Hexagram 37 interpretation in case of a quarrel with a loved one. Rosemary Basilisk Apples


Stick together, a cohesive group; adapt, nourish, support; family, clan, clan.

Figurative row
Fortitude is beneficial to a woman.

This is a group of people living and working together, a family or clan, bound by bonds of mutual affection. Pay attention to your relationships with people, to the living space that you share with them. Joy and enlightenment will come from a woman and from the feminine yin principle.

Take care of things, nourish them and nurture them. Light and warmth will spread throughout the house. When you are among your family, you are in a complex network of feelings and relationships. Use words to connect with people. The feminine can correct the inner; masculinity can correct the external. Together they reflect the great path of Heaven and Earth.


  1. A man draws a bow. It means “nurture your strength by preparing for a difficult task.”
  2. A belt on a rope by the water means "to walk through mud and water, unable to make a decision."
  3. A document in the clouds means imperial favor.
  4. The official knelt down, accepting the document. It means "to express gratitude for the appointment."
  5. The woman offers her hand to the official. This is a good sign for marriage.
Image: dive into the deep sea for pearls.
Symbol: flowers turn into fruits.

Explanation of the hexagram according to Wen-wan .

Family. Women's perseverance leads to success.
  1. This is the June hexagram. It is good in spring and bad in summer and winter.
  2. You find that your friends have bad ideals and principles. You want to attack them with accusations, but upon reflection, you understand that their problem is a lack of upbringing. Therefore, you decide that it would be better to influence your friends through your actions and improve their nature.

Explanation of individual yao according to Zhou Gong

First Yao.
Starting nine. Strong isolation of the family as a unit. The disappointment gradually disappears.
  1. When you and your friends start a difficult and adventurous business, you soon notice that they dreamed of easy success. You force them to do what is important to win. Some of your teammates are annoyed, but eventually your group gets the job done and the rest is forgotten.
  2. Every family has its own difficulties.
  3. Family scandals should not be disclosed.
Second Yao.
Six second. She cannot follow her whims, because she must take care of food. Perseverance brings good luck.
  1. You want to do both, but then you realize that this would mean neglecting your main responsibilities. You forget about your impulses and focus on the important work. Success awaits you.
  2. Don't be the "freak" in the family.
  3. If you leave with caution, you will return with triumph.
Third Yao.
Nine three. When passions run high, it is unlucky to be too strict. But this is the right direction. When women and children are disorganized and play too much, it leads to trouble.
  1. No one in the team wants to work, and some people blush when you tell them that they are lazy. They gloomily get to work. But later everything is forgotten.
  2. Having reached maturity, a girl must get married.
  3. Growing up in wealth will suffer more than growing up in a poor family.
Fourth Yao.
Six fourth. She is the treasure of the family. Great luck.
  1. One of your group members cared only about ordinary things and kept order, but was not appreciated. Bad times came and everyone suddenly saw that they could only survive thanks to this order.
  2. Mother's love and care cannot be fully compensated, no matter how hard you try to please her.
Fifth Yao.
Nine five. Treat your family like a king. There is no need to be afraid. Luck.
  1. You first think about how to do your job better, and when you work with other team members, you reward their good work.
  2. A wise mother will do everything for the healthy growth of her children.

Sixth Yao.

Top nine. Your work requires respect. Luck is near.
  1. You are doing your job well. No one can point to you as an excuse for their own laziness or poor performance. You have bypassed everyone. And everyone will benefit.
  2. Whoever accumulates enough good deeds will have more than enough blessings.

General interpretation according to Yu. Shutsky

The departure from the broad manifestation outside, which was characterized in the previous hexagram, leads to a situation in which a person is limited to activities within only his family. He is entirely occupied only with his family. Therefore, the domestic environment is considered here.

However, we should not forget that the organization of the house, which is based on the improvement of the housekeeper in ancient China, as, for example, reflected in the “Great Teaching” (“Daxue”), is the basis for putting the whole world in order.

A woman plays a significant role in the family, or so, at least, the commentators of the Book of Changes believed. It talks about what a woman should be like in a family. Aphorisms of individual features further develop it. It only says here: Homemade. Fortitude is beneficial to a woman.

Fortitude is beneficial to a woman.

Shut yourself off and start (your) home. - Repentance will disappear.
(She) has no one to follow, (and her job) is to focus on food. - Perseverance is fortunate.
(When there are harsh calls among) those at home, (there will be) repentance for dangerous severity, (but there will be) happiness. (When) the wife and children chat and laugh, in the end (there will be) regret.
Home enrichment. - Great happiness.
The king approaches the owner of the family. Don't take (this) to heart. - Happiness.
In the possession of truth there is power. - In the end - happiness.


Jia-zhen (Domestic): jia - house, dwelling, household; family, relatives, clan; business enterprise; school of Life; mastery of skills; have something in common with others; the hieroglyph depicts a roof over a pig or a dog, the most revered domestic animals; ren - people; human personality; humanity; The hieroglyph depicts a person kneeling in a position of prayer or submission.

