Cartoonists use thinking techniques when creating images. Techniques for creating images of active imagination

In technical, literary, and artistic creativity, the following techniques for creating images are most common: agglutination, hyperbolization, sharpening, typification, analogy.

Agglutination (gluing) thing is new image obtained by combining two or more parts of different objects. Examples: centaur, mermaid.

Hyperbolization– increasing or decreasing an object, changing the number of parts of an object. Examples: a boy with a thumb, a dragon with seven heads.

Sharpening– emphasizing any features in the image. Example: cartoons.

Typing– highlighting the essential in homogeneous phenomena and embodying it in any specific image. Example: Evgeny Onegin is a typical representative of his time.

Analogy constructing an image similar to a real thing. This is a way to create mechanisms based on biological model. Example: creating hang gliders by analogy with pterodactyls.

Topic 8. Psychological characteristics of speech and communication.

8.1. Concept and functions of speech and language.

Speech - formed historically in the process practical activities people a form of communication mediated by language.

Speech is the process of communication between people through language; special type of activity.

Language is a system of verbal signs that mediate mental activity, as well as a means of communication realized in speech.

Speech functions:

    Significative – the ability of a word to denote, to name an object.

    Generalization function – the word records the historically determined properties of objects and phenomena. The word means not only a separate this item, but a whole group of similar objects and is the bearer of their essential characteristics.

    Communicative – consists of transferring to each other certain information, thoughts, feelings.

    Expressive – is to transfer emotional attitude to the content of the speech and to the person to whom it is addressed.

Functions of the language.

    Storage and transmission of socio-historical experience (along with material tools and products of labor).

    Communication (communicative function).

Structure of speech activity

Speech involves the processes of generating and receiving messages for the purposes of communication or for regulating and controlling one's own speech.

Structure of speech activity:

    The motivational stage is the presence of a need for communication.

    Orientation for the purposes of communication, in a communication situation.

    Orientation in the personality of the interlocutor.

    Planning (in the form of internal programming) topics, communication style, speech phrases.

    Implementation of communication.

    Perception and assessment of the interlocutor's response.

    Correction of direction and communication style.

      Types of speech.

In psychology, speech is divided into external - oriented towards others, and internal, intended for oneself. In turn, external speech can be oral and written. Oral speech is divided into monological and dialogical.

8.2.1. Inner speech and its features.

Inner speech is different kinds using language outside the process of real communication. This is a person’s conversation with himself, accompanying the processes of thinking, awareness of the motives of behavior, planning and management of activities.

Internal speech, unlike external speech, has a special syntax. This feature lies in the apparent fragmentation, fragmentation, abbreviation. Transformation external speech the internal one occurs according to a certain law: in it, first of all, the subject is reduced and the predicate remains with the parts of the sentence related to it.

The second feature is predicativeness. Her examples show up well in dialogues knowledgeable friend a friend of people who understand “without words” what is being said in their conversation. They do not need to name the subject of conversation in each phrase or indicate the subject: they already know it.

The third feature is the peculiar semantic structure of internal speech:

a) the predominance of meaning over meaning. Meaning is understood as a set of all kinds of associations - facts that a given word revives in our memory. Meaning is part of the meaning that is already endowed in language. broad meaning word in the context of a specific speech utterance.

b) agglutination- a kind of merging of words into one with their significant abbreviation. The resulting word seems to be enriched with a double meaning.

c) the meanings of words have different laws of merging and combining than the laws of merging meanings. Meanings seem to flow into each other and seem to influence each other. In inner speech, we can always express our thoughts and even entire arguments with one name.

8.2.2. External speech and its types.

External speech is communication between people using conversation or various technical means.

Oral speech. Occurs in changing conditions. It is distinguished by a reduced number of words and simple grammatical structure.

Dialogue speech- This is direct communication between two or more people. Dialogue is an exchange of remarks. Psychologically, dialogue is a simpler form of speech. Firstly, dialogue is supported speech: the interlocutor asks clarifying questions during the conversation and can finish the other person’s thought. This makes it easier for the speaker to express his thoughts.

