Reborn tests hibari. Everyday little things

Here is a couple in love walking down the street.
The girl is quite pretty. Slightly above average height. Brunette. The eyes are gray-blue. The bangs almost cover my eyes.
The guy was just like the girl beautiful appearance. Quite tall, blond, tousled hair, athletic build, green eyes.

This couple in love is called Ai and Dante. They have been together for more than two years. Everything is fine with them, they love and value each other. -- - Ai
--- Dante

The two lived in Namimori. Ai study in high school, but Dante is already a senior.
In the mornings, Dante drove Ai to school and left himself.
Ai was at school until lunch, and Dante until the evening, so she got home herself.
One morning (when Aya had to go to school), Dante sent her an SMS saying “Sorry, I can’t let you down today.” Therefore, Ai has to get to school herself. She hoped that she would not be late, but all her hopes were dashed when she was already standing at the school gates and the bell rang.
Ai rushed out of her seat and ran to school. In one of the school corridors, a girl bumped into someone and fell to the floor. Ai looked up and saw who she had bumped into. He was a guy of average height, wearing a black jacket, with a red bandage on his arm. His face expressed only dissatisfaction. It was GDK Hibari Kyoya. Ai got to her feet
-Why are you running through the corridors of the school? And anyway, why aren't you in class? The bell rang five minutes ago.
-Sorry, I'm late, this won't happen again.
“I hope so,” Hibari said and left.
Ai went to class. The rest of the day passed without incident.

One “beautiful” Sunday evening, Ai had a very strong fight with Dante. She just didn’t want to see him, their relationship was over. That day she went to bed very late. Waking up in the morning, she didn’t want to go to any school, but as luck would have it, there was a test that she couldn’t miss, so she quickly got ready and headed to school.
And so Ai was late again, so the same story repeats itself, she again runs along the corridor and crashes again. Yes, the poor girl was “lucky” and it was Hibari again.
-Herbivore, what are you doing!? IN last time I have forgiven you, but this time I will beat you to death!
-Yes, what can you even do!? Just scare! (oh, she shouldn’t have said that) - Ai was very angry.
Hibari, without ceremony, pulled out a tonfa from somewhere and hit the poor thing in the stomach. From surprise and from the force of the blow, Ai fell through consciousness.

Ai came to her senses late in the evening, in some office.
-I woke up, - a herbivore? - the voice of the State Duma was heard.
Ai looked around, it was not difficult to guess whose office it was, since he was sitting at the table
Hibari-san, buried in papers. Ai tried to sit up, but immediately fell back on her back.
-Well, where are you going? You haven’t recovered enough to go anywhere yet. - Hibari said without looking up from his papers.
The girl ignored him and tried to get up again and this time she succeeded.
She stood up and headed towards the door, but she stumbled and would have fallen if Hibari hadn’t been behind her and caught her. He sharply turned her to the wall and leaned the girl's back to her.
-What are you doing?
Ai decided not to answer this question.

Without hesitation, Hibari approached her and pressed a kiss to her lips.
(it turns out he really liked her)
The guy expected any reaction, that she would hit him, break out, etc., etc. any reaction, but not like this, Ai responded to the kiss. She opened her mouth a little. Hibari took advantage of this and his tongue entered her mouth, studying it. They didn't want to break the kiss.
Ai herself didn’t even notice how she ended up on the sofa, where she had recently woken up. Hibari towered over her. finally breaking the kiss, he smoothly moved to the girl’s neck, sometimes biting the delicate skin and leaving hickeys on it.

Soon Kyoya felt the clothes that Ai was wearing were unnecessary and he gradually became censored. no more than a minute later the blouse was on the floor, followed by her bra. Ai did not want to give in to the guy and began to pull off his jacket. It turned out to be not so easy, but the girl managed it and the jacket ended up on the floor, the jacket was also there.

