What is the difference between FC State and Federal State Educational Standards? Key features and differences between federal state educational standards (FSES) and state educational standards (state) of general education

In recent weeks, the new educational standard of the Russian school has been vigorously discussed in society. Sometimes very harsh judgments are heard on the Internet, the media, radio and television, from rational criticism to loud statements about the impending collapse of domestic secondary education. For clarification about the Federal State Educational Standard, the Maternity.ru portal turned to the developers of the standard. Lyubov Nikolaevna Fedenko, candidate of pedagogical sciences, honored teacher of the Russian Federation, deputy director of ISIO RAO for standardization of general education, agreed to answer our questions.

Question: What is the Federal State Educational Standard, and how will it affect children’s education?

Answer: In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (as amended by Federal Law dated December 1, 2007 N 309-FZ; Article 7) Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) are a set of requirements mandatory for the implementation of educational programs by all schools that have state accreditation.

The first difference between the Federal State Educational Standard and its predecessors– reliance on the results of identifying the needs of the individual, family, society and state for the results of general education.

The second fundamental difference of the Federal State Educational Standard is their focus on achieving not only subject-specific educational results, but, above all, on the formation of students’ personality, their mastery of universal methods of educational activity, ensuring success in cognitive activity at all stages of further education.

The third fundamental difference between the new standards from previous versions - this is a difference in structure.

The Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education is a fundamentally new document for the national school, the purpose and functions of which are unprecedented in its history. Compared to the first generation standards, its subject and scope have expanded significantly and began to cover areas of educational practice that, at the same time, had never been standardized before from a single systemic standpoint. The Federal State Educational Standard actually determines the entire structure of school life and is the constitution of general education.

The Federal State Educational Standard focuses education on achieving a new quality that is adequate to the modern (and even predicted) needs of the individual, society and the state.

The introduction of the second generation standard will greatly change a child’s school life. We are talking about new forms of organizing education, new educational technologies, a new open information and educational environment that goes far beyond the boundaries of the school. That is why the standard, for example, introduced a program for the formation of universal educational activities, and exemplary programs are focused on the development of independent educational activities of the student (such types of educational and extracurricular (extracurricular) activities as educational design, modeling, research activities, role-playing games, etc. )

The Federal State Educational Standard is a guideline for the development of programs for individual academic subjects and courses. The main educational program includes a curriculum that determines the total volume of workload and the maximum volume of classroom workload for students, the composition and structure of compulsory subject areas, as well as the programs of individual academic subjects and courses.

- Are there three Federal State Educational Standards in total?

Currently, two standards have been approved and put into effect by orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation - the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education (grades 1-4) and the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education (grades 5-9). The draft Federal State Educational Standard for secondary (complete) general education (grades 10-11) is under consideration and will be approved in the near future.

- Where did the Federal State Educational Standards test take place, and for how long?

Education standards were developed in stages, starting in 2006. At the same time, they were tested in regional schools. The results of all developments and testing were repeatedly discussed in the professional community at seminars, meetings, conferences with the participation of representatives of regions of the Russian Federation (Moscow region, Yaroslavl region, Leningrad region, Kaliningrad region, Dagestan, Rostov region, Tatarstan, Orenburg region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Chelyabinsk Region, Novosibirsk Region, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Stavropol Territory, Omsk Region), at meetings with parents of students and the public.
All documents are constantly discussed on the specialized Internet site “New Standards of General Education: Towards a Social Contract” http://standart.edu.ru, the website of the Institute for Strategic Studies in Education http://fgos.isiorao.ru/.

- Have any adjustments been made to the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education based on the results of testing? What character?

All constructive comments expressed by teaching staff during the discussions were taken into account by the developers.

- When developing standards, did the developers take into account the experience of other countries?

Of course, the experience of all countries in which students show high results was carefully analyzed and taken into account when developing the Federal State Educational Standard.

- Will curricula and textbooks be developed by September 1?

All primary education programs have been developed and published, and instrumental and methodological support materials have also been developed and partially published to ensure the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education. Selected documents are posted on the website http://fgos.isiorao.ru. At seminars held at ISIO RAO, seminar participants receive CDs with recordings of lectures and teaching materials. The textbooks presented in the list of the Ministry of Education and Science have been examined and comply with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Let's take a closer look at the Federal State Educational Standards Project for high school, which causes the most controversy. Parents and teachers are concerned about the issue of compulsory subjects and elective subjects. Will such freedom of choice affect the basic literacy of graduates?

