On the issue of attracting and retaining the contingent of children's music schools, music departments of children's schools. Staffing of the educational process

State budgetary non-standard educational institution “Republican basic general education music and art boarding school named after. R.D. Kendenbilya »
Report on the topic:
“Preservation of the student population in the choreography department of R.D. Kendenbil ROOMSHA”
(forms of work with parents)
Compiled by: Khovalyg Shoraana Saryg-oolovna
Teacher of the choreography department
Kyzyl - 2014
On the topic: “Preservation of the student population in the choreography department of the ROOMSHI named after. R.D. Kendenbil (forms of work with parents)"
Choreography teacher Khovalyg Sh.S.
The problem of maintaining a contingent in a children's art school has always been relevant. And these days we often hear phrases from teachers that students interrupt classes without finishing their studies, and that it is difficult to interest them. Unfortunately, in the current conditions, children easily drop out of art school, often already in the second or third years of study, and the most offensive thing is that there are cases of termination of studies in graduating classes. This is facilitated by a number of various reasons. Such as poor health, heavy workload in secondary school, priorities, weak data, transitional age etc.
Ways to solve the problem.
Creating the image of the school. The goal of the school leadership and teaching staff is to purposefully shape the image of the institution, focusing on its target audience, in our case, the parents of students, the students themselves, and social partners. What does an image consist of? The foundation is basic idea institutions - those principles that must be followed. External image is the perception of the school by society. It is necessary to constantly broadcast the goals and activities of the school for all groups target audience. Internal image is the attitude of students and staff towards the school. An intangible image is the emotional mood of employees, the atmosphere of the school, its established traditions.
The image of a school can be made up of details that seem trivial at first glance: appearance employees, their politeness and friendliness, the design of the corridors, classrooms.
Methods pedagogical prevention. IN modern conditions teachers are obliged to look for optimal pedagogical systems, apply latest achievements pedagogy. Systematically monitor and evaluate learning outcomes and promptly identify gaps through working with students’ parents.
Working with parents. The people closest to a child are, of course, his parents. No one knows the character and temperament of their child better than them, and, therefore, no one except them can help the child in introducing and strengthening connections with a new activity, which - who knows? - over time can develop into a serious hobby or even a profession . Therefore, the teacher should, whenever possible, involve the parent in the educational process. Educational activities it is impossible to conduct successfully without the cooperation of parents. Parents of students are allies and helpers, active participants in the life of the department and school, constant and most grateful listeners.
Forms of work with parents, i.e. how we work with our parents of students in the choreography department of ROOMSHI
- Open lessons. On open lessons We invite parents (the goal is to familiarize parents with new programs in the subject, teaching methods, and teacher requirements).
- Test lessons. On test lessons We invite interested parents. After the second half of the year, in front of their parents, we encourage the excellent students of the department and soloists of the ensemble, so that others can look up to them.
- Information and analytical: questionnaire, survey, “ Mailbox”;
One of the forms of information and analytical work is a mailbox. This is a box or notebook in which parents can put notes with their ideas and suggestions and contact the teacher with questions. Questions asked We cover it at parent meetings.
- Leisure: holidays, joint leisure, parental participation in competitions, on trips. Here the opportunities for cooperation and creativity are most fully revealed. From work experience, we know that parents are most willing to make contact and express a desire to cooperate precisely when we're talking about directly about their child.
- Individual thematic consultations. We exchange information that gives a real idea of ​​school affairs and the child’s behavior and problems.
Individual consultations- one of the most important forms interactions with family. In order to overcome parents' anxiety and fear of talking about their child, we conduct individual consultations and interviews with parents. We teachers give parents the opportunity to tell him everything that they would like to introduce him to in an informal setting, and find out important information for your professional work with baby:
– characteristics of the child’s health;
– his hobbies, interests;
– preferences in communication in the family;
– character traits;
– motivation for learning;
– moral values ​​of the family.
- Visiting family. We work individually with parents of problem children, getting to know their living conditions.
- Parent meeting
Group parent meetings – held four to five times a year.
Purpose: discussion of educational tasks educational work, planning educational work, identifying ways of close cooperation, considering current pedagogical problems.
Meetings are held once every quarter, and more often if necessary. At parent meetings they analyze academic achievements students, their capabilities are characterized, the degree of class advancement in educational activities. A parent meeting is an opportunity to demonstrate the child’s progress. For parent-teacher meetings we often use video recordings of children’s activities, fragments of classes, competitions, their achievements, photographs of students who were at competitions, on trips, while studying, on walks. That is why the percentage of attendance at meetings is quite high.
Recommendations for holding parent meetings:
1. The parent meeting should educate parents, and not state the mistakes and failures of children.
2. The topic of the meeting should take into account age characteristics children.
3. The meeting should not engage in discussion and condemnation of the personalities of students.
Sample topics for consultations for parents:
1. The child does not want to study in a group. How can I help him?
2. The child’s poor memory. How to develop it?
3. Only child in family. Ways to overcome difficulties in education.
4. Punishing children. What should they be?
5. Anxiety in children. What could it lead to?
6. Shy child. Problems of shyness and ways to overcome it.
Note to teachers and parents
– the child is constantly criticized, he learns to hate;
– the child is ridiculed, he becomes withdrawn;
– the child is praised, he learns to be noble;
– the child is supported, he learns to value himself;
– the child grows up in reproaches, he learns to live with a feeling of guilt;
– the child grows up in tolerance, he learns to understand others;
– the child grows in honesty, he learns to be fair;
– the child grows up in safety, he learns to believe in people;
– the child lives in hostility, he learns to be aggressive;
– the child lives in understanding and friendliness, he learns to find love in this world.
These tips arose on the basis of practical life observations, comprehension teaching practice. The stated provisions can be used in practical work with parents, as well as as topics for meetings and conversations with them.
In conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again that positive results are achieved only with skillful combination different forms cooperation, with the active involvement of all team members and family members of the students in this work. The main thing in the work is to gain trust and authority, to convince parents of the importance and necessity of coordinated actions. Without parental participation, the upbringing process is impossible, or at least incomplete. That's why Special attention should be given to introducing new non-traditional forms cooperation aimed at organizing individual work with a family, differentiated approach to families of different types.