Figurative row

This is a group of people living and working together, a family or clan, bound by bonds of mutual affection. Pay attention to your relationships with people, to the living space that you share with them. Joy and enlightenment will come from a woman and from the feminine yin principle. Take care of things, nourish them and nurture them. Light and warmth will spread throughout the house. When you are among your family, you are in a complex network of feelings and relationships. Use words to connect with people. The feminine can correct the inner; masculinity can correct the external. Together they reflect the great path of Heaven and Earth.

Outer and Inner worlds

Wind (Wood) and Fire

Warmth connects people from the inside, the wind carries their feelings outside.

Staying with people in a shared home contains a hidden opportunity to accumulate energy for an important new undertaking.


When you are amazed outside, you inevitably come to the dwelling. Awareness of this is the basis of life with family.


Homemade means what's inside.


dive into the deep sea for pearls.


flowers turn into fruits.

The wind arises over the fire. Homemade.

The words of a noble man are powerful, and his movement is unstoppable.

Hexagram lines

First nine

Lock yourself away and start your own home.
Repentance will disappear.

You are completely immersed in family matters. That's how it should be. The time for action has not yet come. If you close yourself in your circle and start arranging it, you will not regret it.

Six second

She (the wife) has no one to follow.
And her point is to focus on food.
Fortitude is fortunate.

This position is characterized by the image of a woman busy providing for her family. She has no one to follow, and she doesn’t need to. All that matters is the consistent performance of one’s duties. Do the same and the way will be open.

Nine three

When there are harsh shouts among the family,
There will be repentance for severity, but there will also be happiness.
When the wife and children chat and laugh,
There will be regret in the end.

This is the time for strict measures and discipline to keep your home in proper order. If you dismiss your family, you will regret it later.

Six fourth

Rich house. Great happiness.

As a result of your efforts, wealth appears in the family. The way is open. May the abundance in your home serve a worthy purpose.

Nine fifth

The king approaches the owner of the family.
Do not take it to heart.

Don't look for favors from above. Your situation does not allow you to engage in active activities outside the home. Accept things as they are, show concern for your neighbors. Then the path will be open for you.

Top nine

There is severity in the possession of truth.
In the end - happiness.

There is a connection with spirits in the situation. You will need endurance and a certain severity, but not cruelty. You will impress others. The path is still open.

Associative interpretation

  1. A man draws a bow. It means “nurture your strength by preparing for a difficult task.”
  2. A belt on a rope by the water means "to walk through mud and water, unable to make a decision."
  3. A document in the clouds means imperial favor.
  4. The official knelt down, accepting the document. It means "to express gratitude for the appointment."
  5. The woman offers her hand to the official. This is a good sign for marriage.

Explanation of the hexagram according to Wen-wan.

Family. Women's perseverance leads to success.

  1. This is the June hexagram. It is good in spring and bad in summer and winter.
  2. You find that your friends have bad ideals and principles. You want to attack them with accusations, but upon reflection, you understand that their problem is a lack of upbringing. Therefore, you decide that it would be better to influence your friends through your actions and improve their nature.

Explanation of individual yao according to Zhou Gong.

First Yao.
Starting nine. Strong isolation of the family as a unit. The disappointment gradually disappears.

  1. When you and your friends start a difficult and adventurous business, you soon notice that they dreamed of easy success. You force them to do what is important to win. Some of your teammates are annoyed, but eventually your group gets the job done and the rest is forgotten.
  2. Every family has its own difficulties.
  3. Family scandals should not be disclosed.

Second Yao.
Six second. She cannot follow her whims, since she must take care of food. Perseverance brings good luck.

  1. You want to do both, but then you realize that this would mean neglecting your main responsibilities. You forget about your impulses and focus on the important work. Success awaits you.
  2. Don't be the "freak" in the family.
  3. If you leave with caution, you will return with triumph.

Third Yao.
Nine three. When passions run high, it is unlucky to be too strict. But this is the right direction. When women and children are disorganized and play too much, it leads to trouble.

  1. No one in the team wants to work, and some people blush when you tell them that they are lazy. They gloomily get to work. But later everything is forgotten.
  2. Having reached maturity, a girl must get married.
  3. Growing up in wealth will suffer more than growing up in a poor family.

Fourth Yao.
Six fourth. She is the treasure of the family. Great luck.

  1. One of your group members cared only about ordinary things and kept order, but was not appreciated. Bad times came and everyone suddenly saw that they could only survive thanks to this order.
  2. Mother's love and care cannot be fully compensated, no matter how hard you try to please her.

Fifth Yao.
Nine five. Treat your family like a king. There is no need to be afraid. Luck.

  1. You first think about how to do your job better, and when you work with other team members, you reward their good work.
  2. A wise mother will do everything for the healthy growth of her children.

Sixth Yao.
Top nine. Your work requires respect. Luck is near.

  1. You are doing your job well. No one can point to you as an excuse for their own laziness or poor performance. You have bypassed everyone. And everyone will benefit.
  2. Whoever accumulates enough good deeds will have more than enough blessings.

