What life lessons can there be? Life lessons to learn before it's too late

How many times can you step on the same rake?

Life is not like a checklist. Lessons must be learned from experience. If you do not apply the acquired knowledge in practice, then it will be of no use. And if something happened to you once, you have no guarantee that it will not happen again. Likewise, just because you were once good at something doesn't mean you will always be good at it.

Sometimes life's harshest lessons have to be learned over and over again. It depends on us whether we will have time to recognize that we have fallen into the same puddle, so that this time we can make a different decision and get out of it.

1. The easiest path ends up being the slipperiest.

Perhaps this is the very first life lesson we learn.

When something seems too good to be true, it usually isn't. Free cheese really can only be found in a mousetrap.

The path may seem easy because the possible ones cannot always be seen at first glance. We often choose it over others simply because we were hasty and careless in our choice. Sometimes it happens by accident, sometimes it happens on purpose, despite all the stop lights and red flags we couldn't help but notice.

But the result is always the same. In reality, the easy path often turns out to be much more difficult for us than the right one, but not as attractive if we had followed it from the very beginning.

2. A love roller coaster needs good brakes.

Do you know examples of relationships that developed at a speed of thousands of kilometers per hour? When did couples spend 24 hours a day together and couldn’t get enough of each other? Have you talked to your partner about marriage after just three months of dating?

Such relationships are full of passion and fire. But usually they are the first and... And they break into pieces.

Yes, love is like a roller coaster. This is probably how it should be. But one of the hardest lessons we need to learn is that we need to slow down.

You need to understand when it’s worth speeding up, and when it’s better to move slower, when to jump into the pool headlong, and when to hold your horses.

Because without brakes, you will speed up more and more and miss the opportunity to learn things about each other that are important to know. And accept each other for who you are. By the time you realize it, it may be too late.

3. It’s better to do a little, but regularly, than to occasionally give yourself a rush

Some people believe that one day everything will work out for them on its own. What kind of day is this, I wonder? How do you imagine it? Do you think you'll one day wake up in a luxurious mansion with two Ferraris parked outside the door? Where should all this come from, from a magical portal?

One fine day is today. You need to start being happy with your life right now. Something needs to change now. There won't be a better moment.

A big breakthrough can only be achieved through gradual small steps. You won't be able to press rewind like the character in the movie Click. Whatever you want to become, make every effort to achieve this right now.

4. Knowing yourself is much more important than personal achievements.

This difficult lesson is that achievements should not determine your satisfaction with yourself. It’s quite easy to tell from a person what exactly gives him self-confidence. Confidence based only on personal achievements is unstable, it is more associated with selfishness and does not lead to inner harmony.

This does not mean that you should not set goals and try to achieve them. It is important to understand where the feeling of satisfaction comes from.

If you only chase achievements, you will never achieve complete satisfaction. True satisfaction is determined only by freedom of creativity, the desire to do better and one’s craft. Achievements quickly lose their importance.

You will climb the mountain, trying your best to overcome the steep climb, biting into the stones to reach the top. But you won’t have time to reach it and enjoy the view when you notice the next higher mountain. And then you will think that it seems that you have achieved nothing, and now you have a new ascent ahead of you. As you can see, the approach is a dead end.

5. You are a reflection of the people you spend most of your time with.

Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are. The people around you serve as your mirror. In them you can see yourself, your own features. If you spend most of your time with people who have the same fears, insecurities or negative qualities, you will become accustomed to these characteristics in yourself. They will only become stronger, and you will think that it is just part of your nature.

Conversely, if you interact more with people who challenge your fears, self-doubt and other weak points, you will inevitably begin to change. You will absorb and adopt positive traits that you may be lacking.

Consciously choosing your environment will help you make yourself exactly the person you want to be. Are you lacking confidence? Communicate with confident people. Want to learn a new skill? Move more around people who already have it well developed.

There is another side to this. Sometimes it can be quite difficult to know when to leave. Sometimes people appear in our lives at the right moment when we need to learn something from them, and they need to learn something from us. Then it begins to form. But any relationship is part of your journey. And sometimes it’s very difficult to know when it’s time for your paths to diverge. To do this, you need to constantly pay great attention to how you spend your time and with whom you spend it.

6. You can't help but change, and trying to stay the same sometimes only causes harm.

Most people strive for security and stability. This is fine.

It is important to understand the value of change. Change cannot be avoided. It's usually scary. We fear change because it involves uncertainty. And we would like to keep our lives under control.

To get rid of this fear, you need, on the contrary, to strive for change. Self-development in general can be compared to regular ones. If you go to the gym and do the same exercises day after day, eventually your body gets used to the same load and these exercises cease to be difficult for it. Then the plateau effect begins to take effect. You become comfortable, but at a certain point this comfort begins to work against you. To move forward, changes are needed.

Don't expect them to come by themselves. Change yourself. When you start to feel the slightest signs that you are stuck in a rut, begin to consciously make changes in your life. Give warning strikes, be one step ahead of yourself. Force your brain and body to work, try something new and unknown.

7. Inside yourself, you always know which way to go.

The main thing is to listen to your inner voice. Change jobs or stay in the same place? Save the relationship or move on? Do what you like or what others want you to do? Often there are two answers to all these questions: the answer dictated by reason or habits, and the answer that our inner voice tells us.

We all hear it. We all know how and when it sounds. However, sometimes it is so difficult to follow it.

