D reading is the best teaching. Class hour (1st grade) on the topic: Reading is the best teaching

Literature lesson in 5th grade

Subject: Reading – best teaching.

Goals:- introduce children to the textbook and the history of the book’s creation; - give an idea of ​​how the book is organized; - develop curiosity, lexicon students.

During the classes


    How do you understand the words of A.S. Pushkin “Reading is the best teaching”?

Guess the riddle:

I know everything, I teach everyone,
And I myself am always silent.
To make friends with me,
You need to learn to read and write.

Do you agree that you need to be friends with a book? Books are our first and reliable friends. They walk with us through life. Do you remember the first book that adults read to you? What was the first book you read yourself? You will always remember these books and their characters.

- “Books are ships of thought, traveling on the waves of time and carefully carrying their precious cargo from generation to generation. (Francis Bacon.)

How do you understand the expressions “over the waves of time”, “precious cargo”, “from generation to generation”?

Do you know when and where the first books appeared, what they were like?

3. Egypt birthplace of the book. Ancient Egypt texts were carved on stone slabs. Then the ancient peoples made books from clay. They pressed special symbols with a sharp stick on tiles of soft clay. Then the clay tablets were dried or fired. Books were made from such tablets. Later, the Egyptians invented papyrus. Papyrus is a river reed with a tall and thick trunk. The sheet made of papyrus could not be folded or bent. The pages were glued together lengthwise and rolled into scrolls, the length of which could reach several tens of meters. Ancient Greece writing material was invented in the city of Pergamum. It was named parchment after the name of the place where it was invented. Parchment is made from the skins of young animals - calves, goats, sheep, rabbits. To make this material, animal skins were thoroughly washed and soaked in ash, then cleaned of any remaining wool and fat. The leather was stretched on frames, smoothed with pumice, dried and carefully scraped, giving it a smooth surface. The skins produced a white, thin, extremely durable material - parchment. You could write on it on both sides. Parchment was more expensive than papyrus, but more durable.

Ancient China. First, in China, the first books were written on thin bamboo plates, which were strung on strong twine. Later, the Chinese wrote their books with a brush and ink on silk. China is considered the birthplace of paper. It was in China that paper was invented. Paper was created by a Chinese scientist named Cai Lun. He made a sticky mass from bamboo and water, rolled it into a flat sheet and left the sheet to dry in the sun. The secret of making paper was kept for almost five centuries. Only in the 6th century did the Japanese learn about it. In 751, near Samarkand, the Arabs managed to capture several Chinese craftsmen, who were forced to reveal the secret of making paper. This is how paper penetrated into Persia, then into Arabia, from where the Arabs brought it to Europe in the 11th century.

Germany in the 15th century, in the small city of Mainz, the first printing press and the first printed book was published. Modern way Printing was invented by the German Johann Guttenberg. In an hour, it could print about 16 pages of a book. Gutenberg composed words by connecting metal letters called type.

In Russia they wrote on the birch bark of trees. Birch bark books originated in Rus' in the 9th century. To make books, birch bark was boiled, the inner layer of bark was scraped off, and then the edges were cut, giving the required form. After undergoing this treatment, birch bark became elastic and soft. Letters on birch bark were scratched with a sharp iron or bone rod - a pen. Later, books were created from paper, but they were handwritten, not printed. They were copied by hand for many months by special copyists - scribes. Handwritten books were few and far between, and they were expensive. Old handwritten books were worth their weight in gold. To better preserve books, bindings were made from wooden planks. They were fitted thin skin or expensive material. The first handwritten book was the Gospel.

And so, in 1553, the first book printing press was built in Moscow, and Ivan Fedorov became the first printer. The first Russian printed book, “The Apostle,” was published on March 1, 1564.

Nowadays, it takes much less time to create a book. But every book is precious, as it contains a lot of useful and most interesting information.

In many cities globe the book was placed on a pedestal, its monuments were created, thereby perpetuating it for all time.

Russia. Saint Petersburg. Book on the University embankment. Pushkin’s lines “I love you, Peter’s creation...” are carved on it.

