Statements from businessmen. Success and achievements: Best quotes from great people

Hello, dear readers!

Nowadays they often write about business and how to create it. In this post, great businessmen who were able to create multimillion-dollar businesses will share their experiences about business. So, especially for blog readers Successful People, quotes about business:

If you are successful in one type of business, you will be successful in any type of business.
© Richard Branson

The highest purpose of capital is not to make more money, but to make money do more to improve life. © Henry Ford

It is better to buy a good company at a fair price than an honest company at a good price.
© Warren Buffett

Smart people are those who work with people smarter than themselves. © Robert Kiyosaki

Business is the art of extracting money from another person's pocket without resorting to violence.
© M. Amsterdam

Young people should invest, not save. They should invest the money they earn in themselves to increase their value and usefulness. © Henry Ford

In order to succeed, you need to separate yourself from the 98% of the world's population. © Donald Trump

Everyone who opens a new business or registers an enterprise should be given a medal for personal courage.© Vladimir Putin

Leave at any time and create your own business - and it’s never too late to return to Harvard! © Bill Gates

In ancient times, a pirate and a merchant were one person. Even today, commercial ethics is nothing more than a refinement of pirate ethics. © Friedrich Nietzsche

A player is someone who sits day and night in front of slot machines. I prefer to own them. © Donald Trump

It is much better to buy a very good company at a fair price than to buy an unremarkable company at an attractive price. © Warren Buffett

People often ask me: “Where did you start?” With the will to live. I wanted to live, not vegetate. © Oleg Tinkov

How many different moves and exits are there in this financial world! A whole labyrinth of underground currents! A little foresight, a little intelligence, a little luck - time and chance - that's what mostly decides the matter. © Theodore Dreiser

The worker's position cannot be improved by making the employer's position worse.© William Boatker

For the success of any enterprise, three people are needed: the dreamer, the businessman and the son of a bitch.
© Peter MacArthur

Running your own business means working 80 hours a week so you don't have to work 40 hours a week for someone else. © Ramona Arnett

The employer's dream is to produce without workers, the workers' dream is to earn money without working. © Ernst Schumacher

In business, as in science, there is no room for either love or hate. © Samuel Butler

If you break the rules, you are fined; if you follow the rules, you are taxed. © Lawrence Peter

If you want to succeed your heart must be in your business and your business must be in your heart. © Thomas J. Watson

The key to business success is innovation, which in turn comes from creativity. © James Goodnight

Your worst clients are your richest source of knowledge. © Bill Gates

These are the immutable laws of business: words are words, explanations are explanations, promises are promises, and only fulfillment is reality. © Harold Genin

Entrepreneurship is not a job, it is a lifestyle.

Entrepreneurs are a separate caste of people who are not afraid to challenge themselves and the rest of the world and bring every task they start to completion. They are characterized by a high self-evaluation, riskiness, aggressiveness and high level intelligence.

The life of real entrepreneurs is woven from other rules: focus on results and action, taking risks, Full time job improve yourself, work on mistakes.

As the most eccentric billionaire of our century says Richard Branson, business is, first of all, what you care about. If you are an entrepreneur, then your business is not limited to 9 to 18, your business is your whole life.

Here are quotes from famous entrepreneurs that reveal true meaning entrepreneurship:

  1. "An entrepreneur is a person who has a vision and wants to create" - David Karp, founder and CEO Tumblr.
  2. "Entrepreneurship is not a science or an art. It is a practice" - Peter Drucker
  3. “An entrepreneur always looks for change, reacts to it and uses it as an opportunity” - Peter Drucker, one of the most influential management theorists of the 20th century.
  4. "Don't worry about funding if you don't need it. It's cheaper to start a business today than ever before" - Noah Everett, founder of Twitpic.
  5. "There are many bad reasons to open a company. But there is only one good one, right reason and I think you know that that reason is to change the world" - Phil Libin, CEO of Evernote.
  6. "Entrepreneurship, especially if you are a founder, is a calling, not a job. It is the most main advice, which I could give to any entrepreneur. The problem today is that entrepreneurship is cool and fashionable. Entrepreneurship for crazy people, such as artists. You cannot become a sculptor, painter or writer. It's something you can't get rid of. It's inside you" - Steve Blank, famous American entrepreneur, " Godfather"Silicon Valley.
  7. “In baseball, as in business, there are three types of people: those who make it happen, those who watch it happen, and those who are surprised that it happens at all.” Tommy Lasorda, one of the best coaches in baseball.
  8. “A true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer” - Nolan Bushnell, American entrepreneur, “father” of the video game industry, founder of Atari Inc and Chuck E. Cheese’s.
  9. "Each of us is an entrepreneur. The only skills you need to become an entrepreneur are: the ability to fail, the ability to generate ideas, the ability to sell those ideas, the ability to implement those ideas and the ability to be persistent so that despite your mistakes, learn and move on to to the next adventure" - James Altucher, American investor.
  10. "Don't get fooled by the 20-hour days of entrepreneurs. It's a myth. You need to sleep 8 hours a day to have a focused mind." James Altucher, American investor.
  11. "If you want to be an entrepreneur, then know that it's not a job, it's a lifestyle. It defines you. Forget about vacation, about coming home at 6 pm. The last thing you will do at night is send emails. And first thing in the morning "You will read letters received overnight, and you will wake up in the middle of the night. But it justifies itself, because you are doing something for yourself" - Niklas Zennström, Swedish entrepreneur, founder and developer of Skype.
  12. “As an entrepreneur, you love your business like a child, and you are taught to give your all to the business” - Diamond John, American entrepreneur, investor and television personality.
  13. "Being an entrepreneur is a mindset. You have to see opportunities in things all the time. I love interviewing. I love digging into stories where there aren't necessarily right or wrong answers." Soledad O'Brien, American journalist and television presenter.
  14. "The entrepreneur tries to bite off a little more than he can chew, hoping that he will quickly learn to chew" - Roy Ash, co-founder of Litton Industries.
  15. “As an entrepreneur, you have to feel like you can jump out of a plane because you know you can catch the bird in mid-flight.” Reed Hastings, Netflix executive
  16. "What do entrepreneurs do? First, they see the problem. Most people don't want to see the problem... Once you see the problem, you will find the answer" - Bill Drayton social entrepreneur, founder and chairman of the non-profit foundation "Ashoka: Innovation for Society".
  17. "Entrepreneur is not a job title. It is a state of mind of people who want to change the future" - Guy Kawasaki, managing director of Garage technology ventures, one of the first employees of Apple Computer.
  18. "Success in business requires training, discipline and hard work. But if that doesn't scare you, there are more opportunities today than ever before." David Rockefeller, American financier.
  19. "Being an entrepreneur... isn't about turning lemons into lemonade. It's about turning lemonade into helicopters." Tina Seelig, specialist in innovative entrepreneurship, professor at Stanford University.
  20. "Running a startup is like eating glass. You just start to like the taste of your own blood" - Sean Parker, American entrepreneur, founder of Napster, first president of Facebook.

Good day, dear readers of my blog! Today I will provide you with not just quotes about business and success, but expressions of people who have achieved global success. They will share their experiences and tell you what inspired them, supported them and helped them stick to their goals. These are great people who belong to modern society, which means that what they say or do is relevant and can motivate each of us to achieve.

