How to raise your intellectual level. How to increase your intellectual level? Intellectual disorders - how to recognize them

Intelligence is a person’s ability to act purposefully, think rationally and achieve certain results. This ability is necessary when various difficulties and problems arise in a person’s life. This could be a math problem, the ability to make quick decisions and act in a dangerous situation.

The development of intellectual abilities predetermines both heredity and the development of mental functions. The concept of intelligence includes such types of mental activity as memory, perception, thinking, speech, attention, which are prerequisites for cognitive activity, the ability to make maximum use of previously acquired experience, perform analysis and synthesis, improve skills and increase knowledge. The better the memory and thinking, the higher the intelligence. Creative abilities, social adaptation, and the ability to solve psychological problems are important for the level of intelligence.

Psychologists use the concept of fluid and crystallized intelligence to determine age-related changes in intellectual abilities. Crystallized, or concrete, intelligence is speech skills, knowledge and the ability to apply one's knowledge in practice or in scientific activities. Fluid, or abstract, intelligence is the ability to think abstractly, draw conclusions and the ability to use them. With age, a person’s fluid intelligence decreases, while crystallized intelligence, on the contrary, increases.

Is it possible to influence the development of intelligence?

In the first ten years of a person's life, intelligence gradually increases. This can be easily verified by taking an age-appropriate test. The intelligence of a person aged 18-20 reaches its peak, although, of course, a person improves his mental skills throughout his life, learns, gains experience, etc. The level of intellectual development can be predicted relatively early - even in early childhood. Many researchers in the field of physiology and psychology believe that the intellectual abilities of a 5-year-old child are half the abilities of an adult, and the intellectual development of an 8-year-old child reaches 80% of the mental development of an adult. During the first 18 months of a child’s life, nothing can be said about his future intelligence, but already at this time it is necessary to develop the child’s mental abilities.

The development of a child’s intelligence is influenced not only by heredity, but also by external factors. Therefore, the development of a child’s mental abilities can be purposefully stimulated. Its formation is positively influenced by attention, care and human warmth, as well as stimulation of the child’s activity, creativity and social contacts. It is noted that the mental abilities of children and young people growing up in a negative social environment are definitely lower than those growing up in a favorable social environment. Serious mental development disorders are possible with damage to the cerebral cortex and various mental illnesses.

Human mental development is determined by inherited genetic information and external environmental factors (upbringing, education, etc.). Some scientists believe that about 50-60% of a person’s mental thinking depends on the environment. However, this is contradicted by the results of studies of homozygous (identical) twins. Today, many scientists claim that intelligence is almost 90% heritable.

Human mental abilities can be developed. To do this, you need to engage in mental activity and read more. It is important that the training method is appropriate to the person’s age. If a 4-year-old child is not a child prodigy, then he should not be taught to solve complex problems.


Intelligence quotient (IQ) is the established ratio of a person’s intellectual age (IA) and age (HA) during special testing. The test results are assessed according to the average value characteristic of this age group of people, using the formula IQ = IV: HF x 100.

Which IQ is high and which is low? There are many tests and tables with different values, below is the generally accepted IQ level table:

  • IQ IQ = 70-79 - very low.
  • IQ = 80-89 - low.
  • IQ = 90-109 - average.
  • IQ = 110-119 - high.
  • IQ = 120-129 - very high.
  • IQ>130 is the highest.

Many of us have heard the expression “human IQ.” This term sounds when we are talking about the abilities of an individual, his mental development. The concept of “IQ” is the intelligence quotient. It is an assessment of the level of ability in comparison with the average intelligence of a person of the same age as the subject. To determine the level, you must pass a special test for logic, flexibility of thinking, the ability to quickly count and identify patterns.

A little history

The concept of “intelligence quotient IQ” was first formulated in 1912 by Wilhelm Stern. This is a very famous psychologist and philosopher. He proposed using the result of dividing actual age by intellectual age as the main indicator of the level of development. After him, in 1916, this concept was used in the Stanford-Benet intelligence scale.

Gradually, people began to take an active interest in their level of intelligence, so a huge number of various tests and scales were invented that made it possible to find out its coefficient. The creation of numerous tests led to the fact that many of them were unreliable, so it is quite difficult to compare the results of different tests.

