Quotes about arrogant girls. Quotes from great and successful people about arrogance

A golden bridle will not turn a nag into a trotter. Seneca the Elder

The higher the rise, the worse the fall. Juan Manuel

People often fall from high altitude because of the same shortcomings that helped them achieve it. J. Labruyère

Before you consult your whim, consult your wallet. B. Franklin

great person usually destroys himself. B. Franklin

A person who is in love with himself has the advantage that he has few rivals. G. Lichtenberg

To erect a monument to someone during his lifetime means to declare that there is no hope that posterity will not forget him. A. Schopenhauer

Talk to a person about it and he will listen to you for hours. B. Disraeli

A bad position between two stools is to find yourself between your aspirations and abilities, appearing too great for small goals and being too small for great ones. IN. Klyuchevsky

If you see a young man ascending to heaven alive, then, for God’s sake, quickly grab him by the heel and pull him to the ground. One of the ancient Russian philosophers

Intellectual level the interior and its external shine are in relation to each other in an inverse rather than a direct relationship. M. Proust

Insolence must be extinguished more quickly than a fire. Heraclitus of Ephesus

After all, all I want is for everything to always be my way. B. Shaw

Many of those who were placed on a pedestal during their lifetime will never have a statue after death. P. Beranger

There are three categories of egoists: egoists who live and let others live; egoists who live themselves and do not let others live; finally, egoists who themselves do not live and do not give to others... I.S. Turgenev

You study me like spit under a microscope. Do you think I can't do that? Yu. Semenov

Or are you carried away by miserable fame? Look at how quickly everything sinks into oblivion, how eternity yawns, limitless in both directions, how empty every echo is, how fickle and illegible those who seem to praise you are, and how narrow the space is delineated for you. And the whole earth is a point. What corner of it is your location? And how many people are there here who will praise you and what are they like? Marcus Aurelius

Only those who deserve it are afraid of contempt F. La Rochefoucauld

People stubbornly disagree with the most sound judgments, not because of a lack of insight, but because of an excess of pride: they see that the first rows in a just cause have been dismantled, and they do not want to occupy the last ones. F. La Rochefoucauld

Our pride suffers more when our tastes are criticized than when our views are condemned. F. La Rochefoucauld

Vanity forces us to act contrary to our tastes much more often than the demands of reason. F. La Rochefoucauld

We would win in the eyes of people if we appeared to them as we have always been and are, and not pretended to be such as we never were and never will be. F. La Rochefoucauld

Majesty is an incomprehensible quality of the body, invented to hide the lack of intelligence. F. La Rochefoucauld

When nature leaves a hole in someone's mind, it usually covers it up with a thick layer of self-righteousness. G. Longfellow

Every person has exactly as much vanity as he lacks intelligence. A. Pop

A common form of egoism, rightly condemned, is a person’s endless development of the topic of conversation. G. Spencer

Here is a man who is unable to gain respect for himself. This means that he has only one thing left: first make a career, and then surround himself with all sorts of bastards. N. Chamfort

Love is sweet madness; ambition is dangerous stupidity. N. Chamfort

The desire for personal good is only a continuation of our animality; humanity begins in a person only with renunciation of him. A. Amiel

Yesterday this woman was so simple and kind, but today she is proud and insolent... And only because a feather appeared on her head, torn from the tail of an ostrich. How proud this bird should be, which has many of them and, moreover, its own. A. Carr

There is no vice or stupidity that needs to be so tenderly and so skillfully spared as vanity. D. Swift

If the upstart does not remember his origin, then he is forgotten; if he forgets, they remember. Unknown

While you can boast about your own merits, the merits of your ancestors are not used. Unknown

No matter what good they say about us, they won’t tell us anything new. F. La Rochefoucauld

When I was twenty years old, I recognized only myself. For thirty years I have already said: “Me and Mozart!”, Forty years: “Mozart and I!”, and now I only say: “Mozart.” SH Gounod

« Arrogance is, in essence, the same pride that loudly declares its presence." Russo J.

