Mars in the 4th house - early death of father. Indian horoscope - Vedic astrology, jyotish online

The fourth house is the house of the mother (matri-bhava): from it one can judge the influence of the mother on the life of the owner of the horoscope. In addition, it characterizes the house in which we live, the external environment surrounding us and the internal, mental environment. The fourth house is associated with the foundations of our emotional being, with our heart and feelings. Its sphere includes upbringing, education and improvement in all areas of life. It also denotes the masses and, accordingly, the popularity of the owner of the horoscope (especially at the public level).

The fourth house symbolizes land and property, and the ability to acquire them. As a general indicator of ownership, it also refers to vehicles that we own (for example, a car).

On a psychological level, the fourth house determines how satisfied we are with our home and our typical emotional state. It is also associated with our ability to rest and relax. The fourth house is the house of human psychology as such, and when afflicted it can indicate emotional and mental illness. This is perhaps the most sensitive of houses, and it is not easy to neutralize the negative aspects to it.

Spiritually, the fourth house represents our faith and the religion in which we were raised. It determines our capacity for religious service, prayer and pious meditation. The fourth house corresponds to the nadir, or Bottom of Heaven - the lowest point of the map, and therefore it symbolizes everything intimate, secret and deeply personal. Benefic planets in it promote meditation and can bestow peace of mind.

Material from the book “Astrology of Seers”. David Frawley.

FOURTH HOUSE: Sukha bhava – house of happiness and comfort

The 4th house corresponds to the water sign and is therefore called the house of moksha (self-realization and final liberation).

Mother, heart (emotions and passions), happiness, land, real estate, buildings, estate, inheritance, comfort, means of transportation (cars, yachts, planes), academic degree, end of life, completion of affairs, secret affairs, farms, graves - all these are indicators of the 4th house.

The 4th house is the most significant indicator of mother, home and means of transportation. It also rules happiness and the heart. Therefore, any planet in the 4th house speaks of passions rooted in the heart of a person. Capricorn ruling the 4th house will indicate a passion for business; while Libra, the sign of Venus, will give a love of art. Although this attraction may not have a dominant influence in choosing a profession, it will be an integral part of the personality. The 4th house also rules educational level and therefore even if the house of education (2nd house) is weak, the person can still get a good education if the 4th house is well strengthened.

Karakas or indicators of the 4th house are Moon and Mercury.

Material from the book “Ancient Indian Astrology for Modern Astrologers.” James Braha.


Lord of the 4th house in the 1st house

This person will have many good educational opportunities. He will suffer the loss of his inherited property and possibly divorce. It is to be expected that, towards the end, this person's life will become solitary.

Lord of the 4th house in the 2nd house

These are people who lead a life in an atmosphere of sensual pleasures and family happiness; can speak well on pedagogical topics. They have the opportunity to make money from real estate. They are useful to other people; their ambition is great.

Lord of the 4th house in the 3rd house

This indicates a wealthy, courageous and generous person who suffers from in-laws on his wife's or husband's side. Such people are healthy and determined.

Lord of the 4th house in the 4th house

You can expect this person to have high value vehicles, other property, be highly educated and have a good mother. He is a respected person, a good friend.

Lord of the 4th house in the 5th house

This is a man in good health, devoted to God; able to give good advice; he has the opportunity to invest in property and has a well-educated child.

Lord of the 4th house in the 2nd house

The heart of this person is unsettled, unsatisfied, he will wander, be thieving, will be prone to complaints, discontent; he can go to a distant country. They have monetary debts; Such people are easily overcome by anger.

Lord of the 4th house in the 7th house

They have educated marriage partners; own property. You can note the ability for commercial activities related to rent or property trading. They think a lot about sex; travel a lot.

Lord of the 4th house in the 8th house

Things like being in bad company, or wasting time studying useless things may show up. Their mind is unstable. They are separated from their parents early; lose money on cars and houses.

Lord of the 4th house in the 9th house

A popular person of good birth, educated, associated with holy people and living in good places. He is kind at heart and goes on pilgrimages. Earnings are related to travel or transportation of goods.

