The earth is our common home lesson notes. Summary of the integrated GCD in the senior group “The Earth is our common home” lesson plan (senior group) on the topic

Sections: Working with preschoolers


  1. Deepen the understanding that planet Earth is a huge ball, most of which is covered with water. In addition to water, there are continents - solid land - land where people live.
  2. Introduce children to the scientific version of the formation of continents on planet Earth, with the symbols of land and water on maps and globes, with the names and location of continents on the map.
  3. Bring to an understanding of the uniqueness of our planet, since only on Earth there is life.
  4. To foster a desire to protect our Earth.
  5. Encourage children to make inferences based on available information.
  6. Develop imagination, associative and creative thinking.
  7. Improve dialogic and monologue forms of speech.

Materials and equipment:

A large image of parts of the world (continents), a globe, a physical map of the world, a map of the “Solar System” (for children), a poster “Solar System”, a didactic picture “All Earth”, paintings depicting the various peoples inhabiting planet Earth, an apple, a top.

Progress of the lesson

On the central wall of the hall hangs a large panel depicting the globe. On the side wall there are: an old map, a map of the earth before Cook’s discovery, a physical map of the world, a poster “Solar System”. Books about planet Earth, about Space, slides and illustrations “The Universe”, “Peoples of the World” are laid out on tables near the wall.

Children enter.

The melody of the Russian folk song “Motherland” (“I see wonderful freedom”) sounds.

Teacher. Good afternoon, my young friends! Guys, we live in a country that has an amazingly beautiful name - Russia. Our Motherland is great! It spreads freely from the snow and ice of the Far North to the southern seas, from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean. This is a huge state!

You and I have made many interesting and exciting trips around our native country. What did you see around you and learn?

Children. Russia has high mountains, deep rivers, deep lakes, dense forests and endless steppes.

Children. There are small rivers, light birch groves, sunny meadows, ravines, swamps and fields.

Teacher. We are proud of our great Russia, its diverse nature, rich mineral resources, and especially the hardworking and talented people who inhabit it. But there are other countries in the world where the same people live, but they speak different languages. And we all have a common home. If you guess the riddle, you will find out its name:

No beginning, no end
No back of the head, no face.
Everyone knows, both young and old,
That our house is a huge ball.

Children. Earth.

Children. And people also say this: “She didn’t give birth to anyone, but everyone calls her mother.”

Teacher. What do you know about our planet? What is it like, Earth?

Children. Our planet is a huge, enormous ball. So big that it takes many, many days, even months, to travel around it.

Children. She's round like an apple. The Earth revolves around the Sun, like an airplane around a turret. Moreover, it itself rotates around its own axis, spinning like a top, only slowly.

Children. The Earth is a satellite of the Sun. It is much smaller than the Sun. Together with our planet, eight other planets revolve around the Sun.

Children. But only on our Earth there is life.

The teacher approaches a poster depicting the Solar System and invites the children to find our home – Earth – among these planets.

The child finds and shows.

Teacher. Who wants to show our home planet on a star map?

Children show.

Teacher. How did you know that this was Earth?

Children. Our planet is blue.

Teacher. Why is she blue?

Children. There is a lot of water on Earth.

Children. When astronauts look at our planet from space, it appears to them as a luminous ball of beautiful blue color.

Teacher. Well done boys! Why do you think there is life on Earth?

Children. On Earth there is water to drink and air to breathe.

Teacher. Right. Water and air are necessary for all living organisms.

My friends! But have people always had this knowledge? It turns out not. But how did they imagine the Earth they lived on? Very different. Their ideas seem fantastic, fabulous, implausible to us today. Let's see how they painted our world.

Demonstration of illustrations.

Children. In ancient times, people thought that the Earth was huge and flat, like a pancake or a plate, and that you could reach the edge of the Earth.

Children. Some said that it was supported by three huge whales that swam in the ocean.

Children. Others argued that the flat Earth is supported by three elephants, elephants stand on the back of a huge turtle, and the turtle swims in the ocean...

Children. There were even daredevils who dreamed of getting to this edge and seeing what was there, at the edge of the Earth, and whether it was possible to fall from it.

Children. People set off on foot, or on horseback, or by ship.

Teacher. And did they get to the ends of the Earth?

Children. No. As soon as they reached the sea or ocean, they believed that their journey was over: this was the end of the Earth. Then there is nothing else but water.

Teacher. Children, but there were also people who, having reached the seashore, boarded a ship and continued their journey. These sailors finally became convinced that when they set off from some place and always move in the same direction, for some reason they return to where they started their journey. “Why is this happening?” - people thought. Yes, because, suddenly someone realized that the Earth is not flat as a pancake. No, it's round like a ball.

Teacher. The time of great sea voyages played a big role in understanding our world. The first trip around the world was made by the sailor-traveler Magellan on five ships. For three years his ships sailed forward and forward, without changing direction and checking their path by the stars. Four ships were lost in the rough ocean waters. And only one ship called “Victoria” circled the Earth and returned to the port on the other, opposite side. So people realized how big our Earth is, and they proved that the Earth is a ball and can be driven around it.