How to determine the level of intelligence? Today, in many schools, children are tested to find out their level of intelligence. The development of the Internet has contributed to the fact that people, including adults, can easily get tested online.

How to find out your IQ

To determine the IQ value, special tests were developed. There are two types:

  • for children 10-12 years old;
  • for children over 12 years old and adults.

The measurement technique is the same for all options, only the level of difficulty of the questions changes. Each test has a certain number of questions and a limited time to complete them.

They are designed so that the results, which are described by a probability distribution, show an average IQ of 100. The values ​​are grouped according to the following scheme:

  • the coefficient of 50% of all people is in the range of 90-110;
  • the remaining 50% of people are divided equally between those with a score below 90 and those with a score above 110.

What IQ level corresponds to mild mental retardation? If its indicator is below 70.

The tasks in the tests are varied, the complexity of each subsequent task increases. There are problems for logical and spatial thinking, knowledge of mathematics, attentiveness, and the ability to find a pattern. Naturally, the more correct answers a person gives, the higher the assessment of his level of intelligence will be.

The tests are designed for different age groups, so the indicators of a teacher and a 12-year-old student can be the same, because the development of each of them will correspond to his age.

Today on the Internet you can find a huge number of different tests that offer to find out your level of knowledge and intelligence. But most of them were not developed by professionals, so they are unlikely to show reliable results.

To find out your level of intelligence you need to use professional tests, such as:

  • Kettler;
  • Amthauer;
  • Eysenck;
  • Ravena;
  • Wexler.

Main influencing factors

The human mind is quite difficult to define and measure. Intelligence is a combination of knowledge, skills and abilities that accumulate throughout a person's life. Our intelligence is based on several important factors that influence its coefficient:

  • genetics;
  • feeding habits of a child in the first years of life;
  • education and mental stimulation of the child’s mental activity by parents;
  • order of birth of children in the family;
  • environment.

All this, to one degree or another, affects the mental development of the child.


Scientists have long begun to explore the question of how much the level of intelligence IQ depends on genes. For more than a century, studies have been conducted on the influence of genes on mental abilities, which have shown that the percentage of dependence is in the range of 40-80%.

The level of intelligence in a person depends on the structure of the brain and its functionality. These two factors are key. Differences in the parietal-frontal parts of the brain of different people indicate different levels of their IQ. The higher the level of functionality of the frontal areas of the brain, the better it can work: perceive and remember information, solve various problems.

Genetic factors represent the potential that is passed on from parents to the child. They are little studied, but have an important function for the development of mental abilities.

Chromosomal abnormalities that are inherited also affect the level of intelligence. For example, Down's disease, which is characterized by poor mental development of the child. Quite often it occurs in children whose parents belong to the older age group.

Illnesses during pregnancy also affect the baby's mind. For example, rubella, which an expectant mother suffers from, can lead to negative consequences for the baby: loss of hearing, vision, low level of intelligence.

Influence of nutrition

The level of intelligence depends on what exactly we eat in the first years of life, and what the expectant mother ate during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Proper and nutritious nutrition has a positive effect on brain development. The more nutrients, vitamins and microelements the child consumes through the mother and the next few years after birth, the larger the size of the cerebral velum will be. It is responsible for learning and memory.

Consumption of large amounts of fatty acids has a positive effect. Scientists have conducted studies that have proven that if a woman consumes a lot of fatty acids during pregnancy, then children will be significantly ahead of others in their development.


Education is one of the key factors in the development of mental abilities. Even if a person is by nature genetically predisposed to a high IQ level, due to the lack of proper upbringing and quality education, the coefficient will not be higher than average.

Education includes many factors:

  • family lifestyle;
  • home conditions;
  • the level of education;
  • parents' attitude.

To study the influence of upbringing, academics separated twins and placed them in different environments. After all, if intelligence is a biological concept, then in theory it should be the same in twins, regardless of living conditions. This is wrong. Studies have shown that children who live in orphanages have lower intelligence levels. Also, the indicator depends on how the parents treat the child: whether they take them to additional clubs, force them to study music, drawing, or instill a love for logic games.

Family birth order

This issue has been studied for a long time, but scientists have not been able to come to a common conclusion regarding the influence of the order of birth of a child and the number of children in the family on their mental abilities. Many studies have shown that first-born children are more mentally developed than other children. In history, most astronauts, presidents, scientists and famous political figures were firstborn.