« All people have a high opinion of themselves - and the less they cost, the more they think so.." Gracian y Morales

« If you do not want to make enemies for yourself, then try not to show your superiority over people." Schopenhauer A.

« Arrogance consists of thinking too highly of yourself and too low of others.." Montaigne M.

« We honor everyone with zeros, and ourselves with ones." Pushkin A.

« Want get rid of arrogance– don’t look at those who are lower than you, but compare yourself with yourself." Litvak M.

« Happiness that was not intended for you, an unjustified acquisition, luck that was not prepared for you by the Creator of all things - these are all the traps set by the world for people. If you don’t turn your nose up when you bump into them, you’ll definitely get around them." Zichen H.

« Pride that dines on vanity dines on contempt." Franklin B.

« There is nothing more arrogant than a powerless person who feels supported." Bonaparte N.

« There is no more vile vice than arrogance." Menander

« A person who is arrogant and arrogant in society usually achieves the exact opposite result of what he expects, if, of course, he expects respect." Labruyère J.

« How more people loves himself, the more he depends on other people's opinions." Aurelius M.

« What makes me angry is the arrogance of some people. They don't listen to our music, they decided in advance that they don't like it." Armstrong B.

« There is no donkey that, contemplating itself in the river, would not look at itself with pleasure and would not find the devil of a horse in itself." Flaubert G.

« Courtesy will open everywhere Location and trust, And stupid arrogance is the Key to hostility and enmity." Lope de Vega

« After all, prosperity, easily obtained, as usual, leads to arrogance." Menander

« Arrogance is only good for building a fortress wall behind which doubts and fears hide.." Herbert F.

« You see a louse on someone else, but you don’t even notice a tick on yourself.." Petronius


« Yesterday this woman was so simple and kind, but today she is proud and insolent... And only because a feather appeared on her head, torn from the tail of an ostrich. How proud this bird should be, which has many of them and, moreover, its own." Carr A.

« I like this phrase - “You won’t understand.” Six billion people. Six billion! And here you are special, unique, no one will understand you. Nobody can. Where are they from you, of course?

« After all, all I want is for everything to always be my way.." Shaw B.

« When nature leaves a hole in someone's mind, it usually covers it up with a thick layer of self-righteousness.." Longfellow G.

« A person who is in love with himself has the advantage that he has few rivals." Lichtenberg G.

« If you see a young man ascending to heaven alive, then, for God’s sake, quickly grab him by the heel and pull him to the ground

« Every person has exactly as much vanity as he lacks intelligence." Pop A.

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The two may not meet because of stupid pride. They will wait for the first step from each other. They themselves do not dare to act first - what if it is not mutual.

I want to talk to her, but it’s just like something is tying me hand and foot. The tongue seems to be paralyzed. I hate my pride.

Pride prevents you from truly entering someone's life. And we secretly look through photos and statuses in the news feed.

She kisses and hugs him in her dreams. But in reality, he cannot squeeze out the banal “hello.” And all because of pride.

Best status:
How to shout to your heart? After all, we are separated by kilometers of deception, kilograms of betrayal and an impenetrable wall of pride. Your life before me was too complicated for you to immediately believe in happiness.

The most best photos VC. The most witty statuses. And there is bitterness in my soul. And there are tears in the eyes. Pride does not allow one to speak the truth.

I sit proud alone, but I could sit humble in company.

Either pride prevents us from being together, or it’s not fate.

If you understand that this is your person, step on the throat of your pride. Otherwise you will hate yourself later.

Tired... Stubbornness and pride... Killing our love...

A soldier's pride is loyalty to his beloved!

Pride is when you die standing, not on your knees!

It’s easier for the proud, the proud don’t cry... neither from wounds nor from heartache.. they don’t loom on other people’s roads, for love, like beggars don’t pray

To hell with pride if you want to be happy!

Only rams have obedient lambs... A lion has a proud lioness!

My pride sometimes ruins everything!

We are not together... But I know you love! So kill your pride!

In order not to perish from loneliness, in order to increase the number of friends, reduce your “Highness”, and moderate your “Majesty”!

I can’t write to him, I LOVE YOU, Only because I’m proud(((FOOL

I'm trampling on my pride.