Showing illustrations of sailing ships.

Teacher. Why did people in ancient times have the wrong idea about the structure of our world?

Children. In ancient times, people could not move long distances on earth. After all, there were no roads, no ships, no trains, no planes. Therefore, no one was able to reach the “ends of the earth” to check the stories about whales, elephants, and turtles.

Physical education minute. Music is playing.

The teacher reads the riddle, the children perform the following movements:

Someone in the morning, slowly, (Walk in place.)
Inflates a yellow balloon (Children blow and spread their hands.)
And how do you let go of it - (Raise your hands up, clap.)
It will suddenly become light all around. (Turns to the sides.)
What kind of ball is this?

Children (in unison). Sun.

Teacher. Friends, what then surrounds the Earth? And it is surrounded by a huge space, which is called outer space, or outer space. This space is not empty, it is filled with various cosmic bodies - stars, planets, comets and meteorites.

Above the Earth there is a huge ocean of air - the atmosphere, and every day, every hour, every minute, without noticing it, we “swim” in it. And passers-by on the street, and cats, and dogs, and pigeons, and even trams and trolleybuses “swim” in this ocean. It is very important for our life. You and I breathe air, animals, birds and plants breathe - all living things on earth cannot do without it. And if this ocean disappeared, then our Earth would become a lifeless planet in just a few minutes. The air shell of the Earth is its amazing blue “shirt”. In such a “shirt” our planet does not overheat from the sun’s heat, nor does it get cold from the cosmic cold, like, for example, the Moon and the planet Mercury. The air shell is a battle chain mail that protects the Earth from space “projectiles” - meteorites. Another important job of the air ocean is to monitor the climate on our planet, transport cold air to the south and warm air to the north. And only thanks to the air shell - the atmosphere on Earth, the only planet in the entire solar system, life exists.

Children, how did people used to imagine what the sky was?

Children. When people thought the Earth was flat, they thought that during the day it was covered with a blue cap - the sky along which the Sun moves. And at night some huge giant covers it with a black cap. Only this cap is full of holes; there are many small holes in it through which light enters the Earth.

Teacher. These holes are the stars. Only later did people realize that stars are something completely different. How many of you know what stars are?

Children's answers.

Teacher. That's right, stars are huge balls of fire. Why do they seem so small to us?

Children. They are very far from us.

Teacher. Which star is closest to us?

Children. This is our star - the Sun.

Children. It gives our planet light and warmth, without it there would be no life on Earth.

“Cosmic” music sounds.

Children and their teacher stand in a circle. In the middle of the circle is a large image of the All-Earth (made from pieces fastened on the inside).

Teacher. Many millions of years ago the Earth was a huge continent. As a result of natural disasters, this continent began to collapse, large and small pieces began to separate from it.

The teacher removes the fastenings from the All-Earth model. Children end up with large and small pieces of “sushi” on their hands. Upon careful examination, children will recognize in them the outlines of modern continents and islands.

Children are invited, looking at a physical map of the world, to independently lay out continents and islands on blue matter that represents the ocean.

Children look at the continents and name them.

Children. Africa, America, Australia, Europe, Asia, Antarctica.

The teacher shows them on the globe.

Teacher. What is a globe?

Children. A globe is a tiny model of the globe. It depicts what is on the real Earth: oceans and land.

Teacher. You see that the globe rotates around its axis. (Rotates the globe.) The Earth rotates in the same way. The Earth exposes the Sun to one side or the other. So they say: “Day and night - a day away!”

The continents are inhabited by animals, various plants grow on them, and different peoples live on them. The teacher shows illustrations, books, posters. Offers to listen to V. Orlov’s poem “Common House”.


Under one blue
We live under a common roof.
House under a blue roof
Both spacious and big.
The house is spinning near the sun,
To keep us warm
So that every window
It could illuminate.
So that we can live in the world,
Without being scared, without threatening,
Like good neighbors
Or good friends.

Teacher. The earth is not only land, but also oceans and seas. Guys, what is more on the globe – water or land?

Children's answers.

Teacher. Children, imagine that the Earth is an apple.

The teacher peels the apple, leaving approximately one-fifth of the peel.

Teacher. This will be the land, and everything else will be rivers, lakes, seas, oceans. Thus, you see that land occupies a small part of the Earth. Maybe you know the names of some seas and oceans?

Children's answers.

The teacher shows the seas and oceans on the globe, then shows slides “Planet Earth”.

Teacher. Our planet Earth is beautiful and amazing. As long as a person lives, he always, throughout his life, admires its beauties and comprehends its secrets and mysteries.

The earth is our common home for everyone who lives on it. Everyone needs it, and everyone who lives on it also needs the Earth. We have a common roof over our heads - the blue sky. Under our feet there is a common floor - the earth's surface, we have one lamp and stove for all - the Sun. We have a common water supply and a wind-driven fan.

The music of Yu. Chichkov “Scherzo” is playing.