Hibari finally broke away from Aya’s neck and moved lower, with one hand he kneaded the girl’s breasts, and a muffled groan rang through the office. The guy’s second hand went lower to the fastener of the girl’s jeans.
-Em…. Hibari, maybe it’s not necessary? After all, we’re at school...” Ai squeezed out while she could still think of something, but she herself didn’t understand why she said that, because she liked everything.
-Don't worry, we're alone here.

Ai closed her eyes, enjoying what was happening. Hibari quickly finished with his jeans and pulled them off along with his underwear, placing them on the floor.
Hibari lowered his hand even lower and inserted two fingers into Ai; in surprise, the girl opened her eyes and a groan was heard throughout the office, which was more like a scream.
-Am I your first? - Kyoya was surprised.
“Yes,” Ai answered him barely audibly. (even though she dated Dante for more than two years, they had nothing)
-Then it will hurt a little...
-I'll be patient.
Hibari kissed her tenderly.

He began to imitate the movement. Moans began to echo throughout the office.
-Are you... going to torment me for how long? - Ai asked, looking into the guy’s eyes.
Hibari pressed a kiss to Aya's lips again, simultaneously ridding himself of the remaining clothes.
Now that the clothes were finished, Kyoya pulled away from Aya's lips.
-I warned you that it would hurt a little...
Hibari spread Aya's legs and entered, moans echoed through the office again, and tears rolled from Aya's eyes. She wanted to intuitively move her legs, but Kyoya didn't let her do it.
“So why are you crying, because you promised that you would be patient…” Hibari carefully wiped away the tears and kissed the girl. Ai kissed him back as a sign that he could continue.
Hibari tried to treat Ai as gently as possible. But with every second his movements became stronger, faster, and her moans became louder.
A jerk, a groan, a jerk again and a moan again...
This was the peak of their pleasure, Ai felt that something warm was spreading inside her.
Hibari came out of her and lay down next to her on the sofa, holding Ai tightly to him.

Test: ^O^ REBORN ON VACATION! Vongola and resort. (Test the reaction of others)