Why? Because our ego forces us to follow much louder voices that lure us with the promise of comfort, security, great achievements or the absence of pain. We stay in the office instead of going around the world, once again reading other people's books instead of writing our own. We allow ourselves to be led astray even though we know what we really need.

The problem is that the inner voice will not go away. And the more you ignore him, the louder he will turn to you. Perhaps his whisper will eventually turn into a scream. And you will have to listen to him. This is probably how people begin to feel, for example, a midlife crisis.

Value yourself. Trust your inner voice. Your heart does not lie, it will not tell you the wrong path.

All these lessons can sometimes be difficult to pass the first time. The sooner we realize what they are teaching us, the sooner we will stop walking through our personal rake field.

You already know that new results require new actions. However, that's not all. The results will remain the same and even get worse until you start using the Life Lessons Principle. Understand it, learn to use it, and you can get out of the vicious circle and move to a new level of life!

Common situation

You have heard many times stories about women who married alcoholics 3 times in a row; young people who are always in debt: only after paying off the last debt, they immediately go into debt again; girls who are always betrayed by guys; people whose third business is falling apart again for the same reason, etc.? What if you remember your life? Surely, if you think about it, you are also haunted by the same conditions, problems and situations from year to year.

Think about it right now - what negative, unpleasant situations are repeated in your life over and over again? Write down several such situations, we will analyze them later. These must be situations, problems that have been repeated several times in your life, and that hinder your development and prevent you from moving forward. Now think about why each of these situations arises again and again, only getting stronger each time. Write down the answers if they come. Read on.

So this is the Principle of Life Lessons. It reads: “Problematic and unpleasant situations will repeat in your life until you learn the lesson they carry. In this case, situations will get worse every time - until you are simply forced to learn a lesson after all! So, every trouble and difficulty carries a lesson. If the lesson is not understood and you do not change, according to this lesson, a similar situation will repeat again, then again in a more and more complicated version.

So, if you always lack money, this is a lesson. And the further you go, the worse the financial situation you will find yourself in if you don’t learn it. If you always have problems at work, with clients, this is also a lesson. Relationships with loved ones do not go well all the time - a lesson; being haunted again and again by some unpleasant illness is also a lesson. Etc.

The bad news is that a person usually realizes the lesson when the situation is already very advanced. When it was repeated for the umpteenth time in the most difficult version and with the worst consequences. As they say, until the thunder strikes, a man will not cross himself. Why is that? Because people, for the most part, are unconscious. And people cannot change quickly. And in general it is very difficult to change. When we get problems, troubles, negative situations, we don’t understand that this is a lesson, but we begin to think: “bad luck,” “why am I doing this,” get angry at the situation and at ourselves, etc. And we don’t change, we just we wait or try to resolve the situation using the old way of acting and thinking. But in two cases, lessons are learned:

  1. If the situation has worsened and become simply catastrophic - for example, a serious illness, a life-threatening situation, fear for loved ones, etc. Everyone knows the proverb “if there was no happiness, but misfortune would help.” It's about learning life lessons. Often, having become seriously ill, people reconsider their entire lives, all life principles and attitudes, become completely different and recover. Or after a life-threatening situation, a person realizes a lot and changes radically. But why bring the situation to such serious consequences?
  2. The second case is purposeful work on oneself in order to gain knowledge and learn lessons, independently or with a psychologist. Or you remember a situation that torments you, often repeats itself, and you want to change it - you look for a lesson in it and act to resolve this situation in accordance with the lesson learned. Or you immediately consider all current situations that cause a negative attitude from the point of view of lessons. But this requires discipline and experience.


Let me give you a few examples from my life.

Example one. I have my own business and several managers work under me. I have already found myself in the same situation several times. When managers work well, I stop systematically monitoring their work in detail and relax. And suddenly I find myself in a situation in which, out of the blue, complaints from almost all clients begin to pour in, pointing to the disgusting work of managers. I begin to delve into the situation and literally grab my head, seeing how everything has been neglected, we are losing several large regular clients, we are firing a manager, and hiring a new one. It turns out that the manager's work has been very bad for several months now, they have been making mistakes for a long time, which become more and more serious over time. It is not surprising, since control over their work has been weakened. The first months after hiring a new employee, I monitor the manager’s work very carefully, but after six months, I begin to control less, and everything repeats again. I understand perfectly well that I need to change, otherwise the situation will repeat itself again and its consequences will be more and more catastrophic - wasted nerves, stress, loss of regular customers, damaged reputation of the company. I wrote this situation down in my diary. And I put the screensaver on my computer “Daily monitoring of managers’ work!” Now, finally, I learned the lesson, made important conclusions and the situation began to change.

Another example: I have never made archival copies of computer files before, but they are very important to me - they contain my business and many other developments. I completely lost all the accumulated information and personal archives 5 times before I finally learned how to make copies. The last time, along with a stolen laptop, I lost, for example, the half-finished text of this book. I had to write again. Now every Thursday I backup my files according to plan. Lesson learned and files are no longer lost.

There are a lot of such situations in my life. In my diary I started a page with the table of contents: “I remember my lessons!” And there I write down all the lessons that I learned and conclusions for the future, what I need to remember, what to do to avoid them. I make notes immediately after a situation arises. And I look through them regularly. I recommend that you create such a page in both your home and work diaries.

The most important rule for working with lessons: take action to ensure the situation never happens again straightaway after the situation arises. What it means to learn a lesson: It means taking action to prevent such situations from occurring in the future, rather than simply dealing with the consequences. Only this will allow you to move to the next level - to the next class. This is the only way we develop.