Lord of the 4th house in the 10th house

They have good children; they work mainly indoors; are respected by important people due to their dedication to their work. They inherit property or “make money” by selling houses, land and cars. Their capabilities in the field of agriculture can be noted.

Lord of the 4th house in the 11th house

These people maintain good friendships and are interested in the communal, communal structure of life. They know how to influence other people; they are good sellers. They have strong material desires.

Lord of the 4th house in the 12th house

They suffer from lack of peace of mind; do not have a permanent place of residence, or live with other people. There may be a lack of guidance from parents. They are interested in the Science of Self-Awareness.

Material from the book “Vedic Astrology”. Tom Hopke.


Sun in 4th house
Education, but maybe incomplete higher education, strong intellect, owning real estate, a lot of travel. They have a kind heart but a small number of close friends. They maintain friendly relations with important people and work for the benefit of the state or some good cause.

Moon in the 4th house
Open heart, pleasant communication manners, reasonableness and receptivity. They know a lot, are friends with good people, often change their place of residence, own property and live in beautiful places. They are overly demanding of people and have problems in their relationship with their mother.

Mars in the 4th house
These are passionate people and it is difficult to maintain relationships with them. They are sympathetic but competitive, possessive of property and respected in their circle.
It is possible to invest and lose money in a risky venture. Divorce or double marriage is possible.

Mercury in the 4th house
Attachment to family life, good education, sincerity, love of travel. They own property, vehicles, and are picky and demanding in relation to others. They make good parents.

Jupiter in the 4th house
Happy family life, good education, morality, good luck. They make excellent parents, teachers, and leaders. They can become owners of significant property, receive help from their parents and associate with saints.

Venus in the 4th house
Ownership of various property, parental and family happiness, strong romantic desires, friendship with people of the arts. These people can get a good education, inheritance, good means of transportation, and can live in beautiful places. They have religious inclinations, a pure heart, and are easy to be around. They make good mothers, teachers, gardeners, and decorators.

Saturn in the 4th house
Success away from your place of birth, travel abroad, possibly interrupted education. They make good parents, they can become owners of significant property, and are successful in agriculture, printing, and the automobile industry. The mother's health is poor. At heart they are renounced people, they can lead a simple life and communicate with yogis. Possible
heart and chest diseases.

Rahu in 4th house
Influence, materialism, attacks on one's good name, promiscuity, living away from one's place of birth. These people are easily misled and suffer from gastrointestinal disorders.

Ketu in 4th house
Separation from mother, loss of family property, wandering. These people usually live far from their place of birth, have few close people, visit unusual places, and are interested in spiritual things. There may be a sudden change in professional status, a tendency to heart disease.

Indubala Devi Dasi (Pozdeeva I.V.) “Jyotish, or Vedic Astrology.”

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Mars is the point of activity. The location of Mars tells us where and how a person acts. Paints the house where it stands. It is necessary to pay attention to the highlighted position of the planets especially. They characterize the psychotype. Mars has a strong influence on the profession.
Example: Mars in the basket handle, Uranus in the sixth house. The person, despite Uranus (in this example, he is in a weak position), will not engage in programming.
Mars is the will to act on the physical plane. Provokes situations. If Mars is retrograde, then there are delays in actions, delayed development, obstacles, difficulties in social manifestations. More energy will be poured out in conversations than in action, but it will manifest itself. A strong planet, but retrograde is still strong.


Even if the sign is weak, it gives a tendency to take risks, mobility, dynamism, activity, independence, and the need for action. Does not necessarily give a strong physical constitution. Mars in the 1st house will not necessarily produce a person of average height and stocky build. It can manifest itself more in mental activity, you need to look at the signs.
In Libra, a person grabs hold of different things and is ready to cooperate. In Pisces - very weak, but in the pen and ascending, retrograde, in an included sign. In this case, Mars is not strong in quality, the first impulse is strong here. The person will be scattered, often lacking the will to complete the task.
Strength must be looked at by house; the closer to the top of the house, the more manifested the planet is. Mars in the 1st house is marked, usually with a sign on the face or skull (ascending Uranus or Aquarius also give a mark). Close to ASC are inflammatory diseases, difficulties in childhood.