Many people are interested in the question of why this happens. Birth order is not a judgment. The biggest impact is that a family with one child can devote more time, attention and resources to learning. Testing has shown that first-born children are only 3 points ahead of other children.


Whether we can use all the capabilities of our brain depends only on us: on our lifestyle, the presence of bad habits. Various diets and toxins affect the development of intelligence throughout life.

If the expectant mother smokes, drinks, or uses drugs, the child is unlikely to be healthy. A person’s mental performance may deteriorate if he drinks or poisons his own body.

Scientists have found that the level of intelligence of people from different countries differs significantly. Some tests have shown the dependence of average IQ on the country's GDP, crime, birth rate, and religion.

Some interesting facts about IQ:

  • the higher the coefficient, the more sociable the person;
  • breastfeeding increases the score by 3-8 points;
  • during the summer holidays the indicator decreases;
  • a score above 115 guarantees that a person can cope with any job;
  • people with scores below 90 are more likely to become antisocial, end up in prison, or live in poverty;
  • the lower the IQ, the more difficult it is for a person to cope with stress;
  • The higher the score, the more confident the person is.

IQ values

The highest level of intelligence is achieved by mathematician Terence Tao from Australia. He has a coefficient above 200 points. This is very rare, because most people barely reach 100. Almost all Nobel Prize winners have a high IQ - above 150 points. It is these people who help technology develop, actively participate in research, make various discoveries, study space and physical phenomena.

Notable people include Kim Peake, who can read a page of a book in just a few seconds, Daniel Tammet, who can memorize an incredible number of numbers, and Kim Ung-Yong. He entered and successfully began his studies at the university at the age of 3.

Let's look at all possible intelligence indicators of IQ tests:

  1. Above 140. These are people with incredible intelligence and rare creative abilities. They can easily achieve success in scientific activities. Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking can boast of this indicator. People with high IQs make the greatest discoveries and are geniuses of their era. They are the ones who explore space, create new technologies, search for cures for diseases, study human nature and the world around us. The percentage of such individuals is only 0.2 of the Earth's population.
  2. Indicator 131-140. 3% of the world's population can boast of this level. They include Arnold Schwarzenegger and Nicole Kidman. Successful people who achieve their goals have a high level of intelligence. They can become successful politicians, managers, company leaders, and specialists in science.
  3. Indicator 121-130. High level intelligence. People with this indicator find it easy to study at a university. They make up 6% of the population. They are successful, often become leaders, and are actively involved in creativity.
  4. Indicator 111-120. Above average intelligence level. Occurs in 12% of the population. They love to study, they have no problems with science. If a person loves and wants to work, then he can easily get a well-paid job.
  5. Indicator 101-110. Most people on the planet have this level of intelligence. This is the average IQ, which indicates the usefulness of a person. Many of its holders have difficulty graduating from university, but with enough effort they can study and get a good job.
  6. Indicator 91-100. The result for a quarter of the world's population. If the test shows such a result, do not despair or be upset. Such people study well and can work in any field that does not require significant mental effort.
  7. Indicator 81-90. The coefficient is below average. Occurs in 10% of people. They do quite well at school, but rarely receive higher education. They often work where they do not need to make mental efforts; they prefer to work physically.
  8. Indicator 71-80. Approximately 10% of the population with this level of intelligence. Occurs in people who suffer from mild mental retardation. They often study in specialized schools, but can also study in normal secondary educational institutions. Only their successes rarely rise above average.
  9. Indicator 51-70. Occurs in 7% of the population who have a mild form of mental retardation. They are rarely full members of society, but they are quite capable of living independently and taking care of themselves without outside help.
  10. The indicator is 21-50. Very low level of intelligence, which occurs in 2% of people. Individuals suffer from dementia and are far behind their peers in development. They cannot study normally and have guardians who help them take care of themselves.
  11. Below 20. Such people make up no more than 0.2% of the population. This is an indicator of severe mental retardation. Such people cannot live on their own, go to work, earn their own food, clothing and accommodation, so they are constantly under guardianship. They cannot learn and often suffer from psychological disorders.