Children put on hats of insects, birds, and animals. A musical composition is performed, children dance and pretend to be animals. The composition ends with the children forming freely.

Children read poetry.

First child.

Our planet Earth is very generous and rich:
Mountains, forests and fields are our dear home, guys!

Second child.

Let's save the planet
There is no other like it in the world.
Let's scatter clouds and smoke over it,
We won’t let anyone offend her.

Third child.

We will take care of birds, insects, animals.
This will only make us kinder.
Let's decorate the whole earth with gardens, flowers...

All children.

We need such a planet!

Music by Erio Mariconi “Raindrops”.


Our native home, our common home -
The land where you and I live!
Just look around:
There is a river here, a green meadow there.
You can't get through the dense forest,
You won't find water in the desert!
And somewhere there is a mountain of snow,
And somewhere it’s hot in winter...
They have one name:
Forests, and mountains, and seas -
Everything is called Earth!


  1. Levitan E.P. Kids about stars and planets. – Petrozavodsk: Krugozor, 1995.
  2. Levin B., Radlova L. Astronomy in pictures. – M.: Children's literature, 1967.
  3. Grizik T. Exploring the world. – M.: Publishing House “Education of Preschool Children”, 2004.
  4. Skorolupova O.A. Conquest of space. – M.: Publishing House Scriptorium 2000 LLC, 2003.
  5. Klushantsev P.V. What did the telescope tell you? – L.: Children's literature, 1980.


Expand children's understanding of what Land – common a home for all people and all living creatures living next to a person;

To consolidate the concept that we - people - are part of nature, that for the growth and development of living objects one and the same thing is necessary same: water, sun, air;

To develop children's cognitive interest in nature, imagination, imaginative thinking;

Develop a desire to take care of your common Home, as a condition for preserving the life of humanity and all natural inhabitants;

Develop the ecological culture of preschoolers;

Foster a responsible and caring attitude towards the environment and nature;

Cultivate an interest in studying the nature of Kuban.



Lesson summary “The Earth is our common home”

Tasks :

Expand children's understanding of what Land – common a home for all people and all living creatures living next to a person;

To consolidate the concept that we - people - are part of nature, that for the growth and development of living objects one and the same thing is necessary same : water, sun, air;

To develop children's cognitive interest in nature, imagination, imaginative thinking;

Develop a desire to take care of your common Home , as a condition for preserving the life of humanity and all natural inhabitants;

Develop the ecological culture of preschoolers;

Foster a responsible and caring attitude towards the environment and nature;

Cultivate an interest in studying the nature of Kuban.

Materials and equipment: multimedia installation, slides, (people, animals, fish, birds, insects, plants, water, sun, air, symbolic images, globe, poems, riddles, ball.

Vocabulary work: globe, planet Earth , reserve, land, living and inanimate nature.

Preliminary work: reviewing a presentation"Planet Earth " , illustrations from an album about nature, didactic games, asking riddles, memorizing poems, proverbs, reading fiction about nature.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational part.(Against the background of quiet music, the teacher reads a poem)

Slide No. 1-3 (Autumn forest) Perhaps all of nature -

Mosaic of flowers?

Perhaps all of nature -

Perhaps all of nature -

Just numbers and features?

Perhaps all of nature -

Desire for beauty?

K. Balmont

Educator : - Guys, what do you think we will talk about today?

(Children's answers)

– I suggest you go with me to the mysterious and interesting world of nature. What do you think it is?

Children : These are animals, fish, birds, insects, plants.

2. Main part.

Educator : This world is so diverse and unique, mysterious and still unexplored. But you already know a lot about the world around us. And now we will play an interesting game"Living and inanimate nature"using our interactive equipment.

Children take turns clicking on pictures (living - birds, plants, fish, animals, etc. and inanimate nature - stones, sky, Earth , sand, icicle, etc. d.) the correct answer is the emoticon is smiling, the answer is incorrect – the emoticon is sad)(Annex 1)

Educator : Every person has his own home, and every animal has the same thing, and insects, flowers and trees have a home.(Symbols are laid out on the board). What can we call our common Home ? (The globe is placed).

Slide number 5 (Earth from a spaceship)

Children: Earth.

1st child : Our hostel – Earth ,

And even more scientifically – the planet.

No one is allowed, guys.

Never forget about it!

2nd child : Our hostel is the seas,

Springs, streams, lakes, rivers -

Homeland, in short,

Given once and forever...

Slide number 6 (Solar system)

Educator: Our common home is planet Earthwhich revolves around the sun. What it is?

Children: This is a globe.

Educator : The globe is a model of our planet. The globe was invented and made by people so that children would have an idea of ​​our Earth like the planet. What shape is our planet?

Children : She looks like a ball, a ball, she’s round...

Slide number 7 (planet Earth - large)

Educator : - Guys, why is the globe painted in different colors?

List them.

What color do you think land is?

What color is the water?

What is more on our planet, land or water?

Children : Land is dark, green, yellow, light brown, brown.

