syllables, in words. "Classes on speech development» V. V. Gerbova p. 35


TARGET: Learn to describe items of clothing, select clothes according to the season. Improve verbal communication skills; enrich your understanding of the environment.


TARGET: Enrich children's knowledge about wild animals. Consolidate knowledge about environment wild animal habitats;


TARGET: Practice using plural nouns, learn to compare animals, describe them; develop children's speech

"Sister Fox and Gray Wolf"

TARGET: To introduce children to a Russian folk tale (model by M. Bulatov, to help evaluate the actions of the heroes, to dramatize an excerpt from the work.

"Classes on speech development» V. V. Gerbova p. 42

Game - initiation "We have a visiting bear"

TARGET: Teach children to notice in group the presence of a stranger, greet and speak kindly to him.

Classes on speech development» V. V. Gerbova p. 60


TARGET: Clarify and generalize children’s understanding of winter, the winter months. Reinforce knowledge about the signs of winter. Improve verbal communication skills

Storytelling from a picture "Winter entertainment» Learn liaison speeches, use complex sentences, describe changes in nature in winter.

Learning by heart: I. Surikov “Winter

TARGET: Help to feel the beauty and lyricism of I. Surikov’s work. Learn to read a poem by heart expressively.

"Composing a Narrative Story" "Masha's Adventure in the Forest".

TARGET: To develop the ability to compose a joint narrative story using the utterance pattern specified by the teacher. Develop the ability to adhere to the plot line when composing a story. Practice selecting signs for an animal, as well as selecting verbs that denote the characteristic actions of animals. Develop a sense of humor.

Christmas tree" K. Chukovsky

TARGET: Help to comprehend and memorize a new poem; practice intonation expressiveness speeches.

Storytelling based on a plot picture "Winter"

TARGET: Reading and memorizing a poem about winter. Learn to compose sentences based on a plot picture, coordinate words in a sentence, determine and name the location of an object (left, right, next to, around, between, time of day, characterize the mood and state of people. Introduce children to poetry.

"Classes on speech development» V. V. Gerbova pp. 43, 45

Reading and memorizing a poem about winter by Pleshcheev “White snow is fluffy...”. TARGET: Introduce children to poetry. Help you remember and read the poem expressively.

"Classes on speech development» V. V. Gerbova p. 43

Reading a Russian folk tale "Zimovye".

TARGET: Help children remember Russian folk tales they know. Introduce a fairy tale "Zimovye"

"Classes on speech development» Sokolov-Mikitov) V.V. Gerbova p. 47

Learning to tell a story from a picture "Tanya is not afraid of frost"

TARGET: Learn to look at a picture and talk about it in a certain sequence; learn to come up with a title for a painting.

"Classes on speech development» V. V. Gerbova p. 50

Making a story based on a picture "In the forest"

TARGET: Help to consider and describe the picture in a certain sequence. Continue learning to come up with a title for the painting.

"Classes on speech development» V. V. Gerbova p. 55

Sound culture speeches: sound "SH".

TARGET: Show children articulation of sound "SH", teach to clearly pronounce a sound in isolation, in syllables, in words.

"Classes on speech development» V. V. Gerbova p.

Sound culture speeches: sound "AND".

TARGET: Reading your favorite poems. memorizing a poem by A. Barto “I know what I need to come up with”. Practice correct and clear pronunciation of sounds "AND" isolated in onomatopoeic words; ability to identify words with sound "AND"

"Classes on speech development» V. V. Gerbova pp. 48, 51

Sound culture speeches: sound "H"

TARGET: Explain how to pronounce the sound correctly "H", practice pronouncing sounds in isolation, in words, in poetry.

"Classes on speech development» V. V. Gerbova p. 53

"Animals of hot countries"

.TARGET: Give an idea of ​​the animals of hot countries. Activate children's vocabulary.

TARGET: Learn to describe poultry; introduce antonyms; to enhance children's knowledge about the appearance of poultry and their habits. Cultivate interest and love for birds

Mini-quiz based on the fairy tales of K. Chukovsky. Reading a work "Fedorino grief"

TARGET: Help remember the names and contents of K. Chukovsky’s fairy tales. Introduce a fairy tale "Fedorino grief".

"Classes on speech development» V. V. Gerbova p. 52


TARGET: Introduce children to fish, their habitat; learn to solve riddles;

practice using plural nouns.

"Bread products"

TARGET: Introduce children to products made from flour; learn to describe one product; develop speech

"Dairy products"

TARGET: Introduce dairy products and their benefits to the body; practice using plural nouns.


TARGET: To clarify children’s knowledge about transport means, expand your vocabulary with car names. Introduce words with the same root. To develop the ability to examine objects, highlighting their characteristics, qualities and actions. Develop the ability to write a descriptive story together with the teacher. Introduce children to water transport, activate speeches corresponding words. Strengthen the ability to combine objects into pairs based on material. Introduce air transport, their components, describe them; practice using plural nouns, develop speech.


TARGET: Learn to describe spring, give knowledge about seasonal changes associated with the first months of spring; practice using plural nouns.

Getting ready to celebrate spring and International Women's Day

TARGET: Introduce children to A. Pleshcheev’s poem. "Spring". Practice your ability to congratulate on the holiday.

"Classes on speech development» V. V. Gerbova p. 59

"Traffic Laws. Traffic light"

TARGET: Introduce the designation of road signs, traffic lights; develop speech; activate children's vocabulary.

"Theatre, musical instruments"

TARGET: Introduce theater and musical instruments. Continue teaching children to divide words into parts.


TARGET: Introduce various sports; develop children's speech; Continue to introduce words with the same root; activate children's vocabulary.

Sound culture speeches: sound "Schh"

TARGET: Practice pronouncing sounds correctly "SCH" and differentiation of sounds "SCH" And "H".

"Classes on speech development» V. V. Gerbova p. 60

Compiling stories based on paintings

TARGET: Check whether children can adhere to a certain sequence when composing a story based on a picture; did they understand what it meant to title a picture? "Classes on speech development» V. V. Gerbova p. 62

Reading the fairy tale by D. Mamin-Sibiryak “The Tale about Komar Komarovich - Long Nose and about Hairy Misha - Short Tail”

"Classes on speech development» V. V. Gerbova p. 63


TARGET: To form children’s understanding of kindergarten staff; labor processes performed by each of them; cultivate respect for the work of adults; practice using plural nouns, develop speech


TARGET: Teach children to answer the teacher’s questions with a complete answer; enrich and clarify children’s understanding of adult professions; learn to guess riddles about professions; cultivate respect for the work of adults; activate children's vocabulary.

"Forest. Trees. "Fruits, seeds."

TARGET: .Introduce the name of some trees, the components of a tree, the benefits of trees; solve riddles; activate children's vocabulary, teach to describe berries; introduce the fruits of trees and shrubs;


TARGET: Introduce the name of indoor plants and how to care for them; learn to describe indoor plants

Sound culture speeches: sound "L-L*"

TARGET: Exercise children in clearly pronouncing sounds "L" in sound combinations, words, phrasal speeches. Improve phonemic awareness – learn to identify words with sounds "L-L*"

"Classes on speech development» V. V. Gerbova p. 63

Teaching storytelling: working with a matrix picture and handout pictures.

TARGET: Learn to create a picture and talk about its content. Develop creative thinking.

"Classes on speech development» V. V. Gerbova p. 65

Memorizing Yu Kushak's poem "Olennok" Learning a Russian folk song “Grandfather wanted to cook fish soup”

TARGET: Help children remember and read the poem expressively.

"Classes on speech development» V. V. Gerbova p. 66

"Victory Day. Military equipment"

TARGET: Give an idea of ​​the Victory Day holiday; learn to talk, answer questions; develop children's speech.

Sound culture speeches: sound "R, R*"

TARGET: Exercise children in clear and correct pronunciation of sounds "R" isolated, in pure language, in words.