ABSTRACT: The report covers current problem“turnover” of the contingent of music departments of educational institutions additional education children in the field of culture and art Murmansk region in modern conditions.

1. Introduction. Relevance of the problem. Causes.
2. Ways to solve the problem: 1) creating the image of the school
2) methods of pedagogical prevention
3) work with parents.

1. Introduction.
How often do we hear phrases from music teachers today that students interrupt classes without finishing their studies, and that it is difficult to interest them. Unfortunately, in the current conditions, it is easy to drop out of music school, often already in the second or third years of study, and the most offensive thing is that cases of dropping out of studies in the final grades have become more frequent. Dropout of students throughout school year can be up to 10%. Let's look at the reasons.

Reason one. Weak musical abilities.

It has always been customary to conditionally divide children entering a music school into those who will continue professional education, and for those who wish to receive primary musical education “for themselves.” Nowadays, we can add: for those who just need to spend time somewhere. I don’t dare to say that working with gifted, professionally oriented children is easy, but thanks to a strong and well-founded motivation to acquire knowledge, such children, as a rule, do not give up their studies halfway.
As for the latter, who make up the majority, the situation here is more serious. Among those who want to study “for themselves,” there are students with good abilities. True, since modern conditions of enrollment in children's music schools do not imply selection according to musical abilities(we take everyone), the teacher is increasingly faced with the problem of teaching children without the appropriate data. These children find it difficult to follow the curriculum. They require a different, personality-oriented approach.
The third category perceives music school as something like an after-school program where you can bring your child so that he “doesn’t hang around the streets.” We are not talking about buying a tool, carefully attending and completing tasks. In such families there is low level education and culture, there is no attitude towards work.

