Download interactive classroom clock. List of class topics

1. “Faithful sons of the Fatherland...” Class hour dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day. The holiday is important in terms of developing patriotism and a sense of pride for the country in students and promoting military service. The history of the holiday and its exploits are covered Russian soldiers in Great Patriotic War, during the fighting in Afghanistan, Chechnya, and local conflicts.

2. Let's say "No" to smoking! The event introduces students to the harmful effects of smoking on the body of a young man (girl), forms negative attitude to this habit, motivates students to lead a healthy lifestyle. One of the goals of the classroom is to teach students to maintain their individuality and say “no” even when the student is under pressure from others.

3. What motivates us when choosing a profession? Career guidance class aimed at developing students' ideas about how to choose a profession. The level relationship is revealed professional competence and knowledge about yourself and your abilities. Children learn to correlate test results with the requirements put forward by a particular profession. The ability to correctly assess oneself and one’s capabilities, as well as the level of communication skills, is formed. .

4. “So you may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen...” The class hour is aimed at developing knowledge legal culture in students, correction of moral behavior. Not only the rights, but also the duties of a citizen of the Russian Federation according to the Constitution are covered.

5. Symbols of the Russian state. Students become familiar with the main state symbols of the Russian Federation, the history of their creation and meaning. The scope of their application and prohibitions on use are analyzed. The event promotes the formation of a civic position, a sense of patriotism, and a careful attitude towards the historical heritage of the country, no matter how controversial it may be. .

6. The truth about drugs. The purpose of the class is to identify the level of awareness of students about the consequences caused by drug use, to increase this level by introducing them to the risk factors for the health of each individual and humanity as a whole, to show the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. .

7. Forgiveness or revenge? Class hour dedicated to moral issues human choice. High school students learn to understand the content of the concepts of “forgiveness”, “kindness”, “virtue”, “humanism”, “non-resistance to evil by violence”, “generosity”, “nobility” and conclude that they are eternal universal values. The class script is available on our website. .

8. Depression and ways to deal with it. Not everyone's teenage years are fun and carefree. This is a time of change, when you need to decide what you want to get from life and what you need to do for it. Not everyone has an answer right away. Without making a choice, students lose the joy of life and become depressed. The class hour is designed to teach ways to get out of such situations. .

9. “May the Russian city of Saratov stand for centuries, for centuries, for centuries...” The class hour is dedicated to the 420th anniversary of Saratov. Students' knowledge of history is systematized hometown, the main milestones of its formation. Examples of famous fellow countrymen who glorified the city are given. It can be held in the form of a holiday using poems and songs by local authors. (Instead of Saratov, you can choose any other city, town, village, village, etc.)

10. Drunkenness and alcoholism. An extracurricular activity highlights the risk factors for the health of the student and future generations when drinking alcohol. Aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle, creating a culture of behavior in accordance with moral standards. Previously received information about the dangers of alcohol is consolidated and specified by invited drug addiction specialists. The class script is available on our website. .

11. Let's save our common Home ! Class hour contributes to the formation of students' environmental culture. Man and nature are presented as a single whole, a system, if the development of one link of which is disrupted, its complete destruction can occur. Modern environmental problems and possible ways to solve them are identified and analyzed. Everyone’s contribution to the cause of defense is assessed environment.

12. "Thank you to our mothers..." Class hour dedicated to Mother's Day. The goal is to cultivate sensitive, careful attitude to the mother who gave life, the main person in life. It is better to hold it in the form of a holiday with poetic and musical accompaniment, competitions. Mothers who may be involved in the event are invited.

13. How to resist aggression and resolve conflict? The causes of aggression and its consequences in the form of conflicts are covered. Students gain skills in “extinguishing” aggression and preventing conflict, and learn to control mental balance. The goal of the class teacher, with the assistance of school psychologist becomes the formation of the skill of empathy - empathy and assessment of an event from the position of the opposite side.

14. “We know, we remember, we believe...” Festive class hour dedicated to Victory Day. The class teacher solves the problems of raising a patriot of his homeland, developing in students a reverent attitude towards the country’s past and the people who won its freedom. It is held in the form of a holiday using poems and songs of the war years and inviting veterans.

15. “We magnify this bright holiday...” Class hour introducing students to the tradition of celebrating Easter in Rus'. It is better to hold it in the form of a holiday using poems, sayings, songs, which will leave a bright emotional mark in the souls of students, instill respect, love, and reverent attitude towards folk traditions. The class script is available on our website. .

16. "Sin Virus". The class hour in the form of a discussion has an Orthodox orientation and solves the problems of moral choice, healthy lifestyle, prevention of casual sexual relationships, building harmonious relations between the sexes. The class script is available on our website. .

17. “My years are my wealth...” Festive class hour dedicated to the Day of the Elderly. The main attention is paid to respect for elders, older people, their experience, and merits. Poems, songs are used, grandparents, members are invited public organizations, famous fellow countrymen.

18. "Fathers and Sons". The class hour is conducted in the form of a conversation. The causes of conflicts between generations are identified and ways to overcome them are proposed. The event is designed to develop in students the ability to understand the adult generation, treat them warmer, more sympathetically, and show care. The class script is available on our website.

19. New Year. It is better to conduct such events in a playful way, which will contribute to a good emotional perception and unity of the student team. Our website presents Scenarios for various New Year's Eve parties and the New Year's KVN script.

20. Dangers facing today's youth. Class hour is conducted in the form thematic conversation. Dangers are identified in the behavior and lifestyle of students that can negatively affect the development of a young person, his formation as an individual, harming his successful “integration” into society.

Class hour “Indifference is a disease of our century”

Equipment and materials: sheets of A4 paper – 10 pcs., felt-tip pens – 12 pcs. , candle, piece of black bread, audio recording of the song “We live in a world of indifference.”

Are you friendly? (Yes)

Give me the answer then:
Refuse to help me? (No)
I'll ask you one last thing:
Will we all be active? (Yes)

"Me and the computer"

"How to become successful"

interesting and relevant

Progress of the class hour

An excerpt from a song is playedM. Nozhkina “Indifference” (beginning)

Slide 1. “Indifference is the disease of our age”

Slide 2. Epigraph: “Indifference is paralysis of the soul, premature death”

Guys, pay attention to our epigraph, how do you understand this expression?

Listen to Andrei Medvedev's poem:

Don't touch it, baby, in case it's contagious!

Don't iron! You'll get your palms dirty.

For what? Take a different path.

And the child grows up knowing:

It’s easier to live this way without noticing.

Why carry someone else's burden?

Share the trouble. I came up with that too.

Figure it out yourself! It's not me that's hurting.

I've had enough of my own problems.

- What human vice is revealed in this poem?

The growth of indifference among people is a sign of our times. Every day we hear about military actions, for example, in the Middle East or Ukraine. There are wars in which, because of someone excessive desire money and power, people die in poverty, children starve, old people struggle to make ends meet.Finding the roots of indifference, helping to get rid of indifference - this is what our meeting is dedicated to.

I brought a piece of stale bread. How do you think it is similar?such bread with an indifferent person?

Answer: Indifferent man dry on emotions, callous to the world around him.

What else can you call indifference? List synonyms for this word.

Answers: callousness, selfishness, ruthlessness, indifference, callousness, apathy, insensitivity, heartlessness, indifference, passivity.

And here’s what the small explanatory dictionary tells us:

indifference – this is indifference to issues of knowledge, morality, and social life.

Slide 4.

Now listen to the parable of the old man and the young man.

One day at dawn, a young man was walking along the seashore and saw an old man who was picking up starfish on the sand and throwing water into them.

“Why are you doing this?” asked the young man.

“The stars can wither and die under the rays of the hot sun,” answered the old man.

“But the coastline stretches for many miles, and there are millions of starfish. What's the use of your efforts? - asked the young man.

The old man looked at the starfish he was holding in his hands, threw it into the sea and said quietly.

- This starfish has a point. A good deed begins with a small thing: helping in word, in deed. A person and his actions are visible in small things. Remained not indifferent, which means you -real man.

  1. Why do you think the old man started throwing starfish into the water?(mercy, kindness, attention, compassion)
  2. Can you give examples of mercy from your personal experience?
  3. What do you think are the reasons for indifference? How to deal with it?

(pride, selfishness, careerism, selfishness).

What can we conclude from our meeting today? Can you somehow influence the current situation in the world?

This concludes our class hour. To say goodbye, let's light a candle, pass it from hand to hand, and say something kind to each other..(music)

I speak: “Don’t forget to give kindness to each other.It will come back to you in a circle.”

The students' words are heard.

I speak : “As long as we feel someone else’s pain,

As long as compassion lives in us,

While we dream and rage,

There is justification in our lives.”

Goodbye! Thank you for your cooperation!

(Part 2 of the song about indifference sounds)


Class topic:“What does success mean?”

Equipment: blue and red blanks, 2 Whatman paper, felt-tip pens (2 packs), 2 cards with the image of a ladder, 12 rays

Hello guys! I am glad to welcome you to today's class.

My name is Natal.Vasil. Before we start our conversation, I want to ask you

Shout loudly and in unison, friends,
Are you friendly? (Yes)
We came home from school and had no strength at all,
Do you want to listen to lectures here? (No)
I understand you... What should I do, kids?
Do we need to solve problems? (Yes)
Give me the answer then:
Refuse to help me? (No)
I'll ask you one last thing:
Will we all be active? (Yes)

I offer you a choice of 3 class topics:"Me and the computer"

"What does success mean"“Indifference is the disease of our age" What topic interested you?

In my opinion, you chose veryinteresting and relevantThe topic for today's conversation and how active you will be will determine the success of our meeting.

Progress of the class hour

blue and red.

Guys, how do you understand the meaning of the word Success?

Here's what the dictionary tells us:

“Success is public recognition,

– achievement of set goals;

– good results in work and studies".(Slide)

Let's draw a portrait of a successful person. Reds draws " successful girl", A Blue - "young man".


Tell us what you depicted.

Then the children analyze their drawings, what is depicted in them (house, family, car, money, university, etc.)

Tell me, does success come to a person suddenly?

(children’s answers: no, you need to strive for it, work, etc.)

What paths do you think lead a person to success?

Select from the suggested words only 4, the most important in your opinion, and arrange them on the ladder in ascending order.

Ladder card - each team

Family, friends, school, yard company, education, abilities, envy, self-interest, laziness, hard work. (handout.)

Explain your choice.

Yes, guys, everyone has their own preferences, but every person should strive for success from childhood, set goals and achieve them, constantly working on themselves. I want to talk about people with an unusual destiny:

5 – summer girl Olga Skorokhodova, after a serious illness, first became blind, then lost her hearing and stopped talking. Thanks to perseverance, hard work, and willpower, a deaf-blind girl graduated from a special school and received higher education and became a candidate pedagogical sciences, author of the book “How I Perceive the World Around me,” which has been translated into all languages ​​of the world.


And the fate of Masha Iovleva is even more tragic: when the girl was born, her mother immediately rushed to abandon her. The doctors didn’t even think that Maria would be able to survive. However, Masha survived! And at the age of 20, she won two gold and one silver medal at the Paralympic Games in Vancouver and Sochi. The path to these awards was incredibly long for Maria. From birth Iovleva could not speak and could not hear. She had developmental delays. But at the age of seven she was transferred to a boarding school, where she was lucky to meet a teacher who replaced her mother. Soon, ski coach Alexander Porshnev drew attention to Masha, who began to introduce Iovleva to the sport. Sport changed Masha's life.