The principle of variability in education has been implemented in Russia since 1992, when the current Law “On Education” was adopted. It consists of providing students with the opportunity to choose academic subjects and additional courses in accordance with their interests and aspirations. The curriculum included an invariant part and a variable part. The variable part contained regional and school components (the content of education was determined by the region and school and did not always meet the needs of students and parents). In the new standard, the main educational program also consists of two parts: a mandatory part and a part formed by participants in the educational process. Thus, great rights are granted to all participants in the educational process (primarily parents and students) to influence the content of education. The compulsory part reinforces the study of all “basic” academic subjects. Participants in the educational process can additionally choose to study academic subjects, modules, courses, and engage in extracurricular activities that are not directly related to the subjects being studied. All these classes are included in the main educational program and are paid for by the budget. In high school today, specialized education is implemented; the student can choose subjects for deeper study in accordance with his interests and life prospects. In the proposed draft of the new standard, this approach was further developed. Traditional compulsory subject areas have been defined; in accordance with their interests, the student chooses the level of compulsory study of academic subjects from this area: specialized, basic or integrated. Subjects such as physical education, life safety and Russia in the world are presented at the same level and are required to be studied. In addition, he can choose to study additional courses, modules, disciplines, and extracurricular activities. Funding for all these activities, within the total number of hours determined by the standard (which is more than the current one), is provided by the budget.

Alexander Kondakov, General Director of the Prosveshchenie Publishing House: “In fact, the new standards propose to consider the 9th grade as the completion of basic education. The 10th–11th grades are already preparing the child, taking into account his individual needs. This is a real individualization of the learning process for further socialization, professional activity and vocational education.”

In high school there will be 10 subjects instead of the current 20. All of them are divided into six groups. From each, the student must choose one thing: either an in-depth study of algebra and then take the upper level of Russian literature, choosing “Russian literature,” or take the Russian language, and instead of chemistry, physics and biology, take the general course “natural science.” There are only three lessons that everyone does not choose, but attends: physical education, life safety, and the new discipline “Russia in the World.”

- What if a student is exempt from compulsory physical education lessons?

The Federal State Educational Standard does not regulate educational technologies. Regarding the conduct of physical education lessons, you must contact the school leaders.

- Who will determine the number of hours allocated for studying a particular subject?

The number of hours for studying subjects is determined by the school curriculum included in the main educational program. The basic educational program is developed and approved by the educational institution in accordance with the Federal Law “On Education” independently on the basis of an approximate basic educational program developed at the federal level with the participation of the regions. As part of the approximate basic educational program (they are developed for primary and basic general education), there are 3-4 options for the basic (approximate) curriculum. An educational institution can choose one of the proposed options or develop a curriculum independently.

Currently, a tenth-grader's schedule includes 15-17 academic subjects. The Federal State Educational Standard suggests reducing their number to 10 (3 mandatory and 7 optional from the proposed subject areas). Why did the developers decide to make such a reduction?

The draft Federal State Educational Standard for the senior level has not yet been approved; it is being discussed in the professional community, in the media and at the level of the general public. There is no talk of any reduction in the number of items. The traditional set of subject areas remains mandatory for studying; the student can choose the level of study of the subjects he needs.

How will compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard be monitored? Will the certification of schoolchildren be carried out on the basis of educational programs or a “graduate portrait”?

Monitoring the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard will be carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in education. A new Federal Law “On Education” is being prepared, which will outline control procedures. These are, first of all, licensing procedures, accreditation of educational institutions and certification of graduates, including state certification. The criteria for the certification of graduates are the requirements for the results of mastering basic educational programs, presented in the Federal State Educational Standard, and specifying their planned results. The Federal State Educational Standard and the draft new law provide for monitoring studies that identify trends in the development of education systems and educational institutions.


Report on the topic:

“Differentiating New Generation Standards.”

Prepared by the teacher

Primary classes

Mutueva Irina Pavlovna

Nalchik 2013-

One of the priority areas of the presidential initiative “Our New School” is the transition to new standards.

Currently, two standards have been approved -Federal State Educational Standard (Federal State Educational Standard) of primary general education (grades 1–4) and Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education (grades 5–9). The draft Federal State Educational Standard for secondary (complete) general education (grades 10–11) is under consideration. Since September 1, 2012, the school has been implementing the Federal State Educational Standard in the first, second and fifth grades, the rest of the studentsfrom 2nd to 4th and from 6th to 11th grades they study according to the State Standards of General Education (2004).