"Classes on speech development» V. V. Gerbova p. 69


TARGET: Introduce the name of insects, their characteristics; use plural nouns.


TARGET: Introduce seasonal changes in nature in summer. Learn to describe a summer day; activate children's vocabulary.


TARGET: Introduce the name of the berries; learn to compare berries by color, size; practice using plural nouns.

Purpose of the course: development of speaking and listening skills, enrichment of the child’s active, passive and potential vocabulary, development of the grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech skills based on the speech experience of the child - a native speaker.

Course objectives:

  • development of interest and attention to the word, to one’s own speech and the speech of others.
  • development of the ability to operate with language units: sound, syllable, word, phrase, sentence.
  • expansion of ideas about the world around us, the phenomena of reality, based on the child’s life experience.
  • development of communication skills with adults, with peers, the ability to see the world through the eyes of another person;
  • formation of learning motivation and interest in the learning process itself;
  • development of visual-figurative and formation of verbal-logical thinking, the ability to draw conclusions, justify one’s judgments;
  • formation of methods of mental action: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, exclusion, modeling, design;
  • development of memory, attention, creativity, imagination, variability of thinking.





Meet our heroes. "Toys" Teach children to write descriptions of toys. Develop cultural communication skills, activate vocabulary; use antonyms, the plural form of the genitive case of nouns.
“Making stories about toys” (Cat, dog, fox) To develop the ability to examine objects, highlighting their characteristics, qualities and actions. To develop the ability to write a descriptive story about toys together with the teacher. Establish rules for handling toys. Develop focus.
Learning by heart: “Ball” S.Ya. Marshak Help children remember and read the poem expressively; practice speech breathing (pronouncing the sound w on one exhalation); develop dramatization skills. Exercise children in using verbs with prefixes.
"Retelling of the fairy tale "Turnip" To form an idea of ​​what a folk tale is. To develop the ability to retell a familiar fairy tale together, in a “chain”. Develop attention and memory. Develop the ability to listen to each other, carefully follow the story.


"Autumn" . To consolidate knowledge about the autumn months, about the signs of autumn. Develop attention, creativity, and the ability to solve riddles; develop correct speech.
Narration based on the painting “Autumn Day” Practice purposefully examining the plot picture and answering questions about its content;
"Vegetables" Introduce the name of vegetables and where they are grown; learn to describe vegetables; solve riddles; practice using diminutive words, as well as using plural nouns.
Fruits" introduce children to the names of fruits, teach them to describe fruits, compare them; solve riddles, agree on definitions and nouns;
develop speech
"Fruits vegetables Enrich children’s knowledge about how people store fruits and vegetables, how they prepare food for the winter; activate the dictionary; develop coherent speech skills.
"Change in Nature in October" Learn to talk about changes in nature in October, describe nature in October; agree on nouns and definitions.
"Forest in Autumn"
Did. Exercise “How many words in a sentence”
Help children perceive a poetic description of autumn nature; form a basic idea of ​​the proposal; activate the dictionary.
Learning by heart: A. Pleshcheev “In Autumn” Learn to characterize the signs of deep autumn when looking at paintings and illustrations, recognize these signs in poems; help memorize A. Pleshcheev’s poem and read it expressively.


"Riddle-description" Teach children to compose and guess descriptive riddles; develop the ability to compare and argue; develop creative imagination; improve coherent speech skills.
"How the mouse outwitted the cat." Storytelling through a series of pictures with a general plot Learn to compose a story based on a plot picture, answer questions about its content. Enrichment of the active vocabulary.
"Late fall" Learn to describe nature in November, build complex sentences with the word because
"House" . Introduce different houses, learn to describe houses; practice using plural nouns.
"Furniture" Practice using the pronouns MY, MY, as well as plural words; introduce the name of furniture and its components; learn to compare individual pieces of furniture, describe furniture
"Family" Introduce different houses, learn to describe houses; practice using plural nouns.
"Dishes" Expand your vocabulary on the topic “Dishes”; introduce the components of objects; teach to use objects in the singular and plural in the nominative and genitive cases, describe the object
Fairy tale "Rukovichka"
Repeat a fairy tale already familiar to children, improve the ability to answer the teacher’s questions; tell a story by role.


"Hats" Introduce the names of items of clothing, hats; teach to compare objects, introduce the components of objects; develop speech.
"Cloth" Learn to describe items of clothing, select clothes according to the season. Improve verbal communication skills; enrich your understanding of the environment
“Composing a story based on the painting “Dog with Puppies” To develop the ability to carefully examine the characters in a picture and answer questions about its content. Encourage creativity when trying to understand the content of the picture. To develop the ability to engage in storytelling together with the teacher. Develop memory and attention. Develop the ability to listen to each other without interrupting.
Learning by heart: I. Surikov “Winter” Help you feel the beauty and lyricism of I. Surikov’s work. Learn to read a poem by heart expressively.
“Composing a narrative story “Masha’s Adventure in the Forest.” To develop the ability to compose a joint narrative story using the utterance scheme specified by the teacher. Develop the ability to adhere to the plot line when composing a story. Practice selecting signs for an animal, as well as selecting verbs that denote the characteristic actions of animals. Develop a sense of humor.
"Winter" Clarify and generalize children’s ideas about winter and the winter months. Reinforce knowledge about the signs of winter. Improve verbal communication skills
Storytelling based on the painting “Winter Fun” Learn coherent speech, use complex sentences, describe changes in nature in winter.
"New Year" Learn to describe a picture, fantasize, and make a sentence using supporting words.


“Christmas tree” by K. Chukovsky Help to comprehend and memorize a new poem; practice intonation expressiveness of speech.
"Beasts" Enrich children's knowledge about wild animals. To consolidate knowledge about the habitat of wild animals;
Fairy tale "Spikelet"
Retelling (excerpt)
Teach children to retell the text without gaps and long pauses, to convey direct speech; improve intonation expressiveness of speech; develop a sense of language.
"Pets" Practice using plural nouns, learn to compare animals, describe them; develop children's speech
Storytelling based on the painting “Cat with Kittens” To develop the ability to carefully examine the characters in a picture and answer questions about its content. Promote elements of creativity when trying to understand the content of the picture. Fix the names of animals and their young in speech. Activate in speech words denoting the actions of the animal. Foster a desire to help each other in case of difficulties; follow the rules of the game.
"Animals of hot countries" . Give an idea of ​​the animals of hot countries. Activate children's vocabulary.
Birds" Learn to describe poultry; introduce antonyms; to enhance children's knowledge about the appearance of poultry and their habits. Cultivate interest and love for birds
Making up stories based on pictures on the theme “New Girl” Exercise children in examining and describing individual pictures of the set and then composing a complete story; develop speech.


"Fish" Introduce children to fish and their habitat; learn to solve riddles;
practice using plural nouns.
"Bread products" Introduce children to products made from flour; learn to describe one product; develop speech
"Dairy products" Introduce dairy products and their benefits to the body; practice using plural nouns.
Retelling of the fairy tale "Teremok" To form an understanding of such a feature of folk tales as observation. Develop the ability to retell a familiar fairy tale using models. To develop the ability to select substitute items based on a distinctive feature (size) characteristic of the character’s appearance. Exercise your ability to guess riddles, relying on the visual image of animals, and justify your answer.
"Ground transport" Clarify children's knowledge about vehicles, expand their vocabulary with the names of cars. Introduce words with the same root.
“Writing stories about toys” (cars and trucks). To develop the ability to examine objects, highlighting their characteristics, qualities and actions. To develop the ability to write a descriptive story about toys together with the teacher.
Practice using prepositions and agreeing them with nouns. Develop memory, auditory attention. Establish rules for handling toys. Cultivate a caring attitude towards toys.
"Water transport" Introduce children to water transport and activate the corresponding words in speech. Strengthen the ability to combine objects into pairs based on material.
"Air Transport" Introduce air transport, their components, describe them; practice using plural nouns and develop speech.