For example: if your information on your computer is erased, you straightaway, on the same day you solve the backup issue. You install an appropriate program that will independently copy files to another hard drive, or you start making manual weekly backups of important files.

Another example: once again you find yourself in a situation with debts, you again have 5 debts from different sources that you cannot pay, 3 loans, and you also borrowed money from your parents and friends. You need to act decisively - as soon as you realize the situation. First: block credit cards so that it is not possible to borrow more money; second, go to your parents and friends and seriously ask them not to lend any more money. And put up reminders for yourself - “Do not borrow money!!” The inability to easily find borrowed money will force you to better plan your finances, reduce unnecessary expenses and find sources of increasing income. We need to act immediately precisely because over time we forget the complexity and negative emotions of the situation, and the fewer negative emotions remain, the less we want to change ourselves, invest time and money in preventing the problem that arose earlier. Hope is growing that this will not happen again. You probably won't go out and buy a new hard drive for backup a month after losing important information on your computer. And you don’t start putting important papers back a month after you’ve lost another important document. Only tough measures and only immediately - this is the rule of effective people!

Lessons can be general or private.

Learn the Most Important Lesson!

First general lesson for any situations that cause negativity - a lesson in non-attachment. Different authors call attachment differently. For example, Alexander Sviyash calls this “idealization”, Vadim Zeland “the work of pendulums”. Much has also been written about this in ancient treatises on yoga.

This law reflects the following: if in some situation you want everything to be exactly your way, exactly the way you want, you consider it right, and if everything goes wrong, you get angry and upset. This means that a situation that is unpleasant for you will be repeated again and again until you give up your claims “Have it my way and no other way!” For example, a girl really doesn’t like that her husband sits at the computer all evenings and nights. Or a man does not approve of his young wife watching television series. And they demand in every possible way that he (she) give up this behavior, they talk with their partner, insist, demand, quarrel, set ultimatums, make scandals, ask. But it would never even occur to them to retreat and let the person do as he does. That is, reduce the importance for yourself of your desire “I want you to stop sitting at the computer/watching TV shows!” Scandals can almost lead to divorce, and a demanding partner will be indignant: “why is HE LIKE THIS?!” And we often find ourselves in such situations. It could be a harmful mother-in-law/mother-in-law, a terrible colleague, a disgusting director or neighbor, every time you see their manifestations that you don’t like, you get angry, upset: “why is he like that”?

The same goes for situations that don't involve other people. You may be angry that you are not promoted at work, that you have low income, that you are not the first or the best in your circle of friends, that you have a bad car, that you are not happy with your figure or health, that you are constantly short of money, etc. d. As long as you overestimate the importance of this situation for yourself, that is, you experience a sea of ​​negativity if everything does not go the way you want, the situation will not change. And only when you “let go” of the situation and allow the situation to be as it is (“be as it will be”) can it change for the better. This does not mean a lack of action on your part to correct the situation; on the contrary, only by calming down and “letting go” of the result, you will be able to act effectively, which will allow you to more successfully and quickly resolve the situation and change it.

Second general lesson: accepting responsibility for everything that happens in your life. It says that when negative situations are repeated, when you are not satisfied with the state of things in some area of ​​your life, it is important to learn a lesson: that you created any situation in your life, they also say that you “drew it” yourself. How exactly did he create, “attract”? It is the results of your negative thoughts or actions in the past that have returned to you. For example, if for a long time you were afraid that you would be fired from your job, and this is exactly what happened. Or you thought that your husband would cheat on you - and that’s what happened. And if you didn’t think anything bad, but something bad happened, for example, someone did something bad to you, look for the same bad deed in your past. The path was even addressed to another person, but that act returned to your life like a boomerang.

The “mirror” principle also applies in personal relationships. If you think that your loved one is bad, has some negative qualities or behaves badly towards you, then it is you who see your negative qualities and bad actions towards this person. Your loved one - husband, wife, mom or dad, child, mother-in-law - acts as a mirror. It “shows” and “reflects” qualities that you don’t notice or accept in yourself. Thus, you have a chance to see and change these shortcomings. And it will improve the relationship. Let me give you an example: a wife complains that her husband pays little attention to her and is not interested in her affairs, that he is focused only on his own interests, an egoist. If you start asking her about her behavior towards her husband, it turns out that this is exactly how she behaves - inattentively, without taking time and neglecting his interests.

This is a very important aspect - until you realize that you yourself have created your poverty, poor health and well-being, your bad relationships with others, lack of work or problems at work, situations will repeat again and again.

Private lessons

Now let's talk about private lessons. It is very easy to recognize them in relation to simple everyday situations:

  • problems with excess weight - eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle,
  • If you're late for work, get up earlier
  • If you constantly fall short of your next salary, plan your budget better,
  • Lost your cell phone again - don't carry it in your pocket.

However, despite the fact that life's lessons are easy to understand, changing behavior in relation to even the simplest situations is quite difficult. As experience shows, we are late for work for years, are overweight all our lives, do not create savings and investments (even though we read a lot about this), etc.

The most difficult to understand are serious spiritual lessons that directly affect our development and lead us immediately up a step. These are lessons of unconditional love for one's neighbor, renunciation of pride, overcoming one's own complexes and weaknesses, one's own fears, revaluation of values, etc. Therefore, if major troubles happen in life that bring great suffering, these are the most valuable lessons for us! Many have heard the phrase: “Development occurs through suffering.” It is about the fact that we can move to a new, higher stage of development only after receiving a major lesson, and we receive such a lesson only in serious life trials that bring suffering.

