What to do when your heart is broken. Go to the hairdresser for a new look

Today we will touch on the topic of breaking up relationships and ways to get rid of the pain of separation. We will talk about what relationships are like on subtle, deep levels, how our heart “breaks”, and why we experience such pain.

What does attachment look like on an energetic level?

Relationships are one of the most difficult aspects of life. But even more difficult than a relationship is its breakup. It is difficult to find a person who has not experienced separation, divorce or separation from a loved one. This is why it is so important to talk about broken hearts. Before we begin, we want to make it clear that a heart can be broken even before a relationship ends. In fact, many people are in relationships with a broken heart. In this case, the relationship has already ended, but inside, on a deep level.

To love someone means to become one with the person on an emotional level. This is a natural state for a person and he feels great in it. At the vibration level, we synchronize with the frequency of the source. On the contrary, to break off a relationship means to separate. And this is vibration absolutely opposite to the source. It is not presence, but absence of energy. This vibration frequency is the worst possible.

The essence of parting

All breakups are essentially betrayals. Betrayal- This violation contract or agreement. When we love someone, we are in a state of energetic agreement, an invisible contract that implies unity. When a separation occurs, be it physical or energetic, the contract is terminated. As a result, we feel betrayed. Any betrayal of an emotional agreement, be it humiliation, betrayal or criticism, is cause of alienation two people.

So why do breakups hurt so much? As has already been said, to love someone means to consider yourself one with him. In a breakup, whether you initiated it or the one who left you, you lose a part of yourself. On an emotional level, breaking up feels like an amputation, as if some important part of you is being cut off.

Very often we hate the people we broke up with. The reason for this is simple : hatreddefensive reaction in response to pain. It's kind of covering emotion. Your body activates a survival mechanism if you encounter a negative emotional experience that poses a threat to your life. The body intuitively suggests reacting in such a way that the frequency of vibrations becomes higher. In psychology, this phenomenon is sometimes called secondary emotion. We can call such emotions covering, because they protect against lower vibrations, located like ice on the surface of a frozen lake.

Hatred, covering the feeling of pain, helps people avoid those terrible emotions that arise as a result of breaking up and being separated from a loved one. Obviously, when a person feels hatred, there is a high probability that his heart will be broken. You need to work with the pain that is hidden behind hatred.

Why do we feel heartbroken?

The heart chakra is located in the center of the body and, among other things, is responsible for connection, wholeness, love and compassion. The heart chakra unites. This is why so many organs and systems in the body (for example, the circulatory system) are associated with it. These systems make the body a single whole.

When we experience a rupture similar to an amputation, what hurts the most is heart chakra and related biological systems. On a biological level, emotional and physical pain affect the same part of the brain. Many scientists agree that when a painful rupture occurs, an area of ​​the brain is stimulated, which in turn stimulates a nerve called the Vagus. It is this nerve that is responsible for the sensation of chest pain. Because of this pain, people say they literally feel like their heart is broken. As a result of loss and rupture, the chakra and biological systems responsible for communication suffer the most. Because they are the ones who bear the brunt of the blow.

Before we continue, let's touch on one more point. Although none of us want to talk about it, in relationships that are going very badly, quite often we begin to hope that our partner will die in a disaster or accident. Don't worry, many people have this thought. The reason is simple. Any break is a kind of death. In the gap, a part of us dies. And if we do not feel able to deliberately provoke such death, we hope that it will happen without our participation.

Why don't we want to take on such responsibility? We don't want guilt to be added to the feeling of loss. You lose another person, but part of you dies. The feelings of separation are partly similar to the feelings of the real death of a loved one.

Cardiac rehabilitation - first aid

After a breakup, you won’t be able to wake up one day with your heart intact. A broken heart is injury, and, as with any other injury, to become healthy again, the body must go through a healing process. You may decide to move on, but that doesn't mean you're healed. Trying to speed up the recovery process after a breakup is the same as trying to stop grieving as quickly as possible when a loved one dies.

Heartache doesn't have to last forever. The more conscious you are about the healing process, the less time it will take.

So, What do we have to do if your heart is broken? To start learn a simple rule- if the breakup happened recently and you are still in shock and grief, stop living thoughts about this day or this week. Live in thoughts about the next five minutes or hour. When life falls apart and we are left alone with a deep wound, it is important plan your life only for short moments forward. What will make me feel better in the next five minutes? What will ease my condition in the next hour? Live minute by minute and hour by hour, increasing the time periods as you heal. Now let's move on to the immediate councils.