Parents often form a false opinion about the secondary importance and optionality of MS. So what do we have? Children with below average abilities begin to study. As a rule, problems begin to be identified quite early; as difficulties increase, students feel that they cannot cope with the educational process, teachers press them, and parents are perplexed. These first failures childhood entail giving up, depression and reluctance to go to music school. By accepting children without expressed musical abilities, we take responsibility for their physical and psychological health, so we must either stop accepting them, or we must adapt the educational process and develop new programs for them.

Reason two. High workload in secondary school.
This is truly the most serious reason. According to parents, children (especially students in gymnasiums and lyceums with their highly complex programs) do not have time to do their homework because they need to run “to the music”, where they are also given lessons that also need to be completed. There is a shortage of time. Unfortunately, for this reason they leave music school and children with above average abilities.

Reason three. Priorities.
Ambitious parents strive for their child to attend all sections and creative houses in the area, and study clubs in English are of undisputed priority. As a result, the child cannot cope with the amount of knowledge due to the inhuman workload, and parents still have to reduce the number of clubs, but the choice, alas, most often turns out not to be in favor of a music school.

Why do children leave us? Why is recruitment carried out in insufficient quantities (accordingly, there are no conditions for specialized selection)? In the current economic conditions in the provincial cities of Russia, the prestige of the profession of academic musician is falling catastrophically. What can an individual music school or children's art school do for itself? Firstly, it is necessary to raise the image of your institution, and secondly, to properly organize working together school staff - administration and teachers various items, thirdly, it is necessary competent work with parents – the main customers of our activities.

2. Ways to solve the problem.
Creating the image of the school. Among uninitiated people there is a myth that teachers are additional. education - people who do not have education, professional training, or proper qualifications, in comparison with secondary school teachers. Rumors rule the world. It is on their basis that the idea of ​​additional services is formed. education and about a specific school in particular. The goal of the school leadership is to purposefully shape the image of the institution, focusing on its target audience, in our case - the parents of students, the students themselves, social partners, and the media. What does an image consist of? The foundation is the basic idea of ​​the institution - the principles that must be followed. External image is the perception of the school by society. It is necessary to constantly broadcast the goals and activities of the school to all groups of the target audience. This is creation and regular replenishment school website, informing “external consumers” through booklets, reminders, leaflets, mailings letters of thanks, participation in events that have wide public resonance. Internal image - the attitude of students and staff towards the school. An intangible image is the emotional mood of employees, the atmosphere of the school, its established traditions.
The image of a school can be made up of details that seem trivial at first glance: the appearance of the employees, their politeness and friendliness, the design of the halls, classrooms, restrooms, the order in the wardrobe, the cleanliness and neatness of the staircases.

Methods of pedagogical prevention. In modern conditions, teachers are obliged to look for optimal pedagogical systems, apply the latest achievements of pedagogy, incl. information and communication technologies, follow the path of individualization of learning. Create adapted options curricula for children with insufficient musical abilities. Systematically monitor and evaluate learning outcomes and promptly identify gaps through working with students’ parents.

Working with parents.
The people closest to a child are, of course, his parents. No one knows the character and temperament of their child better than them, which means no one but them can help like that little man in getting to know and strengthening connections with a new activity, which - who knows? - over time, it can develop into a serious hobby or even a profession. Therefore, the teacher should, whenever possible, involve the parent in the educational process. It is very good when close people attend the first classes with the child. Even non-professionals have heard that learning to play any instrument requires regular independent practice. Family members can become indispensable assistants to the teacher and, first of all, to the child.

Ways to organize work with parents.
Work with parents should be carried out not only at the class level of one teacher, but also at the school level. And here the position of the administration and the attitude towards the work of teachers of the theoretical cycle of subjects play a significant role. Teacher special tool, in addition to the educational process, is responsible for parent meetings of his class, cool watch, tea parties, he can actively involve parents here. But at general parent meetings, the administration can acquaint parents with regulatory documents, the school charter, internal regulations, minimum requirements, prospects for the development of the institution and the prospects for further specialized education, agitate for the prestige of teaching music, give examples of promising students, laureates, diploma recipients of whom the school is proud, organize meetings with the parents of these children, in a word, create unspoken motivation. You can conduct regular surveys to study parental requests and analyze learning results.
If all school employees, intelligently united by a common goal, make joint efforts, we can try to talk about a revival of popularity music education, at least for local level schools, because interest in the field of musical academic art still remains a generally accepted indicator of degree in the world cultural development society.