General interpretation according to Yu. Shutsky

The departure from the broad manifestation outside, which was characterized in the previous hexagram, leads to a situation in which a person is limited to activities within only his family. He is entirely occupied only with his family. Therefore, the domestic environment is considered here. However, we should not forget that the organization of the house, which is based on the improvement of the housekeeper in ancient China, as, for example, reflected in the “Great Teaching” (“Daxue”), is the basis for putting the whole world in order. A woman plays a significant role in the family, or so, at least, the commentators of the Book of Changes believed. It talks about what a woman should be like in a family. Aphorisms of individual features further develop it. It only says here: Homemade. Fortitude is beneficial to a woman.

In the first position, the person is completely immersed in this closure within his own family. This is where it should be. He will not have to repent of anything if, remaining in this narrow environment, he takes up its organization. Therefore, the text here only says the following: In the beginning is the strong line. Lock yourself away and start your own home. Repentance will disappear.

The activities of a woman, wife and housewife, are limited by the interests of the family, and mainly by the interests of nutrition. This image of isolation within the family is characterized in this position. There is no need to perform anywhere, and there is no one to follow. All that is needed is the perseverance that was mentioned in the general introduction. Therefore the text here says in simple words the following: Weakness comes second. She (the wife) has no one to follow. And her point is to focus on food. Resilience to happiness.

A person in this situation, if he must act, then only within the confines of his family. However, within these limits, he needs to take responsibility for his home, to actually manage it. In order to manage his family, he must not be tough, but stern. Although his severity may be perceived as something terrible, it leads to the fact that the house is subordinate to him and he, having accepted responsibility for the successful life of his family, leads it along a completely conscious path. On the contrary, to dismiss your family, to give them the opportunity to act willfully, means to conduct things in such a way that you will later have to regret a lot. Therefore, in this case the text says: The strong trait is in third place. When there are harsh shouts among the family, there will be remorse for the severity, but there will also be happiness. When the wife and children chat and laugh, then in the end there will be regret.

As a result of the activities that are systematically led by the head of the family, and if these activities are carried out correctly, prosperity comes to the house. The correctness of such activity is emphasized by the proximity of this position to the fifth extreme line. So the text here only says: Weakness in fourth place. Rich house. Great happiness.

A person must be so involved in the affairs of his family that the expectation of any benefits from higher-ranking people is something unnatural and unusual for him. However, if a person does not correctly take into account his situation, then he may be impressed by the mercy shown from above. This would lead to a certain interest in social life outside his home, i.e. would be disharmonious with the given situation. Therefore the text here warns: The strong trait is in fifth place. The king approaches the owner of the family. Do not take it to heart. Happiness.

Here again the theme of severity appears, already outlined in the third feature, which is in accordance with the sixth. But first of all, it must be emphasized that we mean severity, not cruelty. Cruelty lacks truthfulness, while severity can be completely truthful. Therefore, the text advises: There is a strong line at the top. There is severity in the possession of truth. In the end - happiness.

Comment by A.V. Shvetsa

In the external there is Refinement and penetration, in the internal there is Cohesion and clarity. Clarity characterizes the attitude towards family. The creation of a family may be predetermined, but family life is rich in chance - it is refinement and insight.

Hayslip's interpretation

Your hopes will come true, but not without outside help. Don’t make the mistake of leaving your land now, otherwise very soon it will become clear to you that this should not have been done. Look for calm and peace in your family life, in household chores, in communication with friends.

Description of the external and hidden hexagrams

In the manifested world, a tree, with its roots deeply embedded in the earth and its thin branches reaching into the blue heights of the sky, sways in the wind. A well-ordered life is going on. In which, along with a strong financial position, a high spiritual level has been achieved.

In the depths of the earth, under the roots of a tree, a fire is born. It is the peat that is burning underground. Passions and great emotions flare up on the internal plane.

The underground fire will dry out the tree and it will catch fire. Internal conflicts take away and suck out all your energy. There is no more strength to hold back: quarrels and showdowns arise.

A powerful flame will blaze, illuminating everything around. The rampant passions, the fire of emotions, will lead to complete clarity of what is happening.

A forest fire is blazing in the SUBCONSCIOUS, trees are burning with a crash. A riot of passions and emotions.

The flame illuminates everything around. Everything becomes extremely clear: what is what, and who is who!

Directly under fire, locked in the bowels of the earth, is a huge underground sea. The fire will awaken a dangerous sea. Passions and emotions will awaken something huge and very dangerous, hidden in the depths of the subconscious.

Water will burst out in stormy streams from the underground captivity, extinguishing the flame. This dangerous hulk will emerge from the depths, extinguishing the flames of conflicts, passions and emotions.

Where trees recently burst into flames, dangerous sea waves will roam. All conflicts, passions and emotions will be supplanted by something huge and dangerous, coming from the depths of the subconscious. Clarity of mutual understanding will be lost.

General interpretation of hexagram No. 37

In the manifested world, underground fire dries up the tree. Deep internal disagreement with current events in one’s immediate environment sucks out vital energy. Everything that has accumulated over many years spills out. The wind fans the flames of passions. In the raging fire of emotions, the connection becomes very strong, very close. There is complete clarity in the relationship. How is this possible? You are my dearest, closest people in the world?! FAMILY PROBLEMS.

