How to create a portfolio Tips from one active mother. Professional portfolio of work

Nowadays, children sometimes become familiar with the Italian word “portfolio” in kindergarten. Well, at school, almost every child is faced with the need to create a kind of diary of achievements.

It should be noted that the proposal to introduce mandatory portfolio production for schoolchildren is not without foundation. First, such work brings together the child and parents, who together create something designed to represent the student's personality. Secondly, you need to come up with a design, wording, and create a beautiful composition of text and images. Thirdly, a positive perception of oneself is formed, because various diplomas, certificates and other evidence of children's achievements are added to the album.

How to make a portfolio for a schoolchild in 1 hour

The easiest and fastest option is to use templates to create a student’s portfolio. These are ready-made pages into which you can paste or embed the necessary photos and text fragments. You can choose from a huge variety of themes and designs that will be close to your child - your favorite cartoon character, for example. Older students will appreciate the design in a club theme. To work, you will need about an hour of time, a color printer and photographs in electronic or printed form.

How to make a portfolio for a schoolchild from scratch

Before the student, it is necessary to discuss with him the type of future album, its general theme and specific details. It is also important to sketch out a rough plan. Below is a convenient algorithm that you can use when creating a portfolio for a primary school student. It will be displayed as a list of sheets that should be contained in the folder, and how exactly to organize them is a matter of your preferences and capabilities. Given that new pages will need to be added to the portfolio, it is best to choose a ring file folder with a thick cardboard cover.

  1. Its central part will be occupied by a photo of the student, and along the perimeter you can place images of his favorite cartoon characters, toys or other objects of interest cut out from magazines or postcards. The details of the child (full name, date of birth) and the educational institution in which he is receiving education are also indicated here.
  2. Pocket with postcards and congratulations received for Knowledge Day.
  3. My name. A section may include more than one sheet. The student deciphers the meaning and talks about the history of his name. It tells the story of who made the decision to name it that way, and what this person was guided by.
  4. Family. You can abundantly illustrate the section with photographs. A story about each of the relatives and about the family in general, some family traditions and other interesting things. An excellent option is a family tree, which allows the child to learn more about his ancestors.
  5. "It's me". Self-portrait.
  6. My hand is in 1st (2,3,4...) grade. It is suggested to trace the contour of your palm or smear it with paint and leave an imprint on the sheet (which is much more fun).
  7. My daily routine. Description with illustrations.
  8. Hobbies.
  9. Friends.
  10. My city. A local history excursion into the history of his hometown, photographs of sights and views, everything that a child wants to tell about his small homeland.
  11. How I go to school. A route map from home to school with mandatory markers in the most dangerous parts of the path, and also your student’s home address.
  12. My school.
  13. Favorite teachers. Photos, names and patronymics, as well as characteristics of teachers with whom the student regularly interacts.
  14. My class. A general picture of the class with a list of children. Friends can be given special mention.
  15. Schedule of lessons. The sheet is replaced every year or a new one is attached.
  16. Who will I be when I grow up? Description of the future profession and justification for its choice.

This is followed by the subsections “My Achievements” (certificates and diplomas for participation and victories in various competitions and competitions, letters of gratitude) and “Creativity Box” (a collection of creative works during training: drawings, poems, essays, photographs of crafts).

Knowing how to make a portfolio for a schoolchild, you will feel confident in completing this task, you will be able to show more imagination, and your work will become something that the child will now proudly display at school and flip through at home with pleasure.

How to create a student's portfolio?

Portfolio for a school student .


    files... no, not right, a lot of files,

    A4 paper,

    colored pencils (for drawing by the child),


    and, of course, patience and time.

The task of parents is to help children create a portfolio. Suggest how to fill out the sections correctly, select the necessary photographs and drawings.

At the moment, the portfolio has sample sections that can be supplemented with various interesting information:

    Title pagestudent portfolio

This sheet contains the child’s data - Last name, First name, Patronymic name, photograph of the child, educational institution and city where the child is studying, start and end date of the portfolio.

    Content – on this sheet we list all the sections that we considered necessary to include in the child’s portfolio.

    Section - My world:

This section adds information that is important to the child. Example pages:

Personal information (About me) – date of birth, place of birth, age. You can indicate your home address and telephone number.

My name– write what the child’s name means, where it came from, you can indicate who they were named after (for example, grandfather). And also, indicate famous people bearing this name.

My family– write a short story about your family or, if you have the desire and time, then about each family member. Attach to this story photographs of relatives or a drawing of the child as he sees his family. You can attach the child’s pedigree to this section.