1) Gorsky V.A. Methodological basis introduction of a competency-based approach into the content of additional education programs. / Regional materials scientific-practical conference(November 8 – 9, 2007). Part 1. – Omsk: State Educational Institution “RIC”, 2007 – 92 p.
2) Khomenko I.A. School image: formation mechanisms and methods of construction. // http://www.den-za-dnem.ru/page.php?article=386
3) Kupriyanov B.V. Diagnosis: occupational autism. About the teacher of additional education. // http://www.isiksp.ru/library/kyprianov_bv/kypr-000004.html
4) Kuznetsova M.V. Some mnemonic techniques in the process of initial training in piano lessons at children's music schools. / Materials of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Charnolu Readings: Sami in Dynamics” modern culture"(November 14-15, 2011). Part 2. – Murmansk: MSGU, 2011 – 151 p.

State budgetary non-standard educational institution “Republican basic general education music and art boarding school named after. R.D. Kendenbilya »

Report on the topic:

“Preservation of the student population in the choreography department of R.D. Kendenbil ROOMSHA”

(forms of work with parents)

Compiled by: Khovalyg Shoraana Saryg-oolovna

Teacher of the choreography department

Kyzyl - 2014


On the topic: “Preservation of the student population in the choreography department of the ROOMSHI named after. R.D.Kendenbilya

(forms of work with parents)"

Choreography teacher Khovalyg Sh.S.

The problem of maintaining a contingent in a children's art school has always been relevant. And these days we often hear phrases from teachers that students interrupt classes without finishing their studies, that it is difficult to interest them. Unfortunately, in the current conditions, children’s art school is easily dropped out, often already in the second or third years of study, and the most offensive thing is that there are cases of termination of studies in the final grades. A number of different reasons contribute to this. Such as poor health, heavy workload in secondary school, priorities, weak data, adolescence, etc.

Ways to solve the problem.

Creating the image of the school. The goal of the school leadership and teaching staff is to purposefully shape the image of the institution, focusing on its target audience, in our case, the parents of students, the students themselves, and social partners. What does an image consist of? The foundation is the basic idea of ​​the institution - the principles that must be followed. External image is the perception of the school by society. It is necessary to constantly broadcast the goals and activities of the school to all groups of the target audience. Internal image is the attitude of students and staff towards the school. An intangible image is the emotional mood of employees, the atmosphere of the school, its established traditions.

The image of a school can be made up of details that seem trivial at first glance: the appearance of employees, their politeness and friendliness, the design of corridors and classrooms.

Methods of pedagogical prevention. In modern conditions, teachers are obliged to look for optimal pedagogical systems and apply the latest achievements of pedagogy. Systematically monitor and evaluate learning outcomes and promptly identify gaps through working with students’ parents.

Working with parents. The people closest to a child are, of course, his parents. No one knows the character and temperament of their child better than them, and, therefore, no one except them can help the child in introducing and strengthening connections with a new activity, which - who knows? - over time can develop into a serious hobby or even a profession . Therefore, the teacher should, whenever possible, involve the parent in the educational process. Educational activities cannot be carried out successfully without the cooperation of parents. Parents of students are allies and helpers, active participants in the life of the department and school, constant and most grateful listeners.

Forms of work with parents, i.e. how we work with our parents of students in the choreography department of ROOMSHI

- Open lessons. We invite parents to open lessons (the goal is to familiarize parents with new programs in the subject, teaching methods, and teacher requirements).

- Test lessons. We invite interested parents to attend test lessons. After the second half of the year, in front of their parents, we encourage the excellent students of the department and soloists of the ensemble, so that others can look up to them.