Spit on pride. Call.

Pride... Like shackles on the heart...

And not a hint of pride. I will explain my feelings to you.

The antonym for the word “love” is PRIDE.

Look around. We could be just as happy. But no, we have pride. Apologizing is so difficult.

Vacuumed, dusted, and prepared food. PRIDE PRIDE PRIDE

To buy happiness, you must sell pride!

Sorry and goodbye Pride! He is more important to me...

I’m proud only for those I don’t give a fuck about... And I don’t give a fuck about pride, for the sake of those I love...

Well, I’m sorry that I’m not running after you like I was before...just my pride has returned from vacation =)

When you love, pride is in the ass...

Pride creeps in, but it’s possible to overcome it.

Love, love, I won’t be the first to come, I’m too proud

Pride is not a vice, pride is self-defense.

The highest approval of merit and merit consists in silent acceptance of them as due. – R. Emerson

The deepest property human nature is the passionate desire of people to be appreciated. – W. James

Market people pride themselves on their dexterity and ingenuity. But life passes as if in childish ignorance: they are prone to fraud and boast of extravagance, never once thinking about how their life will end. – Chen Zian

He who does not understand his purpose is most often devoid of feeling self-esteem. – F. Dostoevsky

The dignity of people is the dignity of precious stones, which, being known quantity, purity, perfection, have a certain and designated price, but, being above this brand, they have no price and do not find buyers at all. – N. Chamfort

Either there is too much pride, or too little courage...

My life experience convinced me that people who have no shortcomings have very few virtues. – A. Lincoln

The duty towards oneself... is that a person maintain human dignity in himself. – I. Kant

Too much dignity sometimes makes a person unsuitable for society: people don’t go to the market with gold bars - they need small change, especially small change. – N. Chamfort

Virtues, by elevating you, humiliate others, while shortcomings, allowing others to laugh at you without malice, raise them in their own eyes. – A. Maurois

If pride screams, it means love is silent. – F. Gerfaud

Pride is a kind of contempt for everyone else except oneself.

Appreciate those people who put aside their pride for you

We are most proud of what we don't have. – Akutagawa Ryunosuke

Pride is the biggest vice in which our dreams burn...

The dignity of every person depends only on how he shows himself in his actions. – A. Knigge

I’ll ask you “how are you, dear?”, not caring about pride...

Our pride is often increased by the shortcomings we have overcome. – F. La Rochefoucauld

Every dignity, every strength is calm - precisely because they are confident in themselves. – V. Belinsky

The dignity of human life lies in struggle. – A. Herzen

No matter how close to the shore the buoys are located, swimming beyond them makes you feel proud.

Pride is not at all the same as consciousness human dignity. Pride increases as external success, consciousness of one’s human dignity, on the contrary, in the process of external humiliation. – L. Tolstoy

sorry, pride...

It is just as reasonable to honor one's virtues in private as it is ridiculous to extol them in the presence of others. – F. La Rochefoucauld

I’m one of those who will let go so as not to run after them... I’m one of those who will let go so as not to lie at my feet..

Pride is often a barrier to true greatness. – M. Zhanlis

Self-esteem is developed only by the position of an independent owner... - N. Chernyshevsky

When people whose opinions we value deny us the virtues that we have, we usually lose heart, as if we had lost them, and when they attribute to us virtues that we did not suspect in ourselves, we become encouraged and try to acquire them. – V. Klyuchevsky

A good name belongs to everyone honest man, but I concluded a good name in the glory of my Fatherland, and all my deeds tended towards its prosperity. Self-love, often a submissive cover of fleeting passions, has never controlled my actions. I forgot myself where I should have been thinking about the common good. My life was a harsh school, but my innocent morals and natural generosity made my labors easier: my feelings were free, and I myself was strong. – A. Suvorov

Excessive pride is the sign of an insignificant soul. – I. Turgenev

Pride came to the aid of a wounded heart...

pride - screw you. “hi, I miss you like crazy”

Damn pride is getting in the way of my happiness.