Secondly, the dialogue is conducted with emotional and expressive contact between the speakers in the conditions of their mutual perception of each other. People talking influence each other with gestures, facial expressions, and intonation.

Thirdly, dialogue is situational. The subject being discussed is often given in perception or exists in joint activity. Speech arises, is maintained and ceases depending on changes in the subject or thoughts about it.

Monologue speech is a long, consistent, coherent presentation of a system of knowledge and thoughts by one person.

It unfolds in the form of a report, story, lecture, speech.

In monologue speech, compared to dialogical speech, the semantic side undergoes significant changes. Monologue speech is coherent, contextual. The main requirements for it are consistency and evidence.

Another condition is grammatically impeccable sentence construction. In dialogical speech, slips of the tongue, unfinished phrases, and inaccurate use of words are not so noticeable.

A monologue places demands on the tempo and sound of speech. In a monologue, tongue twisters, slurred pronunciation, and monotony are unacceptable. Expressiveness in a monologue should be created through the voice. A monologue presupposes stinginess and restraint of gestures so as not to distract the attention of the listeners.

Monologue speech in all its forms requires preparation.

Written speech characterized by the following features: clear design; complex compositional and structural organization; limited means of expression (italics, paragraph, etc.). Written speech requires a detailed construction, systematic, logical, coherent presentation. Written speech places increased demands on mental activity. Written speech requires special mastery.

      Communication and its structure

Communication– a complex and multifaceted process, including information exchange, people’s perception and understanding of each other, influencing each other, direct emotional contact, forming relationships and achieving mutual understanding.

There are three interconnected sides in communication:

informational the side of communication consists of the exchange of information, ideas, thoughts, feelings;

interactive the side is to organize interaction between people (for example, you need to coordinate actions, distribute functions);

perceptual The side of communication includes the process of communication partners perceiving each other and establishing mutual understanding on this basis.

Today there are about 70 methods.

In psychology there are several basic traditional mechanisms imagination, which allows you to create new images, as well as alternative methods of development creative imagination created on their basis. Many of these methods can be successfully used when working with preschoolers, not only in the classroom, but also at home. Let's look at some of them. And let's start with the traditional ones - agglutination, hyperbolization and emphasis. Despite the names, their essence is very simple.

Agglutination– this is the simplest thing that the imagination can do. It is enough to take parts or properties of several objects and compose them new object. Remember the centaur, mermaid, sphinx, unicorn, hut on chicken legs, flying carpet and other mythical creatures and objects. And not only mythical ones. In your apartment there is...a chair-bed, or, for example, a food processor!

Agglutination is the basis game training“Irobot”, which is very popular among preschoolers. Children are invited to draw Miracle Yudo. At the same time, one child draws the head of any animal, another – the body, the third – legs or tail. Interesting works They are also obtained from pieces of postcards or magazine illustrations. At the end of the task, the result is discussed: what kind of animal is it, what is it called, what does it eat, etc.

The next technique of creative imagination is accentuation. This is highlighting, emphasizing one particular detail or property of an object. The purpose of emphasis is to draw attention to this detail. This technique is often used to highlight some quality of a person. So, Ilya Muromets is unusually strong, Koschey is evil, a savvy soldier, and Vasilisa the Wise is very smart. Artists use this technique when they draw friendly caricatures or caricatures of someone. For example, they depict a curious a long nose, to the gluttonous - a big belly, to the greedy - long arms.

Accenting helps with memorization educational material. For example, your first grader just can’t remember that vowels need to be checked by stress. Together with him, draw a weak, frail vowel with thin arms, and next to him a strong vowel with an impact hammer in his hand, and your baby will never forget this rule. If you practice, you can learn to draw pictures mentally, come up with poems, stories that focus on the necessary material.

