Calculating aspects in the natal chart. How to work through tense aspects? Imperative and good will

An aspect, or graha-drishti, is the “look” of a planet. The desire of the planet can be transmitted through a glance. When a good one looks at us, noble man, at this time he conveys to us his warm and friendly look, his positive attitude, and thus the good energy of this person enters us, and we feel calm and good.

It happens on the contrary, a bad person looks at us, has a negative attitude, looks at us and plans something bad against us, and accordingly we become uncomfortable, uncomfortable, and generally uneasy.

All this is quite applicable to aspects of planets. When a planet casts its gaze, it means it wants to bring its positive influence into the house (which it is looking at), or, on the contrary, a destructive one.

Key aspects:

All planets (except Ketu) can look at the house that is opposite, i.e. on the 7th.

Special aspects:

  • Jupiter and Rahu also have 5th and 9th aspects. Jupiter is close to the themes of the 5th house (mantras, prayers), the 9th (spirituality, religion). Rahu, on the contrary, does not like all this and spoils these topics with his gaze.
  • Saturn has 3, 10 aspects. The 3rd house is one’s own efforts, and the 10th house is status, career. Patience is required in these areas. Saturn has patience, and in its periods usually teaches us to be humble and patient.
  • Mars has 4, 8 aspects. The 4th house is real estate, land, construction, and the 8th house is destruction. All this is close to Mars.

Aspects of retrograde planets:

Jupiter 4,6,8; Saturn 2,6,9; Mars 3.6 - as if 1 house back.

Mercury and Venus - 6.

It is known that retrograde planets seem to move backward, hence the aspects from such planets are counted 1 house back (from the main aspects). It turns out that the aspects of retrograde planets cover a large area of ​​the map, this all suggests that the elaboration and life lessons for a given planet, and the aspected houses will be more. This is why it is considered unfavorable to have a retrograde planet in your chart. But don’t be alarmed if you suddenly see a retro planet in your chart; perhaps in your case everything is completely the opposite and this planet even helps a lot in some of its areas. For example, retro Saturn is considered not as evil as direct Saturn (moving straight). I have examples of cards where retro Saturn, being in the 7th house, gave a marriage (not at all late, like regular Saturn), and being in the 5th house gave children and the obstacles created by it were minimal (there will still be obstacles). Everything is individual, so please do not be afraid of retrograde planets, they are not that scary, like everything else in astrology. Even the most terrible connection (yoga) in your chart can talk about something completely different, not what is written about in various program interpretations. That is why it is better to contact an astrologer (it’s not for nothing that he studied for many years, because he better than a computer will decipher various combinations for you), the program can automatically produce many decryptions that do not at all coincide with reality.

Table of planetary aspects in Jyotish for clarity:

  • Jupiter has a pious outlook and is protective;
  • Saturn's aspect slows down some processes;
  • Aspects from Rahu are desires, I want;
  • Aspects of Mars are destructive.

An example of the destructive look (aspect) of Mars: Mars is in the 7th house and looks opposite, i.e. for 1 house. The person may have health problems or be impulsive by nature. If Mars is in the 11th house, then it casts an aspect on the 5th house, a person may have problems with digestion, with childbirth (spheres of the 5th house).

Conclusion: the aspect of a good planet improves or protects the characteristics of the house, while the negative planet wishes to destroy the characteristics of the house.

How to determine the strength of an aspect?

The strength of the aspect depends on the degree. Example: Venus is 20 degrees Libra, looking at Jupiter, which is at 20-21 degrees Sagittarius - this aspect is considered targeted, accurate, strong. Within 5 degrees the aspect is considered powerful. Another example: Saturn at 1 degree of Libra, Jupiter at 29 degrees of Sagittarius - there is an aspect, but its strength will be felt less.

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Hello, dear students of the University of Argemona!

To do this, we need to calculate the distances between our planets in pairs.

In order not to get confused, we will first calculate the degree position of our planets on the circle in general, and not in some sector.

Sun - 24°41"34" in Virgo = 150°+24°41"34" (on the map in general) = 174°41"34"
Moon - 6°34"40" in Virgo = 150°+6°34"40" (on the chart in general) = 156°34"40"
Mercury - 0°41"59" in Libra = 180°+0°41"59" (on the chart in general) = 180°41"59"
Venus - 26°13"2" in Leo = 120°+26°13"2" (on the chart in general) = 146°13"2"
Mars - 13°58"9" in Cancer = 90°+13°58"9" (on the chart in general) = 103°59"9"
Jupiter - 18°14"17" in Aquarius = 300°+18°14"17" (on the chart in general) = 318°14"17"
Saturn - 24°57"15" in Virgo = 150°+24°57"15" (on the chart in general) = 174°57"15"

Now we count in pairs, remembering that

If somewhere we get a value greater than 180°, then we need to calculate the value of another arc (simply subtracting what we got from 360°), because all aspects are less than 180° in magnitude.

(Sun, Moon) = 174°41"34" - 156°34"40" = 18°6"54"
(Sun, Mercury) = 180°41"59" - 174°41"34" = 6°0"25"

(Sun, Mars) = 174°41"34" - 103°59"9" = 70°42"25"
(Sun, Jupiter) = 318°14"17" - 174°41"34" = 143°32"43"
(Sun, Saturn) = 174°57"15" - 174°41"34" = 0°15"41"

(Moon, Mercury) = 180°41"59" - 156°34"40" = 24°7"19"
(Moon, Venus) = 156°34"40" - 146°13"2" = 10°21"38"
(Moon, Mars) = 156°34"40" - 103°59"9" = 52°35"31"
(Moon, Jupiter) = 318°14"17" - 156°34"40" = 161°39"37"
(Moon, Saturn) = 174°57"15" - 156°34"40" = 18°22"35"

(Mercury, Venus) = 180°41"59" - 146°13"2" = 34°28"57"
(Mercury, Mars) = 180°41"59" - 103°59"9" = 76°42"50"
(Mercury, Jupiter) = 318°14"17" - 180°41"59" = 137°32"18"
(Mercury, Saturn) = 180°41"59" - 174°57"15" = 5°44"44"

(Venus, Mars) = 146°13"2" - 103°59"9" = 42°13"53"
(Venus, Jupiter) = 318°14"17" - 146°13"2" = 172°1"15"
(Venus, Saturn) = 174°57"15" - 146°13"2" = 28°44"13"

(Mars, Jupiter) = 318°14"17" - 103°59"9" = 214°15"8"; 360° - 214°15"8" = 145°44"52"
(Mars, Saturn) = 174°57"15" - 103°59"9" = 70°58"6"

(Jupiter, Saturn) = 318°14"17" - 174°57"15" = 143°17"2"

Before we go further into our pairings, I want to clarify something. Cosmic radiation arrive on Earth not separately from each planet, but simultaneously. Therefore talk about pure influence on a person of a particular planet is only possible theoretically.
Astrological practice shows that at certain angular positions of the planets, mutual resonances arise, and the Earth is already receiving qualitatively new influences from these planets.

Like actors on stage, the planets do not remain indifferent to each other. They are friends or quarrels, help or hinder. The interaction that exists between planets in a horoscope is symbolized by aspects. An aspect is the distance in degrees between two planets. That’s why we started making these calculations at the beginning of the lesson.

Aspects are divided according to their qualities into several groups:
- tense (or negative);
- harmonious (or positive);
— creative;
- magical;
- karmic.