Top 20 quotes

  1. In baseball, as in business, there are three types of people: those who make it happen, those who watch it happen, and those who are surprised that it happens at all. Tommy Lasorda (one of the best coaches in baseball).
  2. If you are not ready to change and get out of your comfort zone, do not try own business. Ruben Vardanyan (Adviser to the President of Sberbank).
  3. Finance and business - dangerous waters, in which voracious sharks walk in circles in search of prey. In this game, knowledge is the key to strength and power. Spend the money to know what you are doing, otherwise someone will get the better of you very quickly. Financial illiteracy is a huge problem. People get themselves into dangerous situations all the time simply because they are not properly prepared. Donald Trump (45th President of the USA).
  4. I am convinced: half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from losers is persistence. Steve Jobs
  5. If faith in success and dedication to an idea are unshakable, they cannot be resisted. Pavel Durov (founder of VKontakte).
  6. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, don't be afraid to experiment, don't be afraid to work hard. Perhaps you won’t succeed, perhaps circumstances will be stronger than you, but then, if you don’t try, you will be bitter and offended for not trying. Evgeniy Kaspersky (Head of Kaspersky Lab CJSC).
  7. If you haven't defined your purpose in life, you will work for someone who has it. Robert Anthony (Professor in Management Psychology).
  8. The most important thing in business is to focus on creating something important. I just worked on things that I would like to use myself. Mark Zuckerberg (founder of Facebook).
  9. As a rule, sustainable success is achieved not through a desperate (“hang yourself by your shoelaces”) one-time (“now or never!”) leap or feat, but as a result of everyday decision-making and their implementation. Stephen Covey (American businessman, wrote one of the most influential books on business).
  10. The top five talents for success are: focus, caution, organization, innovation and communication. Harold Jenin (President of ITT Corporation).
  11. The only thing that kept me from failing was that I loved my job—that was what drove me. Steve Jobs (founder of Apple Corporation).
  12. Never falling is not the best great credit in life. The main thing is to get up every time. Nelson Mandela (8th President of South Africa).
  13. I want this. So it will be. Henry Ford (inventor, owner of automobile factories).
  14. The lesson I learned and followed throughout my life was to try, and try, and try again - but never give up! Richard Branson (founder of Virgin Group).
  15. The longer you walk towards success, the closer it gets. Too many people give up one step before winning. Remember: others will take this step. Napoleon Hill (American author, creator of the “self-help” genre).
  16. Success is nothing more than a few simple rules followed daily, and failure is simply a few mistakes repeated daily. Together they make up what leads us to either success or failure! Jim Rohn (American speaker, business coach).
  17. If you do something and you are good at it, you should do something else, even better. Don't dwell on one thing for too long, just figure out what will happen next. Seth Godin (American speaker, author and entrepreneur).
  18. Most people are deprived of financial success because the fear of losing money is much greater than the joy of wealth. Robert Kiyosaki (American businessman, investor, author of self-development books).
  19. Cultivate success from failure. Obstacles and failures are the two surest steps to success. Dale Carnegie (American educator, speaker, writer).
  20. I can't give you a formula for success, but I can give you a formula for failure: try to please everyone. Gerard Swope (President of General Electric Co.)

Re-read these motivational quotes from time to time, they were formed thanks to the experience of people who achieved worldwide success, were able to realize their potential, and accordingly will help you achieve your goals. For inspiration, I also recommend reading an article about people who have achieved success through their own work. That’s all for today, dear readers, subscribe to my blog to stay updated on new interesting information!

Donald John Trump(eng. Donald John Trump; born June 14, 1946, Queens, New York, USA) - American businessman, billionaire, famous person on television and radio, writer. He is the president of a large construction company Trump companies Organization and the founder of Trump Entertainment Resorts, which operates numerous casinos and hotels around the world. Trump has become a world celebrity thanks to his extravagant lifestyle and frank style of communication (he doesn’t hesitate to send an opponent a direct text if anything happens), as well as his successful reality show “The Candidate” (from where the famous and now catchphrase: “You’re fired!”), where he acts both as an executive producer and as a host. Married three times.


1. If your friends have the same self-confidence as you, this eliminates the possibility of envy or jealousy of your success.

2. The second most important event in the life of every man is the day when he buys a yacht, and the greatest event in his life is the day when he sells it.

3. I believe that failure to give an adequate tip is sure sign loser.

4. Do not put the heavy burden of undeserved wealth on your children: this can “paralyze” them, discourage them from working hard and achieving own success in life.

5. Always try to understand the reason for your anger: sometimes it is completely justified and even necessary for the cause, but sometimes it only serves as an indicator of your misunderstanding of the situation.

