Human beliefs, examples. Is having a strong belief good or bad? The influence of beliefs on a person's life

Everyone has come across the fact that we all exist according to certain life principles - beliefs. Not having them is considered bad manners in the modern moral world, and therefore people are often proud of their integrity and pedantry. Let's consider this phenomenon in more detail.

Definition and interpretation of the term

Conviction is confidence in one's views and principles, based on knowledge and experience accumulated over the years. As a component of an important worldview, it guides certain actions in different life situations and helps to make sometimes difficult decisions. These are our principles and postulates, violating which means contradicting ourselves and not observing our own guidelines.

Sometimes this or that belief seems from the outside to be completely meaningless and unreasonable, beyond any explanation. Everyone has different views and principles, different levels of morality and knowledge, but despite this, each person has beliefs, is guided by them and expresses them to other people, and sometimes even tries to impose them on his interlocutor.

Where do people's beliefs come from?

Since a person has a certain number of years behind him, he has encountered various situations and participated in public life, and he develops a certain confidence that everything in this world should function according to a certain scenario. This is our conviction, which is often explained only by past experience, and not by modern realities. Evidence is superfluous here, because for someone who is one hundred percent sure of something, it simply does not exist.

It is not difficult to determine a belief and its nature: it originates in our thoughts, billions of which linger in our heads for a matter of seconds, sometimes hours, days and even months or years. But decades must pass - and if one of the thoughts, confirmed a hundred times by your and outside experience, does not leave your head, and you constantly listen to it - this is a belief.

Is persuasion good? Positive and negative points

All things have a front and a back side. Undoubtedly, there is nothing wrong with the fact that you are a person who is firmly convinced of something in this life, especially since you have proven more than once from your own experience that this postulate is correct. But there are cases when conviction becomes a burden that they carry on themselves like a cross throughout their lives, without even suspecting that they are forcing themselves to act in a certain way.

The positive aspects of this phenomenon:

  • beliefs help you orient yourself, achieve your goal, strain all your internal resources and go to the end;
  • they make you a man of principles who adheres to strict norms, and this deserves respect;
  • It’s good when beliefs are aimed at preserving family values, doing good and helping those who suffer.

Obvious flaws in beliefs:

  • Sometimes they are based on unfortunate experiences, so they can be beyond the understanding of society and even just stupid.
  • Holding your beliefs strictly can cause harm to others and even to yourself. For example, you believe that there is no love in this world, and therefore you do not take relationships seriously.

It should be remembered that belief is one of the rules of life, so create such canons that would not interfere with a full, happy and dignified life. And do not criticize the principles of others, because life is complex and multifaceted, filled with various situations. Be tolerant and create logically explainable laws for yourself.

Persuasion as a process

Persuasion is a symbolic process in which communicators attempt to persuade other people to change their attitude or behavior regarding an issue by conveying a message. This happens in an atmosphere of free choice.

Many believe that persuasion, like boxing, requires defeating a competitor in a fierce battle. But there are significant differences. It's more like training than boxing. Think for yourself: persuasion is like the persuasion of a teacher, thanks to which people move step by step towards a solution. Its purpose is to help others understand why the position you take solves a problem better than others. Persuasion also involves the use of symbols, messages conveyed through language.

The key here is that persuasion is a conscious attempt to influence the other party. At the same time, it is accompanied by the awareness that the person admonished has a mental state that is sensitive to change. Persuasion is a type of social influence, that is, a broad process in which one person's behavior changes the thoughts or actions of another.

Conviction is a personality quality expressed in a subjective attitude towards one’s beliefs and actions associated with firm confidence in the truth of the knowledge, principles and ideals that guide one.

Once two people were arguing near the road. One says that there is no God, that’s why I don’t believe in him. Another objected vehemently, there is a God, and that’s all, that’s why I believe in him. A monk walked past them. The debaters noticed him, stopped him and asked for help, they really wanted to prove that they were right. The monk stopped. He listened to each of them, thought and said: “One of you believes that there is no God, the other that He exists. There is no point in such faith. And there is no point in believing like you. Need to know. And when you find out, there will be no point in arguing. Therefore, don’t waste your time and energy, go and get down to business.” - “How can we find out if He really exists?” – the debaters asked in surprise. “Stop believing in your beliefs, and the truth will reveal itself to you,” the monk answered with a smile and left.

