Sun Jupiter conjunction in a woman's natal chart. Jupiter conjunctions in the natal chart: the good power of the Guru

In astrological literature I often see that Jupiter does not bring evil. After all, this planet is a benefactor. And even in tense aspects this benefactor is incapable of doing anything bad. I partly agree with this. But more and more I read that since Jupiter, there should be no evil at all. Alas, no. Brings. However, the volume of Jupiter's negativity is much less than, say, Pluto.

Often this gives a distorted worldview and expressed optimism. They try to find the most easy way problem solution. They think too broadly, sometimes without noticing what is in front of their eyes. The view of the world is aimed at solving global issues. They learn new skills very quickly and try to develop themselves. They can often scatter their energy over several issues. They just don’t always get the job done. This aspect adds a desire to be in every field. They want everything at once.

Future spouse

Sun - Jupiter can tell you about your future spouse. Usually this is a person older in age, with foreign roots or a different religion, who has power in society. However, it is not without its drawbacks. He can promise mountains of gold, brag, teach. Sometimes he can philosophize and reason a lot.

Women with this position should understand that a man can suffer from delusions of grandeur and love himself more than his spouse. This aspect alone will not give anything special, so be sure to look at other instructions.

As for a man’s profession, it can be associated with politics, legislative power, legal activity. He may work abroad or be involved in the import and export of goods. This may indicate a profitable marriage.

Such people tend to exaggerate everything. Favorite word- a lot of. I often notice that people with Sun/Jupiter aspect are optimistic about the world, excited about good feeling humor. But you shouldn't joke about them. This privilege is available only to the owners of this aspect themselves.

Like any burnt planet, Jupiter is difficult to control, a person does not have generally accepted standards of justice, the self-esteem of the owner of the aspect is high to such an extent that it is even disgusting. A similar effect must be compared with the sign of Jupiter to be accurate. For example, I had a client with combust Jupiter in Capricorn. And in my interactions with her, I didn’t notice anything that could indicate high self-esteem. I observed the same effect with Jupiter in Virgo.

From the experience of communicating with the owners of this aspect, I will say that they are often interested in topics of travel, philosophy, and religion. And you don’t have to be religious at all for this. A person may simply be interested in the history of religious teachings, the life of priests, architectural structures in the form of temples, cathedrals, etc. But for this it is necessary to analyze the sign of the Sun and the house of its location.

You can learn about your aspects and characteristics by looking at a specific topic.

The conjunction in the horoscope is the strongest and most difficult aspect. This is a lot of energy, concentration at one point. Strength, energy, action. Divine energy flows from one form to another, but is unchanged. Energy is the source of action.

Conjunctions in the horoscope

The strongest impulse of action comes through the connection in the horoscope. In an included sign or in a mine, a planet manifests itself only when there is an opportunity /this may be rare/, through an aspect, because the planet is immersed in a sign and there is no exit to the house cusp.

The strongest interactions are born through connection. There is a need for dissonance of energy, because... when there is unevenness of energy / somewhere there is a lot, somewhere there is little /, the more it can pour out. And where it is empty, energy is drawn there, or will be drawn into the concentration zone. To have a strong effect, you need strong concentration. Where there are many planets, there is the focus of action, the attraction of thoughts. There is a weak conjunction between planets if they are in the same sign or house and act through a dispositor or significator. Steliums are best observed through the connection.

Conjunction of 2 planets - if it is up to 1 degree, for the Sun - 3 degrees, for the Moon - 2 degrees. - considered accurate. If the planets are in the same degree, then a merger occurs - they do not act differently. How longer distance between them, then you can see that they can act separately, they seem to strive for merging.

Conjunction of the Sun with the planets in the horoscope

If a planet is located at a distance of up to 3 degrees from the Sun, then it is considered combust. As a result of an exact connection with the Sun, something new, a synthetic effect arises. A planet in conjunction with the Sun - the world perceives differently, an independent impulse through the Sun. The planet is captured by the energy of the Sun.

Sun conjunct Mercury

All functions of Mercury will be put at the service of the Sun; when the Sun turns on, Mercury will automatically turn on. There is an increase in mobility, contact - everything works on the Sun. Mercury is a pure servant of the Sun; it “runs” to fulfill every impulse from the Sun. The activity of the mind increases; a person has a lively, agile mind that quickly finds ways and means to achieve his goal. But the inability to look critically at oneself. Contact will depend only on desire.

Sun conjunct Venus

The inseparability of action and emotions, they are difficult to live, but also interesting. They get sick and worry about everything, they are sensitive and reactive. If something affects them, then emotions go. If they are emotionally hurt, they immediately plunge into action.

Sun conjunct Mars

Excessive muscle activity, childhood injuries, increased mobility, leadership qualities, physical dynamism. Any impulse is automatically responded to with action /and if Mars is in the handle/. Conflict, transition to action. either the person will break, or the “wall” will break. Increased sexual activity. Mars is an irrational planet. This connection breaks through the impenetrable and generates conflicts. The world is a place where force is applied. Divides the world into friends and strangers. Independence and your own business are a powerful engine for people with this connection.

Sun Conjunction with Jupiter

The initial focus on prestige, on highly appreciated, great potential for growth /social or spiritual/. It takes success to stand out. It is difficult for a person to forget, he thinks about how others evaluate him. Painfully, acutely experiences his assessment, both bad and good. With Jupiter, everything has its price.

Sun Conjunction with Saturn

Conflicting connection. Saturn has a clear scale of hierarchies and innate forethought. Saturn is afraid of chaos, for him the ideal is order, predictability, and does not like risk. In the early years, sudden events/protracted, difficult birth/, just like when Mars is in conjunction with Saturn. Feeling of isolation, loneliness /emotional/. It is difficult for them to open up; they always control themselves. They suppress their spontaneity, incl. and to creativity. The Sun influences Saturn - an innate conflict with superiors. We need to see who is stronger.

Sun conjunct Uranus

Innate originality and an innate sense of independence. The desire for change. Prone to short but strong breakdowns. When a uranium wave hits, consciousness turns off. Strong Uranus includes the Sun. Occult abilities. Tendency for change. If a person does not find himself, he will destroy everything around him.

Sun conjunct Neptune

A sense of purpose /especially in the upper houses/. Increased sensitivity, susceptibility. A person with “flayed skin” reacts to everything, sensitivity. The nervous system is highly susceptible. Creates a myth about himself and spends a lot of energy maintaining his myth. It’s good if there is an opposition or square to this connection, then this myth can be destroyed, but if it’s a sextile or trine, then it’s useless. Charm, magnetism, such people are high people. Musical ability, keen sense of music.