The result should not be taken as a single truthful authority. After all, the indicator depends on many factors: environment, heredity, lifestyle, place of residence, religion.

Mental activity distinguishes man from other living beings. Intelligence is one of these types of activity that has levels and a coefficient of its manifestation. It is necessary to develop intelligence so that it is at a sufficiently high level.

What is intelligence?

Intelligence is understood as cognitive activity, which allows you to accept, comprehend and solve any problems.

Thanks to intelligence, a person can acquire new experience, knowledge, and adapt to new circumstances. Human intellectual activity includes:

  • Feeling.
  • Perception.
  • Memory.
  • Performance.

Psychology of intelligence

At all times, people have been studying intelligence. However, the main teaching was the theory of Piaget, who divided the first directions in the child’s adaptation to the environment in the form of assimilation (explaining the situation using existing knowledge) and accommodation (learning new information). In psychology, according to Piaget’s theory, the following stages of intelligence development are distinguished:

  1. Sensorimotor. It appears in the first years of life, while the child is exploring the world around him. The scientist called the first intellectual activity the emergence of one’s own judgments.
  2. Preceding operations. The world is gradually becoming diverse for the child, but he is still able to solve simple problems and operate with elementary concepts.
  3. Specific operations. When a child begins to focus on his own judgments and take specific actions.
  4. Formal transactions. A teenager already has certain ideas about the world that enrich his spiritual world.

However, not all people develop intelligence equally. There are tests developed by psychologists that show what level of development a person is at.

Intelligence level

To solve certain problems, a person resorts to such levels of intelligence as concrete and abstract.

  1. Specific intelligence allows you to perform everyday tasks using existing knowledge.
  2. Abstract intelligence allows you to operate with concepts and words.

The level of intelligence can be measured using a special IQ test developed by G. Eysenck. The test is presented in the form of a scale, which is divided into divisions from 0 to 160. Most people have an average level of intelligence - this is 90-110. If you constantly engage in your development, you can increase your level by 10 points. Only 25% have high intelligence (more than 110 points). Among them, only 0.5% of the population reaches more than 140 points. The remaining 25% have low intelligence - less than 90 points.

Low IQ is characteristic of oligophrenics. The average coefficient is observed among most of the population. A high coefficient is observed among geniuses.

Intelligence, according to psychologists, always remains at the level of its development to which a person has arrived. A. Lazursky identified 3 intellectual activities:

  1. Low – absolute inability of the individual.
  2. Medium – good adaptation to the environment.
  3. High – desire to modify the environment.

IQ tests are very popular. However, their diversity is not always a good indicator. The more diverse the tasks in the test, the better, which allows you to test a person for the development of various types of intelligence.

IQ level is influenced by the following factors:

  • Heredity and family. Family wealth, nutrition, education and quality communication between relatives play an important role here.
  • Gender and race. It is noted that after the age of 5, boys and girls differ in their development. This is also influenced by race.
  • Health.
  • Country of Residence.
  • Social factors.

Types of intelligence

Intelligence is the flexible part of an individual. It can be developed.

A person becomes harmonious if he develops all types of intelligence:

  • Verbal – includes speaking, writing, communicating, reading. For its development it is necessary to study languages, read books, communicate, etc.
  • Logical – logical thinking, reasoning, problem solving.
  • Spatial – operating with visual images. Development occurs through drawing, modeling, and finding exits from labyrinths.
  • Physical – coordination of movements. Develops through dancing, sports, yoga, etc.
  • Musical – feeling rhythm, understanding music, writing, singing, dancing.
  • Social – understanding the actions of other people, establishing relationships with them, adapting to society.
  • Emotional – understanding one’s own and others’ emotions, the ability to manage and recognize them.
  • Spiritual – self-improvement and self-motivation.
  • Creative – creating new things, producing ideas.

Diagnosis of intelligence

The issue of intelligence worried many psychologists, which allowed them to develop various tests to identify the levels and quality of intelligence development. The following are often used to diagnose intelligence:

  1. Raven's progressive matrices. It is necessary to establish a connection between the figures and select the missing one among those proposed.
  2. Amthauer Intelligence Test.
  3. Goodenough-Harris test. It is suggested to draw a person. Afterwards, obscure elements are discussed.
  4. Free Cattell test

Thinking and intelligence

One of the types of intellectual activity is thinking. Here a person operates with concepts and judgments. He thinks, which allows him to see the solution to the tasks in the future.

