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The country's currency is the Vietnamese dong (VND), in active circulation there are bills from 500 to 500,000 dong, while theoretically there are also bills of 100 and 200 dong, as well as coins from 100 to 5,000 dong. It is no longer possible to get the smallest bills or coins, especially in major cities. Banknotes starting from 10,000 dong are made not of paper, but of thin plastic - so that they are wear-resistant in conditions of high humidity. At first after your arrival, be very careful about money and pay slowly until you get the hang of it. The fact is that a 20,000 dong bill is similar in color to a 500,000 dong bill, and 10,000 dong in a dim taxi can easily be confused with 200,000 dong. The Vietnamese take money very seriously, so don’t be afraid to look awkward, no one will rush you. Understanding local money is very easy, you just need to get used to it a little.

What currency to take

As elsewhere in Asia, cash dollars are preferred in Vietnam, and The exchange rate for 50 and 100 dollar bills will be slightly higher than the rest. Be sure to take small dollars if you have them - they can be useful at first (taxi, water, fruit) until you acquire local currency. You won’t be able to change euro cash everywhere., but in banks, for example, you can do this without any problems, so if you have European currency left over from a previous trip, feel free to take it with you.

Where to change

IN tourist places Dollars can be exchanged not only in banks, but also in jewelry stores and travel agencies, and the rate there can often be higher than the bank rate. This is explained by the restriction on the purchase of foreign currency local population. So “tourist” dollars are always held in high esteem by the Vietnamese. They often ask - is it possible to pay in dollars, as some are used to doing in other countries. Theoretically, it is possible, but there are two points. The first is that when calculating (for the sake of convenience, not deception), the price in dollars may be calculated for you at a reduced rate of 22,000 dong per dollar (while it is higher than 22,000). Secondly, in a number of cases (buses, street vendors, local food stores, supermarket checkouts) they simply will not accept dollars from you. So change it.

Dong to dollar and ruble exchange rate

There is no point in writing the exact dong exchange rate here., as it fluctuates constantly (June 2017 - about 22,600 VND per dollar). Over the past six years, the dong has fallen slightly in price (it was 20,800 VND per dollar). When sudden changes we will publish immediately new course donga. As for rubles, now, unfortunately, the dollar in Russia is growing, and now, to find out how much certain goods or services cost in rubles, you need to multiply by 2.7. For example, if you gave the taxi driver 50,000 dong, then the trip cost you 135 rubles, and if you had dinner for 200,000 dong, then you paid 540 rubles for the meal. You will get an almost exact price in rubles. How to multiply any amount in your head by 2.7? It’s very simple - first multiply by 3 exactly, and then subtract a tenth and you’ll get exactly the exact amount.

Plastic cards

Vietnam is one of the countries with very big amount plastic card fraud. In August 2013, a number of Russian banks, without notifying their clients, closed the Pacific and South American regions for card transactions. Vietnam, as you understand, is part of Pacific region. Some cardholders found out about this at the most inconvenient moment - when trying to pay with a card on the spot. We advise you before your trip check whether transactions from Vietnam will be available on your card. If problems arise in Vietnam, you have the opportunity to call the phone number indicated on the map and call a codeword operator (if you remember him, of course), unlock your card.

In general, having a plastic card is not advisable from the point of view of daily practical use on vacation, but just in case (you didn’t have enough money or lost money, additional urgent expenses arose, or you didn’t have enough cash when purchasing, and you don’t want to waste time). Using the card every day is not very convenient because ATMs, as a rule, give out no more than 2-3 million dong (100-150 dollars) at a time, and you will most likely pay two commissions - both to a Vietnamese bank and to a Russian one (20 000-60,000 VND per transaction). In addition, many stores have an additional 3% surcharge if you pay by card. All this makes “plastic”, if not useless, then certainly not a popular means of payment in Vietnam.


Everything flows, everything changes. Once upon a time, Mui Ne and Nha Trang were predominantly visited by Vietnamese tourists. And tipping was almost prohibited on state level, because Vietnam is a socialist country. The Vietnamese did not give tips and, accordingly, did not take them. Then foreign tourists (very greedy, thrifty ones, by the way) began to leave small tips. And then Russian tourists appeared in Vietnam, open-hearted people who could give a waitress 100 thousand dong (her daily salary) simply for smiling at them. All this means that now in tourist places - in restaurants and spas, Tips are more likely to be expected from Russian clients than not. But still, tips are optional. Considering the fairly average service that the client receives in most establishments, we recommend tipping only those staff who actually deserve it with their attitude and attention to you. Standard size- from 10% of the invoice amount, as elsewhere.

