How to develop intuition: five effective exercises. How to develop intuition

Amazing stories about how one moment brought a person closer to success or saved a life are amazing. The unusual and spontaneous decisions made by people in a particular situation were based on a mysterious inner feeling. No one could really explain what this sensation was. “At one moment I felt something terrible and did not get on the minibus,” say those who managed to avoid the accident.

Outstanding people often attribute their luck to their ability to be in the right place at the right time. They seem to feel where to go, what to choose, etc.

Scientists simply call this phenomenon of “luck” intuition. Moreover, they believe that intuition is the result of the work of the brain, and every person has the power to develop it.

How to develop intuition - 7 simple ways?

From the point of view of science and psychology, intuition is the opposite of reflection. From this we can conclude that in order to develop intuition, you need to learn to relax and not concentrate on exciting problems. The following exercises will help you with this:

  1. Write down everything that worries you on separate sheets of paper. That is, one sheet - one problem. On other cards, indicate solutions to existing problems in the same way. Turn over and shuffle the cards in each group. Take cards from each deck one by one, relying on your intuition. Funny and ridiculous results will amuse you and distract your attention.

    Sit down, turn on soulful music, pick up pebbles or other objects and count them out loud. Try to focus on the process itself.

  2. When communicating with a person, listen to his mood, track his emotions, embarrassment and insincerity. This method perfectly develops the subconscious and the ability to feel “here and now.”
  3. Keep a journal dedicated to glimpses of your sixth sense. Record the prompts from your inner voice and their results. For example, in the morning you felt that it was better to walk than to crowd into a stuffy bus. Trusting your intuition, you chose to take a walk. What happened in the end? Are you satisfied with your choice?
  4. Take one day, preferably a day off, and live it following fleeting sensations. At first you will doubt and feel uncomfortable, but then you will understand that the first stage of developing intuition has already been completed. Don't be afraid, what if this day turns out to be the best day of your life?
  5. Intuition develops faster in those who are in harmony with themselves and the world around them. Think about what kind of person you are, what you want, how others treat you, etc. You must have a clear understanding of yourself and your relationships with loved ones, colleagues and friends.
  6. When making decisions, try to ask yourself questions in an affirmative and specific form. For example, instead of asking: “Should I go to a meeting or not?”, you need to ask: “Should I go to a meeting?”
  7. As you know, the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for processing non-verbal information, the ability to fantasize and daydream. Therefore, to strengthen intuition, it is this that should be developed. There are many exercises for this purpose, such as practicing writing with your left hand.

Trust your intuition, but don't forget your reason. How did you learn to understand people and develop your inner sense in the form of intuition?

Greetings to all. If your intuition has helped you out in life more than once, then you know how great it is. But how to develop intuition on your own? Did you know that you can develop your sixth sense in the same way as building your biceps? No? But in fact, this is exactly the case - it is quite possible to learn to develop your inner voice, and it is worth doing this without delay.

Sixth or seventh sense?

Intuition is a premonition or the inner voice of a person that can tell him what to do, or, conversely, what not to do. Socrates, G. Ford, Mozart, Edison and other great people turned to the inner voice.

Learn to listen to yourself. You can even write down your premonitions, your dreams. Then analyze which feeling or premonition came true, and which dream turned out to be prophetic.

When you train your intuition, do not argue with it, but agree, and then analyze.

We must use our hidden abilities. What are we doing? As soon as our intuition begins to tell us the right decision, we immediately begin to think logically. Intuition is often similar to fears. If there are reasons for fear, then reason tells you: check again, isn’t it dangerous?

Be confident that your subconscious will find exactly the answers to the specific question you need and that you yourself have powerful clairvoyance. And think that now your subconscious will tell you the correct answer.

Exercises to train your intuition

To train your sixth sense, you also need to do some exercises.

Exercise 1: Psychodar

To complete it, you will need some goal, some object. Stand up with your arm and index finger extended. Try to feel your target: how far is it located, what vibrations come from it.

After making contact, close your eyes and spin around yourself. When you stop, feel in which direction and how far from you this object is.

Did you feel it? Open your eyes, see if it's right. If you made a mistake, then try to understand why it happened, what prevented it. Do the exercise a few more times.

Train your psychoradar until you can “see” objects with your eyes closed. After this, do housework with your eyes closed, first for 5 minutes, then longer.