Bodo Schaefer says: to achieve success, you need to go through pain, the pain of difficulties, mistakes and defeats. Understanding the spiritual lesson is quite difficult, but very important! A serious problem situation is a gift of fate; it helps to move to a new step if the lesson is learned. One of the methods of awareness is meditation on the topic of the lesson. It is necessary to spend enough time to meditate on the situation. There is no need to ask “why am I doing this?”, look for those to blame, or feel sorry for yourself. You need to conduct another meditation: ask yourself (your subconscious), God, the Universe: “What is this lesson about?”, “Why did this situation appear in my life?”, “What do they want to convey to me through this situation”? It is important not to close yourself off from a difficult situation, not to try to quickly forget it, but to try to understand the meaning of the spiritual lesson contained in it. Meditations can be carried out many times; you can use the visualization method, asking to “show” a lesson, or the written recording method, writing down thoughts on paper. When you persistently meditate on a difficult situation, a lesson will definitely be revealed to you. Now you need to understand it, record it on paper, and think about new behavior in connection with the lesson learned. Most often, the very state of a person, the qualities of his personality, and spiritual qualities change after realizing an important lesson.


Again I want to give an example: my brother had a difficult life situation, and I was very worried about him. I was under a lot of stress until suddenly I understood the lesson of this difficult situation for me personally. It was a lesson about how much I love him, how important he is to me and how petty my long-standing grievances against him are, my envy in some situations. Having understood the lesson, I was cleansed, and my unconditional love for my brother became stronger and brighter, everything else was completely discarded. Our relationship changed during that period, became deeper, warmer, which I was very happy about!

Practice “Awareness of life lessons”

Choose a life situation that you would like to work on in order to understand the spiritual lesson: it could be bad relationships with loved ones (husband/wife, parents, children), a difficult financial situation, problems with work, depressive moods, failures in other areas of life. Start meditating on the topic of the lesson: ask your subconscious, God, the universe - what this lesson is about, visualize, write down thoughts on paper. Devote enough time to this until you get the answer. Think about how you want to change your behavior now, your life in accordance with the lesson you learned. Write it down and start implementing it.

Do you constantly read about new practices and useful exercises? But you don’t implement them: you forget, you don’t want to, and in every possible way you sabotage useful changes in your life? I have a free one. Listen to the audio that will tone you up and allow you to start taking action!

Good day, dear readers. In this article I want to tell you about how and in what way we learn lessons from our life, feel its educational effects, and how to understand life lessons . As I recently wrote in one of my articles (how we order our own troubles) - in most cases, people involuntarily order their own troubles. In this article I also gave some recommendations on how to deal with this. I won’t dwell on this again now. However, this is not all that can “spoil” (as we ourselves believe) our wonderful life. There is a dogma in the Bible about not judging another person (this applies not only to a person as a person, but to all areas of human activity). “Judge not, lest ye be judged” - this does not say that we should not judge Ivanov’s neighbor on the landing. In general, if we look at this process from a slightly different angle, we can see that people always and everywhere violate this principle. To judge - in this case means to evaluate this or that action, circumstance or person and his actions. As a result of non-compliance with this dogma, certain educational processes from life begin to be applied to a person (as psychologist A. Sviyash called them). And there is a completely objective justification for this. For example, a person “terribly” needs money (a lot, and even more... but he doesn’t really know how much he needs and when). At this moment, the work of our subconscious begins, which tries to get this nth amount of money for its beloved owner. The more a person thinks about his need to receive money, losing, accordingly, all the little things and details (including the unfortunate circumstances of not receiving this money), he sees himself surrounded by countless riches, attaches too much importance to them, putting these material benefits at the forefront of everything light, turning them into their ideal - the further they move away from it. This is how the idealization of any good occurs, not just monetary ones. A person, after he has stopped seeing everything and everyone except money, will never receive it! The point here is that the educational processes that our life sends to us (the Universe, or God, as anyone wishes) will prove to us completely the opposite. In particular, they will tell you that even if you haven’t received the money, life doesn’t end there. So what if you don’t have what you so passionately desire, for example, money, idealizing it. Life is wonderful without them. There are a lot of other joys and pleasures. Thus, those who carry out these educational procedures want to specifically point out to you that nothing terrible or unusual will happen if you do not have what is your idealization. On the contrary, they will “reward” you everything, exactly the opposite, in order to prove the insignificance of what you want. As the world-famous progenitor of esotericism, Carlos Costaneda, wrote in one of his books, “everything is equal” (the meaning here is that any thing is just as significant in relation to any other, and vice versa). There is no need to attach too much importance to this or that object of the material world; by and large, everything is equally important and of equal magnitude. So why waste your energy in eternal attempts to obtain a benefit that is significant according to some criteria only to you? You need to accept life as it is and be grateful that it has chosen for you the only correct and correct solution to your problem. Previously, I myself was too carried away by esoteric methods of getting what I wanted, I constantly thought about it, replaying everything in my mind. They began to teach me life lessons that proved the inconsistency of my idealizations. And when I radically changed my attitude towards my desires, oddly enough, they not only began to flow into my hands, but their volumes began to exceed even my wildest expectations. Without desire, you will also receive nothing, because “water does not flow under a lying stone.” You need to desire, but you need to do it correctly, and not exaggerate the significance of this or that object of your desire. One must desire with the passion of a player, but without exaggerating or idealizing the object of desire. In one technique ( Technique of wish fulfillment - TIZH), this state is called “gambling detachment.” Perhaps in the near future I will tell you what it is. One ancient Chinese teaching called the “Words of Vantalla” says that “there is no good or bad - there is only what you yourself regard as good or bad.” So, everything is so conditional () that you shouldn’t attach too much importance to anything. To summarize everything that has been said here, I want to repeat once again: do not idealize this or that good, placing it at the top of all things. This is your personal opinion and your subjective priority. Many people, for example, only need creative expression, and money is not of great importance to them. Otherwise, they will immediately “prove” to you the completely opposite, and it’s good if “it costs a little money.” Of course, you need to wish, but only with passion, and without giving it excessive emotional overtones, and without establishing an idealization of this material good. For example, you won’t like it if the boss who gave you a task constantly, every five minutes, asks about the results of its completion. The same happens with your desires.