Next move - hyperbolization. Its essence is simple - exaggeration or understatement. Everyone remembers the Head, with which Ruslan enters the battle, freeing Lyudmila, or Thumb. They appeared precisely thanks to this technique. And in Nosov’s story “Fantasers,” one boy boasted that he ate a whole bucket of ice cream, and then said that the bucket was small - no more than a glass. Here the author first used artistic exaggeration (hyperbole), and then understatement (litotes). The above mentioned techniques formed the basis alternative methods systems for the development of creative imagination (CIT), such as: brainstorming (A. Osborne), the method of morphological analysis (Zwicky F.), the catalog method (E. Kunze), the method of focal objects (Whiting Ch.), the method of analogies (synectics ). Let's look briefly at some of them.

Brainstorm- this is not so much a method of activating the imagination as a way of generating a wide variety of ideas in a group. Thanks to brainstorming, the child understands that there are alternatives to solving any situation. With kids preschool age issues that occurred in their experience are discussed. That's why great importance has work to expand children's horizons. Topics for brainstorming depend on the age of the children. Children are offered well-known everyday or fairy-tale situations, for example:
- the rescue fairy-tale heroes(Little Red Riding Hood from the Wolf),
- solving everyday problems (we’ve run out of paper, what should we use and what should we draw on?).
Fantastic transformations of reality are discussed with children of senior preschool age. For example, earthlings built a spacecraft for their children kindergarten(underwater, celestial, etc.). What does he look like? What problems will arise for children and adults?

Method of morphological analysis involves searching through options for combining certain characteristics when creating a new image. For example, you decided to come up with a new, unusual image of Baba Yaga. You choose the number of characteristics arbitrarily (for example, age, character, clothing style, vehicle, etc.) The younger the children, the fewer characteristics are initially set. For convenience, enter all the proposed characteristics in the table: horizontally - the age of Baba Yaga, vertically - the remaining characteristics. Now proceed to the most important thing - completely randomly select one characteristic from each row and try to connect them together. And you get, for example, that Baba Yaga in early childhood is a baby, dressed in diving equipment, capricious, riding on a donkey. You can work similarly with man-made objects (try to come up with new option alarm clock or car) or construct the plot of a new fairy tale.

Directory Method- one of the methods to solve the problem of creative writing, which is very difficult for preschoolers. To work, you will need any book, preferably an anthology or a collection of fairy tales. The adult asks the children questions on the basis of which the plot will be built, and the children look for the answer in the book, randomly pointing their finger to any place in the text. It is convenient to use the following approximate sequence of questions: What are we writing a fairy tale about? Is this a good or evil hero? Who was he friends with? Who was stopping them? How? How did it all end? Depending on age, the level of detail in the questions may increase; the characters are given more detailed characteristics, new characters are introduced.

Methods for stimulating the imagination are not limited to this list - there are many more. This means there is more space for new ideas and images in the Land of Fantasy – yours and your child’s. Imagination removes the limitations of time and space, expanding the world of possibilities, inspiring cognition and creativity. So, have fun fantasizing!

I wish you success!

When preparing the article, materials from Internet sources were used.

4.2.Psychological characteristics imagination: concept, types, methods of creating images of creative imagination

Imagination concept

Imagination- is the creation of images of objects that have not been found in personal experience human, the result of which is the creation of new material and spiritual values. Let's compare (find similarities and differences) imagination with other cognitive processes:

  • comparison of imagination and perception:
a) difference: perception is the creation of images of a really existing reality with its direct influence on the senses, imagination is the creation of images that do not exist in reality; imagination is able to transform the reality of everyday perception, making it more expressive;

B) general: the basis of both perception and imagination is the process of creating images;

  • comparison of imagination and figurative memory: memory images are the reproduction of past experience, maintaining the accuracy of perceived images; imagination presupposes their transformation;

  • common in the processes of imagination and thinking:

  1. thinking, like imagination, allows you to foresee the future: imagination helps thinking to find new solutions, making the content of the problem visual and figurative;

  2. the difference between imagination and thinking is that thinking, no matter what important role it did not play in foreseeing the future, it presupposes knowledge of laws real world, with which each of us is forced to reckon so as not to perish in it.