1. The Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education was approved by order No. 373 of October 6, 2009 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 22, 2009 No. 15785)In 2009, the first results of the long stage of development and testing of the state educational standard of general education of the second generation were summed up. A new stage is beginning in the development of the Russian educational system.The essence of this stage is expressed in the reorientation of the education system towards new approaches to the design and assessment of educational results, which are based on the process of personal development as the goal and meaning of education.

2. The Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education was approved by order of December 17, 2010 No. 1897 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 1, 2011 No. 19644)

3. Federal State Educational Standard for secondary (complete) general education - approved by order No. 413 of May 17, 2012 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 7, 2012, reg. No. 24480)

On December 17, 2010, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC was approved. The implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC at the institutional level can be carried out from September 1, 2012, as soon as the educational institution is ready to transition to new basic educational programs that meet the standards of the new generation.

What is the distinctive feature of the new Standard?

A distinctive feature of the new standard is its active nature, with the main goal being the development of the student’s personality. The education system abandons the traditional presentation of learning outcomes in the form of knowledge, skills and abilities; the formation of the standard indicates the real types of activities that the student must master by the end of primary education.

Requirements for learning outcomes are formulated in the form of personal, meta-subject and subject results.

An integral part of the core of the new standard are universal learning activities (ULAs). UUD is understood as “general educational skills”, “general methods of activity”, “supra-subject actions”, etc. A separate program is provided for UAL - the program for the formation of universal learning activities (UAL).

An important element in the formation of students’ learning skills at the level of primary general education, which ensures its effectiveness, is the orientation of younger schoolchildren in information and communication technologies (ICT) and the formation of the ability to use them competently. The use of modern digital tools and communication environments is indicated as the most natural way to develop UUD, therefore the subprogram for the formation of ICT competence is included in the UUD formation program.

The implementation of the program for the formation of educational learning in primary schools is the key task of introducing a new educational standard. The Czech Republic considers it a priority to actively include the subprogram for the formation of ICT competence in the educational programs of educational institutions. Each educational institution develops its own educational program, taking into account, among other things, the requests and wishes of students’ parents.

How is the second generation standard fundamentally different from the previous one?

First difference.

The first generation standards (2004) contained strict requirements for the content of education, even listing topics that became the subject of teaching for the teacher, and the subject of learning for students.

The new standard specifies general framework to resolve issues related to the training, education and development of younger schoolchildren:

1) recognition of the intrinsic value of age in the process of personal formation and psychophysical development of the child;

2) recognition of the importance of the first stage for all subsequent education as a stage in a child’s life associated with the development of a new social position and a new social role of the student, with the formation of the foundations of the ability to learn, with the formation of the foundations of civic identity and worldview;

3) taking into account the educational needs of children with disabilities (special federal state educational standards will be established for them);

4) the planned results of mastering the main educational program (personal, meta-subject and subject) are considered as a mechanism for implementing the requirements of the standard for the results of students and serve as the basis for the objectivity of assessing the level of education of students;

5) the implementation of the main educational program is based on a system-activity approach, which involves changing the model of constructing the educational process: it is necessary to move from the model “What to teach?” to the “How to teach?” model.

Second difference – new content.

Any standard is a system of requirements for something.State standard of general education (2004) contained norms and requirements , which determine the mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs of general education, the maximum volume of students’ teaching load, and the level of training of graduates of educational institutions.

Federal State Educational Standard represents a collection requirements , mandatory when implementing the basic educational program of primary general education by educational institutions and includes requirements for results mastering the basic educational program, to structure basic educational program and conditions for its implementation. The 2004 standard regulated in its purest form the content of education in academic subjects. The new generation standard does not regulate the content of education in its pure form, but includes requirements for the structure, conditions and results of the implementation of basic educational programs, and the results are not only subject, but also meta-subject and personal.

Third difference.

The 2004 standard was based on the selection of new educational content; there was not a word about education. The new standard is aimed at reviving educational work. The new standards contain clearly formulated state and public guidelines for the development of the education system.

The main educational goal of the new standards is the formation of an active civic position in order to strengthen Russian statehood. The school should form in its students a sense of civic identity, educate patriots of Russia, form educational motivation, the desire for knowledge, the ability to communicate, a sense of responsibility for their decisions and actions, critical thinking, tolerance and much more.

In the 2004 state educational standard, extracurricular activities were not recorded at all. In accordance with the new standard, the results that graduates must demonstrate depend, among other things, on the effectiveness of extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activities are one of the main sections of the educational program and are mandatory. The new standard sets the integration of academic and extracurricular activities.

Fourth difference.