But most often only the first two are considered in detail. At least, ancient astrologers only considered them. However, we will consider four groups of aspects. I think creative and magical ones will be even more interesting to us.

Based on the strength of interaction, aspects are divided into two categories:
— major (or strong);
— minor (or weak).

Major aspects are also called obvious: they directly affect a person or a phenomenon to which the horoscope is dedicated to the study.

Minor usually means sadness, which is associated with some kind of trouble. However, astrological minor aspects can be inherently beneficial. Their minor nature lies in the fact that these aspects are not always included. Often a third, additional force must be present for the planets to come into interaction with each other. This could be a person’s environment, the forces of nature, public opinion, etc. Therefore, minor aspects are also called hidden.

Each planet is responsible for many areas. Aspects to her are reflected in everything she manages.

Aspects of the Sun relate to love, joy and fortitude of a person. They are said to be associated with the self and spiritual substance, affecting decision-making and responsibility for them. Conscious actions.

Aspects of the Moon affect the emotional state, habits, instinctive behavior, on reactions to the actions of other people. IN male horoscope These aspects show the type of woman you love; in the feminine, the style of maternal attitude and behavior.

Aspects of Mercury affect a person’s intelligence and the nature of his close daily contacts. Conversations, letters, phone calls and the news depends on the given planet.

Aspects of Venus are reflected in the sense of beauty, aesthetic perception and partnerships. Gifts, flattery, tact and accumulating nice things are described by these aspects.

Aspects of Mars are reflected in active actions of a person and show what a person will do in a given specific situation. The male horoscope describes his use of force, while the female horoscope describes the type of man he likes.

Aspects of Jupiter reflect on a person's spiritual life and show how he expands his influence, what group of people he is inclined to join and what he is inclined to study. These aspects describe the benefits and character of the benefactors.

Aspects of Saturn relate to restrictions and delays in a person's life, the ability to follow a plan. They describe the conditions that other people put forward.

Aspects of Uranus relate to freedom and happiness. They describe a person's dream and his ability to find like-minded people.

Aspects of Neptune show a person’s deceptions and self-deceptions, his gullibility and whether it will backfire on him. This is intuition and the degree of its development. Religiosity. Kindness.

Aspects of Pluto show a person’s attitude to power and his character own manifestations In this sense. Aspects will show whether a person will become a victim of the use of force by the authorities or will be able to cooperate with it.

I'll say a little about the cosmic status of the planets. Each of the seven planets solar system, perceiving the energy of the Sun, transforms it and radiates it from itself in the form of energy sendings with principles peculiar only to it. The Sun and Moon have their own principles.
When the energy of a planet passes through the structure of a Zodiac sign, the principle of the planet is modulated by the quality of the sign. Each sign of the Zodiac practically changes the principle of the planet's energy reaching the Earth.

Each planet of the solar system performs a separate specific function and depending on it, it receives from the Sun not the entire spectrum of energies emitted by it, but only that part under the influence of which this planet is. The only exception is the Moon, which receives from the Sun the entire spectrum emitted by it, and then transforms it into energies that are more accessible to life on Earth. This is where the expression comes from that we live in a sublunary world.

Here is a table of the cosmic statuses of the planets in the signs of the Zodiac ( space statuses planets are measured on a seven-point system - from 6 points to 0):

The status of a planet is determined only by the degree of its significance in a sign, and not by the absolute level of strength. For example, for a planet in exile with a cosmic status in the sign of zero, its qualities remain extremely strong, but the sign makes them seem hidden, implicit. That is why the cosmic status of a planet does not indicate the potential role of each planet in a person’s life and also cannot say whether the planet will be destructive or creative for a person.

The cosmic statuses of the planets in the zodiac signs will help us in analyzing various aspects.

And one moment. In the ancients literary sources planets were divided into benefic, negative and neutral.

TO beneficial Venus and Jupiter are considered planets, since their resonances are harmonious with all living and nonliving things on Earth. In relation to any person, these planets (without the influence of other factors on them) carry the energies of balance, growth and do not allow resorting to extremes.

Negative There are also two planets - Mars and Saturn. They are considered negative because their impact on people is insufficient spiritual level development is usually perceived inadequately. And therefore the influence of these planets leads a person in his behavior to extremes. Thus, the planet Mars inherently sends energies that are consonant in our consciousness with the accelerated development of the surrounding space. And if a person, using these energies, mastered those spaces that are not yet occupied, then the energy of Mars would help him. But a person always wants to take over already inhabited places, because it is difficult to master new things. This is why March became a symbol of the god of war in mythology.
Saturn is the planet of concentration, limitation, law and order. At a low level of consciousness, a person does not want to recognize restrictions on his desires.

TO neutral include the Sun, Moon and Mercury. The functions of Mercury as a contactor and carrier of information can only be performed while maintaining a neutral attitude towards everything around you.

And before moving on to considering specific aspects, I will also say a few words about the energy of aspects in general.

Any aspect - intense or harmonious - can be made to work for you. Aspects that are considered harmonious have energy that is easy to control. When we try to make good things happen, we encounter less resistance and move freely toward achieving something. Tense aspects have a difficult energy that forces you to sweat to achieve what you want. Harmonious aspects require a little work, and intense ones are large and exhausting.
Another interesting point in characterizing aspects. If you don’t make an effort to overcome the energy of the tense aspect, you will get corresponding negative consequences throughout the program. But with harmonious aspects we will not suffer if we do not do the proper work on ourselves. The punishment for this will only be the absence of the positive result we need.
However, tense aspects have positive side, and for harmonious ones it is negative. If everything comes easily to a person, he will not need great job over himself, then all motivation for his activities will disappear and he will become lazy. Those who have many harmonious aspects in their natal chart, do not strive to change anything in their lives.
But if a person, having tense aspects in his chart, accepts the problem and tries to resist it, then he can use this large and heavy energy of the tense aspect to improve and even exalt his life.

So, any aspect can be made to manifest itself in a positive way if approached correctly.

In this lecture we will only look at harmonious aspects. We will denote them in red, although in different sources meet different colors for harmonious aspects: both blue and green.

Harmonious aspect, its designation, brief description, orbs
Trine (trine)Quincunx (quincunx)
major, continuousmajor, discrete actionminor, constantminor, discrete action
Brings good luck, easy interaction between the planets in it. Usually connects planets of the same element.Grants the ability to find convenient exit from the situation Usually connects planets of elements of the same polarity (for example, feminine: water - earth or masculine: fire - air).Aspect of transformation. It is believed that it is characterized by the return of situations according to the planets in it.Periodically activated human protection coming from the environment. Sometimes it is considered not favorable aspect, because it connects planets in elements that have no sympathy for each other, like water and fire. But it is believed that it has a weak harmonizing character, allowing it to relieve tension from the planets participating in it.
Sun+8°; -5°+5°; -4°+2°; -2°+2°; -2°
Moon+6°; -5°+5°; -4°+1.5°; -1.5°+1.5°; -1.5°
+6°; -5°+5°; -4°+1°; -1°+1°; -1°

Orbis is the deviation allowed for a given aspect from the exact one, that is, within what limits the aspect is considered valid. Of course, if the aspect is accurate, then its strength is three times greater than if the aspect is deviated within the permissible orb. The further the aspect is from the exact one, the less its strength.
A plus orb is a tolerance for a converging aspect, that is, one when at each next moment one planet enters into a more precise aspect in relation to the other. Well, a negative orb is a tolerance for the divergent aspect, when the planets move further and further away from each other.