Types of imagination

To distinguish types of imagination, we will take two reasons:

1.Participation of consciousness:

A) involuntary imagination is associated with the spontaneous emergence in a person’s consciousness of any images without any participation of the will (dreams, fantasies, dreams, visions and daydreams). It is interesting to note that they can sometimes be prophetic (especially dreams), that is, predict the future, or explain the past. Involuntary imagination is especially actualized in cases where the action of consciousness is weakened, when a person is in a state of half-asleep, sleep, intense anticipation, a strong exacerbation of significant needs, or in pathological mental disorders.

B) voluntary imagination: recreative and creative.

Recreating Imagination associated with the construction of images according to a description drawn up in advance by someone, for example, when reading books, poems, notes, drawings, mathematical symbols. Otherwise, this type of imagination is called reproductive, reproducing, remembering. In the recreating imagination, reality is reproduced in an almost unprocessed form, so it resembles perception or memory more than creativity.

Types of reconstructive imagination: a) empathy, which requires our ability to get used to the image of the emotions experienced by another person, i.e. requires us to reproduce the emotions of the person with whom we communicate; b) diagrams, tables, drawings; c) recreation in the imagination of the images of heroes perceived from the description when reading fiction. However, such imagination is not creative, since these images were created not by the reader, but by the author of the work.

Creative imagination- This self-creation new images according to our own ideas. It is very typical for the activities of painters, designers, composers, directors, writers, poets, architects and other representatives of creative professions.

2.Contents of images (subject, socio-psychological):

  • Object imagination subject to the creation of images subject environment and it is necessary for engineers, architects, designers, cooks, tailors, etc.

  • Socio-psychological imagination is a condition for the formation and development of those personality traits that express a person’s attitude towards himself and other people. It is presented by:

  1. images of other people, since it serves communication and acts as a solution tool psychological tasks: imagine ways of human behavior in a given situation, make a forecast of personality development, etc.;

  2. the image of oneself (the image of “I”) as an individual’s concept of himself, on the basis of which he builds relationships with other people and builds life plans.
Social and psychological imagination should be especially developed among managers, teachers, social workers, etc. Sensitivity towards people, tact and sympathy for them are impossible without this type of imagination. To be sensitive, you need, based on knowledge about a person’s life and character, to imagine his emotional state in this moment. Tactfulness presupposes not only the ability, with the help of imagination, to recreate the mood and experience of another person, but also to foresee what emotional impact what our words or actions will do to him. If you want to express sympathy for a person, you must have developed imagination to imagine, understand and empathize with his feelings.

Ways to create images of creative imagination

  1. Agglutination (combination) – a technique for creating a new image by subjectively combining elements or parts of some original objects. We are not talking here about a mechanical unification, but about a genuine synthesis. In this case, completely different Everyday life even incompatible objects, qualities, properties. Many fairy-tale images have been created through agglutination (mermaid, hut on chicken legs, centaur, sphinx, etc.). The described technique is used both in art and in technical creativity. It can be used in social cognition in the formation of a holistic image of both oneself and another.

  2. Analogy This is the creation of something new that is similar to the known. Analogy is a subjective transfer of basic properties and objects from one phenomenon to another. This technique is widely used in technical creativity. Thus, by analogy with flying birds, people came up with flying devices; by analogy with the shape of a dolphin’s body, the frame of a submarine was designed. Using self-analogy, you can understand the motives behind the behavior of others.

  3. Accenting - this is a way of creating a new image in which some quality of an object or its relationship with another is brought to the fore and strongly emphasized. This technique is the basis of caricatures and friendly caricatures. It can also be used to understand certain stable, characteristic features other people.