Thinking is a continuous process that constantly changes, depending on available knowledge. It is purposeful and expedient. A person learns something new through what he already knows. Thus, thinking is indirect.

Intelligence allows you to solve problems in your head, using existing knowledge and skills. The connection between these concepts is often merging. However, intelligence refers to a person’s mind, and thinking refers to his ability to think. If intelligence is often understood as a person’s possession of knowledge, then thinking is his ability to use this knowledge and come to certain conclusions and judgments.

How to develop intelligence?

Intelligence must be developed because it is a flexible part, its intellectual activity. Development is influenced by genetic and hereditary factors, as well as the conditions in which a person lives.

From birth, certain inclinations are given, which a person then uses. If certain diseases are passed on to the child during fetal development or at the genetic level, then a low level of intelligence may develop. However, the birth of a healthy child allows him to have an average or high level of intelligence in the future.

Without the environment, a person will not be able to develop effectively. Without the participation of society, intelligence will remain at a low level, no matter what intellectual inclinations a person is endowed with. The family plays an important role in this: its material wealth, social status, atmosphere, attitude towards the child, quality of food, home arrangement, etc. If parents do not work with the child, then he cannot develop high intellectual abilities.

Also, the formation of intelligence is influenced by the personality of the person himself, which determines the direction of his mental development.

Typically, various games for logic, memory, thinking, etc. are used to develop intelligence. These are backgammon, puzzles, puzzles, riddles, chess, etc. Computer games with these areas are becoming popular today.

At school, the child learns mathematics and exact sciences. This allows you to structure your thinking, make it consistent and orderly. Learning something new can be added to this process. When a person gains new knowledge, then his intellect expands, becomes richer and more multifaceted.

By maintaining curiosity and the desire to improve oneself, a person contributes to his constant development. Although, according to some scientists, intelligence always remains at the same level, no matter how you develop it.

What is emotional intelligence?

Today, emotional intelligence has become a popular concept, which, according to some psychologists, plays a larger role than IQ. What it is? This is a person’s ability to recognize and understand their own emotions, manage them and direct them in the right direction. This also includes a person’s ability to understand the feelings of others, manage them and influence people’s moods. Developed emotional intelligence allows you to eliminate.

Almost all people have some level of emotional intelligence. You can go through all stages of development, or you can get stuck at one of them:

  1. Understanding and expressing emotions.
  2. Using emotions as intellectual motivation.
  3. Awareness of one's own and others' emotions.
  4. Managing emotions.

What is social intelligence?

Social intelligence refers to an individual’s ability to understand and manage other people’s emotions, feel their state and influence it. The development of this skill depends on a person’s social adaptation.

J. Guilford identified 6 factors that enable the development of social intelligence:

  1. Perception of behavioral signals.
  2. Isolation of the main behavioral signals from the general flow.
  3. Understanding relationships.
  4. Understanding the motivation to engage in specific behavior.
  5. Understanding how behavior changes depending on the situation.
  6. Anticipating another person's behavior.

The formation of social intelligence involves a person’s life experience, cultural knowledge and learning, existing knowledge and erudition.

Child's intelligence

Even in the womb, the development of intelligence begins, which depends on the woman’s lifestyle and the information she perceives. A child’s intellectual activity depends on many factors: genes, nutrition, environment, family situation, and others.

The main emphasis is on how parents communicate with the child, what exercises they offer to develop their intelligence, how often they explain certain phenomena, how often they visit various places, etc. Intelligence itself does not develop. At first, a lot depends on what and how the parents do with the child.

Bottom line

Intelligence allows a person to become educated and socially adjusted. Every year he begins to increasingly use his intellectual abilities, which affect memory, thinking, attention and even speech. Their development is influenced by their parents and environment. The result depends on how favorable circumstances the person was surrounded by from an early age.

The article is intended, firstly, for those psychologists who in their work have to deal with the concept of “human intelligence level” (for example, when conducting professional selection), and secondly, for all those people who like to make hasty conclusions about the intellectual level in the process of communication their interlocutors.

