How to be stress-resistant in any situation. Stress-resistant person! Who is this? Stress and difficult economic situation

Difficult life situations often arise in our lives. Some of them can radically change our lives. The death of a loved one, job loss, serious illness, terrorist attacks and other traumatic events can occur unexpectedly and have a profound impact on us. You may react to such circumstances with an outpouring of strong emotions and feelings of uncertainty.

However, people adapt well to changing living conditions and stressful situations over time. What allows them to do this?

The quality that allows us to adapt to constant change and withstand stress is stress resistance.

This article is written to help you find your own way to develop stress resistance. More precisely, a whole range of methods, methods and techniques that will be effective for you. The information in the article describes stress tolerance and a number of factors that affect people's ability to cope with difficulties. Much of the article is devoted to developing and using a personal strategy to increase stress resistance.


Resilience is the process of adapting to difficult life situations - trauma, tragedy, threats, or severe stress caused, for example, by family and relationship problems, serious health problems, difficulties at work, or financial problems. Stress resistance is also the ability to resist such circumstances and return to a normal state of mind.

Research has shown that resilience to stress is the norm rather than something extraordinary. People often demonstrate resilience to stress. One example is the response of many Russians to the terrorist attacks in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and the attempts of individuals to rebuild their lives.

It is important to understand that being resilient does not mean that a person does not experience difficulties or suffering. Emotional pain and sadness are common in people who have suffered significant adversity or trauma in their lives. And the development of stress resistance will most likely be accompanied by significant emotional stress.

However, resilience is not a trait that people either have or don't have. It includes behavior as a whole and individual actions, thoughts and beliefs that can be learned and developed in everyone.

Factors of stress resistance

A number of factors contribute to stress tolerance. Many studies show that the main factor influencing resilience is caring and supportive relationships within and outside the family. Relationships that build love and trust, provide role models, and offer encouragement and support help increase a person's resilience to stress.

Also, the following factors can contribute to high stress resistance:

  • Ability to make realistic plans and take steps to achieve them.
  • A positive view of yourself and confidence in your strengths and abilities.
  • Communication and problem solving skills.
  • The ability to manage strong feelings and impulses.

Each of us can develop all these factors individually or together. Both independently and using the services of specialists for their development.

Strategies for increasing stress resistance

It is important to understand that developing stress resistance is a process. It is not something that happens to you once or never happens. People react to traumatic and stressful life events in different ways. A way to build resilience that works for one person may not work for another. Different people use different strategies to develop resilience to stress.

Below are 10 ways that, according to the American Psychological Association, are the leading ways to overcome stress and develop stress resistance. You can use them to develop your personal strategy for increasing stress resistance.

10 ways to develop stress resistance

Avoid seeing crises as insurmountable problems
. You can't change the fact that very difficult situations happen, but you can change how you interpret and respond to those events. Try to look beyond the present to how future circumstances might be a little better. Notice any subtle ways in which you may already feel somewhat better when dealing with difficult situations.

Create and maintain relationships
. Good relationships with close relatives, friends or acquaintances are important. Accepting help and support from those who care about you and will listen to you builds resilience. Some people find that active participation in social movements, religious organizations, or interest groups provides social support and can help them find hope. Helping others during their time of need can also benefit the helper.

Move towards your goals. Set yourself some realistic goals. Doing something regularly—even if it seems like a small accomplishment—keeps you moving toward your goals. Instead of focusing on tasks that seem unattainable, ask yourself, “What do I know I can do today that will help me move in the direction I want to go?”

Keep things in perspective. Even when you are faced with very painful events, try to place the stressful situation in a larger context and maintain a long-term perspective. Avoid making the event big.

Accept that change is part of life
. Certain goals may be unavailable due to unfavorable situations. Accepting the circumstances that cannot be changed can help you focus on the circumstances that you can change.

Take action. Deal with adverse situations as much as you can. Take decisive action rather than completely detaching yourself from problems and stress and wishing it would just go away.

