Physics belongs to which cycle subjects? Methodology for implementing intersubject and intrasubject connections in teaching mathematics

Subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle give students knowledge about living and inanimate nature, the material unity of the world, natural resources and their use in human economic activity. The general educational objectives of these subjects are aimed at the comprehensive harmonious development of the individual. The most important condition for solving these common problems is the implementation and development of interdisciplinary connections between subjects and the coordinated work of subject teachers.

The study of all natural science subjects is closely related to mathematics. It provides students with a system of knowledge and skills necessary in everyday life and work activities, as well as important for the study of related subjects.

Basic relationships between science and mathematics subjects

On the basis of knowledge in mathematics, general subject calculation and measurement skills are first formed. Continuous connections with natural science courses reveal the practical application of mathematical skills. This contributes to the formation of a holistic, scientific worldview in students.

Class Item Educational topic Mathematical content
9,10 Physics Uniformly accelerated motion Linear function, derivative of function
7, 8,10 Movement, interaction of bodies. Electricity Direct and inverse proportional dependence
9,10 Mechanics Vectors, coordinate method, derivative, function. Graph of a function
11 Optics Symmetry
9,10 Kinematics Vectors, actions on vectors
10,11 Computer science Algorithm, program Equations, inequalities
6 Geography Image of the earth's surface Scale, coordinates on the plane
8,9 Chemistry
  • Mass, volume and amount of substance,
  • Problems with mass fraction of reaction product yield
  • Calculation of the mass fraction of impurities for a given mass of the mixture
  • Solutions
  • Determining the formula of a substance by mass fractions of elements
Equations, percentages
8 Drawing
  • Techniques for making drawings and rules for their design.
  • Axonometric projections. Dividing a circle into equal parts, conjugation
Parallelism, perpendicularity of lines, measurement of segments and angles, circle, scale, parallel projection
10,11 Economy Percentages, equations, inequalities

The course in algebra and elementary analysis clearly shows the universality of mathematical methods and demonstrates the main stages of solving applied problems. The axiomatic structure of a geometry course creates the basis for understanding the logic of constructing any scientific theory studied in courses in physics, chemistry, and biology.

Mathematical modeling plays an important role in the implementation of interdisciplinary connections. There are many examples of how abstract concepts studied in mathematics lessons express unrelated patterns in the real world. When studying the linear function y = kx + b, it is useful to show students that it can describe the relationship between the length of the rod and the heating temperature: l = l 0 (1+α t), between the volume of gas and its temperature at constant pressure: V = V 0 (1+α t) (Gay-Lusac law), gas pressure and temperature at constant volume: p = p 0 (1+β t) (Charles law), speed and time for uniformly accelerated motion: ʋ = ʋ 0 + at and etc. When studying the quadratic function y = ax 2, one can give examples of the dependence of the path on time during uniformly accelerated motion, the formula for electric current power P = I 2 R with constant resistance, and other formulas.

Modeling as a method of cognition includes:

  • building, designing a model;
  • study of the model (experimental or mental);
  • analysis of the obtained data and transferring them to the real object of study.

When solving applied problems, we go through the three stages mentioned above:

  • building a model (translating the problem conditions from everyday language into mathematical language)
  • working with the model (solving equations, inequalities, etc.)
  • answer to the problem question

This can be illustrated using the example of a system of problems with physical content when studying the topic “Vectors” in grades 8–9 using the example of the “Dynamics” section. Vector skills reflect the model nature of this material. Graphical exercises allow students to translate a physical situation into geometric language and obtain information about physical phenomena using a geometric vector space model. (See Appendix 1)

Many students have difficulty with problems involving mixtures and alloys. This is probably due to the fact that very little attention is paid to such problems in the school mathematics course. At the same time, they are included in various collections of tasks in preparation for the final certification in mathematics for a basic school course, and are often included in versions of the Unified State Exam and entrance exams to universities.

When solving problems of this type, it is useful to use a visual model - a diagram in which the mixture (solution, alloy) is depicted in the form of a rectangle, divided into fragments in accordance with the number of components included in it (it), and directly when drawing up the equation - to trace the content of which any one component. (See Appendix 1)

In order to improve the chemical and mathematical knowledge and skills of students, you can offer tasks on the use of graphs.

  1. Using the graph, determine the amount of energy released when 15 g of sulfuric acid is formed as a result of the hydration of sulfur oxide.
  2. Which chemical reaction has the greatest thermal effect?
  3. Determine k 1, k 2,...k 6 in the functions whose graphs are shown in the figure.

You can offer interdisciplinary problems while studying other mathematical topics. (See Appendix 1)

A good source of material for algebra lessons is a notebook with a printed base by the authors Belenkova E.Yu. and Lebedintseva E.A. “Mathematics 5”, “Mathematics 6. Tasks for the learning and development of students” and the manual “Algebra 7th grade”, “Algebra 8th grade. Tasks for the learning and development of students”, focused on the development of thinking and creative abilities.

Completing the proposed tasks allows students to broaden their horizons and gain additional information about the world around them.

The implementation of interdisciplinary connections in the learning process is based on the coordination of the teaching activities of teachers. Therefore, this problem requires targeted leadership from the deputy director for educational work and the school’s methodological council.

Category of teaching staff Factors influencing the insufficient use of interdisciplinary connections
Young professionals They do not have experience and skills in applying knowledge in subjects related to their profession
Teachers with 1 to 3 years of experience They do not have sufficient knowledge of methods for planning and implementing interdisciplinary connections in lessons and in extracurricular activities
Teachers with over 15 years of experience As a rule, they no longer have sufficient knowledge in related subjects; they need to master new interpretations of general subject concepts, features of new curricula in related subjects, necessary for the implementation of interdisciplinary connections

The problem of interdisciplinary connections is one of the complex pedagogical problems that require the collective experience of teachers to solve. Therefore, it is so important to organize the work of the entire teaching staff on this problem, observing a strict sequence of stages:

  1. Increasing the interest of teachers, showing the importance of interdisciplinary connections in teaching. Selection and distribution of methodological topics.
  2. Teachers study literature, teach them methodological techniques for implementing interdisciplinary connections, generalize the teachers’ experience.
  3. Organization of experimental work with the involvement of the entire teaching staff.
  4. Organization of an integrated, comprehensive use of interdisciplinary connections in all subjects.
  5. Specification of methodological topics and combination of various types of work on general topics in order to solve general educational and methodological problems.

Thus, the modern concept of interdisciplinary connections between subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle orients teachers towards the systematic interconnection of academic subjects, the active implementation of interdisciplinary interdisciplinary in the content, methods and forms of organization of education, in extracurricular activities, the widespread introduction into teaching practice of integrated lessons, elective courses that combine knowledge from various scientific and practical fields.