2 destinies, 2 human lives. What do they have in common?

(student answers:built their life the way they wanted, struggled with difficulties, walked towards the goal)

What qualities do you think a successful person should have?

Write down these qualities on the sun's rays and glue them onto whatman paper in a circle so that it looks like a sun and comment on your choice.

- (dedication, hard work, communication skills, kindness...)

Guys, let's hold hands so that the sun will shine, just like at the stand, let it always illuminate your life, give warmth and joy. Be happy and successful!


Class topic:"Me and the computer"

Equipment sheets of A4 paper – 10 pcs., felt-tip pens – 12 pcs. stickers 2 colors, cloud, sun.

Hello guys! I am glad to welcome you to today's class.

My name is Natal.Vasil. Before we start our conversation, I want to ask you

Shout loudly and in unison, friends,
Are you friendly? (Yes)
We came home from school and had no strength at all,
Do you want to listen to lectures here? (No)
I understand you... What should I do, kids?
Do we need to solve problems? (Yes)
Give me the answer then:
Refuse to help me? (No)
I'll ask you one last thing:
Will we all be active? (Yes)

I offer you a choice of 3 class topics:"Me and the computer"

"What does success mean?"“Indifference is the disease of our age" What topic interested you?

In my opinion, you chose veryinteresting and relevantThe topic for today's conversation and how active you will be will determine the success of our meeting.

Progress of the class hour

We will work in groups, come to me and take some pieces of paper, we have 2 teams: blue and red.

Hold hands, look into each other's eyes, smile. Feel like you are a team. You can take your seats.

Computers have long and firmly penetrated all spheres of human activity. They are used at work, at home, at school, and even in kindergarten. On the one hand, they make our life much easier, but on the other, we are forced to pay with our health for sitting at the computer for a long time. So what do computers bring us today: harm or benefit? Let's try to figure this out.

On the board we have a picture of a harmful cloud and a kind sun. Using stickers Show What do you think the computer brings more harm or benefit?

Judging by your decision, you are inclined to believe that a computer is useful for modern society, and many people think so. Now we will try to figure out whether this is so.

Carousel game

1 task

On the tables of each group there are sheets of paper and pens, Blue will try to prove that the computer is beneficial, and Reds – harm caused by a computer. Come up with a slogan for your evidence.


Many of you don’t see anything wrong with the fact that you spend a lot of time at the computer and consider this type of leisure to be intellectual and useful, but excessive passion for, for example, computer games affects not only your physical health, but also on the psyche.

2 task

Guys, try to formulate rules for safe computer use, write them down and comment on them.


I distribute booklets.

What can we conclude from our meeting today?

Well done! I think each of you has realized that you can’t sit in front of the monitor for too long.

Now I suggest you do an exercise that you can use while working with the computer.

Thanks for your cooperation, goodbye.

Class hour "My qualities"

for students in grades 7-8

Target: teach children to convey their own feelings, develop interaction skills, achieve a positive sense of self, and the ability to express positive emotions, develop the ability to understand the feelings of other people; expand participants' knowledge about feelings and emotions; create conditions for developing the ability to non-judgmentally accept another person.

Equipment: computer, projector, signs with rules general conversation, phrases, hints, signs for the presenter, photographs with by different persons of people.

Classroom teacher: Hello guys! Today I want to invite you to think about a person and his qualities. “Every person has three characters: the one that is attributed to him; the one he attributes to himself; and, finally, the one that really exists” V. Hugo

(Slide No. 1) Many philosophers and psychologists believe that it is the qualities of a person that make him unique and unlike other people. (Slide No. 2) Thanks to human feelings, emotions, qualities, different people act differently in the same conditions. Some of them laugh where others are sad, others are angry where others smile. Today we will try to understand what human feelings and qualities are, what they depend on in each person, how and when they manifest themselves in people. It will be more convenient for us to work if in each of the groups (5-6 people) you and I choose one student who will voice everything that the group will talk about. In addition, each group needs to elect a person who will lead the discussion. And to make communication more convenient, I invite each group to come up with its own name.

Children come up with a name for their group, a creative motto, and choose a speaker and chairman.

Classroom teacher: Today we will discuss many issues. I want to remind you of some rules of general conversation: (Slide No. 3)

Listen carefully, don't interrupt!

We don’t force you to speak, but we don’t forbid you either!

Don't repeat yourself in your speeches!

When criticizing, do not offend!

Speak precisely and only to the point!

If you criticize, suggest!

Talk about good things first, and then criticize!

(These rules are designed in the form of signs and posted in a visible place. The children are also offered hint phrases that will help them formulate thoughts: “I propose...”, “It seems to me that it’s better...”, “It would be interesting, because ...”, “What if...” For the class teacher, unique signs (possibly in the form of road signs) will be “helpful”, which allow or prohibit doing something: “We are discussing”, “Talking”, “Listen”. Then he will not you will have to call for silence all the time or repeat the task - just show it on the signs.)

Classroom teacher: We have agreed on the rules of discussion. So let's start with the game "Say hi to your friend".(Slide No. 4)(The children all clap their knees together, then their hands, the leader puts forward thumb right hand and says his name, then the thumb of his left hand and the name of the one to whom he sends greetings. He, in turn, raises the finger of his right hand, says the name, then the finger of his left and the name of the one to whom he sends greetings. And so on until all hands are raised.)

Classroom teacher: And now I will ask those guys who have certain characteristics to stand up (first in appearance, and then in personal qualities). At the same time, try to remember the qualities of the participants in this game “Stand up those who” in order to name them later.

Stand up those who:

Today I wore black shoes;

Put on jewelry;

Who has blue eyes;

Who has brothers and sisters;

Who is never late;

Who considers himself a kind person;

Who considers himself a brave man;

Who considers himself hardworking person;

Who loves sweets;

Who loves animals;

Who likes to draw, etc.

Classroom teacher: Now we have learned a little more about each other, learned about our qualities. Since we are talking about human qualities today, I propose to write down everything that we learn about them on these trees of knowledge. Why are there 5 of them? Scientists believe that everything human qualities can be divided into 5 groups-categories: attitudes towards people, towards work, towards things, characteristics of honesty and strong-willed qualities. (Slide No. 5) On each tree we will look for leaves with certain qualities.

Guys, now look at the emoticons that represent different expressions faces. (Slide No. 6) They all express different feelings and qualities. One laughs, the other is sad... Name the feelings that are depicted using these emoticons.

(Students name feelings of pain, joy, surprise, pleasure, etc.)

We can tell a lot even about a stranger if we look at him carefully. What do your faces express? Your eyes?

I suggest you try to express different feelings and emotions of a person with facial expressions and gaze. To do this, divide into pairs. One of you will make a feeling, write it down on a piece of paper and try to express it in some way in front of your partner. And the partner will try to guess what feeling his friend is showing. Then you will switch places.

Classroom teacher: Now let's play one well-known children's game. I will throw the ball to you, and you will catch it only when I call what you think is good quality. Having caught the ball, you have to explain why this quality is good for the person and others. (The named qualities are written down on pieces of paper and attached to trees.)

Classroom teacher: And now I want you to remember your childhood. You know a lot of fairy tales. Here is one of them (reads an excerpt from the fairy tale “Cinderella”). (Slide No. 7) Let's remember what qualities the heroes of this and other fairy tales exhibit.

Each group receives pictures with drawings of fairy tale heroes (Baba Yaga, Ivan Tsarevich, Winnie the Pooh, Kolobok, Pinocchio, etc.) and a set of cards with human qualities. They must select those qualities that are inherent in their heroes and justify the choice of these qualities, proving them with examples from fairy tales. (Slides No. 8-9)(Leaves with these qualities are attached to trees.)

Classroom teacher: Now let's try to play another game. Each of you will get a small role. You have to select the qualities characteristic of this role (the presenter hands out cards on which various opposites are written social roles: good son - bad son, good teacher - bad teacher, good passenger - bad passenger, good friend- bad friend, good citizen - bad citizen). (Slide No. 10)

Classroom teacher: The next task is even more difficult. Before this we talked about others. Now let's try to talk about each other. Look. I have a magic chair. Each of you will take turns sitting on it, and everyone else will name its qualities. Let's start with the good ones - because our chair is magical. (Slide No. 11)

(The game “Magic Chair” is played. In this case, the guys use the qualities that are presented on the trees.)

Classroom teacher: What does "confident" mean? (Those who wish speak up.) In psychology, “self-confident” means: “I believe in my strengths and capabilities.” Think about the new opportunities that will come your way if you are more confident. For example: If I were more confident, I would be able to answer better on the board.” (Slides No. 12-13)

Write down sentences that are relevant to you.

I want my friends to cheer me up.

I'm worried about my future.

Many people hate me.

I'm afraid to look stupid.

Others' appearance is much better than mine.

I'm afraid to give a speech in front of strangers.

My life is useless.

Many have the wrong opinion about me.

People are not particularly interested in my achievements.

I'm embarassing.

I don't feel safe.

I feel constrained.

I often worry unnecessarily.

I worry about how people treat me.

Most people seem to be more confident than I am.

I avoid asking questions for fear of appearing stupid.

Choose one of the sentences written down, write it down on a small piece of paper, fold it and put it in the general “indecision basket”. Now I will take all the notes out of the basket one by one and read them out loud one by one: “Some people ...” (Groups express their ideas that could help cope with this situation.)

Classroom teacher: A person should strive to change himself in better side, live in peace with yourself. The only one real mistake- do not correct your mistakes. (Staging a fairy tale by high school students) (Slide No. 14)

A Tale of Happiness

There lived one king in the world,

Rich and powerful.

He was always sad. And sometimes

It was darker than a cloud.

He walked, slept, had dinner,

But he didn’t know happiness!

But always whine and grieve

The poor guy has had enough.

The king cried out: “You can’t live like this!”

And he jumped off the throne boldly.

Yes, instantly destroy your lot

Not in royalty?

And so the king got into the carriage -

And he went for happiness.

The king looks out the window,

The carriage rolls briskly.

Wait a minute, who's on the way?

A girl in a tattered dress.

Oh my almighty king,

Please give me at least a penny.

Hey beggar, let me pass

Hurry up my carriage.

Get off the path immediately

After all, I’m going for happiness! -

The king said and drove off.

And the month was freezing in the blue sky...

The carriage rushes at random

God knows in which direction.

Suddenly a soldier stands in the way,

Wounded, ragged.

Oh my king, cried the soldier,

I'm very glad to see you!

I humbly ask: arrange

You are at my service,

I stood up for you,

I really fought like a hero,

I won the battle.

Come on, servant, let me pass

Hurry up my carriage.

Get off the path immediately

After all, I’m going for happiness! -

The king said and drove off,

And the month was freezing in the blue sky...

The carriage rushes at full speed,

The horse gallops as fast as he can.

Suddenly she came out onto the road from the mountains

Stooped old woman.

Forgive me, my dear king,

Lonely old woman.

My house is over there, you see, behind the mountain,

I've gone far in the morning.

I carry firewood from the forest -

Hard work.

I look around, barely alive:

What if someone helps...

Come on, old woman, let me pass

Hurry up my carriage.

Get off the path immediately

After all, I’m going for happiness! -

The king said and drove off,

And the month was freezing in the blue sky...

Summer is over. Heat

Gives way to bad weather.

The king hurries:

It's time to hit the road

A little more - and hurray!

I will find my happiness!

And it would all end in disaster -

There is no doubt about it.