Sun conjunct Pluto

Pluto turns on late / at the age of 14 / - these are people of action. Social activities and in a team. They are potential organizers. Magical spaces. The circumstances of birth are interesting / as with connection. Sun with Uranus/. Injuries, unusual position. They think in terms of strength and power. Volitional activity. Internal conflict with society. If the connection is affected, then there is a feeling of danger behind your back.

Conjunction of the Moon with the planets in the horoscope

Unconscious or weakly conscious action. The Moon conducts the energy of the planets with which it is connected and this is strongly manifested in behavior. A planet in conjunction with the Moon greatly colors it.

Moon conjunct the Sun

Strong introverts, deeply self-absorbed people. The intricate relationship between the spiritual and the soul. The impulses coming from the Sun and from the surrounding world are different; it is difficult for them to determine where the impulses come from: from outside or from within. They have a dependent state on the environment / you need to see who is stronger, the Sun or the Moon /. It kind of blurs its core. Dependence on the 2nd half. Spontaneity, a childish manifestation. Natural situations. They see the world brightly and vividly.

Moon conjunct Mercury

People with this connection are mobile, sociable, they have mental abilities, a vivid imagination, visual perception peace. With an exact conjunction, the Moon dominates - absent-mindedness, excessive sociability, the mind is very mobile, and nervous diseases appear. If Pluto is in square or opposition to this conjunction, then it will seem to the person that there are enemies and black forces all around.

Moon conjunct Venus

Gain feminine, the topic of emotional contact is significant for a person. If Venus is accentuated in space, then all attention is immediately directed to it. Uncontrolled emotional condition/tears, increased sensitivity, increased sensitivity/. Strong connection with mother, home, family. Men with this connection find it difficult to switch from mother to wife.

Moon conjunct Mars

For example: Moon conjunct Mars. The Moon rules behavior, Mars - impulsiveness, activity. Mars colors the Moon in behavior. If the Moon is in Cancer, then this indicates sensitivity, but if it is in conjunction with Mars, then this will reduce its sensitivity. The Moon rules the people in our environment and, painted in the color of Mars, will color the situation and people too.

The Moon rules the house, therefore there is Mars in the house, which sets these situations, but you have to look at who is stronger than who, and that’s what gets to him. When a person is in lunar situations, Mars situations arise. The moon is a discharge and immediately a Mars situation arises / for example a fight, etc./. This connection also speaks of relationships with children, difficulties during pregnancy and childbirth. In the women's chart it shows relationships with children. The Moon will bring blurriness to Mars /in Cancer/. Aries is impulsive.

Moon conjunct Jupiter

Jupiter will color all behavior with Jupiterian features. Tendency to be overweight, respectable, representative, authority, good manners, friendliness, the person knows how to position himself. Talks about relationships with his mother and wife. If Jupiter is associated with a career, then the abilities are inherited through the maternal line.

Women play a big role in careers. Wife, women older than him. Luna desire for comfortable clothes. Jupiter desire for prestigious clothing. Success or joy from children, support from children. In the women's chart - success, fertility, career success through the lunar spheres. Trips, rich evenings. Jupiter inspires trust, the Moon strives to help him.

Moon conjunct Saturn

This is noticeable in their behavior; such people are serious. Any planet is included at the first quadrature. Such people are reserved, reserved, and control themselves. Purely psychologically, this connection is difficult, there is a tendency to depression, but you need to look at the house /in the 10th house - at work, in the 7th house in marriage/. A feeling of obligation, debt in this house or a feeling of loneliness, or concentration.

Where Saturn stands, there is an exam. Based on transits and directions, one can note the main problems of a person at the end of the cycle. Saturn puts pressure, does not allow one to liberate himself, drives him into the framework of the culture where he grew up. In case of opposition, you can escape from Saturn by going to the other end (for example, locking yourself in the opposite house, if this position is stronger).

Saturn presses on psychological side The Moon, and the Moon, in turn, is trying to destroy Saturn /lateness, forgetfulness/. Such a connection may indicate that a person has a strict mother, or that he is strict with himself if his parents are not strict. Late marriage, loneliness.

Moon conjunct Uranus

Such people are hot-tempered, but you have to look who is stronger. They are characterized by: independence, impulsiveness, non-standard behavior, occult abilities, optimism, if active, then very strong, friendliness, openness, unusual psyche, unexpected love situations, or a Uranian wife. Increased sensitivity nervous system. For them difficult period- 7.14, 21 years old. One of the parents is hot-tempered. Shock situations, digestive disorders.

Moon conjunct Neptune

Sensitivity, hypersensitivity, subtle nature with oddities. If a person is primitive - deceit, etc. Psychologically dependent on the environment, a high-drinker. A highly developed person is characterized by: sensitivity, religiosity, and the desire to help others. Illusory self-image. Musical abilities. In the 2nd house - wealth, because Neptune is the planet of wealth. Strong heredity on the maternal side.

Moon conjunct Pluto

Ancestral karma on the maternal side. Magical abilities, powerful magnetism. Women are highly attractive. Problems in the sexual sphere. If there is a square or opposition to the connection, then difficulties with pregnancy are possible. A person is immersed in collective life, these people are energetic. Their children have unusual abilities.

There may be difficulties in the home, a mystical perception of the world. If the conjunction is affected, for example by Saturn, then enemies and vampires will appear everywhere. Clairvoyant abilities. You need to ask about your ancestors, because... they had some abilities /for example, a great-grandmother/. Diseases of the genital and digestive organs are possible.

If there are aspects of higher planets and social ones, then these are fateful events.

A conjunction with Mercury speaks to a person's ability to interact.

Conjunction with Venus - emotional characteristics and the place of their application.

The connection with Mars indicates volitional characteristics and the place of their application.

The connection with Jupiter indicates goals, whether a person can or cannot achieve success, through whom he will receive support.

Conjunction with Saturn - with which people a person feels limited. What does he feel stable in? He talks about his relationship with his father.

The conjunction sharply accentuates the sphere of both planets.

Conjunction of Mercury with planets in the horoscope

All planets give Mercury their own color.

Mercury Conjunction with the Sun

The closer Mercury is to the Sun, the faster a person gets into action and is less critical.

Mercury conjunct the Moon

Mobile, sociable, imaginative perception of the world, etc.

Mercury conjunct Venus

Good language skills, but not as imaginative as Mercury with Moon. Evaluative type of thinking. Venus deprives spontaneity / Mercury is spontaneous /, but you have to look who is stronger. Artistic abilities, plasticity, flexibility, love adventures with friends are possible. Emotional relationships with friends.

Mercury conjunct Mars

In a negative sense - deception, lies. In the positive - great strength of mind, an active mind, the ability to penetrate very deeply. A lively, talkative, argumentative person. If the joint is damaged, injuries to the arms and shoulders are possible. Difficult contacts when traveling. Healing abilities, if in the 6th, 8th houses - healing with hands.