6. Be modest, disarming, and downplay your merits and achievements. Save your cruelty and ability to be menacing for those cases when it is really necessary.

7. In business, it is better to be impudent, even impudent, than tough and intractable.

8. I never wanted anyone who didn’t want to work for my company to work for me; you should do the same: don't stay where you don't like.

9. Never take a vacation. Why do you need it? If work isn't fun, then you're not working in the right place. And I, even playing golf, continue to do business.

10. The most big success comes when you swim against the current.

11. Bad times often provide great opportunities.

12. A gambler is someone who sits day and night in front of slot machines. I prefer to own them.

13. As a rule, the simplest approach is the most effective.

14. There is nothing more criminal for financial well-being what to think of great idea and not bother to implement it.

15. Always remember one simple rule: dress for the job you want, not the job you have.

16. I am sure that you should spend as much as you think is necessary. But I am also sure that you should not spend more than you can.

17. When purchasing any product or service, do not hesitate to bargain, getting more for yourself favorable conditions. I consider pride, which prevents you from saving your own money, to be a huge stupidity.

18. The only way getting rich is realism and utmost honesty. You need to part with the world of illusions, which exists only on the pages of magazines and on TV screens. Everything is not as easy as they would have you believe. Life is tough and people get hurt very seriously. Therefore, if you want to win, you need to be as strong as flint and ready to work with your elbows and fists.

19. We only seem to ourselves to be civilized. In fact, the world is cruel and people are ruthless. They may smile at you, but behind the smiles lies a desire to kill you. Predators in the jungle kill for food - and only people kill for fun. Even friends are happy to stab you in the back: they want your job, your house, your money, your wife - and your dog, after all. The enemies are even worse! You must be able to defend yourself. My motto is: “Hire the best - and don’t trust them with anything.”

20. Any " Good times” is always the result of your hard work and constant dedication in the past. What you do today is the key to tomorrow's results. If you want to reap the benefits tomorrow, sow the seeds every day! If you weaken your concentration for even a minute, you will inevitably begin to roll back.

21. Show me a person without an ego and I will show you a loser.

22. No matter how smart you are, no matter how comprehensive your education and experience, you cannot be wise enough to make a business successful on your own. Watch, listen and learn. You can't know everything. Anyone who thinks this way is doomed to be mediocre.

23. Finance and business are dangerous waters in which voracious sharks circle in search of prey. In this game, knowledge is the key to strength and power. Spend the money to know what you are doing. Otherwise, someone will “do” you very quickly. Financial illiteracy is a huge problem. People get themselves into dangerous situations all the time simply because they are not properly prepared.

24. To succeed, you need to separate yourself from 98 percent of the world's population. You can certainly get into that select two percent. Intelligence, hard work or carefully thought-out investments have nothing to do with it. There is a recipe, a formula for success that the top two percent live by that you too can follow to succeed.

25. I am richer than my father was, but I didn’t start from scratch - I had a very good foundation at the start. In addition, my father has always been a great example of an entrepreneur for me, and I grew up next to him not only as his son, but also as a businessman. However, our family members have never competed with each other, and I think they never will.

26. Despite the fact that I am a businessman, as they say, to the core and I often have to be in public, I home person. I love coming home and being surrounded by family. Most of my friends won't believe this. Everyone thinks I'm a shark and I try to maintain that image. In fact I am soft, sensual and a kind person. But this is private information. If my opponents find out about my weaknesses, it will be to my disadvantage.

27. You yourself dictate to people how they should think about you. Your attitude towards yourself is obvious to everyone. Behave in such a way that everyone understands: you are worth a lot. Then people will regard you that way.

28. Turn your big thoughts into big actions as quickly as possible. Don't let false excuses slow you down. Excuses are symptoms of fear.

29. Being confident is easy, being strong is easy. As long as everything goes as it should. But when life begins to crack, it becomes more and more difficult to believe in yourself. And what we think under the pressure of failure is the whole truth about our self-confidence.