It can also be active, but is more stable, material, pleasure comes from the action itself. Tendency to self-affirmation, to risk in financial matters, activity, skill in financial matters. The practicality of Mars can be expressed in the fact that its actions must be specific.
Mars /both in the 1st and 2nd houses/ - a tendency to injuries, bruises, blows.


The desire for leadership among the immediate environment (brothers, sisters, close relatives), conflicts are possible, speech dynamism, active among friends. Affected Mars - troubles, injuries on short trips. Sometimes the thirst for knowledge is an active, lively mind. When Mars is in aspect with Mercury - a corrosive mind.
Example: Mars on the cusp of the 2nd house, afflicted - the death of a sister, she died in the first year of life / the girls were twins /.
Mars is near the cusp of the 4th house / in the last, 3rd part of the house, the planet influences the next house, the action begins in the house where it stands, and the result in the next house, especially if no more than 5 degrees from the cusp of the house / may give invention, conflicts in the home, the death of one of the parents, or grandparents, or simply the departure of one of them from home. The distance from the house cusp can indicate the year of the event.


In angular houses the influence of planets increases. Mars in the 4th house can talk about events in the house, relationships with Mars-type parents. Long-term conflict since childhood. A planet in the 4th house is not externally visible; it will only be felt by those who live nearby.
For example, a planet in the 1st house is visible, and higher planets are visible at a more mature age / Jupiter after 30 years /. Psychologically, the Sun in the 4th house is almost not noticeable, but in its circle, in a natural environment, it is bright and sunny.
Mars in the 4th house - a person does not look like Mars. His emotions create the mood for everyone around him. The 4th house is connected to the astral, a person with such Mars can be an astral bully when strong emotions are manifested. A person himself may not have conflicts, but conflicts can arise among those around him, only because he is among them. But sometimes there can be outbursts of their own. Hereditary situations and ancestral karma are also associated with the 4th house. May speak about the character of the father or mother. The tendency to manage your own home without asking anyone. Transfers his conflicts from his father’s house to his own. Such a person must be made to understand that he is the source of conflict by asking him leading questions like: “Have you noticed that your environment is exploding after you?”


Creativity, entertainment, love, children, heart impulse. House of gambling, speculation, the desire to play for luck. Mars gives direction to invest money in an enterprise in order to earn quickly and a lot. It is necessary to look at aspects to the 2nd and 8th houses, or their rulers, then tell the client whether he should engage in such matters /if the square to the 2nd house is a tendency to lose in these situations/. We must pay attention to the transits of planets to Mars, which is in the house. Mars in the 5th house - addictive, passion, intensity of feelings, assertiveness, categorical / all or nothing /, falling in love. When aspected by Pluto, there are conflicts with a loved one, especially in a woman’s chart, where Mars is the beloved, the lover. Mars in aspect with Venus - flexibility, plasticity, art.
Increases jealousy, strong love situations, love of sudden spending, sometimes for show. Talks about children, about relationships with children. If Mars is afflicted, then the child may have a conflicted, stubborn character. In a man's chart, Mars intensely aspecting the 8th house can indicate the death of a child. In a woman’s chart, she talks about the peculiarities during childbirth, for example, Mars is in square with the 8th house, and according to the directions, the top of the 5th house fell on Mars - the child died in the maternity hospital. The 6th house from the 5th is the 10th - the health of children, their illnesses. The 8th house from the 5th will be the 12th - you need to look at the confirmation of these instructions /10,12 houses/ and look at the child’s chart. Events in the lives of children in a woman’s chart can be viewed from the 5th house / for the child it will be the 1st /. The card works well for astrally close people or blood loved ones.
Mars in the 5th house in men is less Don Juan and can give a passionate heart. A strong Mars in men can give creativity or their own business, business, passion.