Russia. Omsk. Composition “The book is a source of knowledge.”

Monument to the book in Surgut.

Turkmenistan. Ashgabat. Monument to the book "Rukhnama".

Sharjah. Monument to the Koran.

Moscow region. Monument to Karamzin and the first seven volumes of his history.

4. Do you guys have any favorite books? Who is their author? What is the name of the main character? What books did you read in the summer? Please tell the whole class about them? (Stories from the guys.)

5. Well done! You read interesting works, written especially for you. What else can you read about in books, what information do they convey to their readers?

Literature – from “litera” (letter). The letters form words that contain the meaning of everything read.

In the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov's word book is explained as "work of printing in the formbound sheets paper with some text" and in Explanatory dictionary IN AND. Dahl " a book is sewn into onebinding sheets of paper".

What does any book consist of? How are sheets of paper intertwined? Let's take a closer look.

6. There is a book in front of us. The first thing we see is the cover. It can be soft, made of paper, or hard, made of cardboard, then it is called binding. In the old days, bindings were made of leather, which was decorated with an embossed pattern with gold. For especially valuable books, metal fasteners were attached to the binding. Some books have on top hardcover another paper cover is put on, on which a drawing is placed, the title of the book and its author are written. This is the dust jacket.

Let's open the book. On the left is the back of the binding, on the right is the first page of the book. These two sheets forming a spread are called the endpaper. There is a similar flyleaf at the end of the book. Sometimes it is white, and sometimes it has a design on it.

Let's turn another page. New spread. On the left side is the frontispiece, on the right is the title ( title page). Frontispiece is an illustration that speaks about the most important thing in the book. It may also contain a portrait of a writer - the author of the book. On the title are printed the title of the book, the name of the author, and below the name of the publisher, the place where the book was printed, and the year of publication.

For ease of handling the book, at the end, or less often at the beginning, there is a table of contents (table of contents) - an index of the titles of the publication.

7. L.N. Tolstoy said: " Good book- exactly a conversation with smart person" A book is an interlocutor, a friend, an adviser... In order for a book to reveal all its secrets, you need to read it very carefully, re-read what remains incomprehensible. A good reader is a re-reader.

8. Lesson summary. Homework:

Choose proverbs and sayings about books and reading.

What was interesting for you?

What new things have you learned?

I wish you to be active readers, appreciate books, and treat them with care. Thank you everyone for your work in class.

Best Teaching

About one respected teacher many students gathered. The classes went well, but then a rumor spread that another teacher had appeared in a distant city. Such information gradually instilled doubt in the students, split thinking, weakened their attention and deprived them of success.

One day the teacher said: “I’ll go to the mountains, meanwhile you will strengthen yourself in mastering the Teaching.” The Teacher left. But through short term unexpectedly the students were visited by a new teacher, whom they were very happy about. Finally, one student, wanting to say something nice to the new teacher, exclaimed: “How much more excellent and clear your Teaching is than the previous one!”

Then new teacher He took off his turban, opened his clothes, changed his facial expression, and all the students recognized their first teacher. They came into great confusion and whispered: “Why have you changed your appearance?”

He told them: “You wanted to have a new teacher and excellent teaching, I helped you with this.”

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From the book Iliotropion, or Conformity with the Divine Will author (Maksimovich) John of Tobolsk

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My best experience is Geno,” Jurgen called, “we need to hurry.” The commuter bus had already left, and the butcher’s watch was already ten minutes to eight! “Don’t be afraid, we’re almost there,” Geno reassured him. Holding their backpacks with books tightly under their arms, both twelve-year-olds

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Goals and objectives of the lesson:


  • repeat the topic “Oral folk art. Proverbs and sayings";
  • promote the assimilation and deepening of students’ knowledge of ancient Russian literature;
  • give the concept of chronicle and chronicle writing in Rus';


Educational: nurturing a conscious need for knowledge contained in books, sensitivity and attentiveness to words, and a love of reading.

Lesson type: A lesson in learning new material.

Place of this lesson in the topic: The first lesson in this topic.

Method: Combined, integrated using computer technology.