Well, but still, how to understand life lessons? The basis of any troubles that happened to you today is some kind of “misdemeanor” committed the day before (a week, a month, etc.). You just need to try to analyze what exactly your action or thoughts caused this negativity towards you (just don’t think about very small failures, for example, “slipped and fell” and why this happened, otherwise you will go completely crazy). Try to connect them with what happened and analyze. You yourself will be able to answer the question - how to understand this or that lesson, because no one but you can know the answer to this question. Be grateful for such life lessons, because life simply warns you against further bad thoughts and actions and thus reveals the fact that you are a little lost in life.

For those who wish to receive this or that benefit, I can personally create for you an individual audiovisual method of obtaining what you want (for a small fee, since this process takes a lot of my time). You can check the effectiveness of this method yourself (

When we recognize ourselves as eternal spiritual beings, gaining experience in the human body from life to life, our experience of difficulties and problems changes. But even realizing that we planned this for ourselves before the next incarnation, sometimes we want to figure out: what did our soul really want to learn? How to recognize your lessons and the keys to completing them? How to gain Mastery?

We see ourselves as human beings seeking spiritual awakening, when in fact we spiritual beings trying to cope with human awakening. At the “planning meeting” that precedes each incarnation, each of us decides what life lessons we will work on. We assign roles and make specific contracts for future life experiences.

Through the experience of human life, we work to achieve Mastery in twelve basic life qualities. In every life we ​​choose to work one main lesson and we continue to work on it in subsequent lives until we reach the level of Mastery in this one quality. Then we choose another main lesson for the next incarnation. In the past, we usually worked with one lesson at a time. There are certain cases in which we may work on two or more lessons, but most of the time we are limited to just one.

One important human quality that is not included in the Twelve's list is responsibility. The point is that responsibility is actually result actions, not actual quality. It is the result of achieving (or not achieving) Mastery of life's lessons. In other words, a person either takes responsibility for working on the lesson or does not. The action of responsibility usually manifests itself in the life lessons of Being, Creation, Trust and, most often, Truth.

Basic Life Lesson№ 1

Adoption. Self-esteem, Adoptionyourself andArtGracefulAcceptance. People most often learn this life lesson while incarnating in a female body. Energy blocks in this area can manifest themselves as “self-sabotage”: a person “seems to be doing everything right, but nothing works out.” Such people may well learn to create, but as soon as the energy they emit begins to return, they have problems accepting the reward. Acceptance is an art, the essence of which is that you allow energy to flow through you. Look for areas where energy may be stuck and work to release it. Another important aspect of this tutorial is taking responsibility Responsibility is what balances personal power. The equation here is simple: if you want to create more success in your own life, you must take more personal responsibility for your happiness.

Basic Life Lesson№ 2

Adaptation. Changes. Our natural psychological makeup is capable of enormous changes in a very short period of time. But our physical form often resists change, so we don't cope with it very well. The life lesson of Adaptation teaches us to adapt to change and be comfortable with it. Very few of us can do this because change carry with them unknown. If we don't know what's going to happen, we feel like we have no control. And we equate the inability to control with powerlessness. When faced with change and the natural fear it creates in us, we can remember - and this is what will help us - that it is impossible to reach a higher vibrational level, unchanged. The paradox is that the feeling of comfort that we are looking for is most easily achieved by getting used to the very process of change!

Basic Life Lesson№ 3

Being. Integrity. The illusions of the polarity space in which we reside seek to make us believe that we not complete. People who choose the life lesson of Genesis have special difficulties with this. The Basic Life Lesson of Genesis often implies addiction. Because the main principle of this lesson is that people are looking for beside myself things that should make them whole.(Not only “bad habits” can become addiction, but also relationships, and even the desire for self-improvement). This does not mean that every addictive person learns the basic life lesson of Genesis, but addictive behavior is often brought into existence by this lesson. As a facilitator, I help people with this life lesson by encouraging them to find that sacred place within where they can just be, rather than try become something they are not. The art of “just Being” is unfamiliar to most of us, but by practicing it, we will see real changes - first in the energy sphere, and then in life.

Basic Life Lesson№ 4

Mercy. Harmony. Now the life quality of Mercy is not very popular in our society. This, however, does not mean that it is not important. On the contrary, the lesson of Mercy contains the key to the next level of development on our path to becoming Human Angels. The word “mercy” has become synonymous with the word “charity” in our society. However, although charity may be one of the manifestations of Mercy, true Mercy is not only an art give, share. True Mercy in the meaning of a quality of life is honoring in all our actions the connection that connects us with all people. Depending on where a person focuses these qualities, the lesson can look very different. If they are directed inward, we see people working on the lesson of Mercy being selfish and looking out only for their own interests. Otherwise, if these qualities are externally focused, it will appear as if the person is overzealous in the relationship. These people can be annoying with their constant attempts to get your attention and make you like them. Mastering the quality of Mercy lies in strengthening the connection that already exists between everything that surrounds us.