My city (I live) - in this section we indicate the city where the child lives, in what year and by whom it was founded, what this city is famous for, and what interesting places there are.

Route diagram to school – Together with your child, we draw a safe path from home to school. We mark dangerous places - roads, railway tracks, etc.

My friends– here we list the child’s friends (last name, first name), you can attach a photo of the friends. We also write about a friend’s hobbies or common interests.

My hobbies (My interests) – on this page you need to tell what the child likes to do and what he is interested in. If the child wishes, you can tell about the clubs/sections where he/she also goes.

    Section - My school :

My school– school address, administration phone number, you can paste a photo of the institution, full name of the director, start (year) of study.

My class– indicate the class number, paste a general photo of the class, and you can also write a short story about the class.

My teachers– fill out information about the class teacher (full name + short story about what he is like), about teachers (subject + full name).

My school subjects – we give a brief description of each subject, i.e. We help the child understand why he is needed. You can also write your attitude towards the subject. For example, mathematics is a difficult subject, but I try, because... I want to learn to count well or I like music because I am learning to sing beautifully.

My social work (social activities) – it is advisable to fill out this section with photographs where the child took part in school life (for example, speaking at a festival, decorating a classroom, a wall newspaper, reading poetry at a matinee, etc.) + a brief description of the impressions/emotions of performing social activities.

My impressions (school events, excursion and educational events) – everything is standard here, we write a short review-impression about a child’s class visit to an excursion, museum, exhibition, etc. You can write a review with a photo from the event or draw a picture.

    Section - My successes :

My studies– we make sheet headings for each school subject (mathematics, Russian language, reading, music, etc.). Well-done work will be included in these sections - independent work, tests, reviews of books, various reports, etc.

My art– here we place the child’s creativity. Drawings, crafts, his writing activities - fairy tales, stories, poems. We also don’t forget about large-scale works – we take photographs and add them to our portfolio. If desired, the work can be signed - the title, as well as where the work took part (if it was exhibited at a competition/exhibition).

My achievements– we make copies and boldly place them in this section – certificates of commendation, certificates, diplomas, final attestation sheets, letters of gratitude, etc.

My best works (Works that I'm proud of) – work that the child considers important and valuable for the whole year of study will be invested here. And we lay out the remaining (less valuable, in the child’s opinion) material, making room for sections for the new school year.

Reading technique– all test results are recorded here

Academic year report card


The design should use the same colors and tones, a certain font, and sometimes include the emblem or logo of the school. The sequence of design of the portfolio pages should be the same.

For example, initially there must be a student’s personal page - a personal photo, a general photo. Next is an autobiography, which should be a kind of resume. That is, there must be not only the data studied, but the skills that the child has mastered at a certain stage of life. Achievements are also shown - participation in competitions and olympiads.

The official part of the portfolio must include recommendations from the student’s class teacher and indicators of the child’s academic performance.

Lastly, the presentation includes the student’s decision regarding his own self-determination - goals, views on the future. It will be useful if at this stage high school students decide on their own.

Thus, a portfolio is a record of the learning process. Fixed accumulation of information about the individual achievements of a student, including all periods of his educational activity.

For graduate a complete, well-designed portfolio is an effective way to establish yourself in the labor market, a good prospect for business and creative interaction with a future employer.

Using the Photoshop editor, you can improve a not entirely successful photo by removing circles under the eyes, glare and skin blemishes. It is worth retouching a photo intended for a resume only if you are fluent in the tools of a graphic editor and are able to perform processing, the traces of which will not be obvious.

To add a photo to a resume saved as a word processing document, open the text file in a program that has an option to insert images. Place the cursor on the fragment where the photo will be inserted and use the “Insert” option in the main menu. If you are editing a resume in one of the versions of Word, click on the picture added to the text and reduce its size by dragging the corner marker. To make the photo fit into the text, adjust the wrapping options.

How to create a portfolio

It is important to offer the employer your best professional qualities, skills and abilities. For example, if you want to work as a photographer, you should select your best pictures. The same goes for models. If you want to become a journalist, show the customer your best texts or videos.

The optimal amount of demonstration material is 10-20 pieces, depending on your professional specialization. This will be enough for the employer to form an idea of ​​your professionalism. You can determine the order of the works yourself - it can be chronological, thematic or genre.

Work on designing your portfolio as well. Even by saving your materials in a doc file, you can present them in an original way. Consider color or font accents. If you plan to work with the customer in several areas, try playing with dividing the presentation material into blocks. For example, first photographs, then texts, then commercial offers. The presentation should not be too colorful.