The quality of mastery of the 2004 standard was measured only by mastery of subject results. The specificity of the requirements for the results of the new generation standard represents three groups of results: personal, meta-subject, subject. Moreover the assessment was regulated by the Letter of the Ministry of Education dated November 19. 1998 “Monitoring and evaluation of learning outcomes in primary school” and

And it was a 5-point rating system. The main directions and goals of assessment activities in accordance with the requirements of the Standard are:

Assessing the results of the activities of the all-Russian, regional and municipal education systems in order to obtain, process and provide information on the state and trends in the development of the education system;

Assessing the performance of educational institutions and educators in order to obtain, process and provide information on the quality of educational services and the effectiveness of the activities of educational institutions and educators;

Assessment of students' educational achievements for the purpose of final assessment of the preparation of graduates of primary secondary schools.

Evaluation system. Key Features:

1. achievement criteria – planned results;

2. assessment of subject, meta-subject, personal results;

3. assessment of the ability to solve educational and practical problems;

4.combination of internal and external assessment

5.integrated approach: use

6.standardized work (oral, written);

7.non-standardized work: projects, practical work, portfolio, self-analysis, self-assessment, etc.

8.level approach in tools, in presentation of results;

9.cumulative system for assessing individual achievements;

10.use of personalized and non-personalized information;

11.interpretation of results based on contextual information

Fifth difference in standards– this is an opportunity to implement it only in interaction with the family, the media, cultural institutions, religion, which will allow the development of the student’s emotional, spiritual, moral, intellectual, socialized personality, and will allow the identification of children’s talents in various spheres of life and creativity.

Sixth difference is that the 2004 standards did not take into account the desires and preferences of the population to receive general education. New standardimplies a focus on the desires and needs of students and their parents, and implies avoiding overload of students through a reasonable choice of the necessary subjects, courses and clubs.I would like to draw attention to the fact that the center of gravity of responsibility for the outcome of education is shifting from the student to the municipality, educational institution and equally to the family.

School standards set new standards for families. As for the participation of the family in the formation of demands, this issue has become very serious. The school’s task is to structure its work and the work of the family in such a way as to achieve the maximum result for the child.

There have been changes to the main approaches to the form of presenting requirements for mastering basic educational programs (subject results). Traditionally, learning goals and requirements for its results are determined through knowledge and skills. According to the Federal State Educational Standard, learning goals are set through a description of the types of activities and skills that must be acquired by students. USkills are generally understood by the developers of 2nd generation standards as the ability to perform any activity, solve any problems, i.e. not only practical, but also research, not only specific subjects, but also general educational ones, not only typical, but also creative.

This can be clearly demonstrated by setting goals for a specific lesson:

Topic: Spelling. Spelling rule.

Objectives (2004 Standards)

Goals (FSES)

1.Introduce the concepts: “spelling”, “spelling”;

2. To develop the skill of spelling and calligraphic writing; phonetic and morphemic analysis skills;

3.Develop speech: enrich the vocabulary of words; develop memory and thinking;

4.Form learning motivation and self-organization skills.

1.Create conditions for the formation of functional literacy of students;

2.Create conditions for developing the ability to use acquired knowledge on the topic “Spelling”;

3. Phonetic and morphemic analysis of words” for cognitive solutions; practical and communicative tasks;

4.Ensure the child’s language and speech development;

5.Help the child recognize himself as a native speaker.

The Standard is based on a system-activity approach, which ensures:

Formation of readiness for self-development and continuous education;

Design and construction of the social environment for the development of students in the education system;

Active educational and cognitive activity of students;

Construction of the educational process taking into account the individual age, psychological and physiological characteristics of students .

A special place in the educational process is occupied by the system of universal learning activities (ULA) of students: communicative, regulatory, personal and cognitive, which should be reflected in work programs for each subject.

The formation of general educational activities in progressive pedagogy has always been considered as a reliable way to radically improve the quality of education. As the famous parable goes, to feed a hungry man, you can catch him a fish. Or you can do it differently - teach how to fish, and then a person who has learned to fish will never go hungry again.

Universal learning activities- the subject’s ability for self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience

UUD - a set of methods of action for a student (as well as related educational work skills) that ensure independent assimilation of new knowledge and the formation of skills, including the organization of this process.

The Second Generation Standard defines"portrait" of a primary school graduate:
loving his people, his land and his homeland;
respects and accepts the values ​​of family and society;
inquisitive, actively and interestedly exploring the world;
possesses the basics of learning skills and is capable of organizing his own activities;
ready to act independently and be responsible for their actions to family and society;
friendly, able to listen and hear the interlocutor, justify his position, express his opinion;
following the rules of a healthy and safe lifestyle for themselves and others.
“Health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing,” says a famous aphorism. The problem of maintaining and developing health has acquired the status of a priority in the last decade. The idea of ​​preserving the health of students in education is the red thread of the presidential initiative “Our New School” and the Federal State Educational Standards.