A person's happiness depends on the environmental friendliness of his beliefs. Our thoughts, actions and behavior are based on our beliefs and beliefs. If we are able to somehow justify, explain or prove beliefs, then beliefs are uncritically acquired ideas about life. What our beliefs and convictions are, such is our life. Today's standard of living is a reflection of our beliefs. The range of our thoughts and behavior is limited by the quality of our beliefs and convictions. By changing our beliefs, we change our lives. A person's happiness depends on choice which he did at one time or another in his life. Every person has freedom of choice. There is always a layer between any event and our reaction to it - our right to choose. We choose how to react to any irritant, stimulus or situation. Even though the gap between the stimulus and the reaction to it may be a fraction of a second, at that moment we still make a choice. Every choice in our life is determined by our beliefs and convictions. For example, a guy returns home in the evening and sees hooligans robbing a woman in a dark corner of the yard. He is faced with a choice: pass by or stand up for the woman. The brain calculates all the possible consequences of its actions in a split second. At this moment, perhaps, his whole life is being decided: what kind of person he will be, if he cheats, whether he can feel like a full-fledged man. In any case, his choice will depend entirely on the quality of his convictions and beliefs.

Beliefs are a person's personal constitution. In the spirit of our fundamental law, we perceive the world around us. Breaking through the censorship of our beliefs is extremely difficult. We firmly believe in the truth of our beliefs. They are a form of self-hypnosis, self-hypnosis. We identify ourselves with them. All our actions are subordinated to beliefs. Although there is no logic in them, they are difficult to prove, but, all the same, for us, together with beliefs, they are the only guide to action. Comedians joke that beliefs that are not supported by evidence indicate that you have your own position. Our belief system lives in the subconscious. The subconscious is faced with the task of systematically confirming that we are right. She uses emotions, behaviors and thoughts to demonstrate her will and voice. A belief system serves as a “bait” to attract certain people and circumstances into our lives. It is not based on personal everyday experience - everything is exactly the opposite. It is our experience that is the fruit of our beliefs. In a word, beliefs hold the reins of our lives in their firm hands.

Thus, in the circus, adult elephants are tied to wooden poles with only a thin rope, and small elephants are chained to reliable metal poles buried deep in the ground. This is to prevent them from trying to escape. If the post sits firmly in the ground and the chain is strong enough, the baby elephant will not be able to go further than it should. Sooner or later the day comes when he stops pulling the chain and gives up trying to escape. The metal pole is replaced with a wooden one, because they know that the animal is accustomed to the idea that it is impossible to escape. We do the same to ourselves, limiting ourselves to our own beliefs about our capabilities and abilities. It turns out that we are limited not by reality, but by our limiting beliefs.

To put it metaphorically, in early childhood we were like a newly purchased but already spiritualized computer. We haven't installed any programs yet. We were perfection, our true selves. Later, the virgin consciousness began to receive input from our parents, educators, teachers and peers. Thus, step by step, our system of beliefs and beliefs was formed. Many programs were based on the life experiences of parents. How they understood the world is how they passed it on to us. Children's beliefs occupy a dominant place in our belief system. We perceive the encroachment on them in the context of Stalin’s order “Not a step back!” We are not interested in whether they are true or not, decent or vicious. We simply believe our beliefs. In this context, a person cannot be considered decent just because he has his own beliefs. We need to check whether the beliefs themselves are decent. In a word, our beliefs in any case are limiting in nature, but are perceived by us as the ultimate truth.

Metaphorical, in this sense, is the way the frog's eyes work. The frog sees most objects in its immediate environment, but it interprets only those objects that move and have a certain shape. This is very important for catching flies. However, since only moving black objects are perceived as food, the frog will be doomed to die in a box full of dead flies. Thus, our limiting beliefs pose an insurmountable barrier to our new opportunities.

The fourth estate picks up the baton of shaping our beliefs from our parents. Through TV and the Internet, stereotypes of behavior and stereotyped thinking are instilled in us based on the intellectual McDonald's. Our beliefs also come from personal experience and relationships with authority figures.