Look for opportunities for self-discovery. People often learn something about themselves and may find that they have grown in some way as a result of their struggle with loss. Many people who have experienced tragedy and hardship have reported better relationships, greater self-confidence even while feeling vulnerable, an increased sense of self-worth, greater spirituality, and an increased appreciation for life.

Cultivate a positive view of yourself. Developing confidence in your ability to solve problems and trusting your intuition helps increase your resilience to stress.

Keep an optimistic outlook
. Even though some people think hope is a stupid emotion, it gives us hope that good times will come in our lives. Try visualizing what you want instead of worrying about what you fear.

take care of yourself. Pay attention to your own needs and feelings. Participate in activities you enjoy and relax. Exercise regularly. Take care of yourself by helping to keep your mind and body strong enough to cope with situations that require your strength.

Additional ways to increase your resilience to stress may also be helpful. For example, some people write about how meditation and spiritual practices help them cope with thoughts and feelings related to trauma or other stressful events in their lives.

The key is to try different strategies and find ways that may work well for you, as part of your own personal strategy for improving stress tolerance.

Exploring your past

It is also important to study your past experience. Focusing on past events and sources of personal strength can help you discover what strategies to increase your resilience to stress have already worked for you and therefore may work in the future.

To do this, write down the answers to the following questions about yourself and your reactions to difficult life events. This will help you learn more about how to effectively respond to difficult situations in your life.

Consider the following:

  • What types of events were the most stressful for me?
  • How did these events usually affect me?
  • Do I remember people who matter to me when I'm stressed?
  • Who did I turn to for help in stressful situations or traumatic experiences?
  • What have I learned about myself and my relationships with others during difficult times?
  • Was it helpful for me to help someone else through a similar experience?
  • Was I able to overcome the circumstances, and if so, how?
  • What helped me maintain hope?

Be flexible

Resilience involves maintaining flexibility and balance in your life when dealing with stressful circumstances and traumatic events.

This happens in several ways, including:

  • Allowing yourself to experience and express strong emotions, on the one hand, and avoiding them, on the other hand, where it would be inappropriate.
  • When necessary, actively “attack” problems, taking actions to solve them, and when necessary, return to rest and restore yourself.
  • Spend time with loved ones to gain support and inspiration, but also to take care of yourself.
  • Leaning on others, not forgetting to rely on yourself.

Use your “places of strength and support”

Getting support when you need it is critical to strengthening your resilience to stress. In addition to talking to family and friends, it may also be helpful to reach out to the following sources of support:

  • Self-help and support groups. Various groups can help people who are struggling with difficulties, such as the death of a loved one. By sharing information, ideas, and emotions with others, group members can help each other and find comfort in knowing they are not alone in their struggles.
  • Books and other publications by people who have successfully coped with difficult life situations, such as cancer. These stories may encourage readers to find a strategy that may work for them personally.
  • Internet resources. Information on the Internet can be a useful source of ideas, although the quality of the information depends on the sources.

Don't be afraid to turn to specialists

For many people, using their own resources and the types of help listed above may be enough to increase their resilience to stress. However, sometimes a person may get stuck or have difficulty making progress towards resilience.

In this case, a good professional, such as a psychologist, can help you develop an appropriate strategy moving forward. It is important to get professional help if you feel like you are unable to function or perform basic daily activities as a result of a traumatic or other stressful life experience.

You can use any of the above methods to develop your own stress-resilience strategy. The main thing is that this strategy is, on the one hand, comfortable for you, and on the other hand, quite effective. Good luck to you!

How fashionable it has become today to explain all of your life’s troubles with the word stress! But not each of us will give an exact definition of this concept. Most people have a vague image in their head of something dangerous or very unpleasant, which makes them give up and don’t want to live. This is completely wrong! We must learn to accept and respect stressful situations, then we will understand how to become a stress-resistant person.