Mercury conjunct Jupiter

Jupiter will use Mercury's abilities for his own purposes / Mercury tends to grab many goals /. This is a well-spoken person who makes the necessary contacts. When Mercury is active, it gives a sense of property. Thinking is colored in philosophical tones and will work for your career. Preachers, trade, financial areas can bring success.

Mercury conjunct Saturn

Few but stable contacts, ability to construct phrases. Increased respect for authority. They study from books.

Mercury conjunct Uranus

Increased sensitivity of the nervous system. Possible head injuries / minor /, a lot of moving in certain years / childhood /. Neurosis from uranium spaces / big cities /. Rare ingenuity, a mind turned to the future, non-standard teams, friends, original ideas, occult and mathematical abilities.

Mercury conjunct Neptune

Vivid imagination, imaginative thinking, poetry, excessively high sensitivity, intuitiveness, clairvoyant abilities, hand sensitivity. Language, humanitarian abilities, strange, unusual acquaintances. Great magnetism. In the negative sense - lies, slander, deception. If located in houses 2, 8, 12, a craving for drugs may occur.

Mercury conjunct Pluto

The magical power of words, active organizers of groups. Political, occult activities. Intuitive knowledge. If the connection is in health houses, then brain disease is possible. There may be disastrous situations associated with companies. If we add Jupiter to this pair, then the social application, the Sun - creativity.

Venus conjunct the planets in the horoscope

Venus shows how a person expresses himself in love.

Venus conjunct the Sun

Beauty, charm, attractiveness. The state of being in love is very important. Art and creativity will give you a feeling of fulfillment. He talks about relationships with his father and brother.

Venus conjunct the Moon

Magneticity, family relationships. Strong influence from home. Childish type, emotional infantility. The tendency to shift emotional problems onto others, to find a “mommy.”

Venus conjunct Mercury

A lively, sociable, emotional person, sweet childish charm, not very serious connections. Reasonableness and caution. Escape from tension. Reduces jealousy. Musical abilities.

Venus conjunct Mars

Intensifies falling in love, there is little time between feeling and action. The acuteness of the experience, but not always for a long time. Ballet, dancing.

Venus conjunct Jupiter

Charm, success in society, many contacts, connections, fans. Aspect gives breadth but not depth.

Venus conjunct Saturn

Depth, restraint, lasting connections. Such people are solitary and find it difficult to open up in love. Increased shyness in childhood, difficulty opening up. They experience their feelings deeply and for a long time. Fear of losses.

Venus conjunct Uranus

Optimism / because conn. with Uranus/, enthusiasm, intensity of feelings, unusual emotional atmosphere, short relationships. Emotionally positive. Mental/non-sexual/ relationships dominate. If this is not the case, then there is a gap. Prone to harsh decisions.

Venus conjunct Neptune

Venus conjunct Pluto

Emotional overload, a tendency to attach importance to little things and pay attention to what others do not pay attention to. It’s as if sexuality was forbidden in childhood. A problematic area where it attracts and where it is prohibited. Fountain of energy. Fatal ties. When they lose, the whole world collapses for them. Pluto brings heavy tension.

Conjunction of Mars with planets in the horoscope

You need to consider who Mars is conjunct with.

Mars conjunct the Sun

Excessive muscle activity, mobility, etc.

Mars conjunct the Moon

Lively, sparkling behavior, etc.

Mars conjunct Mercury

Argumentative, strengthens the mental sphere.

Mars conjunct Venus

A more emotional person, Venus softens Mars.

Mars conjunct Jupiter

The path in a person's life is determined by Jupiter. How a person can realize himself, create something of his own. Jupiter is associated with the growing soul. In external life Jupiter is the ruler.

Mars conjunct Saturn

A person is not free, this is the area of ​​his limitations, what he must fulfill is his karma, his debt to the past. The conjunction speaks of relationships with parents and if Mars is stronger, there will be a desire for rebellion. Trauma / in health homes /, suicidal tendencies. The will of the parents is overwhelming. An early marriage that quickly collapses and long loneliness.

Mars conjunct Uranus

Mars conjunct Neptune

Mars conjunct Pluto

Great will, injuries, fires, magical speech, powerful leaders characterized by tough pressure. Depending on the situation at home, it may show unhappiness with someone close to you. The connection has a short period.

Conjunction of Jupiter with planets in the horoscope

Jupiter does not give transcendence, Divine madness, when it goes beyond the boundaries of Saturn. But he can expand the boundaries of the Ego. Jupiter cannot use Saturn because... the older one also does not use the planets that are in their sign, but still paints them in their own color.

Ordinary people, even outstanding ones, live under Saturn and therefore the higher planets appear through the visible ones. If the higher planets are active for up to 7 years, this means that the person came here with a mission /Mozart/. Jupiter often expands Saturn, and then goes to the higher planets /through aspects/.

The conjunction of Jupiter with a superior planet will give an intermittent motif. The ideal situation is when the superior planet is retrograde and comes in front of Jupiter. Jupiter gives a plus to all planets, in conjunction with Venus it will give charm.

Conjunction of planets in the horoscope of Saturn

Here there is competition in a common space and each planet is fighting for its own motivation, which are mutually exclusive, you have to see who is stronger. Jupiter takes the lead at short and medium distances, and the further, the more Saturn will dominate, striving for reliability, guarantee, in comparison with Jupiter, which will strive for success. For Saturn, “a bird in the hand is better than a pie in the sky.” Saturn will grasp specific goals etc., but also limit.

What does not live long under Saturn, it collapses in changes. Church near Saturn.

The Sun in conjunction with Mercury, Venus is not very good, because... mental and emotional functions are subject to the “apparatus” of the will.

The cycle from connection to connection is clearly visible in outer planets. The connection is the point where the program for the entire cycle is laid down. At the last quadrature the energy is running out.

Example: The Moon is in conjunction with Saturn in Aries, the Moon is ahead - the action begins with the Moon and ends with Saturn. Switching on occurs quickly because in Aries, but then circumstances arise that force him to stop or slow down.

Where Saturn acts positively, stabilization occurs. Mars in conjunction with Saturn / ahead of Mars / - activity / Mars / and the desire for sustainable formalized action, or refusal. In this situation, Mars seems to be on its last legs.

Saturn in conjunction with the Moon / ahead of Saturn / - a person is careful in contacts, but then opens up.

Saturn in conjunction with Mars / ahead of Saturn / - pressure that turns into conflict, or internal tension arises, you need to look at who is stronger - there may be a minor conflict.

Example: Neptune in conn. with Mars in Aries, in conjunction. with the Sun, Mercury, Pluto and Jupiter in Taurus.

