Lesson developments in all subjects. Lesson planning

Lesson plan– a document regulating activities in the classroom: teachers – on the organization of the educational process; students - on mastering knowledge, abilities, skills in the subject in accordance with curriculum. The preparation of lesson planning is regulated by the school Regulations on lesson planning, approved by order of the school director dated April 2, 2010 65

The main objectives of the lesson plan: determining the place of the lesson in the topic being studied; defining the triune goal of the lesson; selection of lesson content in accordance with the goals and objectives of the lesson; grouping the selected educational material and determining the sequence of its study; selection of teaching methods and forms of organization cognitive activity students aimed at creating conditions for their assimilation of educational material.

The main components of the target lesson plan: setting learning goals for students, both for the entire lesson and for its individual stages; communicative: determining the level of communication between the teacher and the class; content-based: selection of material for study, consolidation, repetition, independent work, etc.; technological: choice of forms, methods and techniques of teaching; control and evaluation: using assessment of the student’s activities in the lesson to stimulate his activity and development cognitive interest.

Stages of lesson planning: determining the purpose and type of lesson, developing its structure; selection of optimal content of educational material; highlighting the main material that the student must understand and remember in the lesson; selection of technology methods, tools, teaching techniques in accordance with the purpose and type of lesson; choosing forms of organizing students’ activities in the classroom, forms of organization and the optimal amount of their independent work; determining the list of students whose educational records will be checked; thinking through forms of summarizing the lesson, reflection; determining the forms and volume of homework; preparation of a lesson plan.

Rules to ensure the successful implementation of the planned lesson: Taking into account individual age and psychological characteristics students of the class, their level of knowledge, as well as the characteristics of the whole cool team generally. A selection of various educational assignments. Differentiation of educational tasks. Determining ways to develop students' cognitive interest. Thinking through teaching techniques.

Preparation of a lesson plan The formal part of the summary: lesson number; date and topic of the lesson; triune purpose of the lesson; equipment. The content of the summary: a description of the stages of the lesson, the names, sequence and content of which depend on the specific subject.

Traditional list of lesson stages: Repetition background knowledge(definition of concepts that need to be activated in the minds of students in order to prepare them for the perception of new material; independent work students, its volume, forms; forms of control over the work of the class, individual students) Assimilation of new knowledge (new concepts and methods of assimilation; definition of cognitive educational tasks lesson, i.e. what students should learn and master; independent work and its content; problematic and informational issues; options for solving the problem; options for consolidating the studied material) Formation of abilities and skills (specific abilities and skills for practicing; types of oral and written independent work and exercises; methods of “feedback” with students; names of students who will be interviewed) Homework(what to repeat and prepare for the lesson; creative independent work; volume and timing of homework)


Class: 3

Teacher: Kizbikenova A. L.

Date of: 26.09

Subject:"Table of multiplication and division of numbers by 7"

Goals: develop knowledge about methods of multiplication and division with the number 7; learn to use the commutative property of multiplication when compiling multiplication tables; consolidate knowledge of the multiplication and division tables using the cases covered; cultivate the ability to properly manage time, the ability to make friends, and a respectful attitude towards friends.

Equipment: writing numbers, the game “Who is faster”, tasks for working on what you have learned, equations

During the classes:

Psychological mood.

Organizing time. Mathematics has arrived

She brought us tasks.

Decide, guess, be smart.

A minute of penmanship.7 14 21

70 Characteristics of numbers. (1 student)

What did you notice?

Mathematical dictation. (1 student at the board)

1.2*4=8 6.120:2=60

2.36:6=6 7.0*99=0

3.24:4=6 8.9*6=54

4.100:10=10 9.42:6=7

5.236+64=300 10.18:3=6

Verbal counting.

Game "Who is faster"(they decide along the chain and pass it on from the last desk in the row)

Introduction of new knowledge.

Let's have a physical minute. Stand up and while bending, add 7: 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70. Then, on the contrary, we squat and count 7: 70, 63, 56, 49, 42, 35, 28, 21, 14, 7.

Compiling a multiplication table.(at the board along the chain)

Textbook p. 144-145 No. 1.

There are 7 units in each jump of the hare. How many units are there in three, five, eight jumps? Let's compose and write 4 columns of the multiplication and division table with the number 7.

Why do you think it is possible to start writing a table with the 7*7 case?

Primary consolidation.

Problem solving p. 145 No. 2 (a, d). Write down the solution at the board when the teacher calls.

Comparison of expressions. With. 145 No. 3. You can rely on the compiled multiplication and division tables.

Working on what you have learned.

Solving problems orally. Assignments for students: (selectively)

1. Serik has 30 tenge. How many buns can he buy if one bun costs 5 tenge? (30:5=6)

2. Asel bought 2 hairpins for 8 tenge. How much money did she spend? (8*2=16)

3. Alikhan paid 12 tenge for 2 notebooks. What is the price of the notebook? (12:2=6)

Task. With. 145 No. 4 (record of decision)

Independent work.

With. 146 No. 8.