Psychology gives the following definition to the concept of stress: a normal reaction of the body to external stimuli that disturb its calm. A person lives in complete prosperity, everything is normal, his muscles, brains and, worst of all, his heart become overgrown with fat. He looks down on his fellow losers and thinks of himself as “ something, and something not unimportant." And then, out of nowhere, stress: I got laid off at work, for example.

What happens in our body when faced with a stressful situation? The body reacts in the same way to absolutely all types of stress: illness, work or family troubles, material losses.

  1. The pituitary gland, one of the glands of the brain, sends danger signals into the blood - special hormones that carry this message to the adrenal glands.
  2. They, in turn, release cortisol into the blood.
  3. Its presence in the blood breaks down proteins, increasing the amount of sugar, because it is a source of energy for decisive action.
  4. Sugar reserves in the form of glycogen are collected in the liver, ready at any time to replenish energy expenditure.
  5. Blood circulates at an increased rate, pressure rises.
  6. Fats stored in reserve in times of peace are ready to perform hard work with energy costs.
  7. Many other changes prepare the body for the “fight or flight” mode.

The body comes to the same level of combat readiness in a woman who collided with her rival on the stairs, in a hunter who suddenly saw a tiger, and in our official who received an order to dismiss him. This stage of stress is an anxiety response and requires action. Actions, firstly, fast, and, secondly, correct. If previous changes in the body occurred without our conscious intervention, then the further development of the situation depends only on the person himself. Building stress resistance begins with learning to ask ourselves the right questions. Knowing through thoughts, you can achieve excellent results.

The right question already contains the answer

When confronted with an unpleasant situation, natural questions rush through a person’s head:

  • Why did this happen to me?
  • When will this end?
  • Who is guilty?

John Miller, the author of the famous QWQ method, which allows a person to emerge victorious from any stressful situation, claims: these questions are wrong! Why? – this is not a call to action, but a complaint about circumstances. When?- a question that postpones the solution of the problem for an indefinite period of time. Who? – absolves himself of responsibility, saying that someone else is obliged to help and take care of us.

Asking questions: Why? - When? - Who? - the person is filled with negative emotions (suspicion, resentment, envy, condemnation), essentially taking no action. And this is at a time when the body is in increased readiness for important and difficult work. It is not surprising that in this case hypertension or diabetes mellitus develops!

Anyone who knows how to be stress-resistant will consciously stop feeling sorry for themselves and switch to other issues:

  • What What can I do in this situation?
  • How can I find a way out? it definitely exists!
  • How can this incident change my life for the better?

This way of asking questions focuses attention on a specific stressful situation, requires a search for an immediate solution and is addressed to oneself: no one but me will solve my problems. And since the body is already ready for action, as a rule, constructive ideas come from somewhere in the depths of the subconscious. A non-standard solution to a problem can radically change your life and open up new horizons.

Trying to ask yourself the right questions ( What? - How? - How?) in any, even the smallest unpleasant situation, these are good exercises for stress resistance. A skill will be formed that will ensure quick and correct action in the stress resistance phase.

I will think about it tomorrow

An important problem of behavior under stress is the outburst of emotions. Often a situation arises unexpectedly, we are not ready to accept and think about it. An emotional response comes faster: anger, irritation, resentment, accompanied by screaming, tears, and inappropriate actions, can completely ruin a relationship and close the path to a constructive solution. Therefore, to increase the level of stress resistance, you need to learn to extinguish emotions.

At a time when you are openly insulted or you can no longer contain the influx of feelings, it is better to apologize and leave without permission. This can be explained with any valid excuse. It is important not to allow yourself to explode with emotions.

Simple walking, looking at plants, birds singing, the murmur of flowing water - nature - has a calming effect. Anyone who wants to become stress-resistant simply needs to love and know nature. Mushrooms, fishing, hunting, gardening, gardening - all these activities seem to be created in order to return us to balance.

Sport, with its increased loads and constant confrontation, is the prevention of stress resistance. It is known that V.I. Lenin was a good chess player, but was forced to give up this activity, since losses were an insurmountable stress for him. But the ability to lose helps us calmly accept life’s situation and not give up.

