What to do to always have money. Folk signs and advice

We often feel tired of life itself, irritable from people, and blame it all on everyday difficulties, lack of time and energy. In fact, the root of this problem lies elsewhere - in our attitude to what is happening. A lot depends on your attitude in life!

Most often, a state of despondency and fatigue haunts us in the off-season, when strange things happen to the weather, and the surrounding environment looks gray and joyless. During this period, it is not at all advisable to go on a diet or resort to consciously limiting yourself in anything. During periods of despondency, a source of cheerfulness can be your favorite fruits or vegetables or a bar of chocolate, or sometimes just a passion for a certain activity - a hobby.

Cheerfulness on schedule...

Besides positive attitude, we must also take action certain actions to maintain health and vigor both in the off-season and in general all year round. First of all, you need to remember a few simple rules, for example, that our body requires clean air.

IN big cities This is a real problem, so whenever possible you need to get out into nature for a walk or a picnic. To feel the strength to implement your plans, you must always maintain your own immunity. In fact, a huge misconception is the fact that taking care of immune system It is necessary only in autumn and winter, because in cold temperatures the body becomes more vulnerable. The hot season is also a certain stress for the body.

To maintain health, there are many methods, not only medications, such as taking vitamins or sanatorium rest, but also folk remedies can often serve good service. To protect yourself in winter period against various viruses and ailments, you can prepare yourself a special mixture of aloe juice, honey and wine and take it before meals. Everyone has long known about healing properties aloe, for example, for a sore throat. When preparing a similar mixture for children, instead of wine, use lemons twisted through a meat grinder.

If you can’t go on a diet or simply don’t want to do it, but you still need to cleanse your body in order to feel energetic, then the best way A decoction of oats can be used for this. It is brewed, infused and drunk as before a meal. It improves general state body, strengthens nervous system, cardiovascular system and helps normalize metabolism. They're preparing it in the following way: crude oats are crushed, poured boiled water and insist for 24 hours. After this, you must strain the broth and you can take it.

Overcoming vitamin deficiency.

Most health problems arise due to poor nutrition and our body not receiving the necessary microelements and vitamins. Therefore, we must pay attention to the body as a whole, and not just monitor external manifestations. For example, to maintain the cardiovascular system, there is a wonderful remedy that can also be made at home. It is necessary to chop the dried fruits available in the house, such as dried apricots and raisins, add finely chopped walnuts, and one lemon twisted with the peel. Then mix the resulting mass with honey and take a tablespoon 2-3 times a day. Using this vitamin-rich mixture, you can also regulate your blood pressure; if it is high, you simply exclude dried apricots from the ingredients, and it can be stabilized. Under reduced pressure, you need to take several lemons, chop them together with the peel, after removing the seeds, and add boiled water. Then let it sit in the refrigerator for several days, and then add a little honey and consume 1 tablespoon before each meal.

Do you think that it would be possible to earn enough money? no, this is not enough, you need to think and act like a rich person.
Below are 17 tips to ensure you always have money.
The main thing is to implement these tips into your life.
I draw a certain number of patterns that are understandable to me today:

1. Be an expert not only in your field

Experts are trusted. They find experts themselves. Experts are highly valued. Expertise is not a completed doctoral degree at all, but just a little more knowledge of the subject than the knowledge of your target audience. And the ability to present it.

2. Sell always and everywhere

Your time is money. If time doesn't generate money (or its equivalent), time is wasted. Therefore, every day “personally!” sell something. Even if it's a small thing. You can sell your advice (for lunch, for example), or sell your company nearby. Selling a pen to a stranger, in reporting authorities. The main thing is to maintain sales skills.

3. Be inconvenient to others.

The more convenient you are, the more you are used (without your benefit). So you go out for beer ten times, talk to your neighbors, wash the floor and set up your computer. Other's. Don’t think that your “good” deed will be remembered for what it deserves. Once, twice, and you will be bent over every time. And at this time you will waste time on new opportunities.