Let's talk more about harmonious aspects.

Religious philosophers of both the West and the East invariably say that there is a trinity of existence in the Universe. Astrologers lay the number 3 as the basis for the harmonious aspects of the planets. Therefore, the third part of the circle, trine, equal to 120°, is considered the most harmonious of all aspects between planets. It is this distance between the planets that creates a counter passage open to the energies of both planets. Planets in this aspect always work together and can often replace each other. This aspect gives a person enormous power, which he can use at his discretion. However, a person at a low level of consciousness sometimes abuses this. For example, a trine between the Moon and Venus creates a psychotype of personality that is charming and harmonious, but this does not prevent such a person from beautifully vampirizing in gender relations and leading a dependent lifestyle. With a trine between Mars and Mercury, a person is able, with a minimum amount of knowledge, to speak to any interlocutor with pressure and aplomb.
Trigon is similar long term relationship, which last for many years and in which people support each other, no matter what happens. The support we receive from planets in trine seems so obvious to us that we barely notice it. But here lies the danger: if a person, due to laziness, inertia or lack of awareness, fails to take advantage of the opportunities that the trine provides, then he will never become what he could become.

In human life it symbolizes the possibilities presented. Keyword for this aspect is the word “choice”, that is, a person’s right to choose from the various opportunities provided by life the one that is most consonant with him. This demonstrates human free will. But the price for making the wrong choice subsequently falls on the person himself. Thus, although a sextile gives a person’s life harmony, it is not the harmony that comes to him, like manna from heaven, by itself, as happens with a trine. The sextile aspect gives the potential for harmony, which the person himself must realize through work.
The sextile offers a person roads from which he must first choose his only one, and then (albeit with the support of fate) walk it with his own feet from beginning to end. Only in this case will he get the desired result.
Here we can say kind word about Saturn. Being a planet of limitations, it forces a person to concentrate in his actions, and therefore the sextile of Saturn can be considered one of the most beneficial for a person. For example, the sextile of Saturn and Mercury gives the child the opportunity to develop increased memory (naturally, with proper education child's parents).
Sextile planets are in signs whose elements complement and support each other: water and earth, air and fire.
Result collaboration planets in sextile renders beneficial influence on a person's spiritual life. Sextile promotes birth original ideas and broadening your horizons.
By interpreting the sextile, you can learn about your potential, about the opportunities that could manifest from joint action participating planets.
A sextile is like a friendly and exciting conversation between two friends who have known each other for a long time and may be interested in each other, but there are no obligations between them to each other and there are no specific plans.

Indicates the return of situations, pulling them out of the past. This is the balancing aspect public relations person and his contacts.
Quincunx determines the possibility of repetition of favorable situations. For example, we had business with someone and we need to finish it. IN in this case These are not our debts, but rather debts to us.
In the presence of evil planets, the quincunx may be unfavorable in terms of influence, since it will manifest itself in the repetition of the same situations, in their constant “replay”. With good planets, a similar situation arises at a new level, that is, there is a repetition of lessons that a person did not want to learn. Therefore, here it is possible to make up for lost time in people’s relationships.
Quincunx is an aspect of secretly strengthening a person’s position in life.
This aspect is located between the trine (the accumulation of ways to fulfill desires) and the opposition (the achievement of desires). It gives hope, but when trying to achieve it, it indicates an unpreparedness to realize what is desired. Therefore, the quincunx is often considered an aspect of disappointment. But this situation can be viewed differently: this is an aspect of attempts that point to the reasons for our immaturity, having learned about which, we can still work to fully implement our plans.
For example, the quincunx Mercury - Jupiter describes a situation when we want to convince someone (Jupiter) with the help of our oratory(Mercury), but at the same time they are forced to question their beliefs and even sometimes change them.

Influence semisextile on a person positively and occurs indirectly: through a group of people, through the elements, through nature. A person who has many semi-sextiles is lucky in small things, he is supported by the team, and they do not interfere with him. He does not waste his attention on trifles.
Semi-sextile is a periodically activated human protection coming from the environment. Semi-sextiles determine the reward for careful attitude to Nature, because man did not offend anyone.
Semi-sextile is sometimes called “neither fish nor fowl.” The participating planets are not close enough to each other to work together to solve problems, and are not far enough away to support the sextile principle. Planets in semisextile behave like two people from the same social environment who recently met, but have little in common or, in principle, do not need intensive communication.
But when there are no other major aspects, you can seriously use the semisextile, and by about the age of 20, noticeable external successes appear. People you don't know well become more and more familiar over time.
For example, the semi-sextile Sun - Saturn says that although we know that we ourselves are responsible for our own self-realization (Sun) and need self-discipline (Saturn), we cannot truly realize that one is impossible without the other.

In general, you can make your own perception and understanding of any aspects only by working with various cards.

On the map we are considering there are two harmonious aspects, and both are semi-sextiles.

(Sun, Venus) = 174°41"34" - 146°13"2" = 28°28"32"
(Venus, Saturn) = 174°57"15" - 146°13"2" = 28°44"13"

Moreover, the second aspect in terms of orbs slightly falls short of what is acceptable, so we will take into account only the first semi-sextile between the Sun and Venus.
The characteristics of this semi-sextile are as follows.
The pacification of others, the harmonization of relationships The desire to visually formalize individual ideas about beauty, harmony, ideals, high experiences. Self-absorption. The desire to embody one's own secret in visible form. Receptiveness to all types of art. The need for harmonious couple relationships. The desire for beauty and comfort in external life can be transformed into sustainable and dedicated service to a higher ideal. Subtle responsiveness, inner peace, mercy.
This all manifests itself well with strong planets, but our semi-sextile is not very strong, judging by the cosmic statuses of the planets:

Sun in Virgo - cosmic status 3
Venus in Leo - cosmic status 2

In general, not the best big statuses, but not zero either. So it’s quite possible to use this sextile. And, most likely, they used it initially and continue to use it throughout the existence of this establishment, since the tavern is generally pleasant for visitors, attracts everyone with something of its own, has a friendly atmosphere, which is not spoiled even by some extremist elements that sometimes appear there. At least that's how the tavern feels to me. She supports the desire to do something for her at times.
The Sun is in the ninth house, Venus in the eighth. And one must think that it is precisely in activities corresponding to these houses that the tavern will be lucky if they are connected by a harmonious aspect. The ninth house, illuminated by the Sun, is the intellect, long journeys, spiritual aspirations and interests. During its existence, the tavern has witnessed a considerable number of conversations, disputes, discussions on the most different topics. The eighth house, which is responsible for finances and the ability to adapt to other people's energies, also turns out to be very useful.

I figured out which of my friends might have a trine in their natal chart, and the first time I got it: the trine of Jupiter and Mercury, which suits this person perfectly. The man is a very successful organizer with oratory skills and the ability to convince that he is right. Moreover, all this comes very easily and naturally, you don’t need to apply any extra effort- this is a joy. When communicating with this person, I always felt like receiving a free gift from Santa Claus. Yes, and there were always many supportive patrons around, who at will and happily did everything necessary. Other signs of Jupiter's trine, which are described in the sources, were also observed.
The trine connects fire signs, which speaks of a choleric temperament, activity, and creative spirit. And all this is present in full.