How will the action develop? The transition from Aries to Taurus greatly affects the situation. When a connection occurs across the border of a sign, the transition is accompanied by a crisis. When Mars moves from Aries to Taurus, he encounters an obstacle, his impulse, bumping into obstacles, is not realized, but then the Sun turns on / in Taurus /, which is focused on long-term work. It is not a carrier of new ideas, but a carrier of old ones, because... The Sun is ahead of Pluto. Can the business succeed? Yes, because Jupiter is growing.

Example: Jupiter in connection. with the Moon and Pluto. Creator or finisher? In this situation, the completion of the cycle, the person passes on the old tradition, or his lunar impulse is initiated by Pluto.

Example: Jupiter in connection. with Saturn, Saturn in conjunction. with Jupiter.

In both the first and second cases, this connection is a crisis one, because Significant changes are possible at work, with health, in marital relationships.

When Jupiter is ahead and this is conn. in Capricorn - a person strives to establish himself /according to Jupiter/, but having risen to a certain level he will try to gain a foothold there. If it is in the 10th house, then a sharp rise and sudden fall are possible. In a family, a person will strive to change family affairs (for example, he will want to have a lover), but Saturn will leave everything as it was, any attempt to change will be blocked by Saturn, because Saturn is stronger in Capricorn.

If Saturn is ahead, then the person will use the situation to achieve his goals.

In Sagittarius, success will be more significant. Saturn in Sagittarius gives some detachment from the rigid Saturnian traditions.

Mars in conn. with Venus - a serious acquaintance can begin with a conflict or a conflict that leads to harmony can help out.

Venus in conjunction with Mars - emotional rapprochement, which then leads to conflicts /if this is not a sexual relationship/.

Mars in conn. with Mercury - first the action comes, and then the comprehension of this action.

Even if the conjunction is friendly, each planet will still pull in its own direction. If strong planet ahead, then she will set her own type of motivation, but the weak one will sometimes “crawl out” ahead.

Example: Conjunction on the ASC of Uranus with Saturn.

This is the beginning of the cycle, Saturn 2nd - everything ends with Saturn. The person manages to maintain stability. Here is a situation that forces a person to change. If Saturn is ahead, then the person himself will destroy the situation.

If the planets are separated by a house or sign, then the 1st planet more expresses external qualities, and the 2nd - internal qualities.

Conjunction of Uranus with planets in the horoscope

What Uranus influences is that it sharply increases, intensifies, takes to extremes, aggravates conflicts, and polarizes the situation. Polarization type: heaven - earth, higher - lower. It gives originality and originality, or destruction. Trying to escape from this world.

Uranus conjunct the Sun

Natural originality, relationship with father, desire to go your own way, changes, conflicts, outbursts, but you need to see if Saturn is slowing you down. From time to time there are sharp explosions, a craving for the sky, uranium things.

Uranus conjunct the Moon

This connection is more behavioral, nervousness, short temper / more often than with the connection. Uranus with the Sun/, in the women's chart there is a danger of miscarriage, abortion. Ulcers, gastritis, stomach diseases nervous soil. Children with unusual abilities, changes in the home during childhood. Indicates the character of the parents, often the mother. Craving for unusual psychological things. Single woman in men's map indicates the character of the mother.

Uranus conjunct Mercury

Affects the nervous system, excitability, bright thinking, unusual friends, head bruises.

Uranus conjunct Venus

Strengthens romanticism, emotional anticipation of the unusual. Craving for emotional relationships. Sudden outbursts of feelings, breakups, unusual circumstances. Uranus gives either unusual situations or a meeting with unusual people. This connection is characterized by a fracture of the eyebrows.

Uranus conjunct Mars

Trauma, conflict, tension, strong will, impulsiveness, action, invention. Situations close to extremes.

Uranus conjunct Jupiter

The desire to leave society, reformers in social life, occultists. Indicates a person's wide circle of friends, goals and values. People of one idea, high ambition, idealists for life / Don Quixote /.

Uranus conjunct Saturn

A lot of changes, difficult relationships with father or mother. It's hard on marriage.

Conjunction of Neptune with planets in the horoscope

Neptune is the highest octave of the Moon, and is characterized by blurriness and multiplicity. Neptune is a psychologically unstable planet; the main thing for it is to go into its own space.

Neptune conjunct the Sun

Musical abilities, increased sensitivity to the outside world, dependence on the environment. Ancestral karma, abilities inherited from the father. These are people “not from here”, strangers in this world, but outwardly this is not always noticeable. They give the feeling of "people not of this world", but material world feel because Neptune is material planet: wealth, energy.

Neptune conjunct the Moon

A dreamy, sentimental, reactive person, immersed in himself - his own world, strong connection with Mother. Unusual "blood" in the family. These are representatives of the typical in the nation. Talks about love for children. In a woman's chart, this is rare magnetism, good taste.

Neptune conjunct Venus

Characteristics: sentimentality, depth, entanglement in love relationships, musical abilities, powerful voice. Relationships with the opposite sex are important to them. Either few or many connections. Gives breadth and plurality, but not depth.

Neptune conjunct Mercury

Brilliant intuition, but forgetfulness, confusion in details, lies, gossip, poisoning (stomach and intestinal), distortions in speech. Strange, unusual friends, but the relationship is not deep. Neptune does not give depth, it gives multiplicity, it strives for lightness. Strong Neptunian professions.

Neptune conjunct Mars

Actian altruist. An active dreamer who makes his dream come true. Strives from compassion to action. Behind-the-scenes affairs, behind the external charm - aggression, conflict. A person who acutely senses the situation and acts accurately. Complex emotional ties, long lasting and unusual. Hereditary diseases.

Neptune conjunct Jupiter

Success in Neptunian spheres. If a person is not in the sphere of Neptune, then it is difficult for him to concentrate on one thing. There is no strength to finish the job, because... Neptune blurs. These could be religious figures, preachers, mystics.

Neptune conjunct Saturn

Strong emotional, family ties.

Conjunction of Pluto with planets in the horoscope

A connection with Pluto will give an excess of energy, excessive significance. In the body it will give - excess tension.

Pluto conjunct the Sun

Even if a person is not a leader, the team is very important to him as a place of fulfillment. Magic, occult abilities. We need to trace the paternal line. Unusual behavior, will.

Pluto conjunct the Moon

Strong ties with women. In the women's chart there is a tendency towards loneliness. "Witch" aspect. Diseases in the lower zone /kidneys, cystitis/. Unusual abilities - clairvoyance or psychological deviations, problems with the team are possible. Strong attachment to mother. Will. Healing abilities, in conjunction with the Sun and Mars, these abilities are weaker. Strange situations or exposure. Magnetism - the desire of these people can “infect” others.

Pluto conjunct Mercury

Brain diseases, injuries. Openness to the plutonic world /death, unusual creatures/. Magic of speech, social figures or associative people /hippies/. Criminal contacts, plutonic professions.