Thus, we can summarize and voice the distinctive features of the Federal State Educational Standard:

At the heart of the Federal State Educational Standard lies the system-activity approach, suggesting a variety of individual educational trajectories;

The main goal is personal development based on UUD, mastering and knowing the world;

Innovative nature in the structure of standards is a requirement for the conditions for the implementation of education;

Changes in curricula;

Changes in requirements for results;

Changes in subject curricula;

Changes in educational technologies;

Change in values.

Hello, friends! Evgenia Klimkovich is in touch! Agree, everything that concerns our children concerns you and me. Including how and what they are taught at school. Have you ever heard the abbreviation GEF? I'm sure I had to. Do you know what the Federal State Educational Standard is? To be honest, until recently I only knew the transcript. Federal state educational standard for primary general education.

I decided to dig deeper and understand what the essence of the standard is. In the process, I learned that it was approved in 2009 and replaced the old educational standard, which is why it is called the “second generation” standard. And since September 2011, children began to be taught according to this standard in schools across the country. Over the five years of use, changes and additions have been made to it. And as a result, we have what we have. What exactly?

But this is a difficult question for parents, who for the most part are not certified teachers. There is a lot of information on the Internet. But this information is confusing with phrases like: “Subject results are grouped by subject areas, within which the subjects are indicated...”

I just want to ask: “Isn’t it possible something simpler?”

I’ll try it now, simpler)

Lesson plan:

What is the Federal State Educational Standard and what is it like?

So here's my short definition! Federal State Educational Standard is a standard!

GOST is also a standard. GOSTs establish certain requirements for products or groups of goods.

And the Federal State Educational Standard sets requirements for education. Moreover, each level of education has its own standard:

  • Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education - preschool education;
  • Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) - primary general education;
  • Federal State Educational Standard LLC - basic general education;
  • Federal State Educational Standard SOO – secondary general education;

Everyone must comply with the Federal State Educational Standard.

The standards ensure continuity of the main training programs. That is, preschoolers are ready to study in first grade. Elementary school graduates are ready for high school. Ninth graders for further education in 10th grade, etc.

Standard requirements for primary general education

The list of requirements has only three points:

  1. Requirements for the results of students mastering the program. That is, children at the end of the fourth grade must show results determined by the standard.
  2. Requirements for the structure of the educational program. Apparently, we are talking about who, how and in what ways should teach children so that they achieve the results from point number one.
  3. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the educational program. Professional training of teachers, availability of teaching materials, computer equipment in schools, sanitary and hygienic conditions, etc.

Well, now about the first two points in more detail.

Requirements for the results of mastering the educational program

How was it before? At the end of primary school, the student had to show certain results. These results were a certain set of knowledge and skills in school subjects. If, for example, we take mathematics, then the child had to know the multiplication table and be able to solve problems in three steps.

Now everything is different. The standard took and divided these requirements into three more groups:

  1. personal results;
  2. meta-subject results;
  3. subject results.

Personal results

They can be judged by the portrait of an elementary school graduate, which is described in the Federal State Educational Standard:

  • the student is ready and capable of self-development;
  • the student understands why he is studying and strives for knowledge, is able to organize his activities;
  • the student is friendly, knows how to hear other people’s opinions and express his own;
  • the student has developed his own value system (family, homeland, sports, friendship, etc.), which corresponds to the child’s personal qualities and his individual position;
  • the student understands that he is a citizen of his country and a patriot of his homeland.

The previous standard did not say a word about this.

Meta-subject results

These results include the student's mastery of universal learning activities. Or UUD. Remember these three fun letters. They will be discussed below.

Subject results

Nobody canceled school subjects. Mathematics, Russian language, literary reading and other lessons are present in the life of a student. And he must learn the basics. That is, to get a substantive foundation, a solid support, so that there is something to push off from and “take off.”

Only teachers have now become more cunning. They do not give their knowledge to children in a ready-made form, as before. They teach children to obtain this knowledge, find it, process it and then apply it.

Students' subject results are assessed. I mean, they get grades for them. The lower limit of subject results is established by the standard. It is expressed in the phrase:

“The graduate will learn...”

Failure to reach this lower limit prevents the child from being transferred to fifth grade. The upper limit of subject results is expressed by the phrase:

“The graduate will have the opportunity to learn...”