Scarlett O'Hara, the heroine of the famous novel Gone with the Wind, never solved problems at the very moment they arose and did not act rashly. "I will think about it tomorrow. Tomorrow will be another day." This phrase became famous because it is correct. Life does not end today: brilliant solutions and favorable situations need time to mature. And if you do not treat this with patience, the stressful situation will move into the third phase - exhaustion of the body. During this phase, we will be haunted by a constant feeling of hunger.

Eating stress correctly

This feeling is familiar to everyone: during times of trouble, a person strives to eat a lot and tasty. This leads to obesity, but it does not help the body, because you need to know what to eat.

Mobilization of the body during stress collects protein in all nooks and crannies of the body: from the walls of the digestive tract, kidneys, etc. Therefore, you need protein: meat and fish. Tea and coffee increase adrenaline, and in a stressful situation there is already a lot of it in the blood. Instead, we drink milk and juices. Well proven, developed on the basis of honey, mint and water.

When times get tough, it's helpful to support your body with vitamins and macronutrients. Calcium, potassium, magnesium in the form of dietary supplements, B vitamins, pantothenic acid, ascorbic acid and vitamin E are very necessary for the body to recover during periods of stress.

So, stress is a natural life situation that requires energetic and correct actions from a person. Analyzing the situation is crucial in increasing stress resistance; it consists of asking yourself the right questions. The ability to control emotions and switch to other activities is an indicator of resistance to stress. The human body responds to a stressful situation with a powerful mobilization of all resources and needs their targeted replenishment.

Fatigue and tiredness are normal, stress is natural. But - if you recover correctly. So, how to help the body cope with increased stress, how to optimize work processes so as not to burn out at work? A medical psychologist from the Medsi Clinical Diagnostic Center on Belorusskaya shared six simple rules with the portal. Olga Shcherbakova.

The topic of stress and, as a result, fatigue is very relevant in our time. We work a lot, life is oversaturated with information flow, often negative, we communicate a lot with different people, we do not have time to rest and recover. How can one remain effective under such conditions, not get tired, suffer or get sick?

Worked - take a rest

It’s impossible to work a lot and not get tired. Fatigue and tiredness are a normal psychophysiological reaction of a person, for example, at the end of the day or after a heavy load. After rest and sleep, the feeling of fatigue should go away. In order to be able to work a lot, it is useful to take short breaks during the day. For example, every 2-3 hours get up from the table, if the work is sedentary, go to the rest room, if there is one, do a little gymnastics, drink tea. It is important to switch for a few minutes; this will help relieve eye fatigue and activate attention and memory processes.

Combine business with pleasure

Be sure to respect the environment at work. Periods for work and rest are important. When we don't rest, our work efficiency only decreases. If there is no opportunity for rest, then it will be useful to mentally agree with yourself, with your body, about when “it will get the long-awaited vacation or day off.” During active, busy work periods, you can take vitamins; your diet should be varied and balanced. Sports activities will help relieve accumulated tension, improve your mood, and saturate your brain with oxygen, which is also necessary for good health and work efficiency. If your employer provides the opportunity to exercise in the middle of the day, during a break, great! You can combine business with pleasure.

Lunch is time to get out of your chair

It is better to leave your workplace during lunch breaks. If we eat at our desk, we deprive our brains and eyes of the opportunity to rest, often continuing to think about some work tasks while eating. It is important to take breaks, and during lunch try to think about something pleasant or simply focus on the process of eating.

Help your eyes

When working at a computer, the first thing that gets tired is your eyes. To prevent vision loss, you can wear special glasses with protective lenses for working at the computer. Every 2-3 hours, eye exercises will be useful. Rotational movements, staring and closing your eyes are simple exercises that will relieve tension. You can close your eyes for a few minutes and sit quietly.