If you are presenting your portfolio remotely, separate it into different documents so you don't mix your materials (if you are talking about different areas of potential activity) within the same file. Combine everything into one archive or folder, most importantly, check that the format of your materials is universal (doc, jpeg, pdf).

How to create a portfolio online

With the opportunities that the network space provides, it would be a sin to ignore virtual self-presentation. There are specialized sites where you can post not only your resume, but also attach a portfolio. There are numerous job search resources available to you almost anywhere in the world. They often ask you to fill out a pre-prepared form. Some systems allow you to create your own portfolio online in this way.

When working on this type of presentation, remember the following: attach to each direction at least one and no more than six projects, which should be not only the best, but also fresh, attach screenshots (if we are talking about working with texts), and also correctly describe your projects and proposals. Don't forget to choose your best avatar photo.

The Russian Ministry of Education and Science for the first time published a list of Moscow universities whose graduates receive the highest salaries. As it turned out, the prestigious Higher School of Economics and the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are not at all in first place. The leader of the list surprised everyone.

Leading in the ranking compiled by the Ministry of Education and Science, RANEPA (Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration). The average salary for graduates of the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work is 114,930 rubles per month. A ranking of Moscow universities was being prepared based on data from the Pension Fund, based on the salaries of university graduates in 2013.

In second place on the list of “Best Universities in Moscow” is the Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences. Graduating from a university with a degree in Economics and Management gives hope for an average salary of 110,390 rubles per month. Graduates of the Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences will find work in both government organizations and commercial holdings.

The Academic Law Institute closes the top three in the list of “Best Universities in Moscow”. In particular, the highest paid jobs are for graduates with a degree in Law. Graduating from a university with a law degree implies an average salary of 108,560 rubles.

In fourth and fifth places, respectively, are very popular Moscow universities - the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Higher School of Economics. Graduating from a university with a specialty in “Economics and Management” in the first case and “Computer and Information Sciences” in the second, gives hope for graduates’ employment in positions with an average salary of 97,500 rubles.

In sixth place on the list of “Best Universities in Moscow” is again RANEPA with the faculty of “Political Sciences and Regional Studies”. Work for graduates in this specialty is paid at the rate of 92,840 rubles per month on average.

Seventh place - Moscow State University. Lomonosov and the Faculty of Computer and Information Technologies. Graduating from a university with a diploma in this specialty helps you count on an average salary of 92,980 rubles.

Eighth place is occupied by the Orthodox St. Tikhon's Humanitarian University. Work for graduates of the Faculty of Education and Pedagogical Sciences is estimated at an average of 91,980 rubles.

In ninth place is the Institute of Restoration Art. Employment of graduates with a degree in Architecture currently does not present any difficulties. The average salary is also encouraging - 90,030 rubles.

The ranking of Moscow universities was compiled based on data from the Pension Fund. The leaders in terms of salaries were lawyers, economists and IT specialists. However, personnel market experts do not entirely agree with the information provided by the Ministry of Education and Science. They confirm that the leading professions are indicated correctly, but, according to their information, the average salary of graduates is overstated by at least a third.

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“Please include a portfolio with your resume” - a similar phrase can increasingly be found in job advertisements. How to prepare a portfolio? And should you do this? To beautifully present your own achievements, read Superjob's tips.

Touches to the applicant's portrait
Translated from Italian, portfolio is just a “portfolio with documents,” but, as you know, HR understands this word as “a list of completed works,” which allows them to get an idea of ​​the applicant as a specialist. And this does not necessarily have to be a folder with photographs, sketches or newspaper clippings; it can be a presentation and the candidate’s personal website. Photos, publications, as well as video and audio fragments - all this will add the necessary touches to your portrait. Sometimes it’s enough just to attach a few links to Internet resources with your work to your resume.

Do you need it?
Who needs a portfolio? For successful employment, it is used primarily by people of creative professions - designers of all specializations, journalists, architects, fashion models, etc. However, today this tool is becoming increasingly popular: portfolios are often compiled by teachers, PR managers, programmers - that is, those whose work achievements can be at least partially represented visually.

Do you need to create a portfolio specifically for you? Probably yes if:
- you have a creative job;
- in the process of your work, each time you create something fundamentally new (drawings, design projects, articles, codes, images for photography);
- your work is of a project nature;
- the employer asks to provide a portfolio.
But for those whose work involves strictly following instructions, a portfolio is usually not required. Accountants, secretaries, HR specialists, system administrators, waiters, salespeople successfully get their dream job without a portfolio, with just a resume.