Children : Water is indicated in blue and light blue.

Children : There is more water than land.

Slide number 8 (planet Earth from a spaceship)

Educator: Planet Earth - the most beautiful planet in our solar system.The earth is commona wonderful home for everyone. It is the only planet that has life. Pay attention to the screen. The planet is surrounded by a blue shell. What do you think this is?

Children : This is the air we breathe.

Educator : Of course, without air protection there would be no life on Earth.

Child: I. Dainenko

Is on Earth a huge house

Under the roof is blue.

The sun, rain and thunder live in it,

Forest and sea surf.

Birds and flowers live in it,

The cheerful sound of the stream.

They live in that bright house you

And all your friends.

Wherever the roads lead,

You will always be in it.

The nature of our native land

This house is called.

Educator : Nature, in addition to beauty and a wonderful mood, gives a person something without which life is impossible. We'll find out by answering puzzles :

It's not fire, but it burns painfully.

Not a baker, but a baker.

Children: The sun. (Characters are set : sun, water, air)(Annex 1)

Educator : Passes through the nose into the chest

And the return is on its way.

He is invisible, and yet

We can't live without him.

Children: Air

Educator : They drink me, they pour me,

Everyone needs me, who am I?

Children: Water.

Educator : This is what nature gives to all living things for life.

Slides No. 9 – 14 (Sun. Water : ocean, sea, river, stream, dew, rain, iceberg, snow. Air).

Educator : - Now let’s play a game“Flies, swims, moves on land”.

Do you think a person can live alone? Earth , without animals, birds, plants, insects, trees? Of course not. Human life depends on nature.

What do you guys think, does the beauty of nature depend on humans?

Children : Yes, it depends. Because people protect animals, plant forests, clean rivers, feed birds, and create nature reserves.

Slides No. 15 – 20 (Photos of nature and rare animals and birds of the Krasnodar Territory, photos of group children planting plants, feeding birds with their parents)

Educator : People can increase nature, or they can destroy what remains. But a person can correct his mistakes and, as you rightly said, creates nature reserves. And now we will remember the rules of behavior in nature.(show pictures)

If only you want

You help nature,

Better learn the rules -

So as not to forget them!

(Staging of the poem)

1st child : You can’t make noise in the forest,

Even sing very loudly.

Don't shoot from a slingshot -

You didn't come to kill.

2nd child : Do not break oak branches,

Remove debris from the grass.

Let the butterflies fly.

But who are they bothering?

3rd child : Fire is the enemy of the forest, it is cunning, -

Don't light a fire in the forest!

4th child : Don't pick flowers and don't trample the grass,

Don't pick leaves from bushes.

Don't forget the green blade of grass,

In the forest, only walk along the path.

5th child : Help all the birds in the forest,

And don’t destroy birds’ nests!

6th child : Ant house in the middle of nowhere,

Don't bother him.

Help the ants -

The house is their garden.

7th child : Do not harm animals in the forest.

We ask you to behave with dignity...

In the forest, remember, -

We are just guests!

Educator: About Mother Earth , the Russian people have composed many proverbs and sayings.

Let's play a game now“Complete the proverb”.

(the teacher calls the first part, children the ending)

Without a master The Earth is an orphan.

Feed me The earth - it will feed you.

Groves and forests are the beauty of our native land.

The fate of nature is the fate of the Motherland.

Without rain, grass doesn't grow.

3. Final part.

Educator : Well done boys! To save our planet Earth , you have to be smart and kind.

There is one planet - Garden

In this cold space,

Only here the forests are noisy,

Calling migratory birds.

Only on her alone will you see

Lilies of the valley in the green grass,

And dragonflies - only here

They look into the river in surprise...

Take care of your planet -

After all, there is no other like it in the world!


Speech therapy session on OHP correction

using ICT and health-saving technologies

(preparatory group)

Subject: “The earth is our home, we are the masters of it”

Target: to clarify, consolidate and expand children’s ideas about planet Earth, about man’s place on this planet and his interaction with everything around him.

Correctional and developmental tasks:

- develop general speech skills;

Improve the skill of independently drawing conclusions;

Develop coherent speech;

Develop fine motor skills and coordination of speech with movement;

Develop ophthalmokinesis;

Develop visual attention and memory;

Improve sound and syllabic analysis;

Develop letter synthesis, prevent dysgraphia, forming an image


Educational objectives:

- improve the ability to correctly construct a sentence and answer with a “complete answer”;

To consolidate knowledge about the concepts of “sound”, “letter”;

Improve the ability to form words with opposite meanings;

Develop reading skills.

Educational tasks:

- cultivate cognitive interest in activities and games;

Develop the ability to listen and hear spoken speech;

Instill skills in collective and individual work;

To form self-control over speech, independence and activity throughout


Equipment: computer, projection screen, ball, envelopes with letters, envelopes with pictures for the poem, presentations for the lesson.

Progress of the lesson:

  1. Organizing time.

Speech therapist: Today the postman brought an envelope to kindergarten. It says “To the children of the Tsvetiki group” and depicts some kind of creature. Who do you think it is?