Gives the type of activity, such as military. Mars in the 10th house rarely indicates a military profession. Mars in the 6th house can give military surgeons / just surgeons more often go to the 8th or 10th houses /. Inflammatory processes, operations, injuries. Tendency to independent activity in the service, at school. Likes to be in front and does not like to obey. In the service he is active, active. Mars in the 6th house with a tie to the 2nd house - the person is very active. Mars in aspect to Saturn means conflict with superiors, dislike of discipline. Mars aspected by higher planets means disease or professional activity. Invisible planets or diseases or relationships in society / Which? Aspects will be shown. Mars in the 6th house is a leader at work, if it is his business.
Mars in Aquarius and Aries indicates that the person will leave work and do his own thing.
The 6th house indicates beneficial animals.


Similar to 1st. Mobility, dynamism, leader, debater. Example: Saturn ascending, Mars in the 7th house - a person does not look like an arguer, but loves to argue, although this happens without pressure.
Conflicts in the 7th house with loved ones, partners, leading to courts / without “blood” /. It is more difficult to show one’s own activity, rather in contacts. A tendency towards group contacts indicates marriage. Men have conflicts with partners. Women have love situations, active temperament, difficult love situations.
Saturn in the 1st house - caution, isolation, on the other hand, the need for friends, but mistrust.
Mars in the 7th house - the situation is ambiguous, there may be aggression towards partners, or there may be aggression of partners towards the owner of the card. Mars in Libra - there is stubbornness, pressure on a person, but it will look like aggression from partners.
In a female sign - he perceives aggression, in a male sign - he himself is aggressive towards his partner. Mars is visible well in its strong signs and poorly in weak ones. The impulse comes from one, and it is realized by another. Mars in the 7th house prefers to act through a partner. If offended, he will convey retribution not himself, but through his loved ones.


Professions: surgeon, analytical scientist, businessman, athlete, criminal. Small traders with their tents. Injuries, accidents, incidents, blood, firearms /love fire signs/. Operations, accidents, violent death, misfortunes with loved ones, near death. Occult abilities, yoga, magic. If Mars is in the middle of the house, then a dual situation arises. In the last third of the 8th house there is black magic. Being at the beginning of the house is positive, the middle is negative, and the end of the house is synthesis. Mars at the cusp of the ninth house will indicate White Magic. The closer to the beginning of the house the location of the planets, the stronger they act, in the middle they are weaker, towards the end they are strong again. Complicated matters with death, it can “walk” nearby.
Example: Moon conjunct Saturn in the 8th house and Mars affects the 8th house - accidents constantly. While the Moon is direct in the 8th house, it is good to move at this time.
Deep analytical thinking is possible when pointing to science. In a woman’s chart there is a strong first love, first intimacy, difficulties during pregnancy and childbirth.


Men have dangers, stress on long journeys, dangers abroad / with afflicted Mars /. The activity can well unfold far away, in another country. The 9th house is a creative house and Mars in the 9th house is a form of creativity. Moves related to the army, sometimes with training. Mars in the 9th house does not always indicate education.
A planet in the 9th house conjunct the MC - a situation in the life of the parents not long before birth. afflicted Mars on the MC may indicate that at the time of birth some parent is missing.


Independence, tendency towards independence, career. There may be conflicts with mother, father, boss. Conflict is not born by the person himself, but as a consequence of his assertive, independent nature. Mars in the 10th house indicates a calling, rarely a military profession. Mars in the 2nd house of manual professions - blacksmith, steelmaker, carver. Mars in the 6th house is military, because house of service.
May indicate misfortune of parents, divorce. (Near the Arctic Circle, some houses are huge, and all the others take up little space; there may be Mars in square with Venus in the same house. Venus in the 12th house - emotions are squeezed, it is difficult for her to express herself).
The 10th house in early childhood is shaded by the 4th. These houses can indicate the character of the parents. Behind the conflict there is a tendency towards command. Mars is on top of the 10th house in square with the Moon - you need to look at your parents' houses, it speaks of relationships with your parents. Mars in the 10th and 1st houses - desire for command.
Mars in the 10th, 11th and 12th houses - when afflicted by higher planets - is a dissident.


When Mars is afflicted, there are conflicts with friends. Through the 11th house - characteristics for children. Mars in the 11th house does not give idealism. Social activities, clubs. Conflicts with society, charity.