Prepare your body for an important meeting

Each person has his own biological rhythms and times of greatest and least activity. Some people work better in the morning, others in the evening. We are not always able to organize our work in the optimal way. Important events, projects, meetings, etc. may not coincide with our biorhythms. Then we have to expend much more effort in order to be effective. If the event is planned in advance, then we try to get enough sleep the night before, get mentally ready, perhaps prepare some necessary materials in advance, and free up the other part of the day for rest and recovery or preparation. You should not skip meals on such important days, because when we are hungry, we get tired faster. At the same time, eating a large meal can also be harmful, as you will want to sleep or energy will be spent on digesting it.

Learn to enter a state of harmony and balance

It is also impossible to avoid stress at all. All people and animals are subject to stress. Stress is a natural reaction to some situation. Stress is not always negative. Stress is often an “awakening” moment, a point for development. Stress becomes dangerous when it is very strong, significant for a person, or lasts for a long time. Then the consequences of stress can be devastating to both physical and mental health. It is important to learn to cope and live through stress correctly - this, apparently, is the task of every person. The point is to learn to enter a state of harmony and balance. During a strong emotional outburst, we try not to make any important decisions. All decisions are made when we are emotionally calm or stable.

Here are some tips on how to become more stress-resistant.

  1. When you are very busy at work, try to highlight the main and important tasks and the secondary ones. Focus on important things. Leave free periods of time in your schedule.
  2. Movement, sports, walks outdoors. This is very important for maintaining your health and relaxation.
  3. Do something every day that calms and relaxes you. For example, taking a bath, reading a book, massage and more.
  4. Regularly do something that brings you joy and pleasure (communication with children, friends, a good movie, laughter and much more).
  5. Creation. Having a hobby is also a good preventative against stress damage.
  6. Try to get enough sleep. Lack of sleep often leads to depletion of all the body's resources.

There are a lot of methods, this is just a small part of them. But if you try to follow them, you will feel much better.

If it so happened that you got sick and “fell out” of the rhythm of life, then after the illness we get back to work gradually, the body still needs some time to recover, vitamins to strengthen the immune system and a varied diet will help you recover faster.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

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Be rational. Any little thing can throw an irrational person out of balance. A sensible person analyzes each problem, breaks it down into its components, and then looks for the simplest and most effective way out. As a result, he does not suffer and does not worry about trifles.

Look at the world positively. Any situation can be assessed positively, negatively or neutrally. If you want to work out stress resistance, get rid of negativity, otherwise you will constantly attract trouble to yourself.

Turn your attitude towards small problems upside down. For example: autumn, cool, you have a date outside. Not only is it cold, but the person is also late. Tell yourself: “It’s so cold that it’s even good!” And people sit at home and cannot appreciate how fresh and healthy it is outside. And it’s good that the date is delayed, I can fully enjoy the fresh air,” etc. It may sound like complete nonsense, but after a couple of minutes you will feel funny, and when the date does take place, you will not be angry, and the evening will not be ruined. If you use this method constantly, then soon unpleasant situations will immediately make you smile and have an appropriate attitude.

Remember that any problem can become both a hole in which you will remain for a long time, and a springboard for success. If you want someone who is not afraid of difficulties, then when you encounter an obstacle on your way, immediately think about how it will be for your own good.

Lead an active lifestyle. Fill your free time not with watching TV, but, for example, with sports or some hobby. Communicate with people more often. A person who is focused on one thing will certainly find a reason for it. If he distributes his attention to several areas of activity, then he will have practically no time left for melancholy.

Video on the topic

Unfortunately, the modern rhythm of life provokes many different types of nervous stress. Failure at work and an unsuccessful day, dissatisfaction with the boss, yet another bad grade for a child at school, and so on. All these minor and medium-sized troubles tend to have a negative impact on the nervous system, which often ends in stress. There is no need to even talk about larger and more serious problems.


Excessive exposure of the nervous system to stress greatly affects the general condition of the human body. Make it a rule: no matter what happens, your health and yours will. Accordingly, as soon as a situation arises in which it is possible to reach a breakdown, immediately mentally try to block the nerve impulse. Don't give in to your emotions! Tell yourself: “Stop! There are no hopeless situations! Now fall into and be exposed. We need to act!”