Hi-hibari-san, here, take your bird.
- Kamikoros.
- N-no, please! - this was the cry of the unlucky poacher, who was beaten to death 3 seconds later.
Why did Hibari beat him? Yes, because it is contraindicated to catch ducklings and yellow canaries singing the Namimori anthem. Hibari was just passing by and decided to stand up for his bird. When Kyoya finished his favorite thing, that is, beating, he noticed that Hiberd had flown off somewhere again, scored and went to sleep on the roof.
At that time:
You walked through the park and munched on one of the buns that you bought in the same park. You liked your vacation, they put you in a wonderful hotel on the seashore. Every day you walked, swam and did whatever you wanted. It was approximately 8 pm: best time for a walk because it was very hot during the day.
You are walking calmly, not bothering anyone, when a bird sits on your shoulder, singing a strange song, and at the same time, meaningfully, as if it understands something, it begins to look first at the bun, then at you. You are not a greedy person, so you decided to give the ball of fluff the desired treat. He was very happy and in return he sang the song again and chirped his whole lexicon. You thought: “Does he really only know one hymn and a couple of phrases? Nightmare! Who taught him? Well, that’s okay, we’ll fix it now...” This activity turned out to be quite interesting and captivated you so much that you forgot about the time.
In one hour:
On the roof, 3 kilometers away from you, Hibari Kyoya woke up. And he woke up not from the chirping of his personal ball of feathers, but from himself, which happens very rarely and is very suspicious. The keeper of the cloud ring got up and went for a walk, or rather, to look for his pet.
After half an hour:
You were about to leave, because night was approaching. The stars were already sparkling in the sky, and the lanterns illuminated only the paths and alleys. Hiberd was able to learn two songs in an hour and a half: “Happy birthday to you...” and “A Christmas tree was born in the forest...”. In general, you were satisfied, because you achieved your goal. Hiberd also seemed to be happy with everything: he ate all your buns with you. So, you were walking along the main alley of the park. A ball of feathers sat on your shoulder. It was very quiet around and only the sonorous hymn of a small bird broke the night silence.
You started going down the stairs. It was long, with large and wide steps. You walked and smiled at your thoughts, listening to Khyberd, but, having reached the middle, the idyll was interrupted by one circumstance: at the very bottom there was an terribly strange silhouette. This man was not visible. He stood in the dark, but you clearly saw some kind of shine in the light of the lantern. You were scared as hell. Of course, because you thought that this maniac had come for your soul. The guy took a step forward, and you turned around and ran up the stairs. Hybird almost fell off your shoulder, but instead of letting him go, you vowed to protect him and only hugged him tighter.
Your pursuer was faster than you (Hibari clearly did not understand your intentions). You got even more scared (I wonder how, there’s nowhere else to go) and screamed:
- Маньяааааааааааааак­¬! – and ran even faster.
Now it was time for him to be surprised, he even slowed down a little. This was just right for you, and you quickly slipped away. She ran and ran through the park. At a sharp turn, you decided to take a break and stopped. But in vain! Your pursuer instantly pressed you by the throat to a tree with a tonfa. It became difficult to breathe, but SUDDENLY Hiberd sat on the guy’s shoulder, and the grip loosened a little. It was still dangerous to twitch, so you didn’t move. The bird opened its beak and sang: “Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you...”. Hiberd finished the song. Then, after a short pause, the tonfas fell out of Kyoya's hands with a clang. His surprise knew no bounds. He even thought that this was not his bird at all, but changed his mind when the yellow lump of feathers on his shoulder sang “A Christmas tree was born in the forest...”, and then Namimori’s Hymn. His bird, and his songs...
Kyoya picked up the tonfas from the ground and walked towards you with scary eyes. You couldn’t stand such fear and lost consciousness.
Over time…
...You woke up on the sofa in a luxurious room. It was somewhat similar to yours, but with a different interior. It seems, oddly enough, there was no one in it, but you were mistaken: at the table, with his back to you and his head in his hands, your pursuer was sleeping. In the dream, he looked so cute that you involuntarily fell in love with him.
But time is short. You decided to quickly leave and began to sneak towards the exit. At first everything was fine. Then you accidentally touched, knocked over and caught the nightstand and the vase that stood on it, tripped and fell. Oddly enough, the guy was still sleeping. But when you had completely lost your fear and decided to look at the magazine, some note fell out of it and flew to the floor with an inaudible rustle. You decided to sneak further towards the exit, when SUDDENLY:
- Where are you going?
Out of surprise, you left your leg in a bent position.
- Did Heberd sing your songs?
- Well, yes…
-Who gave you permission to teach him?
- I met him in the park by chance. I didn't think Hybird was your canary.
- Kamikoros.
You understand - goodbye life. Horror has covered your head, underlip she twitched treacherously, and tears began to accumulate in the corners of her eyes.
“My name is Hibari Kyoya,” he seemed even a little embarrassed that with three words he brought you to tears.
- I am *your name*.
What followed was long pause, but Hibari decided:
- Will you go to the park tomorrow? With me?


Tsuna: I haven't seen Hibari for a long time. It's probably for the best though.
Gokudera: Judaime, don't you remember that we saw him in the park yesterday?
Tsuna: Ahh, he was walking with some girl. It’s interesting what connects them * Tenth is also not averse to taking a walk with you. Only Hibari is afraid*
Gokudera: That's what I mean. *And he goes there*
Yamamoto: * your name*-chan, tomorrow there will be an exhibition of some rare monkeys. You are walking? *Friends, just friends*
Ryohei: Hibari Girl? This is... EXTREME!
Lambo: Lambo-san also wants to hang out with *your name* *seeing the tonfa in front of his nose, he changes his mind*
Hibari: *your name*, let's get away from this bunch of herbivores, *quietly* we'll still be infected by their idiocy