List of achievements
Superjob allows you to attach a portfolio to your resume. Use it - it will be convenient for the employer to see both your resume and your work at once.

It is customary to compile a portfolio from works of different genres, different styles and directions - thereby you can demonstrate the variety of tasks that you have encountered. That is, if you are a photographer, include in your selection of photographs pictures of all genres in which you shoot, and if you are a journalist, present different types of texts, etc.

However, there are exceptions to this rule. If, for example, you are applying for the position of a political commentator in a major publication, you should not include in your portfolio your notes on fashion and articles on the rules of growing tomatoes in your summer cottage, even if they are written absolutely brilliantly.

A portfolio is akin to the “Achievements” section in a resume - here it is customary to visually present what you reported in your CV. Therefore, you need to choose your best works to include in your portfolio. You should not deliberately lower the level of work for fear that the employer will subsequently always expect masterpieces from you. The employer understands perfectly well that a portfolio is an exhibition of your achievements, and not a report on your daily creative search.

In what order should you present your work? You can do it chronologically - in this case, the recruiter will see all the stages of your development as a specialist. Or you can - by genre, style or direction: in this case, it makes sense to place the best works at the beginning and end of the “folder” - taking into account the psychology of perception. It's up to you to decide which is best.

What definitely should not be in your portfolio are your family photos. Surprisingly, according to recruiters, this recommendation is not at all in vain. Meanwhile, a photo with the caption “I am with the cat Barsik at the dacha” is unlikely to contribute to a career.

Is it worth printing?
Is it worth printing a portfolio or is it enough to submit it electronically? There is no single answer to this question. If you have doubts about the convenience of the electronic portfolio form for a particular employer, then it is better to play it safe and provide a printed version - successful projects often only benefit from high-quality printing.

Superjob wishes you a bright portfolio and brilliant employment!

How to fill out a portfolio for a primary school student? A portfolio template can be filled out using graphic editors, and then completely finished pages with photographs and text content are printed. To do this, you need to know how to: crop (insert, change) the size of a picture (photo) and enter the necessary text on the portfolio page, save (without damaging the template). If you have at least basic knowledge of special programs, then this may be one of the options.

Only here you need to take into account that you print out the portfolio, collect it in a folder and give it to school (including the sheets that have not yet been completed), where the portfolio will be collected gradually and the children, together with the teachers, will make changes and additions to it. All this, accordingly, is done by hand. And for this purpose, ready-made templates have a blank template design; you can write on it by hand or fill it out using graphic programs. Nowadays, most portfolios for schoolchildren are made according to this principle - they are printed out according to a template with a colorful design, and the children fill them out with their answers and notes. And in order to fill out a portfolio manually, it is better to take a gel pen so that there is no excessive pressure on the paper.
But which filling method is closer to you is up to you to choose. Who likes which one better? Ideally, it would be excellent if the child himself took part in filling it out, because the idea of ​​the portfolio itself is the development and identification of the child’s individual creative abilities.
The empty template in the portfolio is specially designed so that it can be filled in either in a graphic editor or manually. The color and tone of the template and pictures were specially selected for this purpose.

The second question is what to fill it with?…

To do this, you need to know what a portfolio is.

A portfolio is a way of recording, accumulating and assessing a student’s individual achievements during a certain period of his education. A portfolio allows you to take into account the results achieved by a student in various types of activities (educational, creative, social communicative, etc.) and is an important element of a practice-oriented approach to education.
The purpose of the portfolio is to serve as an individual cumulative assessment and, along with exam results, to determine the ranking of secondary school graduates.

One of the main tasks of teaching and upbringing in primary school is to identify and develop the child’s individual creative abilities.

The motto of working with a primary school student’s portfolio is “The student’s daily creative process should be recorded.”

From all of the above it follows that the portfolio is like a piggy bank of the child’s achievements in the learning process. According to teachers, the main emphasis should be placed not on a portfolio of documents, but on a portfolio of creative works. In other words, the “CREATIVE WORKS” section should become the main and main thing, the “Official Documents” section should fade into the background and be used only as an appendix!

An approximate version of how and what to fill your portfolio with!


Contains basic information (last name, first name and patronymic; educational institution, class), contact information and photo of the student.

It is important to let your child choose the photo for the title page. You should not put pressure on him and persuade him to choose a strict portrait. Give him the opportunity to show himself as he sees himself and wants to present himself to others.