We'll finish the lecture for today, and this is it: homework:

1. Make all calculations for pairs of planets for your map.

2. This question can be skipped if there are no harmonious aspects on your map. If they exist, then try to analyze them, based on the information in the lecture and on the World Wide Web (on aspects of specific planets).

3. Try to choose from personalities you know ( three people enough; if you missed the 2nd question, then take five personalities) who, in your opinion, may have major harmonious aspects in their natal chart, and check this (and analyze, of course). Draw a conclusion based on these checks (whether you guessed correctly or not and why).

When analyzing aspects, consider all sides:
— the aspect itself;
- elements;
— space statuses;
- at home (if there is time information).

Submit your work through your PERSONAL ACCOUNT
Feel free to send your questions to Persephone

The natal chart is a photograph of the starry sky at the moment of your birth. Having looked at the image that is obtained as a result of constructing a natal chart using the program, few people can immediately begin to read it. After all, you need not only to know the principles of planets, signs and houses, but it is important to interpret consistently, highlighting the main thing and discarding the secondary, so that you can finally grasp the essence.

I will not touch on this in this article. important aspect, as a clarification of the time of birth, without which a map, as a rule, cannot be constructed. Let's say we know exact time, and we received an image of the natal chart by constructing it using a program or online. So where to start interpreting it?

Here the opinions of astrologers usually differ. It must be admitted that the opinions of astrologers, and other occultists, often differ. Therefore, everything that will be written below is my personal experience, developed by me over the past 10 years of active study, and then no less active application of knowledge in astrology in practice.

The work of interpretation consists of two parts that have to be done in parallel. Of course, you will not immediately remember all the principles of the planets, so you will have to read the descriptions - what the planets mean, what are the principles of the planets in signs and in houses, what are the aspects, how do they manifest themselves, etc. In itself, such reading is very useful and allows you to greatly strain your brain when you try to separate what is common in the aspect that we are reading, and what really manifests itself in the life of the native. It is necessary to develop a special astrological logic that goes from the general to the specific and vice versa. First, we write down all possible aspects and manifestations of a particular planet, and then cross out those that contradict what was originally written down. From the list received, we isolate the most important thing - what relates to the main planets in the chart (Sun, Moon, Mars, as well as those that are the most powerful for this particular person), and tell the story based on the knowledge gained.

Unfortunately, astrology is a science that cannot be simple because it is based on a very large number of first principles - here are planets, signs, houses, aspects, crosses of elements, crosses of cardinality, and figures, and what Besides this, they hung it up and it’s completely difficult to figure it out - karmic knots, Lilith, Selena, Proserpina, Fortune... Even when you try to say in simple words, that in general the most important thing is the Sun or the planet-ruler of the chart, it turns out that the resulting words are far from simple. Natives who want to get a natal chart, of course, do not need your purely astrological reasoning, so you will have to remove all terms from the story (because it is unlikely that anyone will understand you if you begin every sentence, for example, with this: “So like Neptune in its fall, the square to Saturn manifests itself especially destructively"). The native is waiting for specific advice from you on how to deal with this manifestation of Neptune and Saturn, and your task is to translate this data into the language of his life. Therefore, before continuing, familiarize yourself with the most important principles of the planets and zodiac signs, and speak not in terms, but in human words.

In general, the sequence of map interpretation looks something like this:

1) Look at the picture of the map for general idea about personality

If the planets are evenly distributed throughout the chart, most likely we can talk about indecision. The concentration of planets at one point indicates some one-sidedness.

Clusters (conjunctions) of planets will show points where there is especially a lot of energy (that which is characteristic of the planet), and your task is to interpret it, what character (planet in a sign) this energy has and to what area of ​​life it is usually applied, in what setting (house ).

Study what aspects do figures consist of? Which aspects are more positive (trines, sextiles) or negative (oppositions and squares).

Look at the picture of the card as a whole - maybe there are some figures visible there that will evoke very specific associations in you, for example, a directed arrow or an iridescent bowl, a triangle or a hexagram? Study which Jones figure the card belongs to. Remember, do not concentrate too much on this information, but if you find confirmation in the description of other aspects of the card, then you can safely confirm the conclusions drawn from the Jones figure.

2) Repeat for yourself the most important qualities native's solar sign

Look at what sign the Sun is in. This is the center of gravity of the entire personality, I. Relationships with the world begin from this point, which is why horoscopes about zodiac signs as a whole work (and there are “homely Cancers” and “decisive Aries”). But don't draw too hasty conclusions. You should return to the analysis of the Sun after assessing the action of all the planets and double-check whether there is another planet and another sign in the chart that would overlap its action. However, the native always exhibits some qualities of his solar sign, so you can list them all on the draft, and then cross out those that are contradicted by the rest of the chart indicators.

3) Pay attention to the ascendant and zenith (MS)

After constructing the map, you see a circle divided into four sectors. The horizontal line is the horizon. On the left is the ascendant - east (from the Latin Ascendant - in this case we mean the zodiac sign that rises in the east above the horizon), on the right is the descendant - west (resp. setting). At the very top is the zenith (MC), at the very bottom is the nadir (IC).

The Ascendant and MC are important in chart analysis, although sometimes astrologers tend to exaggerate its importance. Look at what sign the ascendant is in and whether there are planets on the ascendant. If there is a planet, then the significance of the ascendant increases greatly. If there are no planets and the sign is not the native's sun sign, then the ascendant has much less influence. Analyze whether there are clusters of planets near the ascendant (this often indicates egocentrism) or towards the descendant (this may indicate a person’s dependence on the opinions of others).

4) Analyze the position of the planets and their aspects

Based on the Sun, I will show by what principle all other aspects can be interpreted.

A) Look at what sign the Sun (or any subsequent planet that you are analyzing) is in, whether it is a sign of control, exaltation (which is good and gives the Sun harmonious and positive mood), imprisonment or fall (which gives negativity. Actually, it works less with the Sun than with other personal and social planets). Actually, this indicator is the most important when assessing planets (the exception is also the higher planets, which travel between signs for years and their sign does not provide so much information about the individual, and you need to look mainly at the house). If a planet is in its sign of rulership or exaltation, infer the strength of the planet. If she is in the sign of her expulsion or fall (except for the Sun and higher planets) draw a conclusion about the defeat of the planet.

B) Look at what house the Sun or other analyzed planet is in (for higher planets it is the house, and not the sign, that will be decisive; for the rest, the sign is also very important, like the house). The sun in the house always makes this area of ​​life important for a person. The same can be said if the Moon or Mars is in the house. The presence of at least one of the personal or social planets(Jupiter and Saturn) in the house speaks of the actualization of the sphere of life for a person, but a strong Sun, Mars or Moon in the house are always the most important points of attraction in the chart, the most important spheres of life for a person.

C) Look at how many aspects there are from the analyzed planet to other planets (the more there are, the more the principle of the planet is actualized in the life of the native). Trines and sextiles are generally good aspects, but if they are to afflicted planets, they may not manifest themselves very favorably, so just pay attention to how many trines and sextiles there are, but don’t make hasty conclusions). Pluto almost always has a negative impact when it enters into an aspect with a personal planet of any sign.

The same thing applies to negative aspects – squares and oppositions. Overall estimate their number, and if there are many of them, then the native’s life can be filled with constant internal and/or external conflicts. But sometimes it is the square or opposition that can be the key to success, so don’t rush to conclusions either.