Yes, an old man with a white beard

He stopped the carriage.

Having crossed himself, slowly,

Solemnly and strictly

Said: "Lost soul,

King, fear God!

Are you looking for happiness for yourself?

You are traveling around the world.

But, only loving your neighbor,

You will find this happiness.

Quickly listen to me:

Turn your horse back around

Warm and feed the child,

Hire a soldier as a watchman,

Do it all, but first

You can help the old lady:

You will bring firewood home.

You’ll cut it and lay it down...” -

Came out here full moon.

And she illuminated the way.

It's not an easy journey, the way back.

The path to happiness is not just anywhere.

The king is still in the palace

Helps all people.

And happiness on his face

It shines like a clear day!

Classroom teacher: And now we have to fill out three cards each: 3 of blue color and 3 white. On the white ones, please write yours good qualities, and the blue ones are negative ones that you would like to get rid of.

Now let’s think about whether it’s possible to somehow get rid of bad qualities. (The guys make suggestions). And while you're thinking, I want to tell you one more story.

Once upon a time, magical birds flew to earth (points to the board, transforms trees and leaves into birds). They brought human desires and thoughts like magical seeds that were sown throughout the world. And flowers grew from them - human souls. Some of them were beautiful - after all, good wishes grow beautiful qualities, and from some only weeds and nettles grew. After all, only evil thoughts give birth to evil thoughts. (The class teacher distributes seeds to the children.) What flowers will grow from your seeds?

(The class teacher suggests that everyone together make a large applique of flowers, where each participant in the game in the form of a flower must display their dreams, ideals and desires, their qualities and main characteristics.) (Slides No. 15-19)

Positive traits

Negative qualities

Attitude to work

Conscientious, diligent, hardworking, hardworking

Sloth, slacker, lazy

Attitude towards people

Selfless, cordial, sincere, attentive, kind-hearted, kind, sensitive, devoted, benevolent, generous, delicate, sympathetic, merciful, tactful, supportive

Cold, unkind, cruel, spiteful, fierce, merciless, selfish, callous, inhuman, heartless

Attitude to things

Thrifty, thrifty, careful

Stingy, insatiable, stingy, greedy, greedy

Strong-willed qualities

Brave, undaunted, courageous, fearless, courageous, truthful, self-possessed, steadfast, reliable

Fierce, fearful, merciless, timid, cowardly

Characteristics of Honesty

Loyal, sincere, unfeigned, noble, just, honest, truthful

Mean, two-faced, insincere, deceitful

Classroom teacher: So, guys, our class hour is coming to an end. I hope that each of you understood that it is the qualities of a person that make him unique and different from other people. It is thanks to human feelings, emotions, qualities that different people act differently in the same conditions. (Slide No. 20)

Slide captions:


Conversation with children on the topic

“Politeness is strength, weakness or necessity?”

Hello guys!

You have chosen to discuss today very interesting topic, which is relevant for almost every person living in the modern world.

Probably, like me, you often notice that people do not know how to communicate. More precisely, they do not say polite words. And these are not just words. Eg,(slide ) THANK YOU means - GOD BLESS. HELLO - I WISH YOU HEALTH. Thank you, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please. Many or few polite words? Does it ever happen that these words are not enough? (answers)

(Some people want to hear them more, but for others all the words are not enough to ask for forgiveness or apologize)

What do you think (slide) What is “politeness” and why is it needed? to modern man?

(children's answers)


Politeness is one of the most important qualities well-mannered person. Until the 17th century, “vezha” meant “expert” - one who knows the rules of decency, forms of expressing good attitude towards people.

What are these rules? Let's create a set of rules of politeness together.

(everyone is given pieces of paper on which the guys write their rules of politeness)

Read what you wrote down.

Let's see we haven't missed anything(slide)

1. Politeness shows your attitude towards other people.
2. Polite man does not cause trouble or offense to others.
3. A polite person is friendly and considerate of others.
4. A polite person always says hello and goodbye. It is impolite not to return a greeting.
5. You should greet adults first, but you cannot extend your hand yourself. When greeting, you need to look into the face of the person you are greeting.
6. Be polite with your comrades: do not give them nicknames and nicknames; when talking, do not shout.
7. In games, don’t be rude or shout. Don’t argue with your friend over trifles, don’t quarrel, try to work and play together.
8. A polite person does not respond to rudeness with rudeness.
9. You must be polite in words, in tone, in gestures, in actions. Polite words, said in a rough voice, in a cheeky tone, cease to be polite.

To be polite means to be able to behave and have good manners. It means connecting with people in a way that makes them feel cared for, loved, valued and respected. Many people only behave politely around strangers because they want to impress. good impression. But true politeness is to be polite at all times and to everyone. When you are polite, people are polite to you.
- Politeness promotes communication with people. Polite words generate warmth of the soul:(slide)
When you want to say a word,
My friend, think - don’t rush,
It can be harsh
It was born from the warmth of the soul.

Let's give each other the warmth of our souls.

Give 5 pieces of paper to each person. Write down your first and last name on them. Roll up and throw into a common box. The presenter mixes and asks to choose 5 pieces. All papers are sorted out. Goal: By exchanging warm words with each other, find your pieces of paper.

What's your mood?

What makes you feel good?

So, what is politeness: strength, weakness or necessity?

I want you to remember thata polite person is one who: knows how to respect the dignity of everyone; sincerely friendly and welcoming; appreciates the attention of others; grateful for the service provided, the care shown; He responds to good with good.(slide)

Good afternoon - they told you
- Good afternoon! - you answered.
How two strings are connected
Warmth and kindness.

They wish us " Bon Voyage
- It will be easier to go and go.
- Hello! - you tell the person,
- Hello! - he will tell us in response.
And he probably won’t go to the pharmacy,
And you will be healthy for many years.

Why do we say “thank you”?
For everything they do for us.
And we couldn't remember
Who was told how many times.

Cancel, perhaps, the word “please”?
We repeat it every minute,
No, perhaps, without “please”
We feel uncomfortable.

These words are most wonderful
Everyone is very happy to hear
Adults and children are getting better
And they rush to smile at you.


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Topic: Are adults always right?

Target: to develop in students the ability to analyze situations and actions of children and adults.

Equipment: slide presentation; napkins, cards on the board under the words: disrupts relationships with adults, tokens, prize, cards for groups “Adults”, “Children”.

Progress of the class hour:

  1. Good afternoon I have a request to you: please close your eyes..., smile (necessarily from the heart), open your eyes, look: it has become brighter in our class. It was from your smiles that the sun shone, it warmed us with its warmth. When you smile, you have a happy and kind face. This means that good people have gathered here.
  2. Exercise "Napkin". Tear off the right one from the napkin top corner, and now the bottom right. Then tear off the bottom left corner, now the top left corner. Unfold the napkin. Did they turn out the same? It’s the same in life, guys, people are different from each other, but you need to learn to get along together, despite the differences.
  3. Today we divided into 2 groups. The left group will play the role of adults, and the right group will be children. Look at each other, how can you all be called in one word? (People). Name the common characteristics of adults and people. (hair color, eye color, 2 arms, 2 legs). How are adults different from children? (age, height, weight, mental development). Indeed, guys, adults differ from children in that they know more, because... they are older and have more experience. Today we will talk on the topic: “Are adults always right?” SLIDE No. 1.

Where do you most often meet adults? (at school, in the store, at home in the family).

How do you understand the word family?

A family is usually a small group of people who live together.

Each family member has responsibilities and spends their free time together. Parents raise and educate children. Family members love and respect each other.

  1. Now we will look at situations that may arise in any family.

Situation one . Masha received a grade of “2” in mathematics. She came home from school and began to ask her mother to let her go for a walk. Mom told Masha that she would not go for a walk today. SLIDE No. 2.

Questions for groups: (adults answer first, then children). Is mom right? (No, I had to remind Masha to do her homework and then allow her to go for a walk).

Is Masha right? (children answer first, then adults). No, I had to do my homework and then ask to go for a walk.

What should mom have done?

Situation two . Misha asked his dad to buy headphones for the computer. Dad said that after celebrating the New Year, the family only had money left for food. With her next salary, she and her mother will try to buy headphones. Misha was offended and did not help his mother wipe off the dust. SLIDE No. 3.

Questions for groups: (children answer first, and then adults). Is Misha right? Why? (no, I’m wrong. It was impossible to be offended, much less refuse help).

Is dad right? Why? (adults answer first, and then children). Dad is right, because... First of all, you need to leave money and food. Dad promised that with the next salary they would buy headphones for Misha.

What should Misha have done??

Tell me, were adults always right in these situations? We can conclude that both adults and children make mistakes, but you need to not be offended, but learn to talk, finding the right way out from the situation.

  1. There are many proverbs about family. Please restore the proverbs in which the words are mixed up. (Record on slide).

SLIDE №4, 5

Work in groups - 2 minutes.


In, on, and, well, treasure, family, if.

What is the treasure for, if there is harmony in the family?


On, and so, the whole, soul, family, place, together.

The whole family together, so the soul is in place.


Sick, boring, but, together, apart

Together it's sickening, but apart it's boring.


And, yes, no, grief, advice, love.

Love and advice - but no grief.

Look, guys, what nice words characterize the word family. The family should feel comfortable and comfortable for every member: be it mom or dad, son or daughter, grandma or grandpa. In order for there to be harmony in the family, it is necessary that the internal way of life of the family contributes to mutual understanding, trust, and a comfortable existence of a person in the family. Then relationships between children and adults will develop trust. SLIDE No. 6

There are cards with words on the board. Exercise: select those that may break warm relations with adults. (one at a time).

Kindness, quarrels, hard work, lies, laziness, conflicts, friendliness.

(quarrels, conflicts, lies, laziness). SLIDE No. 7.

  1. And now attention, a competition for the “Best Expert” in relationships with adults and family life. SLIDE No. 8

I read the questions (the correct answer is a token). Law of the raised hand!!!

  • What feeling unites family members? (Love)
  • Favorite game of all daughters (mothers and daughters)
  • What disease does the whole family suffer from? (flu)
  • Almost everyone has it in their homes, it is small but smart. He will show us everything about everyone, although he can be noisy? (TV)
  • What effective means do children use to get what they want from their parents? (tears)
  • The boy whom even his parents called uncle? (Uncle Fedor)
  • Mom's mom, dad's mom to you... (grandmother)
  • Mom's dad, dad's dad, you... (grandfather)
  • Most often, the whole family bears one ... (surname)
  • Name the four-legged family members. (cats, dogs)

SUMMARY: Best Family Expert: Petya (a prize is awarded)

Well done! We completed the task.

  1. Bottom line. Question for the groups. Adults, was it difficult for you to work today? Why? Children, was it difficult for you? Why?
  2. Reflection.



Hard work





Are adults always right?



The day before his birthday, the child asked God:

I don't know why I'm going into this world? What should I do?

God replied:

I give you an angel who will always be by your side. He will explain everything to you.

But how can I understand him, since I don’t know his language?

The angel will love to teach you his language. He will protect you from harm. He will rejoice and be sad with you.

What is his name, my angel?

It doesn't matter what his name is, he has many names. But you will call him (pause).

How? Mom.

Yes, mom is the closest and dear person. Every child knows this. But often disagreements, misunderstandings, and conflicts arise between the child and the mother, in general, between children and adults, between the closest and dearest people.

So, we must ponder the question “are adults always right”?

It is traditionally believed that parents are the natural and primary educators of their children. They have more experience and knowledge.