Basic Life Lesson 5

Communication. From the depths of my soul. The lesson of Communication from the depths of the soul is defined within the sphere of relationships. While this can be applied to relationships of all kinds, loving relationships are the main area we are focusing on as we work through this lesson. However, it must be said that learning this lesson has eluded many people, since the goal is not (as many believe) to complete the Self. others, but rather to learn to walk near with others and share life with them so that neither of us leans on the other too much. Being sincere with each other is the essence of a good relationship. Very often, people working on the Communication lesson have difficulty expressing themselves in words since childhood. After solving a problem at an early age, many choose situations in which they have to communicate, to earn a living. If they succeed in mastering this lesson, they usually feel quite comfortable in the communicative sphere. And even in this case, it is often difficult for them to say out loud what has accumulated in their souls, to sincerely voice their feelings and needs. When we master the art of always saying what we feel, quality Communications from the depths of the soul will be the basis of all our relationships.

Basic Life Lesson 6

Creation. ManifestationPowershis"I". Being in the space of polarity, we cannot see that we are creators and that only we have the power of creation in our own thoughts. We all have this blind spot to one degree or another. But it is even greater for people who are working to learn the life lesson of Creation, for often they are not only blind to their own creations, but also blind to their very ability to create. Although these people have enormous creative abilities, they often have equally enormous difficulties in translating ideas into practical works. Belief in insufficiency and perfectionism often serve as an excuse for these people not to even try to create something themselves. Somewhere along the way we acquired the belief that have your power as creators means we can't make mistakes. The truth is that we incapable make mistakes for the simple reason that if we are unhappy in the reality we have created, then all we have to do is claim responsibility for our creation and then undo it and start over. The key to learning this lesson is to find the counterbalance to PERSONAL POWER, which is RESPONSIBILITY. Finding an opportunity to take on more personal responsibility will increase a person's sense of personal power, thus helping him or her learn the life lesson of Creation.

Basic Life Lesson 7

Definition. Expressing individuality across boundaries. This basic life lesson currently especially popular among women. Most of the people working on it are potential healers with huge reserves emotional empathy. They connect to the emotions, thought patterns and energy of other people so easily and spontaneously that they often don't even realize that the energy they feel is Not their energy. Because of this, they inevitably have difficulty setting proper boundaries for themselves. The key to learning this very popular but difficult life lesson is to learn putting yourself first. Are you shocked by this call? But understand: there is a huge difference between someone who puts himself to the center, and to those who put themselves forward. Yes, both place themselves first in the flow of energy, but that's where the similarities end. The intention of the one who puts himself first is to fill first of all his “I” - so that he has even more what can be given to others. To achieve Mastery in the Definition lesson, you must define your boundaries and become accustomed to putting yourself first in all situations. There is another aspect to this quality. People with this lesson have no concept of where their energy field ends and another's begins. The paradox is that it is this extreme sensitivity that makes these people such powerful healers. If they can learn to identify their energetic boundaries, they will find that they can use that same sensitivity intentionally - to connect to other people's emotional energy fields and promote healing. Those who have learned the life lesson of Definition become very powerful healers. And the most powerful word they can learn to use is the word “no.”

Basic Life Lesson 8

Honesty. INharmonywithhis"I". Have you ever watched someone give a speech on TV and felt that although every word he said was correct, you couldn't agree with what he was saying? Have you ever had a clear feeling during a conversation that the other person is saying one thing, but feeling something else? If so, then you have most likely dealt with a person working on the life lesson of Honesty. In each person's field there are four lines of vibration of honesty. These are subtle vibrations that we emit without realizing it. Learning the life lesson of Honesty depends on our ability to harmoniously integrate these four lines.

These are the Four Vibrational Lines of Honesty:

1. What we are we talk.

2. The way we we act.

3. What we are we think.

4. What we believe we believe.

If one or more of these lines is not consistent with the others, the vibration we transmit will be blurry and unclear. When this happens, a blurred result returns in all our creations, which in turn makes it difficult for people to understand or believe us. This is not only confusing, but also makes us doubt ourselves, which, of course, blurs our energy field even more. Aligning our personal vibrational lines is all that is required to enter a state of vibrational Honesty. While in this state, we interact well with others, which not only helps us in our relationships with them, but also facilitates the process of contact and unification with our Higher Self. Mastering conscious movement in complete harmony is the most important step in mastering Honesty.

Basic Life Lesson 9

Love. LoveToto yourself. The key to learning the life lesson of Love is to learn to love yourself unconditionally and first of all. Love is the basis of what we call Universal Energy. All energy comes from the foundation of Love. Since we are in the space of polarity, we humans need to experience one polarity to understand the other. The most powerful of all emotions is Love, and the polar opposite of Love is Fear. That's why those who work with main life lesson Lovers often fall into a vicious circle of fear. Fear is at the root of all negative emotions. But just as darkness disappears when light shines on it, so fear can be overcome by the presence of love. Darkness is just the absence of light. Fear is only the absence of love. The very first manifestation of love, the most difficult for those who learn this lesson, is love to yourself. Taking the next step is possible only provided that a person loves another to the same extent as he loves himself. God is inside, not outside. This is why we must learn to love first myself. The manifestations of love that we find in the New Energy will be a direct reflection of this simple truth. Many people say they are looking for love, but what they really mean is that they are looking for someone who will... love them. They would achieve success much faster if, instead of looking for someone to love them, they focused on finding ways give love. Because only through the act giving love we can tune the energy to be love and thus, get love.