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Exercise 2: Question and Answer

Write any question on a piece of paper using the hand you always write with. Then, take another pen and write down the answer.

By performing the exercise with the wrong hand, you include your mind in the work, that is, you give free rein to your intuition. This means that the answer to the question will be made according to intuition, that is, truthful.

Note: Try starting sentences with your working hand and finishing them with your other hand. For example, “I drink milk because...”, etc. These exercises will not only help develop the gift, but even help in the fight against excess weight.

Exercise 3: Traffic light

Draw a traffic light on paper, attach the picture in the center of the wall, and sit in front of it. Give each color a designation:

  • Red - Stop! It's not safe ahead.
  • Yellow – Attention!
  • Green - Go! The path is cleared.

The task is this: you need to “light” all the lights of the traffic light, while imagining how they light up. Remember how emotions are “turned on” from these actions.

Then we will learn to “turn on” the green light. First, ask yourself questions that you know you can answer correctly. (Husband's birthday, your name, etc.) Green is confidence, serenity, true certainty. If the green light turns on, it means everything is fine, you have chosen the right decision.

Then we go to the yellow light. Feel the tension, remember all the impressions you have with this color. Most often, the color yellow warns that there is already danger ahead, and caution will not hurt.

Let's go to the red light. Try to sense the danger or lack of result. You should certainly have the conviction that nothing can be done yet.

First, give the lights 10 minutes each. Then speed up the switching speed, increase the variety of colors, and present more possibilities. Along with switching the lights, try to learn how to change your state and manage your feelings.

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Exercise 4: Alphabet

You need to train every day.

How to do? At first it is better to do the exercise while standing, then try sitting. We record how many seconds we perform the exercise to see progress every day.

Say the letter out loud (for example A), next to the letter there is a red letter P, which means we raise our right arm and left leg up (at the level of the elbow and knee, no need to go high). Then say B and raise your left arm and right leg,... raise the letter G with both arms and stand on your tiptoes. If you make a mistake, you need to repeat the letter. This is such a simple game, but the results are incredible!

The point is this: there are neural connections between the right and left hemispheres (there are approximately 100 billion of them at human birth). They are intended for clear expression of their thoughts, quick response in non-standard situations (which include situations of interaction).

A well-functioning, trained brain is the key to quick and accurate decision-making, the ability to persuade, influence, and interact effectively. Do you ever have such cases: watching TV, you realize that you know this actor, but you can’t say his name out loud...

Or vice versa, you read a paragraph of the technological instructions, move on to the second and realize that you didn’t remember the first, you have to re-read it again. This happens to everyone, because neural loops arise in both the right and left hemispheres.

How to put it into practice

Start with the simplest, for example, choosing shoes for an evening out. Imagine alternately wearing black and orange shoes. When you combine a dress with orange shoes, a red light will light up, and as soon as you imagine black shoes, a green light should light up. If the light turns green, it means your choice is correct.

  • Acting intuitively, try to write a recipe for a dish by its name, then compare it with the real recipe. When you receive a phone call, try to guess who called.
  • Ask yourself questions and answer them yourself, quickly change your state, that is, quickly concentrate and relax easily.
  • Flip a coin and guess what will come up: “heads” or “tails”. After the 200th toss, your accuracy will noticeably improve.
  • When communicating with any person, try to guess his emotions. “Read People” is a very effective exercise for developing intuition. Tune in to the feelings and thoughts of the object, try to recognize them. This skill can serve you well in the future.
  • Imagine any event that should happen to you throughout the day, for example, what your boss will look like when you give him a completed, very difficult task. Imagine everything down to the smallest detail, do not miss even the tiniest details.

Ask yourself questions: why, who, when, how. Remember - the correct answer is already “sitting” inside you. Develop your intuition to become the kind of wizard who makes only the right decisions!

There are ways to learn to see whatever you want. How to do it? First, relax, it is better to do this before going to bed.

Close your eyes and begin to look at your eyelids from the inside. You will see unclear, black and white pictures, but this is only at first. Then clear color images will appear.

Do this exercise every day, gradually the outlines will take on clear forms. The energy will flow to the brain and begin to awaken the nerve endings that are responsible for clairvoyance.

Ask questions to your subconscious. After daily training in a relaxed, calm state, you will learn to find answers to your questions. This technique should be trained daily for 15 minutes.