Pluto conjunct Venus

Excessive emotional tension, sexual problems in girls. Emotional life is very difficult, it’s hard to come together and diverge, excessive passion, excess desires. It’s good when, for example, Saturn controls, otherwise a person is capable of extreme actions.

Pluto conjunct Mars

There is a lot of burning and collapsing in the house, harshness and cruelty are intensifying. Too much will. Accidents, serious incidents. Exacerbation sexual problems. Difficulties with the opposite sex, especially in youth.

Pluto conjunct Jupiter

Reluctance to stand firmly in society, independence. Revolutionary and reformatory abilities. It enhances self-esteem, but outwardly such people are very secretive. They are either in the center of the team or on the sidelines. They strive to be visible. Followers of secret teachings.

Pluto conjunct Saturn

Difficulties in the family, on the father’s side, with parents. Either a person strives for power, or he is a suppressed individuality. Accidents, suicidal tendencies. Saturn is the law, Pluto is the strong-willed principle. Such a person can impose his attitudes on society.

Training course at the Munich Institute of Parapsychology. Transits

While passing through harmonious aspect radix of Jupiter, the Sun will indicate the phase of excellent health of the native and his mental stability. The desire for achievement and power will determine a pronounced impulse towards expansion, which can be realized in the social sphere. In general, transits should bring joy, happiness, confidence and security, as well as chances for a successful outcome. These days are considered favorable for social relations, negotiations with authorities or with high-ranking social officials, as well as for marriage, financial transactions and legal acts. Patients are making noticeable progress in treating the disease.

Pavel Globa. Transit connections

In the best case: a person can appear to the new boss, because... it is possible to produce good impression and achieve anything, such as visibility or awards. A person may have either a need for religious authorities or a craving for legal matters.
In the worst case: a person has a high opinion of himself, swagger, arrogance, a craving for decoration, troubles from his superiors (undermining authority). Your boss can play a bad role in your career. If everyone in the team is to blame, and you catch the eye of the boss, then you alone will be punished for everyone.

Transit – Business

You will feel optimism and generosity, and feel goodwill towards you from other people. You will probably develop a desire for sponsorship, patronage of the arts, philanthropy and altruism. This is one of the most successful and happiest days of the year. Make the most of it! Feel free to spend financial operations and speculation. Right now you can count on profit. Interact with superiors and influential people: You will receive understanding, support, financial assistance, praise, awards, you can achieve a promotion, occupation of a higher social or professional status. The possibility of winning big in lotteries and winning various contests and competitions cannot be ruled out. You will have the opportunity to manage large sums - it depends on you how well you will be able to manage them. A good period for resolving legal issues, beginning trial, filing a claim. Schedule important speeches, briefings, negotiations, making deals and signing important papers for this day. The day is favorable for opening new or subsidiary enterprises, expanding the scope of activity, and starting a new project. Long, long-distance business trips will give excellent results. You can hope for gifts from fate and specific individuals, this is especially true for women.

Transit – Health

The period is accompanied by good spirits, increased vitality: physical and mental. Overeating and excessive desire for pleasure should be avoided. It is especially important these days not to overload the liver and heart. Patients with liver diseases receive relief; this transit is good to use to begin a course of treatment for liver diseases. Usually these days you gain weight. In women late in pregnancy, labor may begin. The period is favorable for conception.

Transit – Love and family

A good period for harmonizing relationships in the family and as a couple. You are drawn to loved ones, it is easier for you to get along with them. Women can count on benefits from relationships with men in the form of gifts, etc. A good time for relaxation and activities with children. Some people during this transit note laziness and apathy, a desire to be entertained. These days you generally succeed in a lot, so in your personal life you will feel happiness and peace. Favorable days for explanations, engagements, weddings, for family evenings and celebrations, picnics. Conception is possible.

Aspects of the Sun in the natal chart concretize our activity, the channels through which the energy of the Sun will flow. The sun is our will and activity. Can form 5 major aspects: conjunction (0 degrees), sextile (60 degrees), trine (120 degrees), square (90 degrees), opposition (180 degrees).

Sun Moon Aspect

This is an aspect of luck, vitality and relationships with the opposite sex. In fact, the Sun Moon aspect is the phase of the Moon you were born under. New Moon - conjunction of the Sun and Moon. If you were born on a new moon, this conjunction gives you a very strong character, great self-confidence, increased survivability. The luminary was in one fist, in one degree. The same self-confident relationships with the opposite sex.

A sextile or trine of the Sun and Moon foreshadows a person’s overall success in life; the two luminaries are harmonious with each other. Relationships with the opposite sex are harmonious, no matter how a person behaves. This person has nothing to fear from the negative; the aspect will pull him out in any case. Good vitality, the person feels good.

Tense aspects of the Sun and Moon in the natal chart are people who were born according to the lunar cycle on the days of the 1st and 3rd quarter. Square: such people have fluctuations in vitality, i.e. sometimes feeling good, sometimes feeling bad, the same fluctuations in relationships with the opposite sex. Conflict between what a person wants and what he should. This conflict is not constant, but periodic.

Opposition: People experience longer ups and downs in vitality. Fate forces such a person to develop a strong character.

Those with the conjunction of the Sun and the Moon are born with a strong self-confident character, and those with the opposition are born with fate, childhood situation, circumstances childhood will force you to gain a strong character.

Aspect of the Sun and Mercury

This is an aspect of rationality, sociability and strong-willed thinking. Of the major aspects, only conjunction forms, just like Venus. Mercury can move away from the Sun by a maximum of 28 degrees, Venus - by 48 degrees. Mercury and Venus are the favorites of the Sun.

Orb of aspect Sun Mercury 9 degrees. The whole question is how accurate this aspect is.

If the Sun and Mercury coincide degree to degree, then this is combustion. Burnt Mercury gives egocentric thinking, all thoughts about your loved one. Concentrated thinking is manifested either by speech defects such as stuttering, or by very clear and clear speech.

Aspect 18 degrees - creative aspect, very good.

Aspect 20 degrees semi-nanagon N/2, black phobic aspect. A person is afraid of gossip, afraid of saying something wrong and being discussed, afraid of becoming an object of gossip.

Mercury cannot form other aspects with the Sun in the natal chart.

Sun aspects with Venus

This is an aspect of popularity, external attractiveness, even if the person is ugly in appearance. in the generally accepted sense, will still attract you. An aspect of artistry, charm, taste, fashion. The connection is less common. Orbis 9 deg.

In general, the slow planets Pluto, Uranus, and Neptune are responsible for the dynamics of fashion. In the Middle Ages, their position was very different from what it is now, and people’s clothing was also different from what it is now.