  • computer;
  • multimedia equipment;
  • lesson presentation<Annex 1>
  • drawings, illustrations;
  • book exhibition “A Book in Your Life”:
  1. Andreev O.A., Khromov L.N. Learn to read quickly. A book for high school students. – M.: Education, 1991.
  2. Granik G.G., Bondarenko S.M. When a book teaches. – M.: Pedagogika, 1991.
  3. Datskevich V. How a book is made. – M.: Children's literature, 1987.
  4. Linkova I.Ya. You and your book. A book to read. – M.: Education, 1981.
  5. Nikolaeva L.A. Learn to be a reader. A high school student about the culture of working with scientific and popular science books. – M.: Education, 1982.
  6. Nemirovsky E.P. Journey to the origins of Russian book printing. Book for students. – M.: Education, 1991.
  7. Smirnov-Sokolsky Nick. Stories about books. – M.: Book, 1977.
  8. Pavlov I. About your book. – L.: Children's literature, 1991.
  9. Timaev R. Live, book! Practical advice about how to extend the life of a book. – M.: Young Guard, 1978.
  10. Chirva A. The book is in your hands. Book for students. – M.: Education, 1985.
  11. Tsyurupa E. Can you read? A book about books and the people who wrote them. – M.: Soviet Russia, 1967.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.Slide 1

1. Reporting the topic of the lesson and setting the task. Slide 2

Teacher.“Reading is the best teaching.” This is the name of our literature lesson, and the epigraph to it will be the proverb: “A book is a small window, through it the whole world is visible.”

What's happened proverb? (brief wise saying containing a complete thought).

What proverbs about the book do you know?

2. Examination homework(students read proverbs).

Living with a book is a breeze.
One book teaches thousands of people.
A house without a book is a day without sun.
From a stream there is a river, from books - knowledge.
A book is your best friend.<Slide3>

II. Creating a problematic situation.

Teacher. Let's remember the theme of our lesson: “Reading is the best teaching.” Can this statement be called a proverb? These are the words of Pushkin, who devoted his entire life to books. Many Russian poets and writers, including Paustovsky, spoke about the significance of the book and its role in human life. Slide 4.

People have thought about the benefits of “book learning” at all times, ever since they learned to read. When do you think the following phrase could have been uttered?<Slide 5> « ...Great is the benefit of book teaching... These are the rivers that water the Universe, these are the sources of wisdom... with them we console ourselves in sorrow..." ( From "The Tale of Bygone Years")

Frontal survey:

Name the capital Ancient Rus'? (Kyiv)

Under what prince did Kyiv become cultural center Ancient Rus'? (Yaroslav the Wise)

In what century did chronicle writing begin in Rus'? (in the 11th century)

What is a chronicle? (description of events by year)

Who was the first Russian chronicler? (Kiev-Pechersk monk Nikon, in 1073, compiled a chronicle, his work was continued by others; in 1113, the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Nestor compiled “The Tale of Bygone Years”; a revised version, rewritten by the monk of the Vydubetsky Monastery Sylvester, has reached us).

III. Explanation of a new topic.

A story about Russian chronicles. Slide 6.

Work with illustrations “Sylvester, a monk of the Vydubetsky monastery, writes a chronicle” (page 56 of the textbook “Literature” 6th grade) and a reproduction of a painting by the 19th century artist V. Vasnetsov “Nestor the Chronicler” (endpaper of the textbook).

Teacher. Works of ancient Russian art - icons, book miniatures - differed from paintings and drawings by artists of our time. Let’s compare the ancient Russian miniature “Sylvester, a monk of the Vydubetsky monastery, writes a chronicle” (p. 56) and a reproduction of a painting by the 19th century artist V. Vasnetsov “Nestor the Chronicler” (endpaper). The topic is the same, but the depiction of the monk-chronicler is different.

Vasnetsov depicts what we would see if we entered the cell of the chronicler monk. Heavy vaults of the monastery building, stone floor slabs, thick books on them. An old man sits in front of an inclined table and writes in a book with a quill pen. He is completely engrossed in his work. The details of the clothes, the table and everything that is on it are written out in detail. Behind the chronicler is a window through which distant fields, a city with temples, the sky, and clouds are visible.