30. It depends on our thoughts whether we stay afloat or get bogged down in the quagmire of despondency. It is not always possible to hold on and not break down. That is life. And anyone can fall, but why lie there?

31. I used to say, “Find the best and trust them.” Over the years I have seen so many tricks and scams that I now say: “Find the best, but don’t trust them.” Don't trust them, if only because if you don't understand what's going on very well, they will rip you off to the last thread.

32. Don't let anger take over you. Many people think that I am an angry, angry type. But this is not true. I am firm, I am demanding - but I never lose my temper. Yes, you have to be firm, but uncontrollable anger- this is not hardness, this is weakness. It takes you away from your goal and ruins your concentration.

33. In order to make people interested in you, you need to show interest yourself. Don't forget about it simple rule, and you can easily carry on any conversation.

34. When disposing of your property, you must remember that you have two responsibilities: 1. Do not burden your children with the heavy burden of undeserved wealth, which can “paralyze” them, discourage them from working hard and achieving their own success in life. 2. Leave part of the funds to the society in the form of charitable donations.

35. The best time to start collecting funds to pay for your children's education is the day they are born or even earlier. A good education costs big money, and it is extremely important to guarantee your offspring good opportunities for a start in life.

36. Never go into debt for your current expenses; Debt funds should only be used to finance business projects that will bring you profit.

37. In essence, getting rich is hard labour, and if the idea that came to you seems impossible at first glance, think again before abandoning it: is it really that crazy? After all, you don’t want someone to get ahead of you and steal the prize that was intended for you from under your nose!

38. Give more attention small quantities in the field of your finances - cents, percentages. These little things add up over time and have a huge impact on your budget. My parents with early childhood instilled in me frugality, I believe that this is the most important quality for those involved in financial management.

39. Learn the great art of forgetting. Move on and don't think for a second about all the bad things that ever happened to you.

40. If you are touched and hit, grab the scoundrel by the throat. First of all, it's nice. Secondly, others see it. I like to do it.

41. If you have doubts, just believe in yourself and believe that you will definitely win. No one else will do this for you. Don't cling to someone's reassurances or seek encouragement from others if you feel like a task is too much for you. Develop self-confidence.

42. Problems, failures, mistakes, losses - all this is part of life. Take it for granted. Don't allow yourself to fall into prostration. Be ready. And what in to a greater extent If you're prepared, the less likely it is that these problems will knock you out of the saddle.

43. Difficulties happen to everyone. That's life. And in catastrophic situations you show who you really are. Become the one who knows how to decide complex problems- and you will become someone to whom people will willingly pay big money.

44. Failure can either destroy you or make you stronger. I believe in the truth of the old saying: “What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.” I have the greatest respect for people who have failed but found the strength to get back into the game.

45. If a person realized that he made a mistake and apologized, accept his apology and forgive him, but do not trust him anymore.

46. ​​If you fail, no one will come to your aid - neither friends, nor the state. The only protection and defense is you, and your attitude to what is happening is the key to getting out of trouble.

47. The main condition for achieving success is to love what you do. To succeed, you need to spend a lot of time and overcome giant obstacles. If you don't love what you do, you'll never make it. But if you love your job, then the difficulties will be balanced by the joy that this work gives you.

48. Rich people are rich because they decide difficult problems. You must learn to feed your energy with problems. Chapters big companies receive huge salaries because they solve problems that no one else can solve.

49. If you want to be in the top two percent, you will have to learn to find creative solutions for problems that seem insoluble at first glance.

50. If you cannot even dream of great things, then you will never do anything significant in life. And don't worry about whether you can make them happen. It doesn't matter. Dreaming doesn't cost money. So if you’re going to dream, then dream big.

51. Don’t be content with little. Always strive for the top. Every outstanding athlete and every successful billionaire strives for gold, not bronze.

52. If you want to succeed in life, you must be able to handle pressure. Whether you're selling real estate, starting your own business, or climbing the corporate ladder, you'll live under constant pressure.