An analysis of the relationship between the environmental content of natural science subjects in primary school (chemistry, biology, geography, physics) was carried out. The features of the formation of environmental aspects in accordance with the requirements of the Draft Federal Law “On Ecological Culture” are highlighted, and the acquisition of environmental and practical skills by school graduates in each subject of the natural science cycle is considered in the document “Approximate basic educational program of an educational institution. Basic school”, as well as the content of each course of biology, geography, physics, chemistry on the subject of environmental content. When analyzing these documents, it was discovered that the most meaningful and detailed presentation of the greening of educational subjects in the education system of the Russian Federation in the study of natural science subjects is geography, then biology; the environmental aspect of the content of the chemistry subject is not highlighted; the environmental content of chemistry has not been translated into any of the additional courses (“Fundamentals of the safety of individuals, society and the state” and “Fundamentals of medical knowledge and a healthy lifestyle”); the subject “Ecology” is not included at all in the content of the document “Approximate basic educational program of an educational institution. Basic school."

natural science subjects

environmental education

environmental content

ecological culture

1. Draft federal law “On Ecological Culture” dated July 13, 2000 No. 90060840-3. The authors are State Duma deputies V.A. Grachev, S.M. Akhmetkhanov, R.S. Bakiev, V.D. Kadochnikov, R.I. Nigmatullin, V.V. Olenyev, A.N. Tomov. – 23 s.

2. Approximate basic educational program of an educational institution. Basic school / [comp. E.S. Savinov]. – M.: Education, 2011. – 342 p. – (Second generation standards). The program was prepared by the Institute for Strategic Studies in Education of the Russian Academy of Education. Scientific supervisors – corresponding member. RAO A.M. Kondakov, academician L.P. Kezina.

3. Zhurin A.A. Content of school chemical education: crisis or disaster? // Chemistry at school. – 2012. − No. 4. – P. 2–7.

4. Muravyova E.V. Environmental education of technical university students as a basic component of the strategy for overcoming the environmental crisis: abstract of thesis. dis. ... Dr. ped. Sci. – Kazan, 2008. – P. 43.

5. Ponamareva L.I. Methodology for the formation of environmental and valeological readiness of future teachers in the context of modernization of natural science education: abstract of thesis. dis. ... Dr. ped. Sci. - Ekaterinburg, 2009. - P. 46.

6. Khrapal L.R. Modernization of environmental education at a university in the context of Russian sociocultural dynamics: abstract of thesis. dis. ... Dr. ped. Sci. – Ekaterinburg, 2011. – P. 50.

At the present stage of education, there is a process of saturation of the content of education with environmental knowledge, the formation of an environmental culture, the ability and skills of practical activities to implement the principles of environmental policy in the educational process. A special role in this process belongs to the subjects of the natural science cycle. This does not mean belittling or belittling the importance of other environmental disciplines, but it is the natural science disciplines (physics, chemistry, biology, geography), first of all, that reveal the social aspects of the interaction of a single human-society-nature system.

The purpose of our presentation is to identify the place and role of natural science subjects in the formation of the ecological culture of society.

Object of study - the emerging and developing ecological culture of students through science education. The subject of the research is environmentally-oriented natural science education.

The tasks of judgment are as follows:

    Reveal the current state of the science education system in Russia in the Second Generation Standards for primary schools;

    Identify the most environmentally-oriented subject of the natural science cycle, studied in primary school.

If we turn to the Draft Federal Law “On Environmental Culture” dated July 13, 2000 No. 90060840-3, then Article 3 “Basic principles of state regulation in the field of environmental culture” in paragraph 1 talks about the basic principles of state regulation in the field of environmental culture. Number 1 states that “the main principles of state regulation in the field of environmental culture are” consistency, complexity and continuity of environmental education and enlightenment:

    Formation, primarily among students in the education system, of value orientations and moral standards of behavior, as well as acquiring knowledge and practical skills in the field of ecology, environmental safety, rational use of natural resources and environmental protection;

    Greening of educational subjects of the education system of the Russian Federation;

    Creation of continuous educational plans with an environmental focus at all levels of professional education.

Next, to reveal the first objective of our presentation, we will consider the sections of natural science subjects (chemistry, physics, biology and geography) in the Second Generation Standard “Approximate basic educational program of an educational institution (Basic school)”, which is used by educational institutions of the Russian Federation.

Subject "Chemistry"

In the Target section in paragraph “1.2.3. Planned results of mastering educational and interdisciplinary programs” in subclause “ Chemistry” we see what environmental knowledge, skills and abilities a school graduate should have (Table 1).

Table 1 Environmental aspect in chemistry courses in the approximate basic educational program of an educational institution (Basic school). Second generation standards, 2011

The graduate will have the opportunity

Basic concepts of chemistry (level of atomic-molecular concepts)

    Handle substances competently in everyday life;

    Be aware of the need to comply with the rules of environmentally friendly behavior in the natural environment;

    Understand the meaning and need to comply with the instructions proposed in the instructions for the use of medicines, household chemicals, etc.

Periodic law and periodic system of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev. Structure of matter

Variety of chemical reactions

Variety of substances

Looking at the table 1, we determine that only in one section of chemistry “Basic concepts of chemistry (level of atomic-molecular concepts)” does a graduate have the opportunity to acquire environmental and practical skills. And in three sections nothing is said about this and is not required.

Further in the content section “2.2.2. The main content of academic subjects at the level of basic general education" in none of the four stages (the sections are the same as in the "Planned results of mastering educational and interdisciplinary programs") of the study of chemistry there is not a word about the greening of the content of chemistry (see paragraph 2.2. 2.11. Chemistry). Apparently the environmental aspect of the chemistry course is translated into the subject, according to A.A. Zhurin. a discipline that does not yet have a specific content (ecology, fundamentals of safety and life, world artistic culture).

If we consider the economic development of Russia, then almost 70% of it is based on the chemical and petrochemical industries. Ignorance of the laws of chemistry can cause irreparable damage to human health and the environment.

Subject "Biology"

Similarly in the target section in paragraph “1.2.3. Planned results of mastering educational and interdisciplinary programs” in subparagraph “ Biology” we see the following (Table 2).

The graduate will have the opportunity

Alive organisms

    Consciously observe the basic principles and rules of attitude towards living nature;

    To navigate the system of moral norms and values ​​in relation to living nature (recognition of the high value of life in all its manifestations, environmental consciousness, emotional value attitude towards natural objects);

    Choose purposeful and meaningful attitudes in actions and deeds in relation to living nature

Man and his health

    Implement healthy lifestyle guidelines;

    To navigate the system of moral norms and values ​​in relation to one’s own health and the health of other people;

    Identify risk factors affecting human health

General biological patterns

    Put forward hypotheses about the possible consequences of human activities in ecosystems and the biosphere;

    Argue your point of view during a discussion on global environmental problems

Table 2 clearly formulates all the possibilities of environmental and practical skills that a graduate will receive while studying biology, and in each course of study.