  1. Don't distract yourself. Distracting yourself is the most common advice you receive when dealing with a breakup. He advises you to distract yourself by going on a hike, playing a game, drinking alcohol... But in this case relapse is simply inevitable. You have already lost some part of yourself, if you continue to deny yourself and neglect yourself (which is what happens when you try to distract yourself) you will only make it worse your injury. The feeling of heartbreak is overwhelming let him be present in your life. Sometimes, to get out of the forest, you need to head deep into the forest. Understand that by getting closer and building relationships based on affection, you are trying to replenish those parts of yourself that you once lost.

    To some extent, being in a relationship with another person makes you feel more complete. You need to try independently reconstruct yourself. Turn your attention inward. Don't be afraid of addiction. Our whole world consists of mutual dependencies; they do not cause pain, but independence does. On the other hand, autonomy is a feeling of internal integrity. If you feel like a complete person, you don't need to get close to others to fill in the gaps. But to become autonomous, you need to learn trust yourself. You need to take steps to build trust with yourself and, as a result, autonomy. Worst thing you can do at the stage when your heart is broken - immediately dive into new relationships based on attachment. This is especially true if a romantic relationship breaks down. Immediately starting a new relationship, you're only making the injury worse, which we received in the previous ones.

  2. Take a step towards becoming a complete person. Part of the path to self-sufficiency is returning to yourself, finding yourself. Who am I? What do I want? What I need? How do I want to change my life? Remember those periods of your life when you were happy on your own. What were you doing then? Bring it back into your life.

    Often, after a breakup, you return to the starting point, from where you start moving in a completely different direction. Your priorities have shifted. To you you need to remember who you are, and find yourself again. Even those who initiate a breakup go through periods of such lostness and loneliness.

    Start your life again. You can move to another city, find a new job, in short, start from scratch. Or you can simply rearrange the furniture in your home or make renovations. You can start cooking new dishes or change something in your appearance. Changes will remind you of how intense the pain of loss is. Don't be afraid to let go of reminders of the past. This may be scary for you because you don't want to lose touch with your loved one even more. But tell yourself that you don't burn these reminders, unless of course you literally have to do that to let go. You simply remove such items from your sight; you can return to them at any time. Or throw it away if you're ready.

    Treat your negative beliefs as if they were the result of pain. These are beliefs like “I can never trust anyone again” or “I’m not good at relationships.” What hurts us the most are beliefs that contain the word "must" . When a relationship fails, we think it shouldn't have happened. We must be with this person for the rest of our lives. If we think something should happen and it doesn't happen, it the path to emotional disaster.

    Ask yourself about the reasons for what happened. Many people on the contrary will advise you to avoid such analysis, because it will cause you even more pain, but this is not entirely true. It is very important to understand the causes of events; this understanding will free us. It is also very important to understand what happened so that you do not repeat the same mistakes in the future. Always be aware that there is something more meaningful in the world. It is very important to practice a mindful approach. Even if we claim that we do not understand the reasons for the events that occurred, we almost always feel them. We just don't admit it because it will hurt.

    People come into our lives and leave it for a reason. We may think that the purpose of having this person in our life was a romantic relationship, but in reality the purpose is completely different. Try to think that the person came into your life to give you a piece of the puzzle. Try to understand exactly what piece you received from him.

    A broken-hearted person likes to think that the world is against him. Try to focus on all the good things that happened to you in this relationship. This is a great way to get rid of the belief that they have brought you nothing but pain.

  3. Try to understand WHAT is good and right in you. When we go through a breakup, our self-esteem suffers greatly. We begin to think that there is something wrong with us. We begin to convince ourselves that if we were okay, this wouldn't happen. Focus on your strengths and positive aspects. If you find it difficult to create such a list, ask your friends for help. Then try to understand how each of the qualities helps us in life or can be useful to someone who wants to create a relationship with us.

    Feel support and connection with other people. Be in a social circle. A breakup is a very painful experience because it is a loss of connection. Obviously, if you start communicating with other people, you won't feel the loss so much. Now is a great time to work on getting energy. This will help you feel less alone, so you will have less to worry about. Perhaps your pain will prevent you from getting close to people. But intimacy will help you because you are suffering from lack of intimacy. The presence of other people will improve your condition.

    Think about the best case scenario. When you're going through a breakup, you tend to think only about the worst possible scenarios because it feels like your life is falling apart. Instead, think about the best-case scenario for the coming year. What will you do, who will you be with, what new things will appear in your life. This is how you need to learn to think. In reality, a gap may close one door but open another. Perhaps this new door that has opened will lead you to exactly what you have always wanted.