The conjunction of the Sun with Venus in the natal chart is an aspect of innate taste; a person attracts the sympathy of others and attracts money. Love and money are next to each other. When it comes to who of the two loves more, it is the one who is willing to sacrifice more (i.e., who is willing to pay).

Aspects 18, 20 degrees are not bad.

Aspect 30 degrees is a wonderful aspect, semi sextile, aspect of inner peace. A person’s mood was spoiled, but he went, ate something sweet, did something pleasant for himself, and thereby found inner harmony.

Aspect 40 degrees - nothing good.

Aspect 45 degrees - semi-square, causes complexes and self-irritation in a man regarding relationships with women.

The Sun does not form any other aspects with Venus in the natal chart.

Sun aspects to Mars

In general, this is an aspect of excitement, two male planets meet.

The conjunction of the Sun with Mars gives a person hyperactivity, a strong inner core, fearlessness, determination, and a willingness to get into a fight for any reason, while experiencing only positive emotions.

Any connection with Mars in the natal chart is a tense aspect. Such people in highest degree passionate, angry for any reason, active, and sometimes even vindictive.

Red aspects of the Sun and Mars (sextile and trine). Here are collected qualities: determination, ability to practical work.

Blue aspects: - collisions, something that requires you to measure your strength, as a result of these trainings (which would be better to avoid) a strong character is formed, tempered in battles. If the square is periodic acute conflicts with somebody. Opposition is a constant confrontation with someone throughout life, a rivalry over who is stronger.

Aspect of the Sun and Jupiter

The presence of the Sun aspect with Jupiter is the most successful aspect, it can be compared with the Sun aspect with the Moon.

In general, the aspect of the Sun and Jupiter in the natal chart is the aspect of glory, social connections and support. Such a person enjoys authority, is successful in public life, he does not want to, but he is nominated. He is very impressive in behavior (the image of Zeus), often literally of an impressive physique. There is a danger here of having too much faith in your authority, because praise is not always deserved.

The Sun and Jupiter are in red aspect. A congenital optimist, with good vitality, friendly and easy-going. Lack of desire to get involved in a fight, even when necessary.

The Sun and Jupiter are in blue aspect. A square in the natal chart will manifest itself in the fact that it will constantly disagree with authorities (teachers, mentors, etc.). In the case of opposition, there may be excessive conceit, but if a person overcomes himself, learns to respect others, then he becomes wise, generous, and he provides real protection to other people.


Conjunction is one of the most powerful aspects in astrology, since two planets located close to each other form coinciding systems of their houses. Connections are very strongly manifested both at the psychological and event levels; they describe the most striking, dominant qualities of a person. Throughout life, the symbolism of the connection can unfold in a variety of facets, sometimes even becoming the leitmotif of fate, for example, a person with the connection of the Sun with Mars in childhood can be very pugnacious, in his youth he can strive for numerous love victories, which pushes him to search for a highly profitable , but dangerous work. Constant overexertion causes health problems, weakened vision or acute inflammation in later life, etc.
In transits and progressions, the conjunction symbolizes a period of working with a new type of energy that matches the theme of the transiting planet, often self-identifying with it.

Sun Conjunction

Sun - Conjunction - Moon

The new moon falling on your birthday indicates unity of will and feelings. However, health difficulties may occur, especially during the first years of life, and digestive problems. This mutual position of the luminaries indicates a strong desire to understand oneself, a tendency to introspection. It’s as if you are alternately in a tense and then in a passive state. In other words, you can act both as a leader and as an obedient performer, but it is difficult for you to stick to the “golden” middle. During periods when you are in a passive state, a thirst for aggressive actions may suddenly arise.

In childhood, the images of both parents, which are represented by the Sun and the Moon, were perceived as a single whole, which in a more mature age can cause insufficient maturity of feelings; in marriage, you involuntarily strive to achieve complete fusion with your partner and refuse to recognize his “sovereignty.” In more in rare cases a feeling of self-sufficiency arises, leading to the desire to maintain distance in personal contacts.

If at the time of your birth the Moon was still in the fourth phase, this indicates that you could be a self-absorbed, sick child until the age of 13 - 19, but subsequently show greater external activity. But you get involved in every business with with great effort, and as a result, you can perceive life in this world as violence against yourself. stands in front of you difficult task combine the achievement of social success with achievements in spiritual life, otherwise society or circumstances will begin to push you out, you can immigrate, end up in a hospital, monastery, etc.

If at the time of your birth the Moon was already in the first quarter, it indicates that, despite great inclinations, you are faced with great difficulties in achieving social success. Your main task is to learn to correlate your desires with your capabilities.

Eye diseases are possible if the Moon is in the VI and the Sun is in the VII house. If the Moon is in the VII and the Sun is in the VI house, there is a possibility of liver disease. The Moon behind the Sun in the same sign is a sign of very stable health.
The “Burnt” Moon indicates excessive dependence on the environment and situation. Your behavior can be completely determined by your environment. Extreme susceptibility to external irritants can also manifest itself in the form of frequent infections, runny nose, and flu. Your stomach and intestines are weakened, so you need to follow a diet.

Sun - Conjunction - Mercury

You have all the prerequisites for successful language acquisition; you have considerable mathematical abilities and an excellent understanding of literature. Your developed intelligence creates excellent conditions for business communication, mediation and assimilation of large amounts of information.

You are prone to strong-willed decisions, deep reflection and consistent introspection. But this aspect does not contribute to objectivity, since the feeling of one’s own “I” is equated with intelligence; it is difficult for you to look at yourself from the outside.

All your efforts are usually crowned with success, although there are often obstacles from your superiors. The desire for self-expression can develop into narcissism. Sometimes their own developed intellectual abilities You can direct to achieve purely selfish goals, decisively implementing your ideas and sometimes showing a considerable tendency towards violence.

“Burnt” Mercury indicates a constantly activated mind, subjective thinking, stubbornness, difficulty in acting on intuition - everything is first planned and calculated.

Sun - Conjunction - Venus

You have developed strong and constant feeling love, strive all the time to love and be loved. You are optimistic and love fun and entertainment. This aspect creates gentleness and kindness, caring and friendliness, determines a strong penchant for pleasure and a developed sense of ownership. You are well aware of the importance of comfort and wonderfully enjoy even the smallest joys of life.
Contacts with nature and the living world are absolutely necessary for you, as they help maintain the potential of your vitality and ensure the achievement of stable emotional balance.

This aspect creates beauty and grace in the ways of self-expression and the ability to perform the arts. Because of love and the desire to “extend the pleasure,” marriage is often postponed. This is also due to the small number of children in the family. If the II and V houses are not affected, there is an opportunity to get rich through speculation. Success in life through brothers or wife.

In the female horoscope it indicates kindness and femininity.

Thanks to your love and romantic streak, you can give happiness to others. Good understanding of children.