Table 3 Environmental aspect in biology courses in the approximate basic educational program of an educational institution (Basic school). Second generation standards, 2011

Environmental aspect

Alive organisms:

    Theme: mushrooms;

    Topic - viruses;

    Theme - animals

    First aid techniques for mushroom poisoning;

    Disease prevention measures;

    Prevention of diseases caused by animals;

    Protection of rare and endangered species of animals

Man and his health:

    Topic - man and environment;

    The theme is breathing;

    Topic - reproduction and development

    Protection of the human environment;

    The harm of smoking;

    The harmful effects of smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs on the development of the body

General biological patterns:

    Topic - relationships between organisms and the environment

    Ecosystem organization of wildlife;

    The role of man in the biosphere;

    Ecological problems;

    Consequences of human activities in ecosystems

Table 3 shows that all biology courses are provided with an environmental aspect that correspond to the section being studied.

Subject "Physics"

Similarly in the target section in paragraph “1.2.3. Planned results of mastering educational and interdisciplinary programs" in subclause " Physics” we see the following (Table 4).

The graduate will have the opportunity

Mechanical phenomena

    Use knowledge... to maintain health and comply with environmental standards;

    Provide examples of the practical use of physical knowledge to explain the environmental consequences of space exploration

Thermal phenomena

    Use knowledge about thermal phenomena ... to preserve health and comply with environmental standards; give examples of the environmental consequences of internal combustion engines

Electrical and electromagnetic phenomena

    Use knowledge about electromagnetic phenomena in everyday life to ensure safety when handling instruments and technical devices to maintain health and comply with environmental standards in the environment

Quantum phenomena

    Use the acquired knowledge in everyday life when handling devices to maintain health and comply with environmental standards;

    Give examples of the influence of radioactive radiation on living organisms;

    Understand the environmental problems arising from the use of nuclear power plants and how to solve these problems

Elements of astronomy

Table 5 The environmental aspect in physics courses in the approximate basic educational program of an educational institution (Basic school). Second generation standards, 2011

Environmental aspect

Thermal phenomena:

Topic - energy conversion in heat engines

Environmental problems of thermal power engineering

Electrical phenomena:

Topic - constant electric current

Safety rules when working with sources of electric current, as we understand, are just instructions for handling electrical appliances.

Quantum phenomena:

Topic - the influence of radioactive radiation on living organisms

Environmental problems arising from the use of nuclear power plants

In table 5 in two sections of the physics course there is no environmental aspectthese are mechanical phenomena and elements of astronomy.

Subject "Geography"

The subject “Geography” turned out to be the most successful and complete in terms of the content of the requirements. The content of environmental and practical skills is shown in Table. 6.

Table 6 states that a basic school graduate can acquire environmental skills and abilities by studying the following sections of geography, these are nature and man, the population of the Earth, continents and oceans, regions of Russia.

The graduate will have the opportunity

Sources of Geographic Information

Nature and man

    Use knowledge about geographical phenomena in everyday life to maintain health and comply with environmental standards in everyday life and the environment;

    Give examples illustrating the role of geographical science in solving socio-economic geo-ecological problems of humanity;

    Assess the nature of the relationship between human activities and natural components in different geographical conditions from the point of view of the concept of sustainable development

Population of the Earth

    Give examples illustrating the role of the practical use of knowledge about the population in solving socio-economic and geo-ecological problems of humanity, countries and regions

Continents, oceans and countries

    Assess the positive and negative consequences of global climate change for individual regions and countries;

    Assess the features of interaction between nature and society within individual territories

Nature of Russia

Population of Russia

Economy of Russia

Regions of Russia

    Select criteria for comparing and contrasting, assessing and classifying natural, socio-economic, geo-ecological phenomena and processes on the territory of Russia;

    Assess Russian regions from the point of view of the characteristics of natural, socio-economic, man-made and environmental factors and processes

Russia in the modern world

Table 7 The environmental aspect in geography courses in the approximate basic educational program of an educational institution (Basic school). Second generation standards, 2011

Course "Geography of the Earth"

Environmental aspect

Nature of the Earth and man:

Topic - man and the lithosphere;

The theme is man and atmosphere;

Theme - oceans;

Theme - water sushi;

Impact of economic activities on the lithosphere;

Natural phenomena in the atmosphere, their characteristics and rules for ensuring personal safety;

Sources of ocean water pollution, measures to preserve water quality and the organic world;

The importance of surface waters for humans, their rational use

Biosphere of the Earth

Theme: diversity of flora and fauna;

Topic: soil as a special natural formation;

Theme - geographical shell

Human influence on the biosphere;

Protection of the flora and fauna of the Earth;

Observation of flora and fauna as a way to determine the quality of the environment;

The role of man and his economic activities in the conservation and improvement of soils;

Features of the components of nature and human economic activity in different natural zones;

Geographical envelope as the human environment

Population of the Earth

Continents, oceans and countries

Topic: main features of relief, climate...;

Theme: oceans of the earth

Changes in nature under the influence of human economic activity;

Protection of Nature

Course "Geography of Russia"

Environmental aspect

Features of the geographical location of Russia

Nature of Russia

Topic - inland waters and water resources;

Topic: soil and soil resources

Uneven distribution of water resources, increased water consumption and pollution;

Measures to preserve soil fertility: land reclamation, combating soil erosion and pollution;

Population of Russia

Economy of Russia

Topic - metallurgy;

Topic - chemical industry;

Topic - forestry industry;

Topic - agro-industrial complex

Metallurgy and environmental protection;

Chemical industry and environmental protection;

Forestry and environmental protection;

Determination of the main areas for growing grain and industrial crops based on environmental and climatic indicators;

Food industry and environmental protection;

Light industry and environmental protection

Service sector (infrastructure complex)

Transport and environmental protection;

Regions of Russia

Summing up the results of the researched material in the document “Approximate basic educational program of an educational institution. Basic school", the following conclusions can be drawn:

    The formulation of a new problem is proposed, from which it follows that significant difficulties arise in the formation of environmental knowledge among students when studying natural science subjects;

    There is a lack of the subject “Ecology”, and in the Draft Federal Law “On Environmental Culture” dated July 13, 2000 No. 90060840-3, it is an independent educational unit in educational institutions;

    There is no natural science aspect when studying the subjects “Fundamentals of security of the individual, society and state” and “Fundamentals of medical knowledge and a healthy lifestyle.”

According to A.A. Zhurin, hours are going to be taken away from meaningful courses (chemistry, physics, biology, geography) in order to give them to a discipline that does not yet have a specific content. Such meaningless courses include ecology, basic life safety, world artistic culture, the content of which duplicates the content of traditional academic subjects.

Research on environmental education conducted by Gaisin I.T., Muravyova E.V., Mukhutdinova T.Z., Khusainov Z.A., Ponomareva L.I., Khrapal L.R., sufficiently prove that it is through natural science subjects cycle, it is possible to achieve a value-oriented, purposefully organized, planned and systematic process of forming the environmental consciousness of students as a basic component of the individual’s ecological culture. It should be noted that one of the grounds for solving problems that arise when selecting the content of a subject is the provision that the academic subject is not the result of projecting the corresponding environmental aspect, but the didactic processing of a certain system of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for mastering natural science knowledge.

In our opinion, it is advisable to use the following provisions as criteria for selecting the content of basic science education:

    Holistic reflection in the content of natural science education of the tasks of forming a comprehensive personality;

    High scientific and practical significance of environmental content included in the fundamentals of natural sciences;

    Correspondence of the complexity of the content of chemistry, physics, geography, biology to the real learning capabilities of students;

    Correspondence of the volume of natural science subjects to the existing material, technical, educational and methodological base of training.