Passions are now raging in the subconscious, but soon the fire of emotions will go out, everything will plunge into something huge and very dangerous, coming from the depths of the subconscious. FAMILY PROBLEMS.

The fire of passions and emotions will first ignite on the internal subconscious plane, and then spread into the world of events. Conflicts and passions will go away, but a very dangerous and tense situation will remain. It is through emotional conflicts with your closest people, it is through FAMILY PROBLEMS that karma and life itself are mainly worked off. Passions will subside, but the reason that caused them cannot be destroyed, it will always remain with us (our family is always with us), as the greatest danger, as the most difficult test and as the most precious thing we have.




FAMILY IDYLL – family life full of harmony, love and happiness. The dream of the vast majority of people. FAMILY IDYLL comes for a short time. This is how heaven and happiness manifest themselves in our lives. But life, like a chessboard, consists of black and white squares. No one will be able to pass only on white squares! THE FAMILY IDYLL will certainly be replaced by FAMILY PROBLEMS, and the FAMILY PROBLEMS will subside, and there will be a FAMILY IDYLL again.


FAMILY PROBLEMS – don’t forget, don’t get rid of them!

Positions for awareness:

1. Family problems are caused by the complex interweaving and interaction of the egos of family members. There are practically no families without problems, and this is explained by the spiritual imperfection of people. Family problems are a difficult test from which you cannot escape.

2. Family problems are a real opportunity to deeply change yourself and your destiny, burn karma without tragic losses, without severe damage to health and property. This is a gift from the Higher powers to man! For a person to change, especially at a deep level, it is necessary: ​​either his purposeful work on himself, or external events of such powerful force that they will shake the very depths. Prosperity, success and other benefits almost never lead to correction of the pattern of the soul, to the elimination of karmic problems. Tragic events, misfortunes - this is the path of purification and spiritual growth through external events. What a blessing against this background are family problems! They penetrate us to the very depths. The range of emotions is maximum! But no one died, we were not injured, and almost no property was damaged. We are safe and sound, and have the opportunity to experience such a fountain of feelings and emotions that transforms us regardless of our desire.

3. The greatest moments of happiness and the greatest tragedies are played out with our loved ones and loved ones. The more we want happiness for them, the more grief they will bring us in return! This is the great beauty of life and the great lesson of unconditional love. Family problems are the essence of life!

4. If you are on the verge of liberation, then you will have extremely difficult final trials, most often in the form of cruel family problems. To resolve these problems, perhaps there is only one single way: to respond with Unconditional Love to any events. Then it doesn’t matter what you do: hug, ignore, protect, give a good beating, give a gift. The actions shown are very diverse, only the inner state of Divine Love is important! Sometimes there is much less Unconditional Love in an outstretched candy than in a serious spanking!

5. Family problems are our reflection. Cleanse yourself and there will be no serious problems.

6. If you have a lot of energy and a lot of love, and the point of application of this love is family, then you will inevitably have severe family problems. The paradox is that you create them yourself. You are the main cause of these problems. The fact is that there is an energy field common to all family members. Your family is energetically nourished by your great love. You deprive your loved ones of any need to switch to feeding on divine love. This very great disharmony usually manifests itself as cruel ingratitude for your great care, as serious family problems. There is no more destructive force to a family than someone's excessive love for their family.

7. The more relatives are focused on their family, the more disconnected the family is from the world. The family becomes a closed system, subject to the laws of the whole world. The playing field - the chessboard - speaks of the balance of black and white, good and evil, happiness and sorrow, and so on. This is the basic law. The one in the family who loves deeply is filled with strength and happiness, leaving others (according to the law of balance) with illness and misfortune. This is a vicious karmic circle of suffering. There is only one way out - direct your great Love outside, break the family circle. Let every child become dear to you, like your own son, in the name of saving your own son from your love. Love is divine, in fact, give it to God, that is, to the whole world as a whole.

8. The only thing worse than a relative is a close relative!

9. Family is my hope and support, family is everything! It is relatives who will help, save, lend a hand in trouble, and share joy.

10. Mom loves us very much and therefore seeks to subconsciously destroy all our connections so that we belong to her entirely. What is the energetic contribution of mothers to the breakdown of their children’s families? Some have 10%, some have 80%. Are there mothers with such a high spiritual organization that they are able to completely let go of their beloved child for the sake of his happiness? From the mother in the game of life come the most serious trials, the most cruel problems!

11. Mom is the most sacred, most precious thing we have in life!

12. The vast majority of people are very far from perfect, so when communicating they easily hurt each other. Moreover, the closer a person is, the greater the possible suffering. Mom is the closest person, so the most painful trials in our lives will naturally be associated with our mother.

13. Family problems will become increasingly acute as people develop, because the difference between the spiritual levels and interests of members of the same family will increase. These will be extremely cruel tests. There is only one way out, to understand that really close people are very rarely from the same family. People are close in spirit, not in genes. Relatives in spirit are true relatives. Spiritual family is higher than family by blood! This truth will have difficulty making its way through numerous sufferings due to the dogmas and stereotypes that have developed over the centuries.

14. The centuries-old experience of survival is written in genes as requirements for caring for one’s family and competition with other families and clans. Now is the time to transition to universal love. The main obstacle on this path will be love for your family. The main cure is family problems.