  4. Hyperbolization subjective exaggeration (understatement) of not only the size of an object (phenomenon), but also the number of its individual parts and elements or their displacement. An example is the image of Gulliver, Little Thumb, the multi-headed Dragon, Thumbelina, Lilliputians and other fairy-tale images. This is the simplest technique. You can increase and decrease almost everything: geometric dimensions, weight, height, volume, richness, distance, speed. This technique can be used in self-knowledge and knowledge of other people, mentally exaggerating certain personal qualities or character traits. Hyperbolization makes the image bright and expressive, highlighting some of its specific qualities. Thus, in Fonvizin’s comedies, the images of Mitrofanushka, Skotinin, and Pravdin are created in order to arouse disgust in the reader for their character traits and style of behavior.

  5. Typing This is a technique for generalizing a set of related objects in order to highlight common, repeating features in them and embody them in a new image. In this case, specific personal qualities are completely ignored. This is the most difficult path formation of a new image. This technique is widely used in literature, sculpture and painting. Typification used by A.N. Ostrovsky in his plays when creating images of merchants.

  6. Addition consists in the fact that an object is attributed (or given) qualities and properties that are alien to it (most often mystical). Based on this technique, some fairy-tale images were created: running boots, gold fish, Magic carpet.

  7. Moving this is the subjective placement of an object in new situations in which it has never been and cannot be at all. This technique is very widely used to understand other people, as well as in artistic creativity. Any work of art is special system psychological time and space in which the heroes act.

  8. Merger – arbitrary comparison and combination of the qualities of different objects in one image. So, L.N. Tolstoy wrote that the image of Natasha Rostova combines the qualities of his wife Sonya and her sister Tanya. Similarly, you can use a merge in a building drawing in which several architectural styles can be combined.
The listed techniques of creative imagination are interconnected. Therefore, when creating one image, several of them can be used simultaneously.


  1. What is the role of memory in the formation life experience personalities?

  2. What is the connection between memory and the future in a person’s life?

  3. What does knowledge of the basic laws of memory give a person?

  4. What are the bases for classifying types of memory?

  5. What is the difference random access memory from short-term?

  6. What information is transferred to long-term memory?

  7. List the basic processes of memory.

  8. Under what conditions is productivity involuntary memorization maybe higher than free?

  9. What types of storage as a memory process are there?

  10. List the factors effective memorization.

  11. What is the impact on memorization of a person’s personal characteristics and his emotional state at the time of memorization?

  12. What is the role imaginative thinking in solving engineering problems?

  13. What is the specificity of verbal-logical thinking?

  14. What is the difference between motor memory and visual-effective thinking?

  15. What is the specificity of creative imagination?

  16. Name the types of reconstructive imagination.

  17. How does objective imagination differ from socio-psychological imagination?

  18. List the techniques for creating images of creative imagination.

  19. How can we use analogy and displacement to understand other people?

  20. What are the characteristics of memory in children?

  21. Discover ways to develop children's imaginative thinking.


Exercise 1

Determine what types of memory are activated in the following life situations:

  • the doctor prescribes treatment for the patient, listing the procedures that he needs to perform;

  • the experimenter asks the subjects to look at the table and immediately reproduce what they saw;

  • the witness is asked to make verbal portrait criminal;

  • the host of the competition asks the participants to try the proposed dish and determine what products it is made from;

  • the director instructs the actor to master new role in the play.

Task 2

How do you explain the facts described?

  • One actor had to unexpectedly replace his comrade and learn his role within one day. During the performance, he knew her perfectly, but after the performance, everything he had learned was erased from his memory like a sponge and the role was completely forgotten by him.

  • In “Memories of Scriabin” L.L. Sabaneev quotes the composer’s words: “What does C major seem like to you? Red. But the minor is blue. After all, every sound, or rather, tonality, has a corresponding color.”

Task 3

  • Imagine your future professional activity and indicate what demands it makes on the imagination.

  • Describe the imagination of people with given character traits (ambition, cowardice, anxiety, vindictiveness, compassion) in the context of relevant life situations.

  • Describe the imagination that is actualized in the following situations: a) looking at the notes, the musician “hears” the melody; b) in a moment of danger, his whole life can be clearly represented in a person’s mind.

  • The artist is developing a design project for the assembly hall.

  • A child listens to the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs.”