Let's take a closer look at ancient Russian miniature. Is this a cell? Why is she outside the monastery? Why is the table somewhere behind the chronicler? Why doesn’t the chronicler write, but rather listens to something?

Before ancient Russian artist there are special tasks: not to capture what is seen, but to indicate what visible world there is an invisible world. The chronicler does not just write down life facts, but performs God's will, conveys the Highest truth to people.

That is why he listens to the Word of truth coming from heaven. In the left top corner In the miniature we see this Sky, from which rays stretch to the ear of the chronicler, and his pose and facial expression are filled with deep reverent attention. On the scroll, which seems to float in the air, it is written: “In the beginning was the Word” - this is how the Gospel of John begins.

Objects are depicted only to indicate the main thing (there is no plausible and accurate depiction of details). In the center is the figure of the chronicler, and everything else is located around him to indicate that this is a chronicler. A table with two inkwells (black and red ink), a penknife (for mending feathers), a chair and a footstool ( workplace chronicler) - everything is indicated precisely, although it is located unusually. The monastery building is behind, as if outside the walls - to indicate that the chronicle was written in the monastery: this is this monk.

How were the first books written? How were books treated in Ancient Rus'? Let's listen to your classmates.

IV. Student messages.

Red line(student reads). Slide 7.

Writing in Rus' appeared at the end of the 10th century. At that time, books were written by hand.

The words in the book were not separated from each other. When a copyist wanted to separate one part from another, he indented it from the left edge of the page. In place of the indentation, he drew the first letter with a red line or several colors. He did it much more than the others.

Indented line on which the scribe drew initial letter, called the red line.

In the 16th century, printing appeared in Rus'. Books continued to be indented to highlight a new thought, but the initial letter was no longer painted. However, the indented line was still called the red line. Later, the word “paragraph” appeared, which began to denote both an indent and a part of the text.

Typography(student reads). <Слайд 8>

The invention of printing is one of the amazing creations of the human mind. Centuries have not been kind to many inventions that seemed unsurpassed to contemporaries, but the basic principles of printing have remained unchanged for centuries.

Of course, modern rotary presses are incomparable to Johannes Gutenberg's first printing press, which resembled a grape press. But the basics of typography are punch And matrix, mobile letters, printed form and the book block have been preserved.

The book is and will be the basis of the spiritual life of the people. Black imprints of letters on white paper, sheets collected in a book are the best universal repository of thoughts, an inspiring source of new ideas.

Pioneer printer Ivan Fedorov(student reads). <Слайд 9>

In the center of Moscow there is a monument: a middle-aged man, dressed in a long caftan, holds in his hands a newly printed sheet future book. This is a monument to Ivan Fedorov. Why was a monument erected to him in the capital of our Motherland?

Let's fast forward to the 16th century. In those days, Russia did not yet know how to print books. They were copied by hand for many months by special copyists - scribes. Handwritten books were few and far between, and they were expensive.

And so, in 1553, the first book printing house was built in Moscow, and Ivan Fedorov became the first printer.

The font of Ivan Fedorov's printed books was similar to the letters of handwritten books. He highlighted the first letter of the chapter with red paint. There are so many red letters, so many chapters in the book. Ivan Fedorov decorated the beginning of the chapter with magnificent ornamental headpieces.

Ivan Fedorov published many books during his life.

V. Librarian<Слайд10>

In the 16th century, after the emergence of printing and the appearance of the first printed book Ivan Fedorov, no more than 50 book titles were published in Russia until the end of the century, in the 17th century - about 1000, in the 18th century - up to 500 thousand titles.

Every 4th copy of books now published all over the world is a book published in our country. The world of knowledge and spiritual wealth has opened wide for everyone.