“Burnt” Venus indicates excessive emotionality and increased acuity of perception. In a situation where a choice is required, you are lost due to numerous doubts and hesitations. It is difficult for you to make a logical analysis of what is happening. It is possible to develop narcissism, selfishness, arrogance, pretentiousness, and the formation of excessive expectations, which are most often not met. Possibility of kidney and adrenal gland diseases, weakness of the endocrine system.

Sun - Conjunction - Mars

You can be both quick-tempered and quick-witted. You are full of a competitive spirit, prone to dramatizing conflicts, have rare sensitivity and the makings of a good leader. You are courageous and never give in to danger. You are extremely active, assertive, not afraid of hard work and prone to high energy expenditures. Most often, you are brave, passionate, honest and straightforward, sincere and frank, and are a determined “fighter for the truth.” You are proactive and enterprising, prone to adventure. Possible ambition and high sexuality. Probability to accidents is likely. Your main problem is the inability to plan your actions and develop a strategy for achieving what you planned.

You may be irritable and unsuccessful in disputes with your superiors. If in your character passions prevail over will, then this leads to all sorts of clashes and quarrels. In general, the energies of this connection are not easy to master, and the experience of self-control comes only with age. In ancient times, this connection was called the aspect of magicians (with Mars in front of the Sun - “wizard”, with Mars behind the Sun - “warlock”), indicating the ability to use the will to fulfill desires.

The female horoscope says that the male image of a “knight without fear and reproach” is especially attractive to you.

There may be an excess of male hormones in the body, leading to cosmetic problems.

“Burnt” Mars indicates excessive activity, aggressiveness, and conflict.

Mars ahead of the Sun gives a tendency to furunculosis, purulent pimples, fistulas at any age.

Mars behind the Sun may indicate disturbances in glandular metabolism.

In Aries it forms ambition, idealization, love for active image life, dance, music. Pride, struggle for an idea, and active defense of one’s own opinion are possible.

In Leo it creates ambition and strategic abilities.

Sun - Conjunction - Jupiter

You know how to consistently expand your spheres of influence and achieve your goals. Your exciting personality and optimistic essence bring you happiness. A positive attitude towards life allows you to make the most of your chances. Your enthusiasm captivates others and inspires cooperation, although you often forget about moderation and self-control. You can achieve power and influence as your projects gain recognition. It gives you pleasure to give gifts and provide patronage.

You openly and sincerely strive for happiness - and most often find it by getting to what you want through direct and short paths. Your personality arouses the interest of others, and an optimistic attitude leads to widespread recognition of your merits, wealth and success in business. A positive attitude towards difficulties and problems allows you to take advantage of every chance for success.

“Burnt” Jupiter may indicate that the topic of success and individual achievements is painfully important to you. It is very important for you to impress others. Liver diseases are possible, so it is advisable to exclude tomatoes, oranges, and eggplants from your diet.

Jupiter behind the Sun - a tendency to excess, which can lead to serious ailments.

Taurus develops financial ambition, the instinct to get rich, and rapid ascent up the social ladder.

In Leo it speaks of hospitality, noble manners, a sense of justice, respect for religion and the desire to show oneself.

Sun - Conjunction - Saturn

You are self-sufficient and tend to rely only on yourself. Thanks to determination, prudence and hard work, you can achieve stable material success. In thinking, you use the rules of the traditional approach and classical logic, you are prone to introspection and systematization, to reasoning and formulating definitions. Professionally, you can use your abilities in drawing, design, architecture or management.

You are highly professional, love your profession, but you get tired easily. You avoid competition and competition. All this, combined with a nervous character and a large emotional sensitivity leads to the fact that you strive for independence, try to withdraw from society.

You may enjoy sympathy for yourself from older people. There may be disappointments in connection with one's own and other people's money, and health complications are very likely.
You matured early and tend to learn only from your own experience. Overcoming difficulties can only be achieved through extreme hard work and the strictest self-discipline. There was no clear division of the functions of father and mother in the family, so you did not develop clear role models. This can cause difficulty adapting to family life and family conflicts. Your father may have left the family at an early age, or he may have been a very strong, sometimes even suppressive, personality. The latter leads to the fact that the child strives with all his might to meet his father’s expectations, ultimately ending up in disappointment, overexertion and sadness due to unfulfilled hopes. In this case, an inferiority complex is formed, fueled by constant persecution from the powerful. In your life you need to do something in which others can completely rely on you.

“Burnt” Saturn indicates that you have an overly serious view of the world, excessive self-control, strict upbringing and disposition. Observance of traditions and customs is painfully important to you. Possible disorders of spinal function, multiple sclerosis, impaired salt metabolism and the formation of stones. You should cleanse your body and observe fasts.

Saturn is ahead of the Sun - all unfavorable predictions are softened. With other favorable aspects and a good X house - a sharp mind, scientific activity.

In Taurus it indicates ambition, a quick and logical mind.

There may be a penchant for drawing, architecture, literature.

In Leo it forms a logical mind, an understanding of beauty, some pride and selfishness. You are probably inclined towards painting, architecture, mathematics, and jewelry making. Possible tendency to gamble.

In Capricorn it speaks of longevity, forms elegance and correct facial features, a serious approach to life, objective thinking, a seeking, active character. There may be a tendency towards an endless pursuit of the ideal.

Sun - Conjunction - Uranus

You are full of enthusiasm, have a strong sense of humor and openly strive for freedom from any addiction. You are distinguished by excellent intuition, a thirst for new experiences, brilliant abilities in the field of science and technology, and a love of travel and adventure. Your life is full of unexpected incidents and unforeseen circumstances, and often accidents and nervous breakdowns. Your life path consists of alternating successes and losses, glory and infamy, periods of success and failure. Your romanticism is combined with an enviable thirst for activity, and every success in life borders on the possibility of a noisy scandal. You act decisively and suddenly; this aspect introduces stubbornness and a bit of perversity into your character.

If you do not learn to restrain your willfulness and stubbornness, your partners will begin to avoid you. At the same time, you may be gullible towards seducers and deceivers. Your thirst for personal freedom is so great that it is very, very difficult for you to stay within the confines of one single marriage union. Dramatic changes are very likely in your life.

You have an intuitive understanding of the one universal law, and perhaps you will have noticeable talent if you can cope with the instability of nature. You are able to directly operate with powerful charges of psychic energy, and therefore are inclined to engage in science or the occult. You are a talented leader, inclined to introduce everything new and unexpected into practice. But sometimes you are so assertive and enterprising that you arouse fear in others and cause resistance from your partners.

“Burnt” Uranus speaks of a constant search for the unknown, eccentricity of mind, feelings and behavior, and excessive temper. Possible disorder of the autonomic nervous system, neuroses, seizures, risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Sun tanning is contraindicated for you.