Beliefs and Expectations

Having installed system software on a computer, we expect it to answer all our questions and perform functions corresponding to these programs. We also expect from our system software in the form of beliefs that it will give the correct answers to the questions of the world around us. We expect people to behave in ways that are consistent with our beliefs. When they behave contrary to our expectations, we become resentful and irritated. Why not be offended, because our ideas are beliefs, and the beliefs of others are prejudices? We are full of expectations that various life situations should unfold according to our scenario. However, the world is not predictable. We encounter surprises, incomprehensible and inexplicable situations at every step. By the way, The more unexpected things happen on our life’s path, the more our belief system does not correspond to the demands of reality. When the world turns away from us, we either adjust our belief system or stubbornly try to bend the world to ourselves.

The question may arise: “What if we “remove” our belief system altogether?” The appearance of complete freedom is created, life can be “let go” and smoothly float with the flow without making any claims to it. Again, there is no dependence on beliefs. Therefore, we cannot be controlled or manipulated by our beliefs. However, this is an illusion. The conviction that one can live without beliefs is already a belief. There is no person without convictions. Let every person have some kind of value system in its most primitive and feeble form. It is not within our power to reach the final station on the “way home,” that is, to return again to the moment of our birth. If we hypothetically remove all the garbage of beliefs, we become perfect. We no longer need to go through life lessons, there is no need to strive to be closer to our true essence, we do not need to improve. We are already perfection. This is, of course, fantasy. Man is a social animal. It is impossible to live in society and be free from society. We, whether we like it or not, are subject to his influence and suggestion. We will be forced by circumstances to assimilate certain social regulations, laws, conditions and requirements of “community.” Otherwise you will not survive in society. Social demands and conditions of relationships with other people will be forced to settle in a person’s subconscious as beliefs.

Working with beliefs. Let's say we set a goal to become a rich, successful person. A good goal. In order for the road to it to be well-trodden, you need to carefully delve into your subconscious to look for limiting beliefs. Maybe we have so much garbage in our subconscious on the topic “Wealth and money” that it’s not worth thinking about? If our beliefs are in conflict with the goal, we will not see success. The goal is achieved only in unison with beliefs. The main argument in favor of our beliefs is active assistance on the path to the goal.

Therefore, you should take an inventory of your beliefs on this topic and identify limiting beliefs. Imagine we are taking a written essay exam. Topic: “Wealth and money.” The allotted time is half an hour. Punctuation marks and spelling errors are not taken into account. The main thing for us is to reveal the topic, to throw out all our beliefs in this area of ​​​​life in half an hour. It is not difficult to put new convictions and beliefs into your head, it is difficult to get rid of old ones. However, we must do this. For example, after checking the essay, we found ten harmful beliefs: “Wealth is obscene,” “God loves the poor,” “Wealth makes you lonely,” “He who is rich no longer has true friends,” “Wealth breeds envy,” “The rich cannot sleep peacefully”, “Big money causes worries and problems”, “Wealth is acquired at the expense of my health”, “By acquiring wealth, I lose my dignity.” As we can see, the shake-up of beliefs yielded a solid catch. Tell me, can you count on wealth with such negative tails? Of course, and definitely not. Therefore, we take the first conviction and, as an accuser, prove to ourselves, as if to a jury, its complete inconsistency for us. Our first limiting belief is “Wealth is obscene.” To debunk this belief, five arguments are enough: “It is indecent to boast of wealth. It’s a shame to be poor”, “Wealth is not just money. The word wealth can be applied to various concepts. The wealth of love, the wealth of friendship, the wealth of family life, the wealth of experience, the wealth of culture”, “Wealth is financial freedom. People came up with what is decent and what is not decent, assessing life from the standpoint of “good or bad.” I am free from human judgments,” “Wealth is freedom from debt, from the constant agony of looking for money to pay off debts. It is indecent to live in debt. It’s indecent to run around your neighbors to grab money before payday,” “Wealth is an opportunity for personal growth and the achievement of great goals. It's decent. Society is interested in the development of its citizens.” It seems that with such arguments we have dispelled all our own doubts. You can forget about this belief.

Now let’s take the new belief “Being rich is the natural right of every person” and argue for it. Our arguments: “You cannot live a truly fulfilling and fulfilling life without being rich”, “A person’s right to life means his right to freely own everything that is needed for mental, spiritual and physical development”, “The poor are a burden for relatives and for society as a whole. A person who wants to vegetate in poverty is not normal”, “It is not reasonable to live only for the soul, denying the body and mind. Wealth makes it possible to satisfy all the needs of the body, mind and soul,” “A person is happy when he gives something to those he loves. The poor man can only sing with an unhappy smile: “I can’t give you expensive gifts on your birthday, but on these spring nights I can talk about love.” The rich can give gifts.” I think that these arguments will be enough for the old limiting belief to leave our subconscious forever.