Task 4

Indicate what techniques for creating images were used in the following cases: mermaid, Serpent-Gorynych, amphibian man, bun, Baba Yaga, Plyushkin, self-assembled tablecloth, Don Juan, portrait of A.S. Pushkin, Submarine, Pechorin, radar.

Task 5

What types of thinking are evident in the situations below? (When answering, indicate the characteristics of the corresponding type of thinking).

  • A seamstress cutting out the details of a future dress.

  • Manufacturing of a complex part by a master on a lathe.

  • Interior design by a designer.

  • Student's solution to a problem theoretical mechanics.

  • A child assembling a structure from a play set.

  • Drawing up by the architect of the future construction plan.

Task 6

Determine which manifestations mental operations and types of thinking are directed by the following given influences?

  • Compare with each other natural conditions and the number of inhabitants of Karelia and Yakutia.

  • Make up a sentence from this set of words.

  • Formulate the main idea of ​​M. Bulgakov’s novel “ dog's heart».

  • The head of the department instructs the accountant to prepare a report using the available financial documents for the current period.

Basic creation techniques creative images.

There are several techniques for creating creative imaginary images: agglutination, analogy, exaggeration/understatement, emphasis, typification.

Agglutination (lat. - gluing) - the method of connecting (“gluing”) some parts of two or more objects into one whole. Agglutination is widespread in fairy tales in the form of images of a hut on chicken legs, a mermaid - a woman with a fish tail, etc. Agglutination is also used in real images(for example, an amphibious tank, an accordion that combines elements of a piano and accordion).

Analogy – method of constructing an image based on the principle of similarity. For example, according to the principle of similarity to the organ of orientation bat a locator was created.

Exaggeration/understatement – a technique with the help of which they strive to show the dominant qualities of a person (for example, the kindness of a mighty Giant or the intelligence and soft heart of a Thumb Boy).

Accenting – a technique close to exaggeration, highlighting in the image any one clearly expressed positive or negative trait. It is especially often used in caricatures and cartoons.

Typing – the most difficult technique creative creation images of the imagination. Characterizing creativity in literature, M. Gorky said that the character of the hero is made from many individual traits taken from different people certain social group. You need to take a closer look at a hundred or two, say, workers in order to approximately correctly describe the portrait of one worker.

All the techniques described can be used in any area of ​​life and activity in connection with the search for something new, with the manifestation of creative imagination.

Dream are called the images of what is desired created in the imagination. They don't contradict reality, therefore, under certain conditions, the dream can be realized. For many centuries, people have dreamed of flying, but their bodily organization does not have wings. However, the time came when they were created aircrafts, and the man flew. Now air Transport has become an everyday, fast, convenient means of communication and transportation. A dream, therefore, is a useful mechanism for creative activity.

In dreams It's called fruitless fantasy. In dreams, a person evokes in his mind unrealistic images and thoughts that contradict reality.

In any type of human labor - be it the work of a teacher, engineer, doctor, designer, innovative turner, artist, writer, scientist and even a student who writes an essay - there are certain manifestations of the reproducing or creative imagination.

Constructive skills associated with planning lessons for the whole academic year, quarter, with the construction and conduct of each lesson. They always give great effect, if their basis is creativity.

IN design skills creativity is more clearly expressed. Here we're talking about about the need to see the “tomorrow” of your followers, your business.

Observations of people's lives and their activities show that a developed and pronounced imagination is manifested in a number of essential human qualities. Such qualities, or personality traits, primarily include spirituality. With spirituality, the imagination is fully included cognitive activity. At the same time, a person’s relationship to other people and to life is emotionally elevated.

The opposite of spirituality is prosaic. The prosaic nature is expressed in the absence of lofty dreams and high civic ideals, in the chaining of interests and needs to everyday little things life. Such a person has everything Life is going in the plane of everyday concerns. If there is any manifestation of spirituality in him, then these are only flashes that only emphasize his typical prosaic nature.

