How to not give a damn. How to learn to approach life more simply? Accept that life doesn't always go according to plan.

Behind last years the number of women affected by the problem has noticeably increased overweight, and because of her they are very upset. Some people can take it so seriously that they often become depressed and have low self-esteem.

If you have extra pounds, you shouldn’t worry in vain, you need to start taking action. First of all, you need to have the right psychological mindset for losing weight. However, many girls have difficulties because few people are familiar with this.

Attempts to gain a slim figure through hunger strikes, diets and restrictions, although they give close to desired result, however, it does not last long.

Therefore, if you want excess weight to leave you forever, you need use an integrated approach, and first of all you should create a special internal mood. Then you will have more chances that you will overcome your problem.

If you don’t want to dream that tomorrow you will definitely start working on yourself, then you will need create the right mood. The easiest way to do this is if you follow these instructions:

  1. Decide on your weight loss goal. First, you must understand why you want to get rid of excess weight. Some people want to improve their health in this way, while others want to become more attractive in the eyes of others. Preferably all the reasons that forced you to start fighting overweight, draw on a piece of paper.
  2. For example, there may be the following phrase: “I want to lose 15 kilograms,” or “I need to lose belly fat.” Try to think about what life will be like when you achieve what you want. This is what you should consider as the main incentive that will allow you to move towards your goal.
  3. Review your notes regularly. Good welcome is to hang in a visible place photographs depicting people with a slender figure. Observing them day after day, the desire to acquire the same appearance will only grow stronger in your mind.
  4. You should create right attitude to diets that should not be torture for you. You need to learn to treat it as a way that will allow you to achieve health and beauty. You will achieve this only if the process of losing weight brings you pleasure.

Usually, it is enough to eat dietary meals for two weeks in combination with training, and a person will form the habit of healthy image life. The most difficult task is to stick to a diet in winter.

Therefore, to make it easier for you to start losing weight, go to proper nutrition in the warm season, when you were prepared psychologically.

  • Regularly encourage yourself to maintain a daily routine. Every person, regardless of gender, should sleep enough hours to be able to recuperate after another hard day at work.
  • Using the recommendations of a psychologist if your capabilities were not enough to solve the problem. In the process of working with a specialist, you will have the opportunity to meet people who have faced the same problem as you.
  • In the process of talking with like-minded people, you are less likely to fail your diet. And, being surrounded by people who are driven by the same goal as you, you will have the desire to look stronger and demonstrate to everyone your unbending willpower. Then, day after day, you will notice how excess weight becomes less and less.

One of effective techniques, allowing to solve the problem under consideration, is method of Georgy Sytin, which not only has a psychotherapeutic effect, but also healing properties.

This method has the ability speak and encode a person. He is also credited with the properties of hypnosis, although there are many people who do not believe in the effectiveness of this specialist’s methods.

However, those who decide to trust him never complain about the results obtained. The most important thing is to correctly master the Sytin method. To do this, you can use the following methods:

Reading and listening. Many people choose this option because you can get acquainted with the method in the most different situations: On the way to work or during lunch break.

No less convenient is the option of listening to materials at home or on the street:

  • after receiving a new volume, it is necessary to clearly and in a confident voice talk about this information. The result is a programming effect;
  • in some cases it may be necessary to repeat certain points several times in order to remember them well;
  • It is very important here to try to ensure that the information is well stored in your memory, then you yourself will soon notice how your mood has changed.

While meeting with fundamental principles method, you need to be very careful, trying not to miss a single detail.

Watching videos

The easiest way to understand what the method is about psychological preparation Sytin - his study on video. This way, you can understand much faster what you need to do.

This video contains the 25th frame, which has a hypnotic effect on the subconscious. Watching such videos is very useful, because over time there is a change in mood person.

Often a person who has not watched a video before faces great difficulties in forming the right mood. However, this problem almost goes away when you watch this video.