How do you feel about your parents?

/love, honor, respect/

Why do we love and respect them? / write on pieces of paper /

You have wonderful parents!

Do conflicts happen in the family between you and your parents?


Why do conflicts arise?

/Parents impose their opinions on us, abuse their power: since he is older, the children must obey him/

Often parents are more information savvy, but less picky in the ways they communicate with their child.

Give an example of when your parents were wrong.

/your example/boots

Did mom (dad) want bad things?

Of course not, she cared about us, but she didn’t remember herself, her feelings when she was the same age as us.

She should have understood that you can’t go to a disco in ugly boots!

? – How could this conflict be resolved? After all, there was a solution!

? – Do you agree that the stricter parents are, the less they know about their children?

/We can probably agree, because understanding parents will replace the commanding tone with a friendly one and try to approach controversial issue from different sides, they will try together with you to find different alternatives to resolve the issue/

Write what you blame your parents for? \Tear up what you wrote, let the negative remain on paper.\

The most strong influence parents have on their children. At first they rule, but then their power must weaken. They must give the child the opportunity to choose, the child must learn BY HIMSELF. The power of parents is weakening. And everyone should respect the choices of others.

THAT. we believe that adults are not always right, because... They don’t hear their children, they don’t understand, they use power, they show injustice. But this is life! And remember Domostroy and the table of ranks. In these ancient documents, it was necessary to obey parents unquestioningly, but we are changing, time passes, and children become more liberated in society and with adults, and this sometimes leads to conflicts.

? – What is the worst thing in the conflict?

/Both sides do not hear each other. And it can be difficult to find a middle ground and try to get closer to it, try to understand each other. But instead they scream and don’t hear each other./

? – If a conflict occurs, who is to blame for it?


On this occasion I want to tell one more parable:

One day the sage (teacher) asked the students

Why when people quarrel do they start shouting?

“They are losing their calm”, “They are angry!”, “They want to prove their point”

But why shout if the other person is next to you? - not a single answer satisfied the teacher.

There was a pause.

When people scream, their hearts move away. In order to cover this distance they have to scream. The angrier they get, the more they scream. And when people don’t quarrel, their hearts are very close, and sometimes they even understand each other without words. So, when you argue, do not allow your hearts to move away from each other, do not utter words that will further increase the distance between you, because the day may come when the distance becomes so great that you will not find a way back

What should we remember when we begin to prove our point of view to adults?

/ That these are the most dear people and we should not be angry with them. We must reduce the conflict to nothing and not add fuel to the fire/

Avoiding conflict is a huge talent. You have to learn this, even if your opponent is wrong.

And what rights must be respected in case of disagreements, so as not to lead to a conflict?

The right to be treated with respect.

The right to be yourself.

The right to express your feelings.

The right to express your thoughts.

The right to make decisions.

The right to make mistakes.

The right to ask for what you want.

The right to misunderstand another person.

The right to change your mind.

The right to be independent from the approval of other people.

The right to a place and time for yourself.

The right to personal relationships with my friends.

The right to be treated politely.

The right to take care of my things.

The right to comply with our agreements.

Think about who can give you these rights?

? – What human qualities do you need to discover and develop in yourself so that, as in the parable, hearts do not become separated from each other by a great distance?

/ - patience, - love, - willpower, - control of your emotions,

Generosity, - good manners, - prudence./

Work with aphorisms. What will you take for yourself?

  1. Understanding is the beginning of agreement.
  2. The main thing is not to punish, but to force them to act.
  3. The mountain is destroyed by the wind - human friendship - the word.
  4. What begins in anger ends in shame.
  5. Calmness is strength.
  6. Generosity is not from the heart or the mind.
  7. Anger is temporary insanity.
  1. Anyone who screams loudly is hard to hear.
  2. If you say bad things, you will hear bad things.
  3. He who loves deeply punishes strongly.
  4. If you want to deal with your enemy, hug him.
  5. By the way, being silent is a big word to say.

What advice will you take for yourself?

So, it is impossible to live without quarrels - this eternal problem fathers and children, but everything is still possible. Remember that a quarrel can be prevented, do not allow your hearts to move away, try to understand your parents: they get tired, they have a lot of worries, it’s hard for them. Don’t darken their lives, learn to explain and prove your point of view, look for a middle ground. This is great art! Have patience!

Patience is a treasure for life.

Thank you for your attention!

Razdat. material: Two pieces of paper and a piece of paper with aphorisms.


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Is it up to us to improve? surrounding life"Here and now"?

40% of deaths in the world are associated with environmental problems. Therefore, it is very important to delve into the essence of the problem and understand what is the cause of environmental deterioration. Everyone knows what happens to a person when he is treated for the wrong disease... The same can happen with the environment.

Air pollution with toxic emissions into the atmosphere causes cancer and disruption of the immune system. It kills about three million people a year. And indeed the situation around us is depressing, but people are accustomed to living in the present day and there are few influential enthusiasts who could stop the work of factories or put into use the latest developments in environmental fuel for transport...

Water pollution leads to the breeding of malaria-carrying mosquitoes, which kills about two million people every year. Shortage clean water affect more than a billion people, while 80 percent of all infectious diseases are transmitted through water.

Pollution and devastation of the soil leads to the fact that toxic substances are absorbed by humans along with food and water. Indigestion is guaranteed.

At the micro level (within a family or one person), you can make a feasible contribution to the prevention of environmental disaster. What can we do? -You say, these are all factories... So you will do the wrong thing. After all, the same businesses are trying to ensure our consumer power. If we were more economical, the situation would improve noticeably and thereby we would help “take control of the climate”!


Does improving the life around us “here and now” depend on us?

Good afternoon, dear guys! Today you have chosen an interesting topic for

discussion, and since you chose it, it excites you in some way. Tell,

please why should we talk about improving the environment

life? And how do you understand – improving the life around us?

The first question is: are you satisfied with the way you live? Biological concept

We are all quite happy with life: we live, we breathe. But not all of us


What are you unhappy with in your life?

Do you think we can somehow influence all these

global processes.

Do you think we can solve these problems?

Listen to a short story:

its corn, which year after year won all quality competitions.

The farmer replied that the whole secret was that he gave away the best

cobs for sowing to all your neighbors.

Why distribute the best grains to neighbors if they are constantly, along with

you, participate in all competitions and are competitors?

You see,” the farmer smiled. - The wind carries pollen from my

fields to the fields of neighbors, and vice versa. If your neighbors have varieties worse than yours

me, then soon my crops will begin to deteriorate. If I sow good

corn, I must take care of my neighbors and help them sow the same. A

How each of us will care for the crops is another question.

Similar things happen in people's lives. Someone who wants to be successful

must take care of others and help them achieve success. Who wants

to live well, must help others to live well. Because the better

how people around you live, the better off you are.We are all addicted and

connected in this world.

Indeed, everything in this world is interconnected. Do you feel like you're in

You can’t do anything alone, in fact, that’s not true.

Let's talk about the two main problems of the modern world, which

you can change now, today.

1. Environmental problem.

1) Solar panels

2) Send for recycling

3) Organic ______products


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Classroom development

on the topic

  1. Introduction.

Communication with other people is a very interesting, exciting, but also difficult thing, because we are all different, with different hobbies, interests, and tastes.

One scientist (psychologist Eric Berne) proposed dividing all people into two groups: “princes” and “frogs”

“... “Princes” do not consider themselves better or worse than others. They are self-sufficient and independent. “Princes” may have crooked legs, a big nose - all this does not prevent them from being “princes”. They still love themselves. “Princes” never pretend to know everything. They may not know or be able to do something, but this does not diminish them in their own eyes. They may make mistakes and fail, but they do not lose self-esteem and self-confidence. “Princes” respect the feelings of others and do not allow themselves to be manipulated by them. They do not solve their problems for others. They enjoy their successes, but do not feel guilty or envy others.

“Frogs” are helpless and dependent on others. They complain incessantly. Unlike the “princes,” they do not live in the present, but “kill” time, anticipating the future or remembering the past. They do not know how to analyze, have poor understanding of what is happening, invent a fictitious world and try to manipulate people and blame them. “Frogs” doubt everything - their right to life, their right to breathe, eat, drink, love, be loved. They are overly dependent on other people's opinions without trusting themselves. For “frogs”, those around them are to blame for all their troubles, they are disappointed in other people, in themselves, they do not look for a way out...

People are born “frogs”, but become “princes”.

Who do you think is more pleasant to be? Why?

It is not always immediately clear what kind of person he is, what he is like. And sometimes we don’t like a person right away. Let's try to understand why this happens.

2. Exercise “Finish the sentence”

When passing the soft toy, take turns finishing the following sentences.

I like (dislike) people who...

The best quality of a person is...

The most poor quality man, this...

I don't want to be friends with some people because...

Conclusion: we like people who are similar to us. We consider them “ours”, treat them well, be friends with them, and forgive them their mistakes. We don't like people who are not like us. We consider them “strangers” and do not want to communicate with them.

3. Conversation on the topic of the lesson.

Can people who are different from us be good people?

What needs to be done in order to find out what kind of person he is?

Is it possible to draw conclusions based on appearance alone?

What are some examples of how appearances can be deceiving? (Fairy tales " The Scarlet Flower" and "Kolobok")

4. How can you understand what kind of person is next to you? (Chat with him, talk, try to understand him)

You can also find something in common with this person; in fact, it’s not that difficult.

5. Exercise “How are we alike”

I'm giving you this toy because you and I are alike (give a reason)

Conclusion: you can always find something in common between two people.

6. Conclusion on the lesson.

Everyone is different, but everyone has something in common.

Every person has good and bad, there are no absolutely good or bad people.

You can only get to know a person by talking to him. They meet you by their clothes, they see them off by their intelligence.

“How to build relationships with those who are different from us”

Good afternoon, dear guys! The topic you have chosen seems very

is relevant for you, especially since you are now at an age when

problems of otherness and rejection of those who are not entirely clear to you are facing you

in the foreground.

To start, I suggest you take some cards and draw yourself on them. On

Write “I” on the back of the card. Now look what you have

it worked, and you will be surprised at how different the pictures are!

Indeed, there are seven billion people in the world. And all these people

divided by nationality, by views, by religion, by lifestyle.

See how many things can make us different from each other. Someone was born

a boy, some a girl, boys can listen to different music, some

some were born into a wealthy family, others were not, some love to dance, but

some people only dream about it.

Do you think it's good that all people are so different?

(Discussion) Differences complement and enrich society. To live in

world, people need to learn to live by solving problems and tasks based on


I think the biggest multicolor is New York

metro. First of all, what surprises you about the New York subway is

attitude of people towards each other. You and I, having chosen such a topic for

discussions, practically stated: we have such a problem. We

we really don’t know how to build relationships with people who are

we are not similar. In America they have more or less learned to do this. And these are being built

relationships based on one single quality - tolerance.

How do you understand what tolerance is? What Russian synonyms are you

can you find a word for this? (Fill in the person)

The concept of “tolerance” is associated with the name of a person who lived in France

at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries, a certain Tyleran Perigord. He was distinguished by the fact that he

various governments remained Minister of Foreign Affairs. It was

a person talented in many areas, but most of all, in ability

take into account the moods of others, treat them with respect and

this is to preserve your principles, strive to manage

situation, and not blindly obey circumstances. Term

"tolerance" is explained as tolerance, desire and ability to

establishing and maintaining communication with people.