"City" Introduce children to the city and city buildings; find the difference between a city and a village; learn to describe the city
“My city is Kazan” Learn to talk about your city, introduce the history of the country; practice using plural nouns.
"Traffic Laws. Traffic light" Familiarize yourself with the designation of road signs and traffic lights; develop speech; activate children's vocabulary.
"Theatre, musical instruments" Introduce theater and musical instruments. Continue teaching children to divide words into parts.
"Sport" Introduce various sports; develop children's speech; Continue to introduce words with the same root; activate children's vocabulary.
"Spring" Learn to describe spring, give knowledge about seasonal changes associated with the first months of spring; practice using plural nouns.
"Let's sit in silence"
Learning by heart
Exercise children in differentiating the sounds h-sch; learn to divide words into syllables. Sounds, improve expressive reading skills.
"Professions" Teach children to answer the teacher’s questions with complete answers; enrich and clarify children’s understanding of adult professions; learn to guess riddles about professions; cultivate respect for the work of adults; activate children's vocabulary.


Kindergarten" To form children’s understanding of kindergarten employees; labor processes performed by each of them; cultivate respect for the work of adults; practice using plural nouns, develop speech
"Migratory birds"
Making up a story based on a picture.
Learn to describe birds, compose a story based on a picture; develop speech; clarify children's understanding of seasonal changes in the life of birds.
"Forest. Trees" .Introduce the name of some trees, the components of a tree, the benefits of trees; solve riddles; activate children's vocabulary.
"Fruits, seeds" learn to describe the fruits of berries; introduce the fruits of trees and shrubs;
"Mushrooms" Learn to describe mushrooms; practice using prepositions in speech; develop attention and logic; teach to classify into edible and inedible.
Introduce the name of indoor plants and how to care for them; learn to describe indoor plants
"Description of Trees" Learn to compare trees, describing them, conveying the characteristic features of the external structure of different types of trees; activate children's vocabulary.
"Favorite fairy-tale hero" To develop attention, thinking, memory, and the ability to convey the characteristic features of a fairy-tale hero.
"Turtle" Give an idea of ​​the appearance of the turtle; learn to describe a turtle, pronounce words clearly; activate children's vocabulary.
"Victory Day. Military equipment" Give an idea of ​​the Victory Day holiday; learn to talk, answer questions; develop children's speech.
"Garden Flowers" Introduce the name of garden flowers and their structure; practice using plural nouns.
"Wildflowers" Introduce the name of wildflowers and their structure; practice using plural nouns; learn to describe flowers
"Insects" Introduce the name of insects and their characteristics; use plural nouns.
"Summer" Introduce seasonal changes in nature in summer. Learn to describe a summer day; activate children's vocabulary.
"Berries" Introduce the name of the berries; learn to compare berries by color, size; practice using plural nouns.
"Letter to Friends"
Writing stories.
Teach children to write interesting stories about their group mates (descriptions of appearance and character, some cases that are interesting and typical of the child’s behavior); cultivate interest and kind attitude towards each other.

Used Books:

  1. V.V. Gerbova“Classes on speech development in kindergarten.”
  2. T.R. Kislova“On the road to the ABC”, parts 1 and 2. Moscow “Balass”, 2007.
  3. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova“Comprehensive classes in the middle group of d/s.” “Teacher”, 2010, Volgograd.
  4. N.F.Vinogradova"Mystery stories about nature." "Ventana-Graf", 2007.
  5. N.V. Novotortseva"Teaching literacy." "Academy, k.", 1999.
  6. T.A. Torygina“What are the months of the year?”, speech development in kindergarten. Moscow, 2000.




ON AVERAGESpeech therapy group

(general speech underdevelopment, phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment)

Compiled by: teacher-speech therapist N.V. Onishchenko


Explanatory note.

At the present stage, the concept of inclusive education and upbringing is the leading direction in the development of special education in our country. Children with disabilities can realize their potential only if the process of upbringing and education is started in a timely manner and adequately organized, satisfying both those common to normally developing children and their special educational needs determined by the nature of their developmental disorder.

Children with disabilities include children with severe speech impairments; the primary defect is speech underdevelopment. Severe speech impairment is understood as a systemic underdevelopment of all components of speech (lexical, grammatical, phonetic-phonemic structure of speech), which is a general underdevelopment of speech.

In the light of the Federal State Educational Standard, the main work on correcting the speech of children with special needs development is carried out in the educational field of “Speech development”. The main goal is to ensure the timely and effective development of speech as a means of communication, cognition, self-expression of the child, the formation of various types of children's activities, based on mastering the language of their people.

Speech development tasks:

formation of structural components of the language system - phonetic, lexical, grammatical;

formation of language skills in its communicative function - development of coherent speech;

formation of the ability to elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech.

Main areas of work on speech development:

vocabulary development;

education of sound culture of speech;

formation of grammatical structure of speech;

formation of coherent speech;

development of phonemic hearing, development of fine motor skills of the hand.

This perspective-thematic plan was compiled taking into account the modern requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, based on a correctional program of speech therapy work to overcome general speech underdevelopment in children of 2 - 4 levels of development and the program of T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina “Correctional training and education of 5-year-old children with general speech underdevelopment.”

The perspective-thematic plan is divided into 3 periods, for each of them correctional tasks for speech development, the methods and techniques used are defined. In each period, lexical topics and lexical material of these topics are defined. Tasks, games and exercises are defined for the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, the development of coherent speech, the formation of phonemic perception and sound pronunciation, the development of general, fine, articulatory motor skills, graphic skills and mental processes.

IPERIOD (September, October, November)


1. Examination of the state of speech and non-speech mental functions.

2. Identification of the structure and mechanisms of speech disorders.

3. Filling out speech cards, individual correctional and speech therapy programs for each child.

1. Develop a long, smooth exhalation (exercises “Autumn Leaves”, “Steamboats”, “Cold Wind Blowing”, “Blowing Bubbles”, “Ball Burst” (duration of exhalation - count up to 4).

2. Form: a soft attack of vowels (“Rocking the doll”, “Train”, “Ladder”, singing vowels A, U).

3. Develop deep breathing (“Recognize a vegetable”, “Recognize a fruit”).

4. Develop physiological breathing (lying diaphragmatic breathing).

6. Develop rhythmic expressive speech, coordination of speech with movement, creative imagination, spatial orientation. Work on the tempo of speech (games “We are playing the harmonica”, “Early in the morning in the clearing”, “We sat on the carousel”, “Leaves”, “Rain”, “Harvest”, “Vegetables”, “Hedgehog and Drum”, “Raspberry Berry”, “Lingonberry”, “Dishes”, “Ball”).

7. Develop a reaction to intonation and facial expressions that corresponds to the intonation. Monitor compliance with the unity and adequacy of speech, facial expressions, pantomimes, gestures - expressive speech means in the game and in the role-playing behavior of children.


1. Clarify the pronunciation of vowels: A, U, O, I, Y, E (sound combinations AU, UA, IA).

2. Develop auditory attention to the material of non-speech sounds (sounding toys, claps, “rattles”, which objects rattle better in boxes made of different materials).

3. Clarify the pronunciation of the easiest consonants: M-M, P-P, B-B, T-T, D-D, N-N.

4. Practice clear pronunciation in onomatopoeia: mu-mu-mu, tu-tu-tu, boo-bu-bu, etc.

5. Prepare the articulatory apparatus for producing sounds (articulatory gymnastics).

1. Exercise children in distinguishing by ear between long and short words (poppy - rattle, cat - bicycle, house - turtle).

2. Teach children to convey the rhythmic pattern of a word.

3. Work on two-syllable and then three-syllable words made from open syllables (melon, flour, loaves, cars).

1. Exercise children in isolating the vowel sounds A, U from a number of sounds (AU, OBA, IAM).

2. Exercise children in analysis and synthesis by ear of fusions of vowel sounds: AU, UA.

3. Learn to identify the initial stressed vowels A, U in words (ANYA), to distinguish words with initial stressed vowels A, U.