15. “Some are so strengthened by family life that they cease to be afraid of the afterlife,” - Sharanagati Das.

16. “If you need money, go to strangers; if you need advice, go to your friends; and if you don’t need anything, go to your relatives,” Mark Twain.

17. “Never ignore the person who cares about you the most. Because one day, you may wake up and realize that you have lost the moon while counting the stars." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

18. “We adults do not understand children, because we no longer understand our own childhood,” - Sigmug Freud.

19. “All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way,” L. N. Tolstoy.

20. “If you don’t like what you get, change what you give,” Don Juan.

21. “The best thing we can give our children is to teach them to love themselves,” Louise Hay.

22. “Sometimes our fire goes out, but another person fans it again. Each of us is deeply indebted to those who did not let our fire go out - Albert Schweitzer.

23. “The heaviest burden that falls on a child’s shoulders is the unlived life of his parents,” - C. G. Jung.

24. “Relationships are not something to be saved at all costs, relationships are to be enjoyed. Too much effort creates tension. When you are empty, when you are free from the need for relationship, you do not need approval, you do not even need to be loved. Everyone wants to be around you when you are effortless." - Muji.

25. “Being a parent is not about how to raise children, but about how to grow yourself,” - Dr. Shefali.

This hexagram speaks of the need to maintain a certain detachment from the outside world. Do not consider this time lost for yourself: the time has simply come when you need to change your type of activity and start putting your household chores in order. According to commentators of the Book of Changes, the main role in the family belongs to the woman, therefore most situations in the present are considered precisely from the point of view of the woman’s concerns.
As repeatedly emphasized in hexagram “Jia-ren”, temporary withdrawal from active external activities does not at all mean withdrawal from business altogether. Therefore, even if you focus on family problems, you should not relieve yourself of the burden of worries: devote this time to putting things in order at home.
Such activities may cause some gossip and gossip from family members, but you should insist on your decisions. Do not be afraid to seem too harsh - such behavior, as you will see later, will turn out to be the most correct, even if at the moment it provokes discontent from your loved ones.
If you try to please those around you and allow your family to act in circumvention of your instructions, then later you will more than once have to regret this indulgence.
Try to look at everything that happens from the point of view not of immediate convenience, but of future prospects. Choose one line of behavior in your family and strictly adhere to it: this is the only way you will achieve the desired results!

Your relationships with others In this situation, they should, as it were, fall into two parts: on the one hand, you need to establish and regulate your relationships with your family, and on the other, take care of contacts with colleagues and friends.
This separation is absolutely necessary, given your temporary “closure” within the family circle. Naturally, at the same time you will move a little away from those people who are connected with you through work and hobbies. Try to make sure they don't take offense at your privacy. You can explain your plans and intentions to the closest of them, but with the rest, just try to be more tactful.

Of course, this does not mean that you should abandon all your business work . Such behavior would be, to say the least, unreasonable. Keep your affairs in order, otherwise you will have to face completely unforeseen problems later.
Don't forget about
vacation : Don’t you think that lately you have taken on too many uninteresting and burdensome responsibilities on your shoulders? Believe me, you have the power to relieve yourself of these insignificant but time-consuming activities.
Take a good look at your responsibilities: both those that were “assigned” to you and those that you assigned to yourself. Is it possible to remove at least part of this burden from yourself? After all, you could spend your free time with much greater benefit for yourself!

How you manage to organize things largely depends onfulfillment of your desire. If you really want to achieve its implementation as soon as possible, you should devote much more effort and time to this than is currently required. Be more persistent and energetic - this will give you the best guarantees for the successful fulfillment of your dreams!

Jia-ren, hexagram 37 from the ancient Chinese Book of Changes, means “Household Ones.” In the modern world, its interpretation consists of such formulations as family, community, clan, support, nourish, unity, stick together. Means a family living side by side and loving each other, working towards a common goal.

You should often pay attention to your interactions with loved ones and the common space you share. All benefits and prosperity will come from yin - the feminine principle and women as its carrier. It is necessary to take care of your favorite things, touch and admire them more often.

Warmth and love should spread freely throughout the home. When among your family, you need to show more trust and warmth, use kind words more often in order to unite with them. Yin will help cope with internal problems, yang will help overcome external ones. Only by uniting can they achieve harmony and find it within themselves.

There is also an associative interpretation, it is somewhat different from that presented by the classical Chinese book of changes, but is closest to the inner world of a person. This way of interpreting the hexagram can be conveyed through images such as:

A person standing with a bow means “accumulating internal strength, preparing oneself for a difficult decision”;

A belt near water means “to go through fire and water; not finding a solution to the existing problem”;

A document floating in the sky means that management is favorable;

An official kneeling accepts papers. The image symbolizes an expression of gratitude for the location;

A woman who extends her hand to an official. Considered a good omen for marriage.

The meaning of a dropped hexagram can be interpreted in various ways, based on what is closer to a particular person. What follows is an explanation of the hexagram according to Wen-wan.

General meaning: family values; the feminine principle as the fundamental gender.