The poet A. Blok noted: “A book is a great thing as long as a person knows how to use it.” To use a book means to know what it consists of. Every academic year In the first lesson, you get acquainted with the textbook and remember the main elements of the book. Look carefully at the screen. Are all the words familiar to you? <Слайд 11>

VI. Teacher. Vocabulary work.

Frontispiece<Слайд 12>. Comes from two Latin words frontis - “forehead” and aspiecio - “look” - a drawing reflecting main idea or the most characteristic moments of the content of the book and placed on one spread (next to) the title page.

VII. Librarian.

The book, according to M. Gorky, “is the most complex and great miracle of all the miracles created by mankind.” And these words will be confirmed by the entertaining page of our lesson.

1. Did you know? The book is a giant.<Слайд 13>. The book is two floors high. You will say: there are no such books. And you will be wrong! There are such books! Some of them are in Mongolia. One of these books has 236 volumes. These books were created in ancient times. In those days, craftsmen had to completely cut out the text of each page on a wooden board. The same amount of work was put into the illustrations, which still amaze us with the subtlety of the design and the richness of color.

2. This is interesting! "From board to board."<Слайд 14>, Old handwritten books were worth their weight in gold. To make them better preserved and more convenient to use, the bindings were made from wooden planks. They were covered with thin leather or expensive fabric. The expression “from board to board” has been preserved. It is reminiscent of these tablets and means “read a book from beginning to end.”

3. Something to think about. A symbol of the well-being of our people. <Слайд 15>. In Ancient Rus', books were written with goose, swan, and peacock feathers. The covers were made from boards covered with leather. And they decorated it with precious stones, gold and silver clasps. This book was worth big money. One book could be exchanged for a herd of horses, a whole herd of cows. This means that a book was a symbol of prosperity in Ancient Rus'. And in the twentieth century? 60s - TV; 70s – tape recorder; 80s - video; early 90s - computer; beginning of the 21st century - Internet . What will the Future be like??? Will there be a place for a book in it?

VII. Teacher.

You already know that in preparation for the All-Russian action « Public lesson reading" among students in grades 5-11 and parents in the gymnasium, a survey was conducted on the topic "Can a computer replace a book?" The overall results for the school have not yet been summed up. I will introduce you to the results of our class survey and read out the most interesting sayings your parents.

Can a computer replace a book?

From parents' statements: “Reading a book is more interesting, but when you need to learn something or get some information, you can do it faster and easier with a computer” (Alina S.’s mother); “A book is something living, and a computer is a screen that radiates. It cannot be read for a long time. This is an artificial leaf” (Lilia M.’s mother); “You can find any information on a computer and different texts books, but it’s more pleasant and interesting to read while holding a book in your hands” (Elvira F.’s mother); “Thanks to the book, we become more educated, wiser, understand better the world"(mother of Elmira G.).

VIII. Librarian. Review of the book exhibition: “A Book in Your Life”

IX. Teacher.

Let's pay attention to one more epigraph to our lesson.

A book is a teacher, a book is a mentor,
A book is a close comrade and friend.
The mind, like a stream, dries up and grows old,
If you let go of the book. (V. Bokov)

“Great is the benefit of book learning...” How right the ancient chronicler was! The events and people of Ancient Rus' come to life under his pen in The Tale of Bygone Years. We will also read excerpts from this book.

    Equipment: presentation, book exhibition, illustrations and slides for literary works.

    Move classes.


    Without a head, but knows everything

    Teacher: Well done! Today we will talk about books and why reading is the best learning.




    Teacher: There is a proverb: reading is the best learning. How do you understand it? (students' answers)


    Teacher: A book is a source of knowledge, a mirror of life and our friend. And we must take care of this source and friend. Why should you take care of the book? How should you handle the book? (Students' answers).

    Sample answers :

    Books cannot be torn;

    You can't throw books away;

    Teacher: That's right, books need to be protected. With the help of books, we plunge into another world - a world of fantasy, intrigue, knowledge, laughter and goodness. Books often reveal to us what we don’t know, what we don’t even suspect: the secrets of the ocean or space, the structure of plants, inner world person and much more. Books develop our speech. Books are useful and necessary for people. They need to be protected so that large quantity people were able to use them.


View document contents
“Summary of the event “Reading is the best teaching””

Methodological development extracurricular activity in reading (classroom hour).