Children: This is Luntik.

Speech therapist: Open the envelope. And here is a letter.(While the speech therapist is reading the letter, pictures appear on the screen)

"Hello guys. I think you recognize me. I am Luntik.(On the screen there is a picture - Luntik)I live on the moon. I accidentally ended up on your planet. (On the screen - Luntik appears on planet Earth)I made a lot of wonderful friends here and I really liked your planet. (On the screen there is a picture - Luntik and his new friends)But, unfortunately, my stay there is coming to an end and I need to go back. I also found out that you will soon go to school, but I don’t know what school is and why you need to go there. Please tell me about this, and I would also like to know more about your wonderful planet. Please send me your message with the first satellite that will fly to the Moon. Thank you in advance! »

  1. Speech therapist: Children, let's help Luntik and tell him what school is.

Dramatization “What is school?”

(Children read a poem in a chain, for each line of which a picture appears on the screen corresponding to the meaning of the spoken phrase).

What is school?

It's a lot of classes, a lot of light.

Children study in classes.

The school is rich in knowledge.

Invites everyone to study

He just asks not to be lazy.

  1. Speech therapist: What planet is our school located on?

Children: Our school is located on planet Earth.

Speech therapist: What are the inhabitants of our planet called?

Children: The inhabitants of our planet are called earthlings.

Speech therapist: Right. Now turn your attention to the screen. Read the sentence that appears there.

Children: “The earth is our common home.”

Speech therapist: Yes, guys, our home is planet Earth. We humans live on it. Who else lives together in dreams on planet Earth?

Children: Birds, fish, animals, insects, plants.

Speech therapist: Correct. Plants, fish, insects, birds, and various animals live with us on planet earth.(Called creatures and objects appear on the screen)Think and say: who is more important than everyone in this life on planet Earth?

Dramatization “Who is the most important on earth?”

1 child : I am the sun, the most important thing. Everyone needs my warmth.

2nd child: I am water, more importantly. Without me you will die of thirst.

3rd child: I am the air, all living things breathe. Without me there would be no life, I am the most important.

4th child: I am the soil. I'm the most important. Nothing will grow without me.

5th child: I am a plant, an ornament to the earth. I am more important, I grow on you.

6th child: I am an insect. I pollinate you. Without me you will have no seeds.

7th child: I am a hare, a herbivore. I’ll eat you, plant, which means I’m more important.

8th child: I am a predator, a wolf. I'm hunting you. I am stronger and more important than you.

9th child: I am a man, I can control water and wind, plow the land, plant plants, breed animals. And you, wolf, I can hunt.

Speech therapist: So who is the most important on our planet?(Children's answers are listened to)

  1. Speech therapist: Yes, children, on planet Earth we all depend on each other. Therefore, we must live together and protect nature. The sun warms our earth. Let's point our fingers and talk about it.

Finger gymnastics:

Sunshine, sunshine

Take a walk by the river.

Sunshine, sunshine

Scatter the rings.

We'll collect the rings.

Let's take the gilded ones.

Let's ride, let's roll around.

And we'll give it back to you.

  1. Speech therapist: The sun shines for everyone on our planet. Let's play a little game of "The sun shines for everyone."(Children stand in a circle, the speech therapist stands in the center of this circle)

Speech therapist: I throw the ball and name the word, and you, returning it to me, must name the word with the opposite meaning.

Ball game "The sun is shining for everyone."

The sun shines for both the poor and the rich, for the evil and for ....., for the sad and for ...., for the sick and for ...., for the little ones and for ...., for the lazy and for ...., for the tall and for ... ., for friends and for…., for the old and for…, for the cowardly and for…..

  1. Speech therapist: Let's continue our conversation about planet Earth. What geometric shape does planet Earth have?

Children: The earth has the shape of a ball.

Speech therapist: Why is Earth called the blue planet?

Children: Because there is a lot of water on it.

Speech therapist: That's right, there is a lot of water on planet Earth. These are oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. And people live on land. There are different peoples living on planet Earth and they speak different languages, for example, the Japanese speak Japanese. What language do you think the French speak? English? Chinese?(Children's answers are listened to)What language do you and I speak?

Children: We speak Russian.

Speech therapist: In kindergarten, you learned to speak clearly and beautifully, pronounce all sounds correctly, and became acquainted with the Russian alphabet. Let's talk about this poem.

(Children read the poem line by line (or in chorus)

“There are many sounds in the world...”

There are many sounds in the world:

The rustle of leaves, the splash of waves.

And there are speech sounds,

We need to know them for sure.

We pronounce sounds clearly,

Let's listen carefully.

We read the letters correctly,

We write them carefully.

  1. Speech therapist: In space, in addition to our planet, the sun illuminates other planets and space objects. Name what planets and cosmic bodies and objects do you know?

Children: Mars, Venus, Saturn, comets, satellites….