- Information and analytical : questionnaire, survey, “mailbox”;

One of the forms of information and analytical work is a mailbox. This is a box or notebook in which parents can put notes with their ideas and suggestions and contact the teacher with questions. We cover the questions asked at parent meetings.

- Leisure : holidays, joint leisure, parental participation in competitions, on trips.Here the opportunities for cooperation and creativity are most fully revealed. From work experience, we know that parents are most willing to make contact and express a desire to cooperate precisely when it comes directly to their child.

- Individual thematic consultations . We exchange information that gives a real idea of ​​school affairs and the child’s behavior and problems.

Individual consultations are one of the most important forms of interaction with families. In order to overcome parents' anxiety and fear of talking about their child, we conduct individual consultations and interviews with parents. We teachers give parents the opportunity to tell him everything that they would like to introduce in an informal setting, and find out important information for their professional work with the child:

characteristics of the child’s health;

his hobbies, interests;

family communication preferences;

character traits;

learning motivation;

moral values ​​of the family.

- Family visit . We work individually with parents of problem children, getting to know their living conditions.

- Parent meeting

Group parent meetings – held four to five times a year.

Goal: discussion of the tasks of educational work, planning of educational work, identifying ways of close cooperation, consideration of current pedagogical problems.

Meetings are held once every quarter, and more often if necessary. At parent meetings, the educational achievements of students are analyzed, their capabilities, and the degree of progress of the class in educational activities are characterized. A parent meeting is an opportunity to demonstrate the child’s progress. For parent meetings we often use video recordings of children’s activities, fragments of classes, competitions, their achievements, photographs of students who were at competitions, on trips, while studying, on walks. That is why the percentage of attendance at meetings is quite high.

1. The parent meeting should educate parents, and not state the mistakes and failures of children.

2. The topic of the meeting should take into account the age characteristics of the children.

3. The meeting should not engage in discussion and condemnation of the personalities of students.

Sample topics for consultations for parents:

1. The child does not want to study in a group. How can I help him?

2. The child’s poor memory. How to develop it?

3. The only child in the family. Ways to overcome difficulties in education.

4. Punishing children. What should they be?

5. Anxiety in children. What could it lead to?

6. Shy child. Problems of shyness and ways to overcome it.

Note to teachers and parents


the child is constantly criticized, he learns to hate;

the child is ridiculed and becomes withdrawn;

the child is praised, he learns to be noble;

the child is supported, he learns to value himself;

the child grows up in reproaches, he learns to live with a feeling of guilt;

the child grows up in tolerance, he learns to understand others;

the child grows in honesty, he learns to be fair;

the child grows up in safety, he learns to believe in people;

the child lives in hostility, he learns to be aggressive;

the child lives in understanding and friendliness, he learns to find love in this world.

These tips arose on the basis of life-long practical observations and understanding of teaching practice. The stated provisions can be used in practical work with parents, as well as as topics for meetings and conversations with them.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again that positive results are achieved only with a skillful combination of different forms of cooperation, with the active involvement of all team members and family members of the students in this work. The main thing in the work is to gain trust and authority, to convince parents of the importance and necessity of coordinated actions. Without parental participation, the upbringing process is impossible, or at least incomplete. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the introduction of new non-traditional forms of cooperation aimed at organizing individual work with families and a differentiated approach to families of different types.

The study identified the most significant issues in the activities of MAU DO "Children's Art School No. 5", including:

Lack of funding;

Weak material and technical base of the institution;

Lack of personnel, low wage teachers;

The problem of student motivation;

Not enough effective work to attract children to school;

Priority of cultural work and leisure.

The first two problems are closely interrelated; lack of funding determines the weak material and technical base of the school. Currently, MAU DO "Children's Art School" No. 5 needs to expand classroom space and renovate premises, incl. ceilings, corridor walls, replacement of electrical and water supply systems, heating and sewage systems, etc.