Subject: “Reading is the best teaching”

(conversation - quiz) 3rd grade.


    develop a patriotic feeling towards the native language;

    teach children to love books and educate careful attitude to them;

    to form educational-linguistic and speech skills and skills;

    consolidate knowledge gained from reading;

    develop speech, memory, imagination and thinking;

    improve your oral speech; broaden the horizons of students.

Equipment: presentation, book exhibition, illustrations and slides for literary works.

Move classes.

Teacher: Guys, guess the riddle and you will find out what we will talk about today.

Without language, but he talks about everything?

Without a head, but knows everything

Without legs, but it happens everywhere? (Book).

Teacher: Well done! Today we will talk about books and why reading is the best learning.

What are your favorite books? (Students' answers).

Teacher: Let's conduct a quiz “Who reads a lot, knows a lot”, which will show your knowledge of literary works.

1. Who has fairy tale characters is there a propeller on the back? (Carlson's)

2. In what fairy tale did the dishes run away from the mistress? (“Fedorino’s grief”).

3. Who has only sawdust in his head? (Winnie the Pooh).

5. Who did Ellie go to? (To the wizard of the Emerald City).

6. Name of the girl with blue hair? (Malvina).

7. In what fairy tale did there live a very little girl who flew away on a swallow to the land of the elves? (“Thumbelina”).

8. What did Aladdin find? (Magic lamp).

9. Good Doctor from a fairy tale by K. Chukovsky? (Aibolit).

10. His favorite phrase: “Guys, let’s live together!” (Leopold).

11. Who is N.N. Nosov? (Writer).

13. Lame-legged washbasin, commander of all washcloths? (Moidodyr).

14. Is a wooden man looking for a golden key on land and under water? (Pinocchio).

15. Which grandfather saved hares? (Grandfather Mazai).

16. How many petals did the girl Zhenya have on her flower? (Seven).

Teacher: Do you know how literacy appeared in Rus'? Slavic alphabet created by the Byzantine monks Cyril and Methodius, who lived in the 9th century. In honor of Kirill, this alphabet was named Cyrillic.

The first Russian books were handwritten and very expensive. The pages of the books were made from calfskin. The books were decorated with small elegant miniature pictures. First literary works there were chronicles, and the first chroniclers (i.e. writers) are Metropolitan Hilarion and the monk Nestor.

Teacher: There are many books, they teach us, help us navigate life and study.

Teacher: There is a proverb: reading is the best learning. How do you understand it? (students' answers)

Teacher: Kazakh writer Nurpeisov once said: “Well, what did I know before? Your own village and two days of horse racing around it. And books opened up the world to me.” There are a lot of books and they are all different. There are historical books, they tell us about the history of our country, fantasy books, books telling about nature, animals. What books are you already familiar with? (Students tell what books they brought to class and why they chose them this book).

Teacher: A book is a source of knowledge, a mirror of life and our friend. And we must take care of this source and friend. Why should you take care of the book? How should you handle the book? (Students' answers).

Sample answers :

Books cannot be torn;

Wash your hands before handling the book;

Use book covers;

You can't throw books away;

Use bookmarks when you stop reading;

Do not fold the book in half or tear out pages;

Do not draw in books or fold pages;

Each book should have its place;

If the book is torn, seal it.

Teacher: That's right, books need to be protected. With the help of books, we plunge into another world - a world of fantasy, intrigue, knowledge, laughter and goodness. Books often reveal to us what we don’t know, what we don’t even suspect: the secrets of the ocean or space, the structure of plants, the inner world of man and much more. Books develop our speech. Books are useful and necessary for people. They need to be protected so that more people can use them.

Do you know that cardboard and paper are made from wood? If we take care of books, we will save forests and the beauty of our planet.

Teacher: There are many books: textbooks, dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books, fiction. A book should be treated like life. You have to read it with your own eyes. Examine, look for in it exact knowledge. And go from book to book. You will go further and further through life, and the books you read will go with you. Therefore, reading is important, reading is necessary, reading is interesting!