Sergey Donich about the situation around KFU. Aksenov convenes the KFU supervisory board on the issue of mistrust in the university rector Donich

Member of the KFU supervisory board, head of the Public Chamber of Crimea Grigory Ioffe supported the decision of the head of the Republic of Crimea Sergei Aksenov and commented on the situation with the rector of the KFU Sergei Donich.

“I believe that Sergei Aksenov chose the right path. As the head of the republic, as the head of the supervisory board, he obviously has some good reasons, he has some knowledge of what is happening there in the bowels of the university, so he had such conversations and such communications with Donich. Donich defends other views. As far as I understand, this issue will be raised on May 5 at a meeting of the supervisory board, and the supervisory board is not just a public formation, it is one of the serious governing bodies of the university, which is approved by order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation,” said Grigory Ioffe.

Also, the head of the Public Chamber suggested that it was at the meeting that Sergei Aksyonov would present his reasons on this matter to the members of the supervisory board. And the supervisory board, in turn, has the right to make a decision on trust or distrust.

“So I think everything happens within the legal framework, within the framework of the law and within the framework of university autonomy. No one interferes in its activities, no one is involved in any voluntaristic decisions, and the issue will be considered publicly at a meeting of the supervisory board. After this, an appropriate decision will be made,” said the head of the Public Chamber of Crimea.

As for the development of the university, Grigory Ioffe recalled that its history dates back to 1918, when the Tauride University was created.

“Whites and Reds came to Crimea, but the university nevertheless existed. Therefore, there was a serious task, especially after the fact that the late Nikolai Vasilyevich Bagrov made the Taurida National University, back in Ukraine, a fairly serious leader in this process. Therefore, Donich did not have to build this university from scratch,” said Ioffe, adding that some decisions, as is known, caused tension in both society and the academic community.

“For example, combining the Medical University with KFU, entering other structures into the university. It was natural and eventually calmed down somehow. And this coincided not only with the creation of a new university, but also with the creation of a new subject of the federation. And in this regard, both Donich himself as rector and the university were lucky, because the federal center allocated funds for the creation of the university quite generously. Unfortunately, and we knew this at the supervisory board, some financial and economic issues were resolved with violations, which resulted in dismissals and punishments, and serious discussions. This could not be avoided. And this, of course, slowed down the development of the university and created a rather sharp reaction in society,” said Grigory Ioffe. He also suggested that this could lead to the results we have today.

“Perhaps the head knows more about this, knows more deeply, and made such a decision. It should be noted that he did not just say - fire. He approached Donich with a proposal that he write a statement on his own. There is some difference here. Donich did not respond to this request. This means that the process will continue to develop,” the head of the Public Chamber emphasized.

On May 5, the Supervisory Board of the Crimean Federal University (KFU) will consider the issue of no confidence in Rector Sergei Donich. The meeting of the council is convened by its chairman, the head of Crimea, Sergei Aksenov. Previously, he spoke negatively about Mr. Donich’s work and suggested that he voluntarily resign. The rector refused, saying that he was ready to resign only if the management - the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation - asked him to do so. The work of Sergei Donich is assessed negatively by the Council of Ministers and the State Council of Crimea. Members of the KFU supervisory board interviewed by Kommersant said that they had not yet decided on their position on the issue of no confidence in the rector.

Sergei Aksenov convenes a meeting of the supervisory board of the Vernadsky KFU, which he heads. At the meeting on May 5, he proposes to evaluate the effectiveness of the university administration and express no confidence in its rector Sergei Donich. Let us recall that on April 20, Mr. Aksenov stated that he did not trust Mr. Donich and invited him to write a letter of resignation of his own free will. The head of Crimea believes that the rector has shown himself to be a leader who is “incapable of uniting the team and achieving goals.” “Absolutely stupid management decisions were made to create an administrative superstructure and so on. There are questions about the qualifications of specialists who are selected for the administration,” explained Sergei Aksenov. In turn, Sergei Donich said that this is only the “personal opinion” of the head of Crimea. Today at a press conference, the rector said that his resignation was beyond the competence of Sergei Aksenov. He noted that he is ready to resign if the leadership asks him to do so - the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Let us note that Sergei Aksenov recommended Deputy Prime Minister of the Council of Ministers of Crimea Sergei Donich to Mr. Medvedev for the position of rector of KFU, which was created in 2014.