Speech therapist: Right. But all these planets are so far from us that they can only be seen through a telescope. To do this you need to have good eyesight. And for good vision, you need to do eye exercises.

Oculomotor exercise “Indian Keen Eye”.

Look up, down, right, left, without turning your head; Rotate your eyes in a circle: down, right, up, left and in the opposite direction.

Eyes opened wide (5 seconds), closed (5 seconds). Blink your eyes quickly for 10 seconds.

  1. Speech therapist: Many planets and cosmic bodies revolve around the Sun in space. These envelopes contain the names of some of them. But all the letters are mixed up. Let's try to put them back in place.

Game "Collect the word."

Children take letters out of envelopes and add the words MARS, MOON, EARTH, SATURN, rocket, satellite.(After the children put the words together and read them, pictures of these objects appear on the screen.)

  1. Speech therapist: Look at the screen. What are these circles that appear on it? What are these circles called?(A sound pattern of the word Saturn appears on the screen)

Children: Sound diagram.

Speech therapist: Look carefully at the pictures on the screen and say which picture this sound pattern corresponds to.

Children: This is the word SATURN.

Speech therapist: Right. Name each sound in this word.(Children take turns naming the sounds in the word Saturn and giving them a characteristic: vowel or consonant, if consonant, then deaf or voiced, hard or soft.)

  1. Speech therapist: People learn about cosmic bodies and objects not only by looking through telescopes, but also by making space travel themselves. What are people who fly into space called?

Children: People flying into space are called astronauts.

Speech therapist: Right. What kind of people are hired as astronauts?

Children: Only the strongest, toughest, and smartest people are hired as astronauts.

Speech therapist: Show and tell us what needs to be done for this.

Speech with the movement “Getting ready to be cosmonauts.”

We will try very hard(children do jerks with their arms bent in front of their chest)

Play sports together:

Run fast like the wind(run in place)

Swimming is the best thing in the world.(do hand strokes)

Squat and stand up again(squat and stand up)

And lift dumbbells.(depict exercises with dumbbells)

Let's become strong and tomorrow(hands on belt)

We will all be accepted as astronauts.(marching in place)

  1. Speech therapist: Well done boys. Now let's see if you have the patience and endurance to do these exercises for a long time.

Game "Do the exercise"

Speech therapist: I will name the words and show the exercise 1 time, and you must repeat this word and perform the exercise as many times as there are syllables in the word I spoke.

(Several children take turns pronouncing words and doing exercises at the same time): ZEM - LA, PLA - NE - TA, RA - KE - TA, KOS - MOS, KO - ME - TA,


  1. Speech therapist: That's right, in order to become a space explorer you need to study hard and play sports. And all this is still ahead of you. For now, we can only dream while looking into the dark night sky full of stars.

Mnemonics “Cosmonaut”

(Telling a poem based on a mnemonic tableThe speech therapist reads the poem, accompanying it by showing table pictures on the screen that appear as each line is read. The table is then removed. Children are given envelopes with a set of pictures, and are asked to arrange them in the same sequence as they appeared on the sample.Next, the speech therapist reads the poem again, and then several children are interviewed. As an option: children pronounce each line of the poem in turn, based on the table.)

Stars shine in the dark sky,

An astronaut flies in a rocket.

The day flies and the night flies

And he looks down at the ground.

He sees the fields from above,

Mountains, rivers and seas.

He sees the whole globe,

The globe is our home.

  1. Speech therapist: Well done. I think everything you told us can be written to Luntik.

He sent you these little gifts with a wish:

Let every day and every hour

They'll get you something new.

May your mind be good

And the heart will be kind!

In this lesson, the teacher expands the children’s understanding that the Earth is the common home of all people and all living creatures living next to humans, forms the desire to take care of the common home, as a condition for preserving the life of humanity and all natural inhabitants, reinforces the concept that we are people -we are part of nature, and for the growth and development of living objects we need the same things: water, sun, air. Fosters a responsible and caring attitude towards the surrounding world and native nature.



Goal: to expand children’s understanding that the Earth is the common home of all people and all living creatures living next to humans, to form a desire to take care of their common home, as a condition for preserving the life of humanity and all natural inhabitants, to consolidate the concept that we are human beings We are part of nature, that for the growth and development of living objects the same thing is necessary: ​​water, sun, air. Foster a responsible and caring attitude towards the surrounding world and native nature.

Progress of the lesson:

Children, I invite you to go into the natural world. What do you think it is?

(Animals, fish, insects, plants).

  • This world is so diverse and unique. At the beginning of our journey, we will play a game"Living and inanimate nature."

Children stand in a circle and take turns passing the ball to each other, naming objects of living (birds, plants, fish, etc.) and non-living (sky, earth, stones, etc.) nature.

Every person has his own home, and every animal has his own home. And insects, flowers, trees have a home. What can we call our common home? (I post a world map).


Our common home is planet Earth. It revolves around the sun. What it is?

This is a globe.

The globe is a model of our planet Earth. The globe was invented and made by people. By looking at it, we can learn a lot about our planet. For example, what shape is the Earth?