Infinitely small people have infinitely great pride. – Voltaire

He who maintains dignity in trouble teaches courage to worthy people and serves as a reproach to bad people. – W. Foscolo

Those who have... consciousness and self-esteem... They... are not afraid that others are smarter than them, more educated or more beautiful... Likewise, they do not consider themselves significantly superior to those whom they in turn are superior, because all this seems to them to have very little values ​​compared to good will, for which they only respect themselves and which they assume in every person. – R. Descartes

We quickly notice the slightest advantages in ourselves and slowly discover shortcomings. – J. Labruyère

He who speaks about his own merits is ridiculous, but he who is not aware of them is stupid. – F. Chesterfield

The sense of humanity is insulted when people do not respect the human dignity of others, and is even more insulted and suffers when a person does not respect his own dignity. – V. Belinsky

Virtues are not as noticeable as vices. - Ancient Indian.

If someone insulted me, that’s his business, that’s his inclination, that’s his character; I have my own character, the one that was given to me by nature, and I will remain true to my nature in my actions. – Marcus Aurelius

Everything is correct. I had your pride!

The highest virtue is inaccessible to the understanding of the crowd; the latter readily praises the virtues of the lower order; middle virtues arouse in her surprise, or rather amazement; As for the highest virtues, she doesn’t even have a clue about them. – F. Bacon

Pride - again you are at the wrong time.

Judge a stranger's worth by his deeds; in deeds the fruits of even secret intentions are always revealed. – Hitopadesha

Don't be afraid of pride when it's justified

Pride eradicates all vices except itself. – R. Emerson

There is no small virtue in recognizing as ignorance what others regard as knowledge, and in openly admitting that you do not know what you really do not know. – P. Gassendi

Nothing can be more praiseworthy than the consciousness of our own dignity in those cases where we really have valuable qualities. – D. Hume

Pride and laziness are the sources of all vices. – B. Pascach

Truly extraordinary virtues are possessed by those who have managed to earn the praise of their envious people. – F. La Rochefoucauld

The two things we especially value are our reputation and our lives. Isn’t it painful just to think that the most despicable slander can deprive us of the first and the most fragile weapon of the second? – C. Colton

You can be proud of everything, even the absence of pride. – V. Klyuchevsky

There is nothing more useful good name, and nothing creates it as firmly as dignity. – L. Vauvenargues

I tell myself - forget it. The heart whispers - forgive me. Pride screams - go away!

Yes, he is mine! And I can say it with pride!

Only those who have deeply studied morals can recognize all the signs that distinguish pride from vanity. The first holds her head high, is imperturbable, courageous, calm, adamant; the second is base, insecure, cowardly, fussy and changeable. Pride seems to add to people's stature, vanity only inflates them. – N. Chamfort

something stole my pride... it's something called love...

and falling to my knees, I will forget about pride and past quarrels.

“You must have pride!” – I thought and called first.

Pride is the source of death and corruption of man; it encourages a person to deviate from the beaten path, to get carried away by innovations; it gives rise to the desire to lead lost people who have taken the path of destruction; it makes a person prefer to be a teacher of lies and deceit than a student in the school of truth. – M. Montaigne

I would have forgiven him his pride if he had not hurt mine.

Pride that dines on vanity dines on contempt. – B. Franklin

True dignity is like a river: the deeper it is, the less noise it makes. – M. Montaigne

The pain is temporary. Pride is eternal.

The more we talk about our virtues, the less they believe in them. – N. Chernyshevsky

Human virtues, like fruits, have their season. – F. La Rochefoucauld

If I am needed, you will step over your pride!

A moment is enough to become a hero, but it is necessary whole life, to become worthy person. – P. Brula

Be most proud of the thing that owes you the least. – P. Balepu

do as pride says, she is happy, everything else suffers...

Pride and dignity are the reward for good deeds and decency. – V. Zubkov

There is such a limit of pain when you lose all pride!

All our dignity lies in our ability to think. Only thought elevates us, and not space and time, in which we are nothing. Let us try to think with dignity: this is the basis of morality. – B. Pascal

If we were not overcome by pride, we would not complain about the pride of others. – F. La Rochefoucauld

Be careful not to choke with pride.