That is, if a child wants to know more, then the school has no right to refuse him this.

Requirements for the structure of the educational program

Use your imagination, friends. Now we will introduce. Let's imagine an educational program in the form of a kind of solar system, where there is a huge star and planets that revolve around the star.

The big star is the UUD. Yes, yes, those same three funny letters! Universal learning activities. In essence, learning skills is the ability to learn, obtain the necessary information and apply it. It is impossible to know everything, and it is hardly necessary. The main thing is to know where and how to get information. That is, to put it figuratively, the school does not provide the child with a limited amount of “fish”, but gives the child a “fishing rod” and teaches how to use it.

Our “UUDash” star has a complex structure, so I propose to consider it in more detail, but for now let’s deal with the planets.

Lesson activities

Everything seems to be clear here. This is the activity of students during lessons. It is aimed at achieving the substantive results that we have already discussed above. Only now, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of NEO, class activities are supplemented by extracurricular activities.

Extracurricular activities

Extracurricular activities are as important a part of the structure of the educational program as lessons. It is aimed at achieving personal and meta-subject results.

Extracurricular activities are schoolchildren’s visits to additional education institutions, school sections, and extracurricular activities organized by teachers.

And what’s important is that the school is interested in what the child does outside its walls. At the beginning of each school year, parents are asked to fill out a questionnaire, where one of the questions is: “What additional classes does the child attend?”

Activity teaching method

The explanatory teaching method is a thing of the past. “They chewed it and put it in their mouth” - this is not about a modern school.

Miners in the mines extract coal!

And children in schools gain knowledge!

Exactly how they get it!

How is it shown? In the active use of design and research activities already from the first grade. I don't understand parents who complain that their children are constantly being assigned projects. After all, firstly, it is very interesting. And secondly, it’s useful. In life, the skill of finding the necessary information and processing it will definitely come in handy.

Also, work on these projects is often carried out not individually, but in pairs or even in groups. It’s also very useful, because in order to get results, children first need to figure out who will do what, that is, come to an agreement.

It seems to me that learning is much more interesting this way.


Information and communication technologies. Nowadays, schools can no longer turn a blind eye to the fact that even first-graders know perfectly well what a computer is and what the Internet is. And therefore, the Federal State Educational Standard determined that students must become competent in this area.

Along with writing at school, they begin to study computers. Computer science lessons are introduced in schools from the second grade. But we are not just talking about computers here. For example, when studying the world around us, devices such as video cameras, microscopes, digital cameras, etc. are used.

In our school, electronic boards are located in the primary classrooms. And they are actively used in every lesson. If you are assigned a project at home, then based on the results you need to make a presentation on the computer and then present it to the class using an electronic board.

Electronic diaries. Also new in schools. This is a modern version of the good old paper diaries, which, by the way, have not yet been canceled. In these diaries you can find not only information about academic performance, but also various organizational messages. About parent-teacher meetings, for example. As well as homework in all subjects.

Educational activities

The previous education standard did not address this issue at all. Teachers, on their own initiative, conducted classes on topics such as health, active lifestyle, patriotism, etc.

And now it's a must!

What does this look like in practice? In the first grade, my daughter was introduced to the subject “Rules of Nutrition”. There was even a textbook and workbook. The name of the item speaks for itself. Issues about a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition were discussed.

And last year the subject ORK and SE was introduced. Fundamentals of religious culture and secular ethics. This is in order to get to know the culture of your country better and feel like a part of it.

The student’s portfolio can also be mentioned here. This is the student's personal document. It is needed to record his individual achievements. There are currently no strict requirements for a portfolio. So you can take a creative approach to creating it.

So, friends, school is not what it used to be! In my opinion, studying has become more interesting. Of course, a lot depends on the teacher.

Do you remember your first teacher? I remember. Her name was Elizaveta Christianovna. Honored teacher of the Komi Republic, super teacher! We toed her line, and were afraid to open our mouths again. Of course, she hammered knowledge into our heads, for which we thank her very much. But we never dreamed of lessons like the ones in the video.

That's all) Please share your opinions on what you read in the comments.

I wish you all the best!

As always, say hi to the kids)

See you again on the blog pages!

1. Federal state educational standards and federal state requirements provide:

1) the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation;

2) continuity of basic educational programs;

3) variability in the content of educational programs at the appropriate level of education, the possibility of creating educational programs of various levels of complexity and focus, taking into account the educational needs and abilities of students;

4) state guarantees of the level and quality of education based on the unity of mandatory requirements for the conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs and the results of their development.