    Allow yourself to cry if you want. Cry– detoxification of painful emotional energy. Suppression is the opposite of cure. You may feel awkward if you cry, but it is important for you to transcend social beliefs and give vent to emotions.

    Relax your body. Relaxing the body relaxes the mind and vice versa. This is a dual traffic street. We can use this principle to our advantage because often during the breakup process we cannot relax our minds, no matter how hard we try. Instead, try relaxing your body. Do your best to bring peace to your body. Play a song that makes you feel better. Get a massage. Do yoga or other sports. Draw. Do breathing exercises. Take a bath with salt. Do whatever allows your body to relax.

    Meditate daily. Meditation allows us to free our thoughts so that thoughts can stop running. This gives incredible relief. This is important during the breakup process. Meditation also allows us to connect with the source of energy, with the spiritual realms. This gives us a broader perspective, which is extremely necessary to survive painful experiences. Also during meditation we enter a state of allowing, which heals.

    Keep a gratitude or positive journal. After the breakup, we see the world in black. We don't see the positive and can only focus on the negative. We're losing control. The best thing you can do, especially right after you wake up and just before you go to bed, is to force yourself to fill a page with things you're grateful for or just enjoy.

    When you feel emotional pain, It's better to think in small categories. Let's be honest - some global things are not working out for you right now. Instead, focus on the pleasant little things. Don't be cunning and write down only those things that really lift your mood, and not those that theoretically should lift it. If you keep a diary before bed, you will sleep better and wake up with the same vibrations with which you fell asleep. If you journal in the morning, you set the mood for the whole day. This is especially important if your heart is broken. A traumatized person wakes up, and the realization of what happened hits him like a blow to the head. Therefore, all day long a person will try to survive rather than live.

    Learn to love yourself. When a well-wisher comes up to you during a difficult period and says: “Love yourself,” it infuriates you, because between the lines you hear: “You will be alone for the rest of your days.” But here we mean something else. This world is ruled by law of attraction. The world is a big mirror.

    All our vibrations are reflected by the Universe. The more love we direct towards ourselves, the more love we receive from other people.

    Self-deprecation– the next stage after self-hatred. If you love yourself, you cannot hurt yourself. Often people with a broken heart manage to hurt themselves even more.

    Allow yourself to close the topic. Try to understand what is stopping you from doing this and moving on. Maybe you feel the need to apologize. Maybe you want to ask why your partner did this to you. Maybe you want to know how to avoid similar mistakes in the future. Maybe you need to throw away old things. Maybe you need to have a symbolic ceremony. Allow yourself to close the topic as you feel necessary.

    Find a therapy that suits you.

    These days you have a lot to choose from, there are even special techniques that allow a person to get out of a crisis, which follows a breakup. If you have lost touch with a loved one or the relationship has broken down, it does not matter whether you have formally separated or not, a therapist can become the closest person to you for a period of time. That's why therapy so healing. If we need help, we should be able to get it. A breakup is exactly the situation in which a person needs help. Allow yourself to regret the loss. People who are stuck in past relationships tend to suppress sorrowful feelings within.

    In reality, we are all made of the same energy. We are all part of a single energy field. Therefore, we cannot lose anything or anyone. We can create the illusion of loss. Nothing comes and nothing goes from this world. You cannot lose what you are connected to from within.

    The pain is temporary. But when you feel it, you are not aware of it. But your pain is like a crying child. Treat her accordingly. Pain is not trying to hurt you. She herself is wounded and calls for help.

“Time, of course, will not erase him from your memory, but his image there will no longer be so beautiful.” Christina, 28 years old

“Pain cannot last forever. One day you just realize that she’s gone.” Casey, 27 years old

“Don’t let people come back into your life so easily, letting them into your heart again. A truly loving person would not have left in the first place.” Hannah, 25 years old

"He may leave, but you don't have to wait for him to return." Katerina, 26 years old

“You are worthy of love. And don’t let any asshole convince you otherwise.” Natalia, 25 years old

“Understand who you were before him and who you will become after him. You will grow up, start all over again, blossom and understand that this page of your life, of course, defines you, but it is not the last.” Madison, 28 years old

“Pain cannot be avoided; it is the natural accompaniment of a broken heart. But it is this experience that will help you know yourself better.” Amy, 27 years old