The connections are interpreted even less unambiguously. A conjunction always means that the principle of the planet in a person's life will not act purely. What if, for example, Mars is in conjunction with Venus, then when love arises, belligerence also arises, the desire to conquer, a lot of energy appears. In this case, you need to understand which of the planets in the conjunction is stronger (from the example above: if Mars is in Aries, Venus is also here, it is obvious that Mars is stronger). A stronger planet suppresses the influence of another (especially if the other, as in the case above, is in the sign of its expulsion). On the other hand, if neither of the planets is affected, then they work in cooperation and the stronger planet successfully subjugates the weaker one, and they act on common good native.

One should not attach too much importance to the aspects between the Sun and the Moon. Aspects between the two are statistically too common to be likely to have a lasting impact on the individual. Their influence is too subtle for a person to feel it. However, aspects between other personal planets are very important. Aspects of personal and social planets to higher planets are already less important, since higher planets, in principle, may not be included for the native (with the exception of occultists, spiritual teachers, intellectuals, geniuses). Aspects between higher planets are even less important, since they often last too long, for a generation.

5) Analyze the position of the planets in the houses. Each of the houses symbolically corresponds

one of the zodiac signs, regardless of which sign actually falls there. Thus, the first house is always symbolically subordinate to Aries, and the 12th to Pisces. Therefore, we can draw a conclusion about the harmonious or inharmonious position of the planet in the house. Thus, the position of the Moon in the fourth house is quite harmonious (the house is symbolically ruled by Cancer), and the position of the Moon in the 10th house (symbolically, visiting Capricorn, exile) is undesirable. This will give Additional information about the strength or weakness of planets. Keep this information in mind, but don't stress it too much great importance. It will only help to make a final conclusion about the relative strength or weakness of the planets in relation to each other. But there are exceptions: for example, if the generally positive Sun in Leo is in the seventh house (visiting Libra), it will not be affected. But if it is in Cancer, then it is definitely weaker than the Moon, which is in its ruling sign, Taurus (exaltation) or a sign that is neutral for it. And then the position of the Sun in the seventh house may additionally indicate its weakness. The Moon in this case will be stronger than the Sun. The actual sign comes first, and then the symbolic sign of the house.

6) Return once again to assessing the strength, neutrality or weakness of each of the planets in the chart, including the higher ones.

A) The planet is affected if:

She is a sign of her fall or exile

If there are many squares or oppositions, especially to planets that are also afflicted

On top of everything else, he is in an unsuitable home.

B) A planet is strong if:

She is in the sign of her control or exaltation

She is not in conjunction with stronger planets in the chart

She is in a neutral or harmonious home. If she is in an unsuitable house for herself, then she may

B) The planet is neutral

She is unaspected

She is in a neutral sign for herself

She is in a neutral house

At the same time, some planets may be both strong and affected. For example, the Moon is in Cancer (we put a plus to the strength), in a square to the afflicted Jupiter (we put a minus), in the eighth house (the house of its fall), so the general conclusion is that the Moon is strong and afflicted at the same time. For such planets, in the analysis we pay significant attention to its negative manifestations.

Strong planets, affected to a very small extent or harmonious (not affected at all), give a lot of positivity - these are the native’s points of strength, along which he can develop his skills and other strengths (which will be shown by the aspects of strong harmonious planets).

Neutral planets usually manifest themselves positively, you need to pay attention to best sides their manifestations, but do not attach decisive importance to them. The principles of afflicted and strong planets are always more noticeable to the native.

7) Analyze the cross of elements

Which elements are most manifested will be shown by the number of personal planets in a particular element. How more planets in one of the elements, the more strongly it is expressed. Pay special attention to the Sun, Moon and Mars. The strong expression of one of the elements gives a bias towards emotionality (water), assertiveness and fury (fire), earthiness (earth), intellectuality and dryness (air).

8) Analyze the signs that contain the most personal planets

Are they mainly fixed, cardinal or mutable? Pronounced cardinality gives determination, strong fixity - stubbornness, strong mutability - inability to follow through. This follows from the very logic of the names - fixity (fixedness), mutability (ability to change), cardinality (cardinal decision). Uniform distribution of planets between different signs may indicate the harmonious manifestation of personality when making decisions.

9) Analyze the signs in the houses of the horoscope

Concentrate on those houses in which there are clusters of planets, especially personal ones, or personal planets alone.

First, pay attention to the sign of the house; it will show the nature of the person’s manifestation in this sphere, as well as the nature with which the sphere itself is turned towards the person. The house sign is the sign that is on the cusp of the house. But sometimes he is not alone, but also together with a sign that completely enters the house. If this happens, then the house is ruled by these two signs. Evaluate the nature of the manifestation of the sign in the house. To do this you need to understand basic principles houses:

The 1st, 5th and 12th houses are the houses of personality, where a person’s character is manifested. If the element of the sign that falls into these houses is earthly, then this person is primarily interested in the affairs of the Earth, if water is emotional person, if airy - intellectual, if fiery - decisive.

The 2nd, 6th and 10th houses are the houses of earnings and income, as well as the nature of how a person works and how he achieves career heights. If these houses are in the earth element, this is a hard-working person; if in the water element, he is more inclined to emotional connections in a team than to back-breaking work itself; if in the air element, he is inclined to intellectual work and intellectual schemes. If it is fiery, it decisively wins property and positions in society.

3rd, 7th and 11th are houses of communication. Airiness gives intellectual conversations, Water - emotional attachment,

The 4th house of the family will show the nature of the relationship with the mother and family.

5th house of children, free time, light flirting and games.

The 8th house is the house of life and death, sex and other people's money. If this is the Sun, Moon, Neptune, Pluto or Scorpio, then the person is prone to mysticism, an occultist, and then it is necessary to reconsider the attitude towards the higher planets - they are probably included in him.

The 9th house is the house of ideals, long journeys and moral principles. If the house is expressed, then the person is an idealist, cosmopolitan, missionary, or, conversely, a dogmatist and recluse.

When analyzing the nature of the manifestation of houses, one must analyze according to the following logic: what can the principle of the sign give to this house? For example, we know that Capricorn is a hard-working, down-to-earth and ambitious sign, so if it falls, for example, in the second house, then the person works hard to earn money, sets goals for acquiring property and achieves them (if there is no planetary affliction , which are located here or Saturn, as the ruler of the house - see below).

10) Analyze the position of house lords

Based on the sign or signs that are actually located in the analyzed house, determine its ruler/s (for example, Mars for Aries, Venus for Taurus, etc.). Look at which house the ruler is in - this will show what other areas of life the sphere of life of the analyzed house is connected with. For example, you are analyzing the seventh house - the house of partnerships and friends. The house begins in Aries, from where we conclude that the person has a lot of energy for communicating with friends and associates. However, we see that Mars, the ruler of Aries and the seventh house (in this case), is located in the sixth house. The sixth house is the house of work, so it will be especially energetic in making contacts at work. In general, this information still requires verification (for example, if Mars is affected or the sixth house is affected by the presence of other negative indicators here, then the aspect will manifest itself crookedly, and for example, lead to conflicts at work), so conclusions must be drawn with caution, taking into account all other factors related to the actual position of the manager.

11) Make a final conclusion regarding each of the houses: the house is strong, neutral or affected.