It is a “summer” sign and will definitely bring success in the first month of summer and failure in winter;

Differences in views with loved ones and friends - incompatible life principles and ideals make communication difficult and unpleasant. Before blaming them for anything, you should think about the fact that it is not their fault; It's all about the negative influence of the environment. It will be much better for everyone if through your actions you show them an example of decent behavior and thus bring harmony to relationships.

The general meaning of the hexagram is that in a person’s life there is a process of moving away from external factors to internal experiences. This process naturally leads to the fact that a person interacts only with his close people, directing the flow of creative energy inside the family. The transition from external to personal also means that a person realizes himself only among his family.

At the same time, it must be remembered that the arrangement and atmosphere that reigns in the home comes from the feminine principle, which is designed to preserve the family and family values. A favorable and positive environment in the family leads to harmony with the outside world, as the Chinese book of changes says. The interpretation of hexagrams coming from the ancient I Ching experts says that the feminine principle plays a particularly important role in the family. It consists of explaining the role of a woman in family relationships and marriage, admonishing a woman as a mother and housewife, the guardian of the family.

The ancient Book of Changes itself (I Ching) is a source of knowledge based on observations and presented in the form of brief predictions - hexagrams. The book is, of course, an artifact that preserves thousands of years of knowledge; it was created more than thirty centuries ago; it is one of the most ancient literary monuments of world significance.

The world's oldest prediction system includes exactly 64 hexagrams, which reflect all the interconnected processes occurring in the world and with humans. When turning to the Book of Changes with some question, it will certainly give an answer and solution to the problem using a specific hexagram, which will most fully and accurately help solve the problem.

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Description of the external and hidden hexagrams

In the manifested world.
The tree, with its roots deeply embedded in the ground and its thin branches reaching into the blue heights of the sky, sways in the wind. A well-ordered life is going on. In which, along with a strong financial position, a high spiritual level has been achieved.
In the depths of the earth, under the roots of a tree, a fire is born. It is the peat that is burning underground. Passions and great emotions flare up on the internal plane.
The underground fire will dry out the tree and it will catch fire. Internal conflicts take away and suck out all your energy. There is no more strength to hold back: quarrels and showdowns arise.
A powerful flame will blaze, illuminating everything around. Passions and emotions will destroy the development of life. Everything will become crystal clear.

A forest fire is blazing, trees are burning with a crash. A riot of passions and emotions. The flame illuminates everything around. Everything becomes extremely clear: what is what, and who is who!
Directly under fire, locked in the bowels of the earth, is a huge underground sea. The fire will awaken a dangerous sea. Passions and emotions will awaken something huge and very dangerous, hidden in the depths of the subconscious.
Water will burst out in stormy streams from the underground captivity, extinguishing the flame. The subconscious expectation of an impending great danger will push passions and emotions into the background.
Where trees recently burst into flames, dangerous sea waves will roam. The feeling of great danger, coming from the depths of the subconscious, will destroy all conflicts, passions and emotions. Clarity of mutual understanding will also be completely lost.

General interpretation of hexagram No. 37

In the manifested world, underground fire dries up the tree. Deep internal disagreement with current events in one’s immediate environment sucks out vital energy. Everything that has accumulated over many years spills out. The wind fans the flames of passions. In the raging fire of emotions, the connection becomes very strong, very close. There is complete clarity in the relationship. How is this possible? You are my dearest, closest people in the world?! FAMILY PROBLEMS.

Passions are now raging in the subconscious, but soon the fire of emotions will go out, everything will plunge into something huge and very dangerous, coming from the depths of the subconscious. FAMILY PROBLEMS.

The fire of passions and emotions will first ignite on the internal subconscious plane, and then spread into the world of events. Conflicts and passions will go away, but a very dangerous and tense situation will remain. It is through emotional conflicts with your closest people, it is through FAMILY PROBLEMS that karma and life itself are mainly worked off. Passions will subside, but the reason that caused them cannot be destroyed, it will always remain with us (our family is always with us), as the greatest danger, as the most difficult test and as the most precious thing we have.

The worst thing you can do in terms of this hexagram is to think about your family problems all the time. This will intensify the impending danger in the subconscious and greatly increase the likelihood of destructive events occurring.
It is beneficial to switch your attention from family problems to other issues. It is favorable to focus on your personal innermost desires, not related to your loved ones, relatives and most beloved ones. This way you will de-energize and leave without replenishment both the subconscious danger and the fire of emotions in the world of events.

Will help you understand family issues




FAMILY IDYLL– family life full of harmony, love and happiness. The dream of the vast majority of people. FAMILY IDYLL usually comes for a short period of time. This is how heaven and happiness manifest themselves in our lives. But life, like a chessboard, consists of black and white squares. No one will be able to pass only on white squares! THE FAMILY IDYLL will certainly be replaced by FAMILY PROBLEMS, and the FAMILY PROBLEMS will subside, and there will be a FAMILY IDYLL again.



FAMILY PROBLEMS – don’t forget, don’t get rid of them!

Positions for awareness:

1. Family problems are caused by the complex interweaving and interaction of the egos of family members. There are practically no families without problems, and this is explained by the spiritual imperfection of people. Family problems are a difficult test from which you cannot escape.