    Mironov A..V., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of Social and Pedagogical Technologies and Resources, Naberezhnye Chelny;

    Gaisin I.T., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan.

The work was received by the editor on July 5, 2012.

Bibliographic link

URL: (access date: 07/07/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

Interdisciplinary connections between natural science subjects.

The new law on education talks about personal and meta-subject results.

Meta (from the Greek meta - between) is the first component of complex words, denoting a transition to something else, a transformation, a level of description of an object or system, higher than the previous description. In relation to learning outcomes, the terms “interdisciplinary”, “supradisciplinary”, “competency-based” results have a close meaning.

The main task of meta-subject teaching is not the transfer of knowledge, but teaching universal, i.e., applicable to any areas of activity and situations, ways of obtaining and using knowledge, planning activities, and critically assessing the results obtained.

A lesson taking into account interdisciplinary connections should include:

Clarity and compactness of educational material;

Interconnectedness of the material of integrated objects;

Large informative capacity of educational material.

When organizing a lesson with interdisciplinary connections, it becomes possible to show the world in all its diversity, contributes to the emotional development of the child’s personality and the formation of his creative thinking. It is these lessons that help relieve tension, overload, and fatigue of students by switching them to various types of activities during the lesson.

Due to the fact that changes are taking place in secondary schools associated with new standards, the role and importance of interdisciplinary connections between the disciplines of the natural and mathematical cycle is increasing. This is especially true for the school physics course, which has multifaceted connections with mathematics, chemistry, biology, computer science, local history, geography, and social studies. It’s not for nothing that two types of “physics and lyricism” were once distinguished

Physics as a science is the central link among the subjects of the natural science cycle. Why? Let's try to figure it out.

In the very first physics lesson in 7th grade we say. What physics is the science of nature. Students have a question: what about natural history? Then we look for the difference and come to the conclusion that physics is partly natural science and mathematics. both chemistry and astronomy, because physics studies the laws of change in matter. Any law of nature can be explained using physics. For this. Of course, mathematics comes first, because almost all the laws of physics are expressed in formulas, and in order to create formulas it is necessary to make many calculations. When analyzing some physical quantities or processes, graphs are often used; in physics, as in mathematics, there are directly proportional quantities, for example, displacement and speed, temperature and pressure, current and voltage. Building and reading graphs is one of the universal actions in mastering the school curriculum of natural science subjects. The topic of vectors should also be noted; the study of an entire section of mechanics is based on operations with vectors. Studying the topic derivative. the physical meaning of the derivative is introduced. It is known that the derivative of speed is acceleration, etc. In mathematics lessons, very little time is devoted to the standard notation of numbers; physics teachers often blame mathematicians for “not teaching them.” I teach both physics and mathematics and I know that in mathematics lessons this topic is studied for only two hours. Therefore, this topic is better practiced in physics, starting from grade 8, we solve problems with large degrees, and consider various ways to solve them.

The connection between physics and chemistry can also be traced throughout the entire course of study of the subject. “A chemist without knowledge of physics is like a person who must always feel by touch. And these two sciences are so united with each other that one cannot exist perfectly without the other.” (M.V. Lomonosov)

Especially molecular and nuclear physics. I remember our chemistry teacher always stated that the amount of a substance is a quantity taken from physics. Let's not argue with her. One thing is clear that it is studied in both chemistry and physics. The periodic table is needed both here and there. The structure of the atom is studied by both sciences. And when we touch the crystal lattice, isn’t this chemistry? It’s just that the same phenomena can be considered from the perspective of different sciences, which gives a person the opportunity to become a comprehensively developed personality.

What about biology? And here a close connection can be traced. I remember one integrated lesson “fluid flow through pipes – Bernoulli’s law and the human circulatory system.” Plants that move according to the law of conservation of momentum, i.e., reactive motion, are a mad cucumber; jellyfish also move this way. The work of our heart is an oscillatory system with its own period and frequency of oscillations. The cardiogram is similar to the graph of a trigonometric function. The physiological effect of current is used in medicine, as is ultrasonic research. Ultrasound is vibrations with a frequency above 20,000 Hertz, infrasound, which in some cases negatively affects the body, has a frequency below 20 Hertz. Speaking of waves, we establish a connection with geography. An earthquake is caused by longitudinal and transverse waves, the most destructive of which are the transverse ones, but the longitudinal ones reach faster. An earthquake is caused by the movement of underground plates that generate waves. Longitudinal waves cause windows to rattle, sometimes a certain sound to which animals respond better. Therefore, some animals save people by running out into the street and dragging their owners with them. Transverse waves cause swaying of houses and destruction. During strong earthquakes, surface waves form, like ripples in water.

The height of the celestial pole above the horizon is determined by the geographic latitude of the observation site. Therefore, the approximate geographic latitude of the observation site can be determined by measuring the height of the North Star. This is astronomy.

The ebb and flow of the seas and oceans is explained by the law of gravity.

Computer science is a fairly new science, which is necessary in the modern world and connects all subjects by searching for information. Project activity is unthinkable without a computer. Find and process information, make a presentation, etc.

In my physics lessons, I like to make connections with humanities subjects. For example, with literature. At one time, the magazines “Physics at School” published excerpts from fairy tales and other literary works, which proposed to explain the phenomenon from the point of view of physics. Excerpt from Andersen's fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling” “A hurricane was approaching. The duckling jumped into the door of the hut. An old woman lived in the hut with a cat and a chicken. She called the cat son; he knew how to arch his back, purr and even emit sparks if he was stroked against the grain. Why did the cat emit sparks when being petted? Children enjoy listening to the passages and expressing their opinions.

The implementation of interdisciplinary connections in a physics course contributes to the systematization, depth and strength of knowledge, and helps to give students a holistic picture of the world. At the same time, the effectiveness of training and education is increased, and the possibility of end-to-end application of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in lessons in various subjects is ensured. Educational subjects begin to help each other. The consistent principle of interdisciplinary connections contains important reserves for further improvement of the educational process.
Of course, in order to systematically trace interdisciplinary connections, the teacher must himself be a highly erudite person. Statistics say that after working for 15 years, a teacher forgets other subjects. Therefore, you need to read and study more, that is, keep up with the times.

Teacher: Kholmogorova A.A.