A) The house is affected if:

It contains a heavily damaged planet

IN last resort one can conclude that the house is somewhat damaged; there is a planet in it, which is not very good to be here according to the symbolic ruler of the sign.

B) The house is strong if:

There is a strong planet in it (especially if it is also in its own monastery - it rules this sign - and this sign coincides with the sign of the house)

It contains a conjunction of planets, which is also aspected

It contains several planets, although not in conjunction and in different signs

The ruler of the house is located in itself (especially if this is supported by the presence of planets in the house)

The house is ruled by a strong planet without significant affliction

C) The house is neutral if

There are no planets in it

The ruler of this house is not the ruler of the entire horoscope chart (the strongest planet in the chart)

The ruler of this house is not in its own sign in the same house.

Draw a conclusion regarding the goodness of the power of the manifestation of home in a person’s life.

Strong houses are those according to which the native can best fulfill his mission to society - what he was born for.

Affected houses are usually noticeable hemorrhoids for the native, and he will be happy to listen to you as an astrologer on what to do in this area of ​​​​life to improve it.

Neutral houses, as a rule, do not cause much excitement in the native when you talk about them. These areas are either not included or are not as important to him. However, information on the signs and their rulers is, as a rule, sufficient and accurate to characterize each of the houses, so you can briefly tell the native about his non-included houses, but draw conclusions with even greater caution.

12) Swipe additional association all the characteristics obtained and write a story about the person

It helps to depict on paper his planets in their signs and in their houses, draw aspects to other planets in signs and houses, check whether you have missed anything anywhere, have analyzed all the aspects, all the positions of the rulers of the most important houses, etc. Depict the most strong planet the largest, dominant over all, draw the planets in the form of a hierarchy, analyze the nature of their subordination to each other through their aspects (oppositions and squares give hostility, trines and sextiles - excellent relationships between them).

Start with an analysis of the Jones figure, continue with an analysis of the Sun and Moon in their signs and houses, move on to Mars - the point of directed energy of a person, then analyze how a person’s thinking manifests itself (his Mercury), his sensual side (Venus). Conclude where in his life Jupiter-expansion operates, and where Saturn-contraction operates. Finally, say a few words about his higher planets, especially where they enter into conjunction with the personal ones, and also rule the houses of the horoscope that are important for the person.

Next, tell us about the areas of a person’s life, especially those that are especially expressed in the map. Make only subtle, precise, apt remarks, in which you must take into account all those indicators of the strength and weakness of the planets, signs and houses that you have just analyzed. Finally, draw some conclusions about the strengths and weaknesses personality, make an assumption about how squares and oppositions between planets, houses, and their rulers operate in his life.

If much of this article is not clear to you, but you would really like to know more, sign up for my astrology course.

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From this article you will learn:

    How to correctly combine planets in the natal chart aspect

    What useful books about the natal chart and aspects are worth reading?

The character and fate of a person depend on the influence of the planets of his horoscope. You can find out what this influence is from a special type of study - analysis of the natal cosmogram (human birth chart). What matters is the position of the planets in a sign or house, regardless of the method of calculating the house, as well as their relative position, that is, aspects. From the article you will learn how to correctly interpret aspects in the natal chart.

What are planetary aspects in a natal chart?

Aspects of planets in a natal chart are connections between two or more various factors. If it is tense, it will create problems in a person’s life. If it is harmonious, then the person is rich in talents and strong skills.

For any aspect in the natal chart, two planets are needed, one of which is the main one, that is, fulfilling main function, and the second is a transformer that changes the factor.

If in the aspect of the natal chart there are personal planets (we are talking about the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars), as well as social planets (Jupiter, Saturn) or higher ones (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto), then it is the personal planets that will be the main ones, and in The role of transformers will be played by the higher or social planet.

For example, trine Venus - Saturn. Venus will be the basis that Saturn, introducing its own specific qualities, changes. Note that in this case Saturn plays the role of an adjective.

If there are two personal planets in an aspect in the natal chart, then they will play both roles: both the main one and the transformer. In this case, you need to determine which one manifests itself more strongly, and it will be the basis.

What aspects can there be in the natal chart?

Harmonious and disharmonious aspects

Harmonious aspects guide a person towards goodness; they have a beneficial effect on his life. Due to the tense aspects in the natal chart, there is aggression, change, and accidents in life. At harmonious relationships A person’s spiritual attachments are well-established, stable, eternal.

Such aspects will indicate talents and abilities that were acquired in this life and accumulated in previous incarnations. Thanks to them, a person feels inner confidence, has certain advantages, because in matters that involve such relationships, he knows himself, correctly assesses the situation and reacts to possible external stimuli.

If the natal chart shows harmonious aspects between the planets of Radix, then this indicates a path that has already been traveled, and therefore a familiar one, natural in this life. Many trigonal relationships provide a person with wisdom, balance, steadfastness and perseverance in overcoming emerging obstacles. The Star of David, which consists of two trigonal configurations, provides its owner with colossal cosmic force and protection.

With favorable aspects in the natal chart, a person achieves success in the areas of life indicated by the corresponding fields of the horoscope. However, these relationships can give rise to a certain pampering, effeminacy, inactivity, indifference and indifference, and frequent bouts of laziness. At the same time, when there are strong favorable moments, a person is often lucky; such people have bright talents.

Previously, when analyzing the natal chart, aspects of the number eight - 45° were not used. Only those divisible by 30 or generated by natural numbers– one, two, three, four and six (360° or 0°, 180°, 120°, 90° and 60°).

You can meet people with good aspects in the natal chart, but at the same time they are gray personalities who do not have serious interests or special experiences. You can also encounter an arrogant, arrogant person who lives in a world of his own illusions.

If unfavorable aspects predominate in the natal chart, it is difficult for a person to coordinate his own energy and strength. Therefore, he has unstable behavior, irregularity in everything. Today he may be full of energy and desire to act, and tomorrow he becomes despondent and depressed; he can rush forward, not understanding why he needs it and where this path will lead, and then retreat back, still not realizing why he is doing this.

However, wise management of the same aspects will help a person to awaken, and, keeping himself in control, act, despite bad influence. Without succumbing to temptation and temptation, pacifying their strength and temper, such people can achieve much more than they themselves expect.

Thanks to negative aspects in the natal chart, a person has the strength to fight, overcome barriers and obstacles, the spirit is tempered and the will is strengthened. It is better to look at them through the prism of Taoism, when light is complemented by shadow, action by peace, construction by destruction.

Availability in Radix large number oppositions and quadratures speaks of numerous obstacles and obstacles, inhibition, various difficulties and a busy work life. And at the same time, they help strengthen a person’s will and character, enrich him with knowledge and increase his level of spirituality.

Negative aspects in the natal chart speak of problems unresolved in past incarnations, of previous debts and the need to repay them. Thanks to these moments, a person is given the opportunity to correct mistakes and misconceptions. They also indicate improper use of energy by a person in a past life, blocking progress and advancement along the path of evolution.

Convergent and Divergent Aspects

Aspects in the natal chart have an additional characteristic indicating their strength.

There is a division of both negative and positive aspects into:



The qualities of the former are actively realized in life, the qualities of the latter are passive.

The former, regardless of whether they are positive or negative, have greater activity, that is, the implementation of events in a person’s life can occur before he realizes it. Large quantity converging sides leads to early awareness of events and psychological reactions. At the same time, a greater number of divergent aspects in the natal chart contributes to later awareness.