Lexical topics.

1 week - “Vegetable garden” (vegetables)

Week 2 - “Garden” (fruits)

Week 3 - “Forest” (trees in the forest, mushrooms and wild berries)

week - “Autumn” (names of trees, wild animals in autumn)

Week 1 - “Me and my body”

Week 2 - “Clothes, shoes”

Week 3 - “Kitchen, dishes”

Week 4 - “Toys”

1. Expand children’s understanding of vegetables and fruits (color, size, smell, taste).

Enter nouns into the dictionary - the names of vegetables and fruits: tomato, cucumber, onion, carrot, cabbage, apple, apple, plum, lemon, orange.

2. Teach children to recognize trees by leaves, fruits, seeds, and characteristic features of the trunks.

Enter nouns into the dictionary - names of trees: poplar, acacia, birch, rowan, oak, spruce.

3. Summarize children’s primary ideas about autumn based on the essential features of the season: weather conditions and the main autumn weather phenomena.

Introduce into speech adverbs denoting weather conditions: sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy, wet, cold.

Introduce adjectives into speech: gloomy, rainy.

4. Concretize children’s ideas about wild animals in the fall, about preparing animals for winter (changing the color and nature of the fur, insulating the home).

Enter nouns into the dictionary - names of animals: bear, fox, hedgehog, hare, squirrel; cow, horse, cat, dog.

5. Expand children’s ideas about themselves (my body).

Enter nouns into the dictionary - head, ears, forehead, eyes, face, teeth, cheeks, torso, chest, belly, elbow, palm, back, legs, fingers, fist.

Introduce verbs into the dictionary that characterize the purposes of certain organs (ears to hear, eyes to see, nose to breathe).

6. Fix nouns with a general meaning in children’s speech: toys, shoes, clothes, dishes.

Enter the following nouns into the dictionary: ball, car, cubes, doll, bear; slippers, shoes, boots, sneakers, boots; dress, trousers, shirt, jacket, shorts; kettle, pan, cup, plate, spoon.

7. Expand children's understanding of dishes.

Introduce nouns into speech: names of utensils, parts of utensils (spout, handle, lid, bottom). Introduce adjectives into speech: clean, glass, small, large.

Introduce verbs into speech: set (on the table), put, put away, wipe, wash, clean.

Introduce the polysemy of words: spout, lid, handle.

8. Replenish children’s active vocabulary with adjectives denoting the qualities and properties inherent in objects and materials - a variety of colors and shades, smells, tastes; soft - hard, transparent - opaque, smooth - rough, light - heavy, sweet, bitter, sour, etc. Color: white, black, green, red, yellow, blue; tint: pink, blue; shapes of objects: round, triangular, square; size: large, small; thick, thin.

Bring children to understand that color can convey the mood of a bright, elegant color - a joyful color (light) or a sad color (dark).

9. Enter into the dictionary nouns denoting materials (paper, cardboard, glass, metal, rubber, leather, fabric, plastic, wood, etc.)

10. Introduce verbs into the dictionary that denote the distinctive features of materials (soaks, tears, breaks, burns, etc.).

11. Enter adverbs into the dictionary: far, close, right, left, above, below.

12. Create situations to enrich the vocabulary in various types of activities, relying on visual analysis (the “image-word” connection).

1. Exercise children in the formation of nouns (nominative case) in singular and plural forms - names of vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, berries, toys, clothes, shoes, dishes (cup-cups, tree-trees, ball-balls, mushroom- mushrooms, boot-boots).

2. Exercise children in the formation of relative adjectives

(glass cup - glass, leather shoe - leather, rubber ball - rubber, plastic crib - plastic).

3. Learn the possessive pronouns MY, MY in combination with masculine and feminine nouns (my scarf, my fur coat).

4. Exercise children in the use of nouns in the accusative, dative, instrumental, prepositional cases in the singular and plural:

I don't have a typewriter

Vegetables are cut with a knife.

The cup is on the table.

Lena gives the doll to Katya.

5. Exercise children in using the plural form of nouns in the genitive case (many apples, cups, dresses, balls).

6. Practice agreeing words in a sentence in gender, number, pas dege.

7. Convert verbs of the imperative mood of the 2nd person singular into verbs of the indicative mood of the 3rd person singular of the present tense (drink - drinks, eat - eats, my - washes).

8. Fix simple prepositions in speech: ON - WITH, IN - IZ (An apple on a branch. An apple fell from a branch. Mushrooms in a basket. Mushrooms poured out of a basket).

9. Introduce sentences with homogeneous members into children’s active speech (Vegetables grow in the garden: tomatoes, cucumbers, onions. The doll has clothes: ...; The store sells toys: ...; There are dishes on the table: ...).


1. Develop the ability to listen to spoken speech.

2. Develop dialogical speech (rhymes: “Where are you from, rolls?” “Legs, legs, where have you been?” “Was there a shoemaker?” Stimulate speech reactions. Develop the ability to answer questions in sentences of 2-3 words: Who this? - This is a girl. - What do you see? - I see a tree. - Where is the cup? - The cup is on the table,

3. Make simple sentences of 2 - 3 words (based on a demonstration of an action and a picture) based on the questions: Who? What? What is he doing? This is a boy. The boy eats a pear.

4. Repeat stories after adults - descriptions of 2 - 3 sentences

about vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, wild animals, toys, items of clothing, shoes, furniture.

5. Memorize poems and nursery rhymes with children.


1. Develop children’s gaming skills (with building materials): use the simplest buildings in a game plot, develop the plot with the help of construction.

2. Develop in children the ability to distinguish and name building parts (cube, plate, block), teach them to use them taking into account their structural properties.

3. Develop children’s constructive praxis in working with children:

a) with cut pictures (3 - 4 parts with horizontal and vertical cuts).

b) with chopsticks:

fungus, herringbone, stool, table

4. Use various educational toys (matryoshka dolls, towers, pyramids, large dolls with clothes); board games (mosaics, large puzzles, large and small beads, lacing, fasteners with buttons and Velcro) for the development of motor skills and constructive praxis of children.

5. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers in special exercises and games for compression and stretching, rotation of the hand; interlace your fingers; alternately bend and straighten your fingers; finger games without speech accompaniment: “House”, “Rake”, “Castle”, “Christmas Tree”, “Basket”, “Sun Rays”, “Tree”.

Finger gymnastics (with speech accompaniment): “They are friends in our group”, “Autumn Leaves”, “Lariska has two radishes”, “Compote”, “For the berries”, “Fingers in the forest”, “Little people”, “Toys” , “Alenka”, “Dwarf washerwomen”, “Let’s count for the first time..”, “Helpers”.

IIPERIOD (December, January, February)


1. Continue working on developing a long exhalation (exercises “Blow out a stubborn candle”, “Snowflakes are flying”, “Let’s warm our hands”, etc.). The duration of exhalation is on a count of 4.

2. Overcome the hard vowel attack. Sing vowels with raising and lowering the tone (exercise “Ladder”), pronouncing sentences (Asya is washing her face. Igor played.).

3. Practice the unity of 3-4 vowels (exercise “Let’s pull the rubber bands”: a-o-u, a-o-u-i).

4. Work on the strength of exhalation (exercises: “Mill” (blow on a pinwheel), “Kick the ball into the goal”, exercise with a simulator (rolling a ball along a groove),

6. Continue working on the tempo and rhythm of speech. Reciting poetry accompanied by a metallophone (“Seller”), with a bibabo doll (“Postman”).

7. Improve intonation expressiveness of speech, work on clarity of diction. Say nursery rhymes (G. Lagzdynya “Pet-shock”, “Like our cat”, “Sunny”, “Know by intonation”).