Sometimes the completion of a piece depends on the finishing touch. For us this touch will be filling a new belief with images. In turn, images need to soak in feelings and emotions . Our new belief: “Being rich is the natural right of every person.” Let's breathe life into it with images, feelings and emotions. What associations do we have with the words “right to wealth”? For most people, these are wealth, power, money, fortune, spirituality, charity, intelligence, respectability, luxury, abundance, accumulation, well-being, stability, strength, will and property. Let’s use our imagination: here we are on a yacht traveling across all seas and oceans, stopping wherever we please and exploring the local sights. We meet interesting people, feast on national cuisine, have fun and see off every day with some sadness. Everyone has their own associations. The main thing is that they give us pleasant feelings. The subconscious will be grateful to us for this step, because it is accustomed to operating with images. Using the same algorithm, we work with the following limiting beliefs until they are completely displaced from the subconscious. Our efforts will be richly rewarded.

Now that we have clarity about beliefs, imagine the situation. You meet a friend, and he tells you: “I have the following beliefs about beliefs: Do not be deluded by your beliefs - firstly, they are not yours, and, secondly, they are not true. Not yours, because a person is a cocktail of other people’s beliefs, beliefs, misconceptions, stereotypes, prejudices and superstitions. This cocktail was prepared in childhood. And they are not true, because all beliefs are subjective. Time will pass, and most of your beliefs will become delusions. Beliefs are misconceptions that were not detected in time.” Do you think your friend is right?

Petr Kovalev 2013

Hello dear readers! Today we are considering the topic of “Beliefs” that is extremely important for the development and life of every person. I received many letters to my email with questions about how to work correctly with my beliefs. But first, let's look at the basics: What are human beliefs? what is their meaning? what are they? Other questions.

Let's start with definitions and understanding the meaning of beliefs.

What is Persuasion

Belief system – a person’s worldview, knowledge recorded in his consciousness and subconscious in the form of life attitudes (programs) and ideas (images). Beliefs (ideas about the world, about oneself, etc.) are information that is implemented and presented to a person in the form of mental structures (living and working attitudes).

In other words, beliefs- this is knowledge transformed into ideas (attitudes, images and sensations), which are the basis for a person in making all his life decisions.

In fact, person's beliefs - this is its core, what a person believes in relation to himself, in relation to the world around him and to his destiny, what he relies on in life, which determines all his decisions, actions and results according to fate.

Strong positive beliefs give a person a strong core, making him successful, effective, etc. Weak, inadequate beliefs make the core rotten, and the person, accordingly, weak and infirm.

Fundamental directions in which you need to form your positive beliefs! What beliefs make up your Core:

In simpler terms, beliefs are answers to basic life questions that make up a person’s worldview.

  1. Attitude to the surrounding world: What kind of world is it? bad, terrible, dangerous? or, is the world different and has everything in it, but it is beautiful, and it gives a person thousands of opportunities for knowledge, happiness and success? and everyone, sooner or later, gets what they deserve, or there is no Good and Evil and any evil can get away with?
  2. Self-perception, attitude towards yourself: answers to the questions - who am I and why do I live? Am I an animal, just a body governed by instincts? or am I a divine, bright and strong in nature Soul with great potential?
  3. Attitude to your life and destiny: Am I born to suffer, to be a scapegoat and nothing depends on me? or was I born for great goals and achievements, and everything depends on my choice and I can achieve everything my soul desires?
  4. Attitude towards other people: They are all bastards, they wish me harm, and my task is to strike first? or are all people different, some are worthy, some are scoundrels, and I myself choose who to communicate with and cast my lot in with, and who should not be allowed in at all?
  5. Attitude to society: society is dirt, decay, and there is nothing good in it, that’s why I “hate”? or, in society at all times there has been a lot of good and bad, and my goal is to increase the Good, making society more worthy and perfect?
  6. Other.