4. Over-promise, but don't over-promise.

Even if you can’t handle it, you can always find someone who will do it for half the amount paid to you. Now my threshold is 30%. We need to strive for 10%.

5. Control the situation at all stages

Never make excuses for circumstances. Be responsible for your actions. People appreciate this and trust you much more, feeling that you are a reliable person.

6. Know who you are and what you do

What are you passionate about, what do you work with, what do you strive for. Know this clearly. And arrange your business card accordingly.

7. Look for new contacts

Meet new people every day. On the street, at exhibitions, at work, on the Internet. Give everyone your business card. It happens that it can work even after 5-10 years.

8. Use your contacts

Introduce your friends. Showing how and where they can be useful to each other.

9. Learn something new about your topic every day

Excludes public news. If something really important happens, you will know about it.

10. People are always buying something

Analyze this constantly. And make sure that they buy this “something” from you.

11. Raise the price

Don’t feel sorry for your clients (believe me, they won’t feel sorry for you) - raise the price. If the product is exclusive, raise it three times. By the way, in the business in which I did this, sales also increased almost threefold. Those. profitability increased by 9. Since no additional marketing moves were undertaken.

12. Use stereotypical thinking

People have stereotypes that inspire confidence in them. For example, one page with contacts and description attracts more leads (since it looks like a personal ad), but sells poorly. A multi-page online store with a good engine sells much better. Although it is also done in 20 minutes. A man in a good suit sells better than a man in a sports suit. Look for stereotypes of your target audience.

13. Better once on time than twice right

As one of my girls said: it’s better to give in right away than to torment yourself by coming up with excuses. In other words: It’s better to do it and regret it than to regret not doing it. Many people know this, but almost no one follows it.

14. Satisfy desires

Sell ​​what your target audience WANTS. If you understand that this will harm them (as often happens) - package the goods so that they want it. And inside is what they need.

15. Give little surprises

Send Greeting Cards, “kinder surprises” to those people who are interesting to you. When they need the services you provide, they will definitely remember you (and completely forget about your competitors).

16. Always ask for twice as much

They will give it - great. (and this happens in 6 cases out of 10). In case of emergency. after all, you can make a discount. 20% :)

17. Any of the methods described here may not be correct

Your task is to come up with your own. You, and only you, know your strategies for success. And if you analyze the successful moments of your life and find a pattern (and most importantly, use your principles) - you are doomed to success.

I would like to introduce you to 6 factors of luck that can quickly change your life.

1 luck factor: Clarity

Clarity means you know exactly what you want. Clarity is 80% of luck and the most main factor luck. All successful people They are absolutely clear about WHAT they want and what they need to DO to GET what they want.

An unsuccessful, unlucky person, as a rule, has a rather vague idea of ​​what he wants from life.

One of the most simple exercises One thing you can do to start getting lucky is to simply take a piece of paper and write a list of 10 goals that you want to achieve within 12 months. Agree, this is really a VERY simple exercise!

However, only 10% of the population does this. Amazingly, it is these 10% who today receive all the benefits that others only dream of.

Luck factor 2: Activity

Activity is manifested in the number of things that you bring to life. When you do a lot of things, the likelihood that you will do some of the things right increases. right time, in the right direction.

For example. If you throw a ball into a basket infinite number times, then the probability that you will get into the basket increases.

Same in business and life. All successful people are focused on actions that lead to specific results.

To make you lucky, do more action that lead to results. The more you do, the more energy you have. The more actions, the more experience. The more experience, the more positive results you will have. This means you will certainly become a successful person.

3 factor of luck: Energy

Energy is key factor Good luck. When you see how much successful people manage to do, it seems that they have much more energy than others. Almost all successful “lucky” people get up early in the morning. They work large quantity hours during the day, they even work in the evening. At the same time, they have enough energy for learning. They invest time in developing themselves, in developing their business or career.