Here you can place any information that is interesting and important for the child. Possible sheet headers:
· “My name” - information about what the name means, you can write about famous people who bore and bear this name. If your child has a rare or interesting last name, you can find information about what it means.
· “My Family” - here you can talk about each family member or write a short story about your family.
· “My City” - a story about your hometown (village, village), about its interesting places. Here you can also place a diagram of the route from home to school drawn together with your child. It is important that dangerous places are marked on it (road intersections, traffic lights).
· “My friends” - photos of friends, information about their interests and hobbies.
· “My Hobbies” - a short story about what a child is interested in. Here you can write about classes in the sports section, studying at a music school or other educational institutions of additional education.
· “My School” - a story about the school and the teachers.
· “My favorite school subjects” - short notes about your favorite school subjects, built on the principle “I like... because...”. Also a good option called “School Subjects”. At the same time, the child can speak out about each subject, finding in it something important and necessary for himself.
“My zodiac sign” Here you can tell what a zodiac sign is and what abilities and personal qualities people born under this sign have.


In this section, the worksheet headings are dedicated to a specific school subject. The student fills this section with well-written tests, interesting projects, reviews of books read, graphs of reading speed growth, creative works, essays and dictations

Literary reading - Literature
Here the child writes the authors and names of the books he has read. This section can also be supplemented with a brief description of what you read and a short “review”.

Russian language
Section for written essays, literary works, dictations, etc.

Section for written works in mathematics

Foreign language
This section is filled with works on learning a foreign language.

The world
In a first-grader’s portfolio, this section is filled with works on the subject “the world around us.”

Computer science
Here are printouts of work done on the computer.

This section can be supplemented with photographs or originals of work completed during the labor lesson.

Physical culture - Physical education
This section notes the results of the child’s sports development

Fine arts - Fine Arts
This section can be supplemented with photographs or originals of works completed in the fine arts lesson

This section celebrates the student’s musical successes


All activities that are carried out outside the framework of educational activities can be classified as social work - assignments. Maybe the child played a role in a school play, or read poetry at a formal assembly, or designed a wall newspaper for a holiday, or performed at a matinee... There are a lot of options. It is advisable to design this section using photographs and short messages on the topic.


In this section the child places his creative works: drawings, fairy tales, poems. If you have completed a large piece of work - a craft - you need to place a photo of it. Parents need to give their child complete freedom when filling out this section!

Important! If the work took part in an exhibition or participated in a competition, it is also necessary to provide information about this event: name, when, where and by whom it was held.

It would be nice to supplement this message with a photo. If the event was covered in the media or on the Internet, you need to find this information. If carried out by an Internet portal, print out the thematic page


In elementary school, children take an active part in excursion and educational programs, go to the theater, to exhibitions, and visit museums. At the end of the excursion or hike, it is necessary to offer the child creative homework, by completing which he will not only remember the content of the excursion, but will also have the opportunity to express his impressions. If this is not practiced at school, it makes sense for parents to come to the teacher’s aid and develop and reproduce a standard “Creative Assignment” form. At the end of the academic year, it is possible to hold a presentation of creative assignments with mandatory awards for the best works in several categories.


Certificates, certificates, diplomas, letters of gratitude, as well as final attestation sheets are posted here. Moreover, in elementary school one should not separate in importance academic success - a certificate of merit and success, for example, in sports - a diploma. It is better to choose the arrangement not in order of importance, but, for example, in chronological order.


This section is not often included in an elementary school student’s portfolio. It's a pity! Nothing increases a child’s self-esteem more than a teacher’s positive assessment of his efforts. Unfortunately, schoolchildren’s diaries are full of either unflattering remarks like “Not ready for the lesson!”, or unreflective praise like “Well done!” What if instead of the same “Well done!” give a little feedback in your portfolio? For example: “Took an active part in preparing for the extracurricular event “The Price of Victory.” I learned and recited the poem superbly. I prepared the wall newspaper myself, and involved my comrades in the design.”

I think it is important to add a sheet of feedback, as well as a form - a blank template where teachers can express their recommendations and wishes, for example, based on the results of the school year.


At the beginning of the new academic year, it is necessary to carefully study the portfolio and analyze the material collected in it. When moving to a senior class, the contents of all sections must be completely updated.
Less significant works and documents are extracted (can be placed in a separate folder), and those that are of greater value are placed in a special section. It could be titled “WORKS THAT I’M PROUD OF”

And this is not the limit, since no one limits us here and you can come up with many more pages that will help you discover your child’s abilities and knowledge!