Secret enemies. Forced stay away. 12th house of relations with society. Detachment from roots, isolation. Forced situation, karma. Isolation, like emigration, illness. A tense planet means conflict with society. Lenin has Mars in the 12th house. Secret, revolutionary societies. Magic, misfortunes with loved ones, or your own traumas, misfortunes. Difficulty expressing yourself. People with Mars in the 6th house do not appear aggressive; they can be internally aggressive. Psychological difficulties, tension in the astral plane, emotions as in the 4th house. Tendency or susceptibility to magic. Situations on long trips. With harmonious aspects in a woman’s chart - love, possibly secret.
Will turned towards oneself. Emotions cannot manifest themselves, self-criticism. If a person has afflicted Mars in the 12th house, then he may have been killed in a past life. The planet aspecting Mars indicates the type of trouble (Neptune - poison, Pluto - fire, Uranus - injuries while traveling, with electricity).

Such a person loves his own destiny very much and has an urgent need for reliability and security associated with his own home. There may be a variety of family difficulties caused by the dominant parent, due to which the individual may move far from the parental home. Moving away from your parents' home makes it easier to enter adulthood. Often such a person has to change his place of residence. One of his closest relatives is often a military man. You need to learn to calm your violent emotions and master the skills of self-control and self-discipline. When the planet is damaged, there is often a danger of fires in the house. Often people with this aspect are not inclined to get married. A lot of energy is spent on household chores due to the strong need to be the master of one’s home. Misuse of force leads to family discord.

Everyone tends to do their own repairs; a lot of work is spent on decorating the house. Serious conflicts with parents are possible, so you need to learn to control yourself. They often show interest in environmental issues. They seriously care about a secure old age, which is facilitated by inheriting land and houses from their parents. The defeat of the planet creates difficulties in paying property taxes. The constitution of such people is strong, they remain energetic until old age. Frequent losses from fire, theft and accidents are possible. The early death of one of the parents is not excluded. In general, life in the parental home is not easy, difficult and associated with many obstacles and disappointments. The family is busy arguing and cleaning up the mess. The house is full of troubles and misunderstandings. Property causes a lot of trouble, and speculation with property brings great losses.

Sometimes the aspect indicates the danger of sudden death due to an accident, as well as some serious psychological problems associated with the person’s place of birth. There is a desire for independence, adherence to one's own views, protracted conflicts with parents, difficulties in managing real estate, the likelihood of losing property and the desire to leave the homeland. Harmonious aspects of the planet soften these indications and contribute to a favorable course of home life. With severe damage to the planet, mental disorders and deep mental suffering are possible. The harmony of the planet increases strength and energy, activity and entrepreneurship and creates the opportunity to acquire real estate and implement ideas, plans and goals.


The placement of Mars in the 4th house suggests that your inner sanctum is built around the image and feeling of desire. What you want becomes almost sacred to you. Your inner focus is as sharp as a razor blade. But you can be careful in taking actions to achieve what you want. The trap lies in the tendency to delay action and thus unintentionally delay the fulfillment of desires; Before you begin to act, you often want to make sure of your own safety. The task is to fulfill desire with all the depth it deserves.

Personal safety

Security is very desirable for you, but it is difficult to achieve, largely due to the fact that by nature you are extremely jealous and obsessive about those closest to you. You want to do so much with them and get so much from them that the usual life and work together is sometimes not enough. You tend to be extremely sentimental and protective, but remember that even gentleness can be suffocating. As an adult, you study the scars of the past. You want to refresh the atmosphere of your family, set your own rules with one well-aimed action, so that in the end you can build relationships with your family on your own terms. The pitfalls are constant anxiety and lack of true relaxation, and the task is to learn the difference between ardor and aggression.

Emotional stamps

Life events have had a much greater impact on the formation of your imprints in comparison with the symbolism of the position of the other planets in this house. The most intense experiences were more meaningful to you than the subtle ones; childhood trauma in its classical interpretation, especially separation, has seriously affected you, if, of course, it happened. Territorial claims had a very deep impact: you fought, defended what was “yours.” You felt that you would be judged according to “male standards”: desire, intensity, and willful behavior.