It's round. Looks like a ball.

What color is land on the globe?

Brown, light brown, yellow, green.

Is there a lot of water on our planet?

There is more water than land.

What color is it indicated on the globe?

Water is indicated by blue, cyan, and white colors.

Our planet is the most beautiful of all planets. What other planets do you know?

Venus, Mars, Mercury, etc.

There is no life on these planets because there is no air and water. The earth is a common wonderful home for all people, animals and birds. Listen to what beautiful poems the poet Ivan Daineko wrote:

There is a huge house on Earth,

Under the roof is blue.

The sun, rain and thunder live in it,

Forest and sea surf.

Birds and flowers live in it,

The cheerful sound of the stream.

They live in that bright house you

And all your friends.

Wherever the roads lead,

You will always be in it.

The nature of our native land

This house is called.

Nature is important to every person. After all, in addition to beauty and a wonderful mood, it gives a person something without which life is impossible. And what exactly - the riddles will tell you:

It's not fire, but it burns painfully.

Not a baker, but a baker.


I post symbols.

Can a person live without sunlight and warmth?



Children's answers.

Passes through the nose into the chest

And the return is on its way.

He's invisible and yet

We can't live without him.


Can we live without air?



Air is needed for breathing, a person can live for several days without food, without water, but without air he can live only a few minutes.

Why is there nothing in the picture?

Because air is invisible. Do you think it is possible to see air? (children's answers) (of course not, he's invisible.)

Let's check. What happens if you put a straw down and blow into it? (dip a straw into a glass of water and blow). What do you see? (children's answers)

These are the bubbles that we exhale.

Why do air bubbles rise to the surface? (answers).

Because air is lighter than water.

Is air always our friend?

Children. They give different answers.

Let's prove it (offers options).

Where can you find clean air?

Children: In the forest, in the park, at the sea, in the mountains.

Educator. What does clean air mean?

Children. This is when you breathe easily and freely.

We often hear the following saying: Air is our enemy.

How do you understand these words?

Where can you find dirty air?

Children. Near the factory, where smoke is pouring out of the chimney, on the street where there are a lot of cars, etc.

What does dirty air mean?

Children. This is when breathing is difficult and harmful.

What needs to be done to keep the air clean and everyone healthy? (plant trees, install filters in factories and factories that capture dust and toxic substances, develop new electric vehicles).

The air shell of the Earth is like a blanket. It protects the Earth from extreme heating and cooling.

Physical education minute

The wind is blowing from above.

Herbs and flowers bend.

Right - left, left - right

Flowers and grass are bowing. (Tilts to the sides).

Let's jump on the spot together. (Jumping).

Higher! Have fun! Like this.

Let's move on one step at a time. (Walking in place).

The game is over, it's time for us to get busy.

Next riddle:

They drink me, they pour me out,

Everyone needs me, who am I?


That’s right, water today is so common and familiar to everyone. Can we live without water? Why? (Children's answers).

Without water, the existence of all living things is impossible:

Wherever the water runs

The earth is blooming, the country is blooming...

Experiment with water: Smell the water - the result is odorless water; no taste; transparent or not (a glass of milk and water);

Nowadays, not everywhere in rivers, seas and oceans there is such water. Why?

I suggest the children relax and play the game “Carousel” with ribbons.

(To the music, children, holding ribbons, rotate the carousel. The carousel stops at the stations “Wild Animals”, “Pets”, “Plants” and others, where children indicate what belongs to each group)

Well done! We've rested, now we can move on. Do you think a person can live alone on earth, without animals, birds, insects, fish, plants, trees, etc.? Of course not. Man lives in nature, his life depends on nature. What do you guys think, the beauty of nature depends on humans?

Depends. Because people plant forests, protect animals, feed birds, clean rivers, etc.

Does man always help nature? Can he destroy nature? How?

Man pollutes rivers, cuts down forests, traps animals, birds, fish, pollutes the air, etc.

People can increase nature, or they can destroy the rest. In the history of mankind there are many examples when a person, not taking into account the laws of nature, caused enormous harm to the animal and plant world. But people know how to correct their mistakes, and nature reserves have been created in our country. What is a reserve? This is a place where herbs, flowers, berries, mushrooms, trees, birds, animals, fish are protected by the state. A place where nature has the right to live according to its own laws. These are islands that save nature from humans. This is our wealth that everyone can be proud of. What is prohibited to do in the reserve?

It is prohibited to pick flowers, berries, fish, or hunt animals.

What are you allowed to do in the reserve?

You are allowed to breathe fresh air, go on excursions, get acquainted and admire the beauty and richness of protected places, and walk along the paths.

Man on earth is the smartest and strongest creature and should direct all his knowledge and skills to the conservation and protection of nature on our planet.

I look at the globe,

And suddenly he sighed as if alive,

And the continents whisper to me:

Take care of us, take care of us!

The groves and forests are in alarm.

Dew on the grass is like a tear,

And the springs quietly ask;

Take care of us, take care of us!