2. Federal state educational standards, with the exception of the federal state educational standard for preschool education, educational standards are the basis for an objective assessment of compliance with the established requirements of educational activities and training of students who have mastered educational programs of the appropriate level and appropriate focus, regardless of the form of education and form of training.

3. Federal state educational standards include requirements for:

1) the structure of the main educational programs (including the ratio of the compulsory part of the main educational program and the part formed by participants in educational relations) and their volume;

2) conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs, including personnel, financial, material, technical and other conditions;

3) the results of mastering basic educational programs.

4. Federal state educational standards establish the time frame for obtaining general education and vocational education, taking into account various forms of education, educational technologies and the characteristics of individual categories of students.

5. Federal state educational standards for general education are developed by level of education; federal state educational standards of vocational education can also be developed by profession, specialty and area of ​​training at the corresponding levels of vocational education.

5.1. Federal state educational standards for preschool, primary general and basic general education provide the opportunity to receive education in native languages ​​from among the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, study the state languages ​​of the republics of the Russian Federation, native languages ​​from among the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, including Russian as a native language .

6. In order to ensure the realization of the right to education of students with disabilities, federal state educational standards for the education of these persons are established or special requirements are included in the federal state educational standards.

7. The formation of the requirements of federal state educational standards of vocational education for the results of mastering the main educational programs of vocational education in terms of professional competence is carried out on the basis of relevant professional standards (if any).

8. Lists of professions, specialties and areas of training indicating the qualifications assigned to the relevant professions, specialties and areas of training, the procedure for the formation of these lists are approved by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education. When approving new lists of professions, specialties and areas of training by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, the correspondence of the individual professions, specialties and areas of training indicated in these lists with the professions, specialties and areas of training may be established. specified in the previous lists of professions, specialties and areas of training.

9. The procedure for developing, approving federal state educational standards and introducing amendments to them is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

10. Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, St. Petersburg State University, educational organizations of higher education in respect of which the category “federal university” or “national research university” has been established, as well as federal state educational organizations of higher education, the list of which is approved by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, have the right to develop and approve independent educational standards at all levels of higher education. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation and results of mastering educational programs of higher education, included in such educational standards, cannot be lower than the corresponding requirements of federal state educational standards.

It is increasingly mentioned in the education of the Federal State Educational Standard. What are the new educational standards and how have they changed the domestic education system? Let's try to find answers to these important and pressing questions.

What are the new educational standards?

This abbreviation stands for Federal State Educational Standard (FSES). Programs and requirements depend not only on the specifics of the academic discipline, but also on the level of training.

Purpose of second generation standards

For what purpose are the Federal State Educational Standards being implemented? What is UUD? To begin with, we note that not all developed countries have uniform educational standards. In the Russian Federation, they are intended to ensure continuity between individual levels of education. After completing one stage, the student must have a certain level of preparation in order to move on to the next educational stage.

The Federal State Educational Standards of general education, intended for students with health limitations, are characterized as a system of requirements that are mandatory when implementing an adapted program for children with disabilities.

Requirements of 2nd generation standards

Each class contains certain requirements for the level of training and education according to the standards. The Federal State Educational Standard presupposes certain requirements for the structure of programs and the volume of material. They also take into account the conditions for the implementation of educational basic programs, including logistics, financial, and personnel support for the process. If the 1st generation Federal State Educational Standards were aimed at students mastering theoretical material, then the new standards are intended for the harmonious development of the younger generation.

Components of the new standards

Federal State Educational Standards of the 2nd generation appeared in 2009. They include three main parts.

The first part contains requirements for the results of schoolchildren mastering the educational program. The emphasis is not on a set of skills and knowledge, but on universal learning activities that involve independent acquisition of the necessary information through the use of modern technologies, as well as on communication skills.

In addition, the standard specifies the expected learning outcomes for each academic area and describes the qualities that will be developed in schoolchildren: a healthy lifestyle, tolerance, respect for nature, respect for their native land.

A lesson on the Federal State Educational Standard involves elements of project and research activities. The new standards pay special attention to extracurricular activities in the form of creative studios, circles, and clubs. The requirements for the competence and professionalism of the teaching staff of educational institutions are indicated.

The country's development strategy, developed for 2020, is aimed at creating a competent citizen who knows how to be responsible for his actions and is ready for self-development and self-improvement.