Vladimir Klychnikov, a member of the KFU supervisory board and chairman of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Crimea, told Kommersant that it is still difficult for him to assess the work of Sergei Donich. “To evaluate his work, you need to have some data, but I don’t have it yet. Just today I received an invitation to a meeting of the supervisory board, and I have already requested information on the basis of which I will draw conclusions,” said Mr. Klychnikov. Another member of the KFU supervisory board, General Director of the State Unitary Enterprise “Krymenergo” Viktor Plakida, did not tell Kommersant about his attitude to the work of the rector. “We will discuss this issue (at the meeting on May 5.- “Kommersant”), we will listen to the arguments of the parties,” said Victor Plakida.

Chairman of the Crimean State Council Committee on Education, Science and Youth Policy Vladimir Bobkov told Kommersant that he supports the position of the head of Crimea. According to him, back in 2015, the leadership of KFU promised to put the university’s sports facilities in order and build a new sports complex, but this was not done. Students have repeatedly complained to the committee about the unsatisfactory condition of the hostels. At the same time, according to Mr. Bobkov, in 2016, KFU spent only 30% of the funds allocated from the federal budget. “The gap in the level of salaries of the administration and teachers is several times in favor of managers, the delay in the payment of scholarships - all this has turned into a system,” said Vladimir Bobkov.

According to Kommersant’s sources in the teaching staff of KFU, Sergei Donich’s work at the university is viewed negatively. As Kommersant’s interlocutors told us, the rector is absent from the workplace for a long time and avoids meeting with teachers and students. The KFU administration employs “many people who have nothing to do with education” and “receive salaries several times higher than professors and associate professors.” “There is nothing in the classrooms except chalk and blackboards. Everything that was created before Sergei Donich by generations of teachers and managers is dying,” one of the teachers told Kommersant on condition of anonymity.

Vadim Nikiforov, Simferopol

A meeting of the university’s supervisory board was held at KFU, before which the federal minister was introduced to Tatarstan developments

The President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov and the Minister of Communications and Mass Communications of Russia Nikolai Nikiforov discussed the development of Innopolis today, after which they went to marvel at the new technological developments of KFU and chair the supervisory board of the university. The correspondent of Realnoe Vremya, together with the delegation, walked through the exhibition of engineering achievements and observed how officials, joking about the failure of the Russian national football team, joyfully waited to see if the robot football player would kick the ball.

Nikiforov was shown the developments of his alma mater

At the entrance to the Engineering Institute of the Kazan Federal University today, motorists were met by traffic police officers, and the entrance to the building itself was controlled by people in uniform. The reason for this was the next meeting of the university’s supervisory board, which was held behind closed doors under the chairmanship of the Minister of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Nikolai Nikiforov, the President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov and the rector of KFU Ilshat Gafurov. In the program of VIP guests, the meeting was preceded by a tour of the exhibition with the university’s achievements in the field of technological developments.

While waiting for the delegation on the ground floor, among the new production equipment spewing metal shavings, university students sat humbly at their desks, and at a distance from them the KUKA industrial robot rolled idly. Other officials were waiting for the arrival of Nikiforov with Minnikhanov and Gafurov - one of the first to appear in the building in a good mood was the former Minister of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan, and now adviser to the rector of KFU Adel Vafin. The head of the Kazan mayor's office also arrived in advance.