53. For business, every dollar and even every 10-cent coin is important. Would you call this pettiness? To your health. And I hold her with both hands. I will always find time to compare prices from different suppliers, regardless of what I intend to buy - a car or a toothbrush.

54. Always do your research thoroughly. securities that you buy. Never be tempted to buy “hit” stocks, that is, the most popular in this moment on the stock market. Nested In a similar way funds usually end up being wasted.

55. To achieve your goals, you need patience and enthusiasm. Think globally - but be realistic. I waited as long as thirty years to achieve some of my goals. Look at media mogul Rupert Murdoch: how many years did he wait for the opportunity to buy The Wall Street Journal? All his life he wanted to buy this publication - and knew that sooner or later he would buy it. Rupert is a true genius.

56. Obstacles arise constantly - you can be sure of that. But see them as challenges, not obstacles. Then you will find the strength to overcome them. The most important thing is to be tenacious. And never give up. Move forward, keep your eyes on the goal, and don't let setbacks or setbacks stop you.

57. I never wanted someone who didn’t want to work for my company to work for me; you should do the same: don't stay where you don't like. Life is too short and work is too important to waste energy on an activity that brings neither pleasure nor benefit.

58. The worst thing you can do with your money is let it lie dead in your deposit account. This is a net loss. Your money should always work. You should treat them the same way you treat your staff - you don't want the people you pay their salaries to sit on their hands, so don't let money sit idle. Even in the most unfavorable economic situation it is unforgivable to put them in a stocking.

59. I am a very cautious person, but this does not mean that I am a pessimist. Call it positive thinking with an eye to reality.

60. To succeed, you need to separate yourself from 98 percent of the world's population. You can certainly get into that select two percent. Intelligence, hard work or carefully thought-out investments have nothing to do with it. There is a recipe, a formula for success that the top two percent live by that you too can follow to succeed.

61. Finance and business are dangerous waters in which voracious sharks circle in search of prey. In this game, knowledge is the key to strength and power. Spend the money to know what you are doing. Otherwise, someone will “do” you very quickly.

62. Look in the mirror more often: you should be proud of what is reflected in it. If you look unkempt, so will your business.

63. The worst thing a businessman can do when making a deal is to let his partners feel how much he wants it.

64. Always remember one simple rule: dress for the job you want, not the job you have.

65. No matter how smart you are, no matter how comprehensive your education and experience, you cannot be wise enough to make a business successful on your own. Watch, listen and learn. You can't know everything. Anyone who thinks this way is doomed to be mediocre.

66. Typically, the simplest approach is the most effective.

67. Always remember one simple rule: dress for the job you want, not the job you have.

68. To succeed, you need to separate yourself from 98 percent of the world's population. You can certainly get into that select two percent. Intelligence, hard work or carefully thought-out investments have nothing to do with it. There is a recipe, a formula for success that the top two percent live by that you too can follow to succeed.

69. We only seem to ourselves to be civilized. In fact, the world is cruel and people are ruthless. They may smile at you, but behind the smiles lies a desire to kill you. Predators in the jungle kill for food - and only people kill for fun. Even friends are happy to stab you in the back: they want your job, your house, your money, your wife - and your dog, after all. The enemies are even worse! You must be able to defend yourself.

70. A good investor is like a diligent student. I spend hours every day reading the financial press.

71. I go to bed at one in the morning, and at five in the morning I already wake up and start reading the latest newspapers. I don't need to rest longer, and this gives me a competitive advantage.

72. When purchasing any product or service, do not hesitate to bargain, seeking more favorable conditions for yourself. I consider pride, which prevents you from saving your own money, to be a huge stupidity.

73. Always try to understand the reason for your anger: sometimes it is completely justified and even necessary for the cause, but sometimes it only serves as an indicator of your lack of understanding of the situation.

74. For me, wealth is a tool that allows you to achieve clearly defined goals.

75. Any “good times” are always the result of your hard work and constant dedication in the past. What you do today is the key to tomorrow's results. If you want to reap the benefits tomorrow, sow the seeds every day! If you weaken your concentration for even a minute, you will inevitably begin to roll back.