After a certain time, you will enter this state in a matter of minutes and find answers to questions.

“To have a presentiment is more than to know.”

Alexandr Duma

Development of intuition

The development of intuition is quite an interesting thing. Many people want to look beyond the boundaries, learn what is inaccessible to others, and develop the ability to foresee the course of events.

There are many variants of the meaning of this word in dictionaries. Some argue that this is the ability to see the essence of objects, others insist that this is from the Latin look ( intuitus), others saw the origin of this word from the same Latin intueri- look closely, carefully.

Personally, I prefer our native word - CHUYKA. Short, clear, and everything is clear. Not just to feel, but deeper - SMELL progress of processes development. Here a more subtle, deeper analysis is obtained, additional possibilities of human perception are included.

The only small thing that remains is to find out how you can develop intuition, and what you need to realize for this matter.

Development of intuition - theory

Everything, as usual, in any business there are two extremes. So it is with intuition. One extreme is LOGICS, the perception of events through the work of the mind, analysis, argumentation and calculation. The second extreme is SENSORY PERCEPTION, so to speak, what our heart suggested, we choose.

Logic alone won't get you far. There are so many examples of how coherent, logical, reasoned schemes fell apart before our eyes. Everything seems to be calculated, everything is weighed, but no, something happens that does not fall within any logical framework, and events radically change their vector. A good example of this situation can be seen in the movie "Citadel". If you wish, you can read the article about.

But even without logic, just feeling alone produces far from the best results. Especially in our difficult times. The flow of information is enormous, the manipulations are powerful, in any case, you must be able to correctly formulate your position and your participation in public life. It’s good in the forest, peace and quiet, everything is according to the Laws of Nature, but in a modern city not everything is so simple.

The conclusion suggests itself. To develop intuition, it is advisable to learn, at the right moment, to turn off logical perception and turn on that very sense that we talked about above.

It’s just not advisable to develop a contemptuous attitude towards logic within yourself. This is not the most correct approach. shows the proportions at which harmonious processes are obtained. It is advisable to adhere to them. When necessary, we increase the share of logic, when necessary, we add sensuality. Then it will be possible to talk about a universal approach.

Exercises to train your intuition

You understand, in any business, the best trainer is life itself. So it is with intuition. Life constantly asks us to make choices. Gradually, over time, the so-called experience is formed, which brings some individuals to a very decent level.

But experience is a rather lengthy process, so I would like to somehow optimize and speed up the situation with the development of intuition.

Here, again, everything is quite simple. Since experience is formed through choice, it means that the interval between choices needs to be made smaller. Less is better.

For this there is an old, proven exercise with a deck of cards. It’s simple to do and doesn’t require anything other than the deck itself.

Take a deck and place it face down in front of you. We look at the top card and try to predict what color this card is. There are only two options, either black or red. We thought about it, announced the forecast, opened the map, checked it. Correct answers are put aside in one direction, incorrect ones in the other. And so on for the entire deck.

With regular practice and the right approach, the pile of correct answers will constantly grow. The finale, you understand, comes when there are no cards left in the pile with incorrect answers.

You can make it more difficult by guessing the suits; there are four options to choose from.

Intuition training with Zener cards

This exercise is more difficult, but you don’t need any additional purchases, just a computer and your time. And you have to choose from seven options.

I found an electronic version of Zener cards online, so you can start training right now.

  • Select the desired language for work.
  • Press the button Begin.
  • We select the card that, in your opinion, will be correct and immediately see the result of the forecast.
  • After 25 attempts, you will be asked to pause and admire the overall result of your work.
  • To repeat the exercise, click on the underlying card with the author’s copyright and continue working.

Zener cards for developing intuition online

The main goal of all these exercises to develop intuition is to learn to distinguish between signals from the mind and heart. Over time, and with some persistence, you will be able to develop a stable skill and learn to see a clear difference in these signals.

It is also very good to observe how internal fears work. If the fear of error appears, it makes sense to look for ways to neutralize it. It is advisable to honestly answer the question of why these fears appear. And so on.

The main thing is not to overdo it. Don't rush, don't fuss. Treat this matter as an interesting game. Over time, the result will definitely come and you will be happy to notice the new quality of your intuition.

Phone call - you can know in advance when and who will call. Doorbell - you can be aware of the identity and time of the visit, and so on. Good skills that will be useful in life. The only thing I recommend is not to use these skills to violate the Laws; the payback is, as a rule, quite unexpected, and far from the most pleasant.