Integrative connection of natural science subjects
as part of the implementation of the requirements of the new generation Federal State Educational Standards
The thinking mind does not feel
feel happy
until he manages to connect
bringing together disparate facts.
D. Hevelsi
Today the integrative approach is widely used both in
fundamental sciences and in the educational process. According to the doctrine of
In determinism, the world around us is one in all the diversity of its manifestations. All
the processes occurring in it are interconnected and interdependent. Therefore, one
One of the learning objectives is to develop students’ systemic thinking, which allows
see the world as a single system, understand the interconnection and interdependence of all of it
Currently, geography, biology, chemistry are characterized by the highest
specialization of its constituent disciplines and at the same time their close interaction.
Integration of sciences helps in solving the most complex, synthetic
the nature of the problems. As a result of the unification of scientific disciplines, intensive
enrichment of geography, biology, chemistry with factual material and new theories.
The progressive development of these sciences is impossible without connection with other sciences.
From the point of view of epistemology, the process of cognition of the surrounding world has
a certain logic and the learning process should consist of the following stages:
 holistic perception of the object of study (integration);
 system analysis of the object (differentiation);
 generalization of data obtained as a result of analysis (integration).
Thus, the process of cognition must begin and end with integration
It is possible to achieve success in understanding the fundamental properties of the Universe only
based on the integration of knowledge about the surrounding world, including physical
component, the world of chemical transformations and the kingdom of living beings. Process
integration of knowledge leads to the fact that the boundaries between sciences are becoming less and less

clear, at their junctions new, borderline sciences arise that have an integrative
Currently, research is of greatest interest
interdisciplinary nature and content of modern school
science education should reflect the leading trend of modern
science – its integrative nature.
Natural science subjects play an important role in the formation
modern worldview based on knowledge about interactions in the system
“nature-human”, which integrally reflect the world and objective connections in it.

Based on the integration of natural science and humanities knowledge, we can
form a holistic picture of the world, lay the foundations of modern scientific
worldview and systemic thinking, and the subjects of this cycle have great
innovative potential to form the foundations of natural science competence
and humanistic ideals in their unity, which contributes to a holistic perception of the world
in a wider cultural context.
The subject "Geography" occupies a special integrative place in the overall system
knowledge. As both a natural and social science, geography contributes to
formation in students of ideas about a complex, but at the same time holistic
socio-natural picture of the world.
For modern geography, biology, chemistry as supersystem sciences
“human economy environment” together with analytical and explanatory
their integrative function is enhanced. It is becoming increasingly clear that development
material production, knowledge of global problems of humanity (ecological,
energy, resource, etc.) depend not only on the contribution of individual sciences, but also on their
interdisciplinary synthesis.
Integration trends in the synthesis of geographical, biological and chemical
knowledge are especially clearly manifested in humanization, sociologization, and economization.
Reflection of these directions in programs and textbooks of natural science subjects
cycle helps an integral understanding of the problem of optimizing interaction
society and nature.
The principles of humanization are focused on revealing human spirituality and such
component of the content of education, as the experience of an emotional and value attitude towards
world, often remains unrealized. In order to activate educational and cognitive

The activities of students need to give lessons an emotional overtones.
Use of literary and artistic descriptions of nature, poetic
works is quite widely practiced by teachers of geography and biology.
The goal of modern school education is the formation of a harmonious personality
students by creating conditions for its self-realization and self-determination.
The structure of personality is generated by the specific structure of human activity and
therefore, it is characterized by five potentials: cognitive, value, creative,
communicative, artistic.
Experienced teachers widely use works of art, using them
to analyze scientific issues. To develop artistic potential
It is advisable to use works of art. These are works of literature (poetry,
prose, popular science literature), fine arts, musical
works, television media, etc.
Poetic works, riddles, and proverbs used in lessons
geography, biology, chemistry, give a good effect, since they contain not only
artistic description of objects, processes and natural phenomena, but also reveal
features of living organisms. In works of art you can find
information on various sciences. Effective for the formation of artistic
students' personal potential are integrated lessons, they give students
a fairly broad and vivid idea of ​​the world in which he lives, the interconnections
phenomena and objects, about mutual assistance, the existence of a diverse world of material
and artistic culture. Such lessons involve the development of creative and
mental activity of students.
The relevance of interdisciplinary lessons lies in the fact that the world around
children, is known by them in its diversity and unity.
An integrated lesson allows and provides the opportunity for self-development and creativity as
student and teacher alike.
Integrated lessons broaden horizons and contribute to the formation
a versatile and harmonious personality.
Contributes to the knowledge of the process of interaction between nature and society
educational geography, which allows students to develop geographical thinking,
the specific features of which are connectedness, complexity and consistency.

Geographical thinking contributes to the search for spatiotemporal
patterns of combination of natural and artificial components in natural
anthropogenic systems of various hierarchical levels. Based on the study of natural
territorial complexes, it is possible to develop practical recommendations
optimizing the interaction between society and nature within the geographical envelope.
Improving environmental management through process management
development and transformation of natural-anthropogenic systems is associated with the development and
revealing the integration capabilities of geography. It is important to note that
school geography today has a dominant role in the mechanism
integration of academic disciplines in secondary education,
regulation of the human environment.
affecting the sphere
A fundamental change in the content of education, its focus on development
creative, socially active personality, identifying her cognitive interests and
needs puts forward the task of developing cognitive abilities, activating
cognitive independence of students. This task is especially significant in relation to
high school students. We consider cognitive independence as a quality
personality, manifested in schoolchildren in the need and skills to acquire new
knowledge from various sources, through generalization, to reveal the essence of new concepts,
master methods of cognitive activity, improve them and creatively
apply to solve a variety of problems, tasks, situations, etc.
Geographic maps as outstanding achievements of human civilization
play an important role in many areas of people's lives. The role of geographical maps is indisputable
in culture and art. Cartographic images, motifs, symbols can be found on
paintings by artists, works of decorative arts
art, in
sculptural and architectural compositions. Cartography and painting – most interesting
a topic for understanding at an interdisciplinary level, allowing one to perceive more
holistically the phenomenon of the map as a unique and multi-valued phenomenon, occupying a special
place in the field of interpersonal communication.
One of the means of activating the cognitive independence of elders
schoolchildren when studying geography, biology, chemistry - solving integrated problems.
An integrated task is an educational task that includes interdisciplinary information.
nature, the implementation of which requires the involvement of knowledge from various fields,
in one way or another related to the topic of this assignment.

Integrated tasks can influence all components of learning
educational process, its goals, content and organization.
Table 1. The influence of integrated tasks on the components of the UVP.
UVP components
The purpose of training
Training content
The role of integrated tasks
Activation of cognitive
student independence
Selection of developmental content
motivation for learning,
conducive to strengthening
subject knowledge,
implementing interdisciplinary
connection that takes into account life
student experience, global
positive experience, folk,
national traditions
Organization of educational and cognitive activities Creation of problem situations.
Using the gaming and
dialogue training.
Simulation of the situation.
Scheme 1. Structure of an integrated task.

Introductory information

Additional information:
cognitive, subject
Integrating knowledge from all sciences can lead to increased awareness
needs for acquiring knowledge, transferring theoretical knowledge into practical
activities and their use in non-standard situations, i.e. leads to activation
cognitive independence of students.

Integration is one of the current problems in education.As a result of the above factors, the idea of ​​integrating knowledge, primarily related subjects, arises.