Basic Life Lesson 10

Confidence. BelieveVmyself. The life lesson of Trust is simple to understand, but very difficult to master. The ultimate goal of the life lesson of Trust is Learn to trust yourself first. People working with the core lesson of Trust often have great difficulty learning to trust themselves and accept and hold their own power. However, once they have learned this lesson, they often go through life guided by their inner self. sense of direction and always look and act as if they know exactly where they are going. In the end these people must learn so much trust themselves so that they no longer need know. If we talk about Trust, then here's an interesting thing: most of us have no difficulty trust God. But almost all of us have a big problem when we need to accept the fact that we and there is God. Trust is an extremely important life lesson; this quality allows us to become part of the whole, placing us in the flow of Universal Energy. When we don't have Trust, we don't have Faith. Once we have learned Trust, we can allow ourselves to be vulnerable. By allowing ourselves to be vulnerable, we turn our weaknesses into strengths. In fact, as we will soon learn from the Crystal Children who are now coming into this world, Our vulnerability is the source of our greatest strength!

Basic Life Lesson 11

Truth ("I").Responsibility. The life lessons of Truth and Trust are very close and they are often confused. When a person chooses to master Truth, their energetic makeup will cause them to have trouble discerning and standing up for their truth. When a person finds it difficult to adhere to his own truth, he tends to accept the truth of others. He will always be looking for the newest book, the newest concept, the coolest idea to follow. When a person works with Truth at a higher level of Mastery, he often becomes a teacher or leader who is able to embrace many different shades of truth without being tied to any one. Learning this life lesson also leads to the understanding that truth is based solely on personal perception and that only by changing perception can one see many other truths, and not just one’s own. Mastery of this quality can only be achieved through absolute honesty with oneself. This means taking full responsibility for your thoughts and actions. I'm not saying that actions and thoughts have to be perfect - they just have to be their own. When you begin to take responsibility for your reality, your mastery of Truth will begin. People who are just beginning to learn this lesson tend to see themselves through other people's eyes. They are good at seeing others' points of view, but when it comes down to it their vision - a “blind spot” is revealed. These are people who always judge themselves by what they do. They think others think about them. Truth is a very complex quality. Even if it takes several lifetimes, learning this lesson advances all of humanity as a whole!

Basic Life Lesson 12

Grace. GoBylifeVharmonywitheveryoneexisting. Grace is the last step on the path to Mastery. By learning this lesson, one learns that it is not the final destination that really matters. The main thing is the path itself and the grace with which we walk this path. To understand the importance of this lesson, you can ask yourself: How often do I wake up in the morning and say, “I love my life and want to know what today will bring?” Do you find yourself missing Home? Do you feel that one day you woke up in this uncomfortable body in which you live here, and now you spend most of your energy looking for a way back Home? If the answer to these questions is “yes,” then you have not yet learned the life lesson of Grace. Grace is connecting to what the Group calls Universal Energy - the energy that connects all things. Grace's life lesson strengthens our connection to the energy that flows between all things. Those working with Grace's core lesson always want to see the biggest picture. They are eager to find out how everything in the world is interconnected. They are not at all interested in the secrets of earthly life: give them the secrets of the Universe! They communicate with other people without any problems, but they also see those parts of each of us that are in other dimensions, and internally recognize the truth in everything they hear, see or experience. When in Spiritual Psychology seminars we begin to identify the life lessons of those present, everyone immediately decides that his lesson - Grace. But please remember what I already told you: you will see yourself in every lesson in life, but it is very difficult to independently determine which lesson is your main one, because it is for this lesson You have a built-in and configured blind spot. Everyone sees some part of themselves in Grace, but still, cases when a person works on this lesson as the main one are extremely rare.

To understand the bigger picture of our experience spiritual beings in human form It's good to remember that we're not here to learn lessons. as such. This is not an end in itself. In fact, one might even say that the Twelve Essential Life Lessons are just a distraction. We need something to occupy us while we master the larger quality that surrounds us on all sides. Even simpler: in fact, what we come here for is the Art of Craftsmanship itself. “Mastery”, to give a precise definition, is the ability to find positive applications for all energies in all situations. Having achieved this, we will finally remember our true power as Creators.

Excerpts from the book “Spiritual Psychology: Twelve Essential Life Lessons” by Steve Rother / Transl. from English - M.: LLC Publishing House “Sofia”, 2006.”

In order to get rid of ignorance, we go through various kinds of tests in life, the so-called “fire, water and copper pipes”, because all the events in our lives are lessons! Therefore, if we witness something bad, then this is a lesson on how not to behave, and if we see a righteous action, then this is a lesson on how we need and should act.

Moreover, you need to understand that each of us will take tests and exams independently. That there is no universal law of the right choice “for everyone” - everyone must go through their own tests and make a choice personally. And if the choice is correct and the actions are sincere, then the Lord, sitting in the auditorium and watching our performance on the stage of life, applauds us. And if we lie or, for example, are cowards, then He will again create a situation in which we will go through the same test again and again.