76. Real billionaires never try to rush time, because life is a very good thing, but, unfortunately, very short.

77. Never take a vacation. Why do you need it? If work isn't fun, then you're not working in the right place. And I, even playing golf, continue to do business.

78. When purchasing any product or service, do not hesitate to bargain, seeking more favorable conditions for yourself. I consider pride, which prevents you from saving your own money, to be a huge stupidity.

79. Russians are very similar to us Americans. The only difference between us is that we live in states with different social systems. I know many people from Russia living in New York and other American cities. We are the same.

Winning the heart of a business woman is a deadly act, akin to jumping from under a circus big top into the mouth of a tiger and flying through burning rings.

For many, the phrase “it’s just business, nothing personal” is life credo, however, I have always considered my business to be my life’s work and I don’t understand how you can not worry about it, but consider it just a soulless set of financial transactions.

To achieve success in business, you just need to always do a little more than others: study, work, prepare more and, of course, dream.

As shown life experience, thinking with your own head is the most hard work That's why so few people do it.

There is no such thing as “pity” in business. Here the weak either becomes strong or dies, there is no third option.

When it comes to big business, the Internet is capable of real miracles.

Business communication rests on three pillars: metaphors, stories and speed of speech.

Joining hard way big business, every woman risks not only being left with nothing, but also losing her femininity once and for all.

Read more quotes on the following pages:

Those who want, look for a way, those who don’t want, look for a reason. – Socrates

If you are unable to remember, then write down what I am about to say. The most nonsense and unpromising project, but already launched and working on the Internet, will bring much more results and profits than the most perfect project, which, due to its constant pre-launch improvement, will never be launched. – (John Reese, Internet marketing pioneer, developer of one of the first email answering services, creator of more than 110 different projects, multimillionaire)

Anyone who wants to see the results of their labor immediately should become a shoemaker. - Albert Einstein

Of course, there are people for whom money comes first. These are usually people who will never become rich. Only those who are talented, lucky, and do not constantly think about money achieve wealth. – (Steve Jobs, 1946, CEO of Apple Computers, billionaire)

What is the height of Everest Peak? You may not know this, but believe me, everyone who has conquered it knows this height. And it was known to them before they began to climb this mountain. – (John Reese, Internet marketing pioneer, developer of one of the first email answering services, creator of more than 110 different projects, multimillionaire)

Everyone can command, many can lead, only a few can manage!

Everyone who opens a new business or registers an enterprise should be given a medal for personal courage. – Vladimir Putin

When they say: “It’s not about the money, it’s about the principle,” don’t believe it. It's about money. – Kin Hubbard

It makes no sense to hire smart people, and then tell them what to do. We hire smart people to tell us what to do.

Helping others is noble. Accumulating good market experience and relying only on your own sources of income are worthy aspirations. Not burdening others with your insecurity, having the opportunity and desire to provide and support others is noble. Therefore, I believe that financial independence is a worthy aspiration. – (Jim Rohn, an outstanding American business coach and motivator, developed the strategy for the companies I.B.M., Coca-Cola, Xerox, General Motors, etc.)

To become a billionaire, you first need luck, a significant dose of knowledge, a huge capacity for work, I emphasize HUGE, but most importantly, most importantly, you must have the mentality of a billionaire. The billionaire mentality is a state of mind in which you focus all your knowledge, all your skills, all your skills on achieving your goal. This is what will change you. – Paul Getty

Always remember one simple rule: dress for the job you want, not the job you have. – Donald Trump

To keep up with changing market conditions, Microsoft underwent another major reorganization approximately every two years. These structural transformations have another side, an internal one. Getting used to their regular work and feeling very comfortable, people often stop growing professionally and are unable to accept new ideas. Personnel changes provide them with the opportunity to take on new tasks. For example, it can be useful to rotate specialists between development and sales departments. By adding programmers to your customer service team, you give them the opportunity to better understand market requirements and further improve the performance of their products. – (Bill Gates, 1955, head of Microsoft Corporation, the richest man on the planet)

Half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from unsuccessful ones is persistence.