With a dream like special kind imagination, is associated with such a personality trait as daydreaming. Unlike dreams, a dream is not divorced from reality, but daydreaming is not considered positive feature personality. Daydreaming becomes a positive quality of a person if it is included in activity, is one of its motivators and is associated with strong-willed qualities person.

Imagination creates new images through transformation famous images objects and phenomena. There are a number of ways to do this conversion:

1.Creation image about any parts of an object , its property or individual attribute. The basis of this process is analysis in the form of mental isolation of a part or property of an object, their abstraction from the whole with a certain cognitive or practical task(for example, Gogol’s “Nose”).

2.Hyperbolization is a way of creating an image of the imagination by exaggerating the entire image of an object or its parts, endowing the object with a significantly larger number of significant signs compared to reality, exaggeration of the forces and possibilities of action of the object. Often used in cartoons.

3.Miniaturization (understatement)) – a way of creating an image of the imagination by downplaying holistic images of objects from individual properties And psychological qualities. Sometimes there is a combination of miniaturization and hyperbolization, when techniques of both enlargement and reduction are simultaneously used in creating an image.

4.Accentuation (sharpening) is a technique for creating imaginative images by emphasizing, certain properties, damn, sides various phenomena. One of the forms of emphasis is the selection of one of the properties of the image, which is not only dominant, but also universal, unique, characterizing the image in its entirety (almost all the main characters of works of art, allegorism of images). Emphasis in artistic creativity, advertising, imageology is achieved by repetition any sustainable expressive signs, which allows you to individualize the image and make it unforgettable.

5.Agglutination -a way of creating an image of the imagination by combining unified system representations in a sequence (combination) that is different from our direct perceptions and experiences (mermaids, sphinxes, centaurs).

6.Schematization consists in excluding some properties or qualities inherent in a certain object or person. Speaking about the advantages of schematization, S.L. Rubinstein emphasized that the artist achieves the proper expressiveness of the object if he rids it of unnecessary, minor details that interfere with the perception of what is characteristic of the depicted object (a typical hero in typical circumstances).

7.Reconstruction object based on known fragments is of significant importance in creative work. This technique is actively used by archaeologists and specialists in emergency situations and so on. It is used in restoration historical figures based on preserved remains (works of M.M. Gerasimov to create portraits of Ivan the Terrible, Tamerlane, etc.)

Types of imagination

Like any other psychic cognitive process, imagination can be viewed with different sides. If we take into account the dominant importance of hotel psychological components in the images of the imagination, then we must speak, for example, of the emotional and intellectual imagination. If we take the connection between the images of the imagination and reality as the basis for the classification, then we need to talk about recreating and creative imagination.

According to the degree of activity of the subject of imagination, two types can be distinguished: active imagination, in which a person intends to use the results of imagination in practice, and passive, in which the goal of using the results of imagination is not set, and it itself can arise regardless of the desire of the subject.

Passive imagination in humans it is represented by two subtypes depending on the presence or absence of awareness of its occurrence.

So, passive intentional imagination (or dreams ) represent creation of imaginary images that are initially perceived by a person as unreal, impracticable, illusory, dream-like. However, passive intentional imagination is recognized by a person as his own and is formed under his conscious influence. Dreams usually occur in a person with weakened control of consciousness, often in a half-asleep state. Control in this case is manifested in the selection of fantastic paintings, and only those that would evoke the desired feelings in a person, accompanied by peculiar emotional states, figuratively called “sweet sadness”. These are paintings have a nice, but obviously unrealizable. Outward expression dreams most often involve prolonged immobility of a person with an emphasized apathy of posture. Reasons for the occurrence of dreams: dreams arise under the influence of peace, complacency and contentment; as a result of tedious work, long transitions, when a person’s consciousness becomes dull; under the influence of special stimuli (favorite music, etc.). No matter how realistic a dream may be, a person always distinguishes it from reality, which is how it differs from both hallucinations and illusions. Dreams appear without any support for perception, and therefore easily disappear when a person is exposed to any irritant.

Often in everyday psychology daydreaming is considered synonymous with either a dream (“daydreaming”) or a daydream, but then it is defined as a “passive” dream, thereby emphasizing the initially unrealistic nature of the created image.