Budget for a trip to Vietnam

Very often tourists ask how much money they need to have with them “to have enough.” The question, although very individual, is still not idle - taking into account the fact that in Vietnam cash dollars are held in high esteem, in Russia for this you will need to buy them, and not “how much”, but a certain amount. Buying both a little and a lot is more expensive for yourself. The most correct thing is to “assign” some amount to yourself in advance, which you don’t mind spending directly on vacation. Basic expenses at the resort- this includes food and alcohol, excursions and spa treatments, transport, and, of course, shopping. Let's roughly calculate the comfortable minimum. Daily purchase of fruit - 100,000 VND, two meals (lunch and dinner) 200,000 VND each (a couple of dishes and a drink), massage - from 200,000 VND, taxi from 50,000 VND per day. It’s clear, somewhere less, somewhere more, and for 12 full days vacation we get 9 million dong (430 dollars). We add 100 dollars for excursions (with a price of 35-50 dollars and an average of 2-3 excursions per person, according to statistics, this is what happens), and at least another 100 dollars for souvenirs. We get about 630 dollars. It's interesting that we almost fit in Golden Rule tourism have a minimum of $50 a day in expenses (12 days of $50 is $600). Approximately this amount should be counted as irrevocably spent. If necessary, you can keep it to $300 without giving up almost anything on the list, simply choosing cheap places and reducing your purchases a little. And if possible, it’s easy to spend $300 a day, even in such a generally inexpensive country as Vietnam. In the vein of this and another golden rule of tourism finally: take half as many things, and twice as much money!

When planning a trip to Vietnam, it is worth learning as much as possible about the local currency, the Vietnamese dong. The official international designation for dong is VND. In turn, the dong is exchanged for 10 hao (for this moment Such coins and banknotes are not issued, but are considered the official currency of exchange). Also, 1 Vietnamese dong is divided into 100 sous, which, however, are also not issued and are only a formal unit of exchange.

“Good to know: the value of the dong currency is so small that the Vietnamese, when they talk about “one dong,” very often mean one thousand dong.”

Due to high inflation, denominations monetary units Vietnam's are also quite large. Thus, banknotes of 100,000, 200,000 and even 500,000 dong are in circulation.

Vietnam: currency exchange

You can exchange American dollars for Vietnamese dongs both in bank branches and in street “exchangers” (it is always worth comparing and evaluating the rates, the difference in which when exchanging large amounts can be quite noticeable). We must not forget about security - unfortunately, cases of fraud when exchanging foreign banknotes for local currency in Vietnam are not uncommon. A sufficient number of exchange offices can also be found at Ho Chi Minh City Airport, and the rates in most of them are quite favorable (in other places you may “stumble” on a not-so-good currency exchange rate).

What currency should I take to Vietnam?

Another actual question, which is asked by tourists going to Vietnam for the first time. We definitely do not recommend taking the main financial reserve in Russian rubles, which in Vietnam are considered an inconvertible currency. Of course, theoretically, it is possible to exchange rubles for dongs, but only in large cities and at an extremely unfavorable rate. At the same time, you can sometimes spend more than one hour searching for an exchange office willing to accept rubles.

But American dollars will be a win-win option. Eurocurrency is also accepted for exchange, but the euro exchange rate in Vietnam is far from the most favorable. In most places you can freely pay in dollars, which are secretly used here along with dongs. American banknotes are accepted almost everywhere, from small markets and taxis to large retail outlets.

Vietnam currency against dollar

Once again, it is worth recalling that banknotes of very large denominations are used in Vietnamese currency, which means that the exchange rates here will be very peculiar. So 1 US dollar in September 2015 was equal to 22,515 Vietnamese dong, and the cost of one dong was 0.000044 US dollar (UN data). If we bring the exchange rate to more or less acceptable figures, it turns out that for 100,000 (one hundred thousand) Vietnamese dong you can get about 4.44 dollars. Fluctuations in the VND exchange rate can be tracked at any time in the corresponding section of our website.

Vietnam currency against ruble

As already mentioned, it is extremely difficult to profitably exchange rubles for dongs in Vietnam. Despite the fact that there are certain exchange rates, in Vietnam such exchanges in most cases are carried out on very unfavorable conditions and not everywhere.

For reference: the rate set for mid-September 2015 is 100,000 VND = 290.89 RUB. The reverse exchange rate for the same period is 1 RUB = 343.77 VND. By the way, in large and resort Vietnamese cities you can find a fairly extensive network of ATMs, and in many establishments and retail outlets you can easily pay with a plastic card.