Kokuyo Gang.
Mukuro: Kufufu, come and have tea with me! Are you saying Kyoya told you not to go anywhere with me? Kufufu, Hibari? I don't know any Hibari.
Chrome: Don't go with Mukuro-sama. *just warns*
Ken: What is this girl doing here, biyeong?
Chikusa: I don't know, Ken.
MM: *didn’t pay attention*
Fran, 6 years old: The teacher is a perverted pineapple! You better not talk to him. *Runs away from the enraged Mukuro*

Xanxus: Garbage! She has no place in the mafia.
Squalo: WRAAAAAY! Bel, take that dress away!
Belphegor: Shishishi... Princess, put this on! *hands you a huge fluffy dress, in the style of the Middle Ages*
Lussuria: Bel-kun, where did you get it?
Fran: Bel-senpai~, what did your perverted brain come up with this time?~ Although, your brain already consists of lace *for reference: lace*, like this dress.~ *your name*-chan, let me hide you from this monster. *liked*
Bel: What did you say, amphibian? *unfolds fan of stilettos*
Levi-A-Tan: *he thought you were very cute.*
Gola Mosca: Pfft... Pffff...

Dino: Oh! My student has a girlfriend? I personally have to go and congratulate him!
Romario: Boss, you remember what happened the last time you decided to wish Hibari a happy birthday? Do not do it, Please. *trying to dissuade the boss. Who will then treat broken bones, bruises and scratches? No, he doesn’t need such happiness.*

Reborn: Hibari, you understand that she has no place in the mafia, right? No, I'm not kicking her out. *If you leave, Hibari will leave.*
Colonello: Does she need to be trained?
Skull: You are so kind! I never would have thought that you were with Hibari.
Luce: *you communicate well*
Aria: This is very secret information. Give it directly to Reborn. *she trusts you very much*
Fong: Hello, *your name*. How are you? *thinks you are a very nice and sweet girl*
Marmon: Go away, I'm depressed. *Someone smart found his stash in Varia's castle*
Verde: You are completely useless to me. Although, if only experiments were carried out...
Bermuda will be at the end.

Byakuran: How cute you are ^___^ *exchange pleasantries*
Uni: *your name*-chan, what are you going to do tomorrow? Nothing special? Then let's go to the cinema. There's just something new that came out. We will be the first to look.
Gamma: Princess, I've booked the entire hall! *Being friends with your boss has its advantages*
Nozaru: *stands around the corner and quietly blushes, but does not dare to approach you.*
Tozaru: Everything is ready. *stands next to Gamma, without Nozaru*
Ireya Shoichi: Computers help me with research *smart looking. It’s clear that they are needed, but why twenty-one?*
Spanner: Yes, we need them all. 20 – for work, 1 – for Zuma and online games, what to relax during non-working hours.
Rasiel: And you would really look good in a dress. Damn, I'm already talking like a brother. *Relatives, after all*
Glo Xinia: *you remind him of Chrom*
Genkishi: *smiles at you*
Iris: Why is everyone looking at her like that? *Ah ah ah. Envy is a bad thing.*
Ginger Brad (Mage Puppet): *don't know each other*
Daisy: *gave a dry lily and ran away. It was... a little strange and creepy*
Torikabuto: ...
Kikyou: *in thoughts* Well, how can you be so cute?
Zakuro: Bluebell, you study and study. Look! This is the girl. And you are a blackboard.
Bluebell: *quietly rages*
Guest: ...

First generation:
Giotto: This girl will hold off the guardian of the cloud, Decimo. This is good. Even more. *thinks about the future of the family and Tsuna*
Asari Ugetsu: Yes, she will make life easier for the Vongola.
Alaudi: And Kyoya has good taste.
Knuckle: Uh... Girl? What a Girl?
Damon Spade: Not my type.
Lampo: Do ​​you like amusement parks?
G: *same as Gokudera*

Enma: You are so good, kind, sweet... *listing for half an hour*
Adelheid: The boss liked you! *very happy for him*
Kaoru: *embarrassed*
Schitt-P: Can you tell me what NZZD is? *or whatever Gokudera called her?*
Kato Julie: *wanted to ask you out on a date, but suddenly remembered that you're Hibari's girlfriend* Oh, sorry. I went.