Educational project

Integration of natural science subjects

in the context of the national educational initiative

Work completed:

Information Methodist

Diagnostic room

Legostina Elvira Pavlovna



  1. Introduction

National educational initiative “Our

New school" (order of the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev)

  1. Stages of development of integration in education
  2. Conceptual part

Object of study

Subject of study

Project goal and objectives

Necessary conditions for project implementation

Expected results

Advantages and disadvantages of project implementation

Risks of project implementation, solutions

6. Resource support for project implementation

7. Project implementation stages

8. References


President of Russian Federation


National Education Initiative
"Our new school"

Modernization and innovative development are the only way to allow Russia to become a competitive society in the world of the 21st century, providing a decent life for all citizens. In the context of solving these strategic problems, the most important personality qualities are initiative, the ability to think creatively and find innovative solutions, the ability to choose a professional path, and the willingness to learn throughout life. All these skills are formedsince childhood.
School is a critical element in this process. The main tasks of a modern school are to reveal the abilities of each student, to educate a decent and patriotic person, an individual ready for life in a high-tech, competitive world. School education should be structured so that graduates can independently set and achieve serious goals and skillfully respond to different life situations.

School of the future

What characteristics should a school have in the 21st century?
The new school is an institution that meets the goals of advanced development. The school will provide study not only of the achievements of the past, but also of technologies that will be useful in the future. Children will be involved in research projects and creative activities to learn to invent, understand and master new things, express their own thoughts, make decisions and help each other, develop interests and recognize opportunities.

The new school is made up of teachers who are open to everything new, who understand child psychology and the developmental characteristics of schoolchildren, and who know their subject well. The teacher’s task is to help children find themselves in the future, become independent, creative and self-confident people. Sensitive, attentive and receptive to the interests of schoolchildren, open to everything new, teachers are a key feature of the school of the future.

Main directions of development of general education

1. Transition to new educational standards

2. Development of a support system for talented children

3. Improving the teaching staff

4. Changing school infrastructure

5. Preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren

6. Expanding the independence of schools

Integration is one of the current problems in education

With the development of science, the complexity of the material studied in school increases; the volume of information increases. Current programs in natural science subjects offer students to master a large number of concepts, which, due to the subject-centric nature of our education, act as disparate elements of knowledge. The independence of objects and their weak connections with each other give rise to serious difficulties in the formation of students with a holistic picture of the world and hinder the organic perception of culture. Subject disunity becomes one of the reasons for the fragmented worldview of a school graduate.

As a result of the above factors, the idea arisesknowledge integration,primarily related items.

Integration is the process and result of achieving the integrity of the content of education through the establishment of intra- and interdisciplinary connections, interaction between various educational programs.

Integrative approach to teaching- this is the real embodiment of the integrative principle in the professional activity of a teacher: a set of tasks, content, forms, methods, techniques, tools in the study of interrelated material of related disciplines to create systemic knowledge of schoolchildren in this area, influencing the formation of a holistic worldview of students. This approach allows the teacher to realize the uniqueness and intrinsic value of each student, to understand the meaning of modern humanistic concepts and pedagogical technologies.

Integrative principleas one of the didactic principles of teaching, requires the creation of pedagogical conditions for integration:

From the general theoretical justification of the need to integrate specific academic disciplines;

Determining the optimal level and form of integration of subjects;

Points of connection between educational material and its leading ideas;

Coordinating subject programs;

Using appropriate methods and techniques, teaching aids in order to form schoolchildren’s holistic knowledge about the world.

Integration of academic subjects leads to a more interested, personally significant and meaningful perception of knowledge, which enhances motivation and allows for more efficient use of study time by eliminating duplication and repetition, which is inevitable in teaching a variety of subjects. Systematic and organic reinforcement of concepts and skills using new subject material leads to the formation of students’ skills and desire to use previously acquired knowledge.

The methodology of integrative education is the future. Thanks to it, a more objective and comprehensive picture of the world is formed in the minds of students, they begin to actively apply their knowledge in practice, because knowledge more easily reveals its applied nature. The teacher sees and reveals his subject in a new way, more clearly realizing its relationship with other sciences.

Stages of development of integration in education.

The history of integration in education is structured into three stages:

  1. turn of the century – 20s problem-based and complex education on an interdisciplinary basis (labor school);
  2. implementation of interdisciplinary connections;
  3. actual integration.

Let's look at these stages in more detail. First practical attempts to create an education system on a problem-complex integration basis were made at the beginning of the century in the USA by J. Dewey and in the 20s in Soviet Russia by S. T. Shatsky, M. M. Rubinstein and others. This direction went down in history pedagogy called labor school. The basic principle is the “method of life complexes,” that is, the integration of knowledge from various subject areas around a certain common problem. This was the first practical experience in organizing the educational process. But in 1931 the method was condemned and rejected.

Second phase – interdisciplinary connections – begins in 1952.

This stage is characterized by joint planning by teachers of complex forms of educational and extracurricular work, which presuppose their knowledge of textbooks and programs of related subjects.

The main functions of interdisciplinary connections are: the formation of qualities of knowledge such as: consistency, depth, awareness, flexibility; development of students’ creative thinking, cognitive activity, independence; ability to overcome subject inertia of thinking and broaden the horizons of students; implementation of an integrated approach to education; improvement of the content of educational material, methods and forms of organization of training.

The third stage begins in the 80sdevelopment of integrative processes in domestic pedagogy - the stage of integration itself.

Integration in education is carried out in three directions:

a) new types of integrated schools (lyceums, colleges, gymnasiums);

b) educational integrated courses;

c) integrative methods (business games, etc.) and forms (integrated lessons).

Analytical and predictive substantiation of the project

The organization and implementation of the project is determinedfeatures of the educational situation, which is characterized by the professional activities of teachers carrying out the educational process.

Total teachers of natural disciplines (key school employees) in the Pavlovsk region at the beginning of the 2010-11 academic year - 69 people;

of which teachers:

physicists – 16 people;

Geography - 18 people;

biology - 21 people;

chemistry – 14 people

100% of natural science teachers have higher professional education.

64 people have a qualification category – 92.7%:

highest – 19 people – 29.6%;

first - 30 people. - 46.8%;

second – 15 people. – 23.4%;

Since 2006 to 2010 completed advanced training courses:

2006 - 18 people 2009 – 11 people

2007 – 10 people 2010 – 17 people

2008 – 6 people

Natural science teachers of the Pavlovsk municipal district created and used in the educational processoriginal methodological programs that implement the idea of ​​integration in education and have expert NIRO conclusion:

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 5, Pavlovo – 5 programs

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 7, Pavlovo – 1 program

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 1, Vorsma - 1 program

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 1 r.p. Tumbotino – 2 programs

Addressee (class, OU)

Expert opinion of NMES NIRO (No., date of issue)

Course program "Ecology"

Mitrofanova E.A., biology teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7

5th grade, municipal educational institution secondary school No. 7, Pavlovo

№ 59


Elective course program "Environmental Chemistry"

Nikitina F.V., chemistry teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1, Vorsma

11th grade, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1. Vorsma



Elective course program “Ecology of indoor plants”

Balakina N.V., biology teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1 r.p. Tumbotino

Grades 7-9 Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 1 r.p. Tumbotino

№ 105,

June 16, 2009

Environmental Education Program

Balakina N.V., teacher of biology and ecology, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1 r.p. Tumbotino

Grades 5-11 Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 1 r.p. Tumbotino

№ 222,

19.12. 2007

"Medical Genetics"

No. 97, 2006

“Human hygiene and ecology”

Kryuchkova N.I. – deputy Director of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1

11th grade Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 5, Pavlovo

No. 98, 2006


Kryuchkova N.I. – deputy Director of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1

11th grade Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 5, Pavlovo

No. 99, 2006

"Fundamentals of microbiology and virology"

Kryuchkova N.I. – deputy Director of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1

11th grade Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 5, Pavlovo

No. 100, 2006

"Human Anatomy and Physiology"

Kryuchkova N.I. – deputy Director of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1, works as a biology teacher under the program

Dimitrienko N.G.