8. Develop physiological breathing (diaphragmatic breathing while lying down, sitting, game “Recognize the Flower”).

10.Develop rhythmic expressive speech, coordination of speech with movement, creative imagination, spatial orientation. Work on the tempo of speech (games and exercises “Snow Woman”, “Bullfinches”, “Sparrow”, “Housewife”, “Calf”, “Egorka the Hare”, “Poultry”, “My House”, “On the Window in Pots” , “The Train is Rushing,” “Airplane,” “The Driver,” “Aquarium,” “I am a Brave Captain.”


1. Clarify the pronunciation of consonant sounds: K-Кь, Г-Гь, Х-Хь, Ф-Фъ, В-Вь, И.

2. Develop auditory attention on the material of non-speech sounds “3-sounding bottles” (what sound a hammer makes when hitting bottles filled with water, sand, or empty ones), “what rustles, what rattles” (find out with your eyes closed various sounds: tearing or crumpling paper, vibrating foil, pouring sand, pouring water, etc.).

3. Develop auditory attention in speech games (“In the department store”, “Give me a word”).

4. Continue preparing the articulatory apparatus for the formation of correct articulation of sounds of all groups in the process of performing general articulatory gymnastics and articulatory massage.

5. Place and initially consolidate the sounds missing in pronunciation (individually).


1. Exercise children in conveying the rhythmic pattern of a word.

2. Work on monosyllable words from a closed syllable.


1. Strengthen the ability to distinguish by ear words with initial stressed sounds A, U.

2. Teach children to identify the vowels O, I from a number of sounds.

3. Exercise children in the analysis and synthesis by ear of fusions of vowel sounds: OI, IO, AO, OA, UO, OU, IU, UI.

4. Teach children to identify the initial stressed sounds U, O in words and to distinguish words with the initial stressed sounds A, U, I, O.


Lexical topics

Week 1 - “Winter. Wintering birds"

Week 2 - “Domestic animals and their young”

Week 3 - “Wild animals and their young”

Week 4 - “Poultry”

Week 5 - “New Year’s holiday”

1-2 weeks - vacation

Week 3 - “Apartment, furniture”

Week 4 - “Indoor plants”

1 week - “Professions” (salesman, postman)

Week 2 - “Transport” (professions in transport, traffic rules)

Week 3 - “Aquarium fish”

Week 4 - “Our Army”

1. To generalize and expand children’s ideas about the phenomena of inanimate nature in winter.

Introduce nouns into speech: frost, blizzard, snowfall, snowdrift. Introduce adjectives into speech: white, snowy, fluffy. Reinforce your knowledge of the color white.

2. Clarify ideas about the lifestyle of wild and domestic animals in winter. Learn to establish simple connections between winter conditions and the behavioral characteristics of animals.

Introduce verbs into children's speech; denoting methods of movement of animals: walking, running, jumping, galloping.

Exercise children in the use of nouns with suffixes: -onok, -enok, -at, -yat (on the topics “Wild, domestic animals and their young”, “Domestic birds”).

3. Expand your understanding of the diversity of birds and their common characteristics.

Introduce nouns into speech - the names of wintering birds: magpie, crow, sparrow, bullfinch, tit.

Enter nouns into the dictionary - the names of poultry: rooster, hen, chickens, goose, goose, goslings, duck, ducklings.

4. Expand children’s ideas about the New Year holiday, consolidate nouns in speech: carnival, round dance, garland, decorations, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus.

5. Reinforce nouns with a general meaning in children’s speech: furniture.

Enter the following nouns into the dictionary: table, chair, wardrobe, sofa, bed.

Introduce into the dictionary nouns denoting the materials from which furniture is made (wood, leather, glass, plastic, metal).

Enter adverbs into the dictionary: far, close, right, left, above, below.

6. Learn to distinguish and name indoor plants based on their appearance (leaves, pattern of stems, size). Using their example, clarify ideas about biological processes in nature.

Enter nouns into the dictionary - the names of indoor plants: crassula, rosean, geranium, cactus, violet.

Learn the most accessible antonymic relationships between words (tall-short, long-short, thick-thin).

7. Draw children’s attention to the work of adults and its social significance. Give children an idea of ​​the professions of seller, postman, driver, driver, pilot, machinist. Introduce verbs into the dictionary that denote labor actions: sells, delivers, drives, manages.

8. Expand children’s understanding of aquarium fish, teach them to recognize fish by their characteristic features.

Enter the names of fish in the dictionary: goldfish, guppy, swordtail.

9. Expand children’s understanding of the Russian army. Enter nouns into the dictionary: tanker, soldier, sailor, pilot, border guard, paratrooper, defender.

Enter the verb into the dictionary: protect, guard, swim, fly, jump

Introduce adjectives into the dictionary: military, air, landing, tank, sea, brave, courageous (warrior).


1. Strengthen the ability to coordinate words in a sentence in gender, number, case.

2. Practically use simple prepositions in speech: ON-S, IN-FROM, ON, U, K, OVER-UNDER.

3. Agree nouns with singular and plural verbs of the present tense (Sasha sculpts. Children sculpt. Games: “Who screams how?”, “Who moves how?”).

4. Form and use in speech nouns with diminutive affectionate suffixes: -ik, -chik, -echk, -ochk, -enk, -onk, -onok, -enok, -ist, -chik (on the themes of the period: “Wild, domestic animals and their young”, “Poultry”, “Our Army”, etc.).

5. Form and use nouns in singular and plural forms in speech on topics of the period.

6. Exercise children in using the plural form of nouns in the genitive case on topics of the period.

7. Use in speech verbs with prefixes according to the action being demonstrated (topic: “Transport” - the car arrived, drove up, drove in, went around; the plane took off, flew away, flew around, arrived; topic: “Winter. Winter birds” - the bird flew in, flew around, flew away).

8. Introduce sentences with homogeneous members into children’s active speech (Wild animals live in the forest: wolves, bears, hares. In the group (room) there is furniture: ...; The store sells furniture: ...; There are indoor flowers on the windowsill: geranium , begonia, violet.).


1. Improve dialogic speech (rhymes: “Snow fell early on”, “Snowball”, “Where do you live, little squirrel?”, “Where did the white hare run”, “Rabushka hen”, “You are geese, geese”, “ The goose speaks to Kolya", "Christmas tree", "Bear", "Funny Store", "Steam Locomotive"). Strengthen the ability to answer questions in sentences of 2-3 words, support and develop the child’s active position in dialogue.

2. Strengthen the ability to construct sentences of 3-4 words based on a demonstration of actions and a picture.

3. Strengthen the ability to repeat a story of 2-3 sentences. Exercise children in composing descriptive stories (according to a diagram, according to a plan) and riddles-descriptions about wintering and domestic birds, wild and domestic animals.

4. Literally retell short stories and fairy tales (with the help of a speech therapist) from 2-3 simple sentences (using a mnemonic table).

5. Memorize poems by topic (“Fedyusha” by A. Sashin according to the mnemonic table), nursery rhymes.


1. Construct simple buildings according to the model and presentation (3-4 options of each type).

2. Recreate familiar objects in the horizontal plane, then in the vertical.

3. Develop constructive praxis and fine motor skills when working with various educational toys and board games;

a) make patterns and paths from large and small mosaics;

b) collect puzzles;

c) work with cut pictures (3-4 parts with horizontal, vertical, diagonal, figured cuts);

d) make images of objects from geometric shapes and sticks (based on a model, from memory:

Chair, crib, house, TV, stool, table;

sled steamer boat, car, flag, tank, bridge, flower, rocket, pistol;

e) work with cubes (4 parts), Nikitin’s “Fold the Pattern” cubes;

f) develop thinking, attention, memory, imagination;

e) games with various educational toys: pyramids, nesting dolls, cup inserts, etc.