(650+85)-480=255 175+(900-465)=610

500-(609-452)=343 850-(360+185)=305

With. 147 No. 9(The girl has 2 more nuts)

Equations. x*5=190-150 Individual exercise.

(on the board) a*4=2*10 Solve in a column with verification:

120's=6*9 251+23 89-54

b+25=100-40 100+56 215-10

Check s/r.1

Summarizing. Reflection.

What did you study? What did they repeat? What did you like? Grading.


What should be the training level in order to master the studied material well?

Learn table smart at 7, p. 108 No. 2, p. 106 No. 4

7 14 21 70

1. Serik has 30 tenge. How many buns can he buy if one bun costs 5 tenge?

2. Asel bought 2 hairpins for 8 tenge. How much money did she spend?

3. Alikhan paid 12 tenge for 2 notebooks. What is the price of the notebook?

Individual exercise.

Solve in the check column:





Compose a lesson plan not that difficult. The main thing is to know its main components. Over time of writing plan and it won’t take you as much time as at the beginning. But first it is worth noting that it must be related to the calendar-thematic plan approval approved for methodological unification- subject specialists.

First of all, you need to devote a short period of time at the beginning of the lesson to question students on what they have previously learned. educational material, thematically related to the material to be explained. Typically, such a survey takes from 3 to 5 minutes. During the survey, students recall what they have learned, their ability to assimilate new information are rising. The next 20-25 minutes should be devoted to explanation new topic. Your students will remember the material better if it is accompanied by display of layouts, diagrams, tables, audio materials and examples. It is necessary to evenly distribute time for oral explanation and work with visual aids. This will activate several mechanisms at once, improving its quality. The last 10-15 minutes of the lesson should be left to consolidate the material just covered. In order to make the lesson plan as convenient as possible, sometimes you have to make adjustments to it later. For example, you can increase the retention time by including a short five-minute quiz. This will allow you to evaluate the quality of students’ knowledge and their work.

Which is better: use ready-made plan Or is it better to make a lesson plan yourself?

In principle, both options are possible. Sometimes it is easier for a novice teacher to use a ready-made methodological material. However, over time, most prefer to create a lesson plan on their own and individually. A properly drawn up lesson plan allows you to rationally use class time and significantly increases its effectiveness.

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Planning Being a teacher is a necessary element of his activity. Careful preparation will help the teacher purposefully and timely solve the tasks facing teaching. The starting documents for planning are syllabus schools, subject course syllabus, calendar and thematic planning and the plan for each lesson separately.


Plan lesson must have the following elements: topic and ; stages lesson, indicating the time of the event; methods and content of knowledge testing; sequence and methods of learning new material; demonstrations; scroll technical means; problems and exercises with their solution; .

When making a plan lesson The teacher, first of all, identifies goals and objectives lesson. In one lesson, not one, but several problems are usually solved, however, the teacher must identify several main tasks. The tasks specified in the plan are divided into educational, developmental, and nurturing. When posing too large quantity tasks from them will not be able to be completed completely.

Next, the teacher selects the factual material necessary for mastery by studying the textbook, and establishes the volume and content of the material. Popular scientific and methodological materials that contain the material are also selected here. All this is needed to create a structure lesson, breaking it down into stages, allocating time for each of them.

Beforehand, it is necessary to select equipment for demonstration experiments and demonstrations, be sure to check it and run the experiment to ensure that all the devices will work and will not let the teacher down at the moment that students really love. In respect of lesson only a list of equipment names is indicated without technical characteristics.

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In addition to directly teaching children, teachers have to create lesson plans. This is done, firstly, for better preparation to present new material or check the assimilation of what has been covered. Secondly, according to these plans, along with other indicators, management educational institutions or inspectors from educational authorities judge the level of qualifications of teachers and whether lessons are appropriate school curriculum.


At the very beginning of the plan, clearly indicate what topic the lesson will be devoted to. Try to ensure that it exactly matches the school curriculum. Remember that excessive independence and innovation of a teacher that goes beyond the approved plans, alas, are not welcomed either by their own management or by higher authorities.

Decide on the type of lesson. If it is given test to check the assimilation of the material covered - indicate this with the obligatory clarification of how much time it will take (the entire lesson or 30 minutes, etc.) If it is a combined lesson (repetition of the material covered and teaching new things) - break it into parts and indicate although would be the approximate duration of each of them.

Don't forget to indicate which teaching aids, demonstration exhibits, videos and similar materials you will need to successfully conduct the lesson.

Next item your plan - the connection between the topic you just covered and the one you plan to teach the children in the lesson. This important point. Try to indicate the best way to move from one material to another so that students find it interesting and understandable.

Then comes the main part of the lesson. Try to be clear and precise about what you are going to explain to students. Special attention Focus on how you plan to motivate students to actively discuss new material. Will it be calling individual students to the board, polling from the seats, participating in demonstration experiments, If we're talking about, for example, about physics lessons and or reviewing the biography of some famous person, an alternative scenario if a history lesson is planned.