So what is tolerance?

it is respect, acceptance and understanding of the rich diversity of cultures

our world, forms of self-expression and ways of manifesting

human individuality.

Practical work in pairs

I suggest you determine for yourself how to build relationships with people,

who are not like us. We work in pairs.

There is a table in front of you. The first column lists groups of people who

one way or another may not be like us. Let's read it.

And the right column is called - “We have no right to condemn them, because

that...", but this column is empty. On separate pieces of paper there are possible

answer options.

Try, choose the correct answer for each group and paste it

to the appropriate cell.

Groups of people We have no right to condemn them, because


Those who look different

He dresses differently.

the taste is the most correct. These people are not alike

for me – it’s wonderful: to be individual –

This is fine. They see the world differently - this

their right.

Beggars, homeless,


Very rich people.

Poor people

If not human qualities, but presence

or lack of money determines my

attitude towards a person, this is not with him, but with me

Is there something wrong.

people in need.

People are old and frail.

Disabled people, people with



No one is immune from illness or

old age, or from misfortune. If you're bad

If you relate to these people, then don’t be surprised,

if no one will support you in trouble, no

will help, turn away from you!

People of a different faith, a different


People of any kind


People of a different skin color

It does not depend on the person what nationality

(or skin color) he received at birth, or in

what country was he born in; or in a family with some

was brought up by religion. Not by nationality

or any other reasons, but only from

specific person his actions depend - and

good and bad.

Let's try to determinerules of tolerant communication:

1. Respect your interlocutor

2. Try to understand what others are saying

3. Defend your opinion tactfully

4. Look for better arguments

5. Be fair, ready to admit that others are right

6. Strive to consider the interests of others

Of course, we don't have to love everyone! However, all people, even if they

the poor, the old and the sick have the same right to live with dignity in our

planet and not suffer contempt or insults. Despite our

differences, we all belong to the human race, and each of us,

unique and significant. A tolerant attitude allows you to get closer to

different people, enrich your world and find new friends. Differences

complement and enrich society. The unity of the dissimilar allows

cope with all life's adversities and share joy and happiness,

unity helps both in work and in family life and in studies.

Conclusions: human society is reasonable and we must understand that our

strength lies in unity, not disunity. You are united by both youth and

desire to learn and gain a profession and many hobbies and interests.

This unity helps you live, learn and succeed more easily. If we

If we try to apply the rules of tolerant communication, we will gain


Class hour

If I am not like you in some way, I do not insult you at all, but, on the contrary, I reward you... (A. de Saint-Exupéry)


Hello guys! My name is Oksana Evgenievna.

I hope that our meeting today will be useful for both you and me. You want to know "How to build relationships with those who are not like us?

- To answer these questions, I propose start with the game “And I think so...”

On the desk line (middle), on the one hand (+) - I agree, on the other (-) - I disagree.

I need an assistant who will count the votes and write them on the board. Take your palm too.

Exercise: I will read statements to you. Those who agree with the statement raise their palm, which is lying on your table.

  • Spring is better than autumn
  • The coolest cartoon is “Well, wait a minute!”
  • Most important subject- mathematics
  • The most beautiful pet is a cat
  • Study foreign language easier than Russian
  • Ice skating is better than skiing.

Have a seat. Thanks for answers. Guys, lookhow rarely we were unanimous in our choice.

What conclusion can be drawn?

(Because everyone is different)

Are you familiar with the expression White crow? What does it mean?

(this is the name given to a person who stands out sharply from the environment due to certain qualities)

- Would you like to be the black sheep? Why?

(those around him don’t understand him)

Would you like to be understood, respected and loved?(Yes)

It happens. SLIDE 2 (“The Ugly Duckling”)

Why did the ugly duckling feel bad in the poultry yard?

For what reason did this happen?

Does this reason seem fair to you?

Why was he driven out of the yard?

(He's not like everyone else)

- What was he really like?(responsive, unforgiving, friendly).


This was main mistake inhabitants of the poultry yard. They believed that being different from them meant bad, nasty.

The ugly duckling was despised, persecuted, hated simply because he was simply different.

Answer, it’s good when they don’t drive you away, do you understand?

- Do you agree that anger, hatred, contempt, and neglect destroy a person??

But today we will try not to destroy, but to build.

Build relationships with those who are different from us.

What people might not be similar friend on a friend? (children’s answers: people dress, think, behave differently, like to read different books, watch different films, listen to different music)

They can be different by gender, by age, By social status. One is rich, the other is poor. People may also have physical disabilities. And people can also be different nationalities, religion.

How to live in a world where there are so many different people? How to build relationships?

Imagine that a new student has come to your class.

In what ways is he similar to you? (person, student, sixth grader)

How might it be different? (interests, intelligence,...

How should you treat him??(respect, with interest, offer friendship)

Among the people there are small and tall, thin and fat, beautiful and not so beautiful, sick and healthy, cheerful and sad, Russians and people of other nationalities, but everyone has names that their parents gave them. Everyone values ​​their name.

How many of you like to be called by your name??(to everyone)

Sometimes you can hear guys addressing other students: “Fat! Ginger! The bespectacled guy!”

How do people feel when they are treated like this?

(bad, offended)

Raise your hand, how many of you would like to be treated like that?

Remember that there is something good in every person. Therefore, when communicating with each other, find only good qualities and talk about them. Then you save good relations, and you will be friends.

I want to tell you one very interesting word. Qualities such as the ability to communicate, make friends, and understand another person are called tolerance.

SLIDE 3. Tolerance is the path to peace on Earth.If all people are tolerant, there will never be war in the world. The bright sun will shine.

Is your class friendly or not?

Let's check it out ingame "Friendly Class"!

I will name situations, if you think the situation is bad and has no place in your class, then clap your hands once.

1 . Children use offensive language when talking to each other.

2. Guys address each other using derogatory nicknames.

4. The guys blame one of their classmates for losing the competition.

5. The guys draw evil caricatures of each other.

6. Guys make fun of mistakes or external features others.

7. They demonstrate a disrespectful attitude towards other people and make offensive inscriptions on walls and doors.

8. They threaten guys who are smaller or weaker than them.

9. They persuade other children not to communicate with any of their classmates.

I am very pleased to be in such a friendly class today.

And now I want to tell you a story.

On a busy spring square sat a blind man with a sign “I’m blind, please, people!” So he begged for alms. Many were walking around the square. But the blind man's hat was empty. And only one passer-by put a coin and wrote something on the sign. Through a short time The beggar's hat was filled to the brim with coins.

What do you think the passerby wrote?

There was an inscription on the sign: “Spring has come, but I don’t see it!!!”

- What made the passerby stop and help?

How can you call this attitude towards others? Compassion

What does the prefix co- mean?(together)

What other words with the prefix so- do you know?

Sympathy, co-action, co-participation, cooperation, co-experience, co-partnership, co-fellowship)

Practical work

I invite you to determine for yourself how to build relationships with people who are not like us.

There is a table in front of you. The first column lists groups of people who, in one way or another, may not be like us. Let's read it.

And the right column is called “We have no right to condemn them, because...”, but this column is empty. On separate sheets of paper lie possible options answers. Try to choose the correct answer for each group and read it out loud.

Groups of people

We have no right to condemn them, because...

Those who look different dress differently.

They see the world differently - this is their right. It cannot be assumed that my aesthetic taste is the most correct.

Beggars, homeless people begging for alms. Very rich people. People are poor and needy.

If money determines my attitude towards a person, it is not with him, but with me that something is wrong.

People are old and frail. Disabled people, people with disabilities.

No one is immune from illness, old age, or misfortune. If you have a bad attitude towards these people, then don’t be surprised if no one supports you in trouble, doesn’t help, or turns away from you!

People of a different faith, a different religion. People of any nationality. People of a different skin color

It does not depend on a person what nationality (or skin color) he received at birth, or what country he was born in; or in the family with which religion you were brought up. His actions - both good and bad - depend not on nationality or any other reasons, but only on a particular person.


We talked about a topic that interests us, and I want to ask you again: “How to communicate with those people who are not like us?!”

(with understanding, tolerance, respect for their views and tastes, show empathy, provide assistance, accept someone else’s way of life without hostility, show tolerance)

1. did you learn anything new about yourself?

2. what did this conversation teach you?

3. Will this knowledge be useful in life?

Teacher's words

In our lesson, we were convinced that we are all different, but we also have something that brings us together. And before you turn away from a person who is different from you, think, what if instead of an ugly duckling there is a beautiful swan hiding inside him.

We are all different and that’s what makes us beautiful.

I really liked you. Thanks for communication!

Treat others the way you would like to be treated.

Class hour in 8th grade

“How to build relationships with those who are different from us.”

(Class teacher M.A. Novoselova)

Target : Develop students' senses self-esteem and tolerance towards other people, respect for their rights and individuality.

Form : Class hour - dialogue.

Food for thought:

A frivolous person can ridicule other people, destroy them, turn away from them, because he treats himself without respect. Anyone who has the right to value himself has no right to underestimate others. And who are we to dare to rise above other people?

I. Goethe.

These words of I. Goethe will be the epigraph of our lesson.

It's wonderful that all people are so different. When they say that each person is individual, they emphasize his uniqueness and originality. But a person would not become a person if he did not live in society. While remaining an individual, a person must be attentive and tolerant towards other people, since everyone has equal rights and responsibilities in society.

What we are talking about now can be called in one word - tolerance

What it is? This is a human quality that includes: respect for other people, their rights to be different from us; recognition of the equality of all people on earth; recognition that there may be various points vision.

We said tolerance includes recognizing the right of people to be different.

How do people differ from each other? (language, religion, nationality, traditions, age, gender, interests, opinions, skin color, appearance).

Let's see if you understand what tolerance is.

Please raise your hands, those who believe that a tolerant person is characterized by “non-acceptance, rejection of others, the idea that you, your country, your traditions are better than others.”

Now raise your hands, those who believe that a tolerant person is characterized by absolute acceptance of the opinions of others, a renunciation of his own opinion, his traditions. (Opinion survey of students who did not raise their hands at all).

Those who believe that tolerant person can have and defend his own own opinion, but at the same time be respectful of the opinions of others.

How does an intolerant person behave? (He allows himself ridicule, insults, prejudices (for example, “all Chukchi are stupid”, etc..)).

Let's be kind and understanding towards people who are different from us in some way!

Psychologists say that in our perception of another person important role intonation plays. (Intonation is the tone and manner of pronunciation of a word that expresses the speaker’s attitude to what he is saying).

You have probably noticed that the same phrase or word, for example, “Hello,” can be said in such a way that a person will be sure that you are sincerely glad to see him and wish him health, but you can say the same word completely indifferently. Therefore, it is very important to monitor not only what you say, but also the intonation with which you address the person.

Now we'll play a little.(“Compliments in a circle.”)

I pass the white ball to one of you and say pleasant words about your skills and strengths. The end of the thread remains with me(and so on in a circle until the ball returns to me).

Have all the compliments been said? Have you forgotten anyone? Now try to pull the thread quietly.

What do you feel? (We are all connected to each other, we are one whole, something common has formed between us).

What is our connection with you? What united us?(Good, kind words).

Until the words are spoken out loud, what are they called?(Our thoughts). This means that now we are connected by kind, positive thoughts about each other.

Look, I sent a good thought into the circle, and it came back to me.

Do you think my mood has improved, whether I have more positive energy and strength?

Now, imagine if I sent some of you a bad thought (ridicule, insult, irritation) and you now have a black thread in your hands.