From such answers and corresponding justifications, not only a person’s worldview is built. Such beliefs are the basis of all personal qualities of a person and his principles: which determines - he is deceitful or honest, responsible or irresponsible, brave or cowardly, strong in spirit and will or spineless and weak, etc. IN All qualities and life principles of a person are built on fundamental beliefs (ideas and attitudes).

These beliefs are written down in the mind, in the form of direct programs, answers to questions:

  • “I am worthy, strong, I can do anything” or “I am a nonentity, a spineless schmuck and incapable of anything.”
  • “I am a mortal and sick body, a chewing organism” or “I am an immortal Soul in a physical body, and I have unlimited potential.”
  • “The world is terrible, cruel and unfair” or “the world is beautiful and amazing, and it has everything for growth, happiness and success.”
  • “Life is a continuous punishment, it is pain and suffering” or “life is a gift of Fate, a unique opportunity for development, creation and struggle.”

Such beliefs can be called fundamental or core beliefs.

You can check for yourself what attitudes on these issues are recorded in your subconscious, positive or negative, strong or weak:

To do this, simply say to yourself or out loud the beginning of the statement, for example: “the world is...” and listen to yourself, your subconscious, what thoughts will follow the beginning of the phrase. What definition of the world will your subconscious give? Write down all the answers that come to you inside. And, if you were sincere with yourself, you will see the front of the upcoming work - how much is good, and how much is negative, and what will need to be worked on.

Conscious and subconscious beliefs

Conscious Beliefs – those that live (recorded) in a person’s head (in the intellect). Subconscious Beliefs – those that are implemented in a person’s life and work at the level of his qualities, emotions, reactions and habits. It is much more difficult to change subconscious beliefs. But they are the ones who determine almost everything, 90%, that happens in a person’s life and his destiny.

How it works? You've probably met people who deliberately I know and understand everything - how to live correctly, what is correct to believe in, what needs to be done to be happy, successful, joyful, strong, rich, kind, brave, etc. And they talk about everything perfectly and smoothly if you ask them. But in their lives they cannot actually realize anything, remaining externally poor, internally unhappy and weak.

Why is this happening? Because such people have some beliefs written in their heads, but completely different, often opposite ones, are realized in their subconscious. For example, a person understands perfectly well that it is good to be brave, knows what courage is and says “yes, I want it that way,” but beliefs and fears live in his subconscious, and these fears make him weak, unreliable and cowardly in life. This is how many contradictions are born in a person between him and. And until a person changes his subconscious beliefs, until he removes negative attitudes and forms positive ones, nothing will change qualitatively in his life and in himself, he will continue to praise courage and courage, while remaining a coward and a weakling.

Or, a person knows and understands that it is not good to deceive, that lying does not lead to anything good, but throughout his life he lies all the time and has become known as a liar. It often happens that people with such a bad habit simply cannot help themselves, because the beliefs underlying their deceitfulness are realized in the subconscious at the level of habits and reactions: as they say, “first I lied, and only then realized what I had said.” "

The same applies to all other qualities, beliefs, habits. For example, such qualities as . Responsibility- this is a person’s ability to keep his word to other people and to himself, the principle of “once said and done.” And in his head he knows what responsibility is, and he really wants to be responsible, he wants to keep his word, but in his subconscious there are many attitudes that feed him: “I don’t feel like it today, I’ll do it tomorrow,” “nothing bad will happen if I’m a day late.” , “I’ll say that force majeure happened,” and other excuses why it’s not necessary to keep your word.

It's the same with emotions. Emotions are also based on nothing more than a person’s subconscious beliefs. Positive beliefs also give rise to sensations (warmth, good nature, joy, etc.), negative beliefs - (irritation, anger, resentment, etc.).

So, emotions are the basis “resentment” there are subconscious beliefs that feed it, justify it, justify it. For example explaining why the other person is such a scoundrel, how wrong he was towards you, and why you are so innocent and unfairly suffering. To remove a negative emotion and replace it with a positive one, you need to determine the attitudes that underlie it (at the basis grievances), and replace them with positive attitudes, which are the main forgiveness and good nature. This is called reprogramming your subconscious.

Positive and negative beliefs

Positive or adequate beliefs – ideas (knowledge) and attitudes corresponding to Spiritual Laws (Ideals). Such ideas give a person maximum joy(state of happiness), force(confidence, energy), success(efficiency, positive results) and positive consequences according to fate(gratitude and love of other people, spiritual and material rewards, growth of bright feelings, favorable opportunities according to fate, etc.).