“You have the right to feel pain, even if your feelings were never reciprocated.” Analisa, 26 years old

“Don’t forget that there is no ‘one and only’. If we had only one shot at happiness, we would all have been stroking our personal arctic foxes long ago. Don't think he's the only one you can love when you're only 22. There will be someone else. There will always be someone.” Megan, 27 years old

“No matter what you think now, he is not the only person who can give you these feelings.” Beatrice, 27 years old

“The consequences of a breakup sometimes take longer to deal with than the relationship itself lasted, but I promise that this too will end. I promise that you will still be happy." Rachel, 29 years old

“There will be a better relationship in your future and someone who truly deserves you. You just have to pull yourself together and let go of the past.” Hayley, 28 years old

“Don’t compare yourself to his new girls. You're not them, no comparison will change you, and thank God, because you're fucking gorgeous." Ava, 30 years old

“One day you will understand that it was his departure that led you to true happiness.” Grace, 27 years old

“There are so many things you would like to say to him now, but then you will realize that nothing you say will change him or the way he treated you.” Alison, 26 years old

“The earth still revolves around the sun, so...” Penny, 26

“It took you exactly 58 days to get over this! And it wasn’t that cool with him! Pfft." Claire, 25 years old

“Don't waste money just because you're bored. Better sleep." Morgan, 25 years old

“Some mornings you will feel like everything reminds you of him and that you will never be able to get over it. But you can. Days will pass and you will wake up without thoughts of him in your head.” Dana, 26 years old

“Value your time, don’t waste your time on people who don’t deserve it. You cannot change a person, even if it seems to you that it would be for the better. Loving a person despite how he treats you is a sign of weakness, not strength.” Kay, 24 years old

“If he didn’t love you the way you deserve, then you really are better off without him.” Paula, 29 years old

“Just because you started sleeping with other people doesn't mean you've let go of the past. This doesn’t prove anything to others either.” Nessa, 30 years old

“There is no specific time it takes to get over a breakup. Just don't think about it." Joe, 28 years old

“Don’t forget to eat before you finish that bottle of wine, otherwise your toilet will be in trouble and you’ll probably never get your deposit back.” Stacy, 27 years old

“Don't stop just because something went wrong. Smile, breathe, laugh, cry, just live.” Rene, 30 years old

“Sex with random people won’t help you forget him, but it will make you feel more lonely.” Bree, 24 years old

“Believe when they tell you that everything will be fine. Because that's how it will be." Jess, 27 years old

“You won’t understand what it means to “let go” until you actually do it. In other words, don't let him keep you stuck in the past. Step over it." Chloe, 27 years old

"We are all humans. It's normal to experience bad emotions. Even when it feels like your heart is being torn to pieces.” Olivia, 26 years old

“Not all people with the same name are ugly. They just have the same name as that freak who hurt you.” Emily, 24 years old

“No matter how you try to distract yourself with work, you will still get hurt. And that's okay." Laney, 27 years old

“As much as it hurts to hear him say you deserve better, he’s right.” Nadiya, 25

A broken heart is a difficult but necessary experience. We are growing with this. We learn to survive this way. It also means that life goes on.

There is probably not a single person in the world whose heart has not been broken. But you know, it makes us stronger. Of course, when your heart is broken, no one thinks that way. The pain of parting kills all feelings, causing only the desire to go back to the moment the breakup occurred. Bring back everything that was good between both of them.

But life goes on as usual, and over time, feelings of regret and hatred go away. It gets easier. And better. And you can even thank someone you couldn’t imagine life without before for the experience you’ve had. A broken heart is a difficult but necessary experience. We are growing with this. We learn to survive this way. It also means that life goes on.

Sometimes we become so focused on sadness and loneliness, which are essential to difficult times, that we forget to say thank you for who we have become: better, stronger, more confident.

5 reasons to be grateful

1. For the lesson that life goes on

When your heart is broken into a million pieces by someone you trusted, your world falls apart. Everything freezes, you are plunged into darkness and loneliness. Days, months, even years pass, and you realize that time does not stand still. You go to bed, wake up - a new day begins. With each new day, you begin to become more and more the person you were before you met the person to whom you gave your heart.

A broken heart teaches you that life doesn't have to stop just because you're hurt. Your friends are always there for you, your family is always there for you. And there are still so many different days ahead.