Many people like to judge the intelligence of other people. And some are supposed to do this as part of their profession (the same psychologists, for example). But how to do this? How do you understand how “intelligent” a person is, so to speak?

Does he have two higher education degrees? Amazing! O-very smart, probably. But if he goes, for example, into the forest to pick mushrooms, God forbid he gets lost, and that’s it, he’ll stay there. And education will not help. And some village pensioner, Uncle Fedya, with a four-year parochial education, will feel right at home in this same forest. And who will be smarter in this case? From such an everyday point of view?

Or another example. Will a PhD degree (in psychology, for example) help you fix a car that breaks down on the road? And some Vanya from the neighboring village (who won’t spell the word “psychology” with less than three mistakes) will immediately come up and figure out what’s wrong, because he’s been fiddling with all sorts of equipment since childhood. So intelligence is not as simple a concept as it seems at first glance...

And once I heard about some scientist (I don’t remember his last name), who at the age of 26 became the youngest candidate of science in his time. I figured out what was what. So it turns out like this. This prodigy graduated from school and went to college. This is fine. At about 22 years old I graduated from college, then 4 years of graduate school - and this is the result, at 26 years old I was a candidate of sciences. Of course, he didn’t join the army: screw it, let fools serve. To work - I also didn’t really work anywhere. That is, at 26 years old, he had not seen anything in his life other than his institute. Can such a person be called SMART? This is still a big question.

But that was all just an introduction. Now let's approach this issue more seriously and from a more scientific point of view.

What is intelligence?

You can’t say it in one word. More precisely, you will say, of course, but it will be too vague. Mind. Intelligence. Reason. This is what intelligence is. But it’s unlikely that these words made anything clearer. Of course, you can look into a psychological dictionary, but everything is presented there too generally. But what if from a practical point of view? If we need to determine and evaluate a person’s level of intelligence? What are the criteria for doing this?

I present my own conclusions on this issue. First I will list all these criteria, then I will explain in more detail.

So, the concept of “intelligence” includes:

    flexibility of thinking;

    experience (both in a particular matter and life experience in general);

    the level of education;

    level of general erudition and knowledge;


    human memory;

    development of some personal qualities;

    presence of a lively mind, interest in life, curiosity.

If you disagree with me on something, wait, I'm not finished yet. Now I will explain everything in more detail.

Under number 1 we have flexibility of thinking. This is probably the main criterion by which a person’s intelligence can be assessed. Psychologists, studying productive and creative thinking, highlight flexibility as one of its factors, and as the main criterion for flexibility of thinking they put forward such indicators as the appropriate variation of methods of action, the ability to rethink the functions of an object, and use it in a new capacity. Now I will explain in human language. In a typical flexibility-of-thinking test, the test taker is asked to list all the possible uses of a common object. For example, an ordinary fountain pen. It is clear that she can write or draw something. And besides, you can use it to loosen the soil in a flower pot. When we were teenagers, we made mouthpieces out of pens. And if you really want to, you can use it as a bladed weapon. And when going on a hike somewhere, you can wind some thread on an old pen in reserve. Maybe not the most convenient solution, but it’s possible? Can! In more scientific terms, flexibility of thinking manifests itself in a problematic situation and forces a person to identify previously unanalyzed features of an object, and then, rethinking them, solve the problem that has arisen. Those. use the item for purposes other than its intended purpose.

And, of course, flexibility of thinking does not extend only to identifying new functions of objects. Flexibility of thinking is both observation and the ability to calculate the situation several moves ahead, discern their hidden causes behind visible phenomena, establish patterns, etc.

In addition, flexibility of thinking does not stand alone, in itself. It is also connected with all the other components that were listed above. After all, in order to find other aspects of its use in an object, you first need to have at least some life experience and knowledge. Mindfulness allows you to identify some little things and use them. A good memory complements experience and knowledge: what’s the point of studying some sciences if you can’t remember anything at the right time? As for personal qualities, for example, cunning is the same flexibility of thinking.

How can you determine the level of flexibility of thinking? One of the options has just been described: present the subject with an object and ask him to name several situations in which this object can be used for other purposes than its intended purpose. We are especially interested in non-standard ways of using it. Another option is non-standard problems. You know, there are problems that look like they’re mathematical, but they can’t be solved using the usual methods. Only here you need to not overdo it and not make hasty conclusions about a person. If you are carrying out some activities, for example, in professional selection, then observing the subject, or rather, his behavior in difficult situations, will give a lot.