To calculate the convergent (divergent) aspects, it is necessary to know the speed of movement of the planets, the faster and slower ones.

The fastest is the Moon, followed by Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Selena, Lilith (Black Moon), Jupiter, the Ascending and Setting lunar nodes, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Proserpina.

Due to the fact that converging aspects require a large amount of energy, a person needs a more active manifestation; At the same time, those who diverge, on the contrary, become discouraged; for such people, awareness comes after actions, perhaps with a significant delay.

How do aspects of planets work in a natal chart?

Thanks to geometry, we know about squares, circles and triangles. We know how to draw and measure them. But not everyone knows about the meaning of these concepts on a planetary scale. Complex conclusions come from simple ideas. Using a geometric angle, you can paint a picture of the circumstances that underlie human destinies.

You can understand how the aspects of the planets work in the natal chart using the following analogy.

For example, you want to sleep, but your upstairs neighbors decided to have a party and you can’t sleep because of the noise.

    Compound– as soon as you get into bed, the neighbors turn the music up louder, but if you get out of bed, the volume is immediately turned down. That is, when one function is turned on, the second one is immediately turned on.

    Trine– you are about to go to bed, and music immediately appears behind the wall. However, once you get into bed, the noise stops. You don't have to put in any effort.

    Sextile– you are about to go to bed, the neighbors are turning on the music. You go to them, ask them to turn it down, and then fall asleep in silence. Even though everything is quite simple, to get results, you need to put in some effort.

    Quadrature– the neighbors throw parties during the middle of the week, which are especially noisy on days when you are tired and have to get up early. You need to take action: argue with your neighbors, call the police, buy earplugs. One function adapts to another, in otherwise conflicts and tension are inevitable.

    Opposition– you can’t fall asleep in silence. The neighbors behind the wall should make loud noise, or you need the TV or music to be on in the room, only in this case you can fall asleep. You need to combine opposite functions and find balance.

How to correctly combine planets in aspect in the natal chart

Let's return to the main thing - the combination of planets in aspects. If the aspect is harmonious, then no difficulties arise; the qualities of one are enhanced and complemented by the characteristics of the other. If the Sun and Mars are sextile in the natal chart, then the qualities of both planets will be enhanced. The needs of the Sun will be supported by Mars. A person with such a horoscope easily fulfills the needs of the Ego (Sun) with the help of his own actions (Mars). Thus, aspects of the Sun and Mars in the natal chart promote self-expression.

The most favorable aspects in the natal chart are major trines between the three main planets - the Sun, Moon and Mars. If these planets are located in the same element, therefore, trine aspects arise between them. The most favorable are the earthly and fiery major trines, the air trine is slightly less favorable, and the water trine is even less favorable, since the element of water is overly sensitive, melancholic and prone to pessimism.

When joining such a trine to Jupiter (it does not matter which of the planets it connects with), a person with a similar horoscope will be undoubtedly lucky. With a more precise connection of trines and Jupiter, the harmonious effects of such a configuration become more clearly manifested; we can say that luck is literally on the heels of such a person.

However, in this case, sometimes one can speak of excessive complacency or spiritual stagnation, since everything comes easy to a person, there is no need to change anything about himself. Although, you should not lose sight of the other indicators of the natal chart, if in addition to grand trine, there is a problematic ruler of the first house, then the person may not see his life as so simple and pleasant.

In addition, in any case, when analyzing charts, the signs of the planets must be taken into account. For example, the natal chart contains aspects of Mars in trine with Jupiter. The quality of Jupiter in any interaction is to expand, increase, increase. The connection of airy or fiery Mars with Jupiter makes its manifestation larger, that is, it adds activity, optimism, scope to a person, but perhaps also scatteredness. When terrestrial or aquatic Mars connects with Jupiter, confidence in actions is added, energy increases, i.e., cautious terrestrial or aquatic Mars becomes more decisive.

If the aspects of the planets, especially personal ones, are tense, then everything becomes somewhat more complicated. Difficulties manifest themselves directly in a person’s character, and when describing the interaction of planets, it is important to capture this internal conflict. When representing a square and opposition, it is important to always use the conjunction “but,” which allows you to contrast the qualities of one planet with the characteristics of another. That is, when describing one planet in a sign, you need to write “but” and move on to the description of the second planet.

Describing, for example, the square between the Moon in Aquarius and Mars in Taurus, one can write like this: there is a subconscious need for freedom and change, but at the same time caution is shown in actions. A clear conflict in this case will be the need of the Moon in Aquarius for everything new, to receive unusual impressions, while the simultaneous need of Mars in Taurus to remain in an unchanged position. A person’s actions often contradict what he wants at the soul level, which ultimately manifests itself in dissatisfaction and irritability.

In this case, it is important to strive for a compromise with oneself; this conflict cannot be called insoluble. The existing need for novelty must be satisfied, and in order not to forget about the need of Mars, you need to carefully prepare for change.

Self-analysis will give the opportunity to realize the tense aspects in the natal chart between personal planets more or less in constructive ways. But despite this, complete satisfaction in the presence of intense interaction between personal planets (except Mercury) is achieved with difficulty. One part of the personality must be constantly balanced by the second part.

Useful books about the natal chart and aspects: TOP-3

Even though these books are separate works, they can be combined into one entity block. If you already know the basic concepts of astrology, but you are striving for deeper knowledge, then pay attention to these books. They describe in detail the various positions of planets in signs and houses, the aspects that exist between them, etc. With their help, you can master natal astrology.

The book contains a large number of interesting information regarding the “promises” of the natal chart. We are talking about the possibilities inherent in the horoscope and realized by a person in life. You will learn what the natal chart indicates wealth, celibacy, divorce, easy life, success, etc. Much attention The book focuses on predictive methods, we're talking about about the progression of the Moon, transits of the higher planets, retrogrades, new moons, full moons and eclipses. In addition, the book is written in simple and understandable language.

With the help of this book, many aspects of karmic astrology can be clarified. In addition, it contains valuable information regarding ways to correct the horoscope, that is, change your destiny.

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In all astrological systems, both Eastern and Western, predictions are based on aspects that connect the planets in the horoscope being studied. According to the theory of aspects, each planet located in one place or another in the zodiac influences a number of other points of the zodiac circle, separated from it by certain angular distances. IN Vedic astrology aspects are called other “sight” or “look”. This term reflected the idea of ​​the planets as certain intelligent forces that “look” at each other and adapt to each other.

Imagine the zodiac as a circle, and the positions of the planets as points on this circle. Connect these points with radii to the center of the circle and you will see that an angle of a certain size is formed between any two planets. The magnitude of this angle can be measured in degrees. Certain angular distances between planets (for example, 90, 120 or 180) are significant aspects, the influence and strength of which are interpreted differently in different astrological systems.

In Western astrology, when determining aspects, the distance between planets is usually calculated with great accuracy to at least one degree. Particularly highlighted are the major aspects that act most strongly, such as square (90) or trine (120). An aspect is considered significant only if the distance between the planets does not go beyond the so-called orb of the maximum permissible deviation from exact size aspect. Western astrologers attribute different natures to different aspects. Regardless of the planets forming the aspect, some aspects are considered unfavorable, problematic (for example, square), while others are considered favorable, “easy” (for example, trine).