What do you think I would get back from the circle? Yes, most likely, I would now be holding two black ends of the thread. How would this affect me? (Bad mood, lack of self-confidence, negative thoughts about others, health may deteriorate if this condition lasts for a long time).

Let's wind up our little ball of bright thoughts and summarize our reasoning.

How should we build relationships with those who are different from us?(Answers from the guys).

Conclusion : 1. Despite differences, all people are equal in rights.

2. It is necessary to learn respect and tolerance towards

To other people. Strive to live according to the ancient commandment:

"Treat people the way you would like to be treated


“How to build relationships with those who are different from us?”

Class hour

“How to build relationships with those who are different from us?”

Goal: To develop in students the positive personality traits necessary when building relationships with other people.

Equipment: red, blue, white tokens, white and black pieces of paper, pens, video projector, presentation.

Before the start of the lesson, students draw tokens: red, blue, white.

Progress of the lesson:

Teacher: Today we have an unusual class hour. (Slide 2). We will talk about the topic “How to build relationships with those who are different from us?” I hope we will receive a lot of interesting and valuable information from each other. But first, let's say hello.

Gather into groups based on the color of the token and say hello to each other.

  1. group - red tokens - you greet like the Japanese (bow)
  2. group - blue tokens - you greet like Europeans (shake hands)
  3. group - white tokens - you greet like Eskimos (rubbing noses)

In such unusual shape greetings, we showed each other that all people on Earth are different, not alike. We look at the world differently, at the same things, and of course, we all have our positive and negative qualities.

Teacher: Guys, look at the screen, tell me what you see. (Slide 3)

Students: Ring, donut, wheel, ring road...

Teacher: Each of you has your own version, your own vision, which of you was right?

Students: Everyone is right in their own way!

Teacher: Of course, everyone is right in their own way, everyone has their own opinion and vision of the issue. We all think differently and have our own point of view. We see the world around us in our own way, we treat people differently.

Guys, you have white and black leaves on your tables. Write on white pieces of paper the personality traits that help people build a good relationship together. On black pieces of paper, write down the qualities that prevent people from building good relationships with each other.

Students: write positive and negative personality traits.

Teacher: Guys, read the qualities on the black pieces of paper.

Students: Angry, harmful, envious, rude...

Teacher: Guys, say the qualities on white pieces of paper.

Pupils: Kind, friendly, cheerful, respectful, bright...

Teacher: From your answers it is clear that all people want to communicate with kind people, since, having done good, a person himself becomes better, cleaner, brighter (Slide 4).

Teacher: Can people with different qualities personalities to be friends with each other, or only kind with kind, and why?

Students: Of course, people with different qualities can be friends. The good can be friends with the evil, the strong with the weak.

Teacher: Different people can be friends. Friendship is when people want to be together, when they are interested in each other, trust each other, and are ready to help in any situation (Slide 5)

Teacher: Guys, read the poem from the screen (Slide 6).

A blind man sat on a gray jacket,

Leaning on the concrete parapet,

And there are several coins in his hat,

Another sign with an inscription in his hand

It says: “I’m blind, come on people!”

People were rushing about, not noticing the cripple.

Who went home, to the theater or to the cinema.

He may be hungry, but he does not judge.

As if on the porch - for the poor blind man

Sit. Perhaps he will meet the dawn,

But here, a passer-by gives me a few coins

Left it in the hat for the poor guy.

On the back there is another phrase.

He returned it and left almost immediately.

That signature made me think.

The passer-by returned after a while.

The cripple's hat is filled to the brim with coins,

Recognizing the steps, the blind man said: “Hello!

And what did you write down on the sign?”

He answered simply: “I won’t offend you with the truth,

I paraphrased it, but I don’t repent.”

The passerby left. The inscription there is like this:

“Spring has come, but I don’t see it!”

Who is this about? we're talking about? Is this person like us?

Students: The poem is about people with disabilities. These people are not like us. These people need our attention, understanding, and help.

Teacher: You know that there is such a golden rule of morality: “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” This means that you need to build relationships with other people who are different from us in such a way that you understand and accept the person for who he is (Slide 7).

Teacher: It's time to answer our main question“How to build relationships with those who are different from us?” You saw yourself and each other from different sides. What conclusions did you come to?

Students: We must be kind, humane, responsive not only to the joy of another person, but also to his grief. It is necessary to help each other in any situation.

Teacher: Each person is an individual. Including each of you guys. Everyone has their own advantages and disadvantages, but each of you has your own “zest” that somehow makes you different from other people. It is very important not to lose this individuality! (Slide 8)

I would like to thank you for our meeting and say goodbye to you. We greeted you in European, Eskimo, Japanese, and we will say goodbye in Texas: we all need to stand in a circle, put our hands on each other’s shoulders and take a step forward. Thus we found ourselves next to each other, shoulder to shoulder. Let's always feel the support of our friends, feel their shoulder.


  1. Organization educational work in the classroom / M.: Center “Pedagogical Search”, 2002 - 16 p.
  2. Psychological Dictionary.


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Slide captions:

Computer - enemy, friend, helper?

The computer is the enemy I have only one friend, His name is the Computer. I spend the whole day with him, I don’t go for walks. I don’t play sports, And I don’t harden myself at all, I don’t communicate with friends, I study all day, And believe me, I’m not too lazy to sit at the computer, Watch movies, games. I go to all sites indiscriminately right up to the stop. I began to think poorly, why suddenly? – don’t understand. My head started to feel bad... And my eyes... What's wrong with me?!

The computer is a friend and assistant I have a new friend. They call him a computer. I’ve been friends with him for a long time, and I’ll tell you about him. He will sort everything into folders, and multiply everything through the printer. Electronic service files A jack-of-all-trades tool And a cure for boredom, And a teacher, and a devoted friend. How energetic Electronic man! My handsome travel companion In the twenty-first century

Sedentary position for a long time Electromagnetic radiation Overload of the joints of the hands Increased strain on vision Stress due to loss of information, unreasonable fears and anxieties Computer and health

Many aggressive games High cost of provider services, financial debts Educational games train memory, logic, thinking... Computer games

Decreased academic performance, absenteeism Mindless copying of essays, homework... Deterioration of memory and attention Material in preparation for lessons Tutor Distance education Composing music, poetry, drawing Computer and study

Substitution real communication virtual Invasion personal life Illiteracy You can communicate without boundaries in real time To write a letter to your parents or a friend, you don’t have to run somewhere Lots of chat rooms where you can meet new friends and relax Computer and communication

A computer cannot itself cause harm or benefit to a person. It all depends on the person himself!

There's no need to be afraid smart cars After all, they bring great benefits to life. “Only you take care of your personal…” - These are the conditions the computer sets for us.

There is no need to be afraid of smart machines, because they bring great benefits to life. “Only you take care of your personal health,” – these are the conditions the computer sets for us.


Class hour “Computer: friend or foe?”

Goals: enrichment life experience students with knowledge about the impact of computers on human health and ways to prevent diseases;developing in students the ability to organize work in a group, the ability to work with information, highlight the main thing, and listen to others.

Organizing time

Game "Those who..."

Exercise "Associations"»:

Guys, tell me, what associations do you have when you hear the word computer?. (Students take turns speaking.) (Monitor, games, Internet, mail….)

Teacher's word:

Many different machines were invented and built by man. All of them are his faithful assistants. There are machines as strong as an excavator. There are machines as dexterous as a loom. There are cars that are as fast as an airplane. And there are machines as smart as a computer.

Of course the computer is not smarter than a person. But the person managed to transfer some part of his mind and knowledge to the computer,

There are computers at work, at home, at school, and sometimes even in kindergarten.

Today you invited me to talk to you about the computer, whether it is a friend, a helper or an enemy. This will be the topic of our class hour.

Slide_______ (Class topic)

Slide _______

Translated from Latin, computer means “I calculate, I count.”

Teacher's word:

The computer has firmly entered our lives. Universal computerization greatly affects people.

What is this impact, positive or negative?

I suggest you divide into groups.

Group work(divide into groups according to the color of the circle)

1 group - think and write 3-4 examples to prove that the computer is a friend

Group 2 - computer assistant

3 group - the computer is the enemy

Groups voice completed buildings.

Performance of 1st group

When does a computer behave like a friend?

  1. Chat with friends
  2. Games, entertainment

Slide _____

??? So, tell me, what benefits does a computer bring?

Performance of 2 groups

Slide _____

  1. A source of information
  2. You can learn to draw
  3. Good printing machine
  4. Calculating machine
  5. Stores a large amount of information

A computer can not only be a friend, but also turn into a worst enemy. In what cases can this happen?

Group 3 performance

Slide _____

  1. Harmful to vision.
  2. Damages the spine (we spend a lot of time sitting and tense).
  3. Overload of the hand joints.
  4. Present headache, sleep disturbance, memory impairment.
  5. We read little, and hence we imagine, imagine, and fantasize little.
  6. We get stressed when we fail during the game.

Teacher's word:

Guys, look at me. I'll draw a bowl with scales. On one bowl we will put your computer, your friend, your helper, and on the other bowl, your computer, your enemy? What do you think will outweigh?(the computer must be used, but in such a way as not to harm your health)

Teacher's word:

Computers have become so commonplace that the dangers associated with their use are involuntarily forgotten. Like any achievement of progress, be it a car, an airplane, a TV, a computer is a source negative impacts on a person, is harmful to his health if used incorrectly, and can cause occupational diseases.

However, a computer becomes a kind, smart, tireless assistant if a person thinks through all the moments of communication with it, follows safety rules, and does not violate sanitary standards drawn up by specialists.

Work in pairs

Select from the list good advice, which will be useful to us while working on the computer. (distribute sheets of advice to each desk)

Each desk names one piece of advice.

Slide _____

3. Keep your back straight while sitting at the computer.

4. Eyes should be 70 cm away from the monitor.

5. Do eye exercises from time to time (every 10 minutes)

And now we will implement one of the good pieces of advice.

Let's do some gymnastics for the eyes.

Physical exercise.

First you need to turn away from the computer monitor and close your eyes,

  • quickly close your eyes 10 times without opening your eyelids;
  • then also blink intensely 10 times (It is advisable to do this as quickly as possible and opening your eyes as wide as possible);
  • next you need to close your eyes and draw a figure eight with them, first vertical, then horizontal;
  • after this you need to massage the temples at the edge of the eyes in a circular motion fingertips, but there is a small nuance here: the fingers of the right hand must be moved clockwise, and the fingers of the left - counterclockwise.


Guys, is the computer a friend or foe for us?

Final part

I hope that you can find a middle ground in communicating with the computer, making it a friend who helps you solve various problems of your development, and not an enemy of your health.

And as a parting gift, I want to give you a small gift: I give you good advice so that you remember these tips when you work or play on the computer and take care of your health.

And then the computer will be your friend and assistant, and not your enemy.

Thank you very much for your work!


Group 1: Computer friend

Group 2: Computer assistant

Group 3: The computer is the enemy

1. Spend no more than 20 minutes at the computer

2. Frequently ventilate the room where the computer is located

8 . Get up from the computer and do a warm-up.

Choose good advice to stay healthy.

1. Spend no more than 20 minutes at the computer

2. Frequently ventilate the room where the computer is located

3. Work at the computer for 5 hours.

4. Keep your back straight while sitting at the computer.

5. Eyes should be 70 cm away from the monitor.

6. Do not get up and do warm-ups.

7. Do eye exercises from time to time (every 10 minutes)

8 . Get up from the computer and do a warm-up.