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Inner instinct exists, but its voice can be very quiet. and the clues are unclear. It is possible to develop the ability to understand the sixth sense. Intuition is not a paranormal phenomenon from fantasy films, it is the ability to extract knowledge from the “bins” of memory.

Intuition is called the sixth sense, the inner voice, instinct, thinking without thinking. It seems to us that it arises spontaneously, without reasoning or conclusions - we just feel with our skin what to expect from another person or how to act. Some see mysticism and paranormal phenomena in intuition.

The American sociologist Herbert Simon disagreed with those who attributed supernatural properties to intuition, and defined it as follows: “The situation gave a clue, the clue gave the expert access to information stored in memory, and the information gave the answer. Intuition is nothing more than recognition."

Intuition is especially developed in people with imaginative and scenario thinking (thinking in images and actions) and in people who have the ability to feel the inner state of another person.

All people have intuition to varying degrees. This has probably happened to everyone: the phone rings, and we almost unmistakably guess who it is. We just thought about someone, and he comes towards us. There are also such stories: a feeling of anxiety that comes from out of nowhere forces a person waiting for a bus to take a step forward - and suddenly a huge icicle falls from the roof onto the place where he had just been standing. “Intuition,” we say.

In such a case, mathematicians would remember the theory of probability. Princess Diana of Wales said that no one can dictate to her how to behave, because her best adviser is instinct. However, he let her down: Diana died in a car accident in a Paris tunnel. “The whim of chance rules the world,” said the ancient Roman philosopher Sallust.

So can you rely on intuition or not? Many successful people - founders of large businesses, owners of large capital - stated that intuition helped them make the final decision on important issues.

Japanese businessman and business guru K. Matsushita wrote in his book The Mission of Business that he has “always relied on intuition to one degree or another.”

Bo Burlingham, editor-in-chief of a business magazine, also noted in the book Great Not Big: “I relied on intuition as much as rational analysis.”

The famous American financier, investor and trader George Soros said that he traded intuitively, and specific back pain helped him make decisions. He wrote about this in his autobiography: “I rely a lot on animal instincts. ... I considered the attack of acute pain a signal that something was wrong in my investment portfolio ... ".

Trader Curtis Feis wrote a book called Trading with Intuition, where he noted, “Your intuition is only as good as what you train it,” and “to get better results, you should constantly train your intuition.”

Does this mean that only those who have developed or trained it can trust their intuition? Without a doubt. Others shouldn't rely on it too much. The correctness of intuition largely depends on a person’s mood and on his ability not to succumb to illusions.

Once upon a time, intuition told people watching the Sun move across the sky throughout the day that it was the Sun that revolved around the Earth. In accordance with their intuition, they believed that feelings originate in the heart because its beating accelerates under the influence of emotions. They were let down by a lack of practical knowledge, because it is now known that it is the brain that gives the command to produce hormones that excite the nerve centers.

It is dangerous to completely trust your intuition without experience and knowledge, because it may turn out to be false or “unprepared.” Someone noted that thanks to intuition we can avoid troubles, but thanks to it we can also get into them.

How to train your intuition

1. Let's become professionals

Intuition has a rational explanation. For example, in 2005, the final match of the Champions League between Milan and Liverpool took place in Istanbul. It would later be named among the greatest matches in football history. In a tense game, the Liverpool team won, and their victory was largely due to the Polish goalkeeper, who parried difficult shots in the penalty shootout.

What told him where the ball would fly, in which direction he should throw? Intuition? Of course, but intuition based on experience. In a split second, his brain did the greatest job, considering several options and choosing the only correct one.

Another example: a painting appraiser must determine whether it is an original or a copy. They assure him that it is original, but he has a strange feeling that it is not so. The painting is sent to a laboratory, where the appraiser's doubts are confirmed - it is a fake. The evaluator was an expert in his field, so his intuition told him what the laboratory needed time to do.

It is unlikely that in these cases intuition would work for novice football players or art academy students who do not have knowledge and experience.

Curtis Face's book Trading with Intuition tells the story of American billionaire entrepreneur John Templeton, who is described by one publication as "perhaps the greatest stock picker of the 20th century." Thanks to practical experience, he intuitively sensed both favorable opportunities when he could start to play short, and impending danger when he should stop playing on the stock exchange.