2. Family problems are a real opportunity to deeply change yourself and your destiny, burn karma without tragic losses, without severe damage to health and property. This is a gift from the Higher powers to man! For a person to change, especially at a deep level, it is necessary: ​​either his purposeful work on himself, or external events of such powerful force that they will shake the very depths. Prosperity, success and other benefits almost never lead to correction of the pattern of the soul, to the elimination of karmic problems. Tragic events, misfortunes - this is the path of purification and spiritual growth through external events. What a blessing against this background are family problems! They penetrate us to the very depths. The range of emotions is maximum! But no one died, we were not injured, and almost no property was damaged. We are safe and sound, and have the opportunity to experience such a fountain of feelings and emotions that transforms us regardless of our desire.

3. The greatest moments of happiness and the greatest tragedies are played out with our loved ones and loved ones. The more we want happiness for them, the more grief they will bring us in return! This is the great beauty of life and the great lesson of unconditional love. Family problems are the essence of life!

4. If you are on the verge of liberation, then you will have extremely difficult final trials, most often in the form of cruel family problems. To resolve these problems, perhaps there is only one single way: to respond with Unconditional Love to any events. Then it doesn’t matter what you do: hug, ignore, protect, give a good beating, give a gift. The actions shown are very diverse, only the inner state of Divine Love is important! Sometimes there is much less Unconditional Love in an outstretched candy than in a serious spanking!

5. Family problems are our reflection. Cleanse yourself and there will be no serious problems.

6. If you have a lot of energy and a lot of love, and the point of application of this love is family, then you will inevitably have severe family problems. The paradox is that you create them yourself. You are the main cause of these problems. The fact is that there is an energy field common to all family members. Your family is energetically nourished by your great love. You deprive your loved ones of any need to switch to feeding on divine love. This very great disharmony usually manifests itself as cruel ingratitude for your great care, as serious family problems. There is no more destructive force to a family than someone's excessive love for their family.

7. The more relatives are focused on their family, the more disconnected the family is from the world. The family becomes a closed system, subject to the laws of the whole world. The playing field - the chessboard - speaks of the balance of black and white, good and evil, happiness and sorrow, and so on. This is the basic law. The one in the family who loves deeply is filled with strength and happiness, leaving others (according to the law of balance) with illness and misfortune. This is a vicious karmic circle of suffering. There is only one way out - direct your great Love outside, break the family circle. Let every child become dear to you, like your own son, in the name of saving your own son from your love. Love is divine, in fact, give it to God, that is, to the whole world as a whole.

8. The only thing worse than a relative is a close relative!

9. Family is my hope and support, family is everything! It is relatives who will help, save, lend a hand in trouble, and share joy.

10. Mom loves us very much and therefore seeks to subconsciously destroy all our connections so that we belong to her entirely. What is the energetic contribution of mothers to the breakdown of their children’s families? Some have 10%, some have 80%. Are there mothers with such a high spiritual organization that they are able to completely let go of their beloved child for the sake of his happiness? From the mother in the game of life come the most serious trials, the most cruel problems!

11. Mom is the most sacred, most precious thing we have in life!

12. The vast majority of people are very far from perfect, so when communicating they easily hurt each other. Moreover, the closer a person is, the greater the possible suffering. Mom is the closest person, so the most painful trials in our lives will naturally be associated with our mother.

13. Family problems will become increasingly acute as people develop, because the difference between the spiritual levels and interests of members of the same family will increase. These will be extremely cruel tests. There is only one way out, to understand that really close people are very rarely from the same family. People are close in spirit, not in genes. Relatives in spirit are true relatives. Spiritual family is higher than family by blood! This truth will have difficulty making its way through numerous sufferings due to the dogmas and stereotypes that have developed over the centuries.

14. The centuries-old experience of survival is written in genes as requirements for caring for one’s family and competition with other families and clans. Now is the time to transition to universal love. The main obstacle on this path will be love for your family. The main cure is family problems.

15. “Some are so strengthened by family life that they cease to fear the afterlife,” Sharanagati Das.

16. “If you need money, go to strangers; if you need advice, go to your friends; and if you don’t need anything, go to your relatives,” Mark Twain.

17. “Never ignore the person who cares about you the most. Because one day, you may wake up and realize that you have lost the moon while counting the stars." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

18. “We adults do not understand children, because we no longer understand our own childhood,” - Sigmug Freud.

19. “All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way,” L. N. Tolstoy.

20. “If you don’t like what you get, change what you give,” Don Juan.

21. “The best thing we can give our children is to teach them to love themselves,” Louise Hay.

22. “Sometimes our fire goes out, but another person fans it again. Each of us is deeply indebted to those who did not let our fire go out,” Albert Schweitzer.

23. “The heaviest burden that falls on a child’s shoulders is the unlived life of his parents,” - C. G. Jung.

24. “Relationships are not something to be saved at all costs, relationships are to be enjoyed. Too much effort creates tension. When you are empty, when you are free from the need for relationship, you do not need approval, you do not even need to be loved. Everyone wants to be around you when you are effortless." - Muji.