As a result of Dr. Thomas Stanley's research, and he and his team surveyed 2,500 millionaires, 84% of millionaires said they became financially independent through discipline and hard work. Millionaires also noted that throughout their lives they were willing to work harder and longer than the people around them.

Agree, it is not surprising that they, like marathon runners, gradually pulled ahead and then “ran away” further than others.

A famous writer Stephen Leocock once said: “I believe in luck! The harder I work, the luckier I get»

If you want you to be lucky, find the energy in yourself that will make you do more things during the day than others. And luck will turn its face towards you.

4 factor of luck: Personality

A person’s personality is also called the main factor of luck.. All lucky people have common feature. They tend to be positive and optimistic. They know how to find mutual language with other people. They have a large number of friends and acquaintances in different areas life.

It is clear that what more people You know that Great chance get worthwhile advice, when it is necessary. Then luck can be called the opportunity to find necessary information, at the right time from knowledgeable person. This is what often allows you to achieve quick results in business and life.

In order for people to want to help us, we must act in accordance with the golden rule. Which says: “Treat people the way you would like people to treat you.”

The more positive and optimistic you become, the more interesting people, and therefore good luck, you will attract into your life.

5 factor of luck: Honesty

Honesty and integrity are the most sought after and respected qualities in life and business. Agree that we all want to be friends and do business with people we trust.

When we decide to be honest with ourselves and with other people , we become holistic and self-sufficient individuals. Then we move and achieve our goals quickly. Honesty and integrity are what open doors and are an absolute requirement for success in any business, in any industry.

When they talk about you as an honest and worthy person, luck itself will knock on your door.

6th factor of luck: Persistence

Persistence is the quality that distinguishes a successful person from everyone else.. When you are persistent, you will be willing to do anything to achieve your goals. You will not go astray and will not stop when others become exhausted and retreat. You will be able to work harder and search different ways to solve problems. You will study to acquire the necessary skills to achieve your goal. You will read a lot of books, listen to seminars, attend trainings until you get what you have in mind.

Thanks to perseverance and perseverance, You will become more aware of your true goals. And when you clearly understand what you want, you have more enthusiasm and energy to move forward. The faster you move forward, the more positive and optimistic you will become. And then new interesting and necessary acquaintances will begin to appear in your life, which will help you achieve your goals even more confidently.

And of course, you will become lucky and lucky, thanks to myself!

P.S. Please write in the comments what factors of luck you have, and which ones you still need to work on?


It often happens that when you hear the alarm clock, you are in no hurry to get up, but think about lying down for at least another 5 or 10 minutes. As a result, you get ready in a hurry because you are already late, do not have time to have breakfast, and sometimes you may even forget something important at home. An extra few minutes spent in bed will not allow you to get enough sleep, but will only disrupt your morning routine, and the day will not go as you planned in the morning. It’s better to get up as soon as you wake up, and prepare your suit and shoes the night before and put everything you need in your bag.

To get things done faster, organize your workspace in the most optimal way. Starting with your desk, where all items should be arranged in order of need. For example, sort papers that may be mixed up in boxes so that you don’t have to look for them on occasion and waste precious time on it. Stationery, disks and flash drives - all this should be in its place. The same applies to the desktop on your computer. Organize files and shortcuts so that it is convenient for you to work with them. Set up your work environment so it doesn't distract you later.

Have you noticed how housework often drags on? You planned to finish cleaning in 30 minutes, but spent more than an hour. Add some drive. Boring household chores need to be done quickly and energetically, otherwise they can take away most of your free time. Turn on your favorite music, open a window or window and quickly do everything you set out to do. And, if possible, do not get distracted.

Distribute responsibilities between family members and entrust some work to your children. You will save time, and it will be useful for them, so they will not only learn how to do household chores, but also get used to responsibility. If you are doing something together, you can talk to your child at this time, find out how he is doing, what he is thinking about.