Much more people in well-tailored suits appeared along with the top officials. General Director of TAIF GC Albert Shigabutdinov and Vice-Rector for Engineering of the University Nail Kashapov listened to information about the testing ground for digital production technologies at the university in the front row, together with the federal minister, the President of Tatarstan and the rector of KFU. Behind them stood the Minister of Information and Communications of the Republic of Tatarstan Roman Shaikhutdinov, who was later joined by the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Farid Abdulganiev on the rounds. During the inspection, it was impossible not to notice the smiling Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Leila Fazleeva.

General Director of TAIF GC Albert Shigabutdinov and Vice-Rector for Engineering of the University Nail Kashapov listened to information about the testing ground for digital production technologies at the university together with the federal minister, the president of Tatarstan and the rector of KFU. Photo

How officials rejoiced at robot football players

The most interesting part of the exhibition was located on the third floor of the institute, where dozens of robots languished under the gaze of students and their curators. With the arrival of the delegation, everything began to move and move. While Nikiforov and Minnikhanov were listening about educational robots that looked like large Lego figures, another robot was working at their feet - he was building a structure from wooden blocks.

But most of all the top officials were interested in the announcement of a robot football game. Immediately, Rustam Minnikhanov joked about Russian football players who could be replaced by robots, and Ilshat Gafurov suggested that perhaps it would be even cheaper than maintaining real athletes. At the very exhibition match between robots, literally everyone perked up - either because of the arrival of the long-awaited spring, or because of Friday, a good mood was simply flying in the air, and officials in blue suits, smiling at each other, competed in wit.

There were plenty of reasons for jokes, because the fierce struggle of the robots on the field was not possible to watch - the potential replacement for real Russian football players could not find the ball itself and, in the end, simply marked time.

They're looking for the ball! - one viewer commented enthusiastically.

Our team! - another one was found. Colleagues appreciated the joke and greeted it with friendly laughter.

They saw the minister and were confused,” a third suggested after that.

After literally a minute of waiting, two of the robots were able to “stomp” to the ball, after which the entire delegation headed to another example of miracle technology - the robot operator.

Most of all, the top officials were interested in the announcement of a robot football game. Photo

Kazan established robocontact with Magnitogorsk

The robot operator is an anthropomorphic development with remote control. In this case, the control center was a student, over whose shirt a structure similar to a harness was worn. It ended with a kind of gloves on the hands, which made it possible to transmit signals to a robot that repeated human movements.

While still waiting for Nikiforov’s visit with Minnikhanov, design engineer Ramil Khisamutdinov spoke about him in more detail. According to him, this development belongs to the Android Technology Research Center, which is located in Magnitogorsk.

Maybe you've heard about the robot Fedor? He is famous, the president meets with him quite often,” he tried to clarify who the developer is, an employee of the university.

By the way, perhaps only the lazy have not heard about the robot Fyodor. He is called the first Russian anthropomorphic robot. It was developed by the NPO Android Technology in partnership with the Foundation for Advanced Research, commissioned by the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. The media follows his achievements no less than real people - by entering the name of the rescue robot in a search engine, you can find out when he first did the splits, learned to shoot a pistol, and in what year he is going to be sent into space.

But let's return to the robot operator. In Kazan, engineers teach students on it and at the same time help improve it, sending all proposals to Magnitogorsk.

They supply us with equipment, and we work with it and, accordingly, we see where something needs to be improved, because they don’t have mathematicians, here they don’t have programmers. We work together - we write technical specifications, and they finalize it. Accordingly, such an exchange occurs,” the engineer explained the work scheme. Now they are finalizing this instance, trying to achieve feedback - so that the operator controlling the robot himself feels its actions.

The meeting of the KFU Supervisory Board was held behind closed doors. Photo

The scientist spoke about his activities with genuine enthusiasm, explaining everything to the smallest detail for ordinary people. It was also striking that he believed not only in his work, but also in his students. Ramil Khisamutdinov himself says this about them: in order for them to continue working in robotics and make the country a leader in this direction, they have everything - both knowledge and base.

While the conversation lasted, all this time the young student in an ironed white shirt and in robotic hands continued to obediently wait for his finest hour. Bored, he immediately responded to the actions of the Realnoe Vremya correspondent and bent his glove to shake hands, thereby sending a signal to the robot, which immediately squeezed the hand extended by the man in greeting.