Positive Beliefs – strong, complete and adequate answers to life’s most important questions. Answers that give the Soul joy and a surge of positive strength, remove restrictions, suffering, pain, and maximize the potential inherent in it.

Negative Beliefs – misconceptions, inadequate ideas and attitudes that do not correspond to Spiritual Laws. Inadequate ideas lead to loss of joy in the heart (to pain and suffering), to loss of strength (to weakness, loss of energy), to failures, to negative emotions and sensations, and ultimately to the destruction of fate (collapse of goals, suffering, illness, death).

Negative beliefs, inadequate ideas - always lead to the same inadequate decisions and erroneous actions, which in turn lead to negative results and consequences: stole - went to prison, lied - lost trust and relationships, etc.

  • If a person lives in negativity, there are many mistakes in his life beliefs.
  • If he does, tries, but there are no results, there are mistakes in his beliefs.
  • If a lot suffers, this is the result of errors in subconscious beliefs.
  • Constantly ill, experiencing pain - errors in beliefs, and in large quantities.
  • If he cannot get out of poverty, there are errors in his beliefs in the area of ​​money.
  • If you are single and there are no relationships, there are mistakes in beliefs in relationships.
  • Etc.

What to do about it? Work on yourself! How? Read more in the following articles:

In order to learn how to work with your beliefs, you can turn to a Spiritual Mentor. For this - .

Good luck to you and continued growth of Positivity!

I recently received a very interesting letter from a reader:


I want to ask you a question. Nowadays everyone says that it is very important to think positively, use affirmations and the like. But when I begin to pronounce them on my own (for example, “I approve of myself,” “The Universe gives me all the best”), then rejection and resistance immediately arise inside, as if this is all not true. I want to immediately drop everything and hide somewhere, although in theory, on the contrary, there should be encouragement and inspiration from the process. I tried to keep repeating the same thing to myself, but it didn’t work...

What's wrong with this? Or is the process of switching to positive thinking always like this?

Best regards, Olga

The situation is very interesting, and at one time I also encountered it in my life. Indeed, at first you might think that without such resistance you cannot begin to think positively and there is no other way than to constantly tell yourself the same thing (although this may lead to certain results). Therefore, with Olga’s permission, I propose that we all discuss together why, when we begin to integrate new beliefs into our lives, we may experience such rejection.

What exactly is this or that belief?

First of all, this is a certain truth in which we believe.

And it really corresponds to reality. As long as we agree with it.

Our beliefs largely determine our worldview and control our lives, determining our thoughts about ourselves and the world around us, and as a result, our actions. Internal attitudes direct our attention to those life phenomena that correspond to them, and divert our gaze from others. It is like a kind of filter that brings into our consciousness only those events and phenomena that correspond to its direction.

Many attitudes and beliefs run like a red thread throughout our lives and originate from childhood. We receive the main outline of our ideas about ourselves and about life from our parents and from our environment. Some patterns are inherited from fairy tales, some are conclusions from our life experience. You've all probably encountered them: “If you don't graduate from university, you'll be without a job,” “If you're lazy, no one will marry you.” Many of these attitudes are beneficial and really help you avoid the mistakes that your parents and other people once made.

Our beliefs have one peculiarity - they operate hidden. Often we may not even be aware of our belief, but we act in accordance with it, whether we want it or not.

Is it good or bad?


It’s bad if the beliefs are negative. And it’s good - if they are positive and allow us to look at life with joy.

If one or another attitude dominates in our head, then inevitably in life we ​​will encounter people and events that correspond to this attitude. Like a puzzle - element to element.

Are all rich people thieves and liars? In your life you will meet just such people. Not because there are no other people. You just won't even pay attention to them.

Or another very common example - if a woman is sure that “all men cheat,” then, firstly, in her life she will only come across men who are walking on the side, and secondly, her behavior will be entirely consistent with the behavior of the woman who is being cheated on.

And what happens in the end?

We constantly receive confirmation of our installation. And it becomes even stronger, causing more and more events corresponding to it. Like a snowball.

An attitude is like a program of action, like a program of life. As long as it controls you, your life goes according to it.

There are different beliefs

As we have already said, they can be negative or they can be positive.