4. Continue working with the floor and tabletop constructor.

5. Continue to develop fine motor skills of the fingers in special exercises and games:

a) “fastener games” on lexical topics (on buttons, zippers);

b) “lacing” - pulling the cord, passing one hole, two holes; tying knots from two ropes on a ribbon;

c) work with cut pictures (3 - 4 parts with horizontal and vertical, diagonal, figured cuts);

d) “beads” - large, small, medium, red, blue, green, yellow, of different shapes;

e) “clothespins in a basket”, “tops”, “connectors”

f) finger games without speech accompaniment: “Goat”, “Bunny”, “Horse”, “Goose”, “Cockerel”, “Hen”, “Doggie”, “Cat”, “Mouse”, “Chair”;

finger gymnastics (with speech accompaniment): “Snowball”, “We went for a walk in the yard”, “Feeding trough”, “Squirrel”, “Duck”, “The squirrel is sitting on a cart”, “Christmas tree”, “Castle”, “What did he bring?” do we need a postman?”, “There is a lot of furniture in the apartment”, “Flower”, “I have toys”, “Transition”, “Once upon a time there was a burbot”.

Continue to develop coordination of movements in small muscle groups of the fingers and hands; increase the range of motion in these joints; improve coordination of movements of both hands; develop speed and accuracy of reaction.

IIIPERIOD (March, April, May)


1. Continue working on a strong and long exhalation (count 4-5) exercise “Colorful boats”,

2. Overcome the hard vowel attack. Pronouncing sentences (Ira put away the toys. Mara and Inna have toys).

4. Continue working on developing proper physiological breathing

5. Continue working on the formation of speech breathing. While exhaling, pronounce sayings, couplets, riddles / about the house, the road, about summer.

6. Development of speech hearing (Game “Give me a word”).

7. Development of auditory attention (games “When it Happens”, “Sun or Rain”).

8. Continue working on the tempo and rhythm of speech. Reading, accompanied by a metallophone, of the poem “March”; reciting the riddle about a goldfish while clapping, reading the poem “Landing Ground” while tapping, reading the poem “On the Lawn” with a bibabo doll.

9. Improve intonation expressiveness of speech/use nursery rhymes, poems, dramatization games. Game "Forest Trouble"; saying a riddle about a bee; reading the poem by S. Marshak “Rainbow” with a given intonation.

10. Work on clarity of diction. Cultivate whispered speech. .Recite practiced nursery rhymes “The bees are buzzing”, reading S. Marshak’s poem “June”.

11. Work on the fluency and melodiousness of speech. Pronunciation

poems "Swallow" on a soft attack with chanting vowels.

N. Polyakova, “My Mother” by V. Russu, “Mother’s Day” by G. Vieru,);

13. Develop rhythmic expressive speech, coordination of speech with movement, creative imagination, spatial orientation. Work on your speech rate (games and exercises

“Vesnyanka”2, “On the lawn in the morning,” “Winter has passed,” “Drip, drip, drip.”

14. Development of speech hearing (games “Give me a word”, “When does this happen?”).


1. Consolidate the pronunciation of sounds corrected in the second period of work.

2. To consolidate in speech the pure pronunciation of vowels and the lightest consonant sounds: B, P, M, N, D, T, G, K, X, V, F and their soft variants.


1. Strengthen the ability to convey the rhythmic pattern of a word.

2. Work on two-syllable words (can, carriage) and two-syllable words at the beginning, middle, end (wall, pasta, stork).



Lexical topics

Week 1 - “Mom’s Holiday” (professions of our mothers)

Week 2 - “Family”

Week 3 - “Spring. First spring flowers"

Week 4 - “Our City”

Week 1 - “My Street” (traffic rules)

Week 2 - “The birds have arrived”

Week 3 - “Wild and domestic animals in spring”

Week 4 - “Insects”

1-2 weeks - repetition of what has been covered

3-4 weeks - examination of children.

1. Tell the children about the holiday of March 8th - who is congratulated on this day, why it is called “Mother’s holiday”.

Teach children words of congratulations and the ability to prepare a gift for their mother, grandmother, sister.

2. Clarify children’s ideas about family members and immediate relatives, understand that everyone in the family takes care of each other: they help, give gifts, keep the house clean. Introduce into speech the words and expressions necessary to establish good relationships with others, denoting the social and moral ideas of children: words of greeting, gratitude, apology, participation, emotional sympathy and others.

Invite the children to name each family member, who they work and where they work.

Learn the most accessible antonymic relationships between words (tall-short, good-evil, fat-thin, old-young).

3. Clarify ideas about the signs of spring (changing the color of the sky, melting snow, thaw, sun rays, thawed patches, icicles, the appearance of grass). Introduce nouns into speech: thaw, thawed patch, icicle. Introduce adjectives into speech: blue, blue, transparent.

To consolidate knowledge of blue and cyan colors, the ability to distinguish between them.

Learn the most accessible antonymic relationships between words (warm-cold; freeze-thaw, fly-fly).

Introduce adverbs into the dictionary: warm, bright, ringing.

Introduce the first spring flowers: mimosa, snowdrops, coltsfoot. Enter the names of these colors in the dictionary.

4.Expand your understanding of the life of wild animals in the spring (coming out of holes, the appearance of cubs, caring for them, raising them). Fix the names of animals and their young in speech.

5.Expand your understanding of the life of pets in the spring and the work people do to care for pets. Fix in speech the names of domestic animals and their cubs; verbs denoting labor actions: feed, water, clean, care.

6. Expand your understanding of birds and their way of life; establish a connection between changes in natural conditions and the arrival of birds. Introduce nouns into speech: flock, nest, starling, rook, swallow.

7.Give an idea of ​​the life of insects. Learn to distinguish them. Introduce nouns into speech: beetle, butterfly, bee, bumblebee, ant, wasp, ladybug.

8. Expand children’s understanding of aquarium fish, teach them to recognize fish by their characteristic features. Enter the names of fish in the dictionary: goldfish, guppy, swordtail.

9. Strengthen children's knowledge of traffic rules. Enter nouns into the dictionary: transition, traffic light.

10.Expand children’s ideas about their hometown. Introduce into speech the names of your hometown and the street where the child lives.

11. Summarize children’s ideas about summer and summer phenomena in nature. Enter the nouns, thunderstorm, rainbow, lightning, sunshine into the dictionary.

12. Expand children’s understanding of wild flowering plants.

Introduce nouns into speech; bell, chamomile, poppy, cornflower, buttercup.

Fix in speech adjectives denoting colors: whiter, red, yellow, green, blue, blue.


1. Expand knowledge of the meanings of the prepositions IN-FROM, ABOVE-UNDER, BEHIND, BY.

2. Learn the agreement of adjectives with nouns in gender and number (What kind of sky?

Blue, clean. What's spring like? - Warm, cold. What kind of air? - Clean, fresh).

3. Practically use prefixed verbs of motion (the bird flew in, flew in, flew out, flew away).

4. Reinforce the use of nouns in the dative case in speech on the topic “Professions of our mothers” (game “Who needs what for work?”).

5. Learn the most accessible antonymic relationships between words (tall-short, fat-thin, good-evil, old-young;).

6. Continue working on the ability to coordinate words in a sentence in gender, number, and case.

7. Use imperative forms of verbs in speech: go, lie, run.

8. Use in speech nouns with the suffixes -onok, -enok in the genitive plural form: foxes, wolf cubs, etc.

9. Continue the exercise in the formation of nouns in singular and plural forms in the nominative and genitive cases on the topics of the period.

10. Form and use in speech nouns with diminutive suffixes on the topics of the period.


1. Work on dialogical speech (dialogue with peers).

Improve dialogical speech (“Dialogue of Winter and Spring”). Strengthen the ability to answer questions in sentences of 2-3 words.

2. Maintain a conversation: ask questions and answer them correctly.

3. Maintain communication between children, teach children to listen to each other to the end.

4. Strengthen the ability to construct sentences of 3-4 words based on a demonstration of actions and a picture.

5. Introduce sentences with homogeneous members into children’s active speech (Snow falls, glitters, melts. A stream flows, gurgles, glistens. The sun shines, warms, glistens. Snowdrop

grows, blooms, smells.)

6. Compose short stories of 3-4 sentences based on samples, on questions (about an object, a picture - first the subject, then the plot). Compose descriptive stories (according to a diagram, according to a plan) and riddles-descriptions about birds, the first spring flowers, insects (based on the themes of the period).