A lot of time is wasted on things like TV and the Internet. Every evening you spend a couple of hours watching talk shows or the news, and then move to the computer, where you can hang out until late in chat rooms or in social networks. Try to do this as little as possible. Without spending mental strength to empathize with non-existent TV screen heroes, you can more attention give to your loved ones, and they will also respond to you with care. The amount of free time you have may also pleasantly surprise you.

It is very important to allow yourself enough rest. Often, the time allotted for sleep is considered a kind of reserve that can be used to solve other problems. It’s better not to do this, because your body needs good rest. Don't forget to relax, meet friends, and do your favorite things.

Time is one of the most valuable irreplaceable resources of our life. And at the same time, the art of taming time is the most difficult. But having learned to manage it, and, first of all, to distribute it competently, you will be able to accomplish several times more.

Visualize and prioritize

One of fundamentals time planning is its visualization. No matter how phenomenal a memory you have, it is impossible to remember everything. Therefore, choose the one that suits you best the best way records of upcoming tasks: diary, notepad, separate albums, electronic planners.

Write things down in order of priority. Try to complete the most urgent, difficult, unpleasant tasks at the beginning of the day. At this time, the level of concentration, composure and performance is highest. You will spend less time on labor-intensive tasks and will be relieved to realize that the hardest part is over, and you will be happy to continue your work day doing easier tasks.

Be realistic about your strengths

In addition to describing the task, include a realistic time period required to complete it. By driving yourself into an unrealistic framework, you will not only not have time to complete the planned task, but will also delay the completion of everyone else. It’s better to take plenty of time, but be on time, than to live in emergency mode.

One of the features of life is that things always don’t turn out the way we imagine. Therefore, you should plan only 60% of the available time, and leave the remaining 40% in reserve, so to speak, for “unforeseen expenses.”

Don't forget that you are not a robot, and you definitely need rest. And it also needs to be fit into your daily routine. After every hour and a half of intense work, take five minutes to collect your thoughts, distract yourself, warm up, etc. Give yourself a full lunch break. At this time, it is better to change the situation - go outside, move away from, lie down and let yourself relax. By taking time and rest, you will be able to work productively throughout the day.

Divide complex tasks and get rid of unnecessary tasks

Divide your time planning into long-term and current. In the long term, describe your plans for the next week, month, year. Based global challenges, plan your day. Large tasks should be divided into smaller subtasks. This way you will know exactly how to achieve this or that goal, what you need to do for this, and when you will accomplish it.

The hardest thing about planning is getting rid of time wasters. Gather all your willpower and say a decisive “no” to work time communicating on social networks, looking at photographs, talking on, etc. All this is after work.

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The purpose of a planning system is to help a person in conditions modern society get more done and get tired much less. This is a management strategy that will allow you to quickly and efficiently complete daily tasks, as well as easily combine different types activity.

Write everything down on paper

Never keep all your thoughts in your head. It is very important to record them on paper every day in order to systematize your ideas and give them a certain form.

Remove unnecessary things

Every small piece of paper on your table, every phone number and the notepad entry requires explanation. You must know exactly what this means. If there is no reasonable explanation, simply cross out or discard the extra context.

Create projects

Every thought and idea you have requires organization with a hypothesis, concrete actions And final result. This will help you implement it.

Develop lists

You should always have a number of lists in front of you. First, this is a list" active actions", for example, buy milk, go to the theater or meet with a supplier. Secondly, "projects" containing clear goals, tasks and active steps, requiring action. And finally, a list of “events”, that is, one-time actions.

Keep crazy ideas handy

There are things that this moment time, you cannot implement them in life, but after a certain period of time they can return to your life again and increase your well-being. Capture such ideas on paper and simply save them.

Write about your achievements and failures

Take it upon yourself to write every week about what you have accomplished. This will help you understand whether you are moving in the right direction and what needs to be done in order to increase your productivity.