9. Sit close to the monitor, otherwise you can’t see anything.

Choose good advice to stay healthy.

1. Spend no more than 20 minutes at the computer

2. Frequently ventilate the room where the computer is located

3. Work at the computer for 5 hours.

4. Keep your back straight while sitting at the computer.

5. Eyes should be 70 cm away from the monitor.

6. Do not get up and do warm-ups.

7. Do eye exercises from time to time (every 10 minutes)

8 . Get up from the computer and do a warm-up.

9. Sit close to the monitor, otherwise you can’t see anything.

Choose good advice to stay healthy.

1. Spend no more than 20 minutes at the computer

2. Frequently ventilate the room where the computer is located

3. Work at the computer for 5 hours.

4. Keep your back straight while sitting at the computer.

5. Eyes should be 70 cm away from the monitor.

6. Do not get up and do warm-ups.

7. Do eye exercises from time to time (every 10 minutes)

8 . Get up from the computer and do a warm-up.

9. Sit close to the monitor, otherwise you can’t see anything.

Choose good advice to stay healthy.

1. Spend no more than 20 minutes at the computer

2. Frequently ventilate the room where the computer is located

3. Work at the computer for 5 hours.

4. Keep your back straight while sitting at the computer.

5. Eyes should be 70 cm away from the monitor.

6. Do not get up and do warm-ups.

7. Do eye exercises from time to time (every 10 minutes)

8 . Get up from the computer and do a warm-up.

9. Sit close to the monitor, otherwise you can’t see anything.




1. Spend no more than 20 minutes at the computer;

2. Frequently ventilate the room where the computer is located;

3. When sitting at the computer, keep your back straight;

4. Eyes from the monitor should be at a distance of 70 cm;

5. From time to time, perform eye exercises (every 10 minutes);

6. Get up from the computer and do a warm-up.


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Slide captions:


Conversation with children on the topic

How can you understand the words " Beautiful life»?

- Hello guys!

-Let's get acquainted. My name is Victoria Bayanovna, and I will be pleased to hear your names now.

- Today you have chosen a very interesting topic for discussion, which is relevant for almost every person living in the modern world, because each of us today strives for a beautiful life.

- But what does “beautiful life” mean? (answers –slide 2)

(When it is possible to have everything your heart desires)

- Every person dreams of one thing: to live enjoying beauty and happiness. But we have different ideas about this life, because we are all very different.

- A beautiful life is given to some from birth, some earned it with talent and then, othershappy only because they live and notice the beauty of the world around them.

- Try to determine what people belonging to the first group (oligarchs) are called; to the second group (workaholics); to the third (optimists).

- Divide into three groups (colored cards)

- Each group divides the sheet into two parts and writes down the pros and cons of a beautiful life.

- Group performances.

“oligarchs” - luxury and power are tempting, but we must not forget about the other side of the coin: “dirty” money, constant fear during their lives, most often such people are “helped” to die as early as possible; wealth does not guarantee, friendship, true love.

“workaholics” - their favorite job 24 hours a day. All this is very good, but what about personal life - friends, loved ones, communication with nature, family. After all, we live among people. Look around - life is passing by, but you don’t know how to enjoy basic things: a ray of sunshine, a child’s smile, a flower, a gentle breeze.

“optimists” are happy only because they live and notice the beauty of the world around them. They know how to be content with little, create a wonderful atmosphere of kindness, participation, harmony. They manage to do everything: communicate with nature and meet with interesting people, and bring benefit with your work, and bring joy to your loved ones and friends. I think that their life is interesting, beautiful, happy. This is exactly the category of people who are always remembered only with gratitude.

- Now choose the group to which you consider yourself. Change your seat.

- Don’t forget that we plan our lives ourselves and receive the fruits of our achievements. When choosing your path, you need to think carefully about what we want to get as a result. I would like you all to try to live in such a way that you never regret your actions and decisions. Only then will our lives be filled with happiness and harmony.

(slide 3)

“Living beautifully” is not just an empty sound.
Only the one who multiplied beauty in the world
Through labor and struggle, he lived his life beautifully,
Truly crowned with beauty!
I. Becher

- Today you have chosen a very interesting topic for discussion, which is relevant, first of all, for you, students, people who are constantly trying to break discipline.

- What is discipline? (slide 2)

(answers) (slide 2)

  • behavior rules
  • compliance with the rules
  • this is the order

- Why is discipline needed? (slide 3)

(answers) (slide 3)

  • Helps maintain order
  • Helps you feel safe
  • Helps maintain life and health

- But you will probably say that discipline also has a downside, negative features? Which? (slide 4)

(answers) (slide 4)

  • Compliance requires constant effort
  • Makes strict demands
  • Restricts freedom

- So, (slide 5)Discipline is rules of behavior that help maintain order and require constant effort and willpower.

- But these rules correspond to the norms of law and morality established in society or the requirements of any organization. (slide 6)

- What is the difference between moral and legal norms? (slide 6)

  • legal norms are mandatory and state measures are provided for their violation.
  • moral norms are desirable and their violation causes condemnation and remorse.

- Let's divide into three groups, to do this, choose the color that is closer to you.

“lawyers” will remind us of legal norms

"townspeople" about moral standards

"school directors" about the requirements of your school

- Group performances

- There are a lot of rules. Who do you think can force us to comply with all these rules of behavior?


- Therefore, discipline is, first of all, (if we turn to the topic of the lesson) active work over yourself, with your willpower (slide 7)

- And let the following aphorisms of famous people serve as a motto for your subsequent actions and stop you from violating the rules that must be followed(slide 8)

  • Virtual world...

    Computermania Virtual World Associations

    Replacement of real communication with virtual communication Invasion of privacy Illiteracy You can communicate without boundaries in real time To write a letter to your parents or a friend, you don’t have to run somewhere Lots of chat rooms where you can meet new friends and relax Computer and virtual communication

    The computer and virtual communication cannot themselves cause harm or benefit to a person. It all depends on the person himself!

    Thank you for attention


    Computer mania and the virtual world:

    are these concepts equivalent??

    Organizing time

    Hello dear guys! I am very glad to meet you!

    Game "Those who..."

    Stomp your left heel for those who are in a great mood.

    Touch the tip of your nose for those who like to play on the computer.

    Raise both hands, those who use computers wisely.

    Clap your hands those who are ready to listen to me.

    Teacher's words:

    Today you have chosen the topic: “Computer mania and the virtual world: are these concepts equivalent?”

    Divide into 2 teams.

    Slide (poems). (one student from each team reads a poem)

    Exercise "Associations"»:

    Guys, tell me, what associations do you have when you hear the concepts of computer addiction and virtual life? (Students take turns speaking.)

    Ayoga Beautiful Indifferent Selfish Selfish Lazy Friend Kind Caring Unselfish Hardworking Responsive

    Everything in a person should be beautiful: his face, his clothes, his soul, and his thoughts. A.P.Chekhov

    Beauty is everything beautiful, beautiful, everything that gives aesthetic and moral pleasure. Dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov


    Theme of the class hour: “A successful person – what is he like?”


    - introduce students to the concept of success, a successful person;

    -Explore what qualities you need to have to achieve success in life.

    1. Hello guys!In my opinion, you have chosen not only a very interesting, but also a very current topic for today's conversation. How to become successful? What do you yourself see as its significance?

    We have to serious conversation and the success of today's meeting will depend on how active, organized, and communicative we are.

    2. Training “Impulse”.Everyone joined hands. An impulse was transmitted along the chain - an imperceptible handshake.We are together. We can do this!

    Great. This means that over the next 20 minutes we will effectively and efficiently discuss a number of issues that concern us.

    3. The topic of our class today is “A successful person - what is he like?”

    So, let’s jointly determine what questions we want to answer today at the same time and see how our views coincide:


    - what is success;

    - how to become successful;

    - qualities of a successful person;

    4. Modern life– this is tough competition and this fact is recognized by all sane people.

    We all read books, watch TV, communicate with enough big amount of people. Surely each of us knows people who are called “lucky”. For these representatives of humanity, life seems to be not difficult; they feel good in this difficult world. They are always lucky, circumstances always turn out favorably for them.They are always SUCCESSFUL. (examples of children are possible)

    5. (Drawing the student into the dialogue, ask them about plans for the future: for example, studying at school, then at university, work, career, marriage, family, etc…. some will devote themselves to motherhood, others to their careers, etc.)

    -does a job, even a highly paid one, always bring satisfaction to a person?

    - why a person devotes himself completely to work, while he is very lonely;

    -can an unsuccessful person be happy? etc.

    6. Exercise “Associations”

    - Name the words that you associate with the word “success”.(Victory, happiness, luck, achievement.)

    Success (Ozhegov’s dictionary):

    1. Luck in achieving something.

    2. Public recognition.

    3. Good results at work, study.

    7. What does a “successful person” mean, from your point of view? Name people you know successful people. What do you see as the manifestation (criteria) of their success?

    Everyone represents their own successful personality.

    8. Business game “Chamomile”

    a) Now let's define in more detail what qualities a successful person should have. There is a daisy petal in front of you, on which you must indicate the best,in your opinion, qualitysuccessful person in life.

    (a chamomile is collected on the board, the result is summed up - which quality received the most votes)

    9. Opinion of psychologists

    Five qualities of successful people from the point of view of psychologists:

    1) Such people are ambitious.

    They see themselves as capable of becoming better.. They develop their abilities without doubting for a minute the correctness of their decisions. You must see yourself as capable of changing for the better.

    2) They are brave.

    They work to overcome the fears that hold most people back. The two biggest enemies of your success are fear and doubt. Eliminating fear and doubt is the key to success.

    3) They believe in themselves and their business.

    Successful people in every field they work in are completely dedicated to their work. They believe in themselves; they believe in their company; they believe in their products and services; they believe in their clients; they have great faith.

    4) They are professional.

    They are professional in whatever they do, as they are constantly learning and improving. They eternal students. A professional never stops learning new things. They prepare for any situation and think through issues before every business meeting.

    5) They are responsible.

    They see themselves as the president of their own personal service corporation. The biggest mistake we can ever make is to think that we are working for someone else other than ourselves. Think that you are the president of your own life.

    10. Indicate the qualities that prevent you from becoming successful.

    Everyone presents their point of view (and uses their own example to talk about their shortcomings, which prevent them from being successful)

    The biggest obstacle to success may bedoubt in one's abilities,the belief that you can never succeed. A person sets these restrictions for himself. Experts believe that to overcome them, first of all, understand yourself. There may be several reasons for internal restrictions:

    diffidence. Sometimes a person resigns himself to the impossibility of achieving success. He tries to change something, but nothing works. In this case, some people capitulate before they give it their all, and in the end, they themselves destroy the possibility of success. Remember: any change is possible only with self-confidence, and this requires energy and persistence.

    Premature disappointment. Many people try to improve themselves but fail. If this happens over and over again, a complex “it’s still in vain” may develop. Any slightest obstacle will cause a loss of strength and, naturally, failures will repeat again and again. Even if the result you achieve is small, don’t give up. In reality, serious obstacles may arise, and a person in a collision with them is capable of folding. However, having overcome the feeling of disappointment, he can enter the fight with redoubled efforts and become more successful in his business than anyone else.

    Lack of support. When a person tries to change something, a certain risk arises: failures, uncertainty, disruption of the established order of things are possible. In this case, the support of friends will help overcome the difficulties that arise during change.