Vietnam. Currency (rate)

When planning an exchange, always be aware of the difference between official and market rates, which can vary significantly. There are many so-called currency calculators on the Internet, with the help of which you can easily make an automatic preliminary conversion of any amount of Vietnamese dong into most world currencies (including US dollars, which are so popular in this country). Find out about current changes The exchange rate of Vietnamese dong for dollars and euros can be found in the “Currencies” section on

Where to change currency in Vietnam

There are usually no problems with currency exchange in Vietnam. It is most profitable to change currency in Vietnam in specialized exchange offices or in jewelry stores. It is better not to exchange in hotels - the exchange rate here is not the best. Also try to avoid the need to change money at the country's airports. In banks, the exchange rate is slightly underestimated. If you make an exchange at the market or in a store, carefully count the bills. The fact is that 100 thousand Vietnamese dong are very similar to a 10 thousand dong bill, and 500 thousand dong are very similar to a 20 thousand bill. When you take change or change money, be careful not to be scammed.

VAT refund in Vietnam

The VAT refund system in Vietnam began operating in 2012. Its essence is that tourists who have visited the country have the opportunity to return part of the money spent on purchasing goods in the amount of value added tax. On average, VAT in Vietnam is about 10% of the purchase price. From overall size VAT on returns is deducted at about 15% in the form of an administrative fee. Refunds are made only by checks whose size is more than 2 million VND (about 100 US dollars). You can only get a refund if you made a purchase within the last 30 days when flying at Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi airports.

Features of the national Vietnamese currency

The Vietnamese dong is considered one of the smallest currencies in the world. The national Vietnamese currency has a lot of features. IN international system dong is written as D or VND. Cash is issued in coins and banknotes, but coins are practically never found in circulation. The denominations of Vietnamese banknotes are 500,000, 200,000, 100,000, 50,000, 20,000, 10,000, 5,000, 2,000, 1,000, 500, 200 and 100 dong. Banknotes are not made from paper - they are plastic. The material used in printing banknotes can significantly extend their service life. The 10 thousand dong bill has a round hole made of transparent plastic in the middle. Using Vietnamese money is quite convenient - they have a stylish look and are pleasant to the touch.

Credit (plastic) cards in Vietnam

They are very popular in Vietnam. In travel agencies, hotels, restaurants, shopping centers You can always make non-cash card payments. There are plenty of ATMs in major cities. Especially in areas with tourist demand. Please keep in mind that when using a plastic card, you will lose some of your funds on the exchange rate. The rate in banks is always lower than in non-bank structures. When withdrawing cash from an ATM, you will be charged a commission, the size of which is quite large - about 50 thousand dong for one operation. It is safe to make payments with a plastic card in large shopping centers. Keep an eye on commissions when paying for goods and services in agencies, private stores, and hotels.

Exchange rate of the Vietnamese dong to major world currencies

The Vietnamese dong is considered one of the smallest currencies in the world. The exchange rate of the Vietnamese dong to major world currencies has changed significantly over time as a result of several economic crises and great inflation in the country at the end of the 20th century. At the moment, for one US dollar you can buy 21,236.25 dong. For one euro, the country's banks are willing to pay 23,992.67 dong. It will be quite difficult to exchange Russian rubles for dongs in Vietnam. If you travel, take American or European Union currency with you.

Vietnamese banknotes

As a result of the inflation that occurred in the country in 1987, the authorities decided to issue new banknotes, the denominations of which were 100, 200, 1000, 2000 and 5000 Vietnamese dong. The first banknotes of Vietnam in denominations of 10 thousand and 50 thousand dong appeared in circulation in 1990, and a year later banknotes in denomination of 20 thousand dong were added. In 1994, a 100 thousand dong banknote was issued. In 2003, a 500 thousand dong banknote was introduced into circulation and 200 dong was added in 2006. The 50 VND commemorative banknote was printed in 2001. As a result of its low purchasing power, it is practically not used in circulation. Polymer banknotes to replace cotton ones were issued in the country in 2003.

Vietnamese coins

It is worth noting that Vietnamese coins are in great demand among tourists. The fact is that coins are practically never found or used in circulation, which makes them rare. If you come across a coin in circulation, be sure to keep it as a keepsake. According to current laws, one Vietnamese dong can be divided into two types of coins - hao and su. One dong contains 100 su and 10 hao. Today, coins are not issued because the nominal value is too small and is simply incommensurable with the cost of the production process in Vietnam. This explains the rarity of Vietnamese coins.

Advice from Often the best exchange rates can be found in Vietnamese jewelry stores. Despite the fact that not all such retail outlets display street signs, most of them have exchange offices and willingly accept dollars.

The monetary unit of Vietnam is the Dong. Designated or VND. Dong does not have much solvency and occupies a rather sad position in the world market.

So, due to the low value of the currency, in modern Vietnam, one dong usually means one thousand. Three zeros usually lose their meaning.