Bermuda: When did you see the chess head? *He is busy eternal question life: how to sew a chess head*
You: Yesterday at the store. A man was trying on a black and white checkered hat in front of the mirror.
Bermuda: *bummer*
Jaeger: *same*

Organization of external advisor:
Sawada Yemitsu: Kyoya! I congratulate you! This is necessary from... *was knocked out, like Dino 5 minutes ago*
Oregano: You are a good couple!
Tamerik: ... *in my opinion he is always like this*
Basil: What a sweet girl! *he said at home in front of the TV. He really liked you, but he doesn't want to go to the hospital*
Lar Milch: You have no place in the mafia!

Sawada Nana: You are very good girl! *Only she regrets that you are not her son’s girlfriend*
Kyoko: *Your name*-chan, what will you do tomorrow? Are you going to the cinema? Here you go. *girlfriends*
Haru: It's a pity that you won't go shopping with us.
Fuuta: You have rank 1 in the category “Girls who can make you fall in love with them at one glance”
Kurokawa Hana: You look a bit like Kyoko!
Bianchi: Hibari loves you very much! Do you love him? *The answer is yours ^_^*
Shamal: Girl, wouldn’t you like to have some fun *he said to a passerby. Not for you. He also takes care of his health.
I-Pin: Lambo is a fool! He scared me so much today that I shied away from anything that moved for another hour! *you are her closest person*
Kusakabe: Hibari-san has become (censored) his subordinates. Thank you!

M ars (Aries, Scorpio) - desire for leadership, enthusiasm, courage,
determination, inability to pretend, rejection of gossip and intrigue, self-confidence,
intolerance, carelessness, straightforwardness, persistence, impulsiveness,
excitability, hot temper, submission to passions

Reborn:*loves to chat with you about the future of the Vongola*
Lambo(5 years old): *roars*
Lambo(15 years old): Am I really cute?
I-Pin: *frequently cooks his fried rice for you*

Gokudera:*treats her like a sister*
Ryohei: *adores you, mentioning it more than once*
Hibari:*pressed against the wall* Either you are with me, or we will both die here now...
Mukuro:*thinks about something*
Yamamoto:*uniques you*
Haru: Hello)
Kiyoko: You're strange, though... Let's be friends?
Belphegor:*shi-shi-shi* How stubborn we are. *walks around you in circles, playing with your hair*
Fran:*looks at you sideways*
Squallo: Whoa! You are going on a date with me and this is not discussed!
Xanxus: Garbage...*was severely beaten*
Bianchi: Would you like to try? *wants to kill you*
Byakuran: ...

"FaK Mine Brain" - Whoever doesn't post a comment is the last redneck!

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Test: Varia! Where will you end up and who will you like?
In! woke up on the roof. Moon, view of the sleeping city. You looked dejectedly at the empty glass in your hand. Someone coughed behind him. You just threw the glass on a whim.
Hey trash!!! Throwing glasses is my thing!- someone was indignant and Xanxus himself came out of the darkness, rubbing the bruised area. - register_image(1155109527);-
Xanxus-sama!-you gasped.
Why are we afraid? I do not bite!- he grinned.
And I'm not scared. You’re just something different... I heard about you that you’re cruel...
...A bad and wicked uncle who offends little Squalo?- Varia’s boss said mockingly, sitting down next to her.
Uh... Something like that...- you said.
Yes, I am like this. But with you it’s impossible to do otherwise. Otherwise you’ll throw a glass again.- Xanxus grinned.
Is the great boss of Varia afraid of the glass?“Mockingly,” you answered. Xanxus was embarrassed. And suddenly he issued:
But Mika knew who to send...-then pulled her to him by the waist and kissed her roughly, passionately.