But let’s leave flexibility of thinking, because we also need to consider other components of intelligence.

Under the 2nd and 3rd points we have experience and level of education. In essence, both presuppose the possession of a certain amount of various USEFUL (as opposed to the next point) information. And if this is not just experience, but YOUR OWN experience, then this is also some kind of practical skills. The best option is a combination of education and experience. Education is a theoretical foundation, experience is the use of theoretical knowledge in practice. When, after graduating from a university, you get a job in your specialty, it seems that all this institute knowledge is useless, so far is practice from theory. But this is only at first glance. Later, when an acute lack of practical knowledge is revealed, you often turn to the same textbooks again and find a lot of useful information there. But this is all true, by the way...

4th point - level of general erudition and knowledge. Those. This is knowledge about everything and nothing. Such knowledge helps to solve crossword puzzles, for example. But still, sometimes in life they can be useful and with greater benefit. Basically (as it seems to me personally), analogies are successful with their help. For example, you know history well. Historical knowledge in itself is useless in everyday life, but it can help you better understand, say, the modern political situation.

5th and 6th points - attentiveness and memory. Here, in my opinion, everything is clear; I already talked about this a little earlier. But let’s look at the 7th and 8th points in a little more detail. What else personal qualities, besides the mentioned cunning, can it be attributed to intelligence? For example, self-confidence and courage. How, you ask? Imagine a student taking an exam who generally knows the material, but got scared, worried and forgot or mixed up everything. The teachers' conclusion: stupid and brainless, can't put two words together. This is wrong! - you say. And I will object to you. Why, exactly, is not so? The job is not done, the set goal (passing the exam) is not fulfilled, the actual result of the activity is zero (more precisely, two). If we evaluate the activities of this student from the point of view of the final result, yes, he is stupid and brainless. And all because I lacked self-confidence, courage, determination, and even (in moderation) arrogance. Interestingly, these qualities are manifested not only in the role components intelligence, but in many ways are his derivative. In other words, the same courage in our example with the student is not only one of the CAUSES of high intelligence, but at the same time it is also its CONSEQUENCE. Indeed, a SMART person knows that, in principle, there is nothing to be afraid of all these professors, especially if you know at least a little of the material. Well, they are not so scary that you should shake and stutter in front of them. Those. An intelligent person, through an effort of will, can suppress his fear and his excitement, tune in to the desired activity and cast aside other thoughts. He had heard somewhere that taking a few deep breaths helps calm anxiety. I applied it and it helped. This is called the basics of self-regulation. Why can he do all this? Why was he able to learn this, but others were not? Yes because he naturally curious, with an inquisitive mind. He will never pass by some more or less useful information; everything is interesting to him. While someone else has no interests in life other than to eat, sleep, drink beer, watch TV, and something else, we won’t go into details. Well, where does intelligence come from here? This is what concerns curiosity, a lively mind, interest in life and similar qualities.

Of course, all this is written here briefly and superficially. If desired, one could add a lot more and give many examples.

Why did I even write this article?

Firstly, maybe I’ll make the task a little easier for those who must somehow evaluate this intelligence. Secondly, I will complicate the task of those who like to assess intelligence in everyday life, based on the first few words of the interlocutor. It's not that simple! And here is a living example for you.

In the course of my work activity (more precisely, my official activity), I had the opportunity to communicate with a variety of people, from all over Russia. And I noticed that half of them say the words “call”, “call”, instead of “call”, “call”. Many would have already concluded about these people that they have a low level of intelligence, or at least below average.

But why, exactly? After all, such “wrong” pronunciation is simply more convenient and familiar for many! But that's not even the main thing. WHERE DID YOU EVEN GET WHAT IS RIGHT AND WHAT IS WRONG? From the dictionary? Who compiled the dictionary? Yes, the same person as you, like me, like them! By the way, different dictionaries have different pronunciations of this word. And if you say “calling”, then you also say “friends”, “cook”, “give”. I didn’t invent these words, they were also taken from dictionaries and they were also imposed at different times as norms of the Russian language.