In addition to Vietnamese dong, the country readily accepts dollars (USD) - the most popular foreign currency in the country. Most often, the exchange rate to the dollar is favorable relative to other currencies. Rubles and euros are not accepted in the country and, as a result, we do not recommend exchanging it here.

Dong to ruble on average 1,000 VND = 2.6 RUB. Dollar to dong 1 USD = 22,485.46 VND.

Vietnamese currency exchange rate to ruble and dollar

*Select the required currencies and click the “Convert” button

Where can you exchange currency in Vietnam?

In Vietnam, currency is changed almost everywhere: in specialized exchange offices, in hotels, airports, and jewelry stores. Many people recommend exchanging in jewelry stores, as they are considered to have the most favorable exchange rate of the Vietnamese dong to the dollar. Most Not A profitable way to receive dongs is by exchanging or withdrawing money from a bank, since the bank adds its 2% commission to the card bank’s commission.

Using plastic cards in Vietnam

We did not take currency to Vietnam; we went only with plastic cards. Be sure to notify your bank that you intend to use the card abroad, otherwise the card will not be valid.

Withdrawing money in Vietnam is not particularly difficult; there are ATMs marked ATM on almost every corner, especially in the resort area. Look at the commission of the bank you use, a good commission will not exceed VND 50-60,000. We tried to use bank ATMs Agribank and Vietcombank, since these banks have favorable commissions. The commission is also charged by the card bank. For example, Sberbank charges about 100 rubles for its services.

Step-by-step instructions for using ATMs:

  1. Insert card;
  2. Select language: ENGLISH;
  3. Enter PIN;
  4. Select the type of operation: CASH WITHDRAW;
  5. Select account - DEFAULT;
  6. Enter the amount in dong, press ENTER or OK;
  7. Then the ATM will ask whether to print a receipt - YES;
  8. Then the commission amount will be indicated, click YES ;
  9. We take the card and check and count the money.

National currency - new Vietnamese dong(VND in international classification). There are 10 hao and 100 su in 1 dong.

What previously brought Russian tourists who came to Belarus and Vietnam in common? They instantly became millionaires! For 1 dollar you can get more than 22 thousand dong, and for a hundred - 2.2 million. Now the opportunity to become a millionaire remains only in Vietnam - a denomination has occurred in Belarus.

Coins are almost not in use - they are more likely tourist souvenirs. The money supply is concentrated in banknotes: banknotes are issued in 500,000, 200,000, 100,000, 50,000, 20,000, 10,000, 5,000, 2,000, 1,000, 500, 200 and 100 dong. An important feature of Vietnamese money is that it is not paper, but plastic. All banknotes with denominations above 10 thousand dong can be safely taken with you anywhere - they do not get dirty, do not tear, and do not get wet in water.

On one side of Vietnamese banknotes there is an image of Ho Chi Minh, the founder of the Communist Party of Vietnam. On the other side you can see images of Vietnamese landmarks: Halong Bay, Temple of Literature, Japanese Bridge, Old city Hue and others. An interesting fact, again related to Belarus: on the 200 dong banknote of the 1987 model, the Belarus tractor is depicted.

What currency to take with you to Vietnam

With you You can take both dollars and euros. Dollars are somewhat more familiar to the Vietnamese. Remember that it is more convenient and profitable to pay in local currency. Home to that the reason is that no matter what you pay with, you will receive change in the form of a whole armful of dongs.

Where to change currency

The state has a monopoly on the production and sale of gold. Therefore, to exchange currency, you need to go to a jewelry store. Of course, you can exchange money right at the airport, the rate there is good. Or you can drive to the resort town and look for great deals.

Feel free to visit jewelry stores and ask the sellers directly: “Exchange?” You can also exchange money in hotels (you also need to ask the staff about this service), but the exchange rate there is often extortionate.

Cashless payments

In large resort towns and villages you can easily pay with plastic Visa card or MasterCard. If you plan to actively use the card on vacation, do not forget to warn your bank: often if there is unusual activity, your account abroad will be frozen for security reasons. There is often a situation when you cannot pay with a card abroad at all - this function is not available for some Russian maps. ATMs charge a fee and dispense money in dong.

How much money to take to Vietnam

Prices for goods and services in Vietnam are approximately at the same level as in Thailand. Travel in Vietnam is cheap, but tickets to... National parks or museums - very expensive. If you are not planning many excursions, take about a hundred dollars per person with you for a week - enough for souvenirs, restaurants, and entertainment.


It is not customary to tip, but you can leave 10-15 thousand dong for maids or porters.

A 100 thousand dong note is similar to 10 thousand, and a 500 thousand note is similar to 20 thousand dong. Be sure to count your change.