Uranus behind the Sun: a tendency to all kinds of “fits”, convulsions, strokes is possible.

Uranus ahead of the Sun: unexpected, original ideas; with other good aspects - an inventive, non-trivial thinking person. When tense - eccentricity, unreliability.

Sun - Conjunction - Neptune

Your aspirations are contradictory and ambiguous. You are a person of mood with an excellent ability to perceive subtle vibrations. Great abilities in the fields of art, music and psychology are very likely. This aspect conveys a certain mental relaxation, idealism and mysticism of perception, and is associated with the spiritual and religious aspirations of the soul, high inspiration. We can confidently say that no one understands the deep content of your soul. Possible serious problems with self-knowledge and introspection. You are subject to desires and feelings emanating from a subtle source, which leads you to confusion and self-deception or gives you divine inspiration. But often it is difficult for you to distinguish real inspiration from the deceptive projection of your own unconscious desires.

Almost always present hidden ability to clairvoyance and the ability to subtly anticipate the near future. This aspect is often found among mystics, mediums, religious leaders; it is one of the aspects of astrologers, artists, and performers.

You can show unusual gifts in your earthly abilities if you are able to overcome uncertainty about your own abilities.

“Burnt” Neptune speaks of high sensitivity, but can give a tendency to seek high states and strange behavior. Blood diseases, anemia, and psychosomatic disorders are possible. Any medicine pollutes the blood and leaves waste, therefore, the best method The treatment for you will be homeopathy.

Sun - Conjunction - Pluto

You have natural leadership qualities, but keep your motives secret. Your energy is very high, your reserves of strength are practically inexhaustible. This aspect indicates the presence of strong physical, mental and spiritual aspirations. You are very strong, resilient and passionate, you love extreme situations and show considerable interest in the problem of death. You openly strive for leadership, love to work with audiences, and always fight against what you consider to be wrong. Having incredibly high energy, you know how to penetrate into the very essence of things and events. You can access higher areas consciousness.

This aspect gives you an amazing ability for a total transformation of nature and for “rebirth from the ashes” in case of losses and disappointments. But this same energy often turns into a force of suppression and destruction for others. If you fail to combine your will and the Divine will, there is a risk, due to a complex of power, of becoming a dictator or asserting yourself through the manipulation of others, which will lead to your destruction. You need to avoid lust for power, irritability, and the tendency to dangerously overspend vitality, leading to various catastrophes and accidents.

This aspect opens up the possibility of business initiative, imparts the gift of clairvoyance and correct conclusions. But in order to fully take advantage of the opportunities provided by this aspect, you need to learn tolerance and the ability to compromise. IN otherwise An unsettled personal life and unstable love affairs await you.

In a woman's horoscope, this constellation may indicate difficulties in relationships with men and with the father as well. There may often be a lack of attention and real communication with the father, which leads to feelings of resentment and a feeling that the person is deprived of love. This seems to be one of the reasons why such women often seek a strong husband (even a ruthless, criminal type), one who promises (in their fantasies) to be a reliable source of strength and love in their lives.

In the male horoscope, this constellation indicates a particularly close relationship with a woman. Often this closeness leaves no room for individual uniqueness and true growth. This aspect can become severely overwhelming as a person gets older and tries to achieve individual maturity and independence. This is a type of intimacy that is based on extremely intense karmic attachment rather than real love and caring, since true love is always supportive and encouraging rather than possessive and manipulative.

“Burnt” Pluto indicates that you are constantly overexcited and energetically overloaded. The desire to take on excessive work weakens your body, which can lead to diseases starting at the age of 14. Neoplasms and tissue degeneration are possible.

Sun - Conjunction - Rahu

Your birth coincided with an eclipse of the Sun or Moon, and this always entails bright events in life and great opportunities for self-expression. This connection speaks of an inherited karmic ability to attract happiness. At the same time, there is a danger of unproductive waste of vitality and unconstructive organization of activities, ultimately leading to a weakening of the body and loss of occupied positions in life.

Sun - Conjunction - Lilith

It may indicate a subconscious lack of confidence in one’s own abilities, which is compensated by demonstrative manifestations of willpower, strength of character, pride, ambition, and sometimes cruelty.
A strong desire to control circumstances and control the fate of both one's own and that of those around us may be rooted in fear of the unknown. Suspicion and mistrust of people can harden your heart.

This aspect may mean some kind of flaw associated with the father. For both sexes, difficulties are possible in relations with the father, in perceiving the image of the father, and resisting his influence. There may be a desire to see someone else as a father.

Sun - Conjunction - Chiron

In the natal chart, this connection indicates an original person who has a sense of humor and makes his way in life as an innovator and reformer; the person often uses new methods and often chooses a non-standard specialty.

You surround yourself with barriers that are insurmountable for many around you. Your life is replete with secrets that you are in no hurry to share with the uninitiated.

When the Sun and/or Chiron are discordant, life is perceived quite painfully, which leads either to a closure of one’s own ideas in the world, or to desperate (and often unsuccessful) attempts to fit into generally accepted norms of behavior (we analyze the position of the Sun and Chiron by sign and house).

You try to avoid people who think in terms of “this can’t happen, because it can never happen” or “this goes beyond all limits.” In an effort to express your creative individuality, you sweep away all obstacles and restrictions on your path (note the active position of Mars and Pluto).

You can demonstrate the ability to psychosynthesis and link together ideas, the relationship of which does not occur to most people who do not have the Chiron aspect with the Sun in their natal chart.

Outwardly, you try to give the impression that own problems They don't bother you at all. Due to the custom of clearly dividing your environment into people you like and people you don’t like, you often have difficulties communicating with society. Psychologically, there is constant uncertainty about the correctness of the choice made.

Sun - Conjunction - ASC

Are you aiming for a wide social activities, you achieve success in all spheres and areas, enjoy the patronage of the powers that be, and you yourself love to help others. You rarely get sick and know how to quickly restore lost strength. You are generous and friendly, sincere and open. A strong need for self-expression dictates the desire to attract the attention of others and present oneself in the best light. You are a typical leader with a clearly demonstrated individual management style. You find it difficult to tolerate the presence of strong personalities and respect the authority and social status of others if they are large enough.

You are often perceived as selfish, but in reality you holistic personality with great vitality.

Sun - Conjunction - MC

You can provide strong influence on others thanks to his career, profession, authority. People willingly follow you because you easily dominate them. It is very important for you to learn to be a worthy leader. You know how to take responsibility, but find it difficult to bear the role of a subordinate. Best success You will achieve in independent work, in which you can demonstrate individual style. The field of activity may affect politics and public life. You can become very famous and popular, even if your fame is scandalous. For personal development, it is very important to learn how to lead a correct lifestyle.