Moreover, in order for the nervous system to be as susceptible to all kinds of stress as possible, it needs to be trained. No, this, of course, does not mean that she needs to purposefully create stress and try to cope with it. It’s just that you should fray your nerves as little as possible. It is necessary to train stress resistance in everyday life: at home, and even on vacation. To do this, try not to pay attention to individual little things, don’t get involved somewhere again, don’t insist. Remember, meticulousness and stress go hand in hand. Therefore, one should not be particularly pedantic about insignificant things.

To increase your resistance to stress, try to see as much positive as possible in the world around you and in the people with whom you communicate. After all, the level of stress resistance mainly depends on your mood. It’s just that in some situations you have to adjust yourself less, in others – more.

Video on the topic


  • increasing stress resistance in 2019

Tip 3: Stress resistance test and rules for dealing with stress

Falling under the influence of negative factors (stressors), a person consciously or subconsciously tries to adapt to a completely new situation. Everyone has their own reaction to stress. Some people give up and become depressed, while others try to switch to more important things. Are you stress-resistant? A simple test will help you understand this.

Stress resistance test

Here are 20 statements. Possible answers to them: “almost always” - 1 point, “often” (affirmative “yes”) - 2 points, “sometimes” - 3 points, “almost always” - 4 points, “no, this doesn’t happen at all” - 5 points.

1. Your diet consists of balanced and healthy foods.

2. Your sleep is 7-8 hours a day, and on weekends you allow yourself to sleep longer.

3. You feel incredibly high, you are loved and give your love in return.

4. From the list of people around you, there are one or two people whom you completely trust.

5. You take care of yourself and go to the gym at least twice a week.

6. You smoke, but the volume of smoked packs per day does not exceed two.

7. You allow yourself to drink alcohol occasionally, but no more than 5 glasses a week.

8. Your weight is normal and does not bother you.

9. Your income fully satisfies your basic needs (food, clothing, etc.).

10. You have a business that you believe will succeed.

11. You actively lead a social life (communicate with friends, etc.).

12. You have many friends and acquaintances.

13. You have one or two friends, but that's enough for you.

14. Your health is in perfect order.

15. You can openly express your feelings and don’t keep anything to yourself.

16. You have someone to tell about your problems.

17. You love to joke and laugh more than once a day.

18. You plan your time and manage to do everything.

19. You drink no more than 3 cups of coffee per day.

20. You have enough free time to devote a few minutes or hours to yourself.

Now add up your answers and subtract 20 points. If in the end you succeeded:

  • Less than 10 points - your resistance to stress is enviable. You know how to look at a situation from the outside and almost never enter into open conflict with anyone.
  • More than 30 points - stressful situations can throw you out of your usual rut for a long time, but as a result you are able to analyze everything and find the right ways out of the crisis. You take everything that happens too close to your heart. Perhaps you should learn to control your emotions.
  • More than 50 points - you should think seriously about your life and set the right priorities. You are extremely vulnerable to stress and panic at the first discrepancy between reality and your internal plans.

Rules for dealing with stress

1. If you feel that negative emotions are overwhelming you, do simple exercises to relieve stress:

Close your eyes and focus on your breathing for 1-2 minutes, breathe slowly and try to imagine in detail the room you are in. Then use your imagination to move to a relaxing place (beach, beauty salon, whatever makes you happy).

Focus on your body and try to feel which muscles are most tense. Feel like a feather flying in the breeze, relax all your muscles.

2. Give free rein to your emotions: scream, tear a piece of paper, break a pencil, etc. Let off some steam.

3. Don't deny the presence of a stress factor, acknowledge it and analyze it. If something or someone causes you pain of any kind, do not tolerate it. Consider whether the person or event is truly a sign of pain/unpleasant emotion or whether it is simply your reaction to the event or person not meeting your requirements.