First of all, take it into your head: never apply the term “recession” to your business. A recession implies a rollback. Instead, use the term “revolution.” A decline in activity means that your entrepreneurial activity has passed a certain stage at which it is no longer possible to remain, in otherwise You are doomed to fail. A revolution is coming. It is necessary to change priorities, re-emphasize and move on, towards new success. – (Terry Dean, Internet Marketing Veteran with over seven years of experience)

Opening a store is easy; keeping it open is an art.

They work at Apple great people. But at the executive level they had no purpose or strategy. They worked in completely different directions in the hope that at least one of them would lead to the goal. At the same time, hundreds of new products were being developed. We had to do something to get away from this. – (Steve Jobs, 1946, CEO of Apple Computers, billionaire)

Always choose the most difficult path - you will not meet competitors on it. – Charles de Gaulle

People always blame circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who succeed in this world are the people who can rise up and look for the circumstances they need and, if they cannot find them, create them. - Bernard Show

He who works all day has no time to earn money. – John Davison Rockefeller

If you have nothing to eat, you need to do something that brings you money immediately, without costs. But after gaining confidence that the family will not starve, you need to find those pleasant things that you like. – Evgeny Chichvarkin

People buy based on emotions. Even if your customers are business owners, no matter how large and reputable it may be, they still remain people with all the ensuing consequences. It is people who make the decision to make a purchase, it is people who click on the “Order!” button, enter payment information into the fields of the order form, etc. And all these people buy based on their own considerations. My own “I” and own emotions. – (Michel Fortin, renowned copywriting expert and professional consultant)

Astrology told me a lot. I studied at the Russian Astrological School of Alexander Zaraev for four years and received a certificate. Astrology, in my opinion, gives the most best explanation what is our physical world. Take, for example, the fact that the moon affects the state of the liquid. We all know why ebbs and flows occur. But the human body is 90% liquid. And if you take astrological chart a person and you look at what happened at his birth, what is happening now, what crises have happened, you can understand what will happen next. -(Vladimir Samokhin, founder and general director of the Rocolor company)

I left Harvard to start my own business, and I don’t regret it, but when, citing my example, someone claims that education is not necessary for successful business, I always clarify: this is only true when the implementation of an idea that has captured a person urgent, and he is convinced that such a chance will not arise again. In all other cases, it is better to complete your studies. If only because it is rare for a young person to be taken seriously in business. Besides academic degree may later play decisive role in getting the job you want. An example is the Microsoft company itself, which almost never hires people who have not completed their education for key positions. This despite the fact that it was founded by two college dropouts. – (Bill Gates, 1955, head of Microsoft Corporation, the richest man on the planet)

Whatever you own, you either use it or lose it! – (Henry Ford, 1863-1947, American engineer, industrialist, inventor, one of the founders automotive industry USA)

If you are on a boat that is constantly leaking, it is better to focus your efforts on finding a new vessel rather than fixing the holes. – Warren Buffett

If you want to have enough money for you and your family, work yourself... If you want to provide for your future generations, make people work for you. - Karl Marx

There is only one thing that a person can completely control - this is his own attitude towards life. – (Napoleon Hill, 1883-1970, millionaire, best-selling author of philosophy, psychology and success practices)

The client cannot simply be satisfied. The client must be satisfied! – (Michael Dell, 1965, founder and former CEO of Dell Computer Corporation, billionaire)

Success depends on effort. – (Sophocles, 496-406 BC, ancient Greek poet-playwright, politician)

Don't say you're working. Show what you've earned.

Failure is an opportunity to start again, but more wisely. - Henry Ford

If we don't experiment, our model will become obsolete, and we can't afford that. What happens to colleagues who want reliability. Television is structured in such a way that the most promising strategy is to develop, make mistakes, but find something new. And “reliable” quickly becomes outdated, the audience is extremely spoiled. – (Konstantin Ernst, producer, general director of Channel One TV)