Grade 10, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 5. Pavlovo

No. 21, 2006

In general educational institutions of Pavlovo, specialized study of natural science subjects is conducted, based on an integrative approach:



Profile direction

Availability of an agreement with a university or college

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 1




Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 5

G. Pavlovo


Chemical and biological specialization

State Educational Institution Nizhny Novgorod Medical Basic College

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 10



Scientific and Methodological Center “New Generation School”

Improving the professional skills of teachers is carried out through their participation in various competitions, seminars, scientific and practical conferences, national projects, etc.


participants and winners of PNPO by subject area


Number of participants

Number of winners














In 2010, the grant of the Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region was awarded to:

Biology teacher:(MOU secondary school No. 1

R.p. Tumbotino);

Chemistry teacher: Ryzhova Marina Evgenievna(MOU secondary school village Yasentsy)

When working with children, teachers use new educational



Technologies of design and research activities;

Multi-level, developmental, dialogue, problem-based, personality-oriented learning;

Technology of cooperation, full assimilation of knowledge, critical thinking.

87% of natural science teachers build their educational process based on the use of modern information and communication technologies, such as:

Training programs;

Control programs;

Simulator programs;

Demonstration programs;

Simulation and modeling programs;

Reference and information programs;

Multimedia textbooks;

Working with an interactive whiteboard.

Most educational institutions of the Pavlovsk regionsufficientlyequipped with educational equipmentnecessary to improve the quality of the subjects studied:



2009 indicator


Tel 2010

Qty computer classes (informatics classrooms)

Qty computers in computer science classrooms

Qty computers installed in other classrooms (physics, chemistry, biology, etc.)

percent teachers who have completed course training on the use of ICT in the educational process

Qty multimedia projectors

Percent teachers using projectors in the teaching process


Qty interactive whiteboards

Percent teachers using interactive whiteboards in the educational process


Qty licensed discs in the school media library for educational subjects



Physics room (quantity)





7th grade


8th grade

9th grade


Grade 10

Grade 11












Nuclear physics


Chemistry room (quantity)



presence of a fume hood in working order

percent provision of laboratory equipment and chemical reagents to carry out the practical part of the program:


8th grade


9th grade


Grade 10

Grade 11


percent provision of demonstration equipment for each of the sections:

Inorganic chemistry


Organic chemistry


Biology class(quantity)



percent provision of laboratory equipment to carry out the practical part of the program:

6th grade

7th grade


8th grade


9th grade


Grade 10


Grade 11


percent provision of demonstration equipment for each section of biology:


Natural history







General biology


Geography office(quantity)



percent card availability:


World maps

Maps of continents, their parts and oceans


Maps of Russia


As a result of a comparative analysis for 2009 and 2010, the provision of educational equipment in classrooms of natural disciplines, the following conclusions can be drawn:

There is an increase in the percentage of classrooms equipped with laboratory and demonstration equipment;

The number of computers in the classrooms of subject disciplines has increased significantly;

The percentage of teachers who have completed course training on the use of ICT in teaching has increased;

The amount of modern computer equipment has increased,

In schools; Accordingly, the percentage of teachers using modern computer equipment in the teaching and educational process has increased.

All of the above indicators indicate an increase

professional level of teachers of natural disciplines, about

increasing the amount of educational equipment in general education

institutions, which has a significant impact on the quality of educational

educational process and creates effective conditions for the implementation of this project.

Conceptual part

The project of the National Educational Initiative “Our New School”, simultaneously with the introduction of second-generation standards, plans to form a holistic socially-oriented view of the world in schoolchildren during the learning process. This is only possibleas a result of combining the efforts of teachers of various subjects.
An integrative approach to learning is one of the ways to build a new educational system.

In the educational processintegration can be carried out at any stage:

1) at the stage of pedagogical goals(focus on such integral properties and characteristics of the individual as activity, independence, creativity);

2) at the content stage(integrated programs, training courses);

3) at the stage of schoolchildren’s areas of activity(integrated lessons, excursions, conferences, projects);

4) at the stage of pedtechnologies(variability of integration forms and methods of pedagogical influence)

It is necessary to distinguish several levels of integration:

First level – implementation of interdisciplinary connections in the learning process. What is important is the integration of academic disciplines, the search in their interaction for approaches to a holistic vision of the world.

Second level – integration of the studied disciplines based on the development by teachers of unified programs for the formation of leading concepts of an interdisciplinary nature. Such work can be carried out on the basis of identifying the core lines of training courses.

Third level – integration through the implementation and strengthening of the practical orientation of not only a specific subject, but also a cycle.

Fourth level– use of general scientific methods of cognition, such as observation, hypothesis, experiment; teaching these methods to students.

Tools and forms of training necessary for knowledge integration:

Integrated course(elective, elective courses, additional academic subjects, etc.) - an autonomous scientific discipline with its own specific subject of study, which includes elements of different disciplines, but in a complex manner, and at a qualitatively different level.

Integrated lesson– a special type of lesson that combines training in several disciplines simultaneously while studying one concept, topic or phenomenon.

The subject of analysis in an integrated lesson is multifaceted objects, information about the essence of which is contained in various academic disciplines. This leads to the emergence of a qualitatively new type of knowledge, which finds expression in general scientific concepts, categories, and approaches.

The structure of integrated lessons differs from regular ones in the following ways:

1) extreme clarity and compactness of educational material;

2) logical interdependence, interconnectedness of the material

Integrated subjects at each stage of the lesson;

3) large informative capacity of the educational material used

At the lesson.

When planning and organizing such classes, it is important for the teacher to consider the following conditions:

An integrated lesson combines blocks of knowledge from several

Items, so it is important to correctly determine the main goal

Integrated lesson;

Integration helps relieve tension, overload, fatigue

Students by switching them to a variety of activities

During the lesson;

When conducting an integrated lesson, teachers need careful

Coordination of actions.

The orientation of teachers towards structuring the content of education in accordance with the methodology of scientific knowledge will allow not only to integrate the content of educational material but also:

It is rational to reduce the amount of information offered to schoolchildren;

Systematize educational material more clearly;

To create in children an idea of ​​a holistic scientific picture of the world.

Methodological characteristics of the project

Object of study: integration of natural science subjects

cycle, helping to improve the professional level of teachers and

Forming in schoolchildren an understanding of a holistic scientific picture of the world.