2. For becoming stronger

A broken heart is an emotional state, but we feel it physically. Do you agree? It feels like someone actually ripped our heart out of our chest and smashed it against the wall. You feel empty on the inside, but on the outside you are surrounded by reminders of how happy you were. This is a kind of manifestation of weakness that takes over you completely. It's like darkness has swallowed you up and you can't see a way out. Then something changes, and the way out appears on its own. And in this magical, wonderful moment you realize that you are a damn strong person. One person cannot destroy you. You are strong enough to take all this bitterness and deal with it.

3. For the lesson that you will still meet the love of your life

What hurts most when your heart is broken? The feeling that “the one and only” person has left. The realization that what is sung about in songs and what films are made about has slipped out of our hands. And the fear that this will never happen again. The last thing you expect is to meet anyone else. But it happens. And then you realize that while you considered that person “the one,” there was another person who was waiting for you somewhere along the path of life, and he is now the “one.”

4. For raising your bar higher

Love is patience. Love is kindness. Love is absolutely blind. So blind that you can close your eyes to betrayals, scandals, insults - after all, it’s all out of love. Love can be so blind that it plunges everything into darkness. But when you no longer love a person, you see the light. You see your relationship exactly as it really was. It is not necessary that you were cheated on or humiliated, but from the outside it becomes clearer what was missing in this relationship.

Now you know exactly what you deserve. You have learned this. And this time your “love vision” will not let you down.

5. For the time you spent together

A broken heart is the result of true love. This is difficult to accept, especially when the soul is still torn from pain and sadness. But when the emotions subside and the pain dulls, that love will become so distant for you that it will be difficult to believe in its reality. It's like an unpleasant dream that you sometimes remember for unknown reasons.

But that was all. And there is a person who broke your heart. For this I thank him. published

After breaking up with your soulmate, a person is left with only a broken heart. What to do in this situation and how to find a way out of it? Psychologists answer these and other questions. They also give advice on how to stop blaming yourself for everything.

When a person's heart is broken, he feels humiliated and insulted. Many people cannot cope with their feelings and fall into severe depression.

Psychologists consider it very important to get out of this situation with dignity and learn to learn from the mistakes you have made. The first thing you need to do is try to calm down and stop being sad, blaming yourself for everything, or hating your ex-other half. As a rule, this does not lead to anything good.

In order to quickly return to normal life, a person needs someone to be constantly nearby. You shouldn't sit alone and suffer. You can move in with relatives for a while or just see friends more often. Loneliness and boredom provoke the onset of depression. In this case, you can simply go somewhere to relax, change the environment, and take a break from everyday affairs. You can take a vacation from work and visit an inexpensive resort on a last-minute package. Experts assure that a change of environment is the best medicine. It’s better to go on vacation not by yourself, but with a loved one. This could be one of your relatives, or a friend or girlfriend.

Don't try to pretend that nothing bad happened. Sometimes it can be very useful to talk things out. Immediately after a breakup, you shouldn’t look for someone to blame at all. Later, when feelings have cooled down a little, you need to try to adequately assess your behavior and the behavior of your former significant other. Perhaps both sides are to blame in this situation. Experts say that, most often, this is exactly what happens. People break up because they are completely unsuitable for each other.

Sometimes a person may not even suspect that he himself provoked his lover to betrayal. The reason for this may be an incorrect attitude towards a partner, mistakes made during communication.

After parting, it is important to analyze this and understand what both participants in the union were wrong about. This will allow a person to look more optimistically into the future. After all, now he can be sure that if he does not repeat his mistake, nothing like this will happen to him again.

The first time after the collapse of a relationship, you must definitely find something you like. It may be a hobby that a person has been doing for a long time, but it is better to discover something new. By doing something interesting, a person will have the opportunity to forget about his problems for a while. In addition, new interests will attract new acquaintances into his life. You should not immediately try to build a relationship with someone if you feel that old feelings have not yet cooled down. This will only bring pain and disappointment. At first, it’s better to just communicate with people of the opposite sex. Everything must develop gradually.

Don't blame your ex for everything. It is better to try to understand the person and forgive him, thus letting go of the unpleasant situation. This will help you enter a new life without anger towards the whole world. To make it easier to cope with a breakup, you can seek advice from a psychologist. In most cases this helps a lot. Don't think that life ends here. You should take what happened as a good life lesson, and think that true love awaits ahead, which will not end so sadly.

When asked how to live with a broken heart, psychologists unequivocally answer that a person needs to abstract himself from his problem and start life anew. At the same time, you should definitely take into account all the mistakes made in the past so as not to repeat them again.