Many of the school's musical instruments have high degree wear. The school is constantly lacking Money for the purchase of high-quality professional musical instruments. Currently, their cost can reach 1 million rubles. and more, for example, a good piano costs up to 1.5 million rubles, and an accordion - up to 500 thousand rubles. The school can purchase instruments that are inexpensive by professional standards - a grand piano for 1 million rubles, an accordion for 300 thousand rubles, made in China, which are technical specifications significantly inferior to quality musical instruments, and during use they break down faster.

Another important problem is the lack of qualified personnel, which is associated with low wages. There is a shortage of qualified personnel in a number of subjects (piano, theory, solfeggio, vocals). To a certain extent, it is due to the fact that in specialized universities, incl. At VSGAKI there is a shortage of students in a number of areas. Many teachers combine work in several children's art schools and other cultural institutions due to lack of funds. In addition, the problem of lack of space and lack of teachers are also related - the school needs teachers in a number of areas, but there is nowhere to place new classes.

The following two problems are related; currently, some students have problems with motivation. This is determined by the fact that children and their parents perceive additional education as general development and useful leisure, without further development.

Currently, the school is doing insufficiently effective work to attract children to school. There are few publications in the media, there is no advertising of the institution’s services, the school’s website is little known and uninformative for visitors, the school is not represented at all in social networks.

Currently, the activities of the institution are affected by economic instability, incomes of the population are declining, parents are cutting back on non-essential expenses, including the costs of additional education for children, which can be postponed “until better times.”

One of modern trends in the activities of children's art schools is a shift in emphasis from the artistic, aesthetic, creative, intellectual development of students to the organization of cultural work and leisure. Students and creative teams schools are constantly involved in organizing cultural performances in for various reasons(on City Day, to military units, nursing homes, etc.), which negatively affects the implementation of the educational process and distracts children.

To solve these problems, the following measures are proposed:

It is necessary to update the material and technical base of the institution, for this it is necessary to develop a project for financing the modernization and development of MAU DO DSHI No. 5, dedicated to the celebration of its 50th anniversary in 2019; and also work more actively with patrons and sponsors;

Create groups of UIA DO “Children’s School No. 5” in major social networks (“Vkontakte”, “Odnoklassniki”) and intensify their work;

Conduct constant monitoring of school graduates’ enrollment in specialized universities and colleges (in specialized specialties), consider the possibility of organizing a “Club of graduates of MAU DO DSHI No. 5.”

The implementation of these activities contributes to improving the work of the institution and its further development, and in general, contributes to the implementation of the goals of the institution in the artistic, aesthetic, moral and intellectual development students, their socialization in society, formation and development creativity school students.

Pilipenko Nadezhda Nikolaevna
Job title: art teacher
Educational institution: Children's art school
Locality: Kholmsk
Name of material: article
Publication date: 24.11.2016
Chapter: additional education