Subject of study: the process of teaching natural sciences

Integrative basis.

Objective of the project : expanding the professional competencies of teachers

natural science cycle in the field of integration of educational content



Plan and organize work to implement this project in

Compliance with new educational requirements;

Provide methodological assistance to teachers on this issue;

Prepare qualified personnel to implement integrative

New approach to teaching;

Build the educational process on the basis of a new pedagogical


Develop and implement an integrated learning program

Natural science subjects.

Necessary conditions for the implementation of the project:

1) study of literature on this topic;

2) familiarization with the requirements and features of the new training system;

3) organizing and conducting advanced training courses for teachers

In this educational field;

4) exchange of experience of teachers implementing integration in learning.

As part of the implementation of an educational project, the information and diagnostic room must provide systematic information and methodological support to teachers, coordinate the work of teachers and students in order to achieve a positive result in experimental work.

Expected results

Availability of highly qualified teaching staff;

Creation of pedagogical technology on an integrative basis;

Development and implementation of programs based on integrative

Approach to teaching natural science subjects

Experiment participants

  1. GOU DPO NIRO Nizhny Novgorod (advanced training courses for teachers, organization and holding of seminars, conferences);
  2. Information and diagnostic office of the education department of the administration of the Pavlovsk municipal district;
  3. Educational institutions of the Pavlovsk region.

Head (coordinator) of the experiment:

from the municipal methodological service - Legostina E.P. - methodologist of the information and diagnostic room.

on the part of educational institutions - deputy directors of water resources management, NER, teachers.

Project implementation timeframe


Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of an integrative approach in education:

  1. adequacy to the modern level of scientific ideas about the world;
  2. the opportunity to unfold before the student a multidimensional picture of the world in dynamics, in multiple relationships;
  3. expanding the “horizons” in teaching the “own” subject and implementing new prospects for activity;
  4. an incentive to search for new methodological forms of interaction with the student (teacher), corresponding to the principles of the integrative approach;
  5. combining the efforts of different specialists in solving common problems, the ability to take into account the value orientations and motivation of students;
  6. removing overload in the educational process, reducing the number of subjects;
  7. obtaining a qualitatively new pedagogical result


lack of educational and methodological complex;

Insufficient preparedness of teachers in this regard

Direction of work;

Methods for collecting and processing experimental data

- research (study of literature, legal framework);

  1. empirical methods (observation, surveys, questionnaires);
  2. studying and summarizing the experience of integrated education for schoolchildren;
  3. monitoring of innovation activities.

Structure of the experiment

Level 1 – municipal educational institutions.

Level 2 – municipal educational space. Activity

Information and diagnostic room.

Level 3 - educational space of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Coordination of interaction between participants in experimental activities.


Introduction of new technology into the educational process;

Certification of course programs,


1) study of the regulatory framework, development of regulations and documents;

2) training of teaching staff;

2) creation, examination and certification of programs;

3) the mechanism of interactions at the level of the district, region.

Resource support for the project

Regulatory Resources:

Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”

Order of the President of the Russian Federation No. 271 of 02/04/2010. " About

Approval of the national educational initiative

"Our new school"

The concept of modernization of Russian education

Experimental activity program of the Pavlovsk region

Regulations on the organization of innovative activities

in educational institutions

Regulations on the experimental teacher

Regulations on the District Expert Council

Regulations on the experimental site

Regulations on the creative association of teachers,

Pedagogical workshop

Regulations governing financial incentives

Participants in innovative, experimental activities

Agreements between educational institutions

And other subjects of educational activities

Innovation Development Program

Human resources.



Job title


Mitrofanova Elvira Alekseevna

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 7, Pavlovo

biology teacher

experimental teacher

Balakina Natalya Valentinovna

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 1 r.p. Tumbotino

biology teacher

experimental teacher

Kryuchkova Nadezhda Ivanovna

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 1, Pavlovo

biology teacher

experimental teacher

Nikitina Faina Vladimirovna

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 1, Vorsma

chemistry teacher

experimental teacher

Software and methodological resources:

2) methodological literature;

3) media resources

Financial support:

Municipal budget funds.

Material stimulation of innovation processes

From the provisions on material incentives for teaching staff

educational institutions:


at the rate of 15% (official salary)- managers

District methodological associations;

in the amount of 10% - heads of regional creative associations;

up to 15% - members of experimental sites;


up to 25% - for work in the regional expert council,

Expert commissions;

up to 30% - for organizing and working in regional events;

For the development of new effective technologies;

Methods of teaching, upbringing, development of children

Main stages of the project implementation.

1. Preparatory: information and analytical stage (2010-11)

Description of activity


Responsible executor

Study of literature and legal framework

September October

Legostina E.P.

Diagnostics of teachers’ readiness to study and implement new educational technologies


Legostina E.P., teachers

Analysis of the concept of integrated learning

Legostina E.P.

Step-by-step planning of the experiment.

Legostina E.P.

Training seminars:

1. “Modern problems of integration of natural science subjects”,

2. “Methodological approaches to the implementation of the learning process based on integrated content”

Legostina E.P.

Development of diagnostic tools for assessing performance results at this stage

Legostina E.P., heads of RMO

Job analysis.

Adjustment of activities.

Legostina E.P.

2. Main: practical (2011-12)

Description of activity




1 .

Determination of resource support for the project: study and development of regulatory documents, financial, material and technical equipment

Legostina E.P.


Purchase of educational and methodological literature

Legostina E.P.,

Ezhova E.V.


Organization and conduct of teacher training courses

Legostina E.P.,



Conducting integrated lessons and extracurricular activities by science teachers

during a year

subject teachers


Conducting scientific and practical seminars on the development of an integrated course for studying natural science subjects

Legostina E.P.,


Software development

Legostina E.P., heads of RMO, teachers


Program examination

expert advice


Round table “Information support in the implementation of an integrative approach to teaching”

Legostina E.P., experimental teachers


Development of main stage diagnostic tools

Legostina E.P.


Analysis of the project implementation work at this stage

Legostina E.P., teachers

3. Final stage (20012-13)

Description of activity


Responsible executor

Correction of documents and planning of further work.

Legostina E.P., teachers

Conducting seminars and round tables on program implementation

during a year

Legostina E.P., heads of the Russian educational organization, experimental teachers

Web conferences to share experiences with teachers from other districts

Legostina E.P.

Generalization of innovative experience of teachers

heads of the Ministry of Defense

Project implementation results

IDK methodologist, experimental teachers.


1. Second generation standards Sample programs for academic subjects: Geography. Biology. Chemistry. Physics. M.: “Enlightenment”, 2010.

2. Aleksashina I. Integrative approach in natural science education // Public education. – 2001 - No. 1.

3. Boroday A.A. Lessons on an integrative basis: Methodological development. - Dnepropetrovsk, 2004

4. Danilyuk A.Ya. Academic subject as an integrated system // Pedagogy No. 4, 1999.

5. Danilyuk A.Ya. Metamorphoses and prospects for integration in education // Pedagogy, 1998. Slide captions.