When a person gets his heart broken, he doesn’t need to blame himself or, conversely, his ex-other half for everything. This will only lead to low self-esteem or anger towards all members of the opposite sex. You just need to enter into a new life, but at the same time take into account all the mistakes made in the past.

Recovering from a breakup is very difficult, as negative emotions can overwhelm you. You can literally force yourself to get out of bed and do your daily activities. You will be able to recover faster if you take care of yourself and also enlist the support of friends and family. In addition, you can get professional help from a psychotherapist. Also work on letting go of your past relationships. Thanks to this, you can move on.


Let go of the relationship

  1. Avoid contact with your ex-partner. Give yourself the time and space you need to recover from a breakup. Don't call or text your ex. Unfriend him on social networks.

    • Tell your ex-partner that you don't want to talk to him for a while. You can say: “I need time for myself. I will be very grateful to you if you do not try to contact me. I need time to understand myself.”
  2. Get rid of things that remind you of your ex-partner. Don't keep things that belong to your ex or remind you of him. If you want to deal with painful feelings, you need to get rid of things that make you remember the person you broke up with.

    • Ask your ex-partner to pick up his things. When he comes, you can ask your friend to give these things to your ex.
  3. Consider starting a new relationship. Although many people don't even allow themselves to think about starting a new relationship, it can actually help cope with painful feelings. Communication with a person of the opposite sex helps to forget your ex-partner. In addition, a new relationship makes you feel more desirable. Moreover, when meeting a new partner, you will feel more independent and calm.

    • You can ask your friends and family to introduce you to a suitable person. You can also meet online.
  4. Wait until you are sure you are ready for a new relationship. If you feel like you're not ready for a relationship, take your time. Instead, focus all your attention and energy on taking care of yourself and spending time with good friends and family members. Develop as a person. When you're ready, try building a new relationship.

    • Be prepared for the fact that it will take time to recover from a breakup. It will be difficult for you to immediately build new relationships. Be patient and do not demand quick mental healing from yourself.

    Take care of yourself

    1. Keep a diary in which you write down your thoughts and feelings. Journaling is a great opportunity to pour out your heart. Write what you think. There is no need to correct what you have written. Just free yourself from the thoughts and feelings that burden you. Thanks to this, you will be able to recover faster and put your feelings and emotions in order.

      • You may want to consider the following questions: “What were the problems in our relationship?” “How did I know the relationship was over?” “How do I feel now?”
    2. Take up a hobby. Maybe you like to draw or read. Perhaps you enjoy playing sports or knitting. Instead of letting negative thoughts destroy you from the inside, spend your time doing what you enjoy. This will help you relax and focus on the present instead of constantly reminiscing.

      • Take classes that teach you something you enjoy, such as knitting or painting. Or join a sports team, such as a soccer or volleyball team, if you like sports.
    3. Make time to exercise every day. Exercise can help you cope with difficult feelings after a breakup. Take some time in the morning to jog. Also, devote 30 minutes to exercise every day. If you have the opportunity, visit a fitness club several times a week.

      • If you find it difficult to exercise on your own, invite a friend to join you. This will make it easier for you to stay motivated. You can also encourage a friend to go for a morning jog.
    4. Practice deep breathing techniques. If you're feeling anxious or stressed, start practicing deep breathing techniques to help you calm down and relax. Find a quiet, private place where no one will distract you. Breathe in and out slowly for several minutes.

      • You can also attend classes where you can learn how to perform such exercises correctly. This will keep you calm.
      • Typically, deep breathing techniques are practiced in yoga classes. Practice yoga with slow movements that promote relaxation.
    5. Repeat positive affirmations. Positive affirmations help you have a positive outlook on life, even when you feel upset or depressed. Try saying positive affirmations in the morning after sleep or in the evening before going to bed. Repeat affirmations that will help you feel strong.

      • For example, you can repeat: “I’m fine” or “I’m strong.” You can also repeat the following affirmation: “I will get through this” or “I am above this situation.”
    6. Avoid behavior that can cause harm. As a rule, after a breakup, a person experiences deep emotional pain. Some, being in this state, begin to do things that threaten their health and even life. Try not to do anything that could harm your physical or mental health. Resist the temptation to take drugs or drink alcohol to ease your emotional pain. Also, do your best to avoid seeing your ex and avoid isolating yourself from others. By such actions you destroy your personality.

      • If you have a desire to harm yourself in any way, contact a relative or friend. Do an activity you enjoy or write down your thoughts and feelings in a journal.
      • Get help immediately if you have thoughts of physically harming yourself.