    Reluctance to change by others. Each person is connected to many other people who want to preserve their investment in this person unchanged: they need a person they know. Any change that occurs in a person threatens them or brings discomfort into their life. People often try to hinder their loved ones' attempts to change by questioning them or ridiculing them.
    Think maybe you should be selfish a little.

    Real opportunities. There are people who are easier than others to decide on all sorts of changes and implement them. A young person always has a greater chance of becoming successful in his endeavors than an older person. But anyone can make an impulse. Try to objectively assess your capabilities. Your fantasies may remain fantasies, but real success originates in everyday events and actions.

    11. Reflection.Great! We looked at the qualities of a successful person, noted the traits that contribute to a person's advancement to success and the traits that may hinder this. And now we need to determine whether we ourselves are the owners of these qualities. We have to evaluate our strengths and weaknesses.

    Ability to reflect – important skill. Focus, look at yourself from the outside and figure out who you really are. Follow the call of the ancient Greeks to “Know Thyself.” This is not an easy task. Think about what is stopping you from becoming successful or whether you consider yourself successful

    Formula for success.

    But going to success, and even along the roads of goodness, is always very difficult. You need to make a lot of effort to achieve your goal, and for this you need to have well-formed strong-willed qualities.

    Here we come to the formula for success, it consists of three simple words: I WANT – I CAN – I NEED.

    And finally: don’t forget about your sense of humor and smile a lot. Remember how much easier it is to communicate with a person who has these qualities. After all, you do not build your life in a vacuum, and a lot depends on the impression you make on others.

    12 Result:

    - Was our class hour successful?

    - What do you think will be useful in the future that was discussed for the first time?

    - Would you like to continue the conversation and what else would you like to talk about?

    Thank you for your attention

    − Good afternoon, guys! I am glad to welcome you. I think you have good mood. Today you have chosen an interesting topic for discussion: “I’m not like everyone else. How can I get recognition?

    Let the tallest one stand;

    Let the shortest one in your class stand;

    Let those with blue and gray eyes stand up.

    Let those with long hair stand;

    Let girls gather in one circle and boys in another.

    - Yes, you have a different gender, hair color, eye color. Some are tall, others are small. Why are you so different?

    - That's right, you all have different parents. And even in the same family, children may be different, because... one child looks like dad, and the other looks like mom.

    - We also differ in character. Some are cheerful, others are kind, boring, energetic, calm, angry, cocky, caring... A person’s character depends on heredity and upbringing.

    - So, we are all very different. In communication between people great importance has the ability to accept a person as he is, to understand his way of thinking, to put himself in the place of another person in a given situation.

    Parable about a white sheet of paper.

    The teacher once called his students and showed them Blank sheet paper, in the middle of which there was a black dot.

    − What do you see here? - asked the teacher.

    “Point,” one answered.

    “A black dot,” confirmed another.

    “A fat black dot,” said the third.

    And then their beloved teacher sat down in the corner and cried.

    - Tell us, father, why are you crying so bitterly? – the students were surprised.

    - I cry because all my students saw only a small black dot, and none of them noticed a clean white sheet.

    (How often do we judge a person only by his small shortcomings, forgetting about his merits.)

    Questions for discussion:

    - Why was the teacher upset?

    − What is hidden behind the black dot?(Everything is bad, dark bad, unworthy of a person.)

    − What did the wise teacher want to teach his students? (Be friendly, polite, try to see the good in everyone and not notice the bad, forgive more than criticize.)

    - Each of you is unique. You are the one and only. You are something new in this world. There is no other person like you anywhere.

    Exercise “Magic Box”.

    - Guys, I have a magic box in my hands. You will close your eyes and pass the box to each other. The one who receives it must open his eyes and look inside. There you will see the most valuable thing that each of you has. Smile at him.

    − Who do you think this unique and inimitable person is?
    − How do you understand the meaning of the word “unique?”

    - If everyone looks into the box, he will see himself.

    − How should we treat a unique and unrepeatable personality?

    Bottom line

    We are all very different, but we all have one thing in common. What do you think?

    We are all humans.


    ─ Guys, what an important conclusion each of you made today in class

    Today, one of the most important forms of organizing educational work with students is the classroom hour. It is held once a week, on a certain day and time. During the lesson, the teacher conducts conversations with students, educates them, broadens their horizons, and determines the tasks and goals of the class team.

    Basic information

    Class time is between the teacher and students. Today it is carried out in every school. Lesson added to curriculum and is carried out, as mentioned above, once a week. Its duration is 40 - 45 minutes.

    In general, this policy is not entirely correct. may take less time, since its main task is to complete the tasks set by the teacher. You can conduct the lesson either in classroom, and in the assembly hall, library, museum, even on the street.

    Main goals and objectives

    A classroom hour at school has several purposes.

    First of all, this educational, which is to expand the range of knowledge of students in various areas of life.

    Followed by guide. It influences the practical side of schoolchildren’s lives, their behavior and attitude towards life. It is implemented through a conversation about a particular life situation, supported by examples.

    The last goal is orienting. With its help, a certain attitude towards the objects of the surrounding reality, spiritual and material values ​​is formed.

    The main class hours include:

    Creating conditions for the manifestation of students’ individuality;

    Enriching their knowledge about the world around them;

    Formation of the emotional and sensory sphere;

    Formation of a great team.

    Forms of conducting

    A class hour is an activity that can be conducted not only in the form of a lecture, but also:





    Preparation for class

    When starting to prepare a class lesson, you need to decide on the topic of the lesson. This can be done in advance by conducting a conversation with students or a survey. When choosing a topic for a class hour, you need to identify age characteristics students and their interests.

    Before writing a classroom script, you need to sit down and ask yourself a few key questions:

    1. How to get children to participate in class?

    2. How and when to carry out the preparatory work?

    3. In what tasks will children be able to express themselves most fully?

    4. Which of the students can help in conducting the class hour?

    5. How to properly summarize the lesson?

    The answers to these questions should be written down on paper and periodically returned to them as you write your lesson notes.

    After this, you need to start drawing up a script and conducting preparatory work. In some situations, you can use ready-made classroom developments taken from specialized magazines for teachers and various Internet resources. But it is important to remember that most of them require amendments. Thus, certain tasks may seem too difficult to children or may not interest them. Such tasks should be replaced with easier or more interesting ones.

    In general, preparation consists of the following points:

    1. Defining the topic and objectives.
    2. Determining the place and time of the event.
    3. Identifying key points.
    4. Preparation of plan and script.
    5. Selection of material.
    6. Room decoration.
    7. Determining class participants.

    After the lesson, it is necessary to carry out its analysis.

    Lesson structure

    When preparing a lesson, it is necessary to take into account that the class hour has its own structure. In general, it is the same as the structure of any lesson:

    1. Introduction, the main task of which is to activate the attention of students and identify the problem.
    2. The main part, the content of which is determined by the objectives of the class hour.
    3. The final part, which stimulates the students' needs for self-education.

    Social hour

    One of the forms in which a class hour can be held is an hour of communication. It is defined as joint creative process child and adult. Children take part in organizing an hour of communication along with adults, and together with the teacher they determine the topic and range of interests.

    The fellowship hour has one important rule- create a favorable environment in which each student can express their opinion without fear.

    The main forms of communication hour include:


    Role-playing game;

    Oral Journal;

    Social and cultural project.

    Information class hour

    Cool watch in the classroom can also be carried out in the form of protection and implementation information projects, political minutes.

    The main goal of such a lesson is to develop understanding self-importance, the need to participate in the socio-political life of the country and the world as a whole. During the information class hour, children learn to understand complex modern problems and react correctly to what is happening around them.

    The main forms of work in such lessons:

    Newspaper reports;

    Retelling an event using quotes;

    Working with a dictionary;

    Working with a political map;

    Commenting on information;

    Formulation problematic issues and searching for answers to them;

    Viewing and discussion of video materials.


    A few words about what the theme of class hours might be. Classes may be devoted to:

    1. Moral and ethical problems.
    2. Issues in the field of science.
    3. Aesthetic problems
    4. Issues of state and law.
    5. Psychological issues.
    6. Features of physiology and hygiene.
    7. Healthy lifestyle issues.
    8. Environmental problems.
    9. General school problems.

    Within the framework of a particular topic, you can conduct whole line classroom hours united by one goal and having similar tasks.

    Sample Topics

    Based on the interests of the students and their age, the topics of class hours can be as follows:

    For 5th grade students:

    1. "How do I see myself in... years?"
    2. "What am I?"
    3. "Books around us."
    4. "What I can?"

    For 6th grade students:

    1. "My hobbies".
    2. "I'm at school and at home."
    3. "Your own opinion. Is it important?"
    4. "My strengths and weaknesses."
    5. "Learning to listen and hear."

    In 7th grade you can conduct educational hours on the following topics:

    1. "I want and I can."
    2. "Learning to manage ourselves."
    3. "Attention and attentiveness."
    4. "Tell me who your friend is."

    In 8th grade you can spend class hours on the following topics:

    1. "What is genius and talent?"
    2. "Training your memory."
    3. "Responsibility and safety."
    4. "The country of my dreams."

    9th grade students will be interested in the following conversations:

    1. "Man and Creativity".
    2. "My rights".
    3. "My future profession".
    4. "Beauty in our lives."

    For 10th grade, it is advisable to prepare the following classroom hours:

    1. "Me and my surroundings."
    2. "Adulthood - what is it?"
    3. "Human shortcomings: causes and consequences."
    4. "Learning to control ourselves."

    In 11th grade you can spend hours on the topic:

    1. “Will the school remember me?”
    2. "My professional choice."
    3. "My purpose."
    4. "Humor in human life."

    During the winter period, you can conduct a class hour “Flu Prevention”, as well as “Injury Prevention”, “Rules of Conduct on Ice”, “How to Behave in Winter”, “Holidays without Violations” and others.

    An interesting move that a teacher can make to determine the topics of classes is to announce class plans at the beginning of the year or semester and give the children the opportunity to independently propose certain topics, supplement the existing plan, and offer to participate in their preparation.

    Don’t forget to hold KVN games, during which students can test their knowledge and skills. The form of the event should also be changed occasionally. For example, today there was a lecture, which means next time it could be an excursion or conversation.

    For more effective implementation during class, you must adhere to the following tips:

    1. The room in which the lesson is held must be clean and ventilated.

    2. It is advisable to decorate the office with flowers. You can use both real and artificial ones.

    3. The topic of the class hour must be written on the board. It would also be appropriate to use an aphorism.

    4. Don’t forget about multimedia projectors and presentations, they will significantly increase students’ interest in the material.

    5. When conducting surveys and tests, use forms. Do not forget about visual materials - brochures, booklets.

    6. Pay special attention to preparing for the lesson if it is a class hour in primary school. The peculiarities of the development and perception of children are such that educational hours are best spent in the form of games and travel. This way you can interest students much faster and attract their attention.

    7. Do not forget about the comfort of students. Let them sit however they like. You can also arrange the desks in a circle, or move two desks into one if group work is expected.

    8. Don’t be afraid to invite specialists to the class - doctors, psychologists, historians, librarians. Of course, if they understand the topic of your class better than you and can tell you a lot of useful information.


    Class hour is one of the most important forms organization of the educational process. It is held once a week. During the lesson, the teacher increases the cultural level of students, shapes them life attitudes and values, organized by the team. The form can be any, depending on the topic of the lesson and the goals set by the teacher.