Here we are faced with a contradiction: the male planet is in a female sign. This position can indicate a number of completely different life situations. Despite your mother's feminine appearance, you nevertheless often felt her masculine intensity. Perhaps she was a very energetic woman, a real ruler of the house, a person who could easily apply her talents to the management of society. On the other hand, your father may have performed some of the classic types of motherly duties. Or your imprints contained an impulse to communicate with him, transforming the desire for interaction into interaction itself. This planetary position sometimes indicates long-term disagreements or harshness in relations with parents, which is often the result of parent-child role conflict. However, even if this happens, the feeling of power still permeates the imprints.

Private intuition

You communicate with your inner leaders using energetic and impulsive messages. You go inside yourself to gain strength, charge your energy batteries, ignite the flame of desire. When faced with difficulties, you instantly move away from the world, but only to soon, like a boomerang, appear again, knowing a completely different solution to the problem. Your leaders remind you what you really want. However, they are not always friendly. Often they conflict with you, forcing you to get back on your feet again and again and go through life boldly and with real ardor.

Mars in the IV house: (+) - actively carries ancestral traditions and patriotism. He creates his own home, is harsh in relationships with loved ones, with parents and relatives. He can become a domestic tyrant, actively forcing his loved ones to work for himself, and interferes in everything, while believing that he is right. He knows how to pacify his will at the right moment. The instinct of self-preservation is highly developed and knows how to prevent dangers.

(-) - tense relationships with loved ones, they become enemies. Rebellion against parents, lack of recognition at home, leaving home, danger of emigration, wandering in search of a home.

Lermontov, Emil Zola, K. Marx, de Gaulle, Catherine de Medici.

Globa P.P.

Mars in the 4th house
The need to be the master of the house. A lot of work to decorate the house. They repair everything themselves. Interest in environmental problems. Often leaving their homeland helps to change family relationships; they often have an inheritance from their parents, a house and land. Strong constitution, energy until old age.

Francis Sakoyan.

Mars in the 4th house
Mars in the 4th house is in symbolic decline.
Here the life position is very active, but a person needs to carefully understand its true meaning.
At a low level, this is the idea of ​​​​active and energetic consumption of the surrounding world in the direction that the aspects of Mars will indicate (opposition to the X house - purely selfish external goals, aspect to the VII house - eating the enemy and partners, etc.); a person has a life position: “The world in its moral character is worthy only of my using it.” Such an internal position is often unconsciously masked by a conscious and sometimes expressed position: “I am a complete insignificance,” which is necessarily backed by nihilism in relation to the world and egoism, since if God exists and created me, then I bear his imprint and have from him certain assignments, so I can’t be a complete nonentity.
At the next level, the idea of ​​energetic consumption is replaced by the idea of ​​fighting the world. “There are many imperfections, injustices and evil forces in the world that can and should be fought fiercely,” and at the beginning it is implied that everyone else must fight first. The main drawback here is that a person does not want to carefully understand with whom and what he is going to fight, and a lot of time will pass until he understands that the idea of ​​war against anyone is unconstructive, because evil does not need to be destroyed, but to be brought to light or transform into good.
And only at the third level of elaboration of the house and Mars in the house, the idea of ​​constructive work in the external or internal world arises as the main life position.
When Mars is affected, strong internal frustrations, deep phobias, repressed aggression are the lure and fear of the psychoanalyst.
At any level, the need to affirm one’s position in life and the corresponding vulnerability are strong. A person is often completely intolerable, especially if he is unsuccessfully stroked against the grain. Strong religious feelings: “And he cut my chest with a sword, and took out my fiery heart,” or something like that, especially if you contradict God’s instructions or follow them in bad faith.
At home, a person tends to be active and fight with the wrong people at the wrong time; but constructive activity is also possible, especially with harmonious aspects of Mars: putting together a picture frame or earning money for a five-story mansion, depending on the aspects of the IV house to the VI and VIII.

Absalom the Underwater.