No unauthorized entry

Unfortunately, the journalists were not able to see the reaction of the Federal Minister of Information and Communications and the President of Tatarstan to the miracle technology, nor, indeed, were they able to travel all the way through the exhibition with the delegation. The meeting of the KFU Supervisory Board was also held behind closed doors. At it, Nikolai Nikiforov gave the first word to Rustam Minnikhanov, who noted that they see serious changes in terms of the university creating new competencies, and promised to support them.

After this, the doors to the media closed, and the supervisory board was left to discuss the opening at KFU together with Rusfond of the Kazan (Volga region) register of potential bone marrow donors, the implementation of the university’s financial and economic activity plan for the past year and changes in 2018-2020, the implementation of the next stage of the road map of the Program for Improving the Competitiveness of KFU for 2018-2020 and other issues.

Maria Gorozhaninova

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This week, serious passions unfolded around the Crimean Federal University named after Vernadsky. More precisely, around the rector of the university Sergei DONICH.
It all started with a comment from the head of the republic Sergei AKSENOV, in which he expressed distrust of the work of DONIC. Later there was a rally of university students for the resignation of the current rector and a number of statements from the authorities regarding the disastrous work of the rector of KFU.

It is noteworthy that Sergei DONICH himself hardly commented on the situation around his person that was heating up every day. “Arguments of the Week – Crimea” decided to correct this information injustice and talked with the rector of the main Crimean university.

As Sergei DONICH said, regardless of who will be at the head of the Crimean Federal University, the university will continue to develop according to the plan established by the Ministry of Education and the government of the Russian Federation.

The current situation around KFU is not just persecution, but a deliberate destruction of everything that has been achieved in two and a half years of work. The period of time is very short, but the university in its development moved by leaps and bounds, much faster than other universities throughout Russia. We managed to do a lot, despite what they say in the media today.

DONICH cites the example of the university’s purchase of new laboratories and equipment. Speaking about the living conditions in dormitories for university students, the rector notes that all repair work and purchases at the university are done with federal funds. Therefore, the planned hostel and campus for students have not yet been built. However, in the premises, where nothing had been renovated for the last 40 years, but only cosmetic repairs were carried out by the residents themselves, the university began to change the roof, pipes, repair the heating and install new gas stoves. If a year ago more than one hundred million were given for such needs, this year the university received 30 million rubles.

The rector also spoke about the bloated management staff. He does not deny that this is exactly the case. But he notes that at the beginning of the formation of the university, a decision was made at the political level not to fire anyone from the ranks of KFU employees. Now, two years later, the staff is being reduced, we managed to understand who is capable of what. The process of personnel purges continues today. The number of vice-rectors at the university is also higher than normal, but, according to the rector, there will soon be fewer of them.

Students also complain about small scholarships and their delay. But, according to DONICH, scholarships at KFU are higher than at Russian universities. And active students who are engaged in scientific activities can receive an increased scholarship in the amount of more than 20 thousand rubles.

Students also complained about the lack of development in science and sports. However, the university hosts a large number of competitions; students participate in competitions and olympiads not only in Crimea, but throughout Russia. Anyone interested can go to the university website and view news about the events held.

DONICH emphasizes that he does not know the reason for his “harassment” by the authorities, but draws attention to the fact that from the first day of taking office he tried to establish constructive communication with them.

The head of Crimea, Sergei AKSENOV, always headed the supervisory board of the university, took part in meetings and was always aware of all the problems that take place at the university.

Separately, DONICH said that the meeting, which will be held by AKSENOV on May 5, could have any outcome. Regardless of whether the members of the KFU supervisory board vote to express no confidence in the rector or not, their decision, according to the conclusion of lawyers, will not have legal consequences. After all, expressions of no confidence are not within the competence of the supervisory board.

In any case, no matter what happens, the children will still come to study.