“Our brains are capable of making decisions almost instantaneously using thousands of individual inputs,” he writes. “Think with your head, but feel with your gut,” is his advice to traders.

“Intuition is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is its devoted servant,” said. And he continued his thought: “We have created a society in which the servant is exalted and the gift is forgotten.”

Our ancestors relied more on instinct to survive. Today we trust our reason more often, and we often suppress our inner voice. And as a result, we make mistakes that could have been avoided if we had trusted our first impulse. Let's try to awaken forgotten abilities in ourselves and strengthen our intuition.

2. Opening the “third eye”

Let's sit comfortably, close our eyes and breathe deeply for a few minutes, imagining the starry sky. After we feel completely relaxed, we will place our palm on the point between the eyebrows - the “third eye” and, lightly pressing on the skin, we will massage this point, moving the palm clockwise. Repeat every day for two to three minutes.

Soon we will feel a slight tingling sensation in the massaged area. This is a sign that the “third eye” is opening.

3. Communicating with the subconscious

We arrange ourselves in the same way as indicated above, only we imagine a spiral staircase with ten steps leading down. We are at the very top. We take a deep breath and as we exhale, we mentally descend one step lower. And so on until we go down, after which we say to ourselves: “This is my subconscious, I can be here as soon as I want.” Repeat every day for a week.

4. Developing the ability to internally perceive

Let's turn off the light or close our eyes. Let's spin around to lose orientation in space and begin to move around the room by touch. There is no need to try to determine the position of the furniture. At first we will bump into objects, but we should not try to recognize them. We simply bypass obstacles and move on, guided only by our inner sensations, we try to feel objects.

We perform this exercise for 5 minutes 3-4 times a week. It can be done in the park, but, of course, someone should stand nearby for backup.

Another option is to walk slowly with your eyes closed along the corridor, feeling the walls with your skin and trying not to peep.

5. Learning to understand without words

We turn on a TV channel in a language we don’t know - Chinese, Arabic, Hindi, etc. We don’t try to understand what the characters in the film are talking about and don’t follow the plot. Just watch and record your spontaneous thoughts, feelings, impressions. After some time, an understanding of what is happening on the screen will come.

You can watch films or programs without sound, trying to guess from the facial expressions of the characters or presenter what information they convey to the viewer - positive or negative, important or unimportant.

6. Developing intuition with the help of art

When visiting an art gallery or exhibition (best in the abstract style), we look at paintings, sculptures, installations, without trying to understand what the artist or sculptor had in mind. We pay attention only to our feelings. What impressions and emotions do these works evoke?

Same with musical works. We listen to classical music a few minutes a day with our eyes closed, focusing on the mental images it evokes.

7. Guess

The phone rings? Before we answer, let’s ask ourselves who it could be. We are trying to guess: which bus will come first, who will come around the corner - a man or a woman? Is he young or old, blond or brunette, what color is he wearing?

Let's close our eyes and ask ourselves: what time is it? Just don’t analyze it: I was home at five, about two hours passed - probably already seven. The answer to this question should appear as a mental image: in the form of a dial or several numbers. Then we look at the clock. If we were wrong by just 5 minutes, our intuition works flawlessly.

8. Exercise while shopping

We don’t plan which store we’ll go to—let our feet carry us on their own. Let's distract our brain with extraneous thoughts: for example, counting to 5,000 or remembering all the words starting with the letter “r”. Our behavior should be guided exclusively by the subconscious. When we find ourselves in a store, we will impulsively head to a shelf or rack with clothes and take what our hand reaches for. Perhaps this will be the thing we have long dreamed of.

Did you bring your legs to the men's department? Let's look around - what if we meet the man of our life here?

9. Let's be ready for intuition prompts

Let's not let doubts and fears drown out her voice. Sometimes, instead of concentrating on a problem, it is better to relax and do something completely different. And perhaps the right decision will come on its own.

Scientists have proven that the sixth sense is not a myth, but a subconscious alternative mind. It can and should be improved. A few of our tips will help you decide how to develop intuition with exercises.

Intuition is an innate property. All the necessary knowledge and answers to the most difficult questions are already concentrated in our minds; we just have to learn to listen to our deep inner resources.

The subconscious captures the slightest shades of information coming from reality. The inner voice is able to suggest a way out of the most problematic situations.