7. Continue to practice children in retelling texts of 2-3 sentences.

8. Memorize poems (“My mother” by V. Russu, “Mother’s Day” by G. Vieru, (“The icicle gurgled in drops, cried” by N. Polyakov according to the mnemonic table), nursery rhymes.


1. Develop the ability to construct simple buildings according to a model and representation and recreate familiar objects in the horizontal and vertical planes.

2. Make patterns and shapes from sticks, geometric shapes, mosaics (based on a model)

square, triangle, trapezoid, butterfly, fish, beetle, window

3. Strengthen skills in working with cut pictures (3-4 parts): all types of cuts - straight, diagonal, figured.

Speechless finger games: “Tree”, “Sun Rays”, “Birds”, “Nest”

Finger gymnastics “What a big family we have”, “Scarlet Flowers”.

Long-term plan for speech development in the middle group.

I period


Bye, summer



My family

Teach: children to answer the teacher’s questions. Lead children to compose a short coherent story from personal experience, teach children to coordinate adjectives and nouns, and activate verbs in speech.

Strengthen the pronunciation of the sound “F”, learn to pronounce it while exhaling

D/i "Who can name more"

Game "A Summer Breeze is Blowing"

D/i "What is there a lot of in the group?"

Purpose: to teach how to form nouns. R.p. plural

D/i "Call me affectionately"

Goal: to teach how to form diminutive forms of nouns.

D/i "One - many"

Purpose: to teach how to form nouns. plural from the only one

D/i "Why are toys needed?"

Goal: to teach how to coordinate verbs with nouns in speech.

D/i "Toys have arrived"

Goal: development of passive and active vocabulary on the topic, formation of a simple sentence

D/i "Guess by the description"

Goal: to develop understanding of speech, to train children in choosing the right subject by eliminating the mentioned signs

D/i “Who left?”

Goal: to activate vocabulary on the topic of development of visual memory and attention

D/i “Show the picture”

Goal: to learn to distinguish the names of actions that indicate similar situations.

D/i “Who is who?”

Goal: to activate the subject vocabulary denoting family relationships, to develop thinking

D/i “Name the action”

Purpose: to activate the verb. dictionary on the question: “what does it do?”


Man, his body parts




D/i “Name whose?”

Goal: to learn to coordinate the names of body parts with pronouns and possessive adjectives.

D/i "Big - small"

Goal: continue to teach how to form an affectionate mind. noun form units

D/i “Help Dunno”

Goal: practical mastery of a simple sentence, spread by homogeneous predicates

D/i “Fix the doll”

The goal is to activate the vocabulary of nouns. on the topic, teach how to use nouns correctly. in V.p. units, develop attention, visual memory

D/i “What’s missing?”

Goal: to activate the vocabulary of nouns. on the topic, develop visual memory and attention

D/i “Help me fix my shoes”

Goal: to activate the vocabulary of nouns, develop visual perception, attention

D/i “Let’s find the right item”

Goal: to learn to distinguish between nouns that are the same in sound but different in meaning, to develop linguistic conjecture

D/i “Show the correct picture”

Goal: to teach children to determine by the grammatical form of the verb whether the action being performed belongs to one or many

D/i “What did the artist forget to draw?”

Goal: to activate the vocabulary of nouns denoting a part of the whole, the development of visual perception and attention

D/i “Find by description”

Goal: to develop understanding of speech, expand the vocabulary of nouns, adj., denoting color. Develop auditory perception and attention, learn to distribute attention

D/i “Show and name the picture correctly”

Purpose: to teach how to form nouns. plural from units noun

D/i “Name whose, whose, whose, whose?”

Goal: to teach to coordinate nouns. with pronouns in gender and number

D/i "Big - small"

D/i “Show the correct picture”

Purpose: to teach children to use the past tense verb to determine the person who owns the action being performed

D/i “From what tree, what leaf?”

D/i Story “Autumn”

Goal: To consolidate the skill of composing a story based on a plot picture based on subject pictures





Migratory birds

D/i “Find out by description”

Goal: to teach how to write a simple descriptive story using a simple common sentence

D/i “Vegetable salad”

Goal: to teach how to coordinate nouns in speech. with adj.

D/i “Count the vegetables in the basket”

D/i “Help the children”

Goal: learn to coordinate places. masculine and feminine with noun.

D/i "The Fourth Wheel"

Goal: to activate subject vocabulary, teach children to identify their essential features in objects and make the necessary generalizations on this basis

D/i “Name what juice?”

Goal: to teach to coordinate nouns. with adj.

D/i “One – many”

Guessing riddles based on object pictures

Goal: to clarify the qualitative characteristics of fruits when solving riddles

D/i “What happened?”

Goal: to activate subject vocabulary on the topic, develop visual memory and attention

D/i “Correct mistakes”

Goal: to teach children to use nouns correctly. in Dt.p. singular, teach to hear grammatical errors in the speech of others

D/i “Who helps whom cross the river?”

Goal: to learn to compose a three-word sentence on a question based on a picture, to use nouns correctly. in Dt.p. units

D/i Story “Chicken Ryaba”

Goal: to learn to compose a story based on a plot picture based on subject pictures

D/i “Fly away - don’t fly away”

Goal: to activate subject vocabulary, develop visual memory and attention

D/i “Who lives where?”

Goal: to activate the vocabulary of nouns.

D/i “Make a proposal”

Goal: to teach children to make sentences based on reference pictures from four words

II period


Visiting Moidodyr


Wild animals

Winter, Christmas

D/i “Wonderful bag”

Goal: activation and enrichment of vocabulary, development of tactile sensations, learning to answer questions

Game “We won’t say what we saw, but we’ll show you what we did”

Goal: learn to compose a simple sentence

D/i “What’s missing?”

Goal: activation of the vocabulary of nouns. development of visual attention and memory

Making riddles

Goal: learn to form verbs from nouns.

D/i “The children are lost!”

Goal: to teach children to use noun. in R.p. units

D/i “Guess the riddle”

Goal: to teach how to use nouns in speech. R.p. units

D/i “Who has what?”

D/i “Who lives in the forest?”

Goal: to activate the vocabulary of nouns, teach to generalize objects

D/i “Find your house”

Purpose: to clarify the name of animal dwellings"

D/i “Whose tail?”

Goal: to clarify the signs of the appearance of wild animals, to teach how to use nouns in speech. R.p. units

D/i “Make a proposal”

Goal: to teach children to make sentences based on object pictures and to correctly use the preposition “U” in speech

D/i “Where is the snow?”

Goal: to teach to use the preposition “On” as part of a simple sentence

D/i “Name it in order”

Goal: to activate subject vocabulary, develop visual memory, auditory memory and attention

D/i “What did the artist mess up?”

Purpose: to teach how to use noun. in units V.p. and Im.p. plural, activate the subject dictionary

D/i “Guess the riddle”

Goal: to activate the vocabulary of nouns, to teach how to solve a riddle


New Year


Furniture and its parts


D/i “What toy?”

Goal: to teach to coordinate nouns. with adj. in units

D/i “One – many”

Purpose: to teach how to form nouns. plural from units

D/i "Masks"

Goal: to learn to coordinate a verb in the future tense with a noun. units Tv.p. as part of a simple sentence

D/i “What did Santa Claus give?”

Purpose: agreement of nouns. in case as part of a sentence

D/i “Show it right”

Goal: to learn to distinguish words that sound the same but have different meanings, to develop linguistic conjecture

D/i "On the contrary"

Goal: activate the dictionary of signs, learn to select words with opposite meanings

D/i “Name which house?”

Purpose: to teach children to form relative adj. from nouns denoting material

D/i "House of Naf-Naf"

Goal: to teach children to speak coherently following a conversation based on a story picture

D/i "Big - small"

Goal: to teach the formation of affectionate minds. noun form

D/i “What did the artist mess up?”