A person spends energy in the house, in the family, and is engaged in refurbishment of the home. Conflicts with family members. There is little connection with home and traditions.
If Mars is affected, then there may be fires and thefts, domestic injuries. Treasure hunting.

B. Israelite.

Microcosm. The placement of Mars in the 4th house suggests that your inner sanctum is built around the image and feeling of desire. What you want becomes almost sacred to you. Your inner focus is as sharp as a razor blade. But you can be careful in taking actions to achieve what you want. The trap lies in the tendency to delay action and thus unintentionally delay the fulfillment of desires; Before you begin to act, you often want to make sure of your own safety. The task is to fulfill desire with all the depth it deserves.
Personal safety. Security is very desirable for you, but it is difficult to achieve, largely due to the fact that by nature you are extremely jealous and obsessive about those closest to you. You want to do so much with them and get so much from them that the usual life and work together is sometimes not enough. You tend to be extremely sentimental and protective, but remember that even gentleness can be suffocating. As an adult, you study the scars of the past. You want to refresh the atmosphere of your family, set your own rules with one well-aimed action, so that in the end you can build relationships with your family on your own terms. The pitfalls are constant anxiety and lack of true relaxation, and the task is to learn the difference between ardor and aggression.
Emotional stamps. Life events have had a much greater impact on the formation of your imprints in comparison with the symbolism of the position of the other planets in this house. The most intense experiences were more meaningful to you than the subtle ones; childhood trauma in its classical interpretation, especially separation, has seriously affected you, if, of course, it happened. Territorial claims had a very deep impact: you fought, defended what was “yours.” You felt that you would be judged according to “male standards”: desire, intensity, and willful behavior.
A parent who is “internally connected” to a person. Here we are faced with a contradiction: the male planet is in a female sign. This position can indicate a number of completely different life situations. Despite your mother's feminine appearance, you nevertheless often felt her masculine intensity. Perhaps she was a very energetic woman, a real ruler of the house, a person who could easily apply her talents to the management of society. On the other hand, your father may have performed some of the classic types of motherly duties. Or your imprints contained an impulse to communicate with him, transforming the desire for interaction into interaction itself. This planetary position sometimes indicates long-term disagreements or harshness in relations with parents, which is often the result of parent-child role conflict. However, even if this happens, the feeling of power still permeates the imprints.
Private intuition. You communicate with your inner leaders using energetic and impulsive messages. You go inside yourself to gain strength, charge your energy batteries, ignite the flame of desire. When faced with difficulties, you instantly move away from the world, but only to soon, like a boomerang, appear again, knowing a completely different solution to the problem. Your leaders remind you what you really want. However, they are not always friendly. Often they conflict with you, forcing you to get back on your feet again and again and go through life boldly and with real ardor.

Bill Herbst.

Mars in the 4th house
In the big world, it is not easy for you to show your anger or enter into competition, while your loved ones encounter these sides of your personality quite often. Outbursts of irritation, troubled family relationships, or some kind of competition between you and relatives are likely. You want to be the main person in the house and spend a huge amount of energy to make sure everything goes the way you would like.

Mars in the 4th house - the fight against parental authority and traditional foundations. Willfulness in behavior. A person spends a lot of effort on his own home. This is the owner of the house. Such a planet can be realized very fruitfully through environmental activities. At the same time, you need to be very careful regarding mandatory payments, since major difficulties can arise through them.

Mars in the 4th house
There may be fire damage. Not good for the father born: dangerous diseases. Good luck only after a long struggle. Evil configuration of the Sun and Moon: violent death. Bad configuration of Mercury - loss of position and reputation.

No Monster.

These are passionate people and it is difficult to maintain close relationships with them. They are strong in the field of sex, have a sympathetic but competitive heart, own property and are respected in their circle. There is a loss of money invested in a risky enterprise. This placement is called Kuja dosha, "the malefic influence of Mars", and often leads to divorce or double marriage.