To learn how to use and develop intuitive thinking, try mastering several techniques.

  • Believe in the power of intuition! A person is able to perceive any existing information intuitively - faith opens access to new opportunities.
  • Remember more often situations when your sixth sense already helped you find a way out - at least once this happened to everyone. A saving thought often appears during stressful events.

For example, during an exam we often guess the correct answer or already know in advance the number of the ticket we got. If you still find it difficult to remember, mentally return to the time you were in love.

Love can develop and strengthen our intuitive capabilities: we feel loved ones at a distance, we simultaneously experience the same emotions, we can guess their desires and very often, without agreeing, we simultaneously find ourselves in one of the places that is significant for us. Feel this state again, fix it and return to it as often as possible.

  • Try to “immerse” yourself in your intuition, choose feelings that are close to you. If you like the field of human relations, do not try to predict economic surges and the next collapse of the dollar.
  • Limit logic. Artificially simulate stressful situations - intuitive vision is activated precisely in them. Do not try long and painfully to find a solution to the problem. On the contrary, reduce your thinking time as much as possible and ask someone to constantly interrupt you.

An important change that can and should happen in your life, as well as improve it in all areas, will happen with the help of a wonderful one. With it, you will reveal your potential and improve your life in all its manifestations: more money, better relationships, better health and happiness.

The best exercises for developing intuition

1. D We give intuition freedom

Try to constantly make as many unexpected assumptions as possible. Try to guess everything: who you will see first at work, what the name of the waitress in the restaurant is, what your partner will be wearing at the meeting, why your boss is calling. Most of the time you will be wrong. However, you shouldn’t take your guesses seriously - let them, on the contrary, improve your mood.

The purpose of the task is to develop freedom of thinking, learn to turn off logic and think relaxed. Over time, you will notice that your assumptions turn out to be correct more and more often. Practice shows that you will learn to predict telephone calls the fastest. Compete with caller ID - it's useful and interesting.


This is a very simple mechanical exercise to develop your sixth sense. Write a question on a piece of paper - make it your main working hand. You must answer it with the opposite hand, transfer the pen to the other palm and write the first thing that comes to mind.

Your mind will be confused, so your intuition will come first. With your dominant hand you can write not only questions, but also the first part of a sentence. For example: “I prefer dark colors in clothes, because...”, “I don’t like talking about this topic, because...”, “I love sweets, because...”.

You need to finish the phrase with your non-dominant hand. The intuitive answers you receive in this task can be used to combat bad habits, in psychological self-improvement programs, and even to speed up the process of losing weight.

3. Exercise “Reading People”

During any conversation with a person, try to imagine how he is feeling right now. Or put yourself in his place. It is not particularly important how the communication takes place - in fact, by telephone or via the Internet.

Tune into the wavelength of your interlocutor - his thoughts and emotions, try to recognize them. Later you will understand how useful it is to develop such a skill.

4. Exercise “Guess from the photo”

When looking at photographs of people you know, try to imagine what is happening to the person in the image in reality right now. Start with simple questions about life that require a one-word yes or no answer.

The next time you meet someone you know, ask them what has happened to them lately. Match the answer with your guess. If you do the exercise regularly, the information will very soon begin to coincide.

5. Removing fear

The main obstacle to the development of intuition is the feeling of fear. For intuitive thinking to work in full force, you need to learn to cope with your fears. In this task, it is important not to overcome fear, but to completely surrender to its power.

Be careful - this is a very strong feeling. However, only by becoming aware of your fears will you gain the ability to hear your inner voice. You will feel freedom and begin to better understand the deep properties of your personality.

6. Turn on positive thinking

Forget about negative assessments of the situation and people’s actions - learn to think in positive categories. If a negative attitude enters your head, immediately change it to a positive one. For example, you thought, “I can never do this.”

The next thought should be: “What should I do to change the situation?” Constantly searching for solutions will force your thinking to work at full capacity. Gradually, the subconscious will begin to get involved in solving problems.

7. Meditation and relaxation

These exercises are really effective - practice them regularly. To make completing tasks even more interesting, try to attract the attention of your friends to them. To do this, tell us about the article on social networks - you will definitely find like-minded people among your friends.

Remember - the way out of any problem is within us. Develop your intuition! Over time, you will have new opportunities. You will make only the right decisions!

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