Purpose: to teach how to use noun. in R.p. with the preposition "Without"

D/i "Let's count"

Goal: to teach to coordinate nouns. from number

D/i “What’s missing?”

Purpose: to teach how to use noun. in R.p. units noun

D/i “Remember - repeat”

Goal: to activate subject vocabulary on the topic, develop auditory memory and attention

D/i “Fix the dishes”

Goal: activation of noun words, denoting a part of the whole, and a passive vocabulary of verbs, to develop visual perception, attention

D/i “Correct the mistake”

Purpose: to teach to coordinate adj. with noun in m., w., wed. sort of units Name and V.p.

D/i “Name what kind of dishes”

Goal: to teach to coordinate nouns. with adj. in speech



Wintering birds

Defender of the Fatherland Day


D/i “Remember - repeat”

Goal: to activate the vocabulary of nouns, develop auditory memory and attention

D/i “What dish is this?”

Goal: learn to form relative adjectives

D/i “What did Vanya have for lunch?”

Goal: learn to compose a simple sentence, extended by additions

D/i "Treat"

Goal: to teach how to correctly use nouns in speech. in TV.p. as part of a proposal

D/i “Call me affectionately”

Goal: to teach the formation of affectionate minds. noun form

Purpose: to teach how to form numbers. with noun

D/i “Where is the bird sitting?”

Goal: learn to compose a simple sentence with the preposition “On”

D/i “Who will you be?”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to use nouns. in Pr.p. as part of a simple sentence

D/i “Who has what?”

D/i “Finish the word”

Goal: develop verb vocabulary

D/i “One – many”

Purpose: to teach how to form nouns. plural

D/i "Our Educators"

Goal: to teach how to use nouns in speech. plural

D/i “It’s possible - it’s not possible”

Goal: develop dialogic speech

D/i “What does anyone need?”

Goal: continue to teach how to use noun. in D.p. units

D/i “Who is doing what?”

Goal: to activate words - actions, to teach understanding of the meanings of words, based on the subject speech context

III period


Women's Day



Indoor flowers

D/i “Call me affectionately”

Goal: continue to teach how to form an affectionate mind. noun form

D/i “Correct the mistake”

Goal: to learn to distinguish by ear the forms of the same verbs in speech

Goal: to teach children how to tell stories based on a story based on a picture

D/i “Finish with one word”

Goal: activate subject vocabulary, develop linguistic guesswork

D/i “Choose a word - action”

Purpose: to activate the verb. dictionary

D/i "On the contrary"

Goal: to activate the dictionary of adverbs, learn to select words with opposite meanings

D/i “Which one, which one, which one?”

Purpose: to teach to coordinate adj. with noun in gender and number

D/i “What rides, flies, swims?”

Purpose: to learn to compose a simple sentence and its extension by adverbial place with a preposition

D/i “Find the mistake”

Goal: learn to compose a simple common sentence

D/i “Why is it called that?”

Goal: learn to form complex words

D/i “Who works on which machine?”

Goal: to activate subject vocabulary on the topic

D/i “Find out by description”

Goal: activate subject vocabulary

D/i “Who is doing what?”

Goal: activate the verb dictionary

D/i “Make a proposal”

Goal: learn to make a simple sentence based on a picture

D/i “Where is the flower?”

Goal: to teach to use the preposition “On” in speech


Journey to the land of colored pencils

These are not toys, they are dangerous

Kind and polite words

Forest. Trees

Goals: to develop dialogue and monologue. lead children’s speech to an independent continuation of the fairy tale started by the teacher. Learn to use adjectives correctly in speech, form words using suffixes, continue to work on clear pronunciation of words and phrases

Goals: to teach children to listen carefully and retell the text of the poem expressively. Build coherent speech skills

Goals: continue to develop dialogic speech, teach children to come up with simple phrases and use polite words. Learn to retell the text of poems without the help of a teacher. To develop the ability to understand the shades of meaning of words

D/i “Show it right”

Goal: to teach to distinguish objects that are the same in sound, but different in meaning, the development of linguistic guesswork

D/i “Change the word”

Purpose: to teach how to form relative adj. from n. denoting trees

D/i “Make a proposal”

Goal: learn to construct sentences of 4-5 words, based on plot pictures and the use of relative adj.





Summer is coming

D/i “Remember and repeat”

Goal: to activate subject vocabulary, develop auditory memory and attention

D/i “Find the right item”

Goal: develop an understanding of the figurative meaning of words, develop linguistic guesswork, activate the dictionary

D/i "Confusion"

Goal: to learn to notice illogical situations, explain them correctly, constructing a common sentence

D/i “Who with what?”

Goal: to learn to use the preposition “C” with a noun in speech. Tv.p. units m.r.

D/i "Confusion"

Goal: to consolidate the ability to independently use simple sentences of 4–5 words with the necessary prepositions in speech

D/i “The cat is a mischief maker”

Goal: to activate the vocabulary of nouns, to consolidate the use of possessive adjectives.

D/i “Make a riddle”

Goal: to activate the vocabulary of adj.

D/i "Count the fish"

Goal 6: learn to coordinate numbers. with noun

D/i “Remember - repeat”

Goal: to activate subject vocabulary, develop auditory memory, attention

D/i “Choose a word - a sign”

Goal: to activate the vocabulary of adj., consolidate acc. adj. with noun in Im.p. m., w., wed. kind, teach how to form a complex sentence with the conjunctions “I”, “A”

D/i “Choose the right word”

D/i “Guess”

Goal: to activate passive vocabulary on the topic, teach to understand the figurative meaning of words, develop logical thinking and memory

D/i "The Fourth Wheel"

Goal: to teach children to identify their essential features in objects and make the necessary generalizations on this basis, to activate subject vocabulary

D/i “Call it coca, which one, which one?”

Goal: to activate the vocabulary of signs, to consolidate the skill of coordinating adj. with noun sort of


Petrova T.I., Petrova E.S. Games and activities for the development of speech in preschoolers. (Program “I am a man”). Book 1. Junior and middle groups. – 2nd ed. Erase. – M.: School Press, 2009. – 128 p.

Kurdvanovskaya N.V. Planning the work of a speech therapist with children 5–7 years old. – M.: TC Sfera, 2006. – 128 p. (Speech therapist at preschool educational institution).

Gromova O.E., Solomatina G.N. Lexical topics on the development of speech of children 3 – 4 years old: Methodological manual. – M.: TC Sfera, 2008. – 128 p. (Speech therapist at preschool educational institution).

Gromova O.E., Solomatina G.N., Kabushko A.Yu. Lesson notes on speech development for children 4–5 years old. Methodological manual. – M.: TC Sfera, 2008. – 192 p. – (Speech therapist at preschool educational institution).

Agranovich Z.E. A collection of homework assignments to help speech therapists and parents overcome lexical and grammatical speech underdevelopment in preschoolers with OSD. – SPb.: DETSVO-PRESS,” 2001. – 128 p.

Bochkareva O.I. Game activities in speech development classes. Middle group. – Volgograd: ITD “Corypheus”. – 96 s.

Zhukova R.A. Speech development. Middle group. Lesson developments. Part II. Ed. 2nd, revised. – Volgograd: ITD “Corypheus”. – 96 s.

Berlibo E.P., Petrenko V.Kh. Didactic material on the formation of lexical and grammatical categories of language and coherent speech for children with special needs development – ​​level III. I year of study. I period. – Volgograd: ITD “Corypheus”. – 96 s.

Berlibo E.P., Petrenko V.Kh. Didactic material on the formation of lexical and grammatical categories of language and coherent speech for children with special needs development – ​​level III. I year of study. II period. – Volgograd: ITD “Corypheus”. – 96 s.

Berlibo E.P., Petrenko V.Kh. Didactic material on the formation of lexical and grammatical categories of language and coherent speech for children with special needs development – ​​level III. I year of study. III period. – Volgograd: ITD “Corypheus”. – 96 s.