Life is a game, says Sathya Sai Baba. He wants us not only to play, but also to enjoy this game called Life. He wants us to be sincere and fearless in this game and never think about the reward or fee. And the Lord loves each of us (and not just Abramovich or Deripaska) and always gives us tests only within our strength. He constantly forgives our mistakes, because He knows well that only from them we can learn. And when we study well - that is, we react correctly to current events and life situations, then we move to the next class, to the next course of study. At the same time, rough situations and crises disappear from our lives, and in the future we will have to solve more and more subtle problems and make more precise choices. Well, if we study poorly, then we “stay for the second year,” going through life situations again. And only in those cases when, due to our own ignorance, we step on the same rake for the hundredth and thousandth time, the Lord sends illness and suffering for our correction.

If we talk about the correct attitude towards our own actions, then it is best to use the principle: “If we have done something good and are thanked for it, then redirect this gratitude to the Lord. It was He who acted with our hands, He who loved with our hearts, He who spoke with our lips. Therefore, gratitude was expressed not to us personally, but to God within us. But if we did something bad, then we need to understand that we, our own Ego, are always to blame for this.”

Each of us is destined to die, you can even joke that there is 100% mortality on planet Earth and that “everything will end well - we will all die.” Therefore, you should not be afraid of death at all - a wasted stupid, aimless and ignorant life is much worse. And so that in one’s declining years there is no “excruciating pain for the years spent aimlessly lived,” one must now, without wasting a minute, try to change, getting rid of animal and demonic qualities and acquiring more and more human and divine ones.

“Discrimination is Viveka”

Everything in the world should be in harmony. If there is too much of something in life or something is missing, then death occurs. For example, flowers need both sunlight and water. If you do not water a flower for a long time, leaving it to the rays of the sun, it will dry out and die. But if you water the flower excessively, it will rot and also die. There should be exactly as much light and water for a flower as it needs, and not as much as you want.

The same is true with human relationships. If we do not show our love to our loved ones, our relationships will certainly “dry up” after some time, but we can also “strangle” our loved ones with excessive care and selfish pseudo-love. Everything must be in harmony, divine harmony. Therefore, discrimination or viveka is very important for the “new life”. And this is the ability to distinguish the righteous from the sinful, the eternal from the transitory, the true from the false, and, in addition, “I WANT” from “I NEED”. This is exactly what is said in the prayer: “Lord, give me humility to accept what I cannot change, give me courage to change what I must change, and wisdom to distinguish one from the other.”

To achieve viveka, having calmed your mind, you can try meditation, during which you need to try to answer the following questions for yourself:

Are my thoughts, words and deeds always pure? Have there been cases in the recent past where this turned out not to be the case?
Can I consider myself an honest person? That is, a person acting in accordance with his own position. Have there been times in the recent past when I have lied, been a coward, or stolen?
Am I faithful? Or do my loyalties change along with my personal interests and passions?
Do I believe in God? Do I trust God? Or do I remember him only in moments of difficulty and crisis?
Are my words and actions motivated only by self-interest, or do I have ideals higher than “I”, “me” and “mine”?
Do I have the courage to make a decision, knowing that it may turn out to be wrong? Or am I often irresponsible and try to shift the burden of decisions onto others?
Do I have the patience and persistence to continue pursuing the problem until it is successfully resolved? Or, when faced with a difficulty, do I retreat or cannot overcome my own laziness?
Am I proactive or am I going with the flow? Do I have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to achieve a level of mastery in my job? Am I expanding my knowledge?
Can I interact with people in such a way that they want to do well what needs to be done?
Do I know my strengths and weaknesses? Or am I confident in my own excellence, despite the fact that some people do not want to deal with me?

How to respond to problems and crises

Only we ourselves are the reason for both our successes and failures. The people and space around us react only to those impulses that come from us. Therefore, any events that occur in our lives are the reaction of the world to our actions, words or thoughts.

We all want to be happy, but, as a rule, we are busy only with ourselves “beloved” and we do not care at all about the problems of other people, society, the country, the planet. Therefore, when, instead of happiness, various kinds of troubles or illnesses come to us, we are perplexed and indignant. But what are the problems and suffering that come to us? This is the Lord’s attempt to make us understand that we should change old guidelines, abandon habitual attitudes and previous views on the world and ourselves. This is exactly how the Lord tries to reach us by creating problems and conflicts, illnesses and crises, through personal life and relationships. This is how a person is designed that he needs to be “pressed” very hard so that he wants to work on himself, overcoming pride or laziness, anger or jealousy. This is exactly what happens in life when “unexpectedly” we have illnesses or problems at home, at work or in the family.

It turns out that only pain and suffering can open our eyes to what is happening and awaken us to change our lives. After all, when we are comfortable and comfortable, we do not have a single reason to want changes in our own lives. Therefore, the answer to the question: “Why does suffering and pain exist?” very simple - to change people's behavior. This is exactly what N.K. spoke about. Roerich: “Blessed are difficulties, for we grow through them.” Sathya Sai Baba also says: “Love God, even if your lot is hard and bitter. Love God despite being rejected and criticized. For only after severe tests and strenuous efforts is the metal cleared of impurities and acquires shine.”

Therefore, welcome any problem or illness that comes into your life - all this is a wonderful reason to take a closer look at yourself and make an attempt to change! Rejoice when pain and suffering come to us, because this means that the Lord has not abandoned us, that He is with us, that He believes in us, believes that we will see the light and change.
For this, a person does not need much - just to want to know himself and find the path to the Light of Truth.