Test: Which Reborn will you fall off the bridge on?
You're standing on the bridge with me. Suddenly you feel like you're falling. It turns out that someone pushed you and I had nothing to do with it.
Then you fly from the bridge into the river. You've already mentally prepared yourself to be crippled for the rest of your life. And so you were supposed to fall into the river, but that didn’t happen. Instead of water, you felt someone underneath you. It was Hibari. You sit on it and tremble with fear Of course, GDK, who wouldn’t tremble? O.o. Hibari was already preparing to give you his favorite "kamikoros", but something made him put the tonfa aside. Instead of beating you, he hugged you and began to calm you down. Hibari whispered some words in your ear and kissed you.

Yes, but because we allow it! What I'm saying is that since we're graduating, should we go our separate ways now? Since I've already found the best people in my life, why don't I try to stay with them?

You sat on the GDK table and leafed through another folder with old student files. And why does Hibari so carefully collect files for each student at school? Throwing unnecessary papers into the trash bin, I took up a new folder - as it turned out, this was your business. A sad smile appeared on your lips. So many memories are associated with the school and with the people from this school. Only recently it seemed like it would never end. But here you are, already a graduate, sitting and helping the Disciplinary Committee sort things out.

The front door creaked open, and Kyoya appeared on the threshold with an assistant, who was holding another huge pile of papers.

We should have done this from the beginning of the year. - You expressed your opinion dissatisfied.

I didn't have time for this. - His icy tone did not frighten you at all. It takes so long to get used to it that for any mistake you can get hit on the head with a tonfa. But this is even useful. Knowing what will happen to you if you don’t do everything perfectly, you try to do everything well the first time.

The guy who was carrying the papers put a huge pile next to you and exhaled heavily - apparently he had been dragging for a long time and the poor guy was tired.

Go down to the archives and bring back the files from last year. - Hibari ordered in a steely voice. When the door closed, the brunette exhaled loudly... He is also a man and is also capable of getting tired, taking off his jacket, he hung it on the back of the chair and sat down at the table.

Animal, get off the table. - At his remark, you just smiled and quickly jumped off, sparing the nerves of the strict guardian of the cloud. For him, you were not a herbivore, like everyone else around you; he affectionately called you “animal.” And you absolutely loved it, because it’s nice to know that for him you stand out among others. And, given the character young man, even such a manifestation of feelings in your direction is already a big victory.
Walking around the table, you stood behind Kyoya and placed your hands on his shoulders.

The other day I asked my mom about her first school love... - You began to slowly massage your shoulders, causing Kyoya to blissfully close his eyes. - And it turns out she doesn’t even remember his name! Can you imagine? They swore their love to each other and made plans for the future, and now she doesn’t remember his name... - By accidentally pressing harder than necessary, you made Kyoya wince, and he grabbed your hands. - Well, then I started to think about it...

- “Create”, you wanted to say. - The young man interrupted and did not let you finish, hoping that this would be where you would stop the flow of your thoughts.

-...yes, and I thought, what if now... Now we love each other, and everything seems to be fine with us, we have a lot of plans for the future, and then I won’t remember your name! - It seems that you were already starting to panic, and you were squeezing the young man’s hands more and more tightly.

Didn't you think this could happen? - The brunette turned his head in your direction, trying to understand what was happening to you.

Yes, but only because we allow it! - Unexpectedly, even for yourself, you screamed. - Since we are graduating, should we go our separate ways now? - You looked with some reproach into the gray eyes of your beloved. - Since I already found better man in my life, why don't I try to stay with him? - Such a simple question was addressed to Kyoya, who, unusually for him, was confused and did not know what to answer. - I want that when my daughter asks about my first love... I tell her about her father, about you Kyoya. - Hibari stood up abruptly, which scared you a little, and you took a step back. But the next action shocked you. The young man hugged you, hugged you so tightly that you felt his heart beating fast and his breathing faltering.

I also want this. - Leaning towards your ear, the guardian of the cloud whispered, hiding his embarrassed face in your hair...