Passive unintentional imagination creates images when special conditions personality or his body, when a person does not control the process of creating these images. Varieties of passive unintentional imagination are dreams and hallucinations. Under dream many scientists understand images of imagination that arise in a person during REM sleep, and represent the creation of new images as a result of a combination of images extracted from long-term memory, and images of perception received during the previous day.According to S. Freud and his followers , dreams it is a symbolic expression of the unconscious for the conscious. Hallucinations This psychological phenomenon in which apparent image occurs in the absence of real external stimulus out of confusion. This image is assessed by a person without criticism, as a truly truly existing object. The hallucinating subject is unable to renounce the internal conviction that at this moment he has sensory sensations, that the object he senses really exists, although this object does not affect him. This distinguishes a hallucination from an illusion, which distorts the image of an object that actually affects the senses. The causes of hallucinations can be organic (exposure to drugs, alcohol, toxic substances, temperature, lack of oxygen, etc.) and psychogenic (state of passion) in nature.

Active imagination also has two subspecies: recreating And creative . Feature active imagination can be called the fact that it is fundamentally conscious, occurring with active work thinking of the subject and is subordinated directly or indirectly to a conscious task - scientific, artistic, educational or practical.

Recreating imagination - this kind of imagination, in the course of in which new images arise based on the perception of descriptions, diagrams, drawings, musical notations, etc. His images are relatively new and usually the goal of this type of imagination is to create an image that is as close to the real thing as possible. This type of imagination plays a leading role in learning, allowing the student to understand its essence through the images of the phenomenon being studied.

Creative imagination represents such a type of imagination during which a person independently creates new images that have a personal or public value. The main thing in the process of creative imagination is the modification and transformation of images, the creation of new synthetic compositions. Creative imagination is given direction by the conscious needs of practice and knowledge, as well as the possibility of imaginative anticipation of results. own actions. To prevent the imagination from turning into a fruitless game of the mind, the subject in activity must adhere to certain restrictive conditions. The latter include, firstly, taking into account the connection of the new image with existing reality. Therefore, it is useful when the combinatorics of visual elements of the image of creative imagination is regulated abstract thinking, i.e. carried out according to the rules of logic. The second condition is to find out how original the images of the imagination are.

Creative imagination can create images that are subjectively new (“reinventing the wheel”) and objectively new (as a result of scientific or artistic activity).

Active imagination specific person can reach different levels. About level of imagination development can be judged by the content of the images, their vital meaning for theoretical and practical activities, long-term purposefulness of images, their novelty, originality, etc.

Special place In the system of types of imagination, a dream occupies a place. Dream - This the activity of imagination, manifested in the creation of optimistic plans, the implementation of which a person expects in the future. Of all the manifestations of active, arbitrary imagination the dream is especially strongly woven into human life. From the early childhood and up to old age a person constantly hopes for something, waits for something. Dream is a great motivating force that makes us work hard to achieve desired results. As some dreams come true, others appear. A dream is different from creative imagination is as follows: 1) represents the creation of images of the desired future of the person himself; 2) not included in creative activity, i.e. does not provide an immediate and directly objective product in the form scientific invention, work of art, technical invention and so on.

Imagination and personality

Between imagination and personal characteristics there is a mutual connection between humans. U different people Depending on their personality, the images of the imagination differ in brightness, degree of correlation with reality, vitality and truthfulness of these images. The ability to subordinate the imagination to the task at hand determines the organization or disorganization of the imagination process.

At the same time, various character traits of a person flow from the characteristics of the imagination and are formed on their basis. The lack of a lofty dream is due to prosaic. Insufficient correlation between imagination and reality leads to the development fantasy. Dreams can serve as the basis for daydreaming. Creative imagination is inseparable from spirituality, which, in turn, manifests itself either in poetry human nature, or in romance.

It is assumed that the imagination takes part in the formation of a person’s sensitivity, tactfulness, empathy and the ability to empathize with another person.