Vedic astrologers take a different approach, and those who are accustomed to Western system, perhaps, they will not master it right away. First of all, in the Vedic system, aspects are determined not on the basis of the exact angular distance between the planets, but depending on the number of signs separating the planets from each other. So, in order for opposition (180) to form, one of the main aspects in Vedic astrology, it is enough that the planets are in signs opposite to each other, and their exact position in degrees does not matter. In other words, aspects are formed not between planets, but between the zodiac signs in which they are located, and between all the contents of these signs.

For example, Jupiter in Aries forms an opposition to the entire sign of Libra, to the entire house that falls in the sign of Libra, and to all the planets located in this sign. Even if Jupiter is located at 50 Aries, and Saturn at 250 Libra, then in Vedic astrology they will still be in opposition to each other (although by the standards of Western astrology such an aspect is too wide; it differs from the exact opposition by as much as 20).

However, in Vedic astrology the coordinates of the planets play a certain role. It is believed that the closer the aspect is to the exact one, the stronger it is. Sufficiently precise aspects can be taken into account without connection with signs. If, for example, Jupiter is located at 10 Aries, and Saturn at 29 Virgo, then the signs of these planets are not in opposition to each other, however angular distance between the planets is 178, that is, approaching exact opposition. Some Vedic astrologers take such aspects into account, especially when analyzing the bhava chakra (house chart).

Imagine that each sign is a room, and the planets are lamps in these rooms. No matter where the lamp hangs on the ceiling, the light from it spreads throughout the entire room. The first and last degrees of each sign can be likened to doors. Planets located at such junction points can influence both signs, but outside the narrow zone of the “doors” their influence is quite weak.

Determining aspects between signs does not require labor-intensive calculations, or even knowledge of the exact coordinates of the planets. They do not need to be calculated and summarized in a separate table. TO Vedic horoscopes An aspectarium, which usually accompanies horoscopes built according to the Western system, is not included. And since aspects in Vedic astrology are counted from sign to sign, the total number of possible aspects here turns out to be much smaller than in Western astrology.

In the Vedic system various aspects no special positive or negative qualities are attributed. Aspects differ here only in strength as major and minor. Each aspect is an indicator of the connection between the planets. But the nature of this connection depends not on the type of aspect, but on the nature of the planets themselves. Oppositions and squares in Vedic astrology are not considered obviously negative or problematic aspects, and trines are obviously favorable. It all depends on the quality of the planets forming the aspect. Opposition to a poorly placed Sun in Libra (fall sign) can be very difficult. However, if the Sun is well located, for example, exalted in Aries, the same opposition can be quite beneficial. A square between Mars in Aries (residence) and Jupiter in Cancer (exaltation) can also be favorable as both planets are well placed.

To determine the qualities of an aspect, it is necessary to take into account all possible information about the qualities of the planets that form it. Any aspect from the great malefic Saturn is more often negative than favorable. On the contrary, any aspect from the great benefic Jupiter is likely to be beneficial. But the more we study the natural status of the planet and its qualities in the house management system, the more accurate an assessment can be made of the aspects. The aspects of each planet reflect its nature and its manifestations in various areas of life.

In Vedic astrology, it is believed that certain aspects are fully inherent only in certain planets. General scheme aspect influences is the same for all planets, but some planets are assigned a monopoly on special aspects that are much weaker in other planets.

Trine aspects of magnitude 120 are considered specific "full" aspects of Jupiter. Trines of other planets are regarded as weak, minor aspects. And quadrature aspects of magnitude 90 are fully manifested only by Mars (with planets located ahead of it in the course of signs) and Saturn (with planets located behind it). Perhaps this is precisely the reason why in Western astrology the trine began to be considered a favorable aspect, and the square a problematic one: after all, trines are associated with the beneficial Jupiter, and squares with the malefic Mars and Saturn. In Vedic astrology, it is believed that the influence of a planet in aspects extends only forward along the signs of the Zodiac (whereas in the Western system, an aspect is usually considered as a mutual influence). So, if Saturn is in 3 Gemini, and Mars is in 3 Pisces, then Saturn forms an aspect to Mars of 270 (aspect of the tenth house), and Mars forms an aspect to Saturn of 90 (aspect of the fourth house).

In Western astrology, aspects are interpreted as relationships between planets. In the Vedic system, a planet aspects not only another planet, but also a house (even if there are no planets in it), separated from it by an aspect distance, or rather a sign located on the cusp of this house. Depending on the nature of the aspecting planet, the affairs of this house can either improve or worsen.

The main rule according to which a Vedic astrologer makes judgments on a particular issue is this: first the issue is studied in connection with the house to which it belongs, then in connection with the ruler of the house, and then in connection with the significator of the house . In this case, not only houses from the ascendant are considered, but also houses from the Moon. And for the final answer to the question, aspects to all the mentioned elements of the horoscope are taken into account.

For example, if we are interested in the topic of spirituality or religion, we should study the influences of the ninth house and its ruler, as well as the significator of the ninth house, Jupiter. Then the same analysis needs to be carried out in the system of houses from the Moon. In the course of this study, we must take into account not only the aspects between the planets, but also the whole network of aspect relationships between all the factors of the chart related to the issue of interest to us. Sometimes in Vedic astrology, aspects to houses are even more important than aspects between planets.

From the point of view of Western astrology, the aspects adopted in the Vedic system may seem too general and non-specific. It may seem that several major aspects between signs do not allow one to create such a detailed picture as the various aspects calculated by degrees. A Western astrologer may wonder how his Vedic colleague can make accurate judgments and decisions. accurate forecasts with such a limited set of aspects. However, we should not forget that in Vedic astrology aspects are also considered in a whole series of harmonic charts. Thanks to this, it is possible to trace much more subtle relationships and take into account the exact degree distances between planets.

In addition, the relationships between planets in Vedic astrology are studied according to an extensive system of criteria, and aspect relationships are only part of this system. In addition to aspects, friendship and enmity between planets, as well as various yogas, are taken into account.

Major aspects of planets

The basic rule is that each planet aspects the seventh sign, counting from the sign in which it is located. In Western astrology this aspect is taken into account as an opposition (180).

Besides, outer planets Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have special aspects unique to them. Mars aspects not only the seventh sign, but also the fourth and eighth. The aspect to the fourth sign is similar to the aspect of the folding (applicative) quadrature accepted in the Western system (90). The aspect to the eighth sign is similar to the quincunx (150), placed, however, against the course of the signs (that is, in the course of the signs, the distance between Mars and the aspected sign here is 210).

Jupiter, in addition to the seventh sign, also aspects the fifth and ninth. These aspects are similar to Western astrology trines, placed forward and backward from Jupiter. Saturn aspects not only the seventh, but also the third and tenth signs. Its influence on the third sign is similar to the sextile (60) of Western astrology, but postponed only forward, along the signs. The aspect of Saturn to the tenth sign is a square, extending only backward, against the course of the signs (that is, along the course of the signs, the distance between Saturn and the aspected sign is 270).

All of these aspects fall under the category of major, or “full” aspects. Other types of aspects that do not have full strength, qualify as “weak”, or minor.

Rahu and Ketu usually do not have special aspects, but some Vedic astrologers, including J. N. Bhasin, attribute to them the same aspects as Jupiter, that is, an influence on the fifth and ninth signs. However, the Rahu Ketu axis itself is always important. Any planet that is in conjunction with one of the lunar nodes automatically finds itself in opposition to the other.