The deer stopped its run;

Be human, human.

We believe in you, don't lie,

Take care of us, take care of us!

I look at the globe - the globe,

So beautiful and dear,

And the lips whisper: I’ll save it!

I will save you, I will save you!

To save our planet Earth, you need to be smart and kind. And now I will give you cards that depict places of outdoor recreation, and we will remember the rules of conduct there.

Children come out with cards and tell them the rules of behavior while relaxing on a river, in a forest, in a meadow, etc.

Today I decided to dedicate you to “Young Friends of Nature”. A friend of nature is a person who loves, protects and protects it. I present you with the “Young Friends of Nature” medal. Do you think you will be true friends of nature? What will you do for this? (Children's answers). What will you do if you see that your friends or neighbors are picking flowers in a flower bed, throwing garbage, breaking branches? (children's answers).

  • Well done boys! I congratulate you on your medal and hope that it will not be your last. Thanks for the activity!

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 34"

Lesson notes

Educational area "Cognition"

The world

Topic: “The Earth is our common home”

From the experience of a teacher:

Vinogradchey E.G.

Khimki, 2015

Program content:

Consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature using environmental signs.
Expand children's understanding that a forest is a community of plants and animals living together in the same territory.
Foster a caring attitude towards the environment and water.


Globe, environmental signs, illustrations of a hare, elk, wolf and their tracks, cups, filter made of sand, fabric, paper, dirty water.

Progress of the lesson:

The riddle of the globe

The ball is small
It shows countries without people,
Cities without houses
Forests without trees
seas without water.

Show the globe model. What is a globe? (The globe is a model of the earth on which plants, animals, and humans live. The earth is their common home).
What colors do you see on it?
Which color is more?
What does he represent?
What is the water like in the sea?
And in rivers, lakes, ponds?
Who lives in the sea?

And now I want to tell a story about one pond.

Lake game

Once upon a time there was a pond. The water in it was clean, transparent, and one could even see the inhabitants of the reservoir. And on a sunny day, trees and clouds were reflected in the water. One day, vacationers came to him, cut down trees, and lit a fire. And when they left, they left behind garbage, bottles, and cans.
Then more and more people came to this lake. Over time, the water became less and less, and the garbage became more and more. It was no longer possible to see who lived there. Do you think this is good or bad? The inhabitants of the reservoir became completely uncomfortable living in such dirty water. Guys, who can come to their aid? How can we help this lake? (We can try to purify the water).

Experience “Water Filtration”

An experiment is carried out to purify dirty water through a sand-paper-fabric filter, followed by an explanation of the essence of water purification and the importance of such processes for humans.

Look what sign I have. What do you think it means?
Let's leave it near our lake so that everyone knows that it is forbidden to pollute the water in reservoirs. Because in our common home, called earth, reservoirs along with their inhabitants should not perish.

And now I invite you to take a trip in a hot air balloon. Repeat after me: “Goodbye, Earth, good journey.” Are you cold?
Let's take our telescopes and look into the distance. I can see the treetops.
Do you see? Let's land here. Let's come closer and see where we are? And we found ourselves in a winter forest.

To a deserted expanse
Whitened fields
The forest looks fun
From under black curls.

Guys, look, someone ran out of the forest and left traces. Let's try to guess who left them? (We consider the tracks of a hare, fox, elk).

Riddles about animals

Straight across the field
The white collar jumps.

The tail is fluffy,
Golden fur,
Lives in the forest
He steals chickens from the village.

Touching the grass with hooves,
a handsome man walks through the forest,
Walks boldly and easily
Horns spread wide.

Let's follow these tracks and we'll go into the forest. Children, this is a winter forest. Why can't you hear the birds singing? But not all the birds flew away, some remained. What birds can we hear in the forest? (woodpecker, magpie, tit).

Riddles about birds

Not a woodcutter, not a carpenter, but the first worker in the forest.

Vereshunya, white-sided, and her name is...

Guys, where do birds live? (On the trees). Look what trees are around. These are spruce and birch trees. Do you know any other trees? They all need the Earth because it is their home.

Physical exercise “Forest”

The wind shakes the winter forest,
right, tilts left
One tilt, two tilt -
he rustled his branches.

Now let's talk about what you shouldn't do in the forest.

Ecological signs

Children are shown symbols - environmental signs with a detailed explanation of basic environmental concepts.

So we learned that you can’t make fires, make noise, or litter in the forest.

And it’s easy to breathe in the forest. Take a deep breath, and now try not to breathe.
How long can you live without air? Do we see air? Show air in water.
All animals, plants, and humans need air. If we don't breathe, we won't be able to live. There should be clean air on earth that everyone needs.

It's time for us to return to kindergarten. But first, let's see what happened to the water?


Guys, tell me who lives on Earth? Do you understand for whom the Earth is a common home?

Tree, animal, flower and bird
They don't always know how to defend themselves
If they are destroyed
On the planet we will die like them.

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film “The Rogue Song,” about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains, was released in America. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

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