teacher of the highest qualification category
Kholmsk, 2016

The concept of development of additional education is associated with the concept of achievement modern quality education, which is subject to new requirements for the level and quality of services provided and technologies used. This means that in modern conditions, special increased demands are placed on every teacher, and not only in terms of educational qualifications. New programs require a high level of professionalism, competence and skill. Today, a serious problem in the implementation of FGT is the pedagogical human resource, its professional level (including poor knowledge of ICT), and the rationality of distributing this resource between pre-professional and general developmental programs. Today there is a need to create at the regional level innovation platforms in order to improve methodological and information literacy, increase the level of training in subjects of the theoretical block, equip teachers with knowledge about methods of working with special categories of students (gifted children, children with disabilities, etc.), exchange and disseminate best practices. The objectives of pre-professional programs are to develop the concept of culture and cultural values, the formation of aesthetic attitudes and taste, the acquisition of creative experience in general and the identification and subsequent development of abilities in gifted children in particular. Despite the fact that the requirements are developed with the aim of creating equal conditions for students to receive pre-vocational education, the same requirements provide for the possibility of using different educational and methodological materials by different educational institutions. On the one hand, this is an obvious advantage: schools themselves choose what material to base their education on, which implies a differentiated approach and expands the possibilities for implementing new ideas used in the learning process. On the other hand, this makes it obvious that the education received in different schools, will not be the same in quality. Not all educational establishments have full access to teaching materials, and some have limited opportunity purchase educational literature and sheet music in sufficient quantities. Also, a significant difference will lie in the content of the variable part. Teachers during development curricula As a rule, they include in the elective part those subjects that correspond to the focus of their school. It should be noted that pre-professional programs cannot always be fully implemented. This is due to a number of problems:  The problems of competitive selection, which is declared by the FGT, but in reality is practically absent, and the safety of the contingent are of high relevance. There are also objective reasons related to the priority of basic education for most parents, the heavy workload of children in secondary schools,
tutors, on preparatory courses etc. There are also subjective reasons related to the competitiveness of our educational programs. We very often come across the fact that parents, wanting to give their child the best possible, enroll him in different sections, clubs and art school at the same time. Since it becomes impossible to combine all types of education, the choice is often not made in favor of an art school. Another reason for the dropout of the contingent is the lack of financial opportunities for parents to educate their children (high prices for musical instruments, art supplies, etc.).  Excessive redundancy of requirements for material, technical, information and methodological conditions for the implementation of pre-professional programs. A minimum list of classrooms (and the size of their area), specialized classrooms, their material and technical support, as well as equipment has been established school libraries, music libraries necessary for the implementation of these programs, however, these conditions for many municipal schools, especially those working in remote areas, are not feasible, and there is no indication of the role of federal authorities in this regard. The material and technical base in many schools is outdated, instruments require replacement and repair, but the high price for them and the lack of qualified craftsmen do not always allow this to be done.  The pedagogical community, which already has negative experience numerous reforms, treated the introduction of new standards with distrust. Therefore, with the implementation of new programs, there are certain difficulties in restructuring the consciousness, the readiness of teachers for such innovations, overcoming resistance and finding mechanisms for motivating teaching staff. Another problem is the shortage of young qualified teachers. And also the heavy workload due to combining work with children and the presence of a large amount of “paper” work makes the teaching profession unattractive. Young specialists who have received secondary vocational education leave the region to continue their studies at universities and, as a rule, do not return.  Work to create educational and methodological complexes is absent at the Federation level and is left to teachers. Methodological support is also insufficient, especially in terms of textbooks, educational and methodological aids: there is no recommended list of textbooks, there are no textbooks themselves, while according to FGT, the provision of each student with a textbook in all subjects of the theoretical block is one of the conditions for the implementation of the pre-professional program. In the absence of common reference points in the field of educational and methodological support, it is difficult to talk about maintaining the unity of the educational space in the field of culture and art.
Lack of experience with new programs written in accordance with federal state requirements, led to the need to make adjustments to the educational and methodological work of the teacher. When compiling the variable part, teachers rely on their existing experience in artistic and aesthetic programs. But now we can say that objects must be selected “looking forward, and not looking back.” In other words, it is necessary to ensure the continuity of additional pre-professional educational programs and basic professional educational programs of secondary and higher professional education in the field of arts.  Lack of teaching staff specialists trained in the methodology of creating new programs. It is necessary to enter the rate of the methodologist into the staffing table. With the advent of a qualified specialist methodological work aimed at improving educational process(including educational programs, forms and methods of teaching) will be carried out at a higher level.  Requirements apply not only to teaching staff, but also to the student and to the parents. Ideally, everyone should be aware of a new level of responsibility for the results of their work, for quality. A small percentage of parents have an idea about pre-vocational education, and even fewer are focused on obtaining this education and vocational guidance for their child. In the minds of most parents, an art school is, first of all, a place where a child can receive artistic development and interesting leisure activities where you can solve the problem of a child’s employment and free time. To sum up, we can say that, despite all the problems, pre-professional general education programs aimed at developing a creative atmosphere, the ability to think creatively, moral qualities, and the ability to perceive and appreciate beauty. The creative process itself, as a rule, is a limitless process, so a lot depends on a particular teacher and his ability to find an approach to a particular student, his ability to use all the innovations that life provides us.