Examples of negative attitudes:

  • Money is the cause of unhappiness in life.
  • If I succeed, people will hate me.
  • You have to fight for happiness.
  • If everything goes well, then misfortune will certainly come soon (the white stripe is immediately followed by a black one).
  • There is not enough for everyone in the world
  • I don't deserve happiness

What kind of positive attitudes can there be?

  • I love and approve of myself.
  • The universe is abundant, there is enough for everyone.
  • I am worthy of happiness.
  • Life supports me and brings me only good and positive experiences.
  • I am surrounded only by positive, confident people
  • I easily build relationships with people, I feel confident in communication, I am an interesting conversationalist
  • I am the master of my life and build it according to my design

As an interesting example, I can cite one belief of my relative, who always says that she is lucky to have doctors and teachers. Quite funny, but I don’t remember a single case when its installation was not confirmed.

What is this? Coincidence or pattern?

More likely the second one ;-)

So, we figured out what our beliefs are, we learned that they can be negative and positive and that they act latently, regardless of our desire (and very often - pretending to be it).

Where did the resistance come from?

Now let's return to Olga's question.

Why did internal rejection arise?

Most likely, there was a conflict here - a struggle between new positive attitudes and old, negative ones. Moreover, judging by the resistance, negative attitudes are lodged in the head quite tightly. We can say that the Universe is abundant, but if there is a conviction in our head that there is not enough for everyone in the world and we need to fight for every piece of sweet, then the inner voice will scream: “What kind of nonsense are you talking about? It is not true! This is wrong! After all, it has been confirmed so many times, for example...”

And away we go.

Therefore, there are two ways here. Good and very very good ;)

The first way is to continue to hammer home a positive attitude. Not a bad decision, especially if you have an inexhaustible supply of energy, determination and if you are an avid lover of ramming your inner walls.

However, in this case, you go through resistance and are constantly in an internal struggle, and this, without a doubt, is not very pleasant and not very easy. Although such a road can also lead to quite great results and is by no means bad.

Therefore there is another way. Remove negative attitudes and grow positive ones in their place.

In this case, you will not only remove resistance, but also achieve that very desired inspiration from the process.

So how do you do this?

First of all, write down all your negative beliefs on a piece of paper. About life, about yourself, about people, about money and so on.

Your list may be small, or it may be quite large. But in any case, when you feel that you have written out absolutely everything...

... Rest assured, this is NOT all!

Most likely this is only a small part. Therefore, under no circumstances throw away the resulting list. Try to track negative attitudes in your head, pay special attention to what you say about yourself and life and what other people say about it - these are the highest priority channels for tracking beliefs. As soon as you notice a belief with which you completely agree, add it to your list.

Many people ask how to confidently determine whether a belief is truly negative or whether it is actually positive. Everything is simple here, you need to ask yourself: “What will happen if I do not change this belief and what will happen if I transform it?” If a belief is positive and beneficial to you, then your life will clearly change for the better if you continue to live in accordance with it.

Transforming Negative Beliefs

Now, how can you remove a negative belief and turn it into a positive, supportive attitude?

There is a special technique for this that allows you to simply completely transform a negative attitude. It is described in detail in our toolkit, and I recommend that you use it.

But you can do it a little easier. Divide a sheet of paper into two columns. On the left, write your belief, and on the right, why this belief is not true, does not correspond to reality. The explanation here can be short, or it can be detailed.

You can insert examples from other people's lives, you can present a logical scientific explanation. Your task is to smash the negative attitude to smithereens - so that you yourself then cannot understand how it even occurred to you at the time.

After that, formulate a positive belief (you can simply turn the negative one upside down) and write down as much evidence for it as possible.

The idea here is simple - a negative attitude has become your strong belief, as it has repeatedly found arguments in its favor. Now you refute it and formulate a positive one, giving evidence for it. In other words, you simply speed up the process of forming a new belief.

After you work through your negative attitudes, the internal conflict will disappear and any affirmations and simply a positive train of thought will truly bring pleasure and inspiration!

And a few more recommendations for Olga - pay attention to your beliefs about yourself - since resistance to the attitudes that you cited as an example in the letter is most likely associated with your not hiding yourself (non-self-love). Pay attention to beliefs that come from childhood - as a rule, our disapproval of our own personality comes from there.

Be attentive to yourself, and everything will definitely work out!