Well, personally (if anyone is interested) I pronounce the word “calling” this way and that, otherwise you will think that I am defending my point of view here. That's not the point. Simply, IS IT POSSIBLE TO EVALUATE A PERSON’S INTELLIGENCE BY SUCH CRITERIA? But they do appreciate it! And most importantly, who evaluates? People who were told that “this is right and this is wrong,” and now they repeat it like parrots, without even trying to comprehend it. And such “parrotism,” you know, is far from a sign of high intelligence. So, before you evaluate others, evaluate your own intelligence first!

If anyone considers the ending of the article too harsh, please forgive me: I did not set myself the goal of offending anyone, I just wanted to make you think a little.

The highest IQ level is for an Australian mathematician, the author of the Green-Tao theorem, his name is Terence Tao. Getting results above 200 points is a very rare occurrence, because most of the inhabitants of our planet barely score 100 points. People with extremely high IQs (over 150) can be found among Nobel laureates. It is these people who move science forward and make discoveries in various professional fields. Among them are the American writer Marilyn vos Savant, astrophysicist Christopher Hirata, phenomenal reader Kim Pik, who can read a page of text in a few seconds, Briton Daniel Tammet, who memorizes thousands of numbers, Kim Ung-Yong, who already studied at the university at the age of 3, and other famous personalities with amazing abilities.

How is a person's IQ formed?

IQ level is influenced by several factors, including heredity, environment (family, school, social status of a person). The test result is also significantly influenced by the age of the test taker. At the age of 26, as a rule, a person’s intelligence reaches its peak, and then only declines.

It is worth noting that some people with exceptionally high IQs found themselves completely helpless in everyday life. For example, Kim Pik could not fasten the buttons on his clothes. Moreover, not everyone had such talent from birth. Daniel Tammet gained his ability to memorize huge numbers of numbers after a terrible attack of epilepsy as a child.

IQ level above 140

People with IQ scores over 140 are owners of excellent creative abilities who have achieved success in various scientific fields. Famous people with IQ test scores of 140 or higher include Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking. Such geniuses of their era are known for their outstanding abilities; they make an incredibly high contribution to the development of knowledge and science, creating new inventions and theories. Such people make up only 0.2% of the total population.

IQ level from 131 to 140

Only three percent of the population has high IQ scores. Famous people with similar test results include Nicole Kidman and Arnold Schwarzenegger. These are successful people with high mental abilities; they can reach heights in various fields of activity, science and creativity. Want to see who is smarter - you or Schwarzenegger?

IQ level from 121 to 130

Only 6% of the population has an above average intellectual level. Such people are visible in universities, since they are usually excellent students in all disciplines, successfully graduate from universities, realize themselves in a variety of professions and achieve high results.

IQ level from 111 to 120

If you think that the average IQ level is around 110, then you are wrong. This indicator refers to above average intelligence. People with test scores between 111 and 120 are usually hard workers and strive for knowledge throughout their lives. There are about 12% of such people among the population.

IQ level from 101 to 110

IQ level from 91 to 100

If you took the test and the result was less than 100 points, do not be upset, because this is the average for a quarter of the population. People with such intelligence indicators do well in school and universities, they get jobs in middle management and other professions that do not require significant mental effort.

IQ level from 81 to 90

A tenth of the population has a below average intelligence level. Their IQ test scores range from 81 to 90. These people usually do well in school, but most often do not go on to higher education. They can work in the field of physical labor, in industries that do not require the use of intellectual abilities.

IQ level from 71 to 80

Another tenth of the population has an IQ level from 71 to 80, this is already a sign of mental retardation of a lesser degree. People with this result mainly attend special schools, but can also graduate from regular primary school with average grades.

IQ level from 51 to 70

About 7% of people have a mild form of mental retardation and an IQ level from 51 to 70. They study in special institutions, but are able to take care of themselves and are relatively full-fledged members of society.

IQ level from 21 to 50

About 2% of people on Earth have an intellectual development level of 21 to 50 points; they suffer from dementia, moderate mental retardation. Such people cannot learn, but are able to take care of themselves, but most often have guardians.

IQ level up to 20

People with severe mental retardation are not amenable to training and education, and have an intellectual development level of up to 20 points. They are under the care of other people because they cannot take care of themselves, and live in their own world. There are 0.2% of such people in the world.