4. Change your attitude towards the event or person that causes stress. Often a person projects his thoughts and desires onto another and attributes non-existent qualities. For example, a woman in love may think: “He doesn’t like melodrama/skating/going to the theater like me, so he me doesn’t like”, etc. Do not demand from others absolute similarity in actions and views, accept their right to be themselves.

5. Don't switch your emotions to another object. For example, you received a reprimand from your superiors, and this caused a storm of negative emotions. However, instead of talking to your boss and resolving the conflict, you take your anger out on someone else: colleagues, family, etc. It is not right.

6. Increase your own level of stress resistance: play sports, strengthen your nervous system, do not deny yourself proper rest, etc.

Life sometimes presents surprises, many of which can hardly be called pleasant. They are capable of unsettling a person, disrupting his emotional, spiritual, and psychological balance. Modern life is full of stress, only the dead do not have it, and other people react to it in one way or another. stress. Some people know how to fight them and come out of a difficult situation as a winner, while others, under the weight of stress, break down and lose themselves. It is impossible to create a life in which there is no stress. Even the most successful, rich and independent people cannot protect themselves from it. Therefore, it is extremely important to learn deal with stress And develop stress resistance.

Types of stress and effects on humans

It is wrong to say that stress only harms a person. In fact, there is also positive stress, this is a kind of shake-up of a person, his psyche and body. Such stress is useful in that it helps the body discover all its hidden capabilities and reveals hidden psychological resources in a person. But there is another type of stress. Prolonged, negative stress becomes the cause of severe diseases, sometimes leading to death. Stress depletes the nervous system, negatively affects the heart and blood vessels, and all vital organs and systems suffer from it.

How to become stress-resistant

If a person understands what he is doing, he will not be afraid of stress at work and he will not react painfully to difficult situations that arise unexpectedly. You also need to be patient and have endurance. It is important to remain calm in a critical situation, learn to manage and manage emotions. A person is most often exposed to stress when he reacts to the negativity of others. You shouldn’t react to someone else’s negativity (swearing, scandals, hysteria), why absorb someone else’s negative energy. If a person has the opportunity to distance himself from stressful situations created by other people, he needs to take advantage of this opportunity. For example, if a woman makes a scandal in a store, swears, throws out all the accumulated negativity, you need to leave the store immediately. If it is not possible to eliminate yourself, you need to learn to abstract yourself at such moments.

Increase self-confidence

You should not allow other people to treat you poorly, or ignore insults or humiliation. But you need to defend yourself without harming your opponent. To be able to defend yourself and know how to cope with stress, it is necessary to increase self-confidence: play sports, work on personal and intellectual improvement.

Psychological relief

Only those people who regularly unload their psyche using various techniques are stress-resistant. What do you need to do to become stress-resistant?

  1. Meditate.
  2. Take a contrast shower.
  3. Go for a relaxing massage.
  4. Go out into nature more often, relax in the country, walk in the park, swim in open water. - the best way to develop stress resistance.
  5. Listen to relaxing music.
  6. Communicate with positive people.
  7. Do a hobby.

Provoke stress and exercise

It is important not to hide from stress, not to avoid it, but to face it and act. This does not mean that you need to create conflict situations yourself. For example, if a phone call from the boss and a call to his office are stressful for a person, then it is useful for him to call the boss himself and go to him. You can go to your boss’s office after a job that has been successfully completed or a report that has recently been accepted. You can also develop stress resistance with the help of fairy tale therapy, a method that has become extremely popular in Europe. difficult to overestimate. This method can be used to combat stress in a fun and creative way.

It is important to analyze the moments when a person is stressed, find the cause and deal with it. You can take a piece of paper and describe one stressful situation, then describe your feelings, the factors that caused these feelings. How was the situation resolved and what helped calm the person? This technique will help you find the weakest and most vulnerable places in yourself. It is impossible to become successful without the ability to cope with stress. After all, modern life is constant stress.