Such a person loves his own destiny very much and has an urgent need for reliability and security associated with his own home. There may be a variety of family difficulties caused by the dominant parent, due to which the individual may move far from the parental home. Moving away from your parents' home makes it easier to enter adulthood. Often such a person has to change his place of residence. One of his closest relatives is often a military man. You need to learn to calm your violent emotions and master the skills of self-control and self-discipline. When the planet is damaged, there is often a danger of fires in the house. Often people with this aspect are not inclined to get married. A lot of energy is spent on household chores due to the strong need to be the master of one’s home. Misuse of force leads to family discord. Everyone tends to do their own repairs; a lot of work is spent on decorating the house. Serious conflicts with parents are possible, so you need to learn to control yourself. They often show interest in environmental issues. They seriously care about a secure old age, which is facilitated by inheriting land and houses from their parents. The defeat of the planet creates difficulties in paying property taxes. The constitution of such people is strong, they remain energetic until old age. Frequent losses from fire, theft and accidents are possible. The early death of one of the parents is not excluded. In general, life in the parental home is not easy, difficult and associated with many obstacles and disappointments. The family is busy arguing and cleaning up the mess. The house is full of troubles and misunderstandings. Property causes a lot of trouble, and speculation with property brings great losses. Sometimes the aspect indicates the danger of sudden death due to an accident, as well as some serious psychological problems associated with the person’s place of birth. There is a desire for independence, adherence to one's own views, protracted conflicts with parents, difficulties in managing real estate, the likelihood of losing property and the desire to leave the homeland. Harmonious aspects of the planet soften these indications and contribute to a favorable course of home life. With severe damage to the planet, mental disorders and deep mental suffering are possible. The harmony of the planet increases strength and energy, activity and entrepreneurship and creates the opportunity to acquire real estate and implement ideas, plans and goals.

In a man's chart, Mars symbolizes the libido of the man himself and is therefore included in his “I” image.

The 4th house turns us to the hearth and home. The main thing for us here is the opportunity to relax, to feel at home with family, friends, and people of a similar disposition to us. It is interesting that people whose planet of the opposite sex is located in the 4th house often find their future spouse among distant relatives or in a club, in an interest group - in a place where they feel at home. This does not happen as a result of a conscious search, but completely naturally. And if the libido planet of the same sex is located in the IV house, our individual image of “I” is inseparable from family traditions. By itself, it may be almost undeveloped, almost non-existent.

Mars in the 4th house in a man’s chart indicates that he does not see any particular need to take care of his appearance and manners. Sometimes he is a typical “family patriarch”, if the position of other planets, especially the Sun, contributes to this. In particular, Mars near IC in combination with the Sun at the zero point of the house can generate a “patriarch” through a compensation mechanism.

Mars in the 4th house in a woman's chart attracts her to men who have maternal qualities to a significant extent. Such a man must love children, moreover, adore them. A woman herself may not be a very caring mother, and she needs a husband to make up for this deficiency. These women often prefer sensitive, feminine, even effeminate men.

B. Huber.

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Various disputes, quarrels and family troubles become a matter of concern for the native. He is inclined to use force when solving domestic and family problems, and is forced to fight for the safety of his family and the safety of his acquired property.

Features of character and behavior

The native's efforts are aimed at purchasing housing. Even if this does not happen quickly and a person goes through difficulties throughout his life (numerous rented apartments, moving, renovations, resale of old housing, etc.), he still achieves his goal.

The owner of the horoscope is interested in any real estate: garages, cellars, summer cottages, etc. In these places, he feels freedom of action and happily spends his energy on good purposes: cultivating the land, repair work, running his own business.

Mars in the 4th house for a man

The owner of the horoscope is distinguished by practicality, thriftiness and homeliness. He can leave his parents' family early and live at his own home. The woman with whom fate brings him together will have a strong and punchy character. In such a union there should be a lot of common things related to the household, home transformation and raising offspring, otherwise the energy of the partners will be spent on quarrels and sorting out relationships.

Mars in the 4th house for a woman

Mars is an indicator of marriage and relationships, and its placement in the 4th house of the birth chart, on the one hand, will tell about a woman’s interest in personal relationships. It is important for her to have a man in the house.

On the other hand, a man can sometimes be a source of problems, especially if Mars has a negative aspect. It will be good if the partners have spacious housing and a garden, where each of them can do useful things without interfering with each other.