25. “Being a parent is not about how to raise children, but about how to grow yourself,” - Dr. Shefali.

26. “It’s easier to live with a passionate woman than with a boring one. The first, it is true, are sometimes strangled, but rarely abandoned,” Bernard Shaw.

27. “Love knows no more effective instrument than family. This is one of the strongest channels of love. So the next time the usual problems arise - and you are ready to get angry, or feel like a victim, or regret that this or that relative of yours was even born - realize and feel that behind the whole situation there is a spark of love . See behind the problem an invitation to solve it!” - Kryon.

28. “I don’t like to interfere in my personal affairs,” Karl Kraus.

29. Awareness of the fact of reincarnation automatically expands the concept of “my family” to all people living on Earth.

30. “We are all members of one family, bound by the religion of love. Love sees everyone as one divine family,” Sathya Sai Baba.

31. “A daughter who adores her father idealizes his qualities. To her, all other men seem insignificant compared to him,” Bert Hellinger.

32. “Anger at your wife is a manifestation of disappointment in your mother,” Bert Hellinger.

33. “If you have a big belly, it means you have complaints against your mother. If you want to lose weight, get rid of them." - Bert Hellinger.

34. “A human being is part of a whole that we call the Universe... It experiences itself, its thoughts and feelings, as something isolated from the rest - a kind of optical illusion of consciousness. This illusion is like a prison, limiting us only to personal desires and attachment to the few people closest to us. Our task is to free ourselves from this prison by expanding our circle of compassion and declaring all living creatures and the totality of nature in its beauty,” - Albert Einstein. From a letter from 1950.

35. “The only thing worse than living with you is living without you.”, - F. Begbeder.

36. “Family replaces everything. Therefore, before you get one, you should think about what is more important to you: everything or family,” Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya.

37. “The best manifestation of a father’s love for his children is his love for their mother...” - Janusz Leon Wisniewski.

38. “- Do you have a family?
- No.
“You have everything and you have nothing.” - Iron Man.

39. “Family is not a word, it’s a sentence,” - The Royal Tenenbaums.

40. “A lot of things can be said regarding relatives... and they must be said, because they cannot be printed,” - Albert Einstein.

41. “Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city,” - George Burns.

42. “Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of immorality,” - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin “Guests came to the dacha...”.

43. “Love of country begins with family,” - Francis Bacon.

44. “Who said that a person must have a family? This is a myth and nothing more. A happy bachelor looks much better than an unhappy couple in which everyone suffers and torments each other,” Alexander Grigorievich Sviyash.

45. “Happy is he who is happy at home,” - Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

46. ​​“The lack of family happiness contributes to career growth,” - Yulia Peresild.

47. “Actually, relatives are the scourge of God, but they give a person a certain weight,” - Oscar Wilde. Lady Windermere's fan.

48. “The main idea that destroys families is that I can find another person with whom I will not suffer. This is a myth,” Oleg Gennadievich Torsunov.

49. “Marriage is sacred. But... it’s better to destroy a marriage than to let it destroy you!” — Irvin Yalom. When Nietzsche cried.

50. “Every family has its black sheep.” Russian proverb.

51. “A normal family does not exist without conflicts; moreover, it must be conflicting if it consists of individuals,” - Andrei Konchalovsky. Low truths.

52. “If you can’t get rid of the skeleton in your closet, make it dance” - George Bernard Shaw.

53. “The average man who is happily married is much happier than the genius who lives alone,” - Dale Carnegie.

54. “The family is a special institution where no one communicates with anyone,” - Frederick Beigbeder. French novel.

55. “Family keeps us from falling and keeps us on our feet,” August (August: Osage County).

56. “Family is mutual bearing of hardships and a school of sacrifice,” Nikolai Aleksandrovich Berdyaev.

57. “The most perfect faith is that of the one who is most well-behaved and kindest to his family,” - Muhammad (Mohammed).

58. “Life selects people into married couples in such a way that each spouse destroys the values ​​to which the second spouse attaches excessive importance,” - Alexander Grigorievich Sviyash.

59. “A wedding ring is the first link in the chain of married life,” Kozma Petrovich Prutkov.

60. “An old person in a family is a treasure.” Chinese proverbs and sayings.

61. “Love is when you still like a person, despite the fact that you live with him,” - Lev Yuryevich Novozhenov.

62. “The winning woman is always to blame for the collapse of a family,” - Slava Se. Eve.

63. “Now I don’t think family is evil. You just need to be able to play it correctly,” Alexandra Bakshi. Chalk.

64. “A woman understands children better than a man, but a man is more a child than a woman,” - Slava Se. Eve.

65. “Children are difficult to raise because they need to teach us a lot in a short time,” - Klaus Joel (Messenger).

66. “Never hurt a person when this person is ready to do anything for you,” - F. M. Dostoevsky.

67. “Each of us is devoted. To someone. Or someone,” - F. M. Dostoevsky.

68. “Do not litter your memory with insults, otherwise there may simply be no room left for beautiful moments,” - F. M. Dostoevsky.

69. “Genuine intimacy in a relationship is characterized by the ability to speak (and show) one’s shadow sides to a loved one without fear of rejection,” Hegumen Evmeniy.