Specific features of the Federal State Educational Standard of NOO

Let's continue our consideration of the Federal State Educational Standard. You have found out what the new standards for school are. Now let’s identify their differences from the traditional educational program. The content of the program is not aimed at gaining knowledge, but at the formation of spirituality, morality, general culture, social and personal development.

Particular attention is paid to the physical development of the younger generation. Requirements for learning outcomes are specified in the form of subject and personal results; this distinguishes the new standards from the first generation of Federal State Educational Standards. What is UUD?

The updated standards require increased attention to extracurricular activities. Its organization is carried out in the following areas: social, sports, moral, spiritual, general cultural development.

How is an additional group formed? The Federal State Educational Standard involves holding debates, conferences, organizing scientific school societies, competitions, and olympiads. The time that, according to the new standards, is allocated for extracurricular activities is not included in the main workload of schoolchildren. The alternation of extracurricular and academic activities is determined by the educational institution, taking into account the wishes of the students’ parents.

Distinctive characteristics of the new standard

What are the distinctive features of the Federal State Educational Standard? Grade 5 is considered the beginning of the second stage of education, where the main emphasis is on the formation of meta-subject and personal results.

The main goal of the new standard is an activity-based approach, which is aimed at developing the student’s personality. General educational skills are considered the core of the Federal State Educational Standard, therefore specific educational activities have been developed for each subject.

An important stage in the formation of UUD at the initial stage of education is the orientation of junior schoolchildren towards mastering communication and information technologies, as well as the competent use of modern ICT tools.

Modern digital tools and communication environments are indicated in the second generation standards as the optimal option for forming a UUD. There is a special subprogram aimed at developing information competencies in the younger generation.

Primary education in new realities

The standard presupposes certain requirements for the results of schoolchildren who have completed the primary education program. Personal learning achievements presuppose the desire and ability of schoolchildren for self-development, the formation of positive motivation for knowledge and learning, the semantic and value attitudes of students, which reflect their individual positions and social competencies.

Primary school graduates must have civic identity and personal qualities.

Meta-subject competencies imply children's complete mastery of educational activities: communicative, regulatory, cognitive, thanks to which they master basic competencies.

Subject-based UUDs involve obtaining information in certain disciplines, transforming, using information, and forming a full-fledged scientific picture of the world based on the acquired knowledge.

For example, a child learns to independently select a title for a text and write down the abstract of the text. A primary school graduate is required to draw up a thesis plan using a ready-made title and think through a retelling of the material.

The importance of ICT in educational institutions

The realities of our time are such that, in addition to classical writing, a child almost simultaneously masters the computer keyboard. Many parents who use computers in their professional activities understand the importance of ICT in a modern school. Getting to know the world around us, conducting experiments and research these days involves the use of digital cameras and microscopes. To summarize the results obtained during practical activities, schoolchildren use digital resources.

Project methodology

The project method, which according to second-generation standards is a mandatory element of a modern school, also requires information technology.

The integrated approach to learning used in the second generation standards is associated with the active application of knowledge that is acquired in another lesson. For example, work with texts and descriptions, carried out during the Russian language, continues when getting acquainted with natural phenomena in the lesson of the surrounding world. The result of such activity will be a video report that describes natural phenomena and pictures of the environment.

Information and educational environment

It should be optimal for informatization of the student and teacher. It is through the information environment that, in accordance with the new federal standards, remote interaction of participants in the educational process is ensured, including during extracurricular periods. What is included in the IP? Multimedia devices, computers, access to the World Wide Web, access to electronic resources.

It is through the information environment that the teacher interacts with children who, for health reasons, cannot attend regular lessons and extracurricular activities.

The standard applies not only to lessons, but also to extracurricular activities. It includes individual lessons, homework, and group consultations.

The content of such activities is reflected in the educational main program of the educational institution. Federal State Educational Standards allow extracurricular work for junior schoolchildren in the amount of ten hours per week. At the first stage of education, it helps to ensure equal opportunities in obtaining high-quality general primary education, upbringing, moral development of schoolchildren, and the formation of their citizenship.


In connection with changes in the social order in Russian education, there is a need for significant transformations. Instead of the classical system, in which the main focus was on obtaining the maximum amount of theoretical knowledge, programs aimed at self-development of the younger generation are being introduced into Russian schools. Federal State Educational Standards of the second generation provide the opportunity to receive primary education in their native language, master the cultural and spiritual values ​​of their people.

Thanks to the use of innovative teaching methods by teachers, each child has the opportunity to build their own educational and educational trajectory, gradually move along it, and improve their skills. The standards of the second generation are aimed at satisfying the social order - raising a citizen and patriot who loves his country and is proud of it.