Many women often relapse when losing weight, so you need to understand how to avoid this. To do this, first of all, you need to draw up for yourself special strategy, which will help you follow your goal of losing weight.

It can be based on some individual points, but it must take into account a number of important rules:

  1. Do not remain dependent on friends or parents who are not happy with your new image life. We often see a picture where a mother cannot watch how her adult child limits himself in food and offers him something tasty to eat, but harmful from the standpoint of proper nutrition.
  2. It’s also worth mentioning here about visiting people, when you often have to have tea parties with unhealthy cakes. Therefore, when you receive such an offer, refuse it and explain to others that you no longer feel the desire because you have begun to live differently.
  3. Do not respond to advertising. It often happens that it is thanks to advertising that a person has a desire to try candy bars or drink soda in moments of hunger. Many buyers arrive In a similar way However, you must control yourself and be resistant to provocations; for you, advertising should be a simple picture that should not be associated with the desire to buy the product.
  4. Every day, study your notes, which say what goal you want to achieve in the process of losing weight. It will allow you to stay in good shape all the time and have the strength to remember to lose weight and cope with the desire to snack. To make this technique more effective, it makes sense to print it out and hang it in a visible place.
  5. Good effect a mirror the size of full height which hangs on the wall. Then a person will see his reflection every time and ask himself what is more important to him. An additional incentive can be provided by a photo of a slender girl, which will help you further work on yourself.

If at a certain moment you still break down, then don’t be upset. Having realized your mistakes, return to the process of losing weight. Even though you have shown some weakness of will, however, because of this, you should not lose the desire to lose weight. Main - don't scold yourself for such an act. If you think less about this incident, you will soon forget about it altogether.

Excess weight cannot but worry girls, so they pay a lot of attention to what they eat. However, not everyone manages to change themselves so easily. After all, everything depends from the correct one psychological mood , and he, as a rule, is often absent.

Therefore, for any person who wants to become slimmer, you first need to develop a suitable strategy for yourself that will help you change your attitude towards nutrition.

It would be great, like in childhood, to wake up and be happy just like that, without any good reason! Unfortunately, as we age, we increasingly look for reasons and reasons for joy, forgetting that happiness is nearby, it is in our minds. You just need to figure it out and understand what “deep mines” are holding back good thoughts inside and how to set yourself up for positivity and good luck, despite the surrounding reality.

How to get rid of negative thoughts

Enemies of inner positivity

Psychologists say: if you lived your day the same way as yesterday, something in your life needs to be changed. They consider routine to be almost the main enemy of a happy and cheerful mood. In such cases, you need to ask yourself: what can I do better tomorrow than today? Yes, anything! Serve the everyday table festively, cook rice not as usual - with vegetables, but with seafood. In short, turn off the beaten path onto a new road.

Novelty and creation, colored by creativity, are guaranteed to increase vitality.

It is advisable to immediately support thoughts with action: create and cut tails. Due to indecision or chronic busyness, almost each of us carries a load of unfinished tasks or broken promises. Moreover, we may not constantly remember about “stuck” matters, but at the level of the unconscious, the “tails” do not disappear anywhere - they hang, pull to the ground and secretly poison life. In general, if you have long promised to take your children to the zoo, you need to drop everything and fulfill your promise.

There are two more ancient enemies of inner positivity that should be avoided: despondency and envy. Dull and forever dissatisfied people They quickly lose energy and soon begin to steal it from others. With envy - the same.

It is important to learn to rejoice at someone else’s happiness or acquisition - the position of multiplying joy makes you happy and successful.

In general, everyone has their own positive and negative drivers, but there are also universal ones. Quickly turn great mood In a lousy situation, the constant search for those to blame, the desire to control everything, the habit of living in the future (we’ll finish building a house, pay off loans, educate children, wait for grandchildren - then we’ll live!), unfulfilled dreams will “help”. In fact, you don’t need great talent to fall into the blues - there will always be reasons. But if, as a musician, you tune your instrument (mood) in the right way every morning, you can achieve impressive results. Just try to go outside with the attitude: notice only joyful, pleasant details, and watch how the day turns out - there will definitely be more good in it than bad.

Three dubious allies of happiness

In pursuit of joy and pleasure, we often resort to the help of antidepressants available to everyone. But it turns out that it was in vain.


The feeling of inspiration after your first morning cup comes in about 20 minutes. Caffeine, dissolved in the blood, reduces the feeling of fatigue and increases the concentration of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which provides a feeling of joy and happiness. But a passion for coffee (more than two or three cups a day) is like a bank loan - you get pleasure right away, but then you still have to pay interest. Morning heavy doses of an invigorating drink can provoke anxiety, irritability, and loss of energy in the evening.


At the first stage of intoxication, a person really feels a surge of inspiration and joy, tension is relieved, and the tongue is loosened. But already at the second stage, sensitivity and reactions become dull, speech becomes slurred, and fun is replaced by attacks of sadness. The third stage provides the next morning headache, pale appearance and disgusting mood.


The anticipation of joining a social network is akin to waiting for your favorite dish to be served. Culinary associations can be traced further: an overdose of news and communication on the Internet causes the same internal slagging as overeating or addiction to fast food. So in parallel with fasting days on juices or kefir it is useful to arrange periods without social networks and news.

Let's stay positive!

Meanwhile, it is possible to come out of hibernation and fill your life with energy and positivity without any questionable things. So, go ahead!

  • Let's get up early

Even if it’s just for 30 minutes! Half an hour of lack of sleep will not harm the body, but will benefit the morning preparations. A small amount of time will allow you to do light exercises, which will help you put your thoughts in order, take your time preparing breakfast, and bring beauty. And much more! A morning without fuss and haste will give positive impulse all day.

  • Let's do something unusual

Instead of the elevator, go down the stairs; you can even walk one flight backwards. When answering the phone, chant: “With Good morning! On the way to work, wish your friends and strangers(neighbor, seller, security guard, etc.) Have a good day. And at work, give every colleague a compliment. And joy will immediately settle in your soul!

  • We are cleaning

When we are in bad mood, we are annoyed by every little thing, every mess, even a small one. Raising your vitality will help you clear away the paper debris on your desk or sort out things in your closet at home. You will see, as soon as you get rid of everything superfluous and unnecessary, life will become easier and more joyful! or just self-expression. Draw, write poetry, embroider, assemble puzzles - all creativity is welcome. Fancy something a little more energetic? Then dancing: oriental, Latin American, ballroom - even at the stove with a ladle. Anything you like lifts your spirits and gives you a sip fresh air for new thoughts and ideas.

  • Let's drive away the bad!

Negative emotions must come out - you are not a box for them. But just don’t turn them on their surroundings. Express troubles into space, if necessary, shout out. It’s easier to write - write. For example, talk through all the incidents of the day in the shower, and then, having thought about the good, immediately “distribute” gratitude to those who gave you pleasant moments of communication, helped or simply smiled back.

  • Laughing at ourselves

Treat your own shortcomings, mistakes and all kinds of failures with humor - and this, according to psychologists, will help you solve problems more easily, overcome difficulties and always be at your best. positive attitude. In addition, experts believe that people who are able to make fun of themselves are able to sensibly assess not only their shortcomings, but also their strengths; tolerate unflattering remarks and criticism more painlessly, and also have good health.

Sometimes you get up in the morning, but you have no strength, you don’t want to do anything. Apathy, the mood has disappeared, and all sorts of things are creeping into my head. bad thoughts. You are trying to look into the future and see the light at the end of the tunnel, but it is not visible. Look out the window, and the sun is not happy. What to do? This is exactly what we will talk about in our article.

Let's find the root of the problem

Why do people get depressed? Many will easily answer the question, citing a lack of money, a quarrel with their other half, failures at work, or simply internal anxiety. But if you look at it all from above, these reasons are just a consequence of one big problem.

People lose meaning in life. In a race against time, we want to get ahead of him and accomplish a lot. But everything goes wrong. Because everyday life and the current pace of life, the desire for material enrichment pushes spirituality into the background. We forget why, what we live for, what we want. Indifference appears, which drives depressive state. And only we ourselves are able to get out of it, we just need to be able to tune in to the positive.

Let's tell ourselves "stop"!

Bad thoughts and anxiety are all in our heads. You need to understand that feeling sorry for yourself and crying makes no sense, nothing will change: wages will not rise, the quarrel will not resolve itself, depression will not go away. First you need to put your thoughts in order. How to get rid of all the bad things from your head:

  1. Figure out what's bothering you. Describe on paper your fears, the reasons and the solution to how to get rid of them.
  2. Don't hide them deep in your mind. Even if you are positive, they will still come out.
  3. Nip bad thoughts in the bud by switching to good moments, think about the children, about the wonderful event in life.
  4. Don’t create horror; there’s no need to make mountains out of molehills.
  5. Find the positive in everything.

And remember that there is a way out of any situation. Positive thinking will relieve you of depression, and only then can you work on raising your mood.

How to cheer yourself up?

The first step was positive thinking. It is important to always think about the good, remember only the bright good moments from life. Write them down in a diary, re-read them, it improves emotional condition. So how do you stay positive? Adviсe:

  1. You need to appreciate what you are rich with. Look around, maybe everything is not so bad. Living in peace, having a job, healthy family and friends is already great happiness.
  2. Believe in yourself and your strength. You need to set a goal, break it down into small tasks, solve one after another, get closer to your dream, but never doubt.
  3. Use affirmation exercises. These are short installation phrases. Thoughts expressed in in a positive way, in a maximum of two sentences, write in simple and understandable words for you. Only in first person. We say it all the time. For example, “I am always happy!” Negative particles not recommended for use. With positive attitudes we program ourselves for success.
  4. Let's forget about the past. You cannot live with the failures that have occurred; they and envy must be left behind. We've learned our lesson and moved on.
  5. Visualize. Another effective exercise. Draw your dream. You can make a wish map using pictures or create a personal horoscope. Schedule your life for a certain period, what you want to achieve. Thoughts are material, dreams come true.
  6. Music will help you get into a positive mood. If bad thoughts creep into your head, turn on a rhythmic, cheerful song, and they will immediately disappear.
  7. Surround yourself positive people. Don't communicate with pessimists. Take criticism appropriately.
  8. Always praise yourself for your successes. Celebrate every small victory with a gift.

These tips will help you stay positive. These are general tips, now let’s look at the issue in more detail. Agree, everyone knows an evil morning when everything irritates you. I just want to scream. Let's talk about how to create a positive morning mood.

What is it - good morning?

To have a successful day, you need to be positive in the morning. How to do it? So, tips:

  1. First you need to get a good night's sleep (7-8 hours), healthy sleep is the key to success.
  2. There is no need to suddenly jump out of bed. Lie in bed for five minutes, stretch, sing your favorite song and get up on your right foot.
  3. Don't stuff cones in the dark. Open the curtains, open the window, breathe in a breath of fresh energy.
  4. Play your favorite music.
  5. Find a reason to be happy. These could be plans for the weekend, for example.
  6. Do morning exercises. It will give you vigor and lift your spirits.
  7. Drink a glass of water. Then take a shower.

After all this, go to the mirror and say affirmative phrases that will set you up for positivity.

Morning affirmations

How to set yourself up for positivity and good luck for the whole day? Very simple. Having thrown off the shackles of sleep, you can begin to practical exercises. It may seem stupid at first and you may not notice a change right away. But it works. And the more you put positivity, positive emotions and energy into your spoken words, the more top scores they will give.

You can make several affirmations, but repeat them every day, and you will notice how your life will improve.

Example phrases

The main thing is that they come from the heart, so that you want to say them. Think about them in advance and write them down on a piece of paper. So, you can say these words:

  • I am the most beautiful and happiest in the world!
  • I am a positive, lucky person!
  • I achieve all my goals!
  • I am healthy)!
  • I am the best specialist at work!
  • Everything works out for me!

Choose the phrases that are right for you, say them, even shout them, and secure them with a radiant smile. And watch how wings grow behind your back, you will want to fly and create.

Let's rip off the masks

What is said about a positive attitude in psychology? If you artificially put on a smile, abstract yourself from problems without solving them, nothing will change. Our thinking is determined by a number of psychological program settings that create a positive attitude.

Therefore, everyday positive psychological attitudes create positive thinking, which will attract health, luck, success, while negative programs push them away. Everything that surrounds us is the result of our perception, attitude to life, so first we need to start changing ourselves, our thinking, working with the subconscious, because that is where our thoughts are formed. Let's look at this using an example of one technique.

"Change your life in 21 days"

Its author is clergyman Will Bowen. Studying the psychology of people, he came to the conclusion that our thought process depends on what we say, how, and then affects our emotional state and actions.

This amazing method is incredibly effective. Those who wished had to put a simple bracelet on their hand purple and wear it for 21 days on one hand. But one condition had to be fulfilled: not to discuss anyone, not to get angry, not to gossip and not to complain about fate. If the rule was violated, the jewelry was put on the other wrist, and the countdown began again.

The lucky ones who reached the end of the experiment changed beyond recognition. The point is that by putting on a bracelet, you deliberately program yourself to be positive and begin to think well about people. Self-control, control over thoughts and speech are activated. Self-improvement occurs, new hidden facets of thinking and possibilities open up. We need to learn to live positively.

Now let’s share some little feminine tricks

A happy person glows from within, he succeeds in everything. What can I advise women to have a positive attitude? There are a few practical recommendations. So:

  1. Smile. The morning should begin with it. Smile at your children and husband. And your mood will immediately lift.
  2. Make the most of everything. No matter how the situation turns out, look at it from the other side.
  3. Pamper yourself. Visit beauty salons, buy yourself gifts.
  4. Movement is life. Do what you love, go to the pool, go to the gym, for example. It distracts from problems and lifts your spirits.
  5. Don't put things off. Your needs and desires must be satisfied immediately.

Following these simple tips, you can be positive. The main thing is to drive bad thoughts away from yourself. And, of course, use the affirmation method and apply autogenic training (positive attitudes) in the morning and before bed.

There is so much negativity in the world, you need to try to protect yourself from it as much as possible:

  1. Avoid watching negative television programs and horror films. All bad information settles in the subconscious, which can significantly affect our lives.
  2. Try to avoid stressful situations. They have a detrimental effect on our psyche and perception of life.
  3. Train your brain. Improve yourself, develop your memory. Firstly, it will help in making any decision, and secondly, when your head is busy thought process, there is no time left for negative thoughts.
  4. Plan. Set goals for yourself and achieve them. This way you will look for ways and incentives to achieve them and at the same time get rid of fears and uncertainty. When a person clearly knows what he wants, life is immediately filled with meaning and changes in better side, and sometimes completely, beyond recognition.

These recommendations seem complicated only at first glance. You just need to work hard, because if you sit back, grace will not fall from the sky. Only by working on yourself can you achieve success. We managed to get positive, but what to do next?

Take action!

A positive mood will help you change your life and find new ways to solve problems. The main thing is to do everything with pleasure, with desire. Enjoy life, help others, experience this positive emotions. Smile, show concern for your family and friends, don’t expect gratitude. Do it selflessly.

Once you have managed to tune in to the positive